#reader x willem dafoe
alexxlovergirlcom · 4 months
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I can’t be the only one who sees it …
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myveryownfanfiction · 9 months
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requested by @illiana-mystery Request from @urfriendlywriter: moving to gasp for air, but the other still leans in, eyes closed, lips parted, absolutely wanting more!!! A string of saliva connecting each others lips!!!
tags: @eclecticwildflowers, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @salemwitch96, @ghostlypie
warnings: swearing
Norman and I stumbled into the mansion, hands all over ever other. My fingers dug into the slick black dress shirt he was wearing and he moaned as his hands slipped down to my butt. I followed his intent and pressed my hips into his. Norman dug his fingers into my ass appreciatively.
“upstairs?” He breathed out as we broke apart for a second. I shook my head.
“I can’t spend the night.” I broke the news to him. Norman whined in disappointment. “I have to get up super early for work tomorrow and it’s not fair to you.” Norman opened his mouth to retort but I kissed him quickly. “It’s not fair to you. I’m going to have to leave in an hour or so.” Norman frowned at me before burying his head in my shoulder. I smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair, eyes closing at the way he shuffled slightly to get closer to me.
“Couch then?” He asked, pulling back and blue eyes shining. I nodded.
“couch.” I agreed. Norman squeezed my ass again before kissing me deeply. He expertly walked me back into the library and laid me out on the couch in front of the fireplace. Norman settled over me and cupped my cheeks before he started to kiss me again. “Norman.” I moaned. I felt him gently grind his hips against mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“don’t do that.” Norman growled. “Make me want to keep you here all night otherwise.” I giggled as Norman ran his nose along my jawline before pressing his lips to mine again. I caught a glimpse of my watch over his shoulder before he did. I let him continue on, deepening the kiss and taking away my breath. Making a small sound of protest, I pulled away, gasping for air. Norman followed me, lips parted and eyes still closed. I licked my lips slightly, severing the strand of saliva that connected us.
“Norman.” I breathed out. “I have to go.” Norman opened his eyes and let his head fall onto my shoulder. “I wish I could stay. But…” Norman kissed me gently.
“I know.” He groaned as he climbed off me. Holding out his hand for me, Norman sighed. “One of these days we’re going to get the timing right.” I laughed as I took his hand and let him pull me off the couch.
“hopefully soon.” I teased. Norman led me to the door and gave me another kiss before opening the door. “See you tomorrow?” He nodded as he leaned against the door.
“Until tomorrow my love.” He confirmed, kissing me quickly before I broke off and rushed out to the car to head home.
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h0rnyfanficwriter · 7 months
Norman Osborn x fem! reader
Warnings: sexual references, swearing
a/n; this is my first Norman fic so pls be nice! :)
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Working for Norman Osborn had its ups and downs, depending on the day he was either the most respectful, kind and caring boss or a complete monster. Today was a 'monster' day. You squinted at your computer screen attempting to figure out what meetings the forever-busy Mr Osborn had. A loud bang erupted behind you, and the sound of clicking on the PVC floor followed. You looked up to see a cold, angry Mr Osborn racing towards his office, you gathered up the papers on your desk and rushed behind him. "um-Good morning sir!", you tried to force positivity, "So, today you have 3 meetings-" you were cut off by a hand slammed quickly on the dark oak desk "leave it here and get me a coffee...please". His voice was monotone but his eyes looked at me pleading instead of the usual soul-ripping stare that was his normal on these days. "yes of course sir!" a big blush spread across your cheeks as you looked into his pleading eyes. You quickly dashed out of the office and steadied yourself on the office kitchen counter. You didn't know why but your cheeks were red and your legs were trembling beneath you. 'I've never felt like this before around him, the way I could've just stayed there in that office looking into those big eyes god I really must be sex deprived if I'm thinking this about him'. You rolled your eyes and started preparing his coffee 'I wonder what's wrong with him today' Whenever he has these days he would just stay cooped up in his office and avoid everyone so there was no chance he'd be telling you what's up.
 You knock and enter his office, He is on the phone passive agressivly arguing with the person on the other end. You place the coffee down quietly he responds with a nod and then shoos you away, you gladly accept the coldness not wanting to elevate the strange thoughts you had been having about him today. 
You were on the verge of falling asleep your head in your hands, drool pooling at the corner of your lips. "[y/n] !" A snapping voice scared you awake. You jolted up to see a growingly angry Norman Osborn "Stop sleeping and follow me I need you to accompany -me to my meetings, you need to take notes". He had returned to the soul-ripping stare and you melted beneath him. "Y-yes sir" You stumbled up out of your chair grabbing a: notepad, pen and coat. 
After a silent, very awkward, elevator ride you both stood at the entrance
 in front of you was a black Rolls-Royce, the driver stood firmly next to the impressive car "Are you ok [y/n]", Norman broke you from your thoughts making you realise you had just been standing there mouth agape staring at the car. You give him a quick nod and you both shuffle into the car. The back is spacious and you glance around, your eyes rest on Norman who is looking nonchalantly out the window. His hair is neatly slicked back with small lighter streaks showing through the light brown hair his age is reflected beautifully. minutes into the journey the car pulls up abruptly as loud horns shout and flashes of cars crashing in front of us the quick stop made Norman fall on top of you. He catches himself before fully crashing into your face, you can smell his cologne it's rich and deep and dignified. you try to desperately inhale as much of the scent as I can 'god I can't do this, he's like 50, im being so weird but i cant get enough '. His eyes widened as he noticed the compromising position, how his arms were intertwined with yours and his hips were pulling the hem of my skirt up. He jolted upwards sitting stiff as a board readjusting his pristine suit and looking away franticly.
Normans POV:
I was there lying on top of my assistant her eyes looking up at me changing from panic and fear to a face I couldn't recognise. I felt her breath on my collar 'What am I doing!?'. I pushed myself up quickly, I fidgeted with my suit as I could feel my cheeks and the tips of my ears heat up with a vivid rouge. 'I need to hide this' I turned towards the window trying to calm down. my heart was pounding in my chest ' I need to stop this nonsense' . 'No coward ,you need to take here right now in the back of this car!' the decrepit cackling rang in my ears 'No, it's not right, you're not right!'. I knew, he knew, that I have been interested in [y/n] for a while now ever since the office Christmas party when she showed up in that beautiful red dress and smiled at me. God that beautiful smile, the way it could light the darkest caves of my mind, the way it could silence the goblin for days leaving me is sweet bliss 
After you had sat up your head was still spinning from the past 30 seconds the road had now cleared and the drive was going smoothly again. I looked over to Norman who was looking down at his lap with an angry scowl quietly muttering to himself 'what the fuck is he doing?' "Sir?" He looked up at you with a raised eyebrow and saddened eyes "Um-yes [y/n]?" he seemed unprepared to speak like he was lost in his thoughts. "Has everything been okay today? , something seemed wrong?" your worry for your boss was visible you looked intensely at his face searching for the slightest movement or expression to show his well-guarded inner thoughts.
Normans POV:
I looked up at [y/n], 'She cares?' I saw the worry spread across her face and tried to force a reassuring smile . " everything is okay [y/n], you don't need to worry about me" I breathed out heavily as she scooted closer towards me. I could smell the vanilla-scented perfume she wore and my face lit up, a genuine smile this time. " okay Mr Osborn, I'm here if you need to talk" She smiled that big bright smile and the cackling and darkness left, things were so much better when she was around. I didn't need her for these meetings I could have handled them fine but I wanted to see more of her and that gorgeous smile.
We pulled up at the first meeting, another large grey company building the blush on my cheeks wore off as my face was pricked by the bitter November cold. We walked in and spent the next 3 hours listening to old businessmen drabble on.
7:30 pm, you walked through the doors of the final grey building your eyes barely open "Well that was fun" Norman piped up and rolled his eyes. you giggled eyes still closed. Through your limited vision, you can see your boss nervously fidgeting with his hands. "Um it's kind of late...do you want to get some dinner?" your head shoots up and you look at him surprised "We can use it to go over the meetings" his eyes soften as he looks into yours "That Would be nice, I'm starving anyway" you smile at him, looking deep into those watercolour eyes again and again you could stay there forever "so, where shall we go?"..
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darkshadow90 · 2 months
Norman Osborn & Daughter reader: He Loses His Temper in an Argument About Peter (Spider-Man 2002)
A/N: Hey guys. Yes, I’m still alive. I’m sorry I haven’t written a one shot in awhile. Things have been really hectic and I moved into my own place. I haven’t had much time to write, but I thought I would write this brief one shot. In this one shot, Norman and the reader get into an argument about her hanging out with Peter after being told that she (and Harry) aren’t allowed to. This is sometime after his Goblin transformation, where he’s fighting his darker half. If you read closely during the argument, the Goblin briefly comes out. Harry intervenes before things get too intense. Warnings: Norman loses his temper, the Goblin comes out and starts to become violent, but Harry intervenes. References to Norman being abused (not sure if it’s canon), ect. I hope you like it 🙂
You and Harry had just gotten back from visiting Peter. Ever since Norman’s odd behavior at Thanksgiving dinner, he told both of you that you weren’t allowed to see Peter. He said it was for your own safety. He said he didn’t know what would happen if you were out with him. It made no sense, but he genuinely seemed to be afraid that something might happen. Of course that didn’t stop the two of you from hanging out with Peter. You were about to go upstairs when the living room light turned on.
”And just where have you two been?” Neither of you said anything and you knew you’d been caught. “Well?” You still didn’t answer. “Were you seeing Peter after I told you not to?” Harry spoke up first. “Dad, Pete is our friend. Why is hanging out with him a problem now?” Norman took a deep breath. “I told you to stay away from him for your own safety.” “Dad, Peter isn’t dangerous. We’ve been friends with him since we were kids. You can’t expect us not to hang out with him just because there’s danger in the world.” You were a little more assertive than Harry. You usually had to stand your ground, so giving pushback to others wasn’t new to you, and giving pushback to your father was no exception.
Norman was trying very hard to keep it together. Fighting his darker half was becoming much more difficult. There they go again, Norman. You’ve asked them not to see Parker in an effort to protect them. They disobeyed you. They walk all over you. They cross you at every turn. It’s a problem that needs to be corrected. Don’t be a coward. Let me take over. Let me show them what happens when they don’t listen to your warnings. The Goblin cackled as Norman struggled internally. “Dad, we’re going to keep seeing Peter.” You said, once again being insistent. “No you won’t. I said you can’t see him anymore. It’s too dangerous, and that’s final!” You rolled your eyes. “He’s our friend, not yours. We’re not going to not see him just because you’re afraid something might happen! Come on, Harry.”
That was when Norman snapped. “Don’t you dare walk away from me! This conversation isn’t over!” For some reason, his voice was different. He didn’t sound like himself at all. He grabbed your arm from behind and pulled you back. His grip was so firm, it hurt. “Ow! What are you doing? Dad, stop! You’re hurting me!” His grip wasn’t loosening. Harry saw Norman’s other hand raise up. “Dad, no!” Harry rushed over and stopped Norman’s left hand from making contact with you. Norman snapped out of it and quickly let go of your arm. He seemed like he didn’t know what just happened. He saw you rubbing your arm, and was horrified. “Oh no, Y\N. Baby, I’m so sorry. I didn’t…” “Leave me alone!” You ran upstairs to your room and slammed the door shut.
Harry went over to Norman. “Dad, what just happened? What was that? You’ve never done that before. What’s going on? You haven’t been yourself lately. Is it stress at work?” Norman took a breath. “I don’t…I don’t know, son. I can’t believe I almost hit your sister. I would never lay a hand on either of you. I swore I wouldn’t! I need to talk to Y/N.” Harry nodded and went upstairs. Norman went upstairs to your room. He knocked on your door and opened it. “Hi, honey. Got a minute?” You shrugged. “It’s your house.”
Norman sat behind you on the bed and pulled you close to him. You tensed up. He could tell you were afraid and it felt like someone punched him in the gut. “We really need to talk about what happened. I lost my temper. It seemed like no matter what, I did, I still somewhat ended up turning into him. Your grandfather. Sometimes he would lose his temper and hit me. Sometimes for no reason.” “Grandpa hit you?” Norman nodded. “I swore I would never lay a hand on you or Harry and I almost…” Norman was struggling to keep it together. “Sometimes, I’m not myself. You can’t tell anyone about what I’m about to tell you, not even Harry.” “But why?” “Shhh. Just let me tell you, okay? One night at Oscorp, I tested an experimental formula on myself to keep receiving funding for projects. Since then, this other personality has been taking over and doing terrible things that I have no control or memory of. That’s why I wanted you and Harry to stay away from Peter. I noticed in the papers about the Green Goblin’s attack that Peter was there. I’m worried if you hang out with Peter, the Goblin will attack both of you. I couldn’t live with myself if that happened.”
You swallowed thickly. “So you’re saying it wasn’t you lashing out and squeezing my arm? It was the other personality?” “Yes. That’s why I need you and Harry to stay put until I come up with a cure, okay honey?” Norman cupped your face and kissed your forehead. “I’ll be back soon, I promise.” He left in a hurry. You were more scared for him than angry now, but the sooner he got rid of the Green Goblin, the better.
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expectos-writings · 1 year
Hey 👋 can you also do another Bobby Hicks x female reader from the spicy list #34 and #51? Please and thank you 🙏
So it took me far to long to update again but I AM STILL HERE hahaaaa. Take that academic world!
Florida heat (Bobby Hicks x reader)
Word count: 3127
Rating: M
Summary: As an intern for Bobby he has come to appreciate everything you do for him, but when you lay there sunbathing by the pool on a sunny day off he can no longer stop the longing he has felt for you.
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Two more days.
You’ve got this.
You try to talk some courage into you whilst getting the cleaning kit out of the cupboard. Some crazy lady dropped some food in the main corridor when she was refused a room. And as an intern, it was now your job to clean it up.
But only two more days.
The internship wasn’t that bad. It got you the college credits you were still missing and you got to spend the summer in Florida, who wouldn’t want that? That, and the fact that your supervisor, mr. Hicks, was very easy on the eye. Bobby usually didn’t take in any students, he was too busy keeping everything on track by himself to train another person. But when he heard how much experience you already had and how far along you were in your study, he decided to take the chance. A pair of extra arms wouldn’t hurt.
But he had not taken into account that you were stunning, clever, eager to learn and most of all… a huge distraction. He knew it was wrong to look at you like that, he was practically your boss. He just couldn’t help his eyes wandering over to you whenever you were standing behind the counter and he was on the computer. Whenever you’d catch him staring he usually comes up with a lame excuse, like ‘I was just making sure you were doing things right’. He knew damned well you were more than capable enough to handle the few people coming in and out every day.
But it never registered that the reason why you always seemed to catch him looking is because you were also constantly looking his way. Whenever he would catch you staring at him your excuse would be something along the lines of ‘I wanted to ask you a question.’, followed by the dumbest possible question you could think of. Bobby never believed that lame excuse, but he never mentioned that either.
Now you were cleaning up the mess that Karen had made. The people here never seemed to have manners. The weather in Florida was always terribly hot, and you could feel a bead of sweat running down your temple to your cheek. The Karen that had made the mess was luckily the only person that had come to the motel today, and the rest of the rooms were empty now. Your internship was due to end just after the high season and the last few days were just cleaning up and getting ready to write a report and go back to school.
Bobby was watching you work from his office. He stood up, pretending he had to fix the wires behind the computer. But really it was just an excuse to watch you mop the floor clean. Your shorts hugging your butt perfectly, your light shirt getting wet from the sweat and moist air… he shakes his head and looks back at the screen. He can’t think of you like that.
You finish cleaning up the floor and stand up. You can feel someone staring at you so you turn around, already knowing it’d be Bobby staring back at you from the doorway.
‘Y/n, working as hard as ever I see.’ He muses.
‘You know it.’ You shoot him a wink when you throw the trash in the bin. ‘Though, today has been quite relaxed. No new check ins, only people leaving. In fact, I’m not sure anyone is staying in the magic castle at the moment.’
‘You’re right, from today there are no bookings. High season is over so I don’t really expect anyone here except junkies looking for a cheep room.’ You chuckle at his words, he cracks a smile in return. You walk over to the counter to get rid of the cleaning utilities. Bobby’s eyes linger on your form for a moment too long, and you notice him staring.
‘So, you have any other tasks for me?’ you ask, your tone playful but also not inappropriate. You walk past him, making sure to brush your bare arm against his. The skin to skin contact sends sparks through your body. When you put the cleaning materials in the lower drawer your eyes move back to him. You can’t help but look at the muscles on his legs, going up into his wide shorts. When you catch yourself staring you blink rapidly to break the contact and move back to the drawer, putting everything back where you took it from.
‘Actually,’ he starts when you stand up, ‘I know tomorrow is your last day. It is also terribly hot outside and there are no guests to help at the moment. I suggest you take the rest of the day off, cool down at the pool, do whatever. If I need you tomorrow I know where to find you, but for now I think you’ve done enough. Thanks for your help.’ His tone was sincere, you had done a great deal of work around the motel in the last few weeks. And you were definitely not going to object to an afternoon off.
So you thanked Bobby an took his offer. The rest of the day went by in a haze. You wasted no time in putting on your swimming clothes and getting situated by the pool. The cool water was very welcome on a day like this. You alternated between cooling off in the water and laying on one of the poolside beds tanning and occasionally dozing off for a bit. Bobby watched you from a distance, seeing you enjoy your free time and catch up on some much needed rest reassured him he had made the right decision in giving you a day off.
 It was only when the sun started setting Bobby actually made his way towards you. You were soaking up the last rays of sunshine of the day, eyes closed and laying on your back on one of the poolside beds. It wasn’t until you head Bobby clear his throat behind you that you were alerted to his presence. Lazily you open one eye to look in his general direction. He was standing next to your seat, sitting down on the plastic bed next to you when you acknowledged his presence.
‘So, how did you enjoy your day off?’ Bobby spoke up, starting the conversation.
Your eyes gazed at the sky, the sun was already starting to set.
‘It was nice to enjoy the place a bit before having to leave’ you answer with a smile
‘So… working here wasn’t enjoyable?’ he asked with a smirk.
‘No! I mean, yes it was. I just meant that it was nice to enjoy some time off whilst here, too.’ You quickly defended. Bobby chuckled from next to you as a blush crept onto your cheeks.
‘I was just kidding, darling.’ He said. Your head snapped to look at him at this unexpected term of endearment. Of course, it was a term often used by many people for many reasons. But in your mind you couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he meant something more… The blush spreading on your cheeks becomes more of a crimson shade. Would he notice? Oh God… what if he did?
‘I… I think I’m going for a swim.’ You promptly announce.
‘You do look awfully hot.’ He says with a smirk.
You look back at him, having already crossed half the distance to the pool, in complete shock. Why would he say something like that? What is going on? You felt like you had a sunburn. Bobby clears his throat at your awkward expression.
‘From the sun… I mean.’ He adds unconvincingly with half a smile. Words caught in your throat. You wanted to ask him what he meant but at the same time you were convinced your mind was making things up now. Maybe you were still asleep on the lounge bed next to the pool and this was just a dream? You quickly turned your head back to the pool and without a second thought jumped in. the water was colder than it had been earlier that day, but it wasn’t as cold as it would be in the mornings. But one thing was clear now, this definitely was no dream. The need for air became clear after a few seconds, the cool of the water knocked half of the air out of your lungs upon entering the pool.
With your head towards the sky you resurfaces, making your hair slick against the back of your head and water drip down your back. Bobby’s eyes were still focussed on you, his stare burning in the back of your head.
Bobby couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. The way you gracefully waded through the water to cool down, the way the last sunlight illuminated your facial features is the most beautiful way… he had grown very fond of you over the time you had worked for him. Too fond maybe… but still his eyes could not look away. You had worked so hard the last weeks, and he had nothing but praise for you. That would definitely reflect in the assessment he had to fill out for you. But he felt a pull towards you. And with the way you looked right now, carelessly wading through the water… Bobby couldn’t stop himself as he took of his shirt and trousers to join you in the water. He wanted to see you like this from up close, knowing it may be one of the last days he had with you here.
Your mind had started to wander in the water. Soon you were to go back to your college, back to your ‘old’ life. Old routines… And by God you didn’t want to. You had enjoyed the work there so much that you’d rather stay here to work. But you also knew you had to get your degree first.
But your train of thought was interrupted as you heard the water splash behind you. You turned around just in time to see Bobby resurface and wipe the water from his eyes and his now wet hair from his forehead. You stifled a laugh at his expression. He looked like a drowning dog.
‘Oh that is COLD’ he exclaimed.
The laugh you held back escaped your throat anyways. Bobby smiled back at you even though he was looking miserable in the cooling water. But then again, it was his choice to jump in. He casually walked over to where you were wading through the pool, his arms crossed over his chest to find any form of warmth.
This, however, left his face exposed.
You waited until he was close enough to you. He was about to open his mouth to make small talk or something, when you caught him off guard by splashing water in his direction, hitting him square in the face.
‘Oh you little-‘ Is all Bobby got out before you did it again. It was good to let some steam off at the end of the day. He took a moment to regain his composure, but when he did it was your time to flee. He kept chasing you around the pool whilst you tried to either swim away or keep him at distance with water. The sun went down quickly and before you knew it the automatic lights of the pool went on due to lack of light. That one second distraction was enough for Bobby to finally catch up with you.
You feel two strong calloused hand grab you by the waist, and you laugh out.
‘Gotcha!’ he says playfully.
You turn around in his grip to face him, your smile meeting his.
Bobby’s eyes drop to your lips, unable to stop himself. You catch the movement and the smile on your lips falters, anticipation pooling in your chest. What was happening? You never expected your boss to feel that way. You had dreamt of it during your internship, sure. But this was different from another daydream you would have whilst lying in your bed.
You hadn’t even noticed the gap between the two of you closing, his lips almost brushing yours but not yet touching.
‘I’m afraid I can no longer remain professional.’ You hear Bobby breathe the words out softly.
‘I don’t think I want you to.’ You breathe back.
And that is all the confirmation he needs before crashing his lips to yours.
Time stands still as your hands land on his toned chest, your lips moving together as if they were meant to be. Bobby seemed to have forgotten all about the chill of the water the moment you press your body up into him. The feeling of your thinly covered body pressing against his warming him up from the inside, and some more than that.
But the cool water did affect both of your lung capacities, and the need for air became apparent more quickly than either of you had wanted. After breaking the kiss Bobby wasted no time in trailing his hands up your sides towards your chest, carefully cupping one breast in his hand and tweaking a hard nipple between his thumb and finger. Your breath catches in your throat. The adrenaline spiking in your body from the possibility of getting caught and the thrill of finally having your feelings for your almost ex-supervisor out in the open.
‘Wait…’ you moan out but make no move to remove his hand from your chest, actually pushing yourself into him even more craving his touch. The voice of reason in the back of your head telling you this was risky, unprofessional and the chance of getting caught was high out here becoming softer and softer. ‘Right here?’ you ask Bobby looking up at him with puppy eyes.
‘We could, of course, go up to one of the rooms, but the motel is empty. No one will be around here anytime soon’. He smirks down at you. ‘Or is that just what you wanted? Doing this here? You’ve thought about this before haven’t you.’ He stated with a smirk. He could read you like a freaking book. You start to blush and the words to deny his statement get caught in your throat. Of course you have thought about this happening, but never in your wildest dreams did you dare to imagine it coming true.
Your silence is confirmation enough for Bobby to know he’s right. He leans down again to capture your lips with his and you return the kiss enthusiastically. You feel his hand move down from your waist to your thigh, grabbing the soft flesh there. You get the hint and jump up wrapping your thighs around him. Bobby walks both of you over to the side of the pool, your back now pressed against the impossibly cold stone wall. At the cold hitting your back you let out a moan, the burning fire in your body clashing with the contrast of temperature.
Bobby pushed you against the side of the pool tightly, harshly rutting his hard cock into your pussy. Your head falls back in a moan when you finally felt some friction where you needed him most.
‘Look at you, so desperate for me.’ He says. You move your head back forwards, kissing him deeply, all teeth and tongue. His hand moves down to more the bottom of your swimming attire to the side, his fingers brushing along your folds along the way. You break the contact between your lips so suck in a sharp breath.
‘I’ve never done this before.’ You whisper against his lips as he starts playing with your clit, exposed to the cool water now. He looks at you questioningly. ‘In a pool, I mean.’ You clarify.
‘Well, There is a first time for everything right?’ he says moving his fingers from your clit to your entrance, feeling how wet you were already for him. His fingers slid into you with ease. You were so wet he could add a third finger without much resistance. ‘So ready for me… do you want my cock?’
‘Yes’ is all you can moan out when he adds friction to your clit by pressing his palm into you.
‘You have to use your words, darling. What do you want?’ he asks again. Your eyes bore into his, both of your pupils dilated with lust.
‘I want you to fuck me, right here right now.’ Your say grinding your pussy up into him. You push just hard enough to brush against his cock and he lets out a surprised gasp at the unexpected friction.
‘You think you can take me?’ he asks, pulling down his trousers and pulling out his cock. He was now retracing the movements he did earlier with his fingers with his cock, sliding the blunt tip over your clit for a while and the moving it to your aching cunt.
‘Pleaaseee’ is all you get out.
‘Ever so eager’ Bobby laughs and moves to push himself inside you. The water of the pool splashes around you as he sets a relentless pace. He also had to hold back for a while, his thoughts about you during your internship were not all that innocent either. Now that he is finally buried inside you his mind completely fogs over, just taking whatever he needs from you in the pool.
You see his brows furrow in concentration as he pounds into you roughly, taking whatever he needs from you, and it is the hottest thing you had ever seen. You feel the heat in your belly start to spread to all parts of your body and you knew you were getting close. Bobby could feel it too, the way your cunt tightens around his cock, dragging along his shaft in the most perfect way.
‘Cum for me, baby.’ He whispers in your ear, accentuating each word with a thrust of his hips. The sound of his laboured breath in your ear in combination with his words was enough to push you over the edge. The fire now burning in your entire being, eyes closing as the feeling of your orgasm washed over you. The way it made you clench down on his cock was enough to send Bobby over his tipping point too, finishing with a few stuttering thrusts.
As you both came down from your high the cold of the water and evening air really hit. Bobby felt it when you started shuddering, still in his embrace.
‘Maybe…’ you started in a whisper, ‘we could go inside, it is still early.’
Bobby quickly redid his and your swimming attires and wasted no time carrying you out of the pool and back to his room.
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I’m coming back with the Norman Osborn x reader fics
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fqjth · 2 years
obsession (9)
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pairing ➵ norman osborn x reader
summary ➵ a slip of the tongue, regret and guilt. y/n’s actions have consequences, one that she may not be able to remedy this time.
warnings ➵ swearing, that’s about it
words ➵ 1748
other parts ➵ part one, part eight
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She stood with her head craning upwards, eyes shut as the hot water washed over her. It was a much-need release, the stinging heat almost comforting. Hot steam engulfed her senses, fogging her mind as well as the bathroom. She ran her hands over her forehead and through her hair, pushing the water off her face and down her back.
She had no idea how long she had been in the shower, maybe twenty minutes, maybe longer. Her fingers had started to wrinkle, skin burning from the hot temperature. It didn’t bother her though, as it felt nice compared to the guilt that was plaguing her.
Regret, guilt, the two emotions twisted inside her, making her feel nauseous. She wished she had reacted differently, wished she had taken a moment to clear her head before acting without thinking. It was her most fatal flaw, her inability to think before acting, as it did nothing but hurt the people around her.
His lips connected with her neck, a soft sigh leaving her lips as his hands roamed her body. He was gentle with her, something she didn’t expect from him. After years of hearing his stories of one-night stands, and girlfriends he had spent countless nights with, she would’ve never guessed Harry would be so tender with his touches. 
The dress she had been wearing was now bundled up by her waist, her underwear on full display as Harry’s body pressed against hers. She gasped as his hardened cock rubbed against her core through her panties. 
Harry dipped his head into the crook of her neck, sighing as he closed his eyes, embarrassed. “Sorry” he huffed, almost laughing as he spoke. 
Y/N placed her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at her. She pulled him closer, their lips meeting in a rough and sloppy kiss. It was a way for her to shut him up, she didn’t want to think of anything else right now, nothing but the feeling of his skin against hers. Harry kissed her back, as he had done before, believing the kiss was an indication that he had nothing to be sorry for. 
Did this make her a bad person? The thought crept into her mind in a flash of red-hot guilt. Maybe it did. No, she knew it did. Using Harry, her best friend, the person who had been there for her when no one else was, the person who forgave her after she did something unforgivable, the son of the man she craved, the man she had fallen in love with, it made her sick that she was doing this. Yet, she didn’t stop. 
She squeezed her eyes shut even more in an attempt to block out these thoughts, her face scrunched up in an unattractive way. But Harry didn’t notice, too busy, too distracted by the feeling of his lips against hers. 
His lips found their way back to her neck, leaving soft kisses across her skin. Y/N focused on this feeling, blocking out the guilt that had settled safely into the pit of her stomach. 
She let herself get lost in the moment, the sensation that was building up inside her. This feels good, she told herself, I can enjoy this. A soft sigh left her lips once more, and Harry used this as an indication to go further, something she needed him to do. 
The hand that had been resting firmly on Y/N’s waist had slowly begun to travel down her body, gripping at her thigh once he reached the bare flesh.
“Norman” She moaned. Harry removed himself from the position above her almost instantly. The look of hurt, disdain, anger on his face made Y/N realise what she had just said. 
“What did you just say?” Harry asked. Although he knew what had been said, but in his state of shock and anger, he had to ask, to make sure. 
“Harry, I..” Y/N stammered, at a loss for words, as if she were trying to think of a good excuse as to why his father's name just left her lips. However, it was enough of an answer. 
Harry stood up from the bed in one quick motion, looking down at where Y/N had now sat up on the bed. “Fucking hell” His voice was raised, “Are you fucking kidding me?”. He didn’t know what else to say in that moment, feeling nothing but anger. 
Y/N swung her legs off the side of the bed, standing to her feet. “Harry, I’m sorry, I-“ 
“Don’t you dare say you’re fucking sorry!” He cut her off, raising his voice now to point of yelling. “I’m so fucking sick of you apologising. Over and over, when you’re obviously not fucking sorry!” Every use of the word ‘fucking’ made Y/N’s heart hurt, feeling the pain and anger that she had caused him. Tears started to cloud her vision, watching as Harry paced at the end of the bed, collecting his thoughts and his words. 
“I really thought you betraying my trust, more than once, was the worst that you could do. But this” He gestured to the bed, “Using me, manipulating the feelings I have for you, to what? To get over him?” He refused to speak his father's name, just the mere thought of the word making him infuriated.
Y/N took a step closer to where he stood, “That’s not what I was doing, that’s not what…“ she couldn’t think of a lie, because that’s what she doing, lying. And Harry knew that. He was getting good at telling when she lying. 
Harry took a step back as he spoke, cutting her off once again. “I swear to God, Y/N, if you lie to me one more fucking time” His eyes bored into her, his pointer finger raised as he shook his hand. Y/N swallowed the last thought she had, mouth dry as her mind went blank. She had nothing to say. Harry sighed in frustration, dropping his hand back by his side. “You are a shitty person, Y/N” He lowered his voice, but his tone stayed stern. “And you are you bad fucking friend”. 
Misspoken, a Freudian slip is all that it took to shatter what was left of their friendship. 
Tears streamed down her face, hidden carefully behind the water from the shower, unnoticed if she hadn’t had bloodshot eyes. Why was she allowed to cry? She asked herself. She was the one who was at fault, she was the one who had once again hurt someone close to her. So why, was she crying? Guilt, maybe? Maybe it was out of pity, maybe in reality she felt sorry for herself. Or maybe, it was because everything Harry said was true.
She was a shitty person, and she was a bad friend. Going back, time and time again to the man she swore, that she promised Harry she would stay away from. Lying constantly, breaking the trust of her closest and dearest friend. Then yes, manipulating his feelings for her to try and forget about the man she loved. Norman.
He was still there, imprinted on her mind like a wine stain. His name, his face, the way he spoke, the way he felt, the way he made her feel. He was impossible to erase, that much she was now sure of. No matter how hard she tried, no matter what she did, who she hurt, he was still there.
A sob escaped her, too loud to be drowned out by the sound of the shower. But that didn’t matter, there was no one around to hear it. She was all alone once again.
More time passed, and the water began to run cold, indicating it was time to get out and re-join the mess she had caused. Wrapping a towel around her body, she slowly made her way out of the bathroom and through her apartment.
Any sign that Harry had been there was now gone, as if he never existed in her life.
Although she had lived by herself for a year by this point, It had never felt so empty. Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat as she ignored the urge to cry again, walking towards her bedroom and blocking out the sight of a missing person.
It looked different, her bedroom, although nothing had changed since she stood here only an hour prior. It was the feeling it emulated, it was an unpleasant feeling, tainted by what had just happened.
Her eyes scanned the four walls in front of her, looking for nothing but something to ground her. Nothing. Everything felt wrong, out of place. Even her bed, which still sat untouched against the wall, looked foreign. Panic started to settle in, her breathing becoming unsteady and uneven.
Everything felt as if it were moving in slow motion, the world around her feeling as if it were crumbling beneath her. Every movement she took was a struggle, her breathing beginning to hurt with each shallow breath. Getting dressed felt like a chore, as did brushing her hair. The pain was welcoming to her, much like the hot water was, she deserved this feeling.
She couldn’t stand being in her bedroom longer than she needed, instead opting for the living room where she plopped herself down on the sofa where Harry had been sleeping there nights before. The wall in front of her, behind the TV, seemed to fade into nothing as she stared blanking at the white paint. What else was there for her to do but sit in her own suffering.
Her knee bounced as she chewed on her finger, anxiety was settling in. She needed to distract herself, needed to do something, anything.
She reached for the phone that sat next to her on the coffee table, the sound of buttons being pressed being the only thing heard in the empty apartment. She pressed the phone to her ear, still her knee bouncing, still biting her finger.
The phone rang, each ring making her feel uneasy and anxious. This was a bad idea. A terrible idea, she told herself. Yet, she didn’t put the phone down, she didn’t hang up. Instead, she waited, waited until the final sound before the click.
“Hello?” His voice spoke low and rough, as if he had been asleep.
“Can I come over?” She asked, sighing as she closed her eyes, waiting for a response from the man she was so deeply infatuated with.
✾ ✾ ✾
submission box ➵ here
authors note ➵ the long awaited return
i firstly just want to start off by saying i’m sorry. sorry that it took me so long to update this fic, sorry that i have been so m.i.a these past few months. my mental health as declined to a point that it never has, i’m at the lowest i have ever been. however, i am getting help, i’m on new meds and seeing a few doctors to make sure i get out of the shitty state i am in.
secondly, i just want to say thank you. thank you all for your continued support, not just of this story but of me as well. i have received so many messages over these past long months of love and care, people wishing me well and hoping that i am getting better. you don’t have any idea how much all of those mean to me, and how much they brightened my mood whenever i read them. so from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much. i love you guys so much.
anyways, enough of that sappy shit. i hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it’s a lot shorter than any other chapter in this series. i thought the best way to reintroduce the story was to start to short, but don’t worry, following chapters will be back to the their normal length :)
i’m sure there are only a few left now, and i will be back to updating as regular as i can.
thank you again <3
tags ➵ @druigswh0ree @journeyrose @dazedkrosupreme @politicstanner @sugarbutterbailey @mick-on-mars @blufblucake @irlbeaniebabey @sadclowngorl @nunnihunniedesu-blog @golddenlioness @levoisaah @smilesfromabove @plutobarnes @ellean0r @mclting @wilder-fangirl@mintspidey @lokilover-39 @tobeymaguiresgf @bimboshaggy @mtayl0rr @eleazarkate @my-lady-greensleeves @candylandosborn @gh0stboombox​ @pomminine @smokeywhalee @moonlightsolo @naerwenia @sillydreampaintersports​ @fandom-garbage
*tried my best to tag everyone who asked, i’m sorry if i forgot anyone!*
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0tt00ctavius · 2 years
Little something while I have a break from collage work 🥲🥲🥲
Otto and Norman with a s/o who is tired
Otto Octavius
You had been working on a project for oscorp all week, only getting around thirty minutes of sleep each day. It was Friday and the project was due tomorrow…you had to get this done. Norman would chew you out if it wasn’t done!! It was 4 am and you were still at oscorp working on it. You had terrible bags, messy hair, and you were running off of about 7 cups of coffee. All of a sudden you felt a hand on your back and you saw your computer shutting off. “Time to go home my dear…you’ve been working on this all day…” Ah….your boyfriend octavius. “Mhmg….b-but I-it’s…..due…..tomorrow…..” you mumbled as you fell asleep on your desk. “Sweetheart…let’s get you home ok…?” Otto picked you up and held you while getting your work bag. “I l-love you otto….” You told your boyfriend as you kissed the side of his neck. “I love you too Y/n….now take a nap while I get us home alright?” Otto softly said as he covered you up with his trench coat. “A-alri…..” You fell asleep mid sentence and otto just smiled.
Norman Osborn
It was Monday morning and you hadn’t slept in two days, insomnia and just not being comfortable wasn’t a good mix. Norman was being a little mean that day and put a lot of work on you. He was making you run stuff to different offices, take stuff up and down steps, get lunch for everyone, etc. It was now 9pm and norman was about to leave when he saw you cleaning up…he saw how exhausted you looked and felt a little bad. He just shrugged it off and went home. The next day he went to ask you if you were alright but you weren’t in your office. Now he was worried. You were never late..never. He tried calling you a few times but you never picked up. Norman just gave up and went to your house. You had gave norman a key a few weeks ago since you guys had been dating so he had a way in. “…y/n? Pumpkin are you alright…?” He walked in and looked around..you weren’t in the living room. “Y/n?…” Norman walked around when he finally saw you. Sick looking and barley able to walk. “Y/n! Oh dear are you alright? You look terrible sweetheart…” Norman Immediately went to you and held you up. “t-thanks for telling me I look horrible…” You spoke as you leaned into your concerned boyfriend. “I didn’t mean it like tha-….honey?” Norman looked down and you were dead asleep in his arms…he carried you to his car and took you back to his house. You needed some good sleep.
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ghnaim24 · 7 months
Hello world of tumblr 👋 I know that Yorgos Lanthimos new film “Poor Things” is less than 2 weeks away from being released and from reading the reviews and watching the previews and trailers on social media I think I have some ideas and requests for fan fiction for Willem Dafoe’s character Dr. Godwin Baxter.
For my ideas/requests because Dr. Baxter is like a father figure to Emma Stone’s character Bella Baxter I was thinking that the female reader who is as young as Bella physically, she becomes like a mother figure to Bella and during their time together Dr. Baxter becomes enchanted by the female reader that they get to know each other and decide to get married to become one happy family.
Another idea/request I have is the female reader is the only female student in Dr. Baxter class and the men become intimidated by the reader but Dr. Baxter is impressed and becomes infatuated by her that he lets her become his aid and throughout time they court each other.
Please let me know if anyone is willing to write these requests and I can try to come up with some others. If not I understand. Please and thank you 🙏
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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I wrote another thing for another Willem character. This time it's a short fic for my currently favorite character of his, John Geiger. Read the summary below for more details: 
You are Geiger's willing hostage and although you love him, you long for your freedom. For a year, you have been held prisoner in his small Manhattan apartment, cosplaying as his happy little housewife. However, you are afraid to ask for your freedom due to his past rejections. But on your year anniversary, he seems more open to the idea. Will he be more willing to let you regain your freedom? And what does that mean for your relationship moving forward?
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b1ueoff1ine · 2 years
Norman Osborn Fan Fiction
Norman Osborn × Trans!M!Reader
You recently got the surgery to remove the boobs that originally sat on your chest. You're super excited, and your boyfriend is excited for you as well. In fact, he's so happy for you that he takes you out to a nice dinner.
Word Count: 382 only.
Warnings: Age Gap.
A/N: this was my first LGBTQ work, so let me know if you like it! Or if you want another LGBTQ work from me!
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You were officially off the meds the doctors had given you for your surgery.
This was a huge milestone in your life. You were finally able to be accepted as a trans male- most people took one look at the bulge that rested on your chest and declared you a female, no matter how much you told them no, you were trans, that you identified as male.
Your parents were proud of you too, and that was great. What was even better, however, was that your boyfriend, Norman Osborn, was even more proud. He loved you for who you were, not for who you used to be, and not for the image of your body.
That was the biggest reason you were with him- his charming good looks coming second.
– –
"Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?" Norman's deep voice came through from the other end of the call.
"Great! I just got off the meds this morning." You reply.
"That's good. Are you okay with me stopping by? I want to ask you something."
"Of course you can. You know you're always welcome at my apartment."
"Ok. And get something nice on, I have a surprise for you." With that, he hung up the call.
"A surprise? Must be good!" You rushed to get something nice on, and you settled for a red button-up shirt and black ripped jeans.
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Norman knocked on the door at 4:06 PM.
You ran to the door and opened it, seeing Norman in a nice white button-up tee and plain blue jeans.
You jumped in his arms and he kissed you.
"Norman! Look how flat I am!"
"I know darling, you look so handsome!"
Hearing him call you handsome instead of pretty made you the happiest man in the world.
"You know that surprise I told you about?" Norman asked.
"Yeah?" You couldn't sit still anymore. You were just too excited. You started bouncing on your toes, waiting for his reply.
"I booked us a private table at {expensive restaurant}. It'll be just you and me." He said proudly.
"Really? That's my favorite restaurant! Thank you so much, Norman!"
This time you kissed him, and you giggled into his mouth when he squeezed your ass teasingly.
"I love you Norman."
"I love you too Y/N."
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@ghostlypie for asking for this!
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myveryownfanfiction · 7 months
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requested by @illiana-mystery
Prompt from @knivesofdaudwill
prompt: a gentle “I love you” whispered after a soft kiss, followed immediately by a stronger kiss
tags: @fangsandroses, @salemwitch96, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @ghostlypie
Norman looked up as I walked into the room. He smiled at me before looking me over, his expression subtly changing. I rolled my eyes at him with a smile as I walked to the side of his desk.
“hello.” He said, turning in his chair to face me.
“Hi.” I responded. “Did you sign those papers yet?” Norman shrugged and glanced at his desk. “Norman.” I whined quietly.
“I need incentive. You know that.” He chuckled. Norman glanced at his door and I sat in his lap.
“you and your damn incentive.” I laughed. Norman shrugged with a smile. “What do you require to get those papers signed?” He smiled at me before leaning in to kiss me. I cupped his cheeks as he pulled away. Normans eyes were shining as he looked at me.
“I love you.” He whispered as his thumbs rubbed over my shirt. Norman leaned in to kiss me again, this time pulling me closer to him and tightening his grip on me. I hummed into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“I love you too.” I said when we finally broke away. Norman smiled at me and pulled me flush against him. We sat like that for a while before he turned back to the desk and signed the papers I had given him the day before.
“all done.” He whispered as he pushed back from the desk to let me up. I laughed as I took the papers and went to leave. Norman caught my hand and pulled me back, standing up to kiss me one last time. “Making you my assistant was the best thing I’ve ever done.” I smiled at him and cupped his cheek.
“remember that when you’re complaining I work you too hard.” I teased. Norman kissed my hand before letting me finally leave his office.
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darkshadow90 · 2 years
Norman Osborn & Daughter reader (request drabble): He protects you from creeps
Summary: You’re meeting peter for an event and Norman notices some sketchy guys hanging around and refuses to leave you by yourself. When the two are dumb enough to mock him, a new side of his personality you haven’t seen before comes out
A/N: Hey guys. This is a short drabble requested by @purplezombietumbler They wanted a short one shot in which Norman protects his daughter from creeps. I’m also working on the same request, but for Otto protecting daughter reader. Warnings: Norman (actually it’s the Goblin if you read carefully) threatening the creeps, violence, but not too violent, just enough to scare them. I hope you like it :)
You were going into the city to meet Peter for an event. Norman had Bernard drive both of you. “Okay, we’re here. Peter said he would bring me home. I’ll see you later.” You moved to get out of the car, but your father pulled you back. “Out of the question.” You rolled your eyes. “Dad, I’m a big girl. I’ll be fine.” “I’m not leaving you alone in the city at night. I’ll wait with you until Peter gets here.”
Two guys overheard the conversation and decided to approach you. “Don’t worry about her. She’ll be safe with us. So why don’t you get back in your car and get lost, Richie Rich.” Suddenly, your father lunged at the two creeps, lifting them off the ground. He was holding one guy in each arm by the neck. You had no idea he was that strong. It scared you a little. “If you two idiots don’t get out of here right now, if you take one more step towards my daughter, I’ll crush you like a grape in the palms of my hands. Do you understand?” They nodded without hesitating, he put them down and they ran away.
This was a side of your father you had never seen before. What was going on with him? Was it stress from work? You weren’t sure, but you were quiet the whole time until Peter got there.
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 6 months
Tom Blyth x Actress!Reader
TBOSAS Vogue Interviews — You + Josh
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no descriptors other than reader being shorter than tom but i use she / her. click [HERE] for the table of contents for all things tom x actress!reader, and click [HERE] for Tom + Rachel’s interview! little reminder, tbosas has been out for a month when this takes place so they are allowed to mention spoilers. this interview takes place the same day as rachel and tom’s, so you don’t know any of their questions or answers yet. little reminder, your character in HOTD is named juliette.
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Like Rachel and Tom’s video, the first bit shows short clips of some answers, but no context as to what the questions are.
You burst out laughing. “That is absolutely not what happened and you know it!”
Josh thinks, then snaps his finger and points to you. “Lover, or Evermore.”
You and Josh fist-bump as you look at the camera and say “Willem Dafoe” at the same time.
The actual video begins with you and Josh trying, and failing, to stop laughing.
“I’m sorry we’ll stop,” you promise as you attempt a serious face. “Hi Vogue, I’m Josh Andres Rivera.”
Josh looks at the camera with a straight face as he introduces himself using your name. “Today we’re here to ask and answer questions rapid-fire style! I have the first one, can you give us any spoilers for season two of House of the Dragon?”
You burst out laughing again. “That is not the first question… is it?”
Josh shrugs, “no but the people want to know.”
You look at the camera, “sorry I love my job too much, the people will have to wait. We are completely finished with the filming but I may actually get fired for revealing everything. However I will say if you thought the first season was crazy, you have no idea what’s coming. Where my character is involved, remember she doesn’t know that Lucerys is dead, or that Aemond is directly responsible. And he’d just convinced her that he would change and do better for her before he left, so you have her finding out to look forward to.”
“Not a spoiler like I hoped but I will accept your answer, and I can’t wait to see Juliette kick Aemond’s ass! Okay the real first question, what songs did we sing first when we went and did karaoke as a cast?” Josh raises his eyebrows. “Someone did their research. Oh God I honestly have no idea what the first song was. I definitely sang one too many though. Do you remember yours?”
You nod, “Style by Taylor Swift.”
“Oh yeah that’s right!” He looks at the camera, “that was the day I found out I’d be working with Taylor Swift’s number one fan.”
“The real question is do you remember what I said my favorite album of hers was?”
He thinks for a minute. “Fuck — oh sorry can we swear? You just told me the other day too!” After a few more seconds, he snaps and points to you. “Lover or Evermore right?”
You do a slow clap. “I’m impressed! At my core I am a Lover girly but right now my favorite album is evermore.”
Josh grins at the camera. “Major bff points right there. Okay my turn to ask a question. Oh I bet Rachel and Tom got asked this too. Most difficult scene to film and why?”
“Ooh that’s a good one,” you think for a moment. “Physically, for sure the big scene I have with Tom. Emotionally, I think Sejanus’ execution. Obviously because that’s an emotional thing in itself, but it was the most difficult emotionally just because of how much I had to cry. From the moment Sejanus is led to the tree, to the moment my character falls to the ground sobbing once he’s dead, it started out as tearing up and by the end I had to like I said be full on sobbing. I’m just thankful we got that scene in a few takes,” you laugh.
Josh nods, then points to you as he looks at the camera, “if you guys haven’t seen the movie yet, she’s incredible. I had a hard time with that scene but I can’t imagine how difficult it was for you. It was so cool to see the final cut.”
“If you don’t say your most difficult scene, that was so sweet I may actually cry right now, thank you!”
“Okay okay, emotionally I’d also say my characters execution. Physically, escaping from the arena with Tom. We tripped a few times, it was also hard because we had to coordinate with the actors who play the tributes to make sure they wouldn’t actually catch us.”
“What do you think Rachel and Tom said their answers were?” Someone asks off camera.
You and Josh are both quiet for another moment as you think.
“I think Rachel said the hardest scenes physically were the games because she missed stunt training in the beginning.”
Josh mimics your slow clap from earlier. “That was my exact answer too. And Tom… I think his answer emotionally was yours for physically. I know he was a little nervous to film the fight scene with you in the cabin.”
“My heart,” you put your hand over your heart and smile at the camera as if he’s right there, before turning back to Josh. “Yeah neither of us wanted to rehearse it very much since we couldn’t meet with the stunt coordinator until the day we shot the scene. He was so worried about hurting me. Okay sorry we took so long just for that one question. Describe each others characters in three words.”
“Badass because… hello that whole scene with Tom, kind because she puts everyone else before herself, and cunning. I like that she can think on her feet.” Josh sits back, satisfied with his answer.
You high-five Josh. “Nova May appreciates that. And now I definitely have to top that. Loyal. I know it’s almost to a fault but Nova May really loves that about him, congenial because I feel like it’s really easy to love Sejanus. He’s not like the others who grew up in the capital. And… sweet. He didn’t let having money get to his head.”
“Sejanus also appreciates your answers. Okay my question, name three characters from other franchises that you think would do well in the games.”
“I love this! I swear this isn’t because they’re shows I’ve worked on, they genuinely are the first characters to come to mind. Aemond Targaryen because he clearly has no problem with murder,” you laugh and look at the camera, “love you Ewan! Hmm, Paul Atriedes just because I really wanna see Timmy film the arena scenes. And Joel Miller because I am a Last of Us girly and I know he could kick ass.”
Josh nods, appreciating your answers. “I probably should’ve spent just now thinking of my answers, shit. I’ll say… King T’Challa because he’s overall just a badass and he can fight. This is also in the MCU but Kate Bishop because a bow and arrow are good for long distance kills, and then… just because I’ve been watching The Last Kingdom a lot, Uhtred Ragnarsson.”
“Who plays the best movie villain?” You ask. You and Josh look at each other and grin, having just discussed this a few days ago.
The 2 of you fist bump as you look at the camera and say “Willem Dafoe.”
“There will be no elaborating. Two words: Green Goblin. The ones who get it, just do,” you shrug, and the camera then zooms in on Josh who just nods.
Someone off camera motions for you and Josh to get to the last 2 questions.
“Advice for aspiring actors?” You ask. “I’d say don’t give up. You may get a hundred no’s, but if this is really what you want to do just keep working, keep auditioning. That one yes after a hundred no’s could be the role that changes everything.”
Josh points to you again, “I completely agree. Even if you feel like the only option is to give up, if this is your passion and genuinely what you want to do, don’t quit. You never know when your big break might come. I think I’ve got the last question. Favorite part about filming The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes? I know what she’s going to say,” he points to you and laughs. “Name starts with a T and ends with om,” he looks at the camera again. “You guys she was all heart eyes the moment they met.”
You can feel your face getting warm, but in the end you nod. “That is absolutely not what happened and you know it!” You sigh, then admit defeat. “Alright it’s true. I don’t know that Tom and I would’ve met if it weren’t for this film. Although I had already watched season one of Billy the Kid, that was released I wanna say a couple of months before I booked this movie. So I was already a fan of his.”
“And we all know my love for Dune and House of the Dragon,” a voice speaks up from behind you.
Immediately you get out of your chair and Tom pulls you into his arms, hugging you tight as he looks down at you. “Alright my love?” He asks. After a minute you return to your seat and he greets Josh.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, still surprised.
“Just thought I’d come surprise you,” he smiles. “And I sort of tricked you. That dinner meeting your agent mentioned is actually dinner with me,” Tom turns to Josh. “Rachel says she’s free if you both want to join us.”
Josh agrees and pulls out his phone, saying he’ll let Rachel know.
You swear if your heart could beat out of your chest, it would. No one has ever made you this happy.
Someone off camera asks you all to film the outro for the video.
“Thank you to Vogue for having us!” Tom stands beside your chair and puts his arm around you.
“We hope you enjoy our film, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes,” you smile at the camera.
“It has been in theaters for a month now but you can still catch it for a limited time,” Josh finishes.
“Bye guys!”
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@callsignwidow | @spencerstits | @coconut-dreamz | @daenerysqueenofhearts | @inf4ntdeath
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Hey 👋 I got another request for Bobby Hicks where it’s the scene when the police show up at the motel at night because of some of the motel guests. The female reader who works at the motel is out of her room wearing a cute nightie and robe and Bobby is wearing his muscle shirt and when they both see each other they get flustered by the appearances. Smut if you want to include. Please and thank you 🙏
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Warnings: smut
The stress of the day was really getting to her head. She had planned on finally sleeping, but here police sirens coming towards the hotel. It didn’t take her by surprise, but she wished to go home, but she worked there, so whatever is currently happening, she had to get out of her room she stayed at when she was working extra late
She gets out of her cozy bed, and wraps herself up in her robe. She exits the room to check out what had happened. But Bobby was outside of her room, since he was about to knock on the door. She couldn’t form a sentence however, since he wore a muscle shirt
A blush appears on her face, and he’s also blushing at the sight of her. “Don’t worry, we don’t need to get involved in whatever is happening with the cops. I just wanted to check up on you” he says as he’s trying so hard to imagine her naked form under the robe, not knowing she had something on underneath
“How thoughtful! I was just about to go to bed though” he looks disappointed by that answer, which throws her off guard. “Why do you look disappointed?” She asked. “I just thought we could have a drink” he says, but she knew there was more to it. Her blush becomes obvious now when she quickly figured out what he really wanted to do
She moves to the side to let him. “Come on in then” he smiles, and enters her room. She closes the door behind her, and then turns to face him. He knew she figured out what he truly wanted, and she definitely couldn’t decline such a pleasurable moment. She takes her robe off, and so now her nightie was showing
His lips go onto hers now; his hands go onto her face as the two make out. She pulls apart, and then went over to lay down on the bed. Once she laid down, she takes off her underwear. He undresses now, and once he was naked, he gets onto the bed, and then he was on top of her
She lifts up the nightie, so he could go into her. Without any words being spoken, he goes into her. Her head arches back, and a moan left her mouth. He lets her stretch out before he thrusts. Once she was stretched out, he begins to thrust. “Bobby” she moans out as now hits her spot
Her eyes were at the back of her head as he fucks her. Her fingers clutching around the comforter of the bed with his fingers intertwined with hers. He lets out moans of his own, and his head arches back too. She looks back at him for a moment, and fell harder for him. She also didn’t know how this was gonna affect work, but that was something to worry about later
A knock on the door makes him stop. The two make eye contact now as he pulls out of him. “Who is it?” She asks whoever was on the other side of the door. “It’s Moonee” Moonee says, and the two just hoped she didn’t hear anything that just happened. “I want to come inside” Moonee says, which makes Bobby get off of her now
He went over to put his clothes back on. She gets up to get her underwear back on, and throws on a pair of silk shorts to cover herself more. Once she was in clothes, and knew Bobby was fully dressed, she goes over to open the door. “Come on in” she says to Moonee as she moves to the side to let the kid in
Moonee sees Bobby, and was confused. Moonee also thought that maybe that the employee was in trouble. “Did she do something wrong, Bobby?” Moonee asks seriously. “No, of course not. We were just chatting” he said, which makes Moonee nod her head
“Which means I should go now” he looks at his worker now. She looks at him, and smiles. He smiles back, and left. She knew she had to talk about what happened when there was alone time again
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0tt00ctavius · 2 years
Norman Osborn x fem!reader
Summary: You started staying at Norman’s house more often, then it turned into you moving in with him. When you see that he’s having a nightmare you calm him down and ask him to tell you what’s been going on.
Tw: mentions of blood, and well a little bit of other gorey stuff. Angst and some fluff but mostly angst 😀.
It was a Friday night meaning that you and Norman just got off work and would have the weekend together. You both went home and got showers. Norman was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a green, baggy, shirt. You were also wearing a pair of gray sweatpants on with a black shirt. You two watched a movie and ate dinner. It was time for bed and both of you decided to sleep together. Norman was scared of waking you up with one of his nightmares but he finally gave in and let you sleep with him. He started having nightmares of what the goblin made him do and would sometimes wake up screaming due to one. He was just hoping tonight wasn’t one of those nights.
“Are you comfortable?” Norman asked while holding you, scared that he was hurting you due to the performance enhancers. “I’m fine darling” You replied while smiling and slightly laughing, making Norman’s face turn red. Norman loved it when you called him darling or love, he doesn’t know why but it makes him feel safe. “Ok just let me know if I start hurting you in anyway.” Norman held you close, the warmth from his body made you even more comfortable. “Norman…you don’t have to worry about hurting me or making me uncomfortable.” He sighed in contentment as he held you closer.
It was around three am when his nightmare started. Every other nightmare was of what the goblin made him do in the past but tonight it was what goblin was going to do. He dreamed of the goblin hurting you. you. Why was he having a nightmare about hurting you? You did nothing to make him even have the thought of hurting you. It also felt so real to him. Feeling as though it was happening right then and there. The dream was of him beating you to a pulp. You two were apparently in a fight it seemed like and he just lost control. Once his dream self regained consciousness he was able to see what he had done to you. You were bloody and bruised, you crying as you held up your hands to some-what block his hits. His dream self looked at you and then the whole room went black. He was leaning on something that seemed like a wall. Then he saw you. Slowly limping towards him. “you hurt me…” You whispered as you began getting closer to norman. “you promised…to never lay a hand on me…” Blood started dripping out of your mouth as norman watched in horror, him starting to cry in terror and guilt. “I-I’m sorry! I lost control I-I didn’t mean to!” Him trying to back up but he was still against the wall. Then all of a sudden you disappeared only to reappear right in his face. “YOU HURT ME.” Dream you screamed at him as he looked at you, his eyes full of fear.
You had woke up to norman mumbling in his sleep. He looked frightened as his forehead started to sweat. You were worried about him, you didn’t know he had nightmares so this was an absolute first. Sometimes you would walk in on him asleep on the couch but he never looked like he did tonight. He always looked like he was at peace and now he looks like he’s just went through a haunted house. You went hold his hand and to try and wake him up but you apparently scared him right out of it. He sat straight up and was panting like he had just ran a marathon, his hand tightly grasped around yours making you wince in pain. It felt as though he was crushing your bones. His nails broke the skin on your hand and they dug right into you. You shouted in pain while trying to pull away from Norman. He looked at you, his eyes full of fear but then slowly started to soften at the sight of you. Though his eyes started to fill with worry as he saw the amount of pain on your face. “Y/n?…what’s wrong?” He looked down to see him hurting you. He instantly let go as he looked at you, his eyes filling with fear once more. You held your hand in pain as norman watched, scared to go near you, fearing that he might hurt you again. Your hand was throbbing in pain, but you had to make sure Norman was ok. “N-norman?..” Pain was clearly in your voice as he looked at you. “Y/n… I’m so sorry!” He starts getting closer to you. “I didn’t mean to hurt you!” He cupped your face as he kissed your forehead. “I am so sorry my love, may I see your hand?…” He wanted to see if he broke the skin or not, either way he would bandage your hand. You uncover your injured hand only to see that you had been bleeding a bit. He sees the blood and he can feel guilt rising inside himself. He looked at your bloody hand and almost started crying. Knowing that he has caused pain upon you just crushes him. He’s always wanted to make you feel happy not sad, mad, or feel pain. He looked up at you and was about to say something but the look of terror and pain that was shown by you instantly caused him to loose his track of mind. “I-I’m sorry…this is all my fault…I didn’t mean to scare you.” You spoke so softly that it could put a man to sleep but expressed enough fear and pain to make someone feel bad. “It’s ok! You have nothing to apologize for.” Norman gently helped you out of bed and helped you to the bathroom. He inspects your hand to see if anything else is bleeding. “I’m so sorry darling…” Norman started to clean your hand as you winced in pain, the warm rag softly went back and fourth over the wound. He wrapped your hand in an ace bandage before asking you if you wanted to stay up or go back to bed, but you wanted to stay up and ask about his dream.
“Norman you don’t have to tell me but… what were you dreaming about?” Norman looked at you as you spoke, fear filling him again. “…I….” Norman fell silent, wrapping himself in a blanket. “y/n…I’ve been keeping something from you” You looked at him confused and curious. “Ok? What is it? You can tell me anything.” You moved closer to him and started hugging him. Norman was scared to tell you that he was the green goblin. He didn’t want you to be scared of him. He didn’t want to lose you. He took a deep breath and began to speak. “Have you ever heard of the green goblin?” He asked while his voice began to shake a bit. “Yeah isn’t that the green elf lookin’ thing from a few years ago?” Norman looked at you and almost started laughing but he kept his composure and started speaking. “Yes and ummm…” Norman was afraid to continue that sentence, scared that you might be scared of him. “I-I’m was the green goblin..” Your eyes were filled with fear, you moved away a bit as well. Norman, the man you loved was the green goblin?!? You couldn’t believe what he was saying, but after hearing him start crying after seeing your reaction, you quickly hugged him. “Its ok..it’s ok!” You gently swayed him back and fourth while rubbing his back. He wasn’t crying because you moved, he was crying because he was scared of you leaving him because of his past. He held onto you tightly as he cried into your chest. “Norman it’s ok!..” He was trying to calm down the best he could. He kept apologizing in between sniffs and him trying to catch his breath.
You finally got norman to calm down and talk to you about the green goblin and his nightmares. He was scared the whole time while telling you about it, you was all he had left. “I’m really sorry for keeping this from you..and I understand if you don’t want to date me anymore I-“ You hugged him tightly. “Norman I will love you no matter what, he took control over you, whatever he did, he did not you.” Norman almost started crying because of that. You loved him way to much…there was no way you could just leave him. “It’s ok my love…shh…it’s ok…” you softly said as you rubbed your boyfriends back. He couldn’t believe you still loved him after he finally revealed the truth. “y-you’re…staying….right…?” Norman mumbled as he slightly pulled away to look at your face. Poor bud had tears going all down his face and snot coming out to- he looked like a sad two year old. “I- oH euOGh-…y-yeaHhHh I’m staying buttttt I need to get you a tissue. You’re snotting all over my shirt hon-“ You slightly moved away and grabbed the box of tissues you had on your nightstand….sometimes you’d wake up crying due to a night mare so you made sure ya had tissues. Norman just chuckled and sniffed it back up. “eUOGHHHHH!!!! NOOO! I- you nasty-“ you said looking at your boyfriend like ‘you did not’. “How a-am I nasty?-“ Norman mumbled, he sounded so stuffy from crying. “because. You very easily could’ve blew that out onto a tissue. hErE-“ your hand was slightly shaking-…norman still had snot on his upper lip so you just bArLey stuck it to him. “There- I’m not ya mama-.” You said as you sat beside of him, norman started laughing a bit and he blew his nose. After he cleaned himself up norman just held you. “I love you so much Y/n….you have no idea.” Your sOon To bE hUsbAnd softly said as he rubbed circles on your back. Some how he had this magic trick- he rubbed your back and almost a second later you’d fall asleep. he’s just a magic man. Norman was talking to you and he kept saying the most swEeTEsT things ever-. He loved you so much…he really did. “Y/n how about in a few minutes we watch a movie? Mhm? Is that alright with you my dear?” No response. This poor man was starting to slightly worry. “Y/n?….” He mumbled as he looked down at you. You was o u t. Flopped over on his chest and just dead asleep. He smiled big and got both of y’all positioned. “G’night my love bug…sleep good…” He kissed your forehead and cover both of y’all up. Not to long after that he fell asleep as well.
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