#real madrid is winning as far as i know??
chaiichait · 9 months
Being a TFOTA fan means seeing Jude Bellingham on your feed
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judespoets · 1 month
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the alchemy | jude bellingham
summary: “where’s the trophy? he just comes running over to me”
paining: jude bellingham x fem!reader
category: fluff
warnings: not proofread
the day was finally here. the day you have been waiting for your entire life.
you were sitting in the stands together with denise and mark, your parents in law almost and jobe, your little brother, well the one you never had yourself.
all of you were sitting on the edges of your seats in wembley stadium, watching one person and one person only, jude.
it would be selfish of you to say it’s the day you’ve always dreamt of, but it kind of was. since jude and you were kids, the two of you would watch the champions league final together, recreate the best moments and dream of jude playing in it one day.
and now, after all those years of dreaming, the day was here.
you were sure he would win, but dortmund put up such a good fight, during the first half you weren’t sure of that anymore.
but in no time it was the 98th minute and real madrid was currently winning 2:0.
you were so excited, you were only watching jude walking and running around the field, you could see him trying to hide his smile.
it was bittersweet, just a year ago you were packing all your stuff into boxes to move from dortmund to madrid, now he was playing against them in the champions league final, everything was unbelievable at this moment, surreal even.
and then something snapped you out of your thoughts, the final whistle, you were never this excited about hearing that whistle in your entire life.
you stood up, throwing your hands up in the air, immediately making your way down a little bit to stand at the barricade to have a better look at your boyfriend who just won the championship league.
you watched him closely as he fell down to his knees, hiding his face in his hands and his friends approaching as they all tried to lift him up, wanting to throw him up in the air, you couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off your face.
but jude shook his head, he looked like he needed to do something else before anything else as he suddenly started running, sprinting almost.
and there he was, the man you loved, running towards you before even celebrating the biggest day of his career.
it all went by so fast and the next thing you know is having him in your arms, hugging him tighter than you probably ever did before, hiding your face in his neck.
“i love you so much, thank you for coming, baby” you heard him say in your ear.
“gosh, jude, i’m so happy, look what you just did, i love you so so much.” you answered, completely unaware of all your emotions. you were just so happy and proud.
as jude let go of you he took your head in his hands, kissing all over your face just before planting his lips onto yours, pulling you into a passionate kiss.
“i love you, please come to the pitch after the trophy ceremony, okay?” he said before recognizing the calls of his teammates and returning to the pitch to clap all the other players.
“of course, my love.” you answered as you waited, watching your boyfriend lift the proudest achievement of his career so far.
you had dreamed of this for so long and now it was even more magical than you imagined.
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cosmicpearlz · 3 months
can you open up the door?
summary: you guys hated each other, so why does your heart feel broken when you see him with another girl?
pairing: jude bellingham x reader
a/n: i feel like i'm running out of ideas to write, please request anything! i absolutely love writing for jude and would love to hear what you wanna see/read :) anywho, enjoy my loves!
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jude felt like he was on a high. winning the final cup with real madrid had been a dream come true. now, he gets to go home and relax before playing in the euro 2024 competition. although, going home also meant seeing the one person he dislikes. you and jude had a long history of hating/disliking each other. it was hard because of how much time you guys spend together, being that you not only shared the same friend group but the same best friend as well.
"you know jude is coming home, right?" trent says to you, while you rolled your eyes.
"yes yes, i know already. i promise to be on my best behavior," you attempted to give him your best smile. it only made the boy laugh at how you tried to hide your annoyance.
"why don't you guys like each other again? i feel like the two of you would be perfect together. a proper power couple if you ask me."
"never say that again. i wouldn't be caught-" before you could even finish your thought, jude comes through trent's door.
"daddy's home," you groaned at jude's crude language. upon hearing the groan, jude locks eyes with you. have you always been this pretty? somehow prettier than the last time he saw you. jude rids the thought out of his head and turns his attention to trent. they shared a hug before jude takes his seat right across from you on the other couch.
"you didn't tell me that you invited the yapper."
"and he didn't tell that the dickhead was coming. so i guess we're in the same boat," you crossed your arms to your chest and glared at jude.
"guys can we not start?"
"he literally started it first! i was here way before he came in and interrupted things."
"well guess who was in trent's life first? oh right, it was me. you're just some outsider that thinks she fits in but you don't."
you weren't sure why that hurt your feelings as much as it did. maybe because deep down, you felt like he was right. you moved from america to england for college as an exchange student and landed a job working for england's football team as their photographer. it's where you met trent and jude.
"you're such an asshole jude," you tried to ignore the stinging in your chest, as you packed up your stuff and getting ready walk to your apartment.
Jude began to feel guilty for obviously hurting your feelings. he doesn't know why he says what he says. it just comes out but he thinks that this time it was too far. trent had told him about how you felt a bit lonely sometimes being that you weren't from england, and here he had used it against you.
"dude," trent looks to jude with disappointment, as the door slams closed behind you.
"i know, i'm sorry. i don't know why i said it."
"why don't you guys get along?"
"i'm not even sure anymore. we just continue to hurt one another."
it's been weeks since you had last spoken to jude or trent. avoiding the both of them like the plague, pretending that you won't be leaving with them to germany in exactly two days. today, jobe had texted you that he was throwing a going away party for the three of you. you tried desperately tried to get out of going but the younger boy wasn't having it.
so you went, unfortunately. dressing in a black mini dress with the black red bottoms you saved up to purchase for graduation. finishing the look off with a red handbag. the loud music from the club greeted you, while you walked in.
"you made it!" jobe yells over the music, after seeing you walk in. you smiled and gave him a hug. it never made sense to you that jude's brother was nicer to you than he was.
"did i actually have a choice?"
"exactly," the two of you burst out into laughter, which caught jude's ears. he won't admit it to anyone but he knew your laugh like the back of his hand. it was one of things he liked about you.
"are you excited to leave for germany?"
"honestly, yes and no."
"why the no?" jobe leaned in closer to whisper, "anything to do with my brother?"
"i know when you're lying. it definitely has something to do with jude! why don't you guys just kiss and make up," you gasp at jobe and slapped his shoulder.
"news flash, we don't like each other. plus, i would never kiss him nor date him," you replied, causing the younger boy to roll his eyes.
jude overhead everything. would it really be so bad if you were to date him? he wasn't sure why that left a sour note in body but he was determined to not let it bother him. instead, deciding to occupy his time with the first pretty girl he saw. just to further deny those hidden feelings. to get over someone, might as well get under someone new.
"you've been avoiding me," you looked to find trent taking the seat next to you on the couch.
"i've simply been busy."
"doing what? moping?"
"hey, i don't mope."
"so what are you doing right now?"
"people watching." trent followed your line of vision, finding that you were looking at jude engaged in a conversation with a pretty girl. you watched as he moved closer to her, causing her to giggle and place a hand on his arm.
"you have feelings for jude." you quickly shake your head in defense.
"no i don't."
"stop lying to yourself. you guys are both attracted to each other but don't know how to act on it. you guys spent at least two years pretending to hate one another, why?"
"i don't know."
"but you do. just tell me why. i'm your best friend." somehow, your heartbeat felt as if it were louder than the music. you do remember why you originally started to dislike him but you've never said anything.
"it's because i overheard a conversation between the two of you. we were already friends but it was the day you were going to introduce me to jude. i heard him say 'she will never be on my level or in my league'." you felt your eyes water as you brought up the same awful feelings you felt back then.
"y/n that's not what he meant. you didn't hear the rest of conversation."
"whatever, i don't care." you pick up your handbag and stand to leave. the saltiness of the tears falling onto your cheeks, no matter how hard you tried to hide it. trent stands up with you, trying to offer some sort of comfort that you didn't want. it was embarrassing enough to cry over someone that wouldn't even give you a second thought.
"i think i'm going to go home."
"i'm fine trent. please let me go," you whisper, not being able to look up from your heels. he nods at you and you take that cue to leave. rushing out of the loud atmosphere to the quiet outside air. jude's eyes follow your figure as you rushed out. immediately, he ignores the girl he was flirting with to follow you outside. you notice a tug on your arm, turning around you see the last person you wanna see.
"jude, i'm not in the mood."
"what's wrong?"
"why would i tell you? go flirt with the girl you were just with."
"well something is wrong with you and i want to make sure you're okay."
"why do you even care? i'm just an outsider trying desperately to fit in, right?" you watched as jude's mouth opens and closes, with furrowed brows, you scoffed.
"exactly. goodnight jude," you took one more look at him before getting into your uber that happened to show up at the right time.
jude walks back into the club with an angry expression on his face. he was more mad at himself rather than anyone in specific. he walks to trent, who was sitting in the same spot, nursing the same drink.
"please tell me what happened. i knew she was okay and then i seen her walk out."
"i totally knew it. you guys have feelings for each other!"
"she was looking at you with the girl at the bar and finally told me why you guys don't like each other. turns out, it was complete miscommunication. y/n overheard you say 'she'll never be on my level or in my league'. i tried telling her that you didn't mean it like that but she didn't want to hear it."
the realization dawned on Jude as he thought back to that day. trent showed him one picture and he swore that he could have fallen in love right there. you had mixed his words up to rejection rather than realizing he meant that you were too good for him. maybe he could have worded it differently. you guys certainly wouldn't be in this mess now. would you guys be wrapped up in the same bed sheets whispering to each other? would you be at his football matches in madrid? would you visit him and let him show you around? a whole year he's played on the team and a whole year you could have already been his.
you were relaxed in your bed, having criminal minds in the background. the only sort of comfort you could find. stupid feelings and stupid jude. you wanted the floor to swallow you whole and then maybe you wouldn't have to deal with this.
a knock on the door draws your attention. who would be knocking at two o'clock in the morning? you get up from your bed, walking into the living room towards the door. you opened the door, finding Jude standing there with a small smile.
"what do you want?"
"to talk."
"no," you closed the door before the boy could say anything else. jude takes this sign to keep knocking, instead of just leaving.
"open the door. please, just hear me out and I'll leave you alone afterwards." you leaned your head on the door debating on letting him in.
"open up the door. i'm not leaving until you do." you finally open the door after two minutes, afraid that the knocking was going to bother your apartment neighbors. you pulled him inside and closed the door once again.
"what do you-"
"you have it all wrong. what you overheard was wrong. i meant that you looked like you were too good for me. that i didn't even deserve to try and win you over. how could you ever think differently? you are the prettiest girl i've ever known-"
"i was only rude to you because that's what you did to me when we first met. there are so many things i wish i did differently. i could be the one kissing your tears away and not causing them. you're not an outsider, far from it actually-"
"jude!" you finally got the boys attention, locking eyes with him. you couldn't believe that your feelings were returned. all the time that was wasted. without a second thought, you pulled his shirt collar and kissed him. your lips molded together perfectly. a sudden eagerness that made the kiss more intense. jude's hand slipping under your pajama top, to touch your bare skin trying feel closer to you. you pulled away first, feeling overwhelmed with emotions.
"i'm so sorry sweetheart. i didn't mean of it." jude swipes away the tears that fell from your eyes.
"i'm sorry too."
"you have nothing to apologize for. it's my fault."
"it takes two to tango jude. i've said some pretty awful stuff too and i'm sorry."
"where do we go from here? what do you truly want y/n? if you want to pretend this never happened, i'll comply." his eyes trailing your face for some sort of sign.
"i just want you."
"you have me baby. you always have," jude whispers, before connecting your lips together once more.
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sports-on-sundays · 4 months
Okay so 🤭 what if Y/N use to be with ( whatever Barca player you choose ) and they broke it off because they supposedly wanted to focus on their career and the reader was really heartbroken and omg to make it more better y/n is Carlos sister and then she sees or hear how they moved on already! And little by little she starts to be with lando and they announce their relationship when he wins in Miami!! Like full on hard launch. 😭🙌🏽
Also this got me motivated to think of more ideas ima write them down for the future 🤭
papaya girl / LN4
Summary: ex!Ferran x Sainz!baker!reader x Lando - After a devastating breakup with your footballing boyfriend, you think you'll never be able to date someone again.
Warnings: there's a golf scene and I don't golf so-!🤞, mention of sickness, foul language, sorry if some things are not accurate, headache, partying/dancing/drunkenness/clubbing, mention of getting so drunk you had no memory of what happened, implied getting drunk to dampen emotions, getting injured, vomiting, slight soulmate feel, a bit of suggestive talk, use of babe/baby/bae/baby girl/etc., I feel like every kiss I describe is exactly the same sooo- sorry about that! ✌
Requested?: YES! 😘
Author's Note: Do you ever write something so good that you wish you could make it into a movie? That's how I feel about this. I can imagine the scenes. Didn't plan it but I guess 24 is the magic number for this one. I made the request more dramatic because... I like doing that... 👉 👈 🥺 ALSO THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST. PERFECT MIX OF ANGST AND FLUFF. I LITERALLY LOVE YOU! If you do have any more ideas and you're up for it, let me know!
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When you met Ferran Torres, you were a Madridista with a passion for Ferrari. Being a Sainz, you've always been rooting for Real Madrid, but your favorite Formula 1 team isn't as consistent. Because before that, you were a McLaren fan. And before that, Red Bull. And everything else before that, too.
Wherever Carlos is, you're a fan of it.
You, quite literally, on the day you met Ferran, were wearing a Cristiano Ronaldo jersey and a backwards Ferrari cap.
And, well, he, a new arrival from Manchester City, liked that, apparently!
And it was beautiful. They way you slowly became closer and closer, growing to know each other more and more.
And then, maybe you just hit a point. Hit a point in your relationship where you wanted more, and Ferran realized that if any more was given by him, it would be too far for him.
And he cut it off. Said he was doing well in Barcelona. He had high hopes. You, a sold out Madrid fan, had been wearing his number on the back of a blaugrana jersey. And despite that blaugrana jersey, he ditched you.
He said his work, his career, his passions, his dreams, were more important than you.
But you can't complain, Y/n. That's fair. He was gentle in letting you know. He made it clear he didn't want any malice between you and him.
You roll over in bed, staring vacantly at your wall. There's a large Real Madrid flag hanging in the middle. A smaller Ferrari flag on one side. A few posters of bands and teams you like or events you've been to, signed by different celebrities. People who are more famous than 'Carlos Sainz Jr.'s sister' or 'Ferran Torres's ex-girlfriend.' On one side, it seems silly to have a poster signed by Max Verstappen, but you do. On the other side of the flag, you have a peeling old McLaren poster, showing the younger versions of Carlos and his former racing partner, Lando Norris, looking just seconds away from breaking into a loud, hysterical laughter.
And next to that, you have a Barcelona poster.
You smile sadly to yourself.
I must look like such a conflicted sports fan.
You stand up, walking over to the wall. After gently peeling the Barcelona poster off the wall, you slowly trace the badge with your fingers, any hint of a smile now gone as tears begin to fill your eyes, threatening to fall.
"This is stupid," you murmur scornfully, your voice cracking softly. "This isn't even my team! It's not my city...!" You toss the poster across the room, leaving it in a place where you don't intend to pick it up anytime soon.
Let it gather dust and crumple. That's what Ferran did. He threw away our relationship like it was nothing but a worthless piece of paper. And now I'm suffering the consequences.
You sigh. You're trying not to let yourself be bitter. You want to look back on everything you and Ferran had and be happy. Appreciate it. You still love Ferran. You don't want to be angry with him.
Someone said to you once, Hurt heals with time, as long as you let it.
You grab a bold, red Sharpie from your drawer and your notebook from a dresser. You scribble those words in all caps, rip out the page, grab some tape, and hang the piece of paper where the FC Barcelona poster used to be.
You sigh, but nod, before turning to get ready for your day.
You hate winter. You never hated winter before this winter, but now you hate it.
With the breakup, you've been avoiding anything La Liga like the plague, even if it doesn't involve Ferran Torres. It just reminds you too much.
And with Carlos on winter break, getting ready for the start of the season, he's not around much. Going on different trips, he's quite busy. Which you don't like. You and your brother have a strong bond.
It's not like you don't have anything to do. You just don't have anything interesting to do. You have a shop that you run, but you have enough staff hired to not have to be there all the time.
Yes, in a family of racing, you were never too into it. Your strong spot is in baking and business running, so that's why you opened up a bakery in Madrid.
And being a Sainz, of course it was a success.
Same type of thing as Charles Leclerc's 'LEC,' except you're not the racing driver Charles Leclerc, you're not doing ice cream, and you've always been doing this, for five years now.
You watch as a young, excited couple walks in, jabbering away in English. You can just tell they're tourists as they get in line to order. Once they get to the counter, the woman immediately leans over the counter in excitement, saying, "Is Carlos Sainz here?" in English.
You chuckle. Sounds American. "Which Carlos Sainz?" you tease.
They look blankly at you as if you're just about the dumbest individual to walk planet Earth. You chuckle and say, "Why don't you get to ordering? There's a line."
Towards the afternoon, as things begin to quiet down just a little bit, you look up at the doorbell jingles and freeze.
When he reaches the counter, you snap at Ferran, "Why are you in Madrid?"
"Am I not allowed to be? Either way, hello to you, too."
You sigh, licking your lips as you study the Valencian boy. "What can I get for you?"
He shrugs and orders, before seating himself down at one of the seats at the counter. "How have you been, Y/n?" he asks.
"Fine," you swallow, staring down. "And you?"
"I'm good." From there, he begins just talking, as if we're old friends or something, and not exes.
He seems so happy. So content.
To not be with you.
Suddenly, mid-way through one of his many sentences, you slip your hand over his, almost on impulse. He stops, staring to your hands, and then to you.
You breathe softly, "Why? Why did you come here to just talk to me? Aren't you moved on? Ferran, this is torture for me."
Lines crease into his face. You can see him swallow, looking at your smaller hand on his. "I'm... I'm sorry. I am moved on. I'm doing well. I just thought maybe we could be friends. I'd never want to date you again; I'm not in the place to date anyone. I'm happy single. But I just feel bad. I know you're hurt, and... I'd be happy to still be friends with you, is all?" He slips his hand out from underneath yours and takes his cup of coffee with it, taking a sip as he watches you intently.
You drag a hand over your face. Though you didn't want to admit it, seeing him come in to the bakery gave you hope. That maybe he wanted to try again. But those words that came out of his mouth? They cut deep.
"Listen, Ferran," you barely whisper. "I'm still trying to work through what happened. Everything. It's hard for me. But I appreciate it, and when I'm ready, if I'm ever ready, I'd love to be your friend. O- Okay?"
He nods slowly, staring down. "Alright... Fair enough."
"What's wrong?" your older brother, Carlos, asks. You watch outside the window as the world travels by.
You sigh. "Ferran."
"Him, again?"
"Carlos," you sigh. "Stop. It's nothing new. I'm just missing him. He wants to stay friends, but I said I needed time."
"Ah. Well, you know, I did tell you never to date-"
"-a Barcelona player. I know," you roll your eyes with a little smile.
He chuckles, shaking his head. "Hurt heals with time, as-"
"-long as you let it. I know," you comment, smiling a bit wider.
"Exactly. It'll come."
You sigh. "I hope so."
As Carlos pulls into the parking lot, you say, "So. Is that why you decided to take me golfing with your friends? Just wanted to check up on me, but you never have the time to sit down over dinner these days?"
Carlos smiles as he shuts off the car. "No. I could have made time. But I wanted your company golfing."
"You know I'm not big on g-"
"Shut up," he grins. "Yes you are."
"I suck."
"Not as bad as some people I know. In fact, you're actually pretty okay."
Soon, you meet up with a bunch of Carlos's friends. They're all chatting, and you're just kind of zoning off, looking out over the grassy hills, when suddenly you look up when Carlos says, "Ay! Lando!"
You blink in complete and utter shock. "Why is Lando Norris here?"
As Lando approaches, he eyes you, saying teasingly, "Well, thank you for the warm welcome, Y/n Sainz."
"Lando was just around, so he made the drive to meet us here," Carlos quickly fills in.
Soon, you're all off. After a round, as you're walking back to the cart to go get lunch, Carlos says, nudging Lando, "I think my baby sister is better than you."
Lando laughs. "You fucking muppet; what are you talking about?"
You grin, falling in step with Lando and Carlos. "I'm a better golfer."
"That is just wrong," Lando says, glancing at you. "Downright wrong."
"It's a Sainz thing," Carlos puts in. "There's no way for you to beat us, Lando. You can't. Winning runs in the family."
Lando rolls his eyes, reiterating, "Your baby sister is not better than me."
"You have no right to call me a baby," you put in indignantly. "I'm probably older than you."
Lando looks at you, his nose all scrunched up. "How old are you?"
"Hah! Same age."
"That still doesn't mean you get to call me a baby!"
"Her birthday is in January; different year than Lando's. Lando, you can call her a baby; you're older," Carlos says.
"Carlos!" you snap. "Don't give him permission!"
Carlos grins and shakes his head as he breaks off to chat with some of his other friends and get on the cart with them.
Lando grins, giving a discreet pat on your lower back as he murmurs, "Sorry, baby."
And for some reason, that makes you feel things. You decide to blame it on the fact that Lando's just good-looking.
Once you're all seated down with your lunch, you comment, "So what's with the whole..." your hand goes to your chin, referring to his facial hair, as you look at Lando expectantly.
Lando slams down his fork, saying lightheartedly, "Sick of people asking me that!"
You smirk. "Makes you look like you're forty."
"Whatever, baby."
"You know, I have a picture on my wall of you and Carlos when you were just babies, too."
As soon as Lando raises an eyebrow with a smirk, you know it was a mistake to word it that way. "You have a picture of me and Carlos on your wall?" he asks, mock condescendingly.
"No, no. I mean, I do, but- It's just an old McLaren poster." You immediately look down.
"What, are you a fan of mine?" Lando teases further.
"No! I'm a fan of Carlos, and you just so happened to be his teammate at that time. The point is that you two look like pipsqueaks in that photo! Lando, you looked so awkward, with all your acne-"
"What, Lando, you think she's a McLaren fan? She's sold out for Ferrari," Carlos interrupts.
"Literally! I deck myself out in red every Sunday!"
"Today's Sunday," Lando starts like the stupid idiot he is, "And I don't see you wearing red."
You groan, leaning back, covering your face in your hands. "Carlos, how are you this guy's friend? He's so annoying! Why'd you invite him for? How do you put up with him?"
Carlos just smirks, patting your shoulder, and says, "I'm used to having to put up with irritable people, after having to grow up with you."
You roll your eyes, fighting off a smile as all the guys around you at the table laugh out loud.
On the car ride back, you're mostly silent, your thoughts swimming with one thing and one thing only.
Lando Norris.
And there's a soft smile on your face as you think about your morning with him.
But Carlos can tell you're deep in thought. Usually, you'd be yapping away right now. "Anything on your mind?" he asks carefully.
You sigh. "Not much."
"You're bad at lying. You're staring out the window dreamily. What's on your mind?"
You sigh. "It's stupid. You'll make fun of me."
"I'm not stupid, though. I can already guess what it is."
You gulp. "How?"
"For the whole day, the only person you talked to was Lando."
You feel your stomach drop. "It's nothing serious, Carlos. He's just funny."
"You said something like that to me about Ferran Torres right before you officially started dating."
That makes you feel a bit sick. "Carlos, I won't let that happen again."
"Don't. And don't be getting interested in anyone until you're over your ex. And we both know you're not. And please don't be getting interested in someone like Lando."
"Why?" You eyebrows scrunch together. "I thought you two were buddies."
Carlos grins teasingly. "If you somehow got yourself with him, there would always be two annoying people in one place."
"You're intolerable!" you snap, laughing.
"You are too, hermana."
It strikes Carlos as strange when the first thing Lando says to him the weekend of Bahrain, before even a hello, is: "Is your sister here?"
"Why do you want to know?"
Lando shrugs. "She's nice."
"No... She'll be coming to Australia, though..." Carlos can't help but feel suspicion fill his chest. He's always been somewhat protective of you, being his little sister and all.
"Perfect," Lando grins, and he's off.
In Australia, like any other race, you're decked out in your red. Ferrari hat, Ferrari jacket, red jeans. Ferrari earrings. Even your black shoes have a stripe of red on the sides.
Carlos always tells you it's dumb. But it's become a part of your whole thing, since you spend a huge amount of your life following Carlos around and going to Grand Prixs.
It's fun sometimes, being Carlos Sainz Jr.'s sister!
But when you see a shock of papaya in your red world called Ferrari's hospitality, you squint, slipping your sunglasses up on your hat, and say, "Who said you could walk in like that uninvited?"
"No one," Lando grins, "but I'm only here to see you."
Your eyebrows raise as you stand up. "Wha-"
"Come with me. I'm going to barf if I have to breathe Ferrari air any longer. Just your terrible get-up is making me nauseous. I guess I'll be free from seeing that stupid outfit next year when Carlos isn't in Ferrari-"
"Oh, shut it, you!" you snap, but follow him with a grin on your face.
"So you broke up with your Barcelona man?" Lando start, cutting straight to the chase.
"Uh-" you swallow. "He broke up with me."
"Yeah? Why's that?"
You're not sure why Lando wants to know, and he certainly doesn't have any reason to know, but still you say, "We had been dating for a while, you know? I wanted something more. You know, to go deeper. Someday, I'd love to even maybe get married. But, Ferran... well, he didn't want to go the step deeper. Said he wanted to focus on his career. He broke it off. We're on fine terms, though."
"Ah..." he nods slowly. "That sounds like a tough breakup."
"Yeah... Yeah, it was."
He continues nodding, and catches your eye before saying, "So I'm assuming you want to... you know, you won't be up for any more relationships any time soon? Lot to work through?"
You suddenly feel your face begin to heat up. "Uh, well- depends on who it is, I suppose," you blurt without thinking.
"Hm?" He raises an eyebrow. A little smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. "Well, considering the fact that your face is just about as red as that Ferrari hat on your head, I'm wondering what you think of me."
You swallow, feeling even more embarrassed. "Are you suggesting...?"
"If you're up for it, the night after the Grand Prix, you can meet me at my hotel room, and we'll go from there. Text me if you decide 'yes,' for the details."
"I don't have your numb-"
He gives a cute little smile and opens his hand to reveal a folded up piece of paper. "Now you do. See you later, Miss Sainz!"
You stand, dumbfounded, as he jogs off.
"Oh my God, Carlos! Well done! So well done! Oh my God!" you scream in the midst of your strings of excited swear words, in both Spanish and English. "Did you actually just win the Australian Grand Prix?!"
He grins as he kisses your cheek, patting your back and saying, "Yes, I actually just did."
You hug your older brother tight, resting your head on his shoulder. "Love you. You did amazing. After everything you've been through. You're going to be leaving Ferrari next season and with your surgery and everything and-"
He smiles a bit. "Want to let me go now? Can't squeeze me too tight, remember?"
"So you can drive a race car and win the race, but you're too fragile for me to hug you!" you laugh, but release him from the hug.
He laughs out loud. "Yes, pretty much."
Hours later, you stand in the lit, mostly empty hallway, knocking on the white-painted door. You've change out of your Ferrari red head-to-toe fit, and are now wearing a black t-shirt with the F1 logo in red on the left side, black sweatpants, and your hair held back by a headband.
Lando probably isn't here, you think as you wait. I look so stupid. He doesn't care as much as he acts like he does. He's probably out partying or something. He got a podium. Carlos won. There's no way he's just sitting around in his hotel room-
You look up in surprise as the door clicks and swings open to reveal Lando Norris standing before you.
You beam and say a bit too loud, "Lando!"
He laughs. "Hey..." He's dressed in a white button down, dark blue jeans, and his regular assortment of jewelry. "Want to come in for a bit?"
You nod. "Were you... just out?" you ask slowly.
He chuckles again, plopping down on the sofa. "If I were just out, I wouldn't be looking this neat."
"Oh... Oh?"
"Come on. Sit down next to me," he encourages with a wave of his hand. "Something funny- I've had my eyes on you for a while now."
You look up in somewhat shock. "That's why you're so confident about this?"
"That, and that I'm just the peak of all confidence," he jokes, clearly mocking cockiness.
You roll your eyes.
"But really. I've been flirting with you for a while."
This time your eyes widen. "No way."
"Just little. I knew you were dating that Torres-"
He smiles. "Doesn't take much to find out. Anyway, I think you just blocked it out because you were dating someone else. Shows you're a loyal girl."
"Hm..." you nod slowly. "I... I suppose...?"
Suddenly, he takes your hand in his. "So, you like me?"
"I think I have for a while. Like you said- I blocked it out because I was dating someone else." You didn't even know that until now, hearing the words coming from your mouth.
He smirks. "Even better. So..."
"Yeah?" you ask, a little glimmer in your eyes.
"I'd like to know what the hell you're wearing."
Suddenly, your face falls. "Uh- I'm sorry- I- I thought we- Um-"
Lando laughs. "Y/n! I'm teasing!"
"O- Oh!" you laugh nervously.
"I was just thinking... Maybe you'd want to go out and celebrate with me?"
"Oh-" you nod. "Right."
"So, do you want to get changed? I'll text you where we'll meet in a half hour?"
You grin, standing up. "Sounds good."
"See you then."
"Holy fuck, man," are Lando's first words when he sees you. You're wearing sunglasses, a form-fitting sequin shirt, and flattering white jeans.
"What?" you ask anxiously. "Is it too much?"
"Too much? Y/n, you're gorgeous."
You sigh in relief. "Alright good... And- one thing."
"Hm?" Lando asks, an eyebrow raised.
"I don't know if we... could we say we're... that you're my..."
"Partner? Boyfriend?"
You swallow. "Sure. I think... I think I'm good with that. At least for tonight."
He nods.
"But let's not make it clear here. I don't want the way for everyone to find out about this being, you know, by nightclub pictures on the internet."
He smirks a bit, nodding. "Fair enough, then. Let's go."
"Rise and shine! Let's hit the grind, Y/n!" an unfamiliar voice wakes you up.
You roll over to see Lando's handsome face looking down at you. You're in his hotel room, in the one bed. He's all dressed and ready to go, and towering over you, looking like a giddy dog.
You sit up, rubbing your eyes. "I've got a killer headache. What happened last night." You feel disgusting, and wrinkle your nose as you get a whiff of the alcohol scent radiating off of you.
He grins. "I learned that you have no tolerance whatsoever."
You frown. "Unlike you, Norris, I'm not getting drunk all the time! Now, tell me what really happened!"
"Nothing much. Just a lot of fun," he sits down next to you, "and it's a shame that you can't remember any of it." He chuckles a bit, saying, "You got fucking wild. You were more fun though before you got absolutely drunk out of your wits."
"You didn't do anyth-"
"No, no!" he rolls his eyes. "Besides, Carlos was there. I wouldn't dare. You at least remember Carlos, right, being there?"
You roll your eyes. "Yes, of course I do."
"But you really did completely black out? You don't remember anything?"
You swallow nervously. "No... I don't really remember anything... I mean, I guess..." You close your eyes, thinking hard. "Just dancing... music was super loud, but... that's not anything specific. I don't feel well at all now, though..." You start to feel a bit dizzy at the energy you're putting into trying to remember.
You open your eyes and look at Lando.
He smiles. "Well, it was fun, nothing more. Want me to bring you back to your hotel now?"
"Yeah, I guess..." you nod, cradling your head in your hands. "That'd be great..." You see the wine stain on your jeans. You can feel an ache in your ankle. You just need to clean yourself up.
Lando helps you limp to the car, assuring you that you just tripped. Saying your ankle is fine; it'll feel better in a few days' time.
You're not so sure.
As Lando drives, he knows he should tell you the details, like Carlos said.
But it still feels like you'd be better off not knowing at all.
Nine hours before
Though every single one of Lando's molecules in his body told him not to, he had to keep pushing you off. He sat talking away with some other dudes, and you sat his side, drunkenly trying to wrap your arms around him.
You blubbered softly about all kinds of stuff, a strange mixture of being utterly devastated and overly romantic.
Lando knew. You didn't get drunk this often.
A part of him felt bad. A huge part of him. He didn't think he had pressured you into anything. Certainly not intentionally. And you were the one who kept drinking more. But maybe he did...
Maybe it was his fault you were the mess you were now.
"Lando..." you murmured, your hand gripping his bicep. You leaned closer. "You're so sexy in that shirt." You reached over to unbutton another button of his shirt.
He gently pushed you away for the millionth time. "Remember, Y/n? You don't want anyone to know you're into me this much," he whispered lowly to you, running a hand through his hair. "Remember that, baby."
You pouted. "Ferran broke up with me and made me sad. Can't you make me happy now."
"Not now. I won't be doing anything when you're this drunk."
"I'm not that drunk..."
Lando snorted. "Whatever you say, lovely."
All was going as fine as it could be going. But then Carlos showed up. "Hey, Y/n-" he had started.
But you had interrupted him by slapping your hand on Lando's shoulder, leaning into it, and giggling giddily, "Look at this pretty boy."
Immediately, Carlos's eyes flashed with shock. And then vague panic. And then anger.
"Lando, how drunk did you get her?!" he snapped, raising his voice even more than he already was. The flashing lights on the Spanish man's face helped Lando's anxiety no more.
"I didn't get her drunk at all! I tried to stop h-"
"Yeah, fucking right. Come with me Lando-"
"No!" you had snapped, standing up to grab Lando's sleeve before your older brother could drag him away.
You were clearly biting back tears. "Lan didn't do anything..." You stumbled drunkenly into the British man, who steadied you gently, before helping you sit down again.
Carlos's face remained hard and steadied on Lando, but he spoke no words, as if he was battling in his head what to do.
Lando sighed. "Listen, Carlos. She won't remember any of this tomorrow morning. Let's just not bring this up again, yeah? It was a mistake. Stuff happens. She got wild and had one too many. We've all had those nights."
But Lando genuinely didn't think Carlos had had one of those nights before.
Lando certainly had, though.
"She deserves to know."
"Maybe she shouldn't, though. She's gone through a lot with her ex breaking up with her and everything. And I'm sure your career up in the air isn't helping her cause much, either. She loves you more than the world. And think about how worrying it was for her to see you go into surgery like that, and race right afterwards? The good emotions just hit her, man. But it's probably a lot. She's just going through a lot. She doesn't need the guilt of getting too drunk and acting a little stupid, yeah?" Lando ranted, intently studying the older Spaniard's eyes.
Carlos's eyes slowly softened. "Alright... I won't tell her what's happening once she's sober. Only if I can make a deal with you."
Lando bit his lip, running a hand through his messed up hair. "What is it?"
"I won't say a word to her, as long as you promise to stay away from my sister. I know you're interested in her."
Lando's eyebrows creased together. "What does that men? Why?"
"Quit trying to get with my sister, and then it's a done deal."
Lando let out a shaky breath, slowly nodding. "Alright, then. Whatever. It's a done deal."
Of course Lando didn't intend on following through with his end of the deal.
But when Lando turned around to check on you on the couch, he froze when he saw you were gone. "Where'd Y/n go?" he immediately asked the other guys and girls sitting around.
"The hot Spanish girl?" one guy asked in a painfully slow Australian accent.
"Yes, her!" Lando demanded, his buzzed brain filling with irrational panic and overwhelming confusion.
He lazily gestured and responded, "Went to go dance, I reckon."
And before Carlos or anyone else could react any faster, Lando tore into the crowd, shoving people aside and squeezing through gaps that weren't there, in search of you.
She's drunk out of her mind! What the hell was she thinking!
That's right. She wasn't thinking.
And then, he spotted you, just for a moment. Moving your hips, stumbling about, thinking you were just about the sexiest thing in the room.
"Move out of my fucking way," was Lando's polite way of shoving two guys out of the way.
He could see the sweat glistening on your face. He could see the dumb smile on your face, your high giggles. He could see fresh wine spilled on your white jeans. He could see hands on you; he took no energy to see who they connected to as rage filled his entire being.
And he watched, almost in slow motion, as your ankle rolled on your black stiletto, and you stumbled to the floor with a brain rattling, painful cry.
Immediately, Lando shoved his way to your side, slipping his hands under your body. "My God, Y/n!" he nearly screamed over the music. "You idiot! You beautiful, fucking stupid, idiot! Tell me why I fell in love with you! You're going to be the death of me!"
"Hi Lando," you murmured through tears. "My ankle..."
"Yeah, yeah, I see. Let's get you out of here, yeah?"
You swallowed, nodding as Lando tucked your hair behind your ear. He lifted you to your feet and let you lean on him as he helped you limp out of the club.
"I'm sorry, Lando..." you had muttered hoarsely.
"Hey, don't worry," Lando had responded. "Never apologize for having nothing but a good time."
But he, Lando Norris, disagreed with the words coming out of his mouth. That was his motto, his excuse, all the time. But as soon as soon as he saw you, someone he genuinely really loved, really cared about, living like that?
It made him sick to his stomach.
Speaking of that, as soon as you were outside, you stumbled away from Lando. He steadied you with one hand and held your hair back with the other as you doubled over and vomited, your previously red face impossibly pale.
"Are you done?"
"Yeah..." you gasped after about a minute.
"Alright. Okay. Let's get to my hotel room now."
Lando could barely understand your slurred words as you responded, "As long as we're getting away from here."
You were going to go to the Japanese Grand Prix. But you just wanted to stay home. With a sprained ankle that confines you to crutches and an illness you've picked up, there was no way you were going to fly across the world for a Grand Prix, especially with the potential jet lag.
You lay on your couch and text Lando. You've been thinking, and you let him know that though you really do want to go places with him, you want to go slower.
You still don't know what happened on that night in Melbourne. For some reason, you can't get anything of significance out of Carlos or Lando. But you know more than what they're saying must have happened that night.
You asked Charles, because he was there. He provided a bit more information, but not much. He said he wasn't really hanging around you that night, but that he did see you cuddling with Lando.
When you asked Lando about it, he said you were drunk, it was just you not thinking, and it only happened once. That you stopped after he pushed you off.
And social media shows no one caught it on camera, or anything that night, for that matter.
So at least there's no fans going crazy over anything.
Lando texts you back, saying that he thinks it's best to go slow. Just let yourselves ease into whatever your relationship is going to be.
It's a relief to see he agrees with you on that.
But then he sends another text, asking you to try to keep it a secret. Even from your family, including Carlos.
You ask why, and he responds saying he simply agrees it's good to be private, and he doesn't want Carlos judging.
Though you're not sure about it, since Carlos is not only your favorite (only) brother, but also your best friend, you still tentatively agree to it.
Lando probably has a good reason.
By the time the Chinese Grand Prix comes around, though your foot is still in a walking boot, you're over your illness, and decide you're going to go for it and make the trip halfway across the world. After all, you've never been to China!
It's true that your walking boot doesn't look the best with your shades, shining silver jewelry, and overalls, but oh well. The most annoying part is literally everyone who even half knows your name (the Sainz part) keeps asking you what the hell happened to your ankle.
And you have literally no response but, "I fell," because you have no more of an idea than them, and there's no way you're about to say, 'Hah I just got drunk with Lando and got so fucking crazy that I twisted my ankle and sprained it! Anyway!'
Yeah, no way.
So "I fell," is the best option you have.
But the most concerning thing to you is that you haven't even seen Lando yet, all weekend. Though you haven't seen each other in a while, you've been calling, texting, and face timing often, your relationship growing a lot.
You chew your lip as you limp towards the McLaren garage. You peek in, scanning for Lando, but only see Oscar.
You limp to him.
"Whoa- What happened to your-"
"I fell," you say, thoroughly exasperated with this. "Anyway, is Lando around?"
"Lando? Uhhh..." he looks around.
Dude, hurry up. I'm not supposed to be here, your thoughts practically scream.
But then he walks in himself, and you grin, waving, "Lando!" you call.
He walks over to you, smiling. "Aw. Look at my little injured girlfr- uh, uhm, mate. My injured mate." He glances nervously at Oscar.
But the Australian just smiles, "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."
Lando nods gratefully, before leading you to a more private place. "Hey," he says softly once you're alone, his hands resting on your waist. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm alright... Ankle's getting better, slowly but surely."
"Oh, good," he almost looks relieved. "That's so good to hear. I'm so glad you made the big trip to be here, Y/n."
You smile softly. "I was starting to miss you."
He grins. "I was missing you, too, baby... I think I could make some time for you this weekend, too. We could just get take out, hang out at my hotel room, you know. No more partying, even if I win, right?" he teases gently, gesturing to your foot.
You snort. "Yeah. Yeah, no more partying for now for me."
Later that night, you lay next to Lando in his hotel room. His arms are wrapped around you, his hand rubbing your back. "Look at me," he murmurs sleepily.
You look up to see his soft eyes looking at you, with so much, tenderness, so much...
You feel a flutter in your stomach. "Lando, how did we get here?"
"What do you mean?"
"Two months ago, I would lie awake in bed, dreaming about and missing Ferran. I was so lonely. Now here I am. Two months, and I'm laying here, in your arms."
He grins a bit. "I bet it's because we're meant for each other."
"That's cliché."
"No, it's not. I really mean it. You know, I had a crush on you even back when Carlos was in McLaren, you were around a lot more, in papaya."
"No, you didn't-"
"Yes, I did!" he laughs softly. "I really did. The day I saw you in the paddock. The day Carlos pointed you out as his sister. The day you flipped your hair and looked at me with those warm brown eyes. And then looked away from me, because in my first season in McLaren, I was the farthest thing from attractive."
You giggle at this. "You're kidding."
"No, I'm not! That was the day that I knew- I knew- that someday, I was going to make you mine," he murmurs, his eye half-lidded as his hand gently caresses your cheek.
"Lando!" you squeak, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. "Don't you dare make me cry for no reason!" You wait a minute, before saying softly, "Well, maybe, just maybe, back then, though you were a pipsqueak, you were kind of cute... And I've always gotten butterflies from your jokes and teasing, even all those years ago, before I was even dating Ferran."
He laughs. "Awww... So you've always had a little bit of a crush on me, too!" You can see by his blushing cheeks and beaming eyes that just this fact is making him feel warm inside.
You roll your eyes, giggling. "I guess, maybe...."
He flicks your nose gently, playfully, holding you even closer. You lay there in more silence, before Lando says softer, even more tenderly, "Hey, Y/n... can I talk to you about something...?"
"Of course, Lando..." Your eyebrows knit together.
You watch as he swallows. Nods. Sighs. "Okay... Something has been bugging me..." He pauses. "I... I feel like I never should have brought you out that night in Australia... you know? Like, beyond the sprained ankle."
Your eyes flash. "What do you mean?"
"Well... You just got so drunk, and... I feel so bad... Like, somehow, it's my fault... I didn't mean for you to get hurt, or to drink that much... I just thought we'd have fun. Like I always do with my friends. And you're my girlfriend; supposed to be my closest friend..."
"Lando," you murmur shakily. "Did you try to get me that drunk? You didn't encourage it, did you?"
He looks nervous. "I genuinely don't think so, but I'm nervous I did... I tried to tell you enough was enough, but maybe I should have looked out for you more... Maybe I should have worked better at keeping you from getting that drunk... But we were having so much fun and I figured you would know your limit... I shouldn't have assumed."
"Lando! Don't blame yourself! It was my fault. I got too drunk, I fell and sprained my ankle. The sentiment of you wanting to look out for me is nice, but when push comes to shove, I'm in charge of myself, just like you're in charge of yourself, and it was my fault. My mistake. M'kay, Lando...?"
He nods slowly, still looking a bit unsure. "Well, Carlos isn't mad at you about it. He's mad at me..."
"Carlos is what?!"
"Ah, fuck. Forget I ever-"
"Lando Norris, explain."
"Whoa, that's sexy," he laughs.
"What?!" you exclaim in exasperation, yet you're still unable to keep your stomach fluttering by Lando's sudden spoken intrusive thought.
He grins, his eyebrows raised. "I don't know. Full name, in such a firm voice? Like, yes, mommy, order me around. I'll do whatever you want me to," he says in a low, goofy, teasing voice.
You can't stop your face from heating up. "Oh, shut it, you!" you snap, your voice cracking awkwardly as you flick him in the nose this time. And you flick his stupid nose harder than he flicked yours earlier.
He giggles evilly, rolling over. "Look at yourself! You liked that! You're a blushing mess!"
"No, I didn't. What a stupid way to flirt."
"Oh, well, I can show you even more stupid ways to flirt. Because, apparently, it doesn't quicken your heart rate at all."
You groan. "You are so annoying."
He leans over, giving you a peck on your lips. "I know. And you know you love me for it."
You forget to ask him again about Carlos.
"Baby, c'mere," Lando says, nodding for you to join him in his driver's room.
"Dude, watch what you call me when there's listening ears around."
Lando shrugs. "It's only Oscar in the other room."
"So? What makes you trust Oscar so much, anyway?"
He shrugs. "I don't know. He's a good guy. And he's not gossipy, like me."
You laugh. "You are, are you?"
"Oh, yeah. I'm a fucking gossip girl."
You laugh out loud at this as Lando shuts the door of his driver's room behind you.
Lando grins. "Anyways, Oscar is trustworthy because he's not the type of guy to have any desire not to keep a secret."
You frown, crossing your arms. "Alright. Whatever. Anyways, why'd you bring me in here?"
Lando shrugs, sitting down on the one chair in the room. "Sit down, babe."
You blink. "Where? On the fricking floor?"
"Uh, no," Lando rolls his eyes jokingly, as if this is the most obvious thing. "On my fricking lap, Y/n. Come on now. Duh."
You can't help but find yourself blush at that as you slip onto his lap. He wraps his hands around your waist, giving you a kiss on the cheek. You smile, leaning into him as you ask softly, "So why'd you bring me in here? Just for kicks?"
He grins. "I need my Y/n fix before the race. You know, it'll make me drive better."
"Oh? Is that how it works?" Suddenly, though, before Lando can respond, your phone buzzes in your pocket. You slip it out and sigh. "It's Carlos, asking me where I am. I feel like I'm under surveillance."
Lando blows a raspberry before saying, "Just ignore it, bae. You're a twenty-four year old woman; Carlos needs to get over it."
"Get over what?" you ask, an eyebrow raised.
"You not being his baby sister anymore. You're my baby now," he murmurs into your shoulder, pulling you closer to himself.
You laugh. "I still can't decide whether you're the worst flirt I've ever met or the smoothest. But right now, I'm thinking the worst."
"Oh, well!" he says, looking up at you with innocent eyes, batting his lashes. "Doesn't matter to me, because either way, you like it! Anyway, back to before Carlitos had to interrupt-"
You giggle as he begins kissing your face and say, "Carlitos? I'm not even allowed to call him that without him going psycho man on me-"
"Mmm... Can you talk less? It's cuter when you do that giggle thing," Lando murmurs between kisses.
This causes you to laugh out loud. "Sometimes, Lando, I think you're so weird." You realize, in a strange way, though, Lando is right. Because of the giddy feeling of literally having your boyfriend shower you with kisses and love, you're just kind of trying to find anything to talk about.
But maybe you should just take one moment to shut up.
You lean into the kisses, exhaling slowly. Contently, despite your pounding heart and sweating neck.
Finally, you feel as though your face is absolutely, completely covered in Lando's kisses. You sigh, contented, as Lando kisses the tip of your nose, and then pecks your lips.
You giggle, opening your eyes to gaze into his.
But his eyes flutter shut as he leans in, his hand slipping to the nape of your neck. And his lips meet yours again, this time in a real kiss. You shut your eyes, enjoying those lips on your own, sending tingles throughout your whole body, causing your breath to grow heavier and heavier. Desire pulses in every beat of your heart, causing the passion in the kiss to build and build. Your right hand falls into his chest as the other knits itself in his curly locks. You feel Lando's hand on your hip as his fingers snake under to grip your ass gently. You can feel his hot breath on you, in you, apart of you, as his other hand gently stroking your neck, giving you little twitches of longing for more. Your tongues find an art of lingering exploration, Lando's hunger seeming to never be satisfied as his tongue and lips tease your nerves, the emotional and physical connections between you seeming stronger than ever. His hand slides down your neck to your back, pulling you closer to him, so your chests are pressed into one another.
Suddenly, though, there's a pounding on the door of Lando's driver's room. Your eye cracks open. Lando's squeeze tighter shut, his eyebrows creasing together, as if he wishes so much that this never has to end.
Lando grunts, finally pulling away. Oscar's voice on the other side of the door saying Lando's name seems to be in another, insignificant world. You're both gasping as you study each other's eyes in a certain awe.
A soft, mischievous smirk appears on Lando's lips. Those lips that now you can't stop staring at. "Was your first kiss with Torres that hot?"
You let out a breathy laugh. "Definitely not."
There's a pause, of just softly smiling, gazing into each other's eyes, before Lando breathes, his eyes half-lidded, "My fucking God," He gently, slowly strokes your warm, pink cheek. "Did I ever tell you how head over heels I am for you?"
Before you can respond, Oscar's voice says again from outside, "Lando, if you don't respond, soon, I'm coming in."
Lando groans again, leaning his head back, "You can't! The door's locked!" He then adds under his breath, "Fucking Osc, interrupting as soon as I was going to take it to the next step."
At this, you blush even deeper. "You were-"
Lando waves his hand dismissively. "I would have checked with you first."
You nod, breathing deeply.
"Alright, baby," he sighs, running a hand through his hair, ruffling it up a bit. "Let's go see what the hell Oscar wants."
When the door swings open, Oscar can't help but chuckle how how much, in that moment, you two look like some snarky super villian duo, about to give him some cheesy monologue. You both stand, arms crossed, practically back to back. Lando wears a scornful grin and you display a glare as hard as stone. Even your clothes- Lando's racing clothes and your head-to-toe Ferrari red, finish off the silly look.
"What's so funny?" you demand upon seeing the Australian's laughter.
"Nothing, nothing. But I hope you guys know: These walls are not soundproof."
"What are you suggesting?" Lando snaps. "You couldn't have possibly heard anything, you idiot!"
"Whoa, whoa! I didn't! I'm just saying!" Oscar says, going on the defensive, putting both hands up. "Me and my girlfriend don't lock ourselves in my driver's room before the race, losing track of time and forcing you to go get us!"
"You and your girlfriend are probably going to buy a house with a white picket fence and have 2.5 children and a golden lab! Oscar and Lily is bad enough, but I'm surprised it's not John and Emily!"
"Whoa," Lando says, laughing as you walk out of the driver's room together and he shuts the door. "Shots fired. Calm down, Y/n; jeez."
But Oscar's laughing, too, so you know there's no need to apologize.
"Lan... You know I wasn't kidding earlier when I said I won't go out, right?" you say nervously as you walk into his hotel room, rolling your suitcase from your own hotel room.
"Yeah, I know you weren't. I wasn't kidding, either."
"So... What?" you ask, sitting down on the edge of his bed, crossing your arms. "You're planning on going alone? Then why did you bring me to your hotel room-"
"Y/n," he suddenly says, leaning down to gently grab your chin and look you directly in your eyes. "I'm not going anywhere tonight. I'm staying right here."
Your jaw actually drops. "I'm sorry, but who are you and what have you done with Lando Norris? Because that man would never miss an opportunity to party."
This makes Lando let go of you and break into a fit of laughter. "Y/n!" he breathes. "What the hell are you talking about? Before that, I would never miss an opportunity to spend time with you."
You stare. "Okay, actually. I'm being serious now. What did you do with Lando?"
You watch as your boyfriend chuckles, sitting down next to you. "Baby. I'm not going to go out clubbing while you sit in a hotel room alone. And there's no way I'm taking you out again; my guilty conscience can't take that, and neither can your sprained ankle. So why not celebrate P2 here, just you and I, hm?" he says in a low tone.
Immediately, at this suggestion, you blush. "Oh, uh, Lando... I, uh... I don't know if I'm ready for something... you know... for that... right now... Not yet... You know, it's too early for me in our relationsh-"
Lando suddenly breaks into laughter again. Oh, that sweet, silly sound. "Y/n! My God, what a dirty mind you have! I wasn't thinking that at all-!"
"You, Lando Norris, are saying I have a dirty mind?! I bet you really are his doppelganger!"
He crosses his arms. "Only reason why I wouldn't suggest that is because I know you're not ready. Which is more than one hundred percent fine with me. I wasn't even thinking about that, anyway."
"What were you thinking, then?"
He smiles with his eyes. "Well, let's both get ready for bed," he begins pulling his shirt off over his head as you absolutely bear your eyes into him, "And once we're both ready, I'll meet you back... here...?" His confused face slowly turns to one of teasing nature when he sees your eyes trained intently on his bare chest. His perfectly toned abs. His perfectly shaped pecs. His strong, straight, tan back. The little brown beauty marks sprinkled all over his torso. You would love to kiss every single one of them. "Why don't you take a picture?" he smirks stupidly. "That way, it'll last longer."
"Oh, shut up," you murmur, licking your lips as you tear your eyes away from his bare middle. "You can shower first," you murmur.
Once you're both all clean and ready, you snuggle up under the blankets, only to find your arm brushing against Lando's bare skin.
You feel your heart flutter as you murmur, "Are you not wearing a shirt just to bother me?"
"What, no," Lando says, overly innocently. "I never wear a shirt to bed. Just like I'm sure you never wear a bra...?"
If you were embarrassed before, now it's ten times worse. You specifically decided to wear a bra, to avoid... that. And now here Lando is, bringing it up like it's the weather.
"Uh..." you begin.
"Anyway!" Lando says, apparently seeing the vaguely panicked look in your eyes. "Wanna just watch a show or something?"
"Yeah," you nod. "That sounds good."
Lando turns some stupid show on his laptop, and as you snuggle and it gets later, you become more relaxed. You lean your head on Lando's shoulder as he plays with strands of your smooth, wet, dark hair. Your hands begin softly feeling his chest, just drawing circles and feeling the shapes of his abs.
Everyday, you seem to get to know Lando more and more- inside and out.
He sighs, contented, and murmurs sleepily, "That feels nice."
You smile, nuzzling into him.
"I saw Barcelona and Madrid played today," he comments as your fingers continue stroking the abs under Lando's soft skin.
"Yeah... El Clásico..."
"You don't sound as excited as I thought you would. I thought you were big on Madrid."
"Yeah, I am... Just having been keeping up with La Liga lately, I guess."
"Hm... Well, would you like it if I could find some way to watch the game...?"
You smile softly. "Hm. Yeah, maybe that wouldn't be so bad..."
Lando nods, and soon, you're cuddled up with your boyfriend, watching your favorite team play against FC Barcelona/your ex's team.
It feels weird, but you like it.
You decide your bra isn't very comfy and slip it off under your shirt before tossing it across the room.
"You're finally over being embarrassed with me?" Lando teases.
You smile softly, shutting your eyes. "At least for now. Too sleepy to care."
He smiles back. "You're cute when you're sleepy. Cuter."
Soon, though, Lando is gently shaking you, murmuring, "Look. Your ex was subbed on."
"Hmmm? What about Fer?" you murmur with a yawn. You must have dozed off for a bit.
"Fer?" Lando asks, his nose scrunching up. "Yeah, Ferran Torres."
Your eyes flutter open to see your ex-boyfriend running onto the pitch. You feel a sudden, unexpected pang in your chest. When you and Ferran were still together, you watched him do that so many time, with a sense of pride and excitement.
But now, you don't feel much at all. It's no different from anyone else going out there to play.
But, like a train, memories of the past begin to hit you.
Going for walks with him. Cheering him on at finals. Hanging out with his teammates. Working out with him. Bringing him to the Barcelona Grand Prix. Exchanging gifts on birthdays and holidays.
Just all the little things you used to do.
Like snuggling with each other on late nights after Barcelona won.
Not unlike what you and Lando are doing right now.
Suddenly Lando's arm around you tightens, and he says, "You okay?"
"I- yeah..."
Lando leans forward to see you face. You try to turn it away. Lando doesn't let you.
You stare into each other's eyes.
"You're crying," he states softly.
"I guess..." you trail off, averting your eyes.
There's a few beats of silence before Lando states again, "You still miss him."
"I guess..." you repeat. "But... I'm happy to be with you... it just all happened so quick... It's a lot for me... I'm mostly over it- over him- by now, but sometimes things just... make me start to think. Reminsce of what's not anymore."
Lando slowly nods, and begins rubbing your shoulder. "I- Alright..."
"But don't worry. I'm way more happy to be with you right now than sad to not be with Ferran any longer."
"You're sure?" the Brit asks tentatively.
You nod, leaning into him once more. "I'm sure. One hundred and one percent."
"Hey, Lando," you grin giddily before the Miami Grand Prix. "Just drive your best out there, okay? Good luck, baby." You give him a high-five. You can sense he wants to give you a hug, but painfully knows he can't because of the ever-watching cameras and eyes all around you.
But he leans in close, until you can practically feel his breath on your face, and says softly, in just about the most heart-wrenching-in-a-good-way low voice, "Oh, baby... I'm going to go out there and win that race. For you."
"Oh, stop being such a romantic. You're going to make me cry."
He leans in, about to kiss your cheek, but you gently push him off, saying, "You better get going, Lan! Race is going to start soon!"
"Right! Bye bye, bab-"
"BYE!" you scream to overpower his stupid 'baby girl.'
And before you can even blink twice, it seems-
It's lights out....
And away we go!
"LANDO! FUCKIN'! NORRIS!" you scream as soon as you see him, running to him as fast as you can. Your eyes threaten to fill over their brims with tears as you leap into Lando's arms, immediately forgetting about hiding your relationship.
Right now, that just seems too silly to care about. It doesn't matter enough.
Your boyfriend is a race winner.
The racer winner!
He leans back with the most joyful, most romantic, most adrenaline filled, most glorious look in his eyes as they search yours. His hand slowly strokes your cheeks as he purrs, "I told you I would win it for you, didn't I?"
"Lando-" you begin in excitement, but are interrupted by Lando's lips on yours, aggressively, passionately leaning into yours, flooding all his emotions into you, sharing his dream coming true with you.
For some reason, you begin to cry. Flows of tears, flooding down your cheeks as you kiss each other, and your heart pounds at a million kilometres an hour. His hands grip your waist tight, and the moment-
It all seems so perfect.
Right now, you don't care about the fact it was supposed to be secret. You don't care about what Carlos will think or say or do, or what fans on social media will post. None of it matters.
In this moment, the only two people that matter are you and Lando, in a symphony of amorousness, standing on the top of the world.
In this moment, you and Lando, both in sync, know this is the right time. Though it's been merely three months of being in a real, serious relationship, it feels like several lifetimes.
You don't care about the shock of other people, or the cameras flashing and clicking and filming.
All the sudden, you're proud of it.
You want everyone to know, no matter how they'll react, that you're Lando's, and Lando is yours.
When you finally break away from each other, Lando's smile remains as he gazes into your eyes.
"Are you crying too?" you giggle softly as you spot a glint in his eyes.
"What? Me, crying? No, I'm not crying! Of course I'm not crying!" he says teasingly, hastily wiping at his eye with his thumb. "You're the one crying! But anyway-" He slips the papaya McLaren cap off his head and plops it on yours, saying, "Won't be needing this for the top step. Besides," he smirks, leaning in closer. "Enough with all this Ferrari stuff. I think it's finally time for you to admit: Papaya looks best on you. Papaya's your color."
As you watch him jog off after that, stunned, you feel pleased.
Finally, for once, content.
That's right. My color isn't white, or blaugrana. It's not Ferrari's red, either.
I'm a papaya girl.
His papaya girl.
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me-loving-woso · 1 year
Bruises, Apologies and Cookies?
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You already know the drill. I don't know what this is. It took me a month to do it and it's not proofread. It's 17k and you have to imagine this as an AU in which Jorge Vilda is not the coach of Spain, but it's in therapy for his misogynistic tendencies and anger issues, and the Italian national team is actually a good team. I really hope you enjoy this.
Prompt: You start to hook up with Alexia, but then you realise you aren't meant to play against one another. (I'm bad at summaries.)
Here is Part 2
You were traveling to Barcelona today.
Your team and the Barca team had organized the game for the Gamper trophy, and you couldn’t wait to play against your dream team. Barcelona and Chelsea have always been the team you supported when you were young, even though you were neither Spanish nor English.
You have always loved playing football since you were little. And the fact that you were raised in Italy and were Italian, one of the best countries to experience football, made your love for the sport grow even more. But you knew you couldn’t go far in your country because women’s soccer wasn’t very developed in Italy, so as soon as possible, you decided to leave for the US. There, you studied to become a physiotherapist and played ‘soccer.’
You weren’t known for your speed or physicality but your football IQ and passes. At first, your coach put you as a striker, but then he soon realized that scoring wasn’t your forte. But when one of your teammates in midfield got injured, your coach put you as a defensive midfielder, and the rest was history.
You would control the midfield and give confidence and calmness to the defenders and midfielders; you had a style that reminded people of Busquets.
In college, you met your best friend, who was also Italian. She was your number 1 supporter; she would always come to your games, cheer for you, and support you even when you transferred to your first real club, Atletico Madrid. 
To the world, you were known as one of the cleanest players in La Liga, your timing was always perfect when you tackled someone, and you were able to anticipate the player’s moves so well that, in most cases, you didn’t even have to tackle them, you would snatch the ball away from them before they could pass it to someone else.
This made you one of the only players to never receive a yellow card for a foul. You only received one when you took off your shirt for scoring the winning goal for the Copa de la Reina.
After two outstanding seasons at Atletico, Chelsea called you, but not even after a year did you send in a transfer request, which you never did; you always waited for your contract to finish.
After a disastrous year at Chelsea, you wanted to go back home to Italy, and two clubs from your country showed interest. Roma and Juventus. You never supported Juventus as a child, so the decision was a no-brainer for you. You were back home, playing for a great team and sharing the pitch with your friends from the national team. You signed a contract until 2024, and you would respect it, even though you received many offers from other clubs, one in particular being Barcelona. But whenever the coach of Barca called, you told him about your wish to finish the season with Roma; they respected your decision and said they would try to get you during the summer window.
This left you playing the Joan Gamper trophy against your dream team, and you got the impossible task of marking Alexia Putellas. It was the first time that you were playing against her. Over the years, you had the opportunity to play against her, but between injuries or other stuff, you never managed to do that. So you were looking forward to it. 
During the warm-up, you found yourself stealing glances at her; she was even more beautiful in real life. As you saw her train, you tried to find a way in which you could stop her. She was quick, physical, and loved going deep. So the only way to possibly stop her was to anticipate her and not let the ball go over you to her or stop her before she could pass you. You loved a good challenge.
As soon as the game started, Barcelona came at your defense hard, but you wouldn’t let the ball go past you. As soon as you had the ball, you would pass it to one of your teammates or opt for a long pass if your number 9 was free.
Even though you were extremely clean in your tackles and respectful, you were famous for cursing in Italian whenever you had to run; you hated running, and whenever you would recover a ball, you would subtly celebrate in your opponent’s face. You were very competitive in that sense, and you knew that not many opponents went past you, so this furthered, even more, your competitiveness.
In the first minutes of the game, as you analyzed your opponent’s playing style, you realized nobody would dare to move the ball through the center; they knew they wouldn’t get past you, and you smirked at that realization.
The first time you had to mark Alexia was an offside kick for Barcelona; you shielded her with your hands, not making her move. You were shorter than her; you reached her shoulders, so you knew she could physically overwhelm you well enough, so you had to find another way to stop her. She was brilliant when playing. She could see the spaces and know exactly where to place the ball to her teammates, so you knew that distracting her even a second would help you anticipate her and stop her from going forward. 
As she was trying to unmark herself from you, you wanted to distract her by talking in Spanish, “They always call you La Reina because of your skills, and now that I’ve seen you in action, I can confirm that you live up to that nickname.” She slightly blushes.
“It’s not bad having someone like you watching me destroy your team.” She pushes you slightly to show her teammates that she is free. “I must say, though, that you look pretty good out in the field.”
Now it’s your time to blush; you turn your head to face her quickly, turning your neck upwards to look at her hazel eyes, “Flattery won’t get you past me.” You wink. “But I won’t tell you to stop; I like where this is going.”
Her teammates kick the ball, which makes you both go back into game mode.
The second time you talked to her, it was during a corner. They were using her as a decoy to make your team change the positions on the corner kick, but you soon realized that, and you went to mark her “You know, I think I’m actually enjoying this game more because I’m playing against you.”
“Is that so? I’m glad you are enjoying this. But don’t think I don’t know you are trying to distract me.”
“Me? I would never distract you in any way!” You act offended, putting your hand on your heart.
“Then you are secretly trying to win my heart.” She smirks, taking her eyes off the ball and looking at yours.
“Well, if winning your heart gets me a victory on the field, consider it a strategic move.” You remark, grinning as you see the captain of the other team a fraction of a second distracted, making the ball perfectly fall into your feet.
With a calculated movement, you dribble past her while she gives you a shocked look and sends a perfect ball to your teammate, who starts the counterattack. Nobody was expecting that, so your number nine, Giacinti, ran all the length of the pitch without any dangerous opponents, leaving her only with Paños. She scored, and you were finally 1-1.
As soon as she scored, you could see that Alexia’s expression changed sorrowfully as she blamed herself for the goal while you screamed, running to your teammate who had just scored.
As soon as you get on your field to restart the match, you walk past her, and she shakes her head sarcastically, “I thought I was good at playing mind games, but you, you’re on a whole new level.”
She walked past you, “Mind games? Nah, I’m just enjoying the company of a certain someone on the field.” You remark innocently.
After 45 minutes of intense battle between you and Alexia, in which you basically won all of them, Alexia became increasingly irritated. She was getting more sloppy and aggressive, but you expected that, so whenever you had the ball or just snatched it from her, you would pass it to one of your teammates as soon as possible.
The first half of the game ended, and you returned to the dressing room. You were still on a draw, so you only needed a goal to shock Spain and win the Gamper trophy, which was your objective. So during the break, you strategized ways to score that damn goal. After the 15-minute break, you returned to the pitch and knew what to do.
Roma was starting the second half. Giacinti passed you the ball from the center of the pitch immediately after the whistle, and she began her run. You stopped the ball and kicked it high, precisely where she needed it. She had only to dribble past Ona Batlle to score and did it perfectly. 
For now, you were winning, and you could see that Barcelona was getting even more frustrated. They needed to win that trophy; it was their trophy. 
You again found yourself in the same position as the corner kick-off. Alexia was outside the area, and you were marking her again. “If you get past me, I’ll let you swap shirts.” You smirk arrogantly. 
“You’ll let me?” She chuckles ironically, not making the same mistake and, this time, focusing on the ball.
“Yes, I’ll let you.” You wink at her, putting your arm on her chest, trying to put yourself in front of her. You swear you could hear her heart beat a little faster.
“Are you sure you are okay? I swear I could hear your heart beat faster.” You tease her.
She blushes, forcefully removing your arm from her, “You are making it really hard for me to focus, and it’s not just because of the game.”
“Oh really? Maybe I’m just trying to give you a good reason to remember this match and me.”
“You wish.”
“Joking aside, do you wanna swap shirts after the match?” You quickly glance at her.
“You’ll get to see my shirt every day next season.” She raises her eyebrow knowingly.
“Wait, you know?”
“Of course, I know; I was the one that suggested you to the coach.”
“Really?” You smile dumbly at her, a mistake nearly costing you a goal. She manages to get the ball and throws a beautiful cross, which thankfully was stopped by your defender Linari. You sigh in relief and get back to the game. 
The game was getting more and more aggressive as time was running out. You didn’t know how, but you were still winning. As you were waiting to intercept a long pass from your ex-teammate from Atletico, Mapi Leon, Alexia was trying to anticipate it.
You managed to quickly control the ball, and with your first touch, you passed it to Giugliano. Still, she didn’t see that you already had given the ball away because she raised her knee to try to control the ball, but there was no ball to control. Instead, she hit you where it would hurt the most: right on your groin. It hurt. It really hurt. You wouldn’t expect it to hurt that much when you were a girl, but it did hurt. So much so that you skipped a breath and mumbled in your mother language words that you wouldn’t repeat. The game was still ongoing, but you needed a minute, and Alexia noticed that. 
“Hey, are you okay?” She asks worriedly, putting your hand on your shoulder while you are crouching down.
“Alexia, you didn’t hit the ball. And you got a powerful leg, I must say.” You sit down on the grass, visibly in pain. Your captain, Bartoli, noticed that, and she soon stopped the game and went to you.
“Tutto bene?”
“Si mi serve solo un secondo, questa qui- pointing to Alexia- mi ha dato un calcio.”
“Nella figa,” You say, putting your hands over your head while your skipper laughs.
“Cazzo ti ridi.” You say, laughing too at the situation. Then, some of your teammates swarmed you, pushing Alexia away, who took a step back embarrassingly.
As your skipper told everyone what happened, some other teammates started laughing, making the tension of the match crack. You show the finger to all the teammates who laughed at you, still in pain. 
“Riesci ad andare avanti?” The defender asks you, trying to keep a straight face.
“Si, si dammi solo un minuto, andate pure.” Your teammates slowly return to their positions, and Alexia approaches you. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think I hit you that hard.” She gives out a hand for you to grab to help you stand up to your feet.
“Don’t worry about it. It has always been a dream of mine for a hot woman to hit me on the groin.” You chuckle sarcastically, clearly not understanding what you have just said.
“You think I’m hot?” She grins while you clean off the dirt from your shirts.
“So not the point.” You say while returning back to your position. 
The match went on more fluidly, with your team more defending rather than attacking; you unconsciously avoided Alexia all game, swapping marks with one of your teammates for Aitana, which wasn’t at all that better, but at least she didn’t make you feel all hot and confused as the captain of the other team did. Eventually, you did lose the game, 3 to 2, but you thought this was a great way to begin the season.
As you went into the dressing room to get ready for a night out with your friend, you heard the cleats of a person behind you. You turn around, and your body winces, reminding you of the pain that you experienced earlier.
“Hey!” She walks up to you, still dressed from the match.
“Hey.” You reply awkwardly.
“Soo.” She crosses her arms and begins rocking her legs. “You said that if I got past you, you would swap shirts with me.” She smiles innocently, waiting for your reply.
“Well, that was before you made me lose the capacity to have children.” You say dramatically.
“Okay, that’s a little too dramatic. I didn’t mean to hurt you; I honestly thought that I was hitting the ball.” She says sorrowfully, looking down.
“Well, you didn’t.” You chuckle. Making her laugh.
“What were your teammates laughing about earlier?”
“I just told them what had happened. I would have laughed too if I wasn’t in so much pain.”
“Why would you? You were hurt!” She returns her gaze to you while you give her a shy smile.
“Well, you would laugh too if someone like Leo Messi would hit you in the groin like that. Even though I deeply doubt it.”
“So you think I’d have a future as a kickboxer?”
“Definitely.” You beam at her, clearly entranced by her. She was slightly biting her lips in an attempt to shy a smile; you thought to yourself that she had really gorgeous eyes. 
“So the jersey…” She suggests clearly understanding that you were slightly zoned out. You blush, a little embarrassed, and take off your shirt quickly, folding it, and then you hand it to her. 
“It’s a little dirty; I’m sorry.”
“You just ran on the pitch for over 90 minutes; you don’t have to apologize.” She takes it from you as her fingers lightly brush yours. What you noticed was that her hands were warm. It felt weird to you, as most people in your life had cold or sweaty hands, which you hated, but hers were different. They exuded this feeling of comfort that made you miss her touch as soon as she took the jersey from you.
You blink once, trying to return to the real world, waiting for her shirt. 
“Am I going back to Roma empty-handed?” You joke, while she was most definitely not looking at you in the eyes but more at your body, making you feel a little self-conscious.
“Oops, sorry.” She quickly removes her jersey, but as she is about to remove it, she stops, “Now this is embarrassing. I’m stuck.”
You chuckle, standing on your tippy toes, “Can I help you?”
“Yes, please.” You raise your hands, take the hem of her shirt, and pull it up; as soon as her head is free, her eyes lock in with yours, making you gulp slightly at the intense eye contact, lowering your feet, clearly showing the prominent height difference.
“Thank you.” She whispers, never taking her eyes off you. Your mind was getting hazier for every blink of your eyes, and you felt your cheeks redden. You thought you needed to take a step back to recompose yourself and clear that haze in your brain, but something about how she looked at you made you not move for even an inch. “How long are you staying in Barcelona?”
“Tomorrow, we are leaving.” You tell her truthfully without thinking, nor blinking, for that matter.
“What are you doing tonight?” She asks you seriously, moving her gaze dangerously close to your lips.
“I’m going out with Mapi and some of your teammates. We wanted to catch up, and she wanted me to meet some of you guys and her girlfriend.” You say, never moving your gaze from her; you couldn’t.
“ISo we’ll see each other there. And after that?” Her expression exuded an energy that you couldn’t quite understand
“What are you doing after that?” She speaks more clearly, enunciating every word.
“I’ll probably go back to the hotel and sleep.” You reply honestly.
“I want to make it up to you. Will you let me do that?” She asks shyly, softening her gaze a little.
You, dumb as you are, don’t get what she was suggesting, making you, for the first time, take your eyes off hers and look down, which uncoincidentally was her chest. Still, right now, it doesn’t concern you that much. “You don’t have to; I know it wasn’t on purpose.” You reply innocently.
What actually concerned you was how nonchalantly, with her index finger, she gently raised your chin, making you look at her again, making you want to giggle from the nervousness.
“Are you sure?” She smirks, clearly understanding the effect that she was having on you.
The following words were some of the most honest words that ever came out of your mouth. “No, I’m not sure.”
She chuckles, “Give me your phone.” She tells you rather than ask you, making you once again be sure about your sexuality.
“It’s in the locker room.”
“Go get it.” She instructs you while she leans against the wall, still shirtless. She clearly knew what she was doing and why she was doing it.
You reply with a short nod, and without saying anything, you walk to the dressing room, your body on autopilot, with your brain still not functioning correctly. You get in the locker room and are soon swarmed by your team congratulating you, but you only have a task in mind: get the phone to Alexia. So, after some short answers, you quickly return to the hallway, searching for the woman.
She had your shirt around your neck with her back on the wall and followed your movements with her eyes, never taking her gaze off you.
You put yourself in front of her, taking her hand from her sides and placing your phone. She turns on the phone and sees your lock screen; it is a picture of your dog. “Cute dog.” She comments while she hands you back the phone so you can type the password. Then you hand it back to her, and she puts her number in your phone.
“If you are not too tired after we go out for drinks with the team if you want, we can do something else later.” She gives you a soft smile, giving you back your phone.
“Something else like what?” You tease her; riling her up is becoming one of your favorite things.
“Anything you are up to.” Raising her eyebrows, you place your hand on her stomach, gently scratching her skin. She stiffens at the contact but then relaxes, giving you a soft smile.
“What makes you think I am going to say yes?” You once again tease her.
“By your willingness to give me your phone and your hand placement.” She smirks while you retract your hand from her almost unconsciously, feeling the heat of your slight embarrassment settle on your face.
She opens her legs to reach your height, and with a small tug, she makes you come closer to her. She takes you by your sides, gently stroking the skin with her thumb. You were rather small-built, and she had big hands, which you were modestly and unceremoniously obsessed about. Her sudden pull on her made you stumble slightly, making you place your hands on her shoulders to stabilize yourself.
“So, what do you say? Will you let me take you out tonight?” You gently massage the back of her neck while playing with her baby hair.
“I’ll let you know.” You remove yourself from her, already missing the contact, and return to your teammates, leaving her in the hallway.
As soon as you sit in your cubby, you open your phone to see if she isn’t lying and actually put her phone number in your contacts. She did. In style, you could say. She saved herself as Your Favourite Kickboxer ;). That woman had some nerve, you thought, but it made you chuckle in surprise a little too loud, which got the attention of some of your teammates. They began asking you why you took so long to return to the locker room or were smiling dumbly at your phone. You soon shut down any suggestive questions and went in for a shower, making your friends more and more curious.
As soon as you leave the locker room, you meet Mapi and her girlfriend outside the pitch; between hugs and greetings, you enter their car and begin driving to a local bar with them. But before entering the place, you cannot not bring yourself not to text the woman who had been on your mind since the beginning of the day.
‘So you are my favorite kickboxer?” ‘I must say you got some nerve. The first time we met, you kicked me in the groin, and then you already put the salt into the wound.’
‘I had to find a way to make you recognize me.’ She replies almost immediately
‘I don’t know many, Alexias.’
‘Where would the fun be if I only put my name on it?’
‘Fair enough. Now I have a place I need to be. I’ll see you later?’
‘And I have a dog to feed. Yes, I’ll be there in 20 minutes.’
You were ordering some drinks and food while most of her teammates came to the bar and introduced themselves to you. But you were only waiting for someone who made you feel more today than any other girl in the last couple of years. 
“So, what happened with Alexia during the match?” Patri, one of your friend’s teammates, asks you.
“Yeah! I thought it was something serious, but then I saw your teammates burst out laughing, so I didn’t worry too much. Alexia was mortified, though.” Mapi adds, making the conversations shift towards you, waiting for you to answer.
“She didn’t tell you?”
“Oh no, she didn’t. She was very frustrated; you basically turned her into a beginner.” Your friend jokes, earning approval from her teammates, praising your skills.
So you tell them what happened, to make some wince, while your friend who has known you for years now releases a surprised chuckle.
“So that is why your teammates were laughing?”
“Yes, they are assholes. You too.” 
“I’m not laughing at you.” She reassures you. “Alexia has never been that clumsy; she must have been distracted.” She raises her eyebrow knowingly.
“I wasn’t distracted; I just thought the ball was still in the air.” You see a figure approach your table, making many heads turn around to see their captain. Her aura made it evident that she was their leader. As if she had this mask on, which showed her subtle leadership, making you smirk thinking that earlier that day, when you saw glimpses of a different Alexia that probably they didn’t see.
“Good game today, Y/n right?” She extends her arm for you to shake her hand. You innocently take it, thinking that if she wanted to play the game that you were strangers and that literally two hours before didn’t grab you by your waist nor kept looking at your lips, you would comply and play her same game.
“Thank you, Alessia, right?”
“It’s Alexia.” She said, a little irritated, still keeping her hand in yours.
“Oh, sorry, you know me, still working on my Spanish.” You wink at her, with both of you knowing that you did that on purpose.
After your ‘introduction’ to Alexia, the team divided into little groups, making you sit with Mapi and Ingrid, who were the real reasons you were there, and Keira and Lucy, whom you had already met playing against them during your time at Chelsea.
“So when are you coming to Barcelona?” Your friends ask you excitedly.
“What makes you think I want you again as a teammate?” You tease her, making her face turn into a shocked expression. Making the other people at the table chuckle at your witty reply.
“Well, Barcelona has always been your dream. We were supposed to transfer together that year, but you abandoned me for Chelsea.” 
“And I still regret it to this day.” You smile sadly, playing with your food. The year you transferred to Chelsea was one of the worst years of your life; you hated talking about it. It nearly destroyed both your career and yourself. “But the past is in the past, and I still have a contract with Roma.”
“Which will expire in 2024…” Your friend suggests making your room your eyes playfully at her. Making her girlfriend give her a warning look.
“Yes. I am well aware of my contract obligations.”
“So, Y/n.” Ingrid tries to change the subject of the conversation. “Are you single? Boyfriend, OR girlfriend?” You see Alexia from across the bar subtly turn her attention towards your table, waiting for your answer, making you internally chuckle.
“Me? No. I got traumatized.” You laugh to not cry. It was still a sore spot for you; your previous relationship ended badly for you, and you would be lying if it didn't make you more adamant about beginning a new one.
You saw people give you a puzzled look, so you explained what you had just said, “I was in a relationship with this woman for more than four years, but then we ended terms badly. But now I’m great! I’m focusing on my career, and I have a dog, so I’m good!” You try to lighten up the mood; you would hate yourself if the mods of the people around you would change because of you.
“You have a dog?” Lucy asks you excitedly. You quickly take off your phone and show her your lock screen with a picture of Argo, your dog. The fact that you had a dog created a lot of attention towards you; the team swarmed your phone to see the picture, making you chuckle shyly at all the attention given to you.
As the night progressed, you and Alexia would often find each other’s eyes and would share a small smile, something that made you look forward to the next interaction that you would have with her.
You didn’t exactly know what was going on between the two of you; she was making you confused, but at the same time, she made your heart flutter whenever you caught her looking at you.
You didn’t know what it was about her tonight, but you thought she looked stunning. Maybe it was the fact that she wore this comfortableness to her actions that made you want to bask in her aura, or perhaps it was the fact that she wore her hair down, and you literally turned into a gay panic for any pretty girl. Realistically, it was more the latter option.
As many of the girls went home or went to get drinks, this left you the opportunity to be alone with Alexia for the first time in the night. When you sat beside her, she was checking something on her phone, and you decided to make the first move. 
“Hey.” You utter, almost whispering. She takes her eyes off her phone and smiles.
“Hey, you. Are you having fun with your future teammates?” She raises her eyebrows knowingly.
You chuckle, shaking your head. “Everybody thinks I’ll become a Barça player, but what if instead I’ll become a Lyon player?” You joke, both knowing that you would never do that. “But yes, I’m having fun, even though there is someone who has been on my mind all evening.”
She looks around to see if anyone is watching your interactions and then leans closer.
“Oh really? Who is this person?” 
“Well, she is very tall, at least for me, and extremely stunning, and did I mention she has a really pretty smile? Oh, She has really beautiful eyes that, if you look closely enough, you can see some shades of green here and there. And, of course, she has a very powerful left leg.”
“I’ll let you know if I find her. For now, you are stuck with me.” 
“Too bad. I really wanted to ask her something.”
“What did you want to ask her?”
“Well, a question has been burning in my mind for the whole evening.”
“Which is?”
“Wouldn’t you want to know?” You tease her as Mapi and Ingrid come back to the table and begin a conversation with the both of you about her cat; then you hear the sound of your phone; you really hoped it wasn’t your coach wondering where you were.
You didn’t expect a text from the person in front of you.
Your Favourite Kickboxer ;)
‘Meet me in the bathroom’
You look at her, slightly puzzled, but she spurs you on with her eyes. She stands up from the table and excuses herself to go to the bathroom, thus beginning your thoughts on what justification to find to excuse herself from the table.
If you said that you had to go to the bathroom too, it felt like it would be weird, but if you threw a glass of water at yourself, it would be deemed as overdoing. Amid the panic, as you feel that time is running out, you do the second option and try accidentally throwing your glass of water on your hands. For your delusional mind, you thought that your plan actually worked perfectly, whereas for the other two people at the table, it just felt confusing and unnecessary.
You quickly go to the bathroom to dry your hands when you feel two hands sneak up on your waist from behind and perfume that is completely intoxicating you. You turn around with your hands leaning on the sink and finally see the woman consuming every fiber of your being just with her gaze. It was hungry, but at the same time, it transmitted this softness that totally fucked up your brain, not understanding clearly her intentions. But you didn’t care as of right now; that would be a problem for the future you. 
“Took you long enough.” She chuckles gently, caressing your clothed waist. 
“I had to find a way to excuse myself.” You put your hands on her shoulders, eliminating more space between the two of you, turning your lips in a soft grin when you saw her hunching a little her back to better look at you.
“Come home with me tonight.” She whispers earnestly while she slots her leg between yours, coming impossibly closer to you. Only a few inches divided you from her, her lips from yours. You didn’t drink that evening but felt utterly intoxicated by her. Everything about her made you want to throw caution out the window or, given the setting, down the sink.
You couldn’t speak. At least not something coherent, so you slowly nodded. Her lips were mere centimeters from yours, making you want so badly and so needily to close that unnecessary space and finally taste her. You thought she was reading your mind because your noses touched, making her wait for you to do the final step. 
You put your hand on her chest, “As much as I want to kiss you.” She released a low moan, making you shiver and forget your train of thought. “As much as I want to kiss you because I really do.” She lets her head fall over your shoulders, lightly kissing your neck, making a shiver course through your body, filling with goosebumps in the area. “We have friends to go back to.”
“Mmm mmm.” She goes back to kissing your neck, lightly pulling your hair to move your head to give her better access, which you obviously grant her.
“Alexia.” You warn her weakly. You were really enjoying what she was doing to you.
“Ten more seconds.” She muffles while she moves her hands all over your waist, shoulders, and back, trying to take you all in, not wanting to let go of the moment.
After at least half a minute, you warn her once again. “Alexia.”
You feel her inhale by the tickling on your neck that the air to her lungs was causing. She turns her head to look at you and then quickly pecks the corner of your lips.
“I’m done.” She quickly goes out of the bathroom, leaving you frozen in the spot recounting what just happened, still feeling her hands and lips on you.
You turn around to the sink and wash your face to sober up. It didn’t work. And you went back inside the bar.
Mapi was paying the check for her and Ingrid, “Oh hey. We are about to leave. Is it okay for you?”
“Oh, don’t worry. Alexia offered to bring me back to the hotel; she told me that she had to go that way to get to her house, so it would not be a problem for her. Plus, I know you live on the opposite side of where I’m staying.”
“Are you sure? Because for me, it’s not a problem.” She asks.
“I’m sure.” You reassure her. You saw Alexia getting her stuff and yours. “I’ll see you during National Break?” You tell her, hugging her tightly, that you missed being on the same team as her.
“Don’t do anything stupid, okay?” She advises you, making you subconsciously look at Alexia, who is talking to Ingrid.
“Me? Never.”
You go to Ingrid, hug her goodbye, and tell her it was a pleasure to have met her. Then Alexia hands you your stuff. And you go to her car together.
In the car, the air filled with a kind of tension that you couldn’t quite grasp. Less than eight hours ago, you didn’t even know each other, but somehow, the ride to her house wasn’t awkward. It was full of anticipation for what was about to come. “How long have you known Mapi?” She tries to break the silence, genuinely curious about how you know her friend and teammate.
“We played for Atletico Madrid together, became fast friends, and have been in contact ever since. It was true what she said; we were meant to transfer together in 2017. We loved playing together. But then life got in the way.”
“You know, it’s so weird that our teams have played so many times against each other, even in Champions League games or Euros, but today was the first time we actually played against each other.” She points out, never moving her eyes from the road.
“Well, look how it played out.” You joke. 
“I already apologized many times, actually. But I already told you I’ll make it up to you.” She smirks, placing her hand on your thigh, drawing little shapes on your jeans.
“I wonder how.” You whisper to yourself, focusing on the hand that is right now inching closer and closer to your center.
As soon as you get to her home, and as she opens the door to her house, you make her turn around to you, and you pin her against the door; with your hands on her muscular waist, keeping her there, you go on your tippy toes, and for the first time during the night, you kiss her. It was soft and made her understand how much you wanted this, almost reassuring. You could see that she was nervous during the car ride, and you wanted to take some of it away. Honestly, you were nervous, too.
You usually weren’t one for hookups; you’d always preferred to have something serious or nothing at all. But there was something about her that made you change that idea.
You knew it was wrong, that after that night, you would probably see her again on the pitch, and knowing what you were doing now would distract you. But she was there, looking beautiful as always, clinging to you, with her hands covering your cheeks, making the consequences worth it.
“That was definitely worth waiting for.” She chuckles, putting your foreheads together. “Let’s get inside.” She utters, almost whispering, taking you by the hand and bringing you inside her home. She closes the door and pushes you to the wall, covering your body with hers. Her hands were roaming everywhere as she brought you into a searing kiss. Her perfume intoxicated your nostrils, and all your senses had become her. You lose yourself in her sensations as she picks you up from the ground as if you weighed nothing, and you wrap your legs around her. You stop the kiss to look at her. She was beautiful. She was wearing a contagious smile that contrasted her blown-out pupils; this softness of her, even during these moments, made you go crazy. 
 “Take me to your bedroom.” You whisper softly, placing a soft peck on her lips.
As you lay on her bed in pure carnal bliss, looking at the wall, you thought you were hallucinating. She was actually there, and this was happening, or better, it had just happened. And as you lay there, you thought you were happy. Maybe it was just her or the fact that she had just given you more than an orgasm, something that hadn’t happened for more than two years since you broke up with your ex-girlfriend. 
You were still in your head, which worried the woman lying beside you a little. She shifts to your side and puts a hand on your waist, giving you soothing strokes to ask for your attention. You turn your head, snapping out of your thoughts.
“You okay?” She wonders, furrowing her eyebrows, worried that she had taken things too far. You hated seeing that expression on her, so you kissed her lips, trying to convey all your feelings instantly.
You thought it was an awful lot of emotions for a simple hookup, but that was a problem for a future you.
“I’m great.” You reassure her, shifting, laying on her side, and indulging in some cuddling. She drew patterns on your back while you ran up and down with your fingers through the middle of her chest, making her sigh contently. It wasn’t a touch with any malicious or sexual motive but a way to touch and memorize her body. To never forget the fantastic night that she has given to you.
She brings you closer to her, and your lips meet again. It was the softest kiss that she had given you. You get on top of her, pulling her hands on your back until they reach your breasts, making her understand what was on your mind.
That morning, you woke up with your hair disheveled and a nasty headache. You hadn’t slept at all, and you were clearly late.
You look at the clock and curse to yourself. Alexia was still sleeping peacefully beside you, lying on her front, showing all her tattoos on the back. You caress her muscular back, trying to wake her up. This might be a hookup, but you weren’t an asshole, so you would at least wake her to tell her that you would leave, and frankly, you didn’t want to intrude; she might have places to be.
“Ale. Svegliati.” You whisper, making her twitch her eyes, slowly waking up. She opens her eyes to see her surroundings, then closes them again, and her face adorns with the most relaxed smile you have ever seen. You thought you didn’t know someone more cute than she was right now. 
“Hey.” Her voice was still raspy and low, and she had no intention to move from her position. “We fell asleep.” She points out. You were meant to leave around 2 AM to return to the hotel so that nobody would notice you were gone. But now it was too late. It was already morning, and at 10 AM, you needed to take the bus to leave for the airport.
She gets up from the bed and goes to the bathroom, still naked, making you glance at her body hopelessly. You get dressed, putting on the same clothes you had on the night before, when she gets back in the room, with clothes on this time, and sit next to you, putting some shoes on.
“So breakfast?” She asks casually, while you stare at her dumbly, not expecting that question. More expecting her to kick you out of the house. 
“Well, it’s the least you could do.” She continues, almost as if she was stating the obvious. “After all we did last night, we don’t have to act like strangers.” She explains shyly.
“How about coffee?” You offer instead, with both of you clearly not wanting to let each other go. “I really have to be back at the hotel. Actually, I should have been there two hours ago.”
“Sorry. I completely forgot to put the alarm on. Usually, I sleep in after a match.”
“Don’t worry about it. You have already made it up to me enough last night.” You joke, making her crack a smile.
“I had a really good time last night.” She hides her face, turning her head down to look at her shoes.
“Me too.” You reply, placing a hand on her knee. 
“So, coffee?” She turns to you, hopefully.
You slowly nod, standing up and waiting for her to lead. She takes you to this small coffee shop near her house with her dog. Which you finally met, as you were a little too occupied last night to properly meet her.
She brings you coffee at the table, and you fall into a very peaceful conversation that people who have known each other for a long time would have. It was as if you had just clicked. There was no awkwardness, just conversations flowing simply and carelessly. She offers to bring you back to the hotel.
You hug her awkwardly, saying you would see her again during the national break for the scrimmage against Spain, the first game after winning the World Cup.
As you quickly snuck up to your room, hoping nobody from your team would see you, you had a quick shower to wash off the night before and pack up your stuff, clearly focusing a little more on putting away the shirt you swapped with Alexia. As you looked in the mirror, you saw the heavy bags under your eyes. You were sleep-deprived, so you put some sunglasses on to hide it from your curious teammates.
As you are on the way to the bus, you reminisce the night before and mentally curse yourself for all the feelings that you put aside during the whole day for the future you, which coincidentally was you of now. 
You were the last to go inside the bus, making your teammates tease you and whistle jokingly to you, making small comments like “Rough night?” Or “Did you have fun?”
You sit next to your usual roommate, still with your sunglasses on and about to put your headphones in, when she turns to you expectantly.
“So, how was your night out.” Air quoting the last part, giving you a knowing grin.
“It was good. How was your night.” You ask innocently.
“Cut the crap! You have your sunglasses on, you didn’t come back to the room tonight, and you have a slight limp. Who is it? Is it your defender, friend? Or is it someone else from the group?” She wonders curiously, making you roll your eyes at her and sigh loudly, clearly showing her your annoyance.
“A, I did come back to the hotel! You were just asleep!” You try to sound as convincing as possible. “B, Mapi is in a relationship, and she is like my sister! I would never hook up with her!” 
“So there was someone.” She smirks.
“I didn’t say that. You’re just going crazy. Did you eat some hallucinating mushrooms? Did you think that they were normal mushrooms, but instead, they tasted strange?”
“You’re an idiot. But whatever you did last night, I hope you had fun.”
“I didn’t do anything out of the normal stuff you do when you go out with your friends. But yes, it was nice. Now I’ll sleep.”
It was a national break, which meant that you were in Roma, this time, to train with your fellow national teammates. After your underwhelming World Cup and Euros run, you just got a new coach to train your squad. You really hoped that she would be better than the last one.
You were on the training pitch joking and laughing with your other teammates, juggling and passing the ball to each other, when she came on the pitch, making everyone stop in their place looking at her.
As she introduced herself to everyone, you could already see that she was not there to joke around. She was serious and precisely decided her words, but she was passionate about her new job.
“We have two weeks to prepare for the friendly against Spain. I want to create a team with a good mix of experience and fresh talent. All of you are talented girls, but I want to see you in action to create an efficient and strong team.”
The three captains go up to her and introduce themselves and the squad. While you began to juggle the ball to keep your mind off the current situation. You always hated when you changed coach; you thought you needed to prove yourself to them to be accepted in the squad, making you completely doubt your capabilities.
What made you nervous was that she wanted to rejuvenate the squad. Your previous coach tried to do that, but she failed miserably. Many great players were left out of the roster that you could’ve definitely used in the World Cup, so you really hoped that her plan was better than the other’s coach, hoping that she wouldn’t take you off the roster. 
So you gave it your all in practice, trying to impress her and, at the same time, prove to yourself that you deserved to be there. Even running laps without complaining, shocking your teammates, as it had become an inside joke that you wouldn’t run even if the world was ending. Which wasn’t quite right. Yes, you hated running, but on the pitch, you gave it your all.
They called you the female version of Daniele De Rossi since you played in Roma and had his number on, and sometimes gave you the same nickname as him, Capitan Futuro, because of your leadership and tenacity, even though when people looked at your style, they were more reminded of Pirlo’s or Busquets. But he still remained your idol. 
As soon as you finished practice, you were about to leave the pitch when the coach called you to come to her, making your heartbeat from the nervousness. 
“Y/n, come here for a second.” She made you a sign with your hand, and you ran up to her.
“Hey, Mister.” You smile politely at her, crossing your arms.
“Good job today, I have to say-“
“That I didn’t make it to the team? I know. I am a very particular player, so I get it if you want to have someone that better fits your team. I get it; I’ll pack my stuff.” You ramble quickly out of nervousness.
The coach chuckles at your antiques, “Rule number 1, Y/n. Never underestimate yourself. If you think you don’t deserve to be here, then you shouldn’t.” She says seriously, making you unconsciously straighten your back.
“I know; it’s just you are known as a brutal coach who doesn’t care about others’ opinions and is known to make very bold choices. I know that I deserve to be here; I’ve always been on the starting 11 in any important match, when not injured, of course. It’s a great honor to work with you.” You praise her, trying to make up for the bad impression.
“Likewise. But I have to ask.” She begins while studying you curiously.
“Sure, ask away.”
“Why are you here at Roma when you could be anywhere else? Who can actually give you the chance to use your full potential?” She asks so directly, making you blink twice.
“What, sorry?”
“I know that Barcelona, Lyon, Chelsea, and Arsenal all wanted you and actually offered big money to Roma for you, but you always declined. I wonder why, that’s it. I just think you are wasting your prime here.”
“I have a contract with Roma until 2024, then I’ll decide my future. As for the teams, I know that they are interested. Barcelona phones my agent almost every year. But I already informed them that I won’t accept any offer until the end of the season. I feel like I would let down the club. I told them that I would be there until 2024, so I’ll be there until 2024. It’s the least I could do after everything they did for me.”
She raises her eyebrow, amused, “Well, that didn’t happen for Chelsea. I followed your career and thought you were having a great season with the club.”
“I left Chelsea for personal reasons.” You turn your head skeptically. “With all due respect, coach, why are my career choices that important?”
“I just want to understand if I am going to make the right choice.”
“What choice?”
“You, Y/n, are going to be my new team captain.”
As soon as you go to the locker room, you go to your three team captains and ask them for an explanation.
“You know, they want to strip off your captaincy.” You say, wearing a disgusted expression to Cristiana Girelli. “You cannot let her do that! It’s disrespectful.” You say angrily.
“Y/n, look at me. I told her I wanted to step back from the national team. I’m getting older, and my time has already come. This is a new era. And you are the perfect skipper. They call you the Capitan Futuro for a reason.”
“But what about Barbara? And Elena? They are too, the captains.” You say sadly, clearly not wanting to take their place.
“Barbara decided to step down from the national team like me. Elena thought that you were the right choice as a skipper. She’s going to be your co-captain. We’ve already arranged everything. You just have to say yes.” You always looked up to Cristiana; she was your mentor, especially in the national team. If you were the player you are today, it was partly because of her.
“Do you think I could be a good skipper?” You ask her shyly, “I’ve never been an actual captain; with Roma, I’m the third, but the actual one? Do I make the cut for it?” You hated yourself for being this insecure.
She takes you by the shoulders. “You, Y/n, transmit something when you are on the pitch that not many people do. You make the team more calm and lucid. Knowing that you are back there allows everyone to be more free on the pitch. You are our most important player, on and off the pitch. So the armband is yours. You deserve it.” She gives you a reassuring hug, “Now go back to change; you are all sweaty!”
As the two weeks passed, you were really happy with the coach and the team. When the team found out that you would lead them, they were ecstatic, making you a little more comfortable with your new position.
The Spanish team would arrive two days before the match, and you were happy to see Mapi again and extremely stressed out to see Alexia. You didn’t talk or text after the night that you shared together; you both followed each other on Instagram, which you were stalking daily, but you didn’t give much thought to that.
You weren’t a simp. Especially for a girl that you have seen only for a day. You had some self-respect. That is what you were trying to convince yourself to believe. So you told yourself that you would avoid her at all costs. You were the skipper now, and you had to be extremely focused.
The plan failed miserably when you asked Mapi two nights before the match to meet up at a place for some drinks. She had never been to Roma and wanted to visit the city. What you didn’t expect was for her to invite some of her teammates. It’s not the fact that there were other people with you because you loved the Spanish girls, especially the ones from Barcelona, as you had already hung out with them previously.
Still, you were really scared of meeting Alexia again. Your fear turned out to be plausible because of the five players there, Alexia was one of them.
During the afternoon, you showed the Spanish girls, Roma, while they teased you, saying that you were almost better as a tour guide than a football player. They didn’t know you were making stuff up along the way, trying to act cool and knowledgeable.
You could see that Alexia would sometimes look at you, as her gaze would pierce holes at the back of your skull, but whenever your eyes would meet, you would soon avoid her gaze. You told yourself to avoid her, and that is what you did. What was more painful, though, was that she would look like a kicked puppy, making you feel very guilty for what you were doing.
After walking for a while, the girls wanted to try the typical ‘Aperitivo’ famous worldwide, so you brought them to a little place with a great view that you knew wouldn’t disappoint. They all ordered Aperol Spritz, apart from you, making them look at you a little puzzled.
“Oh, I don’t drink that much.” You explain while Mapi raises an eyebrow and chuckles.
“Okay, I usually don’t drink during the season.” She raises her eyebrow again.
“I only drink on special occasions.” Eying Mapi for making you sound like an alcoholic.
“When we won La Liga in 2017, we went out to party, and she didn’t hold back.” She glances at her, trying to make her understand to stop talking.
“And we are done with the conversation now. So, how’s Barça?”
You begin to share stories and funny anecdotes about your respective clubs, making you really happy to have decided to spend the afternoon with them. They were a tight group, and you could see that they deeply cared for one another.
As you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, you quickly clean your hands, thinking about some random stuff, when your thoughts were interrupted by the door of the women’s bathroom swinging, finding yourself in front of you, the person you were categorically avoiding.
“Alexia, Hi!” You say, still a little shocked. She was still at the door, clearly trying to make some space between the two of you. She closes the door and then turns to you, crossing her arms.
“Are you avoiding me?” She asks you to wear this vulnerability, which is very uncharacteristic. Making you want to do anything to reassure her that it wasn’t true and make her feel better. You hated seeing her like this. But you were avoiding her.
“I-I.” You didn’t know how to reply.
“Because it’s very annoying, especially when we decided to be civil about this and not act like strangers. If you have a problem, that’s on you.” She was irritated and had every right to be; you were acting like an asshole, and she didn’t do anything to deserve that treatment. She was about to leave when you gently grabbed her hand,
“I’m sorry, okay? I just wasn’t expecting you to be here today. And you come here looking like this. It’s not helping.”
“Looking like what?” She takes a step closer to you, wearing a proud smirk. 
“Stop looking at me like that.” She was making you go crazy; your mind was hazy, fully intoxicated by her.
“Like what?” 
“Like you’ve seen me naked.” You reply. She replies, only smirking more and raising her eyebrows. She has seen you naked, and she was acknowledging that. She was coming closer to you, making you retreat to the wall.
“Alexia…” You warn her once. She knew that it wouldn’t stop her because you were enjoying this. “We have to act like professionals.” She took you by the waist and began kissing your neck. “This. It is not professional. It’s wrong.” You barely utter, trying to contain any sign that you are enjoying this. Which you were. So damn much.
“Your heartbeat says otherwise.” She gives you a kiss where you are most sensitive on the neck. She still remembered. Making you shiver. “Your skin tells me otherwise. It’s covered in goosebumps.” She leaves a small kiss till she reaches the back of your ear, whispering, “Tell me to stop, and I will.” 
You couldn’t reply. She was right. You didn’t want her to stop. You missed how her kisses made you feel, how her perfume intoxicated all of your senses, or how her hands, warm and comforting hands would roam all over your body in search of new skin to touch. She was lighting a fire that you knew you couldn’t put out. And frankly, you didn’t want to; you wanted that fire to consume you, leaving nothing but her behind.
“We can’t hook up in here.” You state, closing your eyes, getting lost in her. 
“Are you sure?”
“Come back home with me.” You blurt out, clearly not thinking about the consequences.
“So much for acting professionally.” She winks and then leaves you alone in the bathroom once again. You really had to stop going to the bathroom when you were out together.
When you both come out, you quickly find an excuse for you to leave. Thankfully, they had the hotel nearby, so they wouldn’t have to leave by car. Alexia told them that she had to buy some souvenirs for her sister, so she was going to come back late.
You get to your home by car, which fortunately wasn’t that far from where you were with your friends before, and you make her quickly come in, leading her without any hesitation to your bedroom. You were a girl with a mission.
As soon as you enter the room, you push her onto the bed and get on her lap, taking off your shirt in the process. She places her hands on the back of your shoulders, finally being able to touch your skin. You sigh at her touch as if you were finally able to breathe again.
Your faces were inches away from touching, but neither of you wanted to take that step, juggling anticipation with teasing. You were the one that surrendered, whispering, “Kiss me” To her lips as they soon met yours. It was excruciatingly slow, passionate, and tender. It was the first time that you kissed since the first time, and you finally realized just how much you missed it. Maybe too much for a simple two-night stand, but again, it was a problem for the future you.
As you lay together once again, this time in your bed together, both exhausted, even though it was barely time for dinner. She was lying on her front, with the sheets draping down her body, showing her strong back. She hugged the pillow, still keeping her eyes closed, fully relaxed. You loved seeing her like this. You let yourself leave a kiss on her temple while still stroking her hair, making her smile. She took your hand and slowly interlaced it with her, then kissed the back of your hand. “Hungry?” You ask her when she nods profusely.
“What do you want to eat?”
“Whatever you have.” You go to get up from your bed, and you throw on the first shirt that you find, which was hers, and you leave the room.
“Come back quickly. I want to stay in bed with you.” She tells you, making you chuckle at her cuteness.
You quickly retrieve some cookies and Nutella and return to your room. You place the food near your nightstand and roam for a shirt in your closet.
“Do you want a shirt?” You ask her.
“Yes, please.”
You throw her one of your old shirts from when you were younger, and she puts it on right away and subtly smells it.
Then you offer her some food.
“Where did you get these? They are so good.” She asks you while taking a huge bite.
“I make them.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah. Usually, before a match, I get a little nervous, so I bake. It’s my way of coping with anxiety. I usually share cookies with my teammates in secret. So that our nutritionist won’t say anything.”
“These are good!” She says. “They are very similar to the ones that Mapi did once.” Then it clicks for her. “Wait. Were you the one that taught her?”
“Who do you think she got the recipe from?” You chuckle.
“Yours are better, though. Like way better.”
“I know ’cause my recipe differs from the one I gave her. Mine is the real one. My dad would always say to never give out your recipes. They are a family’s inheritance.”
“You Italians are so weird with food and so extra.” She remarks, making you playfully slap her shoulder.
“We are not extra; you Spanish people are extra with your paella and the Jamon Iberico, or ‘Patanegra.’ You can find it cheaper here, and it is just as good.”
“That’s offensive. It’s like saying that Italian food is better than Spanish.” She says, clearly trying to rile you up.
“You did not just say that!” You put your hands on her thighs, looking at her, shocked.
“I did. And I don’t regret it.” She gives you a small peck on the lips and then goes on eating her cookie.
“You are lucky that you are cute.”
“Or else what? You are going to throw me out of your home?” She remarks playfully.
“I could if I wanted to, but then I’d be here all alone, without any clothes on, without anyone to keep me company.” You pout jokingly, making your voice even more needy to make fun of her.
In a swift movement, she pins you down the mattress with her fingers running up your thigh. “Thankfully, you are not alone.” She gives you a quick kiss. “By the way, you do look good with my shirt on, but you know what would make you look even better? If you took it off. So be a good girl for me and take it off.”
It was past midnight, you were both exhausted, and you were nearly falling asleep. You were lying on her side, slowly tracing her facial features with your fingers, trying to remember every little crease and mole that made up her skin.
“What are you doing?” She smiles, feeling slightly ticklish
“I’m trying to memorize your face. For the next time, we will see each other.” You say earnestly, not stopping your caresses.
“See. You cannot say stuff like that and expect me to not have a reaction.” She chuckles lightly.
“Maybe I want you to have a reaction to my words.” You say innocently, stopping your movements to kiss her soft lips.
“What are we doing here? What are we?” She asks you, making you retreat from your position sitting up.
“I don’t know.”
“Me neither. But I like this. Whatever this is.”
“Me too. We don’t have to label it. Can we just be? Is that okay for you?”
“I’m okay with it. Now come back here.” She offers her embrace to you, which you gladly accept, burying your face in her hair while she fatherly strokes your back, making your skin full of goosebumps. You sigh contently at the sensation.
“Can I ask you something?” You move yourself to better look at her.
“I know that we are not an item or whatever, but I was just curious as to what happened with Chelsea. You can totally tell me to fuck off, and I won’t bring up the argument again, but you are known for always being very respectful to your clubs, and you always wait for a contract to finish before transferring, so I was wondering what made you change clubs.”
“Are you asking because you care or because you want a story? Because I really don’t like to talk about it, and if you don’t care, I’d rather not talk about it.”
“I asked because I care. I ask because since I have known you, I want to get to know you. I ask because you are a great person and I care”
“Okay,” You take a deep breath, and you begin. “This is going to be a long story.” You chuckle. “What do you know about my history with Chelsea?”
“I know that you transferred there after being at Atletico, but you sent in a transfer request soon after, and you came to Roma. That’s it.”
“You don’t know the reason, though, right?”
“There were just rumors, but I don’t know anything, and I don’t tend to believe rumors, as the majority of them are false.”
“Okay. So, to begin my story, we have to go back to my college years in the US. So basically, during those years, three major things happened: I got my degree in physiotherapy, met my best friend, and got a girlfriend who also wanted to become a physiotherapist.”
You told her how she was British and how you thought she was perfect for you. “Frankly, looking back at it now, we were very toxic for each other. We loved each other very much, but it was our first real relationship both of us. And honestly, I thought that I was going to marry her; maybe it was just me who was so in love with that girl that I didn’t even know how to distinguish and understand her flaws. But again, she was my first real relationship, and she knew how to use my weaknesses against me to get me to do what she wanted. My best friend hated her; probably, that should have been the first sign. We would fight and then make up, and then she would guilt trip me into doing stuff for her.”
“That doesn’t look like a really healthy relationship.”
“Well, yeah, I was really young and dumb. But anyway, when I went to Atletico, we tried to have a long-distance relationship. She found a job as a therapist at the Chelsea women’s team, and her career too was taking off. When Mapi and I finished the contract with Atletico, and she moved to Barça, I was to move there too. I knew that Barcelona was interested, and Barça was my dream. Honestly, it still is. But then she called me, the day before deciding on my future, saying that her mom was sick and she needed me. Probably, she just wanted to be able to see me more. So I stopped waiting for Barça's proposal and told Chelsea I would transfer for them. In the beginning, I loved being at Chelsea. I have always supported the club, and I fit their style of play. My career was taking off quickly, and I was wearing myself thin. Her mom was getting worse, so my time was divided between training and hospital visits. For my ex-girlfriend, her mom was like my dad to me. So, I understood how important she was to her, and I thought that if I stayed with her mom and kept her company, my ex would be happy. That is what I would want if my dad were to be sick. I would just want him to have all the support, not caring about myself if that meant for him to improve.”
“That’s not very healthy.”
“But if it were your father, you would do the same thing too, right?”
“Yeah.” She replies sadly. “I did the same thing.”
“So I guess I started neglecting my ex a little? I think. I know she was suffering, and I knew I could’ve done more to give her the support she needed, but I didn’t. I would train, go to the hospital, and then sleep. I was exhausted and couldn’t keep up with myself and her needs. Looking back at it now, I probably would have done things differently; I would’ve tried to not wear myself out that thin.”
“You were young.”
“Yeah, I guess. So I remember that one day, and I still remember the date. Don’t ask why; I just do. Her mom was getting worse, and she was exhausted, so I thought that I would let her go to sleep while I would try to keep her mom company. As she left, I stayed with her until the time was up, and I went back home and I-“
“No, she didn’t.” She says incredulously.
“Yeah. I caught her cheating on me with one of my teammates.”
“That whore.” She replies angrily.
“Well, she eventually married that woman, so I guess not.” You chuckle at her angry expression. “She told me that I wasn’t giving her the support that she needed and that the other girl was giving it to her. I got all of my clothes and left. I was still playing at Chelsea, but then word spread out that I was the one that cheated. Everyone started to treat me differently. I didn’t play anymore; I was always on the bench, and nobody talked to me. I reached my last straw, so I requested a transfer. Barça tried to sign me; I also wanted to go there. Everything was settled; I was about to leave when they blocked the offer and allowed me to decide between two Italian clubs, Roma and Juventus. And here I am.”
“So you stayed with her dying mother, and she had the audacity to cheat on you?”
“I guess? I don’t know Alexia. So much time has passed, and I don’t want to think about it anymore. She’s happy now, I guess. Honestly, I am happy too. I am really glad though that you won the Champion’s League final against them.”
“I am even more glad, too, now.” She brings you on top of her and gives you a hug, kissing the crown of your hair. “I am glad that you trusted me enough to tell me this. I hope that you know that you deserve better than her. You deserve the world. Her actions don’t define you, and don’t even think that you deserve what she did to you.”
“But what if-“You say insecurely when she interrupts you.
“No what ifs. You did what you thought was right, and by doing so, you put yourself second to everything else. You have no right to blame yourself for what she did.” She puts her hands on your cheeks and makes you look at her. “Okay?”
“Okay.” It was incredible how she knew what exact words to say and how, by her saying them, you actually believed them somehow.
Suddenly, you felt your heart crack open for her to enter inside it. And you realized that what you had with her wasn’t just sex. It was something deeper. In so little time, she was able to heal you from your past and open up again. And that scared you, no, it frightened you.
You had built the highest walls, and for the two days you had been with her, she could make them crumble. You were feeling too much; she was making you feel too much. You wanted to run away. Clear your head. Push her out of the way and never see her again. But you couldn’t bring yourself to move from her. Her embrace was what had grounded you. You weren’t drowning in her. She was your oxygen. And you were finally surfacing up from the depths of your mind to finally heal. This realization hit you like a ton of bricks, making you do the first thing your mind could think of. Which was kissing her.
You kissed her hard and passionately, trying to convey all the emotions to her, to show her how much her words affected you. Your action caught her by surprise, but she soon adjusted to it. You trail your kisses down her chest, then to her abdomen. Praising the body of the woman who had made you feel more today than anything your ex or anyone had ever done previously. 
The morning after, you wake up with an arm draped around your waist, holding you down. She tightens her arm around you as you try to tangle yourself out of her embrace.
“So you are just pretending to be asleep.” You smile at her, trying to take off her strong and dead-weight arm from your body.
“Five more minutes.” She fully snuggles into you.
“I have to shower, and you have to get back to your teammates.” You try to reason with her. “And we have to have breakfast.”
“Five more minutes.” She continues.
“Okay, but only five.” She pulls herself on top of you, spurring you to play with her hair, which you do, and the five minutes turn into ten. And then you both realize that you have to get up.
You decide to shower together ‘to save water.’ You both wash each other’s hair and back, this act of intimacy making your heart swell with affection for the girl who was currently hugging you from behind. 
You both have breakfast in your little kitchen, with conversations flowing effortlessly, alternating between joking around and surfacing more serious topics.
You could not but point out to yourself that this was what was supposed to feel like when you were in a relationship with someone. But you weren’t in a relationship with her. She liked the idea of not labeling this thing between the two of you and hell, you didn’t want to complicate stuff just because of some confusing and all-over-the-place feelings.
You bring her back to the hotel, telling each other that you will see them during the match that will take place the next day.
You put your sunglasses on, which you thought maybe were your post-hookup outfit choice, and you get to the training center. It would be your last session before tomorrow’s game.
As soon as you enter the locker room, your teammates from Roma chuckle at you.
“Fun night?” They tease you.
“I don’t know what you are all talking about.” Making some other teammates look at you curiously while you showed them the finger.
“So basically, we think Y/n is hooking up with a Barça player. So now she gave us another clue: She is Spanish.”
“I’m not hooking up with anybody. And it’s none of your business; I’m your captain. Get back to train!” You say, slightly irritated.
You quickly put your training gear on, realizing you were still wearing Alexia’s shirt, and then get on the pitch.
The coach comes soon after and calls you to revise some tactics.
“So you, Y/n, if Putellas is starting, you are going to be the one that will mark her.” Her surname makes your mind have flashbacks of your previous night. “You basically annulled her in the last game, so expect you to do the same tomorrow.”
“Yes, coach.”
“If Patri starts instead, you will mark Bonmatì.”
That evening, you were nervous, to say the least. It was your first match as the Italian captain, and you really wanted it to go well. So you started baking. You baked enough cookies for an army.
So you decided to leave some for Mapi, who has always loved eating them, and your pathetic ass also saved some for Alexia in the hopes that she would come and find you after the game.
It was match day. Alexia was in the starting 11, and your parents were in the stands supporting you, and as you were leading your team to the pitch, you felt a sense of pride. 
As you go to exchange the badge with the captain of the other team, Alexia, she tries to contain a smile that was creeping on her lips.
You shake her hand and give her the Italian badge. “Hello, Captain.” You greet her.
“Hello to you too, Captain.” She replies. You finish the formalities, and then you go to each other’s respective pitches.
Today, you would give it your all; nobody would stop you.
You were all over the pitch trying to help your teammates and leading them to score, but unfortunately, the Spanish team was a force to be reckoned with, and they exploited all of the weaknesses of your team. They were world champions for a reason. Thankfully, you were able to hold off a draw.
The first time that you had to mark Alexia, it was a free kick for Spain because of an offside.
“The armband has a good look on you.” She beams at you proudly.
“Well, the star looks good on your badge.” You reply. 
“Don’t you dare try to distract me.” She warns you.
“When did I ever do such a thing?” You reply dumbly. “I should be the one warning you not to kick me!” Mapi was about to throw the ball; thankfully, it didn’t land in the direction of Alexia because seeing her again on the pitch was making you feel a little distracted, and you’d really hate it if your team lost because of one of your mistakes. 
The rest of the times you interacted with her, you would snatch the ball away from her in most cases. You were working tirelessly, trying not to concede a goal. At half-time, you were exhausted, but you had something to prove. After half-time, Alexia was getting more annoyed; she really wanted a win as it would be their first win after their World Cup.
You knew you would get subbed off at the 70th minute to give some space for subs, so until then, you would give your 100%. It was the 65th minute, and there was a throw-in for Spain. Alexia was trying to get the ball from her teammates, and with a miscalculated movement, she quickly moved her elbow, which hit your nose, making acute pain grow in the middle of her face.
“Cazzo!” You scream. You throw yourself to the ground, still in pain, smelling iron and feeling a warm liquid in your hands.
The game quickly stopped, and Alexia turned to you, kneeling and touching your scapula. 
You were mad; you had once broken your nose more than five years ago, and it wasn’t pretty, and hated when people touched you when you were irritated, so you lashed out at her. “Don’t fucking touch me.” You squirm away from her touch,
“I’m sorry.” She says regretfully.
“You fucking did it on purpose, huh? If it’s broken, don’t you dare talk to me again!” 
Your team swarms you, pushing Alexia away. 
Linari, remove your hands from your face while keeping your eyes closed. “Is there blood? Wait, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know, or else I am going to cry or faint.”
You open your eyes for a moment and look at your teammates; they all are very worried. Linari was stomping towards Alexia, screaming in her face, but you couldn’t hear properly; your mind was a little hazy from the pain. 
You look at your hands; they are full of blood, and you begin to panic. You sit up and begin touching your nose, removing more blood, but you can still feel it flowing. 
The medics were running to you. “How bad is it?”
They inspect your nose, “It’s not broken; the impact broke some blood vessels, and you burst your lip. That’s why there is so much blood.
“Can you make it stop? I want to finish the game.” You look at your coach; she signs you to come off the pitch. 
You stand up, take your armband off, give it to your co-captain, and leave the pitch. You go to your coach, who reassures you that she doesn’t want you to risk anything for a friendly
The medics brought you to the physio room and gave you some ice to put on your nose. Thankfully, the bleeding stopped soon after, and you were left watching the game on the TV while waiting for your teammates. You were happy that your team was able to hold a draw. As soon as the game finished, you were swarmed by your teammates checking up on you. You told them that you were okay, and then you began laughing and joking.
They stayed there for five more minutes, and then you heard a knock on the door, and you saw some of the Spanish girls checking up on you. Your team slowly exited the room, giving the death stare at Alexia, who shamefully wouldn’t look at you.
“You okay?” Mapi asked worriedly.
“I’m good. Thankfully, it is nothing serious; the impact burst some vessels, that’s why there was so much blood.”
They stayed there for another five minutes while Alexia stayed in the corner awkwardly looking at her teammates, never looking at you. As they were about to leave, you called her to stay a little longer.
“I’m sorry if I lashed out.” You say regretfully, holding out your hand for her to grab it while pulling her near you. “I know that you didn’t do it on purpose. It’s just- I had already broken my nose and didn’t want to break it again.”
“I’m really sorry.” For the first time, she looked at you; she had this kicked puppy look that you hated seeing on her face.
She takes the ice from your hand and slowly takes it off your face to check the bruising.
“Do I look that bad?” You try to joke; half of your face is red and really swollen.
“You look beautiful as ever.” She smiles.
You blush at her words, “You just say that because you were the one that caused it.”
“You know that I got screamed at by your teammates?”
“Yep, Apparently, she knows Spanish really well. Honestly, I deserve it. If my teammate got kicked and punched by the same person, I would have had the same reaction.”
“Maybe you should stop then. Cause I really don’t want to know what will happen next time.” You joke.
“Maybe we aren’t meant to play against each other.” She remarks suggestively.
“Maybe not…” You reply. She kisses you on the forehead,
“Can I kiss you?”
“Just be gentle; it still hurts a little.” She gives you a feathery kiss, so gentle and so soft that it seemed like it was just a mere graze. She lingers her lips there for a couple of seconds as if she wants to savor this moment, and you both hear the door open, and you break off the kiss, pushing her away from you. You turn around and see your tattooed ex-teammate and friend staring at both of you, shocked.
“Oh wow. That was very unexpected.” She releases a surprised chuckle. “I’ll come back another time. I just left my sweater in here before.” She retrieves the sweater and she is about to leave when she turns around to the both of you, “I have to ask, though, when did you start dating, or whatever this is?”
“We are not dating.” Alexia turns to look at her, with her shoulders high and a serious face. She was closing off.
“Yeah. We are just casually keeping each other company?” You tentatively back up Alexia’s claim, clearly not realizing how weirdly you phrased it. Alexia’s face turned quickly to look at you weirdly. “Okay, that sounded a little bad. I apologize.”
“So you are hooking up?” Mapi concludes.
“Mapi!” Alexia rolls her eyes at her.
“What? It is true!” You slightly nod, making the other team's captain roll your eyes at you, too.
“I’d rather not discuss my sex life with you! I already know that in a matter of days, everybody from Barça will know, so the less you know, the better.” 
“I would never tell anyone!” She replies, offended.
While you sit there still in the bed, observing the interaction between the two friends, clearly annoyed with each other, you could see though how much they cared and loved one another. 
“So you wouldn’t tell Ingrid, right? I swear to god, you tell everything to that woman.” 
“She’s my girlfriend!”
“Yes, but still, you can’t keep a secret for shit!”
“Well, at least I didn’t nearly break her nose and kick her in the groin.” She comments calmly, making you release a surprised chuckle, making the two girls turn to look at you but soon shift their attention to each other again.
“For the last time! I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“Okay, that’s enough. As much as I don’t care about this bickering, I think it’s enough for today.” You go to stand up, but Alexia froze you with her gaze. Making you not move from your position “Now come and hug me. I won’t be seeing you for a long time.” You open your arms, and she walks right in them. 
“Take care, okay?” She says to you.
“I will. You too.”
“Let me see if I remember correctly. Ti voglio bene?” She asks, with her broken Italian accent.
“Si, Ti voglio bene anche io.” You chuckle. She exits the room, smirking at Alexia, leaving the two of you once again alone.
“Oh, I totally forgot. Can you pass me the bag that is under the table over there?” You point the bag with your finger while she quickly retrieves it and puts it on the bed next to you, where you are sitting, with your feet dangling in the air.
You quickly open the bag and hand her a little bag. She looks at you confused and then opens it.
“I made you cookies.” You explain, making her smile excitedly at the pastry.
“Why?” She turns to you incredulously, shocked by your kindness.
“Two days ago, you said that you liked them, and yesterday night, I made a batch for the team, so I thought that you would love to have them for your trip back to the airport. I made them also for Mapi.”
Her expression changed from incredulity to shock and then a mix between guilt and thankfulness. Seeing the shift in her face, your mind is plagued with doubt. “Did I overstep? I’m sorry. I just thought you might like something to eat. I always get very hungry after a match. I should’ve asked. I’m sorry.” You ramble quickly while you try to take the bag away from her, but she tightens her grip on them.
“No, you didn’t overstep.” She reassures you and gives you a big smile. “It’s just, nobody has ever done anything like this before. Thank you, Y/n. I really appreciate it.”
“It’s nothing, really. Even though you don’t deserve them, you still can have my cookies.” You tease her.
“Thank you. Thank you for the cookies, and thank you for the kiss. I have to get back to the locker room, or other people will start to wonder what we are doing here. I’ll see you tonight?” She asks as if it was the most normal thing.
“I can’t tonight. My parents are here, they came here from home to be at the match. Plus, I don’t think that we can do anything tonight.” Circling with your finger, your face.
“I just wanted to check up on you. Can you send me a text if it gets worse, please? I’m really glad, though, that there is someone with you tonight. I don’t think I could’ve slept well tonight if I knew that nobody would take care of you when I nearly broke your nose.”
“You are worrying too much. It’s just a bruise.”
“Yeah, but I don’t bruise the people that I dat- that I care about.”
“Ohh, you care about me!”
“Shut up. Do you want me to take the cookies to Mapi?”
“Yes, please.”
“I have to go now.” She hesitates. “Can I have a hug?” She asks shyly. You make her a sign to come to you, and she gently brings you her strong embrace, lightly pecking your neck in the process.
“I’ll see you next time?” She asks, hopeful.
“Goodbye, Alexia. Have a safe flight back home.”
‘Are you okay? Does it hurt?’
It was the third text that she had sent you that night. Every time, you would reassure her that it was nothing, just a bruise, but she didn’t care. She would ask you to send an update about your well-being every hour. 
‘I’m okay, Alexia. Stop worrying too much.’
‘I don’t care. In an hour, I’ll send you another text.’
‘Don’t you have like other stuff to do than worry about me?’
She sent you a picture of her and Mapi eating the cookies you baked. ‘Yes, but I can multitask. Like rn, I’m eating your cookies.’
‘I’m glad that you like them.’
‘You’ll have to teach me how to do them.’
‘You wish, haha.’
“Who are you texting?” Mapi asks suggestively to her captain, seeing her smiling at her phone.
“Me? Oh, Y/n, I wanted to see if she was okay.” She replies, never taking her eyes off her phone.
“You are down bad for that girl.” She grins.
“No, I am not. We are just casually hanging out. Plus, she told me that she didn’t want to label it. To ‘just be’.”
“Well, I don’t usually bake cookies for nightstands when they nearly have broken my nose.”
“She was just being nice because I told her that I liked them when I went to her place.”
“So you didn’t have to buy souvenirs?”
“Are you really that dumb?”
“Well, well, well, I didn’t know that you had it in you to have a nightstand. Not even her, honestly.” Alexia pulls her head down, not looking at her friend sadly. “Oh my god! You like her, like her!”
“I don’t know, okay,” She says, frustrated. “In the beginning, it was just physical. But then we began talking and laughing, and I don’t know. She just makes me feel so happy and relaxed whenever I’m with her.”
“Maybe it’s just the good sex.”
“The sex is good. Like incredible. But the little moments we have after are what I look most forward to. She baked me cookies, for god’s sake; how am I supposed to compete with that?”
“Can I say something that I don’t know if it will make you feel better or not?”
“Just say it.”
“When I first met Y/n, she was this shy little girl who just came from the US. She knew very little Spanish, but she had a huge heart. We became very good friends; on the pitch, we worked perfectly; off the pitch, she was my best friend at Atletico. Everybody loved her there. We also met her girlfriend at the time.”
“Total bitch.”
“Yeah, she loved her so much, but what hurt the most was that Kate was bluntly taking advantage of her kindness and generosity. Nobody in the squad liked her. When we were about to leave for Barça together, I was so happy. It was our dream, and I loved playing with her, but then her ex called her, and she wouldn’t wait for Barça. We got into this huge fight; it was the only time I had seen her angry. And then she moved to Chelsea.
What I’m trying to say is that Y/n, is a very kind and giving person, especially to the people she cares about. She always puts herself second to others, especially when they are in need. Giving you cookies might seem like a small and weird gesture, but for her, it is just a way to make your day, even by a little, better. She wouldn’t do this for people she wouldn’t care about.”
The third time you see Alexia was during the Champions League game against Barcelona. Talking to your coach, you refused to mark her, so you opted to mark during the game Aitana instead. With Alexia, things were going weirdly. You started texting more since she nearly broke your nose. So now you were friends? You really didn’t know.
The day before the match, the Barcelona team was at your stadium to meet some of your teammates from each other’s national team, but you quickly ran up to Mapi and gave her a hug. She was with some of her teammates, Alexia included, talking to each other. You soon greet all of her other teammates, leaving Alexia last.
“Hey.” She picks you up in the air and embraces you tightly. “You okay?” She asks you, slowly putting your feet back down on the pitch.
“I’m good.”
“How’s the nose?” She gently pinches it and moves it to see if there is any swelling.
“Stop smothering me. It’s been like six months now.” You take her hand away from you. “And don’t you dare injure me again tomorrow?”
“I’ll try my best.”
 During the last six months, clips of Alexia injuring you from your previous two matches against you went viral. People saying that she hated you or that she didn’t care. Sometimes, even in interviews, people would ask you about your relationship with her or vice versa. And the both of you would simply say that you were just, unfortunate when playing against each other and that you were actually friends in real life. 
It was match day, which meant that you were about to face the best team in the world, which frankly scared you a little. It was at home, so you really wanted to win or at least have a draw. 
As you are about to go on the pitch, you meet your friends from Barça in line, and you go and shake their hands to all of them.
“We are swapping shirts after this?” You ask your ex-teammate, hoping that she would say yes. 
“Sure. If I win, of course.” She replies cockily.
“We have a pretty good team, you know. I wouldn’t be so sure about a win.” You sent her a playful smirk while you walked to shake hands with Paños and then Alexia.
“Good luck out there.” She smiles, slightly lingering her hand in yours, and then the moment is destroyed by your skipper calling you back.
In the first half, you became the shadow of Aitana; she never got past you. The difference between her and Alexia was that the younger girl was much quicker and more stubborn with the ball.
“So you are not marking Alexia this time?” She asks you, still with the game going on.
“Nah, I’d rather preserve my physical well-being.” You joke, making the younger girl release a small chuckle, then go back to focus on the pitch.
Alexia was looking at your interaction on the other side of the pitch, rolling her eyes and scoffing.
The game was pretty balanced somehow. You were giving it your all, running way more than needed. You could already feel how sore your legs would be the next day, especially when you knew Alexia would be coming over tonight.
It was the 60th minute of the match, you were on the counter-attack, and you sent the perfect long ball to your number 9, and she was running to the goal. You knew that she would be swarmed by the opposing team in a matter of seconds, so you started running too, to give her some support. Your legs were hurting, but you kept on going; you would score one way or another. You were nearly at the box when Giacinti cut the ball perfectly to your right foot, and you powerfully kicked the ball off the right top bin. Everybody stopped, you stopped. All looking at the quick ball, which was currently in the air. Paños dived, but it was too late. The ball already went inside the net. 
You ran to the side of the pitch where the fans were and kissed your badge, pointing at them. This was for them. Then, all of your teammates swarmed you and hugged you.
You raise your arms to make the fans get louder to cheer for your teammates. You were winning against the best team in the world. Now, you just need to keep it up; don’t let any slip or mistake jeopardize the victory.
As the final whistle blew, you could see the disappointed looks of the other team as they registered the first loss of their season, while you just dropped to the ground exhausted. Clearly, the stress from before the match and the running and shooting took a toll on you, and finally, you were able to rest. 
“You ok?” You open your eyes to see Alexia staring at you worriedly.
“I’m good. I just need to catch my breath.” She offers her hands to help you stand up, and you gladly take them. “You were great today. No wonder you scored against us.” You thank her again and search for Mapi to swap shirts.
“So, do you still want to swap shirts?”
“Yes, of course!” She pulls her shirt and gives it to you, and you do the same. You go and hug her, “Do you want to go for dinner tonight?” She offers, while you look at her a little guilty.
“I already have plans. But for the next leg, for sure.” 
“Plans with a certain tall woman from my team?” 
“Who, Ingrid?” You tease her.
“No, idiot. Alexia.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” You lightly blush, looking away from her knowing eyes.
“You know damn well what I am talking about.” She points her index finger at you, smiling. “I’m really happy that two of my favorite people started dating.”
“We are not dating.”
“If you say so!”
“I know so!” You saw all of your teammates leave for the locker room, “I have to go. Take care, okay? Don’t do anything stupid. Ti voglio bene.”
“Ti voglio bene. And you, too, don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do.”
“So you would fuck Alexia?” You began laughing.
“Eww, no. I’ll leave that to you.”
You playfully roll your eyes at her and then quickly hug her. “Bye, Mapi.”
You quickly go to the locker room, but the UEFA people told you that you had just won the MOTM, so they wanted to give it to you. You pose for the picture, leave to change, and get ready for the night. You were exhausted. You kept yawning and barely kept your eyes open. But that night, you were going to see Alexia, and you really didn’t want to disappoint her. 
That night, you picked her up from her hotel to get to your place; you were having a really relaxed and enjoyable conversation when you got inside your house and led her to your bedroom. You sat on her lap, and as you were about to kiss her for the first time in nearly six months, you yawned. 
“Are you sure you want to do this? You look exhausted. Do you want to sleep?” She asks you worriedly, stopping you from doing anything else.
“No, no, I’m good. I don’t want to waste your time. I’ll be fine.” You go to kiss her, but once again, she stops you. She starts rubbing your thigh, soothing your aching muscles, making you close your eyes in relaxation.
“You are not wasting my time, cariño. I’m just happy to see you. We haven’t seen each other in nearly six months. We can just sleep if you want. We don’t have to do anything if you are not up to it.”
“I really like it.” You leave a small kiss on her nose.
“The nickname, cariño.” You explain, feeling a warmth spreading in your chest. It had been some time since anyone had given you a nickname.
“Sorry, it just slipped.” She says, slightly blushing.
“I love it. Is it a problem for you if we just sleep? I’m really exhausted.”
“I’m okay with that. I’m really tired, too.”
“At what time do you leave tomorrow?”
“Not until in the afternoon.”
“Do you maybe want to stay tonight?” You ask shyly, tucking your head in her neck.
“There’s no other place that I would rather be.”
She makes you stand up, searching for something while you look at her confused.
“So, do you have any fresh clothes to change in? I don’t think you want to sleep in jeans.” She asks you while you point at your closet. She opens the first drawer and chuckles. 
“Is that my shirt?” She throws it at you, making your face turn pink.
“Well, it’s comfy, and it smells like you. Correction: It smelled like you. Now it’s just the fabric’s smell.”  
“I thought you had thrown it away.” She remarks sadly, throwing at you a pair of shorts.
“Why would I do that?”
“I don’t know.” She insecurely looks at you, changing the topic. “Can I borrow some shorts?”
“You can borrow anything you want.”
She takes a pair of shorts from your drawer and leaves to the bathroom to give you some privacy, which you thought was unnecessary as she has seen more of you than most people.
She returns to your room and lays down on your bed, making grabby hands for you to join her. You gladly do, sighing as you fall in her embrace, finally relaxing.
“Can I have a small kiss?” You ask her as you put your hand on her chest, quietly feeling her heartbeat.
“Ummm. Let me think about it.” She jokingly puts her hand on her chin, pretending to think. “Just one.” 
“Only one? You are making me work for them?” 
“Yep.” She pulls you for a slow kiss that takes your breath away. You hadn’t been kissing this woman for nearly half a year, and only now you realized how much you missed it. How much you missed her. As you finish the kiss, you both look at each other, “Okay, maybe another kiss.” You smile into the kiss as once again your lips met hers, and this time you melt into the kiss and break it off until you need to breathe again. 
“Buonanotte, Alexia”
“Goodnight, cariño.” You snuggle into her as she tightens her embrace, making you feel safe for the first time since you were little.
The next morning, you wake up with an empty bed. You sit up sadly, thinking Alexia left without saying goodbye or having breakfast. You leave your room and go to the kitchen to get some coffee, and there, you see her. She was rummaging through your cupboards when you walked to her and hugged her from behind.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning, cariño. Did you sleep well?” She feels her relax in your embrace while you snake your hands under her shirt, gently scratching her abs.
“Really, really well.” 
“I’m glad.”
“What are you doing?” You ask her, peeking with your head around her back.
“I’m trying to understand how this thing works.” You turn to see that she has it in her hands, a Moka.
You chuckle, gently pushing her to the side, taking it from her hands, and unscrewing the top of the coffee maker. You prepare the moka, and then you put it on the stove. In the meantime, you go to retrieve some mugs; they were on the highest cupboard, so you had to stand on your tippy toes to get the mugs, but your lover? Could you call her that? Walked behind you while putting a hand on your side and retrieved them for you, making you want to giggle at the action.
“Showing off your height, are we?”
“Me? Never. I’m just helping out my short queen.”
“Oh wow. How chivalrous.”
You both sit down at your little table and bring a piece of cake from your fridge.
“Do you want a piece?” You offer, getting a piece for you.
“Did you make it?”
“Yes, I did. Yesterday morning. It’s still good.”
“I swear to god, Y/N. You’ll get me out of shape if you keep feeding me.” She remarks jokingly, taking a bite from yours.
“Hey! That was mine!” You smack her hand away from your little plate, offended.
You stay together for another hour, and then you go back to the hotel very reluctantly. You didn’t know what it was, but something shifted that night between the two of you. You didn’t know if it was because you hadn’t seen each other in so long or because there were a lot of unresolved and unspoken feelings between the two of you. But when you said goodbye to her this time, it felt sadder and more longing.
You didn’t want to leave her side, nor did she, for that matter. You gave her a last kiss. She called you for the last time, cariño, and then she left. Leaving you this weird feeling lingering in your chest that you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
In the second leg of the Champions’sChampion, you didn’t play as you got injured two days before. It was nothing major, but it still stopped you from playing the match, which you really wanted to. You knew this would be your last season in Roma, and you wanted to bring your team to new heights.
As soon as the whistle blew, your team lost 2-0, and you felt a wave of sadness come over to you. And that was where it really hit you. This would be your last season at Roma, last season with the girls. You went on the pitch with your crutches, picking your teammates up from the ground and consoling them, trying to keep your own emotions at bay. Your team soon huddles up, and your coach makes a speech, but it was all a blur for you. You shut yourself off completely and left immediately after the pitch. 
You go inside the hallway away from the cameras and push your back to the wall, resigned. You didn’t cry. But you needed to isolate yourself and not show any weaknesses to your teammates. At least one of you needed to be strong.
“Cariño?” You hear a soothing whisper while hands cover your face. You recognize the warmth of the hands, which make you bask in contact. “Are you okay?”
“Alexia, what are you doing here? You should be out celebrating with your teammates. You got into the quarters.” You slightly push her away.
“Don’t push me away, please. What do you need?”
“I need a hug, please. Can you hug me?” Your eyes twinkle wetly with a vulnerability that Alexia has never seen before.
She quickly acquiesces to your needs and brings you in a tight hug. Your head was on her chest because of the height difference, and you could feel her heartbeat soothing and giving a rhythm to your brain. She began placing small kisses on the top of your head, and her hands rubbed your back to give you as much comfort as possible.
“Are you okay?” She whispers worriedly.
“I just realized that this will be my last Champions League with Roma and my last year with my teammates. I just feel a little vulnerable. But I’ll be okay, eventually.”
“Let’s get you home.”
“Alexia. I will be no good company tonight. When I am sad, I only watch romance movies or listen to sad songs. It’s not pretty. And you don’t have any obligation towards me.”
“I know, but I still want to. We can do all those things that you listed together. Let me take care of you.” She offers, smiling earnestly at you, making it impossible for you to say no.
“Okay, but if at any time you want me to go, I’ll leave. I’d hate to be a burden.” She rolls her eyes at your stubbornness. 
She kisses your forehead. “Give me five minutes, and I’ll be with you.” She left quickly to her changing room, making you smile dumbly at her. At that specific moment, Mapi casually walks past you, rolling her eyes. “Definitely just hooking up.” She says ironically, leaving without the opportunity to say anything else.
Alexia was back to you in precisely five minutes and ready to leave. Meanwhile, you told your teammate that you would leave alone and be back tomorrow morning, to which she replied with a very suggestive smirk. You honestly really weren’t hiding anymore the fact that you were hooking up with a Barcelona player. All the team basically knew it, also your national team, so it was no surprise.
You get to her home, and she soon gives you some of her clothes to make you more comfy and then makes you sit on the couch and gives you a small blanket. Her little dog, Nala, sat on your lap, asking for cuddles. It was almost perfect, it just needed-
“Do you need something else? Do you want some food? Something to drink?” She was acting all serious, and while you just beamed at her, you realized that nobody had ever wanted to take care of you like she was doing right now. Your heart exploded with affection for the woman who was currently making herself so available to your every need.
“I just need you. Can you hold me, please?” She quickly sits on the couch and waits for you to come to her. “Watch out for my leg; it’s still injured.” You lightly warn her so she would make any movements towards your leg.
Your head was on her chest, some romance movie was playing in the background, and she was whispering sweet nothings in your ear, trying to lighten your fragile mood.
“So this is going to be your last year at Roma? You are not renewing?” You shake your head.
“So, where are you going?”
“Is that really a question when you already know the answer?” You tell her you weren’t looking at her face, but you could feel her face adorn with another one of her beautiful smiles.
“You are moving to Barcelona?” She asks, clearly trying to hide her excitement.
“Nothing is official yet, but I already talked to your coach. If everything goes to plan, we will be teammates. But don’t say anything to Mapi. I want to give her a surprise.”
“So we will play together? On the same team?” 
“Si, piccola mia. We will play on the same team.”
“I guess we were never meant to play against each other.” She chuckles jokingly.
“I guess not. I think we were destined to play together.”
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mbappebby · 1 month
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pairings: jude bellingham x girlfriend!reader (face claim: gracie adrams)
in which: everyone starts to hate on Jude’s girlfriend just because she is a “normal girl”
requested: yes, by anonymous: jude bellingham x gf reader (fc gracie abrams) where they’ve been together for years and she gets hated on by people on social media because shes a normal girl (she works at vogue spain because of real madrid) and people call her a gold digger ect social media au please.
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Liked by judebellingham, trentarnold66 and 98,529 others
yourusername: just another day at work🤍
tagged: voguespain
view all 14,648 comments
username You ain’t one of the models love💀
username What does Jude see in her?!
username Such a gold digger😂
username So pretty!!💗
username How is Jude dating her?🤮
judebellingham ❤️ *yourusername liked this comment
username Not even bothered to reply back🙄
username Genuine question, what does Jude see in her?
username What’s with all this hate?! Just because she’s a normal girl with a normal job!!
username She’s literally only working for Vogue Spain as she lives there with Jude🙄
username You aren’t one of the models😂
username Gold diggerrr🤮
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yourusername added to her story 21s
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Seen by 120,738 viewers
username Such a gold digger💀
username Why is Jude with you, seriously!!
username Just a normal girl, while he’s a footballer🙄
username Don’t listen to the hate Y/N, there’s many fans who love you as you make Jude happy!!💗 *yourusername liked this message
username Ughh just leave Jude alone!!
username He doesn’t deserve you😂
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Liked by camavinga, vinijr and 113,630 others
yourusername: life lately💗
tagged: judebellingham jobebellingham
view all 15,638 comments
username Jude doesn’t deserve you!!!
username Going to go after Jobe when Jude dumps your ass?😂😂
username such a gold digger💀
username All this hate is so stupid, leave the girl alone!!
jobebellingham 🤩
yourusername lil broo❤️
username You ain’t a model love😭
username Jude needs to dump youuu
username Don’t listen to the hate Y/N!!🤍
judebellingham babyy❤️
yourusername I love uuu❤️
username Such a cute couple, fans need to stop all this hate!!!
username Jude doesn’t deserve youuu!!🤮
username Just leave him alone🙄
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Liked by trentarnold66, k.mbappe and 762,018 others
judebellingham: It’s awful to see what many people have been saying about someone you love and means a lot to you, just because they have a “normal job”, Y/N is someone that has worked hard to get the job she has, we got together after she started to work for Vogue Spain, it had nothing to do with me and she did it all on her own. Y/N means so much to me and all this hate has just gone out of hand and it’s not just unacceptable, you aren’t one of my fans who have been leaving awful comments this past few days. Myself & Y/N are going to take some time off social media for a bit, all I ask is just for you all to be kind and respectful and I’ll see you all soon🤍
tagged: yourusername
view all 24,927 comments
username We love you Y/N!!❤️
username Y/N is such a lovely person, it was awful to see all those comments..
username You know you’ve gone too far when Jude posts something..
username Y/N & Jude are so cute!!!💗
vinijr No hating on my little sis🤍
camavinga She’s prefers me actually :)
k.mbappe Nah, she’s my little sis!
judebellingham and she’s my gf so I win😊
username Awhh, all the boys🥹
username How can anyone hate on Y/N?!
username I love the friendship she has with the boys!!
trentarnold66 Come visit bro, I wanna see my sis!
yourusername brb just buying a ticket to Liverpool :)
judebellingham I’m here too?
username Haha Trent & Y/N😂
username I love how everyone thinks her has a little sister!!🥹
yourusername I love you❤️
judebellingham I love you more❤️
username Cutest couple!!
username I will fight someone who says anything bad to Y/N!!
360 notes · View notes
iheartmapi · 1 month
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My Kink Is Karma
(Yes I shamelessly stole the tile from Chappell, anyways first time writing for Alexia!)
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Alexia Putellas x reader
Summary: You’re in Real Madrid, so it’s no surprise that you and Alexia despise each other. Your club is playing a match against Barça which ends in Real winning, afterwards you and Alexia have an exchange of nasty words…Alexia subtly insults you in an interwiew which infuriates you, not too soon later when you’re at a club with your teammates it just so happens that Alexia’s there too…
Enemies with benefits. (But not really)
TW: heavy making out, grinding (kind of), alcohol consumption, crude language.
Word summary: 2,924
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“Wishing you the best, in the worst way.”
Hundreds of laughters and cheering filled your ears…you and your teammates were all smiling ear to ear, the reason was simple, you just got done with a match against Barça, and won, you were bursting from happiness, but knowing how mad and disappointed your long time enemy must be right now also rubbed off on you positively.
In fact you were quick to look across the pitch, searching for Alexia. Seeing her mad or down on her luck in general was a massive treat for your ego, and there she was…”La Reina”, you scoffed inside your mind as you thought of the nickname, in your eyes that woman was far away from a queen. She was so far away from where you were, but you could feel the rage heating up inside her from your place already. You grinned, as you saw Alexia glance at you as well, she then turned back to her teammates, telling them something, from her body language it seemed like she was complaining, but who cares?
Well, this was finished, time to get back to your locker rooms. You walked alongside your teammates gleefully, chatting with each other about the match. You entered the locker room…chatters and loud voices filled the room, most refreshed themselves a bit, splashing some cold water, washing their hands and etc.
After talking with your teammates you went to your locker…you pulled out your phone having to check something, mostly messages from close friends and family members questioning how you were..you grabbed your duffel bag, phone in hand as you headed out with the rest of the girls, at that moment you felt buzzing, surely it was a call from your mother. You told the girls you’d catch up with them and that you just had to answer…
It was a typical casual conversation, just your mom congratulating you..the typical motherly worry about how you’re doing…that kind of stuff.
You finally hanged up, having said bye to her, the corridor was empty, just as you turned your head in the exits direction you suddenly heard a scoff behind you, you turned back, and as your brain took in who it was a scowl immediately befall your lips. It was Alexia, looking uptight as ever.
“What do you want?” You snarled at the blonde woman “Me? Oh I just wanted to congratulate you on your win” she chuckled bitterly, you shook your head in disdain, noticing how Alexia was inching closer to you. “Honestly Putellas, you can take your congratulations and shove it up your ass” you chided, she frowned at the remark “So considerate of you, are you really that pretentious that you can’t take a simple damn congrats?” You raised your eyebrow at how she was trying to play this off “Like you’d ever want to congratulate me out of the goodness of your heart…I know damn well you’re probably trying to curse me or something”
Alexia was now at an arm’s length, it seemed like she got even more mad at that “Are you calling me a witch?” She asked with an eerie mad calmness in her voice, “Perhaps, I think it’s fitting, I’d change it to ‘la bruja’ instead” Alexia’s brows furrowed, she crossed her arms “Why do you have to act like such a little bitch all the time?” You scoffed at the sudden intensity of her words “I’m not being a little bitch” you argued, “Yes you are, you’re a goddamn brat, a child, I have no idea how you even got into Real Madrid in the first place, I guess they just take the first buffoons they can find-“ you cut in “Don’t you dare call me that! I swear to God someday I’ll…” Alexia looked down at you “Someday you’ll? Can’t even finish your sentence? You’re pathetic” she retaliated, “Look in the mirror before you start calling me names! Do you have no self respect?” You snapped back, Alexia leaned against the corridors wall “I’m sure I know way more about self respect than you do…who knows just what you guys get up to” she scowled at you, now…was she trying to suggest what you think? “You sound very intrested, don’t you think that’s a bit weird?” For a second you swear you saw a light rosy colour dust Alexia’s cheeks, but soon that damned scowl came back onto her face “No.” She simply stated “Quit the remarks, Y/n” she then added, “You started it” you just raised your shoulders, clearly she couldn’t find anything to say anymore, the rosy colour came back onto her face, now staying there “You’re amusing, you know that? And I don’t mean it in a positive way” you rolled your eyes “Whatever you say, I don’t have time for this Alexia” and that’s how you ended the conversation abruptly before storming towards the exit, when Alexia was nowhere in sight anymore you started fuming, just who the hell did that women think she was? And what was it with that peculiar remark about what you “got up to”? Oh, who the hell cares…you weren’t going to let her plague your mind now.
That same evening, you and the girls from your team decided to go out to celebrate your victory at a club, your group was sitting in a car on your way to the club, you were feeling much better now, more at ease, now having forgotten about the accident with Alexia from earlier, that blonde pest wasn’t going to haunt you when you were trying to have some fun…and that’s the mindset you had at the moment, carefree and happy…but nothing lasts forever.
Your team friend had poked your arm, wanting to show you something important. “You haven’t seen this?” She said as she pulled out her phone and typed something in, she then brought it to you so that you could see…a video started playing, it looked like an interview, but with who? That question was quickly answered as no one else but Alexia fucking Putellas appeared on the screen, you frowned…why was your friend showing you this? After all EVERYONE knew you and Alexia were like a cat and a dog, you despised each other and didn’t care to hide it.
“So Alexia tell us…what happened between you and Y/n Y/l/n after the match? We heard people tell us that some heated words were exchanged between the two of you”
You saw Alexia smile and chuckle
“Oh me and Y/n? I can assure you all that nothing bad happened, we talked, yes…but I’m sure it’s just the adrenaline from a won match that spoke through her at that moment…we all know how young people are”
And with that your teammate pulled her phone back, turning it off. She looked at you, wanting to hear your opinion on this…inside you were RAGING after hearing that stupid subtle jab at you. “So she called you irrational basically” your teammate said “Yeah I got that” you answered, and then gulped trying to keep your emotions in place, “I think she’s just annoyed she didn’t win…and now she’s trying to get at me…it’ll pass” you added with a put on smile, you still couldn’t believe she had the sheer audacity, what a bitter woman that blonde was.
Some time later, you’ve made it to the club, now your mindset was kind of cranky from watching that interview…like your happiness was some fruit that was left untouched for too long and started rotting, but the cause for your rotting was the devil incarnate herself…You guessed you were just going to try to drink your problem away and have some fun FINALLY at last.
Your team kind of split, some girls going onto the dance floor, some to drink, some to talk at a completely different part of the club…you sat at one of the lounge couches alongside some of your teammates that stayed there..you excused yourself, wanting to get a drink for yourself.
The exact moment you stood up…you spotted something weird, was that…no it couldn’t be, but it was! Barça! Here at the SAME club your team went to…this had to be a joke, because you’ve never experienced fate playing with you SO much like right now..you shook your head, you definitely needed alcohol to ease yourself from this.
You quite literally stormed away towards the bar…you sat down at one of the velvet stool chairs, telling the bartender what you wanted and sighing as you held your head in your hands, you felt your happiness falling into pieces, becoming ruins of what used to be so great..
You got your drink and started drinking your sorrows away..you felt as if anything could go to shit at any moment knowing Alexia was here. And even though it was very touché, the worst happened.
“So you’re following me, eh?”
You blinked, once, twice, thrice- that cursed voice…you turned your head to look at the “stranger” who just spoke to you, and of course it couldn’t be anyone but Alexia…You laughed, laughed in pure pity for yourself “If I wanted to stalk someone, it surely wouldn’t be you” you retorted, Alexia smirked at your passive aggressive tone “So cruel as always”
The two of you sat there, you didn’t even feel uncomfortable, you kind of accepted the fact that she was here…”What are you even doing here?” Alexia began, weirdly this time her tone seemed to have no malice behind it, and so you answered truthfully “Well WE were going to celebrate this win tonight…and uh, you?” Alexia drummed her fingers alongside the bars counters, “It’s my birthday today”
You were almost tempted to wish her a happy birthday, but then you were reminded that “oh yeah this is my enemy” so you just answered with a simple “Oh”
“Tell me something, Y/n” you were prepared for some mean joke about you or something else of that nature “Are you perhaps loosened up from the alcohol enough for…” Alexia paused for dramatic effect “dancing?” You looked at her curiously “Dancing? I’m afraid there’s no one for me to dance with” you answered, “I want you to dance with me, then” she wanted…what? Your eyes widened “What? Haha funny…” she was probably only teasing you “Nope, I mean it” she confirmed her true intentions “let’s dance” dancing with your enemy? It was like something taken out of some cheap enemies to lovers romance book “Seriously?” You continued, being baffled by her “For Christ’s sake Y/n, I don’t have all the time in the world for you to constantly ask me that” the blond grabbed your arm, not too tightly thankfully, and pulling you after her.
Was this a dream? If it was then it made no sense at all…here you were, about to dance with her out of all people? Alexia moved gracefully through the crowd, it was almost enchanting to watch as she passed through the clubbers to get to the dance floor…
When she finally found a spot she thought of as good enough she turned around to face you again.
The look on Alexia’s face was one you’ve never seen before…she seemed almost determined to achieve something, but you didn’t know what. You felt as if time froze around the two of you, then Alexia started moving, this side of her was so…shocking to see (at least to you) she was like a beautiful siren singing it’s haunting song trying to lure in sailors, and in this case, you were the sailor for sure. She had this grace to her moves, she wasn’t trashy, not kitschy and her dancing almost seemed theatrical..
You knew you couldn’t stand there like a stick the entire time…so even though you moved a bit awkwardly due to her sudden outburst you did it anyway.
You felt Alexia’s hands creeping onto your shoulders, she wanted to connect this “performance” with you, honestly? You felt like a teenage boy seeing a playboy magazine for the first time ever. Your hands went to her waist after a short thought process, it felt as if each and every one of your grey cells dissolved though.
This wasn’t your first rodeo, sure you’ve been with women before, you’ve hugged women, kissed them, did a lot of other stuff with them…so what was diffrent about Alexia? Why did she make you feel this way even though you hated her guts?
So many questions, and so little time to answer them. Alexia suddenly twirled you around pressing your back to her chest, your heartbeats were as fast as a racing car when you felt her warm breath on your neck, people could see, for fucks sake your teammates could see- but for some reason you didn’t care at all…
You raised your hands to where Alexia was resting her own on your shoulders, lacing them together, Alexia must’ve received this gesture as some kind of agreement, as you felt her lips suddenly grazing your neck and shoulder…but key word; grazing. Did she want you to burn up from being flustered?
Alexia leaned in towards your ear, whispering in a low voice “follow me” with that her hand left you completely, Alexia stepped away, looking behind herself to make sure you were indeed following her, and you were…it’s like she hypnotised you. The same you from earlier this day when the two of you argued in that corridor would’ve scoffed at even thinking about you and Alexia in an intimate setting…yet here you were.
Surely it was made clear to you that she was making you follow her to the restroom, one could definitely imagine what two people
going together to a restroom in a club meant, you only hoped that it was empty right now…
When you two reached the door, Alexia grasped your hand firmly again, she pulled you in, it was almost as if she was getting impatient…it's easy to guess that once inside, Alexia pulled you into one of the stalls.
She locked the door, the plus of these stalls was that they were at least the kind which walls went down all the way, from the celling to the floor, no gaps.
the lightning was dim, but you could see the intensity burning in Alexia's eyes like two big campfires..
Her hands flew to your face, precise fingers gripping your jaw. She tilted it slightly…there was an exchange of glances, slowly you felt the heat of the moment overtaking you completely, Alexia’s eyes crashed onto yours, but when using the word “crashed” one shouldn’t thinking of cars colliding onto one another…it was rather like two swans instead of cars. Her lips moved against yours, she tasted sweet, you could taste the remnants of some fruity drink unknown to you, as her hands were busy with holding your jaw, yours went to her shoulders, as your kissed as if your lips were two dancers..your hands eventually ended up moving down to her waist, caressing wherever you could in the moment
You pulled Alexia even closer to you, your bodies now touching, the need to have her close to you was beyond of your comprehension…her touch, lips, body, hands…everything, was like a soothing balm to whatever pain was deep inside you.
The blonde groaned into the kiss, your bodies now following the movement of your lips and moving against each other as well, arousal was rising higher and higher, eventually Alexia pulled away for a moment…catching her breath, you could see her lips looking bruised from the kissing, they were like fresh strawberries…”I need you” you whispered desperately..and so the two of you got back to it again. The air in this fun-sized cabin was getting hotter and hotter, Alexia’s hands started moving freely, she was combing them through your hair, and you gripped her hips like a vice..it was crazy, like nothing you’ve ever experienced before…just as you thought you were going to explode you felt her hands moving down your abdomen, the woman you hated was doing all of this to you, and you loved it.
The stall’s lock moved, first, you came out then Alexia behind you, thankfully there was no one else but the two of you in the restroom right now, the two of you came up to the mirrors, you splashed some cold water on your face whilst Alexia took care of refreshing herself on her own, your hair was a bit disheveled. A weird calming silence hanged between the two of you, only the sound of rustling and water could be heard, outside of the pumping bass that reached even the bathroom of course…
You stood in front of the mirror, you turned your head looking at Alexia who was trying to make her hair look presentable. You took a breath
“Happy birthday Alexia” you said in a calm voice
She turned to you, a tiny bit surprised before the smallest of smiles graced her face “Thanks”
It was kind of weird to talk to her now after the whole stall thing…”Uh..I’m sorry for insulting you…many times at that” you started, Alexia shook her head “Don’t worry Y/n, I’m sorry..for being an asshole so many times” you smiled at her apology
“So we’re good?” One last time, you had to ask her this and end this conversation
“Yeah, we’re good” Alexia answered simply
And so the two of you left the bathroom, you said bye to each other before going off in diffrent directions of the club. After all…you had to get back to your clubs.
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(Big thanks to @kshvue099 again)
389 notes · View notes
pdriesta · 6 days
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“i want something that i know is real”
pairings — judexblack!girl
genres — fluff, slow burn, workplace romance (she’s a pt)
warnings — sexual themes (minors dni)
word count — 6.3k
summary — y/n, a rising physiotherapist, has just been promoted to work with real madrid's men's team. after a difficult breakup, she's determined to keep things professional. but when jude bellingham, the club's charming new star, sets his sights on her, maintaining boundaries becomes harder than ever. can she resist the pull, or will she risk everything for a love she swore she’d never fall for again?
an — the last chapter 🥲 i can’t even put into words how much i appreciate the love and support even after deleting my blog seeing the same accounts comment and like these chapters has never failed to make me happy! i am beyond grateful. if you’re still interested this couple, i’ll be releasing blurb series. the first one is posted and requests are open <3
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the room was a blur of activity, voices overlapping as the medical team worked efficiently around jude. he sat there, trying to focus on the steady stream of questions and instructions being thrown his way, but his mind kept drifting back to the moment it all went wrong.
the match had been intense, emotions running high, and jude had let his temper get the best of him. he remembered the argument with the opposing player, the heated words exchanged, the rush of adrenaline that followed. it was all so vivid in his mind—how he’d felt the anger simmering beneath his skin, how he’d wanted to prove himself in that split second, to win the ball, to show he wasn’t one to back down.
but then it happened. they both went up for the header, and time seemed to stretch out in front of him. the roar of the crowd faded into the background as he focused on the ball, his body moving instinctively. he remembered the sensation of losing his balance, the way the ground seemed to rise up to meet him, the sickening thud as his head hit the turf. the world tilted, the lights above blurring into a dizzying swirl, and for a moment, everything went black.
now, back in the medical room, jude felt the residual throbbing in his head, a dull ache that pulsed with every beat of his heart. his family was there—his mom, denise, hovering close by with worry etched into her features; his dad, mark, standing stoically but with an unmistakable tension in his posture; and his younger brother, jobe, sitting quietly in the corner, his wide eyes filled with concern.
y/n was there too, but she kept her distance, her eyes avoiding his. jude could tell she was upset—really upset—by the way she kept herself apart from the others, by the tightness in her expression that she couldn’t quite hide. she only stepped forward when one of the other medics called for her, her movements precise and professional, but there was an underlying tension in everything she did.
jude couldn’t shake the feeling that she was mad at him, though he wasn’t entirely sure why. maybe it was because he’d been reckless, because he’d let his emotions get the better of him on the pitch. maybe it was because she’d seen the whole thing happen, the way he went down, the way he didn’t get back up right away. the thought of her worrying, of her being scared for him, gnawed at him.
they ran through the tests—checking his reflexes, his coordination, asking him questions to assess his memory and cognition. jude answered as best he could, but his focus kept drifting back to y/n. he hated that she was so distant, that she wouldn’t even look at him. it hurt more than the injury itself.
“he’s going to be okay, right?” denise asked one of the medics, her voice trembling slightly.
“we’re running all the necessary tests, mrs. bellingham,” the medic replied calmly, “but so far, everything looks stable. we’ll have a better idea once we review the scans.”
jude’s parents exchanged a worried glance, but denise nodded, trying to stay strong. jobe looked over at jude, his young face pale with concern.
“you’ll be fine, jude,” jobe said softly, trying to sound confident, though his voice wavered just a bit.
jude managed a small smile, wanting to reassure his brother, but the heaviness in his chest remained. when the tests were finally over, his mom asked if he needed help getting home, and mark added, “we can get you settled in, jude. don’t worry about anything.”
“actually,” denise said, glancing over at y/n, “maybe y/n could take you home? you two spend a lot of time together, and she knows how to take care of you.”
the room seemed to freeze at that suggestion, the tension thickening. jude saw the way y/n stiffened at his mom’s words, how she hesitated before nodding, still refusing to meet his eyes.
“yeah… sure. i’ll take him home,” y/n said quietly, her voice tinged with something jude couldn’t quite place.
jude watched as y/n carefully checked his vitals, her fingers deftly adjusting the blood pressure cuff around his arm. even in her quiet, focused state, she was breathtaking. he couldn’t help but study her—how the light caught in her braids, the way her brows furrowed in concentration, and how every now and then, her lips would press into a thin line, as if she was holding something back. he knew she was upset with him, and it pained him more than the throbbing in his head.
he thought back to earlier, to how her distance had been like a wall between them, and how badly he wanted to break through it. it wasn’t just that she was pulling back; it was the way she did it, so carefully and deliberately, as if she was trying to protect herself from him. it killed him to think that his actions had made her feel this way, that he’d been the cause of her worry, of her pain. he’d been reckless, and now she was paying the price for it.
“baby,” he whispered, the word slipping out before he could stop it.
y/n froze at the sound of his voice, her hand stilling on his arm. for a moment, she didn’t move, and jude’s heart sank, fearing that he’d overstepped, that he’d made things worse. but then she looked up at him, her eyes filled with unshed tears, and jude felt his heart crack open.
“why are you crying?” he asked gently, reaching out to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped.
y/n shook her head, her breath hitching as she tried to find the right words. “i’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “i’m sorry for being so distant… it’s just—” she paused, taking a shaky breath, her eyes glistening as she continued, “the replay looked so bad, jude. i thought you had a brain injury, or worse… and i couldn’t stop thinking about what could’ve happened to you.”
jude’s heart ached at her words, at the raw emotion in her voice. he could see how much she was struggling, how much this had affected her, and it made him feel even worse for having been the cause of it. he shushed her gently, his hand moving to cradle her face, trying to offer her some comfort.
“hey, i’m okay,” he murmured, guiding her hand to his cheek so she could feel the warmth of him, the steady beat of his pulse beneath her fingers. “i’m right here, love. i’m okay.”
y/n let out a shaky breath, leaning into his touch as she continued, her voice barely above a whisper. “it’s just… i feel it every time you go out there, every time you risk your body like that. and today, seeing you go down like that… it scared me so much. i couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.”
her voice cracked, and jude could see how much she was holding back, how hard she was trying to keep it together. he wanted to pull her into his arms, to tell her everything was going to be okay, but he knew she needed to get this out, to say what was on her heart.
“it’s not just today, jude,” she went on, her voice trembling with emotion. “i think… i think i’ve always felt this way, even before i realized it. it’s like, every time i see you, my heart just… it does this thing where it skips a beat, and i can hardly breath. i try to ignore it, but i can’t.”
she paused, her breath hitching as she tried to gather her courage. jude held his breath, sensing that she was about to say something that would change everything between them.
“i love you,” she finally confessed, the words spilling out in a rush of emotion. “i’m in love with you, jude. i’ve probably always loved you… from the moment i laid eyes on you, you just… you never left me alone. no matter how much i tried to keep things professional, to keep my distance, you kept finding ways to break through. and i’m scared, jude. i’m so scared of what this means, of what could happen… but i can’t ignore it anymore. i love you, jude.”
the weight of her words hung in the air between them, heavy and full of meaning. jude felt his heart swell with emotion, a rush of warmth flooding through him at her confession. she loved him. she loved him. it was everything he’d ever wanted to hear, everything he’d been hoping for since the moment he first saw her.
he pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight, as if he could protect her from all the fears and uncertainties that were swirling around them. “i love you too,” he whispered into her hair, his voice thick with emotion. “i’ve loved you since that day you took care of me when i was sick… maybe even before that. you’re everything to me, y/n. everything.”
she clung to him, her breath hitching as she tried to process the magnitude of what they’d just shared. jude pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes closing as he breathed her in, the scent of her hair, the warmth of her skin. he’d been so scared of losing her, so afraid that he’d pushed her too far, but now… now everything felt right.
“i’m sorry i scared you,” he murmured, his voice low and sincere. “i never want to make you worry like that again. but i promise you, y/n, i’ll always do my best to come back to you. always.”
y/n nodded, her tears slipping down her cheeks as she held onto him, her heart finally at peace. “i know,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. “i know, jude. and i’ll always be here for you. no matter what.”
they stayed like that for a long moment, wrapped up in each other, the world outside fading away until it was just the two of them in that room, together. for the first time in what felt like forever, everything was exactly as it should be. they had each other, and that was all that mattered.
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the morning light streamed through the curtains of y/n’s bedroom, casting a warm glow on the space as jude slowly blinked awake. the memories of last night still lingered in the air between them—soft confessions of love that had left them both feeling light and warm, a tenderness that neither of them could shake off.
jude turned his head, eyes landing on y/n, who was already up and dressed, fussing with something at her bedside table. he couldn’t help but smile as he watched her, still wrapped up in her oversized t-shirt that he had insisted she wear—one of his favorites that practically swallowed her whole, the hem brushing the tops of her thighs. she was gorgeous, and he felt a twinge of guilt for making her worry so much yesterday, the fear in her eyes when he’d gotten hurt replaying in his mind.
“good morning, mi amor,” she said softly, noticing he was awake. the endearment slipped easily from her lips, a habit she hadn’t quite realized she’d picked up. she leaned over, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, mindful of his injury. “how are you feeling?”
“better,” jude replied, his voice still thick with sleep. “could get used to waking up like this.”
y/n smiled, brushing a hand through his curls, and for a moment, they both just enjoyed the quiet intimacy of the morning.
but jude, ever the tease, wasn’t content with just that. he slid his hand to the back of her knee, tugging her gently closer. “you know, you could make me feel even better if you come back to bed…”
she rolled her eyes playfully, swatting his hand away. “nice try, bellingham. doctor’s orders—no physical activity that could aggravate your head, and that includes whatever you’re trying to start.”
jude groaned dramatically, flopping back against the pillows. “stop teasing me, baby. you can’t just look all sexy in my shirt and then not let me touch you.”
“i’m not teasing you,” y/n shot back, trying to hide her smile. “i’m just trying to keep you safe, you big baby. besides, i’m not the one who decided to start a fight on the pitch.”
“i wasn’t fighting,” jude mumbled, though he knew it was a weak defense. “just... heated discussions.”
“uh-huh,” she said, not buying it for a second. “well, heated discussions or not, you’re under my care now, so no funny business. doctor’s orders.”
jude pouted, but he knew she was right. still, it didn’t stop him from reaching out to grab her wrist, pulling her down onto the bed beside him. “just five more minutes, please?” he pleaded, his voice low and sweet, the kind of tone that made it hard for her to resist.
“five minutes,” y/n relented, settling beside him and letting him pull her close. she felt his warmth seep into her, and despite her better judgment, she let herself relax into him, her head resting on his chest. “but no funny business.”
“promise,” jude murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. he felt her sigh against him, her breath warm against his skin, and for a moment, everything felt right in the world.
as they lay there, the lightness of their confession still hanging between them, jude couldn’t help but think about how much he adored her, how every little thing she did seemed to make him fall even harder. the way she fussed over him, how she was constantly updating his family on his condition, how she’d made sure he was as comfortable as possible—he loved every bit of it.
he especially loved how close she was with his mum. every time y/n picked up her phone to send another update, jude couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. knowing that his family trusted her, that his mum was reassured by her care, made his heart swell.
“i like that you and my mum are close,” jude admitted quietly, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her arm. “makes me so happy.”
“she’s wonderful,” y/n said, tilting her head to look up at him. “and she cares about you so much. i’m just glad i can help ease her worries a bit.”
“she likes you, you know,” jude said, his voice teasing. “she keeps asking me when i’m gonna make an honest woman out of you.”
y/n laughed softly, but she couldn’t help the flutter in her chest at his words. “oh, is that so? and what did you tell her?”
“told her that you’re mine, and that’s all that matters,” he replied with a grin, pulling her closer. “but don’t worry, baby. i’ll work on the ‘honest woman’ part.”
she blushed, the implications of his words making her heart race. “you better, my mom and aunties have the wedding already planned. you can’t put a price on me, mr. bellingham. do you think you deserve me?”
“i know i do because you love me. no other man could take care of you like i can,” jude shot back, a playful glint in his eyes.
y/n rolled her eyes again, but she couldn’t hide her smile. “yeah, yeah. now, let me check your head before you get any more ideas.”
“always so bossy,” jude teased, though there was no bite to his words. “turns me on.”
y/n huffed a laugh, gently moving his face away with a light shove. “don’t even start,” she said, though she couldn’t help the fondness in her voice. “you’re supposed to be resting.”
“i am resting,” he protested, catching her hand in his. “just resting better now that you’re here.”
y/n shook her head, a soft smile playing on her lips. “you’re lucky you’re cute,” she muttered, leaning down to brush her lips against his once more. “now behave, or i’ll have to call your mum and tell her you’re being difficult.”
“you wouldn’t dare,” jude gasped, feigning shock.
“try me,” she shot back, smirking as she sat up to check his bandage. “now, sit still, or i’ll add ‘uncooperative patient’ to my report.”
jude couldn’t help but laugh, loving how easily they fell into this playful banter. the way she cared for him, how she balanced between strict and loving—it made him fall even more for her. and as they spent the day together, with her tending to his every need and him trying to push her buttons just enough to get a reaction, jude couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, he could get used to this—a life where they shared these little moments, where she was always there to look after him, to keep him in line, to love him the way she did.
and as the day drew on, with the light fading and the warmth of their shared confessions still lingering, jude found himself feeling more content than he ever had. because in her, he had found everything he’d ever wanted—someone who challenged him, cared for him, and loved him with a heart so pure and true that he couldn’t help but love her back just as fiercely.
and for jude, that was more than enough.
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the next day, y/n’s place was a full house. jude had a bit of time off to recover, and it seemed like everyone wanted to pitch in, making sure he got better. the sun streamed through the windows, filling the space with warmth as laughter echoed off the walls. y/n’s mom had arrived early, her arms full of groceries and herbal remedies she swore would have jude back on his feet in no time.
denise, jude’s mom, wasn’t far behind, bringing homemade soup that she claimed was a family secret for healing. it didn’t take long for y/n’s mom and denise to strike up a conversation, the two women instantly connecting as they compared notes on how to best take care of their kids. y/n watched them from the kitchen, her heart swelling with affection at how easily they got along. it felt right, having both families together like this.
jude, seated on the couch, couldn’t help but smile as he observed the scene. the sight of y/n moving around her home, effortlessly playing hostess, made him feel a sense of contentment he hadn’t known he needed. he loved seeing her like this, surrounded by the people she loved, comfortable in her own space. and it didn’t hurt that she kept sneaking glances his way, her eyes soft with affection every time they met his.
“hey auntie,” jude called out with a grin when y/n’s mom entered the living room, holding up a jar of some mystery concoction. “what’s that you’ve got there?”
y/n’s mom shot him a mock-serious look, her lips twitching with amusement. “this, my child, is going to help you heal faster than anything those doctors can give you.”
jude chuckled, holding up his hands in surrender. “i believe you, auntie. if it means getting better faster, i’m all for it.”
she finally cracked a smile, her eyes warm as she looked at him. “that’s what i like to hear. now, i know denise here has her soup, but you’re going to take this too. we’ve got to get you back on that pitch, don’t we?”
“yes, ma’am,” jude replied, his tone respectful, but there was a playful glint in his eyes. “you’re the boss.”
“good boy,” she said, patting his shoulder affectionately before turning to y/n. “and you, my beautiful daughter, make sure he takes this every morning. no slacking, got it?”
y/n nodded, trying to suppress her grin. “yes, mama. i’ll make sure of it.”
meanwhile, jobe and y/n’s brother, mateo, were deep in conversation on the other side of the room. they’d hit it off immediately, both sharing a love for football and an endless supply of banter.
“so, how’s it feel to be the little brother of a superstar?” mateo teased, nudging jobe with his elbow.
jobe rolled his eyes, but there was a fond smile on his face. “it’s not too bad, i guess. but don’t tell jude i said that. his ego’s big enough as it is.”
mateo laughed, clapping jobe on the back. “don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. besides, i’m pretty sure he knows it already.”
“oh, he definitely does,” jobe said, glancing over at his brother. “but you know what? he deserves it. he’s worked hard to get where he is.”
“true,” mateo agreed, his tone more serious now. “and from what i’ve seen, he’s a good guy too. you’re lucky to have him as a brother.”
jobe nodded, a small smile on his lips. “yeah, i am. and it’s nice to see him happy, you know? especially with y/n. she’s good for him.”
mateo glanced over at his sister, who was now standing with jude, both of them laughing at something y/n’s mom had said. “yeah, she is,” he said softly, his voice filled with affection. “they’re good for each other.”
as the day went on, the house was filled with warmth and laughter. y/n’s mom continued to fuss over jude, making sure he was comfortable and well-fed. denise joined in, the two women bonding over their shared love for their children and their determination to see jude back to full health.
“you know, jude,” y/n’s mom said at one point, sitting beside him on the couch, “you’re like a son to me now. you take care of my daughter, and we’ll take care of you.”
jude felt a lump form in his throat at her words, the sincerity in her tone hitting him right in the chest. “thank you, auntie,” he said quietly, his voice thick with emotion. “that means a lot to me.”
she reached out, patting his cheek with a motherly affection that made him feel warm all over. “you’re a good boy, jude. we’re lucky to have you in our family.”
he smiled at that, his heart swelling with gratitude. “i’m the lucky one,” he murmured, his eyes meeting y/n’s across the room. she smiled back at him, her eyes filled with so much love it made his chest tighten.
“he really is,” denise chimed in, her voice light and full of pride. “and we’re so grateful to have y/n in his life. she’s been nothing but a blessing.”
“oh, don’t get me started on how much i love that girl,” y/n’s mom said with a laugh. “she’s always been the best of us.”
jude listened to them talk, his heart so full it felt like it might burst. he loved that their families were coming together like this, that the people he cared about most were finding comfort and companionship in each other. it made everything feel more real, more solid. like they were building something that would last.
as the afternoon wore on, the atmosphere remained light and filled with love. y/n’s mom kept him supplied with tea and herbal remedies, while denise made sure he had everything else he needed. jobe and mateo continued their banter, occasionally roping jude in when they needed a third opinion on whatever argument they were having.
the warm hum of conversation filled y/n's living room as their families mingled effortlessly, laughter spilling into the air. y/n sat nestled comfortably beside jude, his arm slung lazily over her shoulders as they watched their families interact like they’d known each other for years. her mom and denise were in the kitchen, bonding over cooking tips, while her brothers hovered around the snack table, throwing sly glances her way every now and then.
carlos, always the one to start trouble, leaned back with a mischievous smirk. “so jude, be honest,” he called out, loud enough to grab everyone’s attention. “are you tired of how bossy y/n is? how many times has she told you what to do?”
mateo snickered beside him, chiming in. “yeah, man, because we know y/n—she’s always telling us off.”
without missing a beat, jude grinned, a cheeky glint in his eye. “oh, trust me,” he said, voice dropping suggestively, “i don’t mind her bossing me around… especially when—”
y/n’s eyes widened in horror as she shot up from the couch, grabbing at jude’s arm. “don't you dare finish that sentence,” she groaned, trying to pull away, but he only laughed, dragging her back down to his side with ease, planting a soft kiss on her cheek, to which y/n met with a playful sideways glance.
“what? i was just being honest,” he teased, his voice low but full of amusement.
her brothers looked visibly disgusted. alejandro covered his face with his hand. "we don’t need to know what happens behind closed doors, man.”
mateo pointed at them both, face scrunched in mock disgust. “yeah, no one wants to hear about our baby sister doing… whatever that is.”
“seriously, pack it up,” carlos added, shaking his head. “this is a family gathering, not… whatever this is.”
y/n groaned, burying her face in her hands. “you’re all so dramatic.”
“seriously,” jude added with a smirk, pulling her closer. “it’s just because i’m the only one here who knows how to keep a woman like y/n happy.”
y/n's eyes widened as she pinched his side, hissing under her breath. “jude, shut up or i'll kill you!”
“what?” jude laughed, leaning down to kiss her cheek. “it’s the truth.”
“god, jude,” mateo groaned, dramatically covering his face. “that’s so corny. i think i just threw up in my mouth a little.”
alejandro waved a hand in front of his face. “someone send this boy back to england. we get it, you’re obsessed with my sister.”
jude only laughed harder, leaning into the joke. “what can i say? i’m a man in love.”
carlos pretended to gag. “pack it up, hermano. we don’t need to see all that.”
alejandro shook his head, feigning disgust. “we’ll be fine without my baby sister getting mounted by her boyfriend infront of us, thanks. but really, y/n—how did you manage to do this to a man. he's too soft. it's disgusting.”
“right?” mateo agreed. “this dude was supposed to be cool. now he’s all… whipped.”
jude just laughed, squeezing her affectionately. “hey, i was always a charmer. i won you guys over, didn’t i?”
“please. just stop speaking,” mateo groaned again, holding up his hands as if to ward off more cheesiness. “i beg of you.”
y/n rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small smile on her lips. despite the relentless teasing, she knew how much her brothers cared about her, and seeing how easily jude fit into their dynamic made her heart swell.
their banter continued, the playful teasing bouncing back and forth, but through it all, y/n couldn’t help but feel a warmth settle in her chest. despite the jokes and teasing, it was clear how much her brothers cared—not just for her, but for jude too. and seeing their two families blend so seamlessly made her heart swell with happiness.
as the day drew to a close, y/n found herself sitting beside jude on the couch, his arm draped casually over her shoulders. she leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder as they watched jobe and mateo argue about something trivial. her mom and denise were in the kitchen, chatting and laughing like they’d known each other for years.
“if we get more days like this. i’ll die a happy man,” jude murmured, his voice soft in her ear.
“today was a good day,” y/n agreed, her voice just as quiet. “i’m glad everyone came together like this.”
“me too,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “i love you, y/n.”
she smiled, turning her head to look up at him. “i love you too, jude.”
and in that moment, with their families around them and the love they shared filling the room, everything felt perfect. they were building something real, something lasting. and y/n knew, without a doubt, that they were exactly where they were meant to be.
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the next morning, jude woke up with an idea. it was simple, but it felt like the right thing to do. after the whirlwind of the past few days—the stolen kisses, the moments they shared, and y/n taking care of him when he was sick—he knew she deserved something special. something that would show her just how much she meant to him without overwhelming her with words.
his plan came together quickly, thanks to her brothers and jobe, who were more than willing to help out. while y/n was busy at the training facility, working her usual long hours, they got to work.
later that evening, when y/n came home, jude was already waiting for her at the door, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous smile.
“what’s with that look?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him, already suspicious but curious.
he chuckled, reaching for her hand. “come with me. i’ve got a surprise for you.”
“another one? you’ve been full of surprises lately,” she teased, letting him gently pull her toward the car, her heart already racing a little with excitement. there was something about the way he held her hand, firm but soft, that made her feel like whatever he had planned would be unforgettable.
they drove through the city, the setting sun casting a soft golden glow over madrid’s streets. slowly, the cityscape gave way to quieter roads, the urban sprawl replaced by the peaceful, open stretch toward the coast. y/n glanced at jude, who was focused on the road but never let go of her hand. her mind was buzzing, trying to piece together what he was planning, but her heart told her to simply trust him. whatever it was, it was going to be special.
after a while, jude pulled up to a secluded beach just outside the city. the gentle sound of waves greeted them as they stepped out of the car, the salty air filling their lungs. the beach was completely empty except for one beautiful setup by the shore—a large canopy draped in soft white fabric, twinkling fairy lights strung across the top, with a low table set for two underneath. candles flickered gently in the evening breeze, and a cozy arrangement of blankets and cushions were scattered across the sand.
y/n’s jaw dropped. “jude… what is this?”
“i wanted to do something for you,” he said softly, stepping closer to her. “you’ve done so much for me. taking care of me, introducing me to your family… i wanted to make tonight about you. no distractions, just us. and your brothers—alejandro, matteo, and carlos and jobe helped me out.”
her heart melted at the thought. she looked around the beach, overwhelmed by how thoughtful it all was. “this is… this is incredible,” she whispered.
“you deserve it,” he said, his voice gentle as he took her hand again, leading her down toward the canopy. “come on, let’s eat.”
as they sat under the glow of the fairy lights, the waves lapping quietly at the shore, jude couldn’t stop watching her. the way her eyes sparkled as she took everything in, the soft smile that never left her lips—it made his heart swell. this was it. this was where he wanted to be, with her, always.
“you really went all out for this,” y/n murmured, brushing her hand across the soft blanket beneath her.
“well, i had some help,” jude chuckled. “alejandro’s got a real eye for this kind of thing. matteo and carlos handled the heavy lifting, and jobe… well, he mostly just took notes for when it’s his turn.”
y/n laughed, the sound like music to jude’s ears. “i can’t believe you got them to do all this without me noticing.”
jude shrugged, grinning. “they love you. and i may have told them it was payback for you taking care of me when i was sick.”
her smile widened, her heart swelling even more at the thought of her brothers working with jude to make this night so special for her. “they’re going to lord this over me forever, you know. especially alejandro.”
jude leaned back, a teasing glint in his eyes. “oh, he did say something about being ‘the best brother ever,’ but honestly? i think he’s just happy to see you happy.”
y/n’s chest tightened with emotion. her brothers and jude—these were the people who mattered most to her. to see them come together like this, to make her feel so loved, so cherished, it was overwhelming in the best way possible.
they ate, laughed, and talked for hours, their conversation flowing easily as the stars twinkled overhead. the world around them grew quieter, as if the night itself was making room for just the two of them. at one point, jude reached across the table, taking her hand, his thumb gently tracing circles over her knuckles.
“i’ve never had anything like this before,” he said quietly, his voice thoughtful.
y/n looked up from her plate, her brow furrowing slightly. “like what?”
“this,” jude said, gesturing vaguely at the beach setup, but meaning so much more. “family. love. everything coming together the way it has. it’s like… everything’s falling into place.”
y/n’s heart skipped a beat, her throat suddenly tight with emotion. she could see it in his eyes—the vulnerability, the sincerity behind his words. he wasn’t just talking about the night. he was talking about her, about them. about everything they’d been building together. and in that moment, it felt like the last piece of her heart finally clicked into place.
“me too,” she whispered, her voice catching slightly. “after everything with javier… i never thought i’d feel safe again. but with you, i do.”
jude’s hand tightened around hers, his eyes never leaving hers as he moved closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “you are safe with me,” he murmured against her temple. “always.”
y/n closed her eyes, sinking into the warmth of him, the steady beat of his heart against her cheek. this was it. this was everything. and when jude leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
when they pulled away, her eyes met his, and for a second, everything else fell away. it was just them, under the stars, with the sound of the ocean in the background.
“i love you,” she whispered, her voice soft but steady.
jude’s eyes lit up, his smile spreading slowly across his face. “i love you too, baby. you’re my everything.”
y/n’s heart swelled with a deep, unspoken gratitude. her brothers were her world, and jude, knowing how much they meant to her, had woven them into this moment effortlessly. it was more than she could ever ask for, more than she could ever express. how does he do it? how does he always make everything feel so right?
as a comfortable silence settled between them, the waves crashing softly against the shore, a playful thought popped into y/n’s mind. she glanced at jude, her lips curving into a mischievous smile as she stood, slowly stepping towards him with an unmistakable intent in her eyes.
jude’s brow quirked up, a smirk tugging at his lips. “and what do you think you’re doing?” he teased, already sensing where this was going.
y/n settled onto his lap, her legs on either side of his hips, hands lightly resting on his chest. she leaned in, her lips just inches from his. “we’re alone,” she whispered coyly, her breath warm against his skin. “and as your team doctor... i think you’re officially cleared for physical activity.”
jude's eyes darkened with playful intent, his hands instinctively finding her hips, thumbs grazing her skin in soft, deliberate circles. “yeah? what’d you have in mind?” his voice was low, dripping with that teasing challenge that always made her heart race.
without another word, she closed the distance between them, her lips capturing his in a slow, deep kiss that left no room for questions. her fingers trailed up to cup his jaw, pulling him closer as if the entire world had fallen away, leaving just the two of them beneath the starlit sky.
jude responded immediately, his hands tightening their grip, pulling her impossibly closer until there was nothing between them but the warmth of their bodies and the shared rhythm of their heartbeats. time felt like it stood still, the only thing that mattered was the way she made him feel—like he was exactly where he was supposed to be.
when they finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, jude's lips quirked into a crooked grin. “you'll have to clear me like that everytime, baby,” he teased, his voice a husky rumble that sent a shiver down her spine.
y/n bit her lip, her gaze still playful as her fingers traced the line of his jaw. “well, i take my job very seriously.”
he let out a soft laugh, his hand moving up to gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “you make me crazy, you know that?” his tone was teasing, but there was a depth behind it, a weight to the words that made her heart squeeze with affection.
she stared into his eyes, her heart swelling with a sudden rush of emotion she couldn’t hold back any longer. “i love you, jude,” she whispered softly, her voice barely above a breath but carrying all the weight of her feelings.
his teasing smile softened into something tender as he leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “i love you too, y/n,” he whispered back, his arms wrapping tighter around her as though he never wanted to let her go. “more than anything.”
they sat there, wrapped up in each other, the sound of the ocean serenading their quiet moment, and for y/n, there was no doubt in her mind—this, right here, was exactly where she was meant to be.
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taglist — @sinners-98-world @stephiii29 @kcharlyy @landosgirlxoxo @judesthighveins @ilovelifes-world @cinderellawithashoe @imnyt @miniemonie2001 @lunamelona @treble-snot
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dontexpectmuch · 4 months
next to you - chris brown ft. justin bieber.
you will always stay by his side, even when one day the sky comes falling down.
you two have always dreamed of this moment, picturing any possible scenario of this exact outcome.
jude always told you how far away this dream of his seemed, how winning the champions league is not something everyone can witness. he told you many times that it was one of his biggest dreams ever since he was just a little boy. smiling at you as you laid in his arms, jude promised you to win it one day, not only for himself, but also for you, the one thatt always stayed by his side and helped him get through the toughest times during his career.
i pray to god everyday, that you keep that smile.
those times now feel like a distant dream, a memory that you cherish to visit whenever you think of jude and your past relationship. everything was perfect, the two of you fit together like nothing else.
but you were also young, naīve and insecure. being together with one of the best youngsters, who also happened to be quite handsome came with many difficulties that you did not know about before. jude always tried to remind you of how you were the only one for him, his dream person and the one he would go any length for.
you are my dream, there’s not a thing i won’t do, i’ll give my life up for you. ‘cause you are my dream.
even though you were mentally prepared, the break up still hurt like hell. it was a mutual decision, jude no longer wanted to keep you hurting with all the attention he got due to bis rising popularity. and you could no longer handle all the mean comments made about you inline day by day. silent tears and desperation between your words filled the air as you got up to pack your things you had brought for the weekend. his parents and brother were gone and you wanted to spend some alone time together before he got busy again.
the tension was thick, no one dares to say anything, unsure of what to do next. your heart was beating so loud that your ears started to hurt, you felt hot and cold and your hands were shaking as you put the last piece inside your bag. shouldering it you moved to the front door, looking back one last time before leaving your now ex boyfriend, probably for ever.
jude sat down on the couch in the living room, blankly staring at the floor. he promised you to stay next to you no matter what, and now he feels angry at himself for not keeping this promise. his heart feels like it is being poked by a dagger over and over again. yet it would not pierce through, not granting him any kind of relief from this immense feeling of pain and loss.
i’ll be there when you’re insecure, let you know that you’re always lovely, ‘cause you are the only thing that i got right now.
now it has been a year since the last time he got to hold you, bury his nose in your hair and close his eyes in the comfort of his own bed.
it has been a year full of ups and downs, important decisions and big changes. he finally made his dream come true by signing for real madrid. he played one of his best, if not the best, season of his life and met incredible people and players who helped him improve a lot.
the best part of this year definitely is hearing the final whistle of the match, signaling that he indeed won his very first champions league match against his former club. the cheers around him, from both the fans and his teammates filled his ears as he fell down to his knees, his heart racing against his chest. tears sting his eyes as he slowly realized what actually just had happened. he fulfilled one of his biggest childhood dreams. not only that, but he also was able to do this while his parents and brother were watching him.
you were also there, he knew.
of course you were, you promised him that you would be there for him if he was ever reaching the final. you texted him first, congratulating him when he won the semi-final.
one day, when the sky is fallin’, i’ll be standing right next to you, right next to you.
he offered you tickets to watch him play, alongside his family like the old times. you wanted to decline, though jude was very stubborn and even told his mother to tell you that you have to accept his offer, which you then did after denise talked to you.
your eyes were following him as he walks towards were you and his family were standing, gold medal adoring his neck, his smile reaching his ears and eyes shining bright. you feel yourself smiling as well, happy for him as if you had one the league yourself.
his family let you know that they are going down to meet him, asking if you wanted to tag along, which you politely declined. you didn’t want to be seen next to him, if you were honest. the past comments about you back then still haunted you at times. you were happy with just watching him enjoy his time, past feelings for him resurfacing.
your eyes meet, he just stands there, his arms hanging by his side as he look at you intensely. you mirrored his gaze, taking in his muscular body. he was still the same jude that you fell for all those years ago, just more mature and handsome. he was still the same jude you dreamed of the past year, the one whose pictures you looked at when you deeply missed his presence in your day.
his gaze softened, and he took a step forward, as if wanting to get closer to you.
nothing will ever come between us, ‘cause i’ll be standing right next to you, right next to you.
he came to a halt when jobe jumped on him, arms around his neck and shoulders as he congratulated his elder brother. judes gaze went to him, his smile widening even more if that was possible as he returned his brothers hug. his parents also hugged him, the family shared their happiness together on the field.
you smiled at that sight, remembering the times when you were part of their group hugs.
seeing him win was all you wanted, and now that you did, you decide it is finally time for you to leave. you had a long way back home and wanted to go to bed as soon as possible. so, without any further delay, you turn around and leave the stadium, carefully trying not to bump into any cheering fans.
and with your back turned away at the field, you do not see judes desperate eyes following your body, wishing that you were also here to celebrate with him.
i’ll be there, i’ll be there.
happy for jude! so a cute drabble for you! comments are appreciated 🥹
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digitaldiarystuff · 4 months
Enemies Forever
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soo this is something i’ve had in mind since the el clasico and hope you enjoyyy💖 and please comment on it that really helps me a lot xx
pairing: Jude Bellingham x Y/N
genre: angst
summary: you are a famous actress in Spain and a die hard barca fan. You unfortunately were also in a situationship with the Real superstar Jude Bellingham but try your best to not let it get serious
It was an intense match, to say the least. You were at the stands watching with so much anticipation you didn’t even realize the crowd filming you. It wasn’t the easiest being recognized everywhere you went but most importantly you didn’t want to steal the spotlight from what mattered the most, FC Barcelona.
You were raised as a fan religiously by your dad all your childhood, every match day was a chaos while all your close family friends and relatives came to your house and there was always a big feast before or after but never during the game. He even wanted to name you after the squad of Barca but luckily your mother intervened and named you something cuter so it was not a surprise to anyone that you were a big supporter. You were filming a series in Madrid as a young and successful actress so the game being held in Madrid was in your advantage for once. You always talked on interviews about your love for the club and went as far as being one of their models for a campaign last year which was a lifelong dream for you. And now, here you were anxiously watching the game against Real Madrid at Bernabeu VIP section with your Lewa shirt on. You decided wearing a youngsters shirt would cause so much more trouble even though you basically had all of them.
The game was head to head and it seemed like there would be room for another goal and it really happened, just not the way you wanted it to be. Bellingham scored right after the 90 minutes mark and everyone started screaming whilst you were devastated. With Fermin’s goal you really had hope for a win and since the season wasn’t going that well everyone needed it but it all came crashing down with a stupid goal from a stupid Madrid player.
Jude Bellingham.
You hated the way he celebrated rallying the fans further, you hated that he provoked everyone and anyone and most of all you hated him for scoring against your team. You and Jude had a complicated relationship, it was actually a few days after the first clasico at a prestigious night club in Madrid that you bumped into each other. You were seething with anger because a few days ago he crushed your hopes, again but he didn’t seem too concerned about your anger. In fact he looked like he enjoyed watching you try to shoot daggers at him and even had the audacity to come up to you late at night while you were completely wasted.
You sometimes wished that the story ended there, he came up to you and tried to flirt but you told him no way and walked away. But it didn’t. In fact, you and Jude had been meeting up pretty frequently over the last months and playing football definitely wasn’t his only talent. At first you told yourself it was all out of hatred, you did it because you were angry at him. In the morning you quickly dressed up and told him your team would be in contact to sign the non disclosure agreement and left in a hurry not even speaking to him properly. It was a shameful act but it was just a one night stand, right? Then came the second time you met, it was at your costar’s house party where only a few people were invited and he had to be one of them. Jude came up to you talking loudly about how your show helps him get better at Spanish and all this bullshit to throw any eavesdroppers off.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you asked him with furrowed brows “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to leave the house unless I had your approval. I also didn’t know we were getting that serious.” he winked and smiled but all you could feel was panic and frustration.
“No, it’s not what I- We’re nothing. No in fact we aren’t nothing, we’re rivals and we despise each other.” you stated pointing your finger at him but he just watched your poor attempt of scolding him with a boyish grin on his face.
That’s how you ended up sleeping with him the second time and the next morning tried your best to escape without him waking up but he beat you to it.
“Where are you going?” he mumbled in a deep voice as you were walking out on him.
“I have a scene to shoot this afternoon.” you lied without looking at his face.
“It’s only 7” he answered back as he reached for his phone on the nightstand.
“I know.” you said still refusing to turn back but soon heard shuffling and felt his arms reach around you and pull you in a hug. You stiffened in his touch, not sure what to expect.
“Why are you trying so hard to hate me?” he leaned his head on your shoulder trying to get a look at you but you turned your head slightly.
You were caught off guard by his question.
“I’m not trying.” you confidently answered using your acting skills. “I just do”
He sighed loudly and freed you.
“So let me get this straight, this, this whole thing we did last night, it’s all out of hate? I hope all the Barca fans who hate me won’t request the same treatment.” he joked you and you felt your anger return immediately at the mention of your team.
“Yes, I hate you. I hate you and your club. This, us sleeping together a couple of times changes nothing in my eyes. It was just a drunken mistake.” you tried defending yourself but knew your excuse was weak since you didn’t even drink much last night in hopes that would prevent you from getting in his bed, which was proven not to be the case.
“Oh, c’mon Y/N you know this isn’t just being drunk and wanting to fuck anything that moves.”
“But it is.”
“But it’s not and you know it. Yes, that would explain the first time but the second one, that’s on you. Look I seriously can’t stop thinking about you and I don’t believe it when you say you don’t want anything with me.”
“You practically begged me.” you raised your voice being in disbelief about how he was trying to pin this on you and also deliberately ignoring his last statement but unfortunately, your heart rate was pretty damn affected by it.
“Yeah, I did because I’m not a coward who’s afraid of what people might think of me and there’s obviously something between us Last night you had every right to stop me but you didn’t. So stop with this bullshit.” he said also in a raised voice. You were too stunned to make a comeback so gathered all your belongings and left his place. He was an annoying guy, sure but what got to you the most was the fact that he was right. You had every chance to tell him to stop or leave you alone but there was something linking you to him. You felt it too but was pretty embarrassed by it. Jude tried calling out to you but you didn’t stop afraid of what might happen and walked to your car leaving his place.
After that it was calm for a while but with Jude, this is never a good sign.
Your inner voice was right and there he was, standing at your door at 2 am. He looked out of it, his eyes were hooded, his phone screen was cracked and he smelled like a luxurious liquor store.
“Jude, how did you-
“I asked Ines.” he explained before you finished your question which was a good sign, his brain still half worked.
“Why would she give you my home address this is so irresponsible, what if you were planning on killing me?” you panicked at your friend’s poor judgment but Jude found it amusing. He bit his lip in order to stop himself from giggling.
“What are you laughing at? Are you here to kill me?” you raised a brow being more annoyed at him now.
“I’m here to talk.” he immediately looked more serious but it only made you sweat.
“Talk about…” you trailed off hoping he’d finish the sentence for you.
“The global warming and its effects on the society.” he looked at you like you were dumb for even asking. “I’m here to talk about us.” he said when you flipped him off.
“Jude, there’s no us and you know it.”
“But I don’t know it Y/N, I really don’t because you try so hard to act like you don’t feel anything but I see it every time we’re together. The you hating me and being disgusted by me is all part of the act and I know it because whenever we touch it’s electricity.” he tried pleading with you but you were adamant about this being nothing important. You were just mortal enemies having hate sex.
“Jude, I think you’re just reading too much into it.” you finally said and saw his shoulders drop immediately. You knew you were lying, you felt it as much as he did, you couldn’t stop thinking about him either.
“S okay, I’m sorry to bother you.” he turned on his heels and started making his way down the stairs of your house but all you felt was panic. You tried your best to stay strong and not let these weird feelings get in the way of your brain but they did and you called out to him. He turned back when you asked if he wanted some water but both of you knew this had nothing to do with any beverage.
He came in that night and you started to talk, for the first time without you taking jabs at him for anything he said or him making stupid jokes. You expected the talk to be awkward and have stretched out silences but to your absolute surprise it happened so effortlessly.
You talked about your upbringings and families, jobs (yes you still gave him a hard time about being a Real Madrid player) and anything and everything. It felt so good to open up to someone about some of the things you found hard and he did the same. In fact, the night went so good that you asked him to join you in bed after a while and he held you while you slept. Needless to say it was probably the best sleep you’ve had in your adult life.
The next morning you woke up to see Jude cuddling to you like a koala and couldn’t help but smile to yourself. You wanted to make some breakfast so tried slowly getting out of his grasp but it only became stronger.
“I’m not letting you escape.” he murmured still half asleep.
“Jude, this is my house.” you laughed but he still didn’t budge.
“I want to make something to eat.” you whined hoping this would make him drop you but he just opened one eye and looked at you skeptically.
“Don’t you have a chef?”
“Oh, I’m sorry not all of us has that kind of money.” you retaliated and his face immediately turned pink as he thought you were offended.
“I- I didn’t mean it like-
“Relax, I’m messing with you. I do but she’s on a vacation.” you laughed but he stayed pouting so you figured a kiss would do the trick and it worked wonders.
This is how your past months were, secretly meeting up at one of your places, having dinner and basically doing most things couples do but without going out or having a title. He tried to have ‘the talk’ but you shut him down because it terrified you, you had strong feelings about him but decided it’d be better to sweep them under the rug and Jude, begrudgingly respected your decision.
But today was different, it was the el clasico and you couldn’t stand Jude at the moment. You were pretty convinced people could see the smoke coming out of your ears but didn’t care and hastily exited the stadium to go home. On the ride back you missed several texts and calls from Jude about where you were and when you finally checked them you didn’t bother to answer. He should know how mad you were right now and give you some space.
Unfortunately, that’s not the kind of man Jude Bellingham is. You were sure of it when you saw him standing at the door with a smug face and some chinese.
“I’m seriously not in the mood” you tried to shut the door because just seeing him made your blood boil.
“Aren’t you gonna congratulate me?” he laughed and you suddenly had an urge to strangle him but while you were staring at him in shock he made his way in.
“Jude, I said I’m not in the mood.” you reiterated but he was busy making himself comfortable on your couch. You stood in front of him while he looked up at you.
“Oh, come on, you can’t seriously be mad. This is my job Y/N.”
“And that was my team you scored against at the last minute.”
“What should have I done? Miss on purpose?” he looked at you like he was stating the obvious.
“I didn’t ask you to do anything on purpose, I’m just not in the mood for your teasing or gloating.” you motioned to the real madrid shirt he had on.
“How is this gloating? I literally came straight from the game? I didn’t have anything else clean.”
“Well yeah, it’s pissing me off.” you yelled.
“Y/N you need to understand I’m a professional footballer and I was just doing my job. It wasn’t anything personal.” he stated more calmly so you sat down next to him.
“And you need to understand it’s nothing personal too. I just can’t or won’t deal with a Madrid player right now… Or for a while.” you added with your hands in your hair and he raised an eyebrow.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know what it means.” you avoided his gaze.
“So you want to end this because I scored a goal.” he asked trying to remain calm but you could see his demeanor shift.
“Look, it was never going to work out anyway. We don’t have to make it a big deal.”
Now it was Jude’s turn to stand up angrily. He started shouting but you couldn’t even focus on the things he was saying, all you could think about was to wish you’ve never said all that. You didn’t even mean it but were just angry at the moment, maybe you wanted to hurt him just like he hurt you but you quickly realized breaking things off had effects on both of you. Jude stormed out after about two minutes of yelling, he looked so mad and defeated and you couldn’t help but blame yourself for hurting him.
This was for the best, you told yourself repeatedly. Maybe if you said it enough times it’d become the truth.
You woke up the next morning with a headache, not surprisingly. For a moment you reached over at Jude’s side to get some affection but was quickly reminded of last night’s events by the coldness of his side. Your heart ached and you felt so bad after seeing his state but couldn’t bring yourself to beg for his forgiveness. Maybe you should’ve done that, told him about all your fears and ask for a proper chance but couldn’t.
After taking a quick shower, you decided to check your phone. You wanted to do it the moment you woke up but was afraid there wouldn’t be any notifications from Jude. Not that you cared but still. And to nobody shock, there weren’t. You knew this would eventually happen. One day you’d push him too far and he’d leave you alone just like you told him multiple times but the thing you didn’t anticipate was him being the talk of the town. Well, you figured he’d be because of the game last night but it was actually for other reasons.
‘Jude Bellingham spotted leaving the club with an unknown woman after a magnificent goal’
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mapiforpresident · 7 months
Prompt 8 with Pina please!!
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Starlit Pitch Confessions
Claudia Pina x reader
warnings: slight angst
In the dimly lit locker room, the sound of water droplets echoed softly against the tiled walls as Claudia Pina stood under the shower, letting the warm spray cascade over her aching body. The match against Real Madrid had been grueling, emotions running high as the team pulled off the win in the 88th minute. But amidst the shouts of triumph and the cheers of the crowd, Claudia's heart felt heavy with an ache.
As she turned off the water and wrapped herself in a towel, memories of the past months flooded her mind. She recalled the stolen glances exchanged on the pitch, the laughter shared in the locker room, the moments of friendship that left her craving for more. Yet through it all, one thought remained constant, her longing for y/n.
For months, Claudia had kept her feelings buried deep within, afraid to acknowledge the growing affection that bloomed within her heart. She had watched from afar as y/n dominated on the field, her skill and determination captivating her every time. But beneath the admiration lay a longing, a yearning to be closer, and lay bare the emotions she dared not name.
And then, there were the nights like this one, when the weight of her unspoken feelings became too heavy to bear. She remembered the game, the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she fought alongside her teammates, her mind consumed by thoughts of the reader, just wanting to run up and hug her and be hugged in y/n's tight embrace. But as the final whistle blew and the cheers faded into silence, Claudia found herself alone in the locker room, tears stinging her eyes as she finally admitted to herself the depth of her longing.
"Hey, Claudia? Are you okay?"
The voice broke through her thoughts, and Claudia turned to see Alexia standing at the entrance, concern etched on her features. Without a word, Claudia collapsed into her arms, the dam breaking as she let out a sob she had been holding back for far too long.
"I... I can't do this anymore, Alexia," Claudia whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I can't keep pretending that everything's fine when... when it's not."
Alexia held her close, offering silent comfort as Claudia poured out her heart, her words a jumble of pain and longing. And as the tears continued to fall, Claudia felt a weight lift from her shoulders, the burden of her unspoken feelings finally laid bare in the safety of her Ale's embrace.
"You don't have to do this alone, Claudia," Alexia said softly, her voice a soothing balm to Claudia's wounded heart. "We're here for you, all of us. And who knows? Maybe it's time to tell her how you feel."
Claudia nodded, a flicker of hope igniting within her chest as she considered Alexia's words. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to take that leap of faith, to cast aside her fears and confess the love she had kept hidden for so long. And as she dried her tears and prepared to face the world outside.
A couple weeks later Claudia had asked y/n to hangout, saying Patri had ditched her to spend time with her girlfriend. Y/n could never say no to Claudia, but she didn't realize by hanging out Claudia meant sneaking into a locked Camp Nou.
The Camp Nou stadium was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, a tranquil ambiance enveloping the empty stands and the green pitch below. Amidst this serene setting, two figures sat on the edge of the field, their hearts heavy with unspoken words.
Y/n leaned back against the cool metal railing, stealing glances at Claudia Pina beside them. Her eyes were fixed on the stars scattered across the night sky, her expression a mixture of contemplation and longing.
"Beautiful night, isn't it?" y/n murmured, breaking the silence that hung between them.
Claudia nodded, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yeah, it is."
They sat in silence for a while longer, the weight of their unspoken feelings looming large in the air.
"I've been thinking," Claudia began, her voice barely above a whisper. "About us."
Y/n's heart skipped a beat, anticipation mingling with apprehension. "What about us?"
Claudia turned to face them, her gaze searching. "We've been friends for so long, and I cherish that more than anything. But lately, I've been feeling… something more."
Y/n's breath caught in their throat, the words hanging heavy in the air.
"I know what you mean," y/n admitted, her voice barely audible over the gentle rustle of the breeze. "I've been feeling the same way too."
Claudia's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of hope dancing in their depths. "You have?"
Y/n nodded, a rush of emotions surging through her. "Yeah. I've liked you for so long, Claudia. But I was too scared to say anything, afraid of ruining what we have."
Claudia reached out, gently taking y/n’s hand in hers. "I understand. I've been scared too. But maybe… maybe it's worth the risk."
Their hands intertwined, fingers lacing together in a silent promise. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they sat there, lost in each other's gaze.
And then, with a courage born of love and longing, y/n spoke the words they had been too afraid to say.
"I'm in love with you, Claudia."
Tears welled in Claudia's eyes, her heart overflowing with emotion. "I'm in love with you too, y/n."
Y/n leaned and kissed Claudia soft at first, but then more deeply as they both realized that they finally didn’t have to hide their feelings anymore.
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hi! it's me again, can I request a scenario where the manager is on a day off and visits a cafe and meets Sae's mother with him? and after getting along with each other Sae's mom told Sae to drive her home, and the paparazzi saw Sae with her hand on her waist and manager is wearing a sundress and started a new issue with her being pregnant and accepted into the family? I really loved how you wrote the misunderstandings and more rumors part. Thank you if you'd write this!
Author: At this point I might make a chapter where they are dating for real with how much of these rumors we made😭😭 thanks for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Marc! Come back here!" (Y/n) scolded as she held the redhead's hand tightly, glaring sternly at him.
"But aunty, it's so boring." The boy pouted as his free hand pulled on the girl's (f/c) dress. (Y/n) glare softened and she patted the boy's head.
"You just know I can't be mad at you, huh?"
"Yep! Because I am your favorite!" The boy nodded his head as he giggled when the man at the counter called their name.
"Our food is ready~" Marc cheered as he pulled (Y/n) along to get the food.
'He really is my favorite person.' (Y/n) agreed in her head.
"And then Itoshi scored the goal! Aunty, you really should have seem it. Nobody on PXG was ready for it! Even Itoshi #2 was left speechless." Marc talked about the last game Real Madrid and PXG had as he ate his fries, (Y/n) nodding along as she added a quick word here and there. She did watch some parts, but due to the hectic schedule in Bastard München she had, she wasn't able to watch all of it.
'It's kind of funny that he keeps calling Rin Itoshi #2."
"Really? And what was your favorite part?"
"Hmm... probably the part where Itoshi Sae scored the winning point! It was so fun-"
"Oh? Marc, (Y/n) I knew I heard someone familiar." The girl and Marc looked up, only to find Sae and a unfamiliar woman with dark green hair looking down at them.
"Ah Sae-san, you are back in Japan?" (Y/n) smiled as she got up from her seat to greet him while Marc immediately hugged the football player.
"You must be (Y/n)! I am so glad to finally meet you." The woman smiled as she moved past Sae and (Y/n) bowed.
"Yes, (L/n) (Y/n) it's nice to meet you ma'am."
"Same here, I am Sae and Rin's mom, Itoshi Minako. I heard a lot about you from my sons. Sae, she is much prettier in person, you were right." The woman smiled and looked at Sae, who had an embarrassed look while hugging Marc back.
"T-thank you, ma'am. Do you want to join us, the restaurant is pretty packed today?" (Y/n) offered, trying to get over the embarrassment while pointing at the two empty seats next to her and Marc.
"You don't have to-"
"That's a nice idea, thank you." Sae's mom nudged him and then looked down at Marc.
"And you must be Marc...we heard a lot about you." The woman chuckled nervously as the other two blushed, remembering the article that came out a while ago.
"Mhm! I am a huge fan of Itoshi! He is the best!" The boy grinned as the older woman started gushing over the cuteness.
They sat at the restaurant for the next hour or so and talked about random things. Sae gave Marc some tips and tricks as a beginner and the boy in return would ask him about his job. (Y/n) and Minako would look at them from time to time, finding the interaction adorable. Minako would then move to ask (Y/n) some questions about her job and her opinions about her sons, which (Y/n) found odd, but answered them regardless.
Minako's eyes had a strange look to them, Sae noted, and he could feel like something weird would happen soon.
"Well, Marc and I need to go now."
"Do you have anyone to pick you up? It's pretty late." Sae raised an eyebrow as (Y/n) put on Marc's jacket.
"Don't worry, Sae-san. I will call a taxi, my home isn't far away-"
"No, no. Sae will drive you two home." Minako interjected, causing Sae to look at his mom oddly, but flinched as he noticed her glare at him.
"There is really no need, Itoshi-san. Besides, you need to go home too-"
"I need to finish some shopping anyways, don't worry about me. Sae, doesn't mind it either." The said boy looked at (Y/n) and gulped, nodding his head in agreement.
"A-ah thank you so much... alright then, I will just go and call my brother to inform him, come on Marc."
(Y/n) smiled as she pulled the boy away. The two Itoshis watched them keenly before Sae turned to look at his mom.
"Why did you offer me, mom?"
"Didn't you tell me you liked (Y/n)?"
"Well yes, but-"
"No but, Sae. This is your chance to spend some extra time with her! Plus I love this girl already, I can't wait till I start picking wedding dresses with her~" the woman giggled as Sae's face turned red and shook his head.
"(Y/n) doesn't like me that way-"
"But you do, now try and make her to like you back. Ahhh~ I can't wait for the possible grandchildren."
"Grandchildren?!" Sae blushed even more, but didn't protest the idea much.
Once the two said goodbye to the older Itoshi woman, Sae escorted (Y/n) and Marc to his car and drew off. (Y/n) gave him the directions to her house, the two would talk about some random things, mainly about their jobs, with the occasional interjection from Marc. Soon tho the boy fell quiet and (Y/n) looked at the backseat, smiling softly.
"Ah~ he fell asleep. I guess all that walking and eating tired him out." The girl commented as Sae nodded his head.
"So your family is in Japan?"
"Yeah! Big brother wanted to visit his mom and for her to see Marc again, and my sister-in-law always liked summers here more than in Portugal." Sae nodded his head.
"So you two share the same father?"
"Mhm! He married my mom 5 years after his divorce to bug brother's." Sae noticed a sad look on the girl's face as she mentioned her mom, but decided to say nothing and switch the topic.
"Sorry if my mom jumped this idea onto you."
"Oh no! Not at all, I am just sorry that you had to bother yourself driving us here-"
"It's not a bother. I don't mind helping you. Besides, Marc is adorable when he talks about football, he seems passionate about it, more than I was at his age at least."
"He really is. He looks up to you and Isagi a lot, actually. It's always fun when he talks about a game of yours." (Y/n) smiled as Sae nodded his head.
"You sure you don't want me to carry him?" Sae asked as he held (Y/n)'s bags while she carried the sleeping boy out of the car.
"No Sae-san, you did honestly too much by now. Thank you so much again." (Y/n) smiled as the redhead stood silently for a moment, admiring her smile. Sae was about to speak up again, but someone clearing his throat behind them interrupted him.
"Anyways Itoshi, thank you for bringing my sister and son back, have a nice evening."
The two looked at a man, a few centimeters taller than Sae as he was glaring at him.
"Big brother! You are here already, I thought you were still at your mom's house." (Y/n) raised her eyebrow as Sae glared back at him.
"We had to cut the visit short since she wanted to visit you and dad as well. Come on now, she made your favorite cake." The (h/c)-haired man said as her took the bags out of Sae's hands and waited for (Y/n) to join him.
"Thanks again, Sae-san. Have a great evening!" (Y/n) smiled and the taller nodded his head. He watched the two walk towards the house and Sae couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Great, now I have to deal with an overprotective brother..." Sae sighed as he smiled and got into his car.
"(Y/n), he is perfect for you!" The red-haired woman, Isabella said as she took her son from her.
"You two were spying?!" She asked in disbelief while looking at her dad and the woman.
"A little..."
"Sis!" (Y/n) and her sister-in-law looked at the father and brother, who were fuming.
"He is too old for you." The father said.
"Isn't he like 2 months or so older than (Y/n)?" The Portuguese woman questioned.
"Too old, and he looks like a punk." The brother butted in and the two females looked at each other in disbelief.
"Aahhhh!!" The next morning screams were heard through the (L/n) household as (Y/n) and her brother ran to the kitchen.
"What is it?!"
"Is someone hurt?!" They looked around frantically around the room, only to find their father pale as a ghost and Isabella.
"(Y/n), you never told me Sae proposed to you! Look! It also says you are pregnant! I will become an aunt, oh my God!" Isabella said as she showed the two this morning's newspapers, crying as (Y/n) gulped at the rage her brother was radiating.
"He touched you!"
"He didn't, I swear we are just friends!!"
"Come on honey, (Y/n) is an adult now." Isabella protested as her brother shook his head.
"She is still a baby!"
"I hate my life..." (Y/n) groaned as she saw the picture of her and Sae leaving the restaurant yesterday.
"SAE ITOSHI!" Rin and the said boy flinched as they heard their mom's yells while their father stayed silent, eating his breakfast.
"Yes mom?" The redhead asked as his mom stormed into the kitchen, holding her phone.
"I am offended, happy, hurt and excited, all because of you." His mom cried as Rin and the father looked at each other.
"What happened? I didn't do anything, I swear." Sae defended himself.
"Clealry you did. Look at this, my own son. My own flesh and blood won't tell me got engaged. And that I will be a grandma soon! Is that why you wanted me to meet (Y/n) yesterday?!" Rin spat out his drink while their father looked at Sae in disbelief. The redhead took his mom's phone and read the article she was showing him.
"Mom... (Y/n) and I aren't engaged, I swear and that meet up was an accident-"
"Really? Because you look all cozy holding her waist, Sae you fucking backstabbing brother!" Rin yelled, enraged at the picture. Sae started shouting back as their father tried to shut them up. Meanwhile their mom took her phone back and dialed a number while sobbing.
"Hello? Mom? Did you read this morning's newspaper?"
The arguments became louder as Minako continued sobbing.
"Yes, my poor baby seems to be embarrassed to admit it, but the girl is such an angel. I met her yesterday, finally we can pass the heirloom onto a girl. Oh! I already know some places where I can take her wedding dress shopping!" The woman cheered as Rin chucked a glass at Sae, who dodged it.
"Are you out of your mind, Rin?!" Their father yelled.
"Ahh~ no, Rinnie is just excited to be getting a sister-in-law AND a nephew or niece, he just doesn't know how to express it."
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writtingsomestuff · 1 year
Hiii!! How are you? Can I ask for a jude request where both the reader and him go on Ridiculousness and it’s just all fluff and jokes, thanks anyway
Hi! You're so sweet for asking me how I am, sending you lots of love <3
I hope you like this imagine and also, I had to look up for "Ridiculousness" so, yeah I found the program.
Okay guys, I just wrote this on my hometown's bar and it's 3:00 am, and I'm finally going home. GOOD NIGHT!!!
A cute evening - Jude Bellingham
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gif not mine
Jude Bellingham x fem!reader Warnings: none ig
After a horrible year as a student, you knew that your dream of entering Oxford for a degree was disappearing. Having accepted this reality after months debating with your own self, you decided to apply for a university in Spain, this way you would complete your dream of meeting the country and its cities, and you would end up getting that degree (if you worked hard enough) anyway.
Little did she know that the capital of Spain would end up gifting her soulmate. Jude Bellingham was a famous, very well known footballer, he was considered a wonder since he showed his skills from a very young age. Cupid, unexpectedly, reunited that small promising football player “made in Birmingham” with a bookworm and future painter y/n from y/c/n. 
Jude and her experienced that type of “love at first sight”, as her cousin named it, they met in a discreet cafeteria, not very far from the Bernabéu. They bumped into each other when she was coming out from the ladies’ restroom and he was looking for the gentlemen's one,
They both shared simple tastes in series and movies, as well as in social media humor, they connected since the first time they laid their eyes on each other and they were building their relationship in the best way they knew. However, they also had their differences but both were mature enough to communicate with each other, and talk about them, instead of giving their love up.
During a hot summer evening at Jude’s house, after a Real Madrid win in La Liga, he invited her to his home, where they spent some nights together. The first night was weird and distant, but little by little, they improved over time. Although the climate outside was almost suffocating, with the air conditioner, the couple was able to cuddle while they laughed out loud together. The videos were hilarious, but soon their laughs calmed down, especially y/n’s, until not a single sound could be heard from her, except her breathing.
Jude found the joke so funny that it was weird for him to not hear laugh about it, who could laugh at any small thing. He looked at her curiously, normally she’d be laughing, and found her sleeping. Her day had been tiring, all night studying, meeting in the morning and lunch with her co-employees’; it was a “complete day”. He slowly moved, trying to not wake her up, and as soon as he got up from the sofa, he quickly went upstairs.
When the bed was ready, Jude went back to the living room to pick her up, her clothes, a casual look, were comfortable enough so he considered them as appropriate to sleep. Once she was in the bed, he picked up a cotton with make up remover to clean up her face, something he noticed that she always did.
Jude wasn’t ready for bed yet, therefore, after leaving a small kiss on her left cheek, he left the room quietly, and made his way to the kitchen to prepare enough food, in case you would wake up.
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Hopping back on the conspiracy theory train for a moment, any chance the RFEF had Montse sabotage the team to demoralize them ahead of the court cases? Some attempt to make Rubi/Vilda, etc, look better by team's struggle w/o them? Also, frustrate team enough to give bad interviews that might be used against their character in the court cases (given defendants in sexual assault cases often try to defame the victims/survivors)? I know I'm probably overthinking it all, but my heart hurts for the team right now. Thanks for you time and all the awesome content you put out there for us! :)
thank you! 🫶 ugh, i mean the cynical part of me wants to agree with you. it's something that i wouldn't have ever put past vilda or any of his cronies doing. and while i thought montse was incompetent and has a vindictive streak, i thought she had moved past being a rfef puppet in terms of tactics and gameplay and had more self-respect for herself. i just don't know what to think, and the last minute switch of pk taker is so sus. anyway, i think we will be hearing a lot more soon once the players have had a chance to cool down. you just don't take the best players in the world and mess up so badly without more being at stake.
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so if you spoke to me before the olympics, i believed that we were at least one step closer to mapi making herself available for selection.
now after the olympics, hell no! in fact, i truly believe more damage has been done to make mapi think she made the right choice by stay away. like i said above, more information will come out and it's not going to look good for this staff. either way, no i think mapi returning to the selection looks even more far away than ever!
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oh it did. in fact, part of them being so problematic is what they did to sow discord and be a part of the divisiveness that was 'las 15' in the first place. at that time, there was an especially huge divide among the barça and real madrid players. it was ugly. 😬
it took the dinosaurs (alexia, irene, and jenni) to be the ones to drive the reconciliation among the whole team so that they could come together and win the world cup.
and the fact that olga carmona was made one of the captains remains in my mind as one of the biggest slaps in the face as a reminder of that time. 😒
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walesfootball · 2 years
Over My Head - Leah Williamson x Reader
This was requested by anon who wanted a Leah fic. I changed it up a little bit, I hope that's okay. I was inspired by the recent Antonio Rudiger injury in the Real Madrid Champions League game. Hope you enjoy it, I'm not crazy about it, but it's alright.
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You were exhausted from running up and down the field constantly. You hadn’t stopped the whole game. It didn’t stop Real Madrid’s Esther González from scoring in the 46th minute. All Arsenal needed was a point, a single point, to make it through to the last 16 of the Champions League. That was your dream, to win the Champions League with Arsenal, or to at least make it through the quarter-finals. It felt right this year.
You usually played right back, a position you’ve played comfortably since you could kick a ball. The art of defending. You were strong enough to hold up the attackers. The best at 1v1 battles. You were known to be a quick thinker on the pitch, it felt as if you knew what the other player would do, and knowing when to go into a tackle was a strength of yours. You had a good track record with cards received, earning only four yellow cards in your career… so far, of course. You were still young.
Jonas had moved you to play centre-back. You didn’t mind, but you didn’t like the reason why you were moved. Your girlfriend Leah received a knock to her foot during the international break with England. You called her after Ireland’s final in the World Cup Qualifiers against Scotland. That was another game you ran like a mad person up and down the field. You’d won that game 1-0, and remember Katie jumping on your back in celebration. After the game, you saw the headlines, and a short text from Leah to say that she’d hurt her foot but was fine. You were on the phone for the majority of the night, knowing that she wasn’t really fine. She was excited for the season ahead with Arsenal and to captain her country in the upcoming friendly games. To go out with an injury that could last for a few weeks, months at best, was devastating to her. She could hide it well, but not with you.
Leah and you had been dating for a few months. The both of you wanted to keep it quiet for a while, to navigate through the difficulties of Leah’s surging fame after the Euro win. It made sense.
Leah was sat with Rafa, also harbouring a foot injury, above the Arsenal bench. They were watching the game unfold with Leah screaming orders at the players. She was passionate about Arsenal, and it showed on and off the pitch. You could hear her from the other side of the pitch sometimes. Her booming voice reached your ears, a smile appeared on your face when you could hear it.
The ball began moving quickly for Arsenal. Madrid had been playing this fast Spanish game throughout, and now Arsenal were doing it back to them. The 90 minutes were up, with an added 6 minutes on the clock.
You began running up the wing with Lotte sending a through ball your way, skipping past Athenea in the process. The Madrid player was quick, but not a quick thinker like you were. You passed the ball down the middle where Mana had made space. Steph Catley ran up the opposite wing. You had now made it to the box. Time was running out. The last-minute ticking down, the referee holding the whistle in her hand carefully, ready to blow it at any second.
Steph looked up to see if you had reached the box, knowing a defender's head was needed on this ball. Steph pings a pinpoint ball into the box for your waiting head. You were only watching the ball, nothing else. Nothing mattered.
Leah got up from her seat, holding her breath in desperation for a goal. Could this be?
You jumped up into the air for the ball, your head connecting perfectly with the ball. Your head also connected perfectly with Misa’s fists, the Madrid goalkeeper. The ball rolls into the net. While the team held their hands up in celebration, you could only lie on the floor in pain. You could hear the cheering and the referee’s whistle. Viv walked up to check on you, being the closest to you. She placed a hand on your back, not noticing the pain you were so clearly in. She turned you around only to turn around herself to signal that you needed medical attention.
“Shit! That doesn’t look so good. You okay?”
“That went in, right?” You could only open your left eye to look up at Viv. You saw the look of confusion mixed with an impressed look on her face. Impressed with this warrior mentality, but also disgusted at the amount of blood rushing down your face at an alarming speed.
“Yeah, it did. But I think you need to worry more about… that.” She gestured to the cut on your eye. It didn’t bother you too much, it couldn’t bother you. You got up slowly, just in time for the medical team to reach you.
“Do you want to lay back down so we can check that you’re okay?” One of the doctors said calmly, trying not to alarm you.
You could feel the blood dripping down onto your red shirt, you weren’t sure what was blood and what was cotton.
“I’m fine. I want to finish the game.” You brushed them off, wanting to walk off the injury. Viv stepped in front of you, not wanting you to hurt yourself more.
“You are not finishing the game looking like that.” Viv worriedly said.
“I’m fine!” You walked away from Viv, only to feel yourself stumbling. Your head was aching, your eye was stinging, and the cut was profusely bleeding. Nothing was going right for you at that moment. Viv grabbed you and took you over to the benches herself.
In her haste, Leah had climbed down onto the side of the pitch to get a closer look at what was happening. The rest of the team had traveled over to the bench to grab some water, also watching you talking and stumbling around next to Viv with blood splashing everywhere. Some couldn’t take their eyes off of you in shock, and the more squeamish ones looked away as it proved difficult for them to look at a steady stream of blood dripping onto your kit and onto the grass. You were covered.
Leah began to walk onto the pitch. She knew how stubborn you could be, especially after injuring yourself. You’d play with a broken foot if you had to. It’s one of the many things she admired about you. But also thought you were completely stupid. You’d laugh at her as she’d shake her head.
Beth grabbed Leah before she could venture further, dragging her back to the bench.
“Beth, no! I need to see her and get her off to get to the hospital!”
“And she will. Don’t worry. But if you walk on that pitch, you’ll get a card.” Beth tried to reason with Leah. She wasn’t sure if Leah could get a card but needed her off the pitch.
“I get that, but-"
“You’re worried about her. It’s okay. But Viv’s over there with her, and Viv won’t let her stay on the pitch. Not looking like that anyway. She looks like a victim from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films.” Beth got lost in her thoughts as she continued to stare at Viv holding you up.
“Beth. This isn’t helping.” A year slipped down Leah’s cheek.
“Oh fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t realise you were that worried. Hey, she’s going to be okay. You know her better than anyone, she’s a proper fighter.” Beth kept her arm around Leah’s shoulder, trying to steady her. “Look, she’s coming over now. She looks… yeah.”
You made it to the sidelines where the medical team stopped you. As long as you were off the pitch, the game could carry on. The last few seconds of the game anyway. Leah stood where Beth had left her in shock at the state you were in. The medical team pressing towels on your face, trying to stop the bleeding. Leah could hear you trying to convince them that you could still play. She didn’t doubt that but needed you in her arms to make sure you were okay.
“Y/N…” Leah croaked out quietly.
You looked up suddenly, still drenched in blood with only one eye open, but you heard her. You were being so stupid. You knew how much she hated seeing you hurt, whether that be mentally or physically. You nodded and walked over to her, the medical staff coming with you holding the towels to your face.
“Hey, I’m okay. Just a bit of blood.”
“A bit? You scared the shit out of me, Y/N.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Just get it checked out, please.”
She was angry at you. You could tell. Leah was just disappointed and cared too much about you. You’d been friends longer than a couple, and she always knew you to be a live-life-on-the-edge sort of person. And it always freaked her out. She followed you into the dressing room with the two medical staff. A massage table had always been in the middle where they told you to lie down on it. You did as you were told, with Leah standing by your feet at the bottom of the table. They began working on the cut above your eye, placing 20 stitches on the cut. Next was your eye which had turned purple, black, and red. It was swollen and all they could do was place multiple tissues on the eye. They bandaged everything up and left the room. You sat up to see the worried look on Leah’s face still there.
“I really am sorry. I should’ve come off straight away. I'm too stubborn for my own good sometimes."
Leah chuckled a little and shook her head, “You really are. I just worry about you, okay? I haven’t liked anyone like this, probably ever. And I know it’s coming out as if I’m angry with you, but I’m not. I just want you to be safe. I want to wrap you in bubble wrap and plasters so you don’t get hurt again.”
You laughed and reached out for Leah’s hand. You pulled her closer to you when she did, sitting down beside your torso. You smiled at her, and she smiled back.
“If it’s any consolation, I feel the same way.” You offered her a dopey smile, suddenly the tiredness of the game catching up to you as you yawned straight after. The adrenaline wearing off.
“Don’t sleep here. Come on, we need to get to the airport soon anyway.” Leah held onto you and you slid your body off the table. Your arm went around Leah’s shoulder as hers circled around your waist. You look over at Leah, with one eye working. Leah looked up towards you, a blush forming on her cheek as she quickly looked back down. You laughed and kissed her cheek, loving the effect you had on her. She turned back and placed a soft kiss on your lips, not wanting to hurt you more.
“Come on, you big idiot.” Leah pulled you with her as the team came rushing in. They all came up to you one at a time to hug you and give kind words.
The both of you were sat on the plane on the way back to London. You took your phone out of your pocket and took a selfie of yourself smiling. Leah looked over to you going onto your Instagram page and posting the selfie on your page. She couldn’t believe you sometimes. You had a horrible head injury and you could always see the funny side in anything.
She took her phone out to see the picture with the caption, “We alive” underneath it. She turned to look at you giggling to yourself. She couldn’t help but smile at you, thinking to herself, I absolutely adore this massive idiot.
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futbol16 · 2 years
As your Captain ・ Barcelona Femení
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This one is for these two requests although I have slightly changed it, I might have forgotten what the original request was, but I hope you enjoy!
Requests: "Can we have some angst/hurt with Barcelona girls or lionesses?"
"Hopping in on the request because you are the best 🤩🤩🤩🤩 Would you write one where the girls wrongfully got the message that Y/N would move to Lyon or worse Real Madrid and the team gives her the cold shoulder and very angry training sessions, Y/N notices after a few days and every attempt of dialogue fails. Having enough Y/N lets all her frustration out when no one expected it, lots of tears and anger and most importantly disappointment. She disappears for hours and it's freezing cold and the girls in the meantime found it was a lie to jeopardize the time. They’re all frantically searching for her and trying to call, she comes to training the next morning, none of the girls sleeps, soaked in rain and not able to talk to her cold temperature and shivering.  She catches a intense flu and the team has absolutely never felt worse"
Word count: 1,9k
The final whistle of the match is blown and you excitedly run towards Mapi before jumping on her back and the two of you join the rest of the team celebrating.
Your team had won 5-0 to Real Madrid with you assisting a goal and scoring one of your own as well.
As you glance over to the other side of the field you take in the way Misa lazily picks up her goalie gloves she had previously thrown to the ground. A frown takes over your features when you see her try to wipe her tears away, tears that obviously weren’t anywhere near stopping.
You were always one to respect your opponents especially if they were on the same national team as you, you had seen the way Misa desperately tried to get her team together in the match. She was captain and truthfully she was the only one actually playing for Real Madrid today.
You don’t wait long as you make your way towards her and gently pull the taller girl into your arms, whispering praises into her ear as you try to comfort her.
Misa was your friend on the Spanish team and you knew she’d be more disappointed in her own performance than anyone else’s.
She holds onto you as well, burying her face into your shoulder, occasionally nodding at your words and she thanks you when you tell her you need to get back to your team.
Your actions didn’t go unnoticed by the Barca girls, or the cameras and fans at that and they all watched, confused. 
No one thinks about it for too long though as you and the girls get back to the locker room and celebrate the wonderful win.
A few days after the match you notice the sudden change in air from your teammates.
You feel their eyes on you, watching your every step, yet when you’d turn around they would already be busy with something.
They also haven’t said much, at least not to you which was very unusual as usually you and most of the younger girls would be joking around, loudly laughing at each other whenever you got the chance.
Not now though.
Training has been a bit different, your training partner, Patri had switched with someone else and now you had Marta.
It’s not that you didn’t like the girl, you really did, but you were used to training with Patri and her switching up without a word left you hurt and confused.
You knew the defenders on your team could be aggressive, but what you were experiencing right now was far from how teammates would challenge each other.
Their main target seemed to be you and you only. Tackles were sent your way left and right at every drill and you were sure that someone also tripped you up on purpose when you were walking to the back of the line.
It hurt. You didn’t know why they had been avoiding you and why so suddenly. You had thought over everything you had done in the past week that could have made 22 people have it out for you, but nothing came to mind.
Team chemistry was off. It was obvious to you, to your teammates and most importantly to the coach and staff members.
Jonatan had also taken notice of how you seemed to always end up on the ground in drills that on any other day you could have done in your sleep.
It isn’t until you’re clutching your ankle, laying on the turf as you try to breathe through the pain, that he actually intervenes.
As a medic makes his way over to you, Jonatan calls your name from not too far at the sidelines.
“Y/L/N, I want you in my office after practice!”
Your ankle had been fine after checking it out but you did have a small limp as you walked into the coach’s office, ready to talk with him.
As you take a seat in front of Jonatan, he doesn’t waste time as he gets right into it.
“Y/N I’ve noticed how the team isn’t connecting and I know you have too. As captain, and especially now since Alexia isn’t here, I need you to figure out what happened.
Whatever it is, you need to fix it, talk to them. We can’t go into a match like this.” you nod at his words and as you get excused, you immediately walk to the changing room where you knew the rest of the girls would be.
For the first time in a week they acknowledge your presence as you walk in and instantly take notice of the hard look on your face.
You looked mad, something that scared them since you rarely showed this side of you to them. The girls in the room freeze in their movements as they look up at you, silence overtaking the room and they watch as you slightly limp towards your bag.
Shoving your shin guards into it you also turn towards them. Your voice is cold and eerily emotionless as you start to speak.
“I have no idea what happened or if I’ve done something but it’s clearly affecting our performance as a team and I won’t have that. I’m telling you this as your captain, if you don’t get yourselves together and communicate what you’re feeling then I’ll gladly sit you out on our next game.
As captain it is my job to take care of the players but I can not do that if you guys ignore my existence. This is unacceptable and I don’t think I deserve this!”
The last part is spoken harshly and some of the girls visibly shiver at your tone.
Looking around the changing room most of your teammates’ heads are lowered, a guilty look on their faces, but Mapi, Patri and Mariona glare at you, a look you can only give back to them.
You leave the room at the silence you receive and make your way to one of the other offices.
Back in the changing-room Irene takes the team's silence as her chance to speak up, she had been one of the few who hadn’t totally ignored your presence after the ElClásico.
The barca team finds themselves in Jonatan’s office less than fifteen minutes after you’ve left and Jonatan looks at them panicked as he’s bombarded with questions.
“What? Repeat that question?” he asks as utter confusion and surprise is written all over his face.
“Has Y/N already signed with Real Madrid?” Aitana questions again, this time saying it slower, but the coach only stares at the group of football players standing in front of him.
They shuffle uncomfortably under the man’s gaze before he talks.
“Now where the hell did you hear that from?” it’s now the team’s turn to stare at him now as they take in what he’s saying.
“So wait, Y/N isn’t transferring to Real?” Patri is the one who voices her thoughts first.
“No, no of course not!” Jonatan laughs at the idea of you ever wearing the Real Madrid badge over your heart, you had made your distaste towards the club clear to him.
“But everyone keeps talking about it!” 
“Who’s everyone? Girls, don’t tell me you got this information from the internet, you didn’t believe another rumor now, did you?” the coach looks at them expectantly before sighing at their guilty faces and he rubs at his face for a second.
“It was only because of the whole Lyon thing from last time, people kept saying she’d transfer to them and well, yeah, we believed another rumor.” Pina admits, her voice growing quieter by the end.
“But we also discussed last time that it was only because she signed the contract extension with Barca late, right?” they nod at his words.
“Look, I understand that you misunderstood the situation and I now also know why you guys haven’t been doing too well in training, but this is very immature of you all.
No one is transferring anywhere unless your captain or I say so. And the way you’ve handled this is disappointing, Y/N is your teammate, she’s family and family shouldn't be treated like this.”
As he lectures the girls, they all nod along, admitting they’ve been wrong and that they’d like to fix it.
“Y/N is in another meeting right now, but I suggest you talk with her first thing tomorrow at training.”
When the team walks into the training center the next day they take notice of your bag already sitting in your cubby, or rather still sitting there.
Training soon starts and as they try to get a look at you they see the dark circles under your eyes and your somewhat puffy cheeks. You looked exhausted and you were barely halfway through training. 
A sloppy move from Lucy results in you sitting on the turf as you try to catch your breath and she is instantly standing in front of you, helping you up and apologizing.
You dismiss her and start towards the beginning of the drill when you stumble slightly. The brunette is there to catch you when your body decides to give up and you pass out.
The team runs over worriedly as the medics make space to get you off the field. They watch as you’re carried into the medical room before having to resume practice.
Thirty minutes later they’re all crowded in the unusually spacious medical room and Claudia takes a hold of your hand when she sees the state you’re in.
You have cooling rags placed all over your body and you look exhausted as you breathe slowly. The medic fills them in on the diagnosis, telling them that you’ve got a fever and have also overworked your body.
When some of the girls look at her weird she goes into detail.
“Y/N stays the night at the facility sometimes to get in extra training or work on something. Security has gotten used to her being here at this point and let her have the pitch to herself for the night.
Unfortunately Y/N over here has forgotten that temperatures have dropped during the night and she’s caught a cold now.” she tells them with an amused chuckle and the team looks at you sadly.
Mapi walks over, gently running her finger through your hair and she smiles when you lean into her touch slightly.
A sneeze breaks the team out of their trance and you reach for a tissue as you blow out your nose.
The room is immediately in chaos as everyone tries to apologize for their behavior and you smile up at them gently when both Pina and Mapi explain the situation.
As they calm down a bit they make a show of apologizing to you one by one before promising that they wouldn’t believe another rumor unless you’d tell them yourself.
You’re taken care of by your teammates for the next week until you get better and they shower you in love and small acts of kindness, still feeling incredibly bad for how they’ve treated you.
You soak up the love you’ve missed out on, but you still couldn’t have asked to be part of a better family.
Barcelona was your home and you wouldn’t trade it for any other team.
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