#reece holland
littlewalken · 6 months
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But that's not how to spell thought!
It's an acronym.
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hathousehappenings · 11 days
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96. Hats Off to the King.
OKAY, so... hot take: not one of my favorite episodes. :D I know! The Hatter/Hare sipper doesn't like the episode with Hatter singing "Song in my Hat" to a swooning Hare. Batty.
To explain myself, I get the message they're trying to make, I just wish they had done it another way. Used a different story. I have a fanfic in the works that is my attempt to tell the same message and maybe one day I'll post it. ^^;
Anyway, the highlight was John getting to do his Elvis impression. I'm on a 1950's/60's kick, so Elvis was appreciated. Also, is this the only episode where you see a bare-handed Hatter? Hatter, no gloves and in head-to-toe leather! <3 Lordy.
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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Tefé Holland gets into the mix The Swamp Thing #11
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hspn · 2 years
Hanging out with all his favorite Chelsea guys
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Brother: There’s a story about Tuchel taking over the England national team. I want to see a Tuchel-Steve team up.
Me: Yeah, I saw that earlier. It'd be a good job for him in that he gets to hang out with all his favorite Chelsea guys: Reece, Mount, Chilly, Sterling, Conor if he gets called up. Wait until he meets his favorite Chelsea guy of them all: Steve.
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nicolesainz · 1 year
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I miss you, I’m sorry (MM 19)
Mason Mount x f!reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, and as usual, fluff
Summary: Mason & you, have been best friends since the very first second. Although the bond wants to be broken by his girlfriend, who tries everything to achieve so (4.3k words)
I never thought one would be capable of holding on their heart that big amount of love for someone else. Especially one, who has already handed their heart to another. But you still are determined to give them your heart no matter the way.
Mason and I have known each other from the very first second we came into this world. His mother and mine, being lifelong best friends and giving birth, a month apart on the same date. We have been inseparable. The bond out mothers have passed into us and we have been the ‘trouble’ duo ever since.
Together in kindergarten and all the way from first graders to seniors. To our disadvantage, Mason had to leave England, as he was a lone to Vitesse in the Netherlands. They were the toughest months away from him. Whenever I could and had the money to do so, I visited him and watched all his games.
“Don’t waste your money on me, love” he would always say but secretly, he enjoyed me being there. He was lonely and I could tell.
“I always prefer to have you around than anyone else” he would say after our lengthy hug.
When he came back, everything was better, for the most part. We would see each other, but not always. My daily visits to his house or his to mine, became frequent to non-existent.
We would only meet at family gatherings and I kept my distance at every moment, mostly hanging with Lewis, Jaz or Declan. After he came back from Holland, he brought along a girlfriend, Chloe.
She seemed really sweet and kind, towards everyone. But apparently, I was her ‘substitute’, keeping her ‘seat’ warm.
That was the first honest thing she said to me. And the last ever.
I didn’t want to be an intruder so I took a step back and became a watcher of Mason’s life, instead of a part. Even though he would always text, call and give me box tickets for the Chelsea games, I turned them down.
I secretly went to the games, but in an attire, and under a fake name, away from the box, so I wouldn’t be noticeable. I would cheer silently and then leave immediately.
During the match with Norwich, which was Mason’s absolute stunner, having scored a hat trick, I was noticed by Lewis, who afterwards texted me.
“You shouldn’t have to do that. We’d tell we invited you.”
I would also get frequent questions by Jaz, Declan and Reece, as to why I didn’t attend the games, when the only one who knew the truth was Lewis.
“Either he’s blind, or she’s put him under a spell. I can’t tell you anything else”
Declan told me from the other line of the phone. 2020 had welcomed us with the virus and we were all isolated, unable to visit or come in contact.
“He says you’ve been dodging his calls and texts. You even unfollowed him on Instagram. What happened to the ‘trouble’ duo?”
“The only trouble apparently is me and to their relationship. That’s why I’ve been on hiatus. If I even dare to text him a ‘hello’, I’d be found dead the next minute”
“I want my old gang back. I don’t like this. Mason barely gives me attention! We went to vacation before the pandemic hit and even Lauren noticed that something was off”
“If she wasn’t attached to his hip, we would have arranged a secret meet up”
“I’ll do it and I don’t give a penny what she-“
“Who are you talking to?” Mason’s voice echoed across the line, silencing both me and Declan. It has been ages since I last heard his voice. I miss him, like crazy.
“Uh-no one. Just booking a table”
Declan’s phone was on his hand, visible to who he was talking to. Obviously I wasn’t aware of that, unable to react.
“Wait, that’s-“ and I immediately shut the line.
I threw my phone away and muffled my tears on my pillow. Under other circumstances, I would have Mason by my side, laughing our hearts out, feeling comfortable and at home.
Now, I’m alone, with my only company being Netflix and my bathtub. Mason’s existence was something unreachable and forbidden and forgotten.
Mason’s POV
“What the fuck Dec? Why were you taking to Y/N? What’s going on?” I was furious! How could she call him but ignore my texts?
“You know this isn’t my doing! Don’t blame me, mate” He rolled his eyes and he got up from the couch and stuffed his phone in his back pocket.
“Whose is? I surely don’t remember offending her or -“ I got interrupted abruptly by Declan when he said,
“You’re that blind, aren’t you?” He raised his voice and was at the point of opening the front door.
“What am I too blind to see? That she’s the one who’s been avoiding me ever since I came back from Holland!” I grab his arm and push the door shut!
“That this is all Chloe’s doing!” He lets out without blinking and looking directly into my eyes.
“What? That’s impossible. They barely talk. I mean, sure, Chloe would get jealous, but she would never be the reason Y/N is distant” How could he blame Chloe? And why is he?
“As you said, they barely talk. And when they do, Chloe does it all, because she’s trash talking the woman who’s been by your side since day fucking one! Who has spent all her pocket money to come and see you play in another country! Who was off-limits to me when I told you that she is cute back in eleventh grade! Who looks at you as if you’re the only man in the room! Who would do anything for you”
Declan’s words were like a thousand cuts covering my entire body and heart. Like sharpened knifed attacking me for my mistakes that, indeed, I was too blind to see.
What if this actually was all Chloe’s doing and I didn’t want to admit it.
I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say. This was very wild and hard to swallow. Did my own girlfriend want to tear me apart from my lifelong best friend? From the woman that I’d risk it all? From the woman who was the reason I didn’t want to leave England for The Netherlands?
“Talk to her. Reach out to her. She’s been hurting and you don’t even notice. It’s your call mate. I’m sorry I can’t help much. It a decision you have to make” Declan grabbed me by my shoulders and try to reason me. And he was right. I should do something.
A few hours after Declan left, I heard keys unlocking the front door and non-stop talking from Chloe. I think it’s time.
“Okay, gotta go. I’m back home. Kisses” she said hanging up to whoever she was talking with. I put down my controller and moved towards her.
“Hey baby. How was your day?” She went to kiss me but I simply held her hands back and moved my head towards the other direction.
“Are you sick? Is everything okay?” She asks, with her eyebrow being raised at me.
“No. I’m fine. What about you?” I reply bluntly, removing myself from her embrace.
“No! Something’s wrong. You usually won’t get off me. Or leave me like this. Got something to tell me?” She bites back at my answer.
“Maybe you’ve got something to tell me. Something that you’ve been keeping or doing behind my back for years!” I raise my voice, more than I should.
“You’re crazy Mase. I don’t know what to say. I’ve been doing nothing! Who told you so?” She drops her bag from her hand and crosses her arms.
“I won’t tell you shit, unless you give me a good reason as to why Y/N has distanced herself the past 2 years and I barely see her!” The moment I say those words, guilt instantly takes over me. I’ve been at fault too. I barely reach out to her.
“You’re not serious, are you? What do I have to do with her problem? It’s not my fault she’s jealous of us. I think it’s basic politeness rule not to interfere with one’s relationship”
“I think you’re not the serious one, Chloe! She doesn’t come to my games. Never replies my calls or texts. Only talks to my teammates or Declan. Is only around Jaz or Lewis when we have family gatherings and you never bother greeting her, nor being nice. And whenever you approach her, she ends up alone, shutting herself”
And once I realize that all this has been happening in front of my eyes, I instantly regret not having act quicker and more smartly. Because if I had, lots of this could have been avoided and our lives would have been completely different.
“You’re blaming me, because she’s a loner and only hangs out with your friends, just to find someone to spend the night?”
I wanted to throw up at the thought of Y/N, being with another man, who could give her less than she deserves. And I felt ashamed to be with a woman who characterizes my best friend as merely a hooker.
“We’re done! You’ve crossed the line, Chloe. I can’t do this anymore. I would never think that you’d be capable of doing so to someone who has never hurt you in any way! And I can’t be with someone who offends my best friend like that”
In any other occasion, I would have felt bad or my heart slowly cracking. Right now, I feel nothing. I feel empty and with no emotion coming out of me in any way.
“If you wanna break up, because of her, fine. Go fuck her. Let’s see how much of a success you’ll have after you’ll find one of your buddies under her sheets”
I swallowed hardly and went back to the room to pick up my stuff, which thankfully weren’t a lot to gather. I left my keys to her couch and left. I couldn’t bare being next to her another moment after what she’s said and done.
“Maybe she’ll love me more than you ever did. Maybe she’ll appreciate me more. Maybe she won’t judge me after every bad perforce and just comfort me instead of ignore me. And when she does, I’ll know, if made the right choice”
I say and shut the door behind me. I pick up my phone and scroll to my contacts until I find Y/N’s name. When I do, I click on it immediately.
“Can we please meet? I need to see you!” I type but if I said it in front of her, I’d have a more pleasing look in my eyes and voice.
My heart was beating very fast. Waiting for her response. In the meantime, I ask Kai if I can stay at his house for the night. Thankfully, neither him or Sophia had a problem with it.
“Care to share what happened between you and Chloe?” Sophia asks me as she takes the bag from my hands
“Soph, don’t be nosy. He’ll tell us himself” Kai said as he closed the door.
“It’s okay. I would have told you one way or another, it being the reason why I’m here. And thank you for letting me stay. I’ll be out of your way in the morning” I thank my friends for their gratitude and help.
“You’re always welcome, Mase. More people for Kai to play FIFA with, so he doesn’t get annoyed with me when I’m losing”
“That’s not-Hey! I don’t get annoyed. Don’t be mean. And of course, mate, you’re welcome to stay for as long as you want”
“Did she hurt you? Can we help anyhow?” Sophia softly rubs my arm as she takes a seat in front of me and Kai next to me.
“Has Y/N, told you anything as to why she’s been distant from me?”
Both of them went silent. Sophia lowered her head and Kai was trying to form a sentence through his mumbling.
“So everyone saw, besides me? I’m such a fucking idiot” I facepalm myself and shove my face in my hands.
“Don’t say that Mason. It wasn’t your fault. She’s the one who made Y/N feel bad for being around you and wanted to get rid of her in any possible way”
“Who could have imagined that their girlfriend would plan such a scheme because she was possessive?” Kai points out and Sophia nods agreeing.
“Has Y/N said anything about me the past few months or even at all?” My attention turns to Sophia, who surely knows more than Kai at the moment.
I needed to know what Y/N’s feelings were towards me. I wanted to apologize for everything that had happen and change the way of things. I wanted a fresh start and I wanted her by my side again.
“She has eyes for no one but you. Convincing her to do otherwise was a lost case. She loves you more than anyone. And she was willing to let Chloe hurt her, if she could still love you from distance”
I was playing with fire all this time. I should have said something when my heart had her name carved on it, before someone else stepped on it.
My phone buzzed on my jeans out of nowhere. I take it in my hand and I start shaking as I see that Y/N has replied to my text.
“I don’t think we should Mason. It’s kinda difficult”
My heart sinks at the message and I drop my phone on the table, throwing my head back.
“I’ve bottled this. I had since the first moment. I should have told her I love her before I left for Vitesse but it would have complicated things. Fucking idiot”
“Do you want us to talk to her? Maybe arrange something without her knowing you’ll be there?” Kai looks at Sophia, knowing that she’ll convince Y/N to meet with them.
“She will hate me. She probably won’t talk to me ever again if things go south. But I want both of you to be happy. And I know that if you two are together, you can be the happiest version of yourselves” she replies, grabbing her phone from the kitchen and calling Y/N’s number.
The moment I hear her voice, a tear escapes my eye and my heart cracks slowly. What had I done?
“Hey Soph. Everything okay?”
“Yes babe. Can I ask a favor though?”
“Sure. Anything you want!”
“Can you come over? Is it too late?”
“Uh no. It’s fine. Are you sure nothing happened?”
“Y/N, come save me please. She’s making me pick dress for your next get-out. Too many outfits are on the bed” Kai makes the situation more convincing, as Sophia doesn’t know what excuse to use.
“Oh stop whining Kai. I’ll come. Give me 20 minutes and I’ll be over. Do you want me to bring anything?”
“No, love! Just your help. Thank you immensely!” Sophia gulps hardly, hating for lying to her friend.
“No problem. See you soon” and Y/N hangs up.
“I owe you Soph! Whatever you want. And you too buddy”
“I just want you two together. I’ll be happy with just that” the woman pats me softly on the back.
As time went by, I became more and more anxious. I didn’t know how she would react. What she would say. Would she be mad? Angry? Sad? Disappointed?
My stomach was tied up and I was nauseous. I didn’t want to mess things up again. She was deserving of the best and if I didn’t give that to her, someone surely would. And I’ll be standing there, looking at how happy she is with someone who isn’t me. With someone who can also hurt her. But I hurt her too. So it’s selfish of me to think so.
I remember when she had come at one of my last games for Vitesse, before transferring to the senior Chelsea team. I was beyond happy, and had even scored two goals. Probably one of my favorite nights ever.
“AND MASON MOUNT SCORES WITH THE CROWD GOING ABSOLUTELY WILD FOR HIM. WHAT A BALLER!” Y/N imitates the commentators and what could have been my first goal for Chelsea at the senior team.
I applause her and she bows gracefully as she lands back next to me on the couch. She seems so radiant and happy. And I couldn’t be more thankful for her.
“You know, you should really be a pundit, or a commentator. I heard Sky Sports are looking for one”
“No. I’m fine where I am. Plus, I like being a personal commentator. Not for the public!”
“Oh. So I get to enjoy you all to myself? Those amazing commentating skills?”
“Don’t be so full of yourself, Mount. But yes, you do. Be proud of that”
“I am. I’ll cherish that for as long as possible”
“Don’t worry. You’ll hear me commenting for the rest of your life. I’m not going anywhere”
“I damn hope you aren’t. If you won’t allow the public to appreciate your skills, at least let me”
“That’s what I plan on doing. Whether you like it or not”
“I think you can tell from the expression on my face what I think”
“Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite person alive?”
“I’ll enjoy getting used to hear that too then”
“Oh shut up prima donna”
“You’re my favorite person to Y/N. And that will never change. No one can ever take your place”
“Glad to hear we’re on the same page. Because no one will never take your spot. And I will never allow them too”
That was when I realized I love her. And I shouldn’t have let her slip my hand. I don’t usually regret things in life. But I did on this occasion.
The doorbell rings and my heart stops beating. Shit, she’s here. And I feel as if I’m being drowned in my own feelings and overwhelmingness. What is this?
This is love, you dipshit.
“Ready Mase?” Sophia says with a trembling voice as her hand reaches for the knob of the door.
“As I’ll ever be” I reply and the door opens with a bright looking Y/N, showing up, beautiful as ever. I may not had seen her in months but I could never forget how breathtaking she’s always been.
“Hey guys. I’m here to help” her sentence finishes as soon as it starts when her eyes fall on me. She stops on her tracks and words don’t dare come out of her mouth.
Fear takes over my body and I instantly regret everything. We wouldn’t have been in this situation if it wasn’t for my stupidity.
“I think I should-uh-call you later. It seems like you’ve got company. I won’t bother“ Sophia stops her mid sentence and grabs her arm before she could turn back.
“Give him a chance. And if nothing changes, he will be gone. Just let him explain. He’s here for you” the German woman whispers even though she’s audible enough to my ears.
“Explain what? He’s getting married? Leaving again? What do I have to do with him?” I know ‘him’ is just a subject of a sentence but it tasted very bitter, being called just that and not Mase or Mason.
“He wants to apologize. And say something that has been haunting him for ages, that he probably should have said ages ago”
“Does Chloe know he’s here or will I-“
“Let him explain this one too”
Kai looks at me sympathetically and pats me in the back as he takes Sophia’s hand after hugging Y/N and greeting her. Now, I’m left alone in a room with Y/N after god knows how long.
“Hi Mase” is all I manage to say. My effort sucks but I’m not the one who’s supposed to do the talking now.
“How have you been?” He replies, standing up and coming a bit closer to me. I feel my palms getting sweatier as he takes a step.
“Things have been good. You know how isolation works. Uh-what about-“ I couldn’t finish what I wanted to say when he interrupted me
“I asked about you, Y/N. Tell me how you are!” He sounded demanding but not in a mean way. More like a concerning one.
“If I say good, that will be a lie” I lower my head, not wanting to look him in the eyes.
“And I know that this is my fault” he admits with a broken voice, wanting to take my hands into his but me slowly removing them.
He doesn’t let me go, holding me even more firmly. I hadn’t felt the warmth of his touch in god knows how long. There was a nostalgic feeling surrounding the moment.
“I’ve let you slip away enough. I don’t wanna repeat this mistake” Mason says, placing his free fingers under my chin and raising my head to face him.
Tears have covered my eyes and I can feel them pooling my shirt and cheeks. This isn’t what I expected on a Wednesday night.
“It’s not your fault Mason. I understand her place” I bitterly say hating her even more than I already do.
“You don’t have to anymore. And you never should have. Hell, I shouldn’t have let this happen!” He raises his voice, which makes me tremble.
“You couldn’t have known. You’re not to blame here Mase” I can’t really blame him, even though that’s all I want to do. Because I never took action either.
“No, Y/N, I should have known. I should have been aware that my favorite person in this entire world is hurting. That my favorite person was distancing herself and i would slowly lose my reason for smiling everyday”
His face comes closer to mine and I can feel my knees going weaker and weaker as seconds come and go.
“I loved you Mase. I still do. I forced myself to stop, but it was an impossible task. My heart didn’t want to let you go. I believed that this pain would eventually lead somewhere, so I kept letting it take over me. Even though at moments I felt like this was a lost cause” the words slipping off my mouth, surely have been spoken by my heart and not brain. It was what I had been bottling all those years.
“I hated not coming to your games properly and having to hide in the crowd, wearing odd like clothes so Chloe wouldn’t recognize me. I hated coming to the family gatherings and not being able to even come near you, or say a simple ‘hello’. I hated that she could kiss and hug you every day and night, without realizing there’s a dropper meaning behind this!”
My heart was slowly shattering as each of her words were like small tarts aiming for me. I had a barrier next to me this whole time, keeping away the most amazing woman everyone would die to have. And when I could have her, I decided not to.
“After my return, I wanted to so badly kiss you and tell you how much I love you. That night, the final one in Holland, I thought that I could never let you go. Because you’re the one for me. Because you’re the woman of my dreams. My lifelong partner in crime. But I thought this would destroy years of friendship and wonderful memories”
That’s when she finally breaks down. She can’t stop crying and falls into my arms, holding me as tight as ever. I had caused her so much pain, that I was willing to give her ever drop of my happiness so she could restore hers.
“Please kiss me. Tell me this isn’t a dream. Because if I am dream, I would hate to wake up to an empty bed. Hold me as if this is the last time we will ever see each other. Tell me that you love me. Because these have been the words that kept me going all this time” she mumbles into my neck and I quickly turn her head to face me one last time.
I bring my lips closer to hers, with a bright spark connecting them and suddenly the world stop spinning. I don’t think I’ve ever felt my heart beating so incredibly fast.
Her touch is so soft and precious that if I could never stop kissing her, it would be better than oxygen. I could spend my entire life hanging by her lips and I would be happier than ever. She doesn’t fall back. She doesn’t want to believe that this is reality, when it actually is.
We unfortunately break the kiss and a massive smile is plastered on each others lips. I had missed her smile so much. I had missed seeing this beautiful girl waking up next to me everyday after we had confessed everything to one another.
This was what true love feels like. What being love and love someone is. What being appreciated and desired is. And I was glad that only Y/N could give me this feeling.
“Promise me, that you will never leave again. And I promise you that I will give you the goddamn world if it means to cherish and keep you close to me forever. I will give you everything you deserve and so much more, Y/N. Because there’s no one else on this earth that deserves more than you”
“I have loved you since day one Mason. I was never willing to stop or disappear. And I promise to remind you everyday, how much I love you. How much you mean to me. How much I appreciate you”
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wheel-of-fish · 3 months
Updated stream list
I've been getting a lot of questions/requests regarding possible streams and thought it might be helpful to catalog everything we've watched so far! I'll keep it pinned and updated moving forward.
Longtime crowd favorites (streamed at least three times) are marked with a single asterisk.
Why isn’t [specific actor/video] on this list?
The video is currently marked not for trade.
We haven’t gotten to it yet.
The footage does not exist or is too incomplete.
It isn't on a platform I can stream it from.
There's something particularly off-putting about the video or actor.
How can I get a copy of a video listed here?
There's a list of publicly available bootlegs here, and there are many other adaptations on the Phantom Retrospective channel. Otherwise, contact @glassprism (or another trader) for a possible trade, or check her website for info on which master(s) to contact.
For general stream info, please see the Saturday Streams FAQ.
On to the list!
Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera (Dividing these by decade because there's a character limit per text block!)
1988 Broadway: Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, Steve Barton
1989 Broadway: Cris Groenendaal, Rebecca Luker, Steve Barton
1989 Los Angeles: Michael Crawford, Dale Kristien, Steve Barton
1990 Los Angeles: Michael Crawford, Mary D’Arcy, Reece Holland
1991 Los Angeles: Michael Crawford, Dale Kristien, Michael Piontek
1993 U.S. Tour: Franc D’Ambrosio, Tracy Shayne, Ciaran Sheehan
1993 Vienna: Alexander Goebel, Luzia Nistler, Alfred Pfeifer*
1994 Sapporo: Eiji Akutagawa, Hisako Hanaoka, Masayuki Sano*
1994 Toronto: Peter Karrie, Teresa DeZarn, David Rogers
1995 Broadway: Davis Gaines, Tracy Shayne, Ciaran Sheehan
1995 London: Ethan Freeman, Jill Washington, Simon Bowman*
1998 Broadway: Thomas James O’Leary, Tracy Shayne, Gary Mauer
1998 Los Angeles: Davis Gaines, Marie Danvers, Lawrence Anderson*
1998 San Francisco: Franc D’Ambrosio, Lisa Vroman, Christopher Carl*
1998 Toronto: Peter Karrie, Elizabeth DeGrazia, David Rodgers*
1998 Broadway: Thomas James O'Leary, Sandra Joseph, Gary Mauer
1998 Broadway: Thomas James O’Leary, Tracy Shayne, Gary Mauer
1999 Broadway: Howard McGillin, Adrienne McEwan, Gary Mauer
1999 Toronto: Paul Stanley, Melissa Dye, Laird Mackintosh
1999/2000 Mexico City: Saulo Vasconcelos, Irasema Terrazas, Jose Joel*
Early 2000s
2000 Antwerp: Hans Peter Janssens, Inneke van Klinken, Michael Shawn Lewis
2000 London: Scott Davies, Meredith Braun, Matt Cammelle
2000 London: Scott Davies, Charlotte Page, Matt Cammelle
2001 Hamburg: Ian Jon Bourg, Colby Thomas, Kyle Gonyea
2001 Hamburg: Ian Jon Bourg, Olivia Safe, Kyle Gonyea
2001 Hamburg: Michael Nicholson, Olivia Safe, Christopher Morandi
2002 London: John Owen-Jones, Celia Graham, Robert Finlayson
2003 Broadway: Howard McGillin, Adrienne McEwan, Jim Weitzer
2003 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Julie Hanson, Jim Weitzer
2003 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Lisa Vroman, John Cudia
2003 U.S. Tour: Brad Little, Lisa Vroman, Tim Martin Gleason
2004 Madrid: Luis Armando, Teresa Barrientos, Armando Pita
2004 Stuttgart: Thomas Schulze, Maike Switzer, Carsten Axel Lepper
2005 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Julie Hanson, John Cudia
2005 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Sandra Joseph, Tim Martin Gleason
2005 Broadway: James Romick, Marie Danvers, John Cudia
2005 Essen: Thomas Borchert, Sandra Danyella, Nikolaj Brucker
2005 London: John Owen-Jones, Rachel Barrell, Oliver Thornton
2005 U.S. Tour: Gary Mauer, Marie Danvers, Michael Shawn Lewis
2006 Essen: Ethan Freeman, Anne Gorner, Nikolaj Brucker
2006 Essen: Uwe Kröger, Beatrix Reiter, Lucius Wolter*
2006 London: Earl Carpenter, Rachel Barrell, David Shannon*
2006 São Paulo: Saulo Vasconcelos, Kiara Sasso, Nando Prado
2006 U.S. Tour: Gary Mauer, Elizabeth Southard, Jim Weitzer*
2006 U.S. Tour: John Cudia, Jennifer Hope Wills, Adam Monley
2007 Broadway: Gary Mauer, Jennifer Hope Wills, Jason Mills
2007 World Tour: Simon Pryce, Julie Goodwin, John Bowles
2008 Broadway: Howard McGillin, Elizabeth Loyacano, Jeremy Stolle
2008 Las Vegas: Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone*
2008 World Tour: Simon Pryce, Ana Marina, Alexander Lewis
2009 Australia: Anthony Warlow, Ana Marina, Alexander Lewis
2010 London: David Shannon, Gina Beck, Simon Bailey*
2010 London: David Shannon, Gina Beck, Will Barratt
2010 U.S. Tour: Tim Martin Gleason, Trista Moldovan, Sean MacLaughlin
2012 Broadway: Greg Mills, Marni Raab, Kyle Barisich*
2012 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Trista Moldovan, Kyle Barisich
2012 London: Marcus Lovett, Anna O’Byrne, Simon Thomas
2013 Broadway: Jeremy Stolle, Samantha Hill, Greg Mills*
2013 Broadway: Peter Joback, Samantha Hill, Jeremy Stolle
2013 Broadway: Peter Joback, Elizabeth Welch, Kyle Barisich
2013 London: Marcus Lovett, Sofia Escobar, Simon Thomas
2014 Broadway: Greg Mills, Mary Michael Patterson, Jeremy Hays
2014 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Sara Jean Ford, Jeremy Hays
2014 Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Elizabeth Welch, Jeremy Hays
2014 Broadway: Jeremy Stolle, Mary Michael Patterson, Jeremy Hays
2014 Broadway: Laird Mackintosh, Kaley Ann Voorhees, Jeremy Hays*
2014 Broadway: Laird Mackintosh, Sara Jean Ford, Jeremy Hays
2014 Broadway: Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays*
2014 Broadway: Paul Schaefer, Mary Michael Patterson, Jeremy Hays
2014 Hamburg: David Arnsperger, Lauri Brons, Nicky Wuchinger
2014 Hamburg: Mathias Edenborn, Daniela Braun, Nicky Wuchinger
2014 Moscow: Dmitry Ermak, Tamara Kotova, Evgeny Zaytsev
2014 Moscow: Ivan Ozhogin, Tamara Kotova, Evgeny Zaytsev
2014 U.S. Tour: Cooper Grodin, Grace Morgan, Ben Jacoby
2014 U.S. Tour: Cooper Grodin, Julia Udine, Ben Jacoby
2014 World Tour: Brad Little, Kristi Holden, Anthony Downing
2015 London: Geronimo Rauch, Harriet Jones, Richard Munday
2015 Moscow: Ivan Ozhogin, Tamara Kotova, Ivan Rak
2015 Prague: Marian Vojtko, Michaela Gemrotova, Tomas Vanek
2015 Prague: Marian Vojtko, Monika Sommerova, Tomas Vanek
2016 Broadway: Laird Mackintosh, Julia Udine, Jeremy Hays
2016 Moscow: Andrey Schkoldychenko, Elena Bahtiyarova, Evgeny Zaytsev (act 2 only)
2016 Oberhausen: Brent Barrett, Elizabeth Welch, Max Niemeyer
2016? Prague: Marian Vojtko, Michaela Gemrotova, Tomas Vanek
2016 Stockholm: Peter Jöback, Emmi Christensson, Anton Zetterholm
2016 U.S. Tour: Derrick Davis, Kaitlyn Davis, Jordan Craig
2018 Broadway (Sept.): Ben Crawford, Ali Ewoldt, Jay Armstrong Johnson
2018 Broadway (Oct.): Ben Crawford, Ali Ewoldt, Jay Armstrong Johnson
2018? Prague: Radim Schwab, Monika Sommerova, Tomas Vanek
2019 Copenhagen: Tomas Ambt Kofod, Sibylle Glosted, Christian Lund*
2019 London: David Thaxton, Kelly Mathieson, Jeremy Taylor*
2019 London: Josh Piterman, Kelly Mathieson, Alistair So*
2019 São Paulo: Fred Silveira, Giulia Nadruz, Henrique Moretzsohn
2019 São Paulo - Fred Silveira, Lina Mendes, Henrique Moretzsohn
2019 São Paulo: Thiago Arancam, Daruã Góes, Fred Silveira
2019 São Paulo: Thiago Arancam, Giulia Nadruz, Fred Silveira
2019 World Tour: Jonathan Roxmouth, Meghan Picerno, Matt Leisy*
2021 Broadway: Ben Crawford, Meghan Picerno, John Riddle
2021 Broadway: Jeremy Stolle, Emilie Kouatchou, John Riddle
2021 London: Killian Donnelly, Holly-Anne Hull, Rhys Whitfield
2022 Broadway: Ben Crawford, Kanisha Marie Feliciano, Paul A. Schaefer
2022 Broadway: Ben Crawford, Emilie Kouatchou, John Riddle
2022 Broadway: Ted Keegan, Emilie Kouatchou, John Riddle
2022 Broadway: Ted Keegan, Elizabeth Welch, Bronson Norris Murphy
2022 Broadway: Jeremy Stolle, Emilie Kouatchou, Jordan Donica
2022 London: James Hume, Holly-Anne Hull, Matt Blaker
2022 London: Killian Donnelly, Anouk van Laake, Rhys Whitfield
2022 Sydney: Josh Robson, Georgina Hopson, Callum Frances
2023 Broadway: Ted Keegan, Emilie Kouatchou, John Riddle
2023 Broadway: Ted Keegan, Julia Udine, John Riddle
2023 Broadway: Laird Mackintosh, Julia Udine, John Riddle
2023 Broadway: Greg Mills, Emilie Kouatchou, John Riddle
2023 Broadway: Greg Mills, Julia Udine, Paul A. Schaefer
2023 London: Earl Carpenter, Paige Blankson, Ralph Watts
2023 London: Earl Carpenter, Eve Shanu-Wilson, Connor Carson
2023 London: Killian Donnelly, Lucy St. Louis, Matt Blaker
2023 London: James Gant, Holly-Anne Hull, Matt Blaker
2023 London: James Gant, Paige Blankson, Matt Blaker
2023 Shanghai: Ayanga (various clips)
2023 Shanghai: He Liangchen, Yang Chenxiuyi, Li Chenxi
2023 Thessaloniki: Tim Howar, Harriet Jones, Nadim Naaman
Love Never Dies
2010 London: Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, Dean Chisnall
2011 London: Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, Dean Chisnall
2013 Vienna concert: Drew Sarich, Milica Jovanovic, Julian Looman
2018 U.S. Tour: Bronson Norris Murphy, Meghan Picerno, Sean Thompson*
2023 London concert: Norm Lewis, Celinde Schoenmaker, Matthew Seadon-Young
2024 World Tour: Luke McCall, Manon Taris, Niall Sheehy
Other adaptations
1925 The Phantom of the Opera (film, Lon Chaney)
1937 Song at Midnight**
1943 Phantom of the Opera (film, Claude Rains)**
1962 Hammer Horror: The Phantom of the Opera (film, Herbert Lom)**
1974 Phantom of the Paradise
1983 The Phantom of the Opera (TV movie, Max Schell)**
1987 The Phantom of the Opera (animated film)
1989 Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge
1989 The Phantom of the Opera (film, Robert Englund)**
1990 The Phantom of the Opera (TV miniseries, Charles Dance)
1993 Yeston/Kopit’s Phantom (stage show, Richard White)**
1991 The Phantom of the Opera (stage show, David Staller)
1992 Tom Alonso’s The Phantom of the Opera (stage show)**
1993 Yeston/Kopit’s Phantom (Wichita, Richard White)
1994 Lamb Chop in the Haunted Studio (TV special)**
1995 Pantin’ at the Opera (Wishbone episode)
1995 Phantom of the Opera on Ice*
2000 The Tale of the Last Dance (Are You Afraid of the Dark? episode)
2004 The Phantom of the Opera (film, Gerard Butler)
2011 Spiritual Twist’s The Phantom of the Opera (stage show)
2013 The Phantom of the Opera (Ken Hill stage show, Tokyo)**
2019 Spiritual Twist’s The Phantom of the Opera (stage show)
2018 Yeston/Kopit’s Phantom (stage show, Takarazuka Revue)
2018 Yeston/Kopit’s Phantom (stage show, Seoul)
2020 Sasson’s Das Phantom der Oper (stage show, Germany, with Uwe Kröger)**
2021 Yeston/Kopit’s Phantom (stage show proshot, Seoul)
1994 Australian Phantom cast Easter charity concert ("Phantales")
2017 Broadway: Prince of Broadway (in honor of Hal Prince)
2017 The Phantom of the Empire (Turning Tydes Theatre Company)
Stolleboot (fan edit starring Jeremy Stolle as the Phantom, Raoul, Piangi, and Passarino)*
*Longtime crowd favorite (streamed at least three times)
**We’ve watched it, but it was technically streamed by another host I used to alternate with.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 months
Time For Tea: Introduction
Lavender Haze ( Violet Kingsleigh & Cian Hearts ) has now been merged with Long Live The Queen ( Queenie Hearts & Ace Hearts & Maria Frollo & Helena ) to create a clusterfuck political intrigue series, and several more Wonderland characters have been added to the mix
PS: huge thanks to @cecexwrites @ginevrastilinski-ocs @the-witching-ash for listening to me completely lose my mind and jump all over the place as I figured this out!
The OGs
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Ace Hearts [ Curran Walters ] – Long Live The Queen; son of the Queen Of Hearts, Queenie's left hand man & chief enforcer
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Cian Hearts [ Gavin Leatherwood ] – Lavender Haze; son of the Queen Of Hearts, invited to the isle because reports say that the child of the Queen of Hearts is running the Isle and they assume it must be her son
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Helena [ Tegan Croft ] – Long Live The Queen; daughter of Hades & Persephone, Queenie's right hand man, and other chief enforcer
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Maria Frollo [ Elle Fanning ] – Long Live The Queen; daughter of Judge Frollo, grew up locked in his tower and has only recently been freed and brought to Crims, manages Crims
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Queenie Hearts [ Madison Davenport ] – Long Live The Queen; daughter of the Queen Of Hearts, unofficial Queen of the Isle, runs her crew with an iron fist and military precision
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Violet Kingsleigh [ Meg Donnelly ] – Lavender Haze; daughter of Alice & The Hatter, heir to Wonderland, goes to Auradon because Wonderland suspects Auradon of poisoning the White Queen
The Wonderland Crew
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Caoilinn Whittemore [ Florence Pugh ] – daughter of the White Knight & Violet’s personal guard; goes to Auradon with Violet
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Arley Whitaker [ Tom Holland ] – son of the White Rabbit & Violet’s personal secretary / manager / wrangler; goes to Auradon with Violet
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Chelsey Chester [ Rowan Blanchard ] – daughter of the Cheshire Cat
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Tenney Earwick [ Jack Wolfe ] – son of the March Hare
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Mallaidh Merrick [ Mary Mouser ] – daughter of the Dormouse
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Deirdra Taggart [ Ella Hunt ] – daughter of Tweedle Dee
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Deryn Taggart [ Joe Keery ] – son of Tweedle Dee
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Duncan Taggart [ Joe Keery ] – son of Tweedle Dum
The Isle Crew
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Neasa Kearney [ Kaia Gerber ] – daughter of the Red Queen, runs recruitment & orientation for the crew
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Caitria Devlin [ Billie Lourd ] – daughter of the Duchess, crew manager
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Keira Knave [ Alba Baptista ] – daughter of the Knave of Hearts, combat trainer
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Killian Knave [ Freddy Carter ] – son of the Knave Of Hearts, combat trainer for the crew
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Shiloh Reece [ Emilia Jones ] – daughter of the Cook, medic
Bonus – existing ocs who have been added to Time For Tea as part of Queenie's crew
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Nettie Tremaine [ Peyton Elizabeth Lee ] – daughter of Anastasia Tremaine, medic
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Raisa Rasputin [ Sophia Ann Caruso ] – daughter of Rasputin, barge day coordinator, collector
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Rini Bing [ Jenna Ortega ] – daughter of Herman Bing / The Ringmaster, crew manager
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Savina Stromboli [ Diana Silvers ] – daughter of Stromboli, collector
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Winona Sykes [ Milly Alcock ] – daughter of Bill Sykes, head of inventory
( now need to decide if the existing ocs added to Time For Tea should keep their current titles or become part of Long Live The Queen )
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intomusings · 2 years
﹒﹒  unisex   names   masterlist     !
back  again  with  another  masterlist  for  u  all  after  receiving  some  anon  suggestions  .  here's  250+  unisex  first  names  for  ur  next  character  ,  these  come  from  various  influence  points  but  some  of  them  really  are  just  pulled  from  thin  air  .  the  names  are  sorted  by  first  letter  but  not  alphabetically  within  each  letter  !  if  u  found  this  useful  ,  feel  free  to  like  or  reblog  to  boost  this  .
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A : ashtyn , avery , adrian , anderson , abbott , aaren , aki , alix , amari , aden , arden , addison , angel , arizona , armani , ayla , austen , avani , august , ajay . 
B : bailey , beck , bellamy , blaine , blake , brooks , bryce , bodhi , beverly , boston , boyd , benz , banks .
C : cameron , camden , carter , casey , charlie , chicago , carson , courtney .
D : dakota , dallas , delaney , denver , dylan , drew , dua .
E : eden , eli , elliot , emerson , emery , erin , evan , everest , ezra .
F : fallon , finley , finn , forest , foster , finnick , frankie .
G : gem , gabe , gray , genesis , garnet , greer .
H : hale , harley , harlow , harper , haven , hayden , hayes , hunter , hero , holland , hollis , hudson , honey .
I : indy , indiana , isa .
J : jace , jack , jade , jamie , jay , joey , jordan , jude , juniper , julian , jagger , journey .
K : kali , keegan , kelan , kendal , kenzie , kieran , kit , knox , kyle , kaiden , karsyn , kourtney .
L : lake , laurence , lennon , lennox , landry , levi , logan , london , luca , lux , lyric , love , link , lincoln .
M : maddox , madison , manning , manny , marlow , marley , mason , max , morgan , montana , milo , michi , memphis , milan , mica .
N : nevada , nicky , noah , nye , nova , nash , nyjah .
O : ollie , ozzy , orion , onyx , oakley , owen , oliver , ocean , opal , otto , orlando , odelia .
P : paris , pratt , parker , pascal , pax , paxton , paxon , penn , peyton , phoenix , presley , psalm , pearl .
Q : quincy , quinn , quentin .
R : rae , ryan , reagan , reed , reece , rei , rem , riley , river , robin , rocky , rory , royal , rowan , ryder , ryker , reign , rue .
S : sean , sacha , sailor , salem , sam , sawyer , scout , shiloh , skye , skyler , sloane , sol , spencer , stevie , sutton , sydney , storm , sab , seven , saint , sage , shelby , silver .
T : tai , teagan , torrence , tyler , tristan , trevor , tove , toni , tommy , theo , terry , tatum , tanner , tate , tayler , taryn , tris .
U : uma .
V : val , vesper , vega , vaughn , vince , venus , vinny .
W : waverly , wade , whitney , winnie , willy , wylie , wren , wyatt , winter , winslow , wolfe , west , weston .
X : xio , xyla , xashary .
Y : yael , yves , yara , yensi , yale .
Z : zane , zuri , zoe , zion , zayden , zero .
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
Top 15 Portrayals of Raoul (ALW’s Phantom)
“The Phantom of the Opera” closes in two days on Broadway, and I’m still here to give my second favorite musical the honor it deserves! I’m counting down my favorite performers who have played the three key roles of the show. Yesterday, I presented my favorite people who have played Christine Daae. Today, I move on to the next major part: Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny.
Raoul is a character who, even more than Christine, I feel gets a bad rap. He’s the least popular and well-respected of the three main characters; his goals, motivations, and personality are the most simple and altruistic of the three, and as a result he’s often perceived as the least interesting. People tend to gravitate more towards Christine’s many dilemmas, or the tortured and haunting darkness of the Phantom himself, than the seemingly more whitebread Raoul. It’s telling that in the sequel to Phantom, “Love Never Dies” (by the way, I’ve ONLY been considering the first show, not that one, too, in my choices here, at least as much as possible), Raoul is actually changed into one of the main VILLAINS of the story…which, in my opinion, is both nonsensical and a total show of unwarranted contempt for his character. While it is true that Raoul is the least layered character of the three, I think he works because he serves as an interesting counterpoint to the Phantom. Like the Phantom, Raoul is deeply in love with Christine and admires her voice. But while the Phantom has lived a life of torment in the shadows, Raoul has effectively been raised with a silver spoon: he’s a generally optimistic, outgoing, wealthy young man. In fact, at times it seems Raoul is a bit…slow, shall we say? I wouldn’t say he’s stupid, outright, but I feel that part of the character a lot of people don’t realize is that he’s not necessarily the brightest bulb in the bunch, certainly not when compared to the Phantom. But what makes Raoul so wonderful is that, while the Phantom represents all sorts of complexities and tragedies and decadent possibilities…Raoul represents something simple: pure and wholesome goodness. His love for Christine seems absolutely honest and untainted, and the fact he’s rich never really seems to be something he lords over anybody. He doesn’t try to bribe people, he doesn’t try to use his money as something to flaunt, it just…exists. He’s someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, and he’s still willing to take risks and go to great lengths to help those he cares about most. There’s nothing WRONG with Raoul, at the end of the day; he only seems to be “less interesting” because the other characters have so much else going on. Raoul’s motivations and goals are simple: all he wants is to help and protect Christine. He loves her, and he is willing to go to any length to keep her safe and make her happy. There is nothing selfish or self-righteous in his soul. Something interesting about a lot of the actors who have played Raoul best over the years is that they often seem to “graduate” to playing the Phantom later down the line. This isn’t ALWAYS the case, but you will see several examples of that between this list and the one for the Phantom, which shall be done tomorrow. This isn’t always the case, however; what makes a great Raoul doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the Phantom, they simply have to be people who understand who he really is and why he is such a good character in this tale. Once again, this will be a description-less list (just names and pictures). With that said, here are My Top 15 Portrayals of Raoul from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera!
15. Byron Nease.
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14. Killian Donnelly.
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13. John Riddle.
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12. Rhys Whitfield.
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11. Simon Bailey.
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10. Tim Martin Gleason.
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9. John Cudia.
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8. Reece Holland. (Yep. The March Hare played Raoul. I was pretty surprised, myself.)
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7. Ramin Karimloo.
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6. Michael Ball.
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5. Steve Barton.
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4. Hadley Fraser. (I actually used to dislike his Raoul, and I don’t really know why. Nowadays I think he’s great.)
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3. John Barrowman.
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2. Andrew Ragone.
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1. Patrick Wilson. (Not sure how popular this opinion is, but it is the hill I choose to die on.)
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Tomorrow: My Favorite Portrayals of the Phantom!
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kylefletchersgf · 15 days
Wwe Masterlist♥
If anyone is on this list that is problematic let me know so I can remove them
Men’s list:
Akira Tozawa
Andre Chase
Angel Garza
Angel Dawkins
Ashante Adonis
Baron Corbin
Big E
Bobby Lashley
Bron Breakker
Bronco Nima
Bronson Reed
Brooks Jensen
Brutus Creed
Carmelo Hayes
Chad Gable
Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo
Charlie Dempsey
Cm Punk
Cody Rhodes
Corey Graves
Cruz Del Toro
Damian Priest
Damon Kemp
Dante Chen
Dominik Mysterio
Dragon Lee
Drew McIntyre
Duke Hudson
Eddy Thorpe
Edris Enofé
Elton Prince
Finn Bálor
Giovanni Vinci
Grayson Waller
Ilja Dragunov
Javier Bernal
Je’Von Evans
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Joaquin Wilde
Joe Coffey
Joe Gacy
Josh Briggs
Julius Creed
Karrion Kross
Kevin Owens
Kit Wilson
Kofi Kingston
La knight
Luca crusifino
Lucien price
Ludwig Kaiser
Malik Blade
Mark Coffey
Montez ford
Myles borne
Nathan Frazer
Noam Dar
Oro mensah
Pat mcafee
Pete Dunne
Ridge holland
Riley Osborne
Roman reigns
Sami Zayn
Santos Escobar
Seth Rollins
Shawn Spears
Shinsuke Nakamura
Solo Sikoa
Tony D’Angelo
Trick Williams
Tyler Bate
Wes lee
Xavier Woods
Women’s list:
Adriana Rizzo
Alba Fyre
Arianna Grace
Becky Lynch
Bianca Belair
Blair Davenport
Brinley Reece
Candice LeRae
Cathy Kelley
Charlotte Flair
Chelsea Green
Cora Jade
Dakota Kai
Dani Palmer
Elektra Lopez
Fallon Henley
Gigi Dolin
Indi Hartwell
Isla Dawn
Ivy Nile
Iyo Sky
Izzi Dame
Jackie Redmond
Jacy Jayne
Jade Cargill
Jaida Parker
Jakara Jackson
Kairi Sane
Karmen Petrovic
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kelani Jordan
Kelly Kincaid
Kiana James
Lash Legend
Liv Morgan
Lola Vice
Lyra Valkyria
Maxxine Dupri
Michin’/Mia Yim
Nikki Cross
Piper Niven
Roxanne Perez
Samantha Irvin
Shayna Baszler
Sol Ruca
Sonya Deville
Stevie Turner
Tatum Paxley
Thea Hail
Tiffany Stratton
Wendy Choo
Zoey Stark
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littlewalken · 2 years
I submit Reece Holland for the position of Tumblr husband.
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hathousehappenings · 3 months
I was going to include this in the other entry, but I feel like this needs to have its own post.
With the unused script I also got a partial Character Analysis document (that also needs its own post) and a beat outline for an even earlier version of "Have a Heart".
The outline of this episode doesn't look anything like what the show developed into. It starts out with a little intro from Cat. There's also a mention of a "Rabbit Hole Opening Sequence"?!
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The Doorknob was a character and the White Rabbit doesn't have his skates that are mentioned in every other piece of documentation that I've seen for the show. (The skates were a selling point in the contemporary vision of the show.)
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The Caterpillar gets to have this moment and the Hatter and Hare are somehow even more chaotic than the other revised "Have A Heart" script:
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This is really ominous...
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The Tweedles only talk in rhyme, which is funny because I remember Reece Holland talking about how he thought the Tweedles should have spoken only in rhyme in an interview. Also, more impending chaos from H&H.
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People like to blame Alice for things.
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One thing didn't change:
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Hatter also still has a talent for weaseling himself out of being held accountable for things:
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Cat had much more of a presence in this version of the show. It's almost like he was meant to be a teacher figure or narrator or something?
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For only being 5 pages long, this document is packed with little gems that just fascinate me.
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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Armageddon never looked so pretty The Swamp Thing #16
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Character ask: Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny (The Phantom of the Opera)
Tagged by anonymous
Musical canon only, because I haven't read the novel.
Favorite thing about them: His devotion to Christine and resolve to protect her, even at the cost of his own life.
Least favorite thing about them: His plan to use Christine as bait to catch the Phantom by having her sing in Don Juan Triumphant, despite her objections. His intentions are good, but the result is Piangi's murder and Christine's second kidnapping.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I enjoy opera.
*I'm loyal and affectionate.
*I'm nostalgic about my childhood friendships.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm female.
*I'm not an aristocrat.
*No one would ever call me a "slave of fashion."
Favorite line: The lyrics to "All I Ask of You."
brOTP: None in particular.
OTP: Christine.
nOTP: The Phantom.
(Although I do enjoy Love Never Dies-inspired comedy fic where, after Christine's death, they reluctantly decide to live together for Gustave's sake and become the most unlikely pair of dads.)
Random headcanon: He'll never become an alcoholic or a gambler, and Christine will never have a child by another man, especially not by the Phantom. Love Never Dies will never happen.
Unpopular opinion: I understand why so many Phans dislike him, but I don't agree with it. Their dislike has a little more basis than, say, the dislike of Cosette among old-school Les Misérables fans: it's not just that he's in the way of the Phantom/Christine ship. He's genuinely the flattest of the three lead characters, and he makes a few big mistakes over the course of the story. But that doesn't make him a bad person, or just a "fop," or wrong for Christine.
Song I associate with them: "All I Ask of You."
Favorite picture of them:
Steve Barton with Sarah Brightman as Christine, London, 1986.
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Michael Ball, London, 1987.
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Reece Holland (yes, fellow '90s kids, the March Hare from Adventures in Wonderland), Los Angeles, 1989.
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Ramin Karimloo (yes, he played Raoul before he played the Phantom) with Katie Knight-Adams as Christine, London, 2004.
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Oliver Thornton, London, 2004. (When I visited London as a teen that year and took in some West End shows, he was playing Enjolras in Les Misérables while Ramin Karimloo was playing Raoul in Phantom, but then after I left, they switched roles!)
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Patrick Wilson in the 2004 film.
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Jim Weitzer, US Tour, 2006.
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Hadley Fraser, 25th Anniversary Royal Albert Hall performance, 2011.
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auroraislehq · 2 years
mw fcs?
mwf: chase sui wonders, alisha boe, gemma chua tran, lizeth selene, talia ryder, minnie mills, kristine froseth, brianne tju, catriona gray, julia rehwald, rachel sennott, ayesha madon, shen xiaoting, kiana madeira, courtney eaton, brittany o'grady, jessie mei li, mallory bechtel, megan suri, charithra chandran, sharon alexie, maitreyi ramakrishnan, whitney peak, auli'i cravalho, lola tung, adeline rudolph, huh yunjin, willow allen, natalia dyer, florence pugh, maisie williams, emma mackey, simone ashley, winona ryder, liz gillies, emma watson
mwm: zethphan gneist-smith, xolo mariduena, rish shah, dev patel, saul nanni, ruel, archie renaux, brandon perrea, david iacono, christopher briney, sean kaufman, caleb mclaughlin, charles gillespie, louis partridge, brenton thwaites, darren barnet, felix mallard, joseph quinn, donny pangilinan, drew starkey, evan mock, joe keery, dacre montgomery, charlie heaton, tom holland, danny griffin, jonathan bailey, luke newton, reece king, robert sheehan, ncuti gatwa
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shrikehq · 1 year
∘ ₊✧────── anonymous asked ; hello! could i please get a list of your most wanted faces? thank you in advance! 
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of course, there are so many faces that we’d still love to see ! here is just some of many ;
alisha boe, aubrey plaza, raul castillo, laverne cox, chante adams, raymond ablack, yara shahidi, roberta colindrez, medalion rahimi, gbemisola ikumelo, d'arcy carden, georgina campbell, rege-jean page, courtney eaton, reece king, ncuti gatwa, keke palmer, maxence danet-fauvel, keanu reeves, aj clementine, mike faist, george seer, lashana lynch, nathalie emmanuel, kit young, kofi siriboe, laura harrier, chella man, gemma chan, ella balinska, jordan fisher, hayley williams, khadijha red thunder, jonathan daviss, chance perdomo, zaria simone, diego luna, beabadoobee, tom holland, elliot page, ryan potter, adeline rudolph, leah lewis, ross butler, ross lynch, zion moreno, penn badgley, victoria justice, tati gabrielle, lachlan watson, keiynan lonsdale, mason gooding, olivia liang, olivia cooke, manny jacinto, connor jessup, rudy pankow, kiana lede, hailee steinfeld, shay mitchell, chester rushing, tessa thompson, alexandra shipp, charlie rowe, banita sandhu, alex wolff and austin zajur !
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