#raye shut up
medlarmeadows · 1 month
started listening to raye out of pure chance stumbling on a clip of Oscar Winning Tears and i think i've found my new favourite musician!! and she's such a precious human being too uGh
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thewolfpackwrites · 8 months
penber: why is kira obsessing with me?? why did he spare me???? is he saving me? does he plan on using me? what does he want? what am i supposed to do?????
light: i feel guilty... also i think i might be attracted to dudes or at least THIS dude
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platinumshawnn · 9 months
ESCAPISM | jburrow
AN: I’m here to bring u some bar joe vibes as it was my birthday yesterday, featuring some Nick bosa with RAYE’s music being the vibe here. I also got carried away so bless to souls who actually read this whole thing through lol. I also have yet to decide if I do a second bit to this
Warning(s): alcohol consumption, idk some sexual tension, some lowkey implication of a previous hookup. And PLEASE for the love of god, don’t share drinks with people at the bar, stay safe kids
Word count: 3.9k
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Her eyes darted between the clock on the wall and the table in front of her, the box on top of it white and wrapped with a neat, silver bow that would occasionally sparkle under the light of her kitchen; her tv still playing the old-time movie she had been previously engrossed in — a childhood favorite her grandma would play to distract her when she babysat her as a child. 11:59 — one minute.
She turned, heels clacking against the marble tiled floor with each step as she approached the bag that had been lazily tossed earlier that afternoon after her shift, the paper bag crinkling with movement as she fished the small box of candles and the plastic container possessing a single piece of red velvet cake; her gaze on it as she turned and made her way back to where her glass had sat, awaiting her return with lipstick smudge on its rim. Her eyes were temporarily drawn to the television as the scene became the source of commotion that echoed throughout the room, setting the cake and candles down. She reached across the counter to fetch the candle lighter that sat in a bin of items that were usually tossed when she returned home from work, sliding it towards herself as her right hand began to fidget to the dessert, popping open with a cracking sound. Her stance shifted, her hips resting against the countertop while her legs crossed at her ankles as she dropped her eyes to the candles, picking up the box and using her nails to pry open the small cardboard box to slide one out between her fingers; plucking the small wax stick out and plopping it into the slice of red velvet. Her gaze lifted to look across the room at the clock — any second.
She paused, watching as the second hand quickly rounded the seconds, counting down. The lighter was picked up, pressing the ignite switch to trigger a flame that caught her eye for a moment, watching intently as her hand hovered over the cake and caught the wick of the candle to light it; the flame slowly growing from a small spark. Her eyes lifted one last time to the clock as it struck midnight, looking down at the candle again and stepping back one step as she bent over to plant her elbows against the countertop and stared at the flame, her eyes shutting as she paused.
Let this be a good year. Give me one damn good year.
Her eyes opened after a second, sucking in a breath as her lips parted, puckering to sharply blow out; watching as the candle was extinguished in a swift moment, leaving behind nothing more than smoke as a reminisce of its previous bright orange light. She stood upright, reaching for the glass of wine — her fourth, the cause of the buzz that had spread throughout her body, reaching as far as her toes. There was a moment of silence in the apartment, apart from the soft hum of her television as she stared at the cake in front of her, taking a small sip from her glass, the bittersweet drink being held on her tongue for a moment longer before she swallowed and let out a scoff, pathetic that she was putting so much hope and faith into a candle. She brought the glass back to her lips and tipped it back, tossing back the remaining contents with a sharp swallow and exhaling from her nose as she set the glass down suddenly with a harsher thud than intended, an exasperated sigh leaving her as she lifted the glass to eye the base to ensure she hadn’t cracked or broken it. Once the glass was cleared, she placed it back down and eyed the box from her friend on the counter — a little gift, her friend had described it as when she had slid it to her during brunch earlier, wide eyed and stopping her from opening it right then and there in the middle of the restaurant.
“Later, not now!” She had whispered across the table.
Her phone chimed on the counter, tearing her gaze away from the box as she reached for it and lifted it, her friend’s name and face looking back at her as she paused before answering and beginning to walk away from the counter, shutting the plastic lid to the cake as she moved, “Hey, hey.” She greeted, hearing a chorus of shouts over the phone upon her answering the phone, the high pitched squeal of her friend above them all.
“My lover, my birthday girl!” Lauren screeched, more excited than she herself could muster as she reached down with her left hand to smooth the short black dress over her thighs; having ridden up with movement, the black tights not helping their slide.
“I’m just about to leave, I should be there soon.” She answered, sighing out a laugh at the girl on the other end of the phone call.
“Good, we’re waiting on you!” She shouted over the noise that just threatened to drown out her drunken words — she could picture her now as Lauren seemingly brought the phone away from her mouth to yell something to someone on her end of the line, probably plugging her one ear and squinting, crouched over as she struggled to keep upright in her heels that she had only worn for the sake of appearances, despite how much she hated heels. Her voice returned after a moment, raspy from shouting over music, “So, how does it feel? Twenty-five!”
She let out a groan as she rolled her shoulders, flipping her hair back over her right shoulder as she began to walk towards the door to the apartment, shutting off lights as she walked and fixing her left heel while balancing the phone between her shoulder and cheek. “Oh god, don’t say it like that.” She whined.
“Like what? It’s a sexy age!” Lauren defended, having turned twenty-seven just a few months prior. “It’s a perfect age, like a second coming— one year closer to being the hot aunt everyone wants to bang.” She rambled, though there was a slur to her words that reminded her to take her ramblings with a grain of salt as she laughed out loud.
“I’m hanging up, I’ll be—“
“You better not pull out!” Lauren shouted, earning a sharp laugh from her friend who slid her jacket over her shoulders and grabbed her bag, unlocking her apartment door to step into the chilly hallway that was devoid of any sign of life.
“I will be there in fifteen minutes, I’m walking there now.” She interrupted, hearing as Lauren was yet again yelling to someone off mic.
“Okay, don’t get grabbed!”
Her mouth opened, ready to shoot back some type of witty response, something sarcastic but she was met with the tone that Lauren had hung up on her; pulling the phone away from her face as she walked down the hallway towards the elevator, seeing that she had ended the call. A short laugh left her mouth, a stiff sound that resembled more of a scoff as she shut her phone screen off and shoved it away into her purse; slinging the small bag over her shoulder as she stopped outside the elevator and leaned to press the button. If not a good year, give me a good night at least.
She had the sudden urge to reach for a cigarette from her purse as she rounded the corner, coming out of the hallway that extended into the club from the entrance, her jacket having been checked in at coat-check, the stupid little ticket being shoved deep into her bag as if that would prevent her from losing it during the night. But her urge would be met with empty efforts after having quit smoking six months prior — the most she would find, if she was lucky, was a lighter that probably was on its last leg after too many nights out and being buried under god knows what in her bag; certain it had fallen in far too many puddles in the wetter months of the year when Lauren had dragged her out. She hated clubs, hated coming to places like this but Lauren was persuasive and she hated the thought of her here alone more, but had found the ability to enjoy it enough to tolerate her and even found it to be exhilarating at times. How many hidden kisses had she experienced in the back hallway, leading towards the bathrooms? Her gaze skimmed over the hallway briefly as she passed it, already beginning to feel the density of the crowd tonight as she stepped on to the floor, her hands reaching for the hem of her dress again as she shuddered at the thought of how many people she had kissed — the thought of how she could barely place faces or names to them gross, but worse when the realization sank in that she couldn’t even remember their faces. She could only justify it by looking up at the neon lights that possessed a blue hue, scanning over the crowd of bodies that seemed to sway with the beat — the dim lights here could make anyone attractive.
Her shoulders were jostled by bodies as she nudged through the crowd, navigating towards the booth section that was elevated over the rest of the club, overlooking the dancefloor that was packed like a can of sardines; her hands in at her waist as she brushed past the endless sea of people. The odd hand would reach out for her elbow as she moved, hearing a whistle over her shoulder, but her gaze stayed fixed forward as she walked while her chin seemed to lower the further into the crowd she managed to get, trying to avoid any unnecessary interactions brought on by accidental eye contact.
Her shoulders relaxed with a breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding as she reached the bouncer who was overlooking the entrance to the booth section, having to lean up on her toes to shout her name over the music as he rose an eyebrow at her; the clipboard in his hand held up as if to wordlessly ask for her reservation. His head nodded, turning to allow her past and offering a hand to her to help as she stepped up the two steps that separated the section from the rest of the room, glad as she awkwardly wobbled as she stepped up and straightened her shoulders. Through the dim lighting, she immediately saw Lauren’s hand fly up and wave for her over a shoulder, her head peering around the guy in front of her as she found her friend and pushing past him to shuffle towards her; watching as her hands flew over her chest to contain herself from a wardrobe malfunction with the bouncing motion as her friend slowly began to approach, letting out a laugh and gesturing to her own chest to signify Lauren’s situation.
“Oh, careful!” She shouted as Lauren approached her.
Lauren immediately reached out for a hug, one arm still at her chest and fixing the black strapless front that was barely being held up by what she could assume was some fashion tape, hopes and dreams. “I was worried!” Lauren shouted into her ear.
She scrunched her nose and leaned away from the hug after a moment, shaking her head while her arm wrapped around her waist, guiding her into turning to make her way back to the table where she could make out multiple heads belonging to guests Lauren had gathered on her behalf, “You really shouldn’t worry about me. I can fight.” She joked as the pair approached the group. Lauren’s arm had found her shoulders, squeezing as she then rubbed up and down her arm a couple times as a soothing gesture, her head turned to look at her friend with a frown.
“Don’t joke, you know how crazy shit has gotten.” Lauren stated, her friend’s features softening as she looked at her and nodded reluctantly. Her friend turned to gesture to a few work friends, girls buried deep in the booth who waved and squealed greetings to the birthday girl, Lauren gesturing to a few guys who had collected into one corner and were chattering amongst themselves; the familiar guy Lauren had been talking to, coming out from a trio that had been talking while they settled, “You remember Nick, right?”
Her gaze turned to Lauren briefly, raising her eyebrows subtly as Nick stepped forward and leaned in for a hug, pressing a kiss to her cheek as a greeting, “Ah, she made it! Happy birthday.” Nick said as he leaned in, releasing her from his grasp after a moment, her own hand lingering on his shoulder as she pressed a kiss to his opposite cheek and flashed a smile at him, “We were starting to think you were going to back out again.” He remarked, though there was a playful tone to his words as he straightened up.
“Blame work— hours are long, work is hard.” She replied, withdrawing her hand from his shoulder though his remained, touching her side as he laughed.
“Yeah, yeah— Lauren said you were quite the workaholic earlier,” He said, taking a sip of his drink as she shrugged in turn, “I’m starting to see what she meant.” Nick said after a moment, leaning over as he spoke, his lips close to her ear before he withdrew again and took his hand back. Her gaze shot towards Lauren who was mid-task of mixing a drink, a sloppy version of a vodka-cranberry as she watched on, meeting her gaze over the rim of her drink. Nick excused himself, rambling some explanation of allowing her the opportunity to greet the rest of her ‘guests’, reaching to take the expensive bottle of vodka from Lauren and waving with his fingers. She slid her purse from her shoulder and tossed it on to a rack above the booth, looking at Lauren as she exhaled.
“I forgot how touchy he was.”
Lauren choked on her drink, snorting in response and shrugging, her hands lifting in a surrendering gesture as she stuttered out some incoherent noises. She grinned and reached for the drink in her friend’s hand, taking it from her grasp to bring it to her mouth, taking a drink from the thick mock glass cup, “I think he just likes you.” Lauren commented, her voice low enough to prevent him from hearing as he leaned past them to grab a mix from the table, his chest brushing her shoulder as he moved past her to make himself a drink. Her head turned to glance at him, being flashed a smile and an apology as he leaned away after a moment, her head tilting at Lauren and eyes widening as she mouthed for her to shut up. Lauren laughed again and reached for her drink back, hand waiting as she took one last drink before surrendering it back to her, her gaze flipping over her shoulder.
“Too bad you like someone else,” She teased, gesturing by jerking her chin behind her and following Lauren’s gaze over her shoulder to where Joe was distracted by his own conversation; swaying slightly to the music in a way that — from her spot — looked utterly ridiculous. “Joe’s here. Quick, which underwear are you wearing?” She asked, her head snapping towards her friend as she jokingly tugged on the hem of her dress.
She swatted her hand away, “Oh, drop it— leave it alone already, it's been like five years.”
Lauren leaned into her, her shoulder bumping hers, “Four, actually.” She corrected, smiling in her face as she snatched her cup once more to choke down the contents.
“He was on a break with Olivia, the guy is hardly out of there— leave him be.”
“Maybe he use the could pick me up.” Lauren insisted, her eyes on her friend's face as she shuddered, letting out a quiet gag from the drink that was disproportionately poured by her friend's drunk hand; Lauren scoffed, laughing as she took the empty cup away and set it on the table. “If you won’t, maybe I will.”
“You’re so not funny, that’s gross.” She replied, swatting her hip as she reached once more for the bottle that had been returned by Nick a few moments earlier, “Weren’t you talking to Nick? Is that not what I saw?” She asked, though her tone hinted at teasing her friend who snapped up with the bottle and practically choked out an excuse, nodding her head and mouthing a ‘yeah, yeah’ as Lauren nudged by her and started to shuffle back towards Nick, earning a snort.
“What’s not funny?”
She turned as a body appeared behind her, her left shoulder colliding with his chest as she turned slightly to look up at Joe’s face as he stared after Lauren for a moment before looking back down at her; his eyebrows raising as she could faintly make out a small, crooked smile on his face from behind his drink as he took a sip, awaiting her answer,
“Ah, just the man we were talking about.” She responded, his eyebrows raising further as he lowered his cup, “I was just saying we hadn’t heard from you in a while for a minute there— did you change your hair?” She replied, her tone laced with amusement as she reached up and brushed the hair that hung over his forehead.
“I’m a busy guy.” He replied, eyeing her for a moment as her hand dropped from his face as she noted just how close he stood, leaning against the railing with an elbow propped up, “Come on, what did she really say? I want in on the details like one of the girls.”
She snorted, turning entirely to face him and mirroring his posture of leaning into the banister with her elbow, “A guy in a relationship, you mean. You’re not one of the girls though, Joe, sorry — classified.” She witted.
“Not anymore.” He quickly corrected, his gaze fixed on her face as he took a sip from his drink; silent for a moment as the comment weighed there between them, hanging in the air as her eyes scanned his face, head tilted as she then smiled and shook her head.
“It’s good to see you, Joe.” She finally said after a pause, disregarding the warmth in her cheeks as she redirected the conversation.
“It’s good to see you, too, happy birthday by the way.” He replied, swallowing and lowering his cup before he tipped it towards her, drawing her eyes to it for a split second as she registered the offer. He seemed to take her silence as an answer, bringing the lip of the cup to her mouth and tilting it to her lips as her hand rose to try and wrap around the circumference of the cup; though his hand remained there, guiding the drink as she swallowed the sweet liquid — whiskey sour. His gaze held hers as she took a few cautious sips from the cup, careful not to mess her lipstick more or spill any of its contents on herself, “Easy there, baby.” He quietly laughed as she leaned away, her hand coming away from the glass to cover her mouth as she licked her lips clean of excess dribble.
She wouldn’t linger on the nickname, stepping back as her hands dropped to her sides and clenching there for a moment as she inhaled, having to take a quiet breath; a mental reminder of how intense his presence could be, even four years later, the tension palpable as she swayed between her feet and glanced behind him at the rest of the group that was distracted by their own conversations. “I’m going to…” She said, gesturing behind her towards where a bar was shoved into a corner, just below the stairs of their sectioned off area, his eyes following her movements. “I’m going to get a drink.” She finally finished.
His gaze stayed on her as he nodded, mouth turning down in an upside down smile for a moment from behind his drink — she suddenly felt so bare under his stare, backing up a few steps that were wobbly as it felt as though the wine and liquor was starting to catch up to her, her skin on fire and feeling the buzz’s effect as it had reached her fingertips. She turned around to walk, her hand reaching out to skim the banister as she walked as fast as her feet would allow her, flashing a smile to the bouncer who once again offered a hand to help her step down and back to the general floor where she beelined for the bar. Her hands awkwardly gripped the ledge, using it for support as she let out a breath, leaning forward but cautious not to press into the countertop that was sticky from spilled drinks as she waved over a bartender who smiled as she approached; a beautiful girl with that perfect white smile and long hair, skin on display as she slid a drink to a patron to her right,
The bartender leaned over, “What can I get you?”
She hesitated, “A whiskey sour!” She stated, having to shout over the music as the girl nodded and immediately began assembling her drink. Her gaze watched as she perfectly poured the liquor, skilled hands working the bartender then slipped a straw into the cup and handed it over, her hands lifting to mimic the number.
“Put it on my tab!” Joe replied over her shoulder as he waved to the bartender who glanced at him then nodded, “I’ll grab another one, too, thanks.” He stated, the girl smiling as she nodded once more and began to put together a second drink, glancing at the two as she slid it across to him and stepped away.
Her head turned as he reached past her to grab the drink from the counter, having already discarded his other cup at some point between reaching her, her gaze on him as he immediately plucked the straw out and tossed it into a garbage just behind the counter. He looked good— with or without the lighting, he always looked good. His haze scanned the crowd for a moment as she stared at him, reminded just how easily he could knock the wind out of her lungs as she had to force herself to breathe normally, his eyes turning to find her again. “Consider it my birthday gift.” He said, leaning down so his mouth was near her ear, his shoulder brushing hers with the movement.
She nodded after a moment, the close proximity bringing forward an image of his lips on her neck, his breath fanning over her skin as he’d mumbled something she could barely make out — she hated guys who were still hung up on exes and were fresh out of relationships.
She lifted her drink to tap his own, “Thank you then.” She sweetly replied, her head turning to look at him as his face hovered close, his nose just nearly brushing hers from the close proximity; finding his eyes that scanned over her face slowly, taking in every inch of her features as he flashed a small grin — that stupid fucking smile. She really hated pretty men, especially pretty men who were hung up on exes.
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rinneroraito · 8 months
Good Girl
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I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen Raye Pember die.
My eyes sting and I press my eyelids shut for a good minute or two as I sink back into the couch I shared with The World’s Greatest Detective, L. I bring my feet up on the couch, pressing them against my chest as I exhale sharply. Even though I had my eyes shut, I could feel his wide eyes on me.
“Miss Uehara, if you’re feeling too tired to continue I am allowing you to leave. I can take care of this on my own.”
Eyes still closed I raise a finger at him, prompting him to pause his thoughts or even discard his suggestion.
“I’m alright, Detective. Can we take a break though? Just a few minutes, I want to take my eyes off of the screens so I can have a fresher view of it.”
“That’s alright, you can go ahead and take a break. I’ll be right here.”
“Take a break with me.”
I open my eyes and meet his gaze, the shadows under his eyes making his stare sharper than he intended.
“Just a few minutes, it’s going to help you, too. We can just sit here and talk.” I suggested, but it came out more as a plea than anything.
He scans me with his shadowed eyes, pondering my suggestion.
“Alright, fifteen minutes then. Does that work for you?”
“That’s plenty enough, thanks.” 
I peel my eyes away from him as I reach into my jacket pocket for a lollipop. It could have been the way I was almost begging to take a break from watching the surveillance footage that gave it away, but it was very apparent that I was on edge. I know that he noticed.
My nails scratch against the candy’s wrapper as I try to open it.
“What the fuck...” I mutter to myself in growing frustration as the wrapper stays stuck to the lollipop.
“Let me.” L reaches out a hand to me, offering to open it. I hand it to him with a frown and he takes it from me, holding it daintily with only his thumb and forefinger.
“You seem to be on edge, Miss Uehara, are you getting frustrated over the latest developments in this case?” He asks as he wraps his other thumb and forefinger around the base of the lollipop’s wrapper. Once he gets a firm grip around it, he twists the stick around and the wrapper crunches open.
“Frustrated is one thing, I’m… Angry? Confused? Dispirited” I shake my head. “It’s a lot of feelings to process, a mixture of emotions I have to keep in check or my judgment could be clouded. Not a good look for a Detective or an Investigator to be taken away by their emotions too much, that’s what I believe.”
I turn to him and he’s already peeled off the wrapper from the lollipop.
“It’s just as I thought then, considering the scale of this case is nothing compared to what you used to handle at the NPA. Here.” He offers the lollipop back to me, holding it upright by his thumb and forefinger.
“I don’t want it anymore.” I huffed sullenly.
“Please don’t be stubborn, Miss Uehara.”
He stares at me, and despite the piercing abyss that were his dark eyes, there seems to be a gentleness in his gaze. 
“This is an incredibly high profile case after all. The fact that you’re here persevering despite your conflicted emotions and managing them as healthily as you can is nothing short of commendable. Now here, it’s yours. I helped unwrap it for you, please take it.” He reaches the candy closer towards me that it was pressed against my lips, his face still sporting the usual stoicity he’s associated with. 
“You’re doing your best, you’re aware that you need help and you should accept it.”
The light from the screens made him look uncanny, hauntingly captivating.
I gingerly open my mouth and he places the lollipop snug against my tongue. My eyes widen as his thumb and forefinger drop to my chin, pressing them upwards to close my mouth.
His words come out calm and as comforting as he could sound.
“You feel like this case is like that lollipop you were struggling to unwrap. But I’m here to help, and just because I’ve offered my assistance doesn’t mean it’s mine alone, it’s ours. Do you understand?”
Biting down gently on the stick of the lollipop, I nod, still holding his gaze with wide eyes.
“Good girl. You’re doing well.”
My eyes grow wider as I feel my ears start to burn. And I could swear his stoic expression had transformed ever so slightly into something more smug.
“Interesting...” He says as he slowly inches his face closer to mine, tilting his head,  inspecting me.
“Miss Uehara, do you happen to be blushing?”
My hand finds its way on his chest, preventing him from getting any closer. I look away in an effort to hide my flustered expression, trying to get my bearings.
“Let’s get back to work, Detective. You can ask me about that later.”
I look up at him. And for a moment, there was the ghost of a smile on his pale face.
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raygirlramblings · 1 year
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Well everyone seems to be having fun with this, so here is Raygirl/Raye in the Captain Laserhawk Blood Dragon-verse and boy howdy is she a hot mess XD
Raye ended up in Eden like many others looking to find a better life…but the city with all its corruption was not kind and she ended up on the streets. Sleeping rough is bad enough even if you don’t have some jabbering idiot on multiple neon signs and jumbotron screens constantly extolling the virtues of Eden and how great it is.
As a result of struggling to survive and extreme lack of sleep Raye has kinda gone off the deep end, and only has one thing keeping her going. The fleeting hope of getting face to face with Rayman and smashing his teeth in XD
Raye isn’t even interested in politics or Eden’s corruption or rebellions or anything like that. She had compounded her focus onto getting to Rayman and ONLY Rayman and making him shut up so she can get a good nights sleep XD No one else really captures her interest, and she blocks out the rest of the world with noise cancelling headphones. To most she just appears to be a spaced out, slightly unsettling wandering vagrant, but if she manages to get any sleep she becomes more lucid and able to communicate normally.
Really, babygirl just needs a decent nap and some hot cocoa. XD She doesn’t even really hate Rayman she just wants him to SHUT UP.
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purplink8 · 7 months
Naomi is one of my favorite characters so I decided to compile my thoughts on her in this post! :D
(Disclaimer: I do not particularly like the fanon version of Naomi & while I do dislike Raye, I still believe without a doubt that he cared for Naomi (enough to go along with Light when he threatened to kill his loved ones, and the first one to pop up in his head was Naomi) and had his (however misguided (by sexism ofc)) best interests at heart for her. That does not absolve him for being, frankly, really really rude + sexist to Naomi and I will forever be annoyed with him for that.
tl;dr I'm neither a fanon!Naomi stan nor a Raye apologist. Anywho-)
Before I talk about Naomi, I want you to take a look at this panel directly above the one in which she first appears.
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Before Naomi's first appearance, Ryuk says "I guess women being tough in crisis goes for humans, too." This is said in reference to Yuri being unphased with the bus-hijacking and dragging our fave sexist murderer to Space Land haha.
But I think it's significant that the above quote was said by Ryuk for all women (maybe the real feminism was the Shinigami we found all along!) JUST BEFORE Naomi's first appearance.
Even before Naomi is introduced, the canon has (however jokingly (side-eyeing you Light-o)) established that women are tough in crisis. I do think that's saying something- especially when you'll see (which will be discussed in length in this post) that this statement holds true ESPECIALLY for Naomi.
But we'll come back to this later; let's move on to Naomi actual appearance in canon.
We're introduced to her as Raye's loving fiancé who is also attentive (receptive) towards him as she asks him why he's tired to which he mentions the bus-hijack.
She's quiet in noting down her observations in her head as she asks Raye for more info regarding the bus hijack:
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Look at the '...' she has before asking Raye for details. We can read it as hesitation to voice her suspicions before they sound strong enough or as the pause to think it all through OR more likely as we'll see in the panels below, she perhaps hesitates due to the conditions she agreed to with Raye. The pause may also be due to her analytical mind starting to work, she has to mull over the details she's just been given before reaching to a conclusion.
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She does speak out on her misgivings as she clearly cares about Raye and thinks (& correctly at that!) that he met Kira.
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Only to get shut down by him. Raye is, obviously, sexist and rude here but we have to remember that Raye thinks he's doing the right thing (according to his sexist 'i have to protect her from danger' attitude anyway). He does admit that she was an excellent fbi agent but still, he's not respecting her opinions.
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Now this is where my hate for Raye shines through like
"once you pop up some of my babies, that habit won't pop up anymore" ~Raye Penber, probably, i wish i was exaggerating
Raye is unbelievably dismissive of Naomi here. Not only does he not take her concerns seriously, he also follows it up with a 'joke' about directing her intelligence towards being his future wife. Now, I do believe that Naomi wanted to quit her job too but that doesn't make it okay for Raye to y'know treat Naomi like this. And Naomi (being genuinely apologetic) politely chuckles it off.
I think this brings us to an important aspect of her character: she has a sort of passive attitude. She is not that assertive imo instead preferring to be compliant and yielding. She values harmony in her relationships & avoids conflicts by being agreeable (at least with Raye).
Then Kira happens to Raye Penbar and other FBI agents. I find it interesting how these panels are placed next to each other:
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These panels are juxtaposed to each other to perhaps show us that while killing the FBI agents may be like a game to Kira & L, there are real stakes involved for those related to Kira's victims- they become pawns in Kira & L's game-: Naomi being the prime example, who is shown grieving Raye's death.
She is intelligent enough to deduce that Raye was murdered by Kira.
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Now instead of wallowing in her misery (remember what Ryuk said about women being tough in crisis? yeah this is what's happening here), the former FBI agent picks herself up, gathers her wits + composure, and gets ready to investigate.
We're then shown panels of Naomi travelling alone. I want you to remember that the emotional wound of losing her fiancé is still fresh & forefront in her mind (trying to catch Kira is a very close second). Even if her thoughts are not depicted (her ride to Shinjuku is deathly silent: with neither dialogue nor thoughts- meant to express how she deals with her grief- Naomi takes action and does so quietly), we get an idea of how she feels.
Alone. Torn between feeling lonely/helpless yet determined to catch the murderer who killed the man she loved. Still, she perseveres.
And she gets info from the bus conductor, that there were six passengers other than Raye during the bus-hijack. She figures that since Kira must've been someone out of those six people, Kira may be living somewhere near that bus route. It's a small lead but a lead nonetheless.
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Naomi also infers that Kira is able to kill people by causes other than heart attacks too. More importantly, she is of utmost confidence that her finding IS a fact which means she wouldn't be shook off that belief any time soon. Which is really, really bad for Kira as it narrows down the list of Kira suspects considerably well.
I'm gonna focus on Naomi's POV (you'll know why later):
She enters the NPA building and the receptionists are being much help: saying that there's nobody on the task force here despite her appointment with them, which was made the previous day + asking her to just leave a message when she insists on meeting the task force personally.
This is important to her. Why are they being so difficult? She'd had an incredibly long day, her fiancé is dead and only she seems to have a clue of Kira's powers extend to killing people by causes other than heart attacks. She absolutely needs to tell this clue to the Task Force. If only somebody actually listened to her. (Even Raye, when he was alive, refused to do that).
Then a young guy, who introduces himself as the son of the task force Chief, comes in and talks with the receptionists about a case he had helped solve in the past. Whatever. That information does not help her in the slightest. She came here for one purpose and one purpose only: speak to the Task Force. Why are the receptionists so warm towards him while being so useless to her? And then the boy says something interesting:
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He (if she heard correctly) may be able to beat L in solving the Kira case. He's definitely got her attention now. Either he's way too confident or there may be a degree of truth in his statement (well, they did just say how he helped them solve a case when he was a high schooler). Still, it's not like this guy can help her catch Kira when he's not even in the task force, right?
She's just about to mentally dismiss him when:
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...he shares valuable information with her- something which the receptionists haven't (even if they had their reasons) and even better, offers to help her (he's the first person to do so ever since Raye died). He chooses to trust her (he had no reason to do that but does so anyway maybe due to the goodness of his heart? (she doesn't know- still he has helped her out a great deal already)).
It feels weird accepting his help but the boy is very polite + willing to help so she does. And offers him her sincerest thanks.
He also seems to think that Kira has greater powers than people think. That surprises her.
To think this young guy has deduced something which she had too...she chooses to confide in him a little (not so much, just a little without details, just as vague as his statement was) that that's why she's here.
The stranger tells his name. Light Yagami. And asks for hers. She's not taking any chances. Raye died because of giving his ID to someone in the bus (who, she's sure, was Kira) and while this kid seems relatively harmless, she's cautious. She has prepared for this. So she gives him an alias. Shoko Maki.
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It seems she hadn't heard the end of his deductions. According to him, Kira can also control people's actions before they die- and she finally has someone intelligent enough, trustworthy enough (he trusts her AND has helped her out a lot) who is willing to listen that she cracks, offering him the final piece of the info she has puzzled out: that Kira can kill by causes other than heart attacks.
More information trickles out her (the kid, Light Yagami- she reminds herself- is surprisingly great at putting her at ease)...she tells him about her fiancé meeting Kira before his death. He's silent. When asked about it, he tells her it is due to the shock of hearing that.
Light is a patient listener, asking her details, offering his views on the matter so she doesn't mind telling him everything she has concluded thus far with utter conviction:
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He's initially skeptical of course:
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Still, he agrees that it's worth investigating into and that's what matters to her.
After thinking about it for a while, he informs her that he's convinced of her theory. Not only does he take her seriously, he also takes notes of the details of the incident.
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Light has been as useful as a person in his position could have been and she's really grateful. She wishes to tell the task force herself so she heads back to the NPA.
He's still following her. Maybe he's doing this out of politeness? She tells him that she'll be fine on her own and thanks him for all his help. She turns. The kid approaches her again.
Only to tell her why the members of the task force were said to be absent.
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Now she's suspicious. Why does this kid know so much about this investigation which ought to be kept secret from the general public? So she asks him. Only to get hit by this bombshell:
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He is, if he's telling the truth, a member of the task force. Well, that explains a lot.
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He tells us that all the members of the task force have been hand-picked by L.
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Then she doesn't need to go back to the NPA, as she has already spoken to Light who, by his own admission, is a member of the task force which means her insights will be passed on to L.
Now that she knows that L selected Light himself, she allows herself to trust the kid enough (as she completely trusts L) to tell him that she worked with L on a case 2 years ago when she was in the FBI.
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Naomi reveals that she'd been reluctant to trust the police and even the task force compared to L who has her complete trust (her plan was to ask them to let her speak to L directly, i.e., she didn't even want the task force to know her insights). Light asks her then why did she tell him something which should've been for L's ears only.
She gives him her reason.
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She feels that Light & L are similar somehow (I think it's her gut feeling) and since she trusts L, she also, kind of, trusts this kid as he reminds him of L.
Then, something crazy happens. He asks her if she would like to join the investigation... She is flabbergasted, to say the least. She had come thinking that she'd be lucky if she got to talk to L directly but joining the task force herself?
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Still, she has to admit the kid is nothing if not convincing. She feels indecisive. She doesn't know what to do; she's been feeling lost since Raye died. They were in Japan for a short while only. Hell, they were going to get married & get settled permanently in the USA. And now none of it was possible.
Raye was dead. She had to accept that.
What should she do?
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But when the kid brings up how she's still a young beautiful woman for this dangerous investigation, she finds her doubts shattering and her resolve hardening. She realizes that she has gotten a new purpose now.
With her fiancé gone, she's got nothing left to lose anymore. Getting Kira (who was responsible for his death) is the only thing that matters to her anymore, as she says in her outburst. She'd do anything, regardless of risks to her life, to make sure that Kira is caught.
She's very determined now to join the investigation and requests Light for the same. He asks her some proof of her identification.
She hesitates, but feels this can't be helped: she reasons to herself, as she apologizes for giving out a fake name earlier. He praises her carefulness. And she gives him her driving license. He asks her some details about the time she was in the FBI. And keeps glancing at his watch strangely often enough to prompt her to ask him why:
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He, once again, looks down at his watch as he replies.
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He is Kira.
Light Yagami is Kira.
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She is horrified, with realization dawning at her eyes that she has already given him her real name, and is filled with dread of what is to come.
And just an instant later, she turns sharply (not unlike clockwork) away from him. She feels as if she's in a trance. He is speaking something to her.
What's the matter?
An answer comes unbidden to her lips, as if that's what she's been supposed to say all along, like she has practiced this chat with him before,
"There's something I have to do."
The words feel foreign to her, and yet she feels that that's what she was destined to say anyway.
Didn't you want to talk to my father?
The words are a blur as she replies mindlessly.
"No. I have nothing to say to him."
...well, that. was. Dark.
No, really, it's so fucked up how Light taunts Naomi in her final moments that's why I hate him during this scene.
But anyway, I wrote those 1.4k words talking from only Naomi's POV so that we may understand why she allows herself to trust Light.
I think the argument of her trusting Light "that easily" is uh... debatable? If you pay attention to the plot, it's not that hard to believe that Naomi comes eventually to trust Light.
I think people take this panel at its face value...
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...which is just Light self-congratulating himself AFTER he got Naomi's real name (only to think 'that was a close call...' in the next panel itself) like? You guys, don't fall into his trap thinking that Naomi trusted him way too easily.
This guy cognitive-restructures his way out of every setback. Just because Light wants to convince himself that it was that easy to overcome this setback of a woman, doesn't mean you have to be fooled into thinking the same as Light too. This is just his hindsight-bias talking.
We know how hard it was for him to figure out a way to get Naomi's real name after she gave him an alias (while being as cool as a cucumber too). Do not forget that before you chide Naomi for being too naive (yes she IS a little naive (y'know the trusting L a 100 percent? after working with him through a computer screen?) but we shouldn't blame her for giving Light her real name). She was being careful all along.
Until Light, with his genius social skills (remember he's exceedingly polite & helpful + just. a. Kid in Naomi's eyes), focused all his intelligence to achieve his goal of getting Naomi reveal her real name and succeeded as he's an excellent manipulator and got luck on his side while Naomi's degree of luck is exceedingly low.
Also remember that Naomi is freshly grief-stricken and this polite kid is the first one to stop and listen to her (+ agree with her respectfully). And then too she gave him an alias. But was forced to give out her real name because the situation called for it.
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(I don't put much stock in htr13 stats but I think we can safely conclude that it's correct about Naomi lack of good luck. Also, she dislikes stalkers and Raye stalked Light (yes he was just doing his job but still you have to admit it's a lil funny that she was gonna marry a stalker- ok I'm done now with the htr13 discussion)). Moving on!
After Naomi's death (she was only 28 at that time), L accepts the phone call from her parents reporting her as missing and comes to know that she's Raye Penber's fiancé. L finds her name familiar and has Watari look her up, to find that she arrested the preparator of the LABB case, which reminds him that he worked with her on that case.
When Aizawa & Matsuda suggest that she may have killed herself after hearing news about her fiancé, L disagrees with them saying that the Naomi Misora he knew had great inner strength and was an excellent FBI agent. He thinks that she's try to go after Kira (and he's not wrong).
And that's all the info about her that the manga canon offers us.
In conclusion, I think Naomi is very intelligent yet a little gullible/trusting of people (she chooses to believe in the good of the people methinks), polite, quiet, introverted, a tad passive, and tremendously emotionally tough (seriously tho, she's in grief sure, and that makes her vulnerable to Light's tactics to get her to trust him & all that but it takes guts to go after a killer who can kill just by knowing your name & face just after he killed your future husband).
Canon!Naomi is far more complex than the girlbossified fanon version of her and I love her <3
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artyandink · 6 months
we could be more | interview | 1
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A/N - Since I found no faceclaim name for Ivy, I’m making an OC called Raye McClaren. Enjoy!
“Today we’re here with the cast of Supernatural.” The reporter, Haley, announced with a smile. “We have Jensen Ackles, who plays Dean Winchester, Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and the newest addition, Raye McClaren as Ivonne Rainer. How are you guys feeling having completed season two?”
“Do you want my honest answer?” Raye asked with a smirk.
“Like I wanna leave- just kidding.” She giggled after getting a shoulder punch from Jared. “Exhilarating, cause I went into this not knowing whether the fans would like Ivy or not because, you know, late addition, so on and so forth, but she got an amazing reaction.”
“You really worked for that role.” Jensen grinned, nudging Raye.
“Like she actually worked out.” Jared teased, patting her on the shoulder. “Tell ‘em.”
“So,” Raye chuckled, “I got on set around halfway through the filming of season one, and I’m with Diane, the costume executive, and I meet Kripke, and he takes one look at me and goes ‘well…’ Cause Ivy’s a badass, we’re meant to have a-”
“- badass figure.” Hayley and Raye finished together.
“Exactly. So I’m wonderin’ what’s goin’ on and then Kripke just comes out with ‘ok, you’re gonna give us some muscles before your season two debut.” Raye then made a comical expression, which made Jensen laugh. “He gave me six months. I said ‘No, Eric, give me four’. I was that eager to get lean. Yeah, so I buy every exercise equipment thing and new-fangled object because I need to jack up.”
“We were like- are you sure?” Jared cackled, slapping his knee. “Cause she wasn’t an avid exerciser.”
“Now she’s terrifying; she’s a full blown adrenaline junkie, benching insane amounts and doing pull ups like she’s breathing.” Jensen chuckled, hand on her knee. “But we’re proud of her.”
“She’s our adrenaline junkie.”
“I can imagine.” Haley giggled. “And apparently you weren’t actually about to audition for Supernatural, Raye. What changed your mind?”
Raye giggled, running a hand through her hair. “Well, I was actually going to audition for The Devil Wears Prada, which I realise now that I had no chance for if Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt are in it, but Jensen called me up one day and told me about his TV show Supernatural, which he was on with Jared and they were lookin’ for someone with my description to play a character called Ivonne Rainer.
“I’d known Jensen since I’d been his colleague in Dawson’s Creek in ‘03 as CJ’s eventual girlfriend and best friend Autumn and again his love interest Alyssa in Dark Angel, so I was hyped to be on another set with him. I told my agent, Carly, to book me an audition and I turned up in the wardrobe which I thought Ivy would wear. I felt so nervous, but thank the stars that before every audition I start method acting - I terrified the hell out of Carly - and I was already in the zone.”
“Think about it.” Jared smirked, gesturing and Jensen. “If he wasn’t here, she wouldn’t be.”
“Shut up.”
“It’s true and you know it.”
“I’ve got a big head about it.” Jensen winked.
“You two won’t let me live it down.” Raye shook her head with a soft smile. Jensen patted her knee, then took her hand.
“Raye and I had worked together a lot and our on screen chemistry was insane, so I had to get her on Supernatural. And after Dark Angel, of course she’s fit for Ivy, and I can’t see anyone who’d do a better job.”
“Aw, Jen.”
“You’re great at what you do. Don’t sell yourself short, y’hear?”
“Loud and clear.”
“So, guys, what was your favourite scene to film so far?” Hayley asked, smiling a bit at Jensen and Raye.
“These two have done too much talking, so I’ll start.” Jared grinned. “Uh, I’d say the play fight scene in Tall Tales. That one was particularly memorable because Jensen and I are just rolling around, Raye pushes us both off the bed- it’s just an amazing scene.” Jensen and Raye shared a knowing smirk, which caught Jared’s eye. “Uh, the look on their faces probably means they have a shared answer.”
“I think we do.” Raye smirked, and Jensen nodded.
“Wanna say it together?” He snickered.
“On three. One, two-“
“The sex scene.” They chorused, then giggled.
“It’s cause while Jen and I had kissing scenes before, we’d never had a sex scene.” Raye shrugged, looking over at Jensen. “It tested our calibre as actors in the moment.”
“Eric Kripke’s only instruction was go intense.” Jensen grinned, his hand sliding up to Raye’s mid-thigh. “And we had to stay as in sync as possible cause a lot of things could go wrong, but we managed to get through it.”
“The fans loved it too.”
“Oh, they went mad.”
“See, these two have something brewing in the fan base.” Jared smirked, nudging Raye. “The fans call ‘em Raysen.”
“But, sadly, there’s nothin’.”
“Shut up.”
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slaymitchabernathy · 6 months
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| this story is inspired by the song 'Escapism.' by RAYE |
That’s what she says to him when he offers her his cigarette without saying a word. She likes guys like him, quiet. There’s nothing quite worse than a man who can’t shut the fuck up.
Soarynn would know.
That’s why she’s standing outside of a bar on a rainy Saturday night with a complete stranger by her side. It could be worse. He could be ugly.
She met the man less than an hour ago but she’s gathered enough to know the type of man he is. And to her, that’s more important than the man he wants to be.
He’s tall. Tall and brooding, an excellent combination in her humble opinion. He’s well-kept and mannered which means he comes from money. That’s okay. She does too.
His fine-looking watch lets her know that he knows how to use that money. A stark comparison to the man who broke her heart last night. He’s got blonde hair. It’s more golden if anything. It suits him though, goes well with those pretty blue eyes he’s got. He’s handsome too. He knows it.
“No problem. Didn’t take you for a girl who smokes though,” he muses, watching her take a long drag of the cigarette. It’s one of the nicest ones she’s had, although Soarynn does her best to refrain from smoking, it makes your breath smell bad and she can’t have that. Soarynn lets out a breathy laugh and hands it back to him, “Don’t want you to take me for anything tonight if I’m being honest.”
He studies her. It scares her. Not in a bad way. Not in the “he might kill me in this back alley” way. But because heaven knows how long it’s been since someone has shown this type of interest in her. He hums, looking her up and down. She's glad she put some effort into her appearance tonight, in her little black dress and her high heels. Even in heels, this handsome stranger is still significantly taller than her.
"Well, is there a reason you're out on the town then?" He asks, giving her a curious look. Soarynn smiles up at him because it's cute. Cute how interested he is in her and she can't blame him, not when less than an hour ago she was teasing him on the dancefloor, her diamond bracelets practically dripping on him when she wrapped her arms around his neck. It's fun, she's having fun.
Soarynn sighs, carding her fingers through her soft blonde hair, remembering why she came out in the first place. "Let's get a drink first," she suggests and he nods, even holds the door open for her like a proper gentleman. They settle down at the bar and she orders two wines because she ought to get something out of this interaction tonight. And tonight she wants him. Wants to feel another human body on top of hers.
"So tell me why you're out here all by yourself," he presses, thanking the bartender who brings their drinks. Her wine and his bourbon. Soarynn bites her lip, isn't it bad manners to talk about your past relationship with a man you're trying to sleep with? But then again, she has nothing to lose. Not anymore. She takes a sip of her wine, savoring the taste before nodding.
"A little context if you care to listen," she starts and he leans forward until there's a good six inches between them. It's not flirty, and she definitely can't smell him right now, how he smells like roses. It's loud in this bar, that's why he's so close. At least that's what she tells herself.
"I found myself in a shit position, the man that I love sat me down last night and he told me that it's over."
The handsome stranger furrows his brows when hearing that and doesn't hesitate with the words that effortlessly leave his lips.
"Dumb decision."
Soarynn nods, glad someone else sees it that way. "Figured I could drown my sorrows in wine and champagne tonight, maybe even dance with someone," she says, sitting back in her chair and taking another sip of wine. His eyes travel up and down her long legs and she doesn't mind, he looks like the the type of man to appreciate the effort women put into their appearance.
"Well you danced with me," he points out. He's right. Soarynn remembers how his hands felt on her hips, how well they went together. Soarynn licks her lips, "I suppose I did." There's a moment of silence between the two of them, just drinking each other in. He leans forward again and opens his mouth but hesitates for a moment, "Go on," she encourages, her tongue becoming loose from the alcohol. He swallows, "Are you looking for someone to take you home tonight?"
Soarynn smirks. Men are so easy. But she wants easy. If she wanted difficult she'd go back to the man who broke her heart. "I'd be open to the idea," she purrs, watching him glance at the door before looking back at her, "I...I don't quite know what you're looking for in a man though," he admits, scratching the back of his neck. Soarynn tilts her head and considers what he just said. What does she want?
"I'm looking for a man who's on the same page."
That seems to hit home with him and he chuckles, "Then I can be your man for the night." That's all she needs, all she wants, one night. "Well then I think it's only fair that I know the name of the man whose company I'll be in for the rest of the night," she states matter-of-factly. The handsome stranger grins and takes a sip of his drink before replying, "Coriolanus Snow."
She raises her eyebrows, she's never heard of him before but he carries himself as if he's very important. "What do you do for work, Coriolanus Snow?" She asks, testing out his name on her tongue. He runs his fingers through his golden curls, "I'm interning as a Game Maker." Soarynn nods, seemingly impressed. She could never take part in that line of work, too brutal.
"And your name?" He asks, his bright blue eyes staring directly into her blue-gray ones. Soarynn feels a smile tugging on the corners of her mouth, "Soarynn Nightingale."
Coriolanus smiles too, "Well Soarynn Nightingale I hope you know what a stunning creature you are."
Soarynn can't stop herself from blushing. How long has it been since she's gotten a compliment like that? She finishes her glass of wine and looks at the next one before looking at the door. She knows she should finish it but she also desperately wants to get out of here and find out if Coriolanus is as good in bed as he is on the dancefloor.
He seems to notice her internal dilemma and places a hand on her knee, "Take your time darling, I'm not going anywhere." Oh, he's going to be fun. Soarynn giggles, the wine causing her to let down the elusive walls that she normally keeps up, "Okay Coriolanus Snow," she says, taking the full glass.
They talk for a while longer while she finishes her glass and finds out they both attended the Academy and both live on the Corso. She also finds out that Coriolanus is three years older than her. Good, she likes older men. When she finally finishes her glass Coriolanus pulls out his wallet and settles both their tabs, because he's such a gentleman. Soarynn allows him to lead her out of the bar, his hand on her lower back. It's not controlling or dominating, it's comforting. Comforting to know that he's right behind her and isn't going to leave her like she's been left before.
Soarynn can't even hide her surprise when a car pulls up to the curb and Coriolanus opens the back door for her, "You have a driver?" She asks while slipping into the leather-wrapped backseat. Coriolanus chuckles and slides in next to her, his hand instantly finding her bare thigh, "I do." She's properly intoxicated at this point and has no problem speaking her mind and it seems to amuse Coriolanus so she doesn't hold back with her teasing, "So you're really rich then huh? So rich that you don't even drive your own car." Coriolanus raises his eyebrows and gives her a smile, "Yes, so rich I don't drive my own car."
Soarynn rests her head on his shoulder and takes notice of how strong he is, "Are we going to yours or mine?" She doesn't really care but men tend to like making all the decisions and since he paid, she'll let him choose.
"My place," he says, and the car begins to pull away from the curb. Soarynn lets out a yawn, "Your place," she agrees before closing her eyes. A little cat nap never hurt anyone.
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"You like living in the penthouse?" She asks in between kisses, pinned up against the wall of Coriolanus Snow's impressive penthouse. She can't see much of it since it's dark but she's seen enough to know that he's too rich for his own good. She is too, but that's beside the point. Coriolanus squeezes her waist as he continues kissing her, "It has its perks." Soarynn smirks and runs her fingers through his soft curls, inhaling the sweet scent of roses. His whole penthouse smells like roses. She'll have to ask him why later. After he's fucked her.
Soarynn groans when he pulls away and lets him pull her through the grand hallways until they're bursting into his bedroom. It's dark and brooding just like him. Soarynn kicks off her heels and sits on the edge of the bed, tilting her head up as he leans down to kiss her again. His lips are so soft and he's quite the kisser. His hands fly to the back of her dress, a corset that proves to be a most daunting sight where men are concerned. But Coriolanus loosens it with practiced ease. Soarynn goes for his belt when she feels him tense and then she feels it.
The cold metal of his gun.
She didn't take him for a man who carries a gun on him, not when this is where he lives and when his job is relatively safe. But she doesn't linger on it and simply unbuckles his belt, deepening the kiss. Coriolanus pulls away and his hand goes to the weapon he's been concealing and he looks somewhat unsure of what to say, "I didn't mean to scare you," he starts but Soarynn shakes her head, "It's okay. We all have to protect ourselves," she tells him softly.
Just because he has a gun doesn't mean he's unsafe. But it leads her to wonder if the people he surrounds himself with are unsafe. Still, she doesn't let it linger and watches him place the gun on the bed before he goes to unbutton his shirt. "Are you part of some gang?" She asks, her curiosity getting the best of her. Coriolanus shakes his head with a small smile on his lips as he discards his shirt, revealing his sculpted abdomen, "No darling, I'm not part of a gang."
Well, that's a relief. It only leaves about five hundred possibilities as to why he has a gun but Soarynn doesn't press the subject and simply helps him when he goes to pull her dress off revealing a matching set of black lingerie. His eyes rove over her body and she can see his growing problem in his pants. "Why don't we take these off?" She asks sweetly, batting her eyes up at him.
Coriolanus swallows and nods, "Excellent idea."
Soarynn didn't doubt that he'd be carrying something to brag about with him down there but she was downright speechless when she got a good look at his cock straining in his boxers.
Coriolanus slips a finger under her chin, getting her to look up, "This old lover of yours, did he ever fuck you the way you deserved to be fucked?" Soarynn squeezes her thighs together and slowly shakes her head, "No," she whispers. But do men ever care about pleasing their partners?
Coriolanus seems to care a lot as he picks her up and slings her over his shoulder, getting Soarynn to let out a squeal as she kicks her feet, "He also never carried me around like a rag doll," she adds, giggling when he tosses her back onto the bed, this time near the headboard. Coriolanus smirks, "Well it's high time you find out what you've been missing." Soarynn's glad he's on the same page and allows herself to admire him while he crawls on top of her, his breath hot on her neck while he gives the skin soft kisses.
She threads her fingers through his curls, letting out a soft moan when he sucks a little harder. His hands grab her waist and goodness he's got big hands. All of him is big. His height, his frame, his cock.
She can't wait to feel his cock inside of her.
His hands travel down to her black lace panties and he's quick to tug them off of her and throw them to the floor. Coriolanus kisses his way down her body, taking his time to admire her. When he finally gets to her cunt he lets out a groan at the sight, "It seems you're gorgeous everywhere," he tells her. Soarynn sighs in anticipation and Coriolanus doesn't keep her waiting. He eats her out like a starved man, paying close attention to her clit once she lets out a high-pitched moan.
Soarynn's entire body shakes while he pleases her, she doesn't even know what to do, what to say. He's left her speechless. Coriolanus laps at her cunt, tasting all her juices while his arms keep her from bucking him off. "Oh, please," she gasps, feeling herself getting closer and closer to her first orgasm, "right there." Coriolanus only goes harder once he hears her begging and Soarynn can feel that wire inside of her getting ready to snap. It only takes one hard suck on her clit for him to finish her off. Soarynn cries out his name while she cums and Coriolanus continues to work her with his mouth through her orgasm, only pulling away when she goes limp.
Soarynn's chest rapidly rises and falls while she attempts to collect herself and catch her breath after that amazing moment. Coriolanus chuckles and presses a kiss to her inner thigh before he crawls back up to her, capturing her lips in a heated kiss. His teeth gently tug on her bottom lip and Soarynn can feel his evident boner through his white boxers, "It appears you have quite the problem," she notes, grinding her hips up against him. Coriolanus groans and grabs her hip, "Don't tease me, darling."
Soarynn smiles against his lips, "But it's so much fun."
He scoffs and reaches down to finally free his cock from his boxers and Soarynn hasn't seen a cock quite like his before. It's got this curve that she just knows it going to feel so fucking good and it does nothing to ease her eagerness. "Let me get a condom," he mumbles, reaching for his nightstand but Soarynn is quick to stop him by grabbing his arm, "No need, I have the implant." His eyes widen but he nods, "You're sure? I don't want to see some child of mine a year from now running around the Capitol streets."
Soarynn smiles and does her best to hide the slight pain that shoots through her chest because she's reminded then and there that this is a one-time thing. After this Coriolanus will want nothing to do with her and she'll go back to being heartbroken. That's fine, perfectly fine.
"I'm sure," she says, slightly moving her hips to encourage him to put it in already. Coriolanus catches on instantly and grabs his cock and guides it to her entrance, "Let's see if you feel as good as you taste," he whispers, slowly pushing in. They both groan at the intrusion. He feels so fucking good, stretching her out just the way she likes it. "Oh fuck," she whimpers when he bottoms out, the tip of his cock pressed against her sweet spot.
Coriolanus looks down at the sight of his cock buried in her cunt and lets out a deep sigh, "Never felt anything like you before," he tells her, slowly pulling out before slamming back in. Soarynn lets out a moan, her hands flying to his broad shoulders, "You can have it all," she tells him, her mind clouded with lust. That seems to open the floodgates because Coriolanus begins fucking into her at a hard and deep pace.
Soarynn's toes curl and she lets out a string of moans as he fucks her so good and deep, "Please," she whines, "please, please, please." Coriolanus grabs her waist and squeezes it tight, "You like it?" Soarynn tries to nod but even that's difficult with his cock so deep inside of her, "I love it," she says, her tone breathy. Coriolanus grunts and picks up the pace, "You look so perfect Soarynn. Such a perfect cunt, so pretty wrapped around me." His words do nothing to help the orgasm she feels creeping up on her and her eyes begin to roll back.
Coriolanus rests a hand on her lower abdomen, pressing down hard and it scrambles her brain and Soarynn can only let out pitiful noses, "There you go," he says, "give it all to me Soarynn, let me fuck you the way you should be fucked." Soarynn can feel her walls tightening around his cock and he swears, clearly feeling it too. Her nails are digging into his porcelain skin but he doesn't seem to care.
"I want you to cum for me Soarynn," he says, and it's more like a demand than anything, "cum for me and be my good girl Soarynn."
She's crying now from the overwhelming pleasure and can't think of doing anything else but her orgasm. He angles his hips and lands another thrust right against her sweet spot and Soarynn melts right then and there, her orgasm taking over her body.
All she can think about is Coriolanus. She's surrounded by him, can't get enough of him and he quickly reaches his own peak, his cum spilling into her cunt. Soarynn moans at the sensation, how good it feels even though he's a complete stranger. Coriolanus finally stills inside of her and catches his breath, his brow sweaty. Soarynn looks up at him and she expects the instant look of distance, the insulation that she leaves now that they're done but instead, she's met with a look of adoration. Something she's not too familiar with.
"You're so pretty," he mumbles, his hand coming up and gently tracing her jaw. Soarynn offers him a tired smile, "Thank you, thank you for everything." Coriolanus grins and presses a kiss to her forehead, "Of course, darling. I hope tonight provided you with that escape you were looking for."
Soarynn can feel her eyes getting heavy and she thinks she found it, that escape she was so desperate for as she falls asleep in Coriolanus Snow's bed.
꧁ ꧂
One month later
It's almost dark when she gets out of work. Soarynn wraps her coat tighter around her small frame as she hurries down the street. She got off of work late but that's no surprise. Fashion waits for no one.
All she wants to do is go home and soak in a nice warm bath, maybe watch a movie while she curls up with her cat. The Corso is only a few blocks away and while she normally doesn't mind a walk she wishes she wore better shoes today. The high heels sounded great at seven in the morning but not so much anymore. So Soarynn lets out a loud groan of frustration when the intersection she means to cross is under construction. "You'll have to go around miss," one of the workers tells her. Soarynn puts on a fake smile and nods, turning right back around with a now soured mood.
Walking around the block sounds less than desirable which is why Soarynn doesn't hesitate to cut through an alley that should land her on the other side of the block if her sense of direction is correct. She's halfway through when she hears voices.
Angry voices that belong to angry men.
She turns and looks back at the way she came but it seems so far now. She might as well keep forging ahead and pray no one notices her. One of the buildings on her right has a source of light coming from it and Soarynn can see several shadows, the owners of those voices no doubt. Soarynn keeps her head down, hoping to briskly walk by without any confrontation.
How naive of her.
She barely walks five steps before a low whistle cuts through the arguing and all conversation stops. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Soarynn glances to her right to see four men descending some steps, all wearing expensive-looking suits which further puzzles her as to why they'd pick on a girl like her. This is behavior she'd expect from lower-class men. "Out here all by yourself?" One of them asks, wearing a wicked grin as he gets closer to her. Soarynn instinctively backs up, "Don't touch me," she says, her voice cold. This pulls amused chuckles from all the men who shamelessly eye her up and down, "Feisty one huh? I like them feisty," the man says, taking another step towards her.
Soarynn scoffs and shoots him a nasty look, "You can fuck off." He's so close now, too close and Soarynn wishes for nothing more than to take off running but she knows she won't make it far. Not in heels. His friends get closer too, forming a circle around her. "I think my boss would be interested in you too," he drawls, reaching out to touch her face. Soarynn doesn't hesitate to bite his finger and he hisses and pulls his hand away, "You're a bitch huh?" He asks, his voice getting louder.
She can see his friends watching her carefully, their hands casually in their pockets, "I'm none of your fucking business," she snaps. This makes him narrow his eyes and he reaches into his coat, a moment later pulling out a gun and Soarynn's heart sinks.
The last time she laid eyes on a weapon she was with Coriolanus. But this isn't Coriolanus, this man isn't kind or funny or even handsome. And she hasn't seen Coriolanus since that night.
"You're gonna come with us or I'm gonna leave you out here with a bullet in between those pretty little eyes, understand?" He asks, pressing the barrel of the gun to her forehead. Soarynn nods because what else is there to do? He grabs her arm and she lets him pull her towards the tall brick building, his friends right behind them. She can hear them snickering about how their boss will love a little thing like her but she keeps her head down, trying to remain calm. She hopes they might simply take her purse but it seems they want to take something else instead.
She nearly trips going up the steps and the man's harsh grip on her does nothing to help. He pulls her into the building that seems to be a warehouse of some sort. Soarynn can't place the building in her mind but it doesn't seem to be important right now. "You keep your mouth shut," the man tells her, shooting her a stern look, "he doesn't like mouthy brats."
He knocks on a metal door and Soarynn braces herself for a horrible, old-looking man who likes to prey on young, innocent girls like herself. A muffled voice calls them in and the door creaks open as they walk in and Soarynn quickly scans the room for an exit. There's not even a window to try to climb out of. "Found you a little alley cat boss," the man proudly brags, pulling her forward. Soarynn scowls and finally looks up at the large mahogany desk in front of her and her eyes slowly travel up to the tall man standing behind it, his back turned to her. He seems to be pouring himself a drink from the bar cart behind him but her eyes widen at the color of his curls, the broadness of his shoulders.
She knows this man. Met this man. Talked to this man. Had sex with this man.
"Coriolanus," she whispers, her throat feeling so dry.
Her captor immediately lets go of her arm when she says his name and his eyes widen. The tall, broad man turns around at her whisper and Soarynn stares up into the blue eyes of Coriolanus Snow.
He looks surprised to see her, see her in his office with these men who work for him and bring him young girls they steal from off the streets. He shoots the group of men an angry look, "Out. Now." If she wasn't scared for her life then she'd think it was funny how quickly the men scampered out of the room, muttering apologies.
Coriolanus looks her up and down, taking in her petrified state, and pinches the bridge of his nose before he rounds the desk, stopping right in front of her. Soarynn can't bring herself to look him in the eye. He said he wasn't a part of a gang but she's starting to wonder what this is exactly. His hands reach out to take hers and she flinches, every kind memory of him washing away in her head.
Coriolanus doesn't let that stop him as he takes her small hands in his large ones, giving them a squeeze. Soarynn swallows and finally gains the courage to look up at him, this stranger who's clearly not who he said he was. She finds no trace of kindness in his eyes this time.
Finally, a small smile creeps across his face.
"Hello, darling."
| Part 1. |
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softtcurse · 2 years
to my old ways, dumb decision (1)
story of a stripper and someone she loves.
*this is a 18+ fic, do not interact if you are underage; this fic contains mentions of drugs, manipulation, sex, and depression.
This is purely fiction.
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Sleazin' and teasin', I'm sittin' on him
All of my diamonds are drippin' on him
I met him at the bar, it was 12 or somethin'
I ordered two more wines, 'cause tonight, I want him
“You have to get up”
“I don’t have to do anything” She mumbled. Eyes wide open, her arms laid limp by her side.
“YN please-“ Her bestfriend pleaded.
“Please leave me alone”
The sound of clicking heels echoed in her head. She could feel the crack in her lips, surely chapped enough to where they were bleeding. A sarcastic laugh left her lips as she felt the warm tears slide down her heated cheeks. Her right dress still adorned her body. Heavy heels still on her feet.
How long had it been anyways? Days? Maybe a few weeks. It could be a few hours and it would still feel all the same.
Phone cracked, the cruel image of his picture on her lockscreen still teasing her almost. The residue of the substance she had used just a few hours prior still lingered in her system.
What a joke.
She wanted to be mad at him, she did. How could he blame him?
YN’s hand blindly reached for her phone. His contact name was the first thing her eyes laid on, and the last thing she saw before she had her eyes closed again, the ringing on the FaceTime sound resounding in the trashed room.
It was the same routine every night.
“Im sorry” She croaked out. Her eyes stinging with very salty tears again. A sob racking over her body as she tried to justify why she would be calling him again.
“Please don’t hang up, I can’t sleep without you on the phone. I’m scared, please?” she pleaded at him. He hadn’t said a word to her. But she could feel his disappointment through the screen. Her eyes were still squeezed shut. Disgusted with herself, humiliated that she was in this shit position again. To hear his voice even just for a second was all worth it.
“Why do you do this to yourself?” She heard a tired Jack reply. She could hear his hands run over his face. The way he lowered the volume of whatever beat was playing so he could hear her better. “It’s been a month YN, I’m not playing this stupid fucking game with you anymore. I told you this”
A sad smile dispersed through her features. She laid her head on her arm. The smell of the club still on here, the adrenaline slowly going away.
She didn’t respond to him. She just listened to him shuffling on the other end. His presence brought peace to her being. Heavy eyes fluttered and before she knew it YN was fast asleep.
The fact that he stayed on the phone with her until he was sure she was safe and knocked out made it all worth it.
His hesitation to hit the ‘end’ button was harder.
She wouldn’t call him again after that.
A little context if you care to listen
I find myself in a shit position
The man that I love sat me down last night
And he told me that it's over, dumb decision
And I don't wanna feel how my heart is rippin'
In fact, I don't wanna feel, so I stick to sippin'
And I'm out on the town with a simple mission
In my little black dress, and this shit is sittin'
She watched as Jack’s eyes shut in pleasure. His lips twitched as she took him around her mouth. Soft plush lips pressing against the vein underneath his dick. Her glittery gloss smeared. Eyes never left his, even when his eyes shut closed hers stayed. Soft hands slid up and down his chest.
A true reformed addiction, his only addiction.
“Fuck baby” She heard him hiss.
“Feel good?” A hum escaped her lips.
“Fuck I love you”
slowly she closed her eyes.
Just a heart broke bitch, high heels, six inch
In the back of the nightclub, sippin' champagne
I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with
In the back of the taxi, sniffin' cocaine
Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex
I was lookin' for a man who was on the same page
Now it's back to the intro, back to the bar
To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways
Opening them again she found yourself in the same dress she was wearing that night, tight corset top. Matching thigh highs and thick 6 inch heels.
“We need to talk”
“Can we do it after my set? I gotta go up in a bit”
“No we’re doing this now”
YN nervously picked at the skin around her hands. Perfectly French tipped acrylics now chipped.
She nodded her head and followed him to the back of the skin. Music pounding and sweaty bodies. Her ear drums could collapse from how loud the music was pumping. Never in life did she feel the anxiety that racked over her body like she did right now. Her heart was damn near showing out of her chest from how fast her body was pumping blood through her body. They both found themselves in the back areas of the club. Jack’s entourage close by as if they themselves knew the conversation that was going to take place.
“I missed you” YN said, her arms came to wrap around his body. Inhaling the scent of his cologne. Her was warm, despite his hard gaze. Maybe it was her holding on to the last few moments she could spend with him. Almost as if she knew from the beginning that it was all leading up to this.
The sex, the dates, the love bombing she expressed to him just so he wouldn’t leave.
His arms slowly came to wrap around her waist. She was so pretty, makeup done perfectly as always. Jack could see her under eyeliner was smudged a bit. But it just gave a look to her that was more than addicting, any man would be so lucky.
However the moment was cut short. His hands came to her waist and pushed her back. His eyes softened a little bit as he watched her wince a little. The rejection of his touch was a little too much for her to bare.
“Sit” he nodded his head towards the private booth.
YN nodded, she switched her eyes from him to his group of friends. She recognized Urban and waved at him. He offered her a pity smile and looked away from her.
“I dont think this is going to work YN” He interrupted her. His eyes traveled down to his PG ring. Not even wanting to face her.
It was getting a little heavier to breathe in the room. YN’s breath hitched. She knew, she fucking knew. However she wanted to speak, her body wouldn’t let her. Clammy hands gripped the bottom of her dress.
Knuckles turning a small white color from how hard she was tripping.
“I need stability, I want to settle down and- and I don’t think you’re ready for that” He finally looked at her. Jack could see her hardened teary eyes. The bright lights brought out the innocence in them. Jack swallowed hard and motioned his hands around the club. “This is your life style YN. I’m 24, I need a woman that’s willing to start acting like an adult”
“You don’t get to decide that for me! I am an adult!” YN stood up. A few people passing by snapped their heads to the commotion coming from the booth.
“You’re right, I don’t get to decide that for you, but I can decide that for me” Jack snapped. His teeth clenching down. YN could see the vein on his neck sticking out. He looked so good, even when he was scolding her for whatever he decided to scold her.
Even while he was breaking her heart, she wanted him.
'Cause I don't wanna feel how I did last night
I don't wanna feel how I did last night
Doctor, doctor, anything, please
Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me, take this pain away
You're asking me my symptoms, doctor, I don't wanna feel
Toke this joint how I'm blowin' this steam
Back to my ways like 2019
Not 24 hours since my ex did dead it
I got a new man on me, it's about to get sweaty
Last night really was the cherry on the cake
Been some dark days lately and I'm finding it crippling
Excuse my state, I'm as high as your hopes
That you'll make it to my bed, get me hot and sizzling
If I take a step back to see the glass half full
At least it's the Prada two-piece that I'm trippin' in
And I'm already actin' like a dick, know what I mean?
So you might as well stick it in
“I’ve been thinking about it for days now, I talked to Urb and a few guys abou-“
YN sourly laughed.
“Your fucking friends knew you were planning on breaking up with me? Is that why you brought them with you tonight? You wanted a fucking audience?!” YN started pushing Jack’s chest. With each word. Jack raised his hands up. Not putting his hands on her, he would never do that to her.
“Is that why they’re fucking looking at me like a kicked stray? Huh?!” YN let her tears slip down. A few security started walking over to her. She knew they were Jack’s security but she didn’t stop her verbal banter. “You’re disgusting Jack Harlow! You used me to get off! A fucking bitch to stick your dick in for a couple of months and then when I’m not the classy bitch you want to marry and have kids with you dump me?!”
“Ma’am-“ The tall security man pulled her hand.
“Ey man, don’t touch her. Chill out” Jack protested.
“Fuck you!” YN yelled at Jack. Seeing him defend her even after what he said sent a chill down her spine. She tugged her hand away from the security.
Two other dancers YN knew came over. Their faux concern didn’t faze YN. She knew they didn’t really care about her.
“Whats going on?” Candy, the strawberry blonde asked. Eyeing Jack and smacking her watermelon flavored bubblegum. “You okay sweetie?” She asked YN. She was just being nosey.
“Im fine-“
“Come on YN” The raven haired stripper next to Candy, named Xandra tugged in YN’s arm. “You shouldn’t be here begging him for anything. Looks like he got what he wanted and now he’s done. Men like this aren’t new to this scene”
“You aren’t gonna sit here and disrespect me-“
YN watched numbly as PG started walking over, noticing the commotion and looking out for their boy.
“What like you disrespected her?” Candy sourly laughed and pointed a red acrylic nail at Jack. “You don’t get to come in our work and tell us what to do”
“Dre said he’d give us a discount if you came with us, come on let’s go. He’s waiting with the stuff” Jack heard Xandra whisper to YN. Who just looked at Jack. Urban and the rest of his entourage finally arriving to where Jack and his security where standing.
“YN, no” Jack began as he heard Xandra.
“Don’t talk to her, let’s go” Candy snapped at Jack. Rolling her eyes and turning around with Xandra. Pulling a quiet YN by her arm.
Jack’s heart felt heavy. Watching the three of them disappear to the back.
Just a heart broke bitch, high heels, six inch
In the back of the nightclub, sippin' champagne
I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with
In the back of the taxi, sniffin' cocaine
Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex
I was lookin' for a man who was on the same page
Now it's back to the intro, back to the bar
To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways
Cause I don't wanna feel how I did last night
I don't wanna feel how I did last night
Doctor, doctor, anything, please
Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me, take this pain away
You're asking me my symptoms, doctor, I don't wanna feel, mm (what?)
'Cause I don't wanna feel like I felt last night
I don't wanna feel like I felt last night
Be at peace with the things you can't change (last night)
I'll be naked when I leave and I was naked when I came, yeah
“She made her Instagram private”
“Huh?” Jack pulled back the headphones from his head. Watching as Urban brought the joint to his lips. Inhaling and holding it in a few seconds before breathing out the smoke. His phones lighting up the dim recording studio.
Urban turned his phone. YN’s now private Instagram.
“YN? She made her Instagram private.”
Jack nodded his head. Looking down at the carpeted floors. “Why were you looking for her Instagram anyways?”
“Chill” Urban laughed. “I saw her fine ass bestfriend on my recommended, and I happened to click on her Instagram name after scrolling down a few pictures”
It felt awkward for a few moments. Jack didn’t like talking about YN. It had been a month since she last called him. Jack figured she finally decided he wasn’t worth calling when she was fucked up. He didn’t know if it hurt worse knowing she was finding peace without him (as selfish as that sounded) or knowing there was no way knowing what she was up to. He had a private fake Instagram that he would use to look at her Instagram stories, but he felt like he was violating her privacy by following her on a fake account to stalk her. Now he was sort of regretting it.
“Her problems aren’t mine anymore” Jack mumbled. Turning his chair back to the screen in front of him. Pro tools pulled up as he clicked the mouse here and there trying to focus on the new song he was working on.
“Hmm” Urban nodded and leaned back in the leather couch.
“You think she still works at that club?”
“I don’t know? Probably”
“We should go see just for old times sake” Urban grinned.
“I haven’t been back there since-“ Jack coughed and shifted in his seat. Remembering what happened the last time he was there two months prior.
YN’s body collided with the man she was dancing on. His hands finding her body. Roughly gripping her breast as she arched her back on him. He leaned down to whisper in her ear and YN giggled. Pupils dilated and her legs hurt from dancing but that didn’t stop her.
Jack stood with a small glass of vodka gripped in his hand. He made it a mission to not be noticed by her, and he was successful. Which told him all he needed to know. She wasn’t doing it to spite him. She was doing what she wanted and for some reason that made Jack feel sick.
“Yeah” Urban interrupted him. “I was just fucking with you” Sensing the joke had gone too far, he was now feeling bad himself.
Jack nodded and pressed his lips together.
“Got to finish this song” With that, the topic of YN was ended for the night.
Out of reach, out of touch, too numb, I don't feel no way
Toast up, so what? Street small, but it go both ways
So you'll run, yeah, but you'll never escape
Sunset in the maze (you're asking me my symptoms, doctor, I don't wanna feel)
I don't wanna feel how I did last night
I don't wanna feel how I did last night, oh
Doctor, doctor, anything, please
Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me
You're asking me my symptoms, doctor, I don't wanna feel
I don't wanna feel how I did last night
I don't wanna feel how I did last night
I don't wanna feel how I did last night
“You know I really did love him” YN mumbled. Her cheek pressed against the man’s chest. His hand sliding down her back.
“Did you?” The man asked her.
The covers down just above her ass. Her breasts pressed against the mattress. A cool breeze from the cracked window.
“Yeah, but he didn’t want me” She croaked out. Her eyelashes fluttered down against her cheek.
“Ridiculous, what man wouldn’t want you?”
“Him” YN bitterly laughed.
“He’s an idiot”
“Or maybe he’s smart, maybe he saw something I didnt, y’know I was gonna tell him I was gonna quit dancing the night he broke up with him me. I was gonna go back to school.”
The man’s chest rumbled as he laughed at her words. Not because what she said was funny. But because he saw irony. “You shouldn’t not pursue your dream because of a man, you shouldn’t let him decide that for you.”
“I just loved him so much”
“He probably did too, but you know. Men are stupid sometimes”
It was YN’s turn to laugh.
“Thank you for listening Keith” YN smiled up at him. Pressing a kiss to his jaw. Keith never pressured her to talk about Jack. She walked about him here and there, of course he knew what happened. But if YN didn’t share anything with him then he didn’t know.
He respected her like that.
The two had been messing around for two weeks now. It was very platonic. A friends with benefit situation. He listened to her and always supported her.
To everyone else it may seem the two of them were dating, but that wasn’t the case. Keith Powers was a gentlemen at heart. Opened car doors for her, took YN out to lunch and brunch. He also made sure she was always home and okay when he was in town and she were working a late shift.
He made sure no one messed with the woman and that made her feel a safeness she hadn’t felt since Jack.
“Cone on let’s get dressed, I promised you waffles”
YN cheered and quickly got out of the bed. “I have to text Sash and let her know I’ll be home later so she won’t worry! You know how she gets” YN laughed as she walked to the bathroom to text her bestfriend.
Not even noticing her phone, and the three missed calls from Jack.
Mm, lipstick smudged like modern art
I don't know where the fuck I am or who's drivin' the fuckin' car
Speedin' down the highway, sippin'
Mixin' pills with the liquor 'cah fuck these feelings
I left everyone I love on read (uh-huh)
Spilling secrets to the stranger in my bed (uh-huh)
I remember nothing, so there's nothing to regret (uh-huh)
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My Top 20 Songs for CC and Niles
Gif credited by @warningsine
1. Everytime We Touch- Cascada
2. Far Away- Nickelback
3. The Kiss- Katmina
4. Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You - Westlife
5. This I Promise You - NSYNC
6. God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You- Alabama
7. Bless the Broken Road - Rascal Flatts
8. Please Don't Leave Me- Pink
9. Hot n Cold- Katy Perry
10. You're Still You- Josh Gorban
11. Set Fire to Rain- Adele
12. Night Changes- One Direction
13. Everything I Do I Do it For You- Bryan Adams
14. That's The Way I Loved You- Taylor Swift
15. Everything - Lifehouse
16. Not That Different- Collin Raye
17. Red- Taylor Swift
18. Shut Up and Dance- Walk the Moon
19. It's All Coming Back To Me Now - Celine Dion
20. Keep on Loving You- Reo Speedwagon
I am still adding more. Currently have 28 songs on a playlist
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lightofraye · 4 months
you are so ridiculous.
He is Jensen Ackles, he can have whomever he wants just by pointing a finger, he doesn't need to beg anybody.
And if he rather go back to his wife, instead of fucking everything that moves, that's because he wants to.
probably because she's doing something right to keep him wanting to go back for more.
The daughter here: HI ANON
so....this is why I don't think the Bush administration should have defunded the mental health department and shut down any of the institutions. Or was it that bastard Ronny McWatsisface? No matter. This is also why I don't think funding should have been left to the states.
Anon, are you ok? Do you need a hug?
Are you mad that Jensen won't pick you?
It's ok. I'm mad that my crushes are fictional. But that's probably a good thing. They'd likely tie me up in a basement and likely unalive me.
Raye here.
Christ almighty, y'all.
You should be glad she is only around when I let her. 😂
But anon. Again. I didn't say he had to beg anyone. You insinuated it. I swear, y'all lack comprehension here! Instead of responding in a knee-jerk fashion and shooting stuff off that I never said!
And by the way, if Danneel is that great, why isn't she with Jensen at cons? They could just bring the kids with!
I wonder why....
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
KIARA CARRERA — spring prompts 🕊️
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A/N: oh kie…the frustration (which toned down after the first episode of S3 lol) and love I have for you. Now that I’ve completely finished the season…there’s definitely a contrast to her character this time around. I’m only here to give kie a fem love interest. Not your vibe and aren’t really interested? Please exit stage left now.
Synopsis: Kiara surprisingly gets insight on another kook, specifically the high-maintenance diva, Henrietta “Nettie” Beaulieu once they cross paths again over a series of unfortunate events.
Warnings: spoilers from the end of season three!
Using this prompt list here and numbers 49.) barbecue parties in the garden + 36.) rain in bright sunshine
GIFS BELONG TO: @esterexpositio + @henryburrell !!!
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“You’re staring.” Sarah whispered to Kiara on her way by with a plate full of platanos and pieces of hog that Cleo, Pope, and even Nettie managed to trap for dinner hours ago.
Kiara blinked rapidly and scowled over her shoulder at the blonde who smirked at her, walking backwards before taking a seat against a tree near John b.
“No, I’m not.” Kiara glowered.
John B finally looked up from his plate, butting in, “no, you’re not what?”
“Drooling over Nettie.” Sarah told the long haired teen with a bump to his shoulder, making Kiara widened her eyes and shush Sarah who shrugged her shoulders innocently.
It was a John B’s turn to smile now, “oh, yeah. You’ve totally been doing that since I got comfortable over here and this is my second plate.”
Greedy bastard.
Greedy bastard.
Greedy bastard.
“Um, the fact that you two are watching my moves today is completely creepy, I just thought you should know.” Kiara got to her feet, dusting off her Jean shorts.
She was on guarding the relic and gold duty while everyone else had their dinner.
Sarah laughed a bit, “it’s kinda what we have to do for each other since we chose to live out in the forest again and in a foreign country. You’re welcome, Kie.”
A wink was sent to the Olive-skinned girl, which irritated her more than ever.
This was somewhat true, after both John B and Sarah lost their fathers and after finally finding the lifelong treasure Big John searched for, they decided collectively to stay in South America for a little longer. They’ve done it before living on an isolated island for at least a month so what would it hurt doing it again? There were a few out of the group who contemplated about returning back to the Outerbanks right away: Pope considered heading back for school purposes but second-guessed not wanting to leave the pogues behind, Nettie hated the wilderness with a passion—the only time she was solid with being outdoors used to be for tennis and now it seemed like it shifted to gardening…mainly she thought about leaving because she didn’t have all of her skincare products with her, and Sarah struggled with the idea of telling Rafe that their father was gone for good this time.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” John B added, “I was wondering when you would come to terms with your crush.”
“Excuse me?!” Kiara hissed, stalking over to John B that he immediately sat up straight, “I do not have a crush on—on Nettie!”
Sarah frowned, leaning towards John B as she whispered, “I think she’s still in denial about it.”
“Seems that way, yeah.”
Kiara growled, ready to beat the two with a stick, “you two don’t know what you’re talking about, so shut up!”
“Like I said there’s nothing to be embarrassed about…I think you two would balance each other out with your hippy fiery socialist ways and Nettie’s… strong fashion sense?” John B struggled with his words that Sarah had to elbow him, quite hard.
Kiara was crossing her arms now with a scowl still written on her features. Was this the best John B could do to convince her when it seemed like he still didn’t know who Nettie even was?
“Is that the best you’ve got because that was a garbage take.” Kiara uttered.
Sarah swallowed her food, “what John B means to say is that you two could be the perfect match!”
“But why?” Kiara pressed, “last I knew there was something going on with her and Addy?”
John B awaited Sarah’s response since he didn’t know who that is either.
Sarah shook her head, “oh no that’s over. Addy’s dating some girl that’s on her cheerleading team. That’s been a thing since Nettie’s mother shipped her off to one of those programs your parents sent you off to— which was highly abusive, I hear, in Atlanta. she’s been single as far as I know. Also we just see something that you’re either oblivious to or playing stupid about.”
That made Kiara look over her shoulder at the pony-tail wearing girl. She was sitting across the makeshift barbecue pit which was covered in large leaves and surrounded by some wildflowers—probably picked by Nettie herself, providing an additional pretty view, on a stump next to JJ, surprisingly, laughing at something he was animatedly talking about. It was nice to hear some laughter around here, with Nettie’s sounding just like bells and hope.
Kiara would have never thought Nettie was in a place worse than Kitty Hawk. Especially when it comes to those that don’t deserve it. Did Nettie deserve it? Kiara and Nettie had almost a non-existent relationship? Well not really, back when Kiara, Sarah, and Nettie all went to the same school they only shared a class together freshman year. The first half of Kiara’s freshman year was something she wanted to burn from her memory but kept buried in the back of her mind instead.
She’s only known a few things about the girl in the short time that they interacted. Such as: Nettie was originally from Atlanta with a controlling mother apparently, Kiara knew her father was a firefighter but it seemed like he wasn’t around most of the time, and that she lived here in the kook area with her Olympian grandmother who actually lived across the street from the Carrera’s. Nettie’s been over Kiara’s house once or twice since Kiara’s father, Michael Carrera, thought the two would get along.
Yet it seemed like the more Nettie analyzed Kiara’s bedroom, it felt like judgment but Kiara misunderstood her direct tone—to a certain extent. Kiara always suspected that Nettie was more than just best-friends with the star of the cheerleading team and Nettie never brought her up once when she came over to Kiara’s house.
There was always more than what meets the eye, that’s for sure.
“And how do you know all of this?” Kiara asked, arms still folded, eyes burning on the back of Nettie’s frame.
Sarah awkwardly cleared her throat, “uh some girls told me at this party I went to…it doesn’t matter! The point is, she isn’t just some kook and there could be more between you two if you just try.”
Did Kiara want to try?
She could admit that she did judge her just as much as Nettie judged her. Yet she ended up here with the rest of them for a reason and she was there with JJ to break her out of Kitty Hawk so…where did that leave the two of them?
Soon she found herself heading over to Nettie as Pope and JJ tended to putting the smoke out from the leaves. Off to the side, Nettie and Cleo seemed to be holding a conversation to themselves now, while staring out into the open greenery of the forest.
The two shared two bottom halves of a broken water bottle, leaving Kiara to only hear the end of their conversation.
“Yeah, I don’t know sis. Just goin’ with the flow ya know?” Cleo replied before she perked up at Kiara making her way over, “what’s goin’ on, kie?”
Nettie glanced over at Kiara, before she brought her broken plastic water bottle to her lips but said nothing.
“Not much,” Kiara swung her hands in front of her as she faced the two girls, “you two holding out on the hooch?”
Cleo chuckled with a shake of her head, “what?! Nah! You’ve got to know the little bit we had was devoured by the boys days ago! Nettie here found us something else for the mean time.”
Nettie deeply inhaled as Cleo nudged her. A smile stretched over her moisturized lips as she held out the rest of the bottle to the brown haired girl, “here. I’ve made it myself with some leaves I’ve found scouting the other day. I’m sure it has some health benefits or whatever but mainly it tastes sweet, almost like fruit and it’s refreshing.”
Cautiously Kiara gripped the plastic, her fingertips brushing against Nettie’s as she sniffed at it. The smell was faint, herbal and did have a citrus hint to it which was interesting considering that it was filled with water and mashed up leaves?
Silently she wished that she wasn’t drinking out of plastic right now but giving their circumstances, she had to swallow that pride down along with the liquid. Everything Nettie described was true, it was earthy but slightly tart when it hit your tongue before it smoothed over with a sweetness as it glided down your throat.
“Wow,” Kiara found herself coughing a little bit off-guard, “it almost like a seltzer.”
“Riight,” Cleo nodded her head in approval, “its fire.”
Kiara popped her tongue with a nod of her head, “it’s alright even if there maybe chemicals mixed in with those leaves.”
“Oh here we go.” Cleo kissed her teeth, scratching at her hair as she looked away, already sensing what was about to come.
Nettie argued, “yeah it’s not the wreck’s supposed filtered water but it’s the next best thing.”
“What do you mean ‘supposed?’”
“What I just said,” Nettie stated, “I never knew filtered water tasted like well-water and here you are complaining about my beverage of choice.” She plucked the plastic back from Kiara’s hands.
Kiara frowned, glancing over at Cleo who raised her hands in surrender, unsure why this beef was occurring in the first place.
“Okay just because I have a opinion on something doesn’t mean you get to attack my family’s business.”
“It’s called making a comparison,” Nettie fully turned to Kiara, “dont get upset when I’m just providing a rebuttal for your opinion. You know it’s actually nice to see you back up the only two kooks who you might actually like, although they threw you away the second you didn’t live by their rules.”
Cleo began, “Whoa let’s not—
Humorlessly Kiara chewed down on her bottom lip in frustration before she spit out, “yeah well you’d know all about that wouldn’t you? At least my parents actually want me around. Shouldn’t you be mad at your meemaw or is she just the same as my parents?”
Realization crossed over Nettie’s eyes that Kiara knew why she “disappeared” for a year. It wasn’t much of a secret but everyone in town speculated their own rumors about why she left the Outerbanks. However none of those rumors were true and she wasn’t sure how much Kiara knew of her story at that hellhole but it didn’t matter.
She struck a nerve just as Nettie got underneath Kiara’s skin.
Nettie chucked the bottle to the left of her, getting into Kiara’s face as she glared right into her face. All Kiara could do was smirk as Nettie tried her best to be threatening, which Kiara heard she could be but nobody had the right to shit on her parents but her.
“Move,” Nettie yelled.
Kiara ran her tongue over the front row of her teeth, “sure…only if you make me.”
Nettie’s nostrils were flaring at this point and with a rough shoulder check to Kiara’s, she stalked off, leaving the rest of the pogues highly confused.
“Hey,” Sarah walked to Nettie who held up her hand to silence the girl who told Sarah that she’s, “nothing but a gossiping bitch,” on her way out.
“The hell was that, Kie?” JJ asked from behind.
Kiara threw up her hands, “I’m just using my own words against her’s. It’s not my fault she couldn’t take it.”
“Yeah I don’t think throwing each other’s pain in each other’s faces was the way to go about it, girl.” Cleo huffed with a shake of her head.
Kiara pointed at herself, “why am I being lectured to when she’s the one who started with me?”
“You didn’t have to throw the whole chemical line in, just be appreciative is all you could do.” JJ told Kiara who scrunched up her nose.
Kiara flatly said, “I didn’t mean anything by it. It was just a thought…that happened to escape through my lips!”
“You’re not thinking clearly, Kie.” Pope added, still crouching by some rocks.
Kiara honestly felt like she was being attacked right now for just being herself and she didn’t need anyone to be on her side. It wasn’t supposed to be about sides with this group but Nettie was the new-new face to the family so why was it feeling more difficult to welcome her in?
“I don’t need you guys ganging up on me,” Kiara yelled, “if I would have known this is what staying in Venezuela would be like, I would have gone back home already.”
The friends went quiet at that, not wanting the bad to outweigh the good in this adventure but they were also her friends and knew how to call each other out on their shit.
“It’s not our intentions to make you feel like that and you know that Kie. We also know you’re headstrong, but you just need to see Nettie’s perspective. This isn’t her element and maybe the tea was her way of trying to I don’t know, bond with you?” John B was attempting to be the voice of reason, which was really shocking honestly.
Kiara groaned with her head thrown back, “fine! Whatever, I’ll go see if I can find her and have a proper conversation without you guys being all up in our business.”
“Whew! Thatta girl!” JJ clapped it up just for Kiara to send him a middle finger.
As the girl vanished from their view, they all turned back to each other with curious glances.
“Are we going to go ease drop?” John B asked, itching to follow.
Sarah held him back, “No, not yet. Let them argue it out first.”
Pope stared off in thought, “…do you guys think sending Kie after Nettie was the best idea?”
“Guess we’ll find out if the screams turn into pleas.” Cleo muttered, looping her arm with Pope’s as she sat on the rock behind him.
Kiara knew she had to be walking for at least ten minutes before she found Nettie by the river. It was much cooler here compared to the mugginess up on the hill and Kiara just knew she would find Nettie here. It was the one place where she could wash her clothes and skin in peace so it only made sense.
“Henrietta,” Kiara exhaled as she caught her breath, “you walk pretty fast for someone who hates the outdoors.”
Nettie rolled her eyes, turning back to press her chin into her arms, “leave me alone, Kiara Carrera.”
Kiara sighed as she fanned at the sweat on her neck before she stepped over the rocks and pebbles to stand beside her, “no, I don’t think I will. Not until we come to some sort of understanding, where we can be in the same space without being at each others throats.”
“You’re the one who has a problem with me.”
“I knew you didn’t like me from the moment I asked if I could sit next to you back in biology class.”
Kiara frowned, “I don’t…remember that?”
“Yup! you ended up saving that space for Sarah while I had to squeeze in at a table between two other classmates.” Nettie rolled the tension off her shoulders, “it wasn’t a big deal but I just wanted to ask you a question since the classmates I was stuck sitting next to didn’t know shit.”
Like Kiara said, everything about that preppy school, she pushed to the back of her brain. She hated that she couldn’t remember this happening and how dismissive she must have made Nettie feel. Sarah and Kiara were still good friends before their fall out but Kiara felt like she wouldn’t have been rude about declining someone a seat.
Not purposely at least.
“Well…what was the question?”
“I don’t remember.” Nettie found herself saying as she trailed off in thought, “Probably something stupid.”
Kiara felt her nose wrinkling a bit in amusement, “Like us debating over plastic, water, and leaves when we don’t know what we’re gonna do about the treasure.”
“Hey, you started it with the chemicals and I’m all for keeping harmful chemicals out of the body but it’s pretty damn hard with us living like it’s the pre-historic times.” Nettie snickered, resting her cheek on her arm.
Kiara shoved her hands into her back pockets, “I’ll admit, I let it slip and I didn’t mean to insult you when I know what our current situation is.”
“Is this an apology?” Nettie felt her eyes forming into slits.
Kiara twisted her lips around, “…you said my parents threw me away like I’m nothing.”
“And you also said my parents didn’t want me, which is just as hurtful because you don’t know much about me…and I don’t know much about you. I don’t know why…when JJ almost hit me with that dreadful looking brown van after I overheard what your parents did…I felt like I needed to help you. I don’t even know you that well but I understood.” Nettie was staring out into the cool river again.
Kiara didn’t know how this made her feel, hearing Nettie admit this to her but surely she felt something…knowing that she cared about her well-being just a bit.
Henrietta is a gorgeous girl to Kiara with many layers to her. She sat there in what was uncomfortable silence because the two girls weren’t sure how they meshed together. She was the confident girl with a athletic legacy to follow who walked the halls with a bounce in her step. However there was also this girl who could spew venom so recklessly, yet felt the need to help break Kiara out of a place that could potentially ruin her life.
Did Nettie not want that for Kiara too?
Kiara swallowed the lump in her throat as her eyes trailed over Nettie’s bronzed toned arms, spotting the external wound right above the crease of her armpit.
“Did they do that to you? At the camp-program or whatever—in Atlanta?” Kiara slowly sat beside Nettie, stumbling over her words while getting a better look at it.
Nettie followed Kiara’s gaze and went to cover the wound, “yes but I don’t want to talk about that—not here—not now.”
Kiara exhaled and dipped her head, fully aware that topic was a heavy one and Nettie did not want to share that experience just yet.
It was Kiara’s turn to understand, to realize that Nettie was giving only what she physically could, even if that means in portions for right now. 
“I’m sorry for getting off on the wrong foot with you, constantly.” Kiara said, looking into her dark eyes before quickly staring off into the distance, so it didn’t feel as if she was being weird in doing so.
She didn’t realize Nettie staring right back at her, wanting to hold her stare.
Nettie hummed, “and I’m sorry for always having my guard up…especially when it comes to you.”
With her hand resting on top of Kiara’s, Kiara felt her heart began to drum against her chest.
Oh what a feeling?
“Here’s to trying to be better…friends? Or just better towards each other?” Kiara tested but shamelessly stared down at their hands for what felt like awhile.
What a pretty picture, how her hand felt against her’s.
Her eyes flicked up to Nettie’s, watching as the fresh drizzle of rain flew down over the both of them. To the left of Kiara’s peripheral, she could feel the heat of the sun beginning to break through the cloudy skies and Nettie was now staring up at the once gloomy sky.
Kiara just wanted to kiss her.
And so she moved her hand from underneath Nettie’s soft one, trailing it up the side of her neck while Nettie looked down at the space where their hands once resided.
“…What’re you doing?” Nettie was quizzical, although it appeared there was amusement in her tone.
Kiara cleared her throat, “can I try something and can you promise that you won’t be disgusted by my actions?”
Nettie leaned towards Kiara as she pretended to think about it, “if you’re thinking about doing what I think you are…I hope you smell nice enough, especially with how long we’ve been out here.”
Kiara’s lips fell open into a gasp although her cheeks were tinted pink at her previous idea, “you bitch!”
A laugh erupted Nettie’s lips as she reached forward on Kiara’s sleeveless loose-fitting skirt, yanking her lips right to her’s. Instantly Kiara let out a sigh of relief against Nettie’s lips, using her hand to brace herself against Nettie’s thigh. Her heart may have climbed up into her ears with the way Nettie was kissing her, as if time was all they had.
She couldn’t find herself getting tired against her lips, with her lips following Nettie’s tempo. As Nettie was pulling away, she pecked Kiara’s lips a few more times before fully settling back, leaving Kiara to touch her fingertips against her own lips, eyes still closed.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Nettie rested her hand against Kiara’s hand that felt warm against her thigh, “and as usual, you took too long.”
“Wooow, I mean Huh?” Kiara finally opened her eyes.
Nettie laughed, “I liked you from the moment I saw the turtle tapestry in your bedroom.”
“I couldn’t tell,” Kiara widened her eyes with a nervous laugh, “it’s clear we have a lot to talk about then.”
“Yeah…maybe somewhere where my hair isn’t getting drenched?” Nettie folded her arms over her head like the Regina hall meme.
Kiara rested her hand on the small of Nettie’s back before gliding it up the back of her neck, “I’ll help you with it later but first…I’ll take another one please.”
“Another?” Nettie asked, turning her lips right to Kiara’s, locking them together once again.
Nettie moved to cup Kiara’s jaw with a laugh, “you’re cute Carrera. almost cute enough for me to forget about my frizzing hair but it’s not gonna work for me.”
Kiara watched in slight disappointment as Nettie hopped to her feet, wrapping her ponytail into a bun. Then she held her hands out to help Kiara to her feet, the two staring at each other in wonder.
“It was worth it.” She teased, licking her bottom lip with a squint against the sun, before nodding to the opposite direction, beginning to lead the way from the river.
Nettie shook her head as she stomped after the just a smidge shorter girl, “you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into when it comes to my pride and joy.”
“Oh, please. Don’t underestimate my magical hands,” Kiara declared before she paused and spun to peer over her shoulder, “that wasn’t a innuendo for anything!”
“Relax, before I have to calm you down with another kiss.” Nettie lightly threatened, making the tint in Kiara’s cheeks almost invisible as her brows raised in temptation.
Nettie laughed, reaching forward to turn Kiara back around by the shoulders as they trudged up the steep hill.
“Hey you guys!” Sarah greeted the two as they made their way back to the set-up.
John B immediately reached for Kiara, cradling her face much to her bewilderment, “oh, she’s good! No war marks on this one!”
“Get off!” Kiara playfully shoved the brunette away, who laughed.
John B then held out his hands for Nettie next as Kiara carried on but soon halted his movements as she told him, “Oh you do not want to do that when my skincare routines been out of whack for weeks now. Touch me with your filthy hands and you won’t see dawn.”
Letting out a low-whistle, John B stepped away while Nettie went to stand in the center of their temporary home.
“So everything went alright out there?” JJ asked, hands on his hips as everyone held their breath in anticipation.
Kiara looked over at Nettie as Pope tossed an arm over her shoulders, “I think we’re good for now, don’t you?”
“As long as you don’t disrespect my way of adjusting to this lifestyle any longer then yeah…I’ll give you your flowers.” Nettie was sharp with her words but the wink she sent Kiara’s way, was enough to let her know to play along.
“Well that was passive aggressive.” Sarah mumbled, tongue in her cheek.
Kiara glared at Nettie, “well how about I tell you where you can shove those flowers, huh?”
Cleo reached for Kiara to keep her from charging over to Nettie who laughed at her with a fan of her hand, “whoa! This hostility is really killing the vibe, eh? I thought you just said you two were good?”
“We’re works in progress but some more than others…” Nettie informed letting a few beats of silence go by before saying, “and my god you guys are so gullible!”
Kiara laughed in Cleo’s arms while the brown-skinned girl appeared just as confused as the rest.
Pope sighed and squinted against the drizzle of rain, “I was gonna say you two are going to give us some serious whiplash, especially since I saw you guys kissing down by the river.”
“WHAT?!” John B bounced on his toes in excitement.
Sarah’s joyful gaze immediately went to Kiara’s who quickly shifted her glaze to Pope with a shake of her head.
JJ laughed with a fist pump shooting into the air, “I knew it!”
“Jesus, Pope! How do you know that?” Kiara didn’t attempt to hide it.
Pope sheepishly rubbed at the back of his neck as Nettie gave the boy a side-eye underneath his arm, “I may have stumbled across you guys on my way to use the bathroom.”
“I can’t believe you’re also a nosy asshole, Pope!” Nettie pulled his arm from around her, while Pope chuckled and gave JJ a low-five.
“Welcome to the family, Nettie! This is what you get so you might as well get used to it!” Cleo hollered as everyone circled around to pull each other into a group-hug underneath the Venezuelan rain.
Nettie gagged as she was smushed together by everyone but can honestly say she’s never been so accepted by a solid group of people.
And when she looked over to meet Kiara’s adoring brown eyes, Nettie held on tight with a smile meant solely for her.
⋆·˚ ༘ * ✧ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ⋆·˚ ༘ * ✧ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ⋆·˚ ༘ * ✧ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ⋆·˚ ༘ * ✧ ੈ
Continue along with my spring anthology series here.
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hi, Gina. Can I please rant in your asks? I might be a complete idiot, but the more i look on the timeline (literal timeline, not a social media one) the more i come to one conclusion.
So Syco dies in 2020. Louis greets us with «decided to part ways» tweet, but the parting ways is useless, company is already dead. All the rights go to (presumably) Sony. Sony doesn’t give a fuck about Louis. He’s not profitable. I mean in our little community he’s the center of the world, but in the real world not so much.
But what they do care about is Harry. Harry is their golden goose for now and for many more years to come. The more Louis flaunts with huge «H» on his chest and changes the Spotify canvas to Harry’s tattoos, the more people might believe that Larry Stylinson rumours (gasp!) might be true.
The company that holds the rights can prohibit all recording and publishing activity altogether. We’ve seen it with JoJo. We’ve seen it with Kesha. We’ve seen it with Raye. And probably with hundreds more, that we know nothing about (like what happened to Alexis Jordan?). So Louis is given a simple choice: he shuts down all the rumours by himself or Walls will be his last album.
So that’s when OATV production and the Big Freddy Push begins.
We all screaming that everything he did in the last two years doesn’t make sense. But it’s because it simply doesn’t. We’ve been watching this guy for the ten years prior. And there’s no fucking way in hell i’m gonna believe that one nice Wednesday morning in the beginning of 2021 Louis Tomlinson woke up, yawned and said: «Well, why don’t I start mentioning my fake son everywhere, because that’s the kind a person i am now.»
If he’s doing it, he’s either gaining something big from it, or at least not losing something big from it. And what is bigger than the simple opportunity to make music?
And if the question is why his promo so shit and what audience he’s targeting, then the answer is - he’s not promoting his music, he’s promoting the fact that Harry Styles is not, in fact, gay.
I hope it does make sense. And also I love you, Gina. Thank you for being the voice of reason in this fandom. (And sorry for my English, I did my best 😖)
Hi darling. Your English is absolutely fine. No apologies needed!
As for your thoughts… I do think there’s some plausibility in your theories. Although, Louis isn’t the main reason people think H is queer. He’s doing a pretty good job of making people question it, all on his own. TBH, most of his new fans probably have never heard of Louis unless they already are wondering about Harry’s sexuality go search through Google and stumble on Larry. And even then they would have to already be open to it to really fall down the rabbit hole to get past all the denials and beards and the idea that larries are crazy.
I’m not saying Sony wouldn’t go to those lengths, but it seems like blowing out a candle when there’s a brush fire around the corner.
Anyway, I don’t think Louis would have been allowed to part ways with Syco/Sony without them getting something out of it. God knows what deal he made, but I’m sure Sony is more ruthless than we can imagine.
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3, 4, 12, and/or 15 for the ask game c:
3. favorite ship?
probably lawlight. they both suck so bad i'm obsessed with them
4. ship you dislike?
generally i think i like most ships to some degree. but i can never forgive raye penber/naomi misora. she deserves better and he sucks ass and i feel nothing for this ship except hatred and anger.
12. favorite fanfiction trope?
i looooove when light gets psychologically tortured. idc if it's guilt or love or a third secret thing it doesnt matter as long as he is falling apart and going mad. and i love when he suffers even w/o his memories of being kira and i love when he suffers when he first becomes kira and i love when he suffers after L's death and i love when he sees ghosts and questions his sanity and i love when ppl make new situations for him to suffer in thumbs up emoji
15. what annoys you in this particular fandom's community?
i HATE when ppl get all pissy abt meronia like oh they basiclaly grew up together they're brothers u cant ship them like shut uppppp like ur wrong but also who even cares
and also ppl who hate on misa i'm blowing them up with my mind if they arent being constructive abt it. u can say i think misa is annoying but this is the fault of the authors not taking her seriously as a character and she has a lot of potential and i'll be like okay thats fine but ppl who are like she sucks and dont even acknowledge the misogyny of the whole show...... i'm blowing them up w my mind
fandom ask game
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How would death note canon go if Ray Penbur never showed his ID on the bus/Naomi actually went to L directly instead of being intercepted by Light?
That's the thing, though, Naomi probably wouldn't be involved.
Background on Raye and Naomi
Raye and Naomi are from America, with Raye being an FBI agent (that L hilariously somehow aquires for use in Fucking Japan even when the FBI are a domestic law enforcement agency, but alright, Death Note, you do you). L brought them in... somehow, don't know how he got Japan to agree to that, to tail their own domestic law enforcement agency (again, not sure how L negotiated that one, but rock on, man).
The plan was always for them to go back to America when this was finished.
If Raye never shows his ID on the bus, then Light never gets his name. Without the name, Light can't kill Raye, nor any of the other FBI agents he tricks Raye into giving up. None of the FBI agents die, Raye doesn't have his suspicious heart attack in the subway, and L both a) doesn't notice Raye's suspicious death and b) Naomi isn't propelled into invistigating Raye's murder herself and getting into contact with L.
The reason Naomi tried to contact L/give a tip for the investigation was because she'd a) done her own internal investigation and came up with her theory b) Raye had died.
Without Raye's death, they're going back to America to get married.
The FBI Agents Never Died
L's shit out of luck
Light did nothing remotely suspicious during his time tailed by Raye. He was one of many family members of policemen. L knows there's a leak in the NPA, and he's able to plug it by moving HQ and shutting out most of the NPA save six people, but now he has no leads again.
He may pick Light anyway, as a clearly brilliant young man who's scoring the best in the country, is young enough that this sort of cause would appeal to him, conceivably has access to police information, and L just doesn't like the cut of his gib.
He actually probably would do this, and come up with some reason for the task force to take this seriously and "we totally need cameras all over your house, Yagami, totally".
However, it may take him time to find Light after having to profile every single family member of anyone with access to the homicide division information.
When he does, though, we're back to pretty much canon.
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lilimaraf · 5 months
shut up i’m binging RAYE’s live performances
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