#references be damned
octobertomarch · 6 months
My first fanart for 2024....
And it's about to get crazy between them (tap for better quality)
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Pls don't repost outside 😞. I will not be posting this one on fb because I'm avoiding a certain commenter (someone who posts overly green minded comments even when my posted fanarts are far from spicy themed)
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chaoflaka · 5 months
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claitea · 3 months
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"The sweetness of her voice speaks to Volo's love for her."
Then perhaps he'd like to hear it himself when it matters most.
left it a little open ended because i couldnt decide how exactly this happens:
1) arceus straight up does give him the ability to understand pokemon. it does not consider this either a blessing or a curse. it is simply allowing him to hear what they've been saying this whole time.
2) going off how iris only understands the hearts of dragons as opposed to n's ability to directly translate, maybe understanding pokemon is some sort of hyper-empathy thing. volo gains such a strong connection with his pokemon through fighting god he can actually understand what they feel
3) his guilty conscience catches up with him and he's imagining this just based on what n told him
either way. get guilt tripped idiot
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wintermoth · 6 months
damn, you know who I'd have liked to see have a go at the Toymaker?? Jack Harkness. That would've been fun. The Toymaker couldn't kill him, Jack wouldn't respect him (he'd cheat, obviously), and it'd have been a whole thing. :'D
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“Draw Percy with black hair” “Book accurate Annabeth” pick up a pencil and do it yourself.
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portalmonsterrr · 1 year
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after the interdarshan championship
a little WIP because im having a bit of a bad day I just couldnt resist drawing pleading eyes emoji kaveh with those desert foxes
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blueskittlesart · 19 days
in the nicest and most non-confrontational way possible. i feel like some of you think that anything that isn't directly openly spelled out for you within a story is "missed potential" or "unexplored." like. sometimes there are implied narratives. sometimes the point is that you as the reader are supposed to think and draw your own conclusions and participate in the story. the writers not directly spelling every little detail out for you doesn't mean that the story is poorly written or missed its own plot details somehow. PLEASE.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 months
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The Preferable Alternative- Prologue - Part 1
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New au. I can't explain the main thought behind this without spoilers. And since i'm jumping straight into a multi-part comic, i won't be giving out any.
Basically vibes for this is that it's kinda creepy and maybe suspenseful with eventual hurt/comfort (if that doesn't make sense, im sorry, i have a hard time describing things). I'm also pretty mean to Donnie. Not "Donnie vs" mean, but unfortunately this idea wouldn't work with anyone else.
(for those that get anxious, like me. There is no main character death. (might not be death at all but we shall see. that depends on one character and even i'm not sure exactly what they'd do yet.) and no one's gets serious physical injuries. Definitely more hurt/comfort than plain angst. b/c that's how i roll. I can't do straight up angst.)
I'll write a proper summery once the prologue's done. I don't want to spoil it too much. For now, just know it's a PB&J duo story that happens during the 6 weeks before the Krang invasion.
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eye-spy-an-eye · 5 months
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I hopped on the train and did some Ariana Griande fanart! I gave them a somewhat alt appearance since I feel like they would collect all sorts of bits and bobs. Not pictured here are chicken socks.
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dhmis-autism · 3 months
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listened to The Bradys and thought about duck again you all know what that means
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egophiliac · 9 months
This may be rude, but im so confused what Sebek's UM is. Is it like an electric ribbon? Or like a force field?
yeah, normally they explain them a little more clearly! my read on it is that he's, like, charging himself up with electricity (or maybe he becomes electricity?) until he's just a big Sebek-shaped lightning bolt. it seems like he needs direct contact to zap people, although it's also possible that "physically run at Silver while screaming" is Sebek's default solution to everything.
this didn't turn out as relevant as I thought it was going to be when I drew it, but have some Sebek doing a stunning theatrical performance anyway:
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gardensnakie · 2 months
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(By itself)
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I have never wanted fanart of something this badly, he's so swagger
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murderofsomeone · 5 months
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Happy 21st anniversary to Lemon Demon!
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itsdefinitely · 5 months
the way you draw peter makes him so squishable. i need to give him a kiss on the forehead and also shake him by his shoulder viscerally
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a rare suspenders pete spotted
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esmiara · 11 months
Love confess-...oh!
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Kind of a "sequel" to this, but it's really just about that one scene in fifteen.
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the-meme-monarch · 5 months
spamton a. spamton voice: hhair.
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