#rayla and dane
thebridgehqs · 7 months
The following need to post in the next 48 hours or message the main for an extension:
@prcphesieslie: Eddie Diaz, Billy Black, Matthew Scott, John Sheppard
@totouchthcstars Bonnie Harper
@lcnelylcves Evan Lorne, Aiden Ford
The following need to make an intro in the next week or message the main for an extension:
@virtuousouls: Octavia Blake, Rupert Giles + catch up
@cquity: Kathleen Harvey, Victoria Sutherland, Sophie Hatter, Medusa, Renesme Cullen, Juliette Ferrars, Leah Clearwater
@totouchthcstars: Quigley Quagmire, Louise Blecher, Ashley Magnus, Leo Valdez, Raven Reyes
@rosewaterdrunk: catch up
@allxthingsxglxtter: Nikola Tesla, Jonathan Carnavan + catch up
@prcphesieslie: Billy Black, Matthew Scott + catch up
@fidclium: Seamus Boyle, Orpheus Fraser, Jacob Black + catch up
@lcnelylcves: Sean Mulcahy, John Druitt, Anthony Lockwood, Allan a Dale, Salem Saberhagen, Evan Lorne, Aiden Ford, Helen Maclean, Cam Mitchell, Skaara
The following need to make the required posts in the next week or message the main for an extension:
@cquity: 1 on Alison Watts.
@hxlcycnx: 1 on Haythem Kenway, Lachesis, Lia Beaufort, Matt Murdock, Violet Baudelaire and Yvaine. 2 on Artagan, Dionysus, Marc Spector, Olive Smith and Saoirse O'Farrell.
@featherskies: 1 on Missy Moreno and Psyche 2 on Rory Gilmore
@dancngthroughlife: 1 on Quinn Fabray
@rosewaterdrunk: 1 on Alina Starkov, Anna Marie, Artemis, Asami Sato, Asta Runefist, Beauregard Lionett, Catherine Alexander, Clarissa Fairchild, Clarisse La Rue, Darcy Lewis, Demeter, Ellie, Fauna Nylund, Flora, Gwen Stacy, Iris West, Jean Gunnhildr, Katara, Kate Bishop, Lara Croft, Leia Organa, Loriel, Miaski, Nimue, Penelope Crawford, River Mekhala Niranpai, Sersi, Vex'ahlia De Rolo, Wanda Maximoff and Zelda. 2 on Aloy, Allura Vysoren, Cora Hale, Daphne Scott, Hope Van Dyne, Mako Mori, Malia Tate, Rayla Dragonguard and Sarah Wilson.
@roarunderpxpercuts: 1 on Alex Claremont-Diaz, Blair Waldorf, Jesse and Patrick Commerford-Blanco 2 on Benedict Bridgerton, Carl Grimes, Castiel, Charlie Spring, Edwina Sharma, Josie Saltzman, Niklaus Mikaelson, Maxine Baker, Peter Parker, Ricky Bowen, Sebastian Matthew-Smith, Shego, Steven Universe, Stiles Stilinksi, Tamar Kir Bataar, Willie Stewart and Zed Necropolis
@allxthingsxglxtter: 1 on Angrboda, Aurelia Gunner, Bryce Claiborne, Cassie Anderson, Diego Hargreeves, Hadie, Jason Todd, Lady, Leo, Lochlyn Boyle, Lyra Samos, Maelstrom Adler, Maive Mccullough, Morpheus, Odysseus Pierce, Sapphire, Shade Barrow, Shaun Gilmore, Veralidaine Sarrasri, Viktor and Xiao 2 on Adam Carlsen, Alex Mercer, Billy, Daja Kisubo, Ember Cobalt, Levi Sullivan, Nikola Tesla and Lisa Snart.
@totouchthcstars: 1 on Belle, Bonnie Harper, Chloe Sullivan, Clove Kentwell, Crowley, Dustfinger, Dorothy Gale, Elena Gilbert, Effie Trinket, Gabriel Van Helsing, Grogu, Grover Underwood, Han Solo, El Hopper, Jessie Cook, Jim Hawkins, Klaus Hargreaves, Lucifer, Maddie Buckley, Melody, Olaf, Pippin Took, Sabrina Spellman, Silena Kyle, Spock, Stede Bonet, Tony Stark, Velma Dinkley, Valkyrie, Wall-E 2 on Giulia Marcovaldo, Lorna Dane, Peter Parker, Rhaegar Targaryen, Son Goku
@virtuousouls: 1 on Lo'ak Sully 2 on Faith Lehane, Galadriel, Genya Safin, Grace Augustine, Huan, Joel Miller, Jaskier, Joyce Byers, Maya Lopez, Raleigh Beckett, Rick Grimes, Sam Gamgee, Skye Richfield, Spencer Reid, Steve Rogers, Thema, Xu Xialing, Yelena Belova.
0 notes
aurically · 6 years
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Well, pre-Love Day was a bust. Fuck. Remember how NYE I said I wasn’t feeling well? Well, I had thought maybe, possibly, potentially I was pregnant. My period was a few weeks late, but I’ve been too nervous to take a test. We want to be parents, someday, but with everything going on, it just wouldn’t the right time. Well, today–er, yesterday, I got ready for dinner with Dane. I was so excited. I had some nausea and stomach pain, that I chalked up to butterflies… but, with my period being so late and having some weird symptoms like nausea, fatigue, bloating, some weight gain, I was going to tell Dane my suspicions over dinner and see if maybe he wanted to go get a test with me and let’s be together when I take it… well, NONE of that happened. Instead… the whole evening went to shit, REAL quick.
Dane picked me up, we took some cute selfies and the like and headed to the restaurant. We didn’t even get the chance to put the car in park in the lot when all of the sudden I got this incredibly sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I mean, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. It quickly dissipated, but Dane and I made the decision to nix going to dinner and just go back to the house and watch a movie. 
We got to the house without incident. Changed into some comfy lounging clothes and piled onto the couch. Not even an hour later, another sharp pain. I couldn’t move.
“Baby, this isn’t okay. We’re going to the hospital.” Dane insisted. I didn’t fight it, mostly because I couldn’t. I was hysterically in pain. So, he swiftly grabs his coat and carries me out to the car. He speeds to the city hospital and carries me inside.
The nice front desk nurse looked so concerned. “How… may I help you? Oh, my goodness, is she okay?”
“No! She’s been having terribly sharp pains in her stomach and I don’t know? It might be her appendix?! Help us.”
“Do not worry, sir. Let’s get her straight to a room.”
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So, the nurse grabbed a wheelchair and Dane put me in it and they wheeled me off straight to the nearest bed. 
Dane and I waited an hour and a half for a doctor to come in.
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I was in so much pain. But, he was there trying to help me push through it. A nurse finally came in and gave me an IV of a metric fuckload of morphine. Seriously, cannot tell you how instantaneously I felt better… and how up in the sky I felt, too… o.O Finally Nurse Hammond and Dr. Kuja came in. (I am not shitting you, they put me on some powerful stuff. I kept calling Dr. Kuja, “Dr. Kujo”…. I’m so embarrassed.)
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“Hello, I’m Dr. Kuja and this is Nurse Hammond. What seems to be the problem, Ms. Hays?” Dr. Kuja said looking down at my chart.
I giggled some.“Hi, Dr. Kujo!… uh, I MEAN KUJA! Kuja… with an ‘A’!” 
“Dr. Kuja, the admitting attending, Dr. O’Neil, ordered me to give Ms. Hays a morphine drip; 5mg every 2 hours. Her admitting heart rate and blood pressure were through the roof suggesting high levels of pain reactions. She was also running a mild fever,” Nurse Hammond interjected after my faux pas.
Dr. Kuja gave a hearty laugh. “Thank you, Nurse.” He turns to me, “Ms. Hays, it’s quite all right. You’re not the first patient on morphine to call me Kujo. In fact, most of the nurses around here call me Kujo as a joke. I find it quite humorous.” Nurse Hammond snickered.
I went into the details of what I had been experiencing the past few weeks. And my suspicions of being pregnant. Dane gave me a very perplexed look, but didn’t say anything. 
“Ah, I see. Yes. Okay, well, let’s get some blood drawn and Nurse Hammond here will take a urine sample and do an ultrasound immediately. After I go over your results, I’ll be back to discuss them with you.” Nurse Hammond nodded and went to the corner of the room to get the ultrasound machine set up by the bed.
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“Ms. Hays, this is going to be quite cold. But, it’ll warm up quickly.” Nurse Hammond said to me as she squirted a bunch of gel on my stomach. Dane sat on the very edge of his seat, holding my hand the whole time. I saw worry in his eyes, but also a glimmer of, excitement? I think he was starting to think I was pregnant, too.
“Oh…” Nurse Hammond said slightly under her breath.
“What’s wrong, Nurse?”
“Andrea, please. And honey, I’m just a nurse. I can’t diagnose to you what I’m seeing…” “Diagnose?!”, Dane cut her off. “Medical speak, Mr. Winters. Let me get these results sent to Dr. Kujo,” she winked, “and he’ll be in with you shortly. Do feel free to call on one of us if you need anything.” She quickly pushed the ultrasound machine back to the corner and darted out of the room.
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Dane and I sat there for another 3 hours waiting for results and for the doctor to come back in. During that time, we discussed a few things. “Why didn’t you tell me you thought you were pregnant?” “Honey, with everything going on… it just… I couldn’t bring myself to pile on to the mountain of shit that is going on in our lives.” “Ray, listen to me… a baby would **not ** be ‘piling on’ to any ‘mountain of shit’, got it. And if you are pregnant, we’re going to figure it out. I promise.” He kissed me on the forehead and sat at the end of the bed until I dozed off.
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“Baby, baby.. Wake up. The doctor is back.”
I wake up and at the end of my bed stood Dr. Kuja and Nurse Hammond.
“Well, Ms. Hays. We have your results back. I’m afraid to say, you are not pregnant.”
“Then what’s wrong with her, Dr. Kuja?” Dane asked disappointedly.
“It appears she has quite a few ovarian cysts, focusing on her right ovary. What’s causing her pain is this:” he pulls out an ultrasound that looked like an image of some far off planet. “See these black spots?” We both nod. “Those are the cysts. See this much larger black spot?” Again, we nodded. “That’s the sucker that’s causing your pain. It’s a hemorrhagic cyst.”
“What in the world is a hemorrhagic cyst?!” I asked in sheer panic.
“It sounds worse than it is, Ms. Hays. A hemorrhagic ovarian cyst is a cyst sac that fills with blood instead of the usual fluids most benign cysts fill with. This one has burst, which is what has caused your extreme pain. And it is a very painful affair, I’m afraid. And due to the fact that you have several cysts, and you now have a history of a hemorrhagic cyst, your chances of forming more in the future are high. I am going to prescribe you some antibiotics to deter any possible infections from forming due to the burst, and some pain killers for the next week. You will likely have some irregular vaginal bleeding until the cyst fully drains itself, and you will continue to be in pain. I’m also referring you to immediately see your gynecologist as soon as possible because I am suspecting these other cysts are PCOS.”
“What’s PCOS?”
“Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. In short, a woman’s hormones go all wonky and cause the ovaries to form multiple cysts. Usually, it’s completely harmless, just takes some medicine to regulate hormones and such. But, it can be incredibly painful if left untreated. Now, I’m not for certain you have PCOS because I didn’t run all the tests, those are for a personal doctor to run as they take days to have the results return, but I wouldn’t be shocked. Do go ahead and make an appointment with your OBGYN soon, Ms. Hays. I hope you start to feeling better. Nurse Hammond will be back shortly with your discharge papers, prescriptions and two doses of the painkillers to tide you over until the pharmacies open in the morning.”
“Thank you so much, Dr. Kuja.”
And that’s that. At least it’s nothing life threatening. It’s now 4am. I’m exhausted and I need to get some rest. Dane has decided to stay the night with me so I don’t have to walk up and down the stairs by myself. I’m going to try like hell to still do Eli’s little Love Day surprise for Addison later on today… ugh… later on today. I need to go to sleep.
Kisses, Ray
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numptypylon · 4 years
7. Your characterisation and portrayal of Rayla and Callum in, well, all your fics. It's so true to canon. I find myself getting lost in what is published lore and what is "Numpty" canon. You have such an amazing grasp of the characters. Every one of your stories reads like a little extension of the series. (Which we all need as we desperately wait for Season 4!)
Ooooh, thank you! Reticent Dane hiding under the table now.
The characters appealing to me are by far the most important aspect of whether I will enjoy a work of fiction or other media, so it’s super important to me when I’m writing, too. But it’s always gonna be subjective if other people see it the same way, so it really means a lot to hear that the way I write the characters feel authentic to you.
I think Downtime in Wartime got me a crash course in the characters because it was so closely tied to canon, and also a lowkey drama story, so characterization was key, because it was gonna be obvious if it was off.
Thank you so much! 🥰
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callieskinhelp · 5 years
update post
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★★ hey hey y'all callie here with an update for you all! I'm sorry things have slowed down around here lately, cinna's still busy with school and I've been feeling rather unmotivated so i thought I'd take the time to list out all the requests in the inbox so y'all can be aware of the status of ur requests! they'll be listed in the chronological order of when we received them since that's the order w do them in! you'll find them under the cut! ➷
🎀 Callies requests! 🎀
average wait time from sending them in is 5-7 days!
★ the 2 requests currently on my checklist!
★ Light purple Edd/Double D circle icons
★ Orange lovecore Lila Rossi icons
★ Rayla from The Dragon Prince icons
★ Lavender Celestia Ludenberg Anthology icons
★ Flintheart Glomgold/Duke Baloney gif icons
★ Alice Baskerville gif icons
★ Evie from Descendants icons
★ Euden from Dragalia Lost icons
★ Senna from Legend of Korra icons
★ Uraraka Ochako gif icons
★ Chihiro Fujisaki Stimboard
★ Blake Belladonna Volume 7 icons
★ Nezuko Kamado gif icons
★ Pastel goth Entrapta icons
★ Lorna Dane moodboard
★ Ahiru from Princess Tutu gif icons
★ Blue Oruigo from Witch Hat Atelier icons
★ Wyborn Lovat moodboard
★ Circular Tak from Invader Zim Icons
★ Bi/Non-binary Benny from the Lego Movie icons
🎨 Cinna's requests 🎨
average wait time is currently 1 week+
• the ones on her checklist!
• Parsley Botch aesthetic
• Almighty Tallest Purple aesthetic
• Haunter aesthetic
• Regular Zeraora icons
• Okami aesthetic
• Taichi and Takato aesthetic
• William Carter icons
• Gryphon aesthetic
• Blackberry cookie aesthetic
• Marx aesthetic
• Firecracker cookie aesthetic
• Oswald the lucky rabbit self care kit
• Trans Snufkin aesthetic
• Zim self care
★★ Okay that's everything currently in the inbox! hopefully this helps quell any worried y'all might've had and hopefully we'll get to ur requests soon! thank you for your patience and understanding, I hope you all have a good day!!
- ★ mod callie 🐻
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Rayllum week Day 5: Azymondias
Tak jak wszystkie dzieci w jego wieku Azymondias rósł zaskakująco szybko. Zdawało się, że w ciągu kilku tygodni ich wspólnej podróży urósł dwukrotnie i podwoił swoją masę, co sprawiło, że jego ulubiony opiekun, Ezran, nie mógł go dłużej nosić. Wystarczająco dużo nadźwigał się, gdy był jeszcze jajem. Z tego też powodu, kiedy męczył się próbami latania - a próbował wzbić się w niebo każdego dnia - lub Ezran i Robal przestawali się z nim bawić, wskakiwał na ramiona chłopca o oczach zielonych jak liście drzew. Szczególnie zaś upodobał sobie jego miękki szalik. I chociaż widać było, że po jakimś czasie barki mu drętwiały, starszy z chłopców, ku uciesze Zyma, nie narzekał i dzielnie pracował nad poprawieniem swojej siły i kondycji. Tak w większości mijały im dni marszu.
Tego dnia jednak młody smoczy książę zdecydował się na urzeczywistnienie nieśmiałych marzeń, które zobaczył w szkicowniku starszego chłopca. W chwili najmniej spodziewanej Azymondias zerwał się gwałtownie z ramion Calluma i wylądował z gracją na ziemi. Nie tyczyło się to jednak chłopca, który odepchnięty przez dwanaście kilogramów żywej, latającej wagi, stracił równowagę i runął jak długi, przewracając również osobę idącą przed nim.
Zapadła niespodziewana cisza. Ezran całą siłą woli powstrzymał się od piśnięcia z zachwytu (jego brat wreszcie zrobił jakiś postęp, a już od jakiegoś czasu coś podejrzewał!), Robal momentalnie zgasł, a jego mina przez kilka sekund nie była gburowata, prędzej wyrażała zdziwienie. Tymczasem na ziemi...
-Przepraszamprzepraszamprzepraszam!!!- choć to myślał, spomiędzy jego warg nie wydostało się żadne słowo.
Jego policzki w oka mgnieniu przybrały kolor równie intensywny co jego szalik, znajdował się bowiem w bardzo niekomfortowej sytuacji. Gdy się przewrócił, upadł na Raylę i przygniótł ją, nie pozwalając się ruszyć. Co jednak przeraziło go najbardziej to fakt, że na kilka chwil ich usta złączyły się w pocałunku. Przez myśl przemknęło mu, że przed śmiercią, która teraz z pewnością go czekała za naruszenie jej strefy osobistej w taki sposób, miło było poznać smak tych ust, przypominający mu księżycowe maliny... Tymczasem mijały kolejne sekundy i minuty, a żadne z nich nie ruszyło się ani trochę z miejsca, wpatrując w siebie z rumieńcem na twarzach i skrzącymi oczyma.
Dopiero gdy w oddali odezwał się słowik młody mag powoli podniósł się i pomógł przyjaciółce wstać. Dziewczyna nie wyglądała na niezadowoloną, wręcz przeciwnie. Fiołkowe oczy błyszczały mieszaniną zaskoczenia, zadowolenia i ekscytacji.
-Ja... ten... przeprasz- nie dane mu było dokończyć.
Rayla bowiem objęła go mocno i pocałowała, zadziwiając jeszcze bardziej. Nie narzekał jednak, tylko dał się ponieść emocjom.
W ten oto sposób Azymondias znacznie przyspieszył rozwój relacji między Raylą i Callumem.
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thebridgehqs · 11 months
the following need to post in the next 48 hours or message the main for an extension:
@ofkiara (two)
@firewvlk (two)
@roarunderpxpercuts (Bob Belcher)
@fidclium (Icarus)
the following need to post an intro in the next week:
@virtuousouls (Niamh O'Farrell + catch up)
@totouchthcstars (Parker, Nora West-Allen, Anubis, Darling Charming)
@allxthingsxglxtter (Xiao, Laurent le Livre, + catch up)
@lcnelylcves (David Kostyk, Booker, Tariq Osman + catch up)
@champagneprblms (Linda Belcher)
@roarunderpxpercuts (Michael Munroe)
@hxlcycnx (Saoirse O'Farrell)
the following need to post in the next week or message the main for an extension:
@virtuousouls (the rest of her list)
@rosewaterdrunk Two on Allura Vysoren, Artemis, Beauregard Lionett, Leia Organa, and Malia Tate. One on Asta Runefist, Cora Hale, Ellie, Emma Swan, Fauna Nylund, Flora, Genevieve Duke, Ginny Weasley, Gwen Stacy, Hope Van Dyne, Iris West, Jean Gunnhildr, Kate Bishop, Katy Chen, Mako Mori, Mel Merdarda, Misaki, Penelope Crawford, Rayla Dragonguard, Sarah Wilson, Sersi, Violet, and Zelda
@featherskies One on Callie Bassett, Hazel Vikander, and Ty-Lee
@champagneprblms One on Daphne Blake
@hxlcycnx Two on Lachesis, Lia Beaufort, and Yvaine. One on Cyparissius, Din Djarin, Kima and Quasimodo
@roarunderpxpercuts One on Alphonse Elric and Niklaus Mikaelson
@totouchthcstars Two on: Aang, Abigail Scuito, Alice, Alice Kingsleigh, Anubis, Bill Weasley, Bonnibel Bubblegum, Captain Phoebus, Darling Charming, Dorothy Gale, Edward Elric, Ellen Ripley, Elora Danan, Fenris, Finrod Felagund, Fox Mulder, Gabriel van Helsing, Grover Underwood, Illyana Rasputin, Jack Frost, Jessie Cook, Jester Lavorre, Jim Hawkins, Magnus Bane, Max Ride, Melody, Miles Morales, Neytiri, Parker, Puss in Boots, Primrose Everdeen, Robin Hood, Romeo Montague, Rose Walker, Sisu, Snow White, Stede Bonnet, Sybil Trelawney, Yennefer of Venderberg, Ygritte One on: Allyson Nelson, Arthur Pendragon, Blaine Anderson, Bruno Madrigal, Buffy Summers, Cedric Diggory, Chloe Sullivan, Christine Daae, Clove Kentwell, Effie Trinket, Elena Gilbert, Ezekiel Jones, Gilgamesh, Grogu, Han Solo, Harry Bright, Howl Jenkins Pendragon, Hyacinth Bridgerton, Jack Dawson, Jane Hopper, John Wick, Karli Morgenthau, Lorna Dane, Lorcan Scamander, Lucas, Lucifer Morningstar, Lyra Silvertongue, Maddie Buckley, Mal Bertha, Mora, Master Po Ping, Nora West Allen, Newt Scamander, Neville Longbottom, Phoebe Halliwell, Pippin Took, Quentin Coldwater, Rapunzel, Rey, Rhaeger Targaryen, Ruby Lucas, Sabrina Spellman, Sam Winchester, Sarah Miller, Scott Summers, Sharpay Evans, Sophie, Spock, Tarzan, T'Challa, Tinkerbell, Tom Lucitor, Tris Prior, Tyreese Williams, Usagi Tsukino, Vala Mal Doran, Valkyrie, Willa Lykensen, Winnie the Pooh, Yan Wei
@allxthingsxglxtter Two on Adam Carlson, Alex Mercer, Angrboda, Aurelia Gunner, Billy, Caitlyn Kiramman, Calanthe, Coriane Calore, Dane Whitman, Ember Cobalt, Finn Smythe, Hugo De Rune, Jess Sarasin, Lady, Leo, Lisa Snart, Raya, and Yvette Calahaan. One on Andrew Bancroft, Bryce Claiborne, Caradoc Duke, Derek Hale, Erasmus, Hadie, Khonsu, Laurent Le Livre, Levi Sullivan, Maelstrom Adler, Maeve, Merrin, Neteyam, Odysseus, Sapphire, Shaun Gilmore, Sirius Black, Spider, Telemachus, Veralidaine Sarrasi, Viktor, and Xiao.
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aurically · 6 years
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I love him so much. (learning how to use photoshop, you guys! Photo credit to my sis, Rachel!)
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aurically · 6 years
Aron pauses. Then we kind of turn and lean against the bar. Then, like the song goes, and then he kissed me. Time froze. We stood there lips locked, not making out, just... locked for what seemed ages. Then he pulls away as the song changed to “Open” by Rhye.
“How appropriate.”
“You’ve completely stalked my Spotify, huh?”
“No, actually, smarty, I found this on my own without your Spotify.”
“Uh-huh... sure.”
I look down at my phone and see the time. Not that I really had to be home, it was only 6 o’clock, but I felt like here wasn’t the place to physically be anymore. 
“Hey, Aron... you wanna-”
“-get out of here?”
“Yeah, haha.”
“I’m down, chick. Want me to walk ya home?”
We walk outside and start to walk me home, when I just stop.
“Buns, what’s wrong?”
“I’m .. I don’t know. I’m confused.”
“I want to see if you wanna come back to the loft and hang, but I don’t want you to think I’m going to sleep with you. And then there’s Da--”
“Rayla, Dane ain’t here. He hasn’t been present in a while. We can decide what to do about that later. But, I’m NOT going to sleep with you tonight. I ain’t gonna even try.”
“...wow, thanks.”
“No. Not like that. I want to enjoy you. Not put us in a situation where we’re going to feel dirty. Which is not like me at all. I’d be ready to hop on you, but it doesn’t--”
“It doesn’t feel right. No, you’re right.”
“I’ve got baggage, too, Ray. So just chill....” he held out his hand, “so, how about we go bust up the loft and see which poor sucker Jenna decided to get her claws into tonight, ay?”
“Oh, goddd... I hope he’s a desperate menisist. Those are so funny to watch because they do NOT know what to do with her. Swear, she’s the definition of ‘maneater’.”
“Takes one to know one, Buns.” 
I grab his hand and we begin to walk home.
(Go to next, part 4)
(Go to beginning, Part 1) (Go to previous, Part 2)
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aurically · 5 years
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*Rayla leaves the private lounge and out onto the dance floor, posting photos to social media on her phone, when she looks up and notices two familiar faces on the steps to the bar. Dane.... and her sister?! Rayla heaves a deep sigh and begins to head to the bar, prepared for an interaction*
Rachel: “Wow, Ray. Real classy. Dump your life-long fiance and go partying out at a bar with your other man the same night.”
Rayla: “And you’re classy? You’re my twin and you’re going behind my back with my ex, Rach.”
Rachel: “I’m not going behind your back. Dane was upset, and for good reason, and needed a night out.”
Rayla: “Whatever, Rachel. I don’t care. I’m here with my roommate and the guy I like and I’m not going to let you ruin it. I don’t know what happened to you to make you so ... cold, but you’ve really become a calculating bitch these past few months. So not the sister I know.”
*Rachel looks at Rayla with disgust*
Rachel: “And I don’t know what turned you into such a slut.”
*Meanwhile, back in the private lounge area, Jenna notices Rachel and Rayla*
Jenna: “Uh.... uh... A?! Uh....”
Aron: “What is it, Jenna? See some hot piece of ass finally?”
Jenna: “Uh, no... uh... I think Ray’s sister and ex are here...and it looks like trouble.”
Aron, standing up and looking through the window into the next room: “Fucking christ! Man, you’ve got to be shittin’ me! We need to get over there!”
*Aron and Jenna run out to the bar to catch Rayla and Rachel in a screaming match*
(Beginning) (Previous)
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aurically · 5 years
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*Rayla starts to leave when Dane stands up*
Dane: “Ray! I’m sorry! Wait...please.”
Rayla: “No, Dane. I can’t. I’m sorry. This is too much. We both need time to cool off. Maybe one day we can be friends again. But, now?” 
*Rayla hangs her head and shakes it and continues to exit. Darting past the entrance to a place where she couldn’t be seen to shed a few tears*
“I know it's over ...And it never really began ...But in my heart it was so real.”
-to be continued-
(Beginning) (Previous)
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aurically · 5 years
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*Rayla reaches out her hand and places it on Dane’s arm*
Rayla: “And I’ve had time to think, too, D. About a lot of things. About all the change and....I...”
*Dane looks down at Rayla’s hand on his arm*
Dane: “Rayla? Where’s your ring?”
*Rayla moves her hand and then looks down, then leans over into her purse and grabs a small, red box and puts it into Dane’s hand. Dane looks down blankly at the box.”
Dane: “... So... it’s true?”
Rayla: “The only thing that’s true--and that matters, for that fact--is that you’ve been my best friend since before we could talk. And that no matter what, I will always love you. But, c’mon, D. We’re kidding ourselves if we really thought we’d be together forever. We were kidding ourselves that us going separate ways didn’t mean the end of a chapter in our lives. We tried. We jumped right into this, because we thought that’s what we were suppose to do. But, it’s not, is it?”
Dane: “But, Ray. It’s always been us.” 
Rayla: “But, it’s always been us, but as best friends. Not as two people who were going to get married. We tried and college and we didn’t want our relationship to get in the way of who we were trying to become. We tried now, and it just...we went to follow our own paths without much of a second thought for the “us”.”
(Beginning) (Previous)
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aurically · 5 years
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Dane: “So, I guess I need to get it out of the way... I saw Orion earlier.”
Rayla: “Y-yeah...?”
Dane: “Apparently he picked up your roommate at a bar the other night.”
Rayla: “Heh, if that’s what he wants to think, but, haha, I mean, that’s sorta Jenna’s thing, so it was more like he was her prey. *awkward laugh*”
Dane: “...Just tell me he’s exaggerating, Ray....”
Rayla: “Exaggerating about what?”
Dane: “That he thinks you’re seeing someone else?”
Rayla: “Well, I mean, I’ve made new friends, Dane. You didn’t honestly expect my life to NOT change when I moved to the other side of the city? You didn’t honestly think my life was going to be put on hold when you just up and bailed months ago, and then slowly stopped putting in any effort? You didn’t think my life just stopped when you decided to not call or even text for over a week?”
Dane: “No... I guess not.... I just... I had stuff to think about... Life is changing so much. I’m working in an actual doctor’s office and my patient load is huge and your whole family basically moved in...and you can’t tell me it wasn’t overwhelming for you too, you moved out, too, Ray.”
(Beginning) (Previous)
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aurically · 6 years
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male voice: “Oh, there you are, Jenna.”
*Jenna obviously hears him, but doesn’t make an effort to get up. In walks a silver-haired dude with facial scruff, with his winter jacket, scarf and shoes on*
male: “Sup, ya’ll?”
*Aron, now sitting on the back of the couch behind Rayla nods at the guy, and kind of back away from being so close to Rayla. The guy looks at Rayla with a bit of surprise on his face. Jenna jumps up to his side*:
Jenna: “Guys, this is..er.. R...y....”
Rayla: “Orion! Hah... I know. He’s one of Dane’s work friends.”
Orion: “.. How are ya, Rayla???” 
Rayla: “I’m doing good. Yourself?”
Orion: “I’m doing w--”
*Rayla starts to get up off the couch*
Jenna, cutting off Orion and grabbing his arm: “Haha, okay good catching up, folks. Orion here has to be at work. *under breath* or something.”
*They walk to front entrance together, Jenna hurrying Orion along.”
Orion: “Damn, Jenna. You don’t have to kick me out. You know I’m off today. Plus, I know Rayla. So, it’s not weird.”
Jenna: “Yes, I do. And oh yesss, it is.”
Orion: “...wait, who’s that dude? Isn’t Rayla engaged to Dane or whatever?”
Jenna: “Yeah, or whatever. Look, dude, I’ll text you. I had fun, we’ll hafta do it again sometime.”
Orion: *looks suspiciously over Jenna’s shoulder at Rayla and Aron on the couch, then looks back at Jenna* “Why do I have the feeling I walked in on something I shouldn’t’ve... and uh, why do I get the feeling you aren’t gonna text me?”
Jenna: “Don’t be silly. I’ll text you.”
(Beginning) (Previous)
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aurically · 6 years
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*Rayla and Aron spend a few minutes alone in the kitchen and then go to join Jenna in the living room*
Rayla, sitting down beside Jenna: “Okay, J, who’s this fella you’ve g--”
Jenna: “Nuh-uh, bitch. We gotta talk about what you’re gonna do about Dane.”
Aron goes to stand behind Rayla and begins to rub her neck: “Soooo... I’m assuming you birds had a catch-up while I was still asleep?”
J: “Yes, you dumb, hunk of manmeat, duh. RAYLA. What are you gonna do here?”
R: “I...”
J & A, together: “YOU CAN’T SAY ‘I DON’T KNOW’.”
R: “I wasn’t! I was GONNA say, I think I should text him and ask to meet for coffee? It’s obvious it’s over and it’s obvious he thinks so, too. Or I’d have heard from him, even a text, with in the last week.”
J: “Well, go on, TEXT HIM.”
*Rayla looks up at Aron*
A: “It’s okay, babe. I’m right here. And I’m totally chill with you texting him. You gotta get this settled.”
*Rayla sighs and begins to text Dane, when Jenna’s bedroom door opens*
male voice: “YO, Jenna! Where are you?”
Jenna, whispering: “Ah. Shit. Forgot about him. Uh... Ray..?”
(Beginning) (Previous)
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aurically · 6 years
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“Listen, A, I don’t know how hard or easy this is gonna be. Dane and I have a history and while it’s definitely over for me, I’ve known him since I was in diapers and I owe him as much respect and kindness I can give... if there’s any respect left...after... well, tonight.....”
“Rayla, ole dude ain’t just our only problem. Nova is gonna flip a gasket if and when she finds out about you. And the bitch will find out. It’s gonna end up me choosing between you and any chance with my baby girl. I don--”
“That will NEVER happen. I won’t let it. I won’t let you.”
“But, I’m not gonna give ya up. Not now that I found you. The first girl that makes me wanna stick around and see what’s up? I’d be fuckin’ nuts. That’s you. You’re that chick. I can’t give that up. I just ain’t.”
“I’m not going anywhere. We’re going to figure this out.”
“...you’re so incredible, Rayla Jade Hays. I want to know you inside and out.”
(Next, Part 14)
(Beginning, Part 1) (Previous, Part 12)
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aurically · 6 years
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Mom stopped by this afternoon to talk about dad. She’s trying to mend the family and I’m just not sure about it.  She’s also going to be sending me photos from Eli and Addy’s pregnancy shoot here. hopefully today, and I’ll definitely be sharing with you guys! My mom is so talented. But, back to our conversation....
“Rayla,” she says, “your father loves you. He’s just had a hard life... he’s had a long life... he’s not good with feelings and emotions, so they kind of explode. He loves Dane, but he’ll never find any guy that he deems good enough for his two baby girls.”
“Mom, I’m not Rach. I’m not just fine being alone. Rach is like dad. She retreats when things get sticky. I can’t do that. I have to face everything head on. And I’m not just going to let dad get away with treating me like a teenager that hasn’t accomplished anything.”
“You’ve accomplished so much, sweetie. So much. But, your father resents me for living out my dreams and sticking to them even after having you girls. He just wanted me to drop everything for our family and forget my own identity. So, I see so much of myself in you. You’re so strong willed and you refuse to give up on your desires. But, my biggest regret in life will always be not finding compromise. I made a vow when I started a family with your father, and that was to always be a part of the unit. Don’t repeat those same mistakes I did and look back at your grown children, one a teenager with a baby on a way with his girlfriend, and feel like you could’ve done more to prevent shit things from happening.”
“That’s not how life works, mom. Your choices didn’t help or hurt our choices as individuals. We may be your children, but in our adult life, we are not your burdens to bear.”
“You are not burdens. You are my joys. My light. And your father’s proudest moments of life is when the three of you were born. Don’t ever forget that. And don’t let his temper ruin your relationship.”
“I’m not the one ruining it, mom.”
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