#raw steak image
decemberhigherpower · 2 years
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tmasckotoko · 4 months
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feed your local wolfboy a steak Today ! hungry
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delirious-donna · 8 months
For You [Hanma Shuji]
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an: Pure self-indulgence as I've been sick the past few days and I'll use any excuse to continue my soft Shuji agenda...
pairing: Hanma Shuji x female reader
warnings: fluff, self-ship coded, reader has longish hair with a similar texture to Shuji’s, fluff, bit of a sick fic I guess, domesticity, soft shuji, suggestive if you squint, did I mention the fluff?
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He didn’t know what to do. That much was evident from the white noise tumbling inside his head and the empty stare that roamed your apartment. Everything was as it should be, and at the same time, nothing was right.
Shuji hadn’t heard a peep from you in almost two days, and that was unheard of before now. He appreciated that you were not overtly clingy. You didn’t need to know his exact whereabouts at any given moment of the day, but you checked in now and then, and for the first time in his life, he looked forward to those moments. So when you went radio silent except for one cursory message in reply to his attempt at humour that you were ghosting him, worry settled heavily.
The smell was apparent the second he let himself in with the spare key you had gifted him months ago. Until now, he hadn’t had reason to use it, but there was no way he would allow another day to pass without knowing what was going on. Sickness–sweet and sour–lingered in the nose, an unmistakable smell.
What he found huddled in a nest of twisted blankets tugged at a heart he had not long grown to realise existed. A mass of tangled hair obscured most of your sleeping face, though he doesn’t miss the scrunched expression etched across your features. Your skin that peeks from beneath your adorable kitty pyjamas was covered in a sheen of sweat, and he could feel the heat radiating from your body when he closed the distance in two quick strides.
You’re sick. 
The rasp of your breathing indicated something was sitting on your chest, likely a bad cold or some infection, and he doesn’t know what to do with this newfound information. Turning, he raised his glasses atop his head to pass a weary palm down his face.
Cuts, scrapes and bruises are things he can deal with. He is well accustomed to peroxide on rags to clean wounds and disinfect any dirt that might linger inside split knuckles. A raw steak slapped over a swollen eye might be considered a bit of a health hazard these days, but he still swore that nothing reduced the swelling faster. Hell, Shuji was even a dab hand with a needle and thread. He had lost count with how many of his exclusively short list of friends he had patched up to avoid the inevitable hospital questions over the years. He had even sewn himself up from time to time.
Hell, he needed to act. Standing here doing nothing was beginning to sizzle his blood.
You woke from being jostled, the haze of your fever dream preventing the usual fight or flight instinct from kicking in. Craning your neck, you blinked and scrubbed at your eyes. There was no way you were looking up at your boyfriend. No way that he had you cradled in his arms in the most delicate hold you had ever experienced.
“Yeah, princess, it’s me. Need you to sit here f’me, alright?” He rasped, voice affected by some emotion you couldn’t quite place.
Cool porcelain met your backside, your body guided upright until you could manage your equilibrium. Hanma Shuji was here, in your apartment, in your bathroom. Rummaging through your medicine cabinet and looking for god knows what.
A bath. He could at least run you a warm bath and rid you of the smell of sweat and sickness from your pretty skin. Methodically, he worked to fill the tub and added a few splashes of some scented shit that smelled familiar from your cabinet. Shuji dutifully peeled the pyjamas and underwear from your body and threw them in the hamper with a mind to run a load for you if he remembered.
Maybe you were dreaming. Maybe your twisted fever-induced dreams had shifted away from the nauseatingly vibrant images you had experienced only a few hours ago to this muted peaceful scene. It was a nice thought, but no, this was reality and not one you ever thought you’d experience. 
A hand from behind your head came into view, a hand you knew immediately, not just by the stark black kanji inked against golden skin but the length of his slender fingers and the slight yellowish stain from the cigarettes he smoked. He handed you a soapy washcloth, which you gratefully accepted, wiping it across your body and sluffing off the grim that had caked you over the course of the last few days.
It was heaven, pure and simple, and when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Shuji surprised you once more. He gently tilted your head back, your eyes met his, and you smiled in adoration at the concentration evident on his face seconds before he began wetting your hair with the jug you kept on the edge of the bath.
“You don’t have to… Shu, I can take care of my hair once I’m better.”
Shuji clicked his tongue against his teeth in admonishment, but he held back from scolding you further for not trusting him with this small task. He washed his own damn hair, so washing yours wasn’t going to be some impossible task. His fingers worked in the suds of your shampoo into a thick lather, digging deep against your scalp and massaging firmly enough to elicit moans of bliss. 
Normally such noises would make him hard, but right now it only raised a genuine smile. This was possibly one of the most intimate things he had ever done for you. Never mind all those times he had rearranged your insides or made slow, passionate love to you. No, this was on a whole other level, and he liked it–more than he ever believed he would.
You must have dozed off whilst he shampooed and conditioned your hair because the next thing you were aware of was being lifted from the bath and wrapped in a thick fluffy towel that draped past your toes. Shuji returned you to your bedroom but paused in where to deposit you, his nose wrinkled in distaste at the mess of sheets that most definitely needed to be washed and changed. Eventually, he planted your feet on the plush rug by the bottom of your bed, one which his knees were intimately familiar with and helped towel dry your body from head to foot.
“Put these on, baby. Imma strip your bed, do you have another set?” He asked with a kiss to your temple, handing you a clean set of yellow pyjamas with little ducks covering them from your dresser drawer. 
Nodding sleepily, you pointed to the wicker storage box in the far corner before stepping into the pj pants and clumsily covering yourself with the top that bagged just enough that you could truthfully forgo the pants if you wanted.
You watched in amusement as the man known far and wide as both a talented photographer and sometimes enforcer for certain well-connected friends changed your bedding. His tall frame made it easy for him to manipulate the fitted sheet into place and wrangle a clean duvet cover on your kingsize duvet. This shitty task would have taken you nearly half an hour by yourself, but he managed in only ten.
“Need to dry my hair,” you yawned, leaning your face on his bicep and gratefully folding into his body when his arm snaked around your waist. He looked lost again, and you took pity on him. This kind of care was not his forte, but he didn’t know that all of this meant more to you than you could verbalise in your current state.
“I’ll wait for you in the living room. Take your time, alright?” With a final kiss to your forehead, he rounded the door of your bedroom and was gone from sight.
Shuji tried to sit still whilst the sound of your hairdryer filled his ears, but he was never one to sit idly by. He thought back on the times he had been sick as a kid with no one to really care for him and the things he would have wished for. In truth, a hot bath, clean clothes and a full stomach were all he ever wanted.
He was no cook, but he got by. A can of chicken soup caught his attention as he scanned your cupboards and set about warming it up on the stovetop. Your bread was still fresh, and he found butter in the fridge. He could do this. He could be the caring boyfriend when he wanted and though he had never felt inclined before, you were different.
You didn’t blow up his phone looking for sympathy or attention–no–you had tried to tough it out much like he had growing up, and it further sparked the flicker of kindred spirit that he felt about you. He wanted to protect you. There was no sense of obligation, and that made the difference. You were the first person he had loved outside of himself, and you reciprocated unconditionally. 
You took the man he was, the boy he had been and loved every part of him, flaws and all. Shuji could do the same for you, and he vowed that the next time one of you fell sick, you’d be living together and there would be no need to guess that something was wrong.
So engrossed in sentimental thoughts that were still rather foreign to him, Shuji didn’t notice the hairdryer cut off nor the sound of your bare feet padding in search of him. It wasn’t until two small arms wound around his waist that he noticed or acknowledged your presence at all.
“What did I do to deserve you, Hanma Shuji?” You sobbed wetly into the shirt covering his back. Your emotions were overwhelming you, head still stuffy from whatever sickness had beat your ass the past few days, coupled with the domesticity of watching him cook for you. Tears streaked towards your cheeks, and you smushed your face deeper into him in an attempt to halt the flow.
He chuckled whilst continuing to stir the soup. “I know a lot of people that would say you must have been real bad in a past life to have ended up with me as a boyfriend.”
You sniffled and mustered every ounce of strength–barely anything–to smack him for that comment. “Shut up, you ass. Don’t spoil it.”
Shuji turned slowly. The amused expression softening in the face of your soppy, pathetic face that he couldn’t possibly adore any more, and he raised a hand to thumb away your tears. Enfolding you fully into his arms, he cooed softly against your freshly dried hair and smiled at the scent that was uniquely you had returned to your skin.
“I want you to know that I would do anything for you. Not only would I rip apart this entire fucking world if someone dared hurt you.” He enthused before his tone softened with a quiet exhale as if he were about to whisper some unspoken secret. “But I’ll also bathe you when you need the help, and I’ll feed you when you’re hungry. For you, there is nothing too much.”
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cottagedeer · 10 months
I wanna know more about Gordana and Simon if there's anything else to share! I find the concept of a reborn Betty so fascinating and I love the way you went about it so much?? Also! Would love to see what the dice of doom would have to say about their kids lol
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Alright, these are some doodles from different moments in the Janitor AI rp.
Simon and Gordana end up running into Finn, when Simon introduced Gordana to him and mentioned Betty, it didn’t take long for Finn to have his guards up and already show unease to Gordana. It took Simon needing to get inbetween them to calm down Finn and reassure him that Gordana is not Betty anymore and doesn’t remember from her past life’s mistakes.
When after a few sessions of the Regression game, Gordana would be seeing hallucinations of herself in her reflections as either Betty or GOLB, sometimes both, causing her to have restless nights and would sometimes have to turn on the shower to drown out her mental breakdowns so Simon wouldn’t worry. She had been keeping this from Simon because she didn’t want him to feel bad that the regression game was doing more harm than good to her mental state.
(Both bottom images) During their pregnancy, Gordana had been getting strange cravings for meat, but no matter how Simon cooked it for her, she didn’t feel satisfied and would sometimes get upset. One time Simon accidentally undercooked Gordana’s steak and didn’t notice, but when she took a few bites, she realized what she was craving, raw flesh. The cravings got bad enough that she would be dazed, staring down at Simon at night as she drooled. Of course at the time she is able to overcome that intrucive thought during her first trimester, instead opting to going to the fridge at night and eating the meat raw, and making excuses to Simon that either she cooked it last night before eating it or ‘tossed it out because it went bad.’ Simon grew suspicious and one night caught her in the act.
Here is the dice rolls for their golbabies.
For Gordana, oh. Makes sense.
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For Gordana’s Simon… what. This is the lowest roll I got ever!!!
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starwrighter · 1 year
I am not a Baby!! (yes you are)
(Previous) (Next) (Masterpost) (Ao3)
(Chapter five lol)
A jarring noise jolted him awake way too soon for his liking. His eyelids still felt like anchors and vague images of a good dream lingered in his mind. If he went back to sleep now the chances of him continuing his dream where it left off were next to zero. As the noise continued Danny found himself pouting, his eyes watering despite not being sad. Frustration bubbled like a hot spring as he whipped his head around to the source. The radio!
All his anger shifted to giddy hope, exhaustion melting away as he rushed to the blinking red light and pressed play. The machine whirred and clicked a robotic voice different from his PDA chiming in
"Playing pre-recorded distress call..."
"This is lifepod 3, uploading our coordinates. We're plugging some holes in our emergency Seaglide, so if we're late for the rendezvous don't panic. Also, don't go home without us. Seriously. 3 out."
A young lady's voice played from the machine, coordinates downloading to his PDA along with the message itself. It felt like a decade had passed since he'd heard a human voice despite only being on this planet for a day at max. Looking at the coordinates, their life pod should be floating around in one of the kelp forests. Danny still looked human, so meeting up with the other survivors probably wouldn't be too scary for them, alarming yes, but not scary.
In all likelihood, the crew of life pod 3 wouldn't still be there when Danny reached the signal. The message had been sent around ten minutes after the crash and Danny was just now receiving it a day later. A rendezvous was mentioned in the distress call, maybe he could get the coordinates from the other pod's radio? The call he received was obviously responding to a distress call other than his. Why he wasn't receiving messages in chronological order was probably the same reason his PDA's blueprints were corrupted and his lifepod's interior was on fire when he woke up.
All he knew was following that signal was the first thing he was going to do when he set out again. Inside the life pod, however, he was going to have breakfast. Toddling over to the storage unit Danny picked out what was supposed to be a block of food. Scrunching up his nose Danny took a bite, it was dense and crumbled when he bit into it yet, was somehow chewy like a fruit gummy. The taste was nothing like fruit in fact it tasted more like meat. Not good meat either, like someone had taken raw steak rolled it around in their yard fresh after mowing, and then sprayed disinfectant on it. It took an entire water bottle to wash away the artificial taste on his tongue! Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised if you told him this was expired. It wasn't packaged, it just sat at the bottom of a warm storage unit next to his remaining water bottle and flares.
Was this some kind of space rat poison? Did he seriously just eat rat poison, his PDA didn't warn him it was rat poison. It should have warned him if it was rat poison there was no reason the PDA would have to poison him... Unless it wanted to? Did his PDA become sentient because it was sick of his crap? He hadn't even gotten close to the level of annoying his friends and enemies dealt with on a daily basis. If his PDA became sentient it was either a coward or trying to save itself the trouble.
"Hi?" Danny questioned, staring intently at his PDA waiting for a response... Nothing happened, after minutes of waiting silently so as to not interrupt the PDA if it decided to speak nothing happened no pop-up, notification, or comment. It wasn't at all disappointing and if it was that was only because the thought of a sentient AI to talk to sounded super cool.
Ancients, how was he this desperate for interaction already? Where was his fire extinguisher? Shuffling around the lifepod Danny looked under the seats, snatching up the bright red fire extinguisher and clutching it to his chest. Resting his chin on the handle Danny sighed, chubby fingers slipping against the smooth metal. The fire extinguisher wasn't as heavy as it'd been when he first sprayed it pretty soon, Wilson would be as useless for putting out fires as it was for blunt force damage. A knife in his backpack could be justified but a fire extinguisher while swimming in the ocean? A waste of space. Leaving his inanimate friend behind was the practical option but Danny didn't care.
The knife he'd acquired last night might be his main friend from now on but Wilson was the Og. They're going on adventures together and Danny would keep it in his room as a souvenir. A knife would eventually be taken from him but fire extinguishers were for forever! Stuffing Wilson into his bag Danny prepared to leave his lifepod again.
Squeezing the knife in his right hand Danny gave a few test swings. Physically, he's weak but the knife was sharp and it'd do some serious damage if he was careful what he swung at. As much as his food tasted like something you were served in prison this was not prison and throwing hands with the biggest creature on the planet would do him no good. With that said he was going to pick a fight with whoever invented those nutrient blocks, or maybe he'd sick the lunch lady on them? Whoever made these rations deserved to live off of only them for at least a week.
Opening the hatch was easier than it was yesterday, the orange handle turning smoothly with one yank instead of many. Water less foreign against his skin, the wetsuit feeling more natural than it had before. A dive that wasn't skin-tight would still be preferred but at least it was breathable and protected him decently. Swimming had gotten a bit easier, the flippers didn't make a huge difference when you accounted for the heavy oxygen tank strapped to his back. Surprisingly the weight of the new tools in his backpack and the oxygen tank strapped to him didn't drag him down to the seafloor.
Catching a few fish with his teeth to distract the metal muncher. Danny wandered towards the signal. Sticking low to the seabed, he ducked between creeping hiding amongst the vines and using supply crates as cover. Tossing a fish at metal munchers that lurked a bit too close to his hiding place distracted them long enough to get to the next one before they swam to inspect where their snack had come from. His PDA informed him it gave the metal muncher a name when he distracted it long enough to scan it. A "Stalker" is what the AI deemed a suitable name. Danny thought that name was boring, a dramatic name for a creature that Danny found to be scatterbrained and lacked the dedication to hunting the name implied. Its pattern of movement was closer to sneaking than it was to stalking. It was an annoying name choice but it made sense. You couldn't give a living creature the genius name he came up with.
Coral was wrinkled like a brain but colored a bright purple and spat out air bubbles that filled his air tank. Giving him more time to explore before the natural need for air spoiled his fun. Sandstone outcrops popped up more often in the kelp forests, useful silver and gold dropped into his open palms before quickly being stuffed into his backpack.
As he closed in on the signal, body pressed to a grassy seabed a sinking feeling started to fester in his stomach. A feeling that soon shifted to overwhelming grief that hit him like a crowbar to the cranium. Chest tightening as a sunken lifepod clear in his view. If it'd had just been sunken there was hope that it'd happened after the crew moved on, perhaps a Stalker taking a little nibble? No, this lifepod had been exposed to some sort of explosion, metal blackened and jutted outward. The bottom hatch looked to be ripped from the floor, now leaning against the gaping hole just below the bright red 3 labeling the lifepod. While there were bite marks on the pod, parts of the yellow latter were likely torn off by a passing stalker that likely occurred after the initial explosion.
Considering his lifepod was on fire when he woke up, this one exploding for no visible reason was too much of a stretch. Swimming into the sunken pod, prepared for the worst. Mentally preparing himself to see a mangled body or the horrific scene of a lethal incident. The lack of gore upon his entry was both relieving and unnerving. A lack of bodies didn't bring him hope, the hairs standing on the back of his neck and a cold breath stuck in his chest told him with certainty that the crew of this lifepod was dead.
The crew's last voice log confirmed this. A modified power cell, one to supercharge a sea glide to be capable of carrying two people at a higher speed. The math was perfect in theory but the seglide itself wasn't built for the power cell. It was too powerful, the kind you used to power bigger things like prawn suits or seamoths. Like rigging a car battery to power a lightbulb it was doomed from the start Chances were, it started to overheat the moment they turned it on and overloaded a few feet from the pod just like the crew thought it would.
Awful, There were no names on the PDA. No bodies to be buried or cremated and no names to be remembered for grieving. Deaths that he could only mourn in the confines of his mind. Jane and John doe's that died doing their best to ensure survival in a shitty situation. It took everything he had not to cry, though maybe he was already crying but the ocean was washing his tears away without a trace just like it had with these people.
A large displacement of water followed by a not quite shriek of something much bigger than a metal muncher snapped him back. That did not sound friendly! Danny hugged the wall of the lifepod peeking out through one of the many holes made by the stalkers.
That didn't look friendly either.
A gigantic snake-like fish with pelvic fins like silk sleeves. Gills glowed a toxic white, its yellow body shimmering in the daylight. Similar to a hoverfish there were spots lining the fish's back, a large white blob in the shape of a bat on its chest. It glided through the water slowly circling the lifepod, eyes glowing yellow.
"Thirty seconds," Danny could have screamed, the robotic alert like a firecracker going off during silent reading. The giant fish whipped its head around creeping towards the lifepod at an agonizingly slow pace. Heart racing, Danny clung to the side of the lifepod pressing himself as flatly against the pod as he could. Desperate to avoid being spotted he shoved himself underneath a metal panel.
A stalker's roar broke through the water followed by a pained shriek and a body slamming against the sand. Danny took this opportunity to make his escape, vision blurring as he swam to the surface. A gasp of air could never taste any sweeter as he watched a pack of stalkers attempt to eat the giant. The giant just seemed annoyed, their face pinched in what he could only assume was the fish equivalent of exasperation. Batting away the hungry gators with their blanket-like tale, Stalkers attempted to thrash around a creature that was several times bigger than them, thinking they could take him as a group.
This distraction lasted long enough for Danny to flee back to the shallows. Back to the bladderfish and Peepers who didn't look like they could swallow him whole without noticing it. Now Danny didn't mean to judge a book by its cover but he also wasn't willing to swim up to a fish that big, not when he wasn't sure if that was the one who'd had a taste of human flesh.
"Detecting increased local radiation levels. Trend is consistent with damage to the Aurora's drive core, sustained during planetfall"
Well shit, sometimes Danny hated being right.
@pupstim @ashoutinthedarkness @avelnfear @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @meira-3919 @blep-23 @hugsandchaos @stargazing-bookwyrm @starlightcat04 @bytheoldwillowtree @zeldomnyo @justwannabecat @shepherdsheart
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0v3rcast · 1 year
You, Great Creator of Teyvat, in the life before returning to your loving creations, contract lycanthropy. Beneath the moon, your body breaks and reforms as a great beast of the hunt.
Upon returning to the world you made, that power is now within your grasp, instead of the other way around. You don't need to lock yourself in a secure place every month or desperately resist the allure of raw animal meat - you can just toggle the Mighty Awoo Form whenever you please.
The people of Teyvat don't really understand what it is about a child raised by literal wolves that has their Creator so enamored, but it's kind of something they envy.
All the money in the world means nothing, flying is a vague passing fancy, walking on water or making bonfires from nothing or summoning lightning are just kind of given a pat on the back for.
But this dog boy who isn't even fully literate is constantly being given little favors, like randomly getting steaks or a bunch of animals coming into the area his pack lives in so they don't go hungry.
Speaking of dog boys, Gorou is more than a little flustered by the fact that the Architect of Eternity favors him.
(It's the one thing he can hold over Yae Miko when she's terrorizing him, and he's all the more grateful to you for that protection.)
At some point, one of your very envious and flustered acolytes come to you and ask just what it is about the pair that has given them such favor in your eyes.
Your response is an invitation to all of your acolytes to a special room of the palace on the night of the full moon.
They're all very excited to see this room, which up until now has been off limits.
Upon entering, that excitement becomes concern because of the massive claw marks in every wall and also the heavy scent of blood and the fainter scent of rot.
Once they've gathered, and the moon has reached its apex in the sky, you reach back in your soul for the Wolf Within.
It reaches back, tail wagging a thousand miles an hour, eager and happy to be free to roam.
And you undergo the change.
They watch in something like horrified reverence as your mortal form is warped and ravaged by something from within, something making their Divine Creator into a beast.
And you stand again, the shift over, now completely towering over every other being in the room.
(Because I love Okami, I'm gonna say your holy werewolf form has the cool swirls and red outlines that Ammy does
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but with a twist- instead of red, glimmering blue starlight adorns your fur, and the massive disc hovering behind you is made of perfect moonstone, connected stars softly drifting up from it, briefly forming constellations, and then vanishing.)
Razor BEAMS. The All-Maker was Lupical before, but now you're like Ultra Lupical! You are a wolf-person too, but, like, up to 11! You even have your own moon!
Gorou's smiling, his tail wagging rapidly. You know what it's like to have instincts like his, no wonder you were so considerate of his sensitivity to sound and smell, to his urges to chase- you had them all too.
Others range from 'absolutely flabbergasted' to 'weeping with jealousy' to 'a little worried why they're attracted to you being A Magical Wolf Person'.
You howl, and every other canine thing on the continent howls with you (including Razor, who is a wolf in spirit at the very least).
Andrius is having a big puppyish field day over the fact that the Celestial Packmaster is so close to his own form.
(He brags constantly to the other spirit animals of the world about how You definitely made him in Your image and gave him Razor to pass on the way of the wolf to, even if you didn't directly or indirectly do this.)
(The Adepti, for the first in probably millennia, feel their heart rates pick up in animal fear because if you so desired, they would be Back On The Menu, and no amount of running or flying would save them from the stamina of an enhanced human body mixed with the strength and speed of a divine wolf.)
You make sure your other hybrid or supernatural followers are well aware that you have nothing against them and that if you decide to go on a hunt, there's always space for them in your pack.
It becomes common for shrines to you to have guardian animals, dogs or wolves especially, and for hunters to bring your shrines the first kill they make under the light of the full moon every month.
(Maybe thanks to you 'accidentally' saying things out loud when you think you're alone, rumors start spreading that those with nonhuman traits (horns, animal ears and tails, nonhuman limbs) were descended from your favored servants or perhaps even your children.
And maybe that action means that those who've been ostracized for their nonhuman traits can live safer, happier lives, without the fear of rejection or the enmity of their neighbors.
But that's your little secret. They don't need to know.)
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taylormarieee · 10 months
dbsf!rick has to stay at your alexandrian house for a while... as you sneak back in from a night out, you hear muffled moans coming from his room... catching him with his cock in hand, crying your name😉💗
YEAAAAHGSHJHDDJSH It's a need...not a want but a desire... I would have him **** me into oblivion. He can **** me anyday... Eat me out like steak... Stuff me like a Thanksgiving Turkey...
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You were never one for sneaking out but there was a really cool secret party that your friends were planning and they invited you and who were you to say no to a good time?
You quietly sneak back into your room, undetected. 'Yes, my pillow diversion always works', you thought to yourself.
You take off your jacket, getting ready to go to bed when you hear something muffled in the next room over.
You assumed it was your Dad talking to his friends or something but then you heard your name.
You freeze. It was faint but it was still heard by you. You quietly tiptoe to the door and put your ear against it to listen further.
"Oh fuck, Yea, Just like t-that baby." The mysterious voice whispers out.
You freeze. Ugh were your mom and dad having sex?? Not something you wanna hear.
But as your about to walk away, you remember your Parents Car ot being in the drive way.
Instead it was a beat-up pick-up truck. That could only mean one thing.
Rick was here. But why? He never comes over unless my dad tells him to.
You turn back around and quickly open the door. You quietly make your way down the hallway to the room where the noises are coming from.
You see a little bit of light, so the door is cracked open. You push the door open a tad bit and to your surprise you see a needy little Rick thrusting up into his hand moaning your name.
God damn, did he look hot jerking off.
Sweat on his forehead. Wrinkles from him furrowing his eyebrows. Mouth wide open letting out sinful groans and moans.
Tears on his face as he edges himself. "Oh yes! Fuck babygirl, just like that."
"I'm gonna cum down that pretty little throat of yours." He moans out.
You bite your lip and squeeze your thighs together. How badly you wanted to catch him in the act but you were afraid you'd get caught.
This was something to be continued another time. You quickly go back to your room, change into a t-shirt and underwear and quietly touch yourself to the image of Rick.
Silently praying he walked in on you. Silently wishing that his was his fingers pounding into your soaking cunt.
One can only hope, right?
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Taglist: @murdadixon @sinsandsweetness @versatilehater @carlsdarling @grixonsdoll @catt-leya @dixongrimesgirl
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kewpidity · 2 months
kewpie's slapdash tips and tricks for making moodboards
ive been asked a few times about how i make my moodboards and my MethodTM so here it is!
this is an image heavy post and as detailed and comprehensive as i can possible make it, if you have any questions let me know and i'll help if i can!
also, this is made with sites and apps for desktop- i have no experience editing on mobile so if that's what you're looking for im afraid i cant help you, sorry! ↷↷↷
Choose Your Fighter
let's get right into it- first thing first choose a character, or a ship or a series or whatever! i'll be doing a ship because it's a teeny bit more involved than just a single character or series
the ship will be grim x mandy from the one show
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Picking Pictures
obviously the most important part of a moodboard is the Pictures
i use pinterest personally, and finding them on there is usually pretty easy, especially if i have an idea of things i want to include. a lot of people already have boards made up for characters as well, so just searching the character names under the 'board' option will usually get you where you need to go!
but i know some people prefer sources with free to use, royalty free type images, so i included those as well:
pixabay unsplash
you can have as many or as little as you'd like, but personally i prefer the classic 9x9 grid style moodboards, so im obviously gathering 9 photos
as for what pictures to choose, here are some things to ask yourself:
do you have a color scheme you associate with this character/ship? are there any themes that are relevant?
these are the pics i choose for my board- they're raw, unedited, and uncropped, which we'll be changing here in a bit
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notice that ive chosen the color scheme of pink, black, and white because that suits them and is also the colors in their actual character palettes
ive also picked some things that feel relevant to the ship and its vibes- mandy is associated with daisies, so i got a picture with a girl with a daisy in her eye, which i also paired with a skull with a flower in its eye socket, bringing them together with a common theme. there are also little black shoes and a bloody knee for mandy, a psythe and what could work for cerberus for grim, and since their ship is kind of gruesome and mean spirited (affectionate) as well as the show having pulpy vibes, i got a heart shaped steak, a pulpy romance/horror cover, and an old horror movie card with their VibesTM
now that we have our pictures, its time to figure out the formatting! i went ahead and already did that with the pictures above using a site ipiccy, specifically the 'collage' options
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once you press 'collage', you'll open up to this menue, where im choosing the 9x9 grid, but as you can see there are other options there if you wanna use them! then you're gonna press 'add images'
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then you add images here (mine are already loaded in):
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afterwards, you play around with the placement of the images- its okay if they clip or dont properly fit in the box, this is Only figuring out where you want the pictures to go, we'll place them properly later in a different program
when im placing them i like to consider patterns and shapes- top left square is a 'mandy' square, so bottom right should be a 'grim square', as well as echo each other- in this case the flowers in the eyes thing, and so on, even down to the pointy little shoes and the pointy little sythe this part can be v subjective, so i encourage you to play around until it clicks for you
i hope my scribbles kinda help explain visually what i mean:
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also as a small personal tip: when i make moodboards i want to capture the feeling of a character/ship/what have you Without just Saying it. because of that i lean more heavily on the pictures themselves and Only ever use One that has text on it. again this is subjective, but to me its a 'telling vs showing' thing and too many words makes the whole thing feel v cluttered with little room for the actual characters involved
once you're satisfied with your placement, take a screenshot to reference your placement, and then we move on to
PS/Photopea, Templates, Adjustments, and PSDs
this is where we get really into it
firstly, i know most people either dont have PS or are nervous about downloading a cracked version (def do not click this because it is def not a link to older ps files you can dl for free) but luckily there's an extremely comprehensive in-browser option that is totally free called Photopea, which can be found HERE
its basically a 1 to 1 rebuild of the real thing, and since its more accessible i'll be using that to finish up my board!
first, you'll wanna throw your template in there, here's the one im using
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once you open it, you also need to open the pics you chose to use- i suggest doing this one at a time to not overcrowd the program
once the pic is open, copy it and paste it over onto the moodboard, and then right click the layer and set it to 'clipping mask' which will keep the pic within the bounds of just the template:
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then go over the toolbar on the right, press the 'rectangle select', then right click the board and select 'free transform' to move the picture around freely:
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now is where you look at the screenshot you took of the ipiccy placement, and then you simply move the picture in the proper place in the moodboard! you might need to select and cut off the part that doesnt fit neatly into the square
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continue doing this until you have it all filled out, and take some time to properly fit the pics (for example, the pic with the text needed to be (to does this is photopea drag around the corners while in 'free transform, and if you dont want it to scale at the same dimensions press 'shift' on the keyboard while you drag, which is what i had to do with the text or the flower-in-the-skull to make it fit properly))
its important that All your layers are properly set to clipping mask, otherwise it'll be all messed up! so it should look like like this when you're done, and hopefully everything will be layered on the board properly, and we end up with this:
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you could stop here and be done with it, the entire moodboard can be finished now, but i like to tweak things like contrast and value and levels, which are found here in the 'image' section at the top- ive been as tutorial-esque as i can be so far, but this one really comes down to playing around with it and making adjustments until you like the outcome (each layer can be changed individually)
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i try to make it so everything feels even- the blacks match and the whites match and none of them feel particularly lighter or darker or more saturated than the others
so we go from this:
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to this (if you cant tell the difference i didnt do it well ljksdf, its helped further along and made more obvious by the next step) :
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and Finally the secret sauce: PSDs!
these are premade colors/effects that you drop on top of board to help even things out, maybe make some colors Pop
there are a Ton of them free to use on tumblr and deviantart, and Here is a tutorial on how to use them! (its done on mobile but works functionally the same as on desktop)
feel free to make adjustments to the photos more under the psd until it looks right to you
once ive selected and used the psd i wanted, i export it as a png, and this is the result!
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i hope this is helpful and not Too confusing, if anybody has any questions let me know and i'll try to help!
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Ko-Fi Prompt from Eli:
do landlords have price wars? it seems like with the insane way rents are going it wouldn't be hard for them to undercut competition. but it also doesnt feel like thats happening.
Oh, this is a fun one. Let's talk about price elasticity!
Note: I will be including graphs in this post. While it's helpful as a visual aid, there is no way to describe it that actually helps explain the premise that isn't already in the post's body of text. As such, I will not be providing image descriptions beyond the short sentence before or after stating what it's meant to represent, since further information wouldn't be of any use to those with screen readers.
In the field of microeconomics, one of the basic models everyone learns is the supply and demand curve. Here's a visual example:
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Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Traditionally, a product with an elastic price is one where demand fluctuates directly in response to cost, isolated from other factors*. A basic example is affordable luxury goods, say, a nice steak. If the cost goes up by a dollar, a certain portion of the population will decide it's no longer worth the cost, and will switch to something cheaper, like a chicken breast, instead.
* Other factors include, but are not limited to, luxury appeal, subsidized costs, and the lipstick effect. This post is already pretty long, so I can't go into many details on those situations.
The Demand curve is specifically a visualization of how much of a product can be sold for, not necessarily how much the product can be sold in quantity. As a general rule, it's easier to think of Price as the independent factor for Demand (and quantity as the dependent), and quantity as the independent factor for Supply (and price as the dependent).
With a traditional S&D curve, the intersection of the Supply and Demand curves is the optimal price point from both ends. The X-axis is supply quantity, which a lot of people find unintuitive... but that's where it's been for years and that's where it's staying.
If there is a great quantity of a product, with healthy competition levels, then the supply line moves to the right. The intersection of the lines then drops, and prices go down, as businesses lower prices to gain more customers.
If there is a small quantity of a product, due to limited raw materials or unique patents or skills, then the supply line moves to the left, and they can charge more for the product.
Here is a visual of what I mean by the supply curve moving:
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(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
The text is fairly small, so I'll describe here: The image states that factors that can increase supply (shift to the right) include favorable conditions for production, falling input prices, improved technology, and lower taxes or regulation costs. The second graph describes a decrease in supply, causing a shift to the left, the factors of which are the exact inverse of the first graph for increased supply.
A good example of a shift in supply resulting in a change in cost is gas: prices go up when supplies go down, whether due to higher taxes/regulations (e.g. the current refusal to trade with Russia), or disappearing raw materials (diminishing quantities of oil and natural gas, as finite, unrenewable resources). Comparatively, other forms of energy, like solar, have had their quantity lines shift to the right (cheaper) as the technology becomes more efficient and cheaper to produc.
Now, in areas that genuinely do not have enough housing, this is part of why prices go up: options are limited enough that they can get away with charging more. Due to zoning laws, construction costs, etc. they cannot add more housing, and so the supply curve is further to the left (pricier).
Here is a similar example image for the Demand curve, and how it shifts:
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(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
The factors, here, are more intuitive. If demand goes up for reasons like trends, population, rise in general disposable income, changes in the costs of competitors or accessories, or expectations of investment viability, then the demand curve shifts to the right, and costs can increase without losing market share. For the reverse causes, the curve shifts to the right, and fewer people are willing to buy at that same cost.
Let's consider laptop computers: they have gotten more popular. A larger portion of the population has reason to buy them than twenty years ago. For that reason, the price can go up without necessarily losing market share (shifting to the right). However, income across the board has dropped, and there is a reasonably cheaper substitute (smartphones) for some uses, so the demand is lower (shifting to the left).
If you are in a city where there are suddenly a lot of people moving in for some shiny new company, then there is a greater population trying to buy, and so the demand curve shifts to the right, and prices can safely go up without losing market share.
...but that's with elastic pricing and competition.
Elastic pricing and costs are for most traditional goods. For specific foods, you can usually just... buy something else. If a plague wiped out half the crop of lettuce for the season, the costs will rise on the supply side (shift to the left), but there are unaffected substitutes, like broccoli and cabbage and tomato, for general use, so demand will also drop (also shift to the left). This means that prices go higher, but they are further to the left for both, meaning the quantity sold is lower.
Selling four million units at $3 vs. selling two million units at $6. The final amount of money changing hands is the same, but it's at a different cost and quantity.
Supply moves to the left: less product, higher price from the seller to cover costs
Supply moves to the right: more product with healthy competition, lower price from the seller
Demand moves to the left: less interest in the product, customers need a lower price to buy the same amount
Demand moves to the right: more interest in the product, customers will tolerate a higher price to buy the same amount
But again, this is for elastic products.
What's an inelastic product?
Well... housing, actually, but let's start on the other side this time.
Products with inelastic demand are ones where customers cannot respond to changes in cost or supply. It doesn't matter if the cost goes sky high, and you know the profit is 96% because the cost of production is 4% of the price you paid; you can't afford to not buy it.
You know how insulin prices in the US spent decades being prohibitively expensive because diabetic individuals could not survive without buying it? That's inelastic demand.
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(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
If you look at the image above, you see a 'perfectly' inelastic demand curve. It is a straight, vertical line, where the quantity is immovably stuck at 150 no matter how high the cost goes.
In the real world, very, very few products are perfectly inelastic. Even insulin is... well, some people can move abroad. Not many, so it's pretty close to vertical, but some.
With housing, demand is fairly inelastic. The vast, vast majority of people do need housing. There are very few substitutes for this need, and while there is a range of prices and options, it does sort of... flatten out early.
If you demand that people spend $3000/month in order to live within 50 miles of their place of work, and everyone else is also demanding $3000/month, then there aren't any other options. The person either gets a new job elsewhere, spends a few hours a day on a commute, or pays those $3000.
Inelastic supply is the other side of that coin. The very limited quantity, and the high costs of expanding that supply, mean that the line shifts pretty far to the left, causing prices to rise. The line is also nearly vertical. With housing, there exists an argument that it is often cheaper to let the apartment sit empty than to rent it out too cheaply, due to maintenance costs and property taxes or what have you. Unless there's an exorbitant mortgage that needs to be contributed to by the tenants, though, those numbers don't quite work out.
So... if the Demand curve is nearly vertical, and the Supply curve is also nearly vertical, and there are no viable substitutes other than exiting the market entirely, you have a situation where the Supply side has nearly all the power and an excuse for why they're raising prices that doesn't actually reflect the reality.
Because there's plenty of housing being built, just, you know, not in the tax bracket that needs it. (Remember, a very large portion of Billionaire's row is currently unoccupied.)
You could argue that this is a form of price-fixing, which is an illegal act in which competitors in the same industry agree to collectively raise, lower, or stabilize pricing of a product. If 90% of microprocessor companies raise their prices simultaneously without cause, consumers will have to bite the bullet and buy the product at that new cost, as there aren't enough substitutes to find another option.
(If this sounds like a monopoly to you, good job! It's the same principle: control pricing for enough of the market that you can raise it higher than demand justifies. It's just done by making deals with the competitor instead of buying them out.)
However, due to the shape of the supply and demand curves in this housing market, and the very gradual way in which this situation has developed, it's not really a deliberate, organized price-fix, just something that came about as landlords realized that tenant's rights and alternate options (e.g. the council/public housing, affordable housing lotteries) weren't keeping up with their ability to continue to nudge prices upwards without losing out on money.
(Most of the time. Price-fixing does still happen, in pockets.)
Long story short: landlords don't have price wars because the demand curve is so inelastic that they can basically get away with anything.
(Prompt me on ko-fi!)
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rocals · 2 years
I love reblogging a frank image here and there. it's like throwing a raw steak over the fence of the frankgirl mutual enclosure and watching them tear it apart
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jazztag · 9 months
A Cure for Solitude III
The next day, the Tall Man doesn’t come. Instead, what comes is much, much worse.
Suddenly, his entrails appear to be on fire, and an increasing hunger eats his brain mercilessly, infecting his thoughts with the only desire to consume. His nose gets extremely sensible to all of his surroundings, and as if possessed, his body starts taking him out of the room of mirrors and into the big hall of the shopping center.
He finds himself entering what appears to be a supermarket. And for the first time, he isn’t alone anymore.
Walking by the corridors, he finds more creatures that, like him, seem to move towards smell. A rotten and absolutely tasty smell that covers the walls and makes them all congregate around the refrigerated sector of the store.
Alongside other undead people, he stumbles to get one of the packages containing raw meat, and after successfully getting his way onto one with raw seasoned chicken wings, gets thrown to the floor and stepped on by the rest of the orde. He embraces his little treat as if the most valuable thing ever and starts retreating towards the opposite wall, sitting by the dairies to regain his breath.
Now, still deadly hungry but less preoccupied by it, lets himself watch with morbid curiosity the spectacle in front of him: all the others fighting each other for the available meat. There’s a group of creatures that have started a fight over one piece of steak. There’s one who is chewing at another’s leg, and someone is on the floor, lacking one hand, and starting to eat their other one. So much chaos, so many animalistic growls and screams.
Still seated on the floor, he wonders if that’s how the Tall Man sees him.
Suddenly, there’s a big noise. And before he can even comprehend where it’s coming from, he starts hearing shots and gets on his stomach without missing a beat. There’s some commotion and shouting, and the rest of the creatures start running in different directions. There’s a vehicle right at the doors of the store, and it appears to have people, like actual, living people, coming down towards the orde. They are screaming ���bloody zombies” and “kill them all” and each of them has a firearm.
He panics. One thing’s for sure: the Tall Man doesn’t carry any weapons, at least as far as he knows. Now, the image of people with guns fighting against animalistic human creatures terrifies him, and before he can comprehend anything more, he’s fleeing from the scene on all fours, not letting go of his chicken wings, tho. The actual people have started to lose against the zombie orde, and before he exits the store, he sees from the corner of his eye the way two zombies bite at one of the living people. Said person starts trembling on the floor, and in a minute or so, their eyes look soulless and their mouth opens hungry, for more meat. The former living person has transformed into another creature.
He turns away and disappears down the corridor, back to the furniture store, where he feels safer.
Maybe it’s the fact his brain ain’t braining anymore, or maybe he’s just very hungry, but by the time he walks past the room of mirrors and stops, he forgets about all the chaos outside and starts digging his decaying nails into the plastic container, trying to pray it open. His hands are trembling nonstop, clueless as to how to open the damn thing. He feels the hunger inside him again, and the panic settles. His movements get more and more erratic, and frustrated, the creature starts sobbing. The hunger hurts. It really hurts.
"Hey", he hears suddenly, and freezes instantly, recognizing the voice. His eyes try to focus in the dark, and he sees the Tall Man’s figure some meters away. He stumbles and leaves the food behind. Starts backing slowly, kneeling on the floor and lowering his head like a cornered dog. He is still remembering those living people with firearms, the chaos. And he wants nothing to do with it.
The Tall Man starts to walk towards him. And he panics again. Maybe the Man is one of the other living person’s group, and is about to shoot him on the head. Or worst, he wants to stuck another ouchie syringe on his arm. He is about to get up on both legs and start running as fast as he can when the Tall Man stops and crouches. The Man grabs at his food and examines it. The creature gets defensive over the chicken wings. The hunger hurts as hell, and he doesn’t want the Tall Man to steal those from him. So he emits a growl and something resembling the word “away”.
The Tall Man looks momentarily at him, unimpressed, and then with fairly easyness rips open the plastic envelope. He even looks smug doing so, and the creature rolls his eyes. Weirdly enough, the Tall Man doesn’t eat his food, he just stands there, as if inviting him to come get the food.
Maybe the Man doesn’t like chicken wings.
The hunger hits again in a wave of pain inside his intestines, and the creature bends over, grabbing at his stomach and yelps. The Tall Man observes in silence his pained movements, and decides to throw one piece of raw meat in the creature’s direction. The zombie lurks forward to the food upon smelling the decaying meat, and practically devours it in a couple of seconds. He then looks at the Tall Man, and at the rest of the food. And if asking shyly for permission, he motions towards the rest of the meat. The Man seems to understand, and backs away a bit.
The creature hesitantly moves forward, but when he has the rest of the food at arms length, it only takes him a couple of minutes to finish the rest of it. And when he is finally full and the hunger goes away and he is finally content, he realizes horrorized the Tall Man is onto him with another syringe in hand. Feeling extremely betrayed, he yelps and screeches like mad.
The Man immobilizes the creature with no effort, as he always does, like if dealing with a small and harmless small animal. And the zombie feels again his arm starting to burn from where the syringe and the unfamiliar contents hit. The Tall Man holds him down with incredible force, and the creature, while struggling, remembers (or maybe it’s an instinct) the way the other zombies bit at the living person, converting the human into one of them. And he closes his eyes and decides to bite his hand as well.
The Tall Man and the creature stop struggling against each other for a hot minute. The Tall Man looks at the creature in the eye, and then, weirdly enough, smiles. Before anything else is said, the Tall Man shows him the other hand, which has clean bandages around it from when the creature bit him, last time.
He doesn’t turn into one like me if bitten, thinks the creature. Weirded out, he starts backing away from the Tall Man, and the human lets him.
“You can’t turn me into one; no one can”, tells him the Tall Man. The creature scoffs, looking defeated.
“N-no… -t f-fair”, replies him. But he is more preoccupied with his arm right then, which has started burning as usual. The creature grabs at his limb and starts sobbing quietly. It’s getting bad again.
The Tall Man looks at him weird, like he does everytime the creature manages to speak an intelligible word. “I’ll be back for another sample tomorrow”, finally says, and steps up, towering over the creature with those blue, ice blue eyes.
God he is tall, thinks the creature, watching him disappear again into the corridors. Then he starts to shake, and embraces himself for the worst. Again.
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yvetteheiser · 3 months
Yvette Heiser’s-Feast for the Eyes: Guide to Wedding Food Photography
In the heart of Texas, where culinary culture meets picturesque wedding venues, photographers like Yvette Heiser are revolutionizing the art of capturing these momentsand Yvette Heiser Landscape Photography the Art of Capturing the Sublime Nature in a Frame lens doesn’t discriminate—it captures the essence of Texas terroir, from sun-kissed peaches at local farmer’s markets to sizzling brisket on roadside grills.
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The Culinary Narrative
Food at weddings isn’t just sustenance; it’s a language of love, tradition, and celebration. Yvette’s guide begins by emphasizing the storytelling aspect. Each dish has its tale—the chef’s creativity, the locally sourced ingredients, and the cultural influences. As photographers, our task is to translate these narratives into visual poetry. Imagine capturing the bride’s anticipation as she lifts a forkful of her favourite dish or the shared laughter as guests Savor a family recipe.
The Dance of Light and Texture
Yvette delves into the technical nuances. Lighting matters—the golden hour glow or the intimate candlelight of an evening reception. It dances on a plate of hors d’oeuvres or softly illuminates a tiered dessert. Texture plays a role too—whether it’s the flaky layers of a croissant or the glossy glaze on a chocolate tart. Yvette guides us in harnessing light’s power and balancing textures to create visually appealing frames.
The Art of Plating
Food photography demands attention to detail. Yvette’s guide explores macro shots—the glistening droplets on a strawberry, the delicate placement of microgreens, or the intricate piping on a cupcake. These close-ups reveal the craftsmanship behind each dish. She encourages us to experiment with angles, capturing the essence of flavours and textures. A well-composed plate becomes a canvas for our lens.
Timing and Emotion
Weddings unfold in chapters—the ceremony, the toasts, the first dance. Yvette reminds us that food plays a role in this narrative. Imagine photographing the groom’s joy as he tastes the perfectly seared steak or the child’s delight as they devour a rainbow-hued macaron. Timing matters: capturing the moment when a champagne cork pops or when a chef meticulously plates a masterpiece.
Collaboration with Culinary Artists
Yvette’s guide emphasizes collaboration. Building relationships with chefs and wedding planners allows us to understand the menu, anticipate key moments, and access behind-the-scenes action. Chefs are artists too, and their passion translates onto the plate. Yvette shares anecdotes of working closely with culinary professionals to elevate her food photography. Mutual respect and communication enhance the final images.
Photography is an art form that transcends mere snapshots. It’s about storytelling, emotion, and technical finesse, Yvette Heiser - Texas Mastering the Basics of Photography for Wedding and Food Enthusiasts, a seasoned photographer hailing from the heart of Texas, understands this better than most. Her passion lies in two distinct realms: weddings and food. Let’s unravel her insights and discover how to create stunning visuals in these captivating niches.
Wedding Photography: Capturing Love in Frames
The Power of Candid Moments
Yvette emphasizes the magic of candid shots. Weddings are brimming with raw emotions – tears, laughter, stolen glances. As a photographer, your task is to be unobtrusive yet present. Capture the stolen kiss during the vows, the tear rolling down a father’s cheek, and the joyous dance moves. These fleeting moments tell the love story better than any posed portrait.
Lighting Mastery
Texas sunsets and candlelit receptions – both demand your attention. Yvette’s tip? Understand natural light. During golden hour, embrace the warm hues. When indoors, master artificial lighting. Experiment with shadows and highlights to add depth to your images.
Composition and Framing
Yvette’s mantra: “Compose, don’t just click.” Frame your subjects thoughtfully. Use leading lines – perhaps the aisle or a winding path – to draw the viewer’s eye. Balance elements – the bride’s gown against a rustic barn door, the cake against a lush garden backdrop.
Food Photography: Savouring Visual Delights
Texture and Colour Play
Food photography is about making taste visible. Yvette’s secret? Texture and color. Capture the crusty edges of a freshly baked baguette, the glossy sheen on a berry, or the velvety swirls of chocolate mousse. Vibrant colours evoke appetite – think juicy red strawberries or golden saffron rice.
Styling and Props
Yvette’s tablescapes are works of art. Arrange props – vintage cutlery, linen napkins, rustic wooden boards – to complement the dish. A sprinkle of fresh herbs or a drizzle of sauce adds authenticity. Remember, less is often more.
In summary, Yvette Heiser’s guide invites us to Savor not only the flavours but also the emotions tied to each dish. Through her lens, culinary moments become timeless treasures, woven into the fabric of love stories. So, fellow photographers, let’s capture these delectable memories with finesse and passion!
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applesandbannas747 · 1 year
Sarah Rees Brennan's additions to the Fenceverse were peppered with classism, ableism, biphobia, and racism (what else can I call the erasure of Eugene's Filipino heritage?), but one aspect of it that's at once more subtle and more obvious is Coach Sally Williams's inappropriate behavior with her students, and I need to talk about it. Fence is marketed toward a young adult audience--kids who have teachers, maybe even teachers like Williams...and, hopefully, who know to report teachers like her to someone.
Let me make clear that my condemnation of Williams as a predator is only relating to the novels. In the comics, she's fantastic and badass and caring. In the novels, she takes it too far. There are several instances of her being what I'd call a shitty teacher throughout the novels, but there is a moment in Fence: Striking Distance where she sexually harasses three of her students. Can you think of when?
If you thought of the punishment she issued to Seiji, Nick, and Eugene for failing in a trust fall exercise, you would be correct! I want to be entirely clear here; there is no question of whether that was sexual harassment against her students. It was. Definitionally, it was. That's not up for debate. Let's get into why and fill in some context that makes the whole scene even more disturbing.
Williams issued a punishment to three of her students which involved them stripping. Asking students to undress is in itself sexual harassment (unless you're a chemistry teacher telling someone to get their ass in the 'i fucked up' shower but that's basically the only exception). It is inappropriate and unacceptable for a teacher to demand their student take off their shirt. Williams does. And then dresses them in raw steaks to send running around the woods. Their punishment isn't running. Their punishment is humiliation. And she's made it a sexual thing by disrobing them and dressing them so specifically and strangely. This isn't having them put on a little dunce cap and do jumping jacks kind of thing, this is a bizarre setup that, while not written as a fetish, can certainly be read that way. For whatever reason, Williams decided to have them wear raw steaks and the only real explanation is for her own pleasure--amusement, the characters and readers are supposed see. And the readers are meant to laugh along at this strange humiliation utilizing the partially naked bodies of minors.
Let's talk a little bit more about the raw steaks. The purpose of them seems to be humiliation, and if that's where Williams derives pleasure, perhaps my next points satisfy her goal intentionally. Either way, being made to strip and wear raw meat against their bare body is bound to be a massive trigger to people with sensory issues, body image issues, and eating disorders. The unique blending of unpleasant sensory, nakedness, and food would feel gross to anyone forced to abide by this punishment, but for people with pre-existing issues, it multiplies tenfold. And it is similarly disturbing in a new way to consider those who do not eat meat being forced to wear raw steaks around their necks. There are so many people for which this punishment would be even worse than you'd think at first glance, and it can absolutely be read as part of Williams's design. If you saw reports of Willimas in real life, wouldn't you assume this was intentional?
Another thing to note here is the needless escalation of the punishment to the crime. Eugene's meant to catch someone in a trust fall but turns to try and catch someone who's actually falling--Nick and Seiji being the reason and the faller in question. It is for this crime that they are punished. And, yeah, good time to talk about how your behavior can cause real harm to others (hell, it's a great metaphor for trying to learn in a rowdy classroom--reacting to the rowdiness/trying to calm it and sacrificing the thing you were doing to manage it), but an appropriate consequence would be an apology from each to Harvard. It was not a malicious or intentional attack and didn't warrant a punishment at all beyond natural consequence. Williams took this opportunity to enforce a major punishment that is entirely unrelated to the behavior nor is it beneficial to fencing the way running suicides is. Why change the terrain to the woods? And if you want to argue for the woods, I'll even give that to you. Why require bare chests and raw meat? Those conditions in no way add anything but humiliation. And, arguably, to Williams's pleasure.
I know it's 'not that deep' -- or rather, I know it wasn't meant to be. I know that this scene was not crafted with the intent to frame Williams in such an unsavory and upsetting light. I know that to assign intention behind the sexual harassment may seem presumptuous. But if this was happening in real life? Those intentions are almost guaranteed, even on a deep 'unknown' level to the teacher issuing such perverse and power-proving punishments. It doesn't matter if it wasn't written to be that deep, it has some seriously gross undertones.
Bottom line is that Williams used her power over children who were under her charge and protection to have them undress and endure the press of raw, bloody meat against them as they ran through the woods. That's not funny. That's sexual harassment.
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Here is a list of the inedibles that will be in this bracket
Orange Joe (fictional "beverage" that's a combination of orange juice and coffee)
Doll shoes
Pen caps
Watermelon tourmaline
Comet/scouring powder
Paper towels
Kinetic Sand
Fiberglass insulation
3DS Stylus
Plastic Bottle Cap
Babybell Cheese Wax
Bouncy ball
Human meat
Venus (planet)
Cascade dishwasher pods
Acrylic Paint
Molten glass
Sea glass
Silica gel packet
Cocoa butter lotion
Pencil Toppers, the lil eraser things
Tumbled amethyst
Rubber Ducks
The rubber balls from the game Cranium Cariboo
Polly pocket clothes
Poison Dart Frog
0.1 uF Film Capacitor
The sun
Tide pods
Phone charger wire
Those free wooden pencils you get at ikea (just the wood shell not the lead)
Liquid nitrogen
Aquarium gravel
the weird science juice in the beakers in those stock images
Origami star
Styrofoam cup
Sticky note
Collar of shirt
This submission form
Plastic straws
Glow sticks
Oil paintings
Candle wax
Nickel sulfate solution/Nickel plating solution
Silicone wristbands
The wax paper under your Poutine
Forearm (doesn't have to be one's own)
Candy wrapper
“Okay so technically this is edible but I’ve had urges to just take a huge bite out of certain sea creatures before. Like just a chunk from an orca or dolphin or great white or seal, etc.”
“Those stupid wooden spoons”
Scotch tape
Artificial grapes (the wax/plastic ones for display)
The goo inside  Stretch Armstrong
Headphone wire
Raw steak
Small colorful rubber bands 
Pencil lead
Cattails (the plant)
Foamy soap
Liquid soap
Bar soap
Shiny rocks
A hunk of random fish swimming by
A live goldfish
Price Tag Fasteners
The moon
Pool noodles
Smol frog
Destroying angel mushroom
the smoke coming out of the grain refineries two Mike's out of Gary, Indiana, Usa
Popsicle sticks
My hat
The tiny rocks in school playgrounds
Blue laundry detergent
Spray foam insulation
Battery corrosion
Fiber optic cables
Packing peanuts
Your mother
Pond water
Dry ice
Alkali metals
Chocolate shampoo
Ping pong ball
Bricks, like the stuff you'd build with. Minecraft bricks even, if you want
Hoodie drawstrings
Horse treats
Copper (II) Sulphate Water / Blue Science Rock + Blue Science Juice
Fabric Paint
Oil paint
that one art piece of the banana taped to the wall
the hotdog somebody encased in resin
“the thin lego plates not the base plates but like the lego piece thats like 2x8 and they kinda look like hershey chocolate bar pieces”
One of those little hamsters
Model magic
Battery Acid (the drink)
manchineel apple
Rubber band ball
The lava lamp liquid
Wax apples
That cake decoration that came with your slice and you're like 90% sure it's not edible... but what if ?
Soap bubble
Lush cosmetics' products
Strawberry Shortcake's dolls with scented hair
Salt lamp
People who think children are not worth their consideration
Poisonous berries
Chunky soft yarn
“whatever the Chuck E Cheese Ticket Muncher Machine is eating (it's not the tickets) (or the sound itself but that's neither a solid nor a liquid so this is just kind of holding hands with the hypothetical ticket muncher food)”
Snow globe liquid
Chisel tip whiteboard marker
Raw dough
Raw fuckin cactus. alive
Grape agate
Car seat
Lock pick
Scrub daddy
Molten sugar 
Lightning bolts
“Bark dust. Like the dirt/bark dust that's under the bark chips on a playground. Not the chips themselves. The dust.”
Clear deodorant
Apple earbud wires
Hello kitty sweatshirt zipper
Preshredded mozzarella cheese
Scrap metal
All of the rocks at a crystal shop
Origami polyhedron model
Bubbles mixture
Cupcake liners
Hair gel
Curtain rods
Incense sticks
Incense cones
Metal thing that attaches eraser to pencil
Windshield wiper fluid
Plastic pencil grips
Wooden ice cream spoon
The liquid in levels
Vanilla extract
Aroace flag
Coil incense
California state testing “next question” button
Forbidden coal iron french fries
Garage doors that look like chocolate bars
Plastic takeout box
Weird anime girl hair
Freezable gel ice pack
Necklace chains
Nail polish
Pencil Shavings
Pool floats
Bao Dumpling
Spray deodorant
0.1 uF Ceramic Capacitor
Vanillish (Pokémon)
Really fancy pillars
Favorite song
“THE LITTLE ORBS IN THE MOUSE (aka trackballs)”
“Any cutesy anime character like Chopper or Pikachu”
Wooden fan blades
Balsa wood sticks
Those blankets that look like tortillas
Milk and golden honey softsoap
1x2 lego pieces
Light bulbs
Slightly melted lounge chair
Cork (the material)
Pineapple coke
Sparkly lipgloss
Race Car Tire Marble
Gold trophies
Konjac sponge
Mandy the Slayer / Orange Spyderco Dragonfly Knife
Glasses Temples
Typewriter keys
EVA foam
Crumbs in the couch
My wife's arm/shoulder
Yellow ACE bandages
Neon Signs
Scented candles
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obraveyouth · 6 months
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❝ △ — miscellaneous / i.
an overview about my rendition of the hero of twilight, i will expand further on these concepts in the future but this is just to serve as a general overview on how i write link :)
△ — link found that the more and more he took on his wolf form, the more it seemed that the abilities tied to it also became apart of his mortal being as well--he can understand and even speak to the animals not just in ordon but hyrule overall… the goats can be quite chatty. also, he still has the sixth sense from his wolf form, though it can be a bit overwhelming sometime, causing him headaches. when in human form, if he see's a stray cat or dog or any cute cuddly animal really link will pick them up and love on them--he has always been extremely found of animals but even moreso now as he feels they better understand him than people.
△ — paired with the above, link has developed a strong taste for raw or damn near raw meat ( blue rare steak, beef tartar, exclusively eating fish as sushi, sashimi, or ceviche style ).
△ — while being apart of the destiny tied to hyrule and the three golden goddesses--he doesn't really have faith in the religion aspects behind it ( kind of hard to believe in something that you are ): with this, he'll attend meetings at hyrule castle as the hero but does not partake in the political discussions regarding the kingdom nor give opinions. now, depending on the topic, link can actually be a bit of a chatterbox but he is always wary of damaging the image of 'the green garb he wears/the kingdom's savior' so he chooses to remain silent in the vast majority of situations, allowing others to do the speaking. plus, he still views himself as a simple country boy with an obvious southern-slang ridden accent and isn't the most proper mannerisms wise outside of being a strong fighter.
△ — while a shepherd / farmhand by trade link is actually very smart in a plethora of intellectual pursuits—if not playing with the kids in ordon or working, he can usually be found at home with his head stuck in a book on a variety of subjects, his favorites being those of magic and swordplay…because of this he was able to put a lot of book knowledge into actual practice during his journey, shown when he is highly adapt at using the various tools in his arsenal: bombs, boomerang, bow, ball & chain, clawshot, dominion rod, etcetc ( though as the inheritor of the triforce of courage i believe it also comes with the past knowledge of its past wielders / his incarnations ).
△ — when it comes to lilia, what link feels for her is not romantic in anyway, he views her as a very close friend ( even moreso as his sister ): she helped him a lot when he first came to ordon as a young child with his parents ( his mother was frail and his father thought the peaceful village of ordon near the spirit spring would do her health better ): and has always been kindhearted, he admires that about her—even with everything destiny has tossed his way, link is glad she was apart of it. even if at times the things she says can make him flustered, out of the sheer boldness.
△ — now regarding the hero shade ( the hero of time link ): the two spent a good deal of time actually talking ( in additional to him passing onto twi the seven hidden skills ): specifically discussing the true burdens of the destiny he was born into and his own regards as the legendary one, as well as how to cope with the whole wolf thing ( as shade too was once transfigured not of his own digression ): the relationship is even greater than mentor and student, but a grandfather to his grandchild. note: if you play 'hero of time link' while this is true for this blog's canon, i can always omit it in threads with you, if you have a different version of the hero shade and his relationship to twi.
△ — you will rarely find link out during the day ( he is a before sun up and after sunset type of person now ): having become a strong night owl, preferring dusk-the witching hours ( midnight - 3am ): after his adventures with the twilight princess, he longs to see it again and while, searching for a way to see midna / the twilight realm again, he clings to the brief spans of time when it seems the world of light and shadow coexist.
△ — link has frequent nightmares, leaving him in a constant state of sleep deprivation ( if it goes on for enough days , he'll even have bits of psychosis episodes ): and perpetually has dark bags under his eyes. while link knows that he defeated ganon and knows zant is long dead--he cannot help but worry for the world he no longer as access too as well as the future fate of his own. to get rest when his body is completely exhausted he goes to any light spirit spring, the waters of the fairy queen's fountain, or the scared woods, near where he pulled the master sword.
△ — link wishes that another 'soul of the hero' is never needed. he wants to spit in the face of the golden goddesses and even hylia to a degree ( from what has been told to him from zelda about her, she's as bad as the rest but not as much ): to tell them the next time they need a hero do not look to him or any of his descendants. his talks with the hero shade have helped a lot regarding his feelings but link's unable to go back to the life of easygoing peace he once knew, he craves adventure--even if also terrified by the notion of needing to save the world again.
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scopostims · 1 year
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hannibal stimboard for anon :•]
[ID: A 3x3 stimboard. GIF 1: Darkly lit footage of blood pouring out of holes in a tiled wall. GIF 2: Red wine being poured into a wine glass. GIF 3: Blood being poured into a white teacup with gold accents, overflowing the cup. GIF 4: A piece of rare cooked steak being cut in half. Image: Hannibal from the TV series Hannibal. GIF 5: Someone cutting a strip of fat off a slab of raw meat. GIF 6: A flower petal being dropped onto a bowl filled with blood. GIF 7: Slow motion footage of red wine being poured into a wine glass. GIF 8: Blood dripping off of a knife. End ID]
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