#raptor vore
cursedeer · 9 months
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Commissions for Agnaktor and his friends: 1) Commission "Good Helper" for Nak and Narga 2) Commission "Bonding" for Nak and Drago555
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snackdragon · 2 years
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wow i've only posted like two things on here! anyways
(linelessish alts under the cut)
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cerberusthenking3 · 6 months
A light shining in the shadow
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Warning:This story contains soft,safe vore,hypnosis,trauma,angst,aftercare, consensual fearplay(both the prey and pred are okay with it)Cussing(In thoughts,not aloud)
Jade POV.
A sharp claw slides over my neck gently before flicking up and turning my head up to look at the bird wyvern. Flashing lights echo from the frills and force me to try to look away as his mouth comes near my face as he begins licking up and down my face with his long tongue.The raptor gives a sharp grin and makes sure that I get a good look at his fangs before sitting back up.He cocks his head towards me and opens his frill again before it begins releasing flashes again.Against my will,my body begins to relax as the flashes slowly break into my mind.Images flash infront of my eyes,an old cell,a set of chains,two men taking their shirts off as I'm strapped to the bed,a whip held over my head.I begin reeling back and begin squirming before the images begins to slowly change,bright light flashing through the closed doors tiny iron bars,a man kicking the door off of its hinges,a large Tzitzi-ya-ku carrying me out of the facility.I blink a few times and fully snap out of the trance that I was placed in,a soft and warm throat wrapped around me.I begin kicking and struggling as I am slowly swallowed down,the raptor happily clicking and licking up and down my stomach.I flinch at the contact on my skin and the swallowing stops for a second before swiftly resuming and sending me down to my knees where it continues to tease my legs with its tongue but never going over the knees with it tongue.It takes one more powerful swallow and pulls my feet into its mouth where I gently squirm as I feel him tickling my heels with his tongue.He finally fulls sends me down to his stomach and when I hit the tight sphincter down I squirm uncomfortably from the tightness before my head gets put into its stomach.After being fully engulfed in his stomach I sit in the damp darkness cradling me before after a moment I speak aloud"W-was that o-okay Kag-Kagayaku?"The bioluminescent organ around me begins dimly glowing and letting me see as I hear a happy chirp.
Kagayaku POV.
I happily cuddle my slightly swollen belly and give a happy chirp. "Of course it was okay,it was amazing, little Jade."I think joyfully.She sighs in relief before asking."C-can you t-turn of the b-bioluminescence p-p-please so I c-can s-sleep,if that's o-okay."I shut off the dim lights in my stomach and rub my stomach a bit before standing back up and walking back towards the village.I walk towards the front gate and nod to the guards and the one on the left gives me a wave and bangs on the door which is swiftly opened.Walking in I see that a large amount of people are gathering near the front of the village where a traveling salesman is trying to sell some sort of bullshit and notice Hyōga,our resident Legiana,is already sneaking up on her new meal so I just continue on,hearing a loud thud and some muffled screams and alot of laughter.I walk into the main base and see Gale looking tiredly at a large map on the central table.He looks up at me and gives me a tired grimace before asking"Jade tucked in?"I nod happily, but now a little worried.He shakes his head before sighing and asking,"Do you think she hates me,I swore to find those bastards and put an end to them almost two years ago but now their trail is completely gone and I feel like I'm letting her down,hell,you've done ten times more for helping her than I have and all you do is cuddle and ear her!"I shake my head and give him a hug before noticing Bubble,the female mizutsune he saved when he was younger sneaking up behind him.She leaps forwards with a wide open mouth before catching his head on her tongue and rapidly swallowing her charge before giving me a cheeky grin.
Jade POV.
I shift around in the tight organ as my eyes crack open before I sit up and quickly cover my mouth before coughing.After a moment, something slides into the chamber with me.I pick up the bottle and quickly pull off the top and down the water in only a couple seconds before I begin stroking the walls around me before quietly asking"M-may I come o-out now,Kageyaku"He gives me a happy chirp before the organ around me begins tightly squeezing and pushing me up.I slide through the tight sphincter into the esophagus.It takes two or so minutes to get fully up to his mouth where he gently licks my face before opening it widely and laying me on a table.He gives me a happy click before picking me up in a hug while chirping gladly.He chitters while circling around himself and places me on his stomach before reaching off to the side and pulling a ziploc back with two sandwiches in it which I happily accept.He cuddles me against his gut as I scarf down the first sandwich and start on the second one before I feel his tongue run over my face as he licks the saliva off of my skin.I hold to him again as he rubs his talons gently across my back.
Kagayaku POV.
I gently cradle the human to my stomach,making sure that Jade's comfortable before beginning to clean my saliva off of her skin.I try to ignore her flavor as I clean her and rub over her back while she snuggles up to me.I hold her to me as I carefully lick the saliva off her face while struggling to not take a deeper taste but somehow succeed at not getting to much of her flavor.I happily hold her against me while using my hind leg to grab a blanket and pull it over her body everywhere but her face and begin rubbing her hair before hearing her softly ask"C-can you put me to sleep,Please?"I give her a small smile and agree with a chitter so she looks up at me, and I place one claw gently on her chin and turn her up to look at me as I slowly open my frills and begin rhythmically flashing the luminescent appendages on my head as she watches with her eyes slowly glazing over and I give one click and she slumps over into my arms in a hypnosis induced rest.I place her against my stomach while pulling the blanket on her and rub her hair.She moves slightly to cuddle into the warmth of my belly.I hold her lightly"Sleep well little Jade"I think"No one will hurt you as long as your with me"
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hemipenal-system · 2 months
oh man on the topic of raptors, have you seen SpruceMoki’s vore YouTube videos? there are some really good raptor ones, one of my favorites is the one called “Belly Tending.” (I don’t want to just drop a random link, but if you google “Spruce vore YouTube” the channel should come up)
anyway you might already know about it but just in case you didn’t I figured I’d share if it happened to be up your alley!
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nomminmothdragon · 1 year
Here's a Vore Poll because I just found where the option to make it was
Apologies that Vanilla extract is not an option. I wanted to make sure this poll wouldn't be skewed by the temptation of a meme answer(I know I myself would've definitely picked it lol).
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despazito · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/despazito/720508196713791488/despazito-raptor-mouth-perfec-t-size-for-put?source=share you do vore now?
if i was into vore its mouth would be open and hyper rendered with glistening saliva
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finsterhund · 8 months
Doing shit like watching Anaconda while high has made me realize that an integral part to how humanity has demonized snakes in culture is by depicting the animal as an inherently sapient serial killer with a vore fetish and then proceeding to try and gaslight the audience into believing it's just a normal naturally evolved animal without human comparable sapience.
Sharks get a bad portrayal too of course but if anything the "mindless killer" depiction sharks get is less of a drastic demonization than "this ambush predator goes out of its way to torture fellow sapient prey first even if it's not at all advantageous to its survival" that snakes get.
There's a scene where the snake somehow curls its coils like they're a prehensile tail around prey before THEN LOOMING OVER and slowly going to swallow. When snakes literally lead in with a bite and then reflexively curl their coils in a similar motion to how alligators death roll to rip pieces. Like. That snake is intentionally doing something stupid and unnatural for the benefit of the audience. It's showing off. The snake is fully aware of the theatrics. There's no way this animal can be how snakes evolved in our real world. That thing cound understand the trolley problem. That thing could probably be taught to work a call center or pay taxes.
Jurassic Park always felt pretty realistic despite wildly inaccurate mutant dinosaurs because while clever, you get the sense that say for instance the raptors in particular, are behaving like real animals. The things they do are within the realm of possibilities for what we know about the species and modern comparisons. They act like birds! Like corvids. Then you fucking have pennywise-tier "fear seasons the meat" snake making sure his throat pouch looks real nice in the wide shot angle.
Ironically the most realistic portrayal of a hypothetical man-eating snake is Kaaa from fucking Disney's jungle book. The OG motherfucker. This bastard is in a 2D cartoon singing and using hypnotism and shit but still within this cartoon slapstick ass universe behaves more like you expect a snake would. Fat lazy and stupid. Just find a way to get the prey to give itself over to you. Sure. Fuck it I don't care. I'm gonna nap in this tree until something comes and bonks me on the head.
With that being said I also do find other creatures that aren't anatomically modern bipedal hairless apes having comparable sentience and sapience to us in media to be deeply fascinating so you must understand that I do have some fondness for the serial killer snake bullshit. But yeah. It kinda sucks people do it to a real animal though.
Then I have my monsters where I'm like, not trying to deny they're like, sapient, but there's evolutionary similarities between them and lizards. Because fuck it. That's cool. But I'm not gonna like, throw real life geckos under the bus for the sake of giving added "legitimacy" to my fantasy creature. Just fucking own it that it's a fantasy creature. Like tremors did. Fucking love tremors.
Idk where I was going with this.
Human media in its portrayal of snakes as an inherently evil animal has always really leaned into "this snake is sapient and likes to hurt things on purpose" pretty much since square one. It's actually really depressing. My mom is absolutely fucking terrified of snakes and every time someone tries to get to the bottom of why it's because she's attributing human reason to the behaviors of a wild animal. This is a fucking tube of stinky boy that likes to be fat and warm and safe. It is the most basal of instincts to want to be fat and warm and safe.
Anyways I love snakes if you couldn't tell. And I don't mean to insult them by calling them big dumb lazy fat stinky idiots. You can also call human babies these things. I'm just saying they literally don't have a thing going on in those cute little stubby heads of theirs even remotely comparable to malice. Provided they feel safe they are one of the more docile types of animals out there.
I think humans just want to see dragons where there are no dragons. I'm sorry you can't see a dragon. I'm really sorry. I wish we had dragons too.
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idealteeth · 9 months
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this is Richie! he's mostly going to show up in vore and weight gain scenarios and i honestly put too much thought into him please help me.
Richie is part raptor and part brahma rooster. He was originally a hen, but he had a spontaneous sex reversal due to an ovary injury and turned rooster around puberty. Luckily for him, he identifies as masculine (a little nonbinary, but mostly masculine) and uses he/him.
He's a jock fresh out of college and trying to figure out what to do with life, and currently that involves eating nerds and trying not to get eaten himself. He takes a scrap from his prey's clothes for his letteman jacket - if they had a letterman jacket or patches themself, he takes it. If not, he just takes a square off their jacket or shirt and pins it on. He restarts it every year.
this fool is absolutely going to get eaten though i love pred vs pred ok
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cursedeer · 10 months
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Commission "BBQ party" for DerlikJ including GoldRathJolk ashkor_erebos and Peppurmynt from FA
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ask-the-toy-box · 5 years
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She’s bigger then a cat!
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hornet-breaker · 3 years
Bench Trio gt Bc I’m still traumatized by Gemini Home Entertainment :D (someone help me please I haven’t slept properly in 4 days-) we get some fluff with giant Tommy and giant Ranboo helping out their new little friend! (Also I’m testing if I like Raptorinnit-)
Tw: vore mention, digestion mention, abuse mention, some swearing.
Tubbo knew living among Titans was a dangerous lifestyle, the last time he tried he was swallowed alive and left with nasty acid burns, barely escaping by stabbing the beast enough times to spit him up. He thought after that he had learned to be more careful. Apparently not if he was currently sitting in a plastic Tupperware with the two resident Titans discussing among themselves what to do with him. He could kinda hear them through the air holes they so kindly left him, and he was glad they spoke Common.
“Well one things for sure we’re not eating him.” The first one said sternly, he had black and white fur with coordinating horns, and vibrant red and green eyes. He was a lot taller and had a long wirey tail with fluff at the end. It kinda looked comfy.
“That was an accident and you know it! They just hopped right in and I didn’t have time to understand what the fuck happened!” The second one frantically snapped, mumbling something under his breath with an electric hiss. He seemed to have a velociraptor like appearance, with sharp ocean blue eyes, feathers on his arms in the form of stunted wings, raptor like talons, and a lizard-like tail with feathers at the end. “But we can’t just put him outside either, someone will definitely eat him.”
The other hummed in agreement. “I mean, maybe we could keep him? He doesn’t look very healthy,” the first one walked over to Tubbo and gently knelt down. “Hey there little guy,” he said gently. Gently! Titans never spoke to humans gently!
Tubbo shied away from him and the Titan frowned. “Do you, do you want something to eat? We don’t have much, I can get you fruit, cheese, crackers?”
Tubbo shook his head. He was lying, he was starving, and he could tell they both knew that as the second one came up to the first with a wierd looking bunch of grapes. Why were they so long and weirdly shaped?
“You wanna try one of these?” The Titan didn’t wait for an answer as he slipped one into Tubbo’s cage. He didn’t want to eat in case they were fattening him up so they could eat him, he was not going through that a second time.
“…well, if you need anything my name is Ranboo, the overgrown turkey over there is Tommy.” He introduced. There was distant yelling that made Tubbo quietly scoff. Ranboo seemed to smile hearing this, and he left.
For 3 days he stayed int the Tupperware. One of the two would occasionally stop by to change his water and food, even offering him a trip to the bathroom to clean up or relieve himself. Tubbo refused. Tommy was sitting at the counter with his head resting on top of his arms. He didn’t look impatient or pissed, he looked scared, and worried.
“Human, please eat something. We promise we don’t want to hurt you.” Tommy begged. He looked upset seeing the human wasting himself away.
“I know you two are going to eat me, all Titans are man eating monsters.” Tubbo rasped quietly. Tommy caught that and his breath hitched in his throat.
“Tubbo, not all Titans want humans dead. We just want to help you.” Tommy whined. “Please, just take a bite of this,”
Tommy opened the container and offered Tubbo an apple slice. Tubbo would have bolted out but he had no energy too. What could he lose from eating a piece of the apple? Tommy set it into the container and closed the lid, Tubbo crawled over to the apple slice and took a hesitant bite. Holy shit he’d never tasted anything so sweet in his life! He immediately dug in, tearing into the apple. Tommy’s face lit up, taking shaky but overjoyed breaths.
“Ranboo! Ranboo he’s finally eating something!” Tommy called, making Tubbo flinch.
Suddenly he had two pairs of eyes on him and he froze mid bite, looking up in fear. The two Titans backed up, giving him space. They seemed happy for him, but why? Tubbo couldn’t figure it out, until a few days later. Ranboo was quietly sitting at the counter this time since Tommy was streaming, he was playing a game on a device something like a Nintendo switch but for Titans. Ranboo could tell Tubbo was interested.
“Hey, do you wanna come out and watch me play?” Ranboo asked him.
Tubbo was surprised, he was being nice? Tubbo nodded shyly and the container lid was removed. Ranboo’s hand reached into the container, but instead of grabbing him, his hand was laying palm up, waiting for its tiny passenger. Tubbo gasped and cautiously approached, gingerly poking one of the claws. The same hooked claws that could easily tear him apart simply nudged him back. Tubbo walked around and climbed onto Ranboo’s palm, holding onto his finger for support as he was lifted up, for a second he thought he was going to be eaten and was about to panic, but the hand stopped at Ranboo’s shoulder. Oh, he was going to watch from there. Tubbo carefully transitioned from hand to shoulder and watched Ranboo play. He was pretty sure it was Mario Kart or something similar.
“Are you comfortable sitting there?” Asked Ranboo.
Tubbo jumped at the Titan’s voice, noticing the creature looking at him from the corner of his eye. Tubbo nodded shyly. “Y-yeah,”
“Alright, what’s your name by the way? I don’t really want to keep calling you “human,” it sounds kinda derogatory, ya know?” Ranboo asked.
“T-Tubbo.” Was all Tubbo said. Ranboo hummed, nodding subtly as to not disturb Tubbo’s balance. It was pretty much quiet for the rest of the session, except whenever Ranboo got Blue-Shelled he would yell aggressively, much to Tubbo’s amusement.
The next day Ranboo was gone on a grocery run, and Tommy was there, still quietly observing Tubbo in his little box.
“Do you like being in that box?” Tommy asked suddenly.
Tubbo looked up from his apple slice, wiping his mouth. “No, I don’t actually. But it’s the only thing that makes me feel safe here.” He answered truthfully. Tommy’s eyes lit up with an excited scoff
“I got something you’ll like then.” He gently picked up Tubbo’s container, carrying it with him. “Me and Ranboo had been planning this for a while, actually, it’s not much but we thought you’d like it better than plastic.” He was ecstatic to show Tubbo what he’d been up to.
He was only taken across the kitchen, on the other counter was a wooden box that looked something like a bird house. Tommy opened the container, offering Tubbo a hand out. Tubbo took it and was lifted and carried closer to the structure.
“Well, go ahead and tell me what you think!” Tommy chirped, his tail wagging. God he was such a puppy, a massive and terrifying one that could easily bite him in half.
Tubbo crept into the box and discovered it was a room. He found a little light switch and flicked it, the room actually lit up! He discovered a human computer set up, a bed that actually looked comfortable, a closet, a dresser with clothes that didn’t look like they were from a doll store, and a few other add-ons. There was even a door to his little box, he had the option of privacy! He was starting to rethink his view on these two titans as he walked out, looking up at Tommy who was eagerly waiting for the human.
“So?” He asked with anticipation.
“Tommy, I love it!” Tubbo cheered. Tommy reached down and scooped up Tubbo in a sort of hug. He was surprised at first but let it happen. “Thank you!”
That night Tubbo wasn’t sleeping in a repurposed lunch meat container with a few holes in the lid and no where to hide, he slept in his own bed, in his own little room. He felt safe, he felt at home for once, not having to live in fear. He would have to move his stuff from the walls later on though.
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arkdsmp · 3 years
Chapter one: (Philza’s POV)
First creature POV! Now we get to see how Phil felt when he got his talons on Tommy. I was a bit hesitant on writing this one, but I guess I needed to do it for myself. Enjoy! Warnings: Blood, fear, death, vore, fatal vore. Note: All and any deaths in this series are not permanent
Phil tucked his head under his chest, his feathers gently ruffled by the icy air. You see, Philza was an Argentavis, a mighty colossal bird that enjoyed devouring survivors. And speaking of which, a low growl escaped his stomach. It urged him to hunt, to find and devour his prey. The avian sighed, getting up and stretching out his large wings. What to eat today? Hmm, I could gulp down a few dodos, maybe a raptor- He quietly thought to himself. He flapped his wings, launching himself into the air. Phil scanned the frozen biome below. Not much here would be small enough for him to eat whole. Thinking for a moment, he realized he could go to the beach, that’s where dodos tend to roam. So he decided that was the best idea. It was a long flight, but it’d be worth it if he could get his talons on some live, wriggly prey. He imagined his prey wriggling as he swallowed it down, a coo of delight escaped him. Phil flew over the snow and soon the forests, the air was warmer here. He enjoyed the slight breeze as it filtered through his feathers and lightly pushed against his form. It was nice, relaxing even. He forgot how enjoyable it was to fly outside of the tundra and snowy mountains that he called home. Soon the trees disappeared beneath him and he reached the beach’s warm sands. Phil scanned the ground, spotting a few dodos. He was high enough to not be spotted by them. Then something else caught his eye. Two survivors were running from the forest, being chased by a sabertooth. Humans? I haven’t seen any here in many moons..... I forgot what they taste like- It couldn’t hurt to grab one of them. Phil thought. He watched them carefully, as the sabertooth left them alone. One of the humans had blonde hair and the other brown. He felt called to the blonde one for some reason. He’d make a perfect snack. The boys had found a rotting dodo corpse, and the blonde started to eat it for some reason.  Now was Phil’s chance, the boy was distracted. He dove downwards, failing to contain his excitement. A loud, excited screech escaped him, which alerted the two humans. Uh oh. The blonde screamed and tried to run away. Phil managed to land directly behind the boy, he lunged forward, snatching the little thing in his beak. He chuckled as the boy squirmed, trying to escape his grasp. He put pressure down on the human with his beak, accidentally puncturing his flesh and causing him to bleed. Oops- Phil opened his beak and tossed his head back, with would throw the boy directly into the back of his throat. A deep coo rumbled in his throat as he got the human’s taste, that pleasant meaty flavor that was slightly sweet, oh how Phil missed that taste. He eagerly gulped the human down, feeling them wriggle their way down his throat, which was a pleasant feeling to the avian, like an internal massage of some sort. He felt the boy settle down in his stomach at some point, clearly accepting his fate. Shame, Phil hoped he would put up more of a fight, but alas, we don’t always get what we wish for, do we? He spread his wings again, flapping them, raising himself back into the sky. It was time to head home, a single human was enough to feed him for a while, and he was happy that he got a live meal.
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I call Rata/DB samesize vore but in all honesty it's fucking half size NOT EVEN HONESTLY it's like fucking . quartersize even . this rat is so tiny in comparison to their raptor.
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miyahopscotch · 4 years
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So I made an au for my bois (including a friend in it as well *cough*
But uh I just live how Adam has the
and just Levi loves just sleeping on it
But for clarification, my friend is a utah-raptor
Adam is an argintinasaurus
And Levi is a carnotaurus basically the vore dinosaur (jk jk)
Okay but seriously Apperently that species can swallow large things whole wether it be chunks of meat or some smaller dinosaurs whole- since their jaw can go wide af- literally my fav dino
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dzamie-oc · 4 years
Smaugust 14 - Feathered
A dragoness and her deinonychus friend go out for dinner and discuss having feathers. Then they eat some people. (2135 words)
cw: death, gore, hard vore
Sivarel strode into the restaurant and up to the host. The dragoness sat back on her haunches to raise a paw, digits folding to make a "V" symbol. "Table for two, please," she said with a smile.
"Of course, ma'am," the employee replied. He gathered a pair of menus and handed them to a tall, slender server - probably an elf, or elven in ancestry. "Will this be indoor or outdoor seating?"
"Outdoor, please," Sivarel said, "ideally not surrounded by other tables. Cuz, you know, wings." She self-consciously brought the feather-covered limbs closer to her body.
The host nodded and made a mark on the seating plan, then gave the server a quiet instruction. "Absolutely," the server said with a professional smile, "this way, please, follow me."
The dragoness dropped back to all fours to pad smoothly along behind the elf, through a pair of glass doors, and onto the stone-tiled ground outside. They wove easily around some groups eating and conversing, before the server stopped and gestured to the table. Sivarel thanked them, then nudged one of the chairs aside to sit on the ground, shifting her weight back to sit up and get her front paws off the ground.
"Can I get you anything to drink?"
The dragoness shook her head. "Just water, thanks." After the server left, Sivarel turned away from anything and anyone flammable, held her paws together, and breathed a quick jet of flame across them for quick and rough sterilization. She was far too proud of her draconic form to transform herself just for a simple dinner. After opening the menu in front of her, she slowly extended one wing along her side and began idly fussing with her primaries and secondaries, brushing them into place with small, careful claw movements. When the server appeared with two glasses of water, she refolded her wing.
"Are we ready to order, ma'am?"
Sivarel hummed, thinking for a few seconds. "Still going back and forth between a couple of things. In the meantime, could I start with the chicken strip appetizer?"
"Of course, I'll get that right out to you." The elf made a quick note in their order pad, then walked back away, leaving the dragon to her water. Then, in the corner of her eye, she recognized a certain someone.
"Hey, Siv!" said a deinonychus with a dark red stripe down her back plumage, waving at the dragon.
"Hello, Cerise. I haven't ordered yet, but there's chicken strips coming." She gestured with her head in a path through the door and the restaurant.
"Cool!" The dinosaur tensed and sprang up, easily clearing the fence to land next to her friend. She climbed into the chair opposite Sivarel and opened up her menu. "Ooh, that's a big steak," she commented.
"Did you really just jump up? I can't take you anywhere," Sivarel said with a smile. "I'm thinking of getting the half-chicken. I grabbed a small something on the way here."
"Something, or someONE?" Cerise asked with a mischievous grin.
Sivarel stared at her. "We're in a restaurant."
"Yeah, but you're still a dragon, and I'm still a raptor." Sivarel opened her mouth to reply, but Cerise held up a claw. "No 'veloci-' there, I'm right. Anyway, people are gonna eavesdrop cuz that's what people do. Might as well have some fun at their expense." She flipped through the menu a couple times, glancing at the items. "Split a full chicken?"
"Sure. And yeah, but that doesn't mean I have to play along." The dragoness folded her menu and stacked it on top of Cerise's.
A few moments later, the server returned with a plate of chicken strips. The elf took the order from Sivarel while Cerise took a few strips to her plate to begin eating.
The duo engaged in some small talk for a while, catching up on each other's days, before the chicken arrived. They each took part of the bird, a very brief break in their conversation.
"Oh, I forgot to mention," the deinonychus said after gulping down a bit of chicken, "I went and saw Jurassic Park again the other day."
"Really? Why? I thought you hated its popularization of naked dinos." The dragon smirked and leaned in slightly. "Or did you go to see the naked dinos, you naughty murderbird?"
Cerise glanced away. "Aren't we in a restaurant or something?" After another second of being smugged at by her friend, she rolled her eyes. "But no, I'm guessing they wanted to make dosh on concessions, so they offered ninety - yes, NINETY - percent off to dinosaurs. Got plenty of feathery butts in seats, I'll say that much." She tilted her head. "Or, at least, plenty of seats filled with feathery butts. I think the t-rex ended up taking, like, half a dozen or so, between her rear and her tail. Polite enough to sit in the back so us smaller folk could actually see every inch of Jeff Goldblum..."
"Well, eye candy aside, how was it? Quiet theater, or did you get one of the fun ones?"
"Oh, nobody there took the movie seriously. If there was a dino whose species appeared on screen, there were 'constructive comments' about the scene thrown about." Cerise grinned, silently recalling some choice arguments between the velociraptors and the utahraptors. "Plus, one of the non-dragons sitting near the rex kept talking about the differences between book and movie, which was at least more interesting than wondering if Rexy in the movie was going to eat the obvious protagonists. Dunno if it was the catfolk or the... dolphin next to her, though."
Sivarel swallowed the last bit of meat on her half of the chicken. "...dolphin?" she asked skeptically. "Oh, by the way, let me know when you're done. I crave meat."
"It was a dark theater, okay? Vaguely dolphin-shaped blob. Only got the catfolk cuz they meowed." She took a quick break to wolf down some more chicken, and Sivarel mimed asking for the check to the server, then the small dinosaur continued, "anyway, all of this was supposed to be a lead-up to: you've got feathers, I've got feathers."
The friends shared a quick smile and said together, "mine are prettier," and laughed.
"Anyway, again. We have feathers, but not, like, a ton. If you had to choose between being naked, and being as fluffy as an owl, which would you pick?"
"Easy," the dragoness replied, crunching on a bone, "I have a minimum comfort temperature, and no maximum. I will be the fluffiest dragon you ever did see, and I will be comfy forever." The server set down the bill, and Sivarel quickly placed enough coins to cover the cost and a decent tip before pushing it back towards the elf. "Keep the change. Anyway, Cerise, let's hear your answer. Big feathers or no feathers?"
"Joke's on you, I came prepared. No feathers, but I would have to hang out with my dragon friend a lot during winter." The deinonychus did her best sad-puppy impression. "Surely my bestest dragoness friend Sivarel wouldn't leave me to become a raptorsicle?"
Their conversation briefly halted as they wound their way back through the restaurant and said a polite goodbye to the employee at the front. "Anyway," Sivarel continued, putting on a silly voice, "Missus Owldragon, how many licks does it take to get to the deinonychus-filled center of a Cerise-pop?" She draped a wing over her friend as they passed a small grove, and pulled her in. "Let's find out. A-"
Suddenly, an empty two-liter bottle bounced off the dragon's head with an audible "donk!" She whirled and glared at where it came from. "Really?!" she shouted, only to hear a guy cheer and call, "ten points!"
The dragoness took a deep breath. "Cerise, my wonderful murderbird friend?"
The deinonychus swished her tail slowly, building excitement boiling off in the form of energy. "Yes, Sivarel, my sister in feather and scale?"
Sivarel bared her fangs - for it could not really be called "grinning." "I'm feeling a bit peckish. Shall we see about a second course?"
Cerise followed suit, crouching in preparation. "Why, I thought you'd never ask."
Cerise darted swiftly between the trees, darting back and forth like she was running the slalom at a dog show. Sivarel, in contrast, sprang up, soaring over the tops of the trees with a few powerful beats of her wings. She watched with keen eyes as the smaller dinosaur wove through the trees, screeching a challenge. The humanoids, not nearly as nimble as the deinonychus swaying her tail with each turn, quickly made for a clearing in the trees. Unfortunately for them, clearings were exactly what Sivarel loved to see.
She folded her wings and dropped like a stone, landing with a heavy THUD right in front of them. The first - a human - she caught his head in her mouth, sending him into a blind panic as a quick kick with a foreleg sent the other - a tiger catfolk - right into Cerise's path. Between the difficulty of subduing a struggling meal shortly after eating, and the need to avoid attracting too much attention with screams, the dragoness quickly made up her mind. She clamped down firmly on the man's head and jerked her own head quickly to the side. There was a snap, and the human hung limp in her jaws. Meanwhile, her dinosaur friend had come to a similar conclusion, and had leapt up to cling to the tiger's head, rapidly kicking to tear out the woman's throat. The catfolk, however, had better reflexes than her human counterpart, and successfully threw the little dinosaur off... before falling back, herself, rapidly suffocating and bleeding out.
Cerise wiped her claws on the feline's fur, then looked up at the dragoness. "I'm gonna go scuff up some tracks. Back in a few." And like that, she trotted back into the woods, pausing occasionally to kick around the grass, dirt, and leaves.
Sivarel flicked her head back, then jerked forward, catching the man's shoulders in her jaws. Another toss and a swallow, and she'd gotten him almost halfway in. She swallowed again and tipped her head back, leaving her mouth open as she shifted and jerked her head and neck, welcoming her second course into her stomach. One or two more swallows to make sure, and then she laid down to digest her meal and wait for her friend.
A couple minutes later, the deinonychus made a reappearance, trotted over to the feline body, now thoroughly dead, and began to tear it open. "Our next trick, of course," she said between bites, "is to get back home without attention."
"Even from volunteers?" Sivarel asked with a smile.
"Especially from volunteers," Cerise answered. "They're the absolute worst for me. You can gulp 'em down nice and easy, but they seem to think I can, too." Rip, tear, snap snap gulp. "No matter how many times I tell them, they're all super surprised when I slash open their guts and start snacking on their intestines. Ooh, speaking of which..." The dinosaur made a quick cut, then began to slurp down the organ like a bloody noodle.
The dragoness's stomach gurgled and growled as it compressed and moved the meat within. "Expecting you to start at the neck, maybe? Or do they just think that you'll be able to swallow them whole anyway? What would you even look like?"
Cerise dipped her head into the torn-open tiger woman, and reemerged a few seconds later with blood on her feathers. "No, I offer the neck and they always refuse. And, I dunno, I think my belly would drag on the ground. Uh, no pun intended."
"Behold the fast and agile deinonychus," Sivarel remarked with a snicker. "Anyway, when we're ready to head out, I'll lick you clean. Anyone asks, you spilled something sweet on you and I couldn't resist."
The dinosaur nodded, then went back to her eating. After a bit, she pulled back and walked over to her friend. "Along the feathers, if you could. It's harder for me to fix mine than you yours."
Sivarel nodded back, then set about carefully licking her, drawing the blood away from the coarse feathers and into her mouth. Once she had a soaked, but mostly clean, dinosaur in front of her, she smiled and leapt into the air. "See you back outside the trees!"
The dragoness soon landed back on the sidewalk, and started preening her wings again while waiting for her friend. A couple people stopped to watch; she stared back until they went away. After a minute or so, Cerise stepped out from the grove. With a wordless nod, they turned and began to make their way back to their homes, more full than they had at first intended to be.
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sailor-star-bones · 4 years
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Cuddle Buddies:Pretend Vore YCH
Acute cuddly piece of @the-novas-and-company sona and my sona Mellon the Elemental Canvas (shark fox snake crystal) Heof the Tree Canvas (cat raptor rabbit thing)
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