#rape suggestive
You do not deserve pain. You do not exist to suffer. I know in your darkest times it is so easy to feel that you deserve this agony but you do not. Your life will get better, and you will receive the love and kindess you deserve.  
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starryyskies · 4 months
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coockie8 · 6 months
"You can't create fiction about X problematic thing without explicitly condemning it otherwise your readers/viewers will think it's okay to do irl!"
Okay see well I was under the impression that since I'm not creating fiction for literal 5-year-olds that my readers/viewers would already be aware of the fact it's not okay to rape, torture, and murder people in real life without me spoon-feeding that to them like they're toddlers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you're over the age of 10 and still don't know that it's bad to hurt people in real life without a fairy tale telling you so, then that is 100% a you problem, like I don't know what to tell you here :/
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dazeddoodles · 18 days
sensitive topic about r*pe and sa !!!
Do you think that eda would’ve gotten r*ped by one of her exes because of how quickly she would’ve tried getting over Raine? Even in general while she’s walking down the street and she gets catcalled or sexually harassed. In my opinion, I feel like she would’ve r*ped or s’ad atleast once by one of her ex’s or something, especially since she doesn’t really care about herself and what happens. What do you think?
Had to think bout this for a bit.
Yes, I do think it's possible that Eda could have gotten assaulted by an ex whether it be sexually or not.
I feel like Eda would be very open and confident about her sexuality. And because of that maybe some of the men she's dated would have done things to her without consent with reasoning that she ALWAYS wants this kinda stuff and has agreed to it before. For that same reason, maybe Eda herself didn't see what happened to her as an assault.
As for getting catcalled or sexually harassed, I think so as well for the same reasoning as above. That and with Eda being a known criminal/outcast, others inherently treat her worst/see her less than.
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candycandy00 · 6 months
i agree with you on that answer about sukuna possibly being a rapist and for some reason i think he would do it with class lol. i mean we saw him playing with his food and enjoying it if the prey was worthy. would he do the same to a woman? and i dont mean him being gentle about it and asking politely...he would not hesitate to break her legs if she wanted to escape but if she is listening...he would take his time and enjoy it as long as possible...under the moonlight to see how pathetic she is >.< kinda romantic but traumatic at the same time! omggg where is my life going with thoughts like these -.- lol and ofc he would kill at the end hah
I see the vision! In canon he does often speak in a poetic way that just gets lost in translation. So I’ve actually had this headcanon for a while (that I’ve been meaning to talk more about) that he’s actually quite romantic when he does take an interest in someone. He has an appreciation for beauty and nature and the arts, so I can definitely see him planning moonlit rendezvous. But he’s also sadistic and cruel, and enjoys mocking people, so combine those traits and… yeah. Romantic and traumatic at the same time, as you said.
We also see that he’s a planner, and he doesn’t mind delaying his own gratification. Look how long he waited to possess Megumi. So I don’t see him just grabbing random women and raping them right then and there. If a woman (or whoever else) caught his eye, he would arrange for them to be brought to his bed that night, probably after having them bathed and dressed in a fancy kimono. And he would take his time, savoring their body. I don’t think he plans all this with rape in mind. I think he simply doesn’t care about consent. If the person is into it, great. If they’re not, also great. I think he can enjoy himself either way. And if he had an especially pleasurable night, he might let them live in case he wanted to bed them again sometime, or he might “honor” them by eating them later. And if they were a lousy lay or were simply annoying, he probably just decapitated them.
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anghraine · 5 months
I keep seeing this rhetorical tactic in fandom posts that goes something like "people like to think X about [characters/canon/whatever] but I think it's more that..."
It strikes me as manipulative in a very lazy and grating way. It tries (weakly) to create this contrast between other people, who only reach conclusions because it's what they like to think and not as a real interpretation of something, and the speaker, who is doing the real thinking here.
It also seems to often show up in cases where the thing that people supposedly "like" to think is just a very obvious reading and doesn't require any special explanation for why people would see it there.
I'm not at all against people saying "I often see other people arguing/thinking X, but what I think is Y." I do that all the time! But the kind of shifty undermining in the "people like to think X" framework is just casually manipulative in an unpleasant and increasingly common way. No, people do think X and you think they're wrong. That's fine! Just say so.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 4 months
re: my last post, but I kind of have a good serving of criticism in my heart about the whole "gerudos as men r*pists*" trope that I've seen bouncing around in fandom since like 2008 at least (and before that I assume), but it's. not a particularly fun topic. so.
#thoughts#cw rape#gerudos#let's just say that#if we do need to go there#(and we Do Not need to go there particularly)#let's say this whole debacle ignores *a lot* of canon content that suggests where the power balance may actually lie#if it does lie anywhere#also the sexually aggressive/domineering brown people trope as another tool of dehumanization is not. yea#but idk I think it's an interesting takeaway to cultivate in the context of the overwhelming examples of#*hylians* being the ones to repeatedly overstep gerudo boundaries#gerudos don't capture men *men try to break in gerudo homes and get arrested* that's a pretty significant difference you guys#if gerudos were so aggressive about it wouldn't men rather be the ones to run away?#why are we keeping them out in the first place etc#anyway weird trope supported by almost nothing and often enabling VERY unhinged racist comments from its fanbase on the regular#can we talk about how the brown race is uncritically characterized as rapists --either ganondorf or his people#in spite of there being basically zero evidence anywhere in the games that this might be the case??? why is this an assumption we're making#idk man people be having weird hangups about all of this#also yeah sure the strong independant women has *got* to be man eaters that treat them like disposable garbage#and like#my dear Men of the Internet#maybe try to fix your anxieties surrounding women being self-sufficient and independant instead of projecting like crazy idk something#sorry the post is Unfun but it's been bothering me since forever#I remember being thirteen and reading a fic with this trope for the first time and being So Scandalized haha#but yeah I've been chewing on the thought ever since so here you go
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It is normal not to be able to recall your trauma. Your memories may be foggy, disorganized, inaccessible, or blank. You are not wrong, you are not dramatic, you are not dishonest. The mind is very powerful, and it will take measures to protect us for fear and harm even if we don’t choose to. Take the time you need to heal what you can feel even if you cannot name it.
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
what your thoughts on title cole's hades hangman series?
My immediate thoughts are that Tillie Cole is a racist who should be actually cancelled (not the weak shit we call cancellation), as in any possible publishing career, indie or otherwise, done. Nothing. I'm honestly worried about the pen name shit I imagine she'll pull or has pulled, because I dread people buying books by her without realizing it's her after all this.
But uh.... yeah. I have zero tolerance for Nazi romances, KKK romances, any romances featuring a racist, genocidal protagonist or protagonists. And I do want to be clear--genocide is what the KKK wants in the end. As is the case for most hate groups. They may say they want people "in their proper place" or "over there instead of here" (displacement being a part of genocide) which is all heinous and unacceptable. However, the reality of the nitty gritty is that they want them eradicated, or at least eradicated from the part of the earth the genocide mongerer feels entitled to, which is most of it. The only alternative, if you could call it that, being that the racist wants the "inferior" race enslaved or subjugated for their own gain (the implicit word usually being "again"). And I think that even the "smallest" breadcrumb of racism can easily tip into these mindsets with some degree of radicalization. So yes, zero tolerance.
I often have seen the "devil's advocate" arguments from "liberals" (white feminists who want to read these books) being "but how is this any worse than books where the heroine falls for her rapist".
And here's the thing--there are a couple books I've read wherein the heroine does fall for her rapist, and I like them still. I'll be clear--these are historical old schools (as in, the 80s) which I don't think came from the perspective of say, a contemporary Sam Mariano book. (I haven't read her books, but I know they can contain this content). I have yet to read a recently published contemporary wherein the heroine falls for her rapist that works for me. I have spoken to people for whom certain books have worked, including a couple survivors.
What I think sets these books apart is that a heroine in a dark romance falling for her rapist, however fucked up and unrealistic, is based on a personal relationship between two people. It isn't about anyone the reader represents, and I don't even really think it's often about gender (though it can be, which I think is probably a line--if a hero is a serial rapist because he hates women, I don't think the reception would be the same). And let's be real here--most of the time, this does reflect real life. The vast majority of sexual assaults are the result of intimate partner violence. It is something between two people, and while I would personally never suggest anyone forgive their rapist and reconcile with them, or frankly forgive them in general... That is something where it is about the one individual and her perspective, and in a romance it follows the same mentality. I may not LIKE that book, but I do see that as a book about harm to a PERSON and within a RELATIONSHIP, which is more individualized.
A KKK hero or a Nazi hero or what have you is often paired with a woman who represents a group he hates (though in Tillie's case, the heroine is a white-passing Latina, a "cartel princess", which lol, ALSO RACIST, but I suppose her complexion is meant to create ambiguity). If he isn't, she's the white woman he is allowed to be with anyway. Either way, he hates a collective. He is enacting violence, physical or otherwise, against a collective. Even if the heroine is of the group he hates, SHE cannot validate his redemption arc~ or "forgive" him. However unrealistic the forgiveness or validation of redemption a rapist "hero" may be, that is a situation where I can say "fucked up, but her choice". This is very literally not something a single heroine can give, and even if the author came from the same marginalized group as the heroine in a genocidal hero book... that author can't speak for the collective either. (I say this because I have heard of authors writing about sexual assault and reconciliation in books state that they're survivors, and I really can't speak on how they work through that on an individual level, but I do think it's important to again note the individual.)
While sexual violence is absolutely a worldwide epidemic, it is NOT the same thing as genocide. Doesn't mean it's better or worse... Though I will say, I think the fact that sexual violence is used as a tool by genocide mongerers does speak to the fact that genocide is obviously a more existential threat, here. And I don't really care for the comparisons I've seen made between the two in discussions of this book and its place in dark romance--because they often seem to be coming from my fellow white women, and I feel there is often a "we're all women, we're in this together" mindset. When the reality is... no. First off, women aren't the only targets of sexual violence, and men are not the only people who perpetuate it. Second of all, not all women experience rape culture in the same way. Cishet white women live under the threat of rape culture, absolutely. But white women don't experience racialized predation. Nobody is trying to "convert" cishet (or simply cis) women through sexual violence. Nobody is killing cis women because they feel "tricked" by us. And for that matter, white women, especially cishet white women, can be the oppressors of women of color, queer women, trans women, and so on. They can encourage sexual violence against women with a single vote--and have. How many white women voted for Mr. "Grab 'Em By the Pussy", again?
So yeah, I don't really like the whole "well this is fine for me to read because y'all read your rape books" discussion of these books when we get into discussion, because these just are very different topics. And I don't like conflating them to either EXCUSE the violence of these books, or once again devolve into a "dark romance readers are universally dirty little perverts". Because--while there are ABSOLUTELY dark romance books that go way too far, which I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole... I think there's a point where a book isn't even dark romance, it's just using that as a mask to perpetuate a form of like... artistic violence against an entire group of people.
Because these genocidal hero books are about violence against the collective marginalized group being dismissed, "redeemed" or "forgiven", there's this inherent dismissal of what has happened to potential readers of these books, and I see that as a kind of casual violence. That dismissal happens every day, and it is ESPECIALLY happening right now, when so many western nations (and I'm not denying it's happening elsewhere, I'm just much more aware of the USA, Canada, and Europe) are in the midst of nationalistic far right swings. And hell, let's be real, most people of color are not reading Tillie's books on purpose, I imagine--but frankly, that doesn't matter. Tillie has, I suppose, a legal right to write these books. But I don't view them as any different from the vitriol spewed from a Westboro Baptist Church representative, or the people calling BLM protestors looters.
You just can't slide this shit into a "dark romance is gonna dark" slot, or "why do dark romance readers keep bringing this to us" whine rant. I will bet you anything that a lot of the readers who read this book and rated it a 4 or 5 on GR haven't read a single other dark romance novel in their fucking lives. They enjoyed it because they want to romanticize a guy in the KKK and act like he can be redeemed, because their sick little fantasies about their white prince proud boys are what they're looking for here. This isn't about tiptoeing to the ver edge of dark romance, this is about wanting to bathe in a racist fantasy. It's their Birth of a Nation moment, but with porn.
I mean, what has been really frustrating to me... because obviously outright racists will shamelessly defend Tillie, outright... is just this idea that this somehow has come back to a discussion of dark romance, when really, it should be a discussion of RACIST ROMANCE NOVELS. Which is something that extends faaaaaar beyond dark romance, or any subgenre. I've read a fuckton of racist contemporary romances. Obviously historicals have quite a long journey with racism in books. I've read racism in paranormals, for fuck's sake. I believe one of the big Nazi romances was an inspirational romance. To me, there's just been this dancing around admitting that this is a romance-wide issue, because people want to go "well, it's only an issue with dark romance, MYYYYY favorite romances would never" and it's like. I don't know, girl. People of color are widely underrepresented in the genre (as are queer people and trans people) so maaaaybe just maaaaybe romance isn't your perfect haven where all we need to confront is men being misogynistic. Maybe, just maaaaybe, there are other issues going on here.
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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these passages are so hard to read. the shit women go through in this place
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desultory-suggestions · 11 months
Healthy Relationships with Mental Illness Look Like
I acknowledge my struggles and that they are not your fault, but I am hurting and I want support <-> I felt that you were struggling and was unsure of what I can do, I want to help so what might help me support you in a way that’s healthy for both of us?
I am aware my emotions are unusually intense today and that may make me very anxious or reactionary <-> Thank you for letting me know, I respect your feelings and I will support you while also taking care of my needs. What would be comforting right now?
I love you but I am feeling too overwhelmed to support you in this moment. Do you think that you can call a friend or loved one for some support so I can l can take care of myself? <-> Thank you for telling me. Yes, I can use my support system to help me through this. We both deserve rest and support. If you want to talk about this when we are feeling better I would like that. 
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menalez · 8 months
I'm sorry but if you're a colonizer while millions of people are oppressed and suffer just so you can enjoy their land... you literally have violence by the colonized coming and it is winning.Yes, that goes for Israeli women and children who are raped and killed, My Spanish ancestors that decided to colonize south America were also targeted when the colonized decided to fight back and started killing them.. And the colonized people were still 100% in the right to fight for their freedom. As I said, if you want peace gtfo colonized land. It's happened over and over in history. For example nobody felt bad for all the French people that got massacred in Algeria while they were tying to get their independence back bc wtf were they doing in Algeria to begin with. It is what it is. Get out of colonized land if you want peace.
how the hell is raping women and killing children fighting against colonisation tho bc that is straight up what ur arguing up here. and how do u suggest little children "gtfo colonized land" in order not to face violence?
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hpdfag · 22 days
blocking random kink accounts ran by people old enough to be my parent that follow me out of nowhere is sooo annoying. why r u here. u didnt even like any of my posts
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ex0rin · 1 year
Make It Count (NSFW)
Rollins/Bucky, Rumlow & Rollins - 4120 words
non-con/rape, belting, spanking, bruises, blood and violence, injury, masturbation, hydra trash party
Rollins is pissed.
The mission should have been simple, in and out with a nearly straight path through but that was before Pierce had dropped Rumlow an additional information recovery assignment last minute and, even then, it would have been fine - Rumlow would have been fine; he’s the commander for a goddamn reason and three men with loaded weapons wouldn’t have been an issue.
That’s not how the soldier had seen it though, breaking it’s fucking orders to follow Brock like it had been worried, like Rumlow had been the priority instead of the goddamn actual mission they’d been sent to complete.
READ ON AO3 HERE: Make It Count
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vinecoveredgarden · 7 months
This Blog Is Kink-Safe
That means all kink. All Fetish. All Paraphilia.
If nobody's getting hurt (all participants are willing and able to consent), I could not give less of a shit what you do.
If you're posting publicly, your only obligation is to trigger tag. That's it. That's literally it. You don't have to sanitize yourself, you don't have to put up a big "I don't want to ACTUALLY do this, I just want to pretend! For sex!" disclaimer.
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