#reflective triangles
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wen ning#wei wuxian#Ignore how Wen Ning's hair looks here because I messed it up. Let's pretend he just sported a different hair style for a brief moment.#I am not exactly great at consistency but I am trying very hard to work on that (immediately messes up again).#Absolutely *love* how Wen Ning clearly remembers and admires WWX...who does *not* recognize him.#This is the best day for Wen Ning and it means *nothing* to WWX. A painful one-sided crush made worse.#It is bittersweet to realize that we care about someone more than they care about us. Sometime we pour love into a relationship-#-with someone who just can't reciprocate. It isn't always a conscious things either. Some people just aren't aware we care.#And painfully - so painfully - You can't make them aware. No act of kindness or gift or self sacrifice will make someone care about you.#You can martyr yourself for someone and they will continue on unchanged.#I think a lot about the parallels between WN and LWJ. Not foils - just reflections. A theme repeated.#People who give so much of themselves to someone who doesn't have the capacity to give any part of themself away.#I will die on the hill of 'Wen Ning would be the love triangle romance if that trope wasn't being avoided'.#And to be honest - thank the stars above that is the case. I do not know any good love triangles in media.#We are skipping some of the sad Jiang Cheng content because I really want to finish season 2 before May.#Sorry JC emo moment lovers...I'll deliver another time.
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katabay · 7 months
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Keep a close eye on Peter. You'd become desperate and turn into a villain without him.
I spend a lot of time thinking about daniil and peter, but something just clicked into place for me with andrey. so!
I am. currently untangling this thread of thoughts about the stamatin twins and daniil and this kind of. triangle that's happening. a three fold bullet for sure, the kind of recognition-awareness-understanding where three people become one, but to step back from that. when daniil and andrey talk, there's a specific shape of peter that stands in his conversational absence. so: triangle formation. it's opposite-adjacent-complementary to daniil and peter's conversations. it all goes back to that first conversation you have with andrey. it's giving knife. love it!
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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roaldseth · 8 months
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In a game of chess, a King is never captured; instead, it yields.
Some elements vaguely inspired by The Game of Chess by Jixico (AO3), but the chess master archetype and its symbolisms is also not new.
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lucksea · 1 month
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the added jitter to this pen makes drawing linelessly sooooo fun. ft i put clothes on my sona but it for real looks weird. not canon
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robo-dino-puppy · 6 months
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horizon forbidden west | patterns & effects 2/?
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muzzleroars · 11 months
idk if you know this but; according to the virtue's terminal info, Higher angels are more humanoid and are considered "purer" than those who look less human. This means that most likely for Gabriel, he'd experience a lot more emotions about his demonic features, as not only is he slowly becoming a demon, but is morphing into a mockery of god's image :>
mentions of body image issues //
YES OMG....this is another important facet in why gabriel despairs over his transformation as he does - the angels of higher choirs are humanoid in shape to distinguish them from the lower, more impure souls that tend to be abstract or animalistic in nature. after all, humanity was said to be made in god's image and although i tend to take a more metaphysical interpretation (as in, humanity is capable of creation as god is), this is likely an ideal form as perceived by god since he bestowed it onto what was meant to be his most exalted work. notably, gabriel gains several animal-like qualities in his horns, claws, and tail, qualities that he and all in heaven would consider lesser, baser, shameful. it all compounds with the deterioration of his halo, his loss of flight, and the severed connection from the other archangels - he feels as though he is fully warping into something else, not just to become a different person but to become another being entirely. he once existed as one of god's highest creations, a being held as perfect by humanity and by many of the other angels in heaven, but now he is agonizingly robbed of that as it slowly erodes. for some time he can only see a twisted form, like something growing out of the body of an archangel but wrong and parasitic. eventually he comes to understand and in fact enjoy who he is as a fallen angel, he is proud of the traits he's gained, but that's only once he can deconstruct the noxious standard of heavenly beauty he realized was much more important to him than he thought.
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jakeperalta · 1 year
I think a lot of hunger games takes that revolve around "the movies are exactly what the books were warning us against" or "people picking a side of the love triangle are ignoring the point of the books" just vastly underestimate the message. like the point goes so far beyond "oh the capitol people are bad for watching the games for entertainment"
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frostbite-the-bat · 7 months
you deserve the context have more art progress aka I Do This To Myself.
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dyrkwyst · 1 year
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Geometric Reflections - Forest Fog
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wheelercore · 1 year
The mind, the hivemind, and the source, the opposite, but mirroring, the heart. When you're fated to kill your father and marry your own mother. St Michael and the forces of heaven defeats of satans army. The son of satan who shall redeemed the despised and wreck vengeance in the name of the burned and the tortured. This is a rosegate post btw.
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wastrelwoods · 9 months
wow. i will soon get to complete the year's trifecta of 'one million people with a grudging disdain for comedy as a genre all watch a comedy bc it has gay people in it and willfully misread and stamp on all the jokes until they are dust and then start killing each other with rocks about things that never happened in the show' media with pirate sitcom
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"why do people talk about the hunger games like it's about a love triangle" well idk how to break it to you but there's a love triangle very explicitly written into all 3 books
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argusdreamer · 3 months
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Odds are, you're not certain about anything,
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and what you are sure of isn't certain. Certainly not, but still, what are the odds you are?
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Quantify this,
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and you become a little more certain. If any doubt remains, then you are not certain; if no doubt remains, you are still not certain.
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They will miss your tender ways and your understanding of everything was pivotal to making the world a better place.
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You have time to share the wealth of knowledge, everything your mind touches gives you the reason to implicate your identity to become boundless.
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Silence your fears and invoke your passion!
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With nowhere to hide except outward we dash to the finish line. Rather than completing ourselves we seek gratitude, redemption and power to feel the beauty that remains.
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Stuck in ordinary lines of thinking, but open to suggestions.
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Ode to the eternal spring in our step, dreams combine as harmony, where we're headed we don't need to be certain as long as we finish what we started.
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the design of forgiving each other and the worlds that come with that is worthy of the struggles it permits, you're a hero.
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Spread the message, you're a hero.
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There some ideas that I have for MH cartoon (2022) beacuse I don't want wait until 28th October
Lagoona-centric episode: Probably is something related to romance and everyone (except her friends) is afraid of her. It could be Gil or Finn.
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Cleo-centric episode: Dealing after her breakup with Deuce. She can't help feeling little jealous seen Deuce and Frankie together at Coffin Bean (is good opportunity to promote Coffin Bean and Coffee Break line)
Deuce-centric episode: Good opportunity to show him before and what motivates him to be better monster.
[In the live-action movie they're indication that gorgons are known as troublemakers and bad?]
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bonesblubs · 2 years
Wow your Thoughts on wwx’s hair being down… so true, and also gave me feelings.
Too many thoughts!! But yeah, I think it’s interesting that almost all art of him is with his hair up and I think that’s very appropriate for his character (post death and resurrection). Especially in contrast to LWJ who has most of his hair down at all times.
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gayofthefae · 2 years
Just wanted to point out that the only actual difference between the Stancy/Jancy triangle and the Byler/Melvin triangle, especially in Vol 1, is that there was an outside party that verbally acknowledged it twice. But that has nothing to do with the actual actions to be acknowledged and nobody said that Eddie or Dustin was reaching when they noticed that Steve’s feelings were obvious or that Nancy was looking back at him a certain way.
Both Steve and Will have more obvious feelings for the Wheeler they have history with who’s in a relationship and both Nancy and Mike have not made any statements of the like but have been hinted to have some feelings through the way they talk to and look at them in return. They even both have a conversation in a van/trailer that includes comments about the future and love confessions just with one key detail omitted (Steve having Nancy as part of the fantasy, Will being the one speaking not El).
I guess what I’m saying is you don’t have to ship the same things. You can have an opinion about the love triangle. That’s the whole point of love triangles. But don’t go around saying it’s OBVIOUS that there is no love triangle. There is. That’s your ship that you side with in it. Great. But I didn’t see people in Vol. 1 going around saying when Steve told Dustin he was over Nancy that was the truth and that line would never be revisited or that Nancy was in no way flirting with or at all considering Steve because she said I love you about Jonathan in episode 1 as if that 100% would contradict the ability to feel that kind of love for anyone else. So don’t be a hypocrite and make your argument that the discussion isn’t even real.
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