#red seal martial arts
rarepears · 8 months
Hello, where can I find an AU where Liu Qingge and Luo Binghe switch roles?
By which I mean the following:
Shen Qingqiu absolutely loathes his shidi. The Bai Zhan peak lord is no better than a mindless beast, a brute. For all that his fellow peak lord was blessed with talent in the martial arts - he was a prodigy that immediately overwhelmed his older martial siblings just a year after joining the sect to assume the position of head disciple - and dogged stubbornness that allowed him to discover endless rare treasures and even rarer beasts and plants, this shidi was an irritating, uncouth, ill mannered and even more ill tempered cultivator that always accosted Shen Jiu day in and day out for-
"Fight me!"
Shen Jiu wacked Luo Qingehe on the head. "Beast!"
Luo Qinghe stepped back a couple steps, not looking sheepish in the slightest. "Shixiong," he whined instead, looking like a bullied maiden with teary eyes and a pout. He hunched himself to not look like the broad shouldered towering menance that was Bai Zhan's War God. "Just one spar? I made you lunch too."
Shen Jiu knew better than to be tricked at such foolish deception. Not when he knew the true purpose of Luo Qinghe's goal was to...
"Immoral!" A scandalized young boy jumped right in. His face was red and incensed. He pulled out a sword - a wooden sword, one that was granted to disciples too young to go to the sword peak and find their cultivation sword - and immediately lept over the guqin. "Leecherous scum!" He raised the sword high over his head to strike the Bai Zhan peak lord.
Shen Qingqiu raised his fan higher so he wouldn't have to see the despicable scene any longer. Yet again, he regretted taking on the Liu clan's scion into Qing Jing peak. This noble's son was far more suited for Bai Zhan's ways, no matter how his face and lineage indicated that he was more suited toward spiritual cultivation.
No, it was more apt to say that it was Luo Qinghe's fault. The man has folded like wet paper the moment Shen Qingqiu had interrupted to say that he wanted the Liu heir for his peak.
Yes, that was accurate. Everything was the beast's fault.
An AU where Luo Binghe is the Bai Zhan peak lord and part of the Qing generation. Liu Qingge is Shen Jiu's newest disciple. Somehow Luo Binghe's demonic seal managed to stay in tact... until Liu Qingge goes off to participate in his first Conference and Mobei Jun tears apart the Bai Zhan's seal.
Luo Binghe regularly barges into Shen Qingqiu's cottage with food - it's his (poorly thought out) attempts at wooing his shixiong. His requests for spars are so he can get his hands on Shen Qingqiu - cop a feel or two. See a mussed up disheveled Shen Qingqiu too, with red cheeks and panting mouth. Hehehe...
Everyone and their mother knows about Luo Binghe's crush on Shen Qingqiu. If only Shen Qingqiu didn't think that Luo Binghe was messing around with him.
As for Liu Qingge? His mom arranged for her son to go to Qing Jing peak as Proper Noble Children Do in hopes of Liu Qingge actually learning the gentlemenary arts instead of only fighting with swords...
No, it doesn't work.
But Liu Qingge is there to help console Shen Jiu after Luo Binghe's "death" in the conference. (So Luo Binghe did learn some politics by having a crush on Shen Qingqiu and jumped into the Endless Abyss himself...) Funnily enough, Liu Qingge, despite being a Qing Jing disciple, manages to become the new(?) Bai Zhan peak lord after Luo Binghe's "death". Blame Bai Zhan peak lord tradition of being the best fighter on the peak.
Liu Qingge still continues calling Shen Qingqiu "shizun" in peak lord meetings though.
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It's been awhile...: Stolas x M!GoetiaPrince! Reader Headcanons.
God, this one was so much fun to write, and I very well may turn it into a fic for my ao3 when I get back to posting there. I hope y'all enjoy!
• Growing up as a goetic demon was an...odd experience.
• You were the son of a duke, and while there were plenty of problems, it wasn't as bad as it was for others.
• You were given the title of prince from a young age, due to a mix of your own natural charm and circumstance.
• This wasn't supposed to happen, as your title should've gone to your older brother, Astratoth.
• However, your father had disappeared and no one knew what happened to him, leaving Astratoth to take on the title of duke and you to take up the title of prince.
• There were a lot of things that your father made you do a lot of things from a young age.
• Magical studies, finance and business courses, even sword fighting and martial arts training.
• You were actually rather good combat wise, even competing in competitions and tournaments.
• It was actually at one of these tournaments that you met a boy that changed your life.
• Satan wanted the chance to show off his, and his protégés' skills, so he called royal demons from across the rings to come watch, and even face them, if any dared.
• You were only a teenager at the time, but you had a fighting spirit and a need to prove yourself, so you, along with your brother made the trip down, only a week after he became a duke, and you a prince.
• It was why you needed to fight, or atleast that's how you felt about it.
• There's a million demons that are sharper than a razor or have silver tounges, but not many would even dare to face off against Satan's finest pupils.
• Before the fighting began, a grand party was held, and you got the first chance to mingle with other goetias as a prince.
• One stood out to you, though.
• Prince Stolas, son of King Paimon, stood on the balcony of the manor the party was held.
• He was alone, staring off into the night sky.
• So, you made your way over to him.
• You desperately needed a break, especially after having to deal with Zagan and Queen Beleth.
• Stolas didn't say anything when you walked outside and stood next to him, he just glanced over at you.
• The only sound that broke the silence was the muffled sounds of schmoozing inside.
• Eventually, you tried to talk to him, and apparently he needed it.
• This boy, probably no more than a year younger than you, broke down in tears.
• You tried to comfort him, and it somewhat succeeded.
• The two of you ended up sitting down and talking and he opened up about everything.
• His arranged marriage to a woman he hated, the problems with his father, and just...everything.
• So, you did the only thing you knew how to; you offered to sneak out of the party with him.
• Stolas was hesitant, but ultimately decided to go with you.
• You ended up just going into a small, family owned diner, and ate together.
• Now with all his problems off his chest, you got to know him really well, and you could already tell you were catching feelings.
• Stolas ended up resting his hand on the table, and you, ever the charmer, moved to rest yours on top of his.
• It took him a second to realize what you had done, but when he did, Stolas turned bright red.
• Stolas mentioned that he thought you were somewhat cute, and that night ended up becoming a date.
• You were his knight in shining armor now, and you were absolutely going to prove it the next day.
• You were going to fight a guy named Tsizoro.
• He wasn't Satan's top student, but he was definitely up there.
• Before the fight, Stolas found you, and gave you a gift. It was a handkerchief with his seal on it.
• You couldn't help but give Stolas a quick kiss. It was worth it to see him blush.
• You didn't win the fight, but you got damn close. You actually did well enough to get the respect of Satan himself.
• You didn't take his offer to learn from him though. You had to go see someone.
• Stolas and you ended up going back to Pride together, you using the excuse of teaching him how to fight. That was an excuse Paimon graciously accepted.
• You were together for a week, and you ended up becoming crazy for eachother.
• Well, until Paimon and Stolas' betrothed, Stella, caught you two.
• You got kicked out really damn fast, and Paimon made sure there was no way you could contact Stolas.
• Defeated and heartbroken, you tried to move on, and finally took Satan's offer.
• It didn't work though, as evidence by the fact that decades later, now with you and Stolas both as adults, you kept up with the story surrounding him.
• Divorce, affair, and who knows how much heartbreak.
• Eventually you decided to go see him.
• You wanted to do it right, so you made sure to get his favorite flowers, hand-picked by yourself.
• Stolas' eyes lit up when he saw you, and you thought he was going to cry.
• The two of you embraced, and even shared a kiss or two.
• Things were so different now, and you weren't sure how things would go.
• But you had eachother, and that was enough for you.
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leaderoffestivals · 2 months
Harukawa Sora FS2 4*: Way of the Finishing Move
Sora: HuHu~! This achievement is only possible thanks to everyone here at SHIN. Sora can call himself a Finishing Move Master now~ ♪
Scenario Writer: Kanata Haruka  Season: Winter   Characters: Harukawa Sora, Mikejima Madara. Kiryu Kuro, Amagi Hiiro, Morisawa Chiaki, Nagumo Tetora
< In the Training Room.>
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Sora: Please help Sora out with training. Thank you so much!
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Madara: Yep, that’s the situation right there! I hope everyone can come together to help Sora-san achieve his wish, somehow ☆
Tetora: No, wait. Even if you say “That’s the situation right there”, I haven’t the foggiest clue what the situation is at all… … 
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Chiaki: I'm in the same boat too. However, it’s the duty of a hero to help those in need. If Harukawa wishes to train with me, I’ll be his training partner for however long it takes!
Kuro: Hmm. I don’t mind either, but can we at least know why you want to train with us? 
One can’t really train without knowing what the goal is, after all. 
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Sora: Yes! Sora REALLY wants to master a finishing move! It’s the Forward Downward Diagonal Punch~ (2) ♪
Hiiro: Hmm? What’s a forward downward diagonal punch? Is it a kind of spell or something? 
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Tetora: OH! Could it be a command from that fighting game? You know, the famous one!
Kuro: Oh, that one, huh? The one that’s surprisin'ly tricky to execute properly. I see, I get what you’re talkin’ about now. 
Any guy would wanna try imitatin’ the techniques they see in manga and games at least once. 
Harukawa, you probably want to try out the moves you’ve been usin' in yer fighting games, am I right? 
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Sora: HaHa~! Bin~go, Red Onii-san. Sora will award you a flower seal~ (3)
In the beginning, Sora tried asking Shisho and Senpai for advice, but they’re not very knowledgeable about martial arts at all.
That’s why Sora ended up practising in the dorm room while looking at the game screen, you know~?
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Madara: Hahaha. And when I came back and saw Sora-san performing a strange dance in our dorm room, I couldn’t help joining in the dance as wellll ♪
Sora: Urgh. It’s not a dance, okay~. It’s a Finishing Move!
Madara: Whoops! Sorry, my bad! You’re absolutely right. Anyway, that’s the reason why I invited you here after seeing you so worked up about it after all. 
Everything has a purpose and place. If it’s a place to practise martial arts you need, then there's no better place for you than SHIN after aaall!
Madara: Now then. For that reason, once again—Would everyone be willing to help Sora-san fulfil his wish? 
Great! It seems like everyone is willing to lend a hand! Well then, let us start our Circle activities without delay ♪
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Tetora: Now, Sora-kun, try loosening your fists a little. Don’t rely solely on your fists to strike—try twisting your hips to inject more power into your punch! 
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Sora: Got it! TAKE! THAT! And THAT! 
Chiaki: Whoa, you're looking good! Those punches of yours have some serious power behind them ♪
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Sora: HiHi~! Punching rhythmically like this makes it feel like Sora’s playing a fun music game! It’s almost as if Sora can see the notes coming in from the front, huh~?
TAKE! THAT! And THAT! Sora will be trying his best to aim for a Full Combo now ♪
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Kuro: Oi, oi. You shouldn’t be losin’ yer focus and thinkin' of other games during warmup, should you?
If you get too carried away, you’ll run outta steam and bonk before achievin’ yer goal, Harukawa. 
Sora: You’re right! Thank you, Red Onii-san. Sora will remember that since Sora doesn’t have much stamina.
However, doing this is so much fun, it feels like Sora’s health is actually being replenished instead~ ♪
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Madara: HAHAHA! Sora-san seems perfectly warmed up nowww!
Let's strike while the iron is hot! Now that warm-up is done, shall we move on to the training for your Finishing Move? 
Sora: Yes, please! Sora will be in your care!
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Tetora: Anyway, for those who are unfamiliar with fighting games, I’ve managed to find a video demonstrating the technique. 
Madara: Oh, that’s helpful. … … Hmm, hmm. I see nowww. It’s that kind of move, huh? 
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Madara: Hm~mm. Performing this move leaves you wide open for a counterattack, doesn’t it? It doesn't seem very practical for actual combat at aaall.
Hiiro: Hmm. I agree with Madara-senpai. The part where you jump after landing a fist on the opponent's chin is totally unnecessary. 
If your attack misses, you won’t be able to dodge while in mid-air, and end up exposing your flank and other vulnerable areas. 
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Kuro: Oi, oi, you guys. Stop goin’ outta yer way to say things to crush Harukawa’s dream. 
Chiaki: Exactly, you two. Saying stuff like that feels like you’re interrupting a hero’s transformation scene!
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Tetora: Moves like these are cooler when they’re hot-blooded and flashy, aren’t they? It’s so not cool to rain on other people’s parades!
Anyway, Sora-kun, could you show us the Finishing Move you’ve got now? We won’t be able to give proper advice until we know what needs fixing, right? 
Sora: Got it! Sora will show you his punch at full power~! Here it goes… … 
HaHa! Forward Downward Diagonal Punch~ ♪
Tetora: Here, I’ve recorded Sora-kun’s move as it is now. Let's take a look at it. 
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Sora: Hm~mm? There’s no force behind it at all~. This isn’t a Finishing Move, it’s just an ordinary jump. 
Sora has a long, long way to go after all~. What in the world is Sora doing wrong, Sora wonders? 
Hiiro: Well, I think your small size is a major reason why you lack power, Sora-kun. The person using this move in the game is very muscular, after all. 
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Madara: That’s true, but having a small build doesn’t mean one can’t generate an impact, right? With a little technique, even small things can be made to appear huge, you knowww? 
And Chiaki-san, with his rich experience in hero shows and stunt work, should be able to offer some insights on how to achieve that, riiight ♪
Chiaki: Ahaha… I think the same could be said of you, Mikejima-san. 
However, it’s true that I can give some advice based on my experience to you.
The key idea to remember is—to contract when needed, and to extend when needed. 
For instance, right before jumping, you should fully contract to gather as much power as you possibly can—
—and then unleash all that power at the moment of the jump, extending fully into the punch as you connect with your opponent’s chin. 
If you do that, you’ll have an impressively flashy uppercut! 
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Sora: Hm~mm? Um… … So, contracting fully before extending—?  
Tetora: Ahaha. Morisawa-senpai just dumped a bunch of unexpected theory on you, huh. It’s detailed, but then, it might be hard to understand this advice just by listening. 
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Kuro: In that case, why don’t I demonstrate what that means for ya? Pay close attention, Harukawa—
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Tetora: WOW! As expected of you, Taishou! That was incredibly powerful just now!
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Sora: Yes! It felt like the character from the game was right in front of our eyes!
Kuro: Haha, thanks fer the compliment. But more importantly, did you understand how the move works from what you saw just now, Harukawa?
Sora: Yes, Sora has got it perfectly~. Sora will give it a go, so please watch carefully! Here it goes~~
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Sora: Urm, how was that? Did Sora manage to perform the Finishing Move properly just now? 
Chiaki: That’s amazing, Harukawa! That was powerfully and perfectly done!
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Hiiro: Umu! I felt a powerful intensity that made me instinctively raise my guard just now!
Oh, I get it. The key to this technique lies in this very intensity. With such an effect, there’ll be no opportunity for the opponent to attack Sora-kun's exposed flank or back because their guard will be raised high despite themselves!
Sora: HuHu~! This achievement is only possible thanks to everyone here at SHIN. Sora can call himself a Finishing Move Master now~ ♪
AH! However, there are still many Finishing Moves Sora has not mastered yet, so it might still be too early for Sora to call himself a Finishing Move Master now, huh… …? 
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Madara: Hoho~! It appears there are still many techniques Sora-san wishes to learn about!
This is a good opportunity, so let’s practise other Finishing Moves today as well~ 
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Sora: In that case, let’s all fire out Energy Blasts together! It’s Down Diagonal Forward Punch~ (4) ♪
Kuro: Harukawa, that’s hella impossible, even fer me… …
The End
Translator’s notes: 
必殺技 (hi-satsu-waza) in the title: Sure-kill-technique or finishing move in computer games.  
Sora is saying the controller commands which will activate the 昇龍拳 ShoRyuKen in the fighting game, Street Fighter.
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3. Sora says 花丸 Hanamaru here: This refers to the encircled flower seal (equivalent to a gold star) JP teachers award to children for good work at school. It looks like this.
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4. Sora just suggested that everyone perform the 波動拳 Hadouken in Street Fighter.
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5. It's not proofed, so if you spot anything and/or wish to give feedback, please DM me.
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jedineedlove · 4 months
Sun Wukong Inspired Character
This character comes from the sonic universe comics. In the accurately named “Journey to the East”
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Name: Monkey Khan
"He is a Mobian Chinese Monkey."
He lived in a village of pacifists his original name was Ken Khan. he wears a power ring headband meant to look like the fighting band of JTTW. He wields a powerful staff and rides on a cloud which sounds just like another monkey we know.
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He once had a boisterous nature and did not fit in with his pacifist village. He had a father Lord Lau Khan. He survived roboticization because of this he was sealed in a metal crate. He was then released by Sally Acorn.
Similar to Monkey King being sealed under the Five Faces mountain. When he became robotized he gained red glowing eyes like when Wukong came out of the furnace.
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Abilities: Enhanced Strength, Enhanced durability, enhanced speed, lighting bolt direction, nimbus summoning, martial arts, staff fighting.
He has some burst of villance and anger. He has trouble controlling himself. With little care id he scored or hurt others.
He, Sonic, Tails, and Sally go on the journey to gather enough forces to go against the Iron Queen and King which are similar to Iron Fan and Bull King.
Iron Queen:
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She is meant to represent Iron Fan as the antagonist. But she is different of course from the original as in there is no love between her and Bull King and she has an affair with Snivley.
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But there are simularlities.
"The Iron Queen set Mount Stormtop on fire for over a hundred days and would not lift the spell until the villagers agreed to bow down to them. Sonic and Tails were told by Li Yuen that only the magical Fan of Fen Xing could blow out the flames on the mountain."
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This is similar to the Firey Mountains story of JTTW except she made the fire.
Iron King:
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A mobian ox who has an affinity for collecting weapons. He was completely, unaware of his wife's plans to cut him out of the picture and rule alongside her new love, Snively. Which I feel like this might be a reverse of JTTW's event of Bull King and Jade Face.
Extra Notes:
His name Ken Khan is meant to reference King Kong.
Sally During the Journey acted like Triptiak keeping Khan calm and being his conscious. But that is where the similarities end because the two became an item.
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This is an old character design of him where there is more Wukong reference.
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My favorite Comic Dub of this monkey.
Thank you for reading and enjoying :)
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yerrenica · 1 year
Jaha Lee x Reader: Remarks
Summary (not really): "♿" it’s a surprise tool that'll help ya’ll later
Pairing: Jaha Lee/Yi Zaha x female reader
Genre: porn with some plot...
WC: 3k
Rating: 18+, but literally no one cares, so just read it with your lips sealed.
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Jaha Lee had always been a busy man. Whether it was because he had to deal with some nobodies that dared to face him, or it was because he had to manage the Low Down, and its people. Needless to say, he was someone who both had too much time on his hands, and none at all. There was always a scheme, a plan, an idea in his mind. He was always out, and about, dealing with one thing or the other. So much so, that he almost never had the time for you. It wasn’t much of a problem at first, since you understand that he is someone that is necessary for the world of Martial Arts. He had his own ambitions, and you were supportive of them, but sometimes... It got lonely. And sometimes, some remarks would slip past your lips without you even noticing.
This time it was: I might as well just go out with someone who does have free time.
It was supposed to be just a simple remark that would tick him off, and perhaps, you know, have him pay attention to something other than cultivating, and it most definitely was not meant to have you standing in front of a mirror, with Jaha right behind you with his arms around your waist. You were not supposed to be getting undressed right now!
“Is bothering me entertaining to you?” He spoke in a hushed tone as he carefully traced his hand from your waist up to your chest, sliding it into your hanfu, and touching your breast.
Your breath hitched in your throat. “I was bothering you? Didn’t realize.”
Jaha clicked his tongue. “How boldly you lie.” He was looking at you through the mirror, right into your eyes. But soon enough, he closed them, leaning down to your neck, which was now slightly exposed. He took his time with it, leaving gentle kisses, then harsher ones, but keeping a hand on your jaw in order to ensure that you would see everything in the mirror. The big mirror, at that; not full-body, but above the middle area of your thighs. It was enough to have you embarrassed as you saw yourself grow red in the face. See how the whimpers, whines, if Jaha bit down, escaped your mouth.
Even now, Jaha was teasing you. Always such a prick, that man. But you supposed you couldn’t blame him. He was always the victim of your jokes, it was only fitting for him to take revenge on you.
But soon enough, his observant self picked up on your annoyance, quickly using his free hand to play with your nipple.
“Be patient, and watch. You wanted me to pay attention to you, right? So here I am, thoroughly paying attention to every part of you.” He opened his eyes to look at your flushed expression in the mirror.
“My eyes, my hands,” He emphasized with a twist to your nipple, causing you to let out a moan. “Even my mouth, are all paying attention to you.” Jaha finished his sentence with a harsh suck to a sensitive spot on your neck, drawing out more lewd sounds from you.
“Surely, that's enough for you, isn't it?”
You both knew it wasn’t.
Your breath quickened. “Jaha, please.. D-Don't do this, I’m sorry for teasing you... So please... y-you can touch me, anywhere... Not just here, please..!” Little whines of begging escaped your throat as you touched his hand, which was still on your chest.
You were humiliated by the fact that this was all it took to get you so worked up. But it was Jaha. Inexperienced, but observant. As uncertain as Jaha was, he was listening, watching, paying attention to every reaction your body had in order to learn what you liked. What spots made you shudder, where to kiss and where to bite, when to twist, pull, rub, or flick. And he has spent enough time with you to memorize them all.
“Jaha? Since when did you have permission to call me so casually? Aren’t I your Master?” Upon finishing his sentence, he once more twisted your nipple, this time harder than the previous time. His grip on your jaw also tightened, making sure you did not look away.
This man was so difficult, every single time. Usually he didn’t mind your casual tone with him, but at times like these he always felt the need to have complete control over you. Childish to the bone.
“Jaha, please— must I?”
“Sorry, didn’t hear you.” He said as he bit into your neck, making you slightly wince.
Not removing his teeth from your neck yet, he bit harder, making you let out a hiss as you furrowed your brows. “Agh— M-M... Master Jaha, please...” Your voice got quieter the longer you spoke. You felt your cheeks burning from the embarrassment, and seeing yourself in the mirror only made the shame worse.
You felt him remove his teeth from your neck, and smirk, before looking back into the mirror, right into your eyes. “Good job. Now tell me... Where do you want me to touch you, [Y/N]? Of all the places on your body, which one should I pay the most attention to?”
Jaha released the hand from your nipple, allowing it to be moved lower, and lower, until you gasped while making small thrusts into his hand.
“Please, y-yes, yes, please, h-here, right here.” His hand was gently placed between your legs, rubbing you through the cloth of your attire.
Jaha smiled. “Bend over, [Y/N].”
You were, of course, quick to do as he instructed, and bent over, supporting yourself on the wooden counter.
Jaha let go of you as he watched you intently. Then, in a slow, teasing pace, he took off his pants. With this, he took his time too, just to put your impatient self to the test even more than he already has. He then moved to your hanfu, carefully loosening it, and lifting the skirt up.
Now, with both of you half-undressed, he could go further. He'd start easy though. He enjoyed the chase.
A hand back on your jaw, as Jaha’s other hand slid its fingers into your mouth, quietly telling you to suck and finding amusement in the shiver you gave as a reaction.
“Do you see yourself, [Y/N]? The way you look while doing something so perverse? I'm sure you can imagine what you'd look like with something else in your mouth, can't you? I'll bet that that's what you think when you suck on my fingers.”
You could only whine in response as the urge to be touched grew stronger.
“Well? Is it? Don’t act like you can't speak just because your mouth is full.”
You replied with a muffled 'mhmm' and a slight nod.
“I thought so. Such a good girl, aren't you?” He spoke quietly.
Just hearing that was enough to make you whine louder, to make you squirm and whine once more as Jaha took his hand off of your jaw to hold you in place.
“Don’t make me take it back. Just look at me and relax for a moment.”
As the three fingers left your mouth, Jaha’s took over, keeping you occupied as he gently rubbed your labia, sending shivers down your spine. Then he moved his finger in circles around your clitoris, having you moaning out his name in no time. Before long, a finger slowly worked its way into your vagina. All of the noises produced by you were let out right at Jaha, a perfect way to tell him how it made you feel, when to pause and wait for you to relax, and when to insert another. With two fingers slowly stretching you out, you leaned more into Jaha, becoming more and more dependent on him to keep yourself up. You... well, you hadn't done this with someone that wasn't yourself, and even then, you never really went further than two fingers, as badly as you wanted to.
So when Jaha put in a third, quickly, stretching and searching and oh, fuck, there it is..
“Fuck, f-fuck, fuck—! J-Jaha, p-please, I-I need it now, I can’t take it, come on..nnggh..! Please, put it in, Gods, just p-put it in...!”
You continued to spill more and more of your erotic pleads, especially as Jaha showed no mercy with how much he was stimulating such a sensitive spot. However, he suddenly stopped. At this, you let out a long whimper.
“Good grief, you ought to keep your mind straight. Calling me Jaha again? Really? Do you want me to stop?”
“N-No, nono... I’m sorry... Master... Please, please.” You whined out as small tears welled up in the corners of your eyes. You looked at him through the mirror, and his heart couldn’t help but skip a beat at the sight of your dishevelled appearance. He bit his lower lip before cursing silently under his breath.
Jaha could only ignore his own urges for so long. Swiftly did his fingers leave you. He quickly leaned you forward, even closer to that mirror, and used his right hand to tightly keep both of your hands behind your back. His left was still on your face, preventing you from looking away.
And before you could question it, you moaned disgustingly at the feeling of him sliding in. So, so, slowly, a mixture of teasing you and being gentle, and it brought all sorts of whimpers from your lips.
It felt like a never-ending rush, like there's always more to fit, more cock ready to fill you up. And the worst part is... you can see it all. You can see the drool run down your chin as you felt more and more full, and barely noticed the twitch of your vagina when Jaha’s finally in, letting out a shaky sigh by your ear.
You whined, desperately, loudly, unable to squirm in order to calm the embarrassment rushing through you at that moment. All the feelings bubble up and come out as noise after noise, moan after moan.
You want to touch yourself, you want to feel yourself, but your hands are restrained too tightly for you to move them. Nonetheless, you could not focus on that want for too long. Jaha wasn't slow when fucking you after all, and you weren't sure if that was a good or bad thing.
Jaha Lee.
He watched as it all happened in front of him. Watched as you moaned loudly, like the whore that you are, groaning and whimpering at the soft praise muttered in your ear. Jaha’s grip on your hands tightened, using it to pull you back harder, faster, as if he couldn't get enough of you. As if, despite being as deep as he could be in you, he still needed more.
Maybe, just maybe, he could get you to make even dirtier sounds, with just the right angle, he could–
"M-Master! O-Ooh, fuck, fuck, y-yes, r-right there, right…hhg..ohh..mnnn..! Th-There…there, the..nng… Ja... Ha..!”
Oh, Gods, this woman would be the death of him.
As your speech deteriorated, devolving into nothing but the sounds of a slut, you trembled more and more, struggling to keep yourself up with the pleasure filling your body. Jaha praised and degraded you in the same breath, pressing filthy kisses right behind your ear, down your neck, and anywhere he pleased. In-between kisses were his own sounds of pleasure, albeit nowhere near as loud as yours. Honestly, it would not have surprised you if someone had already heard the two of you.
Louder, and louder, as you made pitiful attempts to warn Jaha about how close you were to cumming all over yourself, Jaha gave one command as his hand left your chin.
“If you look away from that mirror…I'll stop.. G-Got it..?”  
His own attempts at keeping some sort of composure were laughable, but the breathy voice in your ear made you shiver once more as you nodded.
If only you knew why Jaha moved his hand.
It hit you like a train; just as your eager cunt was rubbed by Jaha, timed almost perfectly with those thrusts that won't stop hitting that spot, and fuck, you can see all of it, you can feel all of it, you’re—
Just like that, and you let out the most unrestrained, intemperate moan of your life; loud enough to be heard from who knows where. You stared at your lascivious face in the mirror, with your legs trembling as Jaha kept going.
It's too much, it's far too much, you honestly feel like you’ll die if Jaha doesn't stop soon, but Gods it gets worse. His hand presses down on you harder, and you nearly lunge forward at the sudden feeling, followed by a sharp gasp as you feel Jaha’s cum fill you up.
You two are still, unmoving as you remain panting. Jaha’s hand pulled you closer by the waist as he brushed the stray hair away from your face with his other hand.
Jaha looked you in the eyes. “Take it all off.”
“Wh-What?” You asked, confused and still in a daze.
“Your clothes. Take them all off.”
You slowly turned around to look at him, finally talking to him face-to-face, abeit you could hardly call it talking. You were far too out of it to talk normally. “What for?”
Jaha narrowed his eyes down at you, and placed his hand on your cheek, caressing it gently. He then smirked, and oh God, that smirk sent a chill down your spine. “I’m not done with you yet.”
He tugged at your attire, clearly showing his impatience.
You sigh, still trying to regain control over your breathing. “Let me have some water first at least...”
“We could go to the sink, and you could drink the water from there while I fuck you from behind.” He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.
You scoffed. “Only you would ask me to act like a dog.”
“Don’t you already?”
Your eyes widened as a pale pink coated your cheeks. “You shuck piece of—“
Jaha only laughed at your reaction, bringing your face closer to his and kissing you. He wasn’t huge on kissing, so whenever he did kiss you, you took it graciously. You kissed back instantly, you even wanted to bruise him so he’d never forget about you.
Between the endless onslaught of kisses, he whispered. “Take it off.”
You obliged, albeit not without letting out a few grunts of frustation. It was as if he enjoyed watching your annoyed expression.
Once you were undressed, he sent a smile your way, before taking your hand into his and leading you to the bed. He sat down, and then pulled you by the hand so you’d sit on his lap, facing him this time.
Your head flopped forwards into Jaha’s chest. This position was more cozy, and you could feel his body heat. You were in comfortable silence for a while before you spoke up.
“Master Jaha… stop messing with me…”
Your hand found Jaha’s cock and lazily stroked him, making the man tilt his head back with an irresistibly sweet moan. You whispered into his ear. “Make me come again, please… ”
“Then show me.” He demanded, “Show me how much you need it, how much you want it.”
Jaha always enjoyed having you beg for him. Too much, some would say... You, you are the some that would say. You couldn’t help but bite your lower lip in frustraion. Jaha was being too cruel teasing and playing with you like this. You bit down on Jaha’s neck, his collarbone and earlobe. His gaze is heavy as he looks at your blissful expression, all fucked out and needy, aching for him.
“Let me see you cry from how much you want my cock… let me see you beg for it. Maybe then I’ll give you what you need.” He spoke quietly. He knew all the ways to get you over the edge.
He wanted you to ache for him, for you to become addicted to his cock.
Your whole body shivered, and you tried to fuck yourself down on Jaha, but the mad demon wasn’t moving and kept you still.
“Master please, fuck me... Are you really going to make me beg for your attention again? How many times must I tell you that I need you? That I need you inside me, deep within me, so deep that I can see you poking out from my stomach... Please. I love you, I love you so much… I need you. Please.”
You felt Jaha grow harder, bigger inside of you. You smirked. Using the ‘I love you’ card always worked.
“You’re too greedy.” Jaha whispered.
“It’s all your fault. You wanted this.”
You felt proud, for once. But then Jaha took away all those thoughts just as fast as he made them. ”Hmm, you take my cock so well. I suppose you deserve to be rewarded for how good you’ve been.”
You nodded frantically, eyes glistening. “Yes yes, please I’ve been good, please-nnnhh!”
As you were right on his lap, it was easy to let you bounce on his cock. In this position, gravity did most of the work, and Jaha was able to hit so deep inside you, even deeper than before. One particular hard thrust had you seizing up, your vagina clenching and twitching tightly around Jaha’s length.
“Yessss yesyes yes oh fuck-!” You moaned, hands clawing at Jaha’s back to find any sort of perch. You were absolutely gone, lost in the pleasure, it was so intense, it was too much- no, it was perfect.
Everything was perfect when you were in his arms. You hugged Jaha’s head into you chest, and felt him trail kisses down your sternum area. Jaha dug his nails into your hips, helping you bounce all the better. He looked up. He could see that you were, once again, in a daze, overwhelmed by the pleasure. Although the pleasure was just as prominent for him, only your declaration of love was swirling through his mind.
He pulled you into another kiss, whispering. “I love you too.”
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talonabraxas · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Heptagram of the Seven DaysThe Heptagram of the Seven days is a particularly interesting way to view the order of the celestial bodies. If reading clockwise from the top-most symbol, it is the order of the planets from the Geo-centric Qabalistic model: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sol, Venus, Mercury, Luna. If read following the lines of the Heptagram, one gets the days of the week: Saturday (Saturn’s Day), Sunday (Sun’s Day), Monday (Moon’s Day), Tuesday (Tiw’s Day, Norse War God), Wednesday (Wodin’s Day), Thursday (Thor’s Day), Friday (Frigga’s Day, Norse Love God.) Crowley attributes this realization to Frater Deo Duce Comite Ferro, S.L. MacGregor Mathers. This is one of two different kinds of Heptagrams. This version is known as 7/3 Heptagram, as each line connects the planet that is three planets away. The other version of the Heptagram is called a 7/2 Heptagram, and is used for the Seal of A∴A∴. DANCE OF THE SEVEN VEILS “The seven spheres attached to the seven planets symbolize seven principles, seven different states of matter and spirit, seven different worlds which each man and each humanity must pass through in their evolution across a solar system.” – The Wisdom of Egypt7 the sum of my name YOSRA HARZALLAH7 Daughters of Atlas7 Stages of Alchemy - Calcination, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation, Coagulation.7 Hermetic principles - Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, Gender.7 Notes of the musical scale.7 Systems of Symbolism - numbers, geometrical figures, letters, words, magic, alchemy, astrology.7 Rays of Light - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Violet.7 Planets of Antiquity - Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.7 Churches of Asia Minor7 Personality Types - Lunar, Mercurial, Venusian, Solar, Martial, Jovial, Saturnine.7 Days of Week - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.7 Arch Angels - Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel.7 Metals of Antiquity - Lead, Tin, Iron, Copper, Mercury, Silver, Gold.7 Chakras - Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara.7 Emotive Spheres of Kabbalah7 Seals.7 Root Races, each with 7 sub-races7 Days of Creation7 Virtues - Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Prudence, Temperance.7 Vices - Pride, Envy, Anger, Sloth/dejection, Avarice, Gluttony, Lust.7 Stages of Man - the infant, the school-boy, the lover, the soldier, the judge, the elderly man, the senile one.7 Liberal Arts - grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy - the first three in the Trivium, the latter four in the Quadrivium.7 Wonders of the Ancient World - Pyramids of Egypt, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Mausoleum of King Mausolus at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes, Pharos Lighthouse at Alexandria.7 Headed Hydra7 Headed Lion7 Headed Dragon7 Headed Serpent7 Seas - Arctic, Antarctic, North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.7 Continents - North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and Antarctica.7 Seven Sisters of the Pleiades star system.7 Parts to the embryo - Amnion, Chorionic Villi, Spinal Cord, Heart, Brain, Umbilical Cord, Yolk Sac.7 Parts of the body - Head, Thorax, Abdomen, Two Arms, Two Legs.7 Major Organs - Brain, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Intestines, Liver, and Pancreas.7 Glands - Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Adrenal, Lyden and Gonad.7 Divisions to the brain - Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Pons Varolii, Medulla Oblongatta, Corpus Callosum, Spinal Cord, Meninges.7 Parts to the inner ear - Vestibule, Auditory Canal, Tympanic Membrane, Ossicles, Semi-circular Canal, Cochlea, Membranous Labyrinth.7 Parts to the retina - Cornea, Aqueous Humor, Lens, Vitreous Humor, Retina, Sclera, Iris.7 Cavities to the heart - Right and Left Ventricle, Right and Left Atrium, Tricuspid Valve, Mitral Valve, Septum.7 Body systems - Muscular, Skeletal, Nervous, Digestive, Respiratory, Excretory, Circulatory.7 Bodily functions - Respiration, Circulation, Assimilation, Excretion, Reproduction, Sensation, Reaction.7 Levels in the Periodic Table of the Elements.…and, of course, the 7 Dwarfs.“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.” –The Kybalion“And God created seven Heavens and seven Earths, and through them all, descends His Command.” – scriptural translation
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katsona-the-katsequel · 2 months
Persona Timeline Pt. 1: Pre-Canon
Gonna add references like we're in the Tardis Wiki. If you know, you know.
Events that only took place in the Other Side will be marked with a "🟠". Events that only took place in This Side will be marked with a "⚪️".
For extra fun, you can read only the general and 🟠 events, then when you hit the Timeline Reset in the P2 Timeline, start over but this time reading only the general and ⚪️ events in order to progress to P3. The full Tatsuya experience, some might say.
- The Great Will created the Megami Tensei Multiverse (Game: Megami Tensei II). The Great Will is implied to also rule, or at least oversee, the Persona Universe.
- Nyx, a Star Eater, took damage when she collided with Earth (Book: Persona 3 Club). The debris created the Moon and, while Nyx' psyche was trapped on Earth, her body was enclosed in the Moon.
- Fragments from Nyx' body, called Plumes of Dusk, fell on Earth (Book: Persona 3 Club).
- Nyx began the long process of healing her physical body.
- In order to fight Nyx' psyche, the primitive life on Earth indirectly created the Collective Unconscious (Book: Persona 3 Club), connecting all the souls on Earth through the Sea of Souls. Nyx' psyche was sealed here.
- Humans came to be.
- The Expanse was formed to house all the gods, spirits, mythological beings, shadows, and demons created by humanity (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Chronos / Charon, god of death and time, came to be, born from man's collective unconscious to guide and accompany them to the afterlife (Game: Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth).
350,000 YEARS AGO
- Philemon and Nyarlathotep came to be; Philemon representing the good of humanity, and Nyarlathotep the evil (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Erebus was created as a manifestation of humanity's grief and negative emotion (Game: Persona 3 FES). He began to look for Nyx' psyche, which was still scattered across the Collective Unconscious.
BETWEEN 2,000 BC AND 1598
- Igor began his life as a doll (Game: Persona 3 FES).
- Igor was given life by Philemon and placed in charge of the newly-created Velvet Room (Game: Persona 3 FES).
BETWEEN 1467 AND 1590
- As a consequence of rumors created in 1999 Sumaru, a historical warlord named Kiyotada Sumaru conquered the land what would become Sumaru City (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- A vassal of Kiyotada named Tatsunoshin Suou organized an assassination attempt against him with his lover, Princess Maihime Amano, and his retainer, Junnosuke Kuroda (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Kiyotada gored Maihime with a spear, and Tatsunoshin cut off his head. Devastated, Tatsunoshin ordered Junnosuke to flee Sumaru Castle and burn it down as he fled (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Junnosuke recovered Tatsunoshin and Maihime's remains from the burned down castle and mummified them (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Junnosuke changed his name to Fuyou and founded the Mokujinken school of martial arts (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Fuyou died of natural causes, and his spirit remained in limbo, awaiting for the day Tatsunoshin would call upon him once more. Until then, he protected Maihime's descendants (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
BETWEEN 1598 AND 1995
- Belladonna became a denizen of the Velvet Room.
- Nameless covered his eyes. It is possible he became a denizen of the Velvet Room around this time (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
January 19
- Edgar Poe was born.
May ??
- Poe published "The Mask of the Red Death: A Fantasy", which made the earliest references to a velvet room.
October 7
- Edgar Allan Poe passed away due to unclear circumstances.
July 26
- Carl Gustav Jung was born.
? ??
- The Shirogane line of detectives began (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1909 AND 1969
? ??
- The Demon Painter was born and raised in Sumaru City (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Possible date for Jung to have met Philemon, or at least began to have visions of the Velvet Room and/or Expanse.
July 28
- World War 1 began.
BETWEEN 1914 AND 1918
? ??
- With Philemon's help, Jung wrote the Red and Black Books. The Red Book was a record of the origin of Personas and Philemon's power, while the Black Book recorded everything about the Sea of Souls. The Red Book granted limitless power and free manipulation of people's consciousness and unconsciousness, while the Black Book could harvest power and take others' Personas to summon and create beings for various purposes (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
- In order to seal the Books' ridiculous power, Philemon created special keys (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu). A fraction if their power can still be used with the Books closed, though.
- Jung finished the Red and Black Books and gave them to Philemon, who introcued them to Igor (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
- Philemon set free the Red and Black Books along with their keys from Kadath Mandala, awaiting for a human who showed the abilities the Books provided (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
- Igor began to make an effort to get to know his guests (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
? ??
- Kosei High School was founded (Game: Persona 5).
November 11
- World War 1 ended.
Between May and June
- Bunkichi Kitamura was born (Game: Persona 3 Reload).
BETWEEN 1929 AND 1949
? ??
- Tatzusou Sudou was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
Between February and March
- Mitsuko was born (Game: Persona 3 Reload).
BETWEEN 1937 AND 1946
? ??
- Stephen was born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei).
September 1
- World War 2 began.
? ??
- Kouetsu Kirijo was born.
April 30
- Adolf Hitler escaped to Antarctica with the Last Battalion, growing his forces and waiting for the time to strike again (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
September 2
- World War 2 ended.
? ??
- Jyun Owada was born (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
BETWEEN 1951 AND 1976
? ??
- Munehisa Iwai was born.
? ??
- Tatsuzou Suou was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
BETWEEN 1956 AND 1976
? ??
- Sojiro Sakura and Wakaba Isshiki were born.
BETWEEN 1958 AND 1967
? ??
- Stephen began the Terminal System project and became the first human to initiate contact with the Expanse. However, a shadow crossed over and, since Stephen didn't speak their language, was crippled by it (Game: Shin Megami Tensei).
- The event with the shadow inspired Stephen to begin the creation of the Demon Summoning Program (Game: Shin Megami Tensei).
? ??
- Setsuko Sonomura was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
June 6
- Jung passed away.
? ??
- Akinari Kashihara and Maya Okamura were born.
Between January 20 and February 18
- Junko Kurosu was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Steven Silverman and Kankichi Mishina were born.
? ??
- Masayoshi Shido and Takeharu Kirijo were born (Game: Persona 3 / Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 1963 AND 1968
? ??
- Toranosuke Yoshida was born.
? ??
- St. Hermelin High School was founded (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
Between April 20 and May 20
- Ginji Sasaki was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- The winning streak of the Special Investigations Unit began, mostly aided by forged evidence (Game: Persona 5).
June 13
- Kaoru Saga / Baofu was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
? ??
- Miki Asai was born.
July 28
- Kyouji Kuzunoha was born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner).
November 8
- Takahisa Kandori was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Chizuru Ishigami was born.
BETWEEN 1968 AND 1976
October 1
- Zenkichi Hasegawa was born (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
May 16
- Ryotaro Dojima was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Philemon and Nyarlathotep made a bet on whether humanity would destroy itself or become enlightened beings (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Nyarlathotep cursed Sumaru City so strong rumors would become reality (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Tatsuya Sudou was born with Nyarlathotep whispering in his head (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- First art contest in St. Hermelin High School (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1971 AND 1974
? ??
- Saeko Takemi and Tomomi Fujimori were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Eiichiro Takeba was born.
December 30
- Katsuya Suou was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
June 1
- Taro Namatame was born (Game: Persona 4).
November 30
- Ulala Serizawa was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
? ??
- Misuzu Hiiragi was born.
? ??
- Shiori's older sister was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
January 14
- Shiori Miyashiro was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
July 4
- Maya Amano was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
April ??
- Junko began attending Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1977 AND 1908
? ??
- Junko became the first Miss Sevens (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Kashihara and Okamura began to teach at Seven Sisters High School.
? ??
- Shuji Ikutsuki was born.
BETWEEN 1978 AND 1986
? ??
- Sadayo Kawakami was born (Game: Persona 5).
? ??
- Kunikazu Okumura was born.
April 9
- Yukino "Yukki" Mayuzumi was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
June 4
- Maki Sonomura was born with an unspecified illness. She would be hospitalized various times through her childhood and early teenage years (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
July 11
- Masao "Mark" Inaba was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
August 18
- Reiji Kido was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
September 21
- Eriko "Elly" Kirishima was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
October 2
- Kei "Nate" Nanjo was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
December 24
- Kazuya and Naoya Toudou (P1MC) were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Shunsuke Fujii was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- The New World Order was founded after a small company led by Tatsuzou unearthed Kiyotada's head in the soon-to-be Honmaru Park, which spoke in their heads advice to control the country (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
BETWEEN 1979 AND 1998
? ??
- Tatsuzou became the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
January 1
- Hidehiko "Brown" Uesugi was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
March 3
- Yuka Ayase was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
March ??
- Junko graduated from Seven Sisters High School and became a famous actress.
August 13
- Tamaki Uchida (SMT:If...MC) was born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
? ??
- Yumi Shirakawa, Shinji "Charlie" Kuroi, Akira Miyamoto, Ideo Hazama, Akiko Yano, and Ryuichi Sakamoto were born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Chisato Kasai and Yosuke Naito were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Junko and Kashihara got married (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
May ??
- Upon realizing she was pregnant, Junko retired from stardom (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
July 27
- Tatsuya Suou (P2MC) was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
October 25
- Miyabi Hanakouji / Kozy was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Reiko Akanezawa and Takuya Miyashiro were born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if... / Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Tadashi Satomi was born.
BETWEEN 1981 AND 1983
? ??
- Mitsuo Shimazaki was born.
? ??
- Shinichi Yoshizawa was born.
February 14
- Jun Kurosu / Jun Kashihara was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin / Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
May 4
- Lisa Silverman was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
Between October and November
- Anna Yoshizaka was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
November 15
- Eikichi "Michel" Mishina was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Gekkoukan High School was founded.
BETWEEN 1982 AND 1984
? ??
- Masataka Amano entrusted Mr. Bunbun to Maya while he went away as a war correspondent (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Masataka died away in a war (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1982 AND 1985
? ??
- Sayoko Uehara and Noriko Kashiwagi were born (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1982 AND 1999
? ??
- Junko returned to stardom (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
? ??
- Naoya got a cold and Kazuya, in an effort to make him feel better, went with their mother to buy him manga. On the way home, Kazuya was hit by a truck and died (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Naoya began to act like Kazuya to comfort his mother. Her mental breakdown made her stay at her parents' house while Naoya was taken care of by a housekeeper and the Sonomuras (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Hiroki Sugimoto, Mami "Sheba" Shibata, and Miho "Mee-ho" Ogishima were born.
- Mayumi Yamano was born (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1983 AND 1984
? ??
- Noriko Katayama was born.
February 1
- Tohru Adachi was born (Game: Persona 4).
April ??
- Kandori began attending St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona). He would become president of the student council.
? ??
- Chika "Chikarin" Ueda was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1984 AND 1997
? ??
- Sasaki became part of a one-hit wonder band (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). After fading to obscurity, became a record producer.
April ??
- Sudou began attending Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- The rumors spread about Sudou made his mental state worsen (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
July 6
- Owada won his first term as a legislator.
? ??
- Akari Hoshi / Ixquic was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1986 AND 1989
April ??
- Saeko and Tomomi began attending St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Kumi Hirose became the first victim of the Snow Queen Curse (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1986 AND 1992
? ??
- Hidehiko had a bowel movement accident that earned him the nickname of "Brown" (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Ideo and Reiko's parents got divorced. Their father kept Ideo and their mother left with Reiko (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
March ??
- Kandori graduated from St. Hermelin High School and began studying at Oxford.
BETWEEN 1987 AND 1990
? ??
- Michiko Matsudaira became another victim of the Snow Queen Curse (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1988 AND 1991
? ??
- Yuriko Yamamoto became another victim of the Snow Queen Curse (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1988 AND 1993
? ??
- Shido became a metropolitan assemblyman, beginning his career in politics (Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 1988 AND 1995
? ??
- Kuzunoha founded the Kuzunoha Detective Agency.
? ??
- Kashihara became a substitute father for Sudou (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Kashihara, believing that the Maiyans aliens were speaking through Sudou, wrote all the messages in the book "In Lak'ech" (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Suspecting infidelity, Junko hired detective Daisuke Todoroki to follow Kashihara (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Junko began to spread vicious rumors about her husband, weakening his hold on reality (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
March ??
- Sudou graduated from Seven Sisters High School.
- Tatsuya, Jun, Michel, and Lisa met each other in the Alaya Shrine. They began to call themselves the Masked Circle (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Maya met and befriended the Masked Circle, becoming a surrogate older sister to them (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Maya taught the Masked Circle the Persona Game (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
Between March and August
- Jun gave Tatsuya an engraved Zippo lighter, while Tatsuya gave him a silver wristwatch. The two made a promise to be friends forever (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Kashihara fell in the Seven Sisters clock tower and was crushed by the gears (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Nyarlathotep took on Kashihara's appearance and replaced him (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
April ??
- Katsuya began attending Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
August ??
- Maya, after revealing she would be moving away, was locked inside the Alaya Shrine by Michel and Lisa. Tatsuya was locked in as well (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- The Alaya Shrine was set on fire by Sudou, who cut Tatsuya with a knife and made Maya develop pyrophobia. Tatsuya took Sudou's right eye off with his Persona (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Sudou killed and dismembered Takuya (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Jun, Lisa, and Michel mistakenly began to believe that Maya was killed in the fire, and hid away their masks (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- The trauma made Tatsuya, Lisa, Michel, and Maya forget about the incident and about each other (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Nyarlathotep made Jun believe that Maya was killed by his friends, and began grooming him to become Joker (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Tatsuzou stopped the investigations of Tatsuya's father into Sudou, using his influence to discredit him and end up with Tatsuya's father leaving the police (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin / Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Tatsuzou sent Sudou to the Morimoto Sanitarium (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Maya moved away from Sumaru City with her mother (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Akira Konoe was born (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
BETWEEN 1989 AND 1992
? ??
- Tomomi became the last victim of the Snow Queen Curse, carrying a grudge against Saeko for knowing about it and not saying anything (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Principal Ooishi ordered the Snow Queen Mask to be put away (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
March ??
- Saeko graduated from St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
February 18
- Owada won his second term as a legislator.
March 3
- Akinari Kamiki was born (Game: Persona 3).
May 8
- Mitsuru Kirijo was born (Game: Persona 3).
August 11
- Shinjiro Aragaki was born (Game: Persona 3).
Between August and September
- Mamoru Hayase was born (Game: Persona 3).
- Nozomi Suemitsu and his fraternal twin were born (Game: Persona 3).
September 22
- Akihiko Sanada was born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Ulala failed a grade and had to repeat a year (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Naoya pierced his ear as personal proof that he was not Kazuya (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Saori Hasegawa, Ichiko Ohya, and Kayo Murakami were born (Game: Persona 3 Portable / Game: Persona 5).
- Naoya had a cold for the last time in his life (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
Between January and February
- Keisuke Hiraga was born (Game: Persona 3).
March ??
- Katsuya graduated from Seven Sisters High School and became a police officer, dropping his dream of becoming a patissier to clear his father's name (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
April ??
- Maya returned to Sumaru City to attend high school.
Between September and October
- Andre Laurent Jean Geraux / Bebe was born (Game: Persona 3).
October 19
- Yukari Takeba was born (Game: Persona 3).
Between November and December
- Kenji Tomochika was born (Game: Persona 3).
December 22
- Fuuka Yamagishi was born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Ulala met Maya.
- Minato Arisato (P3MC), Rio Iwasaki, and Natsuki Moriyama were born (Game: Persona 3).
BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994
? ??
- Shinji stole someone's bike, which earned him the nickname "Charlie" (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
BETWEEN 1992 AND 2003
? ??
- Miki Sanada was born.
January 16
- Junpei Iori was born (Game: Persona 3).
Between March and April
- Yuko Nishiwaki was born (Game: Persona 3).
May 24
- Mitsuo Kubo was born (Game: Persona 4).
July 18
- Yoshida was voted into office.
- Owada won his three term as a legislator.
Between October and November
- Chihiro Fushimi was born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Saki Konishi was born.
- Sae Niijima was born.
- Yoshida missed a legislative meeting to take a personal vacation, was accused of embezzling party funds, and called a voter an idiot in an open forum. This earned him the title of "No-Good Tora" (Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 1993 AND 1994
Between July and August
- Hidetoshi Odagiri and Kazushi Miyamoto were born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Takuto Maruki was born.
April ??
- Yukki began to attend St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
June 22
- Yosuke Hanamura was born (Game: Persona 4).
July 30
- Chie Satonaka was born (Game: Persona 4).
December 8
- Yukiko Amagi was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Kenji's sister, Yu Narukami (P4MC), Kou Ichijo, Daisuke Nagase, Ai Ebihara, and Tomoe Sayama were born.
- Kaoru and Miki ran an investigation on Tatsuzou and the Tien Tao Lien mafia for money laundering (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Tatsuzou ordered the assassination of Kaoru and Miki, with Kaoru only surviving thanks to the awakening of his Persona (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Kaoru changed his name to Baofu and vowed to avenge Miki (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
BETWEEN 1994 AND 1996
? ??
- Hanako Ohtani and Yumi Ozawa were born.
- Kou's birth parents may have died of an unspecified sickness. Kou was placed in an orphanage (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1994 AND 1997
? ??
- Dojima saw Yu for the last time before he came to Inaba (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Kouetsu discovered the Plumes of Dusk, began to look into their origin, and amassed a collection for benevolent purposes (Book: Persona 3 Club).
- The Kirijo Group separated from the Nanjo Group, though they kept a close working relationship (Game: Persona 3).
- Some mean kids pulled Michel's pants down in front of Miyabi and told him she hated fat people. Out of guilt, Miyabi began to let herself go and become chubby (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
March ??
- After graduation, Maya began to work as a reporter for the teen magazine "Coolest" (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
April ??
- Yumi, Charlie, Miyamoto, Hazama, Akiko, and Ryuichi began attending Karukozaka High School (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Maki, Mark, Nate, Naoya, Brown, Yuka, Chisato, and Naito began attending St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Reiji began to attend an unnamed high school (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Elly began to attend an unnamed high school in America (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
April 27
- Naoto Shirogane was born (Game: Persona 4).
June 1
- Rise Kujikawa was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Kouetsu began to experiment with shadows to create a time manipulation device (Game: Persona 3).
- Kuzunoha passed away.
- Hazama began to face bullying at school (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Hazama confessed his crush to Akiko, only to be rudely rejected (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Naoki Konishi, Ayane Matsunaga, and Sumomo Ujima were born.
BETWEEN 1995 AND 1996
January 2
- Kanami Mashita was born (Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night).
BETWEEN 1995 AND 1997
? ??
- Michel pulled Sugimoto's pants down in middle school, causing the latter to swear revenge.
BETWEEN 1995 AND 1999
? ??
- Kouetsu became a nihilist, which was only fueled by his discovery of The Fall (Game: Persona 3). The Kirijo Group began to dedicate their efforts to bring about The Fall.
? ??
- Kandori became the head of the Mikage-cho branch of Saeki Electronics & Biological Energy Corporation / SEBEC (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Elly's twin sisters were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Nate met Kandori and didn't like him (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona)
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diamondcrownacademy · 7 months
DCA Info Part 32: Meet Jinlong Esi 🐲
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Jinlong Esi (ジンロン・エシ, Jinron Eeshi) is the dorm leader of Dragonstone. She comes from a race of dragons and desires to prove her worth.
Jinlong was born and raised in the Valley of Clouds, a city where other dragonkin live. Jinlong is the only girl in a family of four boys, she's unable to do much due to her homeland's traditions.
When Jinlong was a child, she was taught to fix damaged antiques and relics and she keeps the restored relics in a sealed vault.
Overtime, she secretly learned the art of metalsmith from an old dragon who lives in the tallest mountain of the valley and went through a lot of training to be strong and strategic.
Jinlong is described as a quiet young woman with an aura of coolness and mystery around her. She desires more than anything to prove herself and to prove that she can be just as strong as her brothers.
She only has a few close friends to talk to and even less to spar with because most of them are delicate and she doesn't want to seem like a brute person. Although she may seem composed on the outside, she has a dragon's temper. To calm herself down, she moves out of sight to meditate. It will work if no one bothers her or makes a loud noise.
She mostly keeps to herself because she has a bit of a culture shock at how different everything is at DCA.
Jinlong makes use of anything to solve a problem, sort of like a macgyver kind of problem solving. Even if it sounds ridiculous, if it works then it's not stupid.
Jinlong is a young woman in her late teens. She has pale yellow skin, green reptilian like eyes, pointy elf ears, copper brown hair with a portion of it being gold, a pair of gold horns that resemble those commonly seen on eastern dragons and a green tail with the tip being gold and shaped like a flame.
2020 School Uniform
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Jinlong wears a blue bolero top with the cuffs having red ribbon detailing shaped like flowers with a blue pearl in the center. Underneath the top is a scarlet red top with a sweetheart bodice, teal colored gem buttons. She also sports a scarlet red overskirt with a gold scale pattern and gold ruffle trim as well as black pants with the ends being red, divided by gold trim and having the same scale pattern as the overskirt. For footwear, Jinlong wears a pair of two toned flats with one side being a solid black and the other being red with the same golden scale patterning. The shoes also have tan soles, gold trim and gold ribbons.
Jinlong accessorizes with a bu yao with a red pin and strands, teal beads and gold detailing that makes it resemble a flower, as well as a pair of gold diamond earrings. Other accessories include a black collar with gold trim, a teal pearl necklace with a circular brooch, and a black belt with various gold ribbons.
2021 School Uniform
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Jinlong was changed a bit. Her bolero top now covers her bust and has teal gem buttons, the black collar now resembles a high collar, the pants look simpler and have gold trim, and the shoes have solid colors and have gold trim and flats.
Some new additions include Jinlong's hair being slightly wavy, the bu yao is now red with a white flower that has mint green leaves and a maroon pearl, the earrings are now pearl earrings, red nails, a gold chain belt with red crochet detailing, a scarlet red floral qipao dress with gold trim and gold scales on her tail.
School Statistics
Jinlong Esi is an 18 year old 3rd year student. She is classified as Student #16 and is in Class 3-B. She is a member of the Aviary Club and her best subject is Magic History. Her favorite school subject is Martial Arts because wants to be strong enough to challenge her older brothers. Her least favorite school subject is Party Hosting because she has terrible experiences with hosting parties and it brings back memories of bad experiences. She's good at the subject only because she can't afford to get bad grades but she dislikes it.
For her idol performances, Jinlong has a voice fit for singing traditional folk songs with a shifting tone. But she prefers to sing songs that tell a story rather than just expressing one's feelings.
For her choreography, Jinlong mixes modern dance with traditional Chinese dance sometimes. She has very strong movement almost as if she wields a sword.
Not much is known about Jinlong's relationship with her parents, what is known however is that her mother aids her in hiding her secret.
Her relationships with her brothers on the other hand, are rather complicated to say the least...
Ying would constantly remind her to know her place as a daughter of the household since he views going against tradition is equivalent to bringing shame to the family. He even went so far as to physically assault Ushi for raising his voice at him when he defended Jinlong. Thier relationship is so estranged that Jinlong is even comfortable badmouthing about Ying to close friends. She doesn't dare to voice her opinion to his face but she will smack talk him behind his back.
Ushi is more friendly towards Jinlong but is a bit of a coward when it comes to confronting Ying.
She's distrustful of Gou while Tuzi doesn't seem to have a relationship with her at all.
Out of all of her brothers, Hou is the only one she gets along with, he always seeks out to join his sister in her studies and their parents allow it since they see Jinlong providing assistance to a younger sibling.
Jinlong has a pet Komodo dragon named Rongyu. He likes to lounge around and makes weird noises that sometimes startles Jinlong.
Fellow Students
Jinlong is quite competitive with Evonie. She has little friends to spar with.
Night Raven College Students
Jinlong sympathizes with Leona due to also feeling trapped in the the shadow of their elder sibling.
Jinlong would want to be with someone who won't treat her like a stereotypical housewife and actually pay attention that she's doing this because she wants to prove herself.
Powers and Abilities
• Magic: Much like her fellow students, Jinlong can use magic.
• Swordplay: Much like her fellow dorm leader, Vidya, Jinlong is known to be a very skilled swordswoman.
• Agility: Jinlong does yoga in her spare time and in turn makes her flexible. Eastern dragons are known to be long and can move their bodies to make themselves look wiggly.
• Blacksmithery: Jinlong is said to be a master blacksmith.
• Fire Breath: Being a dragonkin, Jinlong is able to breathe fire and even uses it to forge and melt metals.
• Acrobatics: Jinlong is said to have a talent for acrobatics.
Unique Magic
Jinlong's unique magic is called "Gold Dragonfire" (最も純粋な金の竜の炎/ゴールド・ドラゴンファイア, Gōrudo Doragonfaia; lit. "The Purest Gold Dragon Flame"). She can breathe golden fire that will melt her targets but it won't burn the area.
According to her bio, Jinlong would be voiced by Ayako Kawasumi, who has voiced many iconic and famous characters throughout her career. Such as Akari Kamigishi from To Heart, Saber from Fate/stay night, and Elie from Rave Master just to name a few.
• Her birthday is on July 27th, making her a Leo. She shares her birthday with Leona Kingscholar.
• She is 184 cm tall, making her the tallest of the dorm leaders.
• Her favorite food is tea of any kind while her least favorite food is porridge. Although Jinlong prefers heatable leftovers and takeout over actual food and cooked meals sometimes. She dislikes being looked down on and unorganized spaces.
• She enjoys Forging.
• Her preferred Styling Jewel Outfit Styles are Cultural, Cool and Gothic.
• For her casual attire, Jinlong would mostly wear asian style jackets with some chinese animal on the back. She will wear jeggings and shirts.
• She prefers dark colors.
• She is dubbed "Little Dragonfish" (ドラゴンフィッシュちゃん, Doragonfisshu-chan) by Floyd due to her dragon motifs.
• Jinlong is commonly referred to as "Jin" or by her surname, Esi.
• Jinlong likes to forge relics in her spare time.
• Jinlong’s Overblot would occur if she would have an argument with either her elder brother or father with the former having the tendency to scold Jinlong in regards to being a household daughter while the latter never tolerates the breaking of tradition and views the world outside of the Valley of Clouds as inferior.
• Jinlong would be a philosopher in the future.
• Jinlong loves moon cakes as a dessert.
• Jinlong would smell like something that smells like incense.
• Jinlong’s signature scent would be a combination of both incense and maybe the sun from training.
• Jinlong’s worst fear is having her hard work wasted for nothing which would prove that her father was right all along.
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300iqprower · 7 months
HRU Preview: Red Hare
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[Buckle up cause this one gets insane even for me. But lord knows he needs some of these...]
New Passive: "I am Lu Bu! (False(?)) EX-" - Increase your Critical Strength by 5%. - Increase your Buster Card effectiveness by 15%. - Increase your Critical Rate Resist against [Rider] enemies by 25%. - Increase your Buff Success Rate by 10% and apply [Chaotic-Evil] alignment to self while there is at least one [Chaotic] ally. - Increase your Buff Success Rate by 10% and apply [Human] attribute to self while there is at least one other [Dissonant] unit on the field.
Running a Thousand Li (Horse) EX -> ‘EX’
Increase own Quick Card effectiveness (5 turns^). Increase own Critical Star Drop Rate (5 turns^). Increase own NP Gain with Quick and Arts Cards (3 times, 5 turns). Increase own Defensive Buff Removal Resistance by 100% (1 time, 5 turns).
Various Martial Arts (Horse) A -> ‘EX’
Apply Evade to self (1 turn). Chance to apply Ignore Invincible to self (1 turn).^ Chance to increase own Critical Star Gather Rate (1 turn).^ 80% Chance to Apply Defense Cut to self (2 times, 4 turns). 80% Chance to increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness (3 turns). If field is [Airborne], apply Immobilization Immune to self (2 turns). If field is [Waterside], increase own Critical Rate Resist (2 turns). If field is [Void Space], increase own NP Gauge by 15% and gain Crit Stars. [Reduce cooldown by 1 to 6/5/4, Chance to activate scaling increased to 60-90%. Extra Attack Effectiveness scales at 25-150%, Defense Cut scales at 250-1000, Increase Critical rate resist by 20-50% on Waterside fields, Gain 5-15 crit stars on Void Space fields]
Battle Maneuver (Horse) B -> B+++
Increase own ATK (3 times, 5 turns) If possible, Pair Up with one other [Rider], [Chinese], [Wild Beast], or [Riding A or higher] ally (3 turns). - Apply Target Focus to all allies except the paired ally (3 turns). - Paired allies benefit from certain buffs if they are active on Red Hare. - Paired allies are affected by certain debuffs if they are active on Red Hare. [Demerit] - Paired ally command cards count towards granting Red Hare an Extra Attack (at least one card in the chain must belong to Red Hare for Red Hare's extra attack to be used over their partner's). - If Red Hare is immobilized or afflicted with a Mental Debuff, remove Pair Up and associated buffs immediately (ignores Debuff Removal Resistance). Cumulatively increase Critical Strength for self and any units paired (3 times, 5 turns).^ Cumulatively increase NP Strength for self and any units paired (3 times, 5 turns). If Red Hare is paired with Lu Bu: - Apply Debuff Immune to Red Hare (3 turns). - Apply NP Boost to Red Hare and Lu Bu (3 turns).
EX Rankup, if we count this then remove the lowered cooldown on his S2:
Imitation God Force A -> EX+
Gain Berserker Class affinity (Offensive) (1 turn). [Activates first] Deal DEF-ignoring damage to all enemies.^ 100% chance to Inflict Skill Seal for all enemies (1 turn). If there is both a [Lu Bu] and a [Chen Gong] ally on the team (includes Backline): - Apply Invincible for yourself (1 time) - Decrease own Skill Cooldown by 1 turn. - Decrease Skill Cooldowns by 1 turn for any [3 Kingdoms Tactician] allies <Overcharge> Increase own ATK (4 times, 3 turns). [Activates first] [15/20/25/30/35%] 500% chance to Decrease Buster resistance of all enemies (3 turns). [10/20/30/40/50%]
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randomthefox · 2 months
I really love how the original Dragon Ball escalates and seeds its world building. It starts out with this mythology about the titular objects that can grant any wish, and the first arc is this episodic adventure campaign of going to new locations and meeting new characters as a party of regulars slowly develops. The world is a wacky place with wacky people like a crazy strong monkey boy, turtle hermits with flying clouds, a village terrorized by a gang of bunnies who can turn people into carrots by touching them. It shows off this disparate variety to the world.
Then (after a tournament saga) there's the red ribbon army arc, which introduces this overarching malevolent organization. It's very grounded, it's an ARMY of evil soldiers who want the dragon balls for their powers but they essentially already have taken over most of the world. Goku is unaware of them because of his secluded upbringing, but everyone else recognizes who and what they are as a serious threat. It recontextualizes things to imagine that this organization was there in the background all along and just never was encountered until now by happenstance. Goku fights a massive militarized organization that besets him at every corner as he searches for the dragon balls again.
Then (after a tournament saga) we get introduced to a clan of DEMONS lead by THE DEVIL who ends up being revealed to be a cast off evil second half of GOD. The demons terrorize the world slaughtering martial artists because they're the only people who have the potential to seal THE DEVIL away as he had been before, and a good chunk of the cast straight up dies because of them which is a major upset of the standards the adventures have had until now. And in the end the main villain WINS. The BAD GUY who is THE DEVIL gets his wish from the dragon balls and then DESTROYS THEM so they can never be used against him, and then DOES take over the world by hijacking the World Kings palace. He makes a public televised announcement to the entire planet that HE is in charge and he has overthrown rule of law and encourages the citizens of the world to act on their evil impulses and cause chaos and carnage, and in the meantime he announces he'll be destroying every major populated center across the entire world until there's nobody and nothing left. Goku fights and kills THE DEVIL and then meets GOD (not a metaphor for him dying he literally physically ascends to the heavens and meets God at his house where he oversees the entire planet).
Then another tournament arc happens.
Things escalate even further from there and they start introducing world conquering space aliens who can destroy entire planets, but I think there's something special to the way things developed before then. I don't mind the delineation of Dragon Ball Classic and Dragon Ball Z because I do feel like there's a certain groundedness to original Dragon Ball that does start to go away after the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. Not all at once, but eventually the series ship of theseuses itself into feeling like something altogether removed from what it was, whereas I feel it has a very strong sense of identity all the way up until Saiyans are introduced. There was a magic to it. To the scope of this wonderful wacky zany world of martial artists expanding over time and revealing new things that were supposed to have always been there but feel natural that they'd never come up until it was appropriate. And I understand why it started drifting away from that, I mean after the main character becomes stronger than God where do you go from there?
But I'll always cherish that original Dragon Ball. With its Master Carrot Bunny, with its Pilaf, with its Turtle Hermit Martial Arts Master, with its Red Ribbon Army, with its Fortune Teller Baba, with its Turtle School vs Crane School rivalry, with its Demon King Piccolo. I'd say I miss it but that's sort of inaccurate, because it'll always be there to revisit time and again. And somehow it always feels just as special as the first time.
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tryingtimi · 6 months
Happy World-building Wednesday! Is there a race or species that dominates your world? Tell me all about them and how they came to power!
Hi, thank you for the ask lovely ❤️
Yes, there is. In Metalsea, there are the driadlin, the draar and the shar-dlin. I have a fairly detailed section dedicated to them in the project post. I’ll summarize the driadlin here because they are basically who rule most of the land in Onidia (the world’s name).
The driadlin have an elf-like appearance with pointy ears, tall figures and a physic that clearly was built for finesse. However, they have colourful eyes, and the colour can change. When they learn something, their focus is on that subject, and therefore the colour will change to that “subject’s colour”. For example, the warriors have red eyes, and the more they learn to fight, the deeper red their eyes turn.
Also, we all have these bone bumps in our bodies, at the wrist, the ankle and the knee. Now, the driadlin have the ability to make this bumps into spike-like sharpness. It’s something that will grow out a bit and sharpen, maybe even to the point where they can slice with it but at least pierce something through. It sharpens when they are in a heightened emotional state — overjoyed, raging etc. So to control their spikes, they need to control their emotions. Besides this, even their nails and teeth sharpen too, but that are the less visible part of this — let’s call it: transformation.
Anyway, because of their spikes, they mostly fight with their fists and legs, rarely using any actual weapon. Their fighting technique is basically more like martial art. Or the monks class from D&D lol.
And how they came to power, well. There’s a whole other story for that so I’ll put that under the cut because it’s getting long.
The draar and the driadlin always fought for lands, but one time, the draar Queen had enough. She chellenged the best warrior (the driadlin Prince) for a one on one fight, so they could decide the conflict once and for all. All their force stopped for that time, sealing the deal in a treaty. Then, the fight has come, and the Queen seemed to win. However, the driadlin Prince’s bride was so desprate for losing her love that she interrupted them, stabbing the Queen in the back, saving the Prince. The driadlin foces then sorrounded the draars in the valley kind of place they camped and conqured those parts.
Since then, the driadlin rule, because the draar are still suffering the loss of that event. However, this little detail is a shame spot in their history too, which they tried to erase with the exile of the royal pair back in the day. Their royal family is never mentioned, and mostly lives as a cursed tale in their lore.
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megafighter343 · 3 months
Rewriting Dragonball Evolution
So, I typed this up some many years ago, but never posted it anywhere. The tragic passing of Akira Toriyama brought this back into my thoughts and I figured you folks at Tumblr would get a kick out of it.
Rewriting Dragonball Evolution
Dragonball Evolution is essentially the standard bearer for bad live-action films based on anime. It wasn't the first,with the Guyver films first starting the trend, but it's considered the biggest example of how Hollywood just doesn't get anime. It comes across like a game of Telephone of the plot of the original Dragon Ball, but mixed with 2000s Hollywood sensibilities; Goku is a broody teen, Chi Chi is a love interest, Bulma has just a single streak of blue hair, there's a race-against-the-clock eclipse, the Dragon Balls can show visions, the Kamehameha Wave is called “Airbending” and so many more.
But can it be made better? Maybe not a masterpiece, but an entertaining blockbuster and not a miserable failure that we got? Well, I'm gonna give it a try. Now, this isn't gonna be a full re-adaptation, with casting changes and all that. No, the main focus here is taking the story we've been given and do whatever is needed to make it better, more faithful to the source while still being able to draw in an outsider audience. I'll be going scene to scene, giving them tune-ups, adding and removing where necessary. Ready? Let's Go!
Scene 1: The Awakening of Demon King Piccolo
First, we start with the opening, where we get the legend of the Demon King Piccolo, sealed away by the Mafuba. We come upon a village under siege by the Red Ribbon Army. Yep, we're bringing in the Red Ribbon Army, just for this opening. The siege is overseen by General Blue, who has been informed of a Dragon Ball in the area, accompanied by the somewhat clumsy rookie soldier, Mai. Yeah, we're adding Mai to the Red Ribbon Army for the movie as a greenhorn private in the troops.
The people are threatened, one of them dropping a pot in front of the General and reaching for it in a panic. The General is amused by his behavior and picks up the pot, taunting the old man (“What is this? Some kind of rice cooker?”) and playing with it while the old man begs him to leave it alone. He's speaking his native language, but the clearest words are stuff like “Mafuba” and “Daimao Piccolo” before General Blue kicks him aside and throws the pot onto the ground, smashing it.
General Blue laughs, joined in by a few troops, before they go back to their search for the Dragon Ball. However, out from the shattered Mafuba, Piccolo emerges and he slaughters everyone. Villagers, soldiers, they are all nothing in comparison. The only one who survives the onslaught is Mai, who had the sense to hide during Piccolo's rampage. She pleads for her life, swearing fealty to Piccolo. Piccolo, after a brief, silent stare at Mai, walks away and then comes back with a Dragon Ball clutched his hand. He will spare her as long as she aids him in finding the Dragon Balls.
Title Sequence
Scene 2: Training with Grandpa Gohan
Now we cut to the scene the movie actually started with, where Goku and Grandpa Gohan are training. Important here is that we make sure that while Goku is a teen, he still retains a lot of his more distinct characteristics as a happy-go-lucky, fight-happy kind of guy. This isn't Peter Parker, it's Son Goku. The two spar with Goku winning, rather than losing. Here, the situation pressed is less Goku's friendless background, but that he's starting to surpass Grandpa Gohan, and that perhaps its time for him to move on to a new teacher in martial arts. The scene's major piece of importance is that as a token of congratulation, Goku is entrusted by Gohan with his most sacred possession, the Four-Star Dragon Ball.
Scene 3: Party!
Yes, there is a party in this one, but we also cut out the school stuff. Goku was homeschooled by Grandpa Gohan, though he probably doesn't know all that much since he was more interested in fighting. The party isn't for Chi-Chi, though it is held in Chi-Chi's homeland of Fire Mountain. See, it's someone's birthday! Unlike the original movie where it was Goku's (and how the hell would Gohan even know his day of birth? Does he just go with the day he found him as a baby?) this time it's the birthday of Grandpa Gohan's mentor; Roshi.
The scene introduces us to a few classic Dragon Ball characters at once; There's the Ox King, Roshi, the Ox King's daughter Chi-Chi and Roshi's apprentice, Krillin. The important notes for this scene is Goku and Gohan arriving during an exhibition between Krillin and Chi-Chi. The fight draws Goku's eyes, both drawn by the advanced techniques Krillin is using and the fact that Chi-Chi is hot and more importantly, a really good fighter. Chi-Chi wins the fight and we get a little Meet Cute between her and Goku to set up their romance.
We also get some formalities, Goku and Gohan meeting Roshi and Krillin, exchanging names and setting up Krillin as comic relief. You know, he hits on girls and gets turned down, but he and Goku get along great. Plus, because it's a party for Roshi, we get servers in bunny suits! The Ox King knows that old pervert well.
Happy birthday, Roshi!
For some fanservice, we get a brief scene of Krillin offering flowers to one of the servers, who turns them down due to “allergies” and the main course is a pig roasting on a spit (sorry, Oolong.)
We get a scene between Goku and Chi-Chi with them away from the party, engaging in small talk. Chi-Chi spills the beans to Goku about how her dad has a Dragon Ball. Goku, surprised, sneakily shows Chi-Chi his own Dragon Ball. This turns out to be a mistake as Mai, disguised as a server, overhears how there's a Dragon Ball in Fire Mountain.
Scene 4: Party's Over!
The party gets attacked by Piccolo, Goku and Chi-Chi running back and seeing the carnage unfold. Piccolo has claimed another Dragon Ball and is now threatening Grandpa Gohan for the location of his Dragon Ball. Gohan refuses to talk and holds Piccolo off, telling Goku to get away. Goku, Chi-Chi and Krillin manage to escape, but Gohan dies in the process. Maybe have Goku hand the Dragon Ball to Krillin and try to save his Grandpa, but getting swatted away by Piccolo.
Happy birthday, Roshi...
Scene 5: Enter Bulma
Goku, Chi-Chi and Krillin return to the ruins of Fire Mountain, checking for survivors. Ox King and Roshi made it, but obviously Gohan did not. As they're grieving, a motorcycle arrives on the scene, driven by Bulma Briefs of Capsule Corp. She demands to know what happened to her Promethean Orb, no one knowing what she's referring to until she notes that she picked up on its energy signature. She pulls up her scanner, scanning over the group and getting heavy beeps from Goku. She pulls a gun on him and tells him to empty his pockets. Goku does, pulling out his Dragon Ball.
Bulma tries to take it, but Goku blocks her, telling her just what the Dragon Ball really is, how they summon the great dragon Shenron who will grant a wish. Bulma, who had been using one as an energy source, is disbelieving of the true nature of the Dragon Balls, but sees that it's not her Dragon Ball, as it only has four stars while hers had five.
Goku gets her up to speed as to what happened and Bulma is talked into joining up with them to try and get back the Dragon Balls, needing her tracking device, which she redubs the Dragon Radar. As they prepare to depart, Goku talks to Roshi, asking for a chance to train under him. Roshi agrees, Goku and Krillin high-fiving at the news, the dorks.
Scene 6: Building Up Power
So, we begin the journey proper, Goku carrying everyone's stuff on his back and running alongside whatever vehicle Bulma whips up for the rest of the crew. This time, Chi-Chi is part of the team from the start, plus they got Krillin added and an early Roshi. They make a stop at Roshi's home on Turtle Island to pick up his Dragon Ball and then do some training before seeking out their third Dragon Ball. Goku starts learning the signature move of the Turtle Style, the Kamehameha.
Meanwhile, Piccolo decides to build up an army of his own sons, either through blood or eggs. Within little time, three sons are born in front of Piccolo and Mai; Tambourine, Cymbal and Drum (sorry, Piano.) He sends them out to seek the next Dragon Ball, the Sons of Piccolo taking off.
Scene 7: In The Bandit's Trap
During their search for their third Dragon Ball, they get dropped into a trap, but Goku and Krillin jump their way out, confronting the thief Yamcha (who probably has a pet cat, Puar. Sadly, he can't talk here.) Yamcha challenges them for the money and valuables. Krillin steps up first, holding as well as he can before being knocked back into the hole and onto the still stuck Roshi. Yamcha challenges Goku next, but Goku tells him to hang on since he's using his Power Pole (yes, he has that in this version) to help Chi-Chi and Bulma out of the trap. This ends up being Yamcha's downfall as the sight of two pretty girls results in his shyness kicking in hard so when Goku squares up, Yamcha is so unfocused that he gets taken out with ease.
They eventually convince Yamcha to join up with them to gather the Dragon Balls (Yamcha joining so he can wish to get rid of his shyness.) We have a quick search for the next Dragon Ball. This leads them into the path of the Sons of Piccolo. The three square up with one of the three male fighters; Yamcha vs. Cymbal, Krillin vs. Tambourine and Goku vs. Drum. The three sons win their fights, but Roshi is able to step in and actually proves he's still got it, blasting right through Cymbal with a Kamehameha. Tambourine and Drum go into retreat as they are outnumbered and it looks like the other three are getting up. This clears the path for our heroes to collect their third Dragon Ball.
Scene 8: The 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai
This is the location of the final Dragon Ball, so four of our fighters enter the tournament to ensure their chances of winning while Piccolo and Mai also take spots. The tournament mostly goes to montages for the first round, so here's a quick bracket.
Goku d.. Tienshinhan (Yeah, we'll have Tien cameo here and lose out to Goku in the first round)
Chi-Chi d. Yajirobe (Another cameo! Chi-Chi makes quick work of everyone's pudgy samurai friend.)
Mai d. Yamcha (Poor Yamcha, just can't catch a break...)
Piccolo d. Krillin (It's a harsh beatdown. Thank Kami that Roshi brought Senzu Beans for after rough fights. It'd be tempting to kill off Krillin here, but it'd also be kind of unfair since he still hasn't really won any fights. Eh, I'll let him live.)
This sets up for the semi-finals, where Goku wins against Chi-Chi and Piccolo wins his match by count-out. Curious that Mai didn't show up... something Bulma and Yamcha go to investigate. We get Piccolo vs. Goku, which goes in Piccolo's favor at first, but then Goku lands some good hits in. However, the match ends via ring-out after Piccolo takes a Kamehameha that he easily could've avoided. You know, maybe he could've DODGED!
But hey, Goku wins the tournament and is about to be given his prize... only to find that the Dragon Ball has been stolen! Gasp! Not just that, Bulma comes up and tells him that their Dragon Balls have gone missing too! Double Gasp! Meanwhile, Roshi had gone off to seek Master Mutaito's help in learning Mafuba in the hopes of sealing away Piccolo again, returning with a new sealing pot to put him in.
Scene 9: Chasing the Dragon
We get to Piccolo's castle, the Demon King preparing to summon Shenron, but the heroes catch up to him. We get the split off for fights as Krillin takes on Tambourine again, Yamcha goes up against Drum and Mai fights Chi-Chi. Meanwhile, Goku and Roshi make their way to Piccolo, Roshi attempting the Mafuba but failing, like he did in the original.
Things aren't going great for Piccolo's army as Krillin lobs Tambourine's head off with a Destructo Disc (though if the MPAA doesn't like that, we can replace it with a simple Kamehameha) Yamcha beats the Drum with Wolf Fang Fist and Chi-Chi puts Mai out for the count. However, Piccolo does kill Master Roshi, leaving it all up to Goku. Now, important to note here is that Goku doesn't turn into the Oozaru. That's not a plot point at all because Goku just doesn't have his tail. Eclipse, full moon, doesn't matter. No tail, no Oozaru, just Goku vs. Piccolo, round 3.
Scene 10: Make a Wish, Goku!
Goku wins by propelling himself with the Kamehameha and punching right through Piccolo, like he did in the source material. Then he summons Shenron and uses his power to revive those killed by Piccolo. Shenron agrees, but tells Goku that there is one who refuses to return from the afterlife. When asked, he gives the name: Son Gohan. Goku demands to know why, so Shenron's eyes flash and an astral projection of Gohan's spirit comes to talk to Goku.
He tells Goku that he has lived a full life and is happy to move on and that Goku no longer needs him. He has grown into an excellent fighter and a great young man. He tells Goku to keep training under Master Roshi, to seek out the next great fight and all that good stuff before finally saying goodbye. Goku says goodbye as well before his grandpa's spirit vanishes. Shenron finally grants the wish, reviving Roshi and any others killed by Piccolo, the Dragon Balls going inert and not unusable for a year.
The crew leaves the scene victorious, with hook-ups for Goku and Chi-Chi and Yamcha and Bulma, both couples kissing and Krillin turning to Roshi and telling him “Not gonna happen, old man.” We get a few laughs as the heroes ride off into the sunset, Goku running alongside their car.
Post-Credits Scene
The post-credits takes us to the ruins of Piccolo Castle, Mai recovering and seeing Piccolo and his sons dead. She leaves to find her way back to the Red Ribbon Army. However, deep in the castle ruins, a vial of Piccolo's blood cracks open and slowly from it emerges... Piccolo.
So, that's how I would've written Dragonball Evolution. For the most part, the bare formula does get us a point A to point B with plenty of action and comedy like you'd expect from Dragon Ball. Would it have been a better movie? I think so, though I will admit the cast does bloat up quite a bit thanks to the addition of Krillin and Piccolo's sons, but as long as I gave them stuff to do, the whole thing works well, I think.
Hope you all enjoyed this little thought experiment.
Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama.
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'Help' AU Chapter 15. (part one)
The days passed. Wukong's disease persists. The paralysis wasn't just in the morning anymore. When the king's hands began to shake, it meant that he would soon be paralyzed. Then Macaque had to be there to appease the king. As time passed, the king got used to this life. Although he still regretted that most of the things he couldn't do. He was often visited by Guain (once a year), who brought supplies of tea and always asked the same questions: How are you feeling today? Is it better? Etc.. Wukong began to suspect her that she was on the Emperor's side after all. And despite everything, the emperor still wants to have power over him. Which on the one hand amused the king and on the other he was fed up with it. He had to learn to control his emotions. Although he could not always completely master his condition. The strangest thing was that he had his days, or rather a disease that would activate for no reason. The king then couldn't even get out of bed. Pain pierced his bones. Blood flowed from the crown. Then he heard the noise. He even had a fever. Sometimes it was too powerful. The warrior then made a cool bath for the king so that the body of the golden-haired monkey could breathe a little. The tea didn't help. The king had to fight the disease on his own in those days. He hated it. Worse, he couldn't even sense when it was coming. He spent the whole day in the room. Macaque did what he could to help Wukong. The mere sight of a loved one in pain caused a warrior a sense of injustice and pain. The dark-haired monkey, however, did not give up when he had time, usually at night when the king was sleeping peacefully, going in search of a cure. His search always ended in failure, but that only made him determined and desperate at the same time. Once he even got an offer from a certain woman, or rather her spirit, and the intermediary was a man. Fortunately Macaque managed to realize in time that this was a trap for his beloved's soul, so he refused. Which caused the anger of this lady and her minion. There was a fight. The warrior managed to get out of the fight.
They often visited the DBK family. They even started training Red Son. Instilling in him that he must regain the family honor lost by the celestials. They supervised his teachings. They were telling him the right things to make him more determined. Red Son really liked Wukong. He even admired him more than anyone else. He enjoyed spending time with him and showing him his new inventions. Macaque trained him in martial arts. Wukong watched it sometimes or spent time talking to DBK. When the training with the warrior ended, a new one with the king began. Wukong taught his nephew about controlling energy and emotions. It turned out that Red Son has a predisposition to wield fire, which can be controlled by controlling emotions. They spent their time either talking or meditating. Then Red Son was very focused on what his uncle was saying. He wanted him to be proud of him. Of course, the rest of the family too. He didn't want to disappoint anyone, and most of all, he didn't want to disappoint Wukong. The king was telling his nephew about his staff, about how much power is needed to raise it and how much energy to add to it to make everything good. He convinced Red Son that if he lifted his staff it would be an amazing feat. Sometimes Red Son talked about his hobbies even though Wukong had no idea what his nephew was talking about he enjoyed listening to him so much. It was funny how Red Son proudly shows off what he has created. Although Wukong has to admit that the bull clone army they created to protect the castle was amazing. Since the DBK to the world was sealed (as everyone thought) the demons of the demon realm began to claim power in various ways. Most preferred to run for PIF's hand, which infuriated DBK who could only watch from the shadows all attempts to take over his throne, but they never succeeded. It even turned out that his most trusted generals were traitors, of course, if DBK could, he would kill them, but he couldn't. He had to stay in the shadows for the safety of his family. Thanks to the bull clones, PIF freed all the servants, and this meant that her husband was finally free to roam the entire castle.
But with the whole situation, they have become a real family that cares about everyone, in this case, Wukong. They spent all holidays together, of course when Wukong was able to function well. It was interesting during the New Year's day when PIF and Macaque spent time together because they both didn't like fireworks and Wukong with DBK and Red Son had a little party so that Wukong would be okay.
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stella-ignis-rosea · 3 months
Character introduction
Name: Kohaku Ember Dragneel
Age: 15-16 (depends on his verse)
Birthday: January 10th
Race: Human(formerly) kitsune
Hair color: White
Hair length: long (up to his waist)
Hairstyle: long braid
Skin color: pale white
Eyes: deep red
Personality: he’s short-fused, rude at times, tends to keep to himself. Those who often meet him for the first time often think he’s just a kid with a horrid attitude when really it’s more of an unconscious self-defense as he’s got his guard up most of the time. But to those who form a close bond or friendship find out surprisingly he’s just someone who’s never got to be a kid. He acts way older than he is, he tries to act mature as much as possible as he often hates being called a kid (tho some certain people do get away with it). If he’s ever relaxed around you? He can either be in a chaotic pranking mood or even just playful
Backstory: his origin story slightly depends on his verse. But the long gist of it was he grew up on an isolated island called Hoshi island, the old chief who ran a village on the island was given Kohaku to raise by a strange man…and the old man Szarlon Henzo became Kohaku’s Sensei..he taught Kohaku magic and martial arts, mainly ninjitsu style. He was trained in skills that most would question why would a parent ever teach a kid, like assassination, stealth, powerful magic, rituals..Hoshi island was cut off from the mainland by Ouroboros, the God of Rebirth and Cycles, keeper of the cosmic flames…the Flames of Of the Stars..Kohaku being raised by the Chief of the island was set to be the next leader of Hoshi island..one horrid day…the island was raided…destroyed, and devastated..he and his friends tried to escape, but after the sacrifice of their leader, Szarlon...they couldn’t do much to escape. After being captured he and other survivors were kept in slave camps for experimentation until 3 years later he led a revolt in an attempt to escape……while he was the only one who survived the attempt….his kin did not survive…he escaped the island and was lost at sea for a certain amount time…and nearly drowned at sea..thankfully he succeeded in reaching the mainland…only to remember..nothing from his past…only the magic he carried..
Magic: little is known about his magic as it came from many rituals for ouroboros. Some call it Azure Fire Magic…but it’s more than that…some say he’s tuned to the cosmos. His fire is supposed to be blue and bathed in some strange energy…however due to his age..it’s a bright hot pink, he has also this strange passive ability to change his color pallet. From white hair to black hair with a cherry blossom pink streak. And his skin gets more of a tanner tone. Aside from his magic from ouroboros, he has his kitsune magic: shapeshifting, fox fire, etc.
Animal companions: a Snake named Stardust. She is his magic bonded companion who tends to mother him.
Fairy Tail
Family: Natsu Dragneel (older brother) Zeref Dragneel (elder brother) @kurogane-redfox (Uncle Gaj…I fucking love these two..despite being uncle and nephew they have a father/son bond..) @draighaearn (Menace Uncle Gajeel..Do not leave these two unsupervised) @mirroredworlds (Natsu-they are wondering if they are even siblings lol.., Gajeel- Uncle that Ko loves to have Sake with) @ignis-venenatus (Natsu-brother that acts like a dad/ Erik-Good friend of Kohaku) @blacksteeldragon (Gajeel- Dad) YES THIS BOY WAS ADOPTED BY A FLIGHT OF DRAGONS 😂
Extra info: because he’s constantly surrounded by dragonslayers, Kohaku has adopted dragon like behaviors. Steaming, hoarding, breathing fire through his mouth!
After he washed up on the mainland he came across Zeref, who then brought him to achnologia, Kohaku was then sealed in Crystal in a state of sleep stasis for 400 years…only reawakening after the 7 year skip on tenrou. After that Kohaku set out, having no memory at all of his past? He eventually finds Natsu and fairy tail :D
How he became a kitsune, Kohaku will honestly keep that a secret, but Ouroboros prevented his death by turning him into a kitsune. He is not full grown, he was only granted 5 tails, one for each trauma he overcame
Genshin Verse
He turned into a kitsune after drowning at sea, ouroboros saved him from drowning this way. Kohaku then woke up in Liyue with no memory..and a pyro vision
Family: @crimsononiarataki (Official Adoptive Dad) @kurogane-redfox (STILL UNCLE GAJ XD)
More will be added soon
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bellsplit · 11 months
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———& when he had opened the second seal, i heard the second beast say, come & see! & there went out another horse that was red : & power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, & that they should kill one another : & there was given unto him a great sword.
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𝙰𝙺𝙰𝚉𝙰,  upper moon #3 :   destructive  death.     the almighty bell splitter.     carnage incarnate.     bared fangs in sardonic grins.     a short fuse & firework temper.     ascending the ladder of the chosen for over one hundred years.     5′8″  of  compact  whoopass  that  probably  doesn’t  like  you.
𝙰 𝚂𝚃𝚄𝙳𝚈 𝙸𝙽 :    symbolism,  eating the dead,  guilt & torment,  trauma & responses to it,  revenge as poison,  the discipline of martial arts,  humiliation,  dead men walking,  the cruelty of humanity,  social darwinism,  & strength as currency.
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❅  UNAFFILIATED  WITH  THE  KNY  FANDOM.     doesn’t like fandom behaviors or tolerate drama  /  tumblr’s bullshit. ❅   uses  the  beta  editor,  unfortunately. ❅   you may follow me even if i don’t follow you back if you want to read my content,  but if i don’t follow back in 24 hours i’m not interested in interacting. ❅   don't  assume  that  because  your  character  is  female  they  are  suddenly  akaza's  kryptonite. ❅  affiliated with calamxty, cryopathiic,  chirirenge,  demonslayed,  & fallesto. ❅  ARLO.     31.    any pronouns.      MST.     part—time truck unloader & company badass for the almighty a to z.
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𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙺𝚂.     info.     memes.     study.
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biggiedraws · 11 months
okay idk who needs to hear this but ive seen it in so many fics and its a huge pet peeve of mine. if youre writing a character getting choked (as in, grabbed around the neck) and you want them to pass out and not require an urgent hospital visit, you should not be describing them having a hard time breathing or "cutting off airflow".
like, okay. in order to make someone pass out, you have to prevent oxygen from getting to their brain. and on its own this wont do any major damage as long as the brain starts getting oxygen again very soon (it cant go more than a couple minutes without or youll start getting permanent brain damage). [NOTE: im not a medical professional. its probably not very good for you to deprive your brain of oxygen at all. but like for fanfic purposes theyll be fine afterward as long as they start getting air again right away.] so you can do this by preventing oxygen from getting into their body at all (i.e blocking their airway), OR you can prevent blood from carrying oxygen to the brain by cutting off circulation. and when youre talking about grabbing the neck from the outside, that second one is absolutely the one you want.
now, it is possible to choke someone out in a way that restricts airflow- by applying pressure to the front of the neck and crushing the windpipe. and this is what i usually see described in fanfic, BUT damage to your windpipe is extremely bad news. needs-immediate-attention-or-you-could-die bad news. you can certainly write this one if thats what youre going for- its also extremely painful so i can certainly see it having uses. and if the goal is to KILL someone by choking them, then this is obviously a perfectly fine method. but if you want someone to pass out from restricted airflow WITHOUT needing an ambulance, a tight seal over the mouth and nose is a much much better way to go. its not that hard to accomplish- any kind of plastic bag will make a nice tight seal. im sure duct tape over the mouth and then plugging the nose would also do the trick. additionally, sticking..... *ahem* /something/ down their throat far enough to completely block their airway would do the same thing, as long as you have a way to get it back out so they can breathe again.
but theres a nice easy way to cut off circulation to the brain- theres a major vein and artery on the sides of the neck that take blood to and from the brain (the carotid vein/artey). so by squeezing the sides of the neck, you can make someone pass out while doing almost no damage at all- it doesnt take a lot of pressure, so it might not even hurt that much. but you know when you wrap something a little too tight around your finger, and it swells up and turns red and gets that kinda pressure feeling in it? the same thing happens in your head. you can even try it for yourself- squeeze the sides of your neck for a couple seconds and see what it feels like.
and since the bloodflow is cut off, air can be coming in and out of the lungs just fine but none of it will get to the brain. (this way can also kill someone btw. although i imagine it would be less painful.) you may have heard people talk about this technique in terms of being safe in the bedroom, but thats not because it "feels good". it makes you pass out, which can be erotic in certain contexts, but even if youre into it it probably wont be a fun time outside of a controlled environment. and this is also the way they do it in some martial arts- youve probably seen a chokehold at some point, where they have their whole arm wrapped around their opponents neck? theyre not pulling back to put pressure on the front, theyre squeezing with the elbow to put pressure on the sides.
"but if i cant describe them struggling to breathe or pain in their neck, what can i describe?" good news friend, i have had the displeasure of almost passing out on several occasions, and i can describe the kinds of things that happen! first youll start to feel lightheaded, and that will keep getting stronger and stronger. you feel kind of disoriented and like youre going to fall over. might get a bit nauseous. your hearing will gradually fade out until everything sounds kinda muffled and far away, which makes your own voice sound really loud in comparison. then your vision will start to go black around the edges, and your ears will start ringing, and presumably that will get worse and worse until you cant even see or hear anymore. im guessing at this point you would probably fall over and that would be it. out like a light.
its a scary feeling! youll probably go into fight or flight pretty much right away (even if youre doing it consensually- your body will think youre in danger and act accordingly. from what i understand, thats part of the appeal- its like the thrill of riding a rollercoaster), so your heartrate and breathing will speed up and other things that happen in fight or flight. also, i described it as really slow but it can take anywhere from 5 seconds to several minutes depending on how much of the oxygen is cut off. like when someone sees blood and then passes out right away? yeah thats a real thing. and that happens so fast you probably wouldnt register what was happening before you were out. but getting choked out would probably take at least 10-15 seconds if i had to guess, longer if theyre doing it poorly.
anyway im not a writer so i dont have much in terms of specific writing advice like pacing or what to focus on or whatever. and im not an expert either- all of this is based on martial arts knowledge, basic biology and anecdotal evidence, so feel free to correct me on anything ive said here. and obviously you dont have to write it to be perfectly realistic if you dont want- im just trying to share some info about this for anyone who didnt know how it works and wants to write a more accurate portrayal
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