#realized it slaps mega hard still
mercymaker · 8 months
seething shaking throwing things at the wall
tfw you find a cool dark song, go through the lyrics and realize they fit cazador better than astarion
like noooo my edgy pathetic loser man i want you to have cool things too
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a-tale-of-legends · 23 days
( This whole ramble is in the perspective of a casual player/ fan game enthusiast. This isn't exactly talking about competitive pokemon, just how I've used the megas in the fangames/ROM hacks I've played.....this was supposed to just be about Mawile and Heracross but I derailed lmso).
In Which R rambles about mega evolution:
This might be out of nowhere but Heracross and Mawile are my all time favorite megas ever.
Tbf, they are the megas I've most used,but still. I love them so much. Lopunny is probably third bc I love Lopunny lol. Though while it hits hard, I have struggled with it being pretty frail. Maybe I'm not using it correctly ( I think it's more of an end game sweeper than a start off and destroy everything type of pokemon, though I think it's still that too so. Skill issue on my party LMAO)
I haven't used mega Salamence much, but I have been a victim to it. That thing is BRUTAL, and even with the short time I've used it, it's honestly really fun to use.
I don't think mega Garchomp needs to exist tbh. It's a fun power boost when needed, but overall base Garchomp is just better for me. Lucario is also something I felt.....okay, I guess. It's very cool and can really kick ass but I don't feel strongly about it.
Mega Gardevoir and Gallade are kinda similar to Lopunny but in a slightly lesser scale. Gardevoir in particularly I feel was really hyped up to me ( pixilate hyper voice), but when I used it I ended up feeling underwhelmed. Not saying that this a bad mega, far from it. There's a chance that I either am not using Gardevoir properly or I simply don't vibe with it. Gallade, ironically, I feel like I had a better time with. I don't know why Gallade in particular but honestly I had fun using it.
God there's a lot of megas: okay the Hoenn starters and then I'm gonna ramble about Mawile and Heracross
Sceptile: Love the thing, god I don't think the mega really helps it much. The dragon typing is cool, getting rid of some weaknesses but also adding more - I think it's still a very fun pokemon to use, but also. Oof. Sceptile kinda got the short end of the stick.
Blaziken: I keep hearing how good this mega is and guess what? It is! But also not my favorite. From my experiences, Speed Boost only really works if you have a good set up pokemon on the opponents end. I like to use bulk up as a set move along side speed boost which. Honestly it probably why I probably don't think as highly as mega Blaziken despite this thing literally doing full team sweeps for me. I think just the set up takes longer than I would like. I also think Blaziken is just not my cup of tea in general. Very good pokemon, but surprisingly slow despite how it looks, so I've always felt it should be faster than it is. Though I guess that's why it has Speed Boost. All in all, a very good mega, I've definitely had fun with it!
Swampert: I WISH I USED MEGA SWAMPERT MORE MAN. I LOVE THAT THING. My only real core memory of using mega Swampert was I think when I was playing alpha Sapphire for the first time? And even outside of that I've used it occasionally but never really used it as often as I'd like. If I did it would be top 3 megas for me. At least of the one's I've had experience in.
Okay NOW we go back to Heracross and Mawile. Heracross is in general such a fun pokemon to use imo. It kinda checks the boxes of my favorite type of pokemon to use: moderately, can take a hit or two, and hit back very hard. And while it's mega is slower, it doesn't negate from the fact that this thing is a fucking beast. Honestly with or without a mega, why do you think Kenji doesn't mega evolve his Heracross. He doesn't need to, just slap a choice band/ choice scarf on the thing and watch it destroy. Same can be said with mega Heracross but like. 5x that. Also I've realized the error of my ways on dismissing skill link. Crucial error I will never do it again, mega Heracross has that for a reason and it's to destroy.
Mega Mawile is pretty much what all mega evolution should be. Take a honestly bad or mediocre pokemon and give them an extra boost. I think Mawile does that perfectly and GOD, is mega Mawile just a beast. It's not fast, again, but it has sucker punch and huge power so. I don't think I need to worry much there. Play rough and iron head, swords dance if you want to be evil, and man. I just love using this thing. It's so fun. Same can be said with Heracross. These are just pokemon I love to use she would have to be against.
One last note: I have yet to use mega Pinsir, but I hope it's fun if I do.
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crystalelemental · 4 months
Finished my run of Pokemon Blue. Pretty fun to play along while watching another playthrough. Team under the cut.
Venusaur (lv 52) Venusaur was pretty fun to run. I do love Venusaur, but Gen 1 gives it the added chaos of the sure-crit Razor Leaf bullshit. I wound up giving it Mega Drain and Body Slam as TMs, and supplementing with Leech Seed. Completely swept Brock, Misty, Giovanni, and Bruno. Probably could've handled Lorelei but I was scared.
Jolteon (lv 52) Jolteon is crazy good because Thunderbolt is crazy good. I know what you're thinking. "Pin Missile is good against things like the Exeggutor and-" no. It's so, so too weak. Unless you crit, it's not getting you anywhere. Jolteon was fine, but I'm ultimately not too impressed with anything that isn't STAB Thunderbolt cutting through basically everything.
Gyarados (lv 49) Gyarados had an awkward life. I forgot which number TMs were which and apparently accidentally sold Water Gun and Bubblebeam somehow, leading to Gyarados getting kinda sidelined until we got Surf. I did give it Ice Beam too, and it had that nice coverage, but Gyarados felt like it didn't really...participate as strongly? I feel like I didn't put in as much.
Dugtrio (lv 48) Similarly, Dugtrio came in when my Graveller got benched for "my wife's 3DS doesn't remember us buying Red so I can't trade" reasons. I did consider running Graveller anyway, but opted for Dugtrio to have a better answer for Agatha with the speed factor. It...did okay. Golbat couldn't be 2HKO'd even with Rock Slide. I wasn't too keen on Dugtrio, I really wish I could've gotten Golem, but oh well.
Ninetales (lv 50) I just love Ninetales and wanted to. She sucked so bad. Fire really isn't particularly valuable in Kanto. And Ninetales does nearly nothing but Fire. I babied Ninetales hard. The only training arc was getting my level 18 Vulpix up to the level 30 par before going to Erika, and as the level shows, I really gave her special treatment. That said, she thrived on being the backup. Like, when Dugtrio faltered against Agatha, and we needed someone to slap around Exeggutor against Blue, Ninetales was around to handle it. And even got the funniest Confuse Ray effect on Blue's Gyarados, which proceeded to confuse itself to death. So that's fun.
Articuno (lv 51) I feel so bad for Gyarados, man. The one thing I was anticipating it having in the league was Lance, but when I got to Blaine, I realized...I was still using Dux the Farfetch'd for Cut/Fly, and could take on a proper Fly option. And immediately took Articuno, who I love. Ice Beam basically annihilated Lance, leading to its sole level up. I think what astounded me is that Articuno still outsped Lance at every turn despite the level handicap. It was really weird. Not that I'm complaining. But it did remove Gyarados' whole thing.
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(Apologize for my long, rambling ask, this is just in my brain and not like. Me forcing it on anyone or anything ksjfksagjklasdfsdf. Hope nobody minds me sharing this anyway because it’s very personal to me!! ^^;) I’m not sure anyone else has ever had this thought except me before, but one of my favorite personal headcanons about Lance is that he’s deaf/hard of hearing. :) I don’t see those kind of headcanons a lot in fandom, so seeing it applied to my favorite characters means a lot when people take the time to think about it a little bit. And one day I did that, and I decided to slap the label onto Lance. And I was really just projecting my love onto him when I did that, but then I seriously considered the idea and realized I could genuinely see it fitting him.
First off, Lance is a dragon trainer. Even if his pokemon are well-behaved, it makes sense that they’d be incredibly loud and sometimes temperamental. His poor ears never stood a chance if he was going to be growing up in an entire clan of dragon trainers. Also, he does a lot of wild and crazy missions as a G-Man. He’s probably been the victim (and instigator, naturally >:)) of some pretty sick explosions, which could be hell on his hearing. Thankfully, he doesn’t need perfect hearing to know what move a pokémon’s gonna use before it’s even gotten started, so he’s still at the top of his game.
I also think in this instance Lance would be one of those guys whose normal voice is loud enough that people sometimes cringe when he greets them. Most people tend to think that being a dragon trainer suits him perfectly because he’s so loud, but it’s really the opposite. (Oh, just wait til they meet Clair. Homegirl has never even heard of an inside voice… pun intended)
I haven’t decided if Lance would wear hearing aids yet (this is just silly brainrot after all), but I think he would know sign language. He’d know it more because of who he is though rather than because it’s a necessity. His hearing isn’t THAT bad. However it is necessary TO ME because just imagine him talking with Red in sign language and teaching it to Blue so he can do the same. It gives me such warm fuzzies :’)))
(Ahhhh this got so long. Sorry about that! I have a lot of feelings about Lance being deaf apparently 👉👈)
I have never considered this but now I have!! Thank you for the mega-brain headcanon!!!
His loud voice, talking in sign language with Red, GENIUS!
I hope I'm not derailing from your own HC, but I remembered having a strong headcanon about Lance being sensitive to loud noises, such as crowds and booming music. It gives him a serious case of sensory overload and has to wear earplugs when going out to meetups and big stadiums.
Honestly, this one line of dialogue in GSC/HGSS when you defeat Lance is my reasoning for this hc. :_D
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iam-back · 1 year
Mega Man 11 playthrough diary - Impact Man
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If he claims to be Block Man's brother, shouldn't he have been DWN-082 rather than 087? But whatever the gamedevs say, goes, so...
But harder than the steels Impact Man is made out of, is his construction yard - see what I mean when I said "of doom" last night!? 3 game overs! And then I realized that if you use a Beat Call, DO NOT PRESS A UNLESS OVER A PLATFORM. He'll drop you.
To make matters worse, you need to consult Auto for permanent upgrades, and I'm sorry, I do NOT like his voice in this game, made even worse by the awful voice filter that, while not as obvious as Astro Man's voice filter, it's still annoying.
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The triplets will try to slap you a bunch throught certain points. It's doable if you jump and dodge and slide and stuff, but I was trying to get pictures, so I got slapped.
Not to mention that THIS JIMBO-FORSAKEN CONSTRUCTION YARD IS SO FULL OF TRICKS AND TRAPS AND GABBITYGOOBERS AND MISSILE CONES ETCETERA. Dethroning the Monkikkis that plagued Mars and Uranus's domains, the Pickman and Missile Cone have taken a spot as the #1 hated Mega Man enemy in personal experience from me. Harmless alone (you just have to lead their shots), but awful and can and will result in a death or two if 3 or more at once congregate in the same room, which happens a lot here.
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Behold, Jesse Merlin's amazing manly overacting! It's a kind of overacting that I like, where it fits the character - in his case some kind of loud-and-proud construction boy... er, boys, cuz he's 3 littler robots combined.
The boss fight is a pretty good challenge, as I'd honestly forgotten about the "he makes the ground rumble and shake, stunning you" part. And when he becomes big with a Power Gear? The astral Impact Bro Archetypes actually count as a hurtbox!
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Tomorrow should be much easier, I hope - Bounce Man's stage looks colorful and fun, and shouldn't be too hard, despite being on the longer side, possibly dethroning Uranus for "longest Classic stage that isn't a Wily Fortress".
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amber-main · 1 year
LONG rant about "meta vs waifu" (MEGA SALTY)
in genshin there's this conflict between people who "play for meta" and people who "play for waifu" (it probably goes without saying that i, tumblr username "amber-main" am of the latter ilk)
but i think what people don't get is the similarities between playing "for meta", and playing "for waifu but in a meta way"
to say that one plays purely for meta would imply they have at their disposal many, if not all of the available characters, and have chosen the route of exclusively investing into the characters that are, according to theorycrafters or popular opinion, "The Best"
this sort of person likely doesn't have a character they favour much more than others, since they cannot show favoritism toward a character who is not meta (to do so would be to play "for waifu" after all)
and i don't think this label applies to nearly as much of genshin's userbase as some may assume. it is much more likely that any player has a favourite character of some sort - either because of their design, their specific gameplay, their story, or other circumstances (such as a first 5* one pulled)
but these people can still use meta techniques while playing genshin - every time someone uses the general atk sands, elemental goblet, and crit circlet, one is using knowledge that has come from the theorycrafters to make characters perform to their maximum. the same goes for anybody who makes use of bennett and kazuha, knowing that these characters are really good at achieving the game's win conditions (doing a lot of damage really fast)
this is definitely a good way to play the game, especially if you want to easily and comfortably clear timed content and dps checks like the spiral abyss or combat events, but it doesn't really seem like the logical realization of the "but genshin is an easy game so just play whoever you want" that one hears from anybody trying to reassure one that meta isn't everything
because yes, for the most part, genshin is an easy game. except for certain things in the game such as spiral abyss, or (god forbid) if a player puts their sights on clearing more difficult content than the bare minimum (for instance the highest difficulty in events like hypostatic symphony)
then, all of a sudden, any player who just picks four characters they like and slaps them into a team will find themselves at an impassable wall of a dps check
if the thing people said was true, then why is it that most people aren't playing teams like xinyan-noelle-barbara-dori?
if someone really liked those characters, they might be a bit disheartened to find that just picking their favourite characters is not a very good way to play this game. to make a team like this successfully clear difficult content would require such immense investment into leveling characters, talents, grinding artifacts, and require wishing for constellations and expensive 5* weapons just to have it still perform worse than a half-hearted team that has bennett and xiangling in it
because, unfortunately to anybody who has set their sights on clearing difficult content with non-meta characters, there is such an immense gap between meta and non-meta that cannot be overcome with player skill (or even investment, in many cases). because most of the time when you see somebody getting 9 stars on abyss 12 with a "non-meta team" usually has some meta in there somewhere. be it a bennet-xiangling duo in a dehya hypercarry, or a kazuha/venti/zhongli hard carrying the team's damage by grouping enemies or providing an impenetrable shield, once you know a little bit about genshin's "meta" you quickly start to find it's the same few characters over and over and over again. bennett kazuha zhongli venti raiden shogun kuki shinobu fischl nahida mona ganyu xingqiu hu tao xiao ayaka rosaria shenhe kujou sara gorou faruzan elegy for the end mistsplitter aquila favonia thrilling tales of dragon slayers favonius warbow favonius sword favonius lance favonius codex sacrificial sword staff of homa crit rate crit damage vaporize hyperbloom melt electro charged aggravate spread viridescent venerer. you will hear the virtues and blessings of the strong characters, weapons, reactions, and artifacts in this game very many times. no matter where you go, they will follow you until you're so completely aware of the standard genshin meta lineup that you can list it off in your sleep, forward and backward, with the Appropriate Tier Letters attached
even if you want to play "for waifu", there is very little one can do to clear the huge dps checks in genshin without relying on what is meta. meta team compositions. best-in-slot weapons. best supports. off-field damage sub-dps.
and that is not to say that i hate the meta. i actually do think it's very natural for a game to have some sort of ranking for what is "more efficient" than another thing. what i don't think is very nice is the extra-wide mariana trench separating the "good" characters from the "bad" characters. i don't like that there is a game in which one character can sit uncontested as the "best general damage buffer" in a million teams with no close second while other characters get left to rot because they cannot bring enough damage or utility to a team to be an alternative to the former. there is a point where investment and strategy cannot overcome the things that the meta characters possess. a barbara cannot even dream of matching xingqiu in off-field hydro application. anybody using characters with strong knockback cannot even hope to match venti's grouping ability and aoe advantage. why would anyone ever want to use xinyan when her kit is so disjointed that building her is a massive headache and also even when you do build her she gets effortlessly overtaken by an itto with half the investment
so what happens to the people who don't like min-maxing everything but DO actually want to achieve a 36* abyss? or do want to see a character one-shot some easy enemies? what happens to the people who would rather use characters they like than those they don't? what happens to the people who want to use raiden shogun and ayaka in the same team together?
because yes, you can make a team that has raiden shogun and kamisato ayaka work. i'm sure some whale somewhere has done a 9* no-hit run of abyss 12 with just those two characters.
but that is in spite of the characters being in a team together, not because. the combination of cryo and electro in this team does nothing to help these characters do anything (and is, in fact, interfering with their ability to do damage)
there isn't really any balance in a game where one character alone can take most teams from being sub-par to easily doing over a million damage in under 90 seconds.
there isn't really balance in a game where one reaction can double the player's damage, and another actively hinders any effort to do damage at all
there isn't really balance in a game where a small number of the character roster occupies the majority of high-damaging teams. where player ability is all but unnecessary when all you have to do is put together the raiden national team and press E Q E Q E Q and mash left click for 7 seconds.
so what is the difference between the meta players and the waifu players?
well, for starters, not much of a difference. simply that the tools they choose to use are in such different categories that it's absurd to think they're playing the same game.
because to a meta player, why would you ever choose to use bad characters? if your goal is to achieve a win condition (i.e. a dps threshold), why would you not employ the best strategies available? why would anyone choose to prioritise personal attachment to a character over the ability to be good at the game? why would a person not dislike a character that is good? what reason would a person have to not want to use characters they dislike, especially if they're aware that those characters are Better Than What They're Currently Using?
and if one opts to not use the meta characters/builds/team compositions, they're obviously the ones who did this to themselves, choosing to use bad characters and then complaining that The Bad Characters Are Bad.
i mean, of course anybody complaining that their favourite character isn't as strong as they like is just Entitlement. meanwhile my favourite character who can steamroll 99.9% of this game's most difficult challenges without blinking an eye - nothing is wrong with that. why would you complain about a good thing? The Spiral Abyss Is Too Easy. they shouldn't add another bennett... that would just be broken.... i mean, imagine.... TWO bennetts, in the same team. ONE bennett is the perfect amount. this game has no balance issues whatsoever.
because nobody can be overpowered if everybody is strong.
because you can't have fun while also making the game easier.
because playing for waifu automatically disqualifies you from playing for meta.
because playing the characters you like in one team is antithetical to making a strong team. to making a team that is fun, easy to use, does lots of damage, and doesn't have any glaring issues. unless you happen to like the characters that are strong to begin with
because the game is EASY, there should be no incentive for the developers to balancing the game's character roster. they should only make it more difficult for the people who have the strongest teams or the resources to invest into every character
because balancing the game's difficulty to the highest-damaging team compositions and players with the best artifacts is a perfectly normal and reasonable way to make difficult challenges for the player base as a whole
because creating challenges that disproportionately favour certain characters over others is "encouraging players to use a variety of teams" and not simply punishing the players who cannot, or want not, to use those characters.
beacuse making character acquisition difficult and character building even more intensive to the point that the overwhelming majority cannot ever hope to have every character at their maximum potential means that people are incentivised to spend on the characters they like, and not on the ones that will provide the most damage gain for the least investment
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sleepy-wanderer · 3 years
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.Smooth on Rough.
AN: incoming smut with everyone’s favorite gator. MINORS DNI GO BACK TO PLAYING WITH LEGOS.
Warnings: female body, sex with non-human, rough, choking, degradation, spit
Enjoy :3
You find yourself in some of the worst situations working at The Mega Pizzaplex. Initially you had been hired on as a janitor. That was until the greedy corporate bastards had realized that their most uncontrollable creation had a soft spot for you.
Immediately they had come down on you like hawks all but groveling at your feet to help them. Monty was almost to the point where he had destroyed more than he had earned them. They were calling on you like some lizard taming prophet. You had accepted because 6 digits looked a lot better than 5 digits a year. Maybe you had played into the capitalist bullshit, or maybe you were just a smart business woman.
When you were awoken with a start from the shrill sound of your phone ringing at 3am, you knew you were fucked. Never had they called you this late. Swinging your legs over the bed and groaning, you picked up the phone. Immediately you pulled it away from your ear as the sound of some poor sucker screamed from the other side.
“y/n PLEASE COME QUICK,” you heard a shrill scream after, and the sounds of growling and clicking. You rolled your eyes and hung up, foregoing changing out of pajamas. You ran outside and hopped in the car taking off for the plex. Clearly Monty was not in a pleasant mood.
“ Oh lord Monty what have you done..,” you mumbled to yourself rubbing your temples as you walked through the hall where the bands private dressing rooms were. Freddy’s window was complete decimated, there was knocked out guards everywhere, claw marks ripping up the pizza stained carpet. It looks like a tornado had ran through the area. You followed the sound of snarling until you came up to the neon green sign.
You kicked open the door and stood in the doorway with your arms crossed. “Monty.” You punctuated your words by popping your hip out, looking like a disgruntled mother.
“go away, pet.” He snapped back at you turning around. Even hunched over he still stood well over 7ft. His glasses were off his face, his dark green glowing eyes staring into yours with a challenge. His mouth was stuck in a snarl, the sharp teeth in his jaws glinting in the light. The “muscles” in him were all kinds of tensed. He looked like a savage animal hunting prey.
“How about no. You’re destroying things again. What happened to being a good bo..” before you could even finish your sentence he had you pinned down on the ground, away from the door as his tail slapped the button to shut it. He looked down at you as drool from his mouth dropped onto your face. You looked up at him, feeling the familiar cold chill run up your spine. You shivered and attempted to look away. Along with the chill of fear a warm feeling blossomed in the lower part of your stomach.
You were brought out of your thoughts by the feeling of a hot tongue licking a stripe from your collarbone to your ear.
“What are you wearing my little pet?” His gravely voice vibrated from his voice box. Staying in the pajamas had not been a good idea you realized. The thin satin tank top was doing nothing to hide the way your nipples hardened, clearly affected by the touch of the animatronic.
“P-p-pajamas,” you squeak out as one of his long fingers brushes over the hard bud. He tilts his head looking down at you. It’s like a question if this is okay. “are you telling me you destroyed the hall because you’re horny?” You deadpanned.
“well initially no, but how can I explain when you have me so … distracted. Dressed up so pretty, practically begging to be fucked like the little slut you are,” he practically purred, moving his hips against yours, resulting in the growing bulge rubbing against the thin shorts covering your heated sex. You let out a soft whine and found yourself moving to get more of the delicious friction. Your head was spinning from the proximity.
“I’ll only let you continue if you promise not to destroy anything else.” Your voice wavered, but you had to atleast try to get some control in this situation.
Monty chuckled and sat back on his calves as one hand went to use his claw to tear your pajama top in one flick. Quickly it moved to play with your perk breasts. The other hand went to cup your sex and he smirked down at you.
“You can say what you want to barter with me, but your pretty little pussy can’t lie. You’re so soaked baby girl,” he growled lowly. You know that by now the wetness had soaked through the thin shorts and you gasped, desperately grinding down to find some kind of release.
“Awe is the little whore getting impatient,” he smirked , kissing and nipping at your neck all the way down. He stopped at your nipples to give them each a nip and a lick. You let out soft moans, but moved one hand to cover your mouth. It would be so embarrassing for somebody to walk in on this.
He kissing at the inside of your thighs which caused you to look down and you nearly passed out from what you saw. Monty had already pulled down the shorts and had your knees on his shoulders and calves were resting on the rough scales on his back. He was looking at your pussy like he hadn’t eaten in years. One flick of his long rough tongue and you knew any control you thought you had was gone. The tongue was hot and wet as it explored the new uncharted skin. He gently flicked the tip against your clit. He continued the soft flicks for a while and then decided to explore lower. He proded your entrance gently and slipped inside , growling and hands finding your ass to grip. The sting of the claws against your soft skin and the feeling of his tongue against you and inside you had you practically screaming. He smirked and removed himself as you began to get close.
“Now I thought you wanted to be quiet. You really want the whole plex to know your Monty’s little whore,” he chucking as he moved a hand down to slip a finger in you. You groaned at the feeling of being stretched. If that was one finger what was his cock going to feel like. You whimpered and bent up to find his belt buckle. You shook as he continued to finger you, adding another and curling them. Your eyes rolled back but you were on a mission.
Finally getting the belt undone, you quickly pulled out his cock and your eyes widened. It was big. The length was impressive but the sheer girth of it told you you weren’t going to be able to walk tomorrow. You squeaked as he added another finger, attempting to stretch you. You began to pump his cock, realizing that he had something that made it pre lubed. Instead of questioning you were interrupted by him growling at you, heavy pants coming from his mouth.
“If you don’t stop playing with me, I’m going to fuck you before you’re ready little slut.”
You whined and pulled away from him, getting on your hands and knees. You arched your back so he could get a good look at your dripping pussy. You turned your head to plead at him with your “fuck me eyes”.
He grabbed your hips and locked you in place. You felt the swollen tip of his cock rub against your clit. You let out a gasp and tried to push back. He was ahead of you though and fully sheathed, the burn from the fast motion causing your eyes to water. His hips twitched but he did his best to stay still. His arms on either side of you, the sound of his claws scratching at the floor filling your ears.
You sat like that for a minute and then experimentally moved your hips. The sudden change from pain to pleasure was breathe taking. You let out a strangled moan and began to move and grind, trying to get delicious friction from his cock. He chuckled and gripped your hips.
“as much as I love that desperate slutty movement, I’m in control here pet.” He huffed in your ear. He began to move, at first very slow but hard. The force of his thrusts resulted in a squelching sound of wet skin on wet scales. Once you were practically a puddle underneath him he began to speed up. You felt a strong grab your throat as he flipped you onto your back , one hand holding you knee to your chest , while the other squeezed the side of your throat. Your vision was blurry as the sounds of pleasure fell from your mouth as he thrust at inhuman speed. You looked from between his face and where your bodies were joint. The entirety of your thighs and his lower torso was covered in sweat and your wetness. The view of his thick dark green cock, spearing your small pussy was so lewd.
He seemed to notice you weren’t looking him at anymore so his hand moves to your jaw to open your mouth. He spit in it and then smirked down at you through heavy pants.
“Such a good little slut for me, pet. Look at how easy you take this cock.” He moved his finger down to circle your poor neglected clit. This caused the building heat in your lower stomach to double quickly.
“F-fuck… gonna cumin…,” you squealed out. The feeling was tightening quickly , the sides of your vision beginning to go white.
“cum for slut, milk my cum from me with those tight wall” monty growling hear your ear, speeding up both his thrusts and the circling of his finger. His thrusts were getting sloppily signaling he was close to his end too.
You screamed his name as the rubber band in your abdomen finally snapped. Your vision went white as the waves of pleasure caused all the muscles of your body to tighten. You could feel your wall clamp down on Monty’s shaft.
He roared as he rode through his orgasm. His cum painted your walls, it felt hot and there was so much of it you could feel it leak out from around him. After you were both done, he slid out and rolled over onto his back, pulling you ontop of his giant chest.
He let out a low purring noise as he gently kissed all over your face and stroked your back.
“Good girl.”
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hrwinter · 4 years
the emergency room fic snippet took me out hgjgjghfh
Kara's not sure if it's the recently waking up from anesthesia or if she really is witnessing the most gorgeous creature to ever grace this planet seated, cross-legged in the outpatient waiting room.
"Hi!" she finds herself sitting right next to the woman and practically shouting directly into her face.
Smooth, Danvers, she thinks. What can she say, she's always had game.
The woman stares back at Kara's suddenly very close proximity, doe eyed, irises round and the most tantalizing shade of sea foam green Kara's ever seen.
"Did you just—" Kara points inelegantly back at the door a nurse had just ushered her through, "have a surgery?"
The woman eyes her, a little wary, before replying.
"An endoscopy."
Kara gasps, reaching for the woman's hands (a little cold) and holding them in her overly warm ones. She rubs them together in an effort to bring heat into the stranger's fingers. The woman simply continues to stare, perplexed.
"Me too! Did yours go well? What are you in for?"
"You're very friendly," the woman states bluntly.
"Oh, sorry," Kara pulls her hands away. "I'm Kara."
"Lena," the woman says, still a little stiff but a small smile forming at the corner of her mouth.
Kara makes a conscientious effort to keep her hands in her lap like an overeager child as she waits for Lena to answer.
"And I have an ulcer, they think," Lena says, touching delicately at her stomach. "Too much coffee and working, not enough eating."
Kara winces. "Those are painful, right?"
Lena nods. "What about you?"
"I ate four mega sized bags of candy corn."
The face Lena pulls is one of total, abject disgust.
"Candy corn? Why?"
"It was a Halloween dare from my sister," Kara shrugs. "My stomach hasn't been the same since."
"I should think not."
Kara laughs at the woman's impeccable diction, like she could be one of those reading voice models. Or a librarian. A sexy librarian.
"Honestly right now I feel more woozy from the anesthesia."
"Me too," Lena agrees, staring down at her hands and flexing them open and closed. Such lovely hands. Big, Kara thinks.
She's not sure how long they both stare down at Lena's hands, Kara's elbow bent on Lena's armrest, holding her chin in her palm, before she thinks to add,
"Can you believe they warned us not to gamble? Or buy a car? Isn't that crazy?”
"Although," Kara adds with an unnoticed slur to her words, her voice sing song pitching up and down. “If I could buy any car right now, I'd totally buy one of those sports cars with the butterfly doors."
"Like a McLaren?"
"My friend Bruce has one. I think I've seen it in his garage."
"Damn, is he rich?"
“I’m rich too,” Lena holds out her hands as if she's dropping invisible dollar bills all over the waiting room floor.
“But I'm boring," she says with a slump of her shoulders. "I always use a town car. My driver's name is George."
"George," Kara echoes. "Why do guys always get to be so flashy? You should get yourself a sports car for, like, female empowerment and stuff."
"You're right," Lena agrees with an unsteady nod of her head. "It's not fair. Let’s go buy one.”
Kara swoons closer, heavily encroaching over the boundary between their two respective chairs. The space between them is nearly nonexistent. The anesthesia side effects are definitely feeling more present.
“I think you’re my soulmate," Kara says, entirely uncensored.
Lena locks eyes with her for one boundless moment before she shakes her head hard, like a puppy trying to shake out wet fur.
"No, you wouldn't like me if you knew me. I am so scary," Lena tells Kara with such sincere earnestness, head bowed towards her. "Like so scary. I’m a CEO."
"That's cool!" Kara cheers, and before she can stop herself she's holding Lena's hands again. "And there's no way you're scary. You’re so nice and soft," she rubs Lena's fingers.
Kara's not quite sure what happens next. Lena sort of pulls at her hands, an unspoken invitation, and Kara's already halfway out of her seat, and it just makes… sense for her to fully get into Lena's lap.
The waiting room chair is perfectly sized for the both of them. Lena's hands anchor Kara, squeezing at her backside. It's heaven.
"You smell good," Lena comments dreamily, leaning forward to inhale at Kara's neck. Then suddenly she jumps back, jostling Kara in her lap.
"Oh my god, I’m gay!"
Kara stares at her, hypnotized by the river of small blue veins at Lena's temple and forehead.
"Oh," she starts. "Did you just… realize?"
"Yes—" Lena half shouts, then, "I mean no, I just had to tell you. So, be careful."
Kara laughs, wrapping her arms around Lena's neck. She massages her fingers into Lena's shoulders, and Lena sighs, reluctantly relaxing by degrees. Kara smiles, goofy.
"With what? Your feelings? Anyways, I’m bi."
"Oh." Lena mirrors Kara's words. "Are you single?"
"Give me your number," Kara replies in lieu of an answer.
They both scramble for their phones, Kara reaching into her back pocket and Lena fishing into an expensive looking hand bag. Kara sits backs on Lena's thighs and proceeds to ignore several texts from her sister. And what should be a simple swap of phone numbers becomes an impromptu photo shoot with lots of giggling and vaguely inappropriate touching.
"What is going on here?"
Kara pivots in Lena's lap, recognizing the voice of her sister coming from the open doorway.
Lena's head has snapped to the door, too, eyes narrowed.
"Who are you?" she says with a squeeze of Kara's hips.
Alex's eyebrow raises, challenging.
"Who are you?"
Kara might actually hear Lena growl then.
"Lena?" another voice joins them.
Alex swivels to look at a woman just over her shoulder, tall and stately with legs for days. She has curly brown hair and soft, bedroom eyes.
"Who are you?" Kara finds her own voice grumbling.
"Sam!" Lena glows.
Who is Sam?!
Sam's eyes rove over the pair of them, and she raises a hand to her mouth to cover a smile. Kara reluctantly extricates herself from Lena's lap, standing but keeping hold of her hand.
"Um, Kar," Alex says, eyebrows threading closer and closer together by the second. "We have to go, so maybe let go of the stranger's hand."
"She's not a stranger, this is Lena!" Kara announces. "And I want her to come with us."
Sam snorts.
"What? No, Kara, we're going home," Alex takes a step into the room, and Lena squeezes Kara's hand possessively. "You need to get some sleep and recover."
"You, too, Lena," Sam intones, still lingering in the doorway.
"No!" Lena practically shouts, standing too. "I feel fine. We’re going to buy a car, actually."
Alex's jaw drops open.
"No, honey," Sam steps toward the pair of them then.
"Honey?" Kara asks, back bowing.
"Down girl," Sam quips in her direction. "We’re just friends."
"No, I’m your boss," Lena snaps at Sam, pointing, but it's as threatening as a five year old making demands about bathtime. "I tell you what to do."
Kara giggles.
"See, I’m mean," Lena gloats to Kara.
"Oh my god," Alex pinches the bridge of her nose. "This is a fucking mess, we're leaving. Now."
Kara stands taller at the warning nature of Alex's tone, and what follows is an absolute spectacle. It involves Alex chasing Kara around the room, Sam laughing loudly, and Lena threatening her and the entire hospital staff. It ends with Alex rough housing Kara inside of her Tahoe with threats of 'you owe me for life' and 'I can't fucking believe you." But Kara doesn't hear any of it, asleep by the time Alex gets into the driver's seat.
The next day, Kara wakes up late. There's a gloomy dark space where her memory of the day before should be, but she can't worry about that now. Instead, she groggily makes her way outside of her room, in search of the delicious coffee smell emanating from the kitchen. Alex stands there at her island, a sentinel, as if she's been up all night and waiting for this moment.
"How are we feeling today?" she asks neutrally.
"Terrible," Kara pours herself a cup of coffee.
"So…" her sister trails off, drumming her fingers, and Kara gets the distinct impression she's not going to like what comes out of her mouth next.
"Remember when you mounted Lena Luthor in the waiting room?"
Kara gapes at her.
"What? No, I didn’t. And who?"
"Lena Luthor," her sister repeats. "You were full on in her lap."
"You're lying," Kara splays herself over the couch. "I don't—remember anything. And Lena Luthor? The tech mogul?"
Alex ignores her.
"I had to take away your phone, and then you threw up in the shower. You don't remember that?"
"I was under anesthesia. I can't be held accountable for my actions," Kara shoves a pillow over her face, hoping it will block out the sound of her sister's voice.
"You're telling me you don't remember this woman?"
There's a slap of paper on her coffee table. Kara moves the pillow away, cracking open one eye to gaze down at the cover of a Popular Mechanics magazine. It's graced by a woman with gorgeous black hair with eyes an endless emerald green. She looks familiar, but Kara's not going to let her sister pull her chain today.
"Stop messing with me, Alex, it's not funny."
Alex glares back at her. "You really don't remember."
Kara grumbles and places the pillow back over her face.
"Check your texts," Alex lobs Kara's phone, and it hits her square in the stomach.
"Ow!" she shouts, chucking the pillow at Alex who dodges it easily. She sips at her coffee smugly.
Kara unlocks her phone, eyebrows furrowing, and reads her last text.
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"When we came back to your apartment," Alex continues, enjoying herself too much. "You kept trying to make out with your fern plant. You kept calling it Lena."
"You tried to eat a frozen pizza."
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arans-princess · 4 years
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Alpha!Bokuto x Omega!reader SMUT
Cw: Slight dub-con a/b/o dynamics very very slight somnophilia at the beginning. I think that’s everything. 
An: so this started as me being horny on main in a discord I’m a part of, and then I kept typing. No beta, we die like men. 
 You were awakened but the grunts your lover was letting free fall. Groggy you ask “what wrong?” Then the smell hits you dead in the face. Your alpha is in a rut. When he notices your awake, he keens whining and begging for you to help him. He looks so helpless. He eyes are glossy, his cheeks are flushed, he’s sweaty and panting all while bucking his hips in to his fist. “Please” is the only whimper he can muster. See he’s been away for a few months and had to got through two whole ruts with out you. Poor thing. Now his back home, you’re in his arms and he is horny. 
You wake up fully and replace his hands with your mouth. He grabs your hips and positions your legs on either side of his face, your cunt quickly growing damp the smell of your mate in his rut is triggering your own. He pulls your cunt to his face to prep you for his phat cock. You take the tip in to your mouth and suck gently, working your way down his length as you go. The girth makes your jaw burn but the way he moans in to your heat makes it all worth it you deep throat him taking his whole length into your mouth and throat and swallow hard remembering to breathe through your nose, that’s all it takes for him to be thrown over the edge, he cums so hard he bucks in to your mouth uncontrollably an accidentally bites down on your clit. The sharp pain sends you reeling, what should have hurt only fans the flame in your belly, you want your first orgasm of the night to be on his dick. Bo has recovered in nanoseconds from his orgasm and begins whimpering once again. You move off his face and straddle his lap, looking him in his eyes as you sink down on to him. He looks so desperate, his rut has replaced any rational thought, the lust crazed madness in his eyes, the desire he hold within them makes your pussy gush. You only have taken the tip into your heat and the burning stretch it makes, has you whimpering. 
He cannot control himself once he feels hir tip enter you, he hasn’t been able to go through his rut properly for months and all of that pent up lust comes bubbling to the surface, his hands grasp your hips and force your to take his cock in one thrust, your scream is somewhere between pleasure and agony this brings back some of his rational thought. He allows you to adjust and begin moving in your own, after awhile the feeling of him inside you eradicates the pain and replaces it with want. You need to move. Quickly you begin to bounce on his cock your clit hits his pelvic bone as your hips meet, the dual sensation rapidly builds your orgasm; he is mesmerized under you, the blissed expression and the way you tits jiggle on top of him makes his mouth water. He sits up so he can catch a nip and sucks on it. He takes one hand off your hip and fondles the other boob with it. Him playing with your sensitive nipples sends you tumbling over the edge. He fucks you through this orgasm, an another, an another. Four orgasms he has pulled from your body, in turn he has pumped you full three times but he still hasn’t knotted you yet. 
At some point he is using your helpless little body as a flesh light, both hands on your waist forcing you up and down on his cock. Your cunt is so sensitive a slight breeze will make you whimper. Your crying, to make him stop and keep going at the same time. It’s too much, yet not enough. Your nerves are on fire your clawing at his chest and shoulders to ground yourself but it’s useless. You don’t have control of your limbs any more. Bo keeps chanting in your ear “mate mate mate mate” a mantra on repeat, his thrusts pick up speed and power, you attempt to Brace yourself by pulling his torso closer to you nails digging into the nape of his neck. And more warmth spreads throughout your body he fucks you through his own orgasm his tip battering your cervix relentlessly and yet he doesn’t stop. You are Beyond overstimulation and you’re sure he should be there too but those months away I’ve taken a toll, that’s when you realize through your fucked out haze he is experiencing three months of rut all at once. Any attempt to snap him out of it is futile as he is running on pure instincts now. 
It doesn’t even feel good anymore. Well actually you can’t feel anything, your cunt has been pummeled and your heat has subsided due to the amount of cum he has pumped in to you. You voice is hoarse, your cries cannot be heard. You pull back to look at his face and his is crying too. Poor baby he just wants to knott his pretty omega but for some unknown reason not matter how hard he tries his body won’t let him. You want him to stop, your legs hurt. The grip he has on your waist hurts your whole body rejects being used but when you look at his eyes and see how desperate he is you push your feelings aside and endure for him. Suddenly he flips you over on your back and folds you legs up, with your knees pressed into the mattress by your ears he fucks you twice as hard as he was before, using gravity to slam even harder he cums yet again but it’s still not enough, he need to feel you clamp down on him. He takes one hand to toy with your clit and your whimpers resume, with the added stimulation and the slight change in his angle, he is now hitting your g spot directly you feel one last orgasm approach he can feel your walls flutter weakly, suddenly his heavy hand slaps your clit. The same force he uses to spike is used on your clit the pain reignites your senses, suddenly you’re not numb anymore, you can feel every vein, the difference in size from his thick mushroom tip to the knot that is now growing ever so rapidly. You keen in pleasured pain and then you squirt, you clamp down so hard he has to fight to keep his cock inside you, he cum almost gets backed up in his balls but then suddenly shoots out.  His knot swells to almost the size of two golf balls, he cums so hard his vision blurs, chanting “mine, mega, mine, my mate” until he collapses.
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shera-dnd · 3 years
After many trials and tribulations (up to and including having to fight Sephiroth 3 times and then having the game crash when I land the final blow) I have finally finished Final Fantasy 7, so get ready for a weird ass stream of consciousness
Like yeah I know I'm 24 years late to the party, everyone knows FFVII FUCKS, but I have a horrible track record of playing really hyped up games and then ending up horribly disappointed (looking at you Pokemon), so I wasn't expecting much from it
The story is fucking amazing, the gameplay is fun, the materia system is just one of the sexiest systems I've ever seen in a game. Like this game is over two decades old and still fucking delivers its story fucking masterfully. This shit must have set the bar SO HIGH for the RPGs of the time
It does have some very late 90s features. Like having 3 back to back boss fights, multiple cutscenes, a motorcycle combat minigame, and another fucking boss fight before it allows you to save the game at the end of the Midgard section
Or having a snowboarding minigame less than an hour after Aerith dies
Or the fact that Tifa (A TRAINED MARTIAL ARTIST) has a slap fight with Scarlet instead of like... AN ACTUAL FIGHT!
Thankfully I was saved the brunt of this mess, because I was playing using the Reunion mod which adds like a fuck ton of quality of life improvements, including retranslating the entire game from the ground up!
Also I'm just gonna say it, if FFVII came out today there would 100% be a dozen youtube videos going like "FINAL FANTASY HAS GONE WOKE!!!" or some shit
This game is about eco terrorists fighting against an evil mega corporation with plans for STRIP MINING HEAVEN! A corporation that has started a war with a foreign nation for their resources and left them so poor that they have no means to survive except for stealing or selling their culture to tourists!
Not to fucking mention how Cloud's entire arc is about him letting go of the toxic masculinity that has completely ruined his sense of self. Like that boy straight up said he wanted to be strong so his pretty neighbor would pay attention to him, and that kind of unhealthy shit is what lets that masculine ideal manipulate him, it's why Sephiroth can control him like he does
Which makes me very annoyed that every time Cloud gets depicted anywhere it's as that stupid brooding bad boy act he is trying to hard to keep up. When am I gonna get post character development Cloud representation?
Cloud isn't a cool loner, Cloud is a fucking dweeb who gets motion sickness super easy and keeps getting yelled at by Cid for not being good at dramatic speeches. And that in no way detracts from how badass he genuinely is
Also he's an egg. Like Cloud is absolutely that egg that is trying to over compensate real hard for her dysphoria by quadrupling down on toxic male stereotypes. One day she's gonna wake up, realize she's not a he, and have an entire fucking identity crisis all over again
Good for her
So yeah that was...a lot. Had a lot of fun with it as you can tell, even with the odd hiccups here and there, definitely recommend it AND the reunion mod for anyone looking for a fun turn based RPG and a good story
And to reiterate one last time
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t0shii · 4 years
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hq boys when you're feeling anxious or stressed
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suna rintaro, hinata shoyo, oikawa toru x gn!r
!warnings! mentions of anxiety, reader comparing themselves to others, mentions of food & hunger, driving. this is like all fluff no angst rlly tbh.
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he could tell something was up but conviced himself he shouldnt pry as he had already asked you twice if you were feeling alright, to which you reasurred him with a "yep" both times, it was suspicious but he thought maybe you just wanted to be left alone. meanwhile you weren't sure why you lied him, you obviously were not doing okay at the moment. currently he was driving you home and your anxiety was going absolutely crazy from the amount of school work that was piling up on you, it's unfair you thought to yourself, looking out the window. not only were you stressed from work but trying to keep up with your friend was hard, to say the least. they were phenomenal students, straight As in their transcript and though your grades were just fine, you couldn't help but feel inferior and insecure. it's unfair how effortlessly smart they are and how i'll never be able to catch up.... oh boy if your thoughts weren't running wild before they definitely were now, you hadn't even realized your boyfriend pulling into your driveway until he slightly tapped your shoulder. "are you sure you're alright? i don't wanna pressure you ofcourse but, you know you can tell me anything right?" ... and there were the water works! the little string holding you together had snapped just like that. you sat there in the passengers seat sobbing into your hands and suna rintaro hadn't a clue what to do in the moment.
"give me just a sec" you heard him mumble but not before he gave you a kiss as light as a feather on the top of your head. somehow you didn't notice him exit the car and rush to your side until he opened your door and hugged you so tight you honestly couldn't breathe. after a few seconds your boyfriend let go of the embrace which, to his dismay, only made you cry even harder. now, he knew he was known for being quite... stoic but he was definitely panicking on the inside and it was really difficult to remain calm on the outside. your boyfriend carefully reached over you to unbuckle the seatbelt that you had yet to unclasp. "lets go inside baby." his voice was so gentle it would've taken you by surprise had you not still been crying. you nodded in response and he helped you carefully out of the car, holding your hand all the way to the door, "d'ya have your key?" you nodded trying your best to unlock the door, after a few struggled and shakey attempts you finally had your door unlocked but not without rins help because he couldn't bare to watch you struggle any longer.
stepping inside rin helped you take your shoes off, removing his own after, "bedroom?" having calmed down a little you whispered "yes," with a small nod. he nodded with you in response and took you to your bedroom. after helping you change into comfy clothes he helped you into bed, crawling in right behind you. your back was snug against his chest and he held you super tightly, it was silent for a few minutes until finally he spoke up, "please tell me how i can help" you could feel your lip quiver. "well... you don't have to say anything right now, you know i can wait. i'll even leave if you want, i just wanted you to know that you can tell me whenever you're ready and that i'll listen." neither of you were sure when you'd be ready to admit what had gotten you so upset but you felt comfortable knowing suna rintaro would be there whenever you were ready, whether it be minutes from now or even months.
your silence on the walk home was starting to concern him.. maybe im just talking too much... he thought, "hey... im sorry if im talking your ear off.. how was your day angel?" to say he was disappointed with your response would be an understatement. not thar you HAD to talk but usually you were talkative with him and the worry in his tummy was only growing more. a simple, "oh.. my day was alright sho," simply woundn't cut it! "hey, are you feeling okay?" it was silent for a few seconds before you answered a mumbled "i think so, are you feeling alright, sho?" he simply nodded with a "mhm" and you told him to continue on with his story from earlier.
he complied but only to fill the silence. hinata decided to trust you when you said you were okay because you know your own feelings and he knows for a fact he's made it clear before that you could and should let him know if something was bothering you. though you enjoyed listening to hinata's stories you only found yourself getting lost in your own mind whilst he rambled on.you could tell he was suspicious of your behavior but was grateful he had left his curiosity behind because you were sure you would snap if he had asked you if you were okay again, you really didn't want to cry in front of him. truth is, your thoughts were running wild, stressing over the smallest things; assignments due at the end of the week, what you were gonna get your boyfriend for your anniversary, how you were gonna make time for your friends surprise birthday party and helping sho with his studied all the while trying to take care of your own self and keep your own grades afloat. "y/n..? we're at your house.. are you sure your alright? you look a little pale, are you ill?" crap! how had you not noticed you were approaching your own driveway you wanted to slap yourself for being so clueless. you couldn't help but feel horrible for not listening to your boyfriends story also.
"yes sho i'm fine really, i just didn't have time to eat lunch today but i have food inside so don't worry m'may?" he looked at you suspiciously and you knew he was onto you, "y'know y/n, i'm not gonna force you to tell me what's going on but just know i'll always be here for you, okay?" he gave you a small smile before engulfing you into a tight hug, it honestly melted your heart. surprisingly, you didn't start crying on the spot. "y'know, i wanted to trust you when you said you were okay but now i'm not so sure if you were telling the truth," he mumbled into your shoulder. you sighed, giving up the facade. "sho.... i just don't know what to do honestly, i have alot on my plate right now and i'm really stressed with all the responsibilities ive piled onto myself," you admitted. he nodded lifting his head from your shoulder, giving you the brightest smile, "well, i can always help out! i might not be the mooost helpful person ever but i'll try my best, and if anything i'm good moral support!" you giggled at that but suddenly you felt your lip quiver from the sudden guilt you feeling, "i'm sorry for lying to you sho-", "hey! its alright! you dont need to apologize. especially dont need you crying on me now!" he smiled cupping your face in his hands, wiping away a few stray tears of whom managed to escape.
you smile back at him and thought of how silly it was that you tried keeping your feelings a secret from your boyfriend of two years, hinata shoyo, feeling glad that you confided in him. he knew you were upset as soon as he saw you that very morning, he could read you like and open book and you knew that fact very well. still though, you tried your best to hide yourself from him, though it was hard considering you sitting right next to him in the passenger seat of his car. finally after a whole day of being worried sick, he was tired of leaving things left unsaid "babyyyy," he sang for you from the kitchen, "please come here a sec!" he yelled for you louder. soon you came trudging down the hallway, blanket wrapped around your body, he couldn't help but smile at how adorable his s/o looked.
"c'mere quickly," he said will a grin, opening his arms for a hug, which you gladly accept, wrapping your arms around his waist tightly. "now, i know you know that i know that you're not feeling well, so please tell me what's got my angel so upset?" he said softly rubbing his hand lightly over your back, his voice a little muffled from his cheek being squished against the top of your head. you let out a breath you hadn't even realized you were holding, "'m sorry tooru, i don't know what's wrong with me today.... just not feeling well." you felt him nod against your head in response, "well good thing your amazing boyfriend is here to make you feel all better huh?" you let a out small giggle at that. "you know you can tell me when you're feeling down right? you shouldn't keep things bottled up inside", "i know tooru... im sorry, i just dont really know wbat i'm feeling so down about though," you admitted shyly. "hey that's okay! there absolutely no need to apologize for that, here, look at me, angel," he tilts your face so you're looking up at him, his big soft hands holding your face, thumbs stroking your cheeks lightly, "i'm here whenever you figure it out, hell, even if you dont figure it out or there just isn't any reason at all. you know i'm always, always, always here. i promise you that, m'kay?" he finishes his little speech with a smile, smothering your face in kisses. you could only feel relieved, thankful and loved. because you knew that you would always have your soulmate, oikawa toru by your side.
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( a/n ; ahh so im sorry if this has any spelling or grammatical errors it's sort of late as i'm writing this! and im too lazy to proof read.... also it might just all be word vomit and if it is im so sorry 😩 ++ i'm positive ive kept the reader gn throughout the whole thing but if there are slip-ups i promise i'll do better next time! i rlly wanted to write some hq boys when ur feeling anxious and beyond stressed because i have been MEGA struggling with my own anxiety lately, especially bc of school so i just needed to let my feelings go! anywhooo i hope everyone who reads this has an amazing day or night! ) p.s. im new to writing so be nice 2 me or whatever 😩🙄😌👍🏻
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vivi-the-goblin · 3 years
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Happy Halloween! Jumping ahead for a moment to make this week a little more spooky! First is Ghastly, a creature which is 95% corpse gas from graveyards, 5% necrotic energy from said corpses' lingering will to live mixed with the souls of victims. They're pranksters, and some are actually benevolent jovial creatures that become extremely lonely. Why? Because the vast majority consider suffocating people to death a 'prank.' They're fairly simple in combat, licking to keep creatures paralyzed as they choke to death on poison. Between their gaseous body and movement speed they're near impossible to escape normally, and in groups the paralysis makes them EXPONENTIALLY more deadly, so be careful if making a haunt of them. However, all this vanishes in a strong wind or light. This makes weather matter a lot more than usual, and makes the wizard who chose spells like Gust of Wind feel validated. Haunter is repeatedly stated to be extremely dangerous, beckoning people into dark places alone where they can ambush and drain them. Areas where Haunter are a problem keep the streets well-lit and streetlights plentiful, because a dimly lit city would otherwise be their favorite terrain. A haunter in a town or building is a nightmare. if they know a party is coming, they may hide inside objects for a few rounds, using thier hands as decoys to misdirect the party. They always aim to lure a party member away from the group, or at least get an ambush in. As soon as they paralyze someone, they'll speed off away from the party, cackling as they freeze thier prey and the party tries to catch up. If the going gets even a little rough, they will not hesitate to drop thier victims and float through a wall to wait for a better opportunity. From hauntings in abandoned homes to a string of serial killings, its easy to find reasons to pit one against the party. But be prepared, the cat-and-mouse chase may take the rest of the night. Gengar. "Should you feel yourself attacked by a sudden chill, it is evidence of an approaching Gengar. There is no escaping it. Give up." Shadow ball with shadow stride will keep the party constantly scrambling to catch up and land solid damage. Gengar like to play with their food, hiding in shadows and cackling as the victims realize what keeps grinning in every shadow. This sadistic streak actually lets you adjust the difficulty mid-fight if needed, the gengar switching to licking only or just watching from the border ethereal for 59 minutes, wanting to savor their fear. Gengar should be extremely rare, rare enough that it's spoken of as a sort of bed-time myth that most think is fake...but common enough that if one haunts the local abandoned ruin, Old Farmer Cled will swear up and down that his neighbor's brother was cursed by one for weeks when they were kids. Mega Gengar is an abomination that I frankly have to slap a "USE WITH CAUTION" label on, hard to balance while still feeling the lopsided TERROR that it is in-game. By the end of turn one, either the ghost or one of your party members is probably hitting the dirt. Mega Gengar is a creature with vision so warped that even those it truly loved are on the menu for its twisted games. The power and surging pain of the Mega ritual elevates everything it once was to absurd levels. Finding a reason to throw it at your party is almost negligible, as a creature like this will be tearing through a countryside. It's clever and patient, if your party is tracking it instead of just becoming the spree-killer's victims...well, they'll quickly see that finding a living shadow before it strikes is difficult. Mega Gengar may spend weeks quietly watching a town, figuring out how and when to strike to cause the most panic...then wiping them all out in a frenzy like a kid in a candy store on halloween. By the time most know that the shadows they jump at really are smiling back, it's too late to react. Still, having your party tracking it feverishly, only to see it mid-rampage, THAT could be a nice highlight encounter in an undead-centric campaign or arc. And that's a wrap!
Sorry I was a little late but I'm glad I could get this out just in time. Hope they terrorize your players as much as they terrorized me. There's your ghosts, spook 'em scare 'em stick 'em in a stew and all that jazz. Happy Halloween!
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kinnards · 3 years
Thank you so much for tagging me in 'send me a prompt and i'll write you a fic!' May I please request Buck and Eddie prompt where Buddie is already together and Ana makes a comment about Buck or the tsunami? I'd love to see protective Abuela and Eddie ❤❤
hey! i'm sorry i couldn't fit abuela into this but I hope you like it! i had a great time writing this prompt, and it turned out to be almost pure fluff. enjoy! send me a prompt and I'll write you a fic.
this right here, in a grocery store. [one shot, 1.4k, buddie, ao3]
Buck stares alternatively at the two boxes in his hands, taking his sweet time deciding which pasta brand to buy. He and Eddie are getting groceries for the week, along with Christopher, who is happily seated in the cart and has very seriously accepted the task of organizing the items in categories. Eddie has left them in the pasta aisle to go look for Christopher’s favorite cereal and they have agreed to meet at the fruit and vegetable section in two minutes- Buck has to make a quick choice, or else, Eddie won’t get him his quinoa chips.
“What do you think, Superman?” He calls out for Christopher’s attention, showing him both boxes, “Fusilli or farfalle?” Buck asks. The boy scrunches up his nose and rubs his chin between his fingers, thinking hard. It is a hard question, after all.
“I like the little bowties better,” Christopher answers in a serious tone, “I want that one.”
“Farfalle,” Buck corrects softly, handing him the box so he can place it between the bread and the tomato paste cans. “Alright, let’s get rolling.”
Christopher giggles as Buck pushes the cart and makes car noises, reaches out a hand to pat Buck's when they pass a shelf stocked with chocolate on sale. They share a knowing smile as they grab a couple of bags of M&M's.
They are reaching the fruit and veggie section, with Christopher babbling about wanting to get kiwis and tangerines when Buck spots Eddie, a beautiful looking woman standing next to him, facing Eddie so Buck can't see her face. She's sort of tall, slim, and tan, and her long dark curls cascade down her back, shiny and perfectly styled.
A strange feeling of uneasiness settles down in Buck's stomach- he's never been the jealous kind, but his relationship with Eddie is still kind of new (the romantic aspect to it, at least), and they haven't really announced it to the world yet, so he wouldn't blame him for getting hit on at the grocery store. Still, something's not right, and the feeling intensifies as they approach Eddie and Buck takes note of his tense shoulders and a tight smile. He's uncomfortable, eyes flicking from the woman in front of him and the end of the aisle. When Eddie finally sees them, he relaxes for a second before panic flashes in his eyes and he turns back to the woman, scratches his neck, and looks at his son and Buck again.
The woman turns around.
“Miss Flores!” Christopher exclaims, genuinely happy to see her, and she smiles wide, eyes crinkling cutely and all. Buck stops the cart a few steps before he crashes it against them.
“Hello Christopher,” she says, voice syrupy sweet and a little on the edge of childlike, and she crouches down to be on Christopher’s eye level, “long time no see.”
“Hey, Ana,” Eddie clears his throat, “you know Chris, and this is, uh, this is Buck. Buck, meet miss Ana Flores.” Ana directs her thousand-mega-watt smile at him now, and Buck tries not to cringe.
Eddie didn’t introduce Buck as his boyfriend, which, okay, fair, he can’t imagine how awkward it must be for Eddie to run into his ex-girlfriend who doesn’t know he swings both ways at the grocery store, but still. Buck has to pretend that his stomach isn’t tied in knots and slap a fake smile on his face, his mother’s ‘be nice, Evan’ echoing behind his thoughts. Buck takes a deep breath. He’s going to be nice; he can be polite and get out of this as fast as possible.
“Nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you, Buck," she says, but there’s something wrong in the way she says her name, laced with something Buck doesn’t have the time to dissect right now.
"Likewise," he manages to choke out. His skin feels like it's being crawled by ants.
“Miss Flores,” Christopher interrupts, and the three adults turn to look at him in the shopping cart, “Buck is the one who saved me from the tsunami!”
Buck’s stomach drops, suddenly
“Sure, sweetie,” she replies lightly- and God should strike him with lightning if that dismissal didn't make his blood boil- then turns back to Eddie as if Buck wasn’t there, and asks “He’s your best friend, right?”
Eddie bites his lip, his eyes flicker to Buck. He nods, silently communicating that he’s okay with whatever Eddie comes up with to protect them. Buck knows Eddie is not ready to come out publicly, and they decided to keep it inside the family for now- Christopher knows they are together, but they also had a very extensive conversation about what that meant and about talking to other people about their relationship. Their kid is amazing, and they never ask him to lie about their family- but Christopher does understand that his dad needs to be the one to tell people, for now. Buck would never let Eddie hide anything from his son or make him believe that there is anything wrong with their relationship and that it is something to be ashamed of.
Buck trusts Eddie, and that’s all that matters.
“Yeah, no, actually, we’re together now,” Eddie says, twisting the plastic bag he’d been holding in his hands nervously, “Buck is my boyfriend.”
“Oh,” Ana’s face falls, and Buck’s heart speeds up. She looks nervously between the two of them, before settling in Buck again, only a trace of her fake smile left. “I’m happy for you, guys.”
“Thank you,” he utters, completely at lost for words- this is the last thing he expected. “We’re really happy.”
“Buck is the best!” Christopher says, tugging on Buck’s hand, so he lets go of the shopping cart handle to hold his small hand back. Looking down at the kid and his warm smile, every insecurity he has ever had vanishing and replaced by the overwhelming love he feels for him. The way Christopher loves him is something no one could ever take away.
He looks up, finding Eddie's eyes, giving him one of those looks, all soft and fond. It makes Buck feel seen, not just because Eddie had come out to his ex-girlfriend in the middle of a grocery store. They smile at each other, and for a second nothing else exists in their little bubble.
“Wow, yeah, I think- I think I better leave you to it,” Ana twists a curl behind her ear and clears her throat, breaking the spell.
“It was nice to see you, Ana,” Eddie replies with a relaxed smile, steps around the cart, and slides an arm around Buck’s waist. His chest swells with pride, he’s not ashamed to say he loves that Eddie feels comfortable enough to show not only Ana but everyone else around them that Buck is his partner. Buck leans into his boyfriend's hold, smiles brightly at the woman in front of him.
And, well, if he’s also enjoying the fact that Eddie is showing him off to his ex… well, that’s his business and no one else’s.
“You too, Edmundo. Take care,” and with one last smile and wave, she’s gone.
Buck lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, the last knots in his stomach dissolving. He turns to Eddie and what he sees is probably the most adorable thing ever- a blush spreads all the way from Eddie’s neck and cheeks, avoiding Buck’s eyes, checking out the label of Buck’s pasta.
“What was that?” he asks smugly, just to pick on Eddie. He’s so fucking proud of his boyfriend right now, but he’s going to take advantage of his flustered state, or his name isn’t Evan Buckley.
“Well, you’re my boyfriend, aren’t you?” Eddie retorts, still not looking up, and Buck shares a glance with Christopher, who has turned in his seat and is covering his mouth as he giggles, and winks. Sneaking a hand around Eddie’s neck, he pulls him closer and places a wet smooch on his flushed cheek, mwah sound included.
“Gross, daddy!” Chris laughs, and Buck exchanges a look with Eddie- both thinking the same, a mischievous glint in their eyes- and instantly lean down to attack their kid with kisses all over his face.
Right here, Buck decides he doesn’t want big, public declarations of love or expensive gifts. Just this, their family, the reassurance of his hand on his waist and spending time together in something as mundane as grocery shopping with Christopher. Taking small steps together- coming out one person at a time, making Eddie feel safe enough to do it, to even hold him and kiss him in public.
This is all he needs.
taglist: @buddiextarlos @eddie-diass @sunbeambuck @twofirefighterdads @justsmilestuffhappens @firefighterhan @agenderbuckley @allison-usn126
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shoichee · 4 years
hiii tysm for keeping this fandom alive... i was wondering if i could request hugging hcs for Moriyama, Kasamatsu, and Hayakawa? like what kind of hugs do they give, when, etc.?
Moriyama Yoshitaka
this guy is literally the definition of touch-starved LOL
once he finds his special someone, they’re gonna need to prepare themselves for TONS of verbal affection… even if they don’t get his convoluted words half the time
that being said, he wouldn’t be awkward with hugs, but it’s his misinterpretations and poor executions of the hugs that make things awkward
in his MIND, he THINKS he’s being mega suave and totally seducing you with his mannerisms, and you’re just here like, “umm… you know you can just… ask for a hug if you wanted one.”
“According to my research though, it’s better to approach this more poetically in order to be seen in a more profound light with the person you like.”
“Huh? Are you actually trusting the internet more than me about what I want—”
“Sorry, sorry, here,” he would mumble in defeat and immediately bring you to nestle your head against his chest
this type of interaction would be very frequent in the early stages of your shared relationship, where Moriyama would try to salvage his poor social skills by hugging you against body, and him putting his hand to cradle your head while the other is around your waist
of course, even if you were exasperated with him, you can’t help but eventually hug him back and snuggle closer
canon: he’d have unique scents on him every once in a while, because he’s someone to use scented deodorant sprays (like citrus, in the Replace novel)
he’d actually be unintentionally charismatic with his actions? like, if he doesn’t open his mouth and wordlessly hugs you, his body just knows how to accommodate you:
sad? happy? clingy? affectionate? lazy? when he sees your current mood, he just somehow knows what type of hugs to give you…
he thinks the internet advice is working, but in reality, he’s just inherently very in-tuned with people’s emotions; for example, he’s one of the few people who can see straight through Kasamatsu and his inner struggles, and he’s always the first person to suggest roundabout ways to make him relax
so because of this, sometimes he’d make the most confusing statements and random trivias he found from his “research” just to try to look for an opportunity to sneak up and glomp on you “tactfully” (never works, and you end up sighing that *sigh* before letting yourself be open on purpose for Moriyama to sneak in with a hug)
this dude is the type of guy who’d find every opportunity to hug you in front of his teammates to subtly show off how “experienced” he was in dating LOL and then he’d probably say something like, “If you follow the signs I told you guys about, you’ll all be able to have cute dates too, you know…” all while giving that little comical pout and index finger point at them… maybe flipping his bang to the side with that finger too…
but again, he’s touch-starved, so deep inside, he really, REALLY likes hugging you and wants to touch you every moment he gets
whenever he hugs you, he’s at his most “normal,” where he drops the whole “fate, elements, advice” talk and just has normal conversations and genuine muses… although a random corny line might slip out of habit
he hugs you before school, during school, after school, but rarely during practice or games or anything like that… which is surprisingly odd
he’ll hug you in front of his teammates during school no problem, but if it’s right before a practice or a game, he usually doesn’t, mostly because he’s usually very concentrated on the upcoming challenge… and not to mention, he’s a 3rd-year, so he does want to set a good example for the underclassmen in prioritizing the team first
he has no problem scouting for your face on the stands before a game starts though, and of course, he’d pester his team about how cute you looked in the stands
once games end, if you allowed him, he’d usually jog straight to you and would try to give you a quick hug before he’d go back to his teammates to the lockers
Kasamatsu Yukio
touch-starved guy #2, but is also afraid of physical contact
not because he doesn’t like it, but the concept of someone hugging him or him hugging someone for ROMANTIC reasons is so foreign
it’s the fact that he knows he’ll get super sweaty, clammy, and stiff and he KNOWS he’d focus on everything but also on nothing, and at that point he’ll just shut down—
so touch-starved that when he gets a hug from you, he’d be hyper-fixated on EVERYTHING about you and where you’re touching, and his brain would just overload
so the result is the same old Yukio being frozen and stammery and red
in other words, YOU have to initiate the hugs
whenever you hug him, he’s gonna first flinch and then respond by stiffly holding his arms out to support your weight against his body… and then after a few seconds of contact, he would awkwardly pat his two hands on your back in this loose hug he’s doing LOL
all while being red, of course
but how much he hugs depends on how much you go up to him for hugs; as much as he grumbles and stammers and lamely complains, he’d never reject any of your hugs, even with the hesitant reciprocation
if you two are alone, he’s much quicker to hug you back… if you hug him in public or in front of his teammates, he’s more likely to be frozen stiff and slower to pat your arms in a shy hug
however, the times when Kasamatsu would be at his lowest and most emotional are when Kasamatsu initiates the hugs first, often out of nowhere with fierce, tight holds while nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck/top of your shoulder
once he reveals his most vulnerable side like this to you in hugging you, it’d be huge milestone in which he would be more inclined to initiate physical contact without being in a flustered state
all in all, give the poor captain some time… eventually when you’ll reach a certain part of your relationship (see bullet points above), he’ll be comfortable enough to hug you without being a mess
so when he finally gets to this point, he will always ask you for consent (or at least give you a heads up) before he hugs you or physically touches you with, “May I…?” or “Do you mind…?”
and most of the time, or near always, you’d reply, “Of course, Yukio.”
“Th-That’s good…”
he’s still a reserved individual with a captain’s duty to uphold, so he’s not going to be handsy on his end in front of people; he’d literally DIE of embarrassment
expect “loose” hugs from him, he’s not gonna smush your face into his chest or give those extremely tight hugs, generally speaking
so what should you expect from his hugs? assuming that you hugged him first, his hands will always pat your back or rub soothing patterns of circles and swirls, almost in an unconscious effort to try to show you that he does love these hugs from you, even if it’s hard for him to show and express that sometimes
or if he has those shy moments, he’d try to half-heartedly pry you off in a grumbling fluster, but after grasping your arms around his waist, he’d immediately give in and just rub those familiar patterns on your upper arms while trying to convince you to wait until you’re alone with him to do these things
if he senses some sketchy people nearby or if you’re in a crowd full of strangers, expect a hand around your shoulder as he ushers you slightly closer to his side with a serious glint in his eyes, analyzing your surroundings (again, this will only happen once your relationship reaches at a later stage)
it’s only when the “danger” passes by and with his hand still on you that he realizes what he did and starts getting embarrassed again
key phrase with the Kaijō captain is: “There’s a time and place for everything.”
Hayakawa Mitsuhiro
touch-starved guy #3, but he’s not afraid to pounce on you for the hugs
ever since he miraculously got into a relationship with you (according to his teammates, anyways), slapping his own cheeks to get himself in the mood for rebounding wasn’t as appealing anymore
not when he has you to hug and accidentally squeeze the life out of you
“Oh!! A(l)e you he(l)e to chee(l) me on, (y/n)-san?!”
“M-Mitsu… I can’t… breathe—”
“O-Oh! So(l)(l)y…! I [will learn] to be mo(l)e ca(l)efu(r) next time!”
“Mitsuhiro, please don’t worry about me! Go back to your teammates… they’re waiting for you. Good luck on the game, okay?”
Hayakawa treats hugging like he does with basketball, putting 100% of his effort and enthusiasm into it… and oftentimes, his hugs can be too… explosive? they can be quite abrupt and intense
his energy alone would normally scare away everyone—hell, a lot of times, his teammates can’t tolerate it… so everyone always wonders how you never seem bothered by his tendencies
but to you, his bear hugs make you feel very, very secure and loved, since he never has qualms about hugging in public because he’s always focused on you or the courts
initially though, his hugs definitely crushed your figure into smithereens, mostly because he’s never had to keep his strength in check
and he’s never had anything close to an intimate relationship, so he’d probably need a lot of time and positive encouragement/advice for him to learn how to be more delicate (or rather, tactful) when initiating hugs
he’s SO earnest that he’d totally treat your words/encouragement as a serious lesson and would try to “practice” hugging and ask:
“Is this okay, (y/n)-san?!”
if you’re not around, he’d totally hug his teammates out of nowhere and definitely receive a few punches or kicks out of retaliation
“I am p(l)acticing [how to] hug, Kasamatsu-senpai!”
“Don’t do that! People will get the wrong idea!!”
“Why? Don’t we a(r)ways p(l)actice togethe(l) as a team, captain?!”
“That’s completely different!!”
he has no tact, so whenever he sees you, expect a fierce hug as a greeting every time… unless you tell him that you’re not a fan of the constant hugging or want to save it for private moments, he’s gonna keep doing it
just as your hugs hype him up for anything upcoming, when you hug him a certain way, they also have a calming effect on this excitable boy too
Kasamatsu literally reveres you because you’re the only one who can keep him in check
it’s when you do your calming hugs (that gentle squeeze around his torso as you slowly nuzzle against him) that his heartbeat slightly slows down and his breath exhales out steadily to let out the pent-up steam
those types of hugs from your end would allow you to see a “less-energetic” side of him, where his voice might still be loud, but at least it’s still relatively indoor voice
still, a lot of his sentences are either incomprehensible mumbles or butchered exclaims, no in-between
“Sometimes, it’s good for your body and mind to stop and relax, y’know?”
“I-Is that so…! You a(l)e very knowled[geable] about these things! I [think] that is ve(l)y coo(r)…”
“You say that, but you’re one of the best offensive rebound players in the nation. That’s so much cooler, Mitsuhiro.”
“If I was coo(r) (r)ike you say, I wonde(l) why peop(r)e (l)un away [when I try] to ta(r)k? Mo(l)iyama-senpai says [it is because] I ‘have no cha(l)m’… I must wo(l)k ha(l)der [if that is the case]!”
“Well, I think your attitude and energy can be very refreshing. Everytime I see you, I can’t help but be motivated to work hard and accomplish like you do.”
“I am ve(l)y touched, (y/n)-san…!”
all in all, he will hug you every chance he gets (except when Kasamatsu roundhouse kicks him to curb him) and accepts all hugs from you (while being red and a little shy, but still enthusiastic)
prepare your waist/torso to be constantly crushed embraced, because that’s where his arms will always be around
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mosswillow · 4 years
Hiding Your Wolf (Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader)
Warnings - 18+ dark fic, kidnapping, noncon/dubcon, public nudity, smut, werewolves, A/B/O dynamics.
Word count 1.8k
Summary - you’ve been hiding your wolf your whole life. You know you shouldn’t go out on a full moon but you want to so badly.  
A/N - I wrote this quickly and didn’t do a good proof read or anything.  Enjoy :)
It’s a bad idea, you know it is. You can hear your mother's voice in your head admonishing you for even thinking of going out tonight. You want so badly to go though. Your friends have been begging you for weeks to go out with them. They can’t understand why halloween is such a dangerous time for you, especially this year which lands on a full moon. They would look at you like you’re crazy if you told them werewolves existed at all let alone what would happen if one caught you. You’re not a wolf but you have one in you. One bite would turn you, changing your life forever. You’ve been able to hide from wolves your whole life by being careful. You usually smell human but some nights of the year your wolf's scent comes through. Your parents are both wolves but never forced you to change. They kept you safe, giving you a choice. Maybe you wouldn’t mind turning if you were an Alpha or a Beta. Even if you were caught and turned you would still have a life. As an Omega though your life would be destined for service. You would most likely be forced to give up everything. School, friends, a career, traveling. All gone the second a pack turns you.
You spray yourself heavily with perfume and walk into the living room you share with your college roommate Darcy.
“Woah Y/N, went pretty heavy with the perfume.” Darcy laughs.
You brush off the comment, changing the subject.
“I decided to come tonight. I might leave early though.”
Darcy jumps up and down with excitement. She runs to her room, grabbing a dress and a sheet and shoving them at you.
“What is this?”
“Your costume!”
You strip and put your dress on, holding the sheet up confused.
“It’s a cape.”
Your eyes get big with recognition. The sheet is red. A hidden wolf dressed as red riding hood. You tie it around you like a hooded cape and twirl around.
“Looks great, lets go.”
You giggle as you make your way towards the house party. You’re on full alert, looking around and keeping your nose open. You walk into the party and grab a drink, starting to relax and enjoy yourself. One of your favorite songs comes on and you start dancing with a class acquaintance, flirting with her a little. Something about the atmosphere makes you more outgoing and you feel yourself becoming lost in a haze of delight. After the dance you get another drink and stand next to Darcy, talking and laughing. A shiver runs through your spine suddenly and you look across the room meeting eyes with Steve Rogers.
Steve Rogers is a wolf, like a full fledged Alpha wolf. He’s tried to approach you several times and you’ve always avoided him. You’ve always been sure to keep distance from him days before full moons, going as far as to skip classes and lose out on points.
“I have to go.”
“I think I started my period.”
“Oh shit. Do you want me to come with you?”
“No, it’s ok I’m getting tired anyway.”
“Ok, I’ll check on you when I get back.”
You’re already half out the door back. You half run through the backyard jumping over a drunk guy laying in the grass and throw the gate open. You start speed walking home. Half way through your walk you exhale, slowing down. That was a close one. You reach your building, stopping dead in your tracks at the sight of Steve leaning against the side of the building.
“You’ve been bad Omega, hiding your wolf.”
“Get over yourself Steve. You’re not my ‘Alpha’ ” you take a step back.
“Little Omega denying who she is. You’ll learn. ”
“Get away from me.”
“You smell so good.”
“Please don’t do this Steve, I don’t want to turn. I just want to be a human and have a human life.”
“My wolf picked you.” he says, pushing himself away from the wall and taking a step toward you.
Your eyes widen. He doesn’t just want to turn you, he wants to mate you. You turn on your heel and start running, making it to the forest line. The sheet falls from your shoulders and flies back. Steve grabs hold of it behind you, smelling it and throwing it aside. There’s no getting away and you know it but you keep running anyway. You trip over a tree root and fall to the ground, twisting your ankle. You start crawling, tears falling down your cheeks and Steve walks up behind you grabbing your waist and flipping you around.
“Don’t do it Steve.” you cry.
“Mine.” Steve the junction between your neck and shoulder. You black out.
Fire, everything is on fire. Your fingertips all the way to your heart feel like they’re burning up. You open your eyes and only see white. It’s too painful to speak or move or even think. You’re not sure how long you’re in this state before the pain suddenly ends and you’re cognizant. You’re not human anymore. You look over and see a light brown wolf staring at you. It’s Your Alpha, your mind supplies you. No, not your mind. Your wolf. He stalks toward you, challenging you and you bare your neck out of instinct. He licks your neck and nods his head, motioning you to follow him, which you do. You run for almost an hour before arriving at a small village of homes. Steve shifts into a human and looks at you.
“The first time is hard, just focus on your human self and let it happen.”
You do as he asks, closing your eyes and focusing on who you are as a human. You feel the fire again as you shift back and suddenly find yourself naked and cold. A group of people and wolves start gathering around you, whispering among themselves. You recognize several of them from town.
“An Omega,” you hear them whisper to each other.
You take a few steps back and Steve pins you to your spot with a stare.
“She’s mine.” Steve says to the group. Steve holds his hand out for you to take and you muster up all your courage, going against your nature.
The crowd lets out a unified gasp before going silent again. Steve walks toward you slowly.
You gulp. “I won’t be yours or join your pack. I’m about to graduate school and have a life. I can still have one as a rogue wolf.”
“Kneel.” Steve's voice hits you like a sledgehammer and you immediately obey.
Steve makes it to you, circling around in slow even strides. When he reaches your front he crouches down, looking you in the eyes.
“I already marked you Y/N, you’re not going anywhere.” He says. You feel the place Steve bit you, knowing he’s telling the truth. He made sure to bite you somewhere visible, making the bite deep enough to scar. Any wolf who sees you will know you’re taken.
“Fuck you!” you shout, fighting what feels like 100lbs on your shoulders to stand back up and turn away from Steve. You start walking towards the forest. Every step is a fight and you only take three before you’re being picked up and carried over Steve's shoulder, a sharp, humiliating smack landing on your bottom. You start hitting Steve’s back but he doesn’t respond. He carries you to a house, bringing you up a flight of stairs and to a bed. He throws you on the bed and you scramble to your knees.
“You won’t speak to your Alpha that way.”
He climbs on top of you, his weight crushing your body. He grabs your hands and holds them above your head and you try to squirm but can’t move. He brings his nose to your neck, inhaling and licking both sides, his scent mixing with yours.  
“I’ve been waiting so long to find my Omega, you have no idea.”
He leans in and kisses you, pushing his tongue into your mouth. He grabs your breast with his free hand, kneading. He lets go of your wrists, giving you a hard look that tells you not to try anything. He starts kissing and licking you working his way down your body and to your sex. He looks up at you and smirks before kissing your pussy. You whimper and he pulls away.
“You want to come, Omega?”
You shake your head no and he moves back, flipping you over and bringing his dick up to your entrance. He pushes in slowly, pulling at your hips so you stay in place. He starts thrusting harder and you let your front half relax. You can’t think of anything outside of the sensations. The sheets are luxurious and feel soft against your naked skin. beads of sweat forming on your forehead as your heat up. You listen to the slapping and grunting coming from Steve as he pounds into you. You forget where you are for a second and let out a moan which spurs Steve on and he gives a hard thrust, hitting your cervix. You let out a cry from the pain and he shushes you, slowing down again.
“I’m going to come.” He says, fingers digging bruises into your hips.
You feel him fill you up and he relaxes a bit before collapsing beside you. He puts a large arm around you, bringing you into a suffocating hug. You start crying and his chest rumbles, sending a calming feeling through you.
“None of that Doll.”
You stifle your cry and bury your head into his chest. You know you’ll never leave, he won’t let you. You won’t be going back to school or have a career. You doubt you’ll be allowed to go back to your apartment for your belongings or see any of your friends again. The idea of Steve owning you is terrifying. This huge stranger can do anything he wants to you now and you have no choice. Steve pulls a blanket over you and rubs small circles in your back until you relax, whispering praise into your ear. A tear runs down your cheek as you realize that you feel safe and happy with Steve. You’ve lost everything and don’t even care. So many terrifying things have happened tonight but this feeling of serenity is what scares you the most. You fucking love him. The monster that kidnapped you turning you into a werewolf and claiming you as his.
“I love you ‘Mega.”
“I love you too Alpha.”
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sasukelore · 4 years
i request headcanons about how would shikamaru, naruto, and sasuke react to a bratty sub
Shikamaru Nara, Naruto Uzumaki, And Sasuke Uchiha w/ a Bratty Sub s/o
Request: i request headcanons about how would shikamaru, naruto, and sasuke react to a bratty sub
A/N: ma’am this was deleted and somehow ended up back at the top of my ask box and I’m still shooketh. I’m sorry if this is shorter than normal, I wrote it all in a hour because I was feeling thirsty LOL
Warnings: degradation, descriptions of sex, bratty s/o, feral confused naruto.
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Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke?? Wouldn’t??? Tolerate??? that SHIT. If you’re being a brat he’s going to let you know in the most sexual passive aggressive way he’ll ever be.
He loves having a feisty S/O who can challenge him. But who’s also really soft and knows their place
That being said, he won’t tolerate an attitude or sass. You knew what you were getting into and Sasuke knows you do aswell.
Tbh he won’t do anything about it until you’re least expecting it, having already given up, or even disappointed at his aloofness
This is all a game you’ll have with Sasuke. Set in stone right from the moment he told you what a brat you’re being.
I think that having a bratty S/O would make Sasuke’s ego rise. He’s always having to put you in your place, having you rely on him.
He’ll even love the non-sexual aspect of it. Laying down and him kissing your head. He loves babying you and despite his degradation, you’re his princess
He enjoys teasing you about how needy you are, how annoying you’re being, or how your plan to get what you want isn’t working.
He has little variations of spanking. He’ll lightly slap your thigh or your shoulder. And he loves to grasp your chin to make you look at him when he’s scolding you or even telling you how beautiful you look.
You never know what you’re gonna get
He’ll call you a brat so casually. If you’re walking around the village and try to grab his hand, he wIll call you a brat.
“Tch, brat.” He’ll say with a small smile lingering on the corners of his lips
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Shikamaru Nara
Shikamaru wouldn’t use little degradations so casually. Mostly only using it in a sexual manner.
But he does love to spoil you. So you being a sub would really be a turn on for him.
It’s easier to deal with and it warms his heart when you do something sweet and hang onto his words like a puppy
But when you’re being a brat... He can get a little aggressive.
If you’re being a brat in public, he’ll squeeze your hand. It’s the first warning, you might even notice him clenching his jaw in the corner of your eye.
If you continue, he’ll whisper in your ear about how you’re being too troublesome, and to save it for when you both get home. His lazy but stern drawl only eggs you further.
Eventually he’ll get so flustered he’ll just make a U-turn and go home, despite whatever plans or promises he made.
He’ll put you in your place not just with degradation, but he’ll scold you like a child. He’ll try to even make you feel bad about being naughty.
If it works, he’ll feel kinda bad about making you feel bad. The hard on in his pants was telling him that it was hot. But his brain was telling him that someone could’ve caught you saying something lewd under your breath that only he was suppose to hear
He’ll reassure you with little caresses on your cheeks, eventually you’ll notice the bulge in his pants that he was trying to distract you from
And it’ll all start again
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Naruto Uzumaki
Oh boy.
Not gonna lie, he would be really confused along with oblivious at your bratty behavior.. especially if you had never tried this with him before.
If you had been just really subby soft, he’d be MEGA confused? His sweet little S/O acting like a brat?
He’d love to kiss your cheeks repeatedly until you’re shyly giggling and hiding your face into his chest
I think the PDA would be horrendous. He’ll have you sitting on his lap at Ichiraku’s, training grounds, etc
At first it’ll be really cute, but everyone will get kinda uncomfortable LOL. He just can’t keep his hands away from his adorable s/o
He’s really not gonna even get that you’re needy for him unless you start to quickly sneak kisses on his neck when nobody is looking
If you place your hand on his thigh, trying to get a rise out of him, it’s not gonna work.
He’ll probably think you’re just feeling affectionate. It’s not unusual for the both of you to linger touches on one another
I’m sorry but it literally won’t come to his brain that you’re teasing him.
He’ll eventually realize that you’re in need of some release once you start to whimper in his ear and rub your legs together
STILL WONT REALIZE THAT YOU’RE BEING A BRAT. It’ll never once come across his mind. He’s way too sheltered sexually, and way too naive to believe that his shy sweet s/o is being a bad girl
Once you get him into bed he’ll try so hard to make you feel good. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Naruto. Is. Feral. He’s biting your neck, leaving claw marks all over you, purple and red bruises littering your skin.
Kurama’s chakra will come out. Hell, Kurama will probably tell Naruto of your mischievous motives and will probably fight Naruto about it because he just can’T BELIEVE IT.
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