#regarding obi wan
sketchyspirit · 2 years
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And you said you never knew me But I think you do
(Cropped) Commission for @obi-wkenobi illustrating her amazing vaderwan fic 
to my commissions info sheet
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jollyhaunt · 2 years
coruscant has the space equivalent to the cosmopolitan magazine, including those celebrity quizzes pertaining to things such as "which actor is your bestie" etc. except they come out with an issue about the jedi INCLUDING "which jedi master would be your soulmate"
the troopers have a riot with this, the jedi amused just as much if not more (no one has heard yoda laugh this much since a prank some padawans *cough cough obiwanandquinlan COUGH* had pulled on mace). cody had refused to participate in the quiz no matter how much heckling he received from the 212th. on the other hand, obiwan is having a riot with it.
when obiwan hears troopers who got him, he becomes more friendly than before—overuses terms of endearments, more pats on the shoulders, smiling a little sweeter, those sorts of things. 212th troopers who got jedi like anakin or plokoon, obiwan just waggles a teasing brow and makes teasing little comments whenever they're teamed up.
it's rex that finally gets cody to take the quiz. some off hand comment about obiwan and his eyes or something along those lines. cody just yanks out the nearest datapad and does the questionnaire with much more thought than he ought to.
and what'd ya know—he got obiwan.
rex leaks it to the 212th and cody receives so much crap for that. obiwan overhears it and bc he is such a bastard, participates in all the teasing, just outright starts flirting bc isn't it so fun to see cody, marshall commander of the 3rd system army, become pink in the face from all the implications?
the next issue is of the high ranking officers of the GAR, including the clones. obiwan gets cody and anakin gives him so much crap for it as well. cody gives obiwan a taste of his own medicine
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Star Wars x Classical Mythology
3: Obi-Wan Kenobi as Odysseus
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Tell me, Muse, of the man of many devices, driven far astray after he had sacked the sacred citadel of Troy. Many were the men whose cities he saw and whose minds he learned, and many the woes he suffered in his heart upon the sea, seeking to win his own life and the return of his comrades. Yet even so he did not save his comrades, for all his desire, for through their own blind folly they perished.
- Homer, The Odyssey
Neither Obi-Wan nor Odysseus ever wanted to be soldiers, but when war broke out they had no choice, and subsequently proved themselves invaluable on the battlefield. Both were renowned for their restraint and diplomatic skill, and much like our infamous Negotiator, Odysseus was known for his uncanny ability to talk himself out of (and also, on many occasions, into) trouble.
Odysseus was the smart-mouthed, quick-witted King of Ithaca and a general in the Trojan War. Indeed, like Obi-Wan, who ended the Clone Wars by killing Grievous, Odysseus ended the Trojan War by coming up with the idea for the Trojan Horse.
For both Obi-Wan and Odysseus, most of the biggest problems they faced were on account of a foe they defeated but didn't quite kill, who then enlisted relatives to help them take revenge (yes, I am comparing Maul to a cyclops, sue me). And, like Obi-Wan, Odysseus was the only one out of all the friends and comrades he fought with to survive past the immediate aftermath of the war.
The difference is, Odysseus got to go home. Obi-Wan never did.
Obi-Wan is an Odysseus who made it back to Ithaca to find Penelope and his family dead and his palace burned to the ground.
Obi-Wan is an Odysseus who spent the rest of his life stranded on Ogygia homesick for a place and a people he could never return to.
Bo-Katan Satine
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r0gerr0ger · 1 year
Master-padawan relationships are so fascinating in their uniqueness.
Specifically in how unique each relationship is based on age difference between master and padawan.
Obi-Wan is 13 when he becomes Qui-Gon’s padawan, compared to Anakin’s 9. But Qui-Gon is in his late 30s compared to Obi-Wan’s mid-20s as a master. This means Obi-Wan’s relationship is closer to a father-son with his master, versus brotherly with Anakin.
Anakin and Ahsoka are even more like siblings, being so close in age (seriously, how was Anakin allowed a padawan at 19)
So some padawans are growing up with a parental figure. Others with more of a sibling.
The way this would change each Jedi is fundamental. We see this clearly with Obi-Wan compared to Anakin.
Undoubtedly, I also believe it would have impacted Anakin’s fall to the dark side.
It wouldn’t have prevented it (very little if anything could have; it’s what makes the prequels a tragedy) but with a father-figure- someone to reprimand him, to be more authoritative, etc.- perhaps he would have lent less heavily on Palpatine.
Perhaps he would have been guided more openly through his relationship with Padme (here I feel Qui-Gon would have been happy to actually talk about it)
Perhaps Anakin would have felt he could get away with less leading up to his fall. He would have tried harder to stick to the Jedi way- to emulate a father, rather than out-compete a brother.
And yet, equally, I think it could have made his fall all the more terrible.
Often, bitterness for a parent is so much heavier than for a sibling. Anakin would have killed Qui-Gon. He would have levelled so much blame on him. From a slightly different perspective, may even have fallen to the dark side sooner- driven there by resentment, by a need to prove himself.
Obviously, there are so many other factors at play that shaped the way Anakin turned out versus Obi-Wan, but I think their differing master-padawan relationships from an age perspective are hugely important.
What do you think?
(also, how would Ashoka’s life have been different if, say Obi-Wan, was her master?)
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swbumblebee · 2 years
“Thank you for joining me Masters Jedi” The reporter, a petite Mon Calamari, greeted them with a well-practiced smile, desperately hoping it hid her nerves as the selection of available (or, she had a sneaking suspicion, those who were not quite quick enough with a plausible excuse) council members filed in. They took seats in the comfortable chairs arranged in a semicircle in front of her.
“Thank you for inviting us” Obi-Wan Kenobi responded with a charming smile, characteristically polite and the voice of the group as they sat down. Mace Windu and Plo Koon both nodded in acknowledgement, Shaak Ti smiled serenely and Kit Fisto flashed her his usual wide grin. It was like looking at holo-posters.    
“Please make yourselves comfortable” She cleared her throat and switched on her holo-mic “and before we start, my listeners have asked me to pass on their heartfelt thanks for all your efforts during the war, and for making the Galaxy safe once again.”
At this there was some shuffling, her Jedi guests looking between each other, a surprising air of awkwardness settled over the group and she instantly kicked herself.
“We simply followed the will of the Force, and we were fortunate enough to have our Trooper brothers with us. We could not have prevailed without them” Master Plo Koon replied with a slight dip of his head in thanks, even as he shrugged off the compliment.
The reporter smiled back at him.
“Of course, I’m very excited to meet them later.” She said, noting the rather pleased looks on the Jedi’s faces as she did so and hoping she had clawed back some goodwill. “For now, though, I’m very interested in learning more about our Jedi heroes and I have some fantastic questions from our listeners.”  She settled back in her chair and looked at her notes, willing her hands to stop shaking. This was a career making opportunity.
 “Could I first ask, to set us up nicely, for you all to state your name, species and age for the holo-mic please. It helps listeners distinguish voices and really build a picture of you” she explained, getting down to business.
“Sure! I’m Kit Fisto, Nautolian, and I’m fifty-five in standard years.” The first Jedi, a shockingly youthful (and very handsome) male smiled at her reaction as the reporter’s face widened in surprise.
“My species age well” he said with a wink, and the reporter was amused to note his confidence got him a whack on the leg from the next Jedi, Shaak Ti.
“Greetings, I am Shaak Ti, Togrutan and I am fifty-eight in Galactic Standard Years” she said with a lovely, measured voice that would make an excellent narrator, the reporter thought.  
“Thank you” She said, before moving down the line.
“I am Plo Koon, Kel Dor, and I am three hundred and eighty-five GSY old” he said rather proudly, the reporter thought. She nodded in appreciation and slight awe. She understood some of the older races had different life spans and ages, but she’d never met one before.
“I am Mace Windu, Korun from Haruun Kal, and I am sixty-one GSY.” The reporter struggled to meet the serious brown eyes of the head of the order, trying very hard not to be intimidated she nodded in thanks and moved on to her last guest. Her personal favourite.
“Hello there, I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, a near-human from Stewjon and I’m thirty-eight.” He said with another polite smile.
“Excellent, now then-“
The reporter was incredibly surprised to be interrupted by the serene master herself, Shaak Ti, who had something akin to shock on her face.
“ah, sorry? What?” Master Kenobi asked, a little unsure, looking between his colleague and the reporter, who shrugged a little.
Master Ti looked at him down the line.
“You’re how old?!” she asked again.
Master Kenobi was starting to look downright uneasy.
Master Ti continued to stare at him.
“In Galactic Standard Years?” she clarified incredulously
A snort came from Master Fisto at the other end of the line.
“Ahh Shaak. All this time, didn’t realise he was a baby did you?” he said knowingly.
“I am not a baby!” Master Kenobi spluttered.
“I mean I knew he was young but…”
“Now hang on, I’m not that young-“
“I had a similar moment of realisation about halfway through the war” Plo pacified her with an understanding pat. “We basically followed a teenager into battle” he said sagely.
“Oh now you’re just being –“
“Did you know about this?!” Shaak asked the head of the order accusingly, ignoring her young colleague’s protests.
Master Windu’s frown held a hint of amusement.
“Yes…I can do mathematics, and read personnel files…” he answered slowly, dry as the dessert. Master Ti glared at him.   
“Sorry Obi-Wan” The surprised Togruten turned at last to mollify her colleague. “I’m just…surprised. That makes you the youngest member in…a while. I can’t believe I never knew!” She said in amazement.
“He’s the youngest ever member if I am correct” Master Windu stated, with a rather smug smile, and the reporter was amused to note Master Plo Koon nodding along with a distinct air of pride.
For his part, the reporter could swear Young Master Kenobi’s ears were starting to turn an amusing shade of pink, and for some reason he scowled slightly.
“Depa is only five years older than me!” he grumbled into his folded arms.
“Yeah but she’s Depa” Master Fisto chimed in, in a knowing tone.
“Just what is that supposed to mean-“
The reporter blinked at the scene in before her, rapidly descending into a friendly argument and the bickering of age-old friends. Or, young friends, as the case may be.
She looked at her stack of questions again, and grinned, her previous nerves about interviewing the most powerful beings in the galaxy all but disappearing as Master Fisto winked at her again and Master Plo leaned over to ruffle Master Kenobi’s hair, dodging around a protective Master Windu.
She put the questions on the floor under her chair and grinned.
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sukugo · 6 months
it's been kinda funny for me going from 2 very fucked up ships to sukugo.
#like just. the difference in how i treat them is so#me with obikin and kv: ahahaheehehe anakin raping obi-wan forcing himself on him obi-wan riddled with guilt vash gets BRUTALLY assaulted#me with sukugo: sukuna 🥺🥺 kiss gojo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 sukuna love 🥺🥺 gojo 🥺🥺🥺 and give him. so many Kiss 🥺#fdhfjgfhdjsjhfshu#i mean it's not like i DON'T have my crazier morally dubious moments with them. (there's nothing i love more than blurred consent)#plus there are aspects of their relationship that do lend themselves for a clash and greater emotional conflict#but they're ultimately a very cute ship. they're just kinky. but they're soft#in contrast to obikin and kv where smth like the lack of consent is inherent to the relationship (at least. in my interpretation of obikin)#as well as like twisted love and crushing psychosexual obsession and codependency and the whole incest thing they both got going on#(i mean obikin isn't incest. but it is. to me)#whereas sukugo is two guys met and found and equal in the other. it's very give and take. it's constructive as ive said before#while the other two are very one person gives and gives and gives and gives#the other takes and takes and takes and takes#until they go up in flames and fuck up everything around them#f.txt#and even in the jjk ships sukugo is quite cute#like lets' say we compare it to smth like fushigo.....THAT'S a crazier ship#it's really about the emotional part#how long the characters have been together and how regard each other. and in these cases. it's bc they're almost (or actual) familial bonds#fdjfhdjfdsffjdsfsjfsdfsdfds it's the incest.#it all comes down to the incest huh FJDSGFHDSG#anyways
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flashthescalesian-art · 5 months
Volt, to Obi-Wan: Well, one of us has to be wrong and it's not going to be me.
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willowcrowned · 2 years
less tragic knight/tragic lady obidala more couple from hell obidala. you don’t stick two bitchy control freaks in a relationship without getting some dishes broken and cars set on fire
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radiosummons · 2 years
Not to compare apples to oranges or whatever in regards to fictional characters' trauma, but Anakin wouldn't have been able to handle even 1/4 of what Obi-Wan went through.
Look, I’m an Anakin stan myself. He’s not my number one blorbo, but I do adore him and purely for the fact that he’s a goddamn fucking mess. But I can’t help but feel like some of the more extreme Anakin stans keep missing the point of the prequels/Clone Wars as a whole. That being: Darth Vader could not exist without Anakin.
I only bring up Obi-Wan because a lot of the takes I’ve seen from people trying to defend Anakin from any speck of criticism tends to almost always revolve around his trauma/shitty life experience. And, like ... he’s not unique in that aspect. If anything, Obi-Wan shares a very sad, almost mirror-like amount of experiences with him.
For example:
-Obi-Wan was a slave. A lot of characters in the Star Wars universe were slaves.
Anakin was a slave!
((Update to the above: someone asked for clarification on this point, and I made a lengthy response in my reply/reblog. If my reply is too difficult to find down the road, I can add that bit here. Otherwise, the short version of the above isn't that Obi-wan's trauma is more valid than Anakin's. Just that 1) Anakin being a slave is not unique in the world of Star Wars and 2) Obi-wan and Anakin do share similar traumas but react very differently to said traumas)).
-Obi-Wan’s father figure (Qui-Gon) died in his arms.
Anakin’s mother died in his arms!
-Obi-Wan lost the love of his life. Who also died in his arms. Who also, strangely enough, did not die because of anything he did.
Anakin lost the love of his life!
Anakin was criticized by the Jedi Order for his inability to let go of others!
-Obi-Wan was criticized by the Jedi Council and his peers for his attachments to Qui-Gon, Anakin, Ashoka, Quinlan, Satine, etc, etc. The Jedi did not condemn him (or Anakin) for forming these attachments. He learned to let go of those he loved when their time came, no matter what form that took, i.e. death or simply them choosing to take their own paths without him in their lives.
Anakin had anger issues that made it difficult for him to form proper relationships!
-Obi-Wan had horrendous anger issues. Qui-Gon initially refused to taken him on as a padawan specifically because he had a horrifc temper. He learned to control his anger so that it would no longer control him. 
Anakin was being targeted and tempted by a Sith!
-Obi-Wan was directly targeted by multiple Sith at multiple instances throughout his life. They all at one point or another tried to force him into using the Dark Side (Maul, in particular), or tried to convince him to leave the Jedi Order and become a Sith (Count Dooku, mostly, but also Asajj). He didn’t. 
Palpatine manipulated Anakin!
-Obi-Wan was also manipulated by Palpatine. Everyone in the fucking galaxy was manipulated by Palpatine. Anakin is not special. 
I could go on and on and on. This is just a small list of one to one comparisons, but like ... this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the absolute amount of horrendous shit that Obi-Wan has gone through, even prior to Order 66. I’m not saying that Anakin’s trauma isn’t valid, nor am I trying to say that Obi-Wan is a better character than Anakin because of how much more he has gone through in comparison.
My point is this: At no point, did Obi-Wan give into the Dark Side or become a Sith. Despite the actual living hell that his life was, he never ever ever turned to the Dark Side. A lot of people like to say he came close when he faced off against Maul during the episode “Revival,” and I can definitely see where people are coming from. But he didn’t.
In the grand scheme of things, Anakin does not have a fucking excuse for becoming a Sith Lord. Not that he (or any other Sith for that matter) ever had a valid excuse to begin with. But holy fuck, my guy. If someone like Obi-Wan, who literally has not known a single day of peace, can still somehow manage to keep themselves from giving into the temptation of becoming the emobiement of all things evil, especially in response to great emotional pain ... like, my guy, there really is no fucking excuse. 
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tennessoui · 2 years
the gift of the magi ending had me 😭😭 also absolutely love that reverse verse obi was such a shy and soft padawan and then he grew up into a complete slut djsncbsnsnxhxjbd drives anakin mad like WHERE??? WHERE DID MY SWEET INNOCENT CUTE LIL PADAWAN GO??? obi-wan, with fishnets and a collar that says “master” on it sucking a space lollipop: what ever do you mean
Anakin is adjusting poorly to obi-wan gaining his confidence even though it’s probably his fault obi-wan got so confident in the first place because he gave him oodles of attention and encouragement….I feel like padawan obi-wan entering his slut stage was a bit of “I need to not have this crush on my master and hey look at how many people want to have sex with me let’s try that” and then also a bit of “do you think anakin will get mad at me if I do x? Y? Z? No? Fuck I’m going to be in love with him forever”
And then he finds out how hot it is when anakin is mad at him but refusing to show it (all clenched jaw and hands into fists and dark glares at his choice of clothing and his hickies and and and and) so that’s incentive to keep doing it, wondering what may get Anakin to snap
I feel like while knight obi-wan is still a bit insecure about some things (especially because his knighting ceremony made his master just LEAVE him), late stage padawan obi-wan really knew that he was the center of anakin’s world. Sure, qui-gon was able to say something that shook his faith in Anakin for a brief moment, but in general I feel like that padawan obi-wan understood how important he was to his new master
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annwayne · 6 months
You gotta give me sith!obi-wan x jedi!reader (pretty pretty please)
Hehehe yessss. I can't take all the credit tho, like with many fics you supplied several ideas years ago when I first came up with it lol. But that's what writing friends are for >:D
The idea- an AU where Palpatine was betrayed by Dukoo well before the clone wars and took Obi-Wan as his sith apprentice. Otherwise canon isn't that different. The fic is a kinktober oneshot, so sexy interrogation with reader as Obi-Wan's captive set during the Clone Wars. I never got super far writing it.. but it is a fun idea.
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Strawberry ginger hair was the first thing you saw. Then your eyes jumped down- maybe to give your face time to recover from your violent awakening before your captor saw how disoriented you were. You noticed black boots hidden under white dress pants and a long cape with gold lining. Those boots stepped forward. As he walked towards you, he also moved further into view, ruining your attempts to avoid looking at him. Sleek fabric and a familiar gold chain finally met your eye. A gloved hand rested under your chin and firmly lifted your head up.
Beautiful blue eyes stared darkly into your avoidant ones. You dropped your gaze to his mouth then behind his shoulder; anywhere but his eyes. “Ah-Come now, avoiding eye contact is just rude. I know you have better manners than that, darling.” His voice was the same–but somehow it felt unfamiliar.
“Kenobi.” You said his name like it was bile stuck on your tongue. Most of the feeling in your body was gone- a side effect of the stasis pumping electricity through your body in order to keep you floating in place. You knew it usually wore off within the first hour, which meant you hadn’t been here for long.
“How lovely. You really shouldn’t hide away such beautiful eyes.” That handsome face grinned at you. Then, he started circling you. The tap of his heel moving oh so slowly.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
“You gave us quite the scare,” Obi-Wan’s voice bounced around the holding cell. “We weren’t sure you’d even wake up after those commando droids dragged you off that wretched planet.”
Tap. Tap. Tap.
“But I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”
Those boots stopped behind you. You hadn’t noticed when you stopped breathing.
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
I personally find Alpha-17 and Obi-wan to be a more interesting couple dynamic than Cody and Obi-wan, so it's infinitely funny to me that I have reunited the three of them in TOEAU.
On one hand, Cody gets to interact with a brother he's missed dearly and feels a little less isolated than before, because at least one piece of his family is returned to him unexpectedly.
On the other hand, he now has to suffer through second-hand embarrassment because Alpha-17 and Obi-wan were apparently a thing at some point, and they're currently going through a "divorced couple/salvaging the marriage" type deal where they either can't stand each other, or are giving each other "I want you" eyes.
Its awful. Cody is in hell. This is what hell looks like.
The moment they reconcile he's never leaving his cave ever again because he's not dealing with that.
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maulfucker · 9 months
Any headcanons for obimaul?
I headcanon the hatesex is insane <3 but unjokingly I am. not really the type to have specific headcanons. I enjoy experimenting with possibilities and seeing what fits the situation I create to put them in more than having set ideas about characters' relationships
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nintenderniere · 1 year
A small continuation to my Skywalker Maul AU because I love them sm guys pls
I wholeheartedly believe that Obi-Wan and Anakin are always atleast somewhat connected in every universe and I have no doubt that a sith Obi-Wan would try and convince Anakin to become his apprentice at some point because the force is pushing him towards this one kid with a bazillion midichlorians and who is he to disagree??? Especially with the boys master who eats hatred and anger for breakfast, he would make a wonderful sith apprentice right?
WRONG Anakin hates this fool. He hates him sm he’s not gonna fall to the darkside out of pure spite.
Obi-Wan is preaching about how the force has brought them together to be a team and that he’s certain they must have a force dyad or something meanwhile a fourteen year old Anakin is frothing at the mouth because he fucking HATES this guy. Unlike Obi-Wan in canon Maul would not have bothered to hide his hatred of Obi-Wan so Anakin would’ve grown up despising him.
In this au Anakin is the one who grew up keeping his master somewhat grounded in the light and to do that HE had to be light and HE had to be the responsible one as well so of course he hates this asshole who caused his master so many restless nights, who hurt him so badly, of course he’s gonna be pissed off when Obi-Wan walks up acting like none of that happened, like it doesn’t matter.
This Anakin’s still feral like canon he’s still just as unhinged if not more but because of Maul he’s had to pull his shit together because they can’t both be ‘fuck around’ one of them has to be ‘find out’
So this Anakin is just trying SO hard to be hinged here he is clinging to those hinges like a madman. He is the normal one in this master padawan duo force damnit but he is so fucking bad at it. So it’s just Obi-Wan being like ‘:D this is so fun right future apprentice <3’ and Anakin’s eye is twitching, he is repeating ‘I am one with the force and the force is one with me’ and going ‘hahaaa yeah (:’ while trying not to judo chop this guys head off like his hand just keeps twitching to his lightsaber it is so bad.
Like you see Maul and Anakin as the mean and the nice one and that could not be further from the truth Anakin is sm scarier and meaner then Maul he just had to reign that in or else he and Maul would’ve both been kicked out of the order. You know how Obi-Wan and Anakin always bounce off each other with sarcastic comments? Maul just kinda swears and yells at people while Anakin passively aggressively encourages him until he gets mad and starts yelling too.
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backpackingspace · 2 years
Listen listen anakin never snuck out of the temple to go drinking and obi wans response was why the fuck not
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emergency-code-913 · 2 years
seeing obi-wan dual wield lightsabers while fighting darth maul and savage
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