#red white and royal blue could count as just a feel good gay romance BUT THERES PLOT
demadogs · 2 years
i think im toxic bc my friend made me watch heart stopper with him and i was cringing at how cheesy it is and i kinda hated it and then i got to thinking and literally almost all of my favorite gay fiction has angst and trauma. i have never loved any just standard feel-good gay romance. its gotta have at least a little angst and theres gotta be a whole other plot going on and its usually supernatural, murderous or deeply traumatic.
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murasaki-cha · 5 months
A little book rant! I love dual pov in romance books! I love them so so so much!!
And I especially love them when there's a closed off love interest who doesn't really emote much!
Because we go to character A (main character) and we see things from their perspective. They might do something stupid. They might be doing the most normal thing ever. They might be doing something very romantic. Heck they might be just breathing. And they look at character B and they're just standing there looking blankly, or looking grumpy, at most they might have a small smile.
AND THAN WE GET TO CHARACTER B POV!! AND THEY ARE JUST SCREAMING ON THE INSIDE!! LIKE THEY ARE GOING AKSKLDKSNSLDKNSKSPSNSKSOKS! They are in fact this close👌 to crying because of the feelings character A is making them feel.
I go feral over this!!
If I have to give some excamples
I would say one of the greatest moments in my existence was when I was reading Assistant To The Villain and Evie kissed Trystan AND THAN IMMEDIATELY we jumped to Trystan's pov! I almost cried ngl. I freaking screamed for 3 minutes straight (on the inside because I was in public). Honestly it was hilarious going to Evie's pov and she's all "Oh my god I would kill for him, I can't let him figure me out" and than we go to Trystan's and he's all "Crap I'd kill for her I can't let her figure me out".
Wes isn't the type of love interest I described but the extra chapters from Better Than The Movies that were from his pov (The party, Liz's proposal, Basketball Night and their road trip chapters) might have completed my entire life. Might have been the missing piece of my soul. Might have given me a new purpose for living. Might have rewired my brain. Just might have.
A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass made me experience all the emotions THEY JUST LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH THOSE FREAKING IDIOTS!!
*punching a wall* AARON! FUCKING! WARNER'S! POV! CHAPTERS!!!!
I'm reading the Shepherd King duology and book 2, Two Twisted Crowns has 3 pov but 2 of those are between the main character and her love interest in the first book so it counts (also this series is amazing please read it!!!)
I rescently read The Brightest Light of Sunshine by Lisina Coney, NA romance with an age gap, and it was so so cute and touching and when you read their povs you could tell they both were in love with each other from the begining but they were too stubborn to admit it to themselves! Again the love interest isn't really the type that I described but still they're idiots and he constantly fangirls over her so yeah.
Butcher and Blackbird gets a special mention because I love them! Idiots! Bafoons! Dumbasses in love! Both of them just go asjjskdjdd over each other tho so into the list it goes. God I'm eating this audiobook up like Rowan ate that beef niçoise (iykyk)!!!
Some very specific NA hockey player books and book series. I have needs.
I have to mention Defy The Night, I have to. I have yet to finish Defend The Dawn so shush don't tell me anything. Though I loved the dual pov there less about the romance and more when it came to presenting the current situation of the kingdom from both perspectives of the Royals and the Wilds. So it doesn't really fit with what this post is about but I just wanted to mention it because I really liked this book
And if I had to pick one book that I wish would have a dual pov...... Red White And Royal Blue. Even if Henry's inner monologue would have been a long string of "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKK I'M SO GAY I'M SO SO SO BLOODY GAY!!!!!". I'd pay good money for that actually
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hussyknee · 1 year
I'll be honest. I didn't expect Red, White and Royal Blue to be this fucking good. I know it was always the number one rec in the gay romance rec lists but I kinda carried a grudge that Boyfriend Material was relegated to number two. I also thought it would be a typical romcom about "yay rich white cis gays" representing the most devastatingly colonizing nations on the planet. I didn't realise one of them would be the biracial grandson of Mexican immigrants and they'd interrogate that shit. Or that it would be a legitimately beautifully written book with a whole host of complex characters that didn't feel like token minorities.
It's an actual queer story about identity and politics and tapestries of unacknowledged, suppressed loves reaching across time. Blended families and ambition and duty and authenticity. A moderate and rather thrilling dive into US politics, although a little bit more work into the institutional nature of Buckingham Palace would have been nice, instead of simply making the Queen a stock bigot. The royal family exists in a very precarious yet entrenched power balance with Westminster and the Church, and the queen is herself a sovereign entity managed by a rigid power matrix.
However, while the first half of the book was very funny and lively, I was pretty lukewarm about the pairing itself until the second half. I only felt invested in them after the stakes escalated into an emotional precipice and spiralled into angst and pining and yelling in the rain and "don't you tell me I don't love you bc I can't be with you" "then tell me to leave" and nearly being outed and having state-mandated beards and being miserable and desperate. And I only got gooey because Henry writes emails like the kind of anguished, repressed Victorian poet halfway to manic depression and a laudanum habit. But I have to say, the second half of this book really delivers. The actual climax of the book being the 2020 election rather than a dramatic denouement was somehow both unexpected and inevitable. Nothing could ever have come close to the historic experience that was Destiel Putin Total Landscaping 2020 (also it was pretty funny what happened to Nevada in the book vs real life), but the fictional election was still a nail-biter because the book is just realistic enough to not make you complacent about the outcome. It makes the characters earn their stripes, no pun intended.
This book is first to last a political wish fulfillment fantasy, where the characters openly say, "aren't we glad we're not in some darkest timeline where the USAmerican people betrayed each other right after Obama's term was up?" (Apparently the idea for the book came to the author in mid-2016. Ouch.) Its primary conceit: What if Washington doesn't completely ruin or reject everyone who starts out with good intentions? What if a non-traditionalist union in the '80s turned out a couple of Royal kids who ended up decent people who interrogated their privileges? That most fantastical of premises – that at least a handful of people who attain power and privilege could hold onto their values and compassion. It is, achingly, sorrowingly, the ultimate wish of the disenfranchised and disillusioned the last few years: that just enough people had stepped up where it counted and turned the tide of history. And that they might continue to do so, more often than not.
Overall, a very good, solid, compelling read, far, far better than Love, Simon or whatever else the white cis het mainstream inexplicably latches onto. I won't say better than Boyfriend Material. Alexis Hall is still the better writer. But it's such a completely different book, speaking to a different demographic with different expectations, that it's a chalk and cheese comparison. The London Calling series (Boyfriend Material, Husband Material and the upcoming Father Material) is a quintessentially British romantic comedy with a deeply queer beating heart for an older Millennial audience, interrogating the UK's systemic class and colonial issues, delving into the universalism and diversity of the human condition with richness and complexity. Red, White & Royal Blue is an extremely USAmerican Zillennial fantasy, caught somewhere between YA, US political intrigue and queer romance with a dash of British glamour – high quality escapist pop culture. I might be biased towards LC because I'm its target audience; but the exponentially greater popularity of RW&RB is definitely due to the power of the USAmerican cultural hegemony. I was complaining about fandom refusing to engage with actual queer art and literature before; all of Alexis Hall's work merits only a handful of pages on AO3. RW&RB alone has 154 pages on AO3 no I am not bitter that y'all are tasteless and disgraceful and if that doesn't speak to the power of having a USAmerican base then nothing does.
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pocket-elf · 5 months
Letterboxd has lost their mind
I think I would look at my Year in Review on Letterboxd (aka your Movie Wrapped)
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How did I review 173 films? I would understand 73, if I maybe went back and added something to a couple from the past. I did not review 173 films, I promise you that.
Wait... as I write this. I might've actually done like two years worth of backlogs or something. Not all reviewed but some have a "review" that says like "3rd time watching this" because the rewatch count wouldn't be correct as those other two times was before 2008 which is my earliest backlog.
HOWEVER, the most unhinged stat though, is this:
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Now, this should only count the movies I watched this year. Not the backlogged reviews (wouldn't make sense for that either though I'm sure) just like everything else in the summary.
If you don't know my movie watching habit for the past six year or so... I'm absolute Hallmark trash. Yes i am fully aware of what I am watching, but I like it. It's soothing for my brain. Would any of you call Hallmark movies sexual? How about sensual? Passionate? Emotionally queer? No, no you would not.
I counted, by hand, and of the 71 movies I watched in 2023, 41 were Hallmark (maybe one was like Lifetime or something) That leaves 30 movies, unless I missed a couple Hallmarks which is entirely possible. But out of these 30 or so movies at least two were for kids. Another was animated. A few were romantic comedies that weren't Hallmark style but absolutely wouldn't count for "sex, sensual, passion" still. Add a few action comedies, not sexy ones... you see where I'm going.
I think the only movie to fit both the theme and nanogenre (whatever that is) is Red, White & Royal Blue. Which I watched twice.
Two of the Hallmark movies were gay, but not sexy. And I guess we have two not gay movies that could be the opposite (Lady Chatterley's Lover and Magic Mike 3) Maaaaybe Jennifer's Body can count for both.
So my only explanation for this is that somehow Letterboxd considers The Youngblood Chronicles a sexual, sensual, passionate, and emotional queer film. Because I watched it seven times, and... yeah. Bloody emo boys murdering each other and then Elton John shows up as God? That's sexy and queer isn't it...
(in all seriousness though, both theme and nano genre should be in the area of feel good/chick flick/romance)
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Happy New Year, everybody! I know that Literally no one cares or will read this, but I have to rate and talk about what I’ve read this year and this is my page, so deal with it.
2020 may have been a dumpster fire of a year, but I did read so me pretty good books. I didn’t get to read as many books as I wanted (like always), but that’s life. If you couldn’t tell, I do have a preference for romance novels, and these selections are very... 🌈 and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Here we go:
- Lies we Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley (4/10)
- I think I could write a dissertation about why I have a problem with this book, but I think I can just stop with “a white lady writing an interracial queer romance in the 1960s where the lead white character is literally a racist” should about cover it. Absolutely disappointed.
- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (10/10)
- Oh my god does Casey McQuiston know how to write a book. Classic enemies to lovers, my favorite trope. This is my comfort novel that I use as a form of escapism, and probably the reason I didn’t read many new books, as I reread it about five times. It’s my comfort novel, and I come back to it every time I need to feel happy. I’ve made three of my friends read this book, and I recommend it to everyone
- These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling (8/10)
- It’s sapphic, it has witches, and it’s adorable; what more could you possibly want? The ending left me wanting more. I was finally able to buy the sequel and I can’t wait to get into it.
- Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan (7/10)
- I think this book is sort of a classic when it comes to gay YA. This was a pretty good book, but it took me awhile to get into it.
- Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins (9/10)
- What did I say about enemies to lovers? HRH was regarded as sapphic Red, White, and Royal Blue, which I think is all you need to know to be interested. This book and short, sweet, and to the point. It’s an easy read (I read it twice, both times in one day). I think there could’ve been some more character building, but it’s so adorable I literally do not care. When I say I want more cute gay romcoms, they should use HRH as the blueprint.
- It’s Not Like It’s a Secret by Misa Sugiura (7/10)
- A cute, interracial sapphic love story where no white people are involved (the main character is Japanese American and her love interest is Mexican American). This coming of age story deals with acceptance, cultural differences, racism, and coming out. I think some of the points it was trying to delve into were too much on the nose at some times, but I really enjoyed this book.
- The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue and The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee (9/10)
- A fun romp set some time in the 1700s with a chaotic bi as the main lead? Count me in! I read this whole series this year, including the novella (the gentleman’s guide to getting lucky), and I loved every second of it. It’s an adventure series with some romance sprinkled in (a hella slow burn, but definitely worth it). The whole series has gay, bi, lesbian, and ace aro representation, and I was in love the entire time.
- You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson (8/10)
- The black sapphic book I needed. Liz Lighty decides she wants to leave her hometown and go to college, but after losing the financial aid she was counting on, she remembers the scholarship that prom queen gets every year, and decides to run. Sprinkle in a cute love story, and I’m hooked.
- The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (10/10)
- I... cannot put into words how this book made me feel. When I finished TSOA, I cried all night trying to recover. Beautifully written, and I still can’t get over Achilles and Patroclus. One of my favorite books this year.
- Sorry Not Sorry by Naya Rivera
- After Naya’s tragic passing in July, I struggled to find her autobiography anywhere. However, I was finally able to get my hands on it, and am so glad that I did. Naya Rivera was just as genuinely funny and carefree as her previous costars have said, and I wish the world could’ve gotten more of her.
Not pictured:
- Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst (9/10)
- Sapphic love story about a princess who has been betrothed to a prince from a nearby country her whole life who instead falls in love with his sister. The main character, Denna, also possesses magical powers, which is forbidden in their land. One of my favorite things about this book is that it’s set in medieval times, but no one cares about queer relationships. The only problem with Denna falling in love with the princess is that she’s betrothed to her brother and nothing else. I recently bought the sequel to this book as well, and I’m excited to read it
- The After Series (books 1-2) by Anna Todd (-400/10)
- I was curious about this series because of how terrible the movies are, and needed to read them myself. I apologize to myself every day that I every even wasted my time on these two books. If I ever see Anna Todd, it’s on sight immediately. Not only is the writing terrible, but the romanticization of abusive relationships is absolutely unacceptable. I think I could take less issue with these books if the author wrote them as a “what to look for in men you should never date” rule book, but it isn’t. I could actually write an essay on why these books are more harmful than entertaining and how I genuinely think this series should have never been published. Also, Harry Styles did not deserve this.
I also discovered WEBTOON this year, and here are some of my favorites that I have read:
- Always Human by creator walkingnorth, a finished WLW story which was absolutely beautiful to look at and delightful to read.
- Lore Olympus by creator Rachel Smythe. I don’t think you can find too many people who haven’t heard of this story, but it’s a retelling of the Hades and Persephone mythology, and I adore it.
- Novae by creators KaixJu. A historical, queer and paranormal romance about a necromancer who falls for an astronomer.
- My Lady Artemisia by creator rimarza. This WEBTOON is a little bit newer with fewer episodes, about a knight tasked with guarding the princess, which starts to prove difficult once she starts to gain feelings for the princess, and an impending threat might cause her to past to come to the surface.
Of course, I’ve also spent a lot of my time on A03. I know I’ve read more, but here are the ones I bookmarked and have come back to this year:
- kiss me (if you mean it) by nerdybutpunk
- Carry On fanfic, short but sweet, absolute fluff
- Camp Llwynywermod by bleedingballroomfloor
- Red, White, and Royal Blue AUwhere Henry and Alex are camp counselors. It’s so good and I find myself waiting every wed and sat for the updates.
I read more this year than I have in a long time, and I enjoyed it most of the time. My goal for 2021 is to read at least two books a month and to expand my horizons to something that isn’t YA and isn’t romance. Also to find Anna Todd and tell her off. Hopefully we can accomplish some of that.
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tolerateit · 3 years
ok, I'm back with more recs 13. favourite romance novel: red, white and royal blue by Casey McQuiston. It's about a british prince and the son of the American president falling in love, it's funny and romantic and an overall feel good book. (I just realized that this could also work as 78. the favourite royal read)
40. a book with a black cover: Gone by Michael Grant. I know that this book has a lot of different covers, but the German version I own has black covers. It's a series of six books, and it's about a small city where everyone over 15 disappears one day and some children develop special abilities like telekinesis or super speed. They than have to organize their lives and also of course fight against evil powers and each other. I have no idea for which age this was written (i guess it's young adult?), but I read it when I was like 12-14, and always thought that it was quite violent and bloody, that didn't shy away from killing main characters.
50. a book that made me cry a lot: Im Frühling sterben (engl. to die in spring) by Ralf Rothmann. I looked it up and I think they translated it, but I read it in German, so I can't say anything about the English version. It's a book about to German boys, aged 17, who are drafted into the army in 1945, shortly before the Second World War was over. I usually don't cry while reading, but this one really messed me up, I spent at least 15 minutes crying over the last chapters.
63. a book that actually made me laugh out loud: trouble makes a comeback by Stephanie Tromley (it's actually the second book in the trilogy, the first one is called trouble is a friend of mine). It's a book about Zoe who is new in a small town where she meets Digby, the weird guy. They become friends and try to solve the disappearance of a missing girl. But it's not a thriller, it's pretty funny and very fast paced. It also counts as friends to lovers, but kinda slow burn.
66. a book that fucked me up: The Wicker King by Kayla Ancrum. Two best friends who have a very unhealthy, codependent relationship and would do anything for each other. One of them starts to see another world (like persons who want to communicate with him) and they try to figure out what all of this means. I really loved this book (even though I think the writing style is somewhat different than other books), their relationship was so intriguing and I couldn't wait to see what they'd do next.
72. a book with a gorgeous cover: Ziggy, Stardust and me by James Brandon. When I saw this book I knew I had to buy it, I just loved the cover so much, even though I wasn't sure about the story at first. It's about a gay boy in 1973 (i think) who wants to finish his therapy to "cure" him. He then meets Web, a Native American, who changes how he views himself and with whom he falls in love. It's a coming of age story about self acceptance and it's so so sad. This story broke my heart, but also put it back together, it's just so good and I love it so much. I think this may be one of my all time favourites.
that's all for now! I really enjoy the book talk and reading all the recommendations from other blogs... i'll also update my tbr list
And yeah, soc is such a good book, soc and ck are the best books in the grishaverse, no doubt.
Yesss I'm adding a couple of these to my list I love it here today!!! Completely agreed about soc and ck being the best, let's see if king of scars surpasses that for me! It's so cool that you can actually see the author's growth from shadow and bone to crooked kingdom we love to see it!
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doyouwanttoseeabug · 3 years
One Last Stop - Review
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Tucked away amongst my anally retentive Kindle collections is a little folder called Comfort Reads. Normally I wait a bit for a book to echo round my ribcage for a little bit before I add it there. It’s an eclectic collection – Naomi Novik, The Rook, Cemetery Boys. It’s the books I read when I’m having a bad day, the ones that feel like having a beer with a very old friend who’s already seen you cry/vomit/snore more times than you can count. I added One Last Stop to that collection as soon as I finished reading it, which was roughly four hours after I started.
It’s not that One Last Stop is good – though it very much is. The slightly sci-fi twist feels like a natural part of the story’s magic when it so easily could have ended up a shoe-horned in plot device. I was even willing to accept unquestioned the presence of a psychic. A god-damn psychic. It seamlessly blends together a time-travel story, two separate mystery threads – Jane’s real identity and the location of August’s missing uncle – and a love story. The plotting falls seamlessly into place, the dialogue sings off the page and the characters are the coolest group of friends you’ll never have. There’s emotional meat to the story too, with a subplot about August’s mum that resists easy answers. Too often romance novel heroines have lives that seem slightly too easy, with one pre-defined hitch that keeps tripping them up until it’s healed through the power of sex. August is never static. Her healing – and even that seems too simple a word – occurs across the entire book, suffusing every page. It’s one of the most honest depictions of the awful, messy flux of being twenty-three in a big, new city that I’ve ever read on the page.
But that’s not what’s magical about this book. This book creates a community – a very queer community, but one that’s never trying to be the queer community in a way that’s heavy-handed – and invites you inside. This book braids your hair and tells you secrets. This book buys you a beer and asks if you want to come to a drag show two seconds after you left. There’s every kind of family in this book – found, biological, political, historical – all building up to a voice saying you’re not alone. You’re never alone.
Red, White and Royal Blue sits proudly in the Comfort Read selection, and I love it with all my heart. But the queerness in this book speaks even more profoundly to me. RWARB was so much about the politics of being gay, about laws and the media and Gallup polls. For a long time, that was the only way I could understand myself as a gay person. Growing up in a place where being gay was only mentioned in R.E. classes when we discussed ‘religious’ (Christian) views on homosexuality or in fun ‘debate’ exercises set up by teachers about gay marriage, I felt like all being queer meant was being in an endless, constant fight. And I battered myself senseless against kids saying slurs, or kids repeating Romney (god, I’m old) talking points, and it felt exhausting and lonely and not even in a way I could talk to anyone about. Whenever I did, the question I inevitably got was ‘why don’t you just let it go? Why fight with someone who’s mind you’re never going to change?’ But I couldn’t, because I was a queer person – and visibly, uncomfortably, everyone-knew-before-I-did queer – and this was the only way I knew how to be queer.
It took me a long, long time (and a few good friends, and a lot of Googling) to find out that there was more to queerness than that. To see that Pride wasn’t just a political demonstration but a celebration I was invited to and that my queerness isn’t defined as a reaction against straightness but just is. This book is all about queerness as an us rather than the us against them I spent so long thinking it was. With the exception of August’s mum, there are no straight characters in this book. Being gay in One Last Stop is life, it’s magic, it’s art, it’s family – and yes, it’s political, with Jane providing a link back to a harsher past in a way that felt incredibly real. It’s a book that says ‘look how far we’ve come’ without ever saying ‘so be content with what we have’. ‘We survived and we’re still her, fuckers’ while still acknowledging how much we lost.
I hope this book finds it’s way into the hands of a thousand of the lonely teenage girls I was. I think it will mean a lot to them.
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preppymayhem · 3 years
Fanfiction Meme
Tagged by @satelliteinasupernova
How many works do you have on AO3?  
33. Almost to my age! (there were more but I orphaned a bunch of fics last year for reasons)
What’s your total AO3 word count?  
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?  
17!!! (I do Yuletide tho, so like most of them I have only written like one fic) In order of fandoms I have written for most though are:
The Mighty Ducks, Gundam Wing (These two take up the bulk of it), ATLA, City Hunter, Dawson’s Creek, Escaflowne (these all have two), and then the rest that are at one are: Ouran, Sailor Moon, Eureka Seven, Riverdale, IT, RWRB, Archer’s Goon, Claymore, Drive Me Crazy, and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  
Fate Marks the Spot (603) - Red White & Royal Blue
Living Arrangements (199) - Dawson’s Creek
Chasing Dreams (173) - Mighty Ducks
Maybe You’re the Right Thing After All (171) - Dawson’s Creek
Meet the Parents (151) - Ouran High School Host Club
Looking at this I say that I feel this all falls in the way I would expect. (SO HAPPY THAT CHASING DREAMS CAME IN THIRD, OMG!!!)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?  
Yes, though anything written prior to 2017 I don’t tend to go back and reply. I just think it is a courteous thing and fanfiction is somewhat of a communal thing and like I like comments and want to encourage them so I feel responding is a decent way to show that I am cool with comments.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?  
Uhhhhh, my IT fic, but not really that is just dark because I wrote from IT’s point of view. Some of my fics set within canon are angsty just by knowing the context so I don’t think that really counts.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?  
I mean what does it mean by happiest. I think Living Arrangements has the most traditional ending for a romance fic, what with it ending with a proposal. The Real Deal, ended with the couple moving in together. I don’t know, I don’t know for all of my fics with plots I don’t tend to give the water tightest of endings it is just are they in a good place and will the reader come away from them confident that they will be happy?
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?  
Not anymore, but I began my fanfiction career writing Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon crossovers and yes they were exactly like what you would think they would be.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?  
No. Tho I think I got stuff back in the day on FFN, but like that was eons ago so who cares.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?  
I do and have! I wrote a whole “Sex Pollen” fic. I write the sexy kind and while I have written a few 1xR smutty fics in the past, I choose to avoid writing smut for m/f ships and just do it for the gay.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of, tho if it was they would probs have to change the fandom because the fandoms I write for are small and not good for clout-chasing.
Have you ever had a fic translated?  
Have you ever co-written a fic before?  
No, not really, though I bounce ideas off Sara all the time, but that’s different.
What’s your all time favorite ship?  
I don’t really rank ships, but in terms of fanfiction I think Adam/Charlie (Banksway) is my fave ship to write for. I just relate to both characters so much in different ways and I find them super fun to write for generally and I came to terms with a lot about myself through writing them. They are def my fave mlm ship (ik, ik). My fave wlw ship is probs Rei/Minako from Sailor Moon, and Pacey/Joey (from DC) is my fave het.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?  
The only WIP I have is my Chasing Love Series, and I WILL finish it. I don’t really have like posted WIPs that I don’t plan on finishing. More like I have plot ideas that I probs will never get to like my Escaflowne Ice Dancing AU or my 1xR medieval AU.
What’s your writing strengths?  
I think I am generally great at plotting and pacing and dialogue. I am really good at grasping the whole of a story and hitting beats. And I have consistently, across fandoms gotten great feedback as to my characterisation so I think I am pretty strong in that regard.
Also no offense to anyone else, but I am great at banter.
What’s your writing weaknesses?  
I think my prose in a general sense leaves a lot, but part of that is that I don’t really take any story beyond like two drafts, if i spent a longer time in revision I could maybe get better. I also need to read more.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?  
If it’s like a one word expression used sparingly and with purpose fine. But generally unless you have a solid grasp on the language it’s a no from me, and I am not proficient in any language beyond English that I would feel comfortable with.
What’s the first fandom you wrote for?  
The aforementioned Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon Crossovers
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?  
Hmmmm, my sentimental fave is I’ve Caught Your Fever (I’ll be Feeling It Forever) because I love a good Modern!Persuasion AU, I just need to go back and re-work the ending a bit.
I actually love both Living Arrangements and Once Lost, Now Found because those two fics come closest to what I was capturing in my head.
I do want to say Chasing Dreams and the series as a whole too, because I have lived with this fic for four years, but I feel I can’t proclaim that until I actually finish it.
I am terrible at tagging and I don’t even know from who follow even writes fic. So if you want to talk about your work feel free to use me as an excuse to do so!
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lgbtqareads · 4 years
15 Books I Want To Read That are Releasing in the Next 6 Monthes
Every six monthes, I am excited to see the new LGBTQA+ YA books of the next monthes and while thos December, I was a little weirded out to not find them on B&N Teen previews, I was happy to see that Dahlia Adler posted her lists and opinions at lgbtqreads.com. So, of course I went through and narrowed the list from 72 to 34 to 15, only choosing books that I felt I really wanted to read and not just fall for all the amazing synopses and covers, which let's be honest, are all truly masterpieces.
But enough introduction. Let's get into my to be bought (and read) list of the first six monthes of 2020:
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We Used to Be Friends by Amy Spalding - JANUARY 7TH
Goodreads Synopsis: Told in dual timelines—half of the chapters moving forward in time and half moving backward—We Used to Be Friends explores the most traumatic breakup of all: that of childhood besties. At the start of their senior year in high school, James (a girl with a boy’s name) and Kat are inseparable, but by graduation, they’re no longer friends. James prepares to head off to college as she reflects on the dissolution of her friendship with Kat while, in alternating chapters, Kat thinks about being newly in love with her first girlfriend and having a future that feels wide open. Over the course of senior year, Kat wants nothing more than James to continue to be her steady rock, as James worries that everything she believes about love and her future is a lie when her high-school sweetheart parents announce they’re getting a divorce. Funny, honest, and full of heart, We Used to Be Friends tells of the pains of growing up and growing apart.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Relationship breakups may be heavily covered in YA, but friendship breakup stories are still few and far between. Enter the story of James and Kat, two girls who were once beyond close and now watch their friendship unravel as college nears. Things are complicated for both girls: James’s mother has left her and her father for another guy, and she doesn’t know how to talk about it, not even to Kat or her still-too-present ex, Logan. Kat’s discovering that her feelings for her new friend Quinn aren’t strictly “friendly,” and in fact, she’s realizing she’s bisexual and falling head over heels for a girl. It’s a bittersweet story to be sure, and while it definitely has its fun scenes, close moments, painful familial interactions, and tingly romance (what Spalding book doesn’t??), you’ll spend much of the book wishing you could push the characters together and say “Just talk already”…but isn’t that exactly how life goes?
My Opinion: As someone who has been through too many friendship breakups to count, this read is going to be devastating. But I put this book on my list for one reason: the synopsis made it feel so much like life that I couldn't help but feel that the story would pull me into James and Kat's universe and tear my heart into pieces. I absolutely cannot wait to have my heartbroken.
The Gravity of Us by Phil Stamper - FEBRUARY 4TH
Goodreads Synopsis: As a successful social media journalist with half a million followers, seventeen-year-old Cal is used to sharing his life online. But when his pilot father is selected for a highly publicized NASA mission to Mars, Cal and his family relocate from Brooklyn to Houston and are thrust into a media circus.
Amidst the chaos, Cal meets sensitive and mysterious Leon, another “Astrokid,” and finds himself falling head over heels—fast. As the frenzy around the mission grows, so does their connection. But when secrets about the program are uncovered, Cal must find a way to reveal the truth without hurting the people who have become most important to him.
Expertly capturing the thrill of first love and the self-doubt all teens feel, debut author Phil Stamper is a new talent to watch.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: This is a lovely and bighearted debut chock full of space nerdery, big dreams, new beginnings, and social media scandal. Cal’s life is completely uprooted when his dad shocks them all by being chosen for a space mission, something his family had never taken seriously as a lifelong dream. Worst of all, he’s forbidden from documenting life in the new compound, forcing him to leave his massive social media following behind. On the bright side, there’s Leon, son of another astronaut on the program and immediate thief of Cal’s heart. But when things go awry in the program and secrets are revealed, Cal will have to decide exactly what he’s willing to do to get the truth out there, and who he’s willing to lose.
My Opinion: Social Media? Media circus? Texas? NASA? First loves? And a choice that could implode Cal's life from the inside? The name Cal? Other than Texas, a state which I hate, all of this adds up to something good, hopefully so good that I can forget that Texas is involved at all. So, basically, it has to reach Red, White, and Royal Blue levels, which is the only book so far that has made me like Texas at all. But I trust that it will do well. Plus it was reviewed by 4 of authors on my queer bookshelf - Becky Albertalli, Adam Silvera, Shaun David Hutchinson, and Caleb Roehrig. Bonus points for not being a graphic novel like I feared it was.
Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales -MARCH 3RD
Goodreads Synopsis: Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda meets Clueless, inspired by Grease.
When Ollie meets his dream guy, Will, over summer break, he thinks he’s found his Happily Ever After. But once summer’s ended, Will stops texting him back, and Ollie finds himself one prince short of a fairytale ending. To complicate the fairytale further, a family emergency sees Ollie uprooted and enrolled at a new school across the country—Will’s school—where Ollie finds that the sweet, affectionate and comfortably queer guy he knew from summer isn’t the same one attending Collinswood High. This Will is a class clown, closeted—and, to be honest, a bit of a jerk.
Ollie has no intention of pining after a guy who clearly isn’t ready for a relationship. But as Will starts ‘coincidentally’ popping up in every area of Ollie’s life, from music class to the lunch table, Ollie finds his resolve weakening. The last time he gave Will his heart, Will handed it back to him trampled and battered. Ollie would have to be an idiot to trust him with it again.
Right? Right.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Grease goes gay YA in this rom-com about two boys whose dreamy summer fling comes crashing into a harsh reality when our lead, Oliver, transfers to Will’s school thanks to a family crisis-driven move, only to find out Will isn’t Out and isn’t about to be. As Ollie finds his own ways to settle in, he can’t seem to shake Will’s presence. But whether there’s a future for them remains to be seen. This sophomore novel is warmly delightful and delightfully warm, with some tears on the side for the aforementioned family crisis, and some hard-earned queer solidarity is the icing on the cake. 
My Opinion: The last musical-ly queer book I read was What If It's Us? so Ollie and Will have a lot to live up to, but it gets points for getting an Instagram shoutout from Becky Albertalli herself. From the synopses, it sounds like a case of strangers to lovers to strangers to maybe friends to maybe something more and hopefully a happy ending, but what I look forward to the most is rewriting Summer Nights as I read this book.
Super Adjacent by Crystal Cestari - MARCH 17TH
Goodreads Synopsis: Claire has always wanted to work with superheroes, from collecting Warrior Nation cards as a kid to drafting "What to Say to a Hero" speeches in her diary. Now that she's landed a coveted internship with the Chicago branch of Warrior Nation, Claire is ready to prove she belongs, super or not. But complicating plans is the newest WarNat hero, Girl Power (aka Joy), who happens to be egotistical and self-important ... and pretty adorable.
Bridgette, meanwhile, wants out of WarNat. After years of dating the famous Vaporizer (aka Matt), she's sick of playing second, or third, or five-hundredth fiddle to all the people-in-peril in the city of Chicago. Of course, once Bridgette meets Claire-who's clearly in need of a mentor and wingman-giving up WarNat becomes slightly more complicated. It becomes a lot more complicated when Joy, Matt, and the rest of the heroes go missing, leaving only Claire and Bridgette to save the day.
In this fresh and funny take on the world of supers, author Crystal Cestari spotlights what it's like to be the seemingly non-super half of a dynamic duo with banter-filled romance and bold rescues perfect for readers seeking a great escape.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Claire is a superhero fangirl, a card-carrying member of Warrior Nation. And when she finds an unexpected way (with some unexpected help) into winning an internship with the Chicago WarNat branch, it should be everything she’s ever dreamed of. But that unexpected help is proving very difficult to work with; it’s in the form of Girl Power (aka Joy), the newest hero and a pain in Claire’s butt. A very, very cute pain in Claire’s butt.  But distraction or no distraction, Claire’s determined to prove herself, especially when she and Bridgette, a WarNat, who’s tired of being “the girlfriend” to an even more famous hero, decides to mentor her and they end up having to be exactly the heroes Chicago needs. 
My Opinion: Two words. Super. Heroes.
Music From Another World by Robin Talley - MARCH 31ST
Goodreads Synopsis: It’s summer 1977 and closeted lesbian Tammy Larson can’t be herself anywhere. Not at her strict Christian high school, not at her conservative Orange County church and certainly not at home, where her ultrareligious aunt relentlessly organizes antigay political campaigns. Tammy’s only outlet is writing secret letters in her diary to gay civil rights activist Harvey Milk…until she’s matched with a real-life pen pal who changes everything.
Sharon Hawkins bonds with Tammy over punk music and carefully shared secrets, and soon their letters become the one place she can be honest. The rest of her life in San Francisco is full of lies. The kind she tells for others—like helping her gay brother hide the truth from their mom—and the kind she tells herself. But as antigay fervor in America reaches a frightening new pitch, Sharon and Tammy must rely on their long-distance friendship to discover their deeply personal truths, what they’ll stand for…and who they’ll rise against.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Talley is one of queer YA’s most prolific genre jumpers, but she seems to be making herself beautifully at home in historical with this follow-up to 2018’s Pulp, again set amid a context of vital queer American history. This time around, it’s 1977, and Tammy Larson would love more than anything to come out of the closet as a lesbian, but that’s a major no-go where she lives. Her only outlet is to write “letters” to the activist Harvey Milk, at least until she’s matched with a pen pal to whom she can write letters for real. Sharon makes for a much better companion than Tammy’s diary, and she can sympathize, given her brother is gay and feeling all the same misery in the wake of Anita Bryant’s leading to a successful repeal of their protections. Together they’ll find their own brand of activism and learn to fight back against a world of hate. 
My Opinion: Ever since reading Annie On My Mind by Nancy Garden, I have been craving more historical sapphic girls. With Pulp in my Kindle library and this in my future shopping cart + Casey McQuiston's time traveling book in 2021, I am bound to get a fix for that craving soon. Hopefully, it will also cure heartbreak.
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Loveless by Alice Oseman - APRIL 2ND
Goodreads Synopsis: The fourth novel from the phenomenally talented Alice Oseman – one of the most authentic and talked-about voices in contemporary YA.
Georgia feels loveless – in the romantic sense, anyway. She’s eighteen, never been in a relationship, or even had a crush on a single person in her whole life. She thinks she's an anomaly, people call her weird, and she feels a little broken. But she still adores romance – weddings, fan fiction, and happily ever afters. She knows she’ll find her person one day … right?
After a disastrous summer, Georgia is now at university, hundreds of miles from home. She is more determined than ever to find love – and her annoying roommate, Rooney, is a bit of a love expert, so perhaps she can help.
But maybe Georgia just doesn’t feel that way about guys. Or girls. Or anyone at all. Maybe that's okay. Maybe she can find happiness without falling in love. And maybe Rooney is a little more loveless than she first appears.
LOVELESS is a journey of identity, self-acceptance, and finding out how many different types of love there really are. And that no one is really loveless after all.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Oseman’s crossed the pond before with Radio Silence, so this American’s fingers are crossed she’ll do it again with her newest, about a girl named Georgia who’s struggling with the fact that she’s eighteen and has never had so much as a crush. She’s sick of people thinking she’s broken or weird, and it isn’t like she isn’t into romance; she’s just not into it for herself. When she gets to university, she thinks maybe she can “fix” things with her roommate’s help. But what if it turns out there’s nothing to fix, and Georgia’s great and perfectly capable of happiness just as she is?
My Opinion: Alice Oseman has written a-spec characters before, but it's possible that this seemingly aromantic character will be the one that I'll read first. Not to say Radio Silence wasn't amazing, I just wouldn't know. But I can't wait to find out when I read it after I read this one. And then maybe her other books too.
Verona Comics by Jennifer Dugan - APRIL 21ST
Goodreads Synopsis: Jubilee has it all together. She’s an elite cellist, and when she’s not working in her stepmom’s indie comic shop, she’s prepping for the biggest audition of her life. Ridley is barely holding it together. His parents own the biggest comic-store chain in the country, and Ridley can’t stop disappointing them–that is, when they’re even paying attention. They meet one fateful night at a comic convention prom, and the two can’t help falling for each other. Too bad their parents are at each other’s throats every chance they get, making a relationship between them nearly impossible . . . unless they manage to keep it a secret. Then again, the feud between their families may be the least of their problems. As Ridley’s anxiety spirals, Jubilee tries to help but finds her focus torn between her fast-approaching audition and their intensifying relationship. What if love can’t conquer all? What if each of them needs more than the other can give?
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Dugan debuted with one of my absolute favorite queer YA rom-coms (seriously, if you haven’t yet read Hot Dog Girl, do yourself a favor), so I’m thrilled to see her returning with another one, this one an m/f pairing where both halves of the couple are bi (or, more accurately, one is bi and one is still figuring it out). [Jubilee] is an elite cellist with a major audition coming up and a side job working at her stepmom’s indie comic shop.  Ridley works at his parents’ comic shop too, only theirs is a big chain, and no friend to the little guy. Which makes it a little difficult when the two meet at a comic-con prom and immediately hit it off, despite their family feud. I’ll take Romeo & Juliet with a much happier ending and heaps of bisexuality any day, wouldn’t you?
My Opinion: Romeo and Juliet retelling + comic convention prom + bisexuality + indie comic shops = a recipe for me to like a book.
When You Get the Chance by Tom Ryan and Robin Stevenson-MAY 5TH
Goodreads Synopsis: [Edited] Cousins Mark [from the East coast of Canada] and Talia [from the West coast of Canada] go on a road trip to Pride in Toronto as they search for love and adventure and uncover family secrets along the way.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: One of the things I’m often asked to recommend is books that feature mlm and wlw solidarity, and I especially love giving answers that show it not just in characters but in authorship. Here, two Canadian rock stars of queer YA come together with a story about cousins named Mark and Talia who are reunited from their respective Canadian coasts after a death in the family and decide to take a road trip together to Toronto so Talia can see her non-binary partner and Mark can get to Pride. The two don’t have much in common, and they’ll have to let Mark’s little sister tag along, but they both know some kind of magic awaits them in TO, and they can’t wait to get there. 
My Opinion: There is too much to love about this book. Canada! WLW or WLNB/MLM solidarity! Canadian road trip! Road trips in general! Canadian Pride! PRIDE IN GENERAL! A nonbinary s/o! TORONTO, CANADA! And family secrets! Plus it gives off You Know Me Well vibes, and that's one of my favorites.
The Extraordinaries by T.J. Klune - MAY 5TH
Goodreads Synopsis:
Some people are extraordinary. Some are just extra.
Nick Bell? Not extraordinary. But being the most popular fanfiction writer in the Extraordinaries fandom is a superpower, right?
After a chance encounter with Shadow Star, Nova City’s mightiest hero (and Nick’s biggest crush), Nick sets out to make himself extraordinary. And he’ll do it with or without the reluctant help of Seth Gray, Nick’s best friend (and maybe the love of his life).
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Klune’s doing double duty this year (or maybe even more? Damn, it’s hard to keep up), following up an adult contemporary fantasy with his first entry into YA, about a boy named Nick who happens to be the Extraordinaries fandom’s most popular fanfic writer, and who aims to be even more extraordinary when he meets the hero he’s been crushing on. (But maybe he’s in love with his best friend, Seth? It’s complicated. It’s always complicated.) 
My Opinion: What can I say? I'm a sucker for books about fanfic writers. And for best friends to lovers stories, so hopefully this is one, and not a fan-dates-hero story.
The Summer of Impossibilities by Rachel Allen - MAY 12TH
Goodreads Synopsis: Skyler, Ellie, Scarlett and Amelia Grace are forced to spend the summer at the lake house where their moms became best friends.
One can’t wait. One would rather gnaw off her own arm than hang out with a bunch of strangers just so their moms can drink too much wine and sing Journey two o’clock in the morning. Two are sisters. Three are currently feuding with their mothers.
One almost sets her crush on fire with a flaming marshmallow. Two steal the boat for a midnight joyride that goes horribly, awkwardly wrong. All of them are hiding something.
One falls in love with a boy she thought she despised. Two fall in love with each other. None of them are the same at the end of the summer. 
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Allen’s been a personal favorite of mine since her subversive feminist debut, 17 First Kisses, and I’m thrilled to see her releasing her first queer YA, which basically looks like a gay Traveling Pants except not all the girls actually wanna be spending the summer together at the lake house where their moms became besties. Most of them can’t even stand their moms right now. All of them have secrets. And two of them…well, two of them are in love with each other, so one way or another it’s gonna be a hell of a summer.
My Opinion: Look, I'm going to be honest, I saw that it was co.pared to Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and I immediately added it to my list. Plus, strangers to friends to lovers? I love.
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Date Me, Bryson Keller! by Kevin van Whye - MAY 19TH
Goodreads Synopsis: What If It's Us meets To All the Boys I've Loved Before in this upbeat and heartfelt boy-meets-boy romance that feels like a modern twist on a '90s rom-com!
Everyone knows about the dare: Each week, Bryson Keller must date someone new--the first person to ask him out on Monday morning. Few think Bryson can do it. He may be the king of Fairvale Academy, but he's never really dated before.
Until a boy asks him out, and everything changes.
Kai Sheridan didn't expect Bryson to say yes. So when Bryson agrees to secretly go out with him, Kai is thrown for a loop. But as the days go by, he discovers there's more to Bryson beneath the surface, and dating him begins to feel less like an act and more like the real thing. Kai knows how the story of a gay boy liking someone straight ends. With his heart on the line, he's awkwardly trying to navigate senior year at school, at home, and in the closet, all while grappling with the fact that this "relationship" will last only five days. After all, Bryson Keller is popular, good-looking, and straight . . . right?
Kevin van Whye delivers an uplifting and poignant coming-out love story that will have readers rooting for these two teens to share their hearts with the world--and with each other.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: If this book looks like the cutest, fluffiest, most make-you-melt kind of romance, it’s because it is…at least in the little romantic bubble that ensued when  when Kai took advantage of a dare that requires Bryson Keller to agree to date the first person to ask him out every Monday morning for that week. But outside the bubble, the world is still wondering who Bryson Keller’s mystery girlfriend is, the one person not to shout from the rooftops that she’s got the guy. And Kai isn’t gonna be the one to tell them it isn’t a girl at all; his spontaneous request made Bryson the first and only person he’s ever come out to. But when both the answer and Kai himself are forcibly outed, he and the boy he’s come to fall for, the boy who’s only just realized he himself is gay, will have to band together and put their relationship through the ultimate test.
My Opinion: A lot of these books are comparing themselves to Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, and this one's even comparing itself to To All the Boys I've Loved Before, so it's basically setting me up for disappointment, but I will admit, I am judging this book by it's cover, and that smile is too cute to resist.
I Kissed Alice by Anna Birch - MAY 26TH
Goodreads Synopsis: For fans of Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda and Fangirl, I Kissed Alice is a romantic comedy about enemies, lovers, and everything in between.
Rhodes and Iliana couldn't be more different, but that's not why they hate each other. Hyper-gifted artist Rhodes has always excelled at Alabama's Conservatory of the Arts despite a secret bout of creator's block, while transfer student Iliana tries to outshine everyone with her intense, competitive work ethic. Since only one of them can get the coveted Capstone scholarship, the competition between them is fierce.
They both escape the pressure on a fanfic site where they are unknowingly collaborating on a graphic novel. And despite being worst enemies in real life, their anonymous online identities I-Kissed-Alice and Curious-in-Cheshire are starting to like each other...a lot. When the truth comes out, will they destroy each other's future?
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Sign me the hell up for literally every enemies-to-lovers f/f rom-com, but especially this one, where the girls who hate each other at Alabama’s Conservatory for the Arts have no idea they’re falling for each other online as they collaborate on a graphic novel for a fanfic site under their online identities. That’s…everything I love in book? Yep, pretty much!
My Opinion: This one is on my list because Alice is basically my favorite sapphic girl name ever after my rewrite of the song, All the Girls Love Alice. Unfortunately, neither girl is named Alice, but it does seem to involve something about Alice in Wonderland. Maybe the graphic novel they're creating is a queer retelling of the classic story? Can't wait to find out.
Six Angry Girls by Adrienne Kisner - JUNE 2ND
Goodreads Synopsis: A story of mock trial, feminism, and the inherent power found in a pair of knitting needles.
Raina Petree is crushing her senior year, until her boyfriend dumps her, the drama club (basically) dumps her, the college of her dreams slips away, and her arch-nemesis triumphs.
Things aren’t much better for Millie Goodwin. Her father treats her like a servant, and the all-boy Mock Trial team votes her out, even after she spent the last three years helping to build its success.
But then, an advice columnist unexpectedly helps Raina find new purpose in a pair of knitting needles and a politically active local yarn store. This leads to an unlikely meeting in the girls’ bathroom, where Raina inspires Millie to start a rival team. The two join together and recruit four other angry girls to not only take on Mock Trial, but to smash the patriarchy in the process.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Kisner is three for three in putting gloriously queer YA on shelves, and I am in love with the idea of this newest, which takes the famous “Twelve Angry Men” and situates it in Mock Trial with an ace lead. Raina’s killing it at life, until suddenly she isn’t. Millie’s in a similar spot, having just been ousted from the all-male Mock Trial team. When the two pair up to start a rival girls’ team, it isn’t just their opponents they’re gunning for—it’s the whole motherfluffin’ patriarchy.
My Opinion:
The State of Us by Shaun David Hutchinson - JUNE 2ND
Goodreads Synopsis: The State of Us is the story of Dean and Dre—the 16-year-old sons of the Republican and Democratic candidates for President of the United States—who fall in love on the sidelines of their parents' presidential campaigns.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis: Tis the year for political YAs, for obvious reasons, and this contemporary romance also does double duty of being a touching demisexual coming out story that happens to take place across the aisle. (The political aisle, that is.) When Dean, the son the of the Republican candidate, and Dre, son of the Democratic candidate, find themselves locked in close quarters, they’re surprised to find that they quite enjoy the company of someone else who knows what it’s like to be in the junior spotlight. Soon, romance sparks, which is a bit of problem considering the whole “opponents” thing, not to mention Dean still trying to figure out how to deal with and discuss the fact that he’s demisexual. But someone out there seems determined to make their problem much, much bigger, and they’ll have to figure out who wants their relationship outed, how they can make it work, and how they can reconcile a future.
My Opinion: While unfortunately this love story has no Prince from England or Wales, this book is definitely in the same genre as Red, White, and Royal Blue, though of course Dean and Dre will be more YA than our favorite international political couple. No matter what, I can tell I'm going to love the angst in this one.
The Falling in Love Montage by Clara Smyth - JUNE 9TH
Goodreads Synopsis:
Saoirse doesn’t believe in love at first sight or happy endings. If they were real, her mother would still be able to remember her name and not in a care home with early onset dementia. A condition that Saoirse may one day turn out to have inherited.So she’s not looking for a relationship. She doesn’t see the point in igniting any romantic sparks if she’s bound to burn out.
But after a chance encounter at a house party, Saoirse is about to break her own rules. For a girl with one blue freckle, an irresistible sense of mischief, and a passion for rom-coms.
Unbothered by Saoirse’s rulebook, Ruby proposes a loophole: They don’t need true love to have one summer of fun, complete with every cliché, rom-com montage-worthy date they can dream up—and a binding agreement to end their romance come fall. It would be the perfect plan, if they weren’t forgetting one thing about the Falling in Love Montage: when it’s over, the characters actually fall in love… for real.
Dahlia Adler's Synopsis:
Love books that make you laugh, swoon, and cry? Then you are going to fall head over heels for Smyth’s debut, an Ireland-set romantic contemporary about a girl named Saiorse who’s losing her mother to early-onset dementia and is determined never to get involved with anyone as a result…until she meets Ruby, and all bets are off. The girls agree to a no-strings-attached summer of just the good parts of romance, the movie montage where the couple does all sorts of fun things as they fall in love. But when the end of the summer comes, will they be able to let go? 
My Opinion: The falling in love montage is my favorite part of love stories and I can't wait to read one set in Ireland! No strings attached? I don't think so Saiorse and Ruby. If they aren't together by the end of the book, I'll be tying the strings myself and writing fanfiction for days. I've only had one relationship that would qualify for a falling in love montage, most likely because I've only been in love once, and that's... ended, so I need something to fill my heart and this book just might be it.
Check out @lgbtqreads for more recommendations and check out the link at the top of the post for the rest of the list!
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acelezz · 6 years
“L is For Luna” (Part 2): A Saluna Fanfic
Title: L is For Luna
Summary: When Luna finds a love letter in her locker, she hopes that it is her crush Sam, but is doubtful. With the help of her ten siblings, Luna will find out whether her dreams of being with Sam will ever be a reality or not.
Part: 2
Author: L-is-For-Loud-House
Fandom: The Loud House
Ship: Saluna (Luna Loud and Sam Sharp)
Timeline: A few months after “L is For Love”
Genre: Fanfiction/Romance
Word Count: 1,746
“Clack, clack, clack!” The sound of Luna hitting Lori’s blue high heels on the white dresser in Lori and Leni’s room went.
It was now 3:00 in the afternoon and all of the Loud siblings had just gotten home from school ten minutes ago. They all had been gathered into Lori and Leni’s room by Luna for a Loud Sibling Meeting. 
“I hereby call this meeting to order!” Luna announced.
“Lisa, can you read the minutes from the last meeting?” Lori asked the 4-year-old prodigy.
Lisa then proceeded to whip out a piece of paper which was a review of their last meeting. “Alright. Item one: It was resolved that in the matter of Lynn’s football-”
Lisa was then interrupted by Luna ripping the paper from her hands and crumbling it up into a ball. “Sorry, we don’t need to hear that today, Lise.” Luna then chucked the paper into the trash can. “Alright, so you’re probably all wondering why I gathered you all here today.”
“Whatever this is about, it better be good!” Lola hissed. “I was in the middle of practicing for my next pageant!”
“And I was in the middle of writing a new joke!” Luan added.
“And I was just about to go play in the mud!” Lana chimed in.
“And I was just about to read my new Ace Savy comic!” Lincoln exclaimed.
“And I was just about to paint my nails with my cute new nail polish!” Leni stated.
“And I was in the middle of writing a new poem!” Lucy announced.
“And I was just about to go outside and play some soccer!” Lynn whined.
“Poo poo!” Lily cried with annoyance.
“Ok, I get that you all want to go back to whatever it was that you were doing,” Luna told her siblings. “But this is my one and only voice. So listen close, it’s only for today. And I promise that this won’t take long! Alright, I gathered all of you in here to talk about this!” Luna then revealed the love letter that she got earlier on in the day at school to her siblings.
All of them groaned.
“Ugh, not this again!” Lola groaned.
“Luna, don’t you remember that sending love letters is Mom’s thing for Dad?” Lori asked. “You should probably give that to him so he can see what she wrote for him!”
“No, dudes, this letter is actually for me! I found it in my locker this morning!”
All of Luna’s siblings gasped.
Leni then ran up to Luna and gave her a hug as she squealed, “O. M. Gosh, Luna! Congrats, little sis! This is totes exciting!”
“Thanks, Leni,” Luna chuckled as Leni let go of her.
Leni then gave Luna a nudge. “So are you gonna tell us who it’s from?”
“I-I don’t know...” Luna then unfolded the letter and showed what had been written on it to her siblings. “Whoever wrote it signed it as ‘Your Secret Admirer’. So I need all of your help to figure out who it is.”
Lori then let out a squeal. “Ooh, I bet it’s Sam!”
The rest of the siblings except for Luna then let out a teasing, “Ooo...”
A slight blush came across Luna’s cheek as she nervously rubbed her arm. “I don’t know dudes. I’m really hoping that it’s Sam, but she’s way out of my league.”
“Are you kidding me?” Lincoln asked. “She totally likes you!”
“Well she definitely does as a friend, but I don’t know if it goes any further than that.”
“Well, who else could the letter be from?” Lynn questioned. “She always wants to come over and jam with you like five out of seven times of the week!”
“Yeah, and the way that she always looks so happy whenever she’s commini-gay-ting with you!” Luan teased.
“Luan!” All of the Loud siblings shouted.
“Wow, that joke certainly did not get BI you guys!” 
The 14-year-old comedienne hen broke out into a fit of laughter while all of her siblings groaned and facepalmed themselves.
“But, Luna, despite her terrible jokes, Luan does have a point,” Lori began. “Remember that Luan, Leni, and I all go to the same school as you so we occasionally see you in the hallway with Sam. But we all know how important spending time with her is to you so we always let you two be. But all three of us have seen Sam walking in the hallway with other friends or by herself and she always seems to be the happiest whenever she’s with you.”
“Really?” Luna queried.
“Totes!” Leni agreed. “Her smile is always like ten times bigger whenever she’s with you!”
Luna smiled at the thought of Sam’s gorgeous smile. “Well, I always did think that she was a naturally happy gal. But you guys do have a point that I have no clue how she behaves when I’m not around. But I’m still not too sure if the letter’s from her, dudes.”
“Why? Is there anyone else that we should know about, Luna?” Lola asked, grinning.
“No, as of right now, Sam’s the only one out there that sends a million butterflies into my stomach. While I do have something for Mick Swagger, it’s not the same thing. I really look up to him and I think that his music is rockin’, so he’s just a role model to me. No one else has the same effect on my heart like the way that that Sam chick does. But what if there’s someone else out there who has been crushin’ on me and I just have no clue because we’re either not close or they’re just excellent at hiding it.”
“Well, it seems like you wouldn’t have a clue if anyone had a crush on you since you’re clearly oblivious to the fact that Sam likes you back!”
“Yeah, I do not enjoy feelings such as the ones that you have described and even I can see that Sam is attracted to you,” Lisa agreed.
“Maybe she’s just attracted to me as a friend,” Luna said, clearly in denial.
“Luna, why do you keep on disagreeing with everything that we’re saying?” Lana asked. “Did something that we don’t know about happen between you and Sam?”
“Nothing bad happened. But I did tell her about the letter.”
“And what did she say?” Lincoln asked.
“Well, she didn’t say whether it was her or not. But she did agree that it’s a bummer that the letter is signed anonymously. But this when we were walking to our first period classes and she had to go to chem. But, she did hug me and told me that she was excited for me right before she had to go. It surely did ignite the butterflies in my tum-tum and had me surprised because she ain’t much of a hugger. But then I figured it was because we’re really good friends so she’s just really happy that I got a love letter.”
All of the Loud siblings let out a squeal.
Luna raised an eyebrow. “What?”
Luna’s siblings all giggled at her.
Lori then put a hand on her short-brown-haired sister. “Luna, you have no idea how literally oblivious you can be sometimes. Sam was totally the one who wrote that letter! She’s probably just too nervous to admit that she was the one who wrote the letter, just like how you’re too nervous to admit to her that you’re the one who’s been sending her all of those love letters! Say, didn’t you tell us that you had a similar reaction when she told you about the letters that she got?”
Luna’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of red as she let out a chuckle. “Yeah, I did. Man, were the butterflies soarin’ when she mentioned that. I nearly almost lost my cool. But yeah, all I said was that I really hoped that she figured out who sent them to her.”
“Yeah, so she probably likes you back and figured out that you were the one who wrote the love letters, but like you, wasn’t 100 percent sure. She’s probably too nervous to ask you so she’s trying to find out if she’s right by returning the favor. And like I said, like you, she’s too nervous to admit that she was the one who wrote the letter so she’s trying to hint her feelings towards you like doing sweet and romantic things that she normally doesn’t do, like hugging you.”
“Wow, Lori, you sure do have a point there. But still, dudes, what if we’re all wrong? How can I find out that it’s her for sure?”
“Well, my advice from a few months ago still stands accurate,” Lucy answered. “Since Sam, um I mean the writer, is clearly shy, you need to give Sam a signal to let her know that you’re interested. If you receive a second letter soon after, then she’s clearly the author.”
“That’s a great idea, Lucy, but I don’t know if I’m brave enough to do that,” Luna admitted. “I’ll probably just chicken out.”
“That’s it!” Lola yelled as she hopped off Lori’s bed. “I can’t stand to see you act like this!” Lola then grabbed Luna by her shirt and pulled on it, bringing Luna’s face right down to hers. “You need to woman up! You think if Sam can’t admit that she wrote the love letter and if she’s not a touchy person that she wasn’t apprehensive when she hugged you?”
“Well, she didn’t seem like it,” Luna answered.
“Well, she probably was! Same people are just better at hiding things like that than others! But she did it anyway because she’s brave and because she really likes you! That probably took a lot out of her so now you’re going to muster up all of the bravery that you’ve got and return Sam the favor by sending her a darn signal!”
Lola then let go of Luna. Luna gulped as she stood upright again.
“Sam is coming over tomorrow, correct?” Lola asked.
“Yeah, she’s coming over so that we can jam out with my new amp,” Luna replied. “She told me that she would have come over today, but she couldn’t of because she had to go to the Royal Woods Diner after school with her family to celebrate her dad’s birthday.”
“Perfect. You can give her your signal then.”
(Part 1) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Check out “Lincoln’s Concert Catastrophe”!
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
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