#rayman head canon
djsherriff · 2 years
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andromeda-vita · 5 months
okaayyyy first on the list of designnsssss,,, rayman !! yeah incredible , ik ik just. stay with me here
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a brief rundown of it is taking that whole "guardian of this world" concept, and being an embodiment of dreams, bravery and light.. then making it into a silly forest spirit,,
some inspos are sky children of the light, over the garden wall, adventure time, and zelda . again , weird mix , i knowwww . but!!!
i would need an entire doc to list all the things i've written on him thus far but i'd love asks/questions (and perhaps suggestions!)
im gonna be real here... most of the changes have to be the fact he has a cape and, messy hair, with flowers/leaves caught in it (ever heard of a brush???)
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A little head canon for CLH Rayman/Ramon thanks to a discussion I had with a friend through discord:
Rayman/Ramon, much like his canon counterpart, can speak fluent French. He just primarily uses English to speak. Unlike his canon counterpart, he can speak and understand quite a number of other languages as well. Many seem to think that French may have been his native tongue. He's long since forgotten the native languages from the glade.
He is one of the few members of Murfy's resistance group that can understand whenever Bullfrog speaks French. He will sometimes act as translator for the group when Bullfrog cannot do it himself.
Whenever he does something like stub his toe or slam a door on his hand, Rayman/Ramon will start cursing and shouting in full French. Bullfrog refuses to translate whenever Rayman/Ramon does this but he can be seen laughing like a gremlin in the background.
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geekygoo · 10 months
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On that Raywritten grind again girlies!! This time, have some Raymesises. Raymesi? (featuring Selena and Glombrox!!)
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nightcovefox · 7 months
Siblings Am I right?
(This was inspired by someone’s post on Twitter now known as X. Not naming anyone’s names but this person knows who they are)
Ms. Grape: Hmph. Still living in this sweet place, I see? Huh, little brother? *sips her tea*
Mr.Dark: *scoffs* At least it's better where you live. *eats a little piece of Peach cake*
Ms.Grape: Hmm. Better where I live? Oh please, at least I didn’t lose to an 11-year-old boy.
Mr.Dark: …At least I didn’t lose to some princess who got help from a little star. Hah. Pathetic.
Ms.Grape: ..I’m warning you brother don’t press my buttons.
Mr.Dark: ..You’re jealous cuz I’m Raymesis favorite-
Ms.Grape: OHOHO!! YOU BA-
*Cue Siblings having a magic battle*
Raymesis: *slowly sips his coffee*
Selena: *looks at the fight and looks back at him* You’re going to burn your tongue~
Raymesis: *stops drinking* Shut up women. *cOuGH-*..And you were right..
Selena: How long will they be at this?
Raymesis: Don’t know and don’t care.
I see them as siblings, but Ms.Grape is the oldest while Mr.Dark is the youngest. Man I can’t wait for Princess Peach showtime!!!
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alienthebee · 9 months
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doodle jack earlier today (i need to draw him more)
also here is some jack x rayman because yeah
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rayman-chibi · 1 year
What is one head-canon you really REALLY like but don't actually want it to be canon?
I'll go first (TW Long rant about Rayman being trans and people not liking it)
As you may know, I was one of the first known Rayman artists to make the head-canon that Rayman is transfem, (which is ironic considering how manly Rayman is in his games like 95% of the time, but y'know, some transfems might have actually been like that before their eggs cracked, sometimes maybe even after to repress their gender dysphoria (not to be personal though -v-'))
When I first posted the drawing of Rayman holding the transfem/gender-fluid flag, I first thought that this would get me banned from the faces of Tumblr, Instagram, even Twitter (ESPECIALLY Twitter) just for making some video game character who's canonically male to have a more feminine gender... but surprisingly, people were cool with it. In fact, some people actually encouraged me to keep going with this head-canon. So I did. I've been showing off this head-canon to Tumblr and Instagram (mainly Tumblr), with other artists praising me for the stories I make with this head-canon, but this got me thinking at one point, "how would a more public audience react if this were canon?"
Now, this is where the second part of the question comes into play, because as much as I like the idea of Rayman suddenly realizing that he was an egg all this time and coming out to everyone he knows- his friends, his family, even his own worst enemies- that he's a trans woman/transfem and everyone just accepting it and even helping on defending him whenever some random person makes transphobic remarks to him... I'm kinda paranoid that this would hurt the series and the creators of said series as a whole.
So far, I only have one reason, but it's a reason to keep in mind, and that's the fact that there is a possibility this would end up in a situation similar to Snapdragon from High Guardian Spice or Bridget from the Guilty Gear series, with people getting angry at the creators of their respective series and even sending... pretty gruesome threats towards them. The only main difference is that while with Snapdragon and Bridget, when they were being feminine, it seemed to be a part of their characters and it's also what helped them grow to realize about themselves, with Rayman... well, what about Rayman?
As I've stated before, Rayman hasn't been very effeminate in the games; there was a time in a Hoodlum training video where we supposedly saw him dressed up as a ballerina for a few seconds and another time in the Raving Rabbids series where he dressed up as a grandma as a wearable costume... but that's just it. That's all the real explicit potential there is to make him a transfem. The effeminate aspect of him has been pushed aside by the creators and people brought those examples back up just to go, "oh meh gerd, look at how silly this is! Haha femboy go brr".
Now, again, it is possible for transfems to go through a masculine phase before realizing that they're trans, but this is a fictional character someone made and publicized who can't even talk much about their problems to you directly and therefore can't defend themselves from the many brutal messages coming from those who were fans of them we're talking about here, so the problem then is how people are going to react, and we all know how people had reacted to fictional characters going from effeminate men to trans women so suddenly.
It's also possible that that won't happen, but it still might because I'm kind of scared that the internet as a whole wouldn't learn their lesson and just dunk on Rayman of all people for being written to come out as trans, drowning out the actually accepting people who would come to those same terms.
I'm just gonna tell you right now that at the end of the day, this is just a fictional character, we and the original creators can do whatever we want with him (except make him into too much of a horrible person for either the stupidest of reasons or for no real reason at all), we can even call him a "her" if we so please, that is all.
Thanks for reading (if you've made it to this point at least)
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espinfeather · 8 months
So I requested to one of my mutuals to make a little head-canon/one shot of Rayman/Ramon being a dad (please go check them out, they are really cool! @salty-croissants ) anyways I wanted to do a little one shot of Bullfrog being a dad! So yeah enjoy!
Little thieves 
“Chéri! Où est mon uniforme ?” Bullfrog called out to his partner, “i thought i told you it’s hanging by our door” “I checked but it wasn’t there” you sighed as you separated the whites from the blacks, you just want to get the Landry done for the week. “I can go check again Cher” he said as he walked towards your shared room, he didn’t know where it could be..it couldn’t grow legs and walked outside. Just as he walked past his daughters room, he heard giggling..”hehe look! I’m a assassin!” He heard his daughter saying, he slowly peaked his head in their room to see that one of his girls was wearing his uniform, despite being a little too big for her..it was pretty cute. “It’s my turn now” “Nuh Uh! I’m not done with it” the two started to bicker and argue, before it could go into chaos, bullfrog came in and cleared his throat to get the little ones attention. “Soin d'expliquer?” He raises a brow as his girls lowered their heads in shame “Sorry Papa..” Bullfrog looked at them and sighed “why did you take my Uniform? et ne me mentez pas tous les deux ” he warned, the girls looked at eachother and at him. “We wanted to be like you..” Bullfrogs eyes soften, he found it sweet on how his daughters wanted to be like him..even though his job was..different..from the others. “mes colombes, thats very sweet of you but you must understand my job is very dangerous..but I do it to protect you two and Mama okay?” “Yes Papa” he kissed his girls forehead, “now can I have my Uniform back?”
I hoped you enjoyed this little one shot!
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infinialtairs · 1 month
NOAHOWLZ MAKING REELS? SHOCKING NEWS (/j) I have never liked doing vertical 1080p because it feels so much awkward to do than normal video 1080p...BUT! i need to make something simple and not too much work (I'm already workaholic enough) BUT YEAH, uh...more canon and oc stuff i suppose? Casper doesn't wanna leave from my head and it's getting worse with Casper and Rayman together... (also you can assume that it's Fakeman instead, i don't really mind one way or the other, Casper would be a dumbass)
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They're both little idiots (most of the time Casper) but i love them so much, i actively hate it
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Literally me right now:
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shippyo · 8 months
This is random drama im looking at rn from captain laserhawk fandom,i dont post about i know but i like its content,so feel free to ignore my rage moment cause hhhhhh ill be very angry<3 /
istg the rayfrog drama is the dumbest shit alive in the clh fandom AUHGG💀
no it isnt pedophilic and yes im pointing and you people who said that dumbest shit,directly to your eyes BWBDBE
Just cause in your head you just made it up,ITS NOOOOT CANON,they are both adults,rayman is a guy who literally can live/sleep 100 years and mf can't age physically after origins,he is a ageless, a literal magical fantasyland creature made by gods,its actual creepier that you guys infantilize bullfrog on trying to make him like some kind of CHILD or teen who barely got to be an adult when in reality he is an old grown ass man who has been being an assasing for who knows how many years,that you guys had more that mindest speaks more of how creepy you are,stop infantilize grown ass adults istg
u can not like or u can feel uncomfy with rayfrog like thats absolutly fine dont get me wrong,that is not the problem and u can have for whatever reason,if u hc that they had an age gap,if they are just friends,familiar stuff,like other ship related to Bullfrog or idk but, don't try to made up arguments and do shit ass ship wars,they are adults PERIOD,grow up and stop crying about it,just block tags or be healthier for your own life to just shrugh about it and move on ITS NOT HARD 💀
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So now I’m hyper fixated on Rayman again I should probably post some of my head canons on the limbless guy
Rayman is a master at playing all the instruments in the plucked string family. Including the harp. Every time I hear his theme in Rayman M I keep thinking he is the one completely rocking the Banjo.
He also has a hobby in painting. Just anything he feels like painting he paints, he mostly just does it for himself and doesn’t give any of his paintings away even as gifts. It’s more a hobby for himself and he either doesn’t feel comfortable with giving his works away or doesn’t think that there good enough.
His love language is quality time, he doesn’t care what they do he just wants to spend time with others. Weather it’s sleeping together with globox, helping Ly or listening to murffy ramble.
He does have a spa day at least every week.
Rayman often leaves his home, no one in the glade knows where he goes or how to find him but he always comes back after a few days. The popular theory is that he trains his skills in private during this time but no one knows.
He gets really angry when others blame him for things he has no control over or when he ends up failing and telling him that it’s his fault .
Rayman and Barbara have a bit of a toxic relationship. They both enable each other’s reckless behavior. But their friendship is more of a friendly rivalry more than anything. They are adventurous buddies to the end.
He knows how to fight with a battle axe, and other weapons, Barbara and the other princesses taught him.
In legends he ended up getting captured several times and Barbara had to save him. (Like from the giant toad in the Rayman legends trailer)
He and Barbara often wrestle and have some playful fights together. Sometimes this goes on for hours.
Rayman has a strange relationship with Betilla, she is both his mom but also kinda not. Betilla is conflicting because she genuinely thinks of Rayman as her son (even if she doesn’t realize it) but her duties as a Protector kinda conflict with that (basically her feelings are conflicting with her logic) as she created Rayman to save the world. They really need to talk about their relationship but Betilla kinda keeps pushing the subject away. This is one of the main reasons why Rayman left the valley, he was sick of not getting a straight answer. But he does genuinely care for her.
This odd relationship extends to the other Nymphs, who all adore and care for Rayman but due to their duties keep bit of distance from the limbless boy. Except Voodoo Mama, she full blown calls herself Auntie Voodoo to Rayman and insists on calling Betilla his mother. She is the one who helps Rayman leave the valley, understanding all of his reasons to do so.
The magician (Rayman 1) actually helped raise Rayman if Betilla was too busy. He taught Rayman important lessons about morality. He also liked hyping him up with dramatic speeches and was the first one to call rayman a hero despite, him haven’t done any heroics yet.
Rayman keeps his past and his relationships with his mother and aunts a secret but he does let some things slip every now and again. Hence why the Phantom knows about Mr dark.
Rayman is a foodie, he loves all kinds of food and enjoys eating anything. And he can technically eat anything with no problem, but that doesn’t mean he likes the taste.
He sometimes visits has conversations with both Polokus and Jano.
He is asexual (I don’t think he ever shown any interest whatsoever) but he may be open to a romantic relationship.
Some nights he can’t sleep and just watches the sky.
Hates being picked up and held like a doll or a kid.
The way he ‘ages’ is different from others as instead of growing up naturally he instead incorporates energy, lums and magic into his body which allows him to get bigger and changes his appearance over time. (I think the limbless are creatures who are unable to age)
Rayman makes a majority of his own clothes or gets them custom Made. Not a lot of shops made for limbless people around.
He likes a wide variety of music, mostly he likes 2000’s music though.
Rayman loves to enjoy the little things in life, he likes the idea of riches and glory but doesn’t love it.
He loves children, and is a really good babysitter.
He actually gets really scared when facing threats, he gets scared when fighting Mr Darks forces, the robot pirates, the hoodlums, the knaaren, even the Rabbids scare him. But he knows that fear isn’t something to be ashamed of, embraces it, and manages to act despite of it. That is genuine courage. 
He is clever, and can be an absolute troll when he wants to be, using his extended reach to pull pranks.
He takes care of the walking shell like a pet, it has a weird power of putting itself back together.
There are a lot of legends and rumors about him from what he accomplished and what he looks like to his backstory. Some of them are extremely wild and a lot of people don’t realize that the Rayman in the rumors is the same guy when they meet him in real life.
His hands and feet sometimes wanders around with out his knowledge when he is deep in sleep.
He is very aware that one’s species and looks do not attribute to how good or evil they are. He learned this lesson from others who judged him purely on looks, many people have attacked him in the past due to his appearance and thinking he is a monster.
He ended up ultimately failing to save Globox’s children from the Rabbids, someone else saved them. But he did in up accidentally saving the Rabbids by unknowingly teaching them to enjoy the little things in life, that it’s okay to make mistakes, enjoying their own sense of fashion and getting them into hobbies, allowing them to actually be happy and Turing them away from their conquest and destruction in the long run, and this all eventually leads to the Rabbid heroes in Mario + rabbids. Some Rabbids actually worship him as a god for opening their eyes to the wonders of the universe. To bad no one really knows about this connection.
After the Rabbids invasion Rayman starts having trouble sleeping (Ubisoft gave him eye bags in sparks of hope) and his friends (minus Barbara who hasn’t been aware of this situation due to reasons) were a bit disappointed in him after failing to defeat the Rabbids, not offering him any comfort or compassion to him, treating him differently then they used to. This did not help his mental health, and he started taking longer trips from home. (This is not my original idea but I love it.)
Rayman went to the phantom show because he had nothing better to do.
The Phantom invited Rayman because he as a few memories of him before he got fussed, he is also a bit jealous of the limbless hero.
There is quite a bit of distrust between Rayman, Rabbid Mario and Rabbid peach. Beep-o has to play peace keeper. (There is no way he instantly trusts them just because they say they’re heroes.) They do end up forming a genuine friendship by the end of the game but there was a bit of drama we didn’t get to see.
Rabbid Mario is the most friendly to him, liking Rayman’s vibe. But it takes awhile for Rabbid Peach to warm up to him. Rayman is visibly untrusting but civil to all the Rabbids.
When asked about why he doesn’t like the Rabbids by Beep-o he tells the truth about how they originally came from the glade of dreams, invaded and captured others and all the other horrific stuff. He says that he knows that it’s silly to judge if someones good or evil because of their race, but that’s not gonna stop him from being weary of the Rabbids. Rabbid Mario just looks horrified, Rabbid Peach just scoffs saying that she would never be apart of some dum- but never finishing her sentence.
Rayman is technically a demigod.
If he ever met Ramon he would except him as a family member.
He knows the value of listening
Might do more later
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Was conversing with a friend a couple days ago about the idea of CLH Rayman's hair not being bleached but rather it's an effect his body has when he doesn't get enough sunlight.
The lore I have for Rayman was that he was weaved together from sunbeams. That still applies to the CLH universe. Due to his job as the Voice of Eden forcing him to stay indoors all the time, his body started to show the effects. His hair would start to turn that platinum blonde shade all on it's own and his skin would become more pale over the years.
When he's fired and begins focusing more on his resistance duties and getting more rest in between jobs, he'll start getting outdoors more and getting more sun. His hair will start to regain that golden color and his skin will return to it's original tannish shade.
The hair color returning is going to start from the roots and it's going to be noticeable. He may wear a hat more often until the color starts to even out more.
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puzzleddonkey · 11 months
Rabbid Lore Headcanon: Hopefully Close As Possible To Canon With Some Insane Reaches
Rabbids are an enigma, a majority of their lore being unclear or completely insane, very fitting with the lore of their home planet (Glade of Dreams) which is just as difficult to make sense of, their oddities being especially prominent in the environment their franchise has settled into (Earth). As completely random and inconsistent as the lore appears to be, I do think there's a good amount of consistency that can paint a decent picture of what is there to know about rabbids, their history, biology, psychology, sociology, so on and so forth. But that picture varies from person to person, so I'll just be sharing my picture based on what I've seen across all of rabbid media (adverts, games, cartoons, books, and merchandise). A lot of it is going to be speculation since despite all there is to work with, almost none is outright explained or clarified, and I doubt it ever will be. But despite that, I hope to make my headcanon as close to canon as possible, even if some assumptions of rabbid lore were plucked out of thin air. Each topic will be linked to separate posts, this post acting as an introduction and table of contents. As a heads up, this blog will be updated regularly and I may get explicit with descriptions, mind my shaky grammar my 3 rotted braincells are trying their best.
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What Are Rabbids?
Rabbids are an advanced race of anthropomorphic rabbit-like creatures with an intense temperament, their screaming, violence, and red eyes being the traits they're especially known for. Their antagonistic schemes on the Glade and Earth are played out as an alien invasion on par with Mars Attacks and Killer Klowns of Outer Space (without the gore that is, the focus most of all being very crude humor and chaos. Though Ubisoft was once close to releasing a mature rabbids game with slasher elements, unfortunately it had been scrapped so there will no longer be Killer Rabbids From Outer Space. Even so, the concept art and teasers published are still spectacular). On the Glade, they were deformed critters who emerged from the earth with no warning, bearing alien-like weaponry intent on taking over the planet. On Earth, they've come from outer space, using similar methods with a very similar goal.
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Why Are Rabbids On Earth?
While including Earth seems like a strange move, the Rayman franchise had already established not only the existence of Earth but the fact that Rayman seems to have some ties there as well. How? That's a whole different topic to dig through, but overall, rabbids targeting Earth is not too far-fetched, especially Rayman's involvement in trying to thwart their plots again after having stopped them from taking over the Glade (based on the events of Rayman Raving Rabbids on the Gameboy Advanced). This time, however, Rayman's efforts would be in vain, the rabbids successfully conquering the planet and making it their home. Surprisingly they wouldn't change a thing about the planet, having found the cultures so fascinating that they completely assimilated into them, their culture becoming that of human culture. Instead of taking humanity's place as dominant mammal, they've decided to coexist with them to humanity's dismay. While the human race as a whole was panicked at first by the sudden and violent takeover, they would be just as quick to adjust and eventually perceive rabbids as nothing more than a nuisance, just enough to create a whole new workforce, Rabbid Verminators, introduced in Rabbids Go Home, and the SGAII-RD (the Secret Government Agency for the Investigation of Intruders - Rabbid Division), introduced in the Rabbids Invasion Case Files books. Whether this startlingly quick shift is a result of human nature (getting bored with major events after enough time has passed), human governments being extremely efficient in convincing citizens that they're mere pests that are to be ignored (either from the purposeful spread of propaganda or because their incompetence in handling the invasion was in full display), Rayman having informed said governments how to stop the rabbid's attempt at further domination (based on the ending of Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 on the 3Ds), or all three is up to debate.
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What Are The Rabbid's Origins?
Despite always being depicted as technologically advanced pests of rage and chaos, they weren't always that way, the earliest descriptions of their origins paint them as the exact opposite of what rabbids are now commonly known for. They used to be the most peaceful creatures of the glade, said to be so kind that other creatures of the Glade would take advantage of that, ridiculing them, bullying them, and borderline torturing them until they were driven insane (based on dialogue from Rayman Raving Rabbids on the Gameboy Advanced). It is believed that they all retreated underground, hiding and plotting throughout the events of Rayman 1 to 3. Only after they would ascend without warning, the Glade feeling the wrath of the rage that had skyrocketed their evolution from simple friendly rabbids, to erratic mutants of war, taking pleasure in the pain and violence that drove them mad to begin with. Beyond this dialogue, there aren't any more details given in regards to what role rabbids played before they snapped, it can be inferred that they were like the dodo birds of the Glade of Dreams, except instead of being driven to extinction from their complete lack of survival instincts and supposedly being quite delicious (the dodos that is), they were driven to complete and utter insanity for the fun of it, one can assume that it was extremely difficult to make a meal out of a rabbid, let alone killing them, that rediculous durability likely playing a part in their docile behavior, what is the use of survival instincts when almost nothing threaten your survuval? Due to their lack of defenses before their inevitable meltdown, their technology was likely not as developed compared to what modern rabbids have at their disposal, perhaps they barely had any tech at all, living as simple wild folk whose daily agendas consisted of sleeping, eating, playing games, dancing, breeding, and repeating to overpopulate regions and solidify their existences as pests. 
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Rabbid Biology?
Rabbid Psychology?
Rabbid Sociology?
Rabbid + Human Affairs?
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flamigoat · 7 months
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A new challenger approaches!!!
I thought it would be interesting that if Rayman got together with Rabbid Peach, Raymesis would try to one up him by flirting with her. He hopes that she’ll fall for him instead and he’ll finally win something against Rayman. Surely it’ll work! A very unhinged dynamic.
At first, this is purely an attempt to get on Rayman’s nerves. He doesn’t actually want to pursue Rabbid Peach romantically, or so he planned.
Unfortunately for Raymesis, this will not go as planned, as he falls for her instead. In this scenario, Rabbid Peach will probably never like him back. But Raymesis can dream can’t he? This leads to the situation becoming even messier.
I have a little head canon that when Rayman, and thingamajigs like him get upset or try to intimidate someone their snouts wrinkle like dogs do.
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katiekatdragon27 · 9 months
Y'all can't cage my cringe! *starts breakdancing and explodes*
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Oookayy, this is gonna be interesting to explain lol.
SO! My siblings (@rainbow-wolf120) and I have gotten back into DND recently and we unanimously decided to base our characters on our latest fixations. That means we have a halfling bard/thief Rayman clone, a dwarf fighter Skylanders fusion, and a human cleric AU A. Sphere lol.
However, I decided to take some liberties with him and instead of using his canon movie personality for the character, I used his personality and design for post-"A Heightlander's Escape" (yes, my flatland 4th dimension AU has a name now lol, feel free to refer to it as either idc.)
More lore below lol (note: there is like a whole story synopsis, and it is very long):
First off, backstory.
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A. Sphere (or Abel Spherious as he is refed to in this campaign) was a very powerful cleric of dimensionality. He was incredibly gifted with magic at a very young age, so his grandfather proposed he joined the ministry to continue his magic evolution. Although he did not truly believe in there being higher dimensions than his own, he would do the usual rituals and sacrifices to maintain his phenomenal power. He even tried to teach lower dimensional being the 3D dimension to gain more favor of this supposed 4th dimensional god, but little did he know that was his downfall.
Abel's old kingdom had been attempting to deal with the "flatlander" ecosystem that was just on the outskirts of town. Labeled "Flatland," some wanted it preserved, others wanted it wiped out. The ministry would henceforth pray on the issue in hopes of some divine intervention that would give a clear answer to this dilemma. However, Abel was not one to wait on answers from gods he did not believe in.
Taking matters into his own hands, the Head Cleric decided to make contact with these aquatic flat creatures one-on-one attempting to prove that they were more intelligent than the public gave them credit for. Needless to say, it went poorly.
Desperate to spread this ideology and save these creatures, Abel did something you were never supposed to do; pull a 2D creature into a 3D world. He completed his goal of by teaching a small square lawyer of the 3D gospel, but the news spread like wildfire, leading to fear, disgust, and unbridled anger towards both the flatlander and Abel. After going to royal court with his square companion, he was ex-communicated from the ministry and lost his status as Head Cleric. It was there that war was declared by their rival kingdom that wanted Flatland exterminated.
As the war broke out, Abel did everything in his power to ensure that the flatlander (who he had started calling "Anthony") got back to Flatland safely, even at the cost of the cleric's own life. As a massive fire raged through the forest where Flatland was held, Abel fled with Anthony to get the little square stabilized back in his home environment.
Abel's efforts paid off, getting the square back in the lake just in the nick of time, but Abel ended up engulfed in flames, accepting his death as his actions caused this whole mess in the first place.
However, his efforts did not go unnoticed. Just before Abel was completely consumed, a young 4th dimensional goddess, the Tender-hearted Angelica, scooped him up and saved his life.
The two's relationship started very rocky. Angelica knew that Abel was supposed to die in that forest, but she intervened. If she was found out by their superiors, they were sure to get more than an earful. With the possible chance of being executed for saving this unworthy cleric, she takes Abel to a pocket dimension up in space. She gives him an angelic halo that allows for him to breath freely with little consequence.
Abel was very angry and sad for the few weeks his spent in the 4th dimension. Having basically lost everything, he felt that there was nothing left for him and that still living was meant to be a cruel joke just to punish him farther for going against these powerful gods and using their magic without deserving it. However, Angelica keeps insisting that he did deserve to live, but not as a punishment. Instead, he was meant to expose the hypocrisy in the teachings of the ministry and recreate a new one with the proper values (much like what Abel told Anthony when showing him 3D).
As the two spend more time together hiding from other 4D gods in the pocket dimension, they get closer and eventually become very close friends. They learn that they have more in common that initially thought, with their wishes to teach and preserve dimensional beings others may deem as disgusting and deplorable. They also learn that they have a common connection in Spherious (Abel's grandfather and Angelica's first real apostle).
If given the opportunity, Angelica would have gladly kept Abel in this pocket dimension to provide her company, but a mission is a mission. It needed to be completed.
After the war had ended, leaving both kingdoms in ruin, Angelica decided to finally bring Abel back to Earth. They briefly explained Abel's mission to him one more time. As Abel shows his understanding, Angelica provided him with a gift of companionship. Using her divinity, she managed to track down the "Anthony" Abel spoke very fondly of. They granted the square a blessing that allowed him to be out of the water and accompany Abel in his travels.
As a last parting gift, Angelica blessed the halo still around Abel's head with magic properties that allowed him to be a cleric once again. He was no longer part of a church, but with the favor of this goddess, he could still do his magic. It was significantly weaker for a plethora of reasons, but it was better than nothing. Although Angelica did not want Abel to dedicate his life to her, they did want him to send her updates on his mission by burning letters during his rituals for her.
As of now, Abel has joined this rag-tag group of adventurers into the unknown after living in the woods for a couple months. He is still needs to complete his mission, so maybe Chipa Chapa and Brawler Dude (yes my siblings named their dnd characters these shush) can help him out.
Second off, design choices.
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Like my last post on "A Heightlander's Escape", Abel still has the eye scar. However, when he was brought down to Earth once again, he was placed down "on the wrong side", so his scar switched sides.
Also, since Abel isn't transparent, the scaring is actually visible and impacts his ability to hold things and walk and stuff. His right hand can no longer use magic, but it is able to use weapons, hence the mace. The glove he wears on that hand helps with gripping and preventing blisters. His left hand is still able to use magic, although it is much weaker than before he went into the heavenly 4th dimension. He is working hard to get back to his stronger original self.
The halo was first used for breathing, but then changed to be a magic amplifier. Without it, Abel cannot use any sort of magic. He has a mace for when his magic fails (which is common now) and a shield for protection.
Abel original "priestly" outfit was basically destroyed in the fire, so Angelica decided to help him make a new one, which explains the major contrast (but still similar design) between the two.
All the other design choices were because I thought it looked cool. I think he deserves it after all the shit I put him through.
Also, Anthony sits in Abel's cloak fluff. Its soft and assists in Anthony's sensitivity to gravitational forces.
Third off, A. Sphere and A. Square;s friedship.
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These two as so similar in motivation now. At first, the meeting was transitional. I do something for you so you do something for me kinda deal. However, the two learned that they get along incredibly well, and when Abel comes back from 4D, realizes he is the farthest thing from a god and beings treating Antony more as a partner than a subject.
Anthony still "worships" Abel and all his powerful magic but knows that Abel is not the god his initially thought he was. Although he failed his mission on spreading the 3D gospel (and low-key dying oof), he can definitely be there for Abel's mission. He is there to be supportive, and that is what he will do. Maybe he'll learn some spells of his own too lol.
They are very much friends here. Imagine a witch and her familiar lol.
More on A. Square.
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In this world, Flatlanders are very fishlike. They still represent amoebas, but they have little fins on their arm and legs, and they make fish croaking sounds to communicate. Some can even be as loud as frogs, but that is pretty uncommon.
Mini Update: I've thought about it more, and I lied about flatlanders not being as loud as frogs. Women are as loud as frogs regularly and sometimes louder. Thanks cilekixxes 👍
They cannot truly learn a language other than the croaking. They can learn tone of voice and what it means, or they can pick up on certain sounds and do tasks. You cannot have an "intelligent conversation" with them without magic. Through magic, 3D beings can properly communicate with 2D beings, although there could be accent barriers that magic cannot translate.
Also, Anthony has a head injury from trying to share the gospel. While concussed, he gets into the crossfires of war and sort of dies (c'mon, most of you have seen the movie). When the light speaks to him, it is actually Angelica granting her blessing to him.
Although he does miss his family, he would not have made it there anyway without divine intervention. Angelica lets him say his last goodbyes to his family after explaining the situation. After some back and forth, an understanding is reached, and Anthony joins Abel's journey. His family is granted a blessing of protection from the war conflict and a prosperous future.
Geez this was a lot of writing. Thank you so much if you made it to the end, you're a real one. All of A. Sphere's AU lore will be explained in a later post outside of this DnD campaign, but this AU of an AU follows the original premise essentially.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I love this story to an unhealthy degree lol so people showing interest really boosts my morale.
Expect more "A Heightlander's Escape" (both fanon and canon) in the future. Have a lovely day fellas :)
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tessiex17 · 11 months
I head canon rayman/Ramon to be a picky eater bc bro is from a different dimension so the food there would be like VASTLY different than the food here so there would be very little things he would actually eat.
Or he would be silly and eat food so wrong bc he’s never seen it before 😭. Like eating fruit with the skin still on it bc he doesn’t know u need to peel it or forgetting u need to take the wrapping off of the food.
I also think he’d be picky with food bc there is foods that his body just doesn’t agree with bc he’s got a different digestive system from us so some foods would make him feel sick.
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