#red white and royal blue head canons
henryfoxlovebot · 10 months
on alex and henry’s wedding day….
alex delicately cut out a small piece from the towering vanilla cake, laced in sweet buttercream. he placed the slice onto his plate before looking over at his husband. henry’s blue eyes glistened with pure excitement and happiness.
“i love you.” alex cooed, his voice silky soft to the ear. henry beamed, his whole face overcame with a wide smile.
just as henry opened his mouth to speak, alex shoved the slice of cake into his face. removing the plate, henry’s face was coated with the sweet dessert. his mouth had dropped with surprise, like he was at a loss for words
“you did not.” henry’s voice was stern.
“oh, i did.” alex chimed with a mischievous smile. he looked around briefly, watching the audience joined in with fits of laughter. he felt rather confident — all until, it was his turn.
henry had grabbed a handful of the cake and smashed it right into alex’s face. alex gasped dramatically (as if he didn’t start it). “henry!”
alex grabbed a rather large handful compared to what henry took. henry gasped and took an immediate step back, “no! no, no more!” henry protested, as alex approached, he quickly shoved him out of his way.
though, alex ended up tumbling onto the floor and bumping against the table the cake rested on. “okay, okay! no more! you win, help me up?” alex chimed breathlessly.
henry smiled at his forfeit and leaned down to offer alex his frosted coated hand. though, in his surprise, alex tugged against his hand and forced henry to join him on the floor.
the prince scoffed softly, glaring at alex’s teasing smile. as henry looked forward again, he noticed their cake headed right down for them.
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clockwrkpendrxgon · 4 months
Thinking about girldads firstprince in bed after a long day finally falling asleep when their little girl comes telling them that she can’t sleep so Alex lets her crawl up onto the bed until she is nestled in her dads’ arms while henry tells her a story to ease her into sleep. Alex listens intently, fingers lazily brushing his daughter’s hair and he ends up falling asleep to his husband’s soothing voice with so much love filling up his heart.
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unwanted-animal · 5 months
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Fate Makes Fools - A FirstPrince Soulmate/Omegaverse AU
Tags: Canon Divergence, AU, Soulmates, Omegaverse, Fluff, Smut, FirstPrince, RWRB Movie, cunnilingus, fingering, blowjobs, oral sex, knotting, throat knotting
Chapter One: Entwined (5243 words)
Just a heads up, I didn't intend to do a rewrite of the movie when I started this but there are some scenes I simply could not live without, so I hope y'all don't mind a bit of that <;.<
I need to get out of here.
Alex sighed, peering at the words. Soulmates seemed too constricting. And what were these? Words shouted at a bar, over pumping music? The panicking of someone disappointed in him? Nah. He didn’t want to be tied down, especially to someone who didn’t want him. The girl from his night out smiled up at him, her soft hand guiding his face into a slow kiss. He hadn’t caught her name, but she was cute. Would he really have to give this up one day, his freedom? What if it wasn’t worth it? Alex kissed her back and slipped off the couch, settling on his knees before her. Oh well. He had his whole life ahead of him, didn’t he? It wasn’t like he was going to meet his soulmate at the party tonight. There was time. 
At the party, the words began to glow blue.
Do you think anyone noticed?
Odd words for a soulmate, Henry mused, running his thumb over the phrase that curled along his skin. It was never first words, not like in the stories - the tooth-achingly sweet movies he loved always played with the rules of the world. In reality, it was a phrase that altered the course of destiny. Soulmates, whether platonic, polyamorous, or romantic, always found each other. That’s what his father said. As he dressed for Phillip’s wedding he couldn’t shake the longing to find his other half. Did fate accept queer pairings? Would his be a lifelong friend instead? He had no answers, and soon the words were covered by the stiff white sleeve of his shirt. Out of sight and hopefully out of mind. It was his brother’s big day, after all. His anxieties could wait. 
Cake covered every inch of them, frosting and crumbs scattered over the palace carpet. Henry’s anger and shame threatened to swallow him as he looked over at Alex. Everyone stared. He could hear the sounds of mobiles sliding from pockets and purses, drowned out swiftly by the murmurs of the crowd. The American had done the unthinkable - ruined a royal wedding almost single-handedly. Before he could speak Alex turned to him and raised his dark brows. 
“Do you think anyone noticed?”
Oh, bollocks. Not him. Anyone but Alex Claremont-Diaz. His blood pounded in his ears and he struggled to find words, amazed at the sheer gall of the man beside him. 
Henry rose to his knees and flung the cake off his arms, barely fighting back a scowl. Everything was wrong. It couldn’t possibly get worse! At least Alex would be going back to the United States, faster than if he hadn’t just destroyed a seventy-five thousand pound cake at Prince Phillip’s wedding reception. Even if it was meant to be platonic, he couldn’t stand him. Fate could go fuck itself, he thought, kneeling in the confectionary carnage. He refused, absolutely refused, to get tangled up with Alex. 
As he cleaned cake off himself that night, the words began to glow red.
The PR tour was going to be a nightmare. Working with Henry was like pulling teeth. It had been years since the first big rejection, when Henry was rude to him at the Climate Conference, but it still stung. Maybe more than it should, but Alex would never admit that aloud. It was normal. Perfectly normal. He prided himself on his affability, and that pride had been wounded. 
And he dwelled on it for years. 
His mind went back to that original slight as he collapsed into a cleaning closet with Henry, limbs tangled as they struggled to separate. 
“Get your hands off of me!” Henry huffed. Alex was more than happy to oblige. He struggled until he lay with his back pressed against Henry’s side, trying not to dwell on the warmth of his body or the scent of his skin so close. It was strange… different. Was he a Beta? It would make sense, Alex supposed - careful breeding for centuries to stamp out the baser urges of Alphas and Omegas.
“- and why don’t you like me?”
Fuck. He hadn’t been listening. Alex wriggled and turned as best he could, grunting and shifting until he was facing Henry in the cramped space.
“Climate Conference in Melbourne. First night party. I went to introduce myself to you and you looked at me like I had head lice. Then, you turned to your equerry and said ‘Get me out of here’.”
“… I didn’t realize you’d heard that,” Henry replied, casting his eyes down. 
“So you do admit that’s a douchey thing to say.” 
“I could have been nicer.”
Alex didn’t quite know how to take that. He shifted away, elbow knocking into a bucket as he adjusted his position once more. 
“Alright, what else?” Henry asked. “It couldn’t have just been the conference.”
A sheepish look from Alex answered Henry’s question. 
“Oh my god, it is!” he laughed. “It is, isn’t it?”
“Don’t minimize it!”
“How could I possibly? It’s already as minimal as it gets! Are you seriously telling me that one meeting, years ago - in which, yes, I admittedly acted ungenerously toward you - has occupied such a vast mental and emotional space in your head?”
“Sure, when you put it like that,” Alex bit back. “But it was my first foray into the world as a public figure, and I was really scared, and you could’ve helped me and you didn’t.”
Henry was quiet a moment. He let Alex’s words settle, considering them, and loosed a quiet sigh.
“You’re right. I’m sorry I was a prick to you. I… It’s no excuse, but I was a prick to everyone in those days. My father had died a few months before and the palace insisted on parading me around. For the record,” he added, chuckling as he spoke, “I didn’t say ‘get me out of here’. I said ‘I need to get out of here’, which is a different thing entirely.”
Alex pushed himself up to a sitting position, his shoulder half-crushing Henry’s arm as he readjusted yet again. 
“No. No, you didn’t. That can’t be right.”
“It is,” Henry assured him. “It was -“
Before he could finish Alex shoved his sleeve up and pushed his arm into Henry’s vision. 
I need to get out of here. 
Henry tried to look shocked, lips parted, brows raised - Alex couldn’t tell he was faking. He was too distraught. 
“You?! You’re my soulmate?”
Brooms and bottles clacked and fell around them as he struggled to crawl away from the Prince. 
“No. Nope. I’m not doing this.”
Amy opened the door to give them the all clear and Alex pushed himself out with all the grace of a newborn deer. He reached out and pulled Henry to his feet, very pointedly not making eye contact. 
“Everything alright?” Amy asked, glancing between them. 
Alex pulled his sleeve down quickly. 
“It’s fine. We’re fine. Are we done now? I really should be getting back.”
Prince Henry. And they’d been tied together for years without Alex knowing. It wasn’t fair. Maybe he didn’t have words Alex said on him. Maybe it was one-sided. Or platonic! It wasn’t the end of the world. Not yet. Not for certain. 
Outside, they shook hands once more for the camera, smiling a little awkwardly. 
“Can I ask you something?” Alex said quietly.
“I suppose.”
“What are your words, y’know? Have you met the person who said them already?”
“Unfortunately,” Henry answered, sighing. He took a second to tug his own sleeve up. 
Do you think anyone noticed?
The words pulsed with purple energy. 
“Has it done that before?”
“… No,” he admitted. “It was red before today.”
Alex knew what he’d find when he took his jacket off. The same hue. They were together for the first time since their utterances. It was fate. Soulmates. 
“Well. I need to get out of here,” Alex said, clapping him on the shoulder. “Until next time, your majesty.” Without looking back he climbed into the waiting car. This was something for Tomorrow Alex - or maybe Month Ahead Alex - to deal with. Not Now Alex. What Now Alex needed was a drink. 
Unbeknownst to them both, several pictures of Henry’s words were captured before they went their separate ways. The blended hues could only mean Henry was in the presence of his soulmate, and he’d spent the entire day beside Alex Claremont-Diaz. The Daily Mail ran with the photos first, outing Henry with their usual vicious malice, and the tabloids gushed about the dreamy pair. 
A few days after the articles began, Alex received a strange text. 
Have you heard the good news? We already have a pup on the way.
He stared in horror at his phone. He always used protection, he wasn’t a complete idiot. Before he could reply, another text popped up - this time with a link to a Daily Mail article about the supposed pup.
This is Henry, by the way. 
A little bitmoji Prince followed. 
Rolling his eyes, the scare over, Alex replied. 
How did you get this number?
MI6. (Not joking)
Alex added the number to his phone and flipped it face down. He was working on a paper he needed to finish by the weekend; he couldn’t be bothered to entertain a Prince. 
Ten minutes later he grabbed it and typed out another message. 
My phrase is purple too. What do you think it means?
That we’re inextricably bound by fate to be Something™️. I’m just not sure of what. 
“Yeah, me either,” Alex sighed. He ran a hand through his dark curls, trying to ignore the faint glow of the words on his arm. 
Come to my New Year’s party? Maybe we can figure it out there. It’s already out in the open. We might as well embrace it. 
I hate New Year’s. 
I know people who would kill to be at one of my parties.
It’s settled then - kill me and I won’t have to go.
“Ass,” Alex snorted. He shook his head, a small smile on his lips, and put the phone back down. Focus. He needed to focus. 
Are you an Omega?
It was a bit blunt, but Alex was never really one to beat around the bush. 
What a scandalous question! 
The article said there was ‘speculation’! I’m just curious! 
It’s… complicated. I am, but a member of the royal house cannot be ‘unseemly’. I take hormones to control my heats and change my scent in public. 
What’s that like? The medication?
I get cramps instead of going into full heat. It’s not awful. It’d be worse without. Being alone, feeling that ache again? No, once was enough for me, thank you. 
Don’t you wanna ask about me?
Sweetheart, I could smell you upwind. I know you’re a big bad Alpha. Dangerous for us, isn’t it? We’ll have to use protection. 
What makes you think we’re going that far? 😂
I just meant in public. Shaking hands is enough to get me pregnant, according to the Mail. Bring your gloves next time! We can’t afford the scandal!
Alex’s days were filled with texts and calls to Henry. They talked when Henry woke up, when Alex went to bed, any moment they could catch together. God help him, Alex found himself enjoying Henry’s company. As autumn faded into winter and he began to cement the plans for his New Year’s party, he continued to pester Henry about coming. 
I still don’t know, Alex. You’ll be the only person I know at the party. 
Not true! Nora will be there! 
Well, I do have someone who wants to meet her… I’ll consider it. Really hard. I promise.
You better. How awkward would it be if my party wasn’t cool enough for my soulmate? I’d be a laughingstock. 
Right, we wouldn’t want to damage your precious reputation as a party boy, would we?
Not a party boy. The party boy, thank you. 
My apologies, Mr. Claremont-Diaz. The party boy. 
Apology accepted.
New Year’s Eve, the tent on the White House lawn was packed with a veritable who’s who of young celebrities. Politician’s children, actors, musicians, influencers, even Alex’s college friends visiting on his dime. He wanted it to be a fun, safe space for people from all walks of life to celebrate and get shitfaced - and maybe make some memories. Nora led him through the crowd, and as he greeted the throng his eyes fell on a familiar face.
Henry hadn’t stood him up. 
As Henry introduced his friend Percy to Nora, Alex waited patiently for them to finish. The two slipped off to the bar and Alex threw his arm around Henry’s neck. 
“I’ve been drunk since Christmas. You gotta catch up!”
He bought him a bottle of champagne from the bar and guided him over to one of the sofas they had set up for people to rest on. Alex’s excitement was palpable as he chatted with Henry, laughing and encouraging him to drink. They were sitting close, close enough that even with the crowd’s cloying scents mixing and filling the tent around them he could smell Henry’s hormones - as if he were keyed into his particular aroma. The sleeve of his iridescent jacket covered his mark, but it burned against his skin. 
One of the guests sat beside him and coaxed him to come dance. Alex wasn’t one to say no, especially at a party he was hosting, so he stood and took her hand. 
“I’ll be back!” He said with a smile. 
Henry’s disappointment was clear, but Alex was too charged up by the celebrations to notice. He danced with the woman for a few songs, smiling at her but keeping a safe distance between them. He longed to go back to Henry; when he looked toward the sofa, however, Henry wasn’t there. 
Alex excused himself and went searching for him. He found Henry sitting at the bar still nursing his champagne. 
“Come dance with me!”
“Ballroom lessons didn’t exactly cover this,” Henry admitted. 
“It’s all in the hips! You just gotta loosen up!”
Alex took hold of his hips and started to sway. At first Henry was reticent, stiff and shy, but soon he relaxed and started trying to match Alex’s fluid movements. Alex pulled him toward the crowd. All eyes were on them as they danced, Alex clearly an expert and Henry pressed against him with the bottle in his hand. 
It felt right. It felt electric. Alex gazed into his eyes, dimples clear as he grinned, and he slipped an arm around Henry’s waist to hold his body flush against him. Maybe it was the hormones. Maybe it was the booze. Maybe it was the pull of fate bringing them together - but whatever it was, Alex wanted Henry in a way he’d never experienced. 
“Ten seconds til midnight!” The DJ called. Everyone stopped dancing to count down.
Before he could object, one of the women from the crowd pulled Alex into a quick kiss. When she let go another did the same. Alex laughed, his cheeks flushed. He started to turn -
Henry grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him into a deep, heated kiss. A soft growl slipped from his throat as he gripped Alex’s hair. Alex melted against him, holding him as if the world would fall away if he let go. Heart pounding, he chased the kiss as everyone cheered for them. Henry filled his thoughts, his blood raced in his veins, and Alex grabbed his ass and pulled his hips against his. 
More. He wanted more.
Henry broke away first, panting, his forehead resting against Alex’s. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. 
“Don’t be. I - “
Before Alex could finish Henry pulled away and ducked into the crowd. He disappeared as Alex struggled to move through the people patting his back and congratulating him. After all, not only had he just come out in the most public way imaginable, he’d done so with his soulmate - answering a question no one dared ask him. 
Would he pursue their bond?
Hey, can we talk?
Henry. C’mon.
Are you alive?
I am.
Not up to conversation?
Alex, I made an ass of myself at your party. Can I not be embarrassed in peace?
Absolutely not. 
What did you want to talk about?
Well, that kiss, first of all. 
It was unbecoming of me. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten jealous.
Unbecoming? It was hot, Henry. I haven’t been kissed like that in a long time.
Neither have I. 
So you did do some kissing before we found each other?
I don’t kiss and tell, darling. Not unless you ask very nicely. 
I’ll tell you about the guys I’ve been with if you tell me about the times you hooked up.
You don’t have the time, and I don’t have an NDA on me.
… How many?
Two. Once in high school, and once… Once, with Miguel Ramos. We were on the campaign trail, and drunk, in a hot tub, fully naked…
Should I be as jealous as I am?
I have a feeling he wants me back in that hot tub, but it’s not gonna happen. 
May I ask why?
I hate that he uses me as a source even if we’re just hanging out, for one. And for another, I kind of found someone I’m interested in.
Oh? Who’s that?
Some rich white boy. 
Is he handsome?
I think he’s the reason faces were invented. 
Oh. That’s… high praise? I think?
It is.
… Why were you jealous, at the party?
Because. You’re mine. I didn’t like seeing those women claim your kiss. It wasn’t theirs to claim.
You’re a lot different than I expected.
For a royal.
And for an Omega.
I’m flattered, Alex. Glad you think of me as a person and not an enemy now.
I wouldn’t go that far, Your Majesty.
It’s ‘Your Royal Highness.
Well excuse me, Prince. Your Royal Highness.
Apology accepted. 
I didn’t apologize!
Might as well have. 
You are so annoying!
You’re stuck with me. 😘
Alex snorted and set his phone aside. He supposed he was. There were worse people he could be stuck with. Someone who was a worse kisser, for example. 
When will I see you next?
Why don’t you ask me out properly?
Fine. Henry, will you be my guest for the state dinner in February?
I would be delighted. 
Alex grinned and lay back on his bed, fingers poised over the keyboard. A date, with the Prince of England. Who he’d kissed a month before. 
His soulmate. 
In public, in front of his mother and the Prime Minister, and all the journalists who would be there to cover the event. 
I can’t wait to see you again. 
Careful. Keep talking to me like that and I’ll think you like me. 
God forbid. 
As soon as Alex saw Henry he knew he had to get him alone. A quick request to Amy was all it took to slip away, into the Red Room where they could meet in private. Alex wasn’t sure what he planned to say to him, but he knew he wanted to greet him away from prying eyes. After so long apart he just wanted to be around him, to take in his scent and feel him close. 
Was that part of being soulmates? That ache that grew the longer they were separated? He hated it, regardless of the source. 
Henry entered the room and Alex stopped breathing. He didn’t think. There was no hesitation. 
“I wanted to -“
“Shut up. Stop talking.”
Alex crossed the distance to him and kissed him, cupping his face, drinking in the scent of Henry. His skin, his cologne, the shampoo, the stilted scent of Beta hormones. It overwhelmed him. He guided Henry to the closest bookshelf and pressed him against it, starving for attention. Heat coursed through Alex as he grinded his hips against him. Growling, he rutted against Henry, squeezing his thigh and guiding it over his hip. 
Pleasure sparked as they moved, Henry pushing back against him, just as desperate to chase it. His hands tugged at Alex’s hair. Fuck, just a little more contact and he’d be painting the inside of his pants - 
“Okay, time’s - Oh my god!”
Amy ducked back out of the room and pulled the door shut behind her.
They pushed apart immediately, Alex studying a plant and Henry pointing an awkward finger at books on the next shelf over. There was no way it looked convincing, but they stayed like that for a moment until they were sure the coast was clear. 
“Fuck,” Alex laughed, glancing at the door. “We better get back.” He cleared his throat and tugged on his pant leg, trying to hide his arousal. “I’m gonna need a moment.”
“I suppose I’m lucky in that regard,” Henry replied, leaning against the wall. “I’ll go out first.”
“We leave together. Everyone already knows about us, right? There’s no harm in walking back to the dining room. What are they gonna do, start a rumor we’re together?”
“You make a compelling argument. We’ll leave when you’ve got this under control,” Henry teased, gently cupping Alex’s cock through his pants. 
“Oh, don’t you dare.”
All eyes turned to them as they rejoined the guests, and both men smiled and waved as if nothing had happened between them. The violet glow of their marks peeked out from beneath their sleeves. Cameras flashed around them as they made their way to the heart of the hall. 
“Are you still…”
“Like the Thames.”
“Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do.”
“Yes. Tell me.”
“You’re going to stay at least five hundred feet away from me for the rest of the night.”
“Sensible plan.”
“I’m not done,” Alex said firmly. 
“Of course you’re not,” Henry sighed.
“Then, at midnight, you’re going to come to my room on the second floor of the residence where I’m going to do some very. Bad. Things to you.”
Alex adjusted his jacket and walked away, leaving Henry staring heavy-lidded in awe after him.
A knock roused Alex from undressing. Tie undone and hanging around his shoulders, he answered the door with a smirk. Henry stood outside, his gaze heavy. 
“You’re late,” Alex quipped, and tried to close the door on him. Henry pushed it open and grabbed Alex, pulling him into a hungry kiss. He backed him towards the sofa, unbuttoning his shirt with deft skill. Moaning, Alex chased his lips, letting Henry lead until he could sit down on the back of the sofa. His shirt hung open, exposing his muscular chest and stomach to Henry’s eager hands. Soft fingers danced along the curves of his abdomen. He let out a possessive growl and shoved Alex back over the couch. 
Alex landed with a grunt and stretched himself along the cushions, spreading his legs as Henry slotted between them. Henry broke away to kiss down Alex’s throat, down his chest, down to his navel as he inched lower and lower. He unbuckled Alex’s belt and cast it aside. Alex helped where he could, lifting his hips and shoving down the zipper of his fly. Henry buried his face in his boxers and inhaled, savoring the musk of his arousal. His Alpha pheromones sent gooseflesh crawling along his skin. Turning his eyes up to Alex, he nuzzled his cock through the fabric and mouthed over it, moaning with want. 
“Fuck,” Alex breathed, shuddering. “You look good between my legs.”
Henry drooled along his length, teasing him. Alex twitched against his lips. It wasn’t enough. He needed more. Just like after their first kiss, he ached. Breath heavy, he reached down and carded his fingers through Henry’s blond hair. 
“Don’t stop. Please, Henry…”
Henry licked the spot where his head strained against the fabric and carefully peeled it away, baring Alex’s cock to the air. He brushed his plush lips against Alex’s skin, clearly relishing the way his body responded. His mouth parted and Henry swallowed him, inch by inch, until he couldn’t take any more. Resting a moment, he moaned again, the sound vibrating along Alex’s shaft. Hot and soft as silk, his cheeks slid over his cock and Alex gripped his hair. He let Henry lead, watching as he sucked him with incredible skill. Their gazes locked, heated and hungry, never breaking even as Henry’s eyes began to water. 
“Don’t, don’t hurt yourself,” Alex breathed. “It’s alright. Take it slow, Henry.”
He continued to suck, ignoring Alex’s command and sliding his hands up his muscular thighs. Henry kneaded his firm skin in time with his movements, slowly guiding them higher until he could scratch at the vee of his hips. Alex could feel his control slipping. Henry’s mouth felt incredible. His nails on Alex’s sensitive skin made his hips jerk into his mouth. He’d been so pent up since New Year’s, since the PR tour… In truth, since he found out Henry was his soulmate. Melting against Henry’s eager tongue, the base of his cock began to swell. His head fell back against the arm of the couch, legs shaking. He gasped Henry’s name when he came, spilling thick seed down his throat as his knot hardened behind his jaw. 
“Ah… Oh! Shit, shit, I’m so sorry -” Alex stammered, letting go of his hair and stroking Henry’s cheek. “I forgot to warn you. Um… It should go down in, like, ten minutes. Are you, uh, okay?”
Henry nodded. Somehow he managed to look mischievous with his mouth occupied, lips swollen and pink around the curve of his knot. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. Alex cleared his throat and closed his eyes - watching Henry would only make it worse. He’d never get soft. 
Hanging over the arm of the sofa, Henry shifted so he could rest his head against Alex’s thigh. Alex kept touching his face, tracing his fingers against his soft skin. Breathing slow helped him focus on relaxing. He could feel Henry drooling on his pants, his breath ghosting along his groin. There had to be something he could think of, focus on, other than Henry. 
After a few minutes he finally began to relax enough to ease out of Henry’s mouth. Alex sat up and pulled Henry into his lap. 
“Did that hurt?”
Henry opened and closed his jaw, rubbing the joint gently. 
“A little. I liked it. I haven’t been knotted in a very long time,” he admitted. 
“Almost sounds like you missed it,” Alex purred. “Did you?”
“Yes,” Henry breathed, resting his forehead against Alex’s. “I really, really did.”
“Henry… Get these pants off and sit on the couch for me.”
“Because I’ve been dying to taste you all night.”
Henry kissed him again, slow and deep, before following his orders. He stood and stripped as Alex watched, cheeks flushed pink. He wore a pair of white lace panties beneath them. The straps rode up on his hips, baring the top of his thighs. Alex couldn’t speak. He could barely think. Had he worn them in anticipation? Or did he just like lingerie?
“Fuck the couch,” Alex growled. He slipped off the cushion and knelt in front of Henry. One hand guided his thigh over Alex’s shoulder. He slid his nose along the gusset, smelling his cunt through the fabric. The hormones Henry took truly masked any scent of his Omega status, but he couldn’t hide his body. Not from Alex. Not anymore. 
A quiet moan slipped from Henry’s throat and he grabbed Alex by the hair. He held him in place, grinding against his face in slow circles. Alex mouthed over his lips, sucking the damp lace with a groan of his own. He tasted good, and Alex couldn’t help but wonder how much better he’d taste off of his medication. In a full-blown rut. Dripping for him, a hive of nectar just for Alex to gorge himself on. 
Alex pulled Henry’s panties to the side and dragged his tongue between his lips. Henry trembled. He licked again, pausing to suck gently at his clit.
“Oh fuck!”
He didn’t think he’d ever heard Henry curse. Alex craved it, longing to coax more depravity from those pretty lips of his. 
Henry wasn’t his first Omega partner. Alex knew exactly what to do with his mouth to make his knees weak. As he sucked at his nerves, he brought his hand up to tease his pussy. He slipped a finger inside of him, slowly fucking him in time with his mouth. He kept it shallow, just a tease, and slick dripped down onto his knuckles. Henry whined, the sound catching in his throat. 
“More,” he whispered. “Alex, please. That wicked mouth of yours is, is driving me crazy…”
Alex moaned and closed his eyes. His long lashes fluttered against Henry’s skin, a little butterfly kiss that sent lightning down his spine. He focused on Henry’s body and the way he responded to his tongue, to his lips, to his fingers. Alex worked a second finger inside him and pressed deeper, crooking them and searching for the spot inside him that would shatter him. 
He wanted to watch the prince fall apart. 
“Ah! God, Alex! There,” Henry gasped breathlessly. “Fuck! I’m, I’m not going to last. I can’t. I can’t…”
Henry’s thighs went rigid. His toes curled. He forced Alex’s head flush against his cunt, rutting against his lips as his orgasm crashed over him. Squirting around his fingers, muscles spasming, his legs went weak. Alex caught him awkwardly, guiding him down to the floor with a wet grin. His face shimmered in the light of the lamps, slick with Henry’s cum. 
“You. God.” It was Henry’s turn to be speechless. He panted in Alex’s arms, staring up at him like nothing else in the world existed. 
“Good, huh?” Alex teased. “Glad to see I’m not too out of practice.”
“Mmn. Shut up.”
Henry grabbed his head and pulled him into a messy kiss. They could taste each other, the tang of sex and slick on their tongues. It made Alex’s head spin. He started to stiffen beneath Henry, and Henry whined again. 
“We, we should stop here. I can’t stay all night.”
“Says who?”
“My security detail,” Henry answered. “And I have appearances tomorrow afternoon.” Still, he didn’t leave Alex’s embrace. 
“And if I don’t want to let you go?”
“Well. We’d have an international incident on our hands, I might just fuck your brains out - and you have so little of them to begin with…”
Alex snorted and pushed him away. 
“Alright, alright, your majesty.”
“It’s your royal highness, you really ought to know that by now,” Henry said with a grin. He crawled over Alex, kissing a trail up his bare chest and ending at his lips. 
“We should do this again, Henry.”
“I’d love that. I would.”
Henry pushed himself off of Alex and stared down at him for a moment. With their eyes locked on each other, he slipped off his panties. He leaned down and pushed the lace into Alex’s mouth. 
“Something to tide you over ‘til next time.”
Without another word he got dressed and left Alex sitting on the floor half-hard and overwhelmed by his scent. He pulled the panties out of his mouth and inhaled, thinking about the way Henry looked with his knot in his mouth.  
Their next meeting couldn’t come soon enough. 
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ofsxkuna · 6 months
I guess I’ll try posting here because I never seem to get reach or responses, or lasting partners. I’m tay, non-binary, aged 27 looking for a long term rp partner!
Interested in writing the following fandoms, semi-lit to lit and relatively active! I am a discord roper, and since I have the app on my phone I’m available pretty constantly and will send you inspo, TikToks,Pinterest boards, songs, photos, head canons, etc. without a moments notice! Especially if I’m excited by a plot! Okay with NSFW themes and I’ll clarify triggers once we talk!
Here’s what I’m interested in writing:
-Harry Potter (Dramione, Drarry, Wolfstar, Jegulus, oc x oc, love creating oc’s based on canon characters and developing our own lore!)
-Fourth Wing
-Acotar (Feysand, Nessian, Elriel, Azris)
-Stranger Things (Steddie)
-Redacted Asmr verse
-Red White and Royal Blue
-Marvel ocs ( specifically college aged children of marvel hero’s/villains)
If you’re interested go ahead and like this message and I’ll send ya a message!
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My favorite Moiraine moments in The Eye of the World
EOTW only spoilers below the cut
1. “[The mist] follows the river as if drawn with a pen,” Moiraine was saying in satisfied tones. “There are not ten women in Tar Valon who could do that unaided. Not to mention from the back of a galloping horse.” (Chapter 12)
This is "Siuan Sanche waits for only one woman" energy right here.
2. “I suffered more injury to my pride than anything else,” the Aes Sedai said irritably, plucking at her cloak blanket. She looked as if she had been a long time ill or hard-used, but despite the dark circles under them, her eyes were sharp and full of power. “Aginor was surprised and angry that I held him as long as I did, but fortunately he had no time to spare for me. I am surprised myself that I held him so long. In the Age of Legends, Aginor was close behind the Kinslayer and Ishamael in power." (Chapter 51)
Not babygirl being surprised (and a bit self-satisfied) that she held off a powerful Forsaken for so long BUT ALSO her pride being wounded that she couldn’t do it for longer.
3. Even Aginor seemed stunned. Then his head lifted, cavernous eyes burning with hate. “Enough. It is past time to end this.” “Yes, Forsaken,” Moiraine said, her voice as cold as deep winter ice. “Past time.” The Aes Sedai’s hand rose and the ground fell away beneath Aginor’s feet. Flame roared from the chasm, whipped to a frenzy by wind howling in from every direction, sucking a maelstrom of leaves into the fire which seemed to solidify into a red-streaked yellow jelly of pure heat. In the middle of it, Aginor stood, his feet supported only by air. The Forsaken looked startled but then he smiled and took a step forward. It was a slow step, as if the fire tried to root him to the spot, but he took it. And then another. “Run!” Moiraine commanded. Her face was white with strain. “All of you, run!" (Chapter 50)
"I'm as strong as I have to be" 😭
4. In Algomar’s private garden, under a thick bower dotted with white blossoms, Moiraine shifted on her bed chair. The fragments of the seal lay on her lap and the small gem she sometimes wore in her hair spun and glittered on its gold chain from the ends of her fingers. The faint blue glow faded from the stone and a smile touched her lips. It had no power in itself, the stone, but the first use she had ever learned of the One Power as a girl in her royal palace of Cairhien was using the stone to listen to people when they thought they were too far off to be overheard. (Chapter 53)
Obsessed that her version of the all-knowing Merlin character is an affinity for eavesdropping--maybe it's mystical wisdom, maybe it's being a nosy bitch (affectionate)!
5. Her eyes fell on Mat as she stepped through the doorway and she hissed as if she had touched a hot stove. "Get away from him!" Nynaeve did not move, except for turning to stare at the Aes Sedai in surprise. In two quick steps Moiraine seized the Wisdom by the shoulders, hauling her across the floor like a sack of grain. Nynaeve struggled and protested, but Moiraine did not release her until she was well away from the bed. The Wisdom continued her protests as she got to her feet angrily straightening her clothes, but Moiraine ignored her completely. The Aes Sedai watched Mat to the exclusion of everything else, eyeing him the way she would a viper. (Chapter 41)
Sorry I didn’t hear you I was distracted thinking of canonically tiny Moiraine dragging Nynaeve across the room like one of those mothers who finds super strength and lifts the car off her kids.
6. Moiraine climbed down from Aldieb's back. Calmly she removed something from her pouch, unwrapped it. Rand glimpsed dark ivory. The angreal. With angreal in one hand and staff in the other, the Aes Sedai set her feet, facing the onrushing trollocs and the fade's black swords, raised her staff high, and stabbed it down into the earth. The ground rang like an iron kettle struck by a mallet. The hollow clang dwindled, faded away. For an instant then, it was silent. Everything was silent. The wind died. The trolloc cries stilled. Even their charge forward slowed and stopped. For a heartbeat, everything waited. Slowly the dull ringing returned, changing to a low rumble, growing until the earth moaned. The ground trembled beneath Cloud's hooves. This was Aes Sedai work like the stories told about.... Abruptly Moiraine wavered, and would have fallen had Lan not leaped from his horse to catch her. "Go on," he told the others. The harshness of his voice was at odds with the gentle way he lifted the Aes Sedai to her saddle. "That fire won't burn forever. Hurry! Every minute counts." The wall of flame roared as if it would indeed burn forever, but Rand did not argue. They galloped northward as fast as they could make their horses go. The horns in the distance shrilled out disappointment, as if they already knew what had happened, then fell silent. Lan and Moiraine soon caught up with the others, though Lan led Aldieb by the reins while the Aes Sedai swayed and held the pommel of her saddle with both hands. "I will be alright soon," she said to their worried looks. She sounded tired, yet confident, and her gaze was as compelling as ever. "I am not at my strongest when working with earth and fire. A small thing." (Chapter 18)
She's ridiculously proud of her fog along the river and then just a few chapters later channels EARTHQUAKES and WALLS OF FIRE like she's not one of the last Aes Sedai of a dying age and SHRUGS IT OFF.
7. "The The Wisdom won't help. She says she can't. But the stories--" She raised an eyebrow and he stopped and swallowed hard. Light, is there a story with an Aes Sedai where she isn't a villain? ...
She used the staff to pull herself to her feet. “Take me to your father, Rand. I will help him as much as I am able. Too many here have refused to let me help at all.” “They have heard the stories too,” she added dryly. (Chapter 7)
Rand is lucky he's the Dragon Reborn or he and the Two Rivers folks would have been met with some wasps.
8. Thom Merrilin stepped forward grandly and held up one empty hand, turning it slowly. Suddenly, he gestured with a flourish and a dagger twirled between his fingers. The hilt slapped into his palm and, abruptly nonchalant, he began trimming his fingernails. A low, delighted laugh floated from Moiraine. (Chapter 12)
This peek at the girl who watched court bards at the Sun Palace in Cairhien is so cute it makes me almost willing to ship her and Thom in the books.
9. “The Dark One is after you three. One or all. And if I let you go running off wherever you want to go, he will take you. Whatever the Dark One wants, I oppose. So hear this and know it true. Before I let the Dark One have you I will destroy you myself.” It was her voice, so matter of fact, that convinced Rand. The Aes Sedai would do exactly what she said if she thought it was necessary. He had a hard time sleeping that night, and he was not the only one. Even the Gleeman did not begin snoring until after the last coals died. For once, Moiraine offered no help. (Chapter 13)
This is controversial but I personally adore this speech where she threatens to kill them all and then acts petty about healing them just because she hears Rand talking badly about Aes Sedai.
10. “Do they have sheep in Tar Valon? That's all I know. Herding sheep and growing tabac.” “I believe,” Moiraine said. “That I can find something for you to do in Tar Valon. For all of you. Not herding sheep, perhaps, but something you will find interesting.” (Chapter 48)
I giggled.
11. Rand made ready to put Cloud to a gallop right away, and everyone else settled their reins with the same urgency. Everyone except Lan and Moiraine. The Warder and the Aes Sedai exchanged a long look. “Keep them moving, Moiraine Sedai,” Lan said finally. “I will return as soon as I am able. You will know if I fail.” Putting a hand on Mandarb’s saddle, he vaulted to the back of the black stallion and galloped down the hill heading west. The horns sounded again. “The Light go with you, last Lord of the Seven Towers,” Moiraine said, almost too softly for Rand to hear. Drawing a deep breath, she turned Aldieb to the east. “We must go on,” she said, and started off at a slow, steady trot. (Chapter 18)
11. I can't help but think how much they've grown since New Spring when I read this and it makes me want to cry.
Bonus: Every scene of Moiraine greeting the cats at Basel Gill’s inn. (Chapters 41 & 43)
Bonus Bonus: The way Rosamund delivers Moiraine's "it will be as the wheel wills" in the audiobooks after Loial says he is worried the bridges in the Ways are breaking and they might be trapped in there and die. (Chapter 45)
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wangxianficfinder · 11 months
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Fic Finder
1. hello im looking for a fic where wwx and lwj are married but wwx died. wwx is interred in lotus pier and wangxian's kids go to see him and ask him to wake up, iirc. also it seemed unfinished or part of a series bc at the time i read it, the fic ends with wwx still dead. thank you so much for all that you do i hope your dinners are always good ♥️
FOUND? A Baby Dragon's Guide To Seducing Your Huli Jing by sweetlolixo (M, 87k, wangxian, fantasy au, dragon LWJ, fox WWX, younger LWJ, older WWX, fluff, humor, happy ending, WIP)
2. Hi! I want to ask about a fic I read some time ago. 
It was about a Canon Divergence where WWX and the Wens disappeared and years later they come back. They have formed a new sect and were hidden in the Wen territory. And I remember they had as a kind of dome with a fog or something in the Wen territory. And something happens that WWX and the Wens has to return and at the beginning doesn't want to talk to LWJ and always the one that speaks for him is WQ.I hope you can help me find this fic, I'd love to read it again. Thank you for everything 🤗💜 @wangxiansgirl​
FOUND! 💖 Echo, Murmur, Dream, Here by bluerainmist (M, 51k, wangxian, canon divergence, WWX survives, sect leader WWX, yiling wei sect au, slow burn, angst w/ happy ending, getting together, pining, love confessions, reunions, mind all the tags)
Not FOUND! Identity Porn AU by ShanaStoryteller
3. Hi! I've just watched the trailer for the movie "red, white and royal blue" and I remembered reading a wangxian fic based on that novel too!! I cannot find it anymore tho? Does anyone remember that fic? Thank you all guys for your amazing support!! @jaecomments
FOUND! History, Huh? by BaconnEggs (M, 53k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, RWARB AU basically, Modern Royalty, First Son, International Relations, Diplomacy, Multimedia, Miscommunication, Mischief, Royalty, First Kiss, Implied Sexual Content, Friends With Benefits, Oblivious, Sexuality Crisis, Non-Graphic Smut, Secret Relationship, Fade to Black, YZY is a Good Parent, WangXian Being WangXian, Chatting & Messaging, First Time, Twitter) could it be this one? i haven't read it but it's the only one i could find that fits.
4. Hii! I'm looking for this fanfic where Wei ying got cursed or something like that. Because of that he can't see (and feel? hear?) Lan Zhan, Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, Jiang Cheng (and Jin Ling?). To break the curse they have to admit their true feelings towards him and wei ying  has to acknowledge and accept them. He thinks they all hate him, but that is obviously not the case ^^
I hope you can find it.
FOUND? See Me, Feel Me (Listening to You) by Ghost_Honey (T, 29k, wangxian, JC & WWX, LSZ  & WWX, JL & WWX, LJY & WWX, WWX pov, WWX needs a hug, and gets several, WWX’s abysmal self-esteem, emotional healing, angst, curses, JC & WWX reconciliation, hurt/comfort, cuddling)
5. Hi!!!! I'm looking for a texting fic, it's set in the regular mdzs verse (not modern, but like they just invented a version of texting) LXC is like a massive hoe in it. Please help, I'm getting desperate here, Thanks @sad-stucky-shipper-107​
FOUND? Grandmaster of Meme-onic Cultivation by Hades_the_Blingking (T, 75k, LWJ/WWX/MXY, chat fic, canon compliant, memes, polyamory, not everyone dies au)
6. Hey, I have been looking for this fic for a very very loooong time, and still unable to find it. I hope you can find it for me
Here is all the things that I remember of that fic:
- modern setting
-lwj is an actor or singer (not sure which one 🤔)
- established wwx/lwj-i think wwx is a reporter/paparazzi 
-there is a part where other reports think that lwj is dating mianmian
That's all I can remember so far. Hope you can find it 🤞@mayavsworld
7. Hi! Please help me find this fic. It was post canon. LJY night hunting with LSZ, but only LJY come back to Gusu with LSZ's head ribbon. WWX took the news hard that i think its mentioned that he fall sick after that. I think LWJ went to where the night hunt happened and kill the snake yao to at least find LSZ body to have a burial but come out empty. I think it was chaptered fic but im not sure. At near the end of the story, in LP, LSZ turn up and make JWY shocked. He than tells JWY that the snake yao didnt killed him and he get lost when he is trying to go home. Thats all i remember. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
8. a fanfic where wei ying's parents aren't married and he gets turned into a slave @lydiablackrose​
FOUND? To Be Known by kat8cha (M, 4k, LXC/JGY, pre-3zun, wangxian, mildly dubious consent, Captive Prince fusion, sex work, master/pet, something made them do it, non-con situation, emperor NMJ, WIP/discontinued)
FOUND? Leash the Wind by ladyshadowdrake (E, 71k, wangxian, LXC/JGY, NHS/JC, Captive Prince fusion, emperor LXC, fluff & angst, slow burn, dub con, extensive world building, WIP)
9. Hey, I was hoping you could help me find a wanxian fic where wei wuxian gives himself to the Lans to be cleansed from resentful energy in exchange for the Wen's safety. The wens move to cloud recesses, I think. Lan wangji uses his qin to purge the resentment and unknowingly nearly kills wei wuxian. His body starts to deteriorate back to when he had injured himself in the fall to the burial mounds.
FOUND? decay by antebunny (G, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, the fluffiest ending, Hurt/Comfort)
10. There’s a fic I can’t track down. It was a bottom Lan Wangji one. I think wwx had been fantasizing about oral sex for a while and I have a rather distinct memory of Lan Wangji sitting down next to him at his desk and sucking on his fingers. The situation may or may not have had something to do with some p0rn Huaisang sent them, my memory is very hazy :’D
11. Hello! Jealous lwj au. Wen ning and wwx are friends. wwx loves making lwj jealous because he gets railed so hard when lwj is jealous and angy. then one time it got too much, wwx suggested hugging or doing something sketchy with wen ning during a party. wwx promised wn that it'll be the last time. then lwj saw it, but sadness was seen in his face not the usual anger that wwx wants from lwj. lwj runs away from the party and lwj throws their ring. then wwx ran after him crying begging. THANK YOU! @jamebyeol-blog​
12. hello!
there was a particular fic where wei wuxian learns how to weild his sword all over again and sword fights with lan wangji under the moonlight and lam wangji is extremely turned on by it.
wei wuxian tries to pick up sword fighting and challenges lan wangji
this and any other wangxian sword fighting fic works too!! @lalalalan​
REC:  与其身后名 | immaculate by auberjing (E, 15k, wangxian, wuxia au, courtesan LWJ, angst w happy ending, revenge, pining, virgin LWJ, getting together, major illness, blood & injury, martial arts, cottagecore, ritual sex, alcohol, mutilation, near death experiences, recovery, implied/referenced torture, bottom LWJ)
13. Hi, sorry to bother, I have two requests for finding a fic. I wanted to know if anyone remembers A) a fic where A Yuan goes with Wei Wuxian to Jin Ling's A one month celebration. This someone changes the way things go. B) Also another one where A Yuan shows up with Wei Wuxian when he's discussing the Wens being prisoners so people see that there are children in the prisoners camps!! Any story where A Yuan changes things for the better before Wei Wuxian's death. Thank you, be well @monicaop21
Hi, thanks for your help but is not the fic I'm looking for, I think it was complete and I do remember A-Yuan is in Koi Tower, he arrives with Wei Wuxian there. Be well!!
Not FOUND I whatever you, I will stand by your side by Lizziewriter07 (M, 63k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Canon JC, Bitter WWX, Cultivation world Bashing, dadxian, Sexual Tension, Pining, Protective LWJ, SongXiao Get a Happy Ending, Protective WQ)
Not FOUND! The Core Issue by Hauntcats (T, 21k, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not JC Friendly, Canon Divergence)
14. Looking for a fic that was on ao3. I remember there was two versions, one where WWX was a man and another where he was a woman and he decided to fake his death I think? And leave the cultivation world behind. He/she had twin sons that were A-Yuan and Jingyi I believe and then in the end LWJ who is the father of the twins but he doesn’t know it, fakes his death and finds them by an anonymous tip *cough cough* NHS who had tried to get WWX to rejoin the cultivation world earlier when NMJ died. @bigmeatycl0ws
15. y’all are doing the gods work with this blog and this is coming from an atheist XD
anywho i’m looking for a specific fic (or was it series?) where the premise is the swords are spirits that can manifest in a human body. wwx is one such sword called suibian, as is lwj. the story starts (i think) with wwx being jc’s sword and they don’t really get along/harmonise (big surprise)
there’s some world building of a story of xxc being a self wielding sword and getting tricked by xy and either doing bad stuff and then dying or just dying.
uh it ends with wwx and lwj proving to the golden tower (the peeps that hold the swords because they’re too innocent or whatevs to be alone out in the wild) that they can handle their own. there’s a line in there about how they’re not self-wielding swords, but swords that wield each other.
wwx was previously lwj’s human under the name wwx something one or both of them forgot.
there’s some scene after about wwx meeting jc’s new sword and there being some antagonism between them (new sword throwing tantrum and wwx being chaotic but solving the problem as usual)???
think author said it was inspired slightly by touken ranbu? or some other sword person anime/game thing?
this is so detailed it’s bothering me so much but i can’t find it and i’m at the point where i’m doubting if it existed ;-; @tabbycallie​
FOUND! swords, i guess by victortor (T, 26k, wangxian, swords au, asexual character, asexual LWJ)
16. Please help me find a fic! I think it was a WWX's Parents Live fic, but I can't be sure. I remember that LQR had a good opinion of him at the start of the guest lectures. There's a scene where LQR is talking about talismans, and has WWX take out all of the talismans he has on him. WWX has a whole system set up for combat talismans in one sleeve and general use talismans in the other, and he lectures about their unique uses and value and a bunch of sect heirs get angry at him for showing them up, and I think there's a fight later? But I really don't remember much beyond that. @lewiscarrolatemybrain​
FOUND! From the Warm Sun by sunshine_sparrow (T, 58k, WangXian, CSSR & WWX, CSSR & LQR, Discussion of Rape, Period-Typical Sexism, Mostly CQL but probably some MDZS too, CSSR Lives, Madam Lán Lives, Qingheng-jun lives, But WCZ Still Dies, Fix-It, Happy Ending, All Soft and Very Little Angst, the wens live, Yīn Iron, Good Person MY, Good Person LQR) The scene with the talismans is in chapter 4.
17. Hello, thank you guys for all of your hard work! Don’t remember if this was book or cql canon but im looking for a fic where post WWX death lwj travels to another world where wwx is still alive during the cr lectures and older lwj, young WWX and young lwj end up sleeping together and then nhs comes and brings lwj back to their og world fulfill his grand plan
18. Hi! I have already asked this before but i can't remember the title again. So i am asking for your help once again.
So like, the cultivation world needs yiling laozu's help and they tried to summon him using mo xuanyu but they failed since yl Iz appeared in his own original body and not in mxy. Anyway so history repeats itself, wwx knows everybody especially lan zhan cuz he his "friend" that time. They became curious about wwx, they found his journal and he kept talking about this certain friend eventually they found out the friend's name is lan zhan lan wangji. Time skip they found out that Iwj reincarnated, he looks exactly the same as wwx's friend. Lxc said it was impossible cuz all their ancestors died because of an explosion that was caused by wwx back in the day.
There is this spefic scene, wwx kept blaming himself because he was the reasom why Iz died, ok so Iz married a woman (arranged marriage) and had child with her, wy was heartbroken and told Iz that he has feelings for him, Iz also has feelings for him, so when Iz heard that the sects will have a siege in burial mounds he went there and protected wy then something happened and the surroundings explode.
Anyway, they have come to a conclusion that wy is an immortal, he took care of Iz's child, Iz reincarnated he fought really hard to keep his body and appearance the same @hellothere9597​
I know I’ve read this one but I can’t remember the name and all the tags I think should be in there aren’t :’) ~Mod L
FOUND? Old Foreshadows by protos_metazu_ison (M, 15k, WangXian, YLLZ WWX, BAMF WWX, War, Universe Alteration, Sunshot Campaign, [Podfic] Old Foreshadows by Saint_tuesday)
19. Ok I'm looking for a fic I read years ago where we have amateur porn channel, lwj is submissive full time and wwx calls him bunny, he's the Dom in the relationship but lwj is the top. It's all lwj pov and he's alone at home and horny but holding back bc he's not allowed to cum without permission even when he's alone. Idk I'm just needing some sub lwj in my life. Thanks so much!
FOUND? The impatient rabbit by BCat13 (E, 3k, WangXian, Somnophilia, BDSM, Dom WWX, Sub LWJ, top LWJ, Bottom WWX, Soft Dom WWX, Service Sub LWJ, Bunny LWJ, Emotionally overwhelmed LWJ, Breeding Kink, Exhibitionism, Art)
20. ​hey! can anyone help me find this wangxian fic set in the burial mounds days where jgs (?) found this one artifact that would enable him to see inside of the burial mounds, called a meeting with all the sects and everyone saw that they were harmless or something among those lines, thanks!
FOUND? A Step in the Wrong Direction by pupeez4eva (Not rated, 4k, wangxian, canon divergence, humor, everyone realizes WWX and the wens are innocent, the Jins have a lot of answering to do, JGS pov)
FOUND? Through A Looking Glass by Purplepulu (Not rated, 21k, wangxian, canon divergence, Families of Choice, Wēn Remnants Live, Fix-It of Sorts, Creepy JGS, JZX Tries, Cultivators with One brain cell, Crack Treated Seriously, Humor, Angst w Happy Ending, Oblivious WWX, Pining LWJ, Matchmaker LXC, Mastermind NHS, Traumatized A-Yuan, Fluff, NMJ Lives, Soft NMJ, BAMF WWX, POV LXC, POV JGS, Protective JYL, JZN Being an Asshole, Everyone Lives au, Except for JZN, Good Sibling JC)
FOUND? Revealing Truth by DreamNightmare (G, 2k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It)
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royal-ruin · 10 months
red, white, and royal blue (rwrb) fic recs (part 4)
other rwrb fic recs here other fic recs here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
since the first 3 were well-liked, here are a few more of my favs.
*Turning of the Season by indomitablelove (~5k)
‘What’s going on, Philip?’ And then, Philip slumps. His head falls into his hands and his back curls in on itself, his palms cover his face and he pinches at the bridge of his nose. When he looks up at Henry again, he looks like a different man, broken. ‘I have to know,’ he says quietly. Henry's brow furrows. ‘I have to know who it was,’ Philip says. A few weeks after the emails, Henry and Philip talk, and Henry looks forward.
it broke my heart most how philip was henry's enemy in the book, i just wanted some wholesome sibling feels (bea's the absolute best!), so this is a little fix-it, i guess. post-canon btw.
Redemption by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays (~3.5k)
Bea sighed. She looked just like how Philip felt: drained, angry, and exhausted. ”What if you had never been allowed to marry Martha?” She asked. “What if you’d been forced to sneak around, and suddenly, in spite of how hard you worked to keep it quiet, you’re both in a load of trouble for it, and everyone is screaming at you, and she is crying to you and you can’t even comfort her because you’re still not allowed? How do you think you’d feel then?” Philip was silent for a long, long moment. Bea gave him one more glance as she opened the door to the dining room. ”Read the e-mails, Philip. And try to understand.” Or, Philip says some very bad things, does some very bad things, reads the e-mails, and finally, finally, finally understands.
another philip does better fic. warning for homophobia at the beginning, please please please always read the tags.
I can't breathe, if you're not there by softcinnamonroll (~2k)
One moment, Alex was laughing at some joke Henry had made, and then the next there was a loud noise from the TV and the livestream cut out, leaving Alex alone in their dark living room. At first, Alex was sure there had just been a power cut, or some technical difficulties that caused the stream to cut out, but then the messages and BREAKING NEWS notifications started pouring in.  BREAKING NEWS: Explosion at Prince Henry of Wales Charity Event. Casualties Unknown.
read the tags please, it has some things that may be triggering.
Powerless by floatingaway4 (~3k)
“Do you know what I’ve had to put up with in the last twelve hours?”    Henry wants to point out that in that same twelve hours he’s had his body sliced open and an organ removed, but this doesn’t seem to be the time. He also got to sleep through his experience, while Alex was very much awake while dealing with Henry’s family. And Henry got the nice drugs, while Alex looks like he could use a drink.
sex ed in 6 steps by coffeecatsme (~9k)
“Please tell me you used a condom, Fox,” Alex drawls out, leaning against the wall, and Henry chokes on his next breath. “Excuse me?”  “You’re gonna tell me all about this tomorrow, but for the love of God, tell me you used a condom and we won’t have mini Henrys on campus anytime soon.” Or, 5 times Alex thinks Henry's straight and 1 time he finds out the truth.  Or, 5 times Alex jokes about Henry's sex life and 1 time he gets to be a part of it.
college au where they are roommates and alex is oblivious.
Let's Finish What We've Started by andrealyn (~16k)
When Alex fell in love with Henry, his dreams changed into something new -- still bright, still exciting. Eight years on, Alex is running for the Senate and taking those steps to achieve those dreams, but something feels off in his marriage and Alex can't really explain if it's in his head or whether he and Henry actually have a problem. In the midst of a busy campaign, eager to show Texas what he can do, Alex also has to ask himself -- is it all worth it if Henry isn't at his side?
future fic.
If you feel the way I do by everwitch (~2k)
It's apparently true, what they say about soulmates. Once your sixteenth birthday has passed and you find yourself in their presence, close enough for your soulbond to come alive, you'll be able to feel it. You'll simply know. Henry knows, all right. He opens his eyes, his heart beating madly in his chest as he looks across the cafeteria. His gaze is drawn to a presence that he can feel so completely, now, almost like it's become part of himself, like a piece he's been missing. He blinks, slowly, as he meets the wide eyes of another boy. It's Alex Claremont-Diaz. Henry's breath hitches. Fuck. Oh, fuck.
high school soulmate au, it's super cute.
*she's a (rock & roll survivor) by loyaulte_me_lie (~3k)
"Good for you," Stevie Nicks says, "the world needs more rock and roll princesses." // the (un)making of Beatrice Fox Mountchristen Windsor.
BEA NEEDS MORE SCREEN TIME. tell me why this had me sobbing at 1 pm. i adored her before, but this fic made her so heartbreakingly human, i can't help but love her now.
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ghaniblue · 10 months
Red, White & Royal Blue, Alex/Henry. 280 words of post-canon brownstone domestic fluff
Henry is unreasonably fascinated by domestic chores. He makes Alex show him how the dishwasher works and what all the buttons on the washing machine do. Henry carries around a little notebook with all his newfound knowledge. 
Henry has almost mastered the stove. He's graduated from merely boiling water for pasta to his first actual meal (and it was only slightly burned). Alex cleaned his plate just to see Henry's pleased little grin and head duck.
Alex watches Henry discover all the everyday tasks of regular humans with an indulgent smile (and only mild ribbing). He figures this is what happens when you grow up in a palace with a twenty-to-one staff-to-prince ratio: you develop a fascination with hoovering.
Laundry is still a little dicey. Alex walks into more than one class in a t-shirt that did not originally come in that color. 
He likes the way Henry's eyes linger on him when he wears the shorts Henry shrank in the wash. He feels a bit like a pressed sausage in them, but they make his ass look magnificent. Alex tried doing yoga in them once because that would surely result in a spectacular orgasm, but his downward dog turned into a face-planting octopus very quickly when he lost circulation in his lower body. 
Alex only wears the shorts around the house (because they truly are indecent), and he may be bending over more than is strictly necessary. It's worth the pain of a pinched midsection when Henry shoves him against the wall in the hallway with an agonized groan, calling him a demon and a terrible person while sucking biting kisses down his neck and fumbling with his zipper. 
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Uneasy Lies the Head: Chapter 7
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Uneasy Lies the Head
Rating: Explicit Chapters: 7/15
Fandom: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Explicit Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox, Shaan/Zahra, Nora/Pez, Martha/Philip Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox (and all his movie verse names), and Characters Who Appeared in the Movie (maybe some who didn't). Post Movie: Red White & Royal Blue (2023), Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Kinky sex, Happy Sex, Lots of Sex, A whole lot of Plot, hurt with lots of comfort and support, Angst, Indomitable love, Discussions of Homophobia, Emotional fallout from being outed, detailed discussions of cancer, Discussions of Death, Grief, book and movie combined where possible, Discussions of Depression, References to Drug Use, Post-Movie, Post book-ish, Movie verse, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon Summary: After the election, Henry and Alex retreat from the public eye as much as they’re allowed while they deal with the emotional consequences of their forced outing. Amidst the challenges they face because of the Crown’s lackluster public response of support, they try to make plans for the future they want to have while obligations and unexpected events get in the way. They must be one another’s most significant support. At the same time, they navigate through the following years of their lives with new friendships, the stress of familial relationships, and all the changes on the horizon.
Chapter 7
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henryfoxlovebot · 6 months
i finally finished reading red white and royal blue and … i’m in love all over again. i’m looking for new +18 roleplay partners! i’m super lenient, i’m good with playing as either alex or henry!
i have a few ideas, i’m def in the mood for something christmas themed 🧎‍♀️
if you’d be interested, please message me and we can discuss before moving to discord :))
if you’d like, you can also like this post and i’ll reach out to you!
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kiwiana-writes · 4 months
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024 - kiwiana
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The browsing period is officially open for @fandomtrumpshate and I'm offering THREE items this year!
Fanfic, up to 5k, Red White & Royal Blue OR Schitt's Creek OR The Pairing, any rating
Podfic, 10-20k (with a bit of flexibility at the upper end if we chat about it), Red White & Royal Blue, any rating
Fanfic, 10-20k, Red White & Royal Blue, any rating
If you have a specific kink in mind or are looking for something that might require an archive warning, come chat to me before bidding—happy to talk it through, I’m pretty open to most things whether I've previously written them (in this fandom or another) or not, but want to make sure I can deliver for you before you bid.
If you want to use this to get me to finish a WIP you know about I’m also open to that, but again come talk to me first as I have more flexibility on the direction/length of some of those than others, and I want you to get something that’s for YOU.
Also, the two RWRB-only auctions are for the same fandom and word length, and yes this DOES mean that if you win both auctions I'm happy to write you a fic AND record it for you, and can post those either together or staggered.
For RWRB, I'm happy to write either book!verse or movie!verse but I don't combine them—this is very much a me thing, I get way too caught up in my own head if I have to try to merge multiple canons. So if you want June or Liam or Rafael (my beloveds) I'm afraid you can't also have Miguel... or an Alex that's over six feet tall 🤣 Unless you specifically tell me otherwise it'll be book!verse just because that's what I'm more familiar with, but I'm more than down to write in the movie world.
Bidding opens March 5th and closes March 9th, but you can browse both my offers and everyone else's now!
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firstprince-ao3feed · 26 days
the altar is my hips (we might get away with it)
by theprinceandagcd “We’re in a hallway in the White House,” Henry whispers fiercely, but a small whine slips past his lips as Alex starts stroking him, pure cotton material soft under Alex’s fingertips and contrasting the pronounced ridge of Henry's length underneath it. “In the residence, with us being the only ones staying on this side tonight,” Alex tells him, continuing his ministrations and grinning at the feeling of Henry hardening in his grip. “The closest secret service agents are on the other side of that door—” He jerks his head to his left. “—and around the corner at the bottom of this staircase. As long as you or I don’t sound like we’re in mortal peril, they’ll stay exactly where they are.” Henry swallows, and Alex has to bite back the temptation to follow the movement with his fucking teeth. “Right.” “So.” Alex tugs the elastic of Henry’s shorts down enough to pull his cock out. “Can you avoid sounding like you’re dying, your highness?” --- Or, what I've affectionately coined "blasphemous staircase smut" :) Words: 3699, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, there's plot if you squint, Semi-Public Sex, the white house walls have probably seen worse, Explicit Sexual Content, Blow Jobs, Fluff and Smut, Blasphemy, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, i'm going to hell if anyone wants to ride shotgun via https://ift.tt/Ea3SVNq
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mrsbsmooth · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @rebelrayne! @longbobmckenzie tagged me in the body of hers too so I’ll take it.
How many works do you have on ao3?
82 right now, but I’ve orphaned a few recently
What’s your total ao3 word count?
1,220,982. I’ve got about another 30-40k words in WIP documents right now, so almost one-amd-a-quarter million words 😨
What fandoms do you write for?
Love Island the Game, Too Hot to Handle game, Harry Potter (Dramione exclusive), Romance Club (Heaven’s Secret)
Top five fics by Kudos
Tell Me What You Want (HP)
This Time, I’m Serious
Kinktober 2022
TIL that my Harry Potter fic has overtaken TTIS even though TTIS has more hits.
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! There were a few on TTIS I missed that it would be awkward to reply to because it was so long ago, but I make a point of trying to reply to every comment.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The only sad ending I’ve ever written was the first chapter of Jaded which was originally done as a oneshot.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Welcome To Racers. They got the whole shebang. Love me a happily ever after.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not recently. I’ve had hate for my portrayals of Alex, Lucas, and Suresh. But I haven’t had any nasty anon comments in ages which is lovely.
Do you write smut?
Yeah it's kinda my thing.
Craziest crossover:
I don’t know if I’ve done many crossovers… maybe Bruno and Miri Make a Porno or All I Want for Christmas is You which is a hetero take on Red White and Royal blue?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I think I would probably die of happiness.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I HAVE! All’s Fair in Casa Amor was written with my beautiful friends @i-boop-you and @crimswnred !!!!!!
All time favourite ship?
Dramione (new fave) but for LITG? Hard question because our fandom is so built around an MC. But with two canon characters? I secretly love a Bruno/Valentina. Also love Hope/Lucas. They just WORK.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It’s gotta be Recovery. I have the whole thing planned in my head but I just have no motivation to write it at all. Other than that, I don’t see myself finishing Famous Last Words any time soon. If I was going to finish it I’d take it down and rewrite it to make it fully OF.
What are your writing strengths?
Smut probably, I’m not bad at it. I feel like my narrative pacing is alright, and my prose is decent despite it being really inconsistent.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I rely too much on dialogue. I miss all the little body language bits leading up to an important line that could take it from an ‘aww that’s sad’ to a ‘holy fuck I’m sobbing’. Luckily I have wonderful beta’s who help me with this.
But more than anything, characterisation. Forming a fully fleshed out character before I start the story. I struggle with it. I’ve always felt like I’m more of a storyteller, (a plot person) more than a deep dive into a character’s psyche kind of person. I love reading character driven stories though, but I think it’s something that comes with writing experience. I haven’t actually been writing for that long and I think I’m getting better at it, but it’s still a weak point.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I sometimes forget that people don’t like this. I LOVE it. I do try and use it sparingly though. It’s so nice to see a character conversing with someone in their native language. I try and put the English dialogue in brackets or italics unless it's rather clear what they're saying (like swearing).
First fandom you wrote in?
Favourite fic you've written?
I, like Sarah, absolutely hate this question. My fics are my children. I like some of them more than others, though (I never claimed to be the world's best mother). But I love them for different reasons.
I love Welcome to Racers because it was my first AU. I loved The Only Two Things because I got to create an entire world, an entire city for my characters (Yes I'm aware Waterford, Ireland is a real place but God, I loved that story so much). TT,IS was the first fic I started and it gave me the friends I have today and the amount of people who tell me it's S4 canon just makes my whole life. Jaded was something different. It was a challenge to myself and I'm so proud of it. Unhealthy has been the most difficult to write, but it's also pushed me the hardest in my development of characters. FLW has been so much fun because I get to dive back into my music roots, urghhhhhh. Love.
I don't care if it's narcissistic. I re-read my fics on a regular basis. They're perfectly tailored to my taste. I love doing a nice re-read and sprinkling in a few extra details with liberal use of the edit button. If there was someone who knew my fics as well as I did, they'd get something a little bit different on every read. Might just be a line or two, might be a thought or a reaction, but I love to add and tweak and tinker with them all.
tagging: @i-boop-you @crimswnred @ellegreenwxy @tammyisobsessedwith @operationnope @sparxaf @eskiix
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pacinglikeghosts · 10 months
cmq characters' signature scents (because im insufferable)
inspired by me finding out that casey assigned their book four characters signature scents back in may and i completely missed it. these are not their signature fragrances (except alex and henry and kind of shara), but rather what fragrances would smell most like them.
alex claremont-diaz (red, white, and royal blue) - canonically santal 33 by le labo but also skins x vilhelm by vilhelm parfumerie for a bit more depth
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i know what the movie said. i think santal 33 is boring and basic. skins x vilhelm feels to me like an elevated version of santal 33 with a bit more depth and dimension, so it could perhaps be his more "adult" scent once he's a lawyer or what have you.
henry fox-mountchristen-windsor (red, white, and royal blue) - bois marocain by tom ford
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also a basic take, but hear me out!! i originally had henry with tobacco vanille, but it pulls kind of vanilla-y and sweet. i think he'd lean for something classic and understated but slightly different (which is where the pink peppercorn comes in, since it has a nice balance of spicy and floral), while still being palatable for the general public. it also has a similar core as santal 33 in the virginia cedar, which may have been how he recognized it on alex. he may have worn it before and moved on, and kept the base of virginia cedar.
august landry (one last stop) - good girl glorious gold by carolina herrera
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i actually have a fragrance in the mail as we speak that really fits the pancakes aspect of august's scent, but she canonically uses lemon soap, so i had to include it! ols is my favorite of the three published novels, and august is my everything, so picking out scents for her and jane was such a labor of love for me.
reminder, this is not the scent august uses (she doesn't have time for perfume while she's solving the mysteries of her sexy subway girlfriend!), but rather what she just smells like. at the core, i wanted lots of sweet notes, because her pancake aroma never wears off, but also coffee for the long nights spent on the train and coffee tits and citrus for her soap.
jane su (one last stop) - kasbah by 19-69
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to quote august herself, "jane is spun sugar. a switchblade girl with a cotton-candy heart." so, i had to reflect that. leather and sugar, with a bit of oranges (electricity not included). finding a fragrance that had leather, orange, and sugar notes (of any variety) was near impossible, so if y'all will forgive me for using honey, i had to go with the second best option.
again, she isn't going out and buying this fragrance. kind of hard to do so when you're stuck in a time loop. this is just the essence of jane, so to speak, if it were to be bottled up into a fragrance.
chloe green (i kissed shara wheeler) - dodo (2020) by zoologist
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i wanted a weird girl dark academia perfume and it was not coming up with my existing notes so this is what i settled on. in my head for chloe i was not picturing her as wearing fragrances, but rather having a permanent scent of either coffee or tea and then some weird ass linger scent like blood or dirt or something.
obviously, this is not really that, but i think the brand zoologist itself has that very vibe (go take a look, their stuff is cool as hell). dodo is kind of in the middle of ultra weird and tame with their stuff, and i think it fits the vibe i'm sort of going for. chloe also mentions in one chapter that one of her favorite smells is when one of her moms brought home fresh cilantro, so herbal notes felt appropriate.
shara wheeler (i kissed shara wheeler) - dilis classic collection no. 21 by dilis parfum
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shara canonically wears lilac body spray and vanilla-mint lip gloss, so i took those notes and ran with it. this is like a more nuanced version of what shara would smell like, with things like pepper and cedar grounding a very floral scent. when it dries down, it's vanilla and cedar based, rather than the lilac everyone expects from shara, creating the idea and imagery that she's not exactly what everyone thinks she is.
i hope y'all enjoyed getting a look into what my brain is like on a daily basis! i love fragrance and talking about it and especially love attaching it to fictional characters since i think it says so much about them and their personality. maybe i'll fuck around and do more characters but i wanted to do the main romances? kind of? from each of the three.
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its-all-ineffable · 10 months
Red, White & Royal Blue tumblr... how would we feel about a Henry & Philip centric fic?🤔
Cause I've re-read the book and Philip starts to try and be better. I don't think he's a complete dick like the Queen (or the King in the movie), and I think, especially in the book, a lot of his thoughts and opinions are just him regergutating what he's been taught.
I personally head canon that he had a good relationship with Henry & Bea once, likely before their father got ill and Philip got essentially brain-washed by his gran (or grandad in the movie). Like not the most amazing but still pretty good.
And I think it's obvious in the book that he does care. And idk, I was having feelings about Philip doing better and making amends and trying and I kinda wanna write about it. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Not sure wether I'd set the fic in the book-verse or movie-verse, probably the book-verse since we get to see him try and be better. But idk.
What do you think guys? Is it worth writing?
Let me know!😁
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If this made you feel any sort of way for even a moment. Anger, sadness, confusion. I would like to address that Hollywood loves to erase minority ethnicities whenever they can, because many don’t see it as the problem that it is.
This is fake. But you know what isn’t fake?
Daisy Edgar-Jones playing Jewish icon Carole King in an upcoming biopic.
Rachel Hilson playing Jewish Nora Holleran in the upcoming Amazon Prime Studios’ Red, White & Royal Blue.
Rachel Sennott in Shiva Baby.
Rachel Brosnahan in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
4/6 of the Goldbergs in ABC’s Jewish-family sitcom The Goldbergs.
(Just to name a few from the top of my head.)
Jews are a minority ethnicity, as well as followers of Judaism.
Jews are also one of the only minorities to never be treated as such in the eyes of the film and television industry. No other ethnicity would be played by someone not of that group in the year 2023, yet it’s happening almost weekly with Jewish characters and non-Jewish actors.
The erasure of any ethnicity is wrong. So when will people finally understand that erasing canonically Jewish characters or people, or actively searching out non-Jews, or relying on Jew-face is wrong? This erasure is so ingrained in society that most people don’t even notice it happening, but it is, and it’s wrong.
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