#ranbow Rowell
graphicpolicy · 3 months
Preview: Action Comics #1067
Action Comics #1067 preview. When a massively powerful alien race makes EARTH their ARENA, Superman must stand ALONE against impossible challenges #comics #comicbooks #superman
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theelectronicstranger · 2 months
Ultimate X-Men #4 Discussion
          If you have not read this issue, then please don’t read this discussion right now. I would highly suggest getting this issue and then reading this discussion later on.
Trigger Warning: For some talks of suicide, bullying, and self-harm.
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          Theres a lot I want to talk about regarding this issue, so I’m going to be a little bit everywhere this discussion. The first thing I want to talk about is Nico Minoru. In the last issue, we see her look at Hisako and Mei and identify them as mutants; but in this issue, we still don’t really know if she has powers or is a mutant as well:
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I’m really interested in how this Nico Minoru is different from the main universe version of Nico Minoru. I actually thought we were going to learn more about her this issue or have some confirmations on what she is, but we only get hints that she might be psychic in this universe, or her parents are psychic. I really want to know if that magnifying glass that she’s holding in that page up above is the “Staff of One” or a version of it. I also would like to know if the little girl with the bunny ears that she hangs out with is this universe’s version of Molly Hayes. I would love it if a version of the Runaways existed in this universe. I haven’t seen them since the Ranbow Rowell run a few years back, so I miss them.
          Next, I want to talk about Hisako. In this issue, we finally saw her riding a motorcycle:
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In issue 2, her mother was talking about Hisako taking motorcycle riding lessons, so we finally got to see her with one. I just really like her design in her motorcycle outfit. I think she looks so cool in it. Also, later on in the LEXICON page we actually find out that the bike she’s riding is her late father’s motorcycle, the 1980 Honda Raccoon, and the leather jacket that she’s wearing is her mother’s:
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I like the idea that while she’s going home or going anywhere that she has a piece of both her mother and her father with her. Like it’s there to protect her or just be with her if anything ever goes wrong.
          Speaking of, in this issue, we also see Hisako meet a man that seemed to be one of Tsubasa’s bullies from the basketball team. He seems to be under the influence of the Shadow King (Still not confirmed if it is the Shadow King or not. I’m just using that name for him because that’s what I’ve been using since issue 1):
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What I don’t like about this guy is that he’s blaming Tsubasa or Tsubasa’s death for all the bad things that are happening now and he’s ignoring the fact that he was complicit to bullying someone until they committed suicide. He doesn’t even think for a second that these bad things might be happening because they treated someone so poorly that that person killed themselves. Sure, this person is probably influenced by the Shadow King, but I think the Shadow King wouldn’t be influencing him as much if he didn’t have these awful and dark thoughts with him. He probably wouldn’t be under the Shadow King’s control if he had repented or at least thought that what he did was wrong in any way. In just a few panels and a few pieces of dialogue, Peach Momoko made me really hate this guy because I’ve seen so many of these bullies that don’t ever think that what they’ve done is wrong and always deflects the blame on their victims. They almost always never see that they’re in the wrong and that they were being an awful person.
I also want to talk about the last panel up top with Tsubasa’s head. That felt like such a haunting panel, specifically, for Hisako. Imagine being haunted and being disturbed by the death of a close friend of yours and you see their head detached like that. The Shadow King has been messing with Hisako since issue 1 with images of the dead Tsubasa and I just hope that Hisako doesn’t succumb to these torments. This detached head also kind of implies that Tsubasa might not have hung himself. In the issue we actually saw this bully, who is under the control of the Shadow King, show Hisako how Tsubasa “really” died:
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I’m not sure if this is the Shadow King just tormenting Hisako or if this Shadow King actually knows that this is how Tsubasa died, but either way these pages are really haunting, and makes me question more on who the Shadow King is to Tsubasa and to Hisako. Was he also a friend of Tsubasa? Or was another victim of these bullies? Also, I’m not sure if this bully was an illusion created by the Shadow King to mess with Hisako or if he was actually there because in the next page, we just see a bunch of people recording Hisako and she seems to be alone:
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I’m not really sure if the bully, Amano, was there or if it was just the Shadow King’s illusion. The only reason why I’m making a point of it is because a lot of people are recording Hisako in that last panel and if the bully was there then they might pin his suicide on Hisako because they now know that she’s a mutant. We don’t really know how mutants are perceived and treated in this universe. I feel like the Maker, when he was perverting and recreating this world in his image, would have made sure that people would look down on mutants, so I am worried about what’s going to happen with Hisako next. What I do like about this panel is that when people were taking pictures and videos of Hisako with her powers on display, that you can see Mei get really worried for her, so she rushes to her aid and fries everyone’s phones, so they don’t have any evidence of Hisako being a mutant:
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I love that Mei does this because it shows that she has Hisako’s back whenever she needs help. Furthermore, by helping Hisako, Mei effectively outs herself as being mutant as well. What I like about that is that she didn’t really think much of it; she just knew that her friend needed help so she did all she could do to help. I really like that Hisako and Mei found one another because they’ve both had a really awful year based on the last few issues and they both needed someone to be there for them. Unfortunately, even after all this work to hide that they’re mutants, somebody still got a recording of them both using their powers:
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I have no clue who this character is and why she might want to out Mei and Hisako, but I’m very interested in finding out. I honestly want to know what happens next in this book because I really want to know how mutants are seen and treated in this universe.
          I’m really loving Ultimate X-Men as you can probably tell. I think Peach Momoko has been crushing it with the art and the writing for this series. I honestly don’t know where this story is going to go and how Peach Momoko is going to show us more of mutantkind in this universe, but I am excited. However, I feel like there’s a lot going on right now because we still kind of need to figure out what the Shadow King’s motives are; how mutants are seen in this world; is there an X-Men in this world; what does the Shadow King want with Hisako; and what really happened to Tsubasa. That kind of worries me a bit but I trust Peach Momoko enough to kind of pull all these stories together.
          Thank you for reading my discussion on Ultimate X-Men #4. Sorry, it took me awhile to post this by the way. I’ve just been very busy, and this heat is kind of destroying me right now. I also try to post these discussions 2-4 weeks after the book came out so that people would have had a chance to pick the issue up. I use a lot of the pages for the comic, and I really want these discussions to encourage people to buy and support these books rather than be a substitute for them. If I have not said it enough, I do think that this title is worth buying not just for the story but for Peach Momoko’s art as well. Anyways, let me know what you guys thought about the issue and what the aftermath of people finding out that Hisako is a mutant will be? Also, the next Discussion should be about Ultimate Spider-Man #6 and that should be out at the end of the week hopefully.
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busybooklr · 4 years
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Shelf-Confidence BPC | August 16: Space or Time Travel
Time travel brought Gert Yorkes into my life, and I will always be grateful.
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rosaart · 5 years
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“He's the same on the field as he is everywhere else. Strong. Graceful. Fucking ruthless.” - @rainbowrowell
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Cather Avery’s “I took too long, I built up a block over it” never made me feel more seen back in 2014 and to this day I’m like *Jason Mendoza voice* Oh Cath, we’re really in it now!
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oopsbooks · 6 years
Te reconocería en la oscuridad. A miles de kilómetros de distancia. Estoy enamorado de todo cuanto eres y llegarás a ser.
Attachments (Rainbow Rowell)
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your-cherry-scones · 6 years
i have just finished reading “carry on” and i’m literally going to fight or my children
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lesserknownhero · 6 years
Rainbow Rowell unveils cover for first graphic novel, illustrated by Faith Erin Hicks
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The ‘Eleanor and Park’ author previews her Halloween-themed new book and talks its beautiful new cover
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Lol Carry On still hurts
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teencenterspl · 5 years
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Roben’s November Staff Picks:
A Thousand Sisters: The Heroic Airwomen of the Soviet Union in World War II by Elizabeth Wein (YA 940.544 WEI)
What Would She Do? 25 True Stories of Trailblazing Rebel Women by Kay Woodward (YA 920 WOO)
Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein (YA SER COD)
  Yentl’s November Staff Picks:
Pumpkinheads by Ranbow Rowell (YA GN ROW)
Gemma Doyle Series by Libba Bray (YA SER GEM)
         1 – A Great and Terrible Beauty
         2 – Rebel Angels
         3 – The Sweet Far Thing
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graphicpolicy · 1 month
Preview: Action Comics #1068
Action Comics #1068 preview. Things go COSMICALLY wrong as Superman finds himself the champion in a galactic battle between TWO alien empires! #comics #comicbooks
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xxvannlusxx · 5 years
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"—Dice que tu estilo le recuerda un poco al de Ranbow Rowell." -Carolina entre líneas.
Libros recién comprados.
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rosaart · 6 years
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Day 6; Hogwarts au
“You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart.”
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astrolliegy · 7 years
alllll the tender asks
hey chasw i lov u veryyyyyy much and im veryyyyyy proud of you
fresh milk: age?
im 15!! Ive been 15 for 27 years smh
teeth: gender identity?
lmao good question! As of now I identify as female but thatcould be up for debate
honey: do i have a nickname?
with my birth name theyre soph and soophie but with mychosen name its olliw and that’s basically it but one thing that will neverchange is my gma calls me peanut butter :’) lov her
breast: do I get along with my mother?
Yes! I am very blessed to have a mother that I have tons incommon with and shared interests and such. Jodi is such a savage I love herveryyyyy much
Angelhood: favorite memory?
Probably being in Europe and just getting to be in themiddle of life in paris Barcelona and madrid I cant wait to get back
Tranquil: who do I laugh the most with?
Anna and her family or my family. All of us are little shitsthat just say the dumbest shit and it cracks me up to no end
Adieu: who do I dread to say goodbye to?
Either frankie, my puppy, or chase. I always feel like we’reduped out of the time we deserve to hang out. Smh homophobia.
Wax: can I keep a secret?
I used to be terrible at keeping secrets but I realized howimportant privacy is and how much a person has to value their trust with me totell me so now I value them over my life.
Tinder box: what do I cherish most?
Probably my walls, which sounds weird but its true. Theyre coveredin all my memories and photos and letters random shit. They keep me groundedwhen my bran gets jumbled and my feet get floaty I lov my walls veryyyyymuchoooo
Paper: whats my favorite novel?
The harry potter series or carry on by ranbow rowell (itsgay give it a read)
Box office: whats my favorite film?
Moana, dead poets society, new in town, the lovely bones(sorry chasw), the imitation game, the list goes on im a huge slut for moviesso if ur every trying to woo me just show me your favorite film and ill basicallymarry you ;)
Stage: do I have a talent?
Being annoying. Next.
Tiger: whats my bravest moment?
Auditioning for a show last year (and getting the part)
Treasure: what is your brightest characteristic?
Like physically? Ive been told I have a big ass smile…. But personality-wise?Idk my compassion or empathy?
Morale: is my castle made of glass or stone?
Oooooo a glass castle sounds cute af! Using plants as likeblinds? Sign me tf up natural sunlight all day? Hoo boy im in. definitely glass:)
Wolf: do I have an inner monster?
Seven: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, or pride?
Lust definitely cuz im a gay.horny.b.i.t.c.h
Trick: white lie or deceit?
Idfk I try not to lie or “deceive” very much
Illusion: do I have a secret?
Fuck yeah I do
Heart: am I in love?
Mary: am I a virgin?
Bedroom: how would I define my sexual orientation?
Pink: panties, bloomers, or lingerie?
(what in the fuck are bloomers?????) idk I think panties isan uncomfy word but ig I wear “panties” but ive always really loved how lingerielooks….
Rope: do I have a fetish?
I mean probably? Like nothing weird or hella kinky but imguessing theres something I life that is considered a kink? Idfk I don’t divedeep into that shit lol
Tobacco: do I smoke?
Wine: do I drink?
I have once and it was fine but I didn’t love it n I willprobably wait a while before I do again
Taboo: do I have any tattoos?
I fuckin wishhhhh
Metal: do I have piercings?
My ears and my nose!
Stitches: what kind of clothing do I wear?
I get most of my clothes from goodwill or other thriftstores but I wear mostly plain or primary colors with black leggings or baggyass jeans or literal sweatpants…. In conclusion I dress like a very very poorhipster that cant be bothered to put any work into her appearance
Eau de toilette: what is my favorite scent?
Lavender :)
Murmur: how do I deal with drama?
I don’t!
Hiccup: what makes me nervous?
Existing? Virtually everything?
Gazelle: do I participate in the arts?
I used to do the theater club at my school but idk if imgoing back cuz theres so much drama (lol what a fitting issue to have)
Anomaly: what to I find unique about myself?
My passion for helping others
Cedar: what is my favorite season?
Spring!!! All the flowers and rain and smells makes me socalm and feel at peace
Balm: the last person I kissed:
My friend Rachel
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bonnieot7 · 7 years
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Our boys in suits <3
Carry on by Ranbow Rowell 
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mefapu · 8 years
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