#rdr2 agent milton
babyaiker · 4 months
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My own Red Dead Redemption 2 x Warrior cats AU be upon yeee
This drawing itself is a redraw of the chapter 3 scene with the confrontation with Agent Milton and Ross. I’ll probably give the AU it’s own unique name eventually so I can sort it with hashtags but ye! I’ll eventually get to posting all of the designs, as I have like 30 or so drawn, 40 in total. This AU also has a good bit of unique lore and story changes so I’ll get into that laterr
​this AU also functions as a general cat AU so if you don’t know warriors don’t worry I won’t hit you with too crazy of feral cat cult lore
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thedailybullshit · 2 years
RDR2 Incorrect Quotes pt. 28
Molly: I can fix him.
Tilly: I can chase him with a knife to humble him.
Dutch: We should really appreciate the smaller things in life.
Arthur: *patting Hosea on the head* I appreciate you.
Hosea: You best be sleeping with one eye open tonight, Morgan.
Dutch: *banging on the door* John! Open up!
John: Well, it all started when I was a kid . . .
Arthur: No, he meant open the do-
Hosea: Shh, let him finish.
Dutch: Please come out!
John: *still behind the door* I’m bisexual!
Hosea: Still not what he meant, but we fully support you.
Mary-Beth: You have a drinkin’ problem?
Karen: No, I’ve pretty much got it figured out!
Tilly: . . . What’s your favorite beer?
Karen: An open one!
Hosea: You hit John!
Arthur: Then I hugged him. It’s okay now.
Hosea: You can’t just hug your way out of trouble.
Arthur: *hugs Hosea*
Javier: Esto es tu culpa!
John, sighing: Yeah, I know.
Arthur: You speak Spanish?
John: No, I just know the phrase “This is all your fault!”
Javier: Voy a matarte, Marston.
John, turned on: I have no idea what you just said, but I agree.
Arthur: Name one mean thing I’ve ever done.
John: When I was a kid, you convinced me eggs weren’t real.
Arthur: They’re not.
John: Ha ha, very funny.
Arthur: I’m serious. Didn’t you hear?
John: No? What happened?
Arthur: Honestly, why would you fall for this again?
Agent Milton: I will ruin your happiness, no matter the cost!
Arthur: My happiness?
Arthur: *turns to the Gang* I’m happy?
A Gunfight:
Agent Milton: Win this one for justice!
Pinkertons: FOR JUSTICE!
Dutch: Win this one because I told you to.
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therogerclarkfanclub · 6 months
This is an interesting addition indeed...
Agent Milton himself, actor John Hickok is headed to Deadwood too!
Will Edgar Ross follow suit?
I wonder how many '$5000' jokes will he be able to handle? 😂
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putanaperdonna · 1 year
Agent Milton rly died thinking John’s name was Rip Van Winkle LMAOOOOOOO
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cowboys-tshot · 1 year
if i see one more person go "🤓uh ackhtually micah was the good guy because he was reporting criminals to the authorities" im going to lose my mind
did yall just forget about how he shot up an entire goddamn town because he wanted his guns?? orphaned a child because some guy he used to know was going to let him hang?? how he was INCREDIBLY racist?? was overall creepy towards women??
micah may have been doing the right thing in the eyes of the law by snitching, but he was still an awful fucking person!!
and the same goes for agent milton, he may have been a detective/cop trying to bring justice to criminals but people seem to be forgetting that the pinkertons are literally known for how shitty they are in REAL LIFE—agent milton unloaded a goddamn GATLING GUN at a building that he fucking KNEW had a four year old boy in it, tortured a man to death (strauss), kidnapped a woman whose biggest crimes were petty theft and being in a gang (abigail)....how do people look at all of that and go 'well he was just trying to do his job'??? its insane to me
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Anything you got idc I just wanna do a lil giggle, maybe thirst a bit, but mostly giggle
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have this : a shitty shit art I won't finish
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dopehorsesposts · 2 years
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rdr2 doobles because i have been playing it a lot!!!!
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manicmarsupial · 2 years
So Close
Another piece of the size-shifter Hosea AU I'm working on with a friend.
Agent Andrew Milton closes in on the Van Der Linde gang.
Agent Milton was having a good day. He was getting closer to eliminating the Van Der Linde gang. Although he felt it was too lenient of him to offer Morgan his freedom if he turned in Van Der Linde. To be honest with himself, he would have ordered Ross to shoot Morgan had there not been a child going fishing with the notorious gunman. He would have concocted a story about a fight and Morgan was shot in self defense. Both he and Ross would be rewarded. He could honestly say he kept his promise that the outlaw ‘won’t swing’. That plan went cock-eyed as Morgan was unwavering in his loyalty, a fact Milton both admired and cursed. If Morgan hadn’t been so protective of the little child, Milton would have rescued the poor boy from a life on the run.
Milton’s informant within the gang wrote to tell him the next camp spot was in Dewberry Creek, or so they were trying to convince the leader. Not particularly fond of staying outdoors himself, but an easily flooded creekbed in the open seemed rather stupid. If Van Der Linde were to actually consider it, Milton would seriously doubt the man’s intelligence.
Fortunately, Milton decided to take a look at the place himself. Luckily he did, as it was empty. Another letter received from his informant told him Morgan and some other deluded soul by the name of Charles Smith had found another place nearby called Clemens Point.
In hindsight, it wasn’t the best idea to have a bloodthirsty idiot like Micah Bell as an informant. While he had managed to convince Der Linde to rob the ferry, he’d also massacred most of Strawberry just for his guns. Milton wondered if he should have tried to utilize one of the ladies of the night instead. They were just whores after all. Playthings to please the degenerates. He could get them out of that life. The more he thought about it, the more he mentally kicked himself for not coming up with that idea sooner. But what’s done is done.
Admittedly, there was a time Milton would have gotten as many agents as he could and stormed the campsite, but he was no longer young and stupid. He had a family. If he did a reckless assault, he’d lose his job and his family would have no income. Walking straight into the lion’s den was only risking his and Ross’ own lives. If the savages opened fire, he’d die with honor. He would get a posthumous award and the agency would provide for his family. That was the worst case scenario. Either outcome he was surely to go down in history for breaking up a notorious gang without bloodshed.
Once again, loyalty screwed him over. He tried to persuade Van Der Linde to come quietly, even giving the rest of the gang three whole days to split up and vanish. Van Der Linde was willing, but Milton and Ross found themselves staring down the barrels of a dozen guns. Admittedly, Milton blew his top. He’d been more than generous with his offer of freedom in exchange for Van Der Linde, but these degenerates refused him. Next time, he wasn’t going to be so forgiving.
The disappearance of Bronte was the least of Milton’s concern, though there were more Pinkertons in Saint Denis now. More importantly, the Van Der Linde gang was going to rob the bank. The actual city bank. Bell had told him it was going ahead. The old man was going to create a diversion, and while the local law was distracted, Dutch’s boys were going to rob the bank. As Milton wrote back to Bell, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t contemplate not sending the letter telling Bell to wear something that stood out so his men didn’t shoot him. Bell replied simply: “white suit.”
Luck was on the agent’s side. He’s seen the old man pass by. Although it went against every fibre of his being to let the dynamite explode, it was imperative he leave it alone otherwise all his effort would be for naught. At least the old man was considerate enough to set it off in an unpopulated area.
As Milton sees the old man undoubtedly making an escape, the agent emerges from the darkness of an alley, resisting a chuckle at the theatrical side of it.
“Well, as I live and breathe, Hosea Matthews, conman and the co-founder of the Van Der Linde gang,” he drawls, mocking a hick accent.
“Andrew Milton...I’d say it’s a pleasure, but I’d be lying,” Matthews replies with fake sincerity.
If Milton has to resort to shooting this man, he would almost feel bad about it. Shame such a talent was wasted with degenerates.
Whatever way this plan went, either Matthews would be dead or Van Der Linde soon would be. Without the leader, the gang would fall. If Matthews dies, Van Der Linde would be so overcome with grief that he’ll destroy the gang himself. It was too perfect.
Milton’s brought back to reality by a chuckle that’s not his own. Matthews shouldn’t be laughing, especially when a gun is trained on his back.
“What’s so funny?” the agent demands.
“You really have cotton wool between your ears, Moron,” the conman laughs, the sound slowly getting deeper.
At first Milton dismissed it as a trick of the light, but it wasn’t. With every step, Matthews was growing taller. Milton hurries to fire his pistol, only for Matthews to whirl around, clamping a serving tray-sized hand around the agent’s own. The now rapidly growing hand clenches tighter. Milton restrains a scream of pain as he feels his fingers contort and crack around the gun. He’s yanked up into the air, pain coursing through his arm.
“Who told you about us?” Matthews thunders.
The impressive buildings of Saint Denis barely reach the giant’s waist.
“If I tell you, will you let me go?” Milton pleads.
“I won’t kill you. Deal?” Matthews smirks.
Knowing that’s all he’ll get, Milton agrees.
“Micah Bell. Since Blackwater. Set up the ferry job to catch Van Der Linde. Promised I’d keep the bounty hunters off his back ‘til Van Der Linde was caught. Give him a blank slate in return,” out of sheer panic, Milton can’t form complete sentences.
Matthews scoffs; the gust is almost gale force for Milton.
“I knew that bastard couldn’t be trusted.”
“Are you going to let me go now?” Milton stammers.
“We had a deal.”
Matthews rolls his eyes.
“I said I wouldn’t kill you. I’m holding up my end of the deal.”
Dark fabric walls ascend above the agent as Matthews releases Milton’s crushed hand, dropping him into a pocket. He counts what’s left of his blessings that he landed softly as the darkness suffocates him.
“Now you stay right there, Andrew,” Matthews laughs, patting his pocket with his enormous hand, slamming Milton against the giant’s body.
He feels sick, both from the pain of his smashed hand and the sudden rocking motion. Matthews’ footsteps thunder along the streets of Saint Denis, no doubt causing property damage.
“Ah, Miss Roberts. Would you like a lift?” Matthews booms, presumably asking one of the trugs.
Milton feels the downward motion as Matthews crouches down, causing the agent to roll forward in the pocket. He tumbles back as Matthews stands.
Milton can hear the muffled faint screams, recognizing Henry McDavy’s scottish brogue yell “I resign my commission!” The screams get slightly louder, followed by a shattering crash. Milton jumps as there’s a loud bang like a boulder falling. He hears more screams as the pocket tilts.
“I’ve caught our rat,” the calm tone of the thundering voice chills Milton to the core.
“How’d you know?” Dutch’s voice sounds far away.
Milton is almost blinded as light streams in, only for the shadow of Matthews’ colossal hand to intrude. He shuffles back to avoid the reaching tree trunk sized fingers, to no avail as he’s grabbed around the waist. His struggles are futile against the immensely strong fingers. He glances around, catching sight of Bell in Matthews’ other hand, wrapped in a fist.
“You didn’t mention Matthews was a giant, Mr Bell!” Milton shouts.
“He’s lying,” Bell snarls.
Unheeding of the argument, Matthews drops both back into his jacket pocket.
“Time to go,” Matthews’ voice rumbles above like thunder.
Milton glares across at Bell, the throbbing pain of his damaged hand nothing compared to the anger he felt toward the hot-tempered outlaw.
“You didn’t think vital information like this would have been crucial to my investigation?” Milton snaps,
“I didn’t know,” Bell snippily replies.
“He’s not exactly invisible like that,” Milton retorts.
There’s a jarring motion as Matthews starts walking. Milton uses the momentum to punch Bell with his good hand. Bell predictably fights back dirty, but Milton has experience. The two continue fighting while being rocked about.
Bell had bitten Milton on the arm several times and nearly chomped his ear off. Milton retaliated by breaking Bell’s nose and knocking out some of the outlaw’s teeth. The agent staggers as a cool sensation and a feel of vertigo make him dizzy and sick. When light stings his eyes, his honed reflexes help him avoid the giant grasping fingers. Bell, with his frantic flailing, manages to sink his teeth onto one of the digits. The enormous hand quickly withdraws.
“One of them just bit me,” Matthews laughs, the resonating sound rattling Milton. 
He doesn’t have time to avoid the hand again and ends up enclosed in a fist. He tries not to vomit as he’s rapidly brought up to the immense, craggy face of Matthews. The giant gives a frighteningly large smirk before looking at some point behind Milton.
“Hey Dutch, got a present for you,” Matthews bellows, dropping Milton into Dutch’s waiting hands.
This was decidedly not a good day for Milton.
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cc-xinxin · 4 months
Outlaws = bad guys? No, the only problem is that their time has passed
Something I think rdr fandom has overlooked is that - Arthur’s line ‘the whole world has changed. They don’t want folks like us no more.’ It implies that in the past, the society wanted ppl like them. I think ‘wanted’ here doesn’t mean ‘legal’, but they’re needed by the society or, as an organic part of the temporary lawless land of the west. Being an outlaw is not as notorious and evil as it might seem in 1899. I think this explains why it’s so easy for almost everyone in gang fell into the outlaw lifestyle. Especially gangs like VDL gang in its original robinhood form, they can even be seen partially as the ‘vigilantes’ in modern day language. There are two lines I can use to support my point. Local marshal (people) prefers bandits to the ‘federal law’, and John defends his past:
1. In the mission in rdr1 in which John met the Armadillo Marshal for the first time, the Marshal said something like ‘Bandits like Bill Williamson���s gang are trouble, but they’re trouble we can handle. What annoys me more are the federal agents. Why should a bunch of college students in the east coast decide ppl in New Austin how to live?’
2. In the ‘And the Truth will Set You Free’ mission in rdr1 in which John rode with Agent Ross to get to Dutch, Agent Ross laughed at John’s past saying I wonder how much money you’ve taken from the ppl. To this John replied, ‘we did more for the people with the money we took than your damn government ever did!’
In short, being an outlaw back then was an easy choice to make, and didn’t always entail doing bad things, just following different standards of justice, even if ppl may see things differently later after the law/the world has changed. Yes I’m defending John, Arthur, Hosea and Dutch and many other vdl gang members’ choice to be an outlaw in the very first place. It was more about the society and their identities as minorities or ostracized ppl than ‘oh Dutch’s famous charisma and his silver tongue’!
The gang life in chapter 1-4 was deliberately portrayed as something good, harmonious, rememberable, a stark contrast with the brutal outside world, the last vestiges of the lost Wild West. Despite its imperfection, the game mourned the loss of this kind of lifestyle to GTA-ish modernity, and did not judge ppl for being an outlaw in the first place. We can easily name tons of good ppl in vdl gang, but none of the lawman in both games are good people (Milton, Ross, etc) .
If anything’s more telling, the marketing slogan of rdr2 is ‘Outlaws for life’, and not ‘let’s be a law abiding citizen or you’re dead’.
Ps. The official description of vdl gang by rockstar:
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EDIT: Typo, should be Domhnall Gleeson. But you know who I meant.
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pinkysberg · 1 year
As someone who played rdr2 first then went into rdr1 blind, I’m kind of disappointed agent milton didn’t have as much as a presence as ross does in the first game.
that one confrontation between milton and dutch at the end of chapter three is so interesting to me. I think there was a missed opportunity of showing the viewers how similar both dutch and milton are
i think the reason for this is because milton's really only one piece of the antagonistic puzzle. milton and the pinkertons, in conjunction with cornwall, as well as dutch and the other minor antagonists like, micah (yes i think he's classed as minor in the grand scheme of things) the grays and braithwaites, angelo bronte, alberto fussar, and whoever else im not listing, all kind of make up this like thematic tapestry of white sumpremacy, capitalism and corporate greed, american colonialism, etc.
rdr1 does this too a little with ross and the bureau, dutch, bill, and the mexican government but it's of course, a much more contained narrative by comparison. ross is very much a present force bur i think rdr2 kind of steps into the realm of interpersonal drama to a degree where rdr1 couldn't bc it's largely john on his own.
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thedailybullshit · 2 years
RDR2 Incorrect Quotes pt. 25
Agent Milton: I need you to be totally straight with me.
The Gang: *gay silence*
The Favorite Nursemaid:
Arthur: Abigail says that a toddler is difficult to look after.
Arthur: But honestly? Compared to making sure that no one in the Gang kills one another or themselves?
Arthur: It’s really kind of a breeze.
Hosea: What do you all do to relax after a tough day?
Javier: Dramatically serenade myself in the mirror.
Lenny: Puzzles.
Jack: Eat a cookie! And when I’m feeling dangerous, *whispers* eat a second cookie.
Arthur: I usually go and sit on a surface that isn’t meant to be sat on. Because when tomorrow comes, I will be faced with even more challenges. And I am too overwhelmed to be worrying about what is and is not a chair.
John: Arthur, I was feeling good today, man.
John: I found a fool-proof method of determining if someone is truly evil.
Arthur: And that is?
John: If they dislike Tilly, they’re evil.
Arthur: *nodding in agreement* Pretty solid logic, for once.
Molly: A box arrived for me.
Abigail: Who is it from?
Molly: There’s no name, but it feels heavy.
Karen: Maybe it’s your mom’s disappointment in you?
Molly: It’s not that heavy.
Swanson: Everyone is just who they are, and who they are is just stone-cold gay.
John: Where’s Mom and Dad?
Arthur: Dutch and Hosea are running cons in Rhodes.
John’s First Job (as a Van der Linde):
Young John: Is that legal?
Young Arthur: Of course not. We’ll both go to prison and you’ll be someone’s bitch.
John: Don’t joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Dutch: If I was bulletproof I could, like, jump off a building.
Micah: Oh my god, you could.
Arthur: You two are so fucking stupid.
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Rdr2 x Modern!Reader
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Arthur, after watching reader get bucked off a horse: How we feelin, Y/N?
Reader, irritated: Good enough to fuck your mother.
Dutch, who lost a bet and has been Reader’s personal servant all day: Is there anything else you need?
Reader, living large in Dutch’s tent: Bring me a juice box, biatch.
Reader: You aren’t going to kill me?
Saint Denis Vampire: Go.
Reader, turning to leave: Fabulous.
Vampire: Unless I reconsider.
Reader, walking faster: Not fabulous.
Bill: Do you think I’m an idiot?
Reader: Hosea says I’m no longer allowed to directly insult camp members.
Hosea: Did you get any sleep last night?
Reader: I got a solid 8 minutes, not consecutively, but it’s fine.
Reader: You’re not even that blurry!
Lenny: We just need to put two and two together.
Reader: FOUR!
Lenny: That wasn’t a test.
Reader: Yes it was. I won.
Agent Milton: What is it you want, outlaw?
Reader, who’s holding a Pinkerton hostage: What do I want?
Reader: ...Do you have any cookies?
Milton: What are your demands? You have to give us your demands!
Reader: I demand cookies!
Reader, on guard duty: HALT! Who goes there?
O’Driscoll #1: Listen, Van Der Linde, we’re not here to mess around!
O’Driscoll #2: Yeah, only one of us is here to mess around!
Reader: Which one of us is here to mess around? Is it me?
O’Driscoll #2: ...Sure?
Reader: Neat.
Dutch: You’re such a child. How old are you? Two? Three?
Reader: Three years into a relationship with your mom.
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happy halloween
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sky-is-the-limit · 7 months
Do you have any characters from red dead who you mainly write for or any you don’t wanna write for? Just for future reference! :)
Thank you for asking, love!!
Tbh there aren't many characters I wouldn't write about in RDR2, however for some I feel more comfortable writing long one shots/smut for and those are Arthur, John, Javier, Charles, Sadie and Dutch.
I don't mind writing headcanons about Sean, Lenny, Abigail, Molly, Karen,Mary-Beth, Tilly, Trelawny, Kieran and Hosea.
If you want headcanons, either nsfw or sfw, you can send in the scenario and the characters you'd like for me to write about or if you want for the entire gang (excluding the ones below) it would have to be in either two parts or multiple. Just specify what you want to make it easier for me to navigate!!
I most definitely won't write about Micah, Uncle, Bill, Susan, Agent Milton, Colm, Pearson or grown-up Jack.
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ijayaprakashyt · 3 months
Agent Milton Confronting Arthur with Jack RDR2 #shorts #rdr2 #rdr2clips
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heavysunsky · 2 years
Road of the dead walkthrough
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Melee Units Should Be Backed by Ranged Units all of you!" – Agent Milton to the gang in "The Battle of Shady Belle"
" Who made you the messiah to these lost souls?" – Agent Milton to Dutch van der Linde, in " The Battle of Shady Belle".
" And you've as good as killed him yourself." – Edith Downes, about her husband Thomas, in " Sodom? Back to Gomorrah".
" Turned into a bunch of killers, I mean it." – Hosea Matthews to Dutch van der Linde, right before " A Strange Kindness".
" Don't make me beg you, Arthur." – Mary Linton, in " We Loved Once and True II".
Lines recalled in previous missions High Honor
The name of the mission is a metaphor for a deciding moment in life or history, when a major choice of options is required.
It is triggered when attempting to meet Sadie Adler for the mission " Icarus and Friends".
This is the only mission that isn't marked on the map.
If Arthur does not have any money on him, the Good Samaritan will give him ten dollars so that he can pay for the doctor visit.
However, Arthur wasn't present when Hosea said this, so he therefore wouldn't remember it.
One of the lines that Arthur remembers in this mission if his honor is high is "If we don't stop soon we'll all be dying", said by Hosea in " Outlaws from the West".
Barnes comforts him with the line that Arthur will remember on his final ride in the " Red Dead Redemption" mission if his honor is high: "I'm really sorry for you, son, it's a hell of a thing."
During this mission, when Arthur discovers that he has tuberculosis, Dr.
Additionally, Arthur will lose his stocky appearance and will look underweight, even at perfect weight, after this mission. The only way to fully refill any cores if fully empty while sick is to sleep. He will also gain a limited amount of benefits from food and drinks, resulting in only coughing and a pop-up reminder of being sick if he has too much.
Once this mission is completed, Arthur will be sick with tuberculosis for the remainder of his playthrough, which also reduces all of his cores by 20%.
" Doctor's Opinion" - Played when Arthur is diagnosed with tuberculosis.
RDR2 PC - Mission 63 - A Fork in the Road Replay & Gold Medal Background Music Played in the Mission
Complete within 3 minutes and 5 seconds.
At the end, Arthur sees a coyote gazing at him in the distance before scarpering away and vanishing. The quotes that Arthur recalls are negative, foreboding and defeatist, with ominous music. Low Honor: The colour scheme of the trance is grey, reflecting fog. At the end, Arthur sees a buck in the distance that gazes at him before running away and disappearing. The quotes Arthur recalls are positive, reassuring and reflective, with somber music. High Honor: The colour scheme of Arthur's trance is golden yellow, reflecting sunlight. Arthur subsequently exits the surgery and falls into a trance, remembering various quotes from people that differ according to Honor level. Barnes injects a syringe with steroids into Arthur's arm, in order to give him "a little bit more energy" for the day. Arthur responds with sarcasm and says it isn't possible, then begins to get up and leave.īefore leaving, Dr. The doctor informs him that tuberculosis is a progressive disease, and gives Arthur advice to go somewhere warm and dry. Upon hearing the bad news, Arthur expresses disbelief. Before he starts examining him, he asks for a payment in order to help him, which Arthur quickly gives.Īfter an examination of his ear, breathing, and mouth, Arthur is then given the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Barnes, who brings him to his surgery room. He wakes up to find a stranger dragging and helping him to the doctor's office, where he is greeted by a spooked receptionist, prompting her to call on Doctor Joseph R. Once Arthur arrives near the mission area, in Saint Denis, he starts having a major coughing fit until he passes out.
4 Background Music Played in the Mission.
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