#rapturous love of mushrooms TRULY
orcelito · 2 years
Love seeing a "What will you refuse to eat" kind of thing bc there r plenty of foods I don't like, but I also have a Try Everything disease which means I want to try everything. Including things not meant to be eaten (like raw boba or plain espresso beans lol). & even foods I don't like, every so often I will try them again Just In Case, bc with like salsa and salad I used to hate them.but now I love them. So I've tried olives multiple times, I've tried salmon and other fish, & im just like "hmmm that's still a no for me" but I will probably try them again. Someday. Such is my nature.
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widow-tarot · 4 days
MINI PAC READING: What Would They Tell You If They Could? (Romance)
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GROUPS: 1 - 2 - 3 4 - 5 - 6
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Instruction: Think about your person while choosing a group. Do not use more than 1 group for one person. Just to remind you, this is only for entertainment purposes.
If you don't feel drawn to any group, then this reading is not for you.
Cards: Ace of Wands, Knight of Wands rx, Wheel of Fortune rx, I Like You, Girl Talk rx, Pond, Archangel Metatron.
I like you. I know it's straightforward, but I cannot say it in any other way that's more meaningful or more direct. It might not sound meaningful but it is to me (I hope it is to you too). I feel there is a spiritual connection between us and it seems no matter what, we keep coming back to each other. Our connection is like a pond; can be insignificant to others but to us, it holds so much life and secrets but it can easily be destroyed if not cultivated. We are so hot and cold; we like each other, then we hate each other over something trivial (we both don't know what exactly annoyed us). I want to move towards you but things are holding me back. There's so much I want to do and say but I'm standing still. I know we will truly come together someday. No one knows about it because I don't share those feelings with friends. It seems too private and sacred.
Eric by Mitski ("Take off my clothes and watch me move; You can come closer, I'll let you hurt me; But how long, how long can we play this way?; I'm tired, I'm tired of not loving you"
Blue Velvet by Lana Del Rey ("Ours a love I held tightly; Feeling the rapture grow; Like a flame burning brightly; But when she left; Gone was the glow")
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You, Baby by Cigarettes After Sex ("Whispered something in your ear; It was a perverted thing to say; But I said it anyway; Made you smile and look away; Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby; As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine")
Cards: 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles, 7 of Cups, Noose rx, Mushrooms, The Snake, Hammer rx, Seraphim Seraphisa rx.
You will forever be in my heart and mind, but we can never be together in the way we want. There are way too many blockages and I do think we are not fit to be in a relationship. I am in a committed relationship (or you are) and I do not wish to leave her for I love her. Maybe I am a coward, but I am a practical and cautious one. I will not take reckless actions just to wake up one day and regret it. I think what we have is a fantasy, pleasant make-believe, daydreaming. However, I don't want you gone because you're an important person to me. I wish you happiness but I can't follow you.
Lonesome Love by Mitski ("I call you, to see you again; So I can win, and this can finally end")
Blue Banisters by Lana Del Rey ("She said, "You can't be a muse and be happy, too; You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy"; And that scared me; 'Cause I met a man who said he'd come back every May;Just to help me if I'd paint; Now when weather turns to May; All my sisters come to paint")
Flash by Cigarettes After Sex ("I'm a flash; You were blinded by the love I had; I'm a flash; The light could only get in through the cracks")
Cards: The Hierophant rx, 8 of Wands, The Devil, 10 of Swords rx, Wildflowers, Mirror, Keys on a Ring, Archangel Raphael.
You are the temptation, the chaos in my life, the wildflowers that can still be growing but can also be already taken by someone else while I wasn't looking. You're untouchable, unable to be caught, translucent. One minute you're here only to leave seconds later just to come back and stay for a long time. You're unpredictable, a sin worth sinning for. But I hate to be alone and you make me sad. I love to see you but I hate myself when you leave. I don't know if you have any feelings for me; is it something serious or is it just casual and convenient? I can't do this anymore, I'm trapped and I feel miserable. I wish I could tell you to stay away, to abandon me, to never come back. It would be easier for me to move on then but I am a fool for you. I wish I was strong enough to talk things through but I'd rather have some of you than none of you. Then again, being with you hurts me so what should I do?
Should've Been Me by Mitski ("Relive all the ways you still want me; I haven't given you what you need; You wanted me but couldn't reach me; I'm sorry it should've been me"
Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey ("I will love you till the end of time; I would wait a million years; Promise you'll remember that you're mine; Baby, can you see through the tears?; You went out every night; And, baby, that's alright; But when you walked out that door; A piece of me died")
Ambien Slide by Cigarettes After Sex ("Take my love with some pretend; You said you couldn't help it; Had everything that you wanted; When my love was something yours; But now you're feeling helpless")
Cards: Death, Page of Pentacles rx, The Chariot rx, Archangel Sammael, Eileen Chang rx, Boat rx, Engagement Ring rx.
I don't want to try to fix this thing between us anymore, it's a fool's errand. We tried and it didn't work, it's time to move on to something else because we are just wasting our time and I'm exhausted. Let me go. Let me leave, peacefully. I don't want to fight but I'm frustrated. I think we tried to escape the inevitable but at the end of the road, we cannot pretend any longer. Relieve me of this burden and don't resent me.
Working For The Knife by Mitski ("I always thought the choice was mine; And I was right, but I just chose wrong")
Bel Air by Lana Del Rey ("Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate; Trying to tell me to wait; But I can't wait to see you; So I run, like I'm mad, to heaven's door; I don't wanna be bad; I won't cheat you no more")
Tejano Blue by Cigarettes After Sex ("We wanted to fuck with real love; Wanted it sweet, so pure and warm; And when you say you want it all, I know you want it all; Baby, take it all from me; I always will make it feel like you were the last one; So get in the waves like it was the first time")
Cards: The Star rx, 7 of Pentacles, 10 of Swords rx, Glove rx, The Phoenix, Paradise rx, Archangel Haniel.
I wish we could start anew, without any bitter history between us that holds us back and clouds our judgment. We cannot fully be together while all these thoughts are troubling us, making us suspicious of each other and insecure. I know we both lost hope for this connection, yet we are still going and proceeding with it in any way we can. We don't want this to be over but we need to find a solution. I want you in my life and I'm willing to put work into it. Are you? Someone needs to make the first step though and it's the most difficult thing to do. We cannot stay still for much longer though. We communicate telepathically but we also have to communicate in real life.
First Love/Late Spring by Mitski ("Please hurry leave me; I can't breathe; Please don't say you love me; One word from you and I would; Jump off of this ledge I'm on; Tell me "don't" so I can crawl back in")
Video Games by Lana Del Rey ("It's you, it's you, it's all for you; Everything I do; I tell you all the time; Heaven is a place on earth with you; Tell me all the things you wanna do; It's better than I ever even knew; They say that the world was built for two; Only worth living if somebody is loving you")
Goodbye Mr Blue by Father John Misty (" But maybe if he'd gone sooner; Could've brought us back together last June; When the last time was our last time; If only then I knew; The last time was our last time; Would've told you that the last time comes too soon")
Cards: Page of Swords rx, 9 of Cups rx, 4 of Swords, Sappho, Archangel Chamuel, Cupid's Arrow rx, Separation rx.
Do you love me? You say you do why does your love cause so much pain? Why am I in agony instead of being elated and happy? Is this how you show your love? I feel neglected and manipulated. I feel ignored and mocked. Am I your partner or your pet? Do you even care what I want? Do you care what I have to say? You treat me as a child as if I cannot think or decide for myself. Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think so lowly of me? When you're not here, I don't miss you and my mind is at ease. I lost all hope for anything to change. It hurts even more because I love you, but your love is weird and dysfunctional. I feel trapped. I even stopped speaking my mind because it was met with ridicule and anger.
Wife by Mitski ("For if I am not yours, what am I?; I daydream I'd give one a name of my own; For even I am on loan; For even mine is unknown; So let me go towards the morning star; With hope it won't disappear;)
Carmen by Lana Del Rey ("Baby's all dressed up, with nowhere to go; That's the little story of the girl you know; Relyin' on the kindness of strangers; Darlin', darlin', doesn't have a problem; Lyin' to herself, 'cause her liquor's top shelf; It's alarmin', honestly, how charmin' she can be; Foolin' everyone, tellin' 'em she's havin' fun")
Hot by Cigarettes After Sex ("Is it all in my head? 'Cause I keep getting scared; That I'll always be lost forever; But I don't give a shit if I'm too delicate; When you hold me, it's always better")
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the59er · 1 year
Dear August, please be nice. Let’s delete bad memories of the past.
1st Aug 2023, Tuesday Listening: Just Because, jolvh
WIO Tuesday. I liked my ‘fit today. & I surprisingly finished my lunch.
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Altogether, the day was exhausting. Thank God for new friend & wbox buddy 🌟.
2nd Aug 2023, Wednesday Listening: Ready for the Floor, Hot Chip
Happy Yush Day! So stoked that they’ve finally reopened. Spent my evening doing my work there. Z stopped by and we headed out to dins at regular spot which unfortunately no longer makes fried rice??But the omelette and butter chicken with plain rice still tasted great so Im not complaining.
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3rd Aug 2023, Thursday Listening: Les Élémens Symphony No.1 Les Cahos, Jean-Féry Rebel
Flu day. I hated it. Cant remember what else happened.
4th Aug 2023, Friday Listening: Echoes, The Rapture
I forgot that I was supposed to be on leave today. Does that make me a workaholic? If I had remembered, I wouldve just slept in, considering my flu from the night before. My plan was to buy myself pillows at ikea but Z wasnt feeling well so I brought him out to dins at BV.
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5th Aug 2023, Saturday Listening: All Night Disco Party, Brakes
Had to leave the car at the SC because it was taking forever. D drove me back to the SC to pick up my car and it’s always nice to be driven by him and it’s always fun to be inside a different car for a change. Went snack shopping & yush before home.
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6th Aug 2023, Sunday Listening: Officially Missing You, Tamia
What a great day! Ive missed the circle so much. I truly appreciate the very few friends I have left. I wish I have more, until I am reminded by the fact that it’s always better to have quality over quantity.
I also love the fact that when we hang, I got to have my pictures taken randomly, thanks to J!!
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For dins, random decish to try Nak Nak. My basic ass unfortunately still prefer the highly processed cheese & patty of the good 'ol mushroom swiss from BK 😂
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Good week.
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joonspecs · 5 years
well spent~
could you imagine sucking THIS man’s dick
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Listen here for the smutty playlist I wrote this to.
p.s this is my first time writing a r/l scenario sooooo... feedback is very much appreciated!
Legs spread just like that while you’re knelt between them, palms slowly rubbing up and down his thighs as he leans back to watch you get needy for his cock. Watching you sputter nonsense and rambling on about how much you missed him, how much you missed the feel of his skin against yours, the warmth of his touch from his beautifully veined hands, preferably in your hair as you reach forward to finally take the band of his pants and pull them down. His member, semi-hard and growing still, warm and velvet in your hands, the tanned underside of his cock and the pink mushroom top slowly pulsating in your hands as you wrapped it in your hands, appreciating the weight of him before leaning down to run your tongue from his balls, past the vein that coiled around his cock before tonguing the slit. His soft grunts and low sighs at the slick of your mouth filling your ears as you teased him till his rock hard in your palms.
Maybe this could serve as a reward. For the man who’s done nothing but work his back and mind into the ground for almost 8 years since debut, writing, producing, rehearsing, dancing, getting inspired, touring, performing, meetings, and countless hours dedicated to his craft. Because he’s so damn good at it. And he’s so damn intelligent and treats you so well. So maybe this time... and then forever, you could spend a lifetime between his legs sucking his dick to his heart’s content. And even then, suck some more.
You don’t know what it was about being watched but the way you could sense his gaze on you with such lewd intent just to watch you suck him off did everything you yearned to have you wet and  dripping in your panties. But tonight, wasn’t about you. It was all about him. As it should be for his vacation. You planned everything for such a time as this.
You’re pulled from your thoughts as he muttered a curse and you peered up to find him looking down at you with lidded eyes, heavy from the sensual licks and wet kisses you placed from his thighs to his cock and teasing him once more by placing another open mouthed kiss on his balls.
“Baby, please,” he pleaded, desperation thick in his throat from the way you see his adams apple undulate while he dropped his head back with his eyes rolling back into his head from the pure euphoria of your teasing.
God you loved this man more than anything in the world, and he deserved every good thing and every beautiful thing you often wondered whether you could give him exactly that. But for now you’d settle for his pleasure at the surrender of your mouth alone, and the power that painted every time you watched him cum in abandon from oral sex alone is enough to have you cease your teasing and finally giving the man what he deserved.
A well good sucking to have him draining balls and down your throat, and what was even more rewarding for you is the end when you feel his warm load slither warmly and slickly as you swallow every drop.
After all, it’s the very least you could do.
“Shit, baby please.”
“What?” you whined, keeping your voice light from any indication that you knew exactly what he wanted. You stroked his cock slowly and torturously making sure to grip him exactly the way he likes it as you pursed your lips at the tip of his cock, a small drop of pre-cum pooling at the slit.
“If you don’t put my cock in your mouth this instant I’m shoving it deep down your throat you’ll feel it in your stomach baby, don’t play with me.”
There he was. Finally, you smiled, giggled shyly at his words and while keeping your gaze on his face, you finally wrapped your lips around him, taking him oh so wondrously with every inch you sucked into your mouth. You lived for his deep sighs and the way his chest gasped in air at your ministrations, the way his hands twitched to bury themselves in your hair, and finally his deep groans when you surely, hollowing your cheeks as you dragged agonisingly slow up his cock. You stopped at the head and with your tongue, swirled around the mushroom top while your hands clutched the rest of his inches in leisurely strokes as his thighs twitched. His hands finally coming to rest on your head as you felt his fingers dress them through your hair without any indication to pull, but you wanted him to. You wanted to feel the harsh grip of his hands pulling at your scalp, you want him primally. So purely animalistic that you huffed and let go of his cock with resounding ‘pop’ before uttering your next words whilst looking deep into his honey onyx eyes.
“Fuck my throat Joonie,” you pled.
“Yeah you want me to?” he hums, brushing your hair that framed your face back as he leaned down to press his forehead against yours, still gripping his hard member in your hand.
“What do we say when we want something Y/N?” he whispers, the warmth of his breath fanning against your face as you felt yourself grow wetter by the smooth velvet timbre of his voice. The same voice he works so hard to train for certain sound qualities to his rap.
“Please Joon, please?”
“Hmm… missed me that much did you?”
You nodded your head eagerly, reaching for his balls with your other hand, but from the way he started to shake his head you stopped just short of them while licking your lips moist.
“Ok baby,” he crooned, the natural way you took to his cooing by nuzzling your face against his groin proved more than exhilarating just to feel his heat the way all things knew the all-consuming rapture of the suns warmth.
And what a vacation truly well spent.
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hd-learns-korean · 4 years
Musical Monday’s Week 6: Blooming Days by EXO - CBX
Hey all and a  happy Monday! Today I’m back with another musical Monday post. Oh my goodness is it week 6 already! 
The song this week is a request and I think it’s great choice! I like EXO and I’ve heard a few of their songs but I haven’t listened to this one before. I’m glad I got the chance to listen to it though as it’s a great song and I got to learn so much new vocabulary! 🤩😄
Song: Blooming days by EXO-CBX
Genre: K-poptastic!
My thoughts on the song: I’m still humming the tune to this song as I’m writing this post. Very catchy! Very upbeat. Everything you could ask for from a K-pop song. 
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Disclaimer - I do use examples from Naver because I wanna make sure that the examples are correct. However I will use my own examples to practice writing Korean. Also for my own examples where I can’t fully translate, because I don’t know the full grammar structure I use Papago to help translate my English sentence into Korean. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes. All the examples that are not my own I will label/ explain where I found them from! 
Let’s get this study train going HOOT HOOT! 🥳
👈👉담아내다 1. serve 2.) show/ express
Naver Examples: 
수북이 담아내다 pack up in a heap
진실을 담아내다 to capture the truth
🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️싫다 – To hate, to dislike 2.) unpleasant, disagreeable, distasteful
🎁Present tense:  싫어, 싫어요, 싫습니다
⏰Past tense: 싫었어, 싫었어요, 싫었습니다
🔮Future tense: 싫을 거야, 싫을 거예요, 싫을 겁니다
Naver Examples:
이런 말 하기는 싫지만 I hate to say this/ tell you this but…
너는 보기 싫다 I don’t want to see you (Nuance:you make me sick! )
일하기가 싫다. I don’t want to work.
My examples -  저는 버섯이 싫어요! I hate mushrooms!
🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️않다 be not/ do not
Naver Example:
그것은 좋지도 나쁘지도 않다 It is neither good nor bad
😴지치다 1.) to become tired/ to become exhausted 2.) to become weary/ bored of
🎁Present tense: 지쳐, 지쳐요, 지칩니다
⏰Past tense: 지쳤어, 지쳤어요, 지쳤습니다
🔮Future tense: 지칠 거야, 지칠 거예요, 지칠 겁니다
Naver Examples:
나는 완전히 지쳤다 I’m warn out/ I’m completely exhausted
눈에 띄게 지치다 visibly tired
약간 지치다 a bit tired
육체적으로 지치다 physically tired
정신적으로 지치다 mentally tired
🌱움트다 Sprout/ bud/ shoot
🎁Present tense: 움터, 움터요, 움틉니다
⏰Past tense: 움텄어, 움텄어요, 움텄습니다
🔮Future tense: 움틀 거야, 움틀 거예여, 움틀 겁니다
Naver Example:
작약이 움트기 시작하였다 The peony started to sprout.
🤏작다 1.) small/tiny/ short
🎁Present tense: 작아, 작아요, 작습니다
⏰Past tense: 작았어, 작았어요, 잣았습니다
🔮Future tense: 작을 거야, 작을 거예요, 작을 겁니다
Naver Examples:
작은 인물 A small-minded person
작은 목소리 a low voice
키가 작은 사람 a short person
담이 작다 be cowardly
👀보다 1.)See/ look/ watch 2.) think/ judge 3.) agree on/settle on 4.) taste/ examine 5.) manage/ attend to  6.) get 7.) urinate/ excrete
🎁Present tense: 봐, 봐요, 봅니다
⏰Past tense: 봤어, 봤어요, 봤습니다
🔮Future tense: 볼 거야, 볼 거예요, 볼 겁니다
Naver Examples:
보기 좋다 be good looking/ be attractive
어디 한번 봅시다 Let’s take a look
앞을 봐라! Look forward!
너 그렇게 안 봤는데 I didn't think you were like that.
사람 볼 줄 아시네요 you are a good judge of character.
봐라, 내가 뭐랬냐? See, what did I tell you
보기 좋게 당하셨군요 serves you right/ you got what you deserved
책을 보다 look through a book
맛을 보다 taste the food
사무를 보다 attend to business
아이를 보다 baby sit
집을 보다 look after the house
손자를 보다 get a grandchild
소변을 보다 urinate/ pass water
🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️😴🤏모자라다 1.) to be insufficient, to be short of 2.) dull, stupid, slow- witted
🎁Present tense: 모자라, 모자라요, 모자랍니다
⏰Past tense: 모자랐어, 모자랐어요, 모자랐습니다
🔮Future tense: 모자랄 거야, 모자랄 거예요, 모자랄 겁니다
Naver Examples: 
돈이 약간 모자라요 I’m slightly short of money
시간이 모자라요 I’m running out of time.
잠이 모자라서 늘 피곤해요 I’m always tired from lack of sleep
역량이 모자라다 be incapable of
실력이 모자라다 Lack ability
🚛🗑버리다 1.) throw away 2.) abandon/leave/forsake/give up
🎁Present tense: 버려, 버려요, 버립니다
⏰Past tense: 버렸어, 버렸어요, 버렸습니다
🔮Future tense: 버릴 거야, 버릴 거예요, 버릴 겁니다
Naver Examples:
쓰레기를 버리다 throw away garbage
희망을 버리지 마라 don’t give up hope
악습을 버리다 renounce bad habits
🤝닿다 to touch/ to reach
Naver Examples:
정말 가슴에 와 닿는 강의였다 The lecture truly touched my heart.
무사히 닿다 arrive in safety
🌺🌻🌼피어나다 To bloom
🙅‍♂️🙅‍♀️못하다 1.)to be bad at/ poor at 2.) be not
Naver Examples:
저는 노래를 못해요 I’m a terrible singer
나는 술을 잘 못한다 I’m not much of a drinker
물이 맑지 못하다 The water is not clear.
🤞🤞원하다 to want/ to wish
🎁Present tense: 원해 원해요, 원합니다
⏰Past tense: 원했어, 원했어요, 원했습니다
🔮Future tense: 원할 거야, 원핼 거예요, 원할 겁니다
Naver Examples:
그녀가 원하는 대로 해 주세요 do as she wishes
생일 선물로 뭘 원하세요? What do you want for your birthday?
모든 사람은 행복과 건강을 원한다 All people desire happiness and health.
🎁주다 give/ present
🎁Present tense: 줘, 줘요, 줍니다
⏰Past tense: 줬어, 줬어요, 줬습니다
🔮Future tense: 줄 거야, 줄 거예요, 줄 겁니다 
Naver Examples:
좀 싸게 주세요 can’t you give me a better price? (deal)
힌트 좀 주세요 give me a hint (clue)
겁을 주다 frighten
도움을 주다 support
마음을 주다 trust/ confide in
🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️❓대답하다 answer/ reply/ response
🎁Present tense: 대답해, 대답해요, 대답��니다
⏰Past tense: 대답했어, 대답했어요, 대답했습니다
🔮Future tense: 대답할 거야, 대답할 거예요, 대답할 겁니다
Naver Examples:
확실한 대답을 듣고 싶다 I want a definite (solid) answer
간결한 대답 brief answer
솔직한 대답 straight/ candid answer
즉각적인 대답 immediate answer
🧐👩‍💻👩‍🔧👨‍🏫풀어내다 1.) To unravel, disentangle 2.) To solve/ work out
Naver Examples:
방정식을 풀어내다 to solve an equation
실을 풀어내다 untie thread
문제를 풀어내다 solve a problem
적대감을 풀어내다 dispel hostility
🔄바꾸다 1.) change, switch
🎁Present tense: 바꿔, 바꿔요, 바꿉니다
⏰Past tense: 바꿨어, 바꿨어요, 바꿨습니다
🔮Future tense: 바꿀 거야, 바꿀 거예요, 바꿀 겁니다
Naver Examples:
계획을 바꾸다 change one’s plans
방향을 바꾸다 change one’s direction
👉👀⏰아득하다 to be far, distant, far away, distant past
Naver Examples:
아득히 먼 옛날에 a very long (time) ago
아득한 옛날 dim past
💃아름답다 – To be beautiful, gorgeous, lovely
Examples found from Naver:
꽃이 정말 아름답네요! What beautiful flowers
아름다운 목소리 a beautiful voice
아름답게 charmingly
마음씨가 아름답다 be kindhearted
⛔❌막히다 be blocked, clogged, stopped
Examples found from Naver:
기가 막혀서 말이 안 나온다 I’m completely speechless (It’s simply too ridiculous for words)
감기에 걸려 코가 막힌다 I have a cold, and my nose is stuffed up.
길이 막히다 a road is blocked.
중 -  1.) Center/ middle 2.) medium/ average 3.) During 4.) under/ among
Grammar – It is a noun that can be used for:
1.) identifying something out of many things
2.) Refer to a state of time when oneself is doing something
3.) Refer to a state that oneself is in
Naver Examples: 
여행 중에 on one’s journey
공사 중이다 be under construction
이 중에서 out of these
위인 중 in the midst of greatness
회의 중 during a meeting
학기 중 during the semester
My example -  나는 시험 도중에 잠이 들었다. I fell asleep during the exam.
😃표정 expression/ look/ face
Naver Examples:
표정이 밝다 Look bright (happy)
짓궂은 표정을 짓다 make a mischievous face
표정이 있는 expressive/ full of expression
표정이 없는 expressionless
무표정한 얼굴 deadpan
🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️끝 1.) End/ finish 2.) tip/ point/ the nib of a pen
Naver Examples:
처음부터 끝까지 from start to finish
끝까지 반대하다 oppose all the way
의자 끝에 걸터앉다 sit on the edge of the chair
끝의 final
끝이 가는 tapering
코끝 the tip of a nose
🌅🌇하루 a day/ one day
Naver Example:
하루는 24시간이다 there are 24hours in a day
🤔🤓생각 1.) thought/ think 2.) remember/ remembrance/  call to one’s mind
Naver Example:
생각에 잠기다 be lost in deep thought
생각 잘했어요 good thinking
My examples - 저는 생각 맞았어요. I though I was right (I was right)
저는 생각 그 드레스가 진짜 예쁘다! I think that dress is really pretty!
그는 몇 주 동안 그 문제에 대해 생각했다. He thought about the problem for weeks.
🔄🌇매일 daily, everyday, each day
Naver Examples:
매일 비가 내렸다 It rained day after day.
매일 밤 night after night
🥰❤감정 feelings, emotions, sentiment
Naver Examples:
감정을 숨기지 못하다 cannot hide one’s feelings/ wear your heart on your sleeve
감정에 치우치다 become emotional/ sentimental
개인적인 감정 Personal feelings
복잡한 감정 mixed feelings
우호적인 감정 positive (warm) feelings
적대적인 감정 hostile feelings
🔄⏰🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️어느새 In no time, so soon, quickly
Naver Examples:
비가 어느새 그쳤다 the rain stopped before we knew it
어느새 다 자라다 grow up before you know it
어느새 세월이 흐르다 Time flies before one knows it
🚤🏕🏞🛤깊숙이 1.) deep, far 2.) seriously
Naver Examples:
장 속에 깊숙이 넣다 put deep into a chest
모자를 깊숙이 눌러쓰 jam one’s hat on (I dunno why but this example made me laugh so much...lockdown life  has evidently gotten to me! 😂)
깊숙이 빠지다 fall deep
🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️🤸‍♀️🏋️‍♂️몸 1.)Body/build/frame 2.) health
Naver Examples:
몸에 좋다 be wholesome/ be healthful/ be beneficial for one’s health
강건한 몸 A powerful/ strong body
탄탄한[근육질의] 몸 a firm (muscular) body
몸에 꼭 끼는 바지 skin tight trousers
몸이 뚱뚱한 stout
몸을 단련하다 work out
몸을 가리다 cover oneself/ clothe oneself
내 몸 myself
몸을 던지다 engage in
몸에 배다 feel at home with
⏰순간 Moment/ instant
Naver Examples:
중요한 순간 critical/ crucial moment
바로 그 순간 exact/ precise moment
🖐손 hand
Naver Examples:
손을 씻다 wash one’s hands
이 손 놔요! Let go of my hand!
내 the inside
Naver Examples:
건물 내 the inside of a building
한 시간 내로 끝날 겁니다 It'll be done within an hour.
🌎세상 The world/ society
Naver Examples:
세상을 놀라게 하다 Astonish the world
세상 참 좁네요 it’s a small world/ what a small world!
세상을 있는 그대로 받아들이다 take the world as it is
🔄전부 all
Naver Examples:
전부 합쳐서 얼마예요? How much in total (all)?
그의 말은 전부 거짓말이다 Everything he says is a lie.
전부의 entire/ complete/ every
🥧🌻🌼🌺향기 scent/ fragrance/ perfume/ aroma
Naver Examples:
짙은 향기 a strong scent
은은한 향기 delicate/ subtle fragrance
꽃향기 the scent of a flower
고소한 향기 a spicy fragrance
⛈🌧🌨흠뻑 1.)sopping/ soaked/ to the skin 2.) fully/ sufficiently
Naver Examples:
비가 대지를 흠뻑 적셨다 the rain saturated the soil
흠뻑 젖은 옷 dripping clothes
흠뻑 취하다 get drunk to the skin (get very drunk/ wasted)
배 twice/ double/ two fold/ times/ fold
Naver Examples:
배의 double/ two times
3배 three times/ three fold
이제 now
Naver Examples:
이제부터 from now
이제 그만! Stop! Enough!
오늘 today
Naver Examples:
오늘의 날씨를 전해 드리겠습니다 Here's today's (weather) forecast.
🥰기분 feelings/ mood
Naver Examples:
기분이 좋다 feeling good/ well
지금 농담할 기분이 아니다 I’m in no mood for jokes now
오늘은 기분이 좀 어떠세요? How do you feel today?
기분 최고다 I feel awesome/ terrific
기분이 별로 좋지 않다 I’m in a bad mood
기분 더럽다 (Slang) I feel like crap.
이상한 기분이 들다 feel strange
일상 Everyday life
Naver Example:
일상의 everyday/ daily
⏰늘 always/ all the time
Naver Examples:
그는 늘 지각한다 he’s always late
늘 먹는 걸로 주세요 I’ll have the usual
🎨색깔 colour
Naver Examples:
색깔이 흐리다 the colour is cloudy
옅은 색깔 pale/ light colours
😃😄황홀 ecstasy, wonderful, blissful, rapture
Naver Example:
황홀하여 enchanted
황홀하게 하다 charm, fascinate, hold a person spellbound
😮🥵🥴😵반응 response, reaction
Naver Example:
그의 반응은 아주 뜻밖이었다 his reaction was quite unexpected
거세게 반응하다 react strongly
긍정적으로 반응하다 react positively
부정적으로 반응하다 react negatively
빨리 반응하다 react quickly
침착하게 반응하다 react calmly
감정적 반응 emotional reaction
😂🥳장난 joke, fun
Naver Example:
장난 삼아 해 본 소리야 it was just a joke
There we go study list complete! I hope it’s been useful and not too boring! (I know I included a lot of examples so apologies if it took forever to read!) 
This song has been fun to study with as I found a ton of new vocabularies to study and the song is super upbeat. Now if you don’t mind me, I’m off to go play this song again and dance like I’m the star in a music video! 💃
Tumblr media
Happy studying everyone! x 
Note: gifs are not my own creation, all credit should go to the original creator. I just searched for them on tumblr. 
22 notes · View notes
danetobelieve · 4 years
Truth Or Dare Or Die || Lydia and Winston ft Pixies
With everything that was going on, Winston had decided that there was nothing they needed to do other then take a very long walk through the forests of harris island. The place was beautiful. Serene and tranquil. Often it helped Winston clear their mind. It was one of the few times that they didn’t force tech into their every moment and as they strode the dirt tracks that deer and foxes took when no one was looking they wondered if they were the first people to go here today. They had just made it into a clearing that was filled with rings of mushrooms and other damp looking moss. They weren’t far into the clearing when a tiny creature with insect like wings fluttering from it’s back zoomed up to Winston’s face, laughed and booped their nose before zooming away towards a cluster of stumps. “Uh, do you want me to … go that way?”
Lydia was settled under a tree with a bottle of wine and a dozen cups the size of her finger, chattering idly with the pixies twisting her hair into intricate little braids. She’d just had a piece of treebark handed to her by a juvenile pixie, and was pouring over the delicate details carved into the wood. “This is astounding, Pennyleaf. A genuinely beautiful piece. You should be so proud!” It was also a rather grim picture. The pixies weren’t too interested in human styles, but she would have called it an expressionist momento mori piece - portraying a giant skeleton ripping the wings and head off a pixie in his hand. She handed it back to Pennyleaf, who shone brightly in pride before dipping back into their nest to proudly display it. Violetina, who had been out bee-riding, suddenly buzzed back, squealing softly about someone to play with. The pixies chattered quickly, and pulled Lydia up to standing via her fingers, and she looked accross to the clearing nearby. Ah, now that was a face she did know. Lydia grinned as she walked over, treading carefully to avoid breaking any fairy rings. “They want you to join them in a game,” Lydia called out to Winston, laughing in amusement as Violetina murmured in her ears. “Oh, no, they’re not a hunter,” she reassured the little pixie. “Are you willing to join?” She called out to Winston, “Don’t worry, the pixies are darlings.”
Spotting Lydia in the distance, sat beneath a tree surrounded by these things set Winston slightly more and less at ease all at once. On one hand Lydia didn’t seem extremely dangerous on face value but on the other hand that meant absolutely nothing because they had definitely been there when they were attacked by floating scalpels. Winston’s least favourite activity. “Their game?” Winston asked taking a moment to wonder exactly what kind of game these pixies could play that Winston would want in on. “Are they ... “ Winston wanted to say fae or fairies or fair folk or anything just to confirm their suspicion that they were indeed not human, although that much was obvious from their size, “y’know.” They nodded their head as they spoke to indicate what they meant to Lydia. She of course seemed elegant and graceful as usual, in her element with her glass of wine and surrounded by enthralled pixies. “Okay, I guess I could play their game …” Winston wasn’t sure that they could just say no, “What exactly do I have to do?” 
 Lydia nodded, sitting down on a tree stump, tucking her skirt carefully underneath her, nodding reassuringly at Violetina as the little pixie darted back to Winston and then back to Lydia, before booping Winston on the nose again. “Are they dangerous? Only if you lie. Otherwise they’re lovely, and wonderful to play games with.” Violetina looked at them shyly, then darted shyly over to Winston’s ear. “Let’s play truth or dare! You first! Truth or dare! Lydia’s playing too!”
Winston settled down opposite Lydia on another tree stump that they were sure hadn’t been there a few moments ago. One of these things, the pixies, the one that Lydia had called Pennyleaf darted through the air towards them and settled on the shoulder. “Okay, well I don’t really make a habit of lying.” Plus if they were fae there was a good precedent to be set for not lying to them. Semantics and fairy folk didn’t mix well together as they knew from experience. “Okay, sure, I guess I’ll start easy, truth. What do you want to know? I’m an open book!” they paused for a moment and then remembered what they’d said about lying. “Obviously not literally, but, metaphorically? It’s a figure of speech you know.” Winston looked at Pennyleaf who shot them a thumbs up and nodded like they were doing great. 
Violetina buzzed, flipping in midair as she giggled. Even Lydia supressed a smile, her ankles crossed as she watched Winston. It was dangerous to think the truth could be easy, but they would learn that soon. The little pixie was so excited with the question she had come up with that Lydia daren’t interrupt. “If someone wanted to ruin your life, what secret about you could they use to do it?” Violetina giggled, booping Winston’s nose. “Oh! And you and pennyleaf have to give me a dare!” Lydia laughed. “You’re supposed to wait until after they tell the truth before asking for what you want, Violetina.”
Pennyleaf giggled with glee, he loved to play these delightful little games and these humans were oh so silly thinking that they made a good choice by choosing truth. Pennyleaf could see the smug look in their eyes with their answer. “Teehee teehee!” he shrieked with a rapturous joy. “If someone wanted to ruin my life then all they would have to do is lock me in a jar and never let me out. I would have to do everything they told me and it would suck.”
Winston had to wonder what exactly they had done to get the Pixie version of themself hovering around their head, but right now they were doing everything that they could to think fast. This was what Athena had warned them against. You couldn’t just lie to fae, they had done enough reading to know what would happen if they tried that. “Uh, I … fuck …” Winston frowned and looked at their shoes, knowing they had no chance. “Fuck, I help a vampire witch hunter with tech support and I’m magic.” They slammed a hand over their mouth but the damage was done. “Your turn,” they tried not to show the fear in their eyes, that wasn’t something they had wanted to share, “What’s your darkest fear? The one thing you’re terrified of coming to pass.” Maybe it was vindictive, what could this rich artist actually fear that was so terrifying. But Winston was scared. What had they gotten themselves into?
Lydia raised an eyebrow, with a soft, warm smile. “That’s quite the pickle you have there. You should be careful when you play with fire. If it makes you feel better, I’m hardly about to seek out this vampire to spill your secrets.” This was a dangerous game, but she meant him no harm, not right now. “You’re learning,” she replied, as they asked the same question in kind. The answer should have been something mundane, like the fear of losing her friends. These were supposed to be about revealing your love for other people. If Lydia was truly, truly honest, though, the answer didn’t lie in people like Deirdre or her siblings. “My deepest fear is to have what I am stripped from me. To be destroyed mentally and physically until I am no longer able to be myself.” To have her wings ripped out, to be made human. To be made like her humans. Of course, this was the fae game - give an answer that was complete to those that understood the context. “Right, Violetina, I’d like you to steal some honey from the bee nest back there. Winston, would you like to give Pennyleaf a dare?”
“I appreciate that,” Winston replied, although they had to admit that they were somewhat disappointed by the lack of specificity in Lydia’s answer. They were hoping that they would have something that they would at least be able to use for blackmail if they had to. But instead what they got was something vague and unhelpful. Winston almost wished that they had been smart enough to do something like that, but something told them that Lydia was a little bit more experienced at this kind of thing then they were. “Pennyleaf, I’d like to dare you to please design yourself a tailored suit out of pine needs and and branches,” Winston said hoping that it would be enough to keep him busy for a bit and one less pixie had to be a good thing, “does that mean it’s my turn again?” They immediately regretted asking. It had been spiteful and petty to say it like that, something a sulky teenager might do. But that meant that Winston now had to reap the benefits of their actions. 
Lydia waved their sulky question away as she pondered what kind of dare to give the spellcaster, tapping her smiling lips with her finger. Just then, Violetina buzzed back up, all excited as she shook large lumps of pollen from her hair, scattering it all over the pair of them. She triumphantly held up a tiny jar, barely the size of a thimble. “Look, no bees saw me! Well, one did, but then I pretended to be a bee and told them about some lavender that needed pollen collecting!”
“Well done, lovely. We’re trying to think of a dare to give Winston. Do you have any ideas?” Lydia asked with a smile, pouring herself more wine. Not wanting to be rude, she offered a glass to Winston too. Violetina gasped, and whispered in Lydia’s ear, before darting off. She came back with two human sized teaspoons and another tiny jar of golden liquid. Lydia poured the honey onto one teaspoon as Violetina poured the other jar onto the other teaspoon. Lydia picked up both teaspoons, showed them to Winston, before swapping them from hand to hand behind her back. When she spoke, she enunciated the start of each first word in the sentence carefully, and paused at the end of each sentence. “Long ago, humans believed that there was a seperate fae world, unlike this one. Every human who entered could leave, as long as they didn’t eat fae food. Fae food could trap humans into serving the fae forever. There’s a little truth to every fairytale, and only one of these spoons is plain honey. I dare you to choose one to lick.” She offered both spoons in front of them, a cocky smile playing on her lips. Violetina giggled uncontrollably. 
Pennyleaf zipped off in search of pine needles apparently and Winston was somewhat surprised to see them return almost immediately with a stack of them. They were about to ask just exactly where they had found them all from in such a short amount of time before Violentina returned as well covered in pollen. If Winston had truly taken a moment to consider the situation they would’ve realised just how bizarre this was. Pennyleaf set about stacking and arranging the pine needles, producing tiny scissors from somewhere and slicing the needles into small section of … well needle.
Doing their best to ignore the pixie, Winston turned their attention back to the matter at hand. Graciously taking the glass of wine, they nodded in thanks but didn’t drink. Listening carefully to Lydia’s riddle. Winston frowned gently as they considered everything that she had said. They listened carefully, having her repeat the obvious riddle a few more times. This was something that they were good at, but none of her clues made any sense when it came to choosing which one of the pots were safe to eat. Maybe there was no danger whatsoever but Winston wasn’t about to take that chance. They had seen way too much weird fae stuff in their time aware of the supernatural to risk that. There were four sentences, each sentence talked about fae food, maybe that wasn’t it. Winston wasn’t sure. They swallowed nervously, their hand twitching restlessly. Reaching out, they went for the only thing they could think of. Left. They weren’t sure if they were right, and tentatively licked the spoon, closing their eyes as they did. It tasted like honey. “Did … I pick right?” they asked cracking an eye before opening both feeling semi foolish. They had almost expected to go up in pixie dust or something. 
Violetina cackled, clutching at her belly right in front of Winston’s face. Even Lydia couldn’t surpress the deep belly laughed as they squeezed shut their “No, darling, you picked left,” Lydia teased, popping the other spoon in her mouth. “You did. That one is the plain honey. Well done! Although, sweetheart, you are a little gullible.” She laughed, pulling the spoon out of her mouth with a plop. “This is just maple syrup. You should have seen your face though!” Lydia held her belly, before looking at him with sympathy mixed in with her smile. “No harm done, darling. Come on now, dare.”
The stress that had been culminating in their stomach evaporated. Maybe this wasn’t as disastrous as they had feared that it would be. Shaking their head, Winston let out a nervous chuckle. “I - that’s not exactly - you know what never mind it doesn’t matter I guess that means that it is my turn.” They drummed on their knees and looked over to Pennyleaf who was somehow sewing their pine needles into trousers. Winston was impressed. “I dare you…” they looked around trying their best to think of something that would work. Despite everything, this game had just been playful. It hadn’t been as if Lydia was doing something to hurt them. It was just a bit weird. “I dare you to tell me what you are.” Winston replied eventually. It was stupid and they regretted it immediately. A heat of the moment thing. But Winston had said it now and they weren’t sure that this was something that they could just take back.
“That’s not a dare! That’s a truth!” Violetina protested loudly, hands on her hips as she stared disapprovingly at Winston. Lydia shook her head dismissively, that wasn’t a problem. 
“Why don’t I show you as well?” She asked, standing upright as she looked at them with a piercing gaze. The back of her dress shifted, just a tiny bit, as holes sewn to look like tailored seams shifted and opened, her eyes glinted and shifted from mahogany to blue. Her hair shifted as long pointed ears revealed themselves, whatever small flaws on her skin beginning to fade away.  Her  yellow and brown firefly elytra shells lifted up from her back, and translucent wings unfurled from beneath them. In the sunlight, her skin didn’t glow, but it didn’t need to to reflect her ethereal inhumanity.  “I’m fae, leanan-sidhe. You’re fortunate. Not everyone who sees my true visage survives the experience. Is it what you were expecting, spellcaster?”
Winston had not at all expected this. They knew that fae existed but they had not expected them to actually have wings that were like … /that/. Swallowing nervously, they struggled with what to say for a moment before cautiously speaking. “I wondered if …” they spoke slowly, “if maybe there was a closer relationship with the pixie then just a budding friendship, but honestly, this is kind of cool…” they weren’t sure where the confession had come from, but they were in a clearing in the middle of the forest with two pixie and a leanan-sidhe and they had wine. Not really what they had expected when they had started this walk. “Can you fly?” was their next question, their excitement at this new development perhaps a bit too clear.
Lydia raised an eyebrow, but loved showing off, even to humans. Standing even straighter, tensing her core, she began beating her wings, generating winds around them as her feet lifted from the ground and raised her arms. “Is it, now? We aren’t here for your entertainment.” She said, with an icy smile as she set her feet back on the ground. “Careful, child. I think it’s nearly your turn again.”
Because tiny Violetina had rolled up her metaphorical sleeves, and had curled her tiny hands into a fist, and buzzed right up to Winston, swinging her fists at their face angrily. “We have a name!” She screamed in a tiny squeak. “Who do you think you are, big leg? You can’t just call me the pixie like that!” It, of course, hadn’t occured to the tiny pixie that she’d never introduced herself. 
Raising their hands against the tiny pixie that was violently attacking them, Winston jerked away and tried to keep her from pummelling them anymore. “Hey, no offense but you never introduced yourself,” and they turned to Lydia and sighed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I just, I only found out about all of this stuff a few months ago and these are the first set of fairy wings that I’ve seen in person and it’s really impressive seeing one of them for the first time…” they swallowed hoping that they hadn’t just set themselves up for something more dangerous. 
“That’s no excuse!” Violetina roared in a pipsqueak, charging up her fist to punch them even harder (which was not that hard).
“Oh, darling, it is. A rather good one at that,” Lydia pointed out. Violetina stopped.
“Oh. I guess not. You get away with it this time! I’m Violetina, and that’s Pennyleaf. Well, it’s not our realest realest names, but we don’t give those to the giants. No offence.”
Lydia vanished her wings under a glamour once more, watching Winston curiously.  “They are rather impressive, aren’t they? Even more so at night.” Humans were so easily dazzled. It was perhaps why they’d evolved to be like this, to stun and impress, so that humans would come to be eaten willingly, over and over. “You’re forgiven. Truth, right? If you happened to die today, what would you regret, aside from the witch hunter?”
Pennyleaf was shrieking with laughter in a brand new suit made of pine needles, his wings fluttering at a high speed to keep him buzzing in place. “I haven’t even told my own mother my realest realest real name,” he proudly announced although it was a complete lie as his mother had been the one to name him, “certainly not for the likes of you giants.”
Nodding, “I understand completely,” Winston replied with a nod, “I don’t know if I would be willing to share my realest real name with just anyone.” They reached up and considered Lydia’s next question. When could they realistically justify just … leaving. Just walking away? Had they inadvertently made some promise that would keep them here. “They’re very impressive, there’s so much in this world that is so impressive …” they fell silent and considered the question that they had been posed with. “I think, if I were to die today, the thing I would regret is not being able to help more people, there’s … so many people who are being hunted or their people are being killed and it’s so fucked. It’s all so fucked and I think someone needs to change that.” They didn’t know why they had beared their soul so openly but here they were anyway. “Why?” 
“How very…. noble of you,” Lydia replied, eyebrows raised sky high. “However, there have been people trying to stop hunters since time immemorial. There is nothing wrong with lofty goals. Just know that few have ever succeeded.” They looked more uncomfortable by the minute, but Lydia just smiled, pearlescent teeth glinting in the sun. “Because it is an interesting question. I do not plan to kill you, Winston. This is just a game, and you play well. I’ll promise bind you, of course, but that’s neither here nor there, and I’ll make you a promise to allay your fears as well. Now would you like to continue?”
“And who said that I was just trying to stop hunters? Don’t get me wrong i find the whole situation deplorable, but they’re hardly the worst. So many things treat everything else as expendable, they ignore their inherent value.” Winston had been a little shocked to learn of just how unequal their world was in people’s opinions. “As long as you’re not hurting anyone then it shouldn’t matter.” Winston paused and considered, “I can -- and I want to be clear that I am only discussing the possibility of this promise -- but I can in theory eventually agree to a promise binding if it’ll mean that we keep everything that we admit to ourselves, I don’t have any interest in telling anyone your secrets but it seems smart to have contingencies.”
“How very human of you,” was all Lydia had to say to that, eyebrows quirked and a smile twitching at her mouth. They were so naive in that regard. Not understanding that just because their life didn’t involve pain, didn’t mean that everyone else was like that. No matter. She wasn’t here to debate them. As they addressed the aspect of the promise, her smile became more genuine. However naive Winston was, they were smart when it came to how they worded their reply. Despite everything, it delighted her, and she couldn’t help a small pleased clap. “Very clever. Yes, that would have been the kind of mutual agreement that I would have posited. So, let us shake on it. I shan’t reveal anything you’ve shared, if you don’t reveal what I have shared. Do you agree to that?
“Maybe … I guess I’m new to this and I don’t get everything completely, but I’m not entirely certain being human is always a bad thing.” Shrugging gently, Winston had to admit that they would never be able to hope to put themselves in Lydia’s shoes. She was fae. She had wings. She probably had a point of view that Winston could never have imagined. “Fae promises are very specific and I didn’t want to agree to anything without knowing all of the information, but I guess you’d worked that out already.” They looked at her hand for a long moment, frowning before nodding. “Okay, I agree to that. Seems fair that I keep your secrets if you keep mine.” Slowly, they reached out and grasped her hands. They were warm. Which was good because if they’d been ice cold then Winston probably would’ve bolted. There was something somewhat disconcerting about putting yourself willingly into a fairy promise. Winston just hoped it wouldn’t turn around and bite them. 
“I didn’t say it was a bad thing,” Lydia replied, but that didn’t mean she didn’t think it. Humans, especially young powerful ones, didn’t understand their place in the foodweb. That was their prerogative, of course. “Like I said, smart. The language of these things can be tricky.” So many of the promises Lydia made to humans were practically not promises at all, so fraught with conditionals and subjective terms that they didn’t matter. Not this one, though. She took their hand and shook, feeling the fae magic sealing into place. “I hope that allays your concerns about what you’ve shared, at least.”
“I’m not sure that you needed to.” Winston replied with a shrug. They could read tone. But, they were happy that their secrets were at least safe. “I guess that this was …” Winston would’ve normally said fun but it had been more then that, “nervewracking.” Probably best not to lie to a fairy. Swallowing the last of their wine, they smiled at Lydia. “I hope you guys all get to your respective homes safely, there are some weirdos in White Crest. Have a good night.” With that, Winston turned and walked back the way they had come, praying that they didn’t meet any more fae on their way home. 
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uzumaki-rebellion · 6 years
Black Boys Bloom Thorns First Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Passion burning, causing rapture of laughter Pressure building, falling faster and faster If I told you that you rock my world, I want you around me Would you let me call you my girl, my girlfriend, my girlfriend? I can give you the life you deserve, just say the word, baby And I got you, darling, I got you
1500 or Nothin—“Girl”
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   October 5th, 20—
It is early morning, and I must write down my thoughts. I confess that I have not been consistent with writing in my journal as I had challenged myself to do while staying in this country. But there are so many distractions, (good ones!) that it is hard to sit still and just transcribe words onto paper.
I finally went to one of Bakari’s BSU meetings a few days ago. I admit that it actually turned out to be a productive use of my time. I met some interesting people. However, I embarrassed myself in front of a woman who is a good friend of Bakari. Her name is Califia Stevens. Bakari has known this woman since he was ten. They grew up together. She is a dancer for the group he drums for. He says she’s one of the best in the city.
I meet different women all the time, and I am usually very good at knowing where I stand with them, but Holy Bast, this woman, I feel like I’m wearing roller skates and trying to cross a road filled with marbles when I speak to her. I knew I was in trouble when I made the mistake of questioning why her father did not feed her while she was on a visit with him. She said he was in prison, and I swear to Sekmet, my face turned to stone. She noticed my kimoyo beads and then Andrea, the woman I am seeing now, rescued me from the quicksand of my ignorance.
I don’t know why it bothers me so much, but I feel like I made a horrible first impression and I need to redeem myself to her. She is so different. Very direct with people. Fierce. She came into the meeting towards the end, and the moment she walked in the door, I felt like the energy in the room shifted. She is very striking to look at. Her skin is so brown, like the deep dark red-brown clay near Warrior Falls back home. And she has these dark freckles all over her nose and cheeks. I have never met a Black woman with hair the natural color of cinnamon. She reminds me so much of someone from back home, and I just can’t remember who. She is both familiar and strange to me. Normally I would feel uneasy with people who keep me on edge, but there is something about her that intrigues me. She was fairly dismissive of me. The only time she took an interest was when she saw my beads.
I must make a note that she touched my hand to get a look at my beads, and she gave me a static electricity shock with her touch. I shall take that as a warning sign from Bast that Califia should be given a wide berth from me in the future. If I ever see her again. She and Bakari seem close, but he has never brought her around to the apartment like his other friends. She is very opinionated, and I must take a look at this book she came to the meeting to talk about. I have seen this writer Aarav on television. He seems pretty benign, but Califia was very heated about his message. I hear the term “anti-Black” being thrown around a lot. Aarav comes from immigrants and is Indian American, and I’m sure as a person of color himself, he must be aware of the problems Black Americans encounter at times. Califia called him a piece of shit. I don’t know if this is a fair assessment of someone she doesn’t know personally, but the BSU crowd didn’t challenge her assertion. Andrea has a copy of the book and will loan it to me. I will read it this weekend.
The rest of the time there I spoke with Andrea and her classmates. They are in the Literature Department. Really smart women. And Andrea, well, let’s just say that Renaissance Literature isn’t the only thing she’s good at.
Bakari seemed pleased that I finally attended a meeting. He is a good man. I am glad that we have become roommates and friends. When we moved in together last June, I wasn’t sure if I could take his “All Black Everything All The Time” energy. Now after five months, I can truly say he’s one of my closest friends here. The man is brilliant. He’ll probably end up an influential lobbyist in Washington one day. But he is sincere with the love of his people. He and Califia seem to have a shared sense of purpose. They really want to save Black people from… I don’t know what really, but they are passionate.
I am curious to know why Califia’s father is in prison. I know she has a full dance scholarship to SFSU, and Bakari told me her home life is a little sketchy. It must be difficult to live with a parent you love incarcerated for a long time. Bakari said her father has been in prison since she was thirteen. It’s part of why she and Bakari are so close. He wouldn’t divulge anything more out of respect for Califia’s privacy. Their relationship appears completely platonic. Califia talks to him like a younger sibling. But the other day he was talking about her, something trivial about a drumming rehearsal and how Califia never wants to listen to the drum cues and moves when she wants to, and I have to say, the gleam in his eye tells me he probably wishes they were something more. I could be reading more into it than there really is. He definitely admires her.
More soon.
 N’Jobu left the pen he was using in between the pages of his journal and placed the leather-bound pages inside the drawer next to his bed and turned off his bedside lamp. His nude body slipped comfortably back under the silk plum-colored sheets and matching duvet. It was 5a.m., the sky just starting to lighten outside his bedroom window. The world was still quiet.
He felt a warm body shift next to his right side, and then Andrea’s arm was draped across him, her soft fingers caressing the hard planes of his chest. She allowed an index finger to circle his left nipple which hardened at her attention.
“You finished writing?” she whispered. Her short curly bob of jet black hair cascaded all around her face, and without her make-up on, she was even more gorgeous in N’Jobu’s eyes. He glanced down at her lips which were plump, but small. They turned him on because when he had his cock down her throat the night before, it just made his dick look even bigger and more powerful sliding in and out.
“Yes,” he answered.
Her fingers left his nipple and descended to his stomach, tracing the indentations of his six-pack abs, and then teased further down until she was gripping his already thickening cock in her hand. She gave two short tugs on the head, then a long and languid stroke.
“Damn, woman. You still hungry for more?” he laughed, pulling the covers back so he could watch her delicate hand work his length.
Andrea leaned in closer. He could see her full breasts and pert nipples just waiting for his tongue and touch. She cupped his balls and gave a slight squeeze and he moaned.
“N’Jobu, baby, you have such a pretty dick,” she said.
“You like this dick?”
“I love this dick,” she said.
“Why do you love this dick?” he asked.
N’Jobu was a verbal man when it came to sex. He liked to talk and be talked to, and it was hard to find women who were good at it without sounding like fake corny ass porn stars. However, Andrea was a woman who knew how to make that verbal shit sing.
She sat up and positioned herself between his legs, holding onto his dick and arching her back so he could see her ass in the air. N’Jobu felt his mouth part open as he released a deep sigh at the beauty of what she presented to him. She took her velvety tongue and licked him from his balls all the way up to the tip of his length.
“I love this dick because it’s so long and thick, Daddy. The head is so big, I can barely get my mouth around it…”
Andrea opened her lips and took in the large mushroom cap of his dick, her tongue playing with the head using teasing licks, and then sucking out the pre-cum that was already dripping from him.
“And baby, you have such a big fat sack, I love to feel your balls slapping against my ass…” she continued, now engulfing more of his cock into her warm mouth.
“Show me how much you love this dick,” he growled out, now gripping her hair with his left hand. Andrea slid her mouth further down, and began bobbing her head, her left hand holding her balance, her right hand still caressing his heavy balls. N’Jobu’s eyes alternated between watching her hallowed out cheeks bulging with his thickness and the jiggle in her round brown ass cheeks.
Andrea came up for air and stared into N’Jobu’s heavy-lidded eyes. His lush lips were twisted up in a way that tried to hold in deep moans from disturbing Bakari in the bedroom across the small hallway. It wasn’t working.
“You got me so wet,” Andrea said, catching her breath.
“Let me hear it then,” he said, releasing his grip on her hair and leaning back on his elbows. He watched her right hand release his twitching dick and snake between her legs. She took two fingers and plunged them into her slick opening. Wiggling her fingers around, she gazed at him with euphoric, almost dazed eyes, and they both could hear the wet slippery sounds so loud in the quiet room.
“You hear it, Daddy?” Andrea asked, adding a third finger.
“I hear your pussy baby,” N’Jobu said, gripping his own dick and fisting it slowly. Andrea arched her back a little more, just enough to make her cheeks bounce.
“You are a nasty, bitch, you know that? Playing with your pussy so early in the morning. Making all that cake bounce. You must want me to cum in your face. Huh? You want me to paint your face?”
Andrea squeezed her eyes shut as a long groan of “Ohhhhh!!” escaped from her mouth. Her fingers were working faster.
“N’Jobu, you got my pussy dripping!!”
She was panting now, rather loud.
“Shh, keep it down,” he said.
“I can’t!” she whined, her eyes now open and focused on his hand beating his thick meat in front of her face.
The tightening in his balls let him know he couldn’t hold out much longer. He really wanted to slide a condom on and beat her cheeks up hard and fast from behind, break her fucking back if he could…but the sweet sounds of her fingers plunging in and out of her swollen pussy lips just pushed him too far.
“Take this, cum! Take it…Fuck!!” he hollered at her, yanking her hair to pull her face back as thick spurts of creamy white splashed across her face. Andrea opened her mouth to catch a lot of it. He groaned louder than he wanted to, still squeezing out the last drops of his seed on her face. His impressive cumload made Andrea smile, her quick tongue licking up the salty-sweet semen from her lips.
“Come sit on my face,” he said, and Andrea scrambled up his body like she was climbing a tree in a park and ground her sopping clit and juicy vulva onto N’Jobu’s full lips and long tongue. His hands held her ass cheeks as he drove his tongue deep inside of her for a few deep probes, and then he was sucking on her swollen clit with his entire mouth.
It didn’t take long for Andrea to cum, drowning his mouth and face with her juices. N’Jobu knew he would have to apologize to Bakari again. No matter how quiet he tried to have sex in his bedroom, it never worked out. It was what it was.
Chapter 3 HERE
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tilbageidanmark · 3 years
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Movies I watched this week - 51 
2 With Javier Bardem:
🎦🎦🎦 Being the Ricardos, Aaron Sorkin’s new bio-pic about the relationship between Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. Since I never seen ‘I Love Lucy’, and was never vested in it, this film was a bit wasted on me. However, I loved seeing 84-yr-old Linda Lavin playing - she was Ben Whittaker’s date from ‘The Intern’.
🎦🎦🎦 I posted a throwaway ‘Today I Learnt’ bit about Anton Chigurh which generated 110,000 “Likes” and over 4,600 comments on reddit. I couldn’t read them all but there was enough there to prompt me to watch No Country for Old Men again. It is truly Peak-Coen-Brothers, and a magnificently perfect thriller.
“... Be careful.”
- I always am.
“Don't get hurt”
- I never do.
“Don't hurt no one.”
- Well. If you say so..”.
Produced by the Coen brothers' own film production company, Mike Zoss Productions. (Photo Above). Also, I can’t wait for ‘their’ new Macbeth! 10/10.
'Til Kingdom Come, by Israeli documentarian Maya Zinshtein, a horrifying look into the unholy alliance between zealous Evangelical Christians and Israel’s fascist far right wing. To hear first hand from religious fanatics about the “Rapture” or “settlements” or “Bibi” is a sober and alarming experience. “We’re God’s instruments for his end-time plan”..
Most disturbing film of the week!
...'Beloved be the one who sits down'... Songs from the second floor, Roy Andersson’s first part of his absurdist ‘Living Trilogy’. Bleak & strangely-staged static tableaux of interconnected vignettes. Lost and ungainly characters with bizarre pale faces and suspect motivations who move slowly and painfully through symbolic modern life. A film like no other. With terrific, subdued score by ABBA’s Benny Andersson.
2 more from Ghibli:
🎦🎦🎦 Whisper of the Heart, a 1995 Ghibli Studio animated story of teen romance, the only Ghibli film to have a spin-off or sequel. With ‘Take Me Home Country Roads’ as its theme. No magic, witches or spirits. 7/10
🎦🎦🎦 Ponyo (on the cliff by the sea), one of Adora’s and mine favorite animations, and Miyazaki’s most wholesome kid’s flick. With Sōsuke‘s very sexy mom, “Lisa”. 
2 Norwegian girls coming of age:
🎦🎦🎦 Joachim Trier’s light The Worst Person in the World. Because of the misleading name, I didn’t realize beforehand it was a Norwegian romantic comedy. The main character is an impulsive young woman who can’t make up her mind. She is not really the worst person, just one who inflicts pain on the people around her.
Two memorable and unexpected scenes stood out, the psychedelic mushroom trip and the frozen-in-time love-run through Oslo. 5/10.
🎦🎦🎦 Turn Me On, Dammit! A 15-year-old girl lives in a tiny rural town in the middle of nowhere, and is sexually frustrated. She is so horny that she runs a 6,500 Kroner bill for a phone sex hotline, and can’t tell between her masturbatory fantasies and realities. Sweet & un-exploitative. 6/10.
Stéphane Audran X 2:
🎦🎦🎦 Babette's Feast, more than just the most delicious “Real French Dinner”. The greatest food film in my opinion, with "Cailles en Sarcophage", "Potage à la Tortue", "Blinis Demidoff" and more.
Based on Karen Blixen's story: “...Mercy and truth have met together. Righteousness and bliss shall kiss one another...” A perfect re-watch,  a film about grace. 10/10
🎦🎦🎦 The Other Side of The Wind was supposed to be Orson Welles comeback epic film, but it had a troubled production history, and was only completed 38 years after Welles death. “Important” film-about-film-making with bigger-than-life Noah Cross as a Hemingway-like Welles himself. Was this the only film he did about ‘Young people’? It seems that all his protagonists were classically old... 3/10.
In the new C'mon C'mon, radio journalist Joaquin Phoenix is looking after his 9-year-old nephew for a little while. He takes him around the country interviewing kids about their feelings about the future. It’s honest and gentle, but without much pull.
Robert Benchley X 4:  
Algonquin Round Table humorist Robert Benchley (and grandfather to Jaws’ Peter Benchley) made 46 irreverent short films. Many were in the form of tongue in cheek “lectures”.
🎦🎦🎦 75 years before Ze Frank, one involves a lecture given to a Ladies Club in the offbeat The sex life of the polyp. Dry, interesting and unique comedy from 1928.
🎦🎦🎦 In Crime Control, a police officer explains the antisocial potential of inanimate objects such as shoelaces, newspapers, bow ties and handkerchiefs.
🎦🎦🎦 Nothing but nerves is an uneasy discourse about nervousness, surely as a result of a hangover.
🎦🎦🎦 Waiting for baby explains the difficult mental anguish of the expectant fathers (while the unseen wife does all the work).
Actually, these shorts are not that great, once you’ve seen a few of them.
First Watch: John Carpenter’s The Thing. Another one I did not know much about beforehand, a gory, nihilistic horror movie, made absolutely superior because of the Ennio Morrecone’s score.
Don’t Look Up, Adam McKay disappointing end-of-the-world cautionary tale. An extended SNL sketch that starts with Jack Handey’s quote about his grandfather. The most memorable element were the colorful credit fonts at the beginning (and end). And the only “funny ha ha” character was Jonah Hill as Don Jr. 3/10
Louis C.K.’s new comeback special, Sorry, is fantastic stand-up and 100% funny. He really was a great comedian (when not masturbating in front of unwilling women). I did not want to like it. Too bad I did. What’s next, Harvey Weinstein’s Hamlet in Jail Rehabilitation Tour? Sorry, not sorry.
Extra: Harry Caul‘s Dream sequence from ‘The Conversation’ (Another film I can re-watch any time).
- - - - -
Throw-back to the art project:
No country for old men Adora.
Ponyo Adora.
- - - - -
(My complete movie list is here)
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inloveandwords · 6 years
This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story).
It works like this:
Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
Order on ascending date added.
Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books
Read the synopsis of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
  You guys, the Francesca Lia-Block obsession when I joined Goodreads was REAL! Every. Single. Book. is by her this time around!
  Here are the stats
Starting Total TBR Count: 1760
Previous Total TBR Count: 1772
Total Marked TBR ASAP: 132
Current Total TBR Count: 1762
      Ecstasia by Francesca Lia-Block
Siblings Calliope and Rafe, along with Dionisio and Paul, are Ecstasia—the most popular band in Elysia, a city of jewels and feathers, of magic and music, where the only crime is growing old. Then Calliope’s visions take her to Under, where the Old Ones go to die, and where her parents had vanished long ago. Rafe joins her there, in search of the Doctor, who can bring back the dead to ease their loved ones’ broken hearts. And that is when rapture turns to nightmare.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
    Primavera by Francesca Lia-Block
From the very moment she was born, Primavera’s songs made water flow and flowers blossom. She brought new life to the desert where her family lives. But even in Paradise there are dreams that cannot be fulfilled. Primavera is in love with a man who can never be hers–so when a handsome stranger offers her the gift of a horse-headed motorcycle, Primavera leaves home in search of the magical city of Elysia. But in Elysia, Primavera discovers that she has left behind everything she truly needs, everyone she truly cares about–and, if the city has its way, she will never find her way back home.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
  Nymph by Francesca Lia-Block
An interconnected series of stories, NYMPH is a special journey through the lives and loves of characters like Plum, a Crayon-haired girl who has a gift: if she makes love with a person, that person will then meet their true love, or Tom, a burned out surfer whose luck changes when he is rescued by a mysterious, wheelchair-bound woman, or Sylvie, a chronically depressed poet who finds beauty in unexpected places. Block’s erotic explorations of these smoky, kaleidoscopic fables are anything but conventional; these are stories of love, loss, and life, about the healing power of sex and bonding.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
  Quakeland by Francesca Lia-Block
After enduring from afar a seemingly endless series of outside worldwide disasters–including 9/11 and the Asian tsunami–while living in earthquake-prone Los Angeles, a bereft Katrina experiences deep inner longings for some sense of permanence, meaning, and intimacy. A pre-school teacher contemplating the unsettling challenges of her mid-life, she finds solace in the company of her dear friend, Grace, and conflict in the arms of Jasper, a narcissistic yoga instructor.
In this intertwining series of emotionally charged stories, wistful characters weave together a dance of joy and sorrow, gain and loss, dissonance and harmony.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
  Pretty Dead by Francesca Lia-Block
People pity me, but mostly they feel envy. I have all the luxury and freedom a girl my age could want.
Something is happening to Charlotte Emerson. Like the fires that are ravaging the hills of Los Angeles, it consumes her from the inside out. But whether it is her eternal loneliness, the memory of her brother, the return of her first love, or the brooding, magnetic Jared—she cannot say. What if it’s something more . . .
Something to do with the sudden tear in her perfect nails. The heat she feels when she’s with Jared. The blood rushing once again to her cheeks and throughout her veins.
For Charlotte is a vampire, witness to almost a century’s worth of death and destruction. But not since she was a human girl has mortality touched her.
In what way will you be transformed?
Until now.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
    Blood Roses by Francesca Lia-Block
What shall we do, all of us?
All of us passionate girls who fear crushing the boys we love with our mouths like caverns of teeth, our mushrooming brains, our watermelon hearts?
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
    Topmodel by Francesca Lia-Block
Once upon a time, in the bubble-gum-snapping, glitter polish-wearing, lip-gloss-applying San Fernando Valley, a gentle girl named Barbie met a feisty fairy named Mab: “Maybe Mab was real. Maybe there really are girls the size of pinkies with hair the color of the darkest red oleander blossoms and skin like the greenish-white underbellies of calla lilies…. But it doesn’t matter if Mab is real or imagined, Barbie thought, as long as I can see her.” Mab, with her crabby commentary and no-holds-barred opinions, gives Barbie the strength she needs to face the horrors casting a shadow over her life in sunny, shimmering California. How else could Barbie survive her over-perfumed, over-tanned, overbearing stage mother, dragging her daughter to modeling agencies in the gold-plated hope of reliving her younger days as a beauty queen? Or the “cadaver-pale skin” and “fleshy mouth” of Hamilton Waverly, the “crocodile pedophile” photographer who makes Barbie feel “like the doll she had been named for, without even a hole where her mouth was supposed to be”? Mab glimmers and gabs by Barbie’s side throughout her teen years as she becomes a successful fashion model, falls in love, and endures all the troubles that come along for the ride–in addition to facing the black secret of her past.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
  Ruby by Francesca Lia-Block
After growing up in an abusive family, Ruby escapes to Los Angeles and learns of her soulmate — Orion — a British actor. She travels to England, where she works at a potions and herbs shop, and through a series of coincidental circumstances, ends up nursing Orion back to health without confessing that she has been on a quest to find him all along. But just when she thinks her dream is becoming a reality, Ruby is stopped in her tracks by the violent demons of her past. Only by facing the darkness together can she and Orion finally fulfill their destiny.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
  Psyche in a Dress by Francesca Lia-Block
But this is what I could not give up: I could not give up myself.
Psyche has known Love–scented with jasmine and tasting of fresh oranges. Yet he is fleeting and fragile, lost to her too quickly. Punished by self-doubt, Psyche yearns to be transformed, like the beautiful and brutal figures in the myths her lover once spoke of. Attempting to uncover beauty in the darkness, she is challenged, tested, and changed by the gods and demons who tempt her. Her faith must be found again, for if she is to love, she must never look back.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
    The Frenzy by Francesca Lia-Block
Liv has a secret.
Something happened to her when she was thirteen. Something that changed everything. Liv knows she doesn’t belong anymore—not in her own skin, not in her family . . . not anywhere. The only time she truly feels like herself is when she’s with her boyfriend, Corey, and in the woods that surround her town.
But in the woods, a mysterious woman watches Liv. In the woods, a pack of wild boys lurks. In the woods, Liv learns about the curse that will haunt her forever. The curse that caused the frenzy four years ago. And that may cause it again, all too soon.
While Corey and Liv’s love binds them together, Liv’s dark secret threatens to tear them apart as she struggles to understand who—or what—she really is. And by the light of the full moon, the most dangerous secrets bare their claws. . .
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
Bye-Bye Books: Decluttering my TBR #2 This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story…
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Don’t panic, play Art: 5 Games to enjoy during Quarantine.
To evoke in oneself a feeling one has experienced, and…then, by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds or forms expressed in words, so to transmit that feeling — this is the activity of art. – Leo Tolstoy
Games are not art, they say. Games are entertainment, like advertising in motion picture world. The game developer community puts strict rules on what games are. What a game should be. Otherwise its an digital fine art project, a form of modern art, immersive piece — does not matter what people call it but it sounds truly silly. Today, I made a selection of four games which don’t fit in the classic game world as it is today. These games have astonishing graphics and are relaxing and calming. So, stay home, don’t panic, relax and play.
Lovely weather we’re having.
The weather affects what the characters are saying. Relaxing. Narrative. Artwork. Beautiful. Should I continue my chaotic rapture?
No, better check out his work yourself.
Art Sqool
Cute Dog series for Disney
Museum Comic
Dolphin Poem
The Endless Express.
The wonky&joyful feeling you get from playing the game will make you feel better sure! The graphics are amazing, the characters are super funny, the story is strange and funny. Isn’t this the best description for a perfect evening?
Also, pay attention to how the menu is made. Definitely not the most boring UI.
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Lieve Oma.
Purely nostalgic experience. How many of us were spending time with grandparents not enjoying the time with them and being bored?
When I first played the game, I cried. One of my few safe memories about childhood was the day we collected mushrooms together with my granddad whom I will never see again. He used to tell me everything about the forest, mushrooms, how to pick them without disturbing the balance of the ecosystem. We silently played the game “Who will collect the most mushrooms”. Sadly, never in my life have I had the same experience, so I relived this memory to the fullest.Surely, this game has a stronger effect than a painting of a boy and a grandmother walking in the forest.
You decide your own pace, where to go. Once I stopped playing and closed my eyes. I listened to this calm music, meditated for a bit. We need those games.
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We don’t need to escape anymore. We need to go back to ourselves.
Where the goats are.
A meditative game for PC. Slowly, atmospheric.
The game is about Tikwah, an old woman who is the only one left in the village. Her relatives went to different cities and tried to convince her to quit the country life too.
The game is very meditative and relaxing, despite the fact that you understand how difficult the life of a woman like Tikwah may be.
When one of the goats died, this was a more emotional event than losing a battle in Pokemon. You understand, that losing a goat might cause problems like hunger, etc. in reality. At the end, another goat died, and I was left alone with an emptiness in my soul :(
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Like Roots in the Soil.
This game is pure poetry. I really like the concept, the art style, everything. Such a pleasant experience. See for yourself.
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Hope you enjoyed this article. Share your thoughts on these games!
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loudcreationsublime · 6 years
Every advancement in graphics innovation is gone along with by a brand-new, silly method of revealing it off. Whether it’s 128 versions of Mario running around a globe for the GameCube, a million Toblerone pieces spreading around in Knack, or 1-2-Switch’s lockpicking minigame showing all those ice cubes inside the Joy-Cons, developers often create around the possibilities of powerful new tech.
Yet this elevates an essential inquiry: What regarding the food? Inning accordance with data I simply made up, we invest regarding 15 percent of our time consuming as well as one more 82 percent of our time thinking of eating. In comparison, I just spend regarding 10 mins of my time daily thinking of 128 Marios running about and getting into trouble. Do you think each Mario assumes of himself as the real Mario, and also the others as imposters? With any luck, he recognizes that each Mario has the very same right to uniqueness as himself. I’m leaving track below.
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There is a criminal absence of pc gaming centered around one of the most integral part of our lives, the part where we push food in our face. Nintendo created Super Mario Sunshine around the gorgeous water simulations new equipment enabled them, but they can have made a similarly lovely milkshake simulator or acorn squash bisque-drinking challenge. Virtual Reality allows players hold online things right up in their face to examine; primarily, this is made use of to observe how numerous guns do, in reality, look like weapons. But this ability might additionally be made use of to approximate a bakeshop, with all type of different loaves of bread and also croissants to observe. Which brave programmer is mosting likely to be the initial to allow me look at a flawlessly increased sourdough loaf?
The good news is, some modern designers have actually heard my weeps. The past couple of years have been a golden era of food-simulation, with new illumination strategies and also physic systems being related to one of the most honorable of objectives: making me intend to eat while I play games. Ensure you’ve got some snacks in the kitchen, since this list is going to make you hungry.
Last Fantasy XV
I was a Boy Scout as a youngster, as well as one of the finest parts of taking place a journey was preparing all the waste my good friends and I were mosting likely to consume. The official policies of camping state that rules of nourishment don’t matter in nature; all that matters is just how peach cobbler tastes when you make it in a dutch stove while huddled around a campfire at night.
No person comprehends this better than the impeccably clothed Ignis Scientia in FFXV. Noctis as well as his young boys are spending lengthy days on the road, battling wooly mammoths and also tossing swords as well as whatever else a royal posse does on a cross-country journey. In the evening though, they work out down and Ignis gives them with some legally magnificent dish selections. Little could pull a team with each other like durable food, so it adheres to that the relationship between FFXV’s spikey-haired boys is one of the most effective parts of the video game.
One of my favored dishes from FFXV is the Taelpar harvest galette, a truly succulent remix of a basic fruit treat. A galette is a pastry that drops somewhere between a pie and a calzone. It folds in on itself enough to just allow a peek at the deliciousness that stays within. A properly made galette is downright opprobrious.
Tumblr individual “My main is a cook” devised a recipe for the Taelpar harvest galette from Ignis’ recipe book. It entails oranges, goat cheese, cinnamon, which hallmark flakey crust. Honestly, if you simply informed me it was involved and also pie-like goat cheese, I would have already been on board. Put all those active ingredients together, as well as you’ve got a dish I ‘d smack out of the hands of the prince of Lucis.
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A fresh-cooked galette, thanks to Ignis Monster Hunter World Beast Hunter is a game of excess. Characters possess swords that weigh roughly 95 extra pounds and also whack dragons the dimension of house buildings around, simply for the possibility of getting a range to earn their armor prettier. Removed down to its basics, Monster Hunter stresses efficient searching by way of preparation and also preparation. One of the most vital part of searching prep? A hearty meal, certainly.
There are 2 type of living points you don’t eliminate in Monster Hunter. The first are other human beings. The 2nd are Palicoes, sentient felines that put on clothing and speak to each other that are so cute it needs to be prohibited. No person concerns the Palicoes, nor must they. This is merely an attractive globe where humans and also felines have comparable civil liberties and deal with each various other with respect.
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Meowscular Chef takes fantastic satisfaction in his job Obviously, the Palicoes are fairly much better than human beings. This ought to be obvious– they have hairs and tails. Also far better though, the Palicoes have cooking abilities that our weak homo sapien minds could only imagine. Beast Hunter: World’s boss is the Meowscular Chef, an intimidating Palico with one eye that commands a small military of other felines. Working as a team, they reduced pieces of meat (do not ask which monster it originated from) on a searing rock frying pan, mix kiddie-pool sized soup bowls, and also toss in some veggie skewers completely measure. When the food is prepared, seekers tear right into it without modern-day pleasantries like flatware or eating.
The very best parts of Monster Hunter: World’s food is in the preparation. Little touches stick out; the fatty components of the meat fold over with practical weight, and blocks of cheese have an enjoyable skin. Certain, an Azure Rathalos has actually been dragging my ass around the ancient forest. However if I get to return to this sort of dish each time I shed, failure doesn’t hurting rather as much.
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Link preparing to prepare some kind of poultry-stuffed pumpkin The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild I appreciate Breath of the Wild’s technique to cooking since it closely mirrors my very own: toss a lot of tasty-seeming active ingredients in a frying pan and hope they function. Link just takes a large armful of meats, veggies, as well as flavors and also tosses ’em done in. Like me, he in some cases obtains”dubious food,” a pixelated mixture which he chokes down out of stubbornness. More frequently however, those components integrated into something delicious-looking and also healthy.
Out of all these games, Breath of the Wild’s food feels one of the most sustainable for a healthy and balanced life. Consuming isn’t really a special occasion, it’s something we do each day. The mushrooms, meats, and soups that Link subsists on feeling concrete, the simple-but-hearty diet plan of a guy on the roadway. It advises me of the scene in Princess Mononoke when Ashitaka as well as Jigo sit in a cavern and eat rice gruel. The food isn’t extravagant or difficult, yet it’s made by a practiced hand and also would possibly be ideal after a long day.
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Okayu(rice gruel)in Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke For my money, the seafood curry in Breath of the Wild comes out as the most effective all-rounder. With these sort of simple meals, the difference between exceptional as well as ample frequently boils down to spices. Link’s addition of some Goron seasoning pushes this one over the side; the shrimp/crab/rice combo additionally appears very loading, and also the description assures that the spice packs a severe kick.
Identity 4
Not all food is produced for the same purpose. Some offers straightforward nourishment. Some is for event, some for mourning. Other times, food is an expression of dominance. On the program Man v. Food, a single guy would certainly try to take in merciless sections of everything from hot wings to oysters to pancakes. After 7 seasons, the show continues, but the initial host has stepped down; food was inevitably successful.
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It’s a tidal wave of beef In Persona 4, you have simply one food-based opponent, the huge beef dish. It is described as a”tidal bore of beef.” You’ve got the chance to check out the Aiya Chinese Diner as well as attempt to eat the entire bowl of in one sitting, a feat you’ll just accomplish with extremely high statistics. If you handle to do so, the dish
is complimentary! Hopefully, Aiya also places your image on the wall surface or something. Identity 4 has the series’typical calendar-keeping gameplay. Daily, you could hang with good friends as well as take pop quizzes as well as store, simply like non-gaming teens most likely do (I wouldn’t recognize). Numerous of these activities aren’t offered when it’s raining however. But wet days are by the way the only days when the beef bowl obstacle is readily available. I enjoy this pomposity. Everything in the whole city is closed down, the day is ruined, so why not go consume a metric lot of seared meat?
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Time to knock the milkshake-drinking laugh off his face Wolfenstein 2 Have you ever enjoyed a cooking video clip on YouTube where they don’t try the food at the end? It’s irritating. Seeing somebody prepare food is an emotional financial investment, and if I can’t consume it, I desire to be able to live vicariously with a person that does. In gaming, activity capture as well as computer animation have recently brought us to an area where characters can give probably rapturous reactions to well-crafted foods items. One of the finest responses to food in video games comes from an outright item of rubbish. In Wolfenstein 2, BJ Blazkowicz need to satisfy a personality who runs an old-timey diner in the center
of the Nazi occupation of America. This restaurant has whatever: cheap burgers, coffee, and also a real vintage soda water fountain. I should aim out that a good soda water fountain isn’t the blocky thing they contend every McDonalds as well as Bojangles. It’s a flexible tool with the capacity to generate drinks like an egg lotion as well as a ginger yip, a throwback to a much more tailored period of soft drinks. The restaurant likewise has the proper kind of milkshake; individually mixed in a gigantic metal cup that the proprietor might allow you consume alcohol from once your glass is empty. When a Nazi captain who’s also more weasel-y than the typical Nazi walks right into the restaurant and also orders a strawberry milkshake, it harms me in my spirit. Not only is this punk in a state of not-being-punched, yet he’s buying a hand-made dessert that tastes the way summer season memories feel. I’ve had a strawberry milkshake or smoothie. In truth, I’ve had a strawberry milkshake or smoothie made by the precise same lime-green blender or food processor, from a location called Ox and Rabbit in Durham, NC. That place is currently shut down. So now I cannot have a strawberry milkshake or smoothie, but this Nazi can!.?. !? It’s an outright oppression. He shuts his eyes and also takes a lengthy drink, appreciating the pieces of strawberry combined in with the piercing cold of theice cream. He looks like he enjoys it. He likewise gets his brains burnt out about 2 secs later on. No milkshake or smoothies for fascists.
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Mario Video Games For Fun And Also Enjoyment
Wolfenstein: The initial Very first Person Shooter released by ID Software and Apogee. It was a 2 dimensional shooter that followed the story of a British agent called BJ on his mission to get away Castle Wolfenstein. The demonstration was released in 1992 and it included eight levels, plus one secret level that was accessible from the first floor. Smithy (super mario run cheats RPG): Destroying all wishes and also producing a globe full of effective weapons.that was Smithy's goal, and a terrible one at that. An excellent game finished in a legendary battle with Smithy, where he made use of wonderful attacks, his hammer, and his shape moving capacities to attempt and also crush Mario as well as his buddies. Certainly, he stopped working badly, and he as well as his minions would threaten the Mushroom Kingdom say goodbye to. Regarding the only manner in which Smithy could return is if Square-Enix (which developed the game when it was merely Squaresoft) worked together with Nintendo on a super mario run cheats RPG sequel. If this happens, then I would certainly like to see Smithy have another attempt at taking over the globe.
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