#reblog stuff and try to support palestine
dailyploop · 8 months
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ploop 32 - if you're like me and are too young/broke to support directly, you know what you should be doing. give this thing at a click at the very least arab.org
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swamp-cats-den · 9 months
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number-1-haxorus-fan · 8 months
To all of my followers, and anyone else who sees this post
PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT PALESTINE. WE CANNOT STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM. It's miserable to see, but imagine how they feel. Remember, even if you feel small, YOUR VOICE MATTERS.
^ This post has a TON of resources to help you support Palestine. Please reblog this, I don't give a flying fuck if I get popular from this, that's not what I care about. What I care about is trying to help in any way I can, and I implore you to do the same. Thank you for your time.
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thewoodbine · 2 months
Someone asked me in good faith if I believe in a land for both Palestinians and Israelis then why do I seem to speak more to the benefit and defense of all Jewish people than I do for Palestinians and I think it's worth a bigger discussion.
Y'all the hate and misinformation in the pro-palestine movement is off the CHARTS.
A large portion of the stuff I see claiming to support Palestinians on this website that I could reblog is either:
Completely untrue and not based on anything factual
Potentially even intentional misinformation or propaganda by malicious parties
Calls for increased violence or hatred
Zealous, fanatical, fascist, or pro-terror rhetoric
Wildly unproductive and beneficial to absolutely no one. Such as things that are not in the interests of Palestinians while also managing to harm the most Jews as possible
Logical fallacies, false dichotomies, useless or offensive comparisons
Conflating Israeli government with Israeli peoples and Jews on the whole
Absolutely raging blatant antisemitism
Using the term "Zionist" as the justification for their violence, hatred, racism, and antisemitism while still feeling like they can masquerade as pro-peace love and justice without actually being critical of the systems that led to where we are now
It's a major major problem. The things we balked against in the far right in 2016 are becoming main-stays for this movement more and more and it's distressing.
I never defend Israel because...well... I don't personally support its actions. But I also cant sit silent while people seem to blindly and passionately fall for all of the traps above and feel like they're doing the progressive compassionate thing. So I try do what I can- speak out as much as possible against the flaws I see popping up in the pro palestine movement with the hope it doesn't snowball into something monstrous and far warped from its original intention. I want Palestinians to thrive but it can't and won't be through antisemitism.
We MUST find a way forward that is better than the sort of thinking that got us here.
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determinate-negation · 11 months
how would you help someone break free from zionism? (please serious answer i'm panicked)
my family isnt zionist so i havent really had to argue with them about palestine and so idk if i can give you perfect advice on how to talk to someone whos close to you about this, maybe some of my followers can add stuff
but still ill say this, (if theyre jewish) a big part of it is the emotional connection people have in light of the history of the holocaust, and like a visceral feeling of fear, which is purposefully imprinted onto peoples communities. so i think dismantling all the myths that israel has specifically about the holocaust and jewish safety might make them question this? its unfortunate but i think a lot of zionists wont react well if you talk about the amount of violence and dispossession palestinians face just because theyve already been dehumanized in their mind, and they genuinely feel that these people want to kill them for being jewish, and israel is the only way to ensure jewish safety, so you have to get past that first. im not sure what their perspective is on israel and why theyre a zionist, so idk. but showing people that israel is not actually protecting jews, its protecting european and american interests in the region and was supported by europeans literally as a solution to their "jewish question", especially with the vast amounts of jewish holocaust survivors in refugee camps in europe for years after the war. like ask the question why do all these european governments put tons of financial and military aid to israel instead of helping their jewish diaspora communities thrive and attract people to them? why do they actually make things harder for jews and have shitty convoluted policies for european jews who were expelled to return, but also support israel? is this something thats really good for us? also learning about how apathetic and even pro nazi america was during ww2, and how much holocaust revisionism they engage in to make themselves look historically better and twist their reasons for supporting israel, really made me feel like the us government line on israel is just ridiculous hypocrisy. ive made some posts about this which ill try to find
this post i reblogged has a lot of info dismantling stuff about israel and theres another post i saw that ill add to this too. i would also look in mondoweiss and jewish currents for articles about judaism and zionism. this article is good and might not be something you can directly send to this person but maybe the ideas in it will be useful to you
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joliettes · 3 months
Cold • A.A.
Wife!Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader (AU)
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Summary: it hits you after a couple of years being happily married to Abigail Anderson, the daughter of the most infamous man on the countryside. that maybe it wasn’t happiness, and that maybe she’s hiding something from you.
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, MINORS DNI ,ANGST, INFIDELITY, GUNS, reader getting called a whore, lowk traumatic, Abby being unfaithful and downright rude.
Rating: EXPLICIT!!
Word Count: 3.05k
A/N: hey y'all, idk how to feel about this one….this is my first fic ever, i've basically taught myself English, anywhoo have fun reading y'all, luv yaa, likes and reblogs are very appreciated.
(this fic was written while listening to Cold by Chris Stapleton)
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waking up to feeling up the right side of the bed trying to get closer to your wife. nothing greets you but utter coldness. no head kisses or the pleadings of five more minutes, not even a kiss goodbye.
dread fills you stomach while you look at the bedrooms door, getting up and asking yourself if you made a mistake that’ll make your wife go to work without waking you up with her kisses. leaving you needy and promising you that she’ll reward you with the best of time the minute she’s back.
you put on your clothes and your boots, going to check on the livestock. pathetic that you need them to cheer you up.
tending to the chickens for a bit, before checking on your horse Bear. gifted to you by Abby's father on your last birthday.
he always had a soft spot for you as a feared man, he’s the most gentle with you and showed his support to your marriage.
you scratch at his head, while he tries to stick his chin to into your palm, making you giggle a bit before you head inside to get dressed properly to go pick up some necessities from the farm market.
walking into the market you greet the farmer
“howdy lady Anderson”
“well hello mister Banks, I'm just here to pick up the usual, I'm a little bit short of tomatoes and beans, making Abigail's favorite dish today” you smile at the thought of her.
“she is most certainly lucky to have you for a wife lady Anderson.”
you smile it him waiting patiently, he comes back with more then you asked for, handing them to u and shooing you away
“don’t even worry about it, i’ve put more in there of your favourite fruits, go enjoy them”
you saunter your way back to the farm, knowing that Abigail won't be home for another two hours or so, the feeling of dread still haunting you while you try to brush it off.
she's been your wife for a good while now, you can sense something’s new happening that she’s not telling you about, she’s been constantly on edge lately.
you do not want to give into the feeling and ruin the happy facade that should be greeting your wife when she get's home.
you get the food ready, laying it on the table wiping you hands on the apron you've got on, you head to the bathroom to freshen up, taking off the apron folding it neatly lest Abby jokingly mocks you for always leaving your stuff all over the place.
you come out wearing a comfortable attire and right on time you hear Abby's footsteps that you know very well, your heart jumps with excitement of seeing her, you give her a moment to unwind tending to your hair before you walk out of the bedroom's bathroom and into the Livingroom's area.
seeing her standing there with undereye bags, obviously very wound up from today's work whatever it is, she looks very disheveled you walk up to her towering form.
"hey baby how was work today" hugging her hunched form while she takes off her boots before she stand up, wrapping her arms around your waist, smelling her soap of pine on your neck. you lean back locking eyes with her patiently, you tilt you head at her pouty face.
"well you know my dad but it was alright, nothing more then work"
you hum at her, nodding at the table "i made your favorite, just the way you like it" before you tilt your head for a smooch she looks at you reluctantly before giving you one.
your eyes widen before concealing the feeling of shock over how this is the first time she doesn't kiss you willingly, or asks for another one in return, you keep your hands on her chest fixing her collar and unbuttoning the top three buttons for her.
before your eyes catch on a spot of red maroon lipstick. the look of fear written all over you face, spit piling up in your mouth you feel that you might puke, you start pawing at her shirts collar pinching it between your fingers. trying to wipe it off to no avail.
she notices the frantic look in your eyes "wha-" before glancing at your fingers that are now painted with the remnants of the lip print left on her,  clearing her throat before gently sliding your hands off of her, and walking to sit down at the table, taking off her hat, laying it down on the table.
while your form is still there where you greeted her by the door, in absolute disbelief, you've never worn a red maroon lipstick.
and it might've been one imprint but it felt like it was all over her, and now it was all over your fingers. laughing at you for doing everything you could to keep your wife happy, just for you to be greeted like this.
she clears her throat looking at you before extending her arm to you with a pleading look "come sit down honey." you try to muster the ability to move, walking to her slowly accepting the defeat she made you feel, holding her hand where the sun hits her face painting her as a martyr, a goddess you had no problem worshiping. day and night, and that's how she reward's you.
you try to sit on the chair opposite her but she pulls you into her lap wrapping her left arm on your midsection, feeling her breath on your neck before she kisses your cheek and your neck in small quick kisses, you think that maybe this is her way of apologizing.
 getting off of her lap you walk to the counter pouring yourself a glass of wine
"really you're gonna drink this? instead of keeping me company and sitting down with me?" 
"i am with you Abby, i am always with but it seems that you're the one drifting away from me" holding the cup close to you. trying to feel an ounce of comfort, you feel none.
she shrugs you off and starts eating like a hungry wolf which tells you of how hungry she is, you pour her a cup of water before she chokes on the food you cooked for her eagerly, wanting nothing but to please her.
just to now hand her the cup with disdain written all over your face.
"what's her name?" 
she hums not getting who you're asking about "who's name honey" her mouth full of food.
"the whore that dared to fucking kiss you with her red lipstick just for me to see" your voice trembling and you can't but find yourself choking up and tears start filling your sad eyes.
she wipes her mouth with the cloth before gulping the last of cold water you've given her, giving you the coldest stare she could ever give you
"you better watch your mouth honey, don't forget who gave you this" twirling her finger all over the place as a means to remind you to just be thankful, telling you that you are her property now.
when she's done been claimed by someone other then you, her whole presence feels different to you.
you shake your head hurriedly. "jerry won't like that you're being unfaithful to me"
tears streaming down your face, trying to calm your frantic breathing thinking about whoever that gave her a reason to be exactly that to you.
she snorts at you making you look at her " so you think my dad will like you accusing his only child and successor? of fucking infidelity?" her voice rises with each word she utters. eye bloodshed with no feeling of remorse or a hint of sadness.
she stands up putting the cup down off of your hand, holding your hand in her's, prompting you to look at her while touching your knuckles tenderly.
"i need you here, she means nothing to me, you’re the one i yearn for day and night honey"
bringing your hand to her mouth, kissing each of your knuckles slowly.
looking at you from under her eyebrows, with darkened eyes. she kisses your ring cladded finger as means of reminding you.
you look at her teary eyed, heart broken like no other motherfucker in this damned land, never knew she could ever be so cruel to you, feeling her coldness evaporating into your pores.
you smile at her weakly before she starts wiping you tears messily chuckling at you, obviously not taking your feeling in consideration 
the sun starts to set as the weather gets colder by the minute, making you shiver in her hold.
she tightens her arms around your waist. leading you into the bedroom you glance at the wall where she keeps her shotgun hanging off of it like a trophy.
you shake your head of the ill thought that just came up into your mind, jerry will have your head if he finds out that you're even considering doing it.
she starts undressing and you watch her go into the bathroom turning the water to take her usual cold shower, leaving you to tend to you wounded self.
getting ready for bed. you sit on the rocking chair facing the slightly left open bathroom door.
watching her tall figure under the water stream, in any other day she'll beg to take it with her and you'll do so willingly.
getting lathered up in her favorite pine soap, letting her pin you to the wall just the way she desires you to be. breathing hard from her loving on your body the way she likes. having your heated bodies under the cold stream of water. 
you start chewing on your nail, tears welling up in your tired eyes. with the thought of how you and Abby met.. whispers of how she can treat better then anyone on this forsaken land, hushed words of pure love between the two of you.
she introduced you to her father even after you've voiced your concern of him not taking a liking to you, he ends up gifting you a horse for your birthday. after you've pointed at how much you like horses.
she was very eager to settle down with you, seeing you as the perfect choice for her, was it a friend of hers that oh so innocently gave her a kiss on her shirt’s collar, or is it a new woman whom catched Abby's attention?
a woman who's just passing by that she felt she wont linger too long, so she can have as much fun as she could with her?
you notice Abby coming out of the bathroom with a towel around her hips, wiping your eyes as to not let her see you still thinking about what happened, you get up to light the candles.
you see her sitting down on the bed. putting on her pants and giving you a come hither motion, candles lit you walk to her and sit in her lap facing her with you hands on her shoulder's, she holds you waist in both of her palms. running them up and down your waist looking in your eyes intently, as a means of reading what you're thinking of.
"you're mad at me honey"
"n-no i could never Abby, i swear"
she moves her hand to hold at the back of your neck harshly
"you swear for me huh? think you could make a fool out of me?"
"no no Abby i swear i love you i-i swear"  you reach back holding her hand trying to get her to ease her hold on you, her piercing eyes looking into yours.
"awh baby you love me, but you had to ruin the day for us didn't you?"
she kisses you, your body going slack on top of her naked chest, kissing her always made you feel at ease even in tense situations. humming into your mouth she starts kissing down you neck while you hold into her wet hair, you start moving your hips on top of hers for a lick of friction but getting none.
"h-hah Abby please" 
you know you shouldn't even be here, on top of her. begging her for more, you should get on bear and ride as far as you could.
but you know it'll only be a failed attempt before the Anderson's find you and drag you back to Abby, you'll only disappoint jerry by running away. no one to turn to making them practically your only family. with nothing under your name, u are helpless.
you decide to give Abby what she wants, whatever she'll do you'll take willingly, she flips you on your back undressing you on top of your marital bed, leaving her paw prints all over your naked body making you clutch on the pillow hard from her intense way of loving you, not letting up until you writhe under her.
trying to not ruin the moment by remembering the woman with the red lips.
she kisses your head goodnight and snuggles into you holding your midsection for life, catching a glimpse outside the window, you see nothing but utter darkness and the shades of the trees, no sound other then her slow breathing and the sizzling of the candles burning, you get up with trembling legs sliding her arm off of you. 
as quietly as you could you stand in front of the shotgun, contemplating and questioning your choices, if you are really willing to do this.
"fuck it" you mutter to yourself before picking up the shotgun, checking the bullets, you think of how Abby should've never taught you how to shoot, you bet she'll never see it coming.
how foolish of you to think that.
the moment you go back to the room, you see her sat leaning on the wall with her silenced gun in her paw. you try to conceal the shiver that runs through you at her burning gaze.
you try to square up your shoulder, failing as her mouth starts to tilt upwards as a mocking gesture, still pointing the gun at her.
entering the room, she shakes the handgun at u "u thought u were smart didn't cha honey?" she looks at where u were lying down and then back at you. 
shaking her head disappointingly "your father won't be proud, hell my father won't be proud if we die, at each other's mercy." she clicks the gun making you flinch.
she stays silent for a moment before clicking her tongue and continuing.
"she has the most beautiful green eyes you've ever seen honey, it was very hard for me to reject her advances"  
" then let me go Abigail...please?" you look into her eyes pleadingly you know the outcome but you can't help but beg her for mercy on your soul, she points the gun at your head.
"we're both stuck my love, you by duty and me by love" 
you lower the shotgun, laughing out loud at her dumb poetic remark. leaning with your hands on your knees laughing frantically while she looks at you quizzically with a smile on her lips.
"by love? wha- what fucking love are you talking about, in this state Abigail? i stay at this forsaken farm, tending to you, your fucking spoiled chickens, sucking up to you and your lineage just to get by" firing a bullet at the wall in a moment of pure rage you drop the shotgun running out of the room, hearing the bed creak.
unlocking the door and running out onto the cold grass tickling your feet uncomfortably, it is raining heavily.
you glance behind you while running to the staples to get to bear, she's behind you with only her pants on, aiming the shotgun at your running form, your heart thudding with fear as you trip on your own feet trying to get up just to trip again, Abby is right there in front of your cowering form
"a-abby i'm s-sorry" you plead at her
"no you fucking aren't, you wanna act like a whore? because trust me honey, i'll treat you like one"
she brings the shotgun to your shoulder, nudging at your shivering form as if you were infected with something greater then fear.
“get up and walk, you do not want to get on that horse of yours” she spits her words at you.
looking at her questioning your choice of marrying her you try to stand up, she yanks you straight holding your arm tightly, cutting the blood circulation from your arm.
“a-aw” you wince
“you wanna get on that horse? well i’ll just have to shoot the both of you”
walking you inside double locking the door and hanging the shotgun as if nothing happened.
“go shower before you get into bed” she goes to wash her hands and feet, comes out of the bathroom nodding towards the wide open bathroom door.
you get in and wash your hair and body hyperventilating under the stream of the shower, cursing yourself time and time again trying to cry as silently as u could. 
you get out of the bathroom with a towel around your body, looking everywhere but at her.
you wear the first thing you find in your shared drawers, getting under the covers hugging your shivering body tightly, before she cuddles into you.
oh how defeated you just felt, you could only imagine the life you could’ve built….far away from the Andersons.
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another-delta-lover · 5 months
Hello!!! :D welcome to my blog!!
CURRENT PFP MADE BY: @mbumblebuzz
This blog fully supports palestine, if you're a zionist or pro-israel, please educate yourself better. If you don't, then block me/DNI.
This blog is owned by a trans (ftm) person!! If you don't support the LGBTQIA+ community, educate yourself better or leave!!
Proshippers DNI!!!
Additional info!!:
This blog is ESP/ENG!! :D (Still learning english, pls correct me if I'm wrong and teach me!!!)
Current Hyperfixation: TF2 (Heavy | HeavyMedic | MVM Robots | Emesis Blue)
Alt accounts!!:
My evil self @another-delta-hater
I dare u to try n find my nsfw blog
I also have a rp account for medicbot called @the-real-tf2-medicbot !!! :D
A rp/ask blog for my boys!! My ocs!!! @niko-n-frank-mailbox
And yet another rp blog for my Medicsona @ask-the-heavyfucker
These are my tags!!:
[Not 100% drawing related]
Important announcement- #Deltas megaphone
Support for palestine🇵🇸- #Delta stands with palestine
Reblogs- #Deltas reblogy:3
Mutuals- #Deltas frens
My mutual and most loyal follower @darkcloudsatnight- #Deltas cloudy fren
Me being obssesed with Heavy— #The Flower N The Bear
Alt blogs and I arguing- #Deltas voices getting louder
Random comments- #Deltas yappin
Random RAGE comments- #Deltas AUGH
Vent- #Deltas cry for help
Asks- #Deltas consulting room
SFMs - #Delta thinks he's Valve XD
[Drawing related/Fandoms]
Drawings- #Deltas serious pencil grabbin
Drawing req- #Deltas mercy on the poor
Doodles- #Deltas random pencil grabbin
Ocs - #Deltas children
Tf2- #Deltas men obssesion
UT/DT- #Deltas cringe era
JJBA- #Deltas BUFF GAY men obssesion
I'm Scared A Pixelated Nightmare- #Deltas worst hear me out
SCP- #Deltas scientist complex
Gravity Falls- #Deltas reason to love triangles
The Sims 4- #Deltas God Complex
Doors- #Deltas roblox obssesion
Regretavator- #Deltas WORSE roblox obssesion
Minecraft- #Deltas inner child
Cube escape- #Deltas escape cube
TADC- #Deltas YT brain rot
TNMN- #Deltas really unhealthy obssesion
Good Omens- #Deltas june depression
Frankenstein- #Deltas book reading
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feargassed · 7 months
So I just got this in my inbox
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It seemed odd that this was sent to my inbox rather than someone sharing it with me through messages, I would understand if I had a post that had a lot of notes but as someone who mainly reblogs stuff this was weird. Another thing was the “gofundme” link just his paypal
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I ended up reverse image searching the photos from the accounts same pinned post and saw this (unfortunately I couldn’t find matches for any of the other photos)
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It seems like people are trying to scam others under the guise of donations. It’s hard to say “be cautious with where you donate” in a time like this but this is genuinely so disgusting I needed to share it. (also on twitter I confirmed that yes this is a fake account using their photos)
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Above is the actual gofundme link, please donate if you can and keep making noise about Gaza and the genocide the people of Palestine are going through and report the account that’s trying to scam people.
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lyriumsings · 7 months
I keep seeing people talk about Palestine as if all hope is lost like they’re already gone and “the least we can do it remember them” and quite frankly I reject that. These people are fighting for their lives demanding the world to pay attention to them. Demanding their freedom and their right to exist on their own land. In light of the absolute atrocity that is happening in Rafah I am urging everyone to remember why we’re protesting and that these people ARE HERE. They’re alive, they’re real, they have a beautiful culture that needs to be witnessed and celebrated so here are some Palestinian creators you should follow because Palestine is not lost. It is not an empty land that’s gone. They will never be gone and we should all keep fighting until Palestine is free and not a second before because Palestine WILL be free again. I’m focusing mostly on Palestinian creators on tiktok because I think it’s important to see the physically and listen them and just acknowledge that they’re people, they should have linktrees to their other social media. I encourage you to visit their pages and interact with them because they are also being censored especially on tiktok. My platform isn’t big here so please feel free to reblog and also add more links, I would love to follow more Palestinian creators as well!
None of us are free until we all are. From the river to the sea. 🇵🇸🕊️🍉
@/mxriyum - a Palestinian woman who shares her amazing recipes passed down from her mother. She hasn’t posted in a while but there are many Palestinian recipes on her page that are absolute delicious. Please give them a try.
@/anat_international - a Palestinian woman giving updates on what is happening in Gaza but also shares about Gaza before the genocide. She is currently being heavily censored by tiktok for talking about the genocide and is doing more “influencer” like videos to beat the algorithm. So she’s sharing more stuff about the culture like Tatreez clothing, and organizing pottery painting sessions with people who are palestinian and allies. Extremely informative! She’s taught me so much.
@/sammyobeidthem - a Palestinian man who is a comedian. Genuinely so funny! And proudly Palestinian and talks about Palestine in his sets!
@/elyanna - a Palestinian singer. Her voice is insanely gorgeous. She has a song that has not been released on spotify called olive branch that is about the ongoing conflict in Gaza.
@/monamakeupdoll - a Palestinian make up artist, she’s absolutely gorgeous! She share tips and tricks and make up brands that support Palestine!
@/thatfalahigirl -A Palestinian Influencer she has a link in her link tree to purchase a Keffiyah if you haven’t yet there is even a discount! All proceeds go to Gaza via Pious Projects! She shows various ways to wrap it and shares her cultural clothes and I learned what dabke is because of her and it looks like so much fun!
@/amalzhamm - A Palestinian influencer she posts about her lifestyle and food and her family and it’s just so important right now to see happy Palestinian people. Palestinian mothers and fathers and children just existing. Like all of us do every day. And she shared this absolutely beautiful video of what palestine is like.
I’m going to end with this next one the very first person I saw on tik tok that educated me through his videos on Gaza and Palestine in October last year.
@/iamsbeih - a Palestinian influencer he posts about what is happening right now and what has been happening to the Palestinian people for over 70 years. He talks about his own family and his roots in Palestine the correct way to pronounce Gaza and Palestine. Just so much crucial information and i’m so grateful for him being willing to spend the time making these videos to educate people like me. He even posted a couple of palestinian songs (iirc they’re folk songs a lot of Palestinians in the comments know them) recently and they’re very beautiful.
Thank you. Free Palestine.
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I'm not gonna deny the Russian bots were here cuz I've seen the news articles. This one even has a few you can still see linked through the wayback machine
They were liberal accounts who critiqued cops and said BLM and posed as poc. They were not posing as leftists who wanted the system dismantled. They were posing as liberals who were critical of Democrats, wanted reform, and were sympathetic to marginalized people.
....Which is very different from being a leftist, especially a leftist of color
That said, frankly it's suspicious how many liberals fandom accounts are the Only ones making entirely baseless accusations, whether it be accusations of scamming or being a psyop or a bot
Normal "progressive" blogs who use no screenshots or valid methods to base their accusations on despite demanding proof from Palestinians and Leftists. Blogs who make callout posts like "see? Aren't the vibes off about this person? Remember the bots? What if they're back? You should report this post" then send all their followers to report accounts.
It's literally fear-mongering. These people have no proof. It's based on bias, racism, red scare rhetoric, and assumptions.
You don't want to fall for bots or be manipulated by them like you were in 2016? Then stop listening to people making baseless fucking accusations against people trying to survive genocide.
You don't believe Palestinian gfms? Then vet them yourself! Talk to them, ask for proof, run their pics through a reverse image search, idc. There are ways You can make sure they're real before you make a callout post accusing them all of being fake.
And do NOT just reblog baseless accusations about them in the SAME way you don't want to reblog gfms without knowing they're actually verified.
You don't wanna reblog propaganda? MAKE SURE ITS NOT PROPAGANDA. What's their proof? Their source? Their evidence? Do they have any at all??
And some of the stuff the callouts are saying- like Palestinians wouldn't have time to go on Tumblr- is just straight up assumption based on literally nothing. That's not "evidence" of anything, let alone proof of a scam or foreign election interference.
Also, yeah it IS suspicious that the only people that seem to be liars and psyops are leftists and Palestinians, you notice that?
Isn't that funny?
Isn't it funny that if I'm right the bots would basically be discouraging people from listening to leftists and Palestinians? Isn't it funny that they encourage paranoia towards leftists & Palestinians during an election where Democrats are losing support to leftists and Palestine?
One or two accounts? Fine whatever. But all these accusations came out of fucking nowhere and hadn't been happening much... until after Kamala was elected . Anyone else notice that? That everyone who's been critiquing the Dems for months is suddenly being swamped with accusations of being a Russian bot and while Palestinians are accused now of being scammers?
I don't think it's a coincidence, no.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
People have said this in the reblogs, but people who are concerned about what Project 2025 might do to AO3 should try to prevent that by voting for Democrats, including Joe Biden (or whomever replaces him if that happens), and supporting campaigns by canvassing, phonebanking, donating, sending postcards. If you're not a U.S. citizen, you can't vote or donate but you can probably find other ways to support, including by reblogging pro-voting posts on here. It's not a done deal. One person in the reblogs brought this up too but I wanted to elaborate: There's a huge problem on Tumblr with anti-voting propaganda, especially spread by tankies and other kinds of horrible people. I think that more people need to consider that if they're going to decide "hey, the occasional funnee meme isn't worth following a terf or Nazi or other anti-LGBTQ+/racist bigot" that should expand to tankies. Supporting dictators like Putin and Xi is supporting anti-LGBTQ+ politics, supporting racism (these people all violently suppress racial and religious minorities) and is supporting censorship. They are kind of famous for that. Supporting Putin, especially if you are also downplaying or making excuses for the invasion of Ukraine, is also supporting genocide because that is what he is doing to Ukraine right now. That should be a firm line for you, I think, if your convictions aren't like completely worthless lol. Some things should be more important to you than fucking memes! And at least have the bare minimum critical thinking skills to wonder if people who spend so much time doing apologetics for right-wing homophobic transphobic dictatorships, might be discouraging voting because they're ok with the U.S. also becoming a right-wing homophobic transphobic dictatorship.
One of my eternal vent pet peeve things is how many people make excuse for the blogger heritagep/osts (username is without the slash, but they and their friends are name-searchers). This is a person who regularly reblogs pro-dictatorship propaganda including for fucking North Korea, discourages and shames voting, and also is a vicious anti-semite who tries to hide that under supposedly being pro-Palestine. The way you can tell this is they're constantly making "Zionist blocklists" but if you look at the names that are actually on those blocklists, they're nearly all people who are outspokenly ANTi Zionist but who happen to be Jewish and post about that.
The excuse people constantly use for following them is that their blog is about documenting old Tumblr posts. Which just seems so flimsy because there are so many blogs that do that these days? Nearly all the rest of which are not antisemitic transphobic-dictator-apologists. H/eritageposts' commentary isn't even that funny. A lot of it is "anti" adjacent shit acting like everyone who ever liked Hetalia or Shingeki no Kyojin is antisemitic and responsible for rising Nazi sentiment online, which is kind of rich given the antisemitism and pro-right-wing-dictator stuff they've been radicalized into. Like lol call fujoshis "cringe" all you want but hardly any of the people I know who were into Hetalia in 2010 are antisemites in 2024, but you, on the other hand... Like maybe fandom is not in fact the danger and you can be a sucker for Internet extremism even without it!
Anyway, people, please just have bare minimum standards and compassion for who you follow and promote. No one's saying that you ahve to research everyone you reblog from, but there are blogs who regularly post this shit, you'd notice if you followed them or even glanced at them, that people make excuses for following because "funnie posts." Like come on. Have more self-respect and more actual courage of your convictions than that. All you're showing is that when the actual dictators are here you'll fall right in line the second they make a joke you laugh at.
Even if that weasel wins, plenty of people have fought horrendous governments before.
Queer people didn't have any fucking rights in the US when I was a kid, so we fought. We'll just have to fight again if it comes down to it.
Always vote.
Even if all the candidates suck, they're never all the same.
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chaithetics · 2 months
ICJ, Security Council and What the ICJ Ruling Means
I want to start by saying that the recent ICJ ruling isn’t enforceable, but we can make it useful if we choose to. It’s a landmark decision in international law that we can mobilise for our activism. We’ve now seen Britain resume funding of UNRWA. And this ruling is something that is much more tangible for trying to convince governments to place diplomatic and economic sanctions on Israel, demanding ceasefires, recognising Palestine etc. 
More on that below but I’m now going to explain a bit more about that and some of the UN bodies/structure stuff as I saw a couple of reblogs on this post have questions about what this means and what the ICJ’s powers really are. (This post responding to a question about the original post has some information as a much shorter read)
There’s a lot of flaws with the United Nations System (the General Assembly, Security Council, UN Secretariat, International Court of Justice, Trusteeship Council, and the Economic and Social Council), it acts as a tool of neocolonialism for the interests of the global powers, especially the Western powers, its binding/enforcement status makes it superficial, is often arguably undemocratic, and has a poor separation of powers. In this long read (I’m sorry) I’m mainly going to be talking about the Security Council and International Court of Justice (ICJ). 
The Security Council technically has greater enforcement powers than the ICJ and can technically apply them to ICJ rulings if they’re taken to the Security Council. But the five permanent members of the UN Security Council USA, UK, China, France, and Russia have veto powers. 
This has been justified for reasons like maintaining international political stability and to ironically prevent US domination but it has been understandably criticised for being undemocratic and also for preventing action to stop crimes against humanity and war crimes as this veto means that the UN can’t take action against these permanent members and their allies. 
Nicaragua v. United States of America [1986] was one of the biggest ICJ cases. It ruled that the US has violated international law by supporting the Contras (right-wing rebellion group) in their rebellion against the Nicaraguan government and mining of the Nicaraguan harbours. The ICJ ordered the US to pay reparations to Nicaragua, which the US refused to do. Nicaragua then took their case to the Security Council to try and make them enforce the ICJ’s ruling. To no one’s surprise, the US used their veto powers and vetoed this at the Security Council. It then went to the UN General Assembly and passed as a non-binding resolution urging US to follow the rulings. 
Recently, we saw the US use their veto power earlier in the year to block immediate ceasefire resolutions from other countries.
The ongoing case South Africa v. Israel with South Africa accusing Israel of being in violation with the Genocide Convention. The Genocide Convention is an international treaty that basically says as a state, you have obligations to prevent, stop, and not commit genocides and if you do, there are consequences. The Genocide Convention was born from the atrocities that happened during World War II with the Holocaust, Armenian Genocide etc. Genocide became a crime against international law in 1946 and the Genocide Convention was signed in 1948 but became effective in 1951. 
The scope of the Genocide Convention has been raised as an issue in a few cases. And cases of genocide taken to the ICJ are pretty complicated with the findings. It’s something they find very hard to find a state guilty of and are hesitant to do. There’s a few different reasons for that but this post is already super long and I’m trying to keep it short. One of the first cases that was submitted to the UN as an alleged violation of the Genocide Convention was the ‘We Charge Genocide’ paper written by the Civil Rights Congress (CRC), which accused the United States of America of genocide against black Americans under the genocide convention, the CRC paper cited lynching, police brutality, inequalities in health, disenfranchisement of black people in the south (it was over a decade after this paper did black women get the right to vote in 1965), and legal discrimination. It was rejected by the UN for being a misuse and was laughed at by the US government and Press, accusing it of being exaggerated and even as an attempt to advance communism. It’s a paper that’s worth a read and also has an interesting history and legacy worth looking into. The US was never a really big fan of the Genocide Convention, they signed 30+ years later and have since withdrawn. 
 In Bosnia and Herzegovnia v Serbia and the Montenegro [2007], the ICJ found that the Srebrenica massacre was a genocide but the ICJ did not find that the Serbian government was responsible or complicit in the genocide. They were still found in breach of the convention though for not cooperating with UN bodies and for failing to prevent the genocide and acquitted Serbia. The ICJ rejected Bosnia’s request for reparation repayments. 
These two papers/cases are some of the bigger ones that I think show how the ICJ is hesitant to and struggles to define and hold states accountable with violations of the Genocide Convention. 
The findings of the recent ICJ ruling and their ordering of Israel to return land, leave settlements and remove settlers, are not binding. Israel does not need to comply! And with a refusal of this, the ICJ ruling could potentially be taken to the Security Council to try and make it more enforceable, but it is likely that if that situation happened, the US would veto that resolution.  
This current ICJ ruling is still a landmark for International Law and carries political weight. Since this ruling we’ve seen the British government say they will resume funding to UNRWA (they stopped this after Oct 7th). 
I said it before but the ruling isn’t enforceable but we can still make it useful. It carries the political weight of
We need to continue advocating so that there is a free Palestine in the lifetime of every single living Palestinian, they deserve it and we owe it to them. 
Israel and its supporters now have international law saying that what they’re doing is wrong, they can no longer hide behind grey legal matter. This is political and justice ammunition that we can mobilise for activism to put pressure on our governments, especially those of us with western governments, governments who have been complicit, tried to play both sides etc. We need to use this to pressure out governments, contact our head of governments, different representatives and ministers to place economic and diplomatic/political sanctions on Israel, recognise the state of Palestine, withdraw recognition of the state of Israel, demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire, create and approve Palestinian visas, increase Palestinian aid funding etc. 
The west no longer has grey legal matter to continue what they’re doing, especially with plausible deniability and the narrative they’ve been subscribing to. They can’t hide behind this grey area as what they’re doing directly contradicts and violates international law. 
Thanks for reading this far if you made it, I will answer genuine questions but I will delete, report and block any comments and asks that are anti-Arab, zionist, Islamophobic, racist, and/or antisemitic.
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cpericardium · 5 months
So! I've gotten a host of messages and asks regarding recent disk horse and I wanted to address them as a collective.
I know I have anon asks off, I won't share your URLs, but I do want to thank you for asking and clarifying some of the frankly vile things people have been saying about me, my girlfriend, and friends. I value those of you who offered your words of support, and didn't jump to believe screenshots taken out of context and lies written with the utmost confidence and none of the facts. I am a little tired of having my morals questioned and my views conflated with every single person I associate with, but there it goes.
tumblr user cpericardium suspiciously silent on the subject of Gaza: does this mean you support ethnic cleansing???
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My reticence when it comes to posting about topics like I/P is because:
-This is a fandom blog intended for lighter topics, except maybe the occasional vent about life stuff, which I usually hide under a cut. I don't have sideblogs. They seem tough to maintain and I don't post nearly enough to justify it. If I were to make one it would be for another fandom or maybe just the freakier bugs. I simply prefer my social media experience to be stress-free.
-Anti-slacktivism. It's a documented thing: posting about an issue makes you feel like you're doing something, you get that little shot of dopamine, so you don't actually go out and do something that effects meaningful change. I'm trying to do less of that. I'm good with the friends and people I follow who choose to post about it and this is a strictly personal belief, but when I engage in activism, it is offline or it is a donation. You're not going to hear about it.
But don't you reblog lgbt and women's rights posts?
Yeah, and that's usually when I want to save a post for one reason or another (e.g. to talk about with someone on discord later). The bottom line is that the main purpose of my blog is not to post political takes or to spread awareness of anything. It is just a collection of my interests (fan stuff, bugs) and hopefully a way to share those interests with like-minded people.
I will state my views clearly for the record: I support Palestine. The ongoing genocide is heartbreaking and so is the violence against protestors. Additionally, I am against antisemitism and the harassment of Jewish people in the name of supporting Palestine. This shouldn't even need to be said.
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Is your girlfriend a Zionist?
Does she support Zionists?
Wasn't she in the military?
Yes, years ago.
But the military is evil?
It is. She's extremely hardcore anti-war and anti-military, does not believe the US should even have an army, and actively PMs strangers on reddit to try to convince them to not make the same mistake. If they're dead set anyway, she gives them detailed advice on how to survive. Because she actually cares about the human cost of war, not the social clout gained from shunning or sneering at people who make wrongheaded choices. I have seen her doing this, seen her seeking to understand their reasons for joining so she can systematically explain—from personal experience!—why they're not going to get any of that out of the army. It is a hell of a lot more effective than bitching them out or writing callout posts or starting whisper campaigns about them. She cannot delete those years of her life no matter how much she regrets them. There is only forward. I think we can all agree on that.
But what about all those things she said. "I regret nothing, I have no qualms, VA nipple money etc."
Well you have to understand that while of generally upright character, she is a bit of a scamp. She believes she fundamentally should not have to explain herself to randos who do not know her, who have never, not once, interacted with her, who are clearly digging for dirt and will twist anything she says no matter how banal. People see what they want to see and they look for evidence to reinforce their preconceptions; they'll go so far as to make alts to join servers, cherry-pick screencaps, crop them, and conveniently fill in the rest of the narrative for curious onlookers. So she decided to exaggerate and amplify and twirl her mustache like a supervillain. Give them a show, as it were.
To be clear, I'm not sold on this strat because it makes her look cartoonishly evil to people who can't understand sarcasm and hyperbole. But her friends and I are aware of her actual beliefs from actually talking with her for more than one (1) second instead of immediately believing two mysteriously cropped screencaps from a thirdhand source, and also aware that she did not in fact do those things people imagine she did. And isn't that what matters? Real-life harm? Do you even care?
Re: screenshots/so-called proof from shakertwelve & lakesbian's "callouts"
Girlfriend addresses them here. I will also note they have spread lies about me and other people before.
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metamatar · 6 months
Why do you always defend China like that? I mean I get the the world tries to do the red scare, but aren't you defending a nation state when you brush off every criticism? Or does the criticism like target things that hamper capitalists and the actual criticisms regarding China lie elsewhere?
"Always?" All I said India is worse than China on a reblog about censorship on the Monkey Man lmao. There's stuff on my blog this year critiquing: Chinese uselessness on Palestine, involvement in Congo and critiquing workers rights in China through the lens of Foxconn factories trying to replicate their model in India.
I'm getting accused of campism for saying that India's blood and soil fascism is way worse, more dangerous than Chinese high surveillance 'socialism with Chinese characteristics.' India is formenting religious pogroms. The average Chinese citizen is not lynching their neighbours and burning down their homes on suspicion of eating the wrong thing. For Netflix to distort and kowtow to rabid fascists when the United States is strengthening ties with India (for anti China reasons) is really dangerous, given how much influence organisations like the Hindu American Foundation have in US politics. The average Westerner hates China plenty. Liberals do however cluelessly support Indian origin politicians who are funded by the Sangh.
Look man. I'm Indian. India has, since the BJP came to power gotten worse on hunger indexes every year. For countries not at war, we have the highest rate of child hunger in the world: 1 in 5 children are wasting despite the economy growing 6% every year. Journalists are routinely jailed and die in there. Kashmir is still under curfew and internet blackouts. Whatever hysterical story you want to tell about China is reality in India too. Without any kind of economic prosperity.
Why do these lives not matter to you? Why does the fact that Indian govt is passing laws that would enable India to strip muslims of citizenship not seem urgent to you? Is it because you maybe only think that the lives of people only matter in so far as they can be weaponised in some kind of story aligning with american state department?
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eowyntheavenger · 7 months
Hi! I saw your post on telling Americans to vote, and I was wondering what you think of posts from people from other parts of the world who are calling Americans evil for voting for Biden because of his support for Israel. I've seen a few already. They seem to be completely convinced that Americans deliberately voted for Biden specifically to side against Palestine and no other reason, and spread the general (pretty ignorant and hateful) message of "Americans are evil because of the actions of their government and because they collectively refuse to vote for a president who is good and not simply 'the lesser of two evils'". It frustrates me because they seem to think they're experts on US politics, culture, and society and have all the answers, but it also makes me concerned because it reminds me of the whole Russian bot thing from last time. Like, I'm 99% sure the people reblogging these posts aren't Russian bots (don't know about the OPs though), and they unquestioningly believe this. What do you think of this and how would you go about addressing this issue? Do you think it's possible to get them to understand how little they actually know about the US and how they're actually promoting a message that makes things worse for everyone? I've also seen less scathing posts that are just disheartened and don't seem to believe the democrats are truly better to vote for than the republicans and so it's just two sides of the same coin. To be fair, I think that sort of feeling is only further encouraged because there didn't really seem to be much if any progress made with Biden, not even back to square one after Trump moved the country so far backwards. I think most Americans really wish the elections actually had good candidates and they could pick the best of two goods, but are frustrated and stuck with the current system and don't know how to actually get to the point where there are good candidates. (Though personally I think voting for the one who isn't actively trying to make themselves a king with unlimited terms is a decent start. I can understand the frustration though.)
Hi! Thanks for the ask. This stuff worries me too. I've gotten comments on my posts like that too, telling me/other Americans that we're evil for voting for Biden.
But I've seen a much larger number of comments and posts from people outside the United States BEGGING us to vote for Biden. I literally get tags like that on my posts EVERY DAY urging Americans to vote blue. So I think that's valuable context, even if it doesn't solve the problem of the "I hate everybody who votes for Biden" crowd.
And yes, it's definitely a shitty argument on their part to claim that people voting for Biden are specifically siding against Palestine. Literally every single person I know in real life and online who plans to vote for Biden has been criticizing and protesting his policies on Palestine.
In terms of convincing the anti-voters that they're wrong, honestly, I don't know. They don't listen to reason and they seem intent on spreading despair. Some of Biden's policies have been terrible (Willow oil-drilling project), some of them have been downright evil (military aid to Israel), but I'm a rational person and I know that Trump is worse in every respect.
I've tried debating them. It's been pointless every time. They genuinely don't know how the government works, which scares me. Common takes include: 1) a genuine lack of awareness of how pro-Israel Trump and the right wing are, combined with magical thinking that a virtually unknown third party candidate can win the presidential election, 2) truly impressive mental gymnastics blaming Biden for the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and 3) continuing the mental gymnastics to blame Biden and the Democrats for anti-trans policies...
I guess my advice is to either ignore them and move on, or debunk things when you have time/energy? It's easier said than done, I know. There's nothing more annoying than someone being stupid on the internet, especially when they accuse you of stuff that just isn't true, and especially when they're spreading dangerous misinformation or voter-suppression rhetoric.
Like you, I'm highly suspicious of anyone who advocates AGAINST voting, or against voting blue. And I agree, many of these people are not bots, like you said, but I call them useful idiots, because they're doing the bots' work for them.
The one thing you said that I'm going to push back on is "there didn't really seem to be much if any progress made with Biden." Biden's actually made lots of progress on a variety of issues, and reversed some of Trump’s damage, it just doesn't get a lot of fanfare and it’s unfortunately happening at the same time as Republican gains in state legislatures and while they control the Supreme Court. But Biden and his administration have:
• invested billions in green architecture and clean energy, including making sure federal investments benefit low-income communities
• introduced new fines for companies' methane emissions
• introduced a plan to cut the federal government's greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2030 (that includes the military, which is a huge emitter)
• passed a huge bill for improving the country's infrastructure, including bridges, roads, broadband and more
• introduced first-ever national strategy on gender equality and equity and pushed Congress to pass the Equal Rights Amendment
• fought for women's reproductive rights after the overturn of Roe v. Wade
• put more women, people of color, and women of color on the federal bench than any of his predecessors combined
• nominated Kentaji Brown Jackson as the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court
• boosted funding to historically Black colleges
• ordered the DOJ to end the use of private prisons by the federal government
• pardoned thousands of people convicted on federal marijuana charges
• created a White House office of gun violence prevention
• passed the Respect for Marriage Act, guaranteeing federal rights and benefits for same-sex couples
• rolled out a series of actions to protect the rights and safety of the LGBTQ+ community, including protecting queer and trans foster youth, improving access to mental health services, and addressing the rise in hate crimes
• challenged discriminatory state bans against gender-affirming care and trans athletes
• called to support trans youth in State of the Union address and restored the White House tradition of recognizing Pride Month
• changed passport rules so that people can obtain a passport with no gender marker
• examined efforts by each federal agency to advance LGBTQ+ rights around the world
• reversed Trump's transgender military ban
• protected the rights of incarcerated trans people
• forgave billions in student debt, repeatedly, and introduced penalties for college programs that trap students in debt
• slashed bank overdraft fees
• expanded guaranteed overtime pay for millions of people
• made union-busting harder
• prevented discriminatory mortgage lending
• made efforts to expand the child tax credit, which could lift hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty
• cracked down on agriculture monopolies to support farmers and small businesses
• made it so the government is going to start taking drug companies' patents away if they don't make affordable drugs
• made over-the-counter birth control pills available for the first time
• lowered the cost of hearing aids and expanded access to them
• spent millions of dollars on students' mental health
• reversed discriminatory healthcare rules
• reinvigorated cancer research
• announced plans to replace all leaded pipes in the next ten years as well as combatting lead exposure abroad
• changed rules for how people can get aid after disasters so they can get more protection and immediate payments more easily
• introduced new data privacy rules protecting people from tech companies
• pushed the federal government to monitor AI risks
• maintained steadfast support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression
• maintained steadfast support for Taiwan in the face of Chinese intimidation
• strengthened ties with allies in Asia and the Pacific Islands
• pledged climate change assistance to low-lying Pacific Island countries
• literally IMMEDIATELY after being elected, Biden fortified DACA, rejoined the Paris Agreement, and ended Trump's discriminatory "Muslim ban", ended the Keystone XL Pipeline and fossil duel development in wildlife monuments, (same as last link) rejoined the WHO, strengthened COVID-19 response measures on a variety of fronts, re-included non-citizens in the U.S. census, and passed executives orders on racial equity in the federal government
And I'm sure there's more I left out.
There are also things Biden does that literally don’t make the news, but matter a lot, like funding the Postal Service, and continuing to have a State Department so we can conduct overseas diplomacy (Trump tried to defund the USPS and wants to purge the State Department and fill it with loyalists).
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bougiebutchbitch · 4 months
ANYWAY. If an actor has publicly made it clear that they support Palestine, and continues to visibly Do Activism for LGBT+ causes near and dear to them, then you try to cancel them for 'not doing enough activism for Palestine!1!!' it starts to look like you are simply looking for reasons to shit on that actor.
Ditto with people on Tumblr. This isn't my main blog. People who follow my other blogs know I reblog A LOT about Palestine. I won't say about stuff I've done offline, but there's a few things there, too. People who only follow this blog might think I'm being 'Silent!!! >:C' on this issue, when they're only seeing a fragment of what I do.
Can we stop trying to tear each other apart for online kudos when we're all fighting for the same cause. It's such blatant outrage bait, and is only playing into the hands of the people who are actually enabling this genocide.
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