#reading wrap-up: february 2019
rivalsforlife · 4 months
Ace Attorney News Roundup
Very behind on several of these, but news doesn't always cross over from twitter to tumblr, so I thought I'd recap some things here:
AAI 15th Anniversary
First: today marks the 15th anniversary of Ace Attorney Investigations! Tatsuro Iwamoto, the art director for AAI, made a celebratory sketch of Kay to commemorate the occasion (link to tweet):
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Iwamoto has also been drawing fanart of minor characters throughout the ace attorney trilogy on his twitter page. These include: April May, Dee Vasquez, Yanni Yogi (and Polly), Richard Wellington, Turner Grey, Moe the Clown, Max Galactica, Oldbag (alien mode), Matt Engarde, Doug Swallow, Luke Atmey (and Mask☆DeMasque), Viola Cadaverini, Valerie Hawthorne, Lisa Basil, and Glen Elg. Technically these aren't official art, but it's always good to have more art of obscurer characters!
The Great Ace Attorney Hit A Million Copies
Some big news: The Great Ace Attorney's 2021 port hit a million copies sold, making it the second ace attorney game to hit Capcom's platinum titles list, the first being the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy from 2019! This comes just under 3 years since the release of the duology in July 2021. In comparison, the original AA trilogy hit a million copies in December 2020, shortly under two years since the release of the game in February 2019.
The update to the platinum titles sales shows that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy has reached 3.3 million copies sold, which means that it has sold over a million copies in less than a year! (My last post that had information on sales, where I said the trilogy had sold 2.3 million, was in September 2023.) It also makes it the 30th highest selling title for Capcom, which I think is pretty impressive considering giants like Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Street Fighter are making up the majority of the top 30.
So, the AA trilogy made its first million in approximately 22 months, but now it has sold a million over the last 8 months. I don't know anything about game sales and so this next part is just speculation, but I wouldn't expect it to be very common for games to sell more years out from their release compared to at release? I think that's really saying something about the long-term staying power of this series, and its increasing popularity over the last few years despite not having any new releases (aside from ports - and porting the series to all platforms probably has something to do with the popularity.)
The AA Twitter Is Very Active Right Now
Here are a couple of bullet points with no relation to each other:
-The official ace attorney twitter has been VERY active, particularly the last week. They've been doing the same "weekly book club" for each case that they did for the Great Ace Attorney duology, but that wrapped up last week and now it's just been memes, at least one a day. In most of my time following this account over the last uhh six years, they mostly ramp up marketing around new releases but are kinda silent the rest of the time, with the occasional meme, but definitely not at this frequency.
-Summer Game Fest is next week.
That probably means nothing, as it has every other time I thought we might get some big ace attorney news, but I think it's worth noting.
So, lots of stuff happened this week! Thanks for reading.
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fravenwood · 11 months
[Book Review] The Priory of the Orange Tree
This review is as spoiler free as possible!
Book Title: The Priory of the Orange Tree
Author: Samantha Shannon
Genre: Fantasy
Publication Date: 26 February 2019
ISBN: 9781635577921
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Hi! Today’s book is The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon! Fantasy is my genre of choice for most reading and writing, and this book has been on my radar for a while. A standalone epic fantasy novel with strong characters, worldbuilding, LBTQ+ rep, and…dragons? Yes, please!
Plot Summary:
The Priory of the Orange tree follows the events of a grim fantasy world. About one thousand years prior to the beginning of the novel, there was a fire dragon (or wyrm, in the novel) known as the Nameless One. He was prophesied to return one day and destroy the world, infecting all humans with a disease known as the red sickness. We start by following the story of Tané the dragonrider, but we are soon introduced to Niclays the alchemist, Ead the spy, and Arteloth the messenger as our other POV characters. Each of them has unique goals and character arcs, and everything wraps up really nicely in the end. A breath of fresh air compared to many modern fantasy novels wishing to be the next Game of Thrones with massive cliffhangers and no resolution.
Oh, Miduchi Tané. There’s a lot more to delve into about her backstory, but she doesn’t get a lot of attention during the plot. She makes a mistake in the beginning of the book, one that ultimately defines her path throughout the story—but she definitely has the least amount of thought and care put into her.
Niclays Roos has a bit more going on. He wants to create the Elixir of Life, a pursuit first given to him by Queen Sabran of the kingdom of Inys. He was cast out to an island after failing to provide it to her, and he decided to continue trying to create it only to deny her its power. An interesting premise, and backed up by a past relationship that gets further explored throughout the novel.
Ead Duryan is by far my favorite character, and I suspect Samantha Shannon’s as well. She gets the most attention, and her storyline is the only one related directly to the book’s title. Working as a spy for an organization known as the Priory, she seeks to protect Queen Sabran Berethnet at all costs. There is a legend that this royal bloodline must continue to prevent the Nameless One from returning. Her arc of learning to live in Inys and being pulled between life there and her duties as a member of the Priory is the most compelling in the novel.
If Ead wasn’t the best character, it would’ve been Arteloth Beck. He is sent away on false pretenses of an important espionage mission to separate him and Sabran. Evidently, the two are too close, and people worried they might be rizzing it up. This is a problem for those who wish to weaken the queen. Along the way he has significant growth, and his character traits are intriguing and complex.
Writing Style:
The prose in this book is beautiful. There are a few times where it comes across as a little infodump-y, but for the most part Samantha Shannon writes a vivid tale and somehow never runs out of steam through this chonker of a book. She uses lovely descriptive writing, being sure to bring each location to life. Aside from a few clunky dialogue lines or expository paragraphs, this novel’s writing is what really sucked me in.
There are several themes in this book that deal with relevant social issues or moral questions. Whether or not someone is a good or bad person based on their past comes up multiple times, as does the issue of bodily autonomy for women. LGBTQ+ representation is also high in this book, a wonderful change from the norm in adult fantasy. It never felt forced, nor did it feel out of place. There are also great themes of perseverance, courage, the typical fantasy themes.
What I Liked:
The scale of the plot is massive, and the characters are still somehow lovable in their own ways. Even lesser-developed side characters have so much charm. The way Samantha Shannon brings them to life is unparalleled! There are lots of fun twists and turns, and those twists have turns themselves. I’m also a sucker for the “dragons were gone but they’re coming back” trope, and she executes it really well. The political sphere felt fully realized and imaginative, and the magic system takes the classic fire versus water idea and takes it in a fresh direction.
What Could Be Improved:
As previously mentioned, I could tell which characters were her favorites and that wasn’t necessarily a great thing. There were exposition moments that dragged on, and sometimes the pace was a little too slow or fast. Tané’s storyline in particular was odd, because the dragonriding thread should’ve been one of the most fun. Unfortunately, we rarely see her riding a dragon because the plot keeps throwing conflicts at her that prevents it.
The Priory of the Orange Tree is a great fantasy novel. Beautiful prose, colorful characters, a lifelike world and gripping plot threads make this a must read for fans of fantasy and adventure.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4/5
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theinquisitxor · 7 months
February 2024 Reading Wrap Up
I read 8 books in February, and overall had a great reading month. I had three five-star books, which is a lot for me in one month. I read 2 audiobooks and 6 physical books. I read 5 fantasy, 2 nonfiction, and 1 historical/literary fiction.
1.The Throne of the Five Winds (Hostage of Empire 1) by SC Emmet 5/5 stars. This was my Random TBR pick from January, which I finished up in Feb. This book had been on my tbr since 2019, and it was a fantastic courtly political fantasy. This is set in an ancient China inspired setting, with several different countries and cultures. The story follows two young women (one, a princess in an arranged marriage) as they travel to a neighboring empire to become integral in the court life there. I was surprised by how much I loved this book, and it's become a new favorite.
2.House of Flame and Shadow (Crescent City 3) by SJM, 4/5 stars. The Crescent City books have been favorites for several years now, and I was very interested to see how this book (and the series) would develop as a crossover. I enjoyed this quite a lot, and it is very stereotypical SJM writing and plot. I love any sort of crossovers, portals, and traveling between worlds, so this book was a treat to me. However,  it felt like things came together too quickly and easily at the end, and it rushed towards a conclusion, and I wasn't as impressed with this book as much as I wanted to be.
3.The Bookseller of Florence: The Story of the Manuscripts that Illuminated the Renaissance by Ross King. I read this on audio and this was a huge deep dive into the world of the bookmarkets and booksellers in Florence. If you want a big dose of book history, this one is it. I didn't really enjoy the audiobook narrator unfortunately.
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4.Blade Breaker (Realm Breaker 2) by Victoria Aveyeard 3/5 stars. I enjoyed this a little bit more than book 1, and this series has captured my attention so I want to see how it ends. I think I would be enjoying these books more if I were 16 or 17, but reading these in my mid-twenties is maybe not the target age range for this series. I enjoy the worldbuilding and characters the most.
5. A God In Every Stone by Kamila Shamsie 3/5 stars. This was every type of historical fiction that I enjoy: Early 20th cen. setting, Archeologists searching for an ancient artifact, WW1 book, Ancient and classical texts, Non-Western setting and examination of British Empire and colonialism. This was my Random TBR pick for the month of Feb, and this book has been on my tbr since 2020. I was glad to read it, and I tend to enjoy these types of novels. This feels like half literary fiction, half historical fiction.
6. The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden, 5/5 stars. This was as hauntingly horrific and beautiful as I hoped it would be. I had been waiting as patiently as I could for a new Katherine Arden adult novel, and this was well worth the wait. This book encapsulated WWI and the horrors well, with good characters, and a speculative/fantasy twist that I enjoyed.
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7. What Feasts at Night (Sworn Soldier 2) by T Kingfisher, 4/5 stars. This is a followup horror novella to What Moves the Dead. This had more of a woodsy, folkloric horror than book 1. I think it was a little stronger than the first novella, since it wasn’t a retelling. I look forward to whatever else T Kingfisher writes, and I would enjoy more of these novellas!
8. Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland by Patrick Radden Keefe, 5/5 stars. This was my second audiobook for the month, and I was very impressed by this. I only knew a summery-level about The Troubles, but this was a great introduction for me.
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That's it for February! I started (but did not finish) Us Against You by Frederick Backman, so I will finish that up in March.
My March TBR
Us Against You by Frederick Backman (Beartown 2)
The Poison Prince (Hostage of Empire 2) by SC Emmet
The Prisoner's Throne by Holly Black (releases March 5th)
Random TBR pick: An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors by Curtis Craddock
Knowing What We Know by Simon Winchester
Song of the Huntress by Lucy Holland (Releases March 21st)
The Hedgewitch of Foxhall by Ana Bright (Releases March 24th)
North Woods by Daniel Mason
The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown
I'm definitely not going to get to all of these, but this is the list I'm going to be reading from!
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Sussex Divorce Rumors
Well, we seem to be on #divorcewatch with Radar Online’s scoop that Harry and Meghan are “taking a break.” (Y’all remember who else said they were “on a break” before they broke up? Harry’s favorite TV show, and I’m pretty sure Meghan enjoys it too because I feel like we’ve read about it in her PR. I bet we can look forward to similar shenanigans in the PR war.)
(If you’re not familiar, on FRIENDS, Ross and Rachel decided to “take a break.” Rachel thought that to mean they were together but not going out. Ross thought it meant they had broken up so Ross dated someone else. Rachel found out Ross was dating and she flipped out, there was a big fight and it was a recurring theme throughout the rest of the series. I bet we’ll see similar accusations in War of the Sussexes.)
Anyway, I thought I would repost a wrap-up I did a few months ago of all the divorce rumors I’ve been tracking. See the original post here. (The original post also included divorce rumors about all the royals.) These rumors are through February 2023. I’ll update with rumors from March to the present soon.
The list is below the jump.
Sussexes to divorce before first anniversary. (Betting odds, May 2018)
Sussexes to divorce before third anniversary. (Betting odds, May 2018)
Sussexes to divorce before fifth anniversary. (Betting odds, May 2018)
The Sussex divorce will take place in wintertime, when it is snowing outside. Meghan will shock everyone with the announcement. Harry will be caught totally off-guard. (2019)
Megxit because Meghan threatened to leave and divorce Harry if he didn’t support her. (January 2020)
Harry’s diplomatic immunity as a Counselor of State will force California to send their divorce proceedings to London. Any of California’s laws dictating divorce proceedings or custody will not be applicable. (April 2021)
Harry to file for divorce or leave Meghan if his Counselor of State status is revoked because it conveys a certain diplomatic immunity that would invoke the State Department to move divorce proceedings to London. (April 2021)
Lili is a save-the-marriage baby. (June 2021)
Sussexes are secretly divorced. (November 2021)
Harry will return to the UK/BRF on the original half-in/half-out scheme after the divorce. (March 2022)
Harry left Meghan and bought an apartment in Turtle Bay, NYC, near the UN. He lives there full-time. (March 2022)
Secret Sussex visit to Windsor to initiate divorce proceedings. (April 2022)
Harry and/or the BRF to get full custody of the children after the divorce. (May 2022)
Harry will remarry and adopt more children after leaving Meghan. (May 2022)
Meghan to have a third marriage to a Saudi/Middle Eastern businessman and live quietly in the UK with shared custody of Archie and Lili after the divorce. No more children for her. (May 2022)
Harry and Meghan to divorce in 2025. (May 2022)
If Meghan leaves Harry and initiates the divorce, she will use Diana’s divorce timeline. (June 2022)
Harry will give up titles received for the wedding before the divorce so Meghan cannot use the titles post-divorce. (June 2022)
Harry will leave Meghan and blame it on a mental health crisis. (June 2022)
Meghan will leave Harry and blame it on his insulting/attacking the US Constitution. She will use the divorce announcement/timing to announce political candidacy or other political aspirations. (July 2022)
Meghan to appear on the cover of US Vogue as a condition of the divorce settlement. (August 2022)
Meghan will sell her private journals from royal days for profit after the divorce. (August 2022)
Meghan has moved out of Montecito and into the Beverly Hills Hotel to be with her new boyfriend. (August 2022)
Meghan’s new boyfriend is wealthy, connected, and white. (August 2022)
Meghan does not want custody of the children but will fight for it in the divorce. (August 2022)
Meghan moved back into the Montecito Mansion to create the illusion of a single mom with a playboy husband, who only has her mother for support, for her divorce narrative. (August 2022)
Meghan will work with Sunshine Sachs to tear Harry down the moment the Sussex divorce is public. (August 2022)
Meghan and Harry separated, on the way to a 2023 divorce. Harry travels frequently to the UK when it’s not his time with the children to re-establish domicile for custody fight. (August 2022)
Charles to accept Harry back into the firm as a full-time working royal after the divorce. (September 2022)
Meghan threatened to leave Harry if she was uninvited or sidelined during the Queen’s funeral. That’s why he was demanding she travel to Balmoral with him. (September 2022)
Sussex divorce to be handled in England. Meghan will be represented by a bulldog American lawyer. It will be similar to the Paul McCartney/Heather Mills divorce - as acrimoniously and with Meghan doing some kind of stunt that backfires. (September 2022)
Harry to leave Meghan by the end of 2022 in response to his stripped status at The Queen’s funeral. (September 2022)
Harry to get full physical and legal custody of the children in the divorce and live in Frogmore Cottage with them. (September 2022)
Harry to leave Meghan between October 15, 2022, - November 14, 2022. (September 2022)
Meghan’s threat in The Cut about not signing NDAs and having journals was a threat to Harry to stop him from leaving her, not the BRF. (September 2022)
Meghan to publish her own memoir about Harry post-divorce. (September 2022)
Sussexes had a private meeting with Charles while in London for Queen’s funeral to negotiate terms of the divorce, including timing and announcement. (September 2022)
Harry to physically, mentally, and publicly leave Meghan to return to the BRF by October 31, 2022. (September 2022)
Meghan will give an exclusive Oprah-like interview but not to Oprah, in which she pops off about “her truth” and how the BRF mistreated her during the jubilee, The Queen’s funeral, and Charles’s coronation. This will cause Harry to leave her. (September 2022)
Charles will not accept Harry back into the firm at all after a divorce. (September 2022)
Sussexes to divorce after Netflix and PRH book obligations end. (September 2022)
Meghan is cheating with a married man and wants to leave Harry for him but the new partner has said he doesn’t want a future with Meghan and it’s just a fun affair for him. (October 2022)
Sussexes to divorce by March 2023. (October 2022)
Sussexes have begun divorce proceedings and have formally separated. (October 2022)
If Harry returns to the UK without Meghan and divorces her, then Charles will pay back the remainder of the PRH book advances and sort out financial/legal troubles with Netflix. (October 2022)
A Sussex scandal will precede Harry’s divorce announcement. Both the scandal and the announcement will catch Meghan off-guard. (October 2022)
Harry and Meghan are separated. Harry will spend Christmas at Sandringham with the BRF. (October 2022)
Meghan to launch a PR war against Harry for leaving her at Christmastime. (October 2022)
Meghan and Harry have been separated since August 2021; Harry lives in San Francisco. (October 2022)
Harry left Meghan and lives with Eugenie in Portugal. (November 2022)
Harry went into involuntary rehab after a drug- and alcohol-fueled fight with Meghan following The Queen’s funeral and his public “demotion.” Courts forced them to separate and they are not allowed to live together. Charles will pay Meghan a huge settlement when they finally divorce to keep the court details sealed/private. (November 2022)
Sussex divorce announcement on or by December 17, 2022.
Sussex divorce announcement on or by January 23, 2023.
Charles/the BRF will influence Harry’s terms of the divorce settlement: they will allow Harry to return and have his IPP/security detail back, but he will not be a working royal and kept out of the public eye under very strict parameters. Meghan’s access to the BRF will be cut off and any attempt at a compromise that sees her coming back to London or attending royal events will kick Harry out of both the firm and Britain, and the BRF will take custody of the children. (November 2022)
Sussex divorce by March 2023. (November 2022)
Divorce/separation negotiations are going poorly and Meghan is lashing out via Kerry Kennedy’s criticism and the Kennedy Do-Good award. (November 2022)
Pictures of Archie on a Zoom call were leaked with Meghan’s authorization and indicate that she and Harry are separated, because Harry is the only one who demands and expects the children’s privacy. (November 2022)
Meghan has tapes, audio and video, of Harry being wildly drunk and/or abusive, which will come out in the divorce. Divorce will be acrimonious and messy like the Heard/Depp divorce. (December 2022)
Harry suspending his press lawsuits signals that the divorce is imminent and he is moving back to London. (December 2022)
Harry and Meghan to divorce when the money runs out and they cannot make profitable multi-million dollar deals anymore. (December 2022)
Meghan to leave and divorce Harry when America turns on her. (December 2022)
Sussex divorce announcement to come on the eve of Charles’s coronation, overshadowing the weekend. (December 2022)
The BRF intends to prove/accuse Harry and Meghan as unfit parents to take custody of the children during divorce proceedings. (December 2022)
Doria will testify on Meghan’s behalf about the children’s custody during divorce proceedings to help Meghan win custody; however, the court will question Doria’s absence from Meghan’s childhood and uncover something that will undermine her credibility, which tanks Meghan’s case for custody. (December 2022)
Meghan to leave Harry and use Spare as evidence/justification. (January 2023)
Meghan to file for divorce citing irreconcilable differences. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce to be epic, on par with War of the Wales. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce to begin after Harry’s book tour obligations end. (January 2023)
Harry has a pre-separation agreement in place with Meghan that protects him from all business arrangements and debts made during the marriage in return for silence on certain topics. (January 2023)
Meghan to announce the divorce after William and Kate announce a fourth pregnancy or birth of a fourth child. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce announcement between February 19, 2023, - March 21, 2023. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce to take place in California so Meghan can keep primary custody of the children and earn monthly alimony/child support from the BRF. (January 2023)
Meghan has created an extravagant life in Montecito so when she divorces Harry, she can argue to the court that the children have an exceptional standard of living, which the court will require Harry/the BRF to maintain with alimony/child support payments equivalent to current standard. (January 2023)
Meghan and/or the BRF to use Harry’s admissions of drug and alcohol abuse in Spare and the promo tour against him during the divorce and custody proceedings. (January 2023)
Harry to be placed under a 5150/conservatorship due to his addiction and other issues by the BRF or Meghan in divorce proceedings to show he is unfit for custody. (January 2023)
Sussex terms of divorce to include an agreement that anything of Diana’s (including trust money and jewelry) will automatically go towards the children and cannot be used or accessed by Meghan. (January 2023)
Harry’s dirt from California will start leaking in March as a precursor to the divorce. Meghan will be the one leaking and use it as threats to get what she wants. (January 2023)
Harry to have a catfish scandal on Instagram after divorcing Meghan. (January 2023)
Charles will give Meghan $50 million and generous child support to divorce Harry and return him to London. (January 2023)
Dirt on Meghan’s use of surrogates will be revealed during divorce proceedings. (January 2023)
Charles to be implicated in the cover-up of the Sussexes’ use of a surrogate and he will abdicate or be forced to step back in the fallout. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce in November 2023 (January 2023)
Meghan’s “revenge dress” moment will be related to the Hollywood awards season. (January 2023)
Meghan has a sex tape on the dark web, which will be published/leaked to the “regular” web during the divorce. (January 2023)
Harry will remarry in 2030 - 2031. Meghan will be a non-issue and won’t bother with his new wife. (January 2023)
Security camera footage of Meghan mistreating Charlotte exists and will be leaked during divorce proceedings, causing her to lose custody. (January 2023)
Meghan and Harry have been separated since late 2022. (January 2023)
Sussex divorce between June 2023 and September 2023. (February 2023)
Meghan and Harry are currently legally separated and “will they/won’t they” about the coronation is to keep news of the separation from going public. (February 2023)
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3terna15unshin3 · 1 year
Then Because She Goes
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You wait for a bit
★ Chapter 8 of 15, 3041 words
★ Matty Healy x Original Female Character
★ warnings: none
<< 7
10 February, 2019
The first couple of hours of the morning were filled with lazy conversations, their eyes hazy with sleep and bare bodies still holding each other. Matty kissed her softly, despite her protesting about his morning breath, as he inched his hands over her skin in curiosity; while Este memorised the curl pattern in his messy hair with her fingers. It wasn’t until he craved a smoke (and her a brew) that they finally escaped the covers. Teeth were brushed. Clothes—though minimal—were slipped on. The kettle whistled.
She thought about how they spent the night. There was a moment where they were on the edge of falling into deep slumbers, facing opposite walls and void of touch. But right before Este became unconscious, she felt his feet inch closer to hers. Then his hands. And then, finally, he scooted backwards and rolled over to wrap his arm around her waist. The sweet action made her smile against the pillow and rest peacefully, waking up tangled within him, skin slightly sticky with sweat and with content expressions on their faces.
Matty handed her a cup of tea, holding a coffee for himself. The late morning sunlight streamed into his bedroom and blanketed the two of them. Sitting criss-cross in the crumpled sheets and draped in one of Matty’s t-shirts, Este held the mug up to her lips for a gulp after thanking him. He sat in front of her with his legs hanging off the edge of the mattress and a now half-smoked cigarette between his fingers.
The shirt he lent to her was one that fit him snugly, and since Este’s build wasn’t much smaller than his, it hugged her body in all of the right ways. He stared, worshipping her with his eyes. “It’s honestly a bit annoying that that’s one of my favourite shirts and now that I see it on you I’m realising that it looks shite on me.”
“Stop.” She laughed and gave him a diffident smile. “Things can look good on both of us, you know.”
“But look at you,” Matty argued as he patted around the sheets to find his phone and snap a quick photo. Instinctively, Este covered her face with her cup of tea, only letting her eyes peek out from above. He playfully shoved her, annoyed that she hid from his camera, before showing her the picture.
Este looked at home in both his clothes and his bedroom. The sky, which was surprisingly clear for a February day in London, lit up the space. There were crinkles next to her eyes from the bright smile pulling her cheeks upward, though stowed away behind the mug she held. She looked back and forth between Matty’s face and his phone screen that he displayed for her. The admiration in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed.
“I just look like I’m wearing any other shirt, mate.” Este said with a chuckle.
“Don’t call me your ‘mate’, after what happened last night. I don’t do that with my mates.” He said, making her laugh.
Silence drew upon them, but Matty started again. “Did you ever read the essay I told you to read? That night I crashed at yours?”
Her bottom scooted backwards to lean against the wall above their pillows and she outstretched her legs. “Not yet. I was going to read a copy from the shop but then it sold,” Este shared.
“I’ve got the e-book on my laptop so I can send it to you, if you want.” He offered, standing up and coming around to his side of the bed to copy her position and set his coffee down on the nightstand to his right. “I was just thinking about it because the author has these really interesting perspectives on beauty, and when I first read it, there were a lot of moments where I struggled to understand the purpose of them. But now I sort of get it. And I only started getting it when I met you.”
Este’s head turned to face him, not knowing what to say. “What kind of points does she make?” She sheepishly ignored that he was, almost philosophically, calling her beautiful.
“Well, she says beauty brings copies of itself into being. That it makes us draw it, take photographs of it, describe it to other people—it has a forward momentum. And I always thought that that was a sort of—superficial, I guess—way of putting it. But I feel that when I’m with you. Almost like I want to savour you up so that the minute you’re gone there’s still some of you left.”
She reached her hand over to his face to cup it gently. It migrated back across his jaw to the nape of his neck to run her fingers over the short hair gathered there, a gesture Este found herself doing often. Matty smiled gingerly.
“Do you say stuff like that to your mates?” Este spewed sarcastically.
While she giggled at her own joke, he scoffed and brushed her hand away from his head, protesting her attempt at reconciliation. “E, I’ve just tried to say something profound and poetic to impress you and you’ve gone and taken the piss out of it.” He whined.
Their limbs playfully fought with each other as Este tried to reach for his face while he swatted back and avoided her touch.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” She apologised when commotion came to a halt, watching Matty then pat his duvet-covered lap.
Understanding his message, Este dropped her once upright torso down to lay her head there, twisting to look up at him and fixing her hair to flow over his legs. Matty’s hands gravitated towards it and twirled it gently with his fingertips. There was a vast contrast between her dark, messy, morning locks and the cotton sheets it sprawled across. He couldn’t peel his eyes away.
“If you want me to be honest,” she continued, “That may have been the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. And I’m having a hard time fathoming that you could even think of it, let alone say it to me and mean it.”
“So you’re deflecting. With humour.” He chuckled.
“Don’t say it like that, as if you don’t do the same thing. But yes.”
“Well, I did mean it.”
Matty continued fidgeting away with his hands in Este’s hair. Occasionally, he would bring them close against her scalp and drag his nails over her skin with light pressure. It soothed her instantly. Now I get why he reacts the way he does when I play with his hair. This is nice, thought Este. When she shared her sudden understanding aloud to Matty, he smiled and hunched to kiss her on the forehead.
After they finally put some proper clothes on and had the energy to leave his bed permanently, Matty took the opportunity to show her around, formally. In the daylight, Este observed his home, now seeming different than the dimly lit one she explored the night before. She was impressed—and frankly jealous—of his expensive taste and how well it showed within every room he brought her into.
There was no need for them to venture anywhere else or find any activities to spend their time. Being with each other was enough. They sat in the lounge, sifting through Matty’s vinyl and spinning Este’s favourites. The remaining red wine from last night was sipped on while they cooked a much needed meal with the frozen noodles and veggies sitting in his freezer. Este did most of the work. He hugged her from behind and kissed her jaw while she stir fried. They found themselves tangled back in bed when a couple of quick pecks after eating led to something more. Hours passed slowly and sweetly.
Any inhibitions they’d had before seemed to vanish. But, as much as it felt perfectly right, when Este woke up from a second night’s sleep wrapped in Matty’s arms, she pondered how complicated it could get when he leaves. Matty wouldn’t be there to surprise her at Greenhouse. He’d be in different time zones every day, running on no sleep and living out of a suitcase. She felt silly for worrying about the future; but it was intimidating. The uncertainty seemed elevated, given his job, and status.
So, when their time together was over, by the fault of her return train ticket being at eleven o’clock that morning, she didn’t dare mention the way she felt. Cate and Georgia were in the loop the whole time, so Este packed up the few things she brought in her backpack while arranging a spot to meet up with them in the station. Leaving things up in the air felt like the right thing to do, so she did exactly that—surprised when Matty did the opposite.
“I don’t want this to be it, by the way.” He said as he shut the car door next to him and turned his key in the ignition. “I know I’ll be gone forever. And that it’s scary.”
She sat in the passenger’s seat, looking over at Matty as his eyes focused on the road as they took off. “It is scary.”
“But I wouldn’t give this up just because we’re scared. I don’t really know what we’ll be, or what we are right now, but I don’t want it to stop.”
“Me neither.” Este agreed, tucking a rogue strand of his hair behind his ear, smiling.
The car came to a halt when they approached the station entrance where she’d be meeting her flatmate. Cate’s red hair was easy to spot. She and Georgia stood and gave a small wave when they recognised who had pulled up.
“You can’t stay in London for one more day?” begged Matty, shifting the car into park.
“I have a job, you know. One that has a total of 2 employees. So, no.” Este chuckled, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. “You should come up to the city next week. If you have any time before winning all of the Brits.”
“I’m not sure if I will. But I’ll text. And call.”
“Me too.”
“And I‘ll try to read all of the shitty books you tell me to read, in the meantime.” His joke earned him a shove in the shoulder.
When Este exited the car, Matty followed suit, to say a final goodbye to Cate and Georgia as well. He carried her backpack for her as they walked up to the two.
“Look who’s back from the dead,” commented Cate. “Thanks for taking her for a couple of days, mate. Was on the verge of ending things after having to sit on a train and share a hotel room with her in the state she was in before the party.” she directed towards Matty. All four of them laughed as Este frantically apologised for how unbearable she’d been leading up to the event, even though Cate was pulling her leg.
“I’ll take her off your hands anytime you want.” He joked. “Thank you guys for the great night on Saturday, by the way. You were the best company. And it was great to meet you, Georgia.” She smiled back at him as she and Cate pulled him in for one quick embrace each. “I’ll let you guys catch your train.”
Matty handed off the bag in his hands back over to Este, before beckoning her in with his hand on the back of her neck. The other came around her waist, giving her a squeeze of melancholy and cradling her head with his palm.
She squeezed back. “We’ll be under the same sky, even when you’re far. Remember that.”
A smile took over his face at her sweet words. He pressed his lips to her temple. “I will.”
16 February, 2019
Today 13:09 PM
Pleaseeeeee tell me you’re off today
Bad news
Just realised this is probably my last day off before brits and tour
Any chance you can come down to London for the day?
Matty I’m off at 8pm
by the time I’d get to you there would be no day left
Then spend the night x
Getting breakfast with my parents tmrw
Don’t think that would be a smart idea
Ok fiiiiine
Can u come to me :)
I’ve got meetings in the morning
and I am notorious for going out the night before meetings and then sleeping through them so Jamie has forbidden me from doing that
These ones are important too smh
and early??
First one is at 8
Yea a 2 hour train journey is off the table that would be brutal
I can ring you?? after I’m off
it’s not the same but still
Yes pls I just wanna hang out I’m bored and u make things fun
Busy day????
That's cute I miss u :((
Not really, I’ve just been sitting behind the counter avoiding my to-do list lol
reading one of my ‘shitty’ books
Don’t take offence i was being goofy
Being goofy or being a prick ????
you actually might like the one I’m reading bc it’s an essay collection
I’m leaving my mark ! Whether u like it or not!!
Unfortunately x
jk you’ve actually inspired me to branch out
What are you reading
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
Joan Didion
Have u read it ?
Not even joking I am Joan Didion’s bitch
She’s my hero that’s a really really great read
ofc you’re Joan Didion’s bitch how did I not guess that
I’m living under a rock idk how I’m only reading her stuff now
Yeah u are
That’s my favourite of hers as well
Lmk what u think of it once u finish
I will x
What are you up to anyway?
Nothing better to do than text me ?? ;)
Fuck off
But yeah tbh
That’s what I thought
Would probably still text u even if I had better things to do to be fair
When Este arrived home and threw her work bag onto her bed in exhaustion, she didn’t waste a moment before giving Matty a ring. It was a video call, of course. Seeing his face even through her screen was comforting.
They talked and didn’t stop; their skill of weaving through topics of all levels of relevance for hours on end—that they seemed to develop fairly quickly after meeting—showed. It was a relief that things hadn’t changed after the nights they spent together. Matty feared that their situation would complicate. But, his intentions remained. His eagerness to get to know both the big and little things about her, his need to hear her laugh and tell her his secrets. They persisted. And weren’t going anywhere.
With drooping eyes and low phone battery, the call ended. It was only quarter to midnight, but with both of their early-morning plans deemed a full night’s sleep a sensible idea. “Goodnight, E.” Este heard before hanging up. A headache lingered behind her eyes, so she groaned audibly and walked out of her room to find some tablets to swallow. She rubbed her temples and dragged her feet over to the drawer of medication.
“You okay?”
Este turned to Cate, who she hadn’t even realised was sitting in the lounge. She smiled, grabbing a glass of water and rummaging through the many boxes of pills to find Ibuprofen. “Yeah, just tired. Headache.”
Once she’d finally found and gulped two down, Cate waved her over. Este followed her instruction and joined her on the sofa. “So what’s going on?” asked Cate bluntly.
“With you and Matty.”
They hadn’t discussed it much. Este only filled her in as it was happening, for those two days she spent at his house in London. Any further details she decided to keep to herself; though Cate caught her smiling down at her phone more than usual since they’d gotten back and could hear Matty’s muffled voice through the thin walls of their shared flat. Este started blushing.
“It’s pretty much the same, I think. Only difference is that we aren’t in denial anymore. And he’s seen my tits.”
They giggled together for a minute before Cate asked the inevitably naughty questions she’d been holding in for the past couple of days. Este felt like she was in school again, sharing parts of her sex life with her best friend like it was a forbidden topic.
“Well, I’m glad you both got over yourselves and just snogged already. It was about time.” Cate admitted after Este’s days over at Matty’s were described to her. “I like Matty.”
“So do I.” Este said, quickly cringing at how sappy it felt coming out of her mouth.
“Just be careful,” warned Cate, locking eyes with her flatmate. “I don’t want you to commit if he can’t.”
“We've spent almost a year becoming friends, Cate. It sort of feels deeper than just a ‘we’ve fucked so now let’s keep talking so we can do it again’ type thing. He talks to me like I’m his oldest friend. Like if I told him the worst news in the world he’d be glad to at least hear it coming from my mouth,” Este bit her lip nervously. “It’s weird, honestly. And scary. But maybe in a good way.”
The redhead nodded, understanding the emotion behind Este’s words and endeared at how seemingly perfect their connection sounded. But, their circumstance was far from it. And she knew that.
“That’s great, babe. I’m happy that it’s good. I just wanted to make sure you don’t pour your heart and soul into him while he stands on a stage doing the same for thousands of people around the world. A person’s only got so much love to give.”
9 >>
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djservo · 2 years
it’s january 31st if you can believe it… scary! kicking off the 2023 reading wrap up, how did your first month of reading go? what did you read, how do you feel about it, and what’s on your horizon for february? 😋🤭
I totally can believe it because january is always such a non-month to me like I feel that 2023 has only Now just started ykwim... no disrespect to january though ofc 🙏 in fact, it was a very fruitful month of reads! I'm really loving theory/criticism-leaning nonfiction that requires more of my time & discipline to mull over - it feels rewarding when I finally fully process something and am able to cross-reference essays/ideas with films I'm watching or just in general conversations with friends but ANYWHO!
Nobody Knows My Name by James Baldwin
my 2nd Baldwin essay collection but I think I loved it even more than Notes of a Native Son (though maybe it’s just because it’s fresh in my mind) - I’m glad I’m reading his collections chronologically because I feel like I can discern the ways he polishes/sharpens his thought process over time. it’s impossible to pick a favorite essay bc I took notes on practically every single one, but a few standouts: Fifth Avenue, Uptown; A Fly in the Buttermilk; In Search of a Majority; The Northern Protestant; The Black Boy Looks at the White Boy (“it was the dream of love which was ending. I was beginning to realize, most unwillingly, all the things love could not do. It could not make me over, for example. It could not undo the journey which had made of me such a strange man and brought me to such a strange place.”)
The Dylan Dog Case Files by Tiziano Sclavi
FINALLY finished her omg so fun and funny and witty and the illustrations are gorgeous, I’m heartbroken that this is the only (printed) collection in English!! Supposedly James Wan is adapting it into a live-action series but that was announced in 2019 and I haven’t seen anything abt it since </3 will be crossing fingers and toes until further notice
Little Boy: The Arts of Japan’s Exploding Subculture by Takashi Murakami
Really amazing + thorough analysis of the aftermath of war and its effects on Japanese art. Loved the dissections of consumerism/commercialization and the western-induced infantilization of tragedy/societal collapse, the framing of Japan’s postwar purgatory as ‘little boy syndrome’, the double-edged sword of grieving and processing through "cute”/”innocent” images only for it be turned into a spectacle gutted of its roots. death to the western empire truly!!! this was like a perfect intersection of my studies in college so I’m surprised I’ve only now just come across this - brb emailing some old professors 👩‍💻 Favorite essays were Beyond the Pleasure Room to a Chaotic Street by Midori Matsui, Introducing Little Boy by Alexandra Munroe, and the Otaku Talk discussion between Toshio Okada and Kaichirō Morikawa (moderated by Murakami)
Against Interpretation and Other Essays by Susan Sontag
I’ve had this collecting dust on my shelf for Years bc the camp met gala made me avoid it out of spite LOL but finally I got over my bitter haggish ways and read it and thank god bc it ruled 🫀 I love a book that acts as a syllabus in a way, leading me down rabbit holes of theorists or media I might not have otherwise gotten to anytime soon. I also just loved how articulate and decisive she is with her opinions/analysis and how effortlessly her contextualizations come across - I feel like when I try to connect themes and ideas from different sources I just come across like Charlie’s Pepe Silvia moment in IASIP 😵‍💫 The On Camp essay was in fact very good (-_-) but I also really enjoyed The Artist as Exemplary Sufferer, Spiritual Style in the Films of Robert Bresson, The Imagination of Disaster, and Happenings: An Art of Radical Juxtaposition
currently reading Junky by William S. Burroughs, God’s Beauty Parlor by Stephen D. Moore, and I’ve just picked up/started June Jordan’s collected poetry from the library which is 600+ pages so I don’t know that I can anticipate for much more this month but we’ll see 🧘‍♀️
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
hi! i’m (relatively) new to this blog, reading on webtoons. i looked through the tags and i’m wondering what the “goodbye epilogue” is? also there are some other characters (the other fallen humans?) who are in the header and seem to have mini comic(s?) of their own. where can i read those? or are they gonna be part of the redraw? sorry for all the questions i just love the story you’re telling heheh
// oh gosh be careful there's a ton of spoilers there asdfkljasldf but firstly: THANK YOU FOR READING! Makes me so happy to see people read my story and want more of it.
// ok so, the redraw (which is the webtoons/tapas/comicfury versions) is the definitive way to read the story. but it's going to take years to get the story fully redrawn
// the story originally was started in 2018 (February), but i didn't take it seriously and cancelled it after (in the redraw's comic order) mid chapter 3 because too many characters were in play and i got overwhelmed. but, once DR came out (October) I got re-inspired and continued in 2019 with a time skip.
Years later, here we are, the Tumblr version is almost over (epilogue has one more ask day, then a comic to wrap it up) That's like, chapters 3-7. Quite a big chunk of the story that hasn't been covered in the redraw. Some of that I feel was mishandled and needs to be fixed, so the redraw's purpose is to both fill in the missing gaps from the missing Chapter 3 and then the sections that I feel need to be re-written.
reading the tumblr AFR version is like reading a novel with missing pages. I'm in the process of refilling those pages, but that'll take years to do so. so while you can read it, I'd recommend just being patient ^_^; I'll be back in November with more comic updates.
If you still want to read the messy tumblr version, here's a link to the pinned post that covers how to read the comic.
best wishes in reading the comic ^_^
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enklavefest · 2 years
Stronger Together (2355 words) by Khas Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Klaus Hargreeves/David "Dave" Katz Characters: Klaus Hargreeves, David "Dave" Katz Summary: It feels like a lifetime ago – it was a lifetime ago, a fifty-one year leap – and Dave's brain is still struggling to process everything. He first met Klaus in the Vietnam War in April of 1967 when he appeared by his bed in a flash of blue light. He was naked, save for a bloody towel tied around his waist, and clinging to a briefcase – an item that he never lost sight of, even in the heat of battle. Months later, Dave discovered that it was a time machine, but he'd laughed it off at the time because time travel doesn't exist. Until it did on one fateful evening in February of 1968 on Hill 689. He'd taken a bullet to the back, which exited through his chest, damaging his lungs, and was bleeding out at an alarming rate. He would not have survived had Klaus not whisked him away to 2019. His quick thinking and his mother Grace – a robot, something else he can't wrap his head around  – had saved his life.
Read it here.
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ncutigatwafans · 2 years
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Ncuti Gatwa made the top of The List Hot 100 - a list celebrating the 100 most important cultural contributors in Scotland in 2022
The article reads: You may know him as the gregarious Eric Effiong in Netflix's 'Sex Education' or perhaps as the next incarnation of the legendary Time Lord, but Ncuti Gatwa is aslo a proud Scot, with his performing roots deeply embedded in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Fife.
'My Dad was studying at Edinburgh University so I grew up in Black Avenue, which was like accommodation for international families because we had just come from Rwanda.' But it was a move to Fife at the age of 14 that started Gatwa's love affair with performing. 'My drama teacher at Dunfermline High School was like, you really. need to consider going to the Royal Conservatoire. And she gave me David Tennant's Hamlet and said "watch this. This is an actor." I was like "oh my God".' What, then, could more full circle than him stepping into his shoes at the next Doctor Who? 
In September, the BBC broke the news that Gatwa would be taking on this iconic role, making him the first ever Black actor (and fourth Scot) to do so in the shows' 59-year history. 'I've known since about February so it's been tricky keeping this under wraps: I have a very big mouth!' he said on the red carpet folowing the announcement. 'But it's a true honour. This role is an insitution. It means a lot to so many people, including myself. It makes everyone feel seen as well.'
Reflecting on the casting process, Gatwa recalls 'prepping for the role of the Doctor and watching all the episodes again and watching Russell T Davies and David [Tennant]'s work. I was overcome with the need to get the job! I was like "I want to work with Russel". His writing is so clever. I just feel very honoured that he saw something in me that he likes. He's going to take me to the universe, around the stars and galaxies.'
Gatwa may be over the moon now, but the road to get here was rough. While relentlessly attending auditions in London, Gatwa found hmself homeless for several months before one booking would change his life forever. 'It was turbulent, you know? But I feel so grateful that Sex Education came into my life.' A month after its release in 2019, the first season had been streamed over 40 million times, shooting its stars to international fame overnight. 'In this streaming age, a show drops across 150 countries in a second so it took a long time to figure out what the hell was going on in my life. I'd be in Tesco and someone would ask for a selfie and I'd have no idea why!' 
Three seasons in, he still has a lot of love for Sex Education and Eric, a character he's lifted with side-splitting one-liners such as 'you detty pig'. But how does he find returning to Moordale High? 'Playing a teenager, especially as a 30-year-old man, is getting trickier as the days go on, let me tell you,' he cackles. 'But it's lovely to return to that cast. They are like my children.' 
Among these co-stars is Emma Mackey who will appear alongside Gatwa in Greta Gerwig's upcoming Barbie. 'I remember the casting director telling me "Greta's seen your tape and she really likes it". Well, that wasn't good enough', he deadpans. 'No stone must be left unturned! So I did about tne other takes and like "SEND THEM ALL TO GRETA!" His tenacity paid off and he now describes Gerwig as 'a creative kindred spirit'. 
Gatwa finds himself on the brink of A-list stardom, his strong grasp of what's important shows grace and conviction. 'It's just about learning to be really grateful,' he insists. 'And also to take the work seriously but not yourself seriously. It's an amazing job that we get to do but it is just a job. I'm slowly learning how to take it in my stride.'
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kalmeria · 1 year
hey kori! how's your cold? are you feeling any better?
soo if you're in the mood to answer... what about 4, 5, 11, 14 and 21 from the enstars asks? sorry for asking so many, but i'm curious, haha ^^'
hello!! i’m feeling better, thank you for asking. still a bit sick but the brain fog is mostly gone at least~
answering these is fun so i might ramble on a bit haha
okay i ended up talking a lot a lot. so much that i’m putting a readmore here lmao
link to the secret codes that enable me to ramble about ensemble stars (aka the ask game)
4. what got you into enstars?
short answer is: wanted to play a new rhythm game!
long answer (i have a whole timeline lmaoo): my first encounter with enstars was watching the first episode of the anime when it came out (summer 2019). but honestly i didn’t enjoy it. the fact that anzu, who is such a central character, felt like a prop the others talked at… it was weird! i get that it’s because of her being the player character so to speak, but it still bothers me, and i find stories where she shows up a lot difficult to read.
fast forward to early 2021 when i followed a person on here who later turned out to be a big enstarrie. through them i was exposed to some wataei edits that made me go “wait this is gay?” but i mostly tuned it out as stuff on my dash i’m not that interested in. one mention of vampires did get my attention, and i ended up reading the tv tropes pages for a bunch of characters? the oddballs, valkyrie, switch, alkaloid. i could not understand what this “war” thing was.
then last autumn i got tired of the power creep in starira, my previous gacha game, and decided to try bandori garupa. found out i really enjoy rhythm games, so then i started playing d4dj and project sekai as well.
and then, around new years i think, i was sick and lying in bed, and ran into some enstars music related videos. notably one that was rating different rhythm games. and then there was a video of a bandori fan playing enstars for the first time that really sold it to me because of the shared point of reference.
i was still fighting my curiosity because enstars fans scared me, and i knew the immense amount of lore could easily suck me in and i didn’t really want that. so i decided to just watch the anime and see what the whole deal is… and then i did binge the whole thing and soon after downloaded the game (there was a minor setback of figuring out how to get an app that isn’t available in my region). i read the main story in like a week in february, and now i’m here!
(btw enstars replaced bandori in my mobile gaming, which i had kind of lost interest in at that time, and had just had the worst gacha luck trying to get a 4* moca card)
tl;dr (which is totally fair): wanted a new rhythm game to play, have heard about enstars and seen people be really into it, watched the anime -> it captured my interest
5. what's your favorite headcanon about the character you produce?
umm well this is not a fun one but it’s kind of an important one to me. i see tatsumi as someone who has dealt with being suicidal in the past, especially during his hiatus after the reimei incident, but before that as well. i think he processed it through his faith and through devoting himself to others, but it is also wrapped up in feelings of guilt about not respecting the value of a human life (his own) properly.
11. do you have a least favorite character?
i don’t really actively dislike any of the idols. the ones i like less than others are the ones i don’t really know well because i haven’t really read their stories. either because they didn’t manage to capture my interest, or in the aois case, i’ve just found that a lot of the ways identity and self comes up in their stories makes me uncomfortable, so i kind of don’t like reading them.
but i love seeing people who love these characters i’m not too focused on talk about them and why they love them. it’s really nice how everyone has their devoted fans!
that said, no one has managed to make me care about the two teachers.
14. what card are you currently saving for?
funny story!!!!!! (it’s not)
i am. saving for getto spectacle tatsumi.
and fs1 kohaku.
which will happen at the same time.
(pained smile) i know there is months to go until then, but in the meantime we’ll have fs mayoi, aira and hiiro, as well as ibara event scout. so i will have to make some decisions. oh and ariadne is right around the corner too….)
21. do you have a favorite story?
well. obbligato might be an obvious answer. and it is very high up there.
but i think in general i prefer the shorter stories? because the pacing of the long ones can be absolutely all over the place!
i quite like princess kaguya and ariadne. they do both have that typical enstars thing of having a central conflict that gets dragged out for quite a while and then very suddenly solved in a previously unforeseeable manner. but i’m giving these a free pass for having that conflict be interesting, as well as the character dynamics they explore.
oh and shoutouts to feather touch! i hadn’t considered it before as a favorite but as i was thinking about this question i realized that it’s a pretty solid story.
and i do just really love reading idol stories! they have a lot of fun casual interactions in them! (jun kohaku hiyori teatime, rinne praying to kanata, the runrun calamity, the ones where tatsumi and koga hang out, hiyori giving idol advice to kohaku, etc!)
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the-good-projxct · 3 months
April 22, 2024
8:02 pm. Listening to gwagwalada by Bnxn, Kizz Daniel and Seyi Vibez. Nope, it is now 8:34 pm and I am listening to Prince, the most beautiful girl in the world. I am at Munene’s house and we ended up chatting for a little bit. I played him a little Simz song, read him a poem and showed him a bit of the Gøod manifesto. I went to take a look at it since I have not touched it since February. Hehehe. I still have about 40 pages to wrap it up. Which is honestly, not much compared to the 149 I have already completed. The Gøod Blog launches in two days, so I will have to do the uploads tomorrow or tonight. I will figure it out. Also Creative PEI did not/could not play their part in marketing the podcast so I don’t even know if they will be able to do what we had agreed for the Blog. No shade, I just honestly like doing everything myself because there is less human error. There has been zero marketing for the Gøod podcast and we had a whole social media plan laid out. Anyway, it is what it is. I honestly feel like in Cloud Atlas, this projxct will live on forever and others even after me will come across it and be like whoa. It might become a religion, a way of life, a think tank when I am not on Earth anymore. So what’s human error to a God? What's human error to the Universe? Haaaahhh??? Anyway, I have work to do to finish this and then feel at peace. It will be done. Ase. I’ve been on chill vibes since last week. My whole life right now is chill vibes. I’ve been at Munene’s a lot. I went to Karen for the family Sunday dinner and mom cooked up a storm, it was decadent. LoustaLoustaman and Leighton came over to Munene’s on Sato and they had a lovely day swimming and eating. LoustaLoustaman is really living his best boyo life in Kenya. Otherwise, it has been Munene’s. We went to two rivers and got some groceries. I have been cooking a lot more. We also had a cute little date night in the neighborhood. I was feeling depressed over things I cannot change right now. It is a series of small steps that will undo all the hate that exists. I also took the time to recognize that I have done a lot of work and I deserve rest. I have been at activism, at decolonizing, at undoing, at unlearning, at relearning, at rebuilding since 2016 and heavily since 2019. I deserve rest. I need rest. The revolution takes all of us. We show up at different points in different ways. I was struggling with this feeling like there was nothing I could do, there was nothing I was doing. Until I realized that is the point. I have the privilege of being home, with Gøod savings, with family, enjoying sunshiny days and rainy nights all while falling in Love with the Love of my life. What a wonderful, beautiful place to be. So instead of being depressed that I am not in the front lines changing the world, I realized I am happy I am on the back end taking a nap. Life won’t always be this way. I will be back to the revolution. The most radical thing I can do right now is enjoy this time to rest. To recalibrate. To know this new iteration of myself. And only God knows how I will show up again. Only God knows what tools within I will access. Only God knows what relationships this time will create. So I am feeling a sense of Peace coming over me. That I am doing exactly as I should. I will cook, enjoy my country, enjoy Love, spend time with family, eat yummy food, travel around, sleep in, sleep late and feel all the feelings. I deserve that. I deserve time to just BE.
Life is Gøod. God is Gøod. I am Gøod. Rest is Gøod. It is time to Be. Ase. Ase. Ase.
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influencermagazineuk · 4 months
Leonardo DiCaprio and Maya Jama's Late-Night Party Sparks Noise Complaint at London Hotel
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U.S. Department of State from United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Leonardo DiCaprio, despite being 49 years old, continues to show that his partying days are far from over. The Oscar-winning actor recently hosted a late-night bash that caused quite a stir at London's Chiltern Firehouse Hotel, resulting in noise complaints from other guests. According to the UK Sun, DiCaprio was seen partying with an alleged former flame, along with other notable celebrities such as pop singer Ellie Goulding and model Emily Ratajkowski. A source revealed that the 29-year-old British TV presenter and Love Island UK host, Maya Jama, was the rumored former flame in attendance. The two were linked after attending a Vogue event together in July 2023. The source described the party atmosphere, saying, "Their partying wouldn’t look out of place in the Love Island villa — in fact, it was far more raucous. It was a wild night which guests at the hotel complained about." Maya Jama, who has built a successful career as a TV presenter, began her rise to fame hosting MTV's The Wrap Up before moving on to MTV Essentials and MTV News. Currently, she hosts Love Island UK and was previously engaged to Australian basketball player Ben Simmons. Speculation about DiCaprio and Jama's relationship began when they were spotted partying together in London in February last year. The rumors intensified after they were photographed leaving the Le Piaf club in Paris with friends a month later, followed by their appearance at the Vogue bash in July 2023. However, Jama has denied any romantic involvement with DiCaprio, stating, "I’ve been minding my business on holiday . . . We are not dating. Move on, please." In August 2023, Jama rekindled her romance with rapper Stormzy after their breakup in 2019. Despite the ongoing rumors, it appears that both DiCaprio and Jama have moved on with their respective lives, although their recent party certainly reminded everyone of their ability to make headlines. Read the full article
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nakamuso · 7 months
Censorman Part II" - Memories of the Collaboration Cafe
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I do not think. My colleague said. The second part of "Censorman" has finally begun. The second episode is being delivered this week. Speaking of "Censorman," this article I wrote for Da Vinci Web a long time ago was ranked in the list for quite a long time.
It is serialized in "JUMP! What is it about Denji's "heroic" character in "Chainsaw Man"?
I wondered why so many people read this article, even though it did not delve deeply into the work in particular and only touched on the character of Denji. I guess fans were looking for articles on the Internet anyway.
But reading it now, I was surprised at how short the article was. I should have written longer. I looked up the date it was first distributed and found it was October 2019, three years ago, which is more recent than I thought. The serialization ran from January 2019 to February 2021, so once again, it was over really quickly. But to successfully wrap up that first part in just two years, Mr. Fujimoto is truly a genius.
Now, the long-awaited second part, I don't need to tell you now that it is already stable and interesting. At the time of the preview, I was wondering if the main character was going to be changed. And a girl, or why is Denji-kun not going to appear in the show?
As of episode 2, Denji-kun has not appeared yet, but I would like to thank him for bringing out Yoshida instead. He used a large panel to make an appearance like in a shoujo manga, but it is interesting that he could have died next week.
I believe that he won't leave at such a high speed, but…I believe it. I also believe that Captain Kishibe will be alive and will make a reappearance.
The heroine? Mitaka-chan, the heroine, is also good, overflowing with a sense of being in the shadows. Not only in Chainsaw Man, but in the manga drawn by Fujimoto-sensei, there are basically only shady characters. He probably doesn't like or dislike wayward characters. Denji-kun was a relatively cheerful character, but he is a child, so his image is different from that of Way. If Mitaka-chan were to board the Thousand Sunny, I can imagine him getting off the ship after a few minutes without fitting in. Come to think of it, there hasn't been a single decent male character, or even a single decent female character, in the show. I dare to say it. They have not appeared. It is good to feel the shape of the author's soul in that area.
A colleague of mine had this to say about the molding of the female characters.
When he was a student, Fujimoto-sensei must have thought… that ordinary high school girls… were having sex with their teachers….
I don't believe that Fujimoto Sensei thinks that way. My colleague told me. I wonder if Kokeppi is no longer available. I wonder if he has died. Poor thing… I am looking forward to the continuation.
Animate's collaboration cafe By the way, Censorman has held several offline events so far.
Like the Censorman Cafe and the original art exhibition. I have been to all of them, but the most memorable one is the collaboration café with Animate, which took place in March 2021. Because of the Corona disaster, it was in doubt what would happen until just before the event, but they managed to hold the event.
However, since the world was in such a state, it was not allowed to stay for a long time in a small restaurant.
So eating and drinking in the restaurant was prohibited. Take-out only. After ordering from the menu at the counter, you take your food or drink and go outside. However, there is no terrace seating available, so you will have to either eat standing around or look around for a place to sit. My friend and I wandered around Ikebukuro at night with drinks in our hands. Looking closely, we could see people wandering around in the same way. Everyone is looking for a place to sit.
Eventually, we found a place a few minutes walk away, a park? We sat and ate on a step in the bushes in a sort of place. Here is what I ordered at that time.
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The name is Power! My name is Power!" Blood devil soda with Meowko (650 yen)
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Pochita Man (750 yen)
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The taste does not change even if you eat it in the dark. It tasted exactly the same as the total price of 1,400 yen. It is not expensive at all. Eat it with that in mind. If there is another collaboration cafe, I would love to go there.
I am sure I will be able to stay inside the restaurant this time. I believe it.
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ausbutlerhq · 1 year
late for valentine's day
WHO: Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler @queenvh WHEN: February 14th, 2019 WHERE: Miami, FL TRIGGER WARNINGS: mature themes, mentions of pregnancy and abortion SUMMARY: When Austin comes to visit Vanessa for Valentine's Day things are a bit unpredictable when Vanessa fears she is pregnant.
Austin — 10/01/2023 3:19 PM Austin had been at home reading up on scripts, making connections and working on little things in between projects. He'd wrapped his small role in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood a few months previously and before that he had a small role in a movie with Selena Gomez that he'd also enjoyed. Those roles were long gone though and now in post-production. The in-between time made him antsy sometimes. He'd been lucky but knew another opportunity like the one he'd had with Tarantino certainly wouldn't be easy to come by. He flew out to Miami to spend Valentine's Day with Vanessa because he could and he missed her. He got off the plane, took a ride to her hotel and went up to her designated room before knocking. He'd made a quick pitstop on the way there and came bearing flowers - even after all those years.
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 3:43 PM To say that she was counting the hours and minutes until Austin got there would be an understatement. Not only because she had missed him like crazy but because she had noticed that she was late. Her period was working like clockwork even when traveling so this had her on edge. She had filmed all night and early morning and had the rest of the day off until the cast Valentine's party. When the door knocked she ran to open before throwing herself at her partner
Austin — 10/01/2023 3:49 PM Austin let out a soft grunt and wrapped his arms around Vanessa, still holding the flowers in his left hand. "Hi, I've missed you too," he said, hugging her tightly. "These are for you but I'm fighting the urge to drop them so I can pick you up off the ground."
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 3:52 PM She hugged him back and breathed into his scent deeply, not able to get enough of him. They hadn't been apart too long but she still had missed him. "Thank you, I love them, Throw them on the bed" she said eagerly
Austin — 10/01/2023 3:56 PM Austin stepped back to step around her and moved into the hotel room. "Just on the bed?" he asked, setting them down. "I can look for something to put them into, I figured you'd have something from the last time I sent you flowers." It was something he'd been having fun doing. Curating different bouquets and surprising her with them.
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 4:02 PM "I figured nothing would happen if we didn't immediately put them into water" she said with a smile as he got inside. "Oh yes, I do have a vase it's on the coffee table" she said pointing towards the small sitting area in her room. Every time he sent her flowers it made her smile. She still couldn't believe how lucky she had gotten with him
Austin — 10/01/2023 4:05 PM "I'll put them away for you, don't worry," he said and got to work transferring the flowers to the vase. He added some water and set them up on her counter. "They look nice. And you do too. I've missed you," he said, opening his arms up again for her.
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 4:13 PM Vanessa nodded her head. She watched as he put the flowers in the vase. "I missed you too" she said as she got into his arms and breathed into his scent again "I… have something to tel you though" she said chewing on her lip
Austin — 10/01/2023 4:14 PM He rubbed her back gently and hugged her tightly. "What's wrong?" Austin asked, a little frightened by her tone of voice. A few things flashed through his mind. "Is your mom okay? Is Stella okay?" Austin asked, pulling away and scanning her face for any clues. (edited)
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 4:17 PM She loved being in his arms again. The fact that his first question was whether her mom or sister were OK was exactly why she was with him. She nodded "Yeah both my mom and Stella are fine" she said. She moved her hand at the back of her neck rubbing nervously "I…" she took a breath "So my period is kind of late" she said
Austin — 10/01/2023 4:20 PM Relief spread over his face at the confirmation. During the time they'd been together they'd lost two out of their four parents and it was something that always crossed his mind. He swallowed a little and nodded. "Okay, good. I'm glad that they're okay," he said again. His eyes scanned her face. "Late?" Austin asked, frowning a little. "Why? That doesn't usually happen," he said. He'd been with Vanessa long enough to have an inkling of when her period would come or at least had gotten used to the hints. It was usually on time, he knew how to take care of her and help her feel a little bit better during that time each month.
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 4:25 PM Vanessa nodded. She knew why both their minds would go there. It was trauma bonding in a way. At his question she nodded again "I mean I know that's why I'm worried" she said nervously "I mean there's only one thing that I can think of causing this…." she trailed off
Austin — 10/01/2023 4:26 PM He looked confused for a moment and stopped to think. After a moment or so and a little bit of counting on his fingers he realized her concern. "Has it been three years?" he asked, frowning. "I - okay. Yeah, I can see why your worried that would make sense," he said, taking a deep breath.
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 4:31 PM Vanessa nodded yes "Well nearing three years" she said still chewing on her lip. She did want a family, and obviously wanted it with him but she wasn't sure she was prepared for this happening now
Austin — 10/01/2023 4:33 PM "Okay, well," he stopped and took a deep breath. "How late are you?" Austin decided to ask next.
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 4:37 PM "About two weeks" she said. The timing made sense as well because if her calendar was correc it should have been her last time in LA. "I got tests but I wanted to wait until you got here" she said
Austin — 10/01/2023 4:39 PM "Fuck," he mumbled. "That's a long time for you. Okay," he said, rubbing his face. He took another deep breath and nodded. "I was just about to ask you if you needed me to go get some." He bit his lip and shook his head a little. "How - how will you feel if it's positive?" he asked.
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 4:42 PM "Mhm, it is" she agreed "Nope, got that covered. I sent my assistant" she said. She didn't want to be seen buying tests or people knowing the tests were for her obviously "I… I mean this was not planned. I don't know" she said "You?"
Austin — 10/01/2023 4:45 PM "I'll be shocked," he admitted. "I don't know. I mean, I've thought about this with you, of course. We've talked about it," Austin said. He reached his arms out and pulled her back into his embrace. "We'll make it work, we'll get through it."
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 4:47 PM Vanessa nodded as she got into his arms. Somehow she felt like crying. Not that she would be sad if she was pregnant but from the stress of the situation
Austin — 10/01/2023 4:52 PM Austin stroked her hair gently and held her. "I've got you. You know this but you'll never have to do anything alone again," he reminded her. "You've got me, always. Are you, would you want to keep it?" he finally asked, of course valuing how she felt more than anything else.
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 4:59 PM Vanessa just nodded, unable to talk, his presence soothing her though "I mean, yeah. Of course" she said "You?" she asked
Austin — 10/01/2023 5:02 PM He moved his hand to rub her back gently and pressed his lips to the side of her head. "Absolutely," he responded in a quiet tone. "I care about how you feel more than anything but I've have - a dozen babies with you if we had the opportunity," he assured her. "I know it's scary and the timing isn't great - but we've been here long enough and I love you and..you're it for me, Vanessa. So, if this happens then, I'm just glad it's happening with you," Austin reassured her.
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 5:06 PM Vanessa just nodded again "We're not having a dozen" she said shaking her head. She took a deep breath "OK I think I need to pee on some sticks then" she said
Austin — 10/01/2023 5:09 PM He laughed lightly. "I know. I know just trying to make you feel better." Austin kissed the top of her head and cupped her cheeks with his hands. He leaned in and kissed her gently. "Okay, I'll wait for you out here. You want to bring them out when you're done and we'll wait together?" he asked.
Vanessa — 10/01/2023 5:15 PM Vanessa kissed him back before sighing "Sure, I can do that. We need to set a timer anyway" she said before heading into the bathroom in order to do the tests
Austin — 10/01/2023 5:25 PM Once she left Austin began pacing the floor. He was extremely nervous. He knew he'd been put in the right direction to work on some potentially big projects in the next year or so and he knew if they were having a baby that those would need to be postponed. He wouldn't make this about himself though, he'd never dream of it and knew they were a team. But it all scared him. October 2, 2023
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 12:55 AM Vanessa opened the tests and took a deep breath before she went through the whole process. Once done she washed her hands put the cups on the tests and exited to her room, setting them on the vanity. She set an alarm for 3 minutes on her phone"Well here goes nothing" she said
Austin — 10/02/2023 12:55 AM Austin had taken a seat on the couch and opened his arms. “Come here,” he said. “Come sit with me.”
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 1:19 AM Vanessa nodded and headed towards him, curling on the couch next to him, hiding her face in his neck as her arms went around him
Austin — 10/02/2023 1:22 AM Austin rubbed her back gently. “I love you. No matter what happens I’m going to be right here. Always.” He took her hand and intertwined their fingers.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 1:45 AM Vanessa nodded. Of course she wanted a family with him but she didn't know if this was the time for it
Austin — 10/02/2023 1:48 AM “Would it help to take deep breaths?” He asked. He inhaled deeply and then exhaled.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 1:59 AM Vanessa shook her head "Not really. These are the longest 3 minutes of my life" she said
Austin — 10/02/2023 2:04 AM He rubbed her back comfortingly. “I know, I’m sorry.”
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 2:54 AM "Why are you sorry?" she said "This is both our doing" she said with a faint smile. Her alarm went off and she shot up from the couch towards the vanity. She picked up one test up "Negative" she said before putting it down, she took the second one as well "Negative" she said again, she then picked up the last one "Also negative".
Austin — 10/02/2023 6:41 AM Austin felt relief wash over him. “See? Nothing to worry about. I love you,” he said, running a hand through his hair.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 6:52 AM "Is it bad that we're relieved?" she asked taking a breath in what felt like hours "I love you too" she responded
Austin — 10/02/2023 6:56 AM “No, of course not.” He moved his hands to his lap.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 7:05 AM Vanessa just nodded before heading to the couch and sitting back down "Well with that out of the way, back to the regular programming" she said before she kissed him "Hi"
Austin — 10/02/2023 7:09 AM Austin kissed her back gently before pulling away. “Do we need to talk about it?” He asked.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 7:10 AM "I mean I don't have anything to say. I'll book an appointment once filming is done to renew the implant" she said "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked
Austin — 10/02/2023 7:11 AM “No, I don’t need to. That just, was kind of scary. Do you think I should go back to condoms until then?” He asked.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 7:14 AM "I mean, I don't know. Maybe, just to be on the safe side?" she asked "Even though it seems that the delay is not due to the implant, it obviously works. Maybe it's the weird times I've been sleeping or stress or something, even though I don't know what I'm stressed about" she said
Austin — 10/02/2023 7:16 AM Austin frowned a little and rubbed her back. “I’m kind of worried,” he admitted.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 7:18 AM Vanessa tilted her head "About what?" she asked
Austin — 10/02/2023 7:19 AM “About your period,” he admitted. “And any stress you’re dealing with,” Austin explained. He shifted his fingers through her hair.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 7:20 AM "I'll book an appointment with my doctor once I'm back" she said nodding. Maybe traveling finally got to me or something" she said "No need to worry"
Austin — 10/02/2023 7:23 AM “I’ll always worry about you,” he reminded her. “You’re everything to me,” Austin stated gently.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 7:33 AM She out her hand on his cheek and caressed it "Thank you baby, but I'm good. Promise. And now you're here even better"
Austin — 10/02/2023 10:13 AM Austin leaned back in and kissed her softly. “I love you. I can’t ever tell you that enough.”
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 10:17 AM She smiled at him "I love you too" she said "So other than the cast Valentine's Party which we have to go to, what do you want to do while you're in Miami?"
Austin — 10/02/2023 10:23 AM “Snuggle, I’ve missed you like crazy,” he admitted.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 10:24 AM "That's a given babe" she said "I meant if you want to go some place or do anything specific"
Austin — 10/02/2023 10:24 AM “Maybe we can go out to dinner? Pasta sounds fantastic,” he admitted.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 10:32 AM "Oh my god yes please!" she said "There's this traditional Italian restaurant I was told about"
Austin — 10/02/2023 10:34 AM “Oh I’d love that. Be warned though I know I’m going to eat too much. You’ll have to roll me back to the hotel,” he said with a gentle laugh before kissing her head.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 10:40 AM "In that case, don't go hard on the snacks at the party" she joked "I'll get you a bicycle taxi"
Austin — 10/02/2023 10:42 AM Austin laughed softly. “No judgment please,” he said, leaning into her gently. He kissed her all over her face. “You’re so cute.”
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 10:58 AM "I'm not judging. I'm just saying so you won't hurt your stomach" she said with a shrug. She giggled when he kissed her all over her face
Austin — 10/02/2023 10:59 AM “And we can come back to the hotel and snuggle,” he said softly. “So I’m not terribly worried.”
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 11:04 AM "Exactly" she said with a smile "Do you want to have a shower? Everything is set in the bathroom" she said
Austin — 10/02/2023 11:04 AM “Sure, we can do that,” he agreed.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 11:24 AM "No I meant if you wanted to go for a shower" she said "I figured you'd be tired after your trip"
Austin — 10/02/2023 11:43 AM "Oh me, yeah. Yes, of course." He stood up. "I think I'm still a little - disoriented from the whole pregnancy thing when I first got here," he admitted. "I'll go take a shower."
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 12:01 PM "Understandable" she said nodding her head "Do you want me to unpack your bag while your shower?" she asked
Austin — 10/02/2023 12:10 PM "You don't have to do that but if you want to I won't stop you," he said with a smile. He walked to the bathroom and began taking off his clothes before grabbing a towel, setting it aside and getting in the shower.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 12:13 PM Once he walked in the bathroom she put his bag on the bed and opened it. He took out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie, along with clean underwear for him to wear once he was done with his shower and then proceeded to take the rest of his stuff out and put them in the closet and vanity accordingly
Austin — 10/02/2023 12:18 PM He took his time taking his shower and finally returned back out a while later after fixing his hair, brushing his teeth and generally cleaning himself up. He put the towel up to dry and came out of the bathroom stark naked as he approached his clothes on the bed.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 12:56 PM The party would be pretty casual so there was no need to dress up. "Was your shower good?" she asked
Austin — 10/02/2023 1:01 PM "Yes, it was great. I really needed it." He glanced down at the clothes she'd picked up for him and began slipping on his underwear and then his t-shirt.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 1:20 PM She stretched on the couch lazily, relieved that the whole preganancy thing had gone so well. "Nooo the show's over?" she teased when he started getting dressed
Austin — 10/02/2023 1:23 PM "You can have me later when I look like Winnie the Pooh after we've eaten," he said. "You can have whatever you want," he said, shimmying into his jeans. He ran a hand through his hair and pulled his hoodie on over his head. "Mmm, comfortable. Thank you."
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 1:37 PM Vanessa shook her head amused "Ahaha you're gonna go hardcore on the food?" she asked "You are welcome. I figured it's a casual thing so comfort over anything"
Austin — 10/02/2023 1:51 PM "Absolutely," he said confidently. "It's Valentine's Day, we're in love and we're not having a baby, I think we can celebrate," he said, raising an eyebrow teasingly. "Yes, thank you. This is perfect."
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 2:12 PM "Oh for sure!" she agreed smiling. "Pasta for everyone!" she joked "Glad I made the right choice. The hoody looks cosy" she said
Austin — 10/02/2023 2:13 PM "Pasta for you, pasta for me. Pasta for anyone and everyone," he said, smiling brightly. "It is. And if you get cold later I'll hand it off to you, although I'm sure your outfit will be much prettier than mine. What are you wearing?" he asked.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 2:19 PM "OK Oprah" she said "No you're not handing me your hoodie, it's cold out" she said "I mean I was planning on jeans and a sweater to be honest" she said with a shrug
Austin — 10/02/2023 2:26 PM He laughed softly. "You'll look lovely. And I'll have a lot of fun tearing those off of you later. Gently, of course. Wouldn't wanna ruin your clothes," he said, smirking. (edited)
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 2:27 PM Vanessa laughed in response "I do appreciate the thougtfulness of not ripping my sweater off. Thank you" she joked
Austin — 10/02/2023 2:33 PM "Of course. Wouldn't dream of ripping your sweater, my love." He sat down to put his socks and shoes on before stretching a little.
Vanessa — 10/02/2023 4:01 PM "So chivalrous" she joked as she got up to get dressed as well. She had showered before Austin got there so it wouldn't take her long to get ready. Her hair was already styled because of filming as well so that also saved her time. She opened her closet and took out a pair of jeans and a black sweater.
Austin — 10/02/2023 5:23 PM "You're beautiful," Austin commented, glancing at her as she chose what to wear. October 3, 2023
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 2:08 AM "In the words of Judge Judy, beauty fades, dumb is forever" she joked as she took her hoodie off and put on the sweater
Austin — 10/03/2023 8:42 AM Austin stood near the door and stretched again. “Slept a little funny on the plane.”
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 8:55 AM Vanessa slipped her tights off and put on her jeans before she turned to Austin "Want me to book you a massage?" she asked "Or we can wait to see and I have an ointment for muscle pain"
Austin — 10/03/2023 8:55 AM “Let’s wait. I want to be with you as much as possible,” he responded.
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 9:24 AM Vanessa nodded "OK" she conceded "But if you keep hurting let me know"
Austin — 10/03/2023 9:56 AM Once they had gone to the party and left to go to the restaurant he ordered them a bottle of wine and happily began on the bread that had been brought to the table. “The party was fun. Everyone you’re working with seems nice,” he stated.
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 10:02 AM Vanessa nodded "Yeah Alexander, Charles, Paula and I have bonded" she said nodding "We have been to hikes together and stuff" she said "We're even planning a weekend trip sometime soon" she said "Plus Will and Martin are great" (edited)
Austin — 10/03/2023 10:05 AM Austin thanked the waiter when he returned with their water and wine. “They seem nice,” he agreed. “I’m glad that you’re having a good experience there.”
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 10:09 AM "They are" she said nodding "We have fun together so that's important. I mean we also had to bond because that translates on screen" she said "But yeah it's one of the better sets I've been on"
Austin — 10/03/2023 10:14 AM Austin smiled softly and took a piece of the bread. “I’m glad, baby.”
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 10:18 AM Vanessa took a sip from her wine "Plus it helps when you have to film all night or have difficult scenes to have a good relationship with the people you work with"
Austin — 10/03/2023 10:30 AM Austin took a few sips of his wine. “Do you know what you want once the waiter comes back?”
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 10:33 AM "I'm between between two" Vanessa said reading the menu "Either spaghetti alle vongole or the Tonarelli Cacio e Pepe" she said "Do you know what you want?" she asked "And do you want us to get a pizza for the middle?"
Austin — 10/03/2023 10:39 AM “Let’s order whatever you want. I’m so hungry, I think I could eat everything,” he admitted with a gentle laugh.
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 10:40 AM Vanessa nodded "So you want to get the two pastas and the pizza and we share everything?" she asked
Austin — 10/03/2023 10:46 AM “That sounds glorious,” he agreed. “And we will pretend like I’m not lactose intolerant. The gnocchi looked good too. Maybe we should see if we can get a smaller order if that too.”
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 10:55 AM "They have gluten free pasta options, the only pasta that has cheese is cacio e pepe and they can make the pizza with delact cheese if you want" she said with a shrug "Oh you really do want me to roll you over!"
Austin — 10/03/2023 11:08 AM “I’m all in. That’s fine we can make it dairy free,” he said. “Thank you for always thinking of my digestive system,” he said, chuckling gently. “You’re trying your best to keep me in check.”
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 11:10 AM "Because I don't want you to be in pain and regret all your life choices" she said smirking drinking her wine "Emphasis on the trying" she said laughing
Austin — 10/03/2023 11:11 AM “You’re right, you’re right. Thank you,” he said, leaning over to take her hand. “My tummy thanks you - seriously.”
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 11:25 AM "Plus it's Valentine's day, I'll kill you if you get sick" she joked again
Austin — 10/03/2023 11:26 AM “I know, I’m sure you want some special attention tonight,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. He smiled again and took a few more sips of his wine.
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 11:30 AM Vanessa laughed "Oh my god, I can't" she said shaking her head. The waiter came and Vanessa ordered the pastas and the marinara pizza with the delact cheese
Austin — 10/03/2023 11:31 AM Austin smiled brightly at her response. “And now that we know that you don’t have a mini me inside you, we can celebrate,” he said, squeezing her hand.
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 11:43 AM "Why would it be a mini you and not a mini me?" she asked amused as he squeezed her hand and she squeezed back
Austin — 10/03/2023 11:56 AM “Because I imagine it as a boy,” he admitted, laughing gently. “I guess it could be a girl. Well, hypothetically of course.” He took another sip of his wine.
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 12:20 PM "50 50 chances. But gender is a construct so" she said with a shrug as she took a piece of bread
Austin — 10/03/2023 12:21 PM “You’re right,” he agreed. “Either way. It would be ours,” he said. He took another sip of his drink and laced their fingers.
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 12:50 PM "Well, someday" she said with a smile "And hopefully they'll take your height not mine"
Austin — 10/03/2023 12:54 PM “But I love your height,” he said, looking at her adoringly.
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 2:17 PM "Babe. I'm short" she said shaking her head
Austin — 10/03/2023 2:41 PM "I know you're short but you're so fun," he teased. "I'd be happy whether they end up being short, tall or somewhere in between."
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 3:11 PM "Yeah, pocket size" she said. She nodded in agreement right as the waiter brought the food. "Could we have two plates? And have everything for the middle please?" Vanessa asked
Austin — 10/03/2023 3:11 PM He smiled once the waiter brought their food and thanked him once he'd brought the plates and everything else back. "This all looks so good."
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 3:29 PM "Mhm it does" she agreed "Well dig in!" she said as she got some pasta from the alle vongole dish and put it into her plate
Austin — 10/03/2023 3:33 PM He took a little bit of everything and took another sip from his wine glass before beginning to try the food. "My God, it's all so good," he said. "You were right."
Vanessa — 10/03/2023 10:52 PM "Of course I was" she said with a shrug as she also added some cacio e pepe and started eating. The pasta was made fresh and you could tell
Austin — 10/03/2023 11:17 PM Austin went to town on his food and enjoyed himself greatly as he ate. October 4, 2023
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 2:38 AM The food was truly great. And the pizza marinara, you couldn't even tell that the cheese they used was the delact kind. Once done with her food she leaned back and took a sip of wine "I don't know who is going to roll who back to the hotel" she said
Austin — 10/04/2023 8:06 AM Once he had finished, he leaned back a little against his seat. “Mhm, you’re not pregnant but maybe I am,” he said, closing his eyes.
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 10:42 AM Vanessa laughed shaking her head "Food babies" she said clearly amused
Austin — 10/04/2023 10:50 AM He leaned his head on the table for a minute before thanking the waiter when he brought them the check. "I'm going to skip out on the cannoli. It's tempting but if I even see anymore food I'm going to throw up," he said, shaking his head slightly.
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 10:52 AM "Do you want us to get it to go anyway so if you change your mind you can have it later?" Vanessa offered
Austin — 10/04/2023 10:58 AM "Hmm, I guess we could do that. Maybe they can put it in a to-go box so I don't have to see it," he said.
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 11:05 AM "Yeah. I can ask them" she said shaking her head as she finished her wine
Austin — 10/04/2023 11:21 AM “Hm, what’s wrong?” He asked.
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 11:47 AM "Nothing, why?" she asked as she waved the waiter over and asked him for a canoli to go
Austin — 10/04/2023 1:47 PM “Just checking.” Austin took the check once they got it and took his card out.
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 2:42 PM Vanessa waited until he paid and she got up, and too her purse and the takeout container "Shall we?" she asked
Austin — 10/04/2023 2:54 PM He stood up uncomfortably and began walking with her. "Thank you for carrying the cannoli," he said. He winced a little as he saw other people getting their food as they left the restaurant.
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 2:56 PM Vanessa laughed "Oh how will I survive with this hige sacrifice" she teased as the made their way out "You want to walk or get a cab?" she asked
Austin — 10/04/2023 2:57 PM "How far away are we from the hotel again?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck.
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 3:34 PM "About a 10-15 minute walk" she said checking her phone to make sure she was right
Austin — 10/04/2023 3:35 PM “Can we get a cab?” He asked, stretching a little. “Normally I’d say that would be fine but, I don’t know.”
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 3:40 PM "Sure" she said with a shrug. She ordered a lyft so they wouldn't have to walk "Our ride will be here in 3 minutes" she announced
Austin — 10/04/2023 3:41 PM Austin nodded and stretched again. “I can’t wait to go back to the hotel and stretch out,” he admitted.
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 4:36 PM The Lyft got there and Vanessa pointed to it "Well your wish is coming true!" she announced with a smile as she got in the car
Austin — 10/04/2023 4:37 PM Austin sat in the back of the cab and thanked the driver for coming before leaning back again. He yawned softly, covering his mouth as he did so and played with his sweatshirt a little. “I’m so drowsy now.”
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 4:50 PM "Well we can go back to the hotel and sleep" she said with a smile "Soft bed, pillows and everything. Can't wait" she said
Austin — 10/04/2023 4:57 PM He reached his arm over and took her hand. “And then tomorrow morning we can go for a run if you want or a hike or something once I revive.” He kissed the back of her hand gently. “I’ve missed you, I just want to lay with you.”
Vanessa — 10/04/2023 5:03 PM "You got a deal" she said smiling. As he kissed her hand she smiled "I missed you too baby" she said. And honestly she couldn't wait to just lay in bed with him either
Austin — 10/04/2023 5:04 PM He squeezed her hand gently and turned his head to look out the window as they drove the short distance to the hotel. Once they’d arrived he thanked the driver again and got out before walking to Vanessa’s side and opening the door for her. October 5, 2023
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 3:21 AM Once they got to the hotel she noticed how he got out to open her door. Always a gentleman even though they've been together for such a long time at this point. She got out of the car thanking him and the driver before they made their way into the hotel lobby and towards the elevators
Austin — 10/05/2023 3:22 AM He held the door open for her in the elevator and watched as the numbers went up as they made it to the correct floor and to their room. “So happy to be back,” Austin said, waiting outside the door for Vanessa to open it.
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 5:50 AM Vanessa smiled and shook her head "And no rolling was necessary" she teased before she swiped her key card on the door and entered her room. She immediately took her jacket off and put it on a chair before she sat down and took her boots off as well
Austin — 10/05/2023 10:55 AM He entered the room behind her and began removing his jeans. He sighed happily once they were off and sat to remove his shoes. Once he’d finished he stood up and walked to the dresser. “What sounds the most comfortable?” He asked. (edited)
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 2:43 PM "In terms of bed clothes?" she asked "I mean you can put on pajamas if you brought any, or sweats" she said as she stood up and unbuttoned her jeans letting out a relieved sigh before shimmying out of them
Austin — 10/05/2023 2:52 PM "How're you feeling?" he asked. "I need something with breathing room, sweats will work." He slipped into some sweats and didn't tie them before pulling off his hoodie and setting it aside. "It's not a real baby, don't worry," he teased, allowing himself to flop onto the bed. He wrapped one arm around himself. "It's bread and pasta and pizza."
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 3:03 PM She usually didn't wear clothes to bed but she wanted something comfortable so she took an oversized shirt from her closet and put it on after taking off her sweater and bra as well. She took the take out box with the canoli and put it into the mini fridge. At what Austin said she laughed shaking her head "Whatever it is, it's not mine" she joked
Austin — 10/05/2023 3:35 PM “I feel so alone in this,” he teased, smiling with an amused look on his face. “Come here,” he said, holding his arms out.
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 3:40 PM "This" she said pointing to his stomach "Was not a group effort" she said. She approached him walking into his arms
Austin — 10/05/2023 3:41 PM “You didn’t stop me, it’s yours,” he disagreed, pulling her into his arms gently.
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 3:52 PM "Yeah yeah" she said waving her hand dismissingly as she wrapped her arms around him and inhaled him "Bed and movie?" she suggested "Not suggesting snacks because you'll probably cry" she joked
Austin — 10/05/2023 3:53 PM He nestled against her gently and closed her eyes. “Yes, whatever you want. I just want to lay here and hold you,” he responded. “I will cry. I can’t eat anything else, maybe ever,” he teased.
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 3:56 PM "Hell of your own doing" she joked "OK lets get to bed then" she said "What do you wanna watch?" she asked. She was of the opinion that you didn't need a specific day a year to show your love, plus they've been together for a long time so Valentine's day was just… a cute thing but that was it really. Just like they didn't need a paper to confirm they were partners. What matter was that they were together
Austin — 10/05/2023 3:58 PM “Can’t believe you’re letting me be a single parent after earlier. Baby, I don’t care. I just want to hold you,” he said. They had been together long enough that they did end like an old married couple most of the time. The engagement rumors were always out there, especially after being together for so long.
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 4:00 PM "Earlier was a team effort if you recall" she responded amused. "OK, old man, come on get to bed" she said walking out of his arms and pulling him towards the bed so they could get under the covers
Austin — 10/05/2023 4:08 PM “Mhm, exactly. That’s why you are half of this baby’s parents,” he said matter of factly. He followed after her and crawled into bed before settling down and curling up, trying to get comfortable.
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 4:29 PM "Nope" she said as she pulled the covers and got into bed and got comfortable adjusting her pillows
Austin — 10/05/2023 4:42 PM He held her arm out for her. “Yes, my burden is your burden. So, this baby is yours too.”
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 4:59 PM "Can we stop talking about babies? I think we've had enough mention and scare of them for one day" she said shaking her head with a smile
Austin — 10/05/2023 5:00 PM “Yes,” Austin agreed. “We can stop talking about my stomach,” he said softly.
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 5:06 PM "Not about your stomach. Babies" she said with a shrug
Austin — 10/05/2023 5:06 PM “Am I bothering you?” He asked, biting his lip.
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 5:08 PM "No you are not. I just think we should not challenge our luck anymore today by keep mentioning it, you know?" she said "The universe listens"
Austin — 10/05/2023 5:08 PM “Oh okay. Yeah, of course,” Austin said.
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 5:10 PM "Let's not challenge our luck" she said with a smile as she ran her fingers through his hair
Austin — 10/05/2023 5:27 PM Austin laughed gently. “Yeah, yeah. You’re right,” he responded.
Vanessa — 10/05/2023 5:28 PM "I know I am" she said smirking "So movie? Or nah?" she asked
Austin — 10/05/2023 6:13 PM “You can put it on, honey,” Austin said again. October 6, 2023
Vanessa — Yesterday at 2:14 AM "Yeah but what do you want me to put on? And yes I know you are not going to watch probably but you'll listen so" she said smirking
Austin — Yesterday at 4:38 AM He thought for a moment. “Close your eyes and choose the first thing you click.”
Vanessa — Yesterday at 7:01 AM Vanessa shook her head "Fine. Nightmare before Christmas it is" she said still smirking. That was such a comfort film for her
Austin — Yesterday at 7:02 AM "Mm, sounds good." He curled up every so slightly.
Vanessa — Yesterday at 7:07 AM Vanessa put the movie on and sighed happily as the familiar sounds of the beginning of the movie started playing
Austin — Yesterday at 7:16 AM Austin leaned over and pulled her in closer to him.
Vanessa — Yesterday at 7:31 AM She wrapped her arms around him and settled adjusting both their pillows beforehand so they'd be comfortable
Austin — Yesterday at 7:37 AM He moved his hand under her shirt and traced her spine lightly with his fingertip.
Vanessa — Yesterday at 8:10 AM She could feel goosebumps on her skin as he touched her and she let out a sigh
Austin — Yesterday at 8:25 AM Austin traced patterns against her spine.
Vanessa — Yesterday at 8:45 AM "I'm gonna sleep if you keep doing that" she said utterly relaxed
Austin — Yesterday at 9:17 AM Austin rubbed her back softly. “I love you.”
Vanessa — Yesterday at 9:42 AM Vanessa smiled before giving him a kiss "I love you too" she said "Thank you for being so chill with the whole scare thing"
Austin — Yesterday at 10:06 AM "You are my future," he reminded her. "Eventually it will be us doing this together."
Vanessa — Yesterday at 11:01 AM She put her hand on his cheek and caressed it. "Aw baby"
Austin — Yesterday at 11:03 AM He pulled her in a little bit closer and traced spirals over her back. "I know you were scared. It scared me too. But, one of us had to stay calm or we both would've been freaking out."
Vanessa — Yesterday at 12:47 PM She nodded with a sigh "Well thank you for being the calm one and for grounding me" she said hiding her face in his chest
Austin — Yesterday at 12:50 PM He used his free arm to stroke her hair gently. “That’s part of my job description,” he reminded her. “I’d never walk away. Baby or no baby. Sickness or health. ‘Til death do us part,” Austin whispered, curling a piece of her hair around his finger.
Vanessa — Yesterday at 2:39 PM "Mhm" she agreed, face still hidden into his chest, breathing in his scent "Forever and ever" she agreed
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Prince of Persia Remake Development Starting Over Years After Announcement
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Announced in September 2020, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time remake was planned to launch in 2021 with improved visuals compared to 2003’s original game. Development on the remake was at first led by Ubisoft Pune with assistance from Ubisoft Mumbai. However, in December 2020 the game was delayed until March 2021. Then in February 2021, the remake was delayed indefinitely. And then in May 2022, a year ago, Ubisoft announced that Ubisoft Montréal—the original studio behind the classic Sands of Time trilogy—was taking over the project. At the time it sounded like they were building off the work already done by Pune and Mumbai. But now…well, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
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The Next Total War Game Has Been Announced
After wrapping up their Warhammer trilogy in the most blockbuster way possible, Creative Assembly have just announced a brand new Total War game based on the stuff the series made its name on: actual human history. And this time we’re going back to ancient Egypt.
The next game is called Total War: Pharaoh, and is set during the Bronze Age Collapse, a period just over 3000 years ago that saw the civilizations of the Near East, North Africa and Europe have a very bad time.
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PlayStation-Inspired Cosmetics Are Coming To Destiny 2
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Bungie has just revealed details for the upcoming Destiny 2 Season of the Deep, which includes a ton of new in-game events, fishing (yes, you’ll be able to fish in Destiny 2), and a PlayStation crossover offering Sony game-inspired armor ornament sets. The crossover content is part of a “[celebration of] its partnership with PlayStation” according to the blog post announcing it and debuting the Season of the Deep launch trailer. Back in January 2022, Sony bought Destiny 2 developer Bungie for $3.6 billion, but it seems these cosmetics are available no matter what platform you play on.
The armor ornament sets are “inspired by three of the biggest games in PlayStation history”: a Titan ornament set called Godsbane based on God of War, a Hunter set named Annointed for Horizon Forbidden West, and a Warlock set from Ghost of Tsushima called Ancestral. Each set will also get its own special finishing move.
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Naughty Dog says The Last of Us multiplayer game needs "more time"
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Naughty Dog has shared an update on its The Last of Us multiplayer title, saying it has "realised what is best for the game is to give it more time". It's also teased a new "brand-new single-player experience" currently in the works.
Naughty Dog's The Last of Us multiplayer project was initially planned to be part of The Last of Us Part 2, but the studio announced it was separating the two halves in 2019. Since then, updates on the multiplayer game have been sparse, with Naughty Dog popping up to confirm "we're working on it" in 2021 and then, last year, promising more would be revealed in 2023.
Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann reiterated the studio's intention to share more about the game "later this year" back in January, but a new statement from the developer suggests its plans for a more substantial reveal in 2023 may currently be on hold.
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PlayStation announces streaming handheld device Project Q
Sony has just announced a new handheld gaming device, codenamed Project Q, which will let you stream games from your PS5.
The handheld will launch later this year, PlayStation boss Jim Ryan announced tonight during Sony's bumper PlayStation Showcase event.
A teaser trailer for the device showed a Switch-like design with a tablet-like eight-inch screen bookended by two controller halves.
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Assassin's Creed Mirage release date looks set for October
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Stealthy Japanese retailers appear to have outed the release date of Assassin's Creed Mirage - the upcoming Baghdad-set entry in Ubisoft's historical stabathon series.
A series of Japanese stores now have Assassin's Creed Mirage available to pre-order, with a release date set for 12th October. Ubisoft is yet to officially name a date for the game, though this would line up with previous Assassin's Creed launches.
Japanese gaming website Gematsu noted on Twitter this afternoon that retailers in the country do not typically list titles with placeholder dates. The same day being listed across various major retailer chains also points to the date being legitimate.
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Former Battlefield creative director Lars Gustavsson unveils new studio TTK Games
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Lars Gustavsson, former creative director on DICE's long-running Battlefield series, has unveiled his new studio TTK Games, which is currently developing an online shooter.
Gustavsson departed DICE last September after more than 20 years at the studio, having - as EA wrote in its announcement - "decided he is ready for a new adventure". Gustavsson offered no suggestion of what that new adventure might be at the time, but all has now been revealed.
Gustavsson's new studio, the Stockholm-based TTK Games, has been co-founded by four former members of DICE; Gustavsson will serve as CEO and creative director, while Daniel Berlin (previously lead world designer and design director on Battlefield) is senior design director. They're joined by chief technical officer and technical director Vidar Nygren (technical director on Battlefield), plus art director Peter Hoyles, who served as studio art director at DICE LA.
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Turn 10 reveals Forza Motorsport cover art and gameplay showcase plans
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The game’s box art features the 2023 No. 01 Cadillac Racing V-Series.R and 2024 Chevrolet Corvette E-Ray.
The studio said it plans offer “an up-close look at the cars” during the Xbox Games Showcase on June 11 and “a full walkthrough of our single player career gameplay” during a Forza Monthly stream on June 13.
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Embracer's $2bn+ deal collapsed due to "external factors"
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The CEO of Embracer Group has said the abrupt end to a potential partnership his company was due to announce was brought about by "external factors."
Yesterday, the company revealed in its financial results that a strategic partnership it had been close to securing had unexpectedly been scrapped, leading to the firm to lower its earnings forecast.
CEO Lars Wingefors offered more detail in the subsequent earnings call, transcribed by Seeking Alpha, although he refrained from naming the partner.
Wingefors told investors that, following a verbal commitment from the partner firm in October 2022, all documents had been finalised and the announcement was ready to go ahead of Embracer releasing its full-year earnings.
Embracer asked the partner to confirm it could go ahead with the execution of the announcement, but late into the night before the company "received a negative outcome from the counter party," according to Wingefors – something he said was "unexpected to the management and board of directors of Embracer."
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June’s free games with Amazon Prime Gaming have been announced
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Prime Gaming, which is part of an Amazon Prime subscription, offers members PC titles to keep and exclusive in-game content every month.
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Sony held PlayStation Showcase 2023
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For everything announced and shown, check out here
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thedude3445 · 1 year
current irons in the current fire
Before I get to start new fun projects to kick everyone's asses, I gotta finish the stuff already out there, so let's remind ourselves what those are:
(gonna make a readmore cut thing because this got too long, as rambles often do)
Systemless, the very silly very gay epic that's wrapping up finally after 3 years, I'm aiming to finish in April. Honestly this book is super up the Tumblr alley and even has BL romance but I forgot to promote it on here lol. I'll do that when the ebook versions come out
Golemancer, which really bombed compared to my original expecations, but it's still a pretty well-liked story honestly. I am going to wrap up Book 2 since it's already almost done, then publish ebook versions, and if those do well I'll finish the series later on. I should have done this over a year ago...
Japan Romance, the codename for a long-gestating project I've been working on since 2019. It was a novel, then a comic, now it's a visual novel, and yes I'm intentionally adding these comma splices why do you ask? When this project comes out someday you are gonna flip out, I promise. It's gonna be my ultimate early career project.
Project U, a collab with Ktalaki, the actual mspa prophet and not me actually. This project will never see the light of day, on purpose.
Game Jam. Quinlan Circle is gonna do a week-long game jam during Golden Week. Unless the game is literally unplayable, we will post that online afterwards.
Project Z, this is a codename that's actually just the impending release of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, a game that I suspect will take up an entire month of my life. Still working on creative projects even while this game is out is going to be my life's ultimate challenge. When Fire Emblem Engage came out I totally failed at doing anything but playing that game (and also dealing with various life crises throughout February but that's a story for another time AKA an actual blog essay not this thing)
MSPA Reread 2023, a project that's semi-creative because it's unlocking entire spheres of my brain I forgot even existed. The sheer nostalgia that came with reading Homestuck Act 5-2 took up multiple days of my life reminiscing about old projects and long-dead forum thread. I'm on Act 6 Intermission 3 now as of today, and I think my friend group will finish around the end of April. Later, I'm gonna read the Epilogues and Homestuck 2 for the first time and see why people hate them so much lol. I know they're not "strictly canon" but I'm a long-time Star Wars EU fan, so fluid canonicty in layers is totally normal to me. Maybe not to other people...
(also I guess Psycholonials counts here? And the visual novel games? IDK about those quite yet)
Anyway there's one thing that I'm building to, and that's a project codenamed Really Big Story. You might be able to guess the story concept based on the codename. Quinlan Circle has been going for almost 5 years now, and we're getting ready to work on something super ambitious. But we can only work on it after we're all in better spots creatively. For me this means finishing (or quitting) all the stuff I've built up over the years. I have too many projects!!!!!
If you actually read this whole thing, send me an ask for which of these you want me to ramble about in my next mini-blog. I'll do that tomorrow or something (the mini-blogs will never be as long as this one, at least I hope so lol because this took like 20 minutes)
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