#rebel pilot omega my beloved
magicandmundane · 5 months
*after Mon Mothma’s briefing*
Wedge: Hey, Luke! So where’ve you been?
Luke: Yeah, so I went back to Tatooine to break Han’s ass out of Jabba’s Palace. I had to fight a rancor first, though. Luckily, I killed it before—
Omega, on the other side of the room: YOU KILLED MOOCHI?!
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martianbugsbunny · 5 months
there's no way Omega didn't eventually spend some time with the ghost crew and their assorted family friends during the rebellion, partly bc the second her and Hera found out each other was fighting they would've burned down the galaxy for some gal pal hours and partly bc the second Rex and Omega found out each other was fighting they would kill to catch up with each other's lives
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brandywine-tomatoes · 3 years
Omega's Sixteenth
Characters: The Bad Batch + Omega, Rex, Hera
Prompt/Inspo: #2 from my list: Cross teaches an older Omega how to use a rifle.
TW: blaster shots (to the armour, everyone's fine), it's just a lot of banter and family shenanigans
Word count: 1857
QUICK NOTE: just a bunch of fluff. This'll be a two or three part deal, so Cross actually teaching Omega how to use his rifle will come.
“Hunter, where we going?” Omega shouted ahead of the running group. Her hands were tightly gripped around the gold energy bow with a purple bolt already in place.
“Keep going!” He yelled, farther back down the hallway with the rest of the Batch.
Omega didn’t think her sixtieth birthday would be spent raiding an Imperial base for information, but there she was, dodging blaster bolts from circular corridors and laying down cover fire for the Batch who were looking for a way out as they ran aimlessly around the sky compound.
The skull embroidered bandana around her forehead kept her brown hair from her face as the customized armour weighed her down. She backed against a wall, peering down a corridor and quickly sprung back from the sizzling bolts whisking by.
Omega jumped from her spot and rolled away from the laying shots, pulling back the bowstring rapidly to take down the KX-series security droid. She was still on her knees with her bow outstretched as her team rounded the corner.
She stood, rolling her shoulders and pointing to the window at the other end. “We could jump.”
“And get squished like pancakes?” Wrecker sounded uneasy through his helmet. “No thanks, I’ll take the stairs.”
“We have KXs inbound,” Crosshair interrupted.
Omega walked to Cross’s position, the sniper offering his fire puncher for her to see. The scope looked through the walls and picked up the movement of what looked like a whole platoon of droids. “Shit.”
“Language!” Hunter raised his voice.
“No, I agree. We’re in deep shit.” Cross took back his rifle.
“Omega’s right, the window is our only option if we value our lives,” Tech looked back at the group from the circuit breaker he was fiddling with on the wall.
A duo of security droids came around the corner, blasting away. The Batch dove for cover around both corners, Crosshair, Hunter, and Tech across from Omega and Wrecker.
Omega and Hunter counted down to sync their defence and Omega’s bow was shot into another corridor as soon as she tried to let lose an energy bolt. She jumped back in shock and shook out her hands.
“You okay, kid?” Wrecker shouted over the blaster fire.
“I’m fine, but I don’t have a weapon!”
“Catch,” Crosshair sounded from the commlink wedged in her armour.
Crosshair threw a spare blaster across the hall with expert precision, Omega catching it with one hand and flying out into the fire of the droids. After a couple missed shots, she sent them both to the ground in a sparking heap.
Hunter ran from his spot against the wall and checked Omega over.
“Did they hit you? Are you injured?” He asked frantically.
“What is it with you guys? I’m fine, only a shot in the armour,” she shrugged Hunter’s hands off her shoulders. A fleeting look of hurt passed over his face before relief.
“We don’t have time, they’re rounding the corner,” Crosshair’s voice flooded through the comms.
“You could do what you did on Skako,” Echo looked down the corridor to find Cross firing an offence.
“Not enough time.”
Omega started down the hall towards the window, picking up speed. “The window it is!”
“Omega wait! We have to wait for the ship!” Echo shouted.
“We’re going to be blasted to hell if we wait! Tell them to hurry up!”
She heard Echo’s frantic chatter on the comms and the group’s heavy footfalls bouncing off the round steel walls as they followed her lead.
As the security droids rounded the corner, Omega was pushed through the tinted glass by a bolt to the back, tumbling through the air before landing face-first on the wing of the Havoc Marauder. She flipped herself onto her back and groaned, watching the blaster fire shoot out the window before, one by one, the batch landed on the wing. Their pilots kept the ship steady and flew off in a hurry once everyone had a hold.
If Omega wasn’t shot twice in the armour, she would’ve laughed blissfully as they flew through the fluffy orange clouds, holding out her arms as the moisture-created little droplets running off the armour plates and slicking back her hair. Instead, she laid there on the wing, holding on for dear life and hoping the moisture wouldn’t loosen her grip.
“You okay?” Hunter yelled over the rushing wind to Omega.
“Stop it!” She growled back.
Echo put a hand on Hunter’s shoulder. “Kids are like this when they’re older, it’ll pass. Don’t get hung up on it.”
Hunter only nodded, putting on his stoic face and looked ahead into the clouds.
Once they were far enough away from the Imperial compound, the Havoc touched down on a hill in the middle of a rolling prairie. Blue skies with fluffy clouds surrounded them and the plain landscape.
The Bad Batch slid off the wing, Omega refusing Hunter’s help, and waited for their pilots to extend the steps.
Hera exited the ship first, shouting that she was going to kill Omega for her ridiculous plan and started chasing the brunette. Omega took off in a sprint, yelling that it wasn’t her fault while laughing her head off. The Batch started taking bets on whether Omega would outrun Hera or not and cheered the kids on.
Rex watched the madness ensue, leaning against the door frame with a smile. A fleeting and pained memory of Anakin and Ahsoka at the start of her padawan days passed through and his smile dropped, his light mood dampened. He couldn’t let go of family so easily, but it only made it more painful to go on each day without them.
“We should probably get out of here, Sargent. Imps will be crawling all over the planet,” Rex retreated inside to the co-pilot's seat.
“Alright, pack it in guys! Onto the ship!” Echo shouted to the girls far off in the distance.
Omega sprinted up the steps, gasping for air while Hera held a smile on her face, her breathing barely obstructed. She saw the confusion and the team’s heads turning from the ship to her.
“I was track star at my school, 100 meters in 5 seconds,” she said proudly and climbed into the ship.
“Who knew?” Hunter remarked.
“You would if you paid attention to your kids,” Crosshair smirked and boarded the ship with the rest following.
“I do pay attention! You got something you want to say, Cross?”
“Of course not, Sarg.”
“Thank you for your hard work, Sargent Hunter,” the rebel cell leader’s recorded message projected on the dash. “You will be fairly compensated and given your next mission in two weeks. Enjoy this time off, there won’t be much more.”
Tech shut down her hologram and looked to Hunter in the seat behind Rex. The rest of the crew waited for their leader’s next order. They hadn’t had two weeks off... ever. The most clones got was a weekend, Omega was constantly working with Nala and then going on missions, and Hera had been training as a pilot or busy with school and family. Even their droids were never shut down for more than a day.
Wrecker scratched the back of his neck. “What are we doing, Sarg?”
“Hunter?” Omega piped up from the shared seat with Hera.
“I’m thinking,” he waved them off.
Crosshair scoffed playfully and went further back into the ship. “That’s a first.”
“It’s already pretty tight in here,” he started. “I say we touch down on a planet, enjoy the peace for once.”
Hunter saw Hera visibly deflate and Omega put an arm around her shoulder.
“You can fly the ship, Hera, but only with one of the adults around,” Hunter added in defeat. She bounced in her seat and started talking with Omega excitedly, pressing a button on the armrest and spinning the seat around back to the stars.
“Where are you thinking?” Rex asked, silently praying for no god damn desert planets.
“I don’t know. Tech, any ideas?”
Tech pulled up his trusty datapad and started furiously tapping at the screen.
Crosshair had returned from the poor excuse of a kitchen with two soda cans and strolled smugly through the aisle to Hera and Omega. He sat on the floor, his back resting against the console, and gave the soda over to the kids. They jumped excitedly, not knowing there was any more of the fizzy drinks left, and swiped them from his hands. They filled him in quietly on what they were conversing about as Crosshair gave the rest of the crew a shit-eating smirk.
“I didn’t know we had any soda left,” Wrecker whispered to Hunter across from him.
“We don't.”
“This is why he’s the favourite, isn’t it?” Rex leaned to the side towards the two.
“He did this all the time on Kamino when we were cadets. It got the others off our backs.”
“I just hid in the ceiling panels,” Rex snickered.
“You weren’t always ‘mister beloved of the GAR’?” Echo shoved the captain's shoulder from his place against the wall.
“Hell no. Pretty sure Cody was part of the ‘fuck Rex squad’ at some point.”
“I think we all have seasonal membership cards.”
“So there’s Mantessa,” Tech interrupted with the list of planets. “A thick jungle planet with a fiercely predatorial native species called the panthacs. They kill quite efficiently in their home environments; I’d quite literally commit murder to get documentation of their-”
“Tech, we have kids on board,” Hunter stopped him. “Maybe something more... vacation-y?”
Tech glared at him. “Vacation-y isn’t even a word-”
“Fine fine,” he dismissed the idea, a little saddened that Hunter shot it down so eagerly.
“Mimban is largely unexplored and has a very turbulent atmosphere as well as energy storms in the stratosphere. It would be quite the learning experience for Hera to-”
“We aren’t looking for learning experiences, we’re looking for a break,” Echo said.
“You all have ridiculous standards,” he mumbled, scrolling to the bottom of his list. “Numidian Prime. The syndicates have been known to use it from time to time, but with the Empire extending it’s rein, it shouldn’t house too much trouble for us. There’s a very interesting bird species-”
“I swear it’s habitable and without predatory species that would rip us to shreds,” he dismissed Hunter’s insistence. He tossed the datapad carefully on top of his satchel in the corner. “I think I heard a friend having a camp there, a Calrissian. He’ll let us stay.”
“How do you know?” Rex asked.
“He’s never there.”
Hunter clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention. “It looks like we’re vacationing on Numidian Prime.”
Hera, Omega, and Rex went to work on plotting their course and getting them to lightspeed while the Batch strapped in for the ride.
“After you,” Rex gestured to the console.
“Why thank you, Captain,” Hera smiled and pulled the hyperspace levers back. The ship stopped for a second and shot forward into the stars, a tunnel of churning light making way for the Havoc.
Omega sighed blissfully, sitting back against the seat. “This never gets old.”
I haven't posted any fics in 11 days, I really just needed to get something out for y'all.
I reached 99 followers yesterday!! Well, it's 101 now, but thank you all for giving me a chance at sharing my love for Star Wars. It's you that makes this possible! I know I have a lot of improving to do when it comes to writing, but I'm so incredibly happy that you're giving me a chance and following along on my journey!!
Part 2 will be up soon (I hope), stick around for that! I post basically every day and I'm constantly online!
More fics of mine!
A War Without a Winning Side (Ahsoka, Rex, Maul series)
One of the Bad Ones (female!oc and Crosshair [platonic])
Only the Beginning (Cap. Howzer Part 1 (part 2 linked))
Hope was a Dangerous Game (male!oc and Crosshair [romantic])
Lightsaber Trials (fluff)
And here's my masterlist for more!
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