#real world hero
morgandoesstuffsig · 2 years
surprise attack hugs! [omori.]
alt. title; surprising the RL!Sextet (6) by hugging them when they're least expecting it.
warnings/tws; suggestive-spoilers during MARI's part.
req. by; none
song of the day; Hug Me - Pharrell Williams & Trey Parker
a/n's; yes i used a despicable me song, what are you gonna do about it? also, platonic or romantic? up to you to decide.
by continuing from this point on you understand that it is your fault if you see any opinions that you do not agree with and that make you mad. you will not take it out on me or anyone else who enjoys/agrees with them, and you especially will not do anything illegal/dangerous to them or myself.
images do not belong to me and belong to their rightful owners.
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i couldn't find a header for him D:
Ah yes, that one man who always seems to have nearly everything under control... but he really doesn't.
He's quite easy to fluster, as long as you know how to.
It's quite funny and ironic, actually. He's flirtatious with those he's close with (and has nearly the same age with.)
He never misses a beat, but when he does, it's usually 'cause he's either stressed or thinking about something.
Either way, that is your time to strike!
Hug him from behind as he's thinking and he'll jump out of surprise.
He'll whip his head towards you, already blushing also out of surprise.
Give him a wink and a smug smile, and he'll be hiding his flushing-red face behind his hands, mumbling god-knows-what in them.
Pull him closer to you and dude will pass the fuck out.
He has no idea how to respond, and you haven't even said anything yet.
(if you do say something, whisper it in his ear, it'll make him explode.)
in the end, he's frozen stiff in your arms.
if you let go for some odd reason, the "effects" don't immediately wear off, but give him a minute or two. or three. maybe four.
well however long, he'll probably still be blushing 'till the day's over.
he's so cute grrr
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woah how'd you catch her off-guard???
she always seem(ed)s to be ready for everything
so when you manage to give her a surprise hug, she's obviously not prepared for it.
just dont do it by the stairs.
she'll turn around rather quickly, so you'd better be holding on before you fall down!
if you don't fall down, great! she can easily hug you back, just 10x harder <3
if you do fall down, worry not! the great MARI will catch you!
probably catches you in one of those dip-like positions you see in dance moves or those dramatic romance movie scenes
if so,
expect kisses <333 (w/ consent ofcofc,, she's a respectful queen <333)
then she'll help you up and hug you tighter
probably says somethings like 'oh my, you startled me darling! next time please give me a warning!'
all in all, respectful and pretty queen<333
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waaah i couldn't find a header for him either :(
dude is spacing out every 30 seconds,,, you can easily surprise hug him nearly 98% of the time
just run up behind him, and hug him!!
it's that simple
my dude probably jumps, flinches, and stiffs up in that order
just be like 'surprise, it's me!!' and he'll calm down.
turns around and owlishly blinks at you a couple of times
then he turns back around, small blush covering his cheeks
dude's temperature went from -34°F to 150°C /hj
naur cause dude barely had any body warmth 'till you hugged him
probably gonna stay inside your arms for a bit longer.
he can't help it!! you're just so warm!!
it's your fault for hugging him in the first place!!
just let him indulge in the moment for a bit <3
dont let him fall asleep though, 'cause he will, and then you're stuck there 'till he wakes up again.
lmao tough luck
but hey
at least he's happy.
for once.
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WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS??? (the power of plot, baby /hj)
just like
make sure that before you hug her
she's not ready to attack you with her bat
'cause that'll hurt like a fothermucker
so if she isn't ready to commit 30 charges of aggravated assault and 27 acts of public disruption, go for it!
don't aim for the neck tho lolol
she'll probably throw you off by spinning around so fast
so like
hug her by the stomach/waist
and pull her close
and then
and then put your head on her shoulder, and whisper a small 'hi'
her face is almost as pink as her hair
and you've only said one word
lord help her she is such a tsundere
she'll just like
freeze up for a second
and if you're doing this in front of her friends???
lord expect a really long scolding
even though it's more yelling than scolding
eh, whatever
but doing it in private is your best option
she'll just look away and pat your arm a bit
you two are then left alone in comfortable silence <333
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bestie he will pass out out of pure fear /hj
but after he realizes it's you,, he'll just be flustered
i mean, he could never even imagine having the courage to do that to someone
especially not you /pos..???
but that's just him
back to the point,,,
you,, are hugging,,, him,,, willingly???
he's so confused
he doesnt know why but
he still likes it anyways
he'll let out a nervous laugh before giving your arm(s) a little squish
in return for the hug, ofc
he knows its not much but
it's still something
and something is better than nothing!!
100 words.
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i was too lazy to find a real header😋
yeah this man
he loves hugs
but surprise hugs,,,
he will marry you if he gets these at least once a day
i mean, how could he not?
his love/crush is willingly hugging him, and as a surprise!!
who doesn't love surprises????
he does, for sure, and if you do creep up and hug him
he'd be elated!
he'll spin around and hug you right back immediately!
just be careful if it's after he finishes playing basketball
he'll probably be sweaty
and stinky
so be prepared!!!
but overall, hug him as much as you want, he just loooovesss hugs in general!
113 words.
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mysteriouslynn · 1 year
Tell me about RW!Hero :O
Well he's a chef, so he makes really good food XD. At times Omori would steal his food he makes. But Omori is known to steal any Heroes food XD.
Hero actually opening up a restaurant in Faraway town once he finishes his final exam :O
He might be violent in the hunger games. But Hero is actually a very caring and helpful guy. He'll sometimes give his food away for free if Omori doesn't eat it XD
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akanemnon · 2 months
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Turns out this new Dark World is paid DLC
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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lilac-gold · 7 months
thinking about how one of kel's first lines is "man, aubrey always gets what she wants". thinking about how aubrey wanted to go see sweetheart's show for hearts, so hero took them all to sweetheart's show for hearts. thinking about how aubrey told molly not to touch omori, and she didn't again.
thinking about how all aubrey wanted was to keep her friend group together. thinking about how aubrey's clothes are too big in headspace, she only has one toy and in the real world, her house is a tip with her room almost bare. thinking about how aubrey wanted to keep the photos of mari and throw the rest in the bin, and how she put them back in the album after kel picked it out of the trash.
thinking about how sunny viewed her as a protector of his as a kid, someone who'd look for for him, and how the hooligans trust her to lead and look out for them, and how hero and mari were like older siblings to her when she was younger, and how aubrey's parents didn't look out for her. thinking about how aubrey is angry and insulted and violent and vengeful, and how she wants the girl she knew as a sister to come back. thinking about how she believes she wasn't enough for her old friends, for anyone. thinking about how little possessions she has, how she pushes away people who care about her, how she's viewed as a "bad kid" by the residents of faraway.
want is such a big theme with aubrey. in headspace, every one of hers is fulfilled. in the real world, we see almost none being.
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hypewinter · 1 year
The Young Justice learns about a new experiment going on at Cadmus once again involving cloning and decides to go rescue the clones. They expertly break into the facility avoiding all alarms only to find out that they trigger anyway. Instead of a voice coming on over the intercoms announcing intruders though, it instead announces an escape. What?
The team continues navigating the base until they come across two kids. The older boy can't be older than 8 while the girl being tugged along behind him looks around 5. The boy narrows his eyes and his body tenses up.
"You're definitely not guards. Who are you?" He questions.
It's Superboy who steps up and says "We're the Young Justice. We came here to rescue you."
The boy doesn't seem to believe them but the girl immediately gets excited. Apparently she couldn't wait to meet real life superheroes. Especially Superboy. That means whatever Cadmus was doing with the kids, they'd already implanted knowledge of the outside world in them. That didn't bode well.
The team decides to push that to the back of their minds for now and focus on the mission. They manage to convince the boy (with the help of the girl) to come with them and they get the two out of the facility. Of course this is after they take all the information they can from the servers (Thanks Robin).
As they get both kids to the medical wing on the Watchtower, the boy introduces himself as Danny and the little girl as his sister Ellie. Connor's never seen clones with such a close bond before and he can admit he's a little jealous that he and Match don't have that kind of relationship. Still he's just happy they rescued the two.
Now to find out who they're clones of and what Cadmus wanted to use them for.
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anodymalion · 3 months
The hero's sword arc of Frieren is only a single chapter but it's probably the chapter I think about the most... You have the classic sword in the stone that can only be pulled by the hero who is destined to save the world. So of course Himmel, the legendary hero, is the one who freed it.
Except: he didn't. He failed. He couldn't pull the sword from the stone. He wasn't the prophesied hero who would save the world.
And he went, okay, well, people really need a hero right now. So I'll just pretend to be one anyway. It doesn't really matter if I'm a fake or not if either way we're helping people.
And he did. He was a pretend hero. And they saved the world.
And now eighty years later there is no one left to remember that he never pulled the sword from the stone at all. It's easier to believe that he did, because he saved the world, so he must have been the destined hero. But he wasn't. The sword saw him and rejected him, and he simply went on anyway, because he wanted to help people, and that's what it takes in the end to be a hero, really. The four of them saved the world, and the true hero's sword sits quietly in a cave somewhere, rusting away, forever, unneeded.
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akiraarlert · 23 days
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helyeahmangocheese · 6 months
tbh I headcanon percy to eventually land on an environmental science major in college after a lot of experimenting around and not because of his dad but because of *grover* and his belief in finding pan, because of knowing how much the mortal and mythical world have been hurting the earth itself, and because if there's one thing that could convince percy jackson to study, it's justice. plus I think he and annabeth would totally geek out over sustainability as restorative and regenerative design. this is your "build something that lasts" couple. your "ur system is broken fix it rn" couple. if the mythical world EVER left them alone they would 100% be pursuing justice at any other stop they found themselves in anyway
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decarbry · 3 months
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sometimes-online · 10 months
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morgandoesstuffsig · 2 years
omori hcs coming soon 😯🤨🤗🤩🤭😸😼
update; just finished hero, mari, sunny, and aubrey
i just need kel + basil
and then
i sleep
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mothmanadjacent · 7 months
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I like real world aus where Dabi just gets really into body mods and smoking weed
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ca-3 · 1 year
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Hey, I made even more Persona 5 styled sprites of the Omori characters, but this time headspace versions! 💜
Real-World Versions ✨️
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yk there's a lot of talk about the way merlin is practically a god but lives as an unassuming servant, and seeing this surprises druids/other magic users. i wanna see kind of the same thing happen to arthur with the people of his kingdom. we know arthur so intimately, from merlin's pov, but i wanna see him as a living legend. stories of his valor spreading across land, blown out of proportion and missing details. “the prince slayed the great dragon and gifted its head to the king!” “some say the goddess blessed him when he was born, when she took the queen back. how else does one survive an attack by a questing beast?” “he held out his hand and the sword stuck in solid stone flew to him! iwan says meredith’s aunt saw it herself!” “the word has come, king arthur defeated annis’ champion—a giant of a man!” old men discussing arthur’s policies, comparing them with those of previous rulers, and being glad that it's him on the throne “finally, a good fucking king.” people having faith that their ruler is generous and fair and can be approached in times of need, and having the comforting knowledge that he would do his best to help because that's what he did with the other village last year! young boys dreaming to join his army and young girls daydreaming about a fairy tale ending with him (or vice versa, obv). just... arthur of his people.
what I'm saying is i want an outsider pov character study of arthur pendragon king of camelot. hope that helps
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epickiya722 · 18 days
I know what these last few chapters have taught me about BNHA...
Blocking people is useful! 😐
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foundeded · 9 months
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