#reader x shingen
cottoncandy-cult · 6 months
I used a wheel to determine which guys I'd write for~
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"So…Why do you have a stranger's kid?…" (Y/n)'s lover stared blankly at her; a singular eyebrow quirked as he watched how she cradled a sleeping child to her chest. "One of my friends amongst the seamstresses is having to babysit her nephew because her sister is ill, since I've already finished all my commissions I offered to watch him for her." She giggled, gently brushing her fingers over the child's chubby cheeks. Her lover seemed skeptical about toting a kid around the castle, but because of how much fun she seemed to be having he had been willing to just let it happen.
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The large male chuckled from where he sat next to (Y/n), sipping his tea as he watched his lover settle the baby in her lap so that he was sitting up with his back against her torso. She was currently entertaining the baby with a puppet his aunt had brought from home for him, she was so focused on the giggling baby that she hadn't noticed Shingen's loving stare. At first, he wasn't sure about having an infant in the castle, but (Y/n) had handled every moment like a champ. Even the infant's cries hadn't been enough to frazzle her, instead she went about soothing him with a smile. The scene was enough to make him think, he had been with (Y/n) for some time now and since they were officially married the next logical step was a family. It wasn't something he had put much thought into previously, but seeing his wife playing with and taking care of this baby was enough to have him confronting himself over his own thoughts and feelings of the future. Shingen didn't come out of these thoughts until (Y/n) moved to sit beside him, the little baby giggling happily as its tiny hand grabbed hold of his sleeve. With a warm smile and large gentle hands, Shingen lifted the baby up to his level. "Not even 3 years old and you're a lady killer, what are you parents gonna do with you?" The baby giggled loudly as Shingen gently bounced him up and down, (Y/n) taking the moment of freedom to snag a skewer of mochi and begin digging into her own snack. "He really is adorable; his parents must have amazing genetics." (Y/n) giggled, watching her husband play with the baby boy was she ate her snack. She couldn't help but focus on her lover's grinning face, she took a good hard look at his features as she did her best to imagine him as a baby. She'd be lying if she claimed to have never thought about having a family with him, many early mornings were spent getting ready together and wondering how things would change when they had a child of their own. She couldn't help but gaze at the love of her life, wondering what he had looked like as a baby. Given how big Shingen was, she was confident he was the chubbiest of babies. A thought that made her cheeks flush as she smiled, the thought of having a chubby baby just made her happy.
Of course, Shingen had similar thoughts, especially when they walked through the Castel town and the children would recognize his goddess. The way they get so excited, wanting nothing more than to play and talk with the woman he loved. Sometimes he found himself daydreaming, wondering when the day would come that he'd be looking up from his desk to find his dear wife nurse the fruit of their labors. He's already worked out a few designs for some baby furniture, wanting to make it himself so he knew it was made right. He and his wife had discussed the baby furniture of the future before, the things she described gave him a lot of inspiration. "He's quite small, I was almost afraid to hold him at first." Shingen chuckled, resting the little boy on his leg and gently bouncing him. The large man couldn't help but chuckle as the little boy squealed happily, tiny hands gripping Shingen's sleeves as he bounced comfortably. "i know, it's been so long since I last babysat. When I first saw him, I was almost surprised he wasn't smaller, I forget sometimes they aren't as small as dolls." She giggled, reaching over to gently brush her hand against the thin layer of hair on the little boy's head affectionately. "Perhaps it's my height, but all babies seem absolutely tiny to me." Shingen chuckled, watching her give the boy some affection as she ate. "Probably, you are bigger than most other grown men so I can only imagine how little he must look to you." She giggled, putting down her skewer as she moved closer to Shingen and leaned into his side. She wrapped her arms around one of his, her head resting on his shoulder as she closed her eyes with a soft smile. Shingen could only chuckle, the little boy leaning back against his chest as he seemed to finally tucker himself out. "Now that's a good idea…" Shingen's low voice rumbled in his chest as he spoke softly, gently shifting the little boy to rest in his arm. "Since you finished your snack, why not come here and join me for a nap. The weather is wonderful." Shingen opened his arm, leaning back against the wall as his dear wife smiled at him and shook her head in mock-shame. "I suppose a nap won't hurt." She moved closer to him, slipping under his arm now and snuggled into him as she rested her head on his chest. Shingen had the boy cradled on his lap, leaning against his torso comfortably. It didn't take long for (Y/n) to sleep, Shingen had stayed awake a bit longer though. He wanted to enjoy the sight of holding his lover like this, looking down on the boy and that was how he KNEW it was about damn time he spoke to his wife about starting their family.
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Kanetsugu stood speaking before a crowd of other vassals, it was a pretty standard meeting so why were these men staring at the man of the house? Because sat on his hip as he spoke was a 3-year-old girl, she was awake but quite content with the gentle bouncing and the sound of Kanetsugu's voice. His wife had to run into town to buy some stuff, so he had offered to watch the little girl since he had nothing to do after this meeting was over with. The little girl had been absolutely smitten with Kanetsugu, lighting up every time she saw him in a way similar to how his wife seemed to brighten whenever he'd come home at the end of the day. It made Kanetsugu chuckle whenever he saw it, this little girl reminded him of both his wife and his younger siblings. He took great part in raising his siblings, he remembered when they were all little like this and those memories were quite dear to him. At the end of the meeting Kanetsugu made his way to the kitchen, paying no mind to the odd stares he got and the whispers that followed him down the hall. He wanted to get the little girl a snack, so he planned to fix her some peaches since they were soft and easy to eat. On his way there he noticed his lover on her way down the hall. She was coming from the direction of their room, meaning she had dropped off her shopping. The young woman's face lit up; he couldn't help but give a slight smile at how she rushed up to him with her own wide grin. "I take it the meeting is over? Thanks for watching her while I ran into town." (y/n) smiled, reaching out to playfully poke the little girl's side and listen to her giggle. They exchanged the little girl, who had smuggled into (Y/n)'s chest. No doubt the woman was a bit more comfortable to lay on, for obvious reasons. "I was on my way to the kitchen to get her a snack, so it's perfect timing on your part. It'll be easier than cutting a peach one handed." He gently took her hand, since getting married, he had begun doing this any time they were together. She was his wife, something he was proud of and more than willing to display. "Food sounds good, lunch should be coming round soon. So hopefully she'll be done eating before then and we can eat without too much trouble." (Y/n) smiled up at Kanetsugu, the little girl resting on her arm and curled against her chest. She was sucking on her thumb, content with the steady sway of the woman's walk cycle.
"Maybe if we're lucky we can put her down for a nap after her snack, she hasn't had one today yet so it's about that time anyways." Kanetsugu lead his lover to the kitchen, his free hand running through his own hair as he found his gaze wandering away from the sky as he took in the sight of his lover with her friend's baby. It was such a domestic sight, something that made an odd feeling stir in him. He had never actually thought about it in depth, he knew he wanted a family, but he had never put a whole lot of thought into it. But confronted with the glimpse before him, it was like something was stirring awake. He no longer just wanted a family with her, he needed one. The thought of having evidence of their love made his heart speed up, a sort of primal shift growing inside of him at the thought of her having his child. It wasn't just animalistic desire though; his protective instinct was starting to twitch awake. To have a family with his wife, that would truly be his peace. It was like a new goal came into focus; one he couldn't wait to discuss with her later once the little girl had gone home with her mother for the night. So, for now he had to settle for gently squeezing her hand, giving her a fond gaze as he watched her talk about her experience at the market. When her gaze suddenly caught his, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Leaving her flustered as he released her hand and stepped through the threshold and into the kitchen. She stood at the doorway, watching him with curiosity as she failed to fight the love-struck smile that crossed her face when watching the man, she loved prepare food for the little girl in their care.
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Motonari watched his wife with a grumpy pout, on her lap was a 4-year-old that had proven to be the bane of this man's existence. This little boy would not accept anyone but her, and God forbid Motonari be allowed to hug or touch his wife. The boy didn't throw a hissy fit, oh no, worse yet the little boy would hold his palm out to Motonari with a firm but docile "No." With the most expressionless stare Motonari has seen in his life, he hadn't been able to so much as hug his wife with this little boy around. The kid refused to be held by anyone else, he was always giving Motonari such a blank faced stare and it never failed to make the man laugh out of mild frustration. The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous he felt. He was competing with a kid for his wife, and it wasn't even his kid. At the end of the day, this kid goes home with someone else, so there is NO competition. Each time Motonari reminded himself of this, rolling his eyes at the jealous side that was near desperate to hold her hand. Though there was some odd part of him that was satisfied with watching his wife interact with this little boy, even when he was fussy, she was calm as can be when handling him. Plus, there was the pride he took in having a wife so loved by so many people, she was the prize jewel out of all his treasures. Currently the two were waiting for the little boy's aunt, (Y/n)'s friend, to come and pick up the little boy for the night. The sun was an hour or two from setting, and he was doing his best to be patient as he had a staring contest with the little boy. At least until the child reached out to him, making a grabby motion that had (Y/n) lighting up. "Aw, he wants you to hold him!" She was excited, moving closer to Motonari, who for just a moment was panicking, he did not have a plan for this particular option. So he had let his wife lead him into holding the little boy on his lap, the boy sat with his back to Motonari's chest. His little head was leaned back on Motonari's collarbone, he still had one hand holding onto (Y/n)'s finger so she had to sit against Motonari's side. Seizing his chance, he slid his free arm around her waist as his other was draped over the boy's stomach to keep him steady.
"I guess you respecting his boundaries earned his trust, that's so sweet." She smiled brightly, nuzzling Motonari's shoulder in a way that never ceased to make him melt inside. This was a situation he had never imagined in his life, the male having never actually thought about having kids of his own. Sure, he knew kids existed, but he never thought about HIS kids existing. This whole situation felt so surreal, looking down at his lover and this child no longer felt real. All of a sudden it felt dreamlike, as if he was discovering something for the first time. A wide array of emotions overwhelmed him, from a strange anxiety to what could only be described as an intense contentment. He had come a long way from the person he was when he and his wife first met, but even still to have such a large discovery out of nowhere was almost startling. He hadn't felt like this since he first realized he truly loved his wife; it was a feeling that could be described with the word emotion. It was so much at once, and yet he felt calm in an odd way. His face was flaming, silently staring at his lover as he processed everything. Of course she had noticed his stare, she had trying speaking to him, but he never responded and now she was simply flustered by the look he was giving her. It was almost innocent, the flustered look mixed with confusion and surprise. Leaning forward she placed a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose, suddenly bursting the bubble he had previously been absorbed in. It took every ounce of self-control in him not to jump, he had already embarrassed himself enough today. The hand that had been around her waist came up, pulling her close and tucking her head into the crook of his neck as he tried to hide his flustered state. These new realizations had him feeling energized in an odd way, he simply had to have her close right now. He knew the look on his face was probably quite out of character for him, and he was embarrassed to admit how little control he actually had over his current behavior. He wanted to hide his emotional state, and what better way to do that then basking in the affection and the touch of his wife that he had wanted all day. Once the boy was returned, he planned to spend the rest of the day and night with his wife in their room. He wanted only her presence, only her voice and scent. Only her.
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(Y/n) currently sat at a banquet between her boss Nobunaga and her lover Masamune, across from her was Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi. Meanwhile in her lap was a 1-one-year old little girl, the niece of a friend that was taking care of her sister until the woman's husband got home from work. Because of that (Y/n) had brought the baby to the banquet, it was fairly late, and the baby was full from where (Y/n) had taken the baby home long enough to eat and give the mom a chance to see her. The little girl had been quite content after eating, and so now she was happily babbling away at Keiji while Masamune fed his wife a bit of rice. "I shouldn't be surprised you volunteered for such a task; you always do manage to find the most amusing situations." Mitsuhide chuckled from across the woman, drinking some sake and letting a servant refill it. "She was a little fussy at first, but once she got comfortable with us it got a bit easier. Her aunt should be back to get her soon. She's just waiting for the woman's husband to come home to take care of his wife." Masamune chuckled, sitting close to his lover's side as he'd raise bites for her to take and fed her her meal before he had even touched his. He had spent most the day doing paperwork, which left (Y/n) to bear the brunt of the child's care. He wanted to give her a small break and help out now that he wasn't busy, plus he had been wanting to give her some love all day. She was just too cute, playing with and fawning over the baby girl currently in her arms. Looking at the little girl he could admit she was cute, but he just knew their baby would be even cuter. If he had a little girl that looked just like his wife, he'd be over the moon. In truth he wanted a larger family, something he and his lover had discussed many times. They want quite a few children; they hadn't really been trying for kids as of late but also hadn't been avoiding it either. But today made him feel it was time, seeing the way she cared for the little girl, even when she screamed and cried, had reaffirmed in him that they could do this, and it was about time to take the first steps officially.
Once his wife had finished her food he had set the chopsticks down, using one hand to hold one of her own as the other brought his cup of tea up to his lips so he could take a sip. "It seems so natural; I was worried you'd struggle with her when I first saw you in the halls this morning. But you seem to have everything under control." Hideyoshi smiled, taking a bite of some roasted vegetables while observing the baby girl in his friend's lap. Despite all the noise she almost seemed ready to fall asleep, the group laughing at how her tiny head bobbed before she finally gave up and completely rested across the woman's lap as her haori functioned as a makeshift cover. "I won't lie it was hard to be calm sometimes, but I eventually found a good rhythm for cycling through what she wanted or needed until I could find what I needed. Then it just kinda got easier to tell what she was wanting, plus after visiting her mom to drink her fill she's been quite content and a lot less fussy." (Y/n) giggled, gently rubbing the baby's stomach with her free hand. She watched the baby sleep with a fond gaze, her mind wandering to places that her observant friends could easily predict. For Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, and Hideyoshi; it was the same look Masamune got any time they noticed him watching her interact with the little girl. Oh yes, they knew it was only a matter of time before they had children running about the castle whenever the pair would come to visit from Aoba. "Well, at least you'll have practice for when you and Lord Masamune have a child. It'll be quite the sight to see." Mitsunari spoke openly with a fond smile on his face, and as flustered as it made her, (Y/n) couldn't fight the smile she felt forming on her face. She'd be lying if she said taking care of the little girl made her wonder how things would be when they DID have their own child, she'd love to have a little boy that looked just like her husband. Though she had known for a while she wants more than one child, as aware as she is of what childbirth is like in this era she wouldn't miss the chance to have the family she desires with the man she loves. "You guys will be the first we tell when I fall pregnant, I promise Mitsunari." She giggled some, at least until she felt Masamune's arm wrap around her waist. "It'll be more than that, we'll be staying here during your pregnancy that way I can be sure of your safety. Plus, Ieyasu will be a boon to have on standby." The blonde let out an indignant snort but said nothing back. The fussy blonde being surprisingly quiet about Masamune's desire to have him care for Hime in such a state, and none of the other warlords seemed bothered at the idea of a pregnant woman waddling around the castle. Something that both embarrassed (Y/n) and made her feel overjoyed, as she knew she had everyone's support when it came time for this new step in her life.
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Everyone stared intently at the trio during a war council, sitting in his usual place was Kenshin. And as per usual, he was the one making a scene. In his lap sat his wife, odd but not entirely unexpected. And then on her lap was a little boy, a 4-year-old she had volunteered to watch during the day for her friend who was caring for an ill family member. The group had been stuck at the hip since the little boy's arrival, though at first Kenshin had been a little jealous and that had been why he was being more openly affectionate than usual. But it was less than 2 hours before his reasoning shifted, some part of him deeply enjoyed watching his wife happily interact with the child. He had thought about having a family with her for many years, even before they had married. Though he had yet to put his desires into words, he didn't want to pressure her and had originally decided he'd just wait for her to approach him when she was ready. But now, while Kanetsugu went over his report for his recent observation mission, Kenshin wanted nothing more than a way to bring up his desires without pressuring his love. Starting a family was a big deal after all, he didn't want her to force herself into something she isn't ready for just to try and please him. Kenshin was staring off into the distance, his chin resting on the top of his lover's head while the little boy in her lap played with a stuffed animal. His vassals watched, absolutely astonished. Even Shingen was quite intrigued with his friend's behavior, meanwhile Kanetsugu could feel his eye twitching as he figured out long ago his Lord was barely listening, and they'd probably have to talk about this again later. Of course (Y/n) wasn't dumb, she could tell what everyone was thinking, and she did kind of feel bad for Kanetsugu. Before Kanetsugu left for his mission Kenshin had the Fearsome God of war, when he returned however he was Kenshin Lord of the bunnies. Sure, he still went to war, but he had changed in many ways. Kanetsugu could recognize the good, but he often found himself surprised at how (Y/n) brought out a childlike behavior in Kenshin.
Sometimes it made Kanetsugu want to laugh, but when his Lord is just blank face no thought staring at him in the middle of a war council, he wanted to throw something. Not that he actually would. He tried to soothe himself by observing his Lord's situation while he spoke, knowing that at least Shingen, Yukimura and Sasuke were listening. From the outside, you'd almost think they were a family. A thought that did calm the white-haired male's irritation, his Lord seemed so content. Kenshin was always quite happy when he had (Y/n) in his lap, but the addition of the child seemed to bring something out of the male. Kanetsugu didn't miss how his lord had gently pulled his wife closer, the blonde man's hand occasionally coming up to pet the little boy on the head absent mindedly. It only further reassured Kanetsugu's expectation that this is likely going to be the future, he wasn't quite sure how he was gonna handle this, but he was sure it was going to involve late night drinks with a recap of the war council. By the time Kanetsugu had come to this conclusion he had finished his explanation of the survey he had been sent on, and as he stepped back to return to his previous seat Kenshin seemed to realize that everything was over. On the outside Kenshin seemed somewhat normal, but Kanetsugu could see the slight surprise in his lord's features upon realizing he had missed the entire council. "I see, I do have a few questions, but we can discuss those later. Is there anything else that needs to be discussed?" Kenshin gazed around the room, wanting to make sure there wasn't anything left to discuss before he dismissed the meeting. When it was concluded that there was nothing else to talk about, Kenshin released everyone to go back to their daily duties. "It's almost time for lunch Kenshin, did you want to go out to eat? The weather has been nice the past few days." (Y/n) smiled, leaning back so that she rested against his chest. Her head leaned back against his shoulder, and she pressed a kiss to his cheek with a warm smile. After the door had been closed and everyone left, she let the little boy up so that he could explore the room a bit. Where the two adults sat, they could see every corner of the room and could easily monitor him. "Sure, we can make a date of it. The little one won't notice, and we can stop by a tea house for dessert after if you want." Though Kenshin didn't really like sweets, he still enjoyed the tea house atmosphere while he watched her enjoy her desserts. "You know me too well." She giggled, pressing another kiss to his cheek as they spent a few quiet moments in each other's arms. Watching over the little boy in front of them, both having only the thought of discussing family with each other at the end of the night.
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whatever-fanfics · 12 days
No one humbles them like their toddlers
Imagine Nobunaga with a mini him
Like he's in a meeting with the other warlords holding his toddler who was playing with a toy and becomes entranced by their papa who is speaking. 
And everyone’s faces turn to shock as their lord was dealt a serious blow to his face. 
Headline: Lord Nobunaga taken quick and strong by wooden toy! The blow was dealt by none other than his own child!!!
And further all the warlords look on in astonished surprise as this man has a full on conversation with his babbling baby as to why you can't hit daddy in the face.
Alternatively, he raises his sons challenge, in the middle of war council...
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atinyliliflower · 2 years
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zepharah0 · 2 years
earlier, i asked if anyone would read a keiji × oc × mitsuhide fic, but rn i'm actually thinking of making a switch to one of shingen × oc x keiji instead. it'll still be about 5 - 6 chapters but more lengthy (about 10k a chapter) and a lot of slowburn + angst content. the oc is still another time traveler like sasuke and mai ofc, but the ending i have in mind is still ... bittersweet when i think of the potential
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Decided that I need to do something with my life so I shall be opening requests! I do gender neutral x reader and here are the fandoms I do:
-Nick Pope
-Miguel Almiron
-Callum Wilson
-Heung Min Son
-Harry Kane
-Cho Gae Sung
-Jude Bellingham
Bungou Stray Dogs:
-anyone else, if I can't then I'll tell you
Attack on Titan
Tokyo Revengers
Ikemen Sengoku
Ikemen Vampire
Inside Job
Valorant (some characters)
Overwatch (some characters)
No smut.
I could do headcanons and matchups and I'll be posting a new post about it soon!
I can't assure the quality of every request and I'll be closing requests at like 5-6 quotas.
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bees--in-my--bones · 2 years
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 month
Ikemen Sengoku
Mitsuhide Akechi
Drunken Nostalgia - Mitsuhide x Drunk! Reader
Babysitting ft. Shingen, Kanetsugu, Motonari, Masamune, Kenshin
Caught ft. Mitsuhide,Ieyasu, Motonari, Kanetsugu
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beneathashadytree · 8 months
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Warnings : implications of sex, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : spicy (just tension, no NSFW!)
Word count : 0.8K words
Additional info : I know I haven’t written in literally 5 months or so, but I decided to come back with everyone’s favorite middle-aged otome man.
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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“You seem to be enjoying this.” Their voice light-hearted as they spoke, a look of amusement made its way on their face. Tracking their lover’s movements with their eyes, it was rather endearing to see.
“Very much, actually,” he replied in the same manner, an absent-minded smile on his face as he continued his actions. A gentle hand tipped their chin upwards. “Keep your head up for me, darling?”
Humming, they obeyed and stilled in their position, closing their eyes shut as they did. In return, Shingen’s index finger deftly brushed across their eyelids, each movement careful and precise. “Which color did you choose for my eyes?”
“Would you be too surprised if I said a shade of reddish brown?”
Huffing out a laugh, they thought that he couldn’t possible be more predictable. There once was a time when they couldn’t have deciphered the thought process behind any of his actions, but now that they were so intimately acquainted and so intricately entwined with each other, it felt like understanding him came as second nature.
“I’ll pretend not to notice that you have a penchant for decking me out in your colors.”
As they said this, his hand that had previously cradled their chin came up to stroke at their cheek, drawing invisible lines of his reverence against their skin. Somehow, even that sliver of a touch felt sensual when done so gently by his large calloused hands.
And it really, really didn’t help that he then chose to speak into their ear in a low purr that warmed the depths of their core. “Can you blame a man for being a little possessive? Deities are, after all, infamously hard to be blessed by.”
“Flatterer,” they chuckled, a little breathlessly as Shingen playfully nipped at their earlobe, earning a jangle by the dangly gold earrings he’d adorned them with.
“Only an old man as your worshipper, my dear.” Pulling back, he seemed to seriously contemplate as he stared down at the makeup palette in his lap. The colors were so stunningly vibrant, and so rich that they knew perfectly well that he must’ve spent an ungodly amount of money on these, straight from the ports abroad.
He seemed to—unsurprisingly—settle on a dark shade of red for their lips. Slight alarm seeped into their voice as they half-jokingly said. “I hope you don’t intend to make me into some sort of clown.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Dipping a thin brush into a pot of water, he expertly swished it through the creamy pot of alluring red. His thumb teasingly swiped against their lower lip, eliciting a soft gasp from them, before beginning to slowly paint over it, like he was creating his own masterpiece.
They tried to call his name. “Shi—“
Quick to hush them, he pulled the brush away for a few seconds, just to kiss at the corner of their mouth—close enough to have them anticipating more, but not close enough to smudge the lipstick he’d applied so painstakingly. “Patience,” he murmured against their skin, lips merely brushing against them once more. “Wouldn’t want to ruin your makeup.”
The warmth pooling in their belly was too hard to ignore now. It felt like an inferno was brewing inside of them, aching to burst out them and pull him in, deeper and deeper. They knew, with all certainty, that their eyes now carried a hungry gleam that he would instantly recognize and pull forth. And frankly, they couldn’t care less. Perhaps it was a consequence of having married such a sensual man, but they’d grown quite shameless.
“You’ll ruin it anyways, won’t you?” They looked up at him through their eyelashes; something they knew made him all the weaker at the knees.
Shingen stifled a groan in his throat at the sight of them, all but dropping the brush unceremoniously to the side and pushing away all the makeup products he’d gone to such great lengths to obtain. Spoiling his darling like this could wait. Now, he clearly had a different idea of catering to their every whim.
“Oh, absolutely.” Though he sounded a little out of breath, nothing could deter him from smiling in that sultry, promising way of his. There weren’t any doubts in their mind that this was an oath he’d sworn to himself; that he’d pleasure them to the point of no return and till they could remember nothing but him and his passion.
Guiding them back onto the futon they’d yet to have made after their morning tryst, his nimble hands were soon dancing up the warmth expanse of their skin, pushing the hem of their clothes up with every inch he mapped out with his touch.
“We’ll see how ethereal you’ll look when you’re in nothing but makeup and those brand new earrings of yours.”
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aquagirl1978 · 1 month
I just saw the prompt requests and had to jump on it. If no one else has taken it, may I request Temptation and ikesen Shingen? Man is a temptation, can be NSFW or SFW, your call :) I hope you take the request and I hope this prompt list helps your writers block <3
Thank you for this request! I had trouble deciding if I wanted to make it sweet or smutty, so I went for something in the middle - a little spicy.
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shingen takeda x f!reader | prompt: temptation | word count: 1134 | tags: sfw / pining -> spicy; reader is referred to as goddess
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It had been 8 days, 16 hours, and 46 minutes since you last saw Shingen. Eight days with no Shingen. Eight days of no hugs, no kisses, no cuddles. 
But no one’s counting, right?
Shingen had been called away to assist with some matters in Kai. When you said your goodbyes, he had told you that he hoped to return in time for Yoshimoto’s birthday celebration, which was today, and there was no sign of Shingen returning in time. 
It was times like these that made you wish you had some modern comforts like cellphones. It still wouldn’t bring Shingen to you, but it would at least help pass the time and loneliness.
Sighing, you slunk over to an empty corner of the room, your shoulders slumped as you surveyed the crowd. Yoshimoto was in the center of the room, as proud and pretty as a peacock, greeting the guests. Yukimura was helping himself to some sweets and Kanetsugu, stoic as ever, was deep in conversation with a gentleman you had never seen before. And Kenshin –
“Hey,” a familiar voice greeted you. “You look like you need this.” Sasuke handed you a glass of sake, which you drank in a few quick gulps. 
“Thanks, I needed that.”
“Missing Shingen?” he asked softly.
You nodded and turned to your friend. “Where’s Kenshin? I don’t see him anywhere.”
Sasuke’s face fell. “Someone ate the last pickled plum, so he decided it was a great time to practice his swordsmanship.”
“And you were his target?”
“Aren’t I always?” he replied with a wry laugh. “I let him think I ran out of the room.”
You laughed for what felt like the first time in days, with Sasuke soon joining in the laughter. 
Your moment was soon disturbed when you heard the door bang open and Sasuke’s name being shouted.
Your friend sighed before sliding up his mask. “A ninja’s job is never done.” Before you could say bye, Sasuke quietly slipped out of the room as if he was never there.
With Sasuke gone, your attention turned to the ruckus Kenshin had caused by crashing the party. You watched as people cautiously backed away from him, fearing the sword-wielding madman until one tall figure stuck out to you.
“I must be seeing things,” you muttered under your breath as you rubbed your eyes. Your attention returned to the crowd, easily spotting the tall man again. You wanted to go running to him, but his back was turned to you – what if it wasn’t Shingen and just another tall man with dark hair?
“Turn around, turn around,” your whisper pleaded. 
As the moments passed, your disappointment grew. If this was Shingen, he would know you’d be at this party. And he’d be looking for you. 
No, come back! You wanted to scream – you had lost him in the crowd. Scanning the room, you couldn’t find him anywhere. You sighed sadly, resigned to the fact that Shingen was not coming back today. 
Before tears could spring to your eyes, you left the party. May as well head to bed early. Alone, again. 
Not wanting anyone to see your tear-stained cheeks, you kept your head down as you hurried down the hallway. You made a quick turn around the corner, but with your head down, you didn’t see someone coming from the other direction. 
“Oh no, oh my god, I am so so sorry.” So embarrassed, you couldn’t lift your face to see who you had crashed into. 
That is, until the stranger took your chin in his hand and tilted your face too meet him.
Your jaw slackened and your eyes widened; it couldn’t be.
“Shingen?” you whispered softly.
“I was hoping you could help me,” he said, ignoring your question. “I was looking for someone. She’s around this tall…” He held his hand above your head, smirking as he patted the crown of your hair. “Eyes that sparkle brighter than gemstones. And a smile so beautiful, the moon is jealous of her beauty. Have you seen her?”
His words sent heat to rise from your belly, warming your cheeks. Still reeling from running into your lover in the hallway, you took a few deep breaths before speaking.
“I thought you weren’t coming…” you said breathlessly. 
“I couldn’t stay away a day longer than I had to. I just missed you so much, I was unable to resist the temptation to return home and see my goddess.”
You might have laughed at his dramatics had you not been aggravated by his antics. “That was you in there! I knew it! Why didn’t you look for me? I was there.”
Shingen let out a loud laugh. “Oh, I saw you there. But you looked so adorable, searching the room for me. I didn’t want to ruin that look on your face.”
“You tricked me!” you gasped. Balling your fists, you playfully punched his broad chest. 
“It was worth it,” he said, taking your hands in his and bringing them to his lips to brush a kiss across your knuckles, “just to see you this fired up.”
“Make up for it then,” you said sweetly, while staring straight into his dark eyes, determined to get exactly what you wanted. “Kiss me.”
Wrapping his arms around you, he pulled you close and dipped his face to yours. His lips lingered, hovering over your mouth. You were tempted to run your hands in his thick locks and pull him into a kiss, but you resisted, waiting for him to make the first move. 
Minutes felt like hours, until he relented and gave you what you wanted. Your lips melted against his in a passionate kiss, his tongue quickly parting your lips, deepening the kiss. Soft moans slipped from your lips as you weaved your fingers through his hair. 
As he pressed his body against yours, heat radiated through the fabric of his clothes as you felt a familiar hardness against your belly. You pulled away, breaking the kiss, and looked up at him, your breathing heavy.
He pulled you closer, guiding your face to rest upon his chest. He brought his lips to your ear, his breath tickling your skin. 
“I didn’t want our reunion to happen inside the party. I’d be too tempted to ravish you right on the spot. And I didn’t think you’d want everyone to see that.”
No, you definitely did not want that…
“Whoa!” You yelped as your feet were literally swept off the ground – Shingen had taken you in his arms bridal-style. 
“Where are you taking me?” you asked innocently.
“To the bedroom, of course,” he replied with a seductive smile. Throwing your arms around his shoulders, you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, the smile plastered on your face hidden from his eyes.
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@kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @lucyw260 @crypticbibliophile @tele86
Tagging: @alixennial @redheadkittys @lordsisterxotome @chaosangel767 @ikehoe
@nightfoxqueen @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @ranhanabi777
@silver-dahlia @lunaaka @sh0jun @ikesenwritings @natimiles
@justpeachyteastea @kalims-pessimist-bestie @writingwhimsey @kookie-my-little-sunshine @shadowylakes
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lorei-writes · 1 year
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»All the things we choose to share«
My heart is overfilled with warmth. Sometime when I wasn't looking, this blog has also passed 1 000 followers.
I'm so grateful for everything. This life, this living, is so lovely, even if bitter sometimes.
Let's celebrate.
Event Rules
Event Status: Closed
IkeSen Requests: Closed IkeVamp Requests: Closed IkePri Requests: Closed The Arcana Requests: Closed
Pick a prompt and a character from the lists below, and send me an ask.
1 prompt + 1 character = 1 request; 1 request per ask
You can submit up to 3 requests.
The requests will be written into x Reader drabbles. That being said, a longer fic may be written if circumstances allow.
[Optional] You can choose your own flavouring packet -- fluff / comfort, angst, or thrill.
Words / Silence.
Surprise [wild card for the writer].
All the above prompts work as umbrellas. For example, Touch prompt can mean things such as holding hands, cuddles, sharing the bed, etc.
Available Characters
IkeSen -- Kanetsugu, Kenshin, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Nobunaga, Shingen
IkeVamp -- Arthur, Comte de Saint-Germain, Charles-Henri, Jean, Theodorus, Vlad
IkePri -- Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, Licht, Rio, Yves
The Arcana -- Asra
There isn't a set deadline for the event to close. Refer to this post for updates. Requests may close on fandom-by-fandom basis.
Please, feel free to reach out to me in case of any questions.
As always, boosting would be appreciated ♥
Event Masterlist
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐏𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮, 𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐫
↬  💋 Confidence runs through your veins, and you boldly hold Shingen's gaze to prove it as you striptease for him. He's so gorgeous occupying his seat and letting you do this to him; play tricks on his mind like his personal little siren.
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Takeda Shingen x f!Reader • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Daddy Kink; Sugar Daddy; Pool Sex; Strip Tease; Teasing; Water Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Modern AU • wordcount: 1,734 • masterlist
a/n:  Inspired by Lana's song Yayo, because it was written for Shingen Takeda. (Daddy? Tiger?!) For Late Summer Rendezvous, Day 3: Private pool skinny dipping
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"Are you excited to find out which one of the swimsuits you bought me I'm wearing under this dress, Daddy?"
Looking at Shingen over your shoulder, your fingers trace down the skin, not yet lowering the frilly sleeve - just teasing. The chic little dress you're wearing for him is perfect for executing your plan of keeping him on his toes, leaving him burning with curiosity.
Earlier today, when you got a text from Shingen to meet him by the pool, you found three luxury brand bags on your bed - all three containing swimwear he picked only just for you.
As you tried them on, you saw in the mirror what he saw in his fantasies. Glowing with the affection you felt still lingering on the pieces of fabric, knowing that he chose all three led by the simple desire to see you wearing them. Did he spoil you by getting you that many, or could he simply not pick? Perhaps both answers are correct. You love him, you love him too much.
That's why you want to give him something in return. One leg in front of the other, you step in closer so he can get a better look from where he admires you on his chaise longue. Preferred poolside drink swirling in his glass as he moves it to his thirsty lips, the ice in his glass clinks and Shingen's sip is suspiciously small - you interpret it as him wanting to free his field of vision of anything that's not you quickly enough not to miss anything, no matter how small of a detail - and you giggle.
Giving him a little dance, you turn around again, looking over your other shoulder, and this time you bare it for his eyes. The neckline of your dress lowers with the newly pulled-down frilly sleeve, and you leave it as that as you move your hips. The music coming from indoors syncs perfectly with your alluring dance, it's as if the universe works for you today. Confidence runs through your veins, and you boldly hold Shingen's gaze to prove it as you striptease for him.
He's so gorgeous occupying his seat and letting you do this to him; play tricks on his mind like his personal little siren. His heavy necklace shining on the sun, golden rings adorning his hand as he taps lightly on his glass. His grey eyes so dark now, a shadow of lust cast over them. You're proud of yourself for getting this reaction so quickly. You keep moving your hips.
The other sleeve is off, and of course, it shows nothing of what Shingen is waiting to see. There's no bikini tied behind your neck so he narrows it down to two possible choices, and perhaps makes it harder to place his bets on one over the other. That's what you conclude by the way he's cupping his chin, one finger ghosting over his lips.
Turning your back to him, you change tactics and begin raising the hem of your dress now. Past your knees, past your thighs. Your body lowers down to a squat as you do, it goes down, the dress goes up. Soon the globes of your backside enter Shingen's vision - but only briefly, leaving too little yet too much to his imagination.
A thong then, is what most probably enters your humming darling's mind. You almost feel a devil's horns materializing over your head, and you wiggle your ass hoping that the pointed tail would follow.
"Daddy's patience has limits, sweetheart. You know that, don't give me these eyes now."
Faking a frown for him is hard when you want to grin at his 'warning' - oh, you've heard those exact words somewhere before. Before your mind can be taken to other places, pink-tinted memories making your body hot as you remember, you pick up your dance where you left. Right, the part where you make the big reveal.
Facing Shingen once again, you let your movement loose the neckline of your dress without the support of your shoulders holding it in place. It lowers down as you almost wiggle out of it in your sultry movements, lower and lower, showing more of your skin.
Shingen's sharpened gaze follows suit, waiting to meet the valley of your breast with his gaze - and to meet the fabric of the swimwear that won the opportunity to adorn your body on this hot summer day by Takeda's private pool. One that was picked especially for his sweetheart, and that she, in turn, picked to wear for him today.
Except, it's nowhere to be seen.
Shingen gazes upon you as you reveal millimeter after millimeter of nude cleavage, trying to remember if the bikini tops he gifted you were that skimpy. He's mesmerized by the time he sees the familiar forms of your breasts in their whole beauty, dress falling down your tummy. Then sliding down your hips with the help of your hands, you turn just a little to reveal the curve of your ass that is equally as uncovered, no thong to be seen.
And with that, the dress falls to the floor. Making a little spin for Shingen, you beam up with growing anticipation.
"Do you like it? I wanted to swim with you today in this."
Shingen takes another sip. His smile is just as familiar as is his gaze to you. It could mean a lot of things, all things you're guaranteed to love.
He places down his glass slowly, moving his eyes on you from head to toe. One of you is a bad performer - either you at seducing him, or him at playing cool. He stands up.
"What are you waiting for, then? Get in the pool."
You bite on your bottom lip watching him get up to undoubtedly join you, and you feel the telltale shivers run down your spine. The pool ladder is right there behind you, and you take a step back to position yourself, seeing that Shingen is eager to follow suit. You see him taking off his trunks in a hurry, now as nude as you are.
But you mistake his enthusiasm for impatience, leaving yourself open to his surprise attack - strong arms taking hold of your body, you're soon lifted off the ground, final destination already known.
Jumping together with you in the water, Shingen makes you scream with adrenaline, even if he is as careful as he can be in his act of spontaneous wildness. You can't blame him for wanting to get you in the water as fast as possible - knowing you're not leaving his hold for awhile - especially as something big and firm presses against your hip.
"Daddy, you're-"
"Are you surprised?" Shingen hisses against your neck, ambushing it with kisses that make you weak. He has you like putty in the water, already grabbing your legs and guiding them to wrap around his torso. He's going to have you right now, no more games. Arousal clouds your mind and you feel ready for him, hot and needy inside and aching to feel him claiming you.
"You're whining. What happened, sweets? You looked so full of yourself just a second ago. Where did that confidence go?"
Eyes opening wide as you register the unmistakable rubbing of Shingen's length along your glistening lips, incoherent syllables leaving your mouth that dangerously resemble a plea. Shingen smirks as if he loves them more than a proper begging, and you guess so by the rewarding ministration of him guiding the tip inside you. Only, he loves to play dirty.
"Oh, it slipped out. Perhaps you can lend me a hand."
Muscular arms flexing around your waist, you picture Shingen easily impaling you on his cock like a ragdoll - his teasing is obvious and irritating, and you're so very shaky when you remove one arm from around his neck and instead reach down to find the place where you're supposed to be connected.
Just to return the favor, you give him a good stroke, falsely pretending to guide him in once or twice - for the fun of it. Just so that it's known it's not only you who's impatient.
Shingen curses under his breath and crashes his lips against yours, making you feel every ounce of frustration in the form of a fierce kiss. He also aims at distracting you.
Getting a good hold of your form, he makes your dreams come true by pressing you down on him, stretching out your insides on his thick length in one long thrust, inch by delicious inch.
You arch your back, trying to withdraw from the kiss just to fill your lungs with oxygen again and use it to voice out the intense pleasure waving over you in a series of moans.
Shingen smirks against your neck, kisses getting rougher and shapeless, wanting to feel you on his tongue just somewhere.
"That's it, good girl. Hold onto me and let me move you up and down. That's what you wanted, right? For me to fuck you silly?"
Wrapping your legs tighter around Shingen's waist, you moan hopelessly, praying that he accepts it for an answer rather than bully you into begging him more. The water feels so good all around you accommodating your untamed act, and you think you're in heaven. Fucking your daddy in his private pool, seducing him to madness with your audacity to show up wearing neither of the luxurious swimsuits he bought you. You don't even need the guttural sound of his groans at this very moment in order to explode and cum all around him - but hearing him voice out the way you make him feel, you climax on the spot.
Writhing in his hold, you let yourself be fucked hard and deep through it all, not realizing when Shingen's thrusts got deeper and uneven, the heat inside you suddenly intensifying in a familiar way until a groan falls from your lips. Shingen finds them to claim, giving you a sweet, lazy kiss as he pumps the rest of his cum in your welcoming depths, chuckling at the way your refuse to unwrap your legs around him even after he calms down from his high.
"If you're going to play, go all the way. I don't want to see a single piece of clothing on you the whole time we're here. Got that, sweetheart?"
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @princess-pray-a Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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zepharah0 · 2 years
any keiji maeda or takeda shingen requests? i take 👀🤭🙈
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ikeromantic · 11 months
Hi, I didn’t know if your requests were open. If they are, I wanted to ask if you could do basically what you did with your Shingen x reader “more than life” but with Nokto Klein from Ikemen Prince.
If your requests aren’t open than please let me know.
Nokto's hand strayed to his pocket again, tracing the edge of the circle, the small crown of a diamond. Around and around, like his thoughts, chasing each other and getting nowhere.
"Don't you agree, Prince Nokto?" The Benitoite merchant was smiling, though the expression did not reach his eyes.
An awkward silence stretched between the two of them. Finally, Nokto plastered a smile on his face, a bit of self-mockery. "My apologies. Let's speak more on this later." He hurried out of the meeting without another word, or even a glance.
He didn't need to see the merchant's face to know he'd offended him. Nokto couldn't bring himself to care. There were other things on his mind. The ring felt heavy in his pocket, as if it might pull him down. His cheek still stung where it hit. Nokto raised a hand to touch the spot, as if he might erase the memory of it from his skin.
Even if he could, it would not heal the wound in his chest. The ache that haunted every waking moment since he - since she -
Jin grabbed his arm as he passed by the domestic faction office. "Is it true?" His expression was cold, his usually merry eyes distant and full of weighty judgement.
"No. Yes? I - what part?"
"You were found with a Jadean noblewoman?" Jin's words could have been knives, they dug so deep into Nokto's chest.
"No! I - she - I was getting information. Nothing else happened. Nothing!" Nokto felt heat explode through him. An anger he hadn't known he possessed. His hands curled into fists at his side.
Jin shook his head. "It's not me you want to hit. I'm not the one that betrayed a good woman."
"I - I didn't! I love -"
"Prince Nokto!" One of the servants ran up to him. "The lady you asked after, she's at a bookshop. In town. The-"
"I know which one." He turned to hurry away, determined to get to the shop before Emma could disappear on him again. "Thank you," he called over his shoulder.
Jin said nothing in reply, and neither did the servant.
The bookshop was open when he arrived. He could see Emma through the window glass, smiling as she chatted with a customer. He didn't think she'd spotted him yet.
Nokto took a deep breath. He realized his hands were shaking. This was the most important moment of his life. He had to find the words that would convince her. It was, he thought, somewhat ironic that after a lifetime of lies - personal and professional - the biggest challenge for his silver tongue was telling the truth.
He reached for the handle, but didn't catch hold of it as he was pulled back. Nokto tried to turn, but whoever had him knew what they were doing. A moment later, he found himself in the alley beside the shop, his face pressed hard against the wall.
"You promised you wouldn't make her cry."
"Rio. Please. I need to talk to her." Nokto stopped struggling and went limp in the attendant's grasp.
"She doesn't want to talk to you." Rio's tone was flat and cold. Completely different from his usual sunny disposition.
Nokto sighed. "I know. But I need to tell her . . . I'm sorry. I - I am an idiot. I let things go too far. I thought . . . I thought it wouldn't matter. And now I hurt the o-" his throat closed over the words and his chest felt tight and hot. "The only person that matters. The one person I - I can't stand to lose."
Rio said nothing for a long time. It felt like ages to the prince, held as he was. Finally, the blond's grip loosened and Nokto staggered under his own weight again, his feet fully on the ground. "I don't want to let you say anything else," Rio told him. "Not one more word. But." The blond grasped his shoulder, sky blue eyes locked on the prince's ruby gaze. "She misses you."
"She - she does?" Relief washed over him, and for a moment, he thought he might fall flat.
"You can apologize. Once." Rio's soft voice was full of unspoken threat.
Nokto nodded. "That's all I need. Just a chance to - to make this right."
Rio sighed, something dark moving behind his gaze. "I hope -" He clenched his jaw. Swallowed. "I'll have her meet you at the tea shop after it closes. You'll have privacy, and it's neutral territory. "
Nokto almost didn't hear the details. He was already imagining how the conversation might go. How to direct it, ensure the result he wanted. Calculating. Planning.
"I probably should just keep my mouth shut. But I made a promise to. To her. So." Rio frowned, his lips twisting with distaste. "My advice is to just be honest. Speak to her heart." He let go then, and walked away before Nokto could respond.
It surprised the prince that Rio would help, but he wasn't about to question it. He hurried away to make his own arrangements. Perhaps Rio was right about just being honest, but apologies always sounded better with a gift.
"There you are." Licht's voice, came from behind. "Are you looking for Emma?"
Nokto turned, surprised to see his twin in town. "So you heard too."
"Everyone has." Licht tilted his head to the side, curious. "Yves is beside himself. Leon called you a fool."
"He's right. I am."
"Chevalier said he already knew you were a clown."
Nokto sighed. "Not surprising."
"Sariel says -"
"Does anyone believe me? Nothing happened! Nothing! I love Emma. I would never let some Jadean - or anyone else - come between us. Never! I know it - it looked bad but . . ."
Licht's brow quirked up. "I believe you."
Somehow, those three words meant so much. That one person could see past the carefully cultivated facade to the man beneath. The one that loved with his whole self, unreserved, and loyal. The man Emma had found beneath all the layers of self-denial and fear.
"I think she's probably at the bookstore," Licht went on. "I saw Rio hanging out nearby and he follows her everywhere."
"Yes," Nokto nodded, a small smile at the corners of his mouth. "I'm meeting her tonight. But first, I need to find the right gift."
Licht looked puzzled for a moment, then shrugged. "I'll help."
It took the better part of the afternoon. Nokto made arrangements for a flower delivery to the tea house, her favorite pastries, an autographed copy of her favorite book he'd planned to gift her on her next birthday, and one last precious thing that already belonged to her and always would.
"Do you think it will be enough?" Nokto turned to his brother as they made the last preparations at the tea house.
Licht's mouth curved up in the ghost of a smile. "You aren't buying her. I don't think any of this will matter. She just wants to know you love her. And she wants to hear you say you are sorry and mean it."
Nokto felt his heart clench. "No more excuses then."
His brother clasped his hand and their matched gazes met. "Luck." Then Licht left him all alone.
The sun set and the night lamps were lit. Evening stalls went up outside, and the taverns nearby got busy. Nokto waited, surrounded by the suffocating sweetness of the amassed roses and bakery delights.
"Nokto?" The door opened, and she took a step inside. Emma looked, if anything, like a deer alert to the hunter. Ready to run at the first sign of danger. Her eyes were wide and damp, and still red at the edges from crying. They landed on Nokto and flitted away, taking in the tray of goodies and the artful arrangements of flowers.
"Emma." He stood, his hands hanging awkwardly at his sides. He ached to take her in his arms. To hold her. To kiss her.
She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. "Rio told me you wanted to talk?" Her gaze dropped to the floor. "I feel like I already said what I needed to. And you did as well. You're a prince. You have a job to do. Can't help it, right?"
There was a bitterness to the words. A sharpness so unlike her. Nokto felt a fresh prick of guilt. He'd gifted her that. Given her a poisonous wound. "Emma, I -"
"I already gave you back your ring. What do you want? Is there something else I need to do to break up with a prince?" Her breath came in shallow drafts. Her voice shook.
"N-no. Emma. Please." Nokto's voice broke and before he could think about it, he'd crossed the distance between them. He sank to his knees and bowed his head. "I am sorry. It was wrong. I was wrong." He felt the sting of a tear as it broke free of his lashes and burned a trail down his cheek.
"There was no excuse. No reason. I . . . I should never have let myself get into that position." Nokto felt himself choke on the words, terrified it wouldn't be enough. That this was the end. "I didn't touch her. That woman. I couldn't. But it looked . . . I know how it looked. And you deserve better."
There was no sound for several heartbeats, only his rasping breath as he struggled with himself. Then he felt her hand on his head. Her gentle fingers tangling in his hair. Smoothing it, mussing it.
"It hurt so much," she said finally. "Just seeing you so close to - to her. Smiling. Flirting. My heart -" She took a ragged breath. "I can't be with you if that's your work. I can't. I know you have a duty, and I won't stand in the way of that. Your network. Your contacts. But -"
"Emma. I won't do that again. I promise. I . . . I don't need to. I never did. It was just fun. A game. And then habit and I - I let myself fall into the person I used to be. I thought - I don't know. I guess, that it would be amusing. That it would be easy but -"
He paused, feeling ill at the memory. "It was awful. Faking interest. Leading her on. A horrible game. But the worst was seeing your face and knowing I'd hurt you." Nokto knew he was babbling, but the words poured from his mouth, unstoppable now.
"I knew I could never make it up to you. That you would never trust me again." His throat hurt as he brought the words up from his chest. "It hurt so much. Knowing I lost you. But I can't give you up. I can't stop loving you, even if I know I don't deserve to be loved by someone like you."
"Oh." A tiny, hurt gasp. "Nokto." She took his cheeks in her hands and turned his face toward her. "You deserve love. I love you. I haven't stopped loving you, even though it tears my heart to pieces."
He looked up at her tear-streaked face. "Please give me another chance, Emma."
She bit her lip, her expression conflicted. "I want to. But . . . I need you to be mine. I know it's selfish but . . . I just . . ."
"I am yours. Only yours." He stood, taking her hands. "These are the only hands I want to touch me."
"I -" She leaned in, her breath warm against his cheek. "I want these lips all to myself." Emma kissed him, her teeth grazing his lower lip, biting gently. Her hands pulled from his grasp as he was too stunned to do more than let out a soft groan.
"These arms are mine." She ran her fingertips up his forearm, all the way to this shoulders. "And this is for my head to rest on." Her hands stroked gently down his chest and belly. They settled at his hips, tugging lightly at his belt. "These are mine too. For . . . other things . . ." Her cheeks turned hot, but her gaze was fierce.
Nokto laughed softly, his heart brimming with love and desire. "Done. Negotiated. You can take everything. All of me. It's worthless without you." He pulled the ring from his pocket and held it out. "Would you be mine again? If you can't answer now, I'll just keep asking. Every day until you say yes."
She gave him a smile, the first since that dreadful scene. "You drive a hard bargain, Master diplomat."
"Is that a yes?"
"Yes." She laughed as he slipped the ring back onto her finger.
"Now you're even more beautiful." Nokto kissed her. It wasn't an artful kiss, nor skillfull. Instead it was a kiss of passion and longing and hurts still felt even as they were healing. It was hope and a promise, too.
When he broke the kiss, she cupped his cheek in her hand. "Are you going to take me home, now, my prince charming?"
"I don't think so," he grinned. "Your old house is closer and I'd rather not wait. I want to love you. And make love to you. Unless . . . there's always the carriage?"
She smacked his arm, trying to hide a laugh. "You are terrible."
"So are you. Or are you going to tell me you want to wait?"
Emma's gaze was warm and sweet and sensual as she curled an arm around his neck. "I have my house key in my left pocket."
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lorei-wrote · 1 year
Ikemen Sengoku - HC
* - HCs/series with this symbol by the title have had their trigger warning lists updated in co-operation with readers via this survey. The other works may lack certain (all) trigger warnings. all = all suitors available at the time of posting the work
Truth Serum: (all warlords)
*Warlords & Summer: (all warlords)
*Warlords having “THE TALK”: (all warlords, minus Motonari and Keiji)
*Warlords reacting to pornbot siege: (all warlords)
Reacting to ff about themselves: (all warlords)
Modern things the warlords would appreciate (all warlords, excluding Kennyo)
What if IkeSen was a Disney movie and ONLY Kenshin wouldn’t sing.
*HC: Bunnies at Work - Kenshin
*x Witch!MC:
Nobunaga Oda + visualisation of MC
Masamune Date
Behind the scenes: Masamune & Nobunaga
Mitsuhide Akechi
Ieyasu Tokugawa (+visualisation of MC in the notes) 
Behind the scenes: Ieyasu & Mitsuhide
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Mitsunari Ishida
Behind the scenes: Hideyoshi & Mitsunari
Kenshin Uesugi
Shingen Takeda
Behind the scenes: Shingen & Kenshin
Yukimura Sanada
Sasuke Sarutobi
Behind the scenes: Yukimura & Sasuke
*The way meeting her changed him… :
Masamune & Mitsuhide
Hideyoshi & Mitsunari
Kennyo & Kyubei
Kenshin & Shingen
* Modern AU Boyfriend:
Family AU:
Masamune; Masamune ft. Shogetsu
If he were to be a parent:
Coming to the future: 
Finding the guide:
Mitsuhide, Masamune, Kenshin
Modern AU
Ieyasu, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari
Kenshin & Shingen +mentioned Yukimura
Nobunaga, Mitsuhide
*MC with/who is...:
Insecure about her body: Kanetsugu
a Chinese contortionist: Nobunaga & Kenshin
Innocent / Kind: Kenshin & Hideyoshi
Insecure about having small breasts: Masamune, Mitsuhide & Kenshin
Very Serious about Pinky Promises: Masamune & Kenshin
Fear of Needles: Masamune & Shingen
Sensory Sensitivity - Food: Masamune
Attention Deficit Disorder: Mitsuhide
Atopic Dermatitis: Masamune, Kenshin, Hideyoshi
Apathetic / Depressed: Masamune, Nobunaga, Ieyasu
Physically Strong: Masamune & Shingen
Loves tuba: Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Shingen,Mitsunari
Conflicted about her passion (swimming): Masamune
Finally snaps: Ieyasu, Hideyoshi, Nobunaga
A prosthetic leg, threatening to boink warlords with it (crack): all warlords, Kennyo excluded
Experiences linguistic brain lags: Nobunaga, Masamune, Yukimura, Shingen
Traumatized after a battle: Masamune, Mitsuhide, Nobunaga
Polish: Hideyoshi, Masamune
*OTP Prompts
*Who is not afraid to embarrass the other in public?
*Who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
*Who has trouble sleeping alone?
*Who says “I love you” more?
*Who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
*Who fusses over takes care of the other when they get ill?
*Emoji Prompts
Prompts developed in the same post were grouped together.
❣️ What makes them blush (...)? 🎇 Are the feelings they have like a whirlwind (...)? 💐 Do they enjoy giving compliments (...)?
🌼 How do they view their significant other? 🌻 Will they do anything for their s/o? 🤧 How far will they go to take care of their sick s/o?
💕 Their future goals in a relationship? 🥰 How often do they stare lovingly at their s/o? 💋 How do they kiss?
❣️ What makes them blush? 🎁 What gift would they get their s/o? 💋 How do they kiss?
NSFW Alphabet
Mitsuhide Akechi (C, F, R, W) (D, E, L, M, V, Z)
Masamune Date  A-Z 
 Kenshin Uesugi (A, F, M, S, X, Y) (C, I, K, J, P, V)
Shingen Takeda (D, J, K) 
Yukimura Sanada (E, I, K, M)
*Smut Alphabet
Masamune Date (A-Z)
Kenshin Uesugi (A, T, X)
Fluff Alphabet
Nobunaga Oda (W, Q, L, K)
Mitsuhide Akechi ( A, F, K, M, O, R, Z)
Ieyasu Tokugawa (B, F, K, P, V, W, X)
Masamune Date (E, J, O, T, S, Y)
Shingen Takeda (A, S, E)
IkeSen Thoughts Playlist (Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, Masamune, Kenshin, Shingen, Kennyo)
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swisssadge · 11 months
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Shingen x OC/reader fluff
(although oriented more on the official route of Shingen's; with family and friends remaining in the present, I doubt that anyone would go without missing them)
I sit in the kitchen of my parent's house. A place with countless childhood memories. A place I don't get to visit as often as I'd like anymore. My mother stands with her back to me, cutting vegetables fort he lunch she's cooking. Dad's probably in the living room, reading his newspaper as usual.
I rest my head on my hand and gaze out the window. Seems to be one of those lazy and peaceful weekend days. Not that I'd complain. It's quite exhausting at work right now, so I enjoy doing simply nothing for once. If it were for me, it could stay this way forever.
The word is so quiet that it takes a moment to register. Confused, I look up.
"Did you say something?"
Alarms start blaring in my mind. I stare at my mother's back. Something feels wrong.
"Why what?"
Mother turns toward me, and to my utter horror, tears are streaming down her face. Never in my life have I seen her this upset. Not my calm and composed, yet also humorous mom.
"Why did you leave like that?"
"Leave? What are you talking about? I'm right here."
"Are we not good enough? Have we not taken good care of you? Why did you go to a place we can't follow? And all for a man from the past?"
Upon those words, the memories come crashing down on me. Shingen! Of course! The wormhole to the Sengoku era! How could I have possibly forgotten about all of this? Yet, somehow I am back home right now. However, seeing my mother like that leaves me even more shaken. As do her words. Each one is like a dagger to my heart.
"Mother, I…"
"What does a man who's long dead have that we don't? Does family mean nothing to you?"
"No! Mom, please listen! You met Shingen. You even quite liked him. And it's not that I willingly was sucked up by a wormhole. It was an accident. Nor did I chose to find love in the past. But… I did find it. And I love him with all my heart. As he does me."
Despite my desperate plea, mother rambles on as though she hadn't even heard me.
"Just leaving us behind like that… it broke your father's and mine heart."
She still doesn't seem to hear me. Instead, her face contorts into a mask of anguish, and she lifts her arms towards me.
"Why did you leave, my little girl?"
My eyes fly open. It takes a while to orient myself in the faint moonlight. But then I recognize the ceiling as the one from our bedroom in Ttsutsujigasaki castle. And I sense tears flowing down my cheeks.
What by all the kami had that been?
Suddenly, a warm and strong arm wraps itself protectively around me. A thumb catches one of the tears and wipes it away.
"What's the matter, my goddess? Kami, you are crying."
"Shhhh, it's alright. You're safe."
I take a few moments to recharge in his comfort, to calm my beating heart and wipe away the tears.
"That must have been a terrible nightmare you had", the head of the Takeda says. "You were squirming around in your sleep. Had you not awoken by yourself just now, I would have woken you to end it. And the tears… if I could, I'd slay that nightmare for having made you cry."
How good it does to hear it. Shingens reliability and support never fail to give me strength.
"Thank you", I answer him. "And yes, I did have an awful dream."
"You mind telling me?"
I don't, and so I oblige.
When I'm done, Shingen just holds me, silently pondering what he just heard. I can't see his expression well in the dim light, but he clearly isn't amused. Eventually, he pulls me into a proper embrace.
"Oh my angel… do you miss your home so much?"
"I… I guess I do."
How can I not miss it. As much as I love Shingen, the choice has been a cruel one. With how unreliable wormholes were, we couldn't just visit my home, my time, whenever we want. Without Sasuke, we can't even calculate when the next one is going to open. So, after the successful surgery on Shingen in the future, it had been either go back to the Sengoku with him or remain and return to my family.
He gently streaks my head. "I am so sorry you have to feel that way."
"Ah. No, Shingen, don't you dare start blaming yourself." I take his face into my hands and lock eyes with him, as well as possible in the darkness. "It's nobody's fault. Yeah, I hate that this decision was forced upon me. And I do miss my parents a lot. However… this is the choice I made. And despite the pain, I don't regret it one bit. Because I have you. It's just… I guess I hadn't expected it to hit so hard. Not after I've been here for over half a year."
He's silent for a few moments. Then he says: "You truly are a goddess descended into my life, you know that? Sometimes I wonder how I even deserve you."
That last sentence does sound flowery. But I hear every single word. Before I can reply, however, he pulls me close to him into a tight embrace.
"I never had the kind of family that you have. This era of wars seldom allows for close familial bonds to form."
I nod. Vividly, I remember when he told me that he had to usurp his own father in order to save Kai and make it prosper.
"That's why", he continues, "this gift of you giving up a family like yours for my sake is one I can never even hope to repay. Nor can I truly understand your pain. However, you said it yourself… I am here for you. If you need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on, you know that you can always come to me."
"Yeah, I know…"
His warmth, his kind words, must have broken a dam again. The tears start flowing anew. And I let them. I let all the pain I didn't know I held back drain out of me. Hells, I thought I had come to terms with leaving my family. Apparently, I had not.
Shingen just holds me, pats me supportively on the back now and then. Finally, after an eternity, they do subside.
"Are you better now?", Shingen asks.
"Yeah… Thank you."
"Don't mention it, my angel." A gentle kiss on my forehead. "I'll do anything for you."
It's the truth of those words that in the end made me stay with him.
"I know."
"Now, please go back to sleep, my beautiful flower. And this time, allow me to guard your slumber, so that no bad dreams dare bother you again."
Despite the sadness, I can't help but smile.
"Oh, I am sure that they will flee at the mere glimpse of my mighty, fearsome tiger. My slumber shall be safe and sound with you guarding it."
"Hey now. I'm trying to be a gentleman here."
We grin at each other, then we share a brief, yet passionate kiss. Finally calm, I settle back down in his arms, cuddling against his broad, firm chest. I hadn't lied before… I never feel more safe than with his tall frame and strong arms around me. Heh, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually was able to keep the nightmares away with his sheer presence.
He is my family now. My one and all. The center of my life. As I told him, it is a choice I would make again and again, no matter how many times I would be given it. I will never regret it, despite the pain about what I had to leave behind. And while I will keep the memories of my loved ones in my heart, it is the life at Shingen's side that I will keep my gaze set on. Because that is the place I belong to.
Slowly, enveloped in his warmth, I drift back into sleep. And the nightmares indeed did not return. Because a certain big, strong tiger is guarding my slumber.
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