#read more bc it gets kinda long and i live in fear of being annoying!!
bonelessghoul · 2 years
The Lion and the Snake
Summary:  “Hi! i’d like to request a Tom Riddle x Gryffindor reader please :) she’s also a pureblood but Tom and his posse loves teasing & taunting her because she’s from their rival house but nonetheless she also happens to be the only girl that doesn’t follow Tom around like a lovefool while most girls in Hogwarts do yet she it’s as if she’s immune to his good looks & charm and this annoyed the hell out of Tom, she’s also really smart and always in a competitive match to see who gets the top of the class–  Sorry ran out of wordcount, what if one day Gellert Grindelwald manages to broke into Hogwarts and he suddenly looks for her in the great hall like “Is someone with the name of y/n Peverell here?” (yes that’s the twist, she’s a Peverell descendant) and Tom is shock to find out how significant her standing actually is in the wizarding community & her 3 ancestors are rumored to be the inspiration of tale of the 3 brothers, making her the heir to deathly hallows. Thank you!”
Note: Once upon a time on a blog that was hacked but I still have access to, this little short was written. I had that blog for like 10 years so I kinda scroll through it and read through my old stuff sometimes and this was one I wanted to bring back! hope it picks up among you all as it did long ago. This was requested by @ queenofmankind so I don’t wanna blow up their @ til they reach back out to me bc idek if they remember this request :D 
Part Two
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December 1943, Hogwarts 
A mahogany red scarf with evenly placed golden stripes and the hint of crimson in your long robe was enough to set you from the crowd like a lion in a room of snakes. Not only do they not belong together, but one boldly and obnoxiously stands out more than the others. Well, perhaps it depends on what one would fear the most.
That was how YN felt in her sixth year Potions class.
Sitting straight in your seat, you ignored the pesky glares of the Slytherin boys that surrounded you, murmuring about you and a few other Ravenclaws nearby.  There was one particular look you were concerned about though and it was right next you on the face of the very famous Tom Riddle.
This was not for lust but instead, a strongly embedded competition between the two of you since you stepped foot in Hogwarts. 
Both of you were among the smartest in the school, every other month replacing each other at the top when it came to who brought in the most house points with their immaculate reports. But there was nothing more to your relationship with him than mere academic rivalry. 
Riddle revolted you, unlike the rest of the girls in the school who fell at his feet. Even the boys and the professors did.
Tom was ghastly, but undeniably sat tall with a strong face that was dare you even say chiseled in the slightest. Every movement he made was so sleek like it had been rehearsed or perhaps he was an animagus as a black cat. Either way, it was suspicious. Even the way his hair curled at the top subtly falling over his forehead seemed way too perfect.
What unnerved you the most was his little following.
Upon return for your sixth year you could not help but notice the little band of misfits seeming all the more exclusive this year. They were the same loud and rambunctious boys you grew up fighting (well, it was more so being bullied and tormented by Malfoy and Rosier) but there were more whispers than laughs in the past few months.
“Today, we will review the Draught of Living Death. I like to give this as testament to what you all have learned before the winter holidays.” announced Professor Slughorn.
“Sounds a lot like you.” you whispered towards Tom, grinning smugly to yourself.
Tom inhaled through his nose. “Watch your tongue or I’ll put it in your wretched orange juice at breakfast.”
“What is your problem with orange juice?”
That was how most classes went. Occasionally, the two of you would laugh at the others wit and that’s how the other knew they had won for the moment before the next battle struck again. You would have taken it as friendly banter when you two were alone, however, Malfoy and others followed him like leeches and they were more harsh.
Professor Slughorn rambled on. 
Of course, the two of you already studied excessively for this the night before.
“I don’t have a problem with it, I just don’t understand how you don’t get sick of it every morning.” Tom muttered, rolling his eyes. “Regardless, I do hope you enjoy finishing after me.”
“That’s assuming you could even brew it in the first place considering your failure with the love potion two weeks ago.” you scoffed.
But there were times of pure frustration in the heat of a race of who could get theirs done first that made you want to hex him to death. Within not even ten minutes, the two of you had your sleeves rolled up, eyes strained on the task before you, moving like mirror images as you sped through the lesson and already far ahead of everyone else. But there was a draw. With the two of you side by side and the other Slytherin boys around your table, you all struggled with the Sopophorous bean.
Most people had either given up or nearly blew their faces off at this rate.
“Bloody hell, YN, if that comes near me one more time I’m dumping your head in this damn cauldron!” Abraxas seethed, dodging the bean that had flung from under her blade.
She winced slightly as she reached for another one.
“Aw don’t threaten her mate, she’ll cry again until we lose house points.” said Dolohov from beside him.
You glared, now suddenly positioning the bean and your knife so that when you pressed down it went directly into his direction. Tom watched idly with amusement as the boys around her erupted into laughter. 
Except, it went in the completely wrong direction and hit Tom in the face.
“Oh, shit…”you quipped, suddenly holding your breath as you tensed up to the equivalent of a stone wall, trying to stifle a laugh while his friends nearly fell from their seats.
The laughter ceased and when he abruptly turned towards you with a grimace, your entire body flinched away like it knew he were a monster ready to pounce. But you were left staring while your blood pulsed, watching as his face ran through several emotions before you calmed.
“You’ll regret that later, Peverell.” Tom snapped, throwing the stupid little bean back at her without even looking.
With ease, you caught it. Being a Quidditch player gave you some qualities you were glad to have.
You didn’t say a word after that.
It seems that class would end in a draw today.
Later that evening, a Hogsmeade trip was taking place.
It was the last one of the year so you and your friends gathered quickly for it.
Tom and the boys, the Knights of Walpurgis in particular you overhead one day, idly stood by at one of the corners as all the holiday hustle and bustle rampantly took over the cobblestone streets. Music played in the distance, lights were strung everywhere you looked, and occasionally a highly decorated Christmas tree larger than life filled where there was space for it.
But aside all the obstructive scenery, Tom’s eyes lingered on YN.
YN lived for the evenings out where she could dress in a nice skirt and sweater, running around with her friends to grab all the sweet holiday treats. They were looking for dresses in particular this evening for the Winter Ball the Headmaster allowed despite this war ravaging times. It was taking its toll on everyone, but it was a nice celebration considering most people were staying at the school.
Adis and Margot, your two best friend stood by you as you tried on several different dresses. Adis was in Ravenclaw and Margot was in your own house. 
But house differences aside, all of you were clearly growing frustrated with the stress of shopping and you believed nothing feeling right on you. To make it worse, the moment you found one you were pulled away from the allure of it when several boys knocked on the shop window and began shouting insults your way.
Of course, it was them.
As much as your blood boiled, your heart seemed to tighten as well at how personal this attack felt.
They really knew how to poke and prod the right places.
“Don’t listen to them, YN.” Margot said, giving them the finger as she shut the curtains.
Tears stung your eyes as you looked at your reflection. You had no idea what made you so stressed lately. Normally, you were always so composed when it came to them. But after going through a dozen dresses on an empty stomach, you were bound for frustration.
“Yeah, they’re just jealous you’re prettier than the other pigs of Slytherin.”
Snickering, you then sniffled and rubbed your eyes, rubbing away some sleepiness as well.
“Tom was probably behind it. They follow everything he does.”
The girls glanced at each other and back at you as you finally regained yourself from that stressful moment, taking a seat upon the velvet cushions by the dressing rooms.
“No way. Tom adores you more than any of the girls that fall to their knees for him.” Margot chuckled.
Leaning back, you nearly laughed with disgust. The mere thought of it made you wriggle in your own skin like you had touched something slimy. 
“I’m sure if he did it was merely a tactic of his to distract me or use me in some way. I’m his only competition here. There is nothing but twisted motives behind whatever he does. Plus, I hardly noticed anyway.”
“Suit yourself.” The girls said at the same time, shrugging as you shook your head at them.
When the time came to pick a dress that you gratefully found, there was only enough time to grab some food before returning back to Hogwarts. Knowing your father loved some of the treats from the candy shop, you told the others you would catch up with them while you ran in.
New rules had been put in place with Grindelwald reigning terror on your world. It was a miracle this place was even open. After picking up a bag of sweets from, you walked out to catch up with the girls.
But to no avail, you managed to walk straight into the back of someone else while your eyes searched for the girls.
“Oh, I’m sorry—oh, it’s just you.” You frowned, watching as Tom Riddle turned around to meet your eyes.
That brief moment you two met each other’s eyes, there was a split second of adoration that nearly pulled you in. They were strikingly green. Everything about his face struck you deep in your chest where knots were forming as you spoke. You were especially flustered when you remembered the conversation with Adis and Margot earlier. 
But taking a deep breath, you hurried around him.
“Wait!” he said urgently, catching your elbow.
Grinning without an ounce of humor, you spun back and threateningly looked up at the boy.
“Let go of my elbow or I’ll scream.”
Tom’s face mirrored yours and his eyes didn’t leave you as he released his hand, that touch alone leaving a cold space.
“What do you want? Still mad about earlier?” you scowled, walking ahead of him when you noticed the crowd of students were far ahead of you two. “It is quite a concern of mine that we’re about to take the trail back through the forest while all the students are out of earshot.”
The forest was filled with a strong chill enough to silence the air around you, only able to hear the sound of Tom’s footsteps catching up with yours. You knew it would snow soon, piling another layer upon the blanket of white that covered the ground around you. With the sun setting, mere remnants of pinks and orange guided your way, lighting the shimmering snow as the night was coming on the other side and here you were, walking in the middle of it with Tom Riddle.
“Why did you flinch earlier?” he asked.
Your face scrunched up. “I don’t know? Perhaps because we used to fight in our first year and I was half expecting you to hit my head with a book? I wouldn’t have put it against you not to.”
When you looked over at him, his eyes were straight ahead. He never failed to keep his chin up and you rolled your eyes, wondering how he could hold himself to such a standard even when it was just the two of you. It’s not that you felt comfortable with him but there was a weird common ground that was shared with your rival.
“You were scared?” he asked again, more pressing this time.
“As if.” you scoffed.
“I was just a bit surprised, thinking you had done it on purpose.”
Raising your brows, you looked at him. “Why would I want to bother you on purpose? Well, I do that every day. But not to that extent.”
Tom grinned. “Well like any other girl at this awful place, they think taunting me is the best way to get my attention and I merely assumed you were following their tactics.”
Even you had to laugh out loud when those words came from his mouth.
 “Please, spare me! I never thought you could make me laugh but you are absolutely a joke. You think I’d ever think of you that way? The person I literally hate the most?”
Tom shrugged, seeming all too confident for someone who just completely shattered the expectations he had for your response. Inside, he was writhing. Your laughter had once been a mere nuisance, one you could tolerate and sometimes even be relieved to hear but now, it had made his blood boil. You two continued in silence for a moment.
But he couldn’t believe you were being a hundred percent honest. Tom had no idea where the question came from, but his mind worked too fast for him to catch up on, and now he regretted it, knowing it was a foolish question anyway.
“I refuse to ever adore you, let alone the ground you walk on like everyone else here does, Riddle. I had my moments where I thought we could be friends. It amazes me how I can see right through this little façade you put up. You are the loneliest person I know for someone who has the whole school chasing after you.”
“Lonely?” he chuckled darkly, narrowing his eyes at her. “You think you know me because you’re not blinded by some infatuation?”
Shrugging, your mind wandered to your earlier years when you had almost been caught up like everyone else. But you knew your drive to be better than him would always win.
“That’s exactly what I think.”
The school was nearing up ahead. It pained you to think you would miss this conversation. This only happened once or twice a semester with you two outside the classroom banter.
“Then why bother fighting me, YN? If not for a silly crush, then for what?”
Tom was angry and he didn’t know why. He should have never opened his mouth and pretended like he could care less of your presence. But the way you flinched at him today left him reeling, wanting to know more about why your mind worked the way it did. How could you have been so briefly terrified by him and not even know what he has done in the past year? What made her so pesky and defensive all the time if she had no clue what he has been building for himself?
“Believe it or not, Tom, I don’t have to have feelings for you to enjoy the never ending competition we have.”
Ah, so you were as clueless as he presumed.
A pureblood with no interest him or his horcruxes or pursuit of the dark arts. Just a pawn. Barely even that.
“Why did you even have to ask that tonight? I thought you’d send your boys to laugh at me as I picked a dress in the shop and be done?”
Tom’s head whipped towards her. “They what?”
You chuckled grimly, shaking your head at him. “Never mind.”
To your relief, the school’s warmth was already touching the tip of your nose. You were feeling suffocated by his questions. Conflicted at your own stirring chest, you quickened your pace.
“Let’s pretend we never had this conversation, Tom. If you were trying to drive me away and dim down whatever friendship we had to some stupid crush so you could painfully reject me, you failed miserably.”
Once you were inside, Tom was left standing there, lips slightly parted open as he stared in your direction. Even after you walked away, the coldness consumed him, numbing whatever thoughts he had tonight and wishing to forget them. He was hoping it could be something pathetic so he could discard you, getting you off his mind for good. But Tom realized that was going to be a lot harder than he thought.
YN was never going to be ridded of his thoughts.
One Week Later
The Gryffindor common room could be heard from your chambers where you remain alone in the strong candlelight, staring at yourself in the mirror.
For the Winter Ball, most girls would wear dresses the represented their houses colors. It was tradition. But when your eyes fell on this dress in Hogsmeade last week, you knew you would escape your stiff mind with the message it would send for it was no color at all. The white, sleeveless gown fell to your feet, sticking close to your body while a lighter piece of fabric of the same design bellowed out behind you from your shoulders. It was hardly white, more ash, with little intricate designs of vines and branches all tangled in one with shimmering little details in between.
The very idea of sticking out with your attire at such a highly anticipated night made you sick to your stomach and you hadn’t stopped fidgeting all day, ready to start dry heaving over the sinks. 
“YN, are you almost—!” Margot shouted, rushing into the room with another friend of yours, Ada.
Your eyes met theirs through the reflection, and the girls jaws nearly hit the floor.
“That is beautiful.” Adis gasped.
Once more, you began poking at your hair which was tucked back in a bun with stray pieces falling in front of your face and they rushed over to swat at your hands. The makeup on your face suddenly felt heavy. 
“I don’t think I want to go anymore.” You groaned, turning to face them now.
The two girls wore dresses of the same deep crimson color, nearly matching in style as well. It was often the three of you that would attempt at matching but it was clear this night was not the case and it made you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.
“Why? Afraid the school is going to see you shine in something other than a school or Quidditch uniform?” Ada chuckled, still ogling at you in the mirror.
Smiling, you shook your head, looking down at the sheer fabric that covered your arms and the silver décor it sported. At first, you truly had never felt more beautiful. But the more you thought of it the more your mind wandered to all the possibilities of what could go wrong. Every nerve in your body tensed at the idea of walking down the steps towards the Great Hall alone.
“I promise you, YN, you will turn heads for all the good reasons.” Margot said, taking your arm, followed by Ada who linked yours with hers.
“And we won’t let you fall!”
Laughing your stomach knots away, you allowed your friends to drag you through the common room. Already you were receiving appraisal from the people in your house and when you had your larger group of friends walking with you, it made you ease up instantly. The humor and charisma of the Gryffindor house was unmatched and you were extremely relieved to have it.
You had a great support of friends in this house, especially because of how involved you were, and to say the least, everyone was astonished at your gown. 
But a wall came crashing down when you reached the grand staircase leading down to the open floor just before the Great Hall’s entrance. Every voice became clear and every mingling face did too as they glanced up at the Gryffindor crowd as they descended the stairs.
In a sea of red, your cheeks were beginning to match it as you strolled down behind the group of friends in your ashy white gown. Falling behind was a mistake, and now, you just kept your eyes on the next step in front of you.
“Just breathe, YN.” You heard one of your friends say through the ringing of your ears.
Instead of doing that, your hand slid down the stone railing while the other lifted the front of your dress a few inches. Breathing became impossible when you made eye contact with the shadow in the corner of the room that was Tom Riddle.
You cursed under your breath, hating that he was the first one your eyes fell upon.
The boy had ben standing there among his loyal followers and their dates, knowing this night was a small celebration for themselves as well as the entire school. 
Having made a horcrux already and on the quest for another, Tom was willing to allow himself to pause one night. The endless nights reading and searching for more could be at ease. That didn’t mean his thoughts weren’t racing constantly with all that came with his aspirations.
He thought it would be impossible to let them cease until the group before him started murmuring and turning their heads towards the stairs.
Tom, his face void of any interest, had followed their gazes and immediately spotted YN.
The moment he hesitated, the very moment his chest tightened he realized he was unwell, and just as he caught his lips turning upward, Tom had reeled himself back into a painful reality, quickly turning his head away. It nearly took the breath out of him and he was heated to allow it to happen in the first place.
When you saw his head immediately turn away, your heart sunk, The day you felt disappointed from Tom Riddle not looking your way, you were sure hell would freeze over. But here you were, forced to walk into the Great Hall like nothing had even happened.
At least the sight of it was enough to take your mind off of your troubled emotions. It was a winter wonderland in its purest form with snowflakes trickling down from the cloudy ceiling. Three Christmas trees that were as tall as the gaping windows stood at the front of the room, frosted and covered in ornaments the size of your head. All of the floor and walls were covered in an icy white color, making it feel like you weren’t even in Hogwarts anymore.
The feast arrived and once you had something in your stomach, you could ignore the fleeting glances you and Tom had shared since you walked in.
They were keeping your cheeks flushed at least.
Headmaster Dippet made his short and sweet introduction before all the students and professors mingled on the dance floor. Live music played and your friends dragged you to dance even if your dress had taken up too much space. But the more you did so, the more lighthearted you became in your movements and quite literally undid the stiff person you felt you were.
Of course, the Quidditch captain Daniel and other boys from the team snuck in flasks of firewhisky so it surely helped ease your nerves.
Other students from different houses and even some of your teachers complimented you to your surprise.
But when the music slowed, you watched all of your friends pair up to your dismay, immediately sinking your shoulders. Adis, Margot, and Ana were nowhere to be found as your head turned like a swivel.
“Hurry, join in!” Margot chuckled, waving you to step in with her and her date from the Quidditch team.
You opened your mouth to protest, ready to rest your feet and take a seat at the table, but a finger had tapped your bare shoulder, causing you to spin back around, facing the last person you would think to see in this moment.
“Need a partner?” Tom Riddle asked.
The words were caught in your throat, foolishly standing there with your lips slightly parted as you tried to comprehend his offer.
“Unless you would like to sit down?”
“N-no. I would love to dance.” You stammered, watching his lips curve.
Your heart began hammering against your chest when you stepped closer to the boy, a knight clad in his black and shining armor that enamored you once you were too close to it. There was no stepping back when his hand grabbed yours and the other rested on the small of your back. The ability to breathe slipped through your mind as you stared up at him, looking down at you like he had won.
“Of all the girls in this room that probably want to murder me now, you choose to dance with me?”
Tom shrugged slightly, seemingly guiding you with ease while you nearly stumbled.
“Afraid to dance with me, YN?”
While your nerves were shot, you couldn’t help but mirror the subtle grin on his lips.
“I’m not afraid of anything, Tom Riddle. Part of me believes you’re dancing with me so that, in fact, these girls could murder me.”
Something turned his grin wider and you rolled your eyes.
“Maybe the only person to ever to be my academic match just may be the only suitable dance partner as well.”
With the last conversation you two had, you didn’t expect this to go so easy with him now. You didn’t dare bring it up and ruin this brief moment of common ground you two stood on. When you looked up at him there was only him and not even the stares burning into the back of your head mattered.
“And shortly when we return from the holidays, we will be back to the competition just like that.” You mused.
“Just like that.”
A million questions wandered through your mind. If only you could know what was going on in his.
For the first time it seemed, you wore a genuine smile on your face when you looked up at him. Even Tom, who had too been alone, wondered what it was about tonight that made him act so out of character. He would have gladly hung in the corner of the room, but the moment he saw her alone, something rash had unleashed inside him.
It seemed his thoughts were visible to you, because while you tried to look anywhere else as his gentle touch paralyzed you, you couldn’t help but notice his quizzical face.
“I hope you’re not having second thoughts, Riddle.” you chuckled, one misstep away from his toes and one away from letting the firewhisky talk.
“I was thinking about when I trip you and make a run for it.” he mused, his eyes drifting up to the ceiling.
“That’s nicer than what I imagined.”
The numbing comfort it brought was fading, and your skin begin to feel every inch of fabric to an annoying degree. You constantly chastised yourself for your sheer awkwardness and you knew that this dance was only making it worse despite how much you secretly enjoyed it.
“So, are you staying here for the winter holidays? I know Professor Dumbledore made an announcement the other day saying students were welcome to stay. I considered it.” you rambled on.
Something in his demeanor changed at the mention of the holidays though.
“Yes, I will be staying here.” he had said briskly, the sudden change making you sink internally.
“I’m sure it’ll be a thrill to stay here without the worry of studying for a couple weeks. I know I’m relieved.” you tried to tease. 
He raised an eyebrow at you. “You’re not going home?” 
You shrugged, pondering the decision still with a few days left to make it. 
“My family probably won’t be home to be quite honest. I still have a few days to make up my mind. I would simply like to get through tonight first.”
“Oh, something bothering you, Peverell?” Tom asking mockingly.
Suddenly, he had leaned back to twirl you under his arm and the breath had simply left your lungs as he pulled you back in, an unwavering and almost goofy smile on your lips. You laughed at him, knowing very well he knew the right buttons to poke.
But the second you opened your mouth to speak, the sound of glass shattering from all angles had filled the room and there was a split moment of silence before the sound of startled screams filled in for the music that abruptly stopped. Instantly, you ducked ever so slightly, watching as the room dimmed and glass flew with the cold air that rushed in. 
As if you weren’t frazzled enough, something kicked in when you looked at Tom.
“What is going on?” you asked to yourself, scanning the room for your friends.
But everyone was whizzing by and you backed into Tom as your head began spinning. With the chandeliers extinguished of their light, you had squeezed his hand as the moving crowd had pulled you two into the same direction.
One of the professors had called out a spell, lighting the chandeliers once more and someone was trying to order everyone to an exit.
Suddenly, the doors of the Great Hall opened faster than you’ve ever seen them move in years and not a single soul moved. Standing on your heels, you tried to peak your head over the crowd of students that started backing away and worriedly looked up at Tom whose eyes were slightly widened now. Glancing back, you finally caught sight of a white haired man and your blood immediately ran cold.
Gellert Grindelwald entered the room and as did two aids of his all dressed darkly, wands pointed at the crowd of students even as the Professors all came to their defense at the front.
You wanted to be with your friends. You wanted to hold them knowing very well this might be the last time you see them and yet, that fear could not be felt now as you had gone entirely numb. The only thing you had was Tom’s hand still gripped in yours.
“How lovely!” Grindelwald boasted. “A welcoming party just for me?”
“You are not welcomed here, Grindelwald.” You heard a voice boom back.
Was that Professor Dumbledore?
The professor stepped forward, just yards away from Grindelwald. 
People around you whispered the horrific things about him. His rise to power was almost insurmountable with his pure blood motivated agendas.
“I was only visiting. I don’t wish to harm the little brainwashed minions you have called your students. Hogwarts has done that enough, brainwashing them to believe they are safe from the world around them.” He chuckled darkly, immediately straightening his face only a second after.
Tilting your head, you couldn’t help but be curious to see the most dangerous man in the world standing before you with his quirky character. He seemed more like a jester than a monster. It didn’t seem real.
“What business do you have here?” the Headmaster demanded.
“Is there someone of the name YN Peverell here?”
Nothing could have prepared you for the moment Gellert Grindelwald called out your name. Your knees nearly buckled beneath you when heads started turning towards you. The room had gone so silent that in the midst of it all, your heart was like a drum. The few people who met your eyes you wanted to burn, not wanting to be seen or heard, shaking your head as tears swelled in your eyes.
But it was your fault the moment you shuffled back, colliding with Tom Riddle who was frozen like a wall.
“Oh, that wasn’t so difficult.” said Grindelwald.
Before you knew it, your body was not your own and you yelped as you were pulled forward by an invisible force. The students you had surrounded yourself with were no longer around you, leaving you cold and exposed as your unmoving body was now just a few feet away from the Gellert Grindelwald.
“Leave her be, Gellert!” shouted Dumbledore. 
The tears you had no control over streamed down your cheek. You were terrified, staring into the piercing blue eyes of a monster who was looking at you like prey.
“Are those your friends?” he asked, tilting his head, then looking at them. “I hardly think they are given how quick they were to give your identity away.”
Shutting your eyes was the only thing you could do. Before you knew it though, a force had pried them open and you let out a soft whimper.
“You see, I do not wish to harm her for she is more valuable than even you know, Albus.” Gellert said, walking around you now. “I have been quite interested in her family for some time, but they weren’t the easiest people to find so I figured their youngest daughter would be a place to start.”
No matter how much you tried to move, you didn’t budge. More tears streamed down your face and the only thing you could control was your breathing. If your lessons had taught you one thing, it was to keep a clear mind and steady breath. If all else had failed, listen to yourself.
But how could you? What did he want with your family, let alone you?
“Gellert, you let her go. Now.” Dumbledore said, his voice unwaveringly terrifying.
“The name Peverell has been a name I thought did not exist anymore, but here we are.” He announced, throwing his hands in the air. “She is the sole connection to the Deathly Hallows, therefore, I cannot simply just let her go. Surely you understand?”
Your brows furrowed.
That stupid children’s book? Your mind raced back and forth, wondering how that was even possible. With how old that story was, it would be impossible to even figure out how your last name somehow matched the that of the three brothers.
But your memories betrayed you when you thought of all the times your parents read it to you as a child.
There was something there, something that you knew was important but couldn’t quite remember just yet. It was hard to think past your body being paralyzed and your heart in a frenzy.
“She’s just a child, she has nothing to do with such a thing!” one of the female professors pleaded.
“On the contrary, she does.”
“Well I’m afraid there is no time to figure it out.” Dumbledore threatened, withdrawing his wand.
Grindewald glanced back for a brief moment, and with the wave of his hand, your body was free to move but you were tossed aside in the air, holding your breath and squeezing your eyes shut as you tumbled to the glass covered ground. As you rolled, your body was scratched but your blood rushed so quickly you couldn’t be bothered by the stinging. You tried to gather yourself, watching as a powerful rush of lights passed between the Professors and Grindelwald’s gang.
With the tables just behind you, you glanced at your friends who were all being ushered away in your direction yet they were not close enough to you. Looking at the fight that ensued before your eyes, filling in for the lights that had previously disappeared, you started inching back towards the tables for cover.
“Ah ah ah!” Grindelwald cynically laughed, waving his finger at you. “You’re not going anywhere, Peverell.”
For some reason, you thought you could escape and the second you jumped to your feet to make a run for it, you heard the words, “Crucio!”
A synchronous gasp came from everyone around him when Grindelwald shouted those words though and Tom nearly sprung forward towards you. But like everyone else, he stood there in shock.
It didn’t register. There was no time to even think as your entire body was consumed by a white hot pain that ripped through every little vein in your body. You dropped as quickly as you stood, so submerged in pain you could not breathe let alone scream as you began trembling, writhing away as if you could escape the unsurmountable burning that tore through you. But when you finally released your breath, a scream so bone chilling escaped your lips and you didn’t even hear it as your ears rung from the feeling itself.
Tom Riddle had never been so caught off guard in his life. He had never felt so moved by anything until he heard your scream. He had tried to push forward, but the professors were pushing back, getting everyone to safety.
A synchronous gasp came from everyone around him when Grindelwald shouted those words though and Tom nearly sprung forward towards you. But like everyone else, he stood there in shock.
“Cease your fire and I will let the girl go. But be warned, she will not be safe from me.” The white haired devil announced.
Every professor ceased their movement and Grindelwald released his hold on you.
Even when he did though, just that short minute of time your body experienced such trauma, you were sobbing as you still felt it streaming in your blood. Your vision went blurry as you rolled over, feeling your stomach churn as you stared at Grindelwald in the moonlight. As your ability to think returned, you wondered when you would be dead already.
Instead, he disappeared and you could finally breathe again but instead, you quickly fell to the exhaustion.
Grindelwald left, apparating through the windows into the night, leaving an eerie silence in the Great Hall.
Everyone rushed over to you but Tom Riddle stood by still reeling from the scene that unfolded before him. Abraxas remained at his side, looking quite horrified actually.
“YN bloody Peverell.” Malfoy said in awe. “I thought that whole lineage stuff was a myth.”
Tom’s eyes could not be broken from your sight. He was compelled to follow, but he stood his ground, knowing his impulses were getting the best of him too much already tonight. Another student picked your body up and he narrowed his eyes, watching as you were carried away.
“It seems we are among probably the most important Pureblood in the world now.” Tom observed. “And Grindelwald won’t stop til he has her.” 
In a moment where possibilities should be surging through his mind now though, all Riddle could think of was finding you because there was something about you no longer being in his sight anymore that made his chest tighten. That alone made him want to destroy the entire room.
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leclerced · 9 months
I can see Max being son of Ares or Zeus and I’m even more into the Zeus idea. Idk why really but I get that vibe from him.
Oscar could be son of Athena for me. He’s level headed and calm, knows his facts and has this unique humour that not everyone understands. Also I feel like people underestimate him with his mind and all so I’d say it fits the Athena children vibe. Or Hades actually. I could see that too because of his calmness and strength but it’s not as fitting for me as Athena.
Lando is a son of Poseidon to me. He’s super chaotic, does some stupid shit but mostly comes out unscathed, is everywhere and nowhere at the same time, also the humour just fits for me. This is more of a resemblance to Percy but I think both of them think of themselves like a goofballs and not so smart but caring and people around them think they are actually quite scary (like Percy when he’s fighting and Lando on track??? Idk if it makes sense in general but it does to me and delulu is my solulu)
Charles as son of Apollo is so good for me i don’t even remember what I had in mind for him really haha
Carlos as son of Area. Just fits for me
max is soooo a son of zues and theres no doubt in my mind he can fly and takes his gf on flights alll the time esp at night. he’d fly them up to the highest point they could get to stargaze. he’d also love to shock his girl, like little shocks of static electricity every time they hold hands or he places his hand on her back or waist. he’d find a way to send currents of electricity to her, like tapping on the dinner table and she suddenly feels a light tingling n knows her bf is watching her. or she picks up her fork and it shocks her a little. idk how electricity works but in my head bc he’s half god he can do whatever he wants w lightning. can so see it storming over him when he gets angry and gf is standing next to him w an umbrella. it’d be so funny.
i think oscar is athena or hades too! i was gonna say that but i wasn’t sure if anyone else had other ideas. i think he’s very smart already but as a son of athena he would by far be the smartest at camp and seek out all kinds of knowledge everywhere. he’s always got his face shoved in a book on fight strategies or is reading an encyclopedia to expand his knowledge. knows multiple languages and is always correcting people on random things, gently and not condescending, just like, ‘hey actually- let me correct you!” and people are kind of annoyed by the boy genius but also endeared by the random facts he’s always spouting.
i can so see him as a son of hades, still really nice but gloomy or kinda melancholic and stuff. he’s so kind and careful with everyone around him and scared of hurting anyone, knows he’s very powerful and doesn’t want people to fear him for it, or dislike him more than they already do. he grows up all alone like nico and bianca do in the percy jackson series, can you imagine him living in the lotus casino his whole life then being brought out? can imagine him with the bubbliest girl at camp, a child of demeter or something who brings life everywhere she goes. like there’s a trail of daisies following her everywhere she goes. her and oscar go on picnics and she grows fresh fruits for them to snack on, picking berries from vines and feeding them directly to him. he’s never tasted something as good as the fresh strawberries she presses to his lips. when he eats ambrosia, he tastes a mix of fresh strawberries and her kisses.
lando is so a son of poseidon u got it spot on!!! agree w everything you said. genuinely spends 90% of his free time swimming and he loves taking his gf into the ocean and showing her around the underwater cities. also sneaking away to makeout under the lake because he can breathe underwater, and other things, and it certainly impresses his partners when he shows them how long he can hold his breath.
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aroacemarie · 2 years
peeked in the 'asocial' tag and it seems theres like. 10 million different definitions of it being used in various communities? so i feel like having used the term just now i wanna clarify what *I* mean by it
im gonna pop this under a read more bc its a long one.
im NOT using it as an ace/aro microlabel (not judging those who do tho). i dont consider it a part of my sexuality/orientation/lgbtq identity. its more of just a personality thing?
im also not schizoid, to my knowledge. im sure i have traits of it? or maybe my understanding of it is wrong? i just know i went through a brief stretch where my being asocial meant i was schizoid, but upon more thoroughly researching the symptoms of schizoid personality disorder i determined it did not apply to me.
its also unrelated to social anxiety. i DO have social anxiety disorder, but my being asocial isnt a fear-related trait. basically while social interaction/the anticipation of social interaction can trigger an anxious response in me, i dont have a strong Drive to be social in the first place.
its also why i consider my asocial trait as being different from being an introvert. its kinda like introversion on steroids. introverts still seem to have a need to interact, whereas loneliness is genuinely a foreign concept to me.
i also dont consider it a symptom of my depression... mostly. yes, withdrawing from social interaction is a bigtime depression, its more of a withdrawal in that context than an general inclination. when im withdrawn bc of a major-depressive episode, it is characterized by hurt and an overwhelming sense of dread/hopelessness. when its just my day to day default state, however, it has a peaceful, content quality.
so to describe it by what it IS instead of what it ISNT:
-i describe my being asocial as an extreme lack of a drive to be social. i dont really feel the need to seek out interaction, and while i still absolutely DO interact with the people i like, i tend to be abnormally unlikely to reach out.
-being alone makes me feel content, not lonely. it feels like sitting by the window on a cold day, wrapped in a warm blanket and sipping a warm drink, peacefully watching the leaves float by delicately on a gentle breeze, the with soothing voice of the wind whispering to you a comforting hush.
-i love my friends deeply. even when i dont interact with a friend for an extended period of time, i still think of them with a deep fondness. i picture their smiles, the way they make me laugh, the way their eyes sparkle with excitement when they talk about their interests. i feel a deep warmth in my heart, and reflect on how much i cherish them, even though i dont feel inclined to reach out and chat with them at that moment. i can still miss them too, even if im not necessarily doing anytying to fix it! (for the record, hazel if youre reading this i was thinking about you as i typed this section, ahaha 💚)
-i get exhausted and overstimulated by conversation easily, even when im speaking to someone i love about one of my favorite topics. its pretty common of me to tap out of conversations or "leave you on read" for hours simply because i exhausted myself. that being said, i DO love to have deep, meaningful conversations!
-i dont find talkative friends to be "annoying" or a burden. quite the contrary; im flattered they like me enough to invest their time and energy into speaking with me! i just have low stamina.
-its kind of like when youre doing your favorite hobby or playing your favorite game but youve been at it too long and youre too wiped to continue. thats how i feel about talking to the people i like, but my stamina might only last a minute or two before im metaphorically "out of breath"
-i dont hate people. in fact? i LOVE people. i look upon all the humans out there, living unique lives and unique experiences, and i feel a sense of childlike wonder. i think of how fascinating their perspective of the world is; their core beliefs and how they developed, the things that bring them joy that would seem strange to me, the things they know that i simply do not. but i dont really want to necessarily have a conversation with them. i prefer being an observer, reading the thoughts they share in public forums (like tumblr and twitter). humans are so fascinating. i just wanna watch you for hours like youre in a little terrarium!
-im told im great with people, and honestly i make friends very easily! not to say im never awkward or am immune to social fuckups! but im empathetic and am told have a high emotional intelligence and tend to make people feel at ease. im really tactful and great at defusing conflict (my favorite quote was in college when a friend told me "you could literally tell somebody to go fuck themselves without offending them." love it, ahaha). the thing is... i dont WANT to make friends. ive got everyone i need already, yknow? my Friendship Inventory is full.
im also gonna acknowledge that my asocial nature is very likely linked to trauma. i do have CPSTD from abuse that spanned the entirety of my childhood, from my earliest memories all the way into my mid-late teens. alone felt Safe, and it still does. but its not a Disorder; it does not cause me distress or impede my ability to "function." god knows ive got plenty of disorders/symptoms that DO. but being asocial is not one of them.
anyway, i hope this helps people understand me a bit better. im always worried that im a Bad Friend (being in a 6 year abusive friendship w someone who constantly called me that didnt help) for not reaching out to people/checking on my friends more. its just... a Thing. ive accepted that its not something i can change about myself, and i acknowledge that means im just not compatible with certain people, to no fault of their own. and thats fine! im not gonna be insulted or like you any less just because we arent the kind of people who could have a closer relationship in a healthy way. some folks just dont vibe w each other!
to any of my friends (and acquaintances! we dont need to be close!) reading this, i love you! i mean that, and i hope reading this helps you understand that i truly do, even if im bad at showing it.
stay frosty ✌
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brianyololau · 2 years
January 4, 2023
starting the year off with good habits. I’m gonna journal lol. kind of weird making a post after i’ve been so lazy to for so long, but there have been too many times where i thought about how journaling would be really good for my mental clarity right now. there were times when i had multiple stressors in my life going on at once, and i didn’t allow myself some way to express and think about these things. i think it’s a necessary process because allowing time to be present creates realizations and through realizations come wisdom & experience.
So here I am. i have a lot to unfold, but I guess i’ll take this one day at a time because i’m busy tonight. today is my first day that i’m working at orange coast memorial hospital night shift 😮‍💨. ur boy’s employed and not just that.. at a muh fudgin HOSPITAL BITCH. I got an ID that scans into computers, opens doors, and everything. I gotta be at work in an hour so imma cut it short.
I made grandma cry today. I didn’t mean to, but I feel like shit for it. I woke up stressed bc I let myself sleep in, I had work to worry about, some fear of how my life is gonna change, and I knew I had more errands I hadn’t finished. So, i got more annoyed when i was microwaving food and grandma kept asking mundane questions that felt like I was being talked to by a robot. no substance. it felt like a chore just speaking to her. so i didn’t as i was eating and she noticed and asked why i was upset. so i basically told her that and said if she wants me to talk to her more she should start asking more personable questions like how i’m feeling and how was my first day at work. she said okay and started crying, so she left to the sofa. I came over and asked what was wrong, and she told me it hurts when i don’t talk to her because she loves me and always wants to talk to me. But i don’t ask about her. I started feeling terrible. I knew she’s been sad and becoming more weak minded. However, I just didn’t feel like I had the power to change her situation which is why I tried to just be there for her in presence, but I should’ve known that wasn’t enough. Even though I’m not good at expressing emotions nonetheless inquiring about them, I realized how important it was to always consider them. Because you never know who you could be affecting by neglecting them. And I had neglected my grandma’s without realizing it.
I apologized. I explained to her that a lot of things in my life recently have made it hard for me to feel at peace and waking up in the morning to these stressors have made me more irritable which made me more cold to her. I told her I never meant to hurt her like that. I could never. Talking to her made me realize that I was ungrateful for the people I have in my life and that I was forgetting who I’m living and trying to be happy with.
What’s the point of striving for success if you’re not making your life any happier? Knowing that my grandma loves me and supports me with everything she has makes me happy enough. How could I forget that?
Grandpa came during this conversation and started demanding me to read something for him. so told him I was busy. he had the audacity to get pissed and tell me it would just take a minute. I raised my voice and repeated myself which i probably shouldn’t have done but he got the message. Immediately he assessed the situation, looked at my grandma and said why’re you crying? who made you cry? hurry up and tell me so i can fix this. she said no one im just feeling sick. she had my back. he then scoffed and said what kinda wife doesn’t share things with her husband and went back to his room. he came back out to get picked up by someone, and i heard him call mutter to himself how grandma was clumsy, slow, and basically a person not worthy of respect. real pos moment right there, myself included as well.
I went to the gym later and told myself that this year, i should stop letting stressors in life affect my personal life at home. they should be mutually exclusive until i remove myself from the comfort of my home because allowing stress into every part of my life is not worth projecting its manifestations onto myself and around the people i love during every waking moment.
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acheforyou · 4 years
hannibal related questions 💗
thank you bestie @lemonsona hehe i knew ud come thru!
favourite episode and why: i have like.. at least 3 faves but if i have to pick.. let me be only slightly different and pick naka choko! it’s the communion of it all.. hannibal so happy he can’t keep wills gaze...will fantasy killing hannibal.... the offering of randall....WHERE ELSE WOULD I GO... the eventual betrayal thats to come.. MONSTER FOURSOME? shes just so sexy
least favourite episode and why: probably wills trial stuff i think like season 2 episode 3? it’s just not the most interesting.. not that i don’t find it necessary or whatever but hannibal and the judicial system.. snooze! there r some sweet moments tho..
favourite main character: i hate to say it but sometimes i be minding my own business and am suddenly overcome with love for mr bass pro shop himself.... as if its my fault
favourite side character: my milfy bedelia id seriously do anything for you.
if you could bring back one character who died, who would it be?: im so sorry bev but i need my baby back i need my liddol abi!!!!!
dish prepared in the show that you would like to try eating/ making: ill probably say the blood chocolate too .. wait omg the desert hannibal shares with will in? fromage? looks soooo good... sorry for my lack of cannibalism
which side character would you kill off?: mason can die again idc
was there any scene that you didn’t like to watch?: the scene where that guy is unsticking himself from the mural is so brutal and honestly too cruel for me to watch€{*]}€ black trauma aside (😒) that is so darksided.
biggest ship: my blog is literally dedicated to these two old hags.. but i also love love love marlana and champion BEDELIA/CHIYOH as well!!!!
why did you start watching Hannibal?: i watched arounddd the time it was on for a bit then COMPLETELY fell off omg but then @lemonsona got me right back 2019/2020.. now im stuck here with you freaks!! (that i treasure deeply!)
favourite Hannibal fic if you’ve read any?: if nobody got me i know emungere got me! also looove @horrorlesbians abigail reuniting with hannigram fic <3
have you watched any of the Hannibal films?: i only watched silence of the lambs..which...well.. love u clarice! i do want to watch the rest tho.. just for completist sake
have you read the Thomas Harris books?: no.. im constantly flipping on whether i actually want to/if it’s worth it but i think one day i will 😑
favourite murder tableau: the angel maker tableus always stuck with me.. that’s the one thing i starkly remembered when i first ever watched! ofc I love baby art history major hannibal recreating the primavera as well 💗
favourite blood spill: will drowning in his and abigails blood in hannibals kitchen devastates me every time... but also wait... will slashing hannibals throat while he’s strung up.. 🤔
what’re some of your headcanons?: UMM.. UM UMMM... bedelia survived idgaf about the logistics of that i really dont maybe chiyoh was bored that day. idc idc nbc hannibal has progressed past killing women..and.. um.. i don’t think this counts but i think eve polastri and will would be nice drinking buddies. villanelle will beat old ass hannibal in a fight so he has to be nice to her. that’s all
and to tag seriously im so sorry im sure everyeons already been tagged but um if u havent and want to @aconissa @girlkillsgod !!
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tomanpeach · 3 years
the rindou whisperer – reader x rindou
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a/n: this is not very proofread bc i wrote it kinda quick so apologies if anything is very unhinged or messy LMAO listen besties nobody asked for this but i had no choice!!! i was reading these bonten hcs earlier and the writer said at the end that they HATED RINDOU????? and i took that personally bc i am in a civil union w his brother so i made this as an apology to rindou for the behavior of my peers please leave him some love in the reblogs enjoy xoxoxo
summary: rindou has a bad day but do not fear, you are here!!!! just some mfn annoying sweet bf rindou
content: mentions of alcohol and lots of cursing i'm sorry bout that!!!
word count: 1k (1,001 to be exact how crazy lol)
you brace yourself at the door to rindou's apartment on the top floor. after work you had excitedly texted him asking if he wanted to get dinner to celebrate the start of the weekend, or if he'd like you to pick something up and come over. the response you received was: "idk i had a shit fuckin day come over if you want"
you decide to use the key he had given you instead of knocking and risking incurring rindou's wrath, especially since he'd already told you he was in bad mood.
rindou was like a wild animal sometimes, when he felt angry or scared or cornered, he lashed out. but, after nine months of dating him, you liked to think that you had become a master in dealing with his frequent mood swings and unpredictability. you were the fucking rindou whisperer.
once you're inside the apartment, you spot him lying on the couch with one arm draped over his eyes. he's so still you aren't sure if he's even awake. you watch him intently as you shut the front door, searching for any sign that he's heard you come in.
he huffs out a sigh. so far so good.
before you say a word you head straight to his kitchen and get a beer from the fridge for him. "i don't want that," he calls from the couch behind you, following the sound of the refrigerator door closing.
"maybe it's for me," you reply simply. he says nothing.
you kick off your shoes and climb onto the couch, folding yourself neatly to fit in the space between his outstretched legs. his arm falls away from his face so he can scowl at you.
"do you have to sit so fucking close?"
"yeah, i do," you spit back, narrowing your eyes at him.
despite growing up being on seemingly equal footing with his older brother, he still managed to feel like he was living in his shadow. ran was older, taller, and more assertive. he knew how to be charming and funny and how to get shit done. people liked and respected him but more importantly, they feared him.
rindou longed to be seen like his brother was. he fought, he killed, he strategized, and as he and ran climbed the ranks of the tokyo delinquent scene, he reveled in the respect his subordinates were forced to show him. and, once he realized they were afraid of him, he reveled in that, too.
but rin realized how much it had gone to his head when he met you. it had been infuriating to speak to you. you weren't a member of bonten, or any gang for that matter. you weren't involved in his world at all. and as such, you didn't have to show him the same forced respect that he expected from everyone else. you talked back, you teased him, you dared to challenge him, and he fucking hated it for a while. but for some reason, it was humbling for him. it brought him back down to earth. so he kept seeing you and pretty soon, the way you acted around him became grounding. sometimes, it was honestly kind of sexy.
"sit up," you pat his thigh. "come on."
your stubborn boyfriend stares back at you without moving. you wonder just how difficult he's going to be today.
"rin," you let yourself whine the tiniest bit, frowning at him.
with a melodramatic eyeroll he plants his hands on the couch cushions and lifts himself up. because of how you chose to sit on the couch, you're practically in his lap once he's seated upright.
"i still don't want the fuckin' beer," he snarls. now it's your turn to roll your eyes. you take a sip and push it into his hands. he places it onto the table.
"why was your day shit?" you ask, tucking some lavender strands of hair out of his face. he shakes his head to deter you, "i don't want to talk about it. just generally shitty."
"would all the chinese food i brought you from that spot you love down the street help at all?"
the corner of his mouth turns up the slightest bit as he exhales through his nose in something resembling a laugh.
"oh, there he is," you say fondly, stroking his cheek. he leans into the touch, telling you that the big angry gang boss part of him was slowly losing steam. you lean in to kiss his cheek. he places a hand behind your head, holding you there next to his face and turning so your lips meet his own.
he presses his forehead against yours and mumbles a quiet, "sorry... for being a dick."
"you're not a dick," you cup his cheek and kiss him once more. "you just had a bad day. nothing i haven't seen before."
"you see it a lot, though," he sighs heavily, seeking out your hands with his in your lap.
"i don't mind."
"how?" he pulls away, grimacing.
"because i'm in love with you, stupid."
rindou smiles again, sheepish and genuine, at the way you say it like it's the most obvious thing in the world. his charming smile, the way he's looking at you. you know he's feeling better.
you reach for him and he lets you hug around his middle and lay him back. now you're both horizontal on the couch, your cheek to rindou's chest. he feels comforted by the weight of your body against his.
"is today still shit?" you ask teasingly when he starts to run his hands up and down your back.
"shut up."
"fuck you, you feel better now. be sweet to me."
"today isn't shit now that you're here," he mumbles quietly. "everything's a lot better when you're around."
"and you love me?"
"yeah, i love you."
and despite the big goofy grin on his face, and the fact that you can't actually see his face at all, you're sure that he's rolling his eyes.
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yesimwriting · 3 years
The Promise of Rain, blurb 2
The Promise of Rain (part 2?? technically) 
A/n I was not originally planning a second part for this but some people wanted it and this idea came to me and it works better with the context of ‘The Promise of Rain’ but it can technically be read as a stand alone :))
Anyways this might turn into a small series of kinda connected blurbs that are all kind of canon with each other but aren’t necessarily connected except for the reader’s background (the reader is a very sunshine-y person and knows Kaz bc she’s a runaway princess that he was hired to bring back home but she managed to convince him to let her work for him instead)
The night air had left me with a chill that made me want nothing more than to have my covers draped over me as I read. I’m normally more sociable after a job, especially after such a simple and safe ending, but a lot of tonight had left me wanting to be alone. 
Well, not truly alone. The company of my books is always welcomed, but tonight I can’t seem to find much comfort within the pages. After almost every paragraph, I find myself distracted by gusts of wind and thoughts of the heavy, silver clouds that seem to make up tonight. A part of me longs for the rain. I know it’s ridiculous to expect rain each time I desire some sense of comfort, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want it. Especially when the sky so clearly implies it. 
“This must be the fifth time I’ve come here and you’ve been reading.” Kaz’s sudden appearance is almost enough to shake away my lingering somberness. 
I roll my eyes slightly, turning my attention back to the page in front of me. “That observation is just a testament to how often you come in here.” 
His glare is half hearted, a look I’d find endearing if I was less annoyed. “Where else am I going to find a reminder that good people exist in Ketterdam?” 
I think he may have a sixth sense that warns him when I’m treading the line between being annoyed and displeased. Everytime I find myself mad at him in a way that makes me want to avoid him instead of yell at him, Kaz makes some ridiculously heart-melting comment. He steps further into the room. I don’t miss the way he eyes my stretched out legs. Ever since the conversation we had after he woke up after an injury, we’ve fallen into the unmentioned habit of silently inviting the other to stay by moving to make room for them. 
It had started the day after the conversation in which Kaz had admitted that he wanted me to stay with him. He had been sitting on the small couch while discussing the details of a job. Shortly after I walked in he made a point of shifting so that he was clearly on one side of the couch. I didn’t think much about sitting down, but Inej and Jesper exchanged a look. 
Now, though, I keep my legs stretched out on the bed. He eyes my position on the bed, something grim crossing his features. 
“It might rain tonight.” 
He knows me so damn well. I hate it. “I hope so.”
I turn my head, analyzing the way the world seems to be on the cusp of something. I stare at the silver clouds until I feel something hard tap my leg. The tap is firm but not painful. I’m quick to look at Kaz as he lowers his cane. The mention of rain had been a distraction. 
“You distracted me on purpose.” 
“The first rule of the Barrel is to always be prepared.” There’s a slight uptilt to his lips, something I’ve learned to interpret as a sign of teasing. 
How is he so easy to be around one second and so cold the next? I resist a smile. “I’ll take notes.” 
Kaz ignores my passive aggressive tone. His focus seems to be on my legs that have still not moved to offer him a place next to me. “You wear your emotions too openly.” Great, he’s going to make us talk about it. “What reason could you possibly have to be mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you.” It’s a partial truth. 
His expression harshens. “Don’t lie.” 
“I’m not thrilled with you, but I don’t think that’s the same as being mad.” 
Kaz lets out a partial sigh. “No, they’re not the same.” Such an early concession feels like a trap. “With you, the first option is worse.” I don’t have anything to say to that. “Is this because of what I said to Jesper?” 
My posture straightens on instinct. “He wants your validation more than he’d ever admit and I understand that expressing praise isn’t exactly something you do, but would it kill you to not actively insult him?” 
“I didn’t say anything that was wrong. He thinks he’s a gambler but he’s just someone born for losses.” The look I give him must mean something to him, because Kaz is quick to tact on, “That doesn’t make him less valuable of an asset or less relatively dependable.” 
I eye him cautiously, the slightest bit of vulnerability playing at his features. “Don’t look at me like that--and don’t tell me that. Jesper’s the one who could use the occasional reminder from you that you hold him to any regard with positive connotations.” His lips press together like he’s thinking about scolding me for scolding him. “It’s only because I know you care more about Jesper than you’d ever let on.” 
“Jesper’s esteem can handle the blow.” The curtness of his voice is a blow in its own sense. “And he didn’t exactly deserve to be in my good graces after what he did tonight.” 
My sigh is not weighted enough to match Kaz’s newfound fountain of emotion. “We were successful--”
“He left you.” I didn’t know Kaz’s voice was capable of such harshness. “I paired him with you, and he left you--and you almost didn’t make it.” I let the weight of his words take up all the available space in the room, keeping the silence that follows them until some of the heaviness has dissipated. “He could have cost me one of my best people.”
Oh. His harshness, his unwarranted coldness, had been a manifestation of his concern. For me. Guilt knots my stomach. Potential words that may offer Kaz some sort of support raise and die back down in my throat. Kaz turns towards the door. 
“Kaz.” He pauses. There’s a long moment in which I think he won’t turn around, but finally, he does. I tuck my legs beneath me, forcing myself to sit up a little straighter. “I told Jesper to leave because I knew the job would have failed if he had been trapped in that room with me.” I drop my gaze towards the window. “I was right, the job was successful, and I got out in time so it was worth it.”
“You risked your safety?” The harsh facet of his being is making its return in full force. 
“For the job,” I’m careful to keep my words factual, “It’s what we’re supposed to do.”
Kaz’s jaw locks. “When I said that keeping you near me would ruin you this is what I meant.” 
Is it really this big of a deal? I made it out. “Kaz.”
“This wasn’t my best idea.” His words are leached of anything. “You’re going back home. Tomorrow I’ll arrange the voyage myse--” 
“Kaz Brekker you may get to live your life doing anything you want but you don’t get to control mine.” My chin raises an inch, an instinctual act of subtle rebellion. “I am not going back there, even if I’m technically indebted to you because you didn’t return me to my father but that does not mean I’ll--”
“I’m not trying to control you.” His words are sharp, boarding on a yell. “A job like that one wasn’t worth you.” 
From Kaz, I know those words are heavy. There’s a lot of things I could say to that. I could tell him that I wanted to do something for him. I could say that I appreciate him telling me that. I could even say that in his own way, Kaz giving Jesper a hard time because he left me, is kind of cute in a misguided way. The thing is I think all of these responses will make things worse. 
“Kaz,” I keep my voice as steady as possible, “I’m fine, you’re fine, it all worked out.” Scratching the back of my arm, I exhale gently. “I’ll be more careful next time, I promise.” 
I watch him carefully, there’s a slight slump to his shoulders as he exhales. Is the fight leaving him so easily? He walks further into the room. “You better.” He sits down in the space I provided for him slowly. “If you’re not you’ll have worse things to worry about than anything that can happen to you on a job.” He moves his cane forward easily, tapping my knee in a swift motion. 
I roll my eyes at the mock threat. “They do say that there’s nothing to fear in the Barrel like the Dirtyhands.” 
“Remember that.” Any edge in his voice is forced. I fight against a smile that seems to always want to break across my face whenever I think I see something resembling lightness in Kaz. 
“I don’t think I could forget anything about you.” 
He turns his head slightly. “You should.” 
“Too bad.” 
Kaz leans his back against the wall, untensing slightly. “I think you just like disagreeing with me.” 
There’s no point in lying about it. “Only because when you argue with me you give me this really particular look.” 
“A look?” 
Adding insult to injury, I smile. “Sometimes you look like you’re too focused on being angry, like you’re compensating for something.” 
Kaz lets out a bitter sigh. “Maybe if you were less of a puppy I wouldn’t have to--”
The laugh that escapes is most definitely a mistake. “Did you just call me a puppy?” I don’t give him a chance to reply, laughter taking over again. “I mean this in the least argumentative way possible--but you’re so weird sometimes.” 
He rolls his eyes, tensing. “I’m leaving.”
I stifle the rest of my laughter. “No. I was--I was kidding!” I keep my eyes on Kaz, expecting some type of annoyed glare, but his expression is a lot more weighted than that. Odd. “Kaz?” 
“You need to be more careful.” I understand Kaz’s pause as something he does before saying something outside of his nature. “I’m not asking you this as a Crow or a Dreg.” 
On instinct, my posture straightens. “I promised and I meant it.” 
“Sometimes I wish I could believe in Saints,” his voice has taken off a distant quality, almost fragile, “That way I could believe something existed to help what matters.” 
Oh. “You never fail, even if I didn’t believe in Saints I’d believe in you.” 
“You’re wasting your faith.” The sound of lightning cracking is almost enough to make me jump. The rain finally came. 
I know I’ll never convince him that that’s not true. “I don’t think so, but that’s why it’s called faith.” 
“I have faith in some things.” His expression is far off. 
“Like what?” 
Kaz’s eyes find the window. “People that find meaning in the rain.” 
Something in my chest swells. “You’re like the rain.”
We sit there in silence, watching raindrops glide down the window. “What were you reading?” 
The question has me dropping my gaze to the forgotten book on my lap. “I stole this book from the palace before I left. It was my mom’s favorite, she’s read it so much the spine’s completely cracked and the cover is practically falling off.” 
“Hm…” He mumbles. “Read some, the books read in a palace must be worthwhile.” 
A part of me wants to tell him that elitism has no place in literature, but his request leaves me frozen. I nod once, turning to the first page of the book. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife--” 
“Your upbringing makes sense--” 
“You can’t judge it off the first sentence,” he’s insufferable, “It’s setting up irony, and if you’re going to complain--” 
He lets out a conceding sigh. “I’m listening, I’m not interrupting.” 
I keep my eyes on him for a second longer than I should. “Okay.” Dropping my gaze back to the book, I adjust my grip on the worn paperback, “Good.” 
And then I keep reading. 
@theincredibledeadlyviper @grishaverse7 @lonelystarship @mentally-in-northern-italy @uhanddreag 
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iwritemush · 3 years
hi i hope youre well! is it ok if i request a platonic matchup for tfp? :D
i'm pudgy and a little bit on the shorter side, but also very strong!! >:-) i am very unsure of my gender rn but usually i do like to present myself in a feminine way and i use all pronouns!!
i would describe myself as optimistic, cheerful, simple-minded and pretty silly! i do like to have fun and explore cool places, and despite being very shy and awkward around new people, i want to socialize and make new friends!! usually im rather quiet and prefer to listen and observe. im not very good at talking because it makes me nervous so i appreciate when people are ok with that and dont expect me to engage in conversation :^] buuut i can get really talkative when talking about my interests, so i appreciate when people do listen!
i am a big people pleaser and the thought of someone disliking me makes me very sad, so i sometimes get into uncomfy situations just because i cant say no. also i really dont like when people yell at me! it scares me a lot. im very sensitive and cry easily, but it's also very easy for me to laugh x) i laugh at every silly little thing
i really like cute and happy things but i love scary things too >:) horror movies are my favorite and im really interested in dark and supernatural cases!! funny thing is im very skittish and get scared easily. im also kinda stupid and naive oops
i like to draw, paint, sew (i make plushies!!), play the piano, collect pretty shiny things and give them to my friends as gifts! i am a very curious person, and when i find something cool (like a leaf, rock, sea shell, etc) i pick it up right away!! i also like to (gently!!) pick up tiny bugs and caterpillars and show them to others, cause i love insects a lot :-) i try my best to be always kind and polite to everyone, including all the cool creatures of this planet! i rarely get angry or show dislike to anyone and most of the time i go by the "treat everyone nicely because u dont know what they went through" thing
sorry this is so long x[ but thank you for reading all of this and i hope u have a wonderful day/night!!
🌻 <- flower for u !!!
First off I must say you seem so cute and sweet! Ahh! I just wanna hug you!(i also love my flower now-thank you!$
I feel like I’ve had the sweetest anons and asks lately, you all seem so nice and I just love making these for you guys!
And don’t worry if it was too long! Honestly, I didn’t even need to think while reading I just immediately thought of who would be your guardian:))
You will be so annoyed bc I will not be shutting up
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Your personalities are so clashing I love it
At first probably has a love hate relationship with your personality, like there’s something so nice about you but??? You should be in fear right now-also she doesn’t really wanna babysit
After a while probably really starts liking your personality, like?? Something about you just makes things feel more at ease
She becomes over protective real quick tho lmao
Due to the fact that she has lost so many people she was close with, she is very scared for you too meet the same faith
If (hot) spider lady even comes near you she will be facing a new type of pain
You guys probably gonna have an arc(this is an anime now) about how she has to learn that you are not weak and she doesn’t need to be THAT protective
She knows you like cute things so she probably will associate cute things with you
Doesn’t understand the appeal of creepy things really-Lowkey scares her when you like REALLY scary
Like sis??? Why are you interested in this??
If your interested in true crimes you can talk about them together and if it’s one of those unsolved cases you can try and figure who did it
If your into like creepy fantasy creatures PLEASE tell her they are not real, she doesn’t know that much about earth! You might bring up the jersey devil and she will wonder why people even live there.
If yoy get skittish with anything she’s quick to tell you that your okay
Like the smallest thing-creepy noise while your on the drive? She will try and comfort you(though her guard will go up with the surrounding as well)
Even if it’s a big thing like your stuck in an energon mine, she will tell you that she will try her best to keep you safe
Always ask questions about the random things you picked up, really likes it when you get interested and talk more about whatever the ugly lil bug is in your hands
I beg you to draw and show her everything
Draw her
Do it
Okay but she loves your art! She’s not very artistic herself, so she is interested in your artist ability
“Idk what happened to that drawing-it just disappeared” - you probably after she took one of your drawing so she can keep it and think about you when your not there
You guys gotta both work on your emotions
She wants you to show your anger, she can work on showing her softer side
Really tries to teach you not to care about what others think of you
Ignoring the fact that if anyone said anything negative about you she would drop kick them
It’s double standards okay???
I love you guys sm
She usually isn’t that into music but she likes when you play, though it isn’t that often where the both of you are near a piano
Get a recording for her-k??
You being naive KILLS her internally
Like Jesus keep your guard up please
She never becomes THAT mad when you’re naive but she mig scold you or refuse to take you out some where
She just wants to keep you safe
Okay so sorry if it’s not much soriidkf I tried
Also before you go ! 🌹 here!
You seem very rad and I hope you liked this and had a fantastic day!
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saviourkingslut · 2 years
I know this is kinda becoming Byleth Criticism Hour but omg like it's honestly so frustrating to see how hard characters fall for them - especially the lords and especially especially Gardy Wardy, with Dimitri being pretty damn strong as a character on his own and Gardykins being absolutely ruined by Byleth. Claude is about the only one that it "works" with but that's because there's barely any player pandering at all with him in the first place!
Byleth doesn't do anything for them!! Not on a personal level anyway! All they do is just let them arbitrarily go on about their lives without ANY prompting from Byleth 90% of the time, it almost always feels so forced whenever a character goes on about how much Byleth means to them personally. Sorry for ranting but it's always bugged me 😭
yeah it's one of the things about them that annoys me the most honestly. every single character immediately clocks byleth as their closest confidant and looks up to them even though byleth isn't doing anything to deserve that kind of treatment - as a merc maybe, but not a moral compass or the all-knowing being that the game presents them as. characters get unreasonably attached really quickly considering byleth is supposed to be about as emotionally unavailable as it gets. they just show up, and suddenly everyone's monologuing their deepest fears and brightest hopes at them. honestly, if you ask me, most of the time byleth barely has a hand in their character arcs, it just seems that way sometimes because everyone's monologuing themselves through their own arcs whenever they're in a support with byleth. i think one of the worst aspects of this, and this is also a result of the recruitment system, is that grown-ass characters that have entire careers can be 'taught' by byleth and act as if they're the pinnacle of knowledge. so much dissonance there.
and yeah lmao the lord characters definitely suffer from their uhhm forced attachment to byleth. edel is obviously the worst example of this, because she attaches herself like a shackle and a lot of her narrative and character is centered around byleth to the point that it hurts her individuality/strength as a character at times. hell, her 'feelings' for byleth crop up in routes where she isn't even taught by them. honestly though, while dimitri may be a very strong character on his own as you say, his immediate attachment is very much present and there are parts of the story that i dislike for the way byleth is pushed forward in the narrative. i will never truly enjoy his pivotal rain scene because byleth is really pushed as Thee most important person in his character arc that shows him how to heal. like, what for? why does the teacher you have a narratively forced attachment to interacted with for a year have this role. like what could they possibly mean to you that your, idk, life-long friends don't. and i know they couldn't have it be another character bc classic mode exists, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still annoy the fuck out of me lmao
as for there being no player pandering in vw, idk, i think there's player pandering in every route, tho it's stronger in some spots of the story and with some characters than others. what helps claude i think is that he is suspicious of byleth at first, rather than admiring - that actually fits pretty well. i mean, makes no sense that a merc with no knowledge of the church and a really weird disposition is suddenly rhea's favoured prof at garreg mach, right? his fascination comes from a different angle. i mean, it does eventually morph into the admiration/attachment without any real prompting in the end (read also: leaving it to byleth to rule fódlan for some reason) though i feel that it's never overbearing as it can be with some other characters. overall claude's initial distrust feels a lot more natural than most other characters' responses and that in turn has an effect on byleth's role in vw as a whole.
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
Pretty Eyes | Sokka x Fem!Reader
Hello! This is my first ever imagine and I have no idea of what I’m doing, but I guess that’s the beauty of it all, right? So here we go!
SUMMARY: Y/N and Sokka do not get on well. That changes, however, after one particular night.
WORD COUNT: 6k I’m not used to writing oneshots it got so long I’m sorry if the “keep reading” thingy doesn’t work
WARNINGS: there’s a bit of kissing at the end? also I think there’s one or two cuss words. there’s some angst and mutual pining, since it’s an enemies-to-lovers. Toph is Y/N’s best friend bc I love her. and bad writing! I think it feels kinda rushed and English is not my first language so I’m not really sure how to feel about this tbh
I hope you like it! Also if you want to request something please do just ask me what I write for and I’ll tell you!!
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Y/N definitely did not regret leaving Zuko and joining the Avatar and his team. It was probably the best thing she had ever done, the first step to finally forgiving herself for all the years she worked for the Fire Nation and for all the pain she caused alongside it, the first step to letting go of all the hurt she held inside her heart.
But Spirits, she couldn’t take Sokka’s attitude anymore.
“We can’t let Y/N go to the city alone, it’s a three day trip! What if she tells her Fire Nation friends we are here?”
He was the only one who hadn’t warmed up to her yet. Toph had taken a liking to her almost immediately, which Y/N firmly believed was for the sole reason of spiting Sokka, but she didn’t exactly mind. Toph was the first person to treat her like a human being and not an enemy, and she was deeply thankful for that. The first few weeks with Team Avatar were difficult — the Water Tribe people didn’t trust her, Aang was unconscious, Katara was going crazy with worry for her friend, and Sokka accused her of being a Fire Nation spy every two seconds. Siding with the Avatar in the crystal cave had done nothing for her reputation, it seemed: she was still Zuko’s friend, still a bad person, still Fire Nation scum, among other endearing titles.
Katara came around eventually, while Aang was still recovering from his injuries. At one point, the waterbender told her she was the only one not pissing her off in the Water Tribe boat they occupied, which made her smile.
And Aang, well, he was a sweetheart. She would never forget the way the small boy laughed loudly after Katara told him how she punched Azula in the face after the Fire Princess hit him with lightning, kindly leaving out the part where Azula immediately gave her a nasty burn after recovering from the surprise of a fist to the nose. 
“Come on, Sokka,” Katara countered, rolling her eyes in annoyance, “we’ve talked about this.”
Then there was Sokka, who still pretty much hated her, even as they now hid inside the Fire Nation together. “You know I’m right, Katara. You should go with her to make sure she doesn’t turn her back on us.”
“You guys know she is right here, right? Are you ignoring her or something?”
“It’s okay, Toph,” Y/N touched the girl’s arm fondly, avoiding the glare Sokka sent her way. “You don’t need to worry..”
“No, it’s not okay!” Katara snapped, letting go of the shirt she was stitching up and staring at her brother angrily. “Why don’t you go with her, then, if you’re so worried?”
“That seems like a good idea!” Aang smiled brightly from his place beside Appa. “It could be a fun bonding trip!”
“No!” Sokka and Y/N said almost at the exact time before exchanging a very confused look. Something seemed to ignite inside him just as he turned to glower at her with rage in his eyes. “Why don’t you want me to go, firegirl? Is it because I’m right?”
“I’m pretty sure it’s because you are a jerk to her all the time, but okay,” Toph muttered. Katara bit back a snicker, taking the shirt from the ground and trying to focus on it again.
“Well, I’m going,” Sokka announced, crossing his arms, “since she’s hiding things from us and trying to go to the city alone.”
“I am not hiding anything! No one else wanted to go to the city so I volunteered, it’s not that deep.”
“Well, then why wouldn’t you want me to go?”
“I don’t know, Sokka, why do you accuse me of being a traitor all the time?”
“That’s got nothing to do with this! But you did betray Zuko, who was supposed to be your boyfriend or whatever—”
“Zuko was not my boyfriend.”
“— and once a traitor, always a traitor.”
“That’s enough!” Katara interrupted, annoyance written all over her face. “We chose Y/N to make the trip to the city and I can’t take being near Sokka anymore, so you two will leave right now to get us supplies, food and clothes. Do you understand?”
“I don’t care, Sokka! Go get your things, see you in three days.”
Sokka wasn’t really sure why he hated Y/N so much anymore. Hell, he was even starting to think he might actually enjoy her presence, in a way. Not that he would tell that to anyone.
She was still the enemy, even while Katara laughed at something she said and Toph clinged to her, talking her ears off about whatever was going on through her mind. She was still the enemy when Aang asked to braid her hair and when she talked to Appa and Momo while she thought no one noticed. Y/N was still the enemy while her eyes shone with delight whenever Toph made a joke and while she smiled that pretty smile of hers at Aang, and she was definitely still the enemy when his heart skipped a beat whenever she accidently looked at him without that angry look he always managed to put on her face.
Yes, Sokka didn’t like her in any way. He couldn’t like her, he refused to like her. She was from Fire Nation. Even if the others accepted her, he knew the truth — Y/N would never be trustworthy, would never be one of them.
The caves they were currently hiding in were Fire Nation territory, and the trip towards the city was long, specially since they couldn’t use Appa. After two miles, Sokka was already bored. 
“Is your Fire Nation home close by?” he questioned, a hint of accusation in his voice. Y/N didn’t spare him a glance and, for some unknown reason, Sokka felt annoyed by it.
“Well, then where is it?” he pressed, staring at her.
“Where is what?”
“Your Fire Nation home.”
“I don’t have one, Sokka. Are you done?”
The Water Tribe warrior scoffed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, “you don’t have one, firegirl? Yeah, right. I’m sure you lived in a big house where everyone did every little thing you wanted them to,” he watched as she sighed, her eyes flooding with irritation, “am I wrong?”
It was her turn to scoff, “shut up, waterboy.”
He raised his eyebrows, “waterboy?”
“Come on, the quicker we do this the quicker I can be away from you. We have no time to lose.”
They set up camp in the woods near a small village halfway to the city. While walking, they didn’t speak much besides Sokka’s stupid questions and Y/N’s dry answers — he noticed how she acted different now they were alone together, almost as if she had closed up on herself and, ignoring the stinging in his chest, he wondered if she would ever smile and laugh with him the way she did with the Aang, Toph and Katara. With a certain heaviness to his thoughts, Sokka concluded that no, she probably wouldn’t. Not that he cared, obviously.
“I can do first watch,” he let her know, watching carefully as Y/N yawned and arranged her sleeping bag on the hard ground.
“You sure?”
“Yes. I’ll wake you up when it’s my turn to sleep.”
Y/N nodded, falling asleep almost instantly as she laid her head down. When she slept, she didn’t look like a traitor as much as she usually did. She looked like a normal, beautiful girl he would really love to get to know better. But of course he couldn’t, because she was from the Fire Nation and would eventually betray them all, or at least that’s what Sokka told himself to avoid getting too close, too attached. Spirits, he had lost so many people that adding one more person in his care-about list was unthinkable, unreasonable and just all-around stupid.
Sokka wasn’t sure how much time had passed when Y/N started moving in her sleep, her previously peaceful expression now filled with anxiety and fear as she turned and tossed. He furrowed his eyebrows, staring at her curiously.
“No,” he could hear her mutter, “please, no. Please.”
“Y/N?” his voice was calm as he knelt down by her sleeping bag, recognizing the signs of a nightmare. “Y/N, wake up. It’s just a dream.”
“I’m sorry,” she cried out, her eyelids shut tight, “please. I’m sorry!”
The girl sat up suddenly, hitting her forehead with his. Sokka groaned at the sudden pain, bringing a hand up to his forehead and touching it lightly. Meanwhile, Y/N took in her surroundings, her breathing heavy. She could already feel a lump forming inside her throat.
“Are you okay?” he asked after a moment, finally noticing her panicked motions and moving forward to touch her shoulder but hesitating. Sokka would usually greet her with a mean comment, but he could see the nervousness on her face and it worried him. “Do you need some water?”
“No, I’m good,” she swallowed, trying to slow down her breathing. “I just—just got a nightmare.”
“I noticed,” the Water Tribe warrior smiled sadly, “I get those too.”
She hummed in acknowledgement, trying to wrap her head around the fact Sokka was actively being nice to her. It felt weird but had a kind of warmth taking over her chest that she didn’t mind one bit.
He scratched the back of his neck, staring at her while she kept her eyes trained on her own hands, “do you want to talk about it?” He noticed her intrigued expression and sighed, going on, “Katara always tells me that talking about nightmares makes them go away. So… Do you want to talk about yours?”
Y/N looked at him attentively, searching for some type of mockery or teasing on his face. Sokka seemed to blush under her gaze, but she was sure it was just the moonlight tricking her eyes. Y/N exhaled deeply, crossing her arms in a defensive stance and biting down on her lower lip as she couldn’t find any bad intention in his gaze, deciding to share some of the vulnerability he was offering her. “It was just something that happened some years ago. Before I left with Zuko, I mean.”
He nodded, leaning on his hands with his arms straight while sat beside her, “I never understood why you left with him, to be honest,” he commented, “he doesn’t seem like the fun type.”
Y/N let out a small smile and Sokka could swear his heart jumped inside his chest for some reason, “he was never the fun type, but he was still my best friend, even though banishment changed him. But I didn’t leave just because of Zuko.”
That was new information. “You didn’t?”
She shook her head, looking down at her hands again, “no.”
“Then why?”
Sokka observed as her entire body tensed and felt the immediate urge to apologize for the question and tell her to go back to sleep. Before he could open his mouth, however, she answered in a broken voice that sounded nothing like her own, “I couldn’t stay. My dad had just died in the war and my mom…” her eyes were full of anguish and misery, still watching her fingers lock and unlock, “she wasn’t doing very well. My nightmare,” she hesitated, inhaling sharply before training her gaze on him again, “it was about her.”
They looked at each other, lazy eyes studying faces with a new curiosity and innocence they hadn’t held for one another before. Something flashed through Y/N’s expression before she asked, averting her pretty eyes from him, “do you want to see it?”
Sokka furrowed his brows in confusion, “see what?”
Y/N let out a shaky breath before raising her tunic slightly. The Water Tribe boy felt his whole face flush with embarrassment but he noticed the marks before he could look away — something that must’ve been a horrible burn, the scar covering a great part of her right side, stretching from her bellybutton to just under her chest. “Iroh spent a lot of time changing mine and Zuko’s bandages in the first months after we left,” she smiled sadly and then put her clothes back into place.
“Your mom did that?”
“She didn’t mean to,” Y/N shrugged her shoulders, “it was an accident, but still. Whenever I think about it, I’m really glad I was born a non-bender.”
“You are?”
“Yes. Having the power to cause so much pain and destruction… I wouldn’t want that in anyway.”
Sokka hummed in understanding and appreciation. He knew she was a non-bender like him but they had never really talked about what that meant to them and to Team Avatar. He wasn’t aware she didn’t crave bending like he did, but it felt nice to hear her speak about it like that.
Showing someone her scar felt… Different, but not a bad different. Y/N had grown accustomed to hiding it all the time, even though she didn’t feel ashamed of it. It was just an ugly part of her that held too many bad memories that she intended to keep to herself. Letting Sokka see it was strange and she didn’t know exactly why she did it, to be honest. It felt right, though. Talking to him like they were friends felt right. Being around him like that felt very, very right.
“You should sleep, waterboy,” she punched his shoulder softly, ignoring her own thoughts, “I’ll keep guard for the rest of the night.”
He was quick to deny, “no, I’m fine, you should—”
“Sokka,” her tone was demanding, “you need to rest too. Come on, get some sleep. I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep again anyway.”
He would love to disagree but he recognized the look on her face. She wasn’t asking him to sleep — she was telling him to. For some reason, that thought made him smile.
“Okay,” Sokka answered quietly as he got into his own sleeping bag, “good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Sokka. Sleep well.”
“I will. Thank you.”
“It’s alright.”
The rest of the trip was better than expected. It seemed like that one vulnerable moment they shared affected their relationship in more ways than one, and they traveled peacefully to the city and back. They even managed to spark conversation with each other in some instances.
Sokka would love to say that being in good terms with Y/N made him satisfied, but that would be a lie. Aang, Katara and Toph were really happy with their new dynamic, glad they could talk to each other without mean comments or accusations — Y/N and Sokka were the only ones inside the Gaang who still had to become friends, and now that they did, everyone seemed pleased and content.
Except Sokka.
Being around her was difficult. Now that he didn’t expect the worst of her all the time, he couldn’t ignore what he felt whenever she was close by, the sensations he once thought were just his way of feeling disgust and anger taking a different shape. He would catch himself smiling stupidly at her while she laughed with someone else and would feel his whole face reddening when she looked into his eyes. However, he remembered very clearly the last time he felt something like that, and it didn’t end well. He couldn’t have that again.
Avoiding her was even more difficult and he couldn’t keep it up for a single day. After finally being able to taste what a friendship with Y/N felt like, he couldn’t stop from craving it more and more. Instead of being away from her like he intended so he could get rid of whatever feelings he was gathering, he actively went out of his way to be near her, even when his mind screamed at him to just let go.
Sokka couldn’t get attached to someone like that once more. He couldn’t forget what happened to Yue — liking someone was not his cup of tea, it would end tragically and he didn’t want it, couldn’t have it, not again.
But a part of him entertained these feelings, these thoughts. It didn’t matter, right? She would never feel the same for him, so it was okay. He wouldn’t get hurt because he would never actually have her so there was no way to lose her.
Everything happened fast.
They didn’t think the Fire Nation soldiers would find them anytime soon and yet they still did. They were nearing the Day of the Black Sun and being found out in Fire Nation territory was less than ideal, to say the least. Y/N was just glad they had Toph, Aang and Katara to fight for them — they were truly amazing benders and there were many more soldiers than she would normally expect.
Everything happened too fast.
She had been taught from a young age how to fight with a sword and was slowly trying to teach Sokka too, even though teaching was proving itself to be harder than learning. They fought from the sidelines, hitting the soldiers the three benders couldn’t hit or see. One of them had a sword too and Y/N rapidly engaged in a difficult fight while also keeping an eye out for Sokka, who was fighting another soldier to her right.
She couldn’t deny the feelings growing inside her towards the boy. Weeks before, she would have straight up laughed if anyone told her she would fall for him, and now there she was. Y/N loved his smile and his voice and his stupid jokes and the way he called her “firegirl” with an endearing tone instead of the accusative one he used to always have when talking to her only weeks before. She loved how his cheeks flushed red when she looked at him for too long and she loved hearing him go on and on about his plans and theories. She loved it all so much she didn’t even mind Toph’s constant teasing: “Calm down your heart, Y/N,” the younger girl would say with a mocking smile, “it’s just Sokka!”
“Shut up, Toph.”
Y/N knew he would never feel the same, but a girl can dream, and dream she did. They would talk late into the night, guarding camp together and exchanging childhood stories. Being around him was very comforting, in a way. 
Everything happened fast.
She got distracted when the soldier battling against Sokka seemed to get the upper hand, even though Sokka fought back and took control of the conflict again easily. However, that instant was enough for her own enemy to attack.
The pain was unbearable but Y/N kept on fighting. There was blood running down her skin, staining her clothes, the wound to her ribs deep and distressing, but she couldn’t leave her friends like that. She manipulated her sword the best she could, ignoring the sharp pain felt with every intake of breath, taking down as many non-bender soldiers as possible.
They ran for Appa when there was finally an opening, climbing onto the flying bison and leaving the remaining Fire Nation soldiers behind them.
Adrenaline was responsible for making her able to endure the pain but now that they were safe and flying while Aang and Katara disguised Appa as clouds, her vision went out of focus and she stumbled, clinging to Toph’s arm in a last attempt to remain conscious and alert. “Y/N? Are you alright?” the girl asked confusedly, her brows furrowed in question.
“Yes,” Y/N was able to get one word out, even though her thoughts were getting messier by the second and black dots appeared before her eyes. “Just tired,” she muttered. It was true — she could feel exhaustion taking over her body and head, slowly making her slump over herself.
She felt like her body was on fire, almost as if she had been burned all over. The pain made it hard to concentrate, her mind trained on the feeling of blood soaking her tunic, every breath causing waves of agony to take over her. The stab wound seemed to be throbbing, unabling her of any coherent thought.
“You sure? You seem—Spirits! Katara, come here! Y/N was wounded! She is bleeding!”
A part of her brain registered a touch to her ribs, Toph’s small hands hanging over her with no idea of what to do. She could hear Katara’s voice from somewhere on her right but she knew Katara needed to keep up their cover alongside Aang. They couldn’t afford risking their disguise just yet, they were still too close to those soldiers.
(Or so she thought. She couldn’t be really sure, since her mind was clouded and she felt extremely confused, the black dots slowly taking over her vision until she saw nothing but unrecognizable shadows.)
Amongst the screams, there was Sokka. He had left his place guiding Appa and came running to her, horror written all over his face as he started to put pressure on her bleeding wound, following Katara’s instructions.
“You’re going to be okay,” his voice sounded weird, disconnected, out of place. Y/N wished she could see him properly. She had come to appreciate how beautiful he actually was, with his endearing smile and bright blue eyes. She really wished she could see him. “Stay awake for me, alright?”
“Waterboy,” she mumbled with a lazy smile before darkness consumed her entirely.
There was so much blood. Sokka could see how the water covering Katara’s hands was stained, he could see how soaked Y/N’s tunic was. He could see her, her skin so pale she almost looked dead. That thought alone made Sokka’s stomach turn over inside his body, his eyes stinging with anxious tears.
They did an emergency landing on a small island nearby, Katara trying to maintain their cover as Aang rushed to the reins Sokka had abandoned in his frenzy. Meanwhile, Sokka and Toph were screaming at each other in utter panic, trying desperately to help their friend somehow. His hands were still shaking and red from putting pressure on the wound like his sister had told him to. 
“What is happening?” he stopped pacing as he heard Toph’s weak voice, the small girl playing with her own fingers in nervousness. “Is Katara’s healing working?”
There was ringing inside his ears as he stared at his sister. He could clearly see tears streaming down her face as she exchanged the red water on her hands for the clean one Aang had put on a container and positioned nearby. His heart throbbed inside his chest, a million thoughts going through his head at the same time.
Y/N was going to die. He was going to lose her. He would never see her smile again and he would never hear her laugh again and she would never tell him stories about her childhood again. He would never watch her as she played around with Toph and he would never be able to peek at her as she trained her sword fighting skills anymore. He would never talk to her late at night and he would never appreciate the way her voice sounded again.
He would never feel his heart pick up whenever she walked inside a room again. He would never smile unconsciously just by seeing her smile again. And she would never know how much she meant to him, how much he genuinely liked her and everything she did.  He was going to lose her without even knowing if maybe, in a distant time, when the war was over and they were safe, she would want to stay with him, making him laugh and smiling that gorgeous smile of hers at him everyday. Sokka would never know if somehow she wanted him as much as he wanted her, with all his flaws and faults and fears.
He would never know and he would never have her by his side again and he wanted to scream until his throat was sore. He wanted to cry himself to sleep and pretend this was just a bad dream he would eventually wake up off hearing her beautiful laugh as she chatted with Katara and Toph during breakfast.
“Sokka? Please, tell me what is happening. How is Y/N?”
The Water Tribe warrior felt a sudden anger spark up inside him. He should’ve done something, he should’ve noticed she’d been hit, and so should the others. Weren’t they powerful benders? Couldn’t they sense everything through the earth or some other bullshit like that? Weren’t they better than him in every way? Well, they could have at least saved her.
“Shut up, Toph! This is your fault! You should have noticed she was wounded! You should have helped her before it was too late!”
He didn’t mean it. A part of him knew it was not her fault, but his brain was enveloped in pain and desperation and he just wanted someone to blame so he didn’t have to deal with the guilt forming in his chest. He was losing Y/N and there was nothing he could do about it.
Toph went from worried to pissed off quickly, tightening her hands in fists and sending a few rocks flying towards the sea surrounding the island, “how is this my fault?! I was fighting off a few soldiers too, you know? It’s not like I could have stopped everything I was doing and ran to her!”
He moved his arms around frantically, “you don’t even care about her!”
“I don’t care about her? She’s my best friend!”
“You obviously didn’t care enough to help!”
“Oh, you little—”
“That’s enough!” Katara’s voice sounded fragile but terrifying, averting her gaze from her bloody hands to glare at them. “I can’t concentrate with all this screaming!”
“Sokka started it!”
“I don’t care who started it!” she barked, her eyes burning with rage. “Get out!”
Sokka opened his mouth to oppose, feeling his entire body tense with the idea of being away from Y/N in such a moment, but didn’t get to as Aang took a hold of his arm and started to lead him towards somewhere else on the beach. Toph groaned in frustration before leaving in the opposite direction.
“You need to calm down,” Aang sounded serene while dragging his friend through the sand, “arguing is not going to get us anywhere. We need to be together right now to get through this.”
The Avatar turned to look at Sokka when he planted his feet in place, tears flooding his eyes. It almost seemed like Aang was telling him how they had to support each other through their upcoming grief.
He was going to lose her. Damn, he had probably already lost her. She was gone and she would never know.
“Sokka? Are you okay?”
“I—” he hesitated, trying so hard not to cry he could feel his head throb. “I don’t—,” he swallowed harshly, but the lump in his throat didn’t go away, “I can’t lose her, Aang,” his voice cracked miserably and he gave up on holding back his heartache, letting the tears fall down his face. A sob wrecked his body and a hint of understanding went through Aang’s eyes, the smaller boy coming closer to hold his forearms.
“You’re not going to lose her, Sokka. Katara is going to fix it and she’ll be okay.”
“No, she won’t,” it was getting hard to breathe between his cries, but if felt better than pretending everything was okay, “she’s gone. And I—I think I’m in love with her, and she’ll never know. She’ll die and she’ll never know.”
“This is what happens every time I have feelings for someone. I lost Yue and now Y/N too.”
“Sokka, your feelings for Yue weren’t responsible for what happened to her. She told you not to be afraid of love, remember? I’m sure she is proud of you for moving on and falling in love with Y/N, and if we lose Y/N, your feelings will not be to blame either. But we won’t, okay? Katara is going to save her, I promise. She will be fine and you will be able to tell her how you feel. Do you understand?”
Sokka felt himself crumble in pain, another sob escaping his lips as Aang hugged him tightly. He cried loudly, holding onto his friend for dear life.
“Y/N will be okay, Sokka. She is strong and she would never leave us like that, okay? Never. I promise.”
When Y/N opened her eyes, it was already dark. A tent had been put up around her, but she noticed the cold night breeze even before she saw the starry sky. 
She took notice of the neat bandages covering her stab wound. There was a soreness to her every movement, but the searing pain from before was gone. She exhaled deeply and tried to sit but quickly gave up at the ache that formed in her ribs. Lying on the sand, she breathed slowly.
“Y/N?” she turned her head towards the direction of who was calling her and found Toph’s grey eyes. The small girl seemed tired, rubbing the sleep of her eyes and furrowing her eyebrows as she called again, “Y/N, are you awake? I thought I heard something.”
“Hey. I’m awake,” she smiled softly, moving her arm the tiniest bit just so she could touch her friend’s leg. 
Toph immediately gave her the biggest smile, jumping up from her spot sitting down to try and hug her friend carefully, “Never do that again, you idiot!” a weak chuckle escaped Y/N as she tried to hug back, but it hurt too much. Toph didn’t mind. “You got us all so worried! Aang went crazy trying to keep everyone calm, Katara cried a whole lot, and Sokka got so nervous he screamed at me. He apologized, though, so I’m not angry at him anymore,” Toph widened her eyes in realization, “I have to tell them you’re finally awake! Wait here, I’ll come back in a second. Try not to get stabbed in the meantime.”
Y/N giggled at her words, sighing as she found herself alone in the tent. For a second, she let herself wonder: she wouldn’t be up and about for a while, that much was obvious. However, Team Avatar couldn’t deal with that kind of liability and she asked herself what they were going to do about it.
Aang was the first to arrive, hugging her so tight Katara started screaming at him to be mindful of her injuries as soon as she reached the entrance. They spoke briefly about the gravity of her wound and Katara scolded her for not telling them she had been stabbed sooner while Aang and Toph bit back their laughter.
“Y/N?” Sokka’s hoarse voice was enough to make silence ring through the tent, the bags under his eyes dark and unmissable. Y/N met his blue eyes, her heart clenching painfully when she noticed the bare sadness inside them. 
Katara cleared her throat, grabbing Aang and Toph gently and steering them outside, “we’ll be handling the supplies if you need us!”
“What? I want to stay with Y/N!”
“Spirits, Toph, shut up.”
The Fire Nation girl smiled at the arguing outside, averting his trained gaze. An awkward quiet settled between them — Y/N didn’t know exactly why there was such a heaviness to the air they shared, but it was too clear to ignore.
“I—” he hesitated, a crack to his words as he closed his eyes tightly. “You really scared me today.”
Y/N tried to sit up, frowning from the pain. Sokka immediately knelt down next to her to help and it felt too much like the night he first woke her up from a nightmare, saying soft words and treating her nicely. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, holding onto his forearms for support, “I didn’t exactly mean to.”
“I know,” he muttered in response, sitting down in front of her. She crossed her legs under her and they stared at each other for a few moments, thick tension surrounding them. She couldn’t help but notice how close they were to each other, so close she didn’t have to lean in too much for their lips to touch. Slowly and unsurely, Sokka brought his hand up to put a lock of hair away from her face. Her stomach fluttered at the touch and Y/N sighed happily. “I was just afraid.”
She blinked in soft confusion that made his insides bloom with butterflies, “afraid of what?”
“Of losing you.”
She smiled, “You know Katara would heal me, Sokka.”
“I care about you very much, Y/N,” the words stumbled out of his mouth while she stared, “more than I probably should, but I do. You,” he shook his head, hesitantly taking his hand away from her face and wiping the tears that had escaped his eyes, “you mean a lot to me.”
His heart seemed to burn while she took his hand in hers, squeezing it delicately, “you mean a lot to me too.”
He exhaled deeply, frustrated to no end. “No, Y/N. You don’t understand. I—damn, I don’t even know how to say this.”
“I get it.”
“You don’t. You have no idea how broken I was just by thinking of not having you around anymore. I was so scared. I thought I would never be able to tell you how I feel about you,” he let out a shaky breath before leading his eyes back to her face, “I really like you, Y/N.”
“I really like you too.”
He groaned, “no, Y/N. I mean that I like you.”
“Yes, I understood that much.”
“No, I mean I—” he was interrupted by her soft lips on his, moving so gently he was sure he could die from the sheer tenderness of it all. Sokka was fast to kiss her back, bringing his fingers up to hold her jaw while her hands went up to his hair, a sharp pain running through her body at the movement and making her hiss. He moved away instantly, but her arms held him close. Their noses were still touching and they breathed heavily, eyes trained on each other.
She smirked, “is that what you meant?”
He chuckled weakly, rubbing circles on her jaw fondly with his thumb, “yeah. You’re way better at confessions than I am.”
Y/N threw her head back in laughter and he grinned at her happiness, “why, thank you.”
The couple gazed at each other, eyes sparkling with love. She sighed before leaning in and giving him a quick peck, giggling when his lips followed her blindly as she distanced her face from his. Sleepiness was catching up to her from the exhaustion of being hurt.
“Come on, waterboy. Lay with me.”
Sokka helped her lay back down, lying beside her and feeling his cheeks flush with delight when she snuggled up to him, getting into a comfortable spot with her head placed on his chest. He carefully positioned his hands on her waist, stroking her side absentmindedly. Her eyes fluttered close with satisfaction.
“Did Katara ask about your scar?”
“Not really. I think she was too worried trying to save me from death and all that.”
“Oh, I’m sure she was.”
She grinned, moving to play with his hair and exhaling contently, “I’m glad you’re here.”
He tightened his hold around her, warmth coating his every touch, “so am I, firegirl. So am I.”
In that moment, Y/N cared for nothing but the way his skin felt on hers and the sound of his heart beating under her ear.
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so I asked @azucanela​ @beifongsss​ and @sokkascroptop​ on anon if I could tag them when this was done and they said yes so here it is? please give me honest criticism I have no idea of what I’m doing and I admire you all very much thank you!!
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akakeiiji · 4 years
could you do a scenario for tsukishima where the reader is good friends with kuroo and at training camp kuroo tries to set tsukki up with the reader every chance he gets? maybe the reader is a manager at nekoma or karasuno? thank you! (*'▽'*)
I kinda went overboard with this one hehe, I just love Tsukki and Kuroo too much, I couldn’t help it (Also i added a bit of Kuroken bc I have no more self restraint apparently)
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-`,✎ A Little Push — Tsukishima Kei
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: None ♥︎ 
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Even after years of knowing Kuroo, you still couldn't understand the inner workings of that brain of his. He was still as unpredictable as he was in middle school when you first met him.
You could still remember your first encounter with him. You were a timid first year roaming around the crowded corridors, trying your best to remain as out of the spotlight you could, when this ginormous third year suddenly showed up by your side, shoving a poorly drawn volleyball poster into your face, scaring the living daylights out of you.
Despite the...subpar first impression, Kuroo somehow managed to rope you into becoming the volleyball club's manager. He used a multitude of tactics that ranged from begging to bribery and essentially pestered you into giving in. You’d never tell Kuroo else his ego would inflate astronomically but becoming the team’s manager was one of your best decisions in junior high. You met your best friends that year and you still keep in contact with them even after they all graduated. So it wasn't all too surprising that you continued being a volleyball club manager into your first year of high school.
It was also Kuroo who pushed you into enrolling in Nekoma, he was so insistent on it, constantly sending you pictures and articles about the school. He tells you it's because the volleyball team really needs a manager, which is true to an extent, but you both know it's because he missed having you around.
Ever since you met Kuroo, he basically adopted you, he was akin to an annoying older brother. He'd always follow you around, making sure you ate your meals, teasing you, and most annoyingly, making sure no boys even breathed in your general direction. You supposed it was sweet at first and proved useful at times. You didn't have to bother with the advances of other boys in your year and such, but it started becoming a nuisance when your male classmates wouldn't even dare approach you in case they incurred the wrath of your supposed "boyfriend".
Despite that, Kuroo was still as protective of you as ever, even after he graduated he'd visit you and Kenma from time to time, where he'd make sure no one was trying to steal your heart and break it (in his words, not yours). You knew he had your best interests at heart but he didn’t have to be so incessant. It felt as if he wouldn’t stop until you joined a convent.
So all this considered, it was rather odd when Kuroo began talking about Tsukishima Kei every chance he could when you were around. A sly tone always laced into his words, making it evident that he had something planned, which doesn’t always end well considering that this is Kuroo we’re talking about.
Tsukishima this, Tsukishima that. It was almost as if he was the one with a crush and not you.
Did he find out? You thought to yourself in fear after Kuroo mentioned Tsukishima for the fifth time that day. You almost dropped the towels you were holding as you stared wide-eyed at the male.
You didn't expect to find yourself silently crushing on Karasuno's middle blocker, it was really only supposed to be a short-lived infatuation, you barely knew him after all, you shared at most 10 words with him during Karasuno and Nekoma’s practice matches, but you couldn’t help but find yourself drawn to his quiet demeanor and stoic personality. You always find yourself thinking about what kind of person he must be beneath all that.
Regardless, Kuroo could not find out about your crush, no matter how small it may be, you wouldn't hear the end of it.
"Tetsu, why have you been talking about Karasuno's middle blocker so much?" You asked, feigning nonchalance as you filled the empty water bottles for the rest of the team.
"What do you mean?" He asks in a tone that says: oh, I definitely know what you’re talking about.
"You mention him a dozen times a day, and it's getting annoying, you're like a broken record."
Kuroo dramatically places his hand on his chest and puts on a pained expression. “How could you say that to me when I'm just trying to help you?”
"Help me? What do you mean?" You never got an answer to your question though because as Kuroo was about to respond, Yamamoto bursts into the room calling for Kuroo to come back to the gym and the subject was dropped, later forgotten by the two of you after an onslaught of games and exams filled your schedules the following week.
You concluded that Kuroo was probably just messing with you, he always did have an odd sense of humor, so you didn't think much of the situation until the summer training camp.
A loud voice suddenly called out your name from behind you, pulling your attention away from the other managers who you were speaking to. You turned to see Kuroo waltzing over to you, his arm draped over the shoulders of a disgruntled Tsukishima, who he seemed to be forcibly dragging with him.
"Kuroo-san, let–go–"
“You remember Tsukishima, right?" He asks you cheerfully, completely ignoring the blonde's plights. You shot a dark look at Kuroo, just what was he up to?
“Erm, yes. Kuroo, what are you doing—?” Kuroo then interrupts you by pushing Tsukishima towards you. He almost knocks into you, just managing to stop himself from stumbling onto you.
You look up to find yourself only a few inches away from him, you immediately flush as you take a few steps backward, trying your best to calm the rapid beating of your heart.
You failed to notice the tinge of pink rising on the blonde’s features.
“Fun fact: Tsukishima is single!” Kuroo exclaimed, patting the appalled blonde on the back. You two guffawed at him, unable to say anything in response.
You and Tsukishima shared looks of equal shock and confusion.
“Kuroo—” You begin in an angry tone when you find your voice only to find him gone, the room was empty except for you and Tsukishima.
You two stared at each other once again, awkwardly, the silence in the room growing increasingly stifling the longer you two stood there.
You rocked on the ball of your feet as you said “So…”
“So.” Tsukishima repeated, adjusting his glasses.
“Do you have any idea what that was about?” You asked, laughing nervously. Tsukishima simply shook his head in response.
“No clue.”
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Over the course of the training camp, Kuroo’s attempts at setting you two up only grew bolder and bolder. You had no idea why he was so unrelenting in his efforts. His most valiant attempt was when he tried locking you and Tsukishima inside a broom cupboard.
In the end, it was a disgruntled Kenma who found you two banging at the door of the cramped room. You had been trapped in there for almost an hour.
You almost strangled Kuroo that day.
Still, he didn’t stop. In fact, he only grew more determined.
You and Tsukishima could only share exasperated looks with one another whenever Kuroo tasks you two with a job only one person could do or whenever he makes comments about how compatible you two are. You two had already grown used to his antics and made a silent agreement to just go along with him.
Surprisingly enough, you had formed an unlikely friendship with the blonde, sure, it did primarily consisted of running away from Kuroo or complaining about him but it was a friendship nonetheless.
During the times when Kuroo made you two run errands around the camp (read: abusing his role as an upperclassman), you two would chat along the way. You were surprised to find Tsukishima more sarcastic and snarky than you originally expected. You always pegged him as the quiet, respectful type like Akaashi perhaps, but he was actually more like a subdued version of Kuroo.
This didn’t bother you though, in fact, it made you even more curious of the blonde.
It irked you how Kuroo was getting exactly what he wanted because you could feel your crush growing stronger as the days went by.
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You supposed that maybe you should thank Kuroo.
Without his efforts, albeit absolutely ridiculous ones, you would never have been able to get closer with Tsukishima. You reckoned, you would have never had the guts to actually approach him without seeming like a creep.
But you still felt guilty about the fact that Tsukishima was dragged into all this against his will.
You were dragged out of your thoughts when Kuroo frantically called out your name.
“I need a favor—no, no come back, this is serious!” He added pleadingly as you turned your back to walk away again. “Kenma’s sick.”
“What, why?”
“He ate too much pie earlier,” Kuroo answered dejectedly. You rolled your eyes.
“I told you not to give him the whole pie, you spoil him too much, Tetsurou.”
Kuroo groaned, rubbing his face. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.” It amused you how Kenma had his boyfriend wrapped around his finger, but it was bound to backfire eventually.
“Can you run to the convenience store and get some medicine?” He asked, digging into his pocket for his wallet. He gave you some cash and a list of medicine and sports drinks.
“—he doesn’t like the orange Gatorade so get blue ones if you can—oh, Tsukki, hey!” Kuroo had spotted the blonde as he was walking along the hallway behind you, cutting off his long list of instructions. He shot him an irritated look but approached you two anyways.
“Are you going somewhere?” He asked you, completely ignoring Kuroo, noting how you were putting on your Nekoma High jacket.
You only began briefly explaining everything when Kuroo butt in. “You should go too, Tsukki.”
“No, Kuroo, stop it. It’s fine, it’s getting late anyway, you should just go to bed, Tsukishima—”
“No, Kuroo-san is right, I should go with you. It isn't safe at this hour.” Tsukishima reasoned.
Kuroo momentarily forgot his worry for Kenma and shot you two a sly grin, giving you two knowing looks. When Tsukishima left to grab his jacket, you immediately turned to Kuroo and smacked his arm.
“Tetsurou!” You hissed. He merely grinned as he rubbed his abused bicep. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m not doing anything!—Ow! Okay fine, you maniac.” He yelped as you sent another smack to his arm. “You two just needed a little push.”
“He doesn’t even like me, Tetsurou, just stop it already.”
He blinked incredulously at you, evidently confused. “What do you mean, isn’t it obvious that—”
A familiar voice suddenly called out your name, Tsukishima was waiting for you by the top of the stairs leading down to the first floor. You quickly zip up your jacket and run towards him, waving goodbye to Kuroo.
Kuroo simply shook his head as he watched your retreating figure. “Kids these days.”
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“You really didn’t have to come with me you know.” You repeated as you and Tsukishima left the relatively empty 7-11, a plastic bag filled with two sports drinks and medication, in Tsukishima’s hand.
“No, it’s fine. Besides, I wanted to go with you.” Tsukishima stated and your heart fluttered. Did he want to spend time with you? “Hinata and Kageyama were fighting again, I needed to get away from the stupidity in the room.”
Your heart sank just as quickly as your hopes were raised.
Regardless, a comfortable silence fell between the two of you as you walked back to the school, a big change from your first encounter just a few days ago, it’s funny how comfortable you two have gotten in such a short time.
The silence was broken though when Tsukishima suddenly cleared his throat. “I think I have to apologize to you.”
You tilted your head in curiosity. “Oh?”
“I didn’t want to tell you this but—” He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “The reason why Kuroo was acting so weirdly was because I asked him about you before during the past training camp.”
It took a few seconds before this registered in your head. Tsukishima avoided eye contact with you, looking at anything except you.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean—ugh, do I have to spell it out to you word by word?” He grumbled, evidently flustered.
Then it clicked.
Your eyes grew wide as you spoke out loud. Stopping midstep as you turned to face Tsukishima. “Do you…like me?”
At these words, Tsukishima grew even redder than before. He averted his gaze as his hand went up to cover his mouth.
“Yeah—maybe.” He croaked out.
You felt your chest swell with elation at these words. You definitely had to thank Kuroo now, and perhaps give him a few punches for not telling you anything. You couldn’t fight the smile from spreading on your face.
“Don’t laugh!” He exclaimed at your reaction, embarrassment making his ears turn red.
“I’m not laughing! I’m just really happy.”
A burst of courage suddenly filled you as you walked up to him, taking the plastic bag from his hands and pulling him down to place a peck on his cheek.
“I like you too, Tsukishima.”
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blazedgraysons · 4 years
virgin reader giving grayson a bj
a/n: i promise i’m working on requests, my life has just been incredibly busy along with me working on the no nut fic and some other exciting things for y’all!! anyways thank you for the request angel, hope you like it🤍🤍
warnings: first-time bj’s, lack of communication between these two, and grayson having a bit of innocence kink if you squint
this is a continuation of this request. you don’t have to read it to understand what’s going on here (but you should read it anyways bc it’s kinda good lmao)
If you were to list your worst moments when it came to love and dating, your first blowjob had to be near the top.
It was high school, junior year with some football player named Chad Daniels. You both were at a party, and honestly, the whole experience was less than extraordinary.  It only took two seconds before Chad immediately tried facefucking you. All you could remember is the pain you felt from gagging and choking and almost instantly pushing him off of you.
Needless to say, it wasn't your favorite activity nor something you were that desperate to try again. Until Grayson.
It wasn't like you were dumb; you knew how much guys love getting their dick sucked. And with Grayson doing everything he can to please you, you wanted to return the favor.
You had planned to wake him up with morning head after that first time he ate you out, something cute, intimate, and if you're honest, probably very ambitious for your first time.  
However, any worries you may have had were proven to be completely unnecessary when you woke up to Grayson licking into you. You jerk roughly awake, legs only staying in place due to Grayson's firm grip. It doesn't take long before your scream of surprise turns into moans, growing louder when you watch your insanely cocky boyfriend wink at you.
"Grayson, what the- what the fuck?" You softly moan out the last part, shuddering at the way he starts sucking on your clit.
He pops up, a cheeky grin on his face and lips red and shining.
"Morning!" He goes back down and continues working you higher and higher to your orgasm. It doesn't take long, melting under Grayson's touch. He watches your face, his expression star-struck, and just so fucking in love as he sees how he just made your body fall apart.
"You couldn't wait until after breakfast?"
"Angel, that was my breakfast." He kisses you softly, leaving you dazed as he walks to the bathroom.
It started to become a drug for him; Whether he was stressed, happy, or even just bored, Grayson was beginning to find a new home in between your legs. And with him dropping to his knees more and more, it only furthered your desire to do the same.
You started to notice. He would eat you out, make you cum, and then leave to go take care of himself. It was an annoying pattern that was being formed, but no matter what, he wouldn't let you do anything about it.
"Step-by-step, remember? This is about you." was always his answer, and while you appreciated his devotion to your pleasure, you were starting to crave him. Crave the weight of him in your mouth, the heady taste, and most of all, the visual of him cumming from your doing.
If you were ever going to take this any further,  you needed to figure out how to show him that you're not just doing this out of an obligation, but because you absolutely desire to make him feel as good as he does to you.
So you follow his advice and take it slow. You start with light brushes, lingering touches on his chest and thighs, flirty glances. Grayson notices; he makes a few quips about how touchy you've become but ultimately believing it's the result of the two of you taking your relationship further. You move on to suggestive comments, openly making jokes about blowjobs and talking about his dick. If he notices, he doesn't say anything, just laughs and shakes his head, playing it up for the vlogs.
You sit on his lap when the car is too crowded, he moves you so you're not directly on him; you suck a lollipop in front of him, he goes into another room to "finish editing." It was almost as if the roles had reversed, him now being the one to run away. You were starting to feel frustrated, thinking he was getting some twisted joy from seeing you so flustered.
So you decide to approach it head-on, bluntly asking him during lunch,
"Why won't you let me suck your dick?"
He chokes on his sandwich, staring at you, shocked.
"Angel, what?" He dramatically coughs out, and you roll your eyes at the theatrics.
"Why won't you let me suck your dick?" You enunciate, speaking slowly while raising an eyebrow. He just stares back at you, not speaking or moving before going back to his food.
"S'fine, Y/N. I can take care of myself. This is about you." He doesn't look at you when he speaks, more preoccupied with his vegan BLT (which he made so you know it can't be that damn good)
You pout, pushing your food around with your fork. It's the same response he's been giving, and at this point, you're worried you might snap if you don't get a real answer.
"Are you seriously trying to tell me that whatever you're doing with your hand is better than my mouth?" He takes a sharp breath, pushing his plate away from him.
"Enough, Y/N. I don't want to talk about it.".  If you were stupider, you would've dropped it, let him continue with his lunch, and let him go at his own pace. But you were becoming worried, wondering why he would shut you out instead of opening up.
"Gray," You move to sit next to him, playing with one of his hands as you continue. "You told me all you want is for me to be honest with you. Can you please do the same?" He sighs, taking a moment before answering,
"I'm just scared that once we start, I won't be able to stop. It's not that I don't want you to, it's just— I don't want to lose control and ruin anything for you." Whatever you were expecting couldn't have prepared you for that, and honestly, you were a little surprised. Selfishly, your fears were centered around your own insecurities: that Grayson didn't think you were good enough to, that he wasn't attracted to you, etc. As usual though, Grayson shocked you with how his universe seems to entirely revolve around you and your happiness.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. That was stupid." Grayson takes back, scared that your silence is one of fear or disgust. You place a hand on his arm, moving closer.
"Amour, don't apologize." You kiss him lovingly, feeling soft over how sweet your boyfriend can be. You pull away, kissing his cheek before continuing.
"Us taking this slow isn't just for me — it's for you too. And you know that whatever you want to do, I'm obviously down for as well" He smiles stupidly.
"Yeah. But believe me, you've been making me feel really good lately." He perks up at that.
"And I really, really, really want to make you feel good too." You take his hand, leading him to the couch. His eyes follow your every move, not wanting to miss a single thing. You kiss him again before pulling away quickly, a thought coming to your head.
"You're gonna have to help me. I haven't done this that much." He nods rapidly, pants growing tighter with every word. He doesn't have exact words to describe it, but there's something so hot about the innocent look on your face, the way you're looking at him wide-doe eyes and waiting for his instruction. Something so pure about the knowledge that you still held onto so many of your first, yet so sinful that he was going to be the man to ruin that. You lightly lick your lips as you put your hair up, and Grayson's mouth goes dry at the movement.
"I'm pretty sure I've dreamt about this before."
"Let's hope I live up to the standards." He groans lowly as you sink to your knees.
"Trust me, you're already pretty close." His heart sinks when you rest both palms above his knees, and he can tell he's working himself up. After going a while without doing anything remotely sexual, the slightest touch sends little shockwaves straight to his dick. If the anticipation meant anything, he would probably cum the second you actually touched where he needed you most.
You unbutton his pants, sliding them down with his help. You stare at how his boxers are already tented, forming a nice bulge. Already you're feeling overwhelmed, not sure where you want to start first while just wanting to show him how much you adore him.
You watch as he slides his boxers down, and your mouth starts watering. Grayson obviously radiates big dick energy, that's no secret to anyone, and you've seen him freeball in grey sweats enough times to at least have an idea of what he's working with. Seeing the real thing, however, has you more turned on than you've been before.
"So big," You whisper, and Grayson's sure he could cum then and there from the awestruck look on your face. You kiss his upper thigh, right next to his medusa tattoo, before tentatively kissing the tip.
"Angel, please." He could cry, finally having you where he wants you, but not doing enough to relieve any of the tension he's feeling. He knows you're not teasing, not even entirely sure of what you're doing to him, and while he's usually not a beggar, he'll do whatever it takes to finally get you on him.
You nod, growing wet at his soft pleas before licking from his base to his tip. You take him into your mouth, sucking the head while watching Grayson's head fall back onto the couch. You lean back a little, spitting before taking him back in your mouth, going further than before. You continue that for a minute, bobbing your head slightly. You moan softly at your boyfriend's blissed-out expression, eyes glazed over as he looks at you sucking him off.
"Your hands, angel —use them. Please," He moans out the last part, having already added your hands the minute he said the word. You stroke up and down the part that can't fit, experimentally twisting them.
You're drooling now, covering both your chin and his dick, and honestly, your jaw is starting to hurt, but the look on Grayson's face is more than enough to keep going.
"Wait, off. Angel, get off." You pull off of him, scared that you've done something wrong. One hand is still lightly jerking him off while the other rests on his upper thigh.
"Gonna —gonna cum. Didn't want to in your mouth." He's breathless, panting to calm himself down from how you've worked him up. You push the hand away that is moving to replace yours and start sucking again.
"You're okay with that?" He questions and you nod as best you can, humming happily. Between the vibrations, how wet your mouth is, and the way your hands are moving, Grayson is done, cumming with a silent moan and eyes closing.
You take every drop, swallowing before pulling away to jerk him slowly. You watch with big eyes as he twitches and slightly jerks in your hand, riding the after waves of his orgasm. Once you feel he's finally done, you move up to sit next to him.
"How was that?" You're genuinely curious, wanting to know if it was as good for him as you thought.  He opens his eyes, pupils blown and breath still a little ragged.
"Perfect." He kisses you deeply, shivering slightly when he tastes himself. "You're fucking perfect." He moves his hand lower, already reaching for your shorts, but you stop him.
You're tired, exhausted really. So you take him to bed, silently suggesting a nap, unaware of Grayson's self-promises to make you feel twice as good when you wake up.
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Hey was wondering if I could get something for lookism characters with an older s/o, like they're 3-4 older. Please do goo, Jake kim and Scott kwon.
Good luck with the blog🤩🤩🤩
Goo Kim
When you get into the relationship, of course he knows ur age and that you’re a few years older than him, and at first he doesn’t mention it but once ur like just a little bit closer he’s probably gonna poke fun at the fact
Because there’s nothing wrong w u being older it’s just that in all the stereotypical or general movies or shows or books it’s like the older person in the relationship is usually the like stronger or more providing person ends up being the oldest in the relationship and ur not useless in the relationship at all but he’s out there like killing ppl and raking in thousands a day at like 19 😭
If ur walking around in public and someone stares at u for a little longer or one of the ten geniuses is looking at u just casually he’ll get up in their face and b like “whaaat?! Do you know who you’re staring at? That’s your elder over there!! Show some respect!!”
He definitely sends u cringy texts like “how’s my favorite 21 year old 😍😍😍😍” and it’s clearly somewhat condescending but he means it endearingly simultaneously
If u don’t know something that he asks u he’ll raise a brow and go “really? A four year head start and u can’t tell me that 🤨” and it’s all good fun but he’s always gonna say stuff like that
And this is all unprompted, if he knows ur actually kinda like insecure for whatever reason that ur older than him, maybe bc he’s already getting cash like crazy at his age, he’ll either start making fun of u relentlessly OR if ur serious about it he’ll cut it out of course and never mention it again. He might try to make u feel better by being like “don’t worry!! Physically and mentally im probably years older than you 😘” and it doesn’t really make u feel better probably but he kind of tries
It’s honestly no big deal to him what ur age is, but if he knows u don’t like him mentioning it so much he will bc he likes to be annoying LMAO and whenever u accomplish something he’ll be like “did u see what my s/o did?! My 21/22yr old s/o?! At their old age they’re still kicking it!!” And ur in NO means old but he just wants to strike a nerve in u and fight in public for fun
But when u put him joking about it aside, it really doesn’t mean anything in the relationship honestly. He doesn’t feel like there’s a certain way for things to go nd just goes about things normally, and he doesn’t really see people older than him as wiser or anytning so he’s not gonna like go to you for advice or ask you to figure things out for him just bc ur older
And honestly u don’t even need a job anymore bc ur gonna b together for a long time and he makes SOOO much money so if u hate ur job or college u have the opportunity to do what u want in life without worrying ab the pay bc he makes it all for u
And yeah he’s pretty stingy w money besides being filthy rich but when or if u need it he’ll give it to u ofc and he wants u to pursue what u like too so he’ll even go to ur job or college and just inform them “btw (y/n) isn’t gonna work here anymore” for u and gets u a job as whatever u want. He beats up ur boss so u can get promoted or something but if u ask about it he’ll deny it anyways and it’s like who else would beat tf out of my boss and he shrugs
Or if u like ur current job or college he’ll threaten the school or ur boss LMAO and have them give u more money or make u pay less or promote u
Even tho ur older than him he sees himself as the like leader of u two ?? Like he’s a really joke-y guy on the exterior but behind the scenes he is doing all the like hard stuff so u don’t have to. Like he sees it as he helps u and if u never offer much help or advice he doesn’t gaf, it’s like he helps u and in return he gets u LMAO
If u like ur job or college, don’t wanna quit and don’t want him threatening ur superiors he is like the number one customer of u guys
Like if u r working retail or as a cashier he is always going to that store nd buying stuff nd funding ur business and he gets chairman choi to do so too
Or he’ll just buy ur company or college LMFAO and suddenly sales r booming and u don’t know why r ur classes r so much easier
Yeah ur older than him and the twelve geniuses but he doesn’t let u near them 😐 he doesn’t want u to be a part of that type of business and honestly keeps u away from it besides maybe gun bc he’s always around him but that’s it
Like he doesn’t want u anywhere near his business or that type of stuff and if ur curios about it he says “u will understand when ur my age” or something LMAO so u will stop asking. It’s like the 1 time he’s suddenly rlly serious
If anyone else mentions how ur older than him in a demeaning way he’ll def be mad it’s like HE can make fun of u but no one else can, like ever. He will fight them nd win even if it’s just on the street or something
He’s threatened like two of ur friends behind ur back bc they made fun of u once and u mentioned it LMAO
He makes u do taxes (does he even do taxes ????? LMFAO) but if he does he makes u do them bc suddenly he thinks ur so much smarter and wiser
If he’s in a rut and needs ur help and it’s something dumb like he lost something he’ll b like “cmooon ur so much smarter than me 😣😩 ur like 21 u would know this for sure” to make u do it and he uses flattery
None of the ten geniuses know ur name bc he’s tryna keep u safe lol
If ur ever in a situation somehow vaguely similar to one he’s in and he needs help on it he’ll ask u what u did, and if u say something surprisingly smart or wise he’ll be kinda surprised bc I feel like he’s cocky and doesn’t think others can help him that much but u do
But overall, it means nothing to him and it doesn’t matter how much older u r he’s still gonna feel like the protector
Jake Kim
It REALLY means nothing to him. Like he honestly never mentions it and ur like does he even know??? Bc a guy like him who’s like a leader of a whole enterprise type thing gang usually seems like he’d wanna be the elder in a relationship so ur like “... u know I’m like 4yrs older than u right?”
And he’s like “...yeah? Was that important or something?” And just blinks at u so ur like ... never mind
Honestly he probably makes u a bank account and puts money in it to surprise u on ur birthday or something like a little fund thing and he has a bank account on the side for u that has like thousands of dollars
If u ever feel bad or weird that ur older than him bc he is so successful and younger than u, he wonders why it even matters??? Who gaf??? And he’ll just hug u or something and is like pls don’t even worry about that... wth
If u ever feel petty bc he’s so much more successful than u bc it’s like when u have a hobby that u love and then a kid ends up being so much better at it than u but SO much worse bc he has like millions at like 19 💀 then he’s like okay but it’s OUR little enterprise now since we r together to assure u. He’s not cocky about it at all
But he won’t offer for u to join or try and help him out in making money even if he’s got to or it’s vital bc he also doesn’t want u involved w Big Deal at ALLLLLLL either, u could literally b like the smartest person in the world but once ur his s/o he probably doesn’t want u involved in his business at all
He does assume ur kind of wiser than him bc of ur age, so he’ll ask u for help or advice more often
Tbh regardless in a relationship he probably doesn’t leave any work for u to do like he does everything the financial stuff the living stuff everything so it doesn’t matter if ur older than him or if u see it as ur responsibility bc of that he’s still gonna bring in the money for y’all
Like he’s gonna take care of everything even if ur older so there’s no pressure for u to “act ur age”
Never brings up the fact that ur older than him, but maybe once in a fight it got bad and he yelled “ffs ur 21 u should know better than this!!” And that hurt ur feelings or something so from then on he just never ever mentioned it
And when others mention it he makes a cut throat motion like “stfu😡” bc he took it as u not liking ur age being brought up rather than u not liking it being held against u but it’s still kinda sweet how he tries to preserve ur feelings sm
If ur in college or something, he tries to help u w hw and stuff and he’s rlly educationally smart I think like he might’ve gotten bad grades but he understands quickly
And eventually he’s just doing ur hw for u LMAO
One time he probably accidentally wrote “Jake Kim” on the top of ur hw and u had to explain to ur professor why that happened
If u work, he probably also bribes ur boss or something to give u a raise and promotion or if u wanna move jobs but r scared of the low pay he feels like it’s a dumb fear bc he is clearly rich af, like u probably don’t even need a job 😭😭
Ur allowed to since ur in ur 20s legally but he doesn’t like or doesn’t let u go around casinos bc he’s seen firsthand how bad gambling is and he has the money to compensate if u ever get into gambling and lose a lot but he just doesn’t want u to feel guilty or get addicted
Like if u pass a casino and wanna go in and r like hey wanna check it out he just grabs ur hand and keeps walking and is like “let’s not” and probably asks u at one point to pls not get into gambling
If ur kinda petty bc he’s so much better at fighting than u despite being younger he’s like u don’t even need to fight I can literally do that for u???? Bc he feels like the only reason U would ever need to fight is to protect urself so if u wanna do it for fun he’ll teach u but doesn’t take it that srsly
He maybe made like one joke ab ur age or sent u a meme he saw ab relationships but u left him on read and it was just a bad joke or something but yeah overall he really refrains from bringing up ur age like ever 😭😭
He thinks ur insecure bc ur getting older or something and that’s y so he might start going like “looking youthful today 😀👍” every morning to u and ur like oh hehe thanks ????????
If someone else ever voices that they think it’s weird ur older than him he’ll fight them too like first he’ll go “(y/n), is this ur friend ?” Like he did w jiho and if ur like no he’s like oh :)) and then punches them or something
Doesn’t tell u stuff ab his business and ur like I’m 20-23 I can handle it and he just refuses anyways and will leave u in the dark bc yk won’t even risk it
Someone in Big Deal might be like “use ur s/o to help us work nd get money since they’re old they seem professional” he kicked them out immediately ur not touching that shit
But generally, he doesn’t care about it at all, and honestly just cares ab u and not ur age
Scott Kwon
He definitely uses u to get into places only ppl 20+ can enter LMAOO
He’ll have u walk in first and then slip in past u and if he gets caught he grabs u and goes “THIS is my s/o!!! They’re clearly of age, and I’m their s/o so clearly I am of age too 😤😤”
Ur banned from like 50 bars because of this like there’s a little “if these two come and ask u to enter their bar DO NOT LET THEM ENTER!!” Wall for y’all
He might try and hide in ur coat or something to get in but it never works
He definitely makes fun of ur age in a cocky way like haha... an older person wanted to get with ME. Little old me. And he feels like hot stuff bc of it for sure
Brags about it a lot like will take out ur photo and goes “u see this?? My s/o?? Yeah they’re in love w me and THREE YRS OLDER... hold ur applause guys” and it boosts his ego sm
He sends u scarily recent memes or jokes on the internet ab older s/o’s if there r any, and eventually when u go on his Instagram at least 1/3rd of his feed is just ageist jokes
If it really hurts ur feelings, he won’t tell any jokes ab it and won’t mention it ever again but will continue to utilize ur age to do things he can’t at age 18-19
He feels proud that he’s making sm money and is such a good fighter despite being younger than u bc he feels like it makes u look up to him so he’ll boast about it like he’ll punch something and go see that babe????? I can do that and I’m only 19!!! And ur like omg that’s so cooollll!!!!! <3 and his heart just swells
Pays for anything u want like buys u everything u ask for or just look at tbh, and also feels like u have no responsibility just bc ur older and seees himself as like the “leader” if the relationship and has a sense of duty to helping u and everything
Steers u away from trouble ASAP too it doesn’t matter if u can hold off on ur own, if he sees guys that just look mean he and u r walking the other way and ur like bro what?? And he just lies and is like I liked the sunset this direction or smmn and he doesn’t confide in u ab scary things
Bc yeah u can probably handle scary or threatening news but he’s not gna risk it regardless
If he’s rlly stressed ab something that can’t endanger u he won’t tell u that much ab it but might vaguely describe his predicament and looks to u for help and comfort and u just listen and he feels so much better afterwards and he’s telling u all this and ur just like mhm uh-huh :) and so he starts confiding in u more
But ruins it by going like “damn old ppl r good listeners 😆” and ur like STOPPPPPPP
Everyone in God Dog knows ur name age face and occupation bc he’s always talking ab u LMAO
When he was younger and didn’t have that much leniency with the law he made u his legal guardian so he can do what he wants and he tries to use u to get him to do stuf by pointing to u and going “they’re my legal guardian and they say I can drink all this!!” And ur like “no I absolutely do not???!!!!!” And he thought by doing that he’d get anytning but u prioritize his health 🙄 and he’s annoyed but secretly loves it and loves u doting on him nd worrying ab him and his well-being lol
In general, he rlly doesn’t care that ur older than him. His only big concern I. A relationship ever is how he can keep u safe bc he’s in pretty like tough stuff, and he’ll make fun of u but in all good fun and loves u sm
Thank you for the request, and thanks for the wish of luck <3 I’ll the my best w this blog!! I’m not that good at writing for Jake Kim, btw, because his character can kinda confuse me sometimes but he seems to be popular so I hope I get more requests of him so I can get his character down and write him properly. 💘I hope this was what u wanted 😭
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
ATEEZ vs. college
Pairing: - 
Genre: Headcanon 
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Swearing
Tumblr media
Fine arts major with performing arts minor
Has a slightly scuffed sleep schedule but it’s decent
But has a routine that he follows most of the time 
Always on time for class and pays attention like his life depends on it
Gets teased by Mingi a lot 
Shares an apartment with Seonghwa 
Covered the apartment in cute DIYs bcs he wants to make the place more homely
Spends his money on artisan coffee at the overpriced café on campus 
Teacher’s assistant 
He’s very patient when it comes to tutoring students
President of the performing arts club and is usually the director for plays bcs the professor in charge trusts him a lot
Usually sticks to traditional scripts but likes to go a little bit more original whenever he feels like it
Uses the same tote bag everyday (one he made himself)
Dresses in whatever he’s made himself because he thinks they’re cute and he wants everyone to see his creations
Has to wake the others up for class he complains that it’s annoying but he still does it even though no one asks him to
Practically lives in the fine arts building bcs he’s there all the damn time until he has to go home
Finishes his assignments on time 
“Hwa, is this cute?”
“That’s not an answer, asshole”
Language and literature major 
Is the only one with a good sleep schedule
Has a routine he sticks to
Never late to classes but zones out sometimes when he’s really bored
Has to wake Hongjoong up whenever he pulls all nighters studying for tests
Works at the library because it’s quiet and he moves around a lot which gives him a lot of alone time 
Has to kick Yunho out a lot
Drinks expensive artisan coffee with Joong
Part of the nature club and has plants all over the apartment bcs he thinks they light up the place
Everyday is a different bag and all of them are super stylish and also seem to hold everything
Has to bring around things like tissues, bandaids, water bottles bcs he cares for his friends
Dresses well all the time even if he wakes up late 
Part of the campus heartthrob line
The entire campus fawns over him even the single professors
Spends most of his time reading books wherever he’s comfortable usually the park or whatever bench is the most calming
Finishes his assignments early and submits them early
“But hyuuuuuung”
“Yunho, if you don’t get your loud ass out of here—” 
Nutrition major with a dance minor
Does not have a fixed sleep schedule, he sleeps whenever he pleases 
His routine is nonexistent
He does whatever he wants whenever he wants but actually isn’t that reckless
He just doesn’t really have a routine
Late to class and also doesn’t seem to be paying attention because he’s preoccupied with a funny meme that Mingi sent him
Is usually the first to be awoken by Joong and always waits for his hyung to hang up because he doesn’t want to accidentally cut him off mid-sentence
Shares an apartment with Mingi
Drinks convenience store coffee 
Sometimes he visits the library just to tease Hwa usually gets kicked out by said man because he’s being loud
Works part time at a bakery where the owner hired him because she thought he was really sweet
President of the swimming club
Has one bag for everyday use and it’s the same black backpack with random pins on it
Wears cute fuzzy sweaters when it’s not hot and wears plain t shirts when it’s too hot for sweaters
Spends his time at the swimming pool with Mingi
Finishes his assignments right before the deadline
“Yunho, darling, how long have the muffins been in the oven?”
Computer science major
Does not give a single flying fuck
Sleeps whenever he wants
Does whatever he wants
No one ever sees him in class but he still gets good grades
Drinks at least 4 cups of cheap coffee everyday which makes everyone wonder how his heart is still alive
Even though he sleeps at any time, he always wakes up on time and never answers Hongjoong’s morning calls because he thinks it’s funny
Shares an apartment with Wooyoung 
He has a job but no one knows what it is because he’s never told anyone they just know it’s something he does online
Usually has to wake Wooyoung up
He just walks into his room and repeatedly calls his name until he wakes up leaves if Woo doesn’t wake up at all
Uses a simple black backpack with nothing on it 
No one on campus really knows anything about him because he strictly sticks to his circle of friends and no one ever sees him on campus unless he’s at club events or meetings
President of the robotics club 
Spends all of his time in his room when he’s not on campus
Dresses in smart casual outfits (blazers, slacks, sneakers, t shirts) 
Is never seen doing his assignments but he still manages to finish them on time 
“Woo, look  this robot I made”
“Holy shit, that’s so cool!”
“Be careful with it!” 
Majors in dance 
Also kinda doesn’t give a fuck 
Shares an apartment with Jongho 
Has the most fucked up sleep schedule 
He sleeps at like 7 pm right after classes and wakes up at 3 am (like his brain is programmed on another time zone)
Picks up Joong’s morning call whenever he feels like it
Comes to class on the dot but sometimes just doesn’t show up at all
President of the dance club 
Drinks whatever coffee he can get his hands on
Spends most of his time in the public dance studio and sometimes rents the private rooms because he wants alone time 
Dresses in t shirts and sweats because he wants to be comfy
Is part of the campus heartthrob line 
The girls, the gays and the theys are in love with him and love watching him dance
Volunteers at the local pet shelter because he wants to spend time with the cats 
Likes to go to invite himself into WooSang’s apartment where he bothers Yeosang who pretends he’s not there because he couldn’t care less 
Doesn’t have a bag 
He manhandles his laptop all over the place because he really doesn’t care that much his laptop is a beast tho it handles all the shit San puts it through
Finishes his assignments whenever he wants
“San, you should be nicer to your laptop”
“It’s fineeee” 
Medicine major 
Doesn’t ever seem to sleep 
Like ever
Disappears and reappears out of nowhere most of the time
Whenever he disappears, no one really knows where he is and he never picks up calls everyone thinks he’s finally sleeping
Because he’s always awake, Yunho always comes into his room to see Mingi either vibing or literally doing anything but sleep
Comes to class but is always doing something else
Prefers tea over coffee 
Always picks up Joong’s morning calls and greets him really loudly just to bully him 
Part of the swimming club with Yunho 
Works part time at the music studio because he likes being able to use the studios when there’s no bookings
Barely has to try to get good grades bcs his brain is so sexy big
Always filled with energy 
Is also really strong and quite unaware of his strength 
Dresses in v casual baggy clothes and always looks really comfortable
Uses his height to tease Joong and holds his coffee above his head 
Playfully wrestles Jongho regularly
Has a cute orange messenger bag that he uses all the time 
Finishes his assignments minutes before the deadline
“Whoever holds their breath the longest wins”
“Mingi, we’re not five”
“I don’t care, Yun. It’s fucking fun”
Culinary major
Is always asleep 
Bothers Yeosang during the day 
Has a very relaxed routine that he somewhat sticks to
Likes to break into Yeo’s room to bother him but usually gets a book thrown at him 
Wakes up to Joong’s morning call but likes to go back to sleep afterwards
Always in class but no one knows whether or not he’s paying attention
The neighbours know when he’s laughing but he doesn’t care because he’s happy 
Works part time at a café 
Refuses to give discounts to any of his friends because he tells them he won’t get money that way except for Yeosang bcs he has a soft spot for his best friend
Vice president of the dance club 
Dresses in casual layers (t shirts, loose button ups, jeans, sneakers)
Part of the hearthrob line
The girls, the gays and the theys love his laugh
Likes to drag San out of his apartment to do anything 
Has a cute pastel backpack that he takes a lot of care of bcs he loves it 
Spends most of his time in the culinary building bcs he wants to learn new recipes so that he can cook for his friends 
Does his assignments last minute and has missed the deadline a couple of times
“Yeosang, try this” 
“Mmm, can I spit it out?”
“You fucking—” 
Sports major with a vocal minor 
Also has a decent sleep schedule 
Drinks only coffee and protein 
Doesn’t have a routine unless it involves him going to the gym 
Early to class and pays attention most of the time
Wakes up on time so he answers Joong’s morning call just to say hi to both of his hyungs
Works as a personal trainer at the on-campus gym because he likes helping people work out
Asks San to sit on his back while he does push ups at home
The two of them are always working out together 
President of the wrestling club and the entire campus absolutely fears him 
Always wins wrestles against Mingi but only because he knows more technique Mingi thinks it’s not fair
His love language is aggression
Likes to playfully bully his friends to the point where even they’re slightly scared of him
Dresses casually 
Has a dark blue backpack that he’s had for years and is in need of a replacement
Spends most of his time at the gym or just working out in general if he’s not practicing singing
Finishes his assignments a day before the deadline 
“Make sure you’re not using your back when you’re lifting things”
“Dude, I don’t even know what muscles I use when I walk”
“You’ll figure it out” 
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janellion · 4 years
not to annoy you wahh but could i get head canons or scenarios (i’m always fine w/ what works best for u) w/ daichi, ushi, and either akashi or bo w/ a s/o who’s kinda clingy (physically if that makes sense) and just kinda in need did love yK? i do be needing to just be carried or sumn ngl i am ✨past my limit. and if that’s too many charas please just pick any !! - 🥺
anon you could never annoy me!! tysm for sending this in!! & thank you for trusting me to write this and hopefully brighten your day a bit 💗everyone needs love and extra attention sometimes, and that’s perfectly ok!! you deserve all the care and affection that you need to feel better  💗i changed the prompt a bit bc you mentioned you were feeling stressed? also i don’t like the term clingy so i switched it out! i hope you enjoy these!
hq boys comforting an s/o who is physically affectionate
ft. daichi, ushijima, akaashi + bonus! bokuto 
boys x gn!reader
wc: ~1.4k
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daichi is the type of partner that knows as soon as you’re upset and takes action immediately to address whatever problem is bothering you 
he notices because of the quiver of your lip, the extra shine in your eye from tears that threaten to spill, or the lingering hug you give him as he walks in the door 
he loves that you’re physically affectionate, and will return it at a moment’s notice 
if he feels your hand gripping his as he goes to get out of bed, your eyes pleading with him to stay with you for a moment longer, his face softens and he doesn’t hesitate before crawling back under the covers, his arms pulling you in as he rubs slow and gentle circles into your back 
when he gets home from work, maybe it was a long day and he’s tired, and he’s greeted by you at the door, your arms wrapped around his waist as you bury your face into his chest, he immediately wraps his arms around you, pulling you toward him as he buries his face into your hair and whispering, “i’m here, it’s okay” 
when he feels your hands move to his shoulders, your arms wrapping around his neck, he drops whatever’s in his hands in favor of gripping your legs, picking you up and carrying you to the couch or bed, laying you down and putting on your favorite show or movie before bringing you his your favorite sweatshirt and helping you tug it over your head 
he helps smooth your hair down as he gives you an affectionate smile, his hands going to rub gently at your arms, before he’s leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead 
if you’re on the couch, he’ll gently place your head in his lap, your cheek pressed against the fabric of his pants as his hand rests at your shoulder, his thumb rubbing small circles there to remind you -- i’m here and i’ll always be here 
ushijima is the type of partner who is there for you in any way that you need him to be 
his presence and support are constant and unwavering, and he shows you how much he loves you and cares about you in the little ways, each and every day 
but when you’re feeling anxious or upset, he pays particular attention to being receptive to the physical affection that you want to both give and receive 
if you’re sitting together on the couch, he’ll pull you into his lap, letting you settle in and rest your head against his chest, his hands going to rest around your waist, or play with your hands, gently turning them in his large ones 
when your hands wrap around his neck, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, or your head settling into the crook of his shoulder, he’ll lean into your touch, encouraging you to continue, knowing that in the past you may have shied away in fear of bothering him 
though he may not say it in so many words, ushijima loves the way that you crave physical attention, and does all he can to return it and encourage you to seek it as much as you desire 
when you come up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning your head against his back, he turns in your arms, his hands going to the small of your back as he pulls you into his chest, his head going to rest against yours 
he always waits for you to pull away first, never wanting you to feel like you’re bothering him with your affection because he truly adores it 
he has a hard time initiating it himself outside of small gestures like giving you his hand when he knows you’re anxious, or resting his hand on your shoulder or at the small of your back -- gestures to remind you that he’s always there to support you  
he is immensely grateful of the fact that you’re physically affectionate
every time your hand finds his, or your arms wrap around his waist, or you run into his arms, you give him the opportunity to show you how he feels, and he can’t help but fall a little more in love with you each time 
akaashi is an attentive partner and often knows you’re upset or anxious before you do 
when you want to initiate physical affection, he’s ready and there to offer it 
he loves how physically affectionate you are, as it gives him the opportunity to relax and stop worrying about the countless things that are running through his head and focus on his favorite thing: being with you
when he feels your fingers running through his hair, or the soft press of your side against his as you peer over his shoulder at the book he’s reading, he can’t help but smile, pulling you in and placing a gentle kiss to your forehead, his arms wrapping around you as he moves what he was working on in favor of directing all his attention to you 
for akaashi, like ushijima, it’s in the little things 
it’s being able to pull you close under the sheets at night as your back rests against his chest, his long fingers intertwining between yours as he brings your knuckles to his lips and presses gentle kisses to each one 
it’s wrapping his arms around your waist and tucking his head into your shoulder as you sit between his legs, a book or video game occupying your attention, but wanting more than anything to feel him there with you too 
he lives for these moments with you, when you lean into his touch, chase the gentle kisses he presses to your lips, or grab his hand when he’s not expecting it 
despite his quiet confidence, akaashi sometimes feels uncertain and insecure about your relationship and your feelings toward him 
it doesn’t happen often, but when it does, the way you reach out to him with the extra lingering hugs and the tight grips around his waist are all it takes to calm the pounding of his heart in his chest 
your touch and presence always remind him that you feel the same way about him as he does about you 
and when you’re in each other’s arms, heads pressed together and hearts beating in tandem, the world falls away and there’s no where else he’d rather be 
+ bonus! 
bokuto is easily the most physically affectionate out of this bunch 
if you’re not initiating it, he definitely is 
this ranges from silly things like linking your arm in his as you walk, him laughing and running as he pulls you to the next activity 
to more emotional moments, like sweeping you up in a hug, your feet leaving the ground as he calls your name excitedly after reuniting with you, whether it’s been a month, a week, or a day 
but when you initiate it, resting your head against his shoulder or cuddling into his side, he can’t stop himself from leaning into your touch, his entire body relaxing
regardless of the scenario, he adores the fact that you are physically affectionate
it never fails to send his heart racing and bring a smile to his face 
it’s a reminder of how perfect the two of you are together 
but more than that, it’s a reminder that he can be fully himself when he’s with you
he’s often struggled with being “too much” for people 
too loud, too weird, too excited, too enthusiastic, too affectionate 
but with you, he knows that he can never be too much
every time that you return his hug with one of your own, his arms tighten around you, firm but gentle, his head shaking slightly because he can’t believe how lucky he is to have you in his life 
bokuto always has something on his mind, and his thoughts and feelings seem to fly through his head rapidly and constantly 
but when he feels your hand on his arm, or your fingers intertwined in his, the only thing he’s thinking about is the two of you together in this moment 
and he takes the time to treasure them, from the way your skin feels pressed against his and the scent that’s uniquely you floating on the air to the gentle sound of your laughter 
it doesn’t matter where you two are or what you’re doing, his mind immediately calms and focuses on the most important thing in his life: you
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a/n: thank you so much for reading! and thank you to @deadontheinsidebut and @oyakags for your help and support 💗 also pls don’t mind my favoritism kjhds 
general taglist: @oyakags @cosmictooru @over5feettall @churochuu @achoohq @kuronekomama @anianimol @strawbirb @spriteandnicotine @megalodon-writes @makkihoe @stcrryskies @miel-meraki @deadontheinsidebut 
writing taglist: @sugacookiies @yams046 @well-imnotdead-yet 
if you’d like to be added to a taglist, pls lmk!
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chunhua-s · 4 years
congrats on your milestone event!!! id like to request for kita soulmate!au with angst to fluff genre 👉👈 yknow sumn rejection shit bcs im hopeless like that wehee once again congrats! and i love your writing style :3
anon you’re gonna make me cry 🥺 seriously i’m happy you enjoy my writing and that you think my style’s okay! most of the time i go off of what kind of feelings i get when i’m writing or the imagery that comes up in my head and i’m never sure that it translates well enough for you guys to feel or see the same thing. hopefully as i keep writing then i’ll be able to show you guys what’s on my mind better when i’m writing! thank you again for requesting — seriously, it means a lot! and like always, you guys, don’t be afraid to come and talk to me on and off anon! your interactions mean a lot, especially for content creators! we love hearing what you all think, what you like/dislike about our work, what you think of certain characters — absolutely anything! come and talk with us more whenever you can 💕
writing for kita feels calming somehow. normally the things that come up in my chest or my mind when i write gets nearly overwhelming if that makes sense? like i’ll have to pause and remind myself to breathe because it takes up so much of my attention that i kinda get lost, but with kita, it feels more flowey to me. it’s not demanding but more like a gentle coaxing kind of thing or like looking at the surface of a calm river. i was initially scared to write for him because i was worried i wouldn’t get him right, but i feel satisfied with how this turned out, i think. i hope you guys will find it as calming as i found it too! it might not be exactly what you wanted, but because i had already written the rejection of a person for atsumu’s soulmate oneshot, i wanted to play around with kita’s character and make it instead the rejection of a concept/idea? which would indirectly lead to him... you know, rejecting his soulmate initially, but— ahhhhhh it might make sense to just read it!! these rambles keep getting longer and longer :v i’m sorry for that!! please go ahead and read and tell me what you think in the end! 💕
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genre: angst to fluff
au: soulmate
warnings: none
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shinsuke kita is human.
and of course, that much is obvious. he isn’t a machine that’s incapable of feelings and emotions, whose heart is unfamiliar with melodies of an overwhelming joy, or the quiet hymns of deep rooted sadness. his skin still burns under righteous fury and anger, his tongue still weighs heavy under hesitance and silent worries. at the end of every long day, he’s still human.
it’s because he’s human that the words on his collarbone feel so heavy, as if they might cave into the bone and destroy him under their weight. it’s because he’s human that the sight of black markings in the mirror clouds his mind with a new kind of fear and worry. shinsuke kita is human, but he’s long since taught himself how to abandon anxiety and nervousness. he surrounds himself in familiar routines that calm the turbulent voices of doubt, he builds habits that ground him to the earth lest he should be swept away by the current. shinsuke has taught himself not to be afraid for the things that will happen everyday, but meeting his soulmate isn’t one of those things he can prepare for.
it’s a strange concept, he considers to himself. shinsuke doesn’t believe in words like fate or destiny, doesn’t care for the higher powers that should judge his actions. as far as he’s concerned, his own will is what dictates where his life goes — he’s in control, and that’s how it’s always been for him. let the gods watch, if they must, but he’s already decided that he’ll live by what is right, and he wouldn’t dare falter in the face of it. and yet — and it’s such a strange thing for him to do so — he pauses under the notion of a soulmate, of a destined partner who’s supposedly bound to him for as long as he should live. at first, he hadn’t given the idea much thought; it wouldn’t serve any purpose to worry about something that would happen whether or not he wants it, he decided. the truth of it is inevitable, just as the leaves must fall in autumn and the earth should be buried under clouds of white in winter. shinsuke is human — what more can he do but to accept it?
the black words that spread across his skin like droplets of ink became the bitter seeds of doubt that he hadn’t felt in a long time. it’s raining a lot today, isn’t it? the sentence by itself is so bland, like something maybe aran or anyone else might say to him in passing, and at first, it didn’t shake him too much, until he was caught one day under a sudden summer storm. seventeen year old kita somehow found himself stranded beneath a small shelter, where the wooden covering could protect him more than his umbrella until the rain passed. it was nearly unconscious, but he somehow found himself on edge, his breath faltered with the harsh pitter patter of rainfall that tumbled from green leaves and tore ripples from the surface of the lake. shinsuke kita found himself with a stomach full of butterflies and a thundering heartbeat that stole him away from solace and calm, cast the peace that he would so often carry with him away and left him stranded among chopping waves. every trembling breath he took stung on cold air and left him with a burning feeling on his lungs. it’s unfamiliar in its presence and shakes him to his core, but shinsuke kita is reminded of his own humanity when he realizes that what he feels, is anticipation and nervousness.
and it’s an odd thing. as he becomes aware of it, he finds himself twisting his fingers together during spring time; he worries his bottom lip between his teeth during unexpected showers. he feels like a child who stands in line to ride a roller coaster for the first time in his life — wide-eyed and drowning in the millions of feelings that race throughout his body. the feeling itself is nothing new, though it’s unfamiliar and intense in its ferocity and demand, seizes his heart and squeezes so tightly that whenever it rains, he’s left breathless.
it’s almost enough to drive him mad.
his very foundation seems to fall apart with the thunder that rolls across grey skies. for every drop of rain that hits the pavement, he finds himself a jittery mess as his heartbeat tears through his chest. the man who taught himself to abandon his fears reverts into the young boy who watched out for god, for the higher beings who watched his every move. and the thought that comes with every brilliant bolt of lightning burns him just as hotly, invasive and demanding when it flashes through his mind on a single, low whisper:
will you be happy?
shinsuke kita is human. he learns as he sees and lives as he’s learned, and what he saw growing up was that soulmates were bounded together till death do them part. a connection that’s set deep in stone, never to be erased by unforgiving weather and to persevere during the cruelest of storms. it’s an inevitable reality that the gods designed, so that mortals like himself should dance on stage and tell them a story. but shinsuke knows that not all these stories have a happy ending.
there are plays that end in tragedy and loss, those that only knew memories of pain and sang with death’s violin. man becomes the actor to a play that he has no choice in and dances on the puppet master’s strings, he surrenders control and gives himself up to the music, and he has no way of knowing the end of it until the curtains should fall. shinsuke has never been one to lay down his will, and yet, as winter melts once more into gray rain clouds and scattered showers, he’s reminded of his mortality, of the fate that’s been sealed away in the falling of rain. shinsuke kita is human, and so he must, like all men do, bend to fate’s will and never utter a word against her.
and for a long time, the sentiment caused him to completely reject the idea of a soulmate.
that feeling of helplessness that would wash over him with the rain turned into a bitterness that crushed his lungs between tightened fist. the acceptance of an inevitable waltz — whether it be to eternal happiness or to a cruel melody — turned into rebellious loathing that spat in the face of destiny. it’s entirely childish in its tale, like a toddler throwing a tantrum because he doesn’t want to give up his precious toy. that toy is his control, the power he had to live his life by his truth, not by that of a higher being. he’s human, after all, and humans are selfish and resentful by nature.
he finds himself with a heavy chest today, as well, as he waits for the pouring rain to subside. the small shelter in the middle of the garden park is familiar, and carries with it the memories of his epiphany, the one that created thunder storms in his once tranquil heart, and for that, he hates this place. the sound of the rain hitting the roof is like nails scratching against the chalkboard; the sound of droplets hitting the lake like an annoying whining that he can’t get out of his head. shinsuke curses this little pocket away from the world with all the childish anger in the world — let it be damned that doing so wouldn’t change anything. for once, he let himself go on a petty grudge against the universe, and against that looming stage and its heavy curtains.
it’s nearly faint, but he picks up on the patter-patter of footfalls that quickly approach him, and he turns bronze coloured eyes to find your rain-drenched figure running for shelter under the little gazebo. you’re out of breath by the time you make it underneath, letting out an exhausted and frustrated sigh as you press your hands to your knees, and shinsuke finds himself sympathizing with the way you bitterly push your hair from your face. you’re an ordinary office worker, from what he can see; you’ve hidden what looks to be a messenger back beneath your coat, leaving you to tremble in a thin button-up. this day’s downpour had been sudden, unexpected as spring would soon surrender to the approaching summer, and he imagines that he would have been in a similar position as yourself had he not packed his umbrella beforehand.
a silence settles over the both of you that’s only broken by the heavy rain, but the presence of it is so soothing that shinsuke finds himself breathing on a lighter air. suddenly the smell of petrichor turns sweeter, the melody of raindrops melting into a distant lullaby, and for the first time, shinsuke feels his heart melt under an indescribable sense of warmth despite the weather. and when your eyes turn to find his, a helpless grin on your lips, he feels that warmth explode under summer fireworks and coarse throhgh his veins like liquid lightning.
“it’s raining a lot today, isn’t it?”
for the second time in his life, shinsuke has an epiphany under the shelter in the garden.
he feels every bit of resentment vanish on a sudden gust of wind, one that sends raindrops splashing against his skin, but he doesn’t seem to notice. not when grey clouds suddenly reveal to him pillars of sunlight that embrace your figure and makes you glow against a background of green leaves. the rain turns into something sweet and enticing, and it suddenly gives shinsuke this unexplainable urge to grab your hand and dance with you underneath the pouring showers, where he can hear your voice ring out on chimes of laughter and innocent bliss. in mere seconds, he manages to let go of the dark clouds that he’d unintentionally harboured on his chest, he let them burst with the weight of anger and childish fury so that they would hit the earth on giant droplets of rain.
shinsuke kita is human — he’s imperfect, mortal. he feels and he thinks and he speaks what’s on his mind. he can hate, and he can love: he can make that decision on whether or not to hold useless grudges and to curse a destiny he can’t change, or to welcome that inevitability with the willingness to learn and grow.
today, as he stands beneath a wooden shelter, hiding from the heavy rains, he decides to stretch his hand out and let the water hit his skin.
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davi hits 200 followers — haikyuu!! au writing event! 💕
taglist: @aiiishiiiteru @bootylikepeachy @tsumue
send an ask to be added!
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