#regardless of my concerns
vaya-writes · 2 years
The Wyvern's Bride - Part 3.2
When Adalyn gets sacrificed to the local wyvern, she’s a little annoyed and a lot terrified. Upon meeting the wyvern, she discovers that he’s not particularly interested in eating people, and mostly wants to be left alone. In a plot to save himself from the responsibilities his family keep pushing on him, Slate names Adalyn as his human Envoy, and tasks her with finding him a wife.
2000 words. Cis female human x Cis male wyvern (slow burn, arranged marriage, eventual smut). firefly-graphics did the divider.
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Adalyn wakes early. She’s used to getting up at sunrise to start baking, and up in the Spires with the balcony door propped open, she has an unimpeded view of the lightening sky.  
Slate had woken earlier still and is nowhere to be found. There’s evidence of his stirring here and there. A blanket in a pile by the chaise. Crumbs at the table. A covered plate of cold toast waiting for Adalyn. She bites into it, relishing the jam Slate had procured.  
She’s tempted to go back to bed. To sleep in until the sun finishes rising. To loaf about and relax, perhaps with a book. But she’s not yet game to go through Slate’s collection, and the threat of boredom chafes at her skin.  
Instead, she dresses for the day, gathers up some of her cleaning supplies, and makes for the kitchen. She’s not sure what state she’ll find it in but is looking forward to using the area herself.  
Light streams into the windows as she makes her way down the Tower until finally, she enters the passage that leads to the kitchen. Its dark, but thankfully short, and when she finds the dining room, the skylight illuminates the area enough to see her to the kitchen. 
Adalyn swears under her breath as she locates the flint and steel and lights the nearest brazier. Perhaps lighting is another thing she’ll have to talk to Slate about. 
When the kitchen is lit, Adalyn leans against the counter and surveys the place. Her legs are wobbly from the trek – it had been nice to stretch them, and she can move without discomfort now, but the hike will still take some getting used to. 
The Matron’s staff had tidied the kitchen. Dishes had been washed and put away, and any remaining food had been sealed and put in the larder (dried fruits are all that remain). Still, there are crusts and crumbs scattered about, and the fire pit is overflowing with ash.  
Adalyn sinks into cleaning. She marvels over the plumbing as she wipes and washes the counters. She puts on a pot of tea when she works, settling into the familiar routine. She even rummages through the larder for ingredients, and once the counters are clean, starts baking some bread and biscuits. She’d brought her starter yeast from home, and Slate’s kitchen is stocked with everything else she needs.  
By midmorning she’s surveying the fruits of her labours with satisfaction. There’s a platter of sweets to snack on, jam sandwiches which she eats on the spot, and a tea set which she resolves to take upstairs. She sets aside a handful of other things to take to the Tower, so that she won’t have to descend to the kitchen each morning for supplies.  
Throughout the morning Adalyn had noted a distant rumble. It had been almost comforting. In the stillness beneath the mountains, with Adalyn’s busywork being the only sounds, it soothes her to hear something else. 
When she finishes her work and takes a moment to breathe, she listens to the sounds with curiosity, then recognition. The occasional boom and slight tremors beneath her feet could be indicative of a cave in but had been too consistent. It’s more likely Slate, at work somewhere within the Spires. 
She glances at her food, then around the kitchen. There’s honestly not much else for her to do, and with the rest of the day stretching out before her, she decides to explore. 
She sets off in the direction of the byway, following the distant sounds of earth rending, retracing her steps through the dining hall and a winding passage before she emerges into the enormous cavern. At the size of it she blanches. Awe inspiring as it is, the walls are still unremarkable, and she worries that she might lose her way. She’s looking around for landmarks, anything to help mark one passage from another, when she notices the pile of stones beside her.  
Their purpose immediately becomes clear. Adalyn notes the number of stones and their arrangement – unique. Each door marker is different from the next. She resumes her exploration, walking alongside the stream and taking in the sights. Plant life creeps down from the ceiling, spilling over the edge of the cave opening, high above. The area is almost lush. 
She doesn’t have to walk the entire cavern, thankfully. The sounds are coming from just across the main-way, and she eyes one passage speculatively. The gouge marks around the edge of the doorway are fresh; debris and dust litter the ground and a set of footprints, visible even to her, track through it all. She spies a bundle of white and stoops to examine it. A shirt, discarded in a heap. 
She’d go in after Slate if it weren’t for the darkness. At its thickness, she balks. Even if the wyvern were through the passage, she has no way of knowing about any hazards.  
“Slate?” She calls. 
The noise ceases. For a moment she hears nothing. Then there’s the crunch of footsteps. 
“Adalyn. Are you alright?” 
The air swirls with dust. Adalyn waves the particulates away from her face and coughs. “I brought you lunch, though it might be early.” 
Slate emerges from the darkness, pausing at the threshold of the shadows. “It’s never too early to see you, dearest.” 
Adalyn squints at his outline, using the expression to cover her embarrassment. “Do I get to see you?” 
He straightens, and steps out of the corridor. Contrite, he runs a hand through his hair, smearing a white streak through it. “Sorry. Difference in eyesight, I guess.” 
He’s shirtless, in his demi form. There’s a layer of filth and grit covering him, almost creating patterns against his grey skin and dappled scales. 
She eyes the swarths of them: thick and dark on the backs of his arms and shoulders, lightening colour at his sides, and thinning into skin over his chest. There’s a fresh scar above his left pectoral, and Adalyn recognises it as the place where Slate had removed a scale. 
She drags her eyes away from his chest and forces a polite smile. “Did you want to wash up first, or...” 
Slate gestures towards the cavern. “Let’s go over there. You can sit in the light, and I can take a dip in the stream.” 
Adalyn takes a seat at the bank before unwrapping their food. She sets the remaining sandwiches aside for Slate while she picks at a biscuit. She watches with bemusement as Slate kicks off his shoes and socks before stepping straight into the stream. She catches sight of his back – tessellated scales the colour of coal – and the amusement slips her mind. 
“What are you working on today?” 
His arms are wreathed in shadow, fingers tipped with long claws. Adalyn watches, riveted, as he dispells the claws into puffs of smoke and begins rubbing water up his arms and chest. His skin from the forearms down is still shadowy, and cloudy water streams off him in rivulets. 
“I’m carving the passage from the main-way to where your quarters will be.” 
“By hand?” 
“The first time, yes.” 
He climbs the bank to sit beside her, and she wordlessly hands him a sandwich. He smiles his thanks. “What about you?” 
Adalyn sighs. “I don’t know. To be honest, without a bakery to run, I fear I might get quite bored.” 
“What did you used to do with your free time?” 
She leans back, watching a cloud pass. “Cook. Clean. Garden. Sometimes spin and sew.” 
“Do you like doing those things?” 
“Yes, sometimes. They help me feel in control.” 
Slate considers while he finishes his food. Then rests his hand in his chin. “We could find you a project. I always have several to keep me busy.” 
She grins. Slate seems the type to keep multiple pots on the burner. “You got a list, or something?” 
He straightens and counts on his fingers. “Finish the blueprints for your quarters, carve out the passages and main spaces, contract a smith for fittings, designate a permanent space for my workshops, build said workshops, prototype different elevators,” he pauses, and a blush touches his cheeks at Adalyn’s expression. “To start.” 
She enjoys his enthusiasm. Even if she finds it hard to relate. “I thought you’d finish the Tower first.” 
He brushes some crumbs away and reaches for a sweet. “I don’t want to crowd you longer than necessary. Your space is my top priority.” 
Some of her mirth fades, and she tries to keep a neutral expression. Part of her fixates on those words, searching them for further meaning. Perhaps he is being genuine.  
Tentatively, she replies. “I don’t feel crowded.” 
She misses the way he looks at her, somewhat sharply. Fearing he had misstepped. “You don’t? I- well, I know how humans value their privacy.” 
She purses her lips. Part of her very badly wants to protest the distance he’s literally building between them. But she doesn’t want to push, and risk seeming clingy.  
She lets the topic drop. “So what project do you suggest I take up?” 
He thinks. “You like cleaning.” 
A nod. 
He looks almost pained as his picks his next words. “I suppose I don’t mind if you go through my things. Organise them, I mean.” 
She’s torn again. She wants to react with brevity. Tease him for his tastes. ‘What if you don’t like my system.’  
Instead, she approaches the situation with growing anxiety and caution. She wonders if having her in his space, touching all his things, will drive him to push her away faster. She’s practically a stranger. And he’d been so frustrated with his family meddling.  
“If you’re sure. I know it could be a bother.” 
He shakes his head. His fingers creep towards hers. “It’s not. You’d have to try really hard to bother me. Just wait until tonight. Some of the magical artifacts can be aggressive, and I’d better point them out.” 
She eyes his hand, next to hers, and some of the tightness in her chest lessons. Anxiety temporarily assuaged, she manages a smile. She stands and readies to leave, allowing herself some humour. “Okay dearest.” 
When Slate joins Adalyn for dinner he is both late and sodden. He lands on the balcony and lingers there, sheepishly wringing his clothes out. 
“There is a bath here.” 
“I don’t want to track dust through my room,” he says before going to fetch a towel.  
Adalyn had rekindled the fire herself and lit the braziers, and dinner is set out when he joins her at the table, once more in his human form. She wonders if there’s a particular reason he chooses the form so frequently. 
“Sorry I’m late. My timepiece is broken.” He bites into a pastry and lets out an appreciative groan.   Adalyn hadn’t found any substantial supplies in the larder and had managed to make some fruit pies with the jam preserves. He swallows and smiles at her. “How are you finding the keep?” 
She shrugs. Adopts a teasing tone. “There’s room for improvement, I suppose.” 
“I don’t want to seem like I’m complaining.” 
“Please. Complain to me.” 
“Perhaps you could build an exit or two? I’m getting plenty of fresh air from the balcony, but it’d be nice to go for a walk on the surface.” 
“That’s a quick fix. Though I’d be careful walking around the karst. There’s a lot of places you could fall.” 
“We’re also down to bread and cheese. Some supplies wouldn’t go astray.” 
Slate nods. “I go hunting every few days, but it’s slipped my mind, with all the changes. I’d planned to visit the valley tomorrow; we could stock up then?” 
“What are your plans in the valley?” 
He smiles, coy. “Oh, you know. Post some letters. Check in with some craftsmen. Pick up a gift for my wife.” 
“You’re too sweet.” 
She rolls her eyes. “I’ll forgive your tardiness then.” 
“Was that all you wanted? A door and some food?” 
Adalyn narrows her eyes. “I could make a list if it pleases you.” 
“I love lists.”
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chamerionwrites · 2 years
Possibly The most surprising thing I have discovered on the internet is the number of people who will unironically refer to others as "degenerates" without expecting anyone reading this to immediately assume that they are a straight-up fascist
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doomed-prophetess · 9 months
Misery AU where Yoichi is the author of the Captain Hero comics and AFO throws him into the vault when he discovers that Yoichi is planning to kill off the Demon Lord
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99 attacks... holy moly.
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Also, I've finally figured out who I'm going to attack for my big 1-0-0... >:)
However I wouldn't expect it until maybe tomorrow? I'm going to work on it tonight but given its a blockbench model it may take a little more time. I'd say afternoon at the latest. :)
Lucy (1) belongs to @stoovrs and Belphie (4) belongs to @lhou999 continuing our revenge chain!!!
Boxboy (2) and Arlo (3) belong to Antwanefan on art fight. :)
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yourqueenb · 10 months
As a continuation of this ask that I responded to, all the things I mentioned are just parts of the overall issue I have with Blades…. which is that, in the grand scheme of things, I feel like MC is simply a plot device for the other characters rather than a fully developed character who has a fully developed and satisfying arc herself. It’s clear that Nia’s is the story the writers really wanted to tell considering how intertwined her characterization/development and the overall world building are. They basically even admitted as much.
So my question is why not just make her the MC if that’s really what you wanted on the not so down low? They still could’ve incorporated the skill mechanic. Why create a whole player character just to have us running to solve everyone else’s problems/support them while acting like everything that happens to us exists inside of a vacuum in the meantime? So far, all we’ve really been doing in this book is reporting where the group needs to go, telling them what to do, having heart to hearts with them when they need help moving to the next stage of their development, and then being spoonfed information through the lore tablets, which are apparently more for the players’ benefit than MC’s since they barely affect how we respond in game anyway. I’m fine with being the leader or the glue that holds everyone together, but to me it’s unsatisfying that that’s all we are as the main character.
We somehow become more competent due to the skill mechanic but no less clueless at the same time. We have all this terrible shit happen to us, but are only offered a few lines’ description of how that’s affected us. And then the rest of the attention goes to setting up the light vs. shadow conflict and our friends, who get to have personal and compelling conflicts of their own. I mean I feel like MC is more of an emotional support animal to them than an actual person with dreams, feelings, and a (minimal) background. Imo the only character who’s getting shafted almost as much as us is Imtura.
And all of this might make it sound like I hate Blades, but it’s quite the contrary actually. It’s still one of my favorite series and has a lot of fun moments and lovable characters. But I think at this point, its flaws have become too large for me to ignore. So that’s still affecting my enjoyment a bit and probably the reason why I’m so upset with how certain things are being handled. Of course I’m aware that Blades isn’t the only book that has some of these issues though. I think it’s just a little more disappointing because I expected more
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salemoleander · 1 year
Really fascinated by the focus on base destruction this series? It always happens, but it's normally collateral when they're trying to kill or it's arson.
But this season there's a concerted effort to destroy entire structures. Scott destroying Skizz's meeting room, the bombings of TIES tower, and the complete destruction of Bread Bridge- these aren't normally how things work. Yes griefing and theft are always technically allowed, but they don't normally happen like this.
Imo this is the most escalated this series has been since 3L. People have always been willing to play a bit of murder chicken, but there were multiple times this session where people got very close to killing each other, intentionally, when they aren't supposed to
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spookythesillyfella · 1 month
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fanart of @jumjum-crafts 's littles because i think about them almost constantly and they are pawesome !!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) :) ★ ---
.. . ★💌.
!!!!!sketchbook please don't hurt me
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buckera · 4 months
why do you ride so hard for these problematic men? first ryan and his racist anti vax ass and now lou with his ableist trump supporting? you know you can like the characters they play without riding for these grown men right? lou wasn’t hacked. why would he delete that specific instagram post if he was? why would he like his most recent like if he was hacked? why wouldn’t he say he was? you guys just like making up excuses (even ones that make no sense) to give your favs a pass and it’s weird. just admit they are human and fallible and maybe not the best people and that’s okay. you don’t need to stan these men to enjoy their characters.
okay. i'm gonna try to be patient and assume that you're here in good faith, even though I know for a fact, that you're not.
I will also ignore the Ryan thing because what do you mean "first"? I haven't even been in the fandom when that whole thing went down, but I believe in calling out bad behaviour to help people learn to do better, otherwise what's the fucking point? moving on.
so first of all, do not tell me what I should say but especially do not tell me what I should say, when I already said it word for word here:
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second of all, I do not ride hard for Lou, in fact I do not ride hard for any of them. what I care about is actors (and the crew and the showrunners cough cough) not being harassed and treated like crap for doing their jobs, which, let's be real fucking honest here, the fandom has a history with, especially when it comes to love interests — as Oliver himself has pointed it out.
do I know what happened? no. do I think there are a lot of suspicious beats around the incident? yes, very much so.
btw no one would even assume hacking, if certain people could just act right. just a few weeks ago, no one could've plausibly make the claim, now however... this is what bullying and harassing and making fake accounts and so on births, this is all on the fandom. if not for that shitty behaviour, this would be much more clean-cut.
if it was him; he deleted it immediately which tells me that he's at least aware of how it reflects on him, if not how and why posting something like that is not okay. we can't be responsible for other people's values, but can only hope for them to always try to do better. and that's just step one.
the thing is, if we as a fandom can collectively ignore other things that have been deleted by other cast members, then instead of making a spectacle out of this, we can all just hope that it's a beginning of a learning curve.
anyway. do not come into my inbox — on anonymous, no less — to try to police what I say on my own blog. I always choose my words very carefully and I never claimed to know exactly what happened and as a rule of thumb, I don't allow myself more than a certain amount of time a day to dwell on these type on things (that time for today is up with this ask, by the way), because I'm in the fandom for fun and when it's no longer fun, I just leave.
but it's my blog and I will post what I think and if you don't like that; no one is forcing you to see it. unfollow and block and have a nice day.
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thejesterstears · 4 months
Hey do you guys think Ragatha makes a point of always trying to make the newest circus members feel welcome since she's one of the ones who has been there the longest of the current cast and would have that experience to be able to help them or do you think she just became quickly attached to Pomni specifically because I feel like either is very likely
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You ever think about what it was like for Luz to explain to her friends and family that ‘oh yeah I died saving the Collector when he tried to friendship Belos into being good, until King’s dad, who’s also bigender, pulled me out from sinking into death, told me to tell King he loved him with a bread pun-also he had a dad bod and a mini Hootie just sticking out of one of his eye sockets- and then asked me if I wanted to be the chosen one and when I agreed I came back from death! And like, Eda and King already dealt with the ‘holy shit Luz actually died’ thing but like, Camilia, Amity, Gus, Hunter, and Willow knew absolutely NOTHING
at that point I think Luz just has to sit down with Eda and King and they all have to think about the pros and cons of just. not. saying anything. and keeping it on the down-low that Luz died briefly. Eda and King are both absolutely fucking terrified of anyone else hearing, especially Eda since Luz died, y'know, while under her watch, so.
Of course, as Luz is explaining this, she says something along the lines of "I mean, we haven't even really processed Hunter's death, so it could either work with us or--"
to which Eda immediately stands up, bids fare thee well, and busts out the strongest bottle of wine she has. she has not processed her own kids death, she's not about to think about that other kid briefly dying, thank you very much
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darlingcloudie-9 · 5 months
Live laugh love Kumonoue & Yuichiro’s straining relationship 💕
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eeriehowl · 5 months
the way bel found a family that actually loves him, despite how they may all act on the outside, while rasiel was met with individuals who would let him be eliminated for their ends in a heartbeat. say what you want about varia not caring for each other, they don't actually feel that way. they have each other's back in the end. xanxus is there to kill rasiel when bel couldn't. he did not do it for bel's sake, but he was actually there to follow up on the havoc rasiel was raining down. rasiel? rasiel had no one to fall back on. not a soul was going to help him against xanxus' wrath.
after being introduced to rasiel and having him reveal how much he belittled bel, how he was allegedly constantly rubbing in his face that he was better than him, it's beautiful karma to see bel not being alone anymore. he's not the 8 year old kid that had no one to rely on except himself. he has a family.
what's especially heart wrenching about knowing their backstory properly is that you find out why bel acts the way he does. suddenly, we are told that rasiel's treatment of him is the source of so much of what makes up bel as a person. it clicks. i still most often see people thinking of bel as conceited, but i really don't see that. not with the context of him looking completely blank when rasiel says that he was always better, no smile, no retort.
when bel lets down his guard with lussuria in the manga interview, he is extremely dismissive throughout. he is in no way excited to talk about himself. he even says that he doesn't want to stand out too much at the end section of one of the volumes where characters comment on fanart. this kind of humble comment doesn't exactly fit the way people around him tend to view his vanity. bel's desperation while fighting as soon as he bleeds also seems like...more than just flashbacks to that fateful night that he killed rasiel. it's like the inferiority complex he must have built up kicking in, he has to win, he has to get validation that he can win. he can't keep losing like he did repeatedly to rasiel in the past. again, i have to emphasize that rasiel says that bel was always worse than him and bel does not speak out. the one who everyone would see as egotistical does not say a word to defend himself. just silence. not even a hint of annoyance. this all sounds like i'm just taking things from canon and making a headcanon through that (which is fine), but then you realize that bel's only dislike listed on his "vongola 77" character page is himself. bel calling himself a genius & making his royalty a statement is sometimes simply just for mischief, a funny excuse he likes to throw around, and other times a cover. maybe a few times, he actually believes it. when he succeeds.
on the other hand, rasiel fully believes that he is better than everyone else. i have no doubt about that. even when bel won once, he still thinks bel is inferior. that bel is trash in comparison to himself. but in the end, he got destroyed by bel's boss who labels *him* trash. throwing that straight at his ego.
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guppygiggles · 22 days
#okay uh 😵‍💫#I didn't talk about it much but the last piece I drew REALLY got to me#Just the idea of Avery giving Finn a physical#and him laughing at just about everywhere Avery touches...#Like feeling his neck to check his lymph nodes... feeling his belly... Finn just laughing gleefully and Avery chuckling gently#at how cute he finds it... then when he gets to his gills and Finn says he's not ticklish there but by that time... Avery has already made#him laugh quite a bit#so he's looking forward to Avery tickling him more... which is why he makes that comment#but Avery is suspicious of that regardless because of how ticklish he is everywhere else... so he pulls out one of those extra fluffy swabs#/////////////#this is the part that really gets to me 😵‍💫 because of the knowing look he'd have on his face and the unceremonious way he'd start dabbing#it on Finn's gills just KNOWING it's going to tickle so when Finn starts laughing he can't help but tease a bit#but this is all predicated on a genuine concern for Finn's health... not just physical but also his disposition... his mental state and how#he reacts to things... like are his reflexes good - is he alert and attentive - do his lungs sound clear when he's laughing#jfc#I'm not much of a foot person but imagining Avery checking the webbing between his toes and him just giggling his head off#😵‍💫#yeah like#if I had the time and energy#I would've made that a comic#Medical stuff is REALLY getting to me lately and so are goddamn teachersssss... I can't decide which I want Avery to be for my AU#Maybe he works at a medical school and is both????#idk idk idk 😵‍💫#fluffychatter#really bad brainrot
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aiscapades · 6 months
i gotta say. i prefer the fandom here.
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snarltoothed · 2 months
i genuinely hurt my mother’s feelings the other day by saying something i thought was just like a well-known fact about her personality and i feel a little bit guilty but she’s always been hyper-critical of the way i interact with other people and frequently tells me how i am bad and wrong and really difficult to enjoy talking to or being around so like… i’m not apologizing. if she feels guilty and bad about herself as a person because i casually mentioned how she’s not the most emotionally supportive person in the world… well so be it. i didn’t say anything untrue or even attach any moral value to being an emotionally supportive person or not. she attaches moral value to how appropriately i am able to engage in small talk… she’ll live
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cheetahsprints · 8 months
S3 minor spoilers
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he care him :(
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