#rebuilding my faith
catofoldstones · 1 year
Saying that Sansa’s rest of the plot is in the Vale is like saying Arya’s rest of of the plot is in Braavos. Hope that helps.
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mono-blogs-art · 1 year
Listen I've always thought Cleric was the coolest D&D class because of their insane versatility (and I also just like healer classes!) and I'm so glad Shadowheart BG3 is getting the love she deserves. And that they went against the classic healer stereotype and made her an Evil Cleric
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Fuck I wish it could just be me and God without my weird personal baggage. I'm so fucking afraid of letting myself fully commit. I don't think I can. I'm so scared I'll lose myself the way I almost did before, that the worship will twist into self-loathing again and the love will turn back to fear.
Is my brain too fucking broken for this? I choose to believe it isn't, that the God I worship is real and is bigger than my religious trauma (but what kind of madness is that, choosing to believe?).
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tcypionate · 2 months
personally, i think if some sort of apocalypse happened, we wouldn't immediately collapse and get set back hundreds of years wrt technology, infrastructure, etc. it's not like every engineer, doctor, construction workers, etc. are going to also be wiped out. and even under the constant pressure and threat of capitalism, people go into these careers wanting to do good. (depending on how the apocalypse is started/how it happens) there would probably be a few rough years at first but people are really good at getting their shit together
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beemintty · 9 months
today was an interesting day. I have this friend who I actually love so much. we have had very similar experiences and grew up in similar environments. both of us are incredibly blessed when it comes to the life we have been given. I thank God for her every day because I get to have these incredible discussions with her about the world and our faith and Christianity without judgement and regards of whether we agree or not. and it's just so refreshing to be able to just talk with her.
she's also incredibly strong in her faith and honestly it's so admirable! and admittedly I have walked away from my faith a little bit... most of that is because I'm never going to be accepted into a church for what I think or how I think or who I love or who I am. and part of that is because I spent my life going in and out of churches that didn't want my family. and part of it was just because I had no one that consistently pushed me in my faith. and ik my faith is my responsibility but when you become so far removed from the church, the only community you have in faith is your Christian friends.... and I live so far from them that it's hard to keep in touch all of the time. and most of that's my fault. I let my faith become my last priority. but I'm realising how much of who I am I miss being built on Christ. I will admit, there is stuff in the bible and in the church I can't sit behind, but the church is only human and god is not the church and the bible is read so out of context most of the time that if I sat down to understand the context I think I would have a better time connecting to my faith.
remember: god is not the cause of my suffering, he is the solution. it's not all churches and it's not all Christians --those that truly follow Christ will love you and accept you just as you are and allow you the space to grow. love completely and live through Christ-- afterall, he gave his life so I could live a life in step with him.
so this is where this starts again. today I give my life back to Jesus and seek to understand and live by his wold.
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giannic · 4 months
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helpamalm · 2 months
Help my family in northern Gaza survive
Dear Humanity,
My name is Amal, and I am from Gaza. We are 5 family members. Currently, my family and I are living in northern Gaza under conditions of starvation, shelling, and gunfire. Gaza is experiencing a devastating war that has forced many families, including mine, to flee our homes repeatedly. Each time we are displaced, we are unable to take anything with us, losing the little food and clothing we managed to store.
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We are enduring an unimaginable crisis right now, facing severe shortages of food and water tainted with harmful viruses and bacteria. This contamination is causing dangerous skin and respiratory diseases, and we are now also grappling with an outbreak of polio.
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The scarcity of food is not just a hardship; it is a relentless torment, leaving us weakened and ill. Our lack of income, or rather its complete absence, is tearing our family apart, leaving us helpless and struggling to survive.
This suffering is beyond what any living being should endure. Imagine spending just one night in these conditions how would you feel? From the depths of our hearts, we desperately implore you to support us, to help us escape this famine and the devastation of war.
Our home, my workplace, and all my sources of income as a software developer have been destroyed due to the war. With no stable place to stay and no source of income, we are struggling to survive.
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We urgently need your help to:
Purchase essential food and clothing for my family, Secure a temporary shelter, and Leaving Gaza and seeking a safe place to start a new life for me and my family.
Therefore, I implore you to help us provide food, water, and a safe place outside of Gaza for me and my family. Your donations will make a significant difference in our lives. Every contribution, no matter how small, will provide us with the relief we desperately need and the hope to rebuild our future.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Your support will give us a chance to overcome this crisis and look forward to a better tomorrow.
Dear Tumblr Community,
I am delighted to be part of this comunity and seek your support in sharing a post I've crafted. This isn't merely a collection of words but a crucial part of a fundraising effort to assist my family during these challenging times.
I have faith that you will help amplify this message to reach a wide audience.
Thank you sincerely for your support.🙏❤️
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transgaysex · 1 year
its 5 am and i really shouldnt be having thoughts right now but im so anxious about school
#wind howls#im really upset at having so many days that start early#3 out of 7 is a lot to me. not fun#and most upsetting of all is that its like. super not alligned with my boyfriends schedule#i have 8 am classes on days he doesnt have classes at all... and he has a 9 am on the one day i dont have classes#im gonna have to pray that my siblings will agree to switch dishwashing turns with me here and there#i hate having to rebuild my while life schedule so that it matches with my class schedule. its really upsetting to me.#thankfully ill only have 6 classes which isnt necessarily a lot ? like its more than 4 but definitely not the 8 classes they recommend#so im quite grateful that i already finished almost all of my obligatory classes beforehand. i only have 1 french class left#and i have to dispute one of my complementary classes. ill send an email out tomorrow.#also the intro activity today made me kinda nervous. its hard to think that others started where im at and made such-#beautiful final projects after only 3 years. though i guess thats also kinda a lot of time. all the same its just a bit daunting#and its hard not to feel intimidated when youre told that it takes a whole month to work on a 10 seconds long animation....#i have faith in me and i know i wont be alone and i have no intention of giving up on this course !! but i cant help but be nervous !#im just sad about not having free evenings that allign with the love of my life :( but it has a solution. everything does.#its all a matter of coordination... sob sob#alright im sleepy now
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apollos-olives · 8 months
hey! if you don't mind me asking(feel free to ignore this ask) what do actual palestinians think of hamas? I'm not asking to sow any discord or to "catch" you out, I'm asking purely out of curiosity. from where I'm from, people generally view hamas and the houthis positively (and by people i mean the vast Muslim majority of pro-palestine supporters) but i have seen than some Palestinians don't hold them in such a high regard. similarly some people supported the IRA whereas other irish people strongly were against them - so I'm wondering if this is a similar situation? again if this ask is uncomfortable for you to answer , don't feel obligated to
this ask is uncomfortable but i'll still answer because i think it's important.
we as palestinians are sick of getting asked about this. it's asked as though every palestinian somehow has the same opinion on hamas and that each singular palestinian can speak for the rest of the population, which is obviously not true. i don't know every palestinians' opinion on hamas and i cannot list every opinion out there because not all of us agree on one single thing. each palestinian has their own opinion on hamas and honestly, it doesn't matter. we are tired of this question. we don't care about hamas anymore. this shit isn't about hamas at this point. 30000+ palestinians are dead and people are STILL talking about hamas as if that's actually important and rather than protesting for a ceasefire or fighting for a free palestine.
my opinion on hamas is different than my friends' opinions on hamas. my opinion on hamas is different than my parents' opinion on hamas. my opinion on hamas is different than my palestinian mutuals' opinion on hamas. my opinion on hamas is different than a lot of other palestinians who are involved. palestinians who keep getting asked this are tired. we are so tired. i appreciate that you are asking in good faith, but we don't want to talk about hamas anymore. we want to have a free palestine. we want our children to stop dying. we want to return to our land.
my personal opinion is that i don't really care about them. i don't care for their policies or their political goals. i only support them because they are one of the largest and efficient groups who are trying to liberate palestine. many palestinians share this same opinion. they do not support hamas as a whole, but they still appreciate that hamas is trying to fight for a liberated palestine. we support their efforts for the fight against the occupation, but past that we do not care or do not support them outside of that. what they do as a political group isn't something that i'm interested in, because i'd much rather be focused on freeing and rebuilding palestine.
some palestinians hate hamas. my parents dislike them, but they won't criticize them for trying to fight against the occupation, because they know that hamas is one of the most powerful groups of resistance in palestine, and will not go against their efforts to try to help palestine. some palestinians love hamas. some palestinians don't care about hamas. every palestinian is different, but in the end it doesn't matter. hamas is fighting for the same goal as the rest of us. a free palestine.
@el-shab-hussein has a post on his own opinion on hamas that i think is worth the read.
in the end, it doesn't matter about what our opinions on hamas are. because hamas only exists because of israel. if israel didn't exist, hamas wouldn't exist. hamas is a large group working for the resistance and hamas isn't the reason of palestinians' suffering. israel is.
@fairuzfan says: "I know this was sent in good faith but it doesn't really matter what Palestinians opinions on hamas are because even before hamas existed 750,000 Palestinians were exiled and killed."
we suffered before hamas existed and we will continue to suffer as long as israel is in power. so again, it doesn't matter what palestinians' - or really anyone's - opinion is on hamas. what we should be focusing on is fighting for a ceasefire, fighting for a free palestine, and fighting for a free world.
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were--ralph · 9 months
why exactly do you dislike generative art so much? i know its been misused by some folks, but like, why blame a tool because it gets used by shitty people? Why not just... blame the people who are shitty? I mean this in genuinely good faith, you seem like a pretty nice guy normally, but i guess it just makes me confused how... severe? your reactions are sometimes to it. There's a lot of nuance to conversation about it, and by folks a lot smarter than I (I suggest checking out the Are We Art Yet or "AWAY" group! They've got a lot on their page about the ethical use of Image generation software by individuals, and it really helped explain some things I was confused about). I know on my end, it made me think about why I personally was so reactive about Who was allowed to make art and How/Why. Again, all this in good faith, and I'm not asking you to like, Explain yourself or anything- If you just read this and decide to delete it instead of answering, all good! I just hope maybe you'll look into *why* some people advocate for generative software as strongly as they do, and listen to what they have to say about things -🦜
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if Ai genuinely generated its own content I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it, however what Ai currently does is scrape other people's art, collect it, and then build something based off of others stolen works without crediting them. It's like. stealing other peoples art, mashing it together, then saying "this is mine i can not only profit of it but i can use it to cut costs in other industries.
this is more evident by people not "making" art but instead using prompts. Its like going to McDonalds and saying "Burger. Big, Juicy, etc, etc" then instead of a worker making the burger it uses an algorithm to build a burger based off of several restaurant's recepies.
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the left is AI art, the right is one of the artists (Lindong) who it pulled the art style from. it's literally mass producing someone's artstyle by taking their art then using an algorithm to rebuild it in any context. this is even more apparent when you see ai art also tries to recreate artists watermarks and generally blends them together making it unintelligible.
Aside from that theres a lot of other ethical problems with it including generating pretty awful content, including but not limited to cp. It also uses a lot of processing power and apparently water? I haven't caught up on the newer developements i've been depressed about it tbh
Then aside from those, studios are leaning towards Ai generation to replace having to pay people. I've seen professional voice actors complain on twitter that they haven't gotten as much work since ai voice generation started, artists are being cut down and replaced by ai art then having the remaining artists fix any errors in the ai art.
Even beyond those things are the potential for misinformation. Here's an experiment: Which of these two are ai generated?
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These two are both entirely ai generated. I have no idea if they're real people, but in a few months you could ai generate a Biden sex scandal, you could generate politics in whatever situation you want, you can generate popular streamers nude, whatever. and worse yet is ai generated video is already being developed and it doesn't look bad.
I posted on this already but as of right now it only needs one clear frame of a body and it can generate motion. yeah there are issues but it's been like two years since ai development started being taken seriously and we've gotten to this point already. within another two years it'll be close to perfected. There was even tests done with tiktokers and it works. it just fucking works.
There is genuinely not one upside to ai art. at all. it's theft, it's harming peoples lives, its harming the environment, its cutting jobs back and hurting the economy, it's invading peoples privacy, its making pedophilia accessible, and more. it's a plague and there's no vaccine for it. And all because people don't want to take a year to learn anatomy.
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d-lmthael · 8 days
Please do not ignore our suffering and our causes
I am Imtithal from North Gaza, I share with you the deep sorrow of my family from Gaza, so I created this campaign for him to try to help him and his family. I know that donations are not easy in these times, but I believe that every contribution has the power to change someone's life.
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That is why I am participating in this campaign with all my faith, not only to keep them saved, but also to protect their dreams and help them get out of Gaza. I am Imtithal from Gaza, I lost all my dreams and my job as a dentist, I lost my home, I lost my brother Obaida who was killed and he had young children, and my family lost their entire livelihood because of this war in Gaza.
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We live in miserable conditions and live in poor conditions with my family of 35, most of whom are young children. We are always trying hard to provide a living as hunger and thirst kill us.
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The scene continues, full of depression, sadness, fear and horror. The siege imposed on us, the genocide that follows us, all kinds of torment and suffering, the spread of diseases, all of this and more kills life in Gaza, kills our existence, and our lives have turned into an endless nightmare, amidst hopes hanging by a thin thread.
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We are suffering now, and we do not know what tomorrow will bring. We do not know when this war will end!!! Because we have lost everything beautiful, we are about to lose more.
We face harsh conditions and a dark future for our lives, displacement, poverty and pain. But there is a glimmer of hope with your help and generous donations.
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We can leave Gaza and build a new life and rise from the rubble. Every small donation can make a big difference. That is why I seek through your donations. To get out at a time when an individual pays huge sums of money ranging between ($5,000, $10,000) per person. My family and I are in dire need to get out of Gaza so that we do not lose our lives, and we also need to rebuild our lives again, so that we can rise and return as we were. A new home 
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rajaagaza · 2 months
Urgent 🆘️ call: 🕊🚨🍉
Donate, please donate.. 🥺😓 Save what is left of us..😭😢 Be the reason for our survival and exit from Gaza..😣😭 We need every dollar..🥺🫂 Spread my campaign, make it reach many..😔😟 I came to you and I hope that you will stand by my side.. 😢😫 If you are not able to donate Please support me by publishing..🥺😢😓 A simple matter = a human life..🤍
Yesterday we lived through the most difficult experience a person could go through. We lost our home. I can't convey to you the ugliness of the feeling. 😭😭😭😭
To see your house as a pile of stones and pebbles, as if time stopped for a moment and our dreams evaporated with every piece of rubble. My family and I watch helplessly to stop this disaster, losing not only our home but also the parts of ourselves that we carefully built into every corner of those walls.🥲😢😥😟
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We never expected to find ourselves here, homeless and homeless, without clothes or belongings, but with torn souls trying to cling to anything resembling safety. My parents and my siblings came to our tent. Do you know what it means to live in a tent after you have your own house that you worked hard to build? The important thing is that there is a place for them to take refuge, but my uncles, who were forced to leave everything behind, have no home. Where do they go now? How do they find a place that accommodates them after their lives are torn apart? Questions plague me with every passing moment, and I suffer with them this pain, because we are all attached to this place with our dreams and memories.💔💔❤️‍🔥💥
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Days may pass, and we may find a new shelter, but the psychological impact will not go away easily. We are trying to continue, and we know that every beginning has an end, and I hold on to hope that we will rebuild our lives again, even if all the memories are engraved in our hearts.😣😫
So I hold on to patience and faith, and I pray to God to inspire us with the strength to overcome this harsh experience, and to help my uncles and all those who lost their homes to find their way in this turbulent world. Be the reason for our survival.. Support us and protect our lives. We have the opportunity to travel to Canada, where my aunt is, but the obstacle is the travel costs. Help us collect them. There is talk of opening the crossing. Quickly, help us collect the travel costs. Have mercy on us from this homelessness and loss.
Your donation = our stability
Your donation on PayPal will enable us to buy personal items, cooking utensils, water barrels, and clothes for my family. They left with nothing. They left everything to destruction.
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xueyuverse · 26 days
It's ironic to me that part of the fandom insists so much that Hua Cheng's personality revolves around Xie Lian when in fact MXTX created Hua Cheng first and then had to make Xie Lian his ideal type. Like, the truth is that Xie Lian was molded for Hua Cheng. I find this contradiction very funny, I'm sorry.
But they were indeed created for each other.
Hua Cheng has a strong personality, he is firm in his ideals and beliefs, assertive in his opinions, cold in his justice and someone who does not bend the rules just to fit in, he creates a third way instead of adapting to a world that hates him and was cruel to him.
His ideal type would have to be someone as confident as him, who not only does not bend the rules, but also does not get corrupted by difficulties, someone benevolent enough to see people like him with kindness, because only someone faithful in his beliefs would be able to be so different from everything that the world says is right — because the right thing is for you to annihilate people like Hua Cheng, whether they are innocent or not, just because of a supposed curse that they did not ask for.
This meta is based on this excerpt from the afterword that MXTX put in TGCF ↓
When it comes to character designs, the Shou’s were decided on first for the first two novels, but I was torn over the Gong’s for a long time, and needed a run-in period. Hua Cheng, however, was an exception. Inspiration struck and there he was; inspiration struck again, and I blinded one of his eyes.
It was actually the Shou, Xie Lian, who tortured me for up to half a year’s time. When the novel started serializing, I was still torn over him for a long time.
But the most important thing is, by my instincts, someone like Hua Cheng will most definitely love someone like this. So, after a good half a year’s worth of qualms, in the end I still typesetted him: It’s you!
Speaking more about this postscript, I found it interesting how for MXTX, Xie Lian was the most difficult character she has ever played. People tend to think that Xie Lian only has two personality traits: (false, for many) kindness and idiocy. The idiocy may even be right lol, but when you stop to think about it, Xie Lian is a really difficult character to create and, mainly, to develop.
For all the layers he has, he could easily be a snobbish prince, a vengeful and bitter ex-prince, a fallen prince who rises again to reconquer his kingdom and reclaim his throne or a spotless saint who is always intelligent and wise and is above things like sadness, anger, lust, etc.
We know that Xie Lian is none of these things, he was not made for these plots. But if he is none of these things, then what could he be? Honestly, I find it very difficult for anyone to come to the conclusion that your protagonist is a "loser" who failed and has no ambition to rebuild his kingdom and become the new king. It's bold to make your protagonist a poor and extremely unlucky nomad, especially with the princely background that you gave him, we can see from the amount of stories out there about protagonists who lost their kingdoms and then have a path of reconquest that it's difficult not to be tempted to follow that path.
Of course, Xie Lian is a god, something greater than a prince or king, but he is a poor god, known as "the joke of the three kingdoms", he has no wealth and for 800 years he only had 1 believer that he didn't even know existed and he is also known as the "god of plague" and "immortal scrap collector", unconventional titles in the literary world lol
He must experience youthful ignorance, overestimation of his own abilities, have been laughable, been foolish, made mistakes, despaired, felt hatred, gone crazy. But he can’t run, and he can’t hide; everything is what it is. All this was killing me. Not just within the text, but outside the text too. My mediation was useless, and I’ve no energy anymore either, so in order not to be affected, I stopped looking at comments altogether. Since I always habitually vaccinate myself before a serialization begins, speculating on all the worst possible scenarios and preparing myself mentally, by the time serialization started I had already expected how all the negative comments would go down. But after much hesitation, I still thought, why not try all different kinds of characters? I haven’t tried writing a main character like this before.
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etherfabric · 3 months
Messages from Your Protector
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Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.
If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.
Pile 1
The Fool, The Moon rx
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Oh my dear. I see how scared you are. I know this is nothing like anything before. But somehow also exactly like the thing you were running from your whole life. I know how unclear everything seems. How uncertain. You don't dare to move one inch.
Let me tell you now: The inch is enough. And you can take all the time you need. You can't see that from where you are, but from where I am, I can tell that time isn't important. Not at all. It doesn't make sense to you, nothing lately really does. All you had was your mind to rely on, and it's slipping away from you in ways you tried to avoid your whole life. They called you crazy, a liar, a drama queen. So you swore to always pay attention to the exterior, and only stick to the hard facts, to never be accused of that again.
And now suddenly everything turns to smoke. Nothing solid, no foundation to lean on, no former structure you recognize.
You might feel doomed, cursed, imprisoned. Imprisoned in something only you can see and feel, and not even those sensory informations seems reliable. Let me tell you, my precious lightbeam: This is your initiation. It is not for nothing. Far from it.
Not everyone is called to do this, and those who are, rarely feel "good" (in the former sense of the word) during it. It's one of the highest gifts the Universe can bestow upon you, but the process of shedding and rebuilding has phases of liminality that can't be skipped. You ask why this is happening? So you have only one thing left to use and turn to, so it becomes stronger than ever: Your faith. That crazy, invisible, unprovable thing you felt your whole life and ran from. Now it's your last resort. It seems cruel, but once you allow yourself to fully embrace it, be assured, we will bathe you in light and miracles that will carry you across this abyss. Just ask. Invite us, and we will come. The famous leap of faith is your only means of transportation right now, so to speak.
We love you so, so much. And honestly, you are doing amazing already. On our plane, your light is shining brighter than ever. We were never this close to you, and we love it. We know it doesn't feel this way all the time for you, but please listen to your intuition more. It's there to help you, not harm you. Those that judged you anytime you acted upon it are on their own, separate path. Don't let them sway you. Deep inside, you know it's something big and important, what is happening right now. You are doing amazing. We love you so much. I can't say it enough. You will get through this and be thankful. Later. Maybe you can find a smidge of that gratitude now. When you let your true opinion arise within, and dare to listen.
Pile 2
7 of Pentacles rx, 10 of Pentacles
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It's already done. The seeds are planted. This is a time of winding down, breathing in what you already have, let it enrich and nourish you. No one will come and take it away, claiming you are "too lazy" or "ungrateful" to "deserve it". Who told you this? Don't you know they were talking to themselves? To their own shadow, which they cast upon you, to not be blinded by your light? My dearest soul star. Can't you feel it, behind the worry and fear, underneath it all - the hum of completion? It surrounds you, it permeates the space between your atoms, it carries you across this cosmos.
Just imagine this gigantic planet you sit upon, its own attraction to you keeping you grounded. You belong here. You deserve everything that Life gave you. You deserve everything you worked for, and also everything you never worked for and just have, AND you deserve everything that is to come. Oh, there is a lot to come. So many blessings. You don't know even half if it yet. And that's exactly how it's supposed to be.
We don't want you to be exhausted from worry when we bring it to you. We want you to be soft and open, so it can touch your inner being - the only place where true satisfaction can take place. Look around you. The room you are in, or the environment you reside in for now. All this exists at the same time as you. Isn't that proof enough? Who else should it be for? Dare to connect to it, through whatever means sound right. Dare to delve into it. Dare to lay your hands on it, smell it, taste it, observe it, hear it. Draw pictures of it, in your mind, on a canvas, in the dirt on the ground. You are a part of all of it. You are part of the world to everyone else!
The time it takes to get you there is meant for you to enjoy what you have so far. Things will change, and the present will be another shape than the current one. So enjoy it while it lasts, until the upgrade arrives. Remember how desperate the past version of you was for so many of these circumstances? Get back in touch with them to feel their bliss and satisfaction. They are always there to help you. All the versions of you, past, present and future. They all love you in their own way, and they all are connected to you and bring their talents and wisdom as soon as you let them speak. This can be in a dream, a song, a memory, a word you read somewhere that tugs at you. Maybe a smell, or a name. Follow the thread, make space for the unraveling, and be assured we are always protecting you from what could truly be harmful. Nothing you can't take.
Admittedly, our relationship to pain is a rather abstract one compared to your incarnated self - so apologies for sounding aloof - but it carries deep truths, and is never the whole story. Promised. It will pass. You are doing so well. We love you so much more than you can imagine. For now. Soon, you will have a better idea. If you ever need our help, just call us. However feels most authentic. A thought is enough. Then listen for our signs, and dare to believe them, just like we believe in you.
Pile 3
The Star, Knight of Wands
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We are sending you support on all dimensions. You won't see it coming. It won't look like it moments before the event (or several events...) and you will be close to giving up on hope. The rhythm of the recent days was just the "right" wrong mixture of stagnation and overwhelming, sudden changes, and you are exhausted. You have lost things that you held very, very close to your heart, and you thought they belonged to your destiny.
Memories, associations, dreams, fragments of what is lost haunt you, and you try so desperately to make it fit into the picture. Sure this mean it will come back...? Well. Yes and No. Yes on the spiritual, emotional, ethereal plane - what you felt with them is just an appetizer compared to what's to come. It's a manifestation upgraded tenfold. But no, it won't be them exactly. I am so sorry for your pain - but I am not sorry for the context in which this loss happened, because I see the purpose it serves clear as day. You have to wait and see for it to unfold before your very eyes (at least the first two of them), and many fears and worries birthed from past disappointments will pop up.
Don't read those as prophecies - they are asking to be purged! So the canvas is clear for your upcoming masterpiece. It will happen at just the right time. It's not going anywhere. It is yours, and it will wait until you are ready. Promised. Your pace is just the right pace. Listen to your emotions, as untamable they might seem at times. Learn to dance with them, instead of fighting against them, and be it just one intentional second for starters. Your limits are there for a reason, and no one wants you to hurt yourself unnecessarily in the process. You deserve the reassurance and patience you need, and we hold that frequency towards you all the time.
There are judgements from people from your past still attached to what you deem true, and to which you assigned great meaning and weight in how you should be treated by the Universe, and all the people in it. You don't dare to go near them - they bite back. Like a wounded animal. Let's see how gentle you can go with them. We assure you, they will calm down as soon as they know you mean no harm. As soon as they feel you have the same patience and reassurance avaible for them you deserve. Watch the alchemy unfold, and bask in your accomplishments. This is the stuff transformation is made of. We are so freaking proud of you!
Pile 4
The Hermit, The Moon
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What you bring to the world is something not many will understand. We see your dedication, and be assured, you are on the path that was agreed upon before you came here. The unfolding of your inner voice is a marvelous endeavor without any witnesses, just yours to experience. You have never been so lonely and so rich in your whole life. And this is just the beginning.
We protect you from the harm that could sway you, but not the harm that can teach you. There are people around you who are blind to the light within, even scared when it shows up. They don't know what it means, at least not from their limited perspective they deem the whole truth. We see you trying to extend a helping hand, but this is our influence when they don't take it. You need all this energy for the next phase of transformation.
Your discipline and strategy so far has served you well, and we command you for your endurance. This is a whole new game, and you play it quite well. But be warned - this won't last forever. You might dream about what soon will finally be, to exchange it for what is right now. You will miss this once it's over. Not because the future is so grim - on the contrary. But because the beauty of inner transformation is not a constant or easily accessible one, and you either pay close attention to decipher the music in it now, or you will only have the tinted glass of nostalgia as a way back to it. What seems like a chore now will soon be the holder of self love when you look back on it. This might mean nothing to you, or even come across as accusatory, or threatening even.
We never mean harm. We are light. We are love. Just like you. What we want to invite you to is daring to be grateful to be you right now. This version of you won't last forever, so why not love it? Just for what it is?
That is why we send you this tsunami of solitude. So you and you can finally get a room and connect. Look each other in the eyes, deeply. And see how you are just perfect for each other, and exactly what you need and want. After all, this is what you chose. This is exactly your style. And it suits you so, so well.
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gfhunklescalendar · 5 months
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Reblogs greatly encouraged!
What's this? A little calendar teaser and update for everyone??
You betcha! We're getting close, so here are the facts so far:
Calendars will likely be up for pre-order in June/July.
Since they are for 24 months, they will likely be $20-$30 USD.
The charity we'll be donating to this year is A New Way of Life Reentry Project, who provide housing, case management, pro bono legal services, advocacy, and leadership development for people rebuilding their lives after incarceration.
I'm hoping to do a run of 500 calendars!
I'm basing that number off the previous poll I did about the mullet!Stan calendar, so I'm hoping there will actually be that many folks purchasing it. But that's where you come in. YES YOU! In order to make this calendar a success (and to ensure I don't end up with 300 of them taking up space in my house), I need all of you to be sure you reblog this post, share links on other social media sites, and generally do whatever you can to spread the word.
I have faith we can make this happen!
Preview pics by: @dragon-tidbits @gruvu @devisopod
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Help Save Ahmed Family From Gaza
☪︎ ִ ֶ֢࣪⋆ by @ahmedomer9 [ Verification Source ]
☪︎ ִ ֶ֢࣪⋆ Description
My name is Ahmed Al-Habil, a father of a family of six, and I lost almost everything in the war on Gaza, but I did not lose my faith and hope for a better tomorrow. I used to work as a fisherman in the Gaza sea, I lived a simple but dignified life, the sea was my only refuge and source of livelihood to feed my family, but in a moment, my dreams were shattered on the rocks of war, when the bombing destroyed everything I owned in the Gaza port, I lost my job and my boat, and became homeless, and hopeless.
After October 7, my family and I found ourselves in a cycle of continuous displacement, and we were displaced more than five times, fleeing the death that was chasing us. From our destroyed home in Gaza, to Nuseirat, then to a tent in Khan Younis, then to a shelter school, and even to Rafah, where we were also attacked. Now, we live in a tent in Deir al-Balah, where no human being can bear this harsh situation.
My young children, Omar 10 year old / Khadija 9 year old / Ali 6 year old and little Zain 3 year old, live in very poor conditions, as they have been deprived of their childhood, which was supposed to be full of innocence and play, and has become distorted by fear and deprivation. In addition to my responsibilities as a father and a son, I take care of my elderly parents, my 72-year-old father suffers from chronic diseases and osteoporosis, and my 70-year-old mother suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure, in addition to spinal problems.
My life has become an endless nightmare, but despite all this, I have not abandoned my family, so today I need your support to rebuild a new life for my family, a life worthy of my children, my father and my mother, this family deserves a new chance, a chance to live in dignity and peace. Your donation today may be the light that illuminates my path and my family's path in this darkness
Credits: @/cafekitsune for the dividers ♥️
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