#redwood ramble run
genuflectx · 4 months
Apostles of Mercy Spoilers (Review)
I was very excited to start reading Apostles of Mercy after waiting so long!! I enjoyed it, but I also have some mixed feelings about chunks of the book. I'm going to attempt to write about it without my thoughts rambling on too long, so here we go...
Each book has gotten bigger; book one focuses on Cora and Ampersand, with one POV character. Book two expands to the ramifications of ETIs becoming public, but still has a heavy focus on Cora and Ampersand with an added bonus of Nikola and Kaveh, so it has two POV characters. Book three is the conclusion to the personhood debate and introduces the third alien species, has a very small focus on Cora and Ampersand, and has three POV characters.
Firstly, I have to admit while there were parts of AOM that I enjoyed a lot, there were also large chunks and chapters I found to be a bit dull to trudge through, or even bureaucratic, particularly Sol's POV. Much of the parts I did not quite care for were characters flitting from point A to point B and talking about how they will be flitting from point A to point B. Additionally, I did not always care for the dialogue that took a similar vein; there was a lot of explaining, a lot of matter-o-fact exchanges, but no particularly scene of dialogue really stood out as iconic in the way some of the scenes from prior books did.
I guess, put simply, there was not a lot of distinctive imagery that captured me and large parts of the dialogue fell flat. Book one has iconic scenes in the desert, the scene with Cora standing still in the woods staring Ampersand down for the first time. Book two has the metaphor scene and the redwoods scene. But in book three things move so fast and there are so many locations, I cannot think of any one scene that stood out as making me think "damn that's cool as shit" when I read it. The closest thing might be Nik shielding Paris in the cave, or Paris running through a minefield, but that still didn't evoke the same wow-factor.
Onto the characters!! Paris is the newest to join the roster, and is one of the new POV characters. While I like Paris, and I'm glad my predictions of her carrying on to be Nikola's friend were correct, sadly the majority of her time was spent as a prisoner. I really liked the beginning where she was getting to know Nik and a few of the scenes with her and the sister-species, but most of her chapters were very... meh. Which was disappointing. I think what made some of her chapters meh was her lack of meaningful relationships after her fight with Cora. She talks to the juveniles, but she does not make friends with one. She has Nik translate for her, but they do not get to know each other on a deep, personal level, not the way Cora did with Ampersand nor the way Kaveh did with Nik. Her reunion with Cora is short lived despite the lengths Cora went to find her, and then their relationship is dusted away. What's left is Nik, who declares he wishes to keep her- potentially to be her symphyle- after so little emotional development occurred during her capture. It was a surprise and a little sudden to me, but I guess I can't complain about weird alien/human romance. Though, it did not feel nearly organic enough for my tastes.
Sol is the next new POV character. While I was glad to get to know more about him seeing as he's been around since book one, I couldn't tell you a thing I learned about him, other than he has legitimately cruel habits by making Cora uncomfortable (what boiled down to a form of sexual assault, wahoo). Otherwise, I didn't really like his chapters very much. There really is not much else to say about him. His chapters are means to an end, but I did like his ending, cliche as it was. Cliche isn't always bad, and sometimes you really do just want to see a douchebag get all their bones broken and cry. A like Sol as a character, just... not reading the majority of his chapters.
Lastly, Cora remains as a POV character, though to a much lesser extent than the other books. Cora is the most interesting to me, which makes me sad how little we get of her. She shattered into a million pieces along with Ampersand in the last book, and here she is a year later having built herself back up. Yeah, built herself up with walls. And I love it. She still has human empathy, or at least sympathy, but she and Ampersand have fallen into a much more natural relationship flow, which for them of course means a dynamic that any healthy human couple would balk at. Cora is beneath him, but he will still listen to her. And, with high language, he clearly wanted to have it so he could understand her better (and maybe in the future vice versa), because he probably knew he was often being a shitty partner for a human. But you can't fix what you don't understand. Ampersand being softer and helping people because she wants him to, Cora being filled with a murderous, alien fury, just... chef's kiss. And why not? Why shouldn't they take over the world instead of a violent, gun-slinging military government? 🤔 Would it really be any worse?
And damn, finally, Ampersand understands what human sex is like, and even implied he would be willing to satisfy his partner, but alas. No weird alien sex in this book. Lame.
Outside of POV characters, we get to know a few juveniles of the sister-species, but I wish we had gotten to know them even more. Most of their interaction with Paris felt more like it was there for plot only, she doesn't really form a bond with them. And Nik is, much to my disappointment, a glorified alien language translator for about 75% of the time. But damn, am I glad he came to his senses after getting all his power back. Realizing that maybe he didn't need death yet, he just needed to mend his relationship to his last living partner, and that might be enough for him until they finally could die together. And Kaveh- he remains a ghost among all the characters, still haunting their thoughts and feelings. I loved Cora's send off for him at the end, and how she took down her ass of a father. That was very satisfying.
There are some parts of the book I thought were meh, or didn't 100% make sense, or there was too much of or not enough. But overall it's still a solid book. I have a hard time imagining myself re-reading this one over and over like I have the other two, though. Getting through the chapters I find dreary during a 2nd read sounds like not much fun, but then I'd end up skipping through quite a lot of the book.
I could write more, particularly about the relationships (or lack of) but this would get incredibly long. So... that's it! Apostles of Mercy!! Will there be a forth, or all five? I hope so... but I guess this is a tidy conclusion if not, except that they never boned (and it would also be cool to have the Superorganism contact humans too).
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Ight, here is some stuff on my Pokémon fan game I’m working on!
(know this is all very basic and early stuff, so things will be added and changed)
Pokémon Cardinal
It takes place in the Taylos region. You, your childhood friends ,Cassidy, a rich girl down the block, and Kasen, a petty thief, set off on your journey from Pineshade town to become the best there ever was. The region is themed around compasses and directions
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(VERY rough early map)
Here are some of the badges: (I need to finish the last two)
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The Fist Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Mallory, it is for Pineshade’s fighting gym. Mallory runs a dojo in her gym. She is calm and playful.
The Quartz Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Hadrian, it is for Quarmine’s Ground gym. Hadrian is a mineral miner. He is stern and harsh.
The Shamrock Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Trix, it is for Westwood’s bug gym. Trix is a historian who studies the cities connection to mythicals. He is kind and sarcastic.
The Lunar Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Pheona, it is for Sprieis’ fairy gym. Pheona keeps the moon pond in the center of their town. She is airy and calm.
The Gear Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Lyren, it is for Chartrose’s flying gym. Lyren is a famous model. He is flamboyant and cocky.
The Stalactite Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Cyro, it is for Glazeport’s ice gym. Cyro is a figure-skater who performs with their Pokémon. They are cold and rude.
The Shadow Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Zoe, it is for Duskslade’s dark gym. Zoe is a park ranger for powerful Pokémon. She is sweet and unnerving.
The Smog Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Arthur, it is for Eastvilln’s poison gym. Arthur runs a casino. He is charming and greedy.
The elite four are trusted members of the four main cities that on top of being the top trainers, are guardians for the 4 Poles. The 4 Poles are sites outside of the four main towns that have intense amounts of magnetic energy causing Pokémon to gain odd abilities. Conners: The Bird of Pyro - Conners is the Fire Elite 4 member. He protects Northshire Cliff. No one is quite sure what he does in his off time, but it seems important. He is cold and calculating, taking not time for anything frivolous. His ace is Talonflame.
Orchid: The Root of Shadows - Orchid is the Grass Elite 4 member. They protects Westwood Hollow. They is a rehabilitor for hurt grass types. They are very shy and uncertain of themself, but there is rumors that something much stronger is under the surface. Their ace is Decidueye.
Seanne: The Crashing Seafoam - Seanne is the water type Elite 4 member. She protects Southry Cove. She is the beaches head lifeguard. While she can be a lot to handle, you’re always in for a good, adventurous time if you can keep up. Her ace is Milotic.
Zyla: The Crackling Wires - Zyla is the electric type Elite 4 member. She protects Eastvilln Factory. She is an electrician, fixing anything other deem to dangerous. She is eccentric and bouncey, seen as cooky to some, but it is a mistake to underestimate her. Her ace is Eelectross.
Professor Redwood is the regions professor, her lab located in Southry City. She studies the magnetic phenomena at the 4 Poles. She is a kind but seemingly disconnected woman, seemingly unconcerned with anything besides her research.
Champion Pheonix is one of the most remarkably powerful trainers of the day, despite using mostly normal types. He is abrasive and intense, putting everything into what he does. If you can see past the prickly exterior, he is a good man, with a good heart. Though, as rumors of legendary citings and cheating allegations, he has pulled back, only staying in the League Mannor.
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Dangerous individuals have been spotted near the Four Poles. They call themselves Team Polarity, the only thing know about them is that they are lead by a man named Markus and that their goal is to “Make the Taylos region the most prosperous region.”
AND THATS IT. Thanks for reading all my ramblings
(@friendball-irl @aerial-aceing-it @new-and-stupid-trainer @unovan-businesswoman-angie y’all wanted it so here ya go lol)
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jockbrannigan · 10 months
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Not everyone's an asshole
Maya and Jock catch up with each other at the Redwood Prom.
-Honestly, Jock was overwhelmed. This whole night had been a risk for him and he was still undecided if it had been worth it or not. He had gotten to hang out with Mayra again and meet new people like Vi and Vivienne but all the good stuff was overshadowed by Zack and his stinky, violent attitude.-
-The temptation to run home was strong and honestly, Jock didn't think he had the will to fight it off. So he started to leave the prom. That was until he spotted Maya. Despite still wanting to get home as soon as possible, the part of his brain in charge of fighting against his agoraphobia and anxiety took over and directed him towards the familiar and friendly face.-
"Hey Maya. You OK? You having fun?"
Maya Cho
-Maya had wandered off to the bathroom and was on her way back to the party when Jock spotted her. She smiled and gave him a wave as she met him halfway.- Hey, Jock. Yeah, I'm alright. How about you? Honestly I'm surprised you came to something like this.
"Yeah, I surprised myself with this one!"
-Jock looks around nervously-
"Hey, so, be honest: not everyone here is a complete jerk, right?"
Maya Cho
-Maya notices how he's looking around and looks around with him- No, not everyone here is a jerk. Why? What happened?
"I might have found a not so friendly person. And by 'I might have', I mean I did."
Maya Cho
-Maya wondered if it was the same guy who had scared her- Who was it? What did he look like?
"Some dude called Zack. Tall, would be handsome if he wasn't so fucking sour, dark sandy hair. Sound familiar?"
Maya Cho
-it wasn't the guy, then. At least that was one guy to scrub off the list- No, can't say I've met him, but now I know to steer clear of anyone named Zack. What happened?
-Jock scratches the back of his neck and then shakes his head. He feels like he's already been over this enough times for one night-
"I pissed him off so he pushed me around. Pinned me to the floor at one point. I'm fine. Shaken, not stirred, you know?"
Maya Cho
Yeah, I know that way too well. -She realizes what she just said- I had a guy here corner me and attack me in the Laundromat.
-His eyes go wide as the realisation hits him. Before he can ask about it, Maya is filling in some of the details. He frowns.-
"I thought the Council vetted everyone here. You telling me they let in not just one but two psycho assholes? Are you OK? Dumb question, I get it, but are ya? OK, I mean?"
Maya Cho
They do....vet, I mean. But I guess psycho assholes know how to beat the system. -it was a good question- I'm better now, but I'm still a little shaken. I've been staying with Alex because I don't feel safe at home by myself, so that helps.
"Man, I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's good you've got Alex to help you through it. Things going good with him, I take it?"
Maya Cho
Yeah. I mean, we're just friends, of course. But he's a good guy. What about you? Make any friends yet?
-He raises one sceptical eyebrow at her in the wake of the 'just friends' comment but he doesn't push it any further. If it was his business, Maya would've told him the additional details.-
"I'm working on that, I swear. I mean, that's the whole point of me coming here, right? Meet new people, put faces to names or whatever."
-He cringes over his rambling and the too fresh memory of Zack looming over him-
Maya Cho
Well, I'm proud of you for coming out. I'm just sorry you had to experience an asshole. But I guess the world is still full of them.
"Not everyone's an asshole. You're not an asshole, for example."
Maya Cho
-Maya smiled as she gently nudged Jock with her fist- Aww, thanks Jock. You're not too bad yourself.
-He gives her a wide grin, a genuine one too-
"Thanks. My ego needed to hear that!"
Maya Cho
You are very welcome. I am glad to feed your ego.
-His cheeks flush a little and he scratches the back of his neck for a moment.-
"Hey, so I know you said you have Alex but if you ever want to stay with me- wait, no. My place is tiny. So if you ever want me to stay with you, I can do that. Say if Alex can't for whatever reason, I can be the back-up, you know?"
Maya Cho
-Maya notices his blush and she laughs a little as she nudges him- You're so sweet. But do you mean that? I already owe you for that one Winter....
"I wouldn't say if I didn't mean it. Plus you promised me a tattoo in return for that one Winter. Maybe now you can owe me two!"
Maya Cho
If I can get a working tattoo needle and ink and everything, I will give you as many tattoos as you want. -she gave him a smile- You are amazing, Jock. Thank you. Can I hug you?
"I could get a sleeve tattoo!"
-He laughs softly before his cheeks fully flush as she praises him. He nods in reply to her question and he opens his arms out to her-
"Yeah, you can hug me!"
Maya Cho
-Her smile gets huge as she leans in and hugs him tightly- See, now I'm extra proud of you. I'm glad you found your way here.
-Jock returns the hug and grins at her-
"I'm glad you're here too. Makes this whole experience much easier to face."
Maya Cho
Well, I'm glad I could help by just being here. -she lets go- Maybe I should stop by one of these days and check out your place. Maybe work on that sleeve of yours.
"Yeah, I'd love that! I can make you tea, I have a kettle and everything. You're welcome over any time."
Maya Cho
I am going to hold you to that, so don't come complaining to me when I show up randomly
"You get a pass because you're my tattoo artist. It's very exclusive!"
0 notes
nothingbutbark · 5 years
day three! this seems kind of fucked up, for me, personally
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The deer forest is west, north-west. The fastest way there would be to cut right through the southern human territories, though it's likely among the most dangerous. It's the obvious path to take.
“Humour me,” he says, not looking up. “What path would you take, if you were doing this alone?”
After a moment or two's hesitation, Sylvan traces a path through the southern human territories, though he stays away from the population centres.
Kirai hums. He thought so.  Anyone who knew Sylvan would have likely been able to predict that, so they'll have to do something unpredictable.
It would have been impossible to predict Kirai getting caught up in this, and there's nothing about their fight that suggests a wolf was involved, so they'll have to do something Kirai would do. Something a little reckless, maybe.
He traces a line from their current position, one that heads more north than west—leading right through wolf territory.  
Sylvan startles, and blanches. “That's wild land. We'd never—”
Kirai's head snaps up and he snarls. “That's wolf territory.”
Sylvan at least seems to recognise that he's within throat-tearing-out range, because he fights a grimace, and leans back an inch. “We would never make it through,” he finishes, quieter.
Kirai really is going to tear his throat out if he keeps doing this. He shuts his eyes, takes a deep breath—think of the consequences think of the consequences think of the consequences—and forces his fangs to go back to looking at least kind of human. He exhales, and ignores Sylvan to look back down at the map.
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vaspider · 2 years
I just wanted to let you know that your vids of seeing the redwoods for the first time are honestly so pure that I can't help but laugh WITH you when I watch them.
Pure is not meant in a condescending way, but...you're legit excited and awed and speaking from the moment and it's infectious. I've had that laughing/swearing/holy shit what the fuck is this?! experience a few times. Being Dutch and from the really flat bits, mountains and hills are still magical. Like, the world goes UP by that much? Or DOWN? What the shit is up with that? Is that even allowed? I will happily (well...) walk into trees because I'm too busy tracking a bird or a butterfly or a cool looking insect.
Nature is cool. So is the world and people. Sorry, I'm rambling. Just...thank you for sharing your joy with us.
You are welcome.
For a long time, I really tried to be like... cool, you know? And growing up in the 90s, being cool was not caring about things. Being disaffected. Not getting emotionally into things.
Even now, people describe others who really enjoy things -- genuinely get passionate about the stuff they're into -- as "cringe," if those things are not "cool enough" things.
And honestly? That is so fucking boring, and it's the worst way to live your life.
The world is incredible and beautiful, and it's more and more threatened every day. Yes, I'm going to freak out about how beautiful those trees are -- they're older than every modern nation! They're incredible! They're threatened!
Maybe it's because I'm getting older and I'm realizing that at some point in the next ... five... years or so at the most, I'm going to pass the halfway point in my life, if I haven't already passed it, so I can't sit here pretending that life isn't fucking amazing, because I'm running out of it. Whatever the reason, this life is my life, and I'm going to enjoy it as much as possible, even if people on the internet think I'm not 'cool' for doing so.
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narabea06 · 2 years
So a lot of people wanted more of the Fateful Family AU, so alright, here's more info on it-
- Percy had no idea Molly was her niece until she stopped by the toy store after the stuff at the museum and met her dad. She was very upset at Martin for cutting contact, but Martin just shrugged it off and ignored her basically
- Everyone knows "Gio" is actually Giovanni, except for Percy. Percy has said that he looked and sounded familiar, but every time that happened, everyone changed the subject. Sylvie is so close to just revealing who Giovanni is, but decided not to for Molly's sake
- Sylvie's bio mom was never really a great mom, and sorta was a tough love type of mom, and Sylvie ended up distancing from her a lot as he got older
- Molly's bedroom and Sylvie's office are right next to each other, and often Molly will go in to hang out with Sylvie while he works. Sylvie always enjoys the company
- Sylvie was really hesitant to accept Percy as his stepmom and still kinda is, but one thing that is nice between the two and that Percy is a great listener and will listen to Sylvie when he rambles
- Loralei and Martin do visit sometimes bc they realized that they sorta missed Molly, but Ramsey doesn't exactly let them stay long
- Ramsey is genuinely trying as a dad/uncle. It's been really difficult, especially with Sylvie since he is still upset at him, but he's trying. He ends up cooking for everyone in the morning usually, he listens when the kids are having problems, he tries his best to protect them when he can- He's really trying.
- Percy and Ramsey started working together on cases after Redwood Run, and Percy even had Ramsey stay in her apartment with her as a way to keep an eye on him. That's how they ended up getting even closer and getting to know each other more. By now since it's been about a year, Ramsey is mostly trusted now by the police.
- So, in this AU, it is one year into the future. So Molly is 13, Sylvie is 16, Giovanni is 20, and Percy, Zora, and Ramsey are their respectful ages
- Giovanni and Car Crash drive Molly to and from school everyday, and also pick her up to hang out with the other Banzai Blasters. Often Molly will drag Sylvie with her
- Trixie and Pheeny come over a lot to hang out with Molly, tho Pheeny does like hanging with with Sylvie bc sheep, and Trixie has a sorta father-daughter like friendship with Ramsey
- Ramsey is the main cook of the house due to Percy not actually knowing how to make proper meals, Sylvie only knows how to make ramen and tea, and Molly forgetting to eat.
- Percy loves eating the food Ramsey makes, but still in the morning eats the same thing: water and plain toast. Ramsey f**king hates it and is trying so hard to get her to try something different for breakfast. Percy always refuses.
- Ramsey loves doing drawings of everyone, and usually, everyone's birthday presents from him are drawings
- Despite Ramsey not really having a bounty on his head anymore, Zora still likes making his life miserable. She will straight up crash events they have, show up to dinner, scare the kids, etc. She just show up at the house and everyone is tired of her sh*t, but they can't exactly do anything bc she has such a terrifying epithet. Plus, she usually doesn't much beside mess with Percy and Ramsey and cause mayhem
- Molly is getting therapy, and Sylvie told her she's not allowed to refuse it- (He didn't actually force her, he just sorta explained to her that she seriously needed it, and she caved in-) He's not the one giving her therapy for the sake of her having privacy, but she is getting therapy. Percy and Giovanni also encouraged her to as well, which was sorta the thing that helped her finally decide to really go-
(Btw, if you have a specific thing you want me to make hcs for in this AU, feel free to ask for it! Also, I might make a few playlists for this AU if anyone is interested-)
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atsukashii · 4 years
❝soft hours❞ // k. bakugou
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SYNOPSIS:  ➛ The world knows Katsuki Bakugou as the explosive number two pro hero. You know him as your husband who is soft for only three people on the planet; you and your children.  
» CHARACTER PAIRING: prohero!katsuki bakugou x reader
» WORD COUNT: 3.3k
» GENRE: pro-hero!katsuki, aged up characters, dad bakugou
» WARNINGS: swearing, fluff to the max & dad katsuki
« masterlist || ao3 »
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Being a mother is hard work. 
You aren’t sure how your own made it look so damn easy, because it is anything but. When it was just you, your husband, and your son it was easy enough. But adding another baby to the mix? 
You have never been more tired in your entire life.
For the past month of her life, Koharu had been a good sleeper, with a chill and calm temperament that you, your mother, and mother-in-law; Mitsuki Bakugou all agreed did not come from your husband. But the past two days were a lot different. She had regressed... A lot. With Katsuki back at work, barely able to take time off due to being a high ranking pro hero, you were left to your own devices with the newborn. He had offered to help of course, but you had this. How hard could it be? You’d said confidently.
You’re not so confident now.
Just yesterday, you had struggled to put her to sleep when Katsuki came and managed to do it in less than ten minutes. And honestly, for a second were jealous of your husband. But then he had stumbled over nothing, swearing like a sailor and the wailing began again.
“Suki, don’t swear at the baby!” You had laughed
“I didn’t swear at the baby sweetheart, I swore at the fucking toy Kazuto left on the floor”
“Kazuto, how many times do I have to tell you to pick up your toys once you're done playing with them?”
“Sorry, dad!” That moment had made you feel a lot better about your parenting abilities. 
Today, however, with Katsuki out on patrol, and your son at preschool, it left you and Koharu alone for some girl time. Time, that was spent with you completely frazzled and desperate to help your baby to stop crying and go back to sleep.
But. Nothing. Was. Working. 
After four hours, she finally fell asleep purely out of exhaustion, but not before you had called your own mother, crying on the phone. You weren’t a bad mother, you were just adjusting… Right? All parents had off days with their children, no one was perfect. Though when you had picked up your phone in a moment of peace and mistakenly opened up Instagram, you took one look at a young influencer and her designer baby, looking like she stepped out of a damn magazine… You couldn’t help but compare it to the sweats you wore to bed the night before that you still hadn’t changed out of, the spit up on your shirt, and the bags under your eyes. This is normal, you’d had to remind yourself over and over again as you had put your daughter back into her crib.
Stirring the curry you quickly threw together for dinner, you are ripped from your gloomy thoughts as the noise of the front door opening meets your ears. The door was quickly followed by the voice of a very energetic three-year-old carrying what you know to be the Red Riot merch backpack he takes everywhere. It was a gift from his Uncle Kirishima that Katsuki hates, but puts up with for the sake of his son's happiness. You also know that he has a Chargebolt T-shirt in his closet that he wears to preschool sometimes and cherishes it dearly. His favorite though, is his mini grenade toys based on Katsuki’s own hero costume. For Kazuto’s first birthday, you’d had a hero theme and you couldn’t help but dress him up like your husband, but when you did - with his white-blonde hair and red eyes - he looked like a tiny Katsuki. It was too cute. 
“And-and then he kicked the villain SO HARD that he flew across the sky! He’s so cool!” Explains Kazuto, jumping up and down in excitement. 
“Mmhmm,” Katsuki adds, making it sound like he was paying attention, and encouraging his son to keep rambling about his enormous love for heroes. You won’t be surprised if he follows in his father's footsteps and becomes a pro hero in the future, with his quirk already arrived and causing havoc through your home. 
Your own quirk - Bloom; allowing you to create whatever kind of flora you want, wherever you want, had gotten you into the general studies course at U.A. Which is where you had met your platonic soulmate, Mina Ashido. You had instantly clicked with her when you had met at the end of your first year, and then through her, you met Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Katsuki. At first, you hadn’t known what to think of the explosive blonde, and he didn’t seem to want much to do with you. That was until one day when you and Mina had convinced them all to hang out at an arcade, a villain attacked the street outside. Being not in the Hero course and not having a provisional license, you had left your friends to do their thing. It wasn’t however until the end that you had noticed a young boy, crying and calling for his mother. The villain had a super strength quirk and ended up throwing cars out of his way in an attempt to escape. Seeing what was about to happen before it did, you had lunged into action, throwing yourself over the boy and activating your quirk around you to create a wall of wooden spears the size of Redwoods. You had saved the child, gotten the lecture of a lifetime from Katsuki that ended in him confessing more than he wanted about how he felt about your safety. You were dating a month later and had been together ever since. You had also discovered what you wanted to do after school that day. Deciding you wanted to help people, you became a social worker that helps children who have lost their families.
Your son Kazuto’s quirk was closer to yours than your husband’s quirk, with the three-year-old having the ability to manipulate earth. His favorite thing was watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and trying to recreate what the Earth Benders did - in your living room, much to your chagrin. And you had a feeling that Koharu’s quirk was going to be something like Katsuki’s due to the fact that the baby smelt similar to your husband. 
“Hi, mum!” Kazuto shouts loudly, poking his head in the kitchen. He flashes you a smile broken by a new missing tooth, before racing down the hallway like he is set on a permanent setting of a sprint. 
“Hi you two,” You say, smiling as your husband comes into the kitchen in his casual street clothes, opting to change at the agency. 
“Hang up your bag Kazuto!” Bakugou yells after him and you pray that you have remembered to shut the nursery door. You hear a muffled response form your three-year-old before the sound of his feet dashing up the staircase and the momentary silence that follows has you sighing in relief. She's still out.
Walking over to you, Katsuki wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder. His strong arms pull you back to his chest as he looks over your shoulder to see what you’re cooking. Really, the quick curry was a bit pathetic, but after your long day, you didn’t have the willpower to cook anything fancy. As is sensing the tension in your muscles, Katsuki didn’t say a word about the food, which was a first. You were actually a good cook, but your husband was better and loved to tease you about it any second he could. So the fact that he currently stands behind you not saying a word was odd. 
“Your mother called me today.” Katsuki murmurs, his voice soft and full of concern. You sigh glumly knowing where this conversation is going. You had hoped your mother wouldn’t say anything to Katsuki after you’d called her today, in tears from frustration and insecurities falling from your lips like a boiling pot. It had been a bad day, everyone was allowed to have some bad days.
“Sweetheart, if you need help with the baby-” 
“It’s really fine Suki, it was just an off day.” You say, leaning your head back on his chest and tilting it back just enough so that you could meet his ruby gaze. “Besides, you can’t take any more time off work.” Leaning back up again, you grab the wooden spoon and stir the red sauce. Katsuki lets out a breath before moving with you, pressing a soft kiss to your neck. 
“I can take a fucking day off Y/n.” He mutters against your skin. A shiver runs up your spine and spreads down your arms, making your hair rise. Even after all these years, he still has the ability to render you to a pile of mush. 
“Your team will have my head if you take another day off, Suki.” You point out.
“Then I’ll blast them to hell after I fire them.” His response makes you smile, as he turns you around in his arms. His signature scowl covers his face, but it's the concern in his eyes that has your heart squeezing tight. He’s really worried, you realize. “Let me help you, sweetheart.” 
“Suki-” The sound of Koharu’s ear-piercing wails breaks the silence and has you resting your forehead on your husband's chest. “I’ve got her.” He says, placing a kiss to the crown of your head and giving your hips a reassuring squeeze before slinking out of the kitchen. You are so lucky to have him. 
To this day, Katsuki is still blunt and rash with the media, but people don’t really get to see the side of him that comes out with his family. He tries not to let his friends even witness it because they all give him endless shit about how much of a softie he is for his family. He denies it to hell whenever one of them brings it up, but after both the kids were born, Katsuki cried. Not a lot, just a few stray tears that engraved itself into your mind so heavily. With a sappy smile, you move the curry off the stove and begin dishing it up. As you finish, Kazuto comes wandering in on his own accord which surprises you. Normally, either you or Katsuki would have to go and get him or yell that dinner was done for the three-year-old to make an appearance. 
His vermillion gaze meets yours, and smiles. “Dad sent me down, he’s trying to put Koko to sleep,” Kazuto explains. You nod in understanding, walking the food over to the dining table. You only serve portions for you and your son, knowing that there's a chance Katsuki might not make it back down in time to eat with you. Once you are seated, you look at Kazuto and smile which is enough of an open look to make him start rambling about his day. Pro Hero’s are the first thing to come up, re-explaining the battle that one of his teachers had shown him through lunchtime, followed by his friends and then what he ate for lunch - as if you hadn’t been the one to make his lunch.
“It’s ‘Bring your parents to class day’, soon. Will you come?” His words shock you, and for a moment you just sit there blinking at your son. Kazuto looks up at you with such hope in his eyes, it makes you want to cry.
“You don’t want your dad to go?” You ask. You love Kazuto endlessly and would do anything for the sake of your children's happiness and safety, but you know that Kazuto and Katsuki have a special connection. One built on trust, love, and how much Kazuto looks up to his father as a pro hero. He truly is his father's biggest fan and honestly, it's beautiful. 
“It’s during the day, so he will probably have work. And I want you to come, you're a hero too mummy! You help save kids and help them find families.” Tears spring to your eyes, both at his admiration and the fact it's been a long day, and you so needed to hear that. Because you were a hero in your own way, you were a savior to the children you worked with. Guilt then followed behind the thought. Would I be a bad person if I didn’t go back to work then? If I wasn’t there to help them? You shake the thought from your head and look back to your son. 
“Thanks, honey,” you subtly wipe under your eyes and shove another spoonful of curry back into your mouth. “I’d be more happy than happy to come, but you might also want to ask your dad too so he doesn’t feel left out.” Kazuto nods his head ecstatically at your words before shoveling more food into his mouth. You muffle a quiet laugh at his antics. Yeah, he’s your son when it comes to his love for food.
“I also decided about my party this year for my birthday,” Kazuto says again. 
“Your birthday?” You ask, pretending to think. “No, it can’t be coming up. I clearly remember your birthday being last year!” The teasing tone goes over his head as he scrunches his face up in a pout. 
“It is! I’m four!” He argues, and you don’t hold in the smile 
“Are you sure?” You feign ignorance like you didn’t remember your own son's birthday. Finally catching on, he groans at you. 
“Your birthday…” you begin and Kazuto beams in response before continuing on.
“Can it just be us at my party? With Aunt Mina and my uncles and cousins? I know they all might be really busy being heroes…” He asks and you're once again surprised by your son. Not one for flashy things, and not wanting to spend his outside of school time with his friends, but his family. It's adorable. His temperament at times like these takes after you so much, even though he’s the carbon copy of his father. 
“I’ll see what I can do,” you say winking, knowing that your friends would do anything for your little family. Including taking an afternoon off to spend it with their godson. Noticing he's done, you move to get his plate and gesture towards the stairs. “Why don’t you go clean up and check on your dad.” Kazuto nods and quickly scampers out of the room.
You clean up the kitchen quickly, putting leftovers in a dish and placing them in the fridge for Katsuki to raid later on. Leaving on the kitchen light, you walk out of the kitchen and past the living room to go up the stairs when the TV catches your eye. In the lounge, your eyes fall to the couch which holds your now sleeping husband and your one-month-old daughter, completely comatose on his chest. Old reruns of Friends plays quietly in the background, a show you watched compulsively whilst you were pregnant with Koharu. Squatting down next to Katsuki, you can’t help but smile at the peaceful expression on their faces. 
As if sensing your presence, Katsuki cracks open an eye, instinctively finding you. “Finally got her down I see,” you whisper, thumbing the blonde hair on the baby's head.
“Our kids fucking love me. I’ve got the magic touch.” He says and you grin.
“Oh, I’m fully aware. Mr. Tough-Explosion-man to the world, but here at home - with a sleeping baby on his chest. You’re really soft, Suki.” He now smiles at you but doesn’t make a move to reject the statement.
“Where’s Kazuto?” Katsuki asks, looking over the back of the couch to the clock on the back wall of the lounge. 
“He’s gone to wash up.” You reply, leaning forwards and picking up Koharu with very practiced and perfected stealth to take her to her crib. “He should be done by now. I’m going to put this one in her crib.” You finish, walking up the stairs and into the nursery. With baby blue painted walls and clouds that you had painstakingly illustrated whilst you had left all the assembly of things to Katsuki because the man practically growled at you when you moved to lift something. Turning on the baby monitor in Koharu’s room before quietly slipping through the door, you trudge down the hall towards the master bedroom. On your way past it, you innocently pole your head into Kazuto’s room, seeing Katsuki leaning against the wall next to Kazuto’s bed as they speak quietly amongst themselves. Every time you come into your son's room it makes you smile. The walls are covered in pro hero posters of people like his uncles and his dad. There’s even one of Deku that Katsuki doesn’t like, but once again, puts up with for his son. Kazuto’s eyes lock onto you whilst still talking to his father and you blow him a kiss before leaving the boys to their chatter. 
Closing the door behind you, you make quick work of jumping in the shower and washing your hair for - when was the last time you had washed your hair? To be honest you weren’t sure. 
With that thought, you finish your bathroom routine and get into your comfiest pajamas which consists of one of your husband's t-shirts, a favorite of yours since high-school. Beelining to the bed, you crawl under the covers and let the exhaustion of today leak out of your bones. Tomorrow was a new day, you remind yourself. It was something you found yourself frequently saying when you were overwhelmed and today, you had reached your limit. You only just close your eyes when your door opens, and Katsuki’s walks in. He’s quick and quiet like usual, but as soon as he gets in the bed, he pulls you towards him. He holds you tightly, your back against his chest - which you know won’t last for long because it's summer and the man is like a walking furnace. Placing a kiss against the back of your head, you finally decide to voice the thought that had been plaguing you all day.
“I’m thinking of taking more time off work.” Katsuki’s arms solidify around you. “Like, longer than my maternity leave.” You finish. To be honest, you weren't sure how best to broach the topic with him, even though you’ve been married for over four years now and together twice that long. You’re a very independent person and always liked having your own source of income. And relying on someone for that - there’s nothing wrong with it, you just weren’t sure that was for you. But lately, something changed. Maybe it was adding another baby to the mix, but you’ve been wanting to spend more time focusing on your kids and your husband, rather than work. 
The agency would be fine without me. Katsuki’s arms tighten around you as he helps you roll over towards him. His eyes are filled with pride and love as you look up at him. Placing his hand on your cheek, Katsuki gives you a soft smile.
“You know I’ll support everything you do. The other people at your agency will struggle for a while without you because you basically carry everyone in that fucking place.” Katsuki says. “But they will be okay. You’re the love of my life y/n, a great wife and the best mother to our little gremlins.” The buildup of stress from today bubbles over and you can’t hold in the tears. As fast as they fall, Katsuki brushes them away before placing a soft kiss on your lips. 
“I love you so much sweetheart,” A broken sob breaks out of your mouth before you can stop it which has Katsuki kissing your forehead and grasping you tighter, tucking your head under his chin. 
“Shitty woman, let me fucking help you.” He whispers and you nod against his chest. 
“I love you, Suki.” Your voice is smothered against his skin, so you place a tender kiss to the bare skin of his chest in response. Running his hands down your spine and his warm body pressed to yours, you slowly drift to sleep. Your husband really is a softy at heart. 
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©️ 2021 all rights reserved to atsukashii, do not change, edit, translate, or repost any works on any platform.
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avasghost · 4 years
Crane Anatomy Update #2
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(slightly outdated WIP intro here)
DISCLAIMER: this is my original work. please do not plagiarize in any way.
Hello!! I’m finally back with the second crane anatomy update!
first of all, this is probably going to be a very long post, so brace yourself for a lot of mindless rambling.
LOTS of things have changed since the last update, and its going much better now thankfully! what has happened:
i restarted the book
i changed the form
i got very burnt out
i stopped being burnt out (mostly) after making a verb list (fun verbs always help)
i figured out some stuff about my writing process
so there’s a lot to cover.
first!! I restarted the book!! This is obviously the biggest change that took place. I made a post about it here, when i wasn’t sure if i was going to restart yet, and then decided to go for it and now i’m about 4000 words into the new version. It’s going a lot better in most ways, the prose is better (somewhat), and so far nothing boring or unnecessary has happened so that’s nice! but also some things are worse: this version is burning me out a lot more, probably because i’m trying harder to make it good. there was a long period when i was hardly writing it at all, but i’m getting into it a bit more now so that’s good.
secondly, with the restart, i made a few form changes that i love and really benefit the story. first of all, it’s not in vignettes anymore (sigh of relief) because i realized that wasn’t working and the book didn’t need it. vignettes are kinda light and jumpy and fast paced, and at first i thought that was perfect for this book because of its lightness, but as i figured out more things about the characters and plot, i realized that even though the settings and aesthetic are quite sunny and bright, it’s actually a very inherently heavy story and the longer chapters will help that quite a lot with the lightness and yet also heaviness if that makes sense?? and also, the exciting part: every second chapter is a vignette flashback to Isobel’s old life.
for context, at the beginning of the first chapter, they arrive at their new house, and it’s them entering a new life, which is much darker than their old life. but the vignette chapters are flashbacks to their childhood growing up in their old house. the prose in these vignettes is very hazy and bright and dreamy and saturated, because Isobel’s memories of her childhood portray it as brighter and better than it probably really was.
and finally, in all these major changes, i figured out something about my writing process: i’m a pantser, but i like to have the first few chapters outlined, as sort of a springboard into the rest of the book, something solid to base everything else off of. i guess that technically makes me a plantser, even though everything else is pantsed.
now, onto the chapters and excerpts! i’m finished the first chapter and the first vignette, and currently working on chapter 2.
you may notice that some scenes are very similar to the first attempt, because i did keep a lot of scenes and also a lot of the same prose.
excerpts under the cut.
chapter 1: this new life
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it felt soooooo good to write a full length chapter again. after trying to write vignettes for a while, writing a full length chapter was so much more enjoyable. i used to be a very serious underwriter, but (luckily) have mostly gotten over that and can write actual full chapters now, and have a hard time writing short ones!
i named the chapter “this new life” because my plan is to mirror it later in the book, when there’s a vignette flashback to right before they left their old house and its called “this old life” (if i decide to title the vignettes). i love mirroring chapter titles and lines and stuff so i’m excited for this.
ALSO i said in the first writing update (which i won’t link because it’s embarrassing) that there’s a redwood tree in the backyard, but i changed it to an oak tree lol because i realized it would be v weird for someone to have a random redwood tree growing in their backyard.
first of all, the new first line:
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(idk if this is actually an oak tree but i don’t care about tree accuracy as long as there’s aesthetic accuracy ✨)
The first time Isobel steps onto the lawn outside the new house is the first time she feels her life change in person. It’s instantaneous, like a death or a rebirth. Clouds thread across a sun-smothered sky like gossamer strands, swallows trill out of the limbs of oak trees that arrow down the sidewalk. The car only halfway to a stop, and Isobel has already clambered out. A squirrel bullets along an oak branch. A wind chime tremolos in the breeze. It’s the first day of summer. Life has never felt so dead.
a bit about them unpacking and living sad times (also i changed their mom’s name from beth to pamela because beth was too stereotypical)
Nobody speaks except to toss instructions back and forth, or ask for something to be passed to them as they unpack the few things they need to last the night. Their mother, Pamela, is quick-tempered. It’s clear she never wanted to come here, even though she always smiled when they talked about it, encouraged everybody, told them it was for the best, which it was. It was for the best, but that didn’t make it a good thing. That didn’t brighten the prospect, make it feel better. That just made it less avoidable.
Cyrus, their father, keeps up his usual attitude of encouragement, just like Pamela, pointing out every good thing: the sunlight that spangles everything in citrine, the pizza he’s about to order, the bluebird that spits music in the open window, though he says all these things half-heartedly. His faltering smiles give him away. The strands of grey hair pasted to his forehead. The woolly cable-knit sweater he only wears when he’s unhappy and has been wearing almost every day for the last two months.
and of course, margaret is having the time of her life because she’s margaret:
Margaret is the only one who shows no sign of remorse. She unpacks quickly, then spends the rest of the day ruffling through boxes and coolers for crinkly chip bags and frozen strawberries that melt on your tongue and dribble down your throat. A pocket mirror spined with cracks sits beside her on the table, in case she needs to tweak her reflection. Gold chain jewelry chimes around her throat when she moves, glints in the sunlight that pools around her.
after they eat dinner and isobel leaves (yes i’ve shared most of this excerpt before but it’s one of my favorite parts so here it is again!)
After dinner, Isobel’s throat is still throbbing and she decides to leave the house, leave her family, so if she cries no one has to see her. She doesn’t know where she’ll go, where there is to go, but at seven o’clock she lies about where she’s going, shoves out of her chair and clatters out the door without saying goodbye.
From the doorstep, this new life is just a neighborhood. A car parked in half the driveways, the others at work or school or nowhere. Hedges only trimmed on one side. Flower beds, half withering and half thriving. Marigolds are the most radiant as Isobel stalks down the road. Their fluorescent buds like blood-rimmed suns.
She walks down the middle of the road because the town is quiet at this time, no cars whisk on the pavement, swish corners because they don’t think anyone will be walking there. It’s a risk she finds thrilling because she knows Pamela would make her stop if she was here.
Isobel told them she would go explore the neighborhood, the town, maybe the empty spaces outside it. Wave hello to the skinny chiffon woman bent double over the trunk of her red Chevrolet, the man in the houndstooth jacket in his gaping garage, smoke snaking up the throat of his cigarette. Smile when they wave back.
and of course she runs into a forest because everything i write features too many forest scenes!
She runs until her breath clumps in her chest and she stops, one hand splayed over the itchy bark of an elm tree to keep her balance. It’s dark here, but she’s not afraid of the dark. It’s lonely here, but she’s immune to loneliness. Trees spoke the thin canopy, a veil of gauzy leaves. The sky is clotted with sagging clouds.
this chapter is also where we meet felix, who i love so much. i want to make a character intro for him and also his brother, miles, soon, but i’ve been planning to do that for weeks and haven’t yet so i don’t know when/if i will.
felix shows up in the forest and he and isobel talk a bit: felix is very nice and isobel is my lil psychopath wannabe <3. isobel ends up leaving abruptly because it’s about to rain, and then she gets home and talks with piper a bit and then goes to bed. i don’t like ending chapters with characters going to bed, because i do it so much! a character going to bed has a sense of closure since its the end of the day, and obviously there’s nothing wrong with ending a chapter like this, but i do it do often that it’s starting to irritate me.
first vignette
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i still haven’t decided how i’m going to title the vignettes. they’re not chapters, so this isn’t going to be called ‘chapter 2′, but they’re still sort of chapters?? right now i just have them titled as roman numerals, but i’m not happy with this and am going to change it as soon as i think of something better.
this vignette is a short flashback to that morning, right before they leave to go to their new house. it features isobel and piper going into the forest and then they leave and its v sad.
this is the first flashback in the book, and then in future flashbacks it jumps back a few years and follows their childhood right up to this flashback again. the last flashback is going to end with the same line as the first line of the actual book, so it comes full circle.
There were different types of trees. It was a different town, in a different province. Isobel and Piper had evaded Pamela’s searching fingers, hopped the fence, blotted under the trees like redwing blackbirds.
Piper slowed first, sunlight quivering over her sawn black curls, pinching out a cramp after outrunning Isobel the whole time.
same excerpt as in the first update but with an extra sentence at the end and the beginning! why share new prose when you can just recycle old excerpts galaxy brain
here’s when pamela calls them out of the forest and they leave:
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Pamela’s raspy shouts wound Piper and Isobel out of reverie. They trundled to their feet, flitted through the trees back to the house. Then they left.
Isobel stared at the house through the rear window as the car clicked into motion, wheels whirring on the pavement. She watched it shrink: first it was her home, then just a house, then a dollhouse, a triangle of roof on the horizon, and then nothing. From that point on, it was just an image in her head, a lingering wish. A life lost. A life she would never get back again.
this is v sad i’m sorry characters but i had to cause you this misery for the sake of the plot (also you probably deserve it)
anyway that’s all i have for this update! bye!
- Ava
Crane Anatomy taglist (ask to be added/removed!):
@gracestowewriting​​ @flip-phones @shaelinwrites​​​
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epitheterasedgen · 4 years
Hey, have you watched that new EE stream? If so, did you like anything from it?
I just finished watching it! I couldn’t be there live at the beginning, and I hate joining things in the middle, so I had to wait til it was over to watch it all the way through.
I honestly feel emotionally exhausted from listening through it all?? I LOVED it, don’t get me wrong, there was just so much there. Uhhh I could ramble about the weird specific longings it gave me about Being In A Group Of Working Creatives, but I’m pretty sure most of you will be more interested in my thoughts about the actual content, so:
Yes, I loved the Two-laween script
Tell me if I’m alone here, but I specifically feel like its energy happened to match that of the show— meaning at the beginning, it felt more museum arc-y and then the vibes completely changed halfway through. Maybe just because of the characters involved?
Actually the script was THREE distinct portions, and the first one had “episode one but better” vibes, the second one had “museum arc” vibes, and the third one had “redwood run” vibes. Mind you, the second one is in the store with Ramsey and Percy as well as Mera and Indus, so it’s not JUST the characters involved. It’s something about the vibes, man, idk
Ramsey and Mera’s DYNAMIC, listen if there’s one thing I’m most excited about it’s this brotp, yes I did laugh at their jokes, it’s complicated, listen listen listen the dynamic I write for the EAM is excellent and still a potential endgame for them but I. CARE. THEM. they are,,,, just so good,, and I know people are probably gonna ship them and I’m gonna have to live with that but you CANNOT take their friendship from me
uhhh I never thought I was a big Sylvie fan but boy did I laugh and love hearing him again!!! I think I’m just not a big fan of him compared to the people who have him as their fav, which is fair, but like man he’s great and his VA seems like such a nice guy
there were so many great bits and lines that I wanted to quote but now forget, hopefully people make drawings/animatics of them because hwahhhhh
is it just me or does Jello look a LOT like Alex Hirsch? I mean I’m faceblind so it’s probably just the red plaid/scruff, but. is that what I need to land my own show? natural scruff isn’t possible for me but I can start wearing red plaid if that’s what it takes— /j
I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting but those are my basic thoughts!
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
‘It’s also what you want’-Juice Ortiz x Reader
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(GIF credit to @redwood-original)
Tags: @amirahiddleston @bloodorangemoonlight @elliexo
Requested by anonymous: 'Can you do a juice or happy imagine where he and the reader(oc) are friends with benefits but the reader wants to be more but he refuses at first. Some angst with a happy ending please!!!! Thank you'
Characters: Juice Ortiz x Reader, Gemma Teller Morrow x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, smut, arguing
"Fuck." I breathed out as I slowly climbed off Juice, collapsing onto the sofa beside him.
He sat there, his breathing as heavy as mine. Our eyes were fixed on the TV that had been on the whole time, but we weren't focusing on the show. I leaned over, kissing him on the cheek before standing up, pulling down my skirt before heading to the kitchen.
"You want something to eat? And I'm talking about actual food." I joked, looking in my fridge.
"I can't stay." I heard him call back, the sound of his belt being buckled following.
"Oh," I made my way back to him,"are you sure? I don't mind, really."
"The club needs me."
"Really? Or is it just an excuse to leave?"
He sighed, pulling on his kutte as he approached me."There's never a good enough excuse to leave you."
He kissed me, and just as I went to deepen it, he pulled away."Then don't go."
"Don't do this (Y/N), we go through it every time."
"Alright, just go then."
He looked me over once more, no smile on his face before leaving. I stayed leaning against the door frame until I heard the door shut. I felt all the happiness from our time together drain from me. I knew it was happen, I was so stupid to get myself in this mess. We had agreed for it to be just friends with benefits, especially due to him being part of the club, but as soon as we made that decision, I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep to it. Juice and I had been friends for only over half a year, but there was undoubtedly chemistry between us. We had always flirted, though before anything can happen, Juice proposed the idea of just fucking... and I was too scared of losing him to say no, like the idiot I was.
I had brought up the idea of us becoming something more, but only once. Juice had been surprised by my proposal, and I immediately regretted it, embarrassed after thinking he would feel the same. We brushed it off as a joke, though both of us knew it would always remain in the back of our minds. I hated saying it, but Juice was the kindest guy I had met, and also so different from the rest of the club. Of course, he liked his women like the others, though I hadn’t seen or heard him going off with anyone besides me. That again gave me hope, but apparently that didn’t mean anything, not to Juice.
"Honestly, it's just getting fucking annoying at this point." Gemma sighed.
We were sat in her office, sat in front of the fan as it was an extremely hot day, sunglasses on even though the blinds were closed.
"Don't I know it." I mumbled back.
"Well, if he's not into it, you might as well start looking for someone else."
When I didn't reply, she took off her sunglasses, head turning to face me.
"You're not going to be any happier if you just sit around and wait for something that might not possibly happen. I'm being cruel to be kind here."
"I know what you're saying. But... I think I'm still too caught up in him to let go just now."
"Give me your phone."
"What? Why?"
I knew better than to argue. Reaching into my pocket, I unlocked my phone and handed it over, watching over her shoulder.
"I was about to download a dating app for you but it seems that you've already beat me to it."
She showed me the screen and the two dating apps I had on there. I turned my head away, trying to ignore her.
"(Y/N), if you've already been looking at other options, doesn't that tell you something?"
"It was purely out of boredom."
"Don't bullshit me. Subconsciously there's a voice in the back of your head telling you to move on and you need to listen to it."
It was frustrating that Gemma was right, especially since I had known that information all along. After Juice leaving so many times straight after we had sex, I had downloaded some apps, hoping that it would convince me that someone out there was willing to be more than what I was to Juice. But just as I had said to Gemma, I did it to pass the time, somehow feeling guilty before I agreed to go on a date, as if I was cheating on Juice. An incredibly stupid thing for me to think.
I remained in Gemma's office, waiting for her to return so we could head out for lunch, but tensing up as I heard Juice call for her. He was making his way here, and I had no where to run. I didn't want to face him, not yet.
"Gemma, do you the files for-oh (Y/N)." Juice froze as he stood in the doorway.
"Gemma is dealing with a customer." I plainly said.
"Come on, you're not angry with me are you?" he sighed as he walked in.
I crossed my arms, sitting back in the chair.
"Oh now the silent treatment?" he rounded the chair, standing behind me."You never stay mad at me for long, you know I..."
His words trailed off, and before I could ask him what was wrong, he snatched my phone out of my hands. I stood from my chair, reaching out to swipe it back, but he was already turning away from me.
"What the fuck? Why are you speaking with other guys?" he showed me my phone for a split second, a conversation between me and a guy on it.
"Shit, Juice, it's just for when I'm bored."
"You arrange dates with dudes when you're bored? Is that what you're telling me?"
"No! Would you just..."
He was so angry, his hand clenching my phone so hard I thought it would snap in his hands. But why was I explaining myself to him? I had always dreamed of a jealous Juice, (not very healthy I know) but it would indicate that he had some feelings for me. However, this was different to my daydreams, it was horrible. He had no right to shout at me like this, we had never agreed that we couldn't choose to start dating people.
"You know what? You can't get angry with me. You have no right."
"We're not dating, you've made that perfectly clear everytime you see me. Yet I still went along with our agreement, even though it hurt like a bitch, but do you know why I did it? Because I believe that I do love you, it's never just been about sex for me, but I let you fuck me because it's the only way I'll ever be intimate with you. It's the only way I'll ever have a chance to know what it feels like to be with you. But it seems like all I am to you now is a whore, someone you call when you're bored."
"The fuck is going on here?" Gemma appeared, looking between us.
I swiped my phone back, keeping my head ducked as I spoke."It doesn't matter. Let's go Gemma."
I didn't wait for her to catch up as I left. Once I got out of the parking lot, I halted before kicking an empty can left on the street. Gemma turned me by my shoulders to face her.
"Hey, what's going on? What happened back there?"
"Nothing. You were right, I was right. I just want to forget about him and...And move on."
Although I put on a brave face for the rest of the afternoon, Gemma and I were both smart enough to know that it was playing on my mind. He made me so upset. It was as if he thought he had control over me and what I did. However, what upset me the most was that it didn't make me feel any different about him.
Gemma dropped me back off at my house, not saying much during the drive or before she left me. Sluggishly, I slowly made my up to my apartment, nodding my head to a neighbour I passed. I wa in no mood for talking. I found myself laid out on the couch, wondering ifJuixe was still mad. I shouldn't have to think about him, but I did. Him being jealous, did it mean anything? Or did he not want to risk losing the one girl who was always up for a quick fuck? I wanted to be an independent woman, not grovel at a man's feet; but it was hard to do when I wanted Juice on my life. We had connected before our agreement, but I must have been the only one who remembered that time.
As there was a knock on the door, I considered leaving it, until it was louder the next time. I knew it was him. And I didn't want my nosy neighbour to come round complaining about the noise. I groaned, taking a deep breath before making my way to the door, hesitating one last time before opening it. And there he stood, with his kutte on, looking down at me.
"Don't slam the door in my face, please." he rushed out.
"It's tempting."
"Can I come in? Can we talk?"
I stared at him for a few more seconds before opening the door wider, letting him walk past.
"Why did you get angry earlier?" I got straight to the point as soon as I shut the door.
He continued to walk into the room, hands in his pockets and head hung low as he faced me."I...I don't know."
"Yes you do. It's want I want, and it's also what you want."
His head snapped up, eyes wider."What?"
"You saw my dating profile and got angry. What does that tell you?"
"I'm not good with this stuff (Y/N)."
"Oh, I know you aren't. Hence why we've been fucking rather than actually talking."
"Hey, I talk to you. Before and after!"
"But it doesn't really matter does it? You just do that to make sure I keep having sex with you."
"No I don't! I listen to you."
"Oh, do you now?"
He raised his voice with every word he said. "Yes! I listened to all those stories about that dick Harry at work, and how he thinks he's the best at everything, just because he could use the new copy machine. I also listened to the one about that lovely grocer who gives you extra fruit cause apparently you're too skinny in her eyes. And I also pay attention when you speak about Cathy next door, cause she always watches me leave and then proceeds to gossip about you, even though no one believes the lies she tells."
I had no words. He really did remember everything. All those times I thought I was rambling to him, and he actually paid attention.
"Well... That doesn't give you an excuse to just use me. T-to-to brush me off all the time."
"I did that to try and get away from you."
I scoffed.
"Let me finish. You've seen what's happened in the club. The deaths we go through, the danger our friends and families are put in. I just thought... Maybe I could get you away from me, have a better life where you weren't stuck with an outlaw biker."
"Did you ever think... That I had already accepted that."
"You did?"
"Why would I keep going after a guy if I didn't? I agreed to the whole friends with benefits cause that was the only way to be with you in any sense. Not very feminist of me, but..."
"I'm sorry." he blurted out."You know I'm not good with words or feelings. But I know I am deeply sorry. I want you to know that every time we fucked, it wasn't just that. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable, that you felt loved during that. But at the same time, I had to push you away for your safety."
"I'm just like all those other crazy bitches." I slowly approached him."Like Gemma, Lyla, Tara, I don't care. All I care about is you, and your dedication to the club. I am dedicated to the club. If I didn't want to be a part of your life, I wouldn't be Juice."
He took my hand in his, squeezing it gently. "You know what you're signing up to, right?"
We were staring at each other, completely still until he reached down to kiss me. It was a gentle kiss, he had never missed me like that before. Our faces remained close as we pulled away, and he was about to go in again when I stopped him.
"You're going to have to make it up to me, and I don't mean with sex." I smirked.
He chuckled, nodding his head."Sex is really the only way I know how to-"
I giggled with him, already pushing him towards the bedroom."Alright fine, but this time it's all about me!"
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cherry-gemz · 4 years
City by the Bay: Part II
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Summary: Fates push you and a handsome and known stranger into each other's paths. His chilvary and good looks make you take a leap into his world and more.
Pairing: Keanu Reeves x Y/N (F!Reader)
Word Count: 1200+/-
Rating: PG, fluff
A/N: First time taking a try on a Keanu fic, be nice, please! This little ficlet will have more chapters, hope you enjoy. Appreciate comments or feedback 💜.
The roar of the motorcycle muted any fear of riding for the first time. The exhilaration of zipping through the city and the fact that your arms were around the handsome actor was enough to make you swoon. 
As you pressed your face against the black leather jacket, the coolness tingled your cheek. You were becoming slightly chilly thanks to the spilled drink earlier and the breeze of the bay air nipped at your nose. 
Keanu motioned the motorcycle down Pine Street and made a few turns to familiar spots. However as he turned up Temple street, there was a back alley that you never would have noticed and it led up a long and windy hill. He zipped by and before you knew it, you were on the 101-N and your heart raced. 
You quickly shut your eyes as you travelled the freeway and what seemed like an eternity, the compact architecture of the city disappeared and the road widened. Many trees aligned the path and after a left turn, he slowed the bike down and approached a fairly large driveway. 
At the top of the driveway was a gorgeous, hidden, two story house. There was redwood sliding on the exterior and large windows that showcased a large oak tree, making the 1960's era home feel like a treehouse of sorts. 
You gasp at the sight of the structure and the bike comes to a stop. Keanu turns off the engine and you hop off and unbuckle the helmet, handing it to him. 
"Wow," is all you could mutter as you gawk at the house. "Your house...it's unbelievable."
"Thanks," he replies as he tucks the helmet by his hip. "Only renting the place while I finish up a project. But I am partial to it. See that oak tree?"
You nod as you follow him to the front door and he enters the foyer. 
"Well the tree was repurposed, it would have died otherwise. Makes it seem like we are above the treetops, overlooking the bay." He points to a large window and you can see the closest house is about a good quarter mile away. 
He sets his helmet on the walnut table and the retractable sliding glass doors from the dining allow the sunlight to peer in with ease. 
"It's really remarkable."
He turns to you, "I am extremely rude. I haven't even asked you for your name."
"Y/N," you smile and he heads to the fridge. 
"Y/N, he repeats as he pulls out some bottled water. "That's a lovely name." 
"Thank you, it's within the family."
"Very cool," he hands you a water bottle and you graciously accept. 
"Where are my manners?" He says as he shakes his head. "Let me bring you a shirt so you can change. Make yourself at home."
You nod as he quickly disappears and you wander around. You notice a few trinkets here and there, mail, one or two empty beer bottles. But other than that it's fairly minimalist. You open the sliding door to the wrap around balcony and admire the city that you lived in all your life. Seeing a different perspective for the first time, you smile and shake your head at your inability to comprehend you are in Keanu's house. You've met Keanu Reeves. A star who you've admired and dreamt about. 
He's obviously dashing and attractive, but you don't know if you're mixing up his kindness with your enthusiasm of meeting him. You expect that this moment will be short lived and you'll be back at stocking books at the bookstore. 
A tap on your shoulder startles you and you jump slightly. He's holding his hands up jokingly and hands you a black t-shirt. 
"I come in peace," he jokes. 
"I'm sorry! I was in deep thought," you reply as you accept the shirt. 
"Yeah, looked like you were someplace else."
"What? Oh no, there's nowhere else I'd want to be," you smile. 
He smiles back, "I am a person who always wants to be somewhere else."
You give him a look of confusion. 
"David Levithan?" He responds. 
"Were you quoting him?"
You laugh heartily, "No, I wish I was that cool. I do know him...err of him. His writings, that is."
God, are you always this tongue tied when speaking to the opposite sex? Or is it just the gorgeous man before your eyes? Gotta be the latter.
"Ah so you're a reader…" he motions you to follow him back inside. 
"I mean, I read yes. I work in a bookstore off Van Ness."
"Books, Inc.?" The two of you walk into the adjorning room and you notice that it's much more furnished and cozy. 
"Yeah...you know it?" You run your hands across the spines of books on a shelf. You peruse the authors: Tolkien, Dostoyevsky, Dumas, Proust. 
"I have found myself there from time to time. Surprised I haven't seen you though." 
"I work there part-time. I'm really a chef, well a pop-up chef."
"Is that what the cool kids are calling themselves these days?"
You laugh, "What?"
"Don't mind me," he rubs the stubble of chin and looks at his book collection, seeming to search for one in particular. 
"Pop-up...like a supper club? It's a way that I can still work without having to go bankrupt in the city. I can't necessarily afford a restaurant and all with my salary. Plus it gives me the flexibility."
He still scans the books and then stops to a light blue cover. He tickles the spine with his slender fingers and pulls the hardcover out. "Have you read this?"
He hands the book to you and you read, "Molecular Gastronomy…?"
"Yeah!" He exclaims excitedly and he starts talking with his hands. "It's written by this fantastic French chemist and how he collaborates with French Chef, Pierre Gagnaire. It's...out of this world." 
"I can't say I've read it," you reply and read the back print. 
"Take it! I think you'll love it. Or I'd like you to tell me what you think."
"Thank you, yeah I'll totally give it a go."
"Excellent," he smiles and you can't help but stifle a giggle from one of his famous movie quotes. 
He notices and blushes, "Sorry, I...that came out weird, didn't it?"
"A bit, but it was entertaining," you laugh. 
He rubs the back of his neck, "I can't seem to comprehend words or construct them when I'm around a beautiful woman."
"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that..." you say shyly as you hug the book against your chest. You realize you're still in your stained blouse and look down. 
"What? No...sorry...look I don't want you think I'm some weirdo. I never just bump into someone and then bring them back to my house...I just felt like I knew you or felt comfortable around you…" he rambles. 
"It's okay, I don't ever just jump on a motorcycle with a hot stranger."
"Hot, huh?" He smirks and gets you flustered. 
"Uhhh...is there a bathroom where I can change my shirt?"
"Yeah...just around the corner. Did you...did you want to hang out for a bit? I mean, I didn't know if you were headed somewhere before I spilled your drink. What am I thinking? Of course you were off somewhere…"
"Are you always like this?" You giggle as you turn to head to the hall. He's earnest and it just makes you like him more.
"Like what?" 
"Nevermind, I'll be right back," you reply coyly. "And...I didn't have any plans today...I'd love to hang out."
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ryukogo · 4 years
I know you talked about it a while ago, but would you mind talking about your shuffle AU for Epithet Erased? It seems interesting!!
EYE EMOJIS? i didn’t think anyone would ask me about it haklhgldfhlg
it basically came from my brain saying ‘what if they still had the same epithets... but they’re all in different roles’ and also because i wanted to draw Tiny Zora(tm), which i did
im gonna put it under a cut cause im gonna RAMBLE, BABY
which means the museum arc features kid Zora getting stuck in the museum after hours and befriending Sylvie and his Banzai team as well as tired teen Molly working at terrible hours
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- Sylvie’s epithet is still Drowsy and still makes Counting Sheep, but his counting sheep only have unique hairstyles because they styled them after the hairstyles of Sylvie’s teammates!
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- Zora’s still got Sundial, but it’s not as powerful as we see it in the main Epithet Erased show - which is because she’s still a kid
- she got stuck in the museum after hours because nobody really bothered to follow after her when she drifted away from the tour group and she started fucking around with some of the smaller displays
-- she took a nap at some point on the ground because she’s just a little gerbil sleeping on dirt and woke up to the museum closed
- summary of Zora and Sylvie’s relationship
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- since Percy takes Mera’s place and Ramsey takes Indus’s, this means they’re out for the amulet and Zora’s epithet - this is because Percy believes that by taking Zora’s epithet, she can minimize the stamina loss she believes is caused by her epithet via constantly turning back the clock on the energy she loses
-- Ramsey’s tried to figure out her logic. He still doesn’t really get it, but he’s here to help.
- you bet Ramsey got his ass kicked by Percy just like Indus’s ass got kicked by Mera and that’s why he’s following Percy, though he’s much more intelligent about their partnership
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- Molly still has Dumb as her epithet and is more or less the same as she is in canon, but a lot more openly cynical and tired, mainly because she works in retail
- She passed out halfway while walking to the bathroom of the museum due to overexhaustion and woke up after hours and just groaned to herself in frustration for letting it happen
- she hears percy and ramsey rummaging around the back room for the amulet and asks them for the key outside - ramsey gets the idea to get this kid to chase out Sylvie and Zora in exchange for the key and molly just sighs and says ‘of course. equivalent exchange. why did i expect anything less’
- DD Museum Trio summary in screenshots:
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- as for the redwood run arc..........................
- sylvie, with the arsene amulet, seeks out mera salamin’s expertise on precious stones and asks for a referral. mera’s smart enough to not give him all the details but also asks what he’s doing with the amulet and if he was going to use it
- sylvie of course sees no use for it other than a means of rising through the banzai ranks and is thankful for her assistance
- mera’s got an eye for precious stones, but she also fabricates fake precious stones with her epithet because people are easily fooled - not very often though because Yall She Still Gets Fucked
- she’s still pretty fragile but years of being a con artist have taught her better survival skills and she only breaks a bone every other day instead of every minute!
- indus is the biggest himbo of a cop but damn if he isn’t a favorite with the kids because he’s perfectly willing to share as many barriers as he can make
- he’s very useful too in shootouts
- he’s looking for the amulet just like percy is in order to retrieve it, and enlists mera’s help in looking for the amulet
- ok i want to take a nap now so im gonna end on these notes
- giovanni is in howie’s position, he’s the howie and his worker bees are his boys (car crash, ben, etc.)
- he makes them cream puffs and soup!
- howie’s in zora’s position. yes, he’s still a mundie. yes he’s still got that strength to bend a wrench in half. yes he still hates the fact that epithets render hard work useless half the time and his interests do line up with bliss ocean’s. and that cool anger and strength is chasing after mera salamin.
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wroteclassicaly · 5 years
A/N: Heeeeeeeey, loves! I’m back and pretty proud of this one! It’s a two part story, this obviously being the first part. Smut will be in the next one. I’ve wanted to write this idea since I came up with it the night of the season premiere. 
Reader is plus size in this one. She is also Chef Bertie’s daughter. There’s some major self-esteem issues and some self-bashing in this one, so be warned. I hope ya’ll enjoy! Lemme know what you think? :) 
P.S. I’ve changed a few things around to fit the reader in. Dialogue, mostly. It’s not that much of a change though, so don’t worry. 
Also, I can’t seem to get my taglist to work right, so I don’t tag anyone. I’m sorry. :(
Pairing: Xavier Plympton x Female reader
Word count: 2,691
Warnings: Explicit language, references to smut and virginity, self-esteem issues, poor body image issues
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Looking forward to something during the summer months wasn't usually your forte, but this season seemed to be taking drastic approaching turns already. You'd been coerced into coming help your mom work the kitchen of Camp Redwood. Massacres and legends galore, bugs and snakes touring your housing. Sounded so fun to you. Your mom didn't want to leave you at your home alone, so you hesitantly agreed to get away from the dangers in Los Angeles and help out at the camp with her.
The drive up you imagined all sorts of various and vile scenarios. Woods and stories caught your imagination and refused to leave without a searing tongue lashed haunting. Your mom had assured you things would be okay this time around, that she wouldn't let anything happen to you, but it still felt so unsettling to be surrounded by nothing but dirt and trees and a large body of midnight fresh water. For your mom, however, you opted for the positive side of things, and sucked it up. You met with the eccentric and eerie Margaret, hovering closely to any exits you could think about, then escaped to the cabin you would be sharing with your mother to put your things away.
Margaret had informed you and your mom that a group of counselor volunteers would be arriving in the afternoon, leaving your stomach to tumble into the anxiety founded pits it always was. You hated much social interaction, even living in one of the world's largest cities. You avoided leisure activities and parties that were too high octane. You cared only about the peace and quiet, a few close friends, your books, and your music. You were grateful you had been permitted to bring along some albums and your record player, because without it, you could not function.
Setting out your music, you had tasked yourself out to sweep and mop the dining hall and kitchen. Covered in sweat and grime, hair pulled back into a messy mopped bun, the entire area became brand new once more. So much so that you had to stand and admire, the enriching draped melodies from Stevie Wonder casting a serene, echoing production to highlight your hard work. You hadn't noticed until Margaret jabbed a nail into your tank top clad shoulder, causing you to nearly deck her in the face with your broom handle. She raised a manicured brow, annoyance perched on her poker faced features, asking you to come meet the newest additions to the staff, as they would be arriving soon and you still had to bring food into the kitchen pantry.
Reluctantly, you followed your camp leader out into your new life for the next few months.
Present day: The First Night
Your insides feel as if they have all been twisted together like licorice, coolness spreading through your veins, erecting goosebumps all across your flesh. You self-consciously grip your noticeable stomach, already prepared for an array of flashy and skimpy clothed girls to accompany muscular, tight fitted guys. You don't fit in. Not being more than overweight, but what doctors seemed to call obese, with a swell to your face and the rest of you in places all around your thick form. In this day and age, not many girls your size are praised or celebrated in music and on television.
Sure, there were a few, but the movies you have seen are the overweight girl being an extra, a classmate, the bestfriend, the loner, the reject, or the propping joke. Fat is funny in LA, you aren't stupid. And no matter how far you run from it, you'd have to face scrutiny, even here. Your thinking is pregnant with triplets on this one, as you don't even bat a blink walking out with the Carrie White's mother - Margaret White -esque Camp owner, to meet everyone. Worn sneakers and boots from different brand names dusted in California soil is what you see before meeting the eyes of a very petite brunette.
That's the first counselor that smacks your self-esteem straight into the pits of hell. And the blonde girl near her in the colorful and tight outfit? Yeah, you want to find a hole and dig it twelve feet under. Six feet for your humiliation, adding on an additional six for your fat ass body. You want to run, but, yeah, right.
If you don't speak then you will look stupid, more so than you do now, covered in perspiration and dirt smudges. Margaret makes an introduction that collides right into you stepping behind your mom, getting an eyeful of the two handsome guys with the girls, reaching for a crate of eggs, attempting to look busy as to bay the awkward pause. Everyone says a few brisk words of greeting, those male counselors snickering. Why did you come here? The risks back home are far more tempting right about now.
Your nose catches the scent first, the sound of the person's shoes hitting ground second. Clad in this overly musky scent that seems to glide itself across the air, a rapturous, creamy silk-like voice hits the atmosphere and flips you head over ass.
Your mom is snapping back with her wit, shoving her crate into his hands and moving away from his speechless face to leave you visible. Standing still, your box seemingly heavy, body light, you can't but help yourself to a heaping serving of observation. His pants are tan, or white, belt tightly securing those defined hips, his sneakers stretched over long feet (don't they say long feet mean... okay then, holy fuck), and sea-foam green muscle tank that leaves nothing to the imagination, except how much leverage you'd have to straddle his chest...
"And this is Y/N. She's joining us with her mother, whom is Chef Bertie. She won't be bunking with the ladies, however. But I still expect of all you to get along and make her feel apart of things, as she will also be partaking in counselor duties for the summer." Margaret's voice interjects, right smack into your looking into this guy's angelically crafted face.
You can't see what color his eyes are over his designer frames, just blue hued glimpses reflected off California sunshine. His plump lips are wet with amusement and surprise at your reveal, jaw sharp and alert, so arching and shaped it can cut through glass. There's a small cross dangling from his left ear, his hair is frosted at the top. He looks like some guitarist that has actual angel wings. His arms are steady, hands big.
You can swear there's a saxophone player somewhere playing a soundtrack for this very moment. You kind of, no, record SCRATCH that, you definitely need to find a seat somewhere and pour a glass of ice water over your head. For a fleeting moment you think you might need to attempt Olympic running towards the infirmary, cause this is some sort of General Hospital soap opera scene. You can't stop yourself from how you do react though. Biting your upper lip, eyes dashing mad all across his body, you're engulfed in more than the summer California heat.
You see the metal of his silver cross earring catch the light, and you know that even God himself can't help you now. Looking at this man in the blue shirt, you feel as if you've committed a lifetime of the most blood deep sins. You feel the need to ask Margaret to save you in the lake, some prayer needing to happen before you feel anymore guilt for objectifying this stranger. What feels like never-ending hours is merely a minute at most, making you look even more awkward and ignorant. Margaret does save you this time, introducing each counselor, the sensual blue eyed boy called Xavier Plympton, to your amusement, then with a seemingly arrogant grin on her peach painted lips, demands you take Xavier and the other two attractive male counselors - Ray and Chet, to finish carrying the crates of fruit and eggs to the kitchen pantry.
A dying 'hi' towards the friendly faces of the group is all you muster, rolling a shoulder back to the truck for the boys to take the hint. Xavier already has his share from what your mom gave him, so it's quick work for the other two. You don't talk, don't look at any of them on the way into the large dining area and back into the kitchen where your mom is hard at work. All the guys pile beside you, so you figure that now is the time to find your damn voice box and activate its fucking switch.
"You can just leave the stuff here, guys. Some of the other staff is in charge of stocking it anyways. They're real particular on everything, you know? We appreciate your help!" You ramble on, eyes widening when you spot Xavier - shades now clipped to his collar - smirking at you, pearly whites gleaming tauntingly.
Everyone, yourself included, all discard your food onto the chipped wooden counter. You fold your hands into fists on its hard surface, knuckles pressing together, lips pinched tight, feeling this tickle attack you from the tips of your toes and back, leaving you absolutely parched and winded both.
"So you're the Chef's daughter, huh?" Ray is the first to speak to you.
You turn to his direction to see him leaning a few feet beside you, propped against the end of the countertop by his elbow. His smile is genuine, calm, excited even.
He must really have wanted to be here this summer.
"Yeah." Is your proud response. Your mom is a hard worker with a zero tolerance policy for bullshit or dumbasses, so you're very proud to call yourself her child.
"Kind of a given you'd be here with her, right? That's cool. Most kids wouldn't volunteer their time to help their Mama at some sweaty ass camp in the middle of nowhere. You even gettin' anything in return from this?" Ray questions again.
Your body warms a little, not used to this duration of a conversation, let alone by someone this cute, this cool, who seems nice enough. You find yourself softening towards his presence, friendly and open in your answers.
"She'll share whatever she makes with me, so it's a win win. I have to clean the camp, so I'll also pull in my own money, then we put it all together. Living in LA is fucking expensive."
"Wait-" Chet cuts in. "You still live with your mom? Aren't you in your twenties or some shit? Don't you have any plans back home?"
Yup, there it is.
You were expecting some sort of snide commentary from at least someone in this group. You're unsure how to answer. It's not that your lifestyle is something you're ashamed of, it's just that you're beyond sick and tired at the ridicule it brings. Your mood is deflated, head bowing a little at Chet's laughter. Maybe it's not malicious, but to you, it isn't funny either.
"At least she didn't blow a chunk of cash on condoms and cheap ass cologne to impress Brooke. No one likes a cocky counselor, Chet." Sounds to your left.
Ray snorts into his hand, easing back at Xavier's biting remark. Your jaw becomes unhinged with a loud giggle that makes Xavier lick his tongue across the top edge of his teeth. He's super focused on you, sharing this knowing that eases and unsettles you all at once. Ray and Chet begin a bicker at Chet's expense, Xavier continuing to watch you in a similar fashion as you were observing him earlier. The floor feels like lava under your feet, your legs jello.
"Better get back outside, kids. Boss lady will be getting impatient." Your mom's helper speaks to you from the kitchen.
You give him a nod, trance broken. Moving one foot in front of the other is hard, but you get it right, breezing past Xavier and the rest, right back into the summer heat wave.
After the conversation your mom directed over her history with this Camp and her current decision to return, Margaret invited you to tour the grounds again with everyone else after formal introductions were completed. You weren't going to disagree, not with the possibility of sneaking looks in Xavier's way, hearing the things that came from his perfect mouth. You're fucking sickening, like some dingbat ditz on a sugar high that's having an affair with lust. The whole tour was boring and subpar, but worth it to see Xavier in action. Margaret stops everyone outside the cabin with, in your opinion, the finest views, to preach her rules onto everyone.
You're cringing, already choking on heaps of unshed laughter and snorts. Everyone but Brooke seems to be amused. Brooke seems the most like you, so it's a comfort. Xavier has his debate locked and gone, metaphoric smoke trailing behind of his tongue, following his words like a steaming mug of honey-hot tea. After his fist bump with Ray he makes sure to give a nodding little grin your way.
A bashful smile colors your mouth.
"Y/N is true to her pure body, to herself, to the Lord. She hasn't polluted it with the perversions of today, have you, sweetheart?" Margaret's voice is that bucket of ice water you could've used earlier.
You have to grab onto the other side of the doorway to keep it together, your heartbeat in your throat. How in the fuck does she know what you do, or for that damned matter, if you've done anyone before? The entirety of everyone's attention is on you now. Your eyes are sharp on Margaret's, her joy apparent. You see right through her bullshit.
She can read people, and she's just used that to her very public advantage.
Whatever. Fuck her.
"I don't know how you’d know about my personal life, or why it matters towards the situation of a damned summer camp, Miss Booth." You snap, cheeks hot with anger, neck flushed with adrenaline. 
Her head twitches as if she's some robotic experiment in a lab, but she catches herself, a plastered on smile melting back into place. "Damned is the farthest thing from the grounds on which this Camp sits, Y/N. And as for your earlier inquiry? I have known your mother for half of my adult life, so that means I also know you."
You're in place, still stunned. How does knowing your mom have anything to do with Margaret knowing you're a virgin? It's not something your mom would broadcast to anyone. Luckily, it's a dropped topic. You're given looks you expect, especially by Chet and Montana. Ray and Brooke, who stops to turn around and give a compassionate smile, are the more sympathetic and understanding.
That leaves... him. You're petrified to turn and see his cliché reaction. He doesn't say anything, not at first, only moving past you. But when stops, a partial pivot, there's an almost relieved expression on his face. The breeze picks up a little, making you brush a lock of escaped hair from your messy style.
The grass and dirt crunches under his weight as he approaches you, stopping a decent distance. You can't breathe, can't comprehend anything out of this shared airspace. The wind has the little cross swaying against his lobe, his lips are plump, the blue in his eyes darkening to the shadows of the summer shade. There's rain on the air. It's going to rain tonight.
"You know I teach at an exercise studio in Los Angeles, Y/N? I'm good at helping people learn."
So he's baiting me to come to his gym with my fat body? Prolong the shame?
You want to further scold yourself for thinking he'd be anything but a shallow Hollywood hottie. Typical.
Before the tears even make themselves form, Xavier is moving closer. You don't stop him, don't take the out his slow and respectful pace is giving you. He's tilting in a little more so that wisp of frosted hair brushes your nose, his breath warm and minty.
"A virgin, huh? I guess it works out that I'm a teacher."
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nothingbutbark · 6 years
four months. better than never, i ‘spose. sort of a long post this time but it’s fine because...? because witches and weres, i guess. 
A boy sits down at the desk across from Eden, and his gaze is so intense it grates on Eden's skin. The boy isn't carrying any books—in a library—and he wants something from Eden. It sets him on edge. He hopes its nothing. Eden takes his nose out of the book on plants he was reading, and assesses the boy. He's wearing a worn-looking red hoodie, and there's a smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose, spilling onto his cheeks. He's cute. For a moment, Eden forgets himself. He lowers the book, and says, “Yes?”
“Listen,” the boy says, leaning forward and keeping his voice hush. He darts a glance around, though there's nobody else in this section and hasn't been for a while. “I need your help. You're a witch, right? I can smell it on you.”
Eden tenses, the pages of his book crinkling in his grip. In the space of a breath, every muscle in his body winds so tight he feels like he's a hairs-breadth from snapping.
“I'm a werewolf,” It says. It's hazel eyes flash into gold, its lips pull back to bare fangs. There's a howl ringing in his ears, and the full moon is staring down at him in the forest clearing.
Eden snaps his hand up and flings the book at the werewolf—it collides with the werewolf's nose get back get back get back it's mad—and scrambles out of his chair. He stumbles back into a tree—the cold bite of metal says bookshelf you're in the library—and panic floods his mind. Nowhere to run. The werewolf shoves to its feet, rage—alarm—twisting its features, blood dripping from its mouth, teeth stained that horrible red.
Eden throws up his hand and calls up every barrier spell he can think of. An intricate spinning web of sigils burns into life in the air in front of him and it's—it's not enough it's too weak there's no substance it's gonna break. He grabs a thread of the array in each hand and pulls until they connect behind him. He fumbles with his bracelet, fingers shaking as he snaps off a crystal. He plunges the crystal into the centre of the matrix, and pours.
Keep away keep away keep away keep away.
A shock wave bursts from the spell. The metal of the bookshelf behind him crumples, and the books rocket off, slamming into the wall with a sound like rumbling thunder. Wind whips outwards and the werewolf raises its arm to shield its eyes.
“Don't—” Fear rakes across his tongue, and his voice wavers. “Don't come any closer.”
The werewolf stares, jaw hanging open in—in—in horror. A terrible bruise has bloomed across his nose, and blood pours down and over stained lips. “Shit,” it—he says. His hands snap up, open-palmed, and he takes a step back. “I—” He twitches, and casts a frenzied glance around. He bolts.
Eden watches him, wide-eyed, until he's hidden by the wall of books, until the shouting from the entrance comes into focus, until it's just him and his ghosts in the middle of a destroyed library section. A book falls off a shelf with a dull thud. 
His hand clenches in the centre of spell's matrix. He tries to take a steadying breath, but it's just as ragged as the rest. He flexes his hand, and the array dismantles. The shattered crystal falls to the floor.
Shit, he thinks, heart still beating like it's fit to burst from his chest. His legs wobble, and he's tired. He wants to collapse to his knees and stay there 'til he's burned those golden eyes from his mind, but he can't. Can't, because he poured half his soul into a spell in the middle of a public library over—over nothing.
He burnt out a crystal because he jumped at a shadow.
“Stupid,” he hisses, scrubbing at his face. He takes four unsteady steps to the table and picks up his bag. He's gonna have to leave town again, and fast. For a display like that, he might even have to leave the country, if he can get that far.
Over a ghost.
“Fuck,” he says, and the weariness of it settles in his bones. He pulls a small mirror out of his bag and snaps it, dosing it with a drop of magic and putting the pieces in his pockets.
He takes another deep breath, puts his head down, and walks out of the library. No one spares him a glance.
He hopes that's the end of it.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
Fluffember 19 Home - DD Standard
The pair stood outside the entrance to their new home, a beautiful wild horse sanctuary built into the redwood forest of Northern Mistfall. Az wrapped an arm around her wife’s waist and hugged her close, smiling as Lisa’s head rested against her shoulder. They had worked hard to get the place up and running and it was finally a dream come true.
“It’s beautiful...” Lisa murmured softly as she wrapped her arm around Az’s waist in turn and nuzzled her lover’s shoulder. “I remember when dad and Josh put together Starshine Ranch but I think this is even grander.” She chuckled softly and Az’s grin only grew.
“Starshine is lovely but yeah, I think this place puts it to shame at least a wee bit.” They giggled together and made their way past the front gate to finally tour the completed property. The whole premises was designed to work with the local ecosystem and avoid disturbing it as much as possible. Along with that it was perfect for housing the wild horses they would be taking in, helping them recover in a familiar environment and make returning easier. Az gently ran her hands over the wood walls of the stable. Everything was designed with a rustic feel in mind that fit so perfectly with the wilderness surrounding them. The last thing she had wanted was an over the top modern design in the midst of Mistfall’s forests. Of course all the modern amenities still existed within their walls but the exterior looked like it was as old as the Redwood Point Station not far from them.
“I wonder if the rangers will be visiting us.” Az muttered half to herself, hearing Lisa make a soft curious noise. “We are so close and I guess I’m still kind of a vertan ranger in a sense...” Lisa looked over at her and shrugged. “Would be a good way for them to safely learn about wilds and how to handle them. Also to introduce the specialized rangers to magicals...” Az rambled a bit, Lisa smiling as she guided her wife towards their new house.
“I’m sure we’ll figure something out.” The shorter woman said as they reached the front porch and Az had trailed off. “I know a lot of the rangers still look up to you despite retiring so early.” Lisa grinned and Az couldn’t help but share it.
“True… now should we open some of those housewarming gifts?” She took Lisa’s hand as she led her into their new home.
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popunktomlinson · 4 years
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this is just the mess of all the fics that i read between december ‘19 and may ‘20 for my own reference but if you want to check any out there are stars next to my favorites! this is mostly drarry with some larry, scorbus, and one (1) wolfstar pairing.
Missed Connection - kingsofeverything (3k)
Harry is absolutely clueless when it comes to figuring out if other guys are into him, so he enlists his friend Niall to assist. That may or may not be a mistake.
Like Candy In My Veins - littlelouishiccups (85k)
“Um…” Harry said slowly after a moment. “Okay. That’s… this is… Let me get this straight.” He lifted up a hand and swallowed. “You told your family that you have a boyfriend… and my name was the first one you thought of?”
(Basically the A/B/O, enemies to lovers, fake relationship, Christmas AU that nobody asked for.)
Forget the Silent Nights - LadyLondonderry (45k)
The last Christmas with the seven of them in that broken old house on Redwood all together was probably one of the most memorable holidays each of them had, what with the wedding and the the snowstorm and the raccoons in their attic…
And the baby they stole, of course.
Point. Drop. Call. - 4ureyesonly28 (2k)
Teenagers get bored on a hot summer day and decide to play a little game…Whoever loses has to call their crush, no matter who or where they are.
Written on the Heart - who_la_hoop (114k)
When he’s hit by an illegal love-spell though, Harry finds he has more to worry about than whether or not Blaise Zabini actually wants to be his friend. For if everyone affected has been blessed – or cursed, by the look on Malfoy’s face – with a magical tattoo revealing the name of their soulmate, what does it mean that Harry’s skin remains completely bare?
hello goodbye (’twas nice to know you) - tamerofdarkstars (5k)
Draco Malfoy thinks he might know whose thoughts are scrawling themselves on his skin, but that's crazy. Impossible, even. It has to be a mistake.
Self-indulgent soulmate AU where the thoughts of your soulmate inscribe themselves on your skin in a shifting magic tattoo
Hope Springs Eternal (But Love Springs in the Forrest, Unannounced) - lettered (12k)
Draco falls into a love spring. Harry saves him! And now they’re bonded for life. Draco is horrified. Harry thinks it’s kind of neat.
The Lesbian Muffin Debacle - abusing_sarcasm (7k)
Pansy and Ginny have a muffin-induced potions accident and Draco and Harry are stuck watching their love life from the sidelines - quite literally. Fortunately, they're able to give each other a hand.
✨The Owl Who Came for Christmas - dracogotgame (18k)
Draco has a debt to pay off, no matter what Potter thinks. And he has a Very Good Idea to go along with it. Things don't go as planned.
Strange Bathfellows - bixgirl1 (28k)
It started with a bath. Or a potions accident. Or maybe it started before that, but who can tell anymore.
Featuring: Uncomfortable wanking, more comfortable wanking, mutual wanking, bath sharing, inappropriate betting, secret shagging, those secrets at Hogwarts that everyone knows, and oblivious Harry who knows one thing: he's falling in love.
Something I Don’t Want to Stop - lq_traintracks (16k)
It's Harry and Draco's eighth year, the Houses have been all but demolished in favor of unity, and they're being forced to room together. How ever will they cope?
Psuedo - dysonrules (24k)
Draco runs into an interesting man during a drunken night out. Pansy slips the man Draco's address, not realising that he is actually Harry Potter in disguise.
Things get a bit out of hand after that.
Two Truths and all those Hidden Lies - keyflight790 (8k)
It didn’t matter whether Draco knew about the Polyjuice or not; nor did it matter what face Harry deigned to hide behind in the club. Draco could spot Potter a mile away.
The Other Side to Draco Malfoy - makingitwork (20k)
Draco Malfoy's best friend is Theodore Nott, the only person he trusts. So The Golden Trio decide to make Harry use Polyjuice Potion to see what Draco knows about the war.
The only problem is, while pretending to be Theodore Nott, Harry discovers another side to Draco. A better, lonelier side.
Right Hand Red - lq_traintracks (73k)
Harry felt Malfoy's breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory.
Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy.
Malfoy felt inevitable.
Good to Me (And I’d Be So Good to You) - AWickedMemory (9k)
Everyone returns to Hogwarts after the war, but nothing is quite the same. Harry's groupies are creepier than ever, Ron and Hermione are snogging all over the place, and the once-proud Draco is shuffling around like a kicked puppy. But that's okay: Harry's got a plan.
Good Company - Greenflares (8k)
With Hermione and Ron always together, Harry's return to Hogwarts to complete his education isn't exactly fun. Somehow, it's his unlikely friendship with Malfoy that keeps him sane.
The Lip-Lock Jinx - Casis Luna (20k)
The Lip-Lock Jinx, a jinx that renders the victim mute that can only be undone in two ways: if the caster reverses the spell on the victim, or if the victim serves the purpose of the jinx and kisses the person that they desire. It’s just Harry’s luck that he gets jinxed by Ginny Weasley and he’s in love with Draco Malfoy.
Like Diamonds We Are Cut With Our Own Dust - raitala (11k)
Draco has borne the mark of the Dark Lord for over ten years. It is familiar to him, but he pays the price for it every day, and Harry has noticed.
Burning the Ground - lq_traintracks (10k)
"Strap him down," someone said, and Harry felt the rage thicken inside him -- the viscous fear.
Magical bindings pulled taut around his wrists . . . He felt a wand touch his arm and then a sharp bite as something punctured the skin, and a sweet, cool tonic rushed his veins.
His breathing slowed. His eyelids drooped. The ceiling went grey and dark. And then he heard a woman's voice sigh, "Someone, get Healer Malfoy."
✨Turn - Saras_Girl (307k)
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
Around You Moves -ignatiustrout (30k)
Harry knew Draco was gay when he invited him to move in. He’s never had a problem with this. So why does he feel so weird about Draco bringing men home all of a sudden?
Who Else But You - jeni_andtheafterthought (6k)
Draco loses his soulmate before he understands what that means. Then, it happens again. Quite the anomaly, Draco is encouraged to keep a journal following the experience. Finding his soulmate, solving the mystery surrounding his soulmate bond may be more than he bargained for.
you’ve got the antidote for me - Kanadakicksass (21k)
When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.
✨Grounds For Divorce - Tepre (122k)
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
Symbiosis - fireflavored (20k)
sym·bi·o·sis (sĩm'bē-ō'sĩs) n. Biology A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that may, but does not necessarily, benefit each member.
Through The Looking Glass and What Draco Found There - magpie_fngrl (17k)
Draco discovers the Mirror of Erised is a portal and he enters an alternate reality where your deepest desires come true. Or how Draco found himself in the world of his dreams and Potter had to come and ruin it.
Bond - AnnaFugazzi (173k)
I started to write this before HBP came out, and crossed my fingers that HBP wouldn't make it totally non-canon. No such luck, I'm afraid. This, therefore, is an AU story, where (SPOILER) still teaches (SPOILER), (SPOILER) didn't try to (SPOILER), (SPOILER) didn't succeed in (SPOILER), (SPOILER) never dated (SPOILER), and most importantly, (MAJOR ENDING SPOILERS) never happened.
Two Wands Make a Right - dannyfranx (21k)
Harry's wand is playing up and Hermione thinks she knows the answer, but why does she have to be right all the time, why does Draco Malfoy have to be so god damn difficult and why is he wearing his tie backwards?
Running on Air - eleventy7 (75k)
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
You Send Me (Honest You Do) - firethesound (37k)
As far as potion accidents go in general, and deaging incidents go in particular, Draco knew this could have been so much worse. Harry only lost about ten years, and all his memories are still intact. But the sight of him looking as if he’s stepped straight out of Draco’s Hogwarts memories has dredged up a whole mess of complicated feelings Draco thought he’d buried years ago, and Draco really doesn’t know what to do with any of it.
✨What We Pretend We Can’t See - gyzym (131k) ✨
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
Eternity - TheFiestyRogue (1k)
On one's 21st birthday, one's soul mark is burnt into one's skin. It could be anything; a name, a number, a symbol.
Technicolor Beat - fortunate_cookie (5k)
"H-Harry, you..I don’t-understand...", the blonde said breathlessly looking to the equally as breathless Gryffindor.
"Yeah. I...yeah...", Harry replied intelligently.
or the one where harry and draco are soulmates and there's a chase involved.
such a softer sin - therewascourfeyrac (16k)
After Draco meets Harry Potter, he's left with two tattoos, one on each wrist. One for a soul mate, one for his enemy. He's never known any one else who has the same name on both wrists.
Just The Two Of Us - Hekatee, Pierian (3k)
Harry finally meets his soulmate. Except his soulmate has been given a heavy dose of morphine and has no idea that his drugged-up rambling includes the words that change Harry's life forever.
Timer - JulietsEmoPhase (2k)
“If a clock could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate, would you want to know?” Of course, Harry had to miss the moment his clock ran out.
Two Weeks - shiftylinguini (22k)
If Harry had to guess which out of he or his Auror Partner, and tentative new friend, Draco Malfoy, would turn out to have Veela ancestry, his answer would be: neither, because that is ridiculous. Finding out the answer is actually him, and that his Veela heritage is wreaking havoc on his ability to work, sleep, and above all be in the same room as Malfoy, is a surprise to say the least. But this is fine. Harry’s been through worse, and he can just sit this one out, regardless of how much his body is screaming for the one person he doesn’t want to ask for help. Can’t he?
A Convenient Impracticality - firethesound (39k)
Somehow Harry ends up agreeing to a fake relationship with his ex-nemesis-turned-friendly-acquaintance-with-benefits, except for some reason it involves an awful lot of actual dating and, sadly, not much sex. Confused? Harry is too, but when has anything with Draco Malfoy ever been as straightforward as it seems?
Precious Memories - ravenclawsquill (18k)
When Harry’s Pensieve breaks with a very important memory trapped inside, he has no choice but to hire an expert to repair it. Then Draco Malfoy steps out of his Floo, and Harry isn’t sure what to expect. He certainly isn’t anticipating tea, biscuits and gold-rimmed glasses.
Helix - Saras_Girl (93k)
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again.
Temptation on the Warfront - alizarincrimson (180k)
Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter. Warnings for swearing, sexual content, and dark themes.
The Unicorn Incident - who_la_hoop (18k)
Growing up is hard to do, especially in the shadow of your father's reputation. Scorpius Malfoy has a tough time keeping his resolution to be the best Slytherin he can be when schoolboy games, unicorns, incompetent friends and a beloved enemy all conspire to teach him something different – and rather wonderful – about himself.
Scorpius Malfoy’s Future Wife - josephinestone (2k)
Albus Potter and Rose Weasley's parents have a bet on who Scorpius Malfoy is going to marry. If it's Lily, they will be just like Ginny and Harry; If it is Rose, they'll be just like Ron and Hermione. Harry witnesses the answer.
Never Trust A Slytherin - who_la_hoop (12k)
Al grinned. It would be the crowning glory of his final year – the one thing that would prove, once and for all, that he was not his dad in any way, shape or form. He would seduce a Slytherin – the son of his father's great enemy – and prove to Scorpius Malfoy his perfect trust in him. How hard could it be?
The Electric Fizzing Prick Pistols, or Whatever - whitmans_kiss (4k)
Everyone is born with Words on their arm that connect them to their Soulmate. James finds his, Sirius had everything figured out back in First Year, Peter doesn’t talk to girls anyway, and Remus thinks he’d very much just like to put his earmuffs back on and disappear.
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