#regardless of what the haters try to tell us
gulfiya007 · 27 days
On lukola fandom
Here’s some venting about the lukola fandom, and its ways, and consequences, from an ordinary polin, Bridgerton and Luke fan.
Starting from the way Luke’s loved ones and friends are treated by its adherents. Especially his girlfriend. The hate towards her is visceral. The whole phenomenon of bullying and stalking someone just for existing and posting on their SM account from time to time probably needs to be studied by social studies scholars and parasocial relationship specialists, cause it’s new heights apparently.
So, what if she’s proud of Luke as her boyfriend and wants to show it? What if she wants to mark her territory sometimes, to which she has a right btw? What if she trolls haters and delusional IRL shippers occasionally? Hers is probably the most relatable behavior. I myself, as an introvert millennial who doesn’t run one single SM account and cringe from the exhibitionist nature of current SM posting practices, still recognize that there’s nothing unusual about that kind of posting per se. Why was Luke’s former gf, Jade, allowed to post him all the time (which is totally alright btw), but Antonia hinting at having, say, a dinner with Luke is shady, attention-seeking, desperate, needy and despicable?
It's not that I care particularly about her. In fact, I couldn’t care less if she’s replaced by Luke with some other woman in a couple of months or if she is his future wife and mother to his kids. I still believe, regardless of her status in the relationship, she deserves basic respect and decent treatment as a human being that we know pretty much nothing about. She does not deserve the vilification and demonization that she gets.
Luke too, has a right to privacy and respect for his personal choices that are nobody’s business. He owes no one anything in terms of disclosing his dating life and confirming his relationships. If for someone, Luke bringing the girl to almost all his travels and events with himself, is not a proof or statement in and of itself about her being his girlfriend, then that’s on them. No amount of intentional misreading and skewed takes on photos will trump this simple fact.
Also please don’t bring up virtue signaling and other cancel culture stupidities, such as moral judgements passed on Luke and his close ones for political or other values purportedly held by them, of which we in fact know zilch. It’s clear that this is just another useful tool in a shipping crusade.
Nicola too, deserves, for a change, to have her numerous statements taken seriously. Let alone, privacy. She’s being stalked by her so-called fans to insanity. I am sure she, to put it mildly, is uncomfortable about her “queen” and “goddess” status among the cultists, and being a projection vessel for a myriad of sad women. Cause she knows very well this type of passionate idolatry is an inch away from hate, and the plus sign switches to a minus sign the minute she does something not to their liking, a wrong brand or person supported, or not enough disciplining of Luke is exercised. The most delusional thing about lukolas is them truly believing themselves to be Nic’s or Luke’s fans.
Which brings us to the crux of the matter. That IRL shipping is bad, period. Some lukola bloggers on tumblr, TT and IG half-heartedly try to reign in and admonish the more unhinged segment of the fandom by telling them to behave and not bring their bul..t to the actors' feet. However, this is what the lukola discourse platforms, by simply existing, still do - breed crazy fan behavior. Because the problem lies in the belief system itself. No amount of reservations, house-keeping and discipline by lukola discourse 'leaders' will do away with the tenets and premises of this religion that seep through and twist every discussion and speculation about the figures involved (Luke, Nic, etc). Since every reasoning should work towards a certain end goal, all means and distortions are good to achieve it. Finding faults with Luke's character and behavior and demanding a 'redemption' from him, hating and criticizing Luke's friends and family, attributing motivations to the actors and their loved ones that best suit theories, online stalking etc. A myth about Luke ever publicly stating he was single during promo, a ridiculous myth about Bridgerton cast and showrunners shipping lukola (news flash – nobody in the cast cares about their co-stars’ private lives, stop the kindergarten), or the “papgate” affecting in any way Luke’s job prospects. Myths upon myths that build the house of cards of the lukola dogma. I myself wouldn’t care a damn about this fandom if it really contained itself to its close corners and group chats, however, unsurprisingly, they spill over in a grand fashion and permeate all discourse.
You really believe the innocent delulu fangirling has no by-products? These are the staple manifestations of the lukola and of any IRL shipping fandom, and popular lukola theorists are pretty successful in justifying and reinforcing them. And it should not be surprising that some followers, the most zealous and stupid ones, take it too far and actually harass people and be annoying in SM.
As a Luke and polin fan, I am annoyed by this, but I am 100% sure this sh*t is affecting the actors, and you all can kiss goodbye to the chemistry between Luke and Nic naturally displayed during promo. I am sure polin will not be affected, for L and N are excellent actors and friends, but you all soon will look sadly back to S3 promo tour as magic that will never come back.
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
The Observations of Miraculous Ladybug: The Tales of Wasted Potential
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This is a compilation of various rules and messages within and outside the Miraculous Ladybug universe that I had discovered while watching the show and participating in discussions over the years. I might write more of them, but for now, these are my current observations:
-If you’re the main heroine, you have no control over your emotions and you should be punished for even just breathing the wrong way.
-If you’re the main heroine, you need to be taught a lesson in every episode, regardless if it makes sense or the same lesson is being repeated ad infinitum.
-If you’re the main heroine, you’re not allowed to move on from your crush on the main hero, regardless of how much suffering you went through, because this action somehow breaks the rules of the universe.
-If you’re the main heroine, you’ll be subjected to shocking amounts of humiliation, emotional and physical abuse, all either for committing the crime of being a teenager or for “comedy” purposes. Sometimes its both.
-Obsessing over your crush is “funny” and it should be used to further humiliate the main heroine. Even better if it’s labeled as stalking.
-If you’re the main heroine, nobody cares about your mental health, regardless of how stressed out you are or if you’re close to a mental breakdown.
-If the Writers says only a year has passed in-universe, despite the contradictory evidence, then only a year has passed. Stop trying to make sense of the timeline because it is only supposed to make sense to the Writers.
-If you’re the main hero, look cute and wear a mask to hide your identity, you are free to harass the main heroine without being called out.
-Remember girls, telling the main hero “No!” or “I’m in love with someone else!” translates into “I’m playing hard to get”.
-No, the main heroine has no right to consent because the universe already paired her up with the guy who harasses her and still doesn’t understand that “No means no!”
-If you don’t obsess over your crush and think about them day and night, are you even in love with them?
-Unless you’re French and a Writer for Miraculous Ladybug, you have no right to criticize the show.
-Yes, that also goes for those who are professional Writers.
-Even if you have valid criticism backed up by proper arguments and are capable of discussing it in a civil manner, you will still be labeled as a hater and blocked.
-”Miraculous Ladybug is more popular than Pokémon!” [Source: Thomas Astruc]
-Everyone who doesn’t ship the Love Square is evil. No exception.
-If you’re a 14 year old teenage girl who was spoiled and emotionally neglected by her parents and your biggest crime was to bully people, you are irredeemable and deserve to burn in Hell.
-Somehow, a grown adult man who mentally, emotionally and physically abused his son, manipulated people into committing crimes, committed many acts of terrorism (including murder) and almost started WWIII on purpose is somehow more redeemable than a teenager who was manipulated and abused by said man.
-Oh, and the terrorist also gets a statue in his honor and is remembered as a hero after his death.
-If you’re the main hero, you are perfect and the world is flawed and needs to bow to your whims.
-If you’re the main hero, you don’t need character development. All you have to do is to whine and complain, and the universe will bend backwards for you and deliver everything on a silver platter.
-If you’re the main hero, knowing the main heroine’s secrets (which aren’t even hers to share!) is more important than saving the people. Who cares if people are dying, you need to know what your crush/co-worker is hiding for you!
-No matter of bad your lies are, as the B villain of the show, you have the power to lower everyone’s IQ to the point they’ll believe your lies. Also, Google doesn’t exist.
-Even if you have legitimate evidence that the Liar is, y’know, lying, you will be labeled as jealous.
-I’m amazed that Lila isn’t ruling the world when she has the superpower of making everyone stupid beyond belief.
-Paris is apparently isolated in its own bubble and the French government doesn’t exist. How else do you explain a teenage girl becoming the Mayor of Paris?
-The police in Paris is useless. Unless you’re Asian. Then they’ll SWAT you.
-Every great teacher knows that you punish the victim and reward the bully.
-You don’t want to write character development because it’s “too hard”? Replace the character with a cardboard cutout that is just like that character but nicer and/or perfect. Nobody will notice the difference!
-If they do and complain about it, label them as haters.
-If you’re the main hero, you will always get away with lying and gaslighting the main heroine. She is not allowed to contradict you because the Writers said so. If she does, the fandom will grab their torches and pitchforks to hunt her down and punish her.
-Mary Suethor Writing Advice 101: To redeem your character, reward them with a girlfriend or boyfriend. No, they don’t have to go through a redemption arc. No, evil characters don’t get paired up with anyone.
-The main heroes are not allowed to progress the story at all. That is reserved for the very character Astruc hates so much that he replaced him with the main hero.
-Being a mentor sucks! That’s why you can unload all of your responsibilities on the main heroine, who didn’t even want to be the main heroine in the first place, and peace out.
-We are going to show you precisely why the Love Square doesn’t work and is actually very toxic, but we will also pretend that had never happened in favor of shilling the Love Square.
-If you’re the main hero, you’re free to break anything you come across in a fit of rage. Don’t worry, the main heroine will fix it for you.
-If you’re the main hero, you will be forgiven for cheating on your girlfriend with someone who wants nothing with you because your current girlfriend isn’t your true love.
-If you are the main hero and can’t get together with the girl you had been obsessing over for 100+ Episodes, drop her and start a relationship with the girl you completely ignored but is now available. She’s a good enough replacement.
-If a child is being abused and/or emotionally manipulated, you should place the blame on the child and not on the adult who manipulated/abused them.
-The Status Quo will be upheld regardless of how ridiculous the show is about upholding it. If it doesn’t make sense, then it’s your problem and the Writers aren’t too blame.
-If you’re the main hero, you will be forgiven for attempted murder/actual murder of several teenagers, but God forbid you don’t feel bad for almost murdering the main villain.
-If you’re the main hero and don’t try to murder the guy who made fun of your girlfriend, are you even in love?
-Toxic relationships should be admired and looked up to.
-Somehow, 5 Seasons of filler are considered more important and impactful than any actual story progression.
-Who needs lore and world-building? Let’s shove that sucker into a comic book no one will ever read.
-Common sense doesn’t exist in this world.
-Neither to therapists nor CPS.
-Falling in love and getting together with your love interest will result in the destruction of the world and you should be ashamed for thinking love was anything but destructive.
-The main villain will win.
-Let me repeat that: THE MAIN VILLAIN WILL WIN!
-If you’re an adult male and your OTP isn’t winning, you are free to assault a teenage girl and force her to be with the teenage boy you consider her ideal partner.
-If you’re the main hero and you have caused a huge problem (think “abandoning the city you were supposed to protect” or “murder a girl” type of problem), the solution to it is to abandon your partner and let her solve it for you. Don’t worry, you’re a Gary Stu, everyone will forgive you for your “mistakes” or completely gloss over them.
-Calling a liar out on their lies is hypocritical and you should be ashamed of yourself.
-You cannot consider yourself a best friend unless you have committed the following acts: intruding on your friend’s privacy and break her stuff, cause her emotional distress for your own validation, force her into a situation that causes her to freak out or get hurt and then scream at her for not following a plan you never told her about.
-Doing something innocent with your powers, like delivering a gift, will result in the end of the world.
-Somehow, a candy cane suit is considered stylish. Yeah, I still don’t understand how Gabriel is a fashion designer with that kind of taste in outfits.
-All female superheroes should have skintight suits with the camera focusing on their breasts/butt. Have I mentioned that they’re all minors?
-The main hero doesn’t have to participate in the finale. Him learning that his father was the main villain will ruin his perfect image of his family and that is not allowed. We need to mollycoddle him to death.
-Instead of developing your support characters, make them all collectively share a single braincell. Mob mentality at its best!
-Who needs depth when they all have the minimal requirement of one character trait?
-If you break up with your boyfriend, go for his identical cousin. They already look the same and the cousin at least has a spine. Win-Win!
-Any important plot points will be swept under the rug and be forgotten about.
-Félix is still the best character in this show! I will die on this hill!
-Somehow, a 3 minute PV!Trailer delivers more than 100+ episodes of the Miraculous Ladybug show.
-FanFic Writers do a better job at writing than professional Writers. That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact.
-You want to add to or remove something from the story, but it creates a plot hole? Just retcon it and lie to your audience that this was always your intention regardless if it makes sense in the narrative.
-If the fans question you about the retcons, call them haters and block them.
-”This is a kids show!” is a valid excuse for lazy writing, according to Miraculous Ladybug Writers (and some fans).
-Negative emotions are bad and will turn you into a monster. You are not allowed to feel angry or sad at all.
-Characters are not allowed to make logical decisions. That would make them *le gasp* competent!
-Every support character is obligated to worship the Love Square. If they don’t, they’re the spawn of Satan.
-Gaslighting your crush into bending over backwards to your whims is considered romantic.
-If you’re a superhero, you are considered a celebrity and have no rights to privacy. The whole population of Paris is entitled to know who you’re dating.
-Unless you’re the main heroine or the bully, you won’t be faced with the consequences of your actions.
-Yes, even the villain gets away without any consequences.
-Miraculous Ladybug is about spectacle over substance. Don’t expect anything resembling good writing. Or anything that requires to think about the plot more than five seconds.
-Somehow, a teenage boy who attempted to kiss the main heroine once and got punched by her is more demonized than the main hero who did the same for 100+ episodes and still doesn’t care that “No means no”.
-Character development is overrated. Same goes for any story progression.
-If you’re the main hero, you’re free to abandon your partner in a moment of crisis and shirk your responsibilities. You’ll still be forgiven and everyone will act as if nothing happened. Same goes for attempting to murder your partner’s best friend.
-Being a good parent involves emotionally neglecting your daughter and abandoning her, as well as punishing her by sending her to live with her abusive mother. You don’t have to take any responsibilities for your actions and you can easily replace the “evil” daughter with a “good” daughter who isn’t even related to you.
-You are not allowed to sympathize with an abused child, but it is a-okay to sympathize with the abuser.
-The main heroine will always be punished, whether she deserves it or not. She is obligated to solve everyone’s problems regardless whether they’re strangers to her.
-For some reason, disciplining the bully is the obligation of the victim rather than, oh, I dunno... the parents and the teacher!
-It doesn’t matter if you’re an abusive father and a terrorist, you’ll still be forgiven if you did it out of love for your wife.
-If you like a character, but the majority of the fandom hates them, you will be bullied to death (I’m serious about this, this has happened).
-Rather than developing established relationships, it is more fun to add unnecessary love interests to complicate things, only to drop them in the next episode with no development and act like nothing happened.
-If you’re the main heroine and asking for help from other superheroes because your own partner is ditching you for no given reason, then you’re cheating (yes, it was phrased like that) on your partner and you should be ashamed of yourself.
-I hate Kuro Neko. Adrien is insufferable in that episode.
-If someone tells you “they’re made for each other”, you need to accept that you’re destined to only be with that person and no one else. No, you have no say in that.
-”She’s just a friend” is not a valid excuse for being dense as a brick.
-Seriously, if anyone brings up those quotes again, I’ll hit them with a brick.
-If you are paired up with someone, you are not allowed to have a life outside your love interest. That goes especially for the Love Square.
-Everyone in this show is an idiot to some degree. Félix is the one who holds all of the braincells, while Lila learned to break the system and metagame.
-If you want a better show that focuses on magic and romance, go watch any mahou shoujo anime in existence and spare yourself the hours you’re gonna waste with this show.
-How Miraculous Ladybug Should’ve Ended? Félix dusts Gabriel in Emotion and tells Adrien and Marinette that Gabriel was the Monarch. End of story.
If you have made any observation, leave a comment about it in the replies, because I’m sure that I missed some.
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matan4il · 1 year
Okay, story time.
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Years ago I was writing a paper for uni about a queer reading of David and Jonathan, and why it's totally legit (even intentionally invited by the text).
When I started doing my research for it, I discovered that while the queer reading of David and Jonathan is pretty well known in queer circles, there's very little in the way of actual academic material on it, whether we're talking about a literary, religious or historical analysis of the text and this interpretation of it. I had maybe 2-3 essays about queer reading of ANY part of the Bible. And most of ot? Was actually not that great. Very little of it was about anything objective, most of it was just a suggestion for a different subjective reading of the text. Which is legit, but not enough. Most of the time, for an interpretation to be considered legit, we have to show that it relies on something that objectively exists in the text.
And then I found this paper by a guy determined to DISPROVE the queer reading of David and Jonathan. Now when I barely have material that's in favor of a queer reading of David and Jonathan, why would I be wasting my time reading what was written against it? But I'm a weirdo, and I always wanna know the counterarguments that can be used against me, too. Yeah, even if I disagree with them.
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Because this guy? Did a PHENOMENAL job at proving that objectively, the bow is the symbol of masculinity to the ancient Israelites. This is relevant because a biblical verse mentions that Prince Jonathan gave David his bow. I'm gonna say it again, this guy proved that for any Israelite back then, regardless of the subjective place they come from, when they were reading the text, what they would get from it is that JONATHAN GAVE DAVID THE PHALLIC SYMBOL OF HIS MASCULINITY. Tell me that doesn't align perfectly with a queer reading...
So why was this guy, who's trying to disprove the queer reading of David and Jonathan, proving the gay potential of this moment? Because to him, if Prince Jonathan has a symbol of masculinity, that means he's a masculine man, and no masculine man can be gay. Yep, the guy writing this paper was so blinded by his own bigotry, homophobia and misconceptions about masculinity and sexual orientation, that he didn't even realize he was handing me a valuable tool to prove queer readings of David and Jonathan are 100% legit.
Why am I mentioning this now all of a sudden?
Because sometimes the haters and anti's of a fandom are actually precisely like that guy, and it both amuses me to no end, and also makes me wonder if they realize how much their efforts sometimes backfire, and instead of destroying my love for and belief in a ship, they actually end up reinforcing it.
If you ever feel down because of haters in your fandom, just remember this.
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captainuranium543 · 2 months
My thoughts on gruvia
So I wanted to make this post because I've been rewatching gmg recently and I wanna talk about it a bit.
Before I begin I know gruvia is a very polarizing ship so I'll make my own opinion clear, I don't hate gruvia but I also don't think it was very well executed in cannon. If you love gruvia this isn't against you at all, my intention with this isn't a hate post just to look at a weird decision made in gmg for gruvia from a writing standpoint and talk a little about it.
The biggest issue most people have with gruvia is that juvias obsession with gray is taken WAY to far sometimes and ends up feeling more creepy then funny or romantic. I agree with that point but also I do try to keep in mind that gags aren't really meant to be taken seriously. There is a limit to what I can write off as a gag but for the most part early on juvia fell within that limit, from my perspective I tend to take things as seriously as the characters around do meaning if their reaction is mild annoyance, I won't take it to seriously. While their reaction is genuine discomfort, I will. Early on, all of juvias romantic advances/creepy moments had been gags that where within the reasonable range that I could laugh off. This changed though in gmg.
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Ok so starting off mid gmg gray has a very serious talk with erza. I disagree with a lot of people on this conversation because a lot of people seem to think this is her tell gray to love juvia. Gruvia lovers and haters alike seem to think this but I really don't see it that way. I think she's quite literally just telling gray to be direct with her about how he feels.
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Up until this point because everything has been gags we've never really taken juvia seriously, gray has never had a moment where he has actually acknowledged and confronted her feelings for him and told her how he feels in return. Erza is basically telling him to stop just brushing off or avoiding her advances and just be direct with her, whether you like someone back or just want them to leave you alone being direct is good advice.
It's advice that gray takes to heart as we see here in the final episode of gmg
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I really don't understand where people get the idea that erza was saying he needs to accept juvias love because this scene is literally him taking her advice and his answer is "no I don't like this leave me alone please". This would be fine but what happens next is just downright confusing
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She just, doesn't care?? I genuinely don't understand why this scene was added in at all if it wasn't gonna matter. Like I said I can write off most gags but this was NOT a gag. Gray had a very serious talk with a close friend where he got the advice to be direct, he had a very serious moment where he very seriously took that advice and told juvia exactly how he feels, why does she just ignore it??? It's such a weird decision to make because it makes all of juvias future advances come off WAY creepier then they did before even when they are just gags because gray has already very seriously told her to stop.
I've heard some argue that gray actually does like juvia he's just afraid to admit it and he's forcing himself to say he doesn't like her in this scene, but regardless of whether he secretly feels something for her a no is a no and it's reaaalllyyy creepy to just not accept that. Hear me out here, what if right after gray did this juvia listened.
She did back off of him and gave him his space, then if you still wanted them to have a relationship maybe gray starts to miss her? Give him some autonomy and room for us to actually see him develop genuine feelings for her rather then having her force them onto him because without seeing Gray's side it just feels one sidedly obsessive. I know people argue he's just afraid to confront his feelings but you need to actually show us that, give him a scene where he's thinking about her or actually missing her in some way when she's not around if you want to show us that gray isn't just being forced into things he doesnt want. If juvia had backed off here I would have probably liked the ship a lot more A) because it would give gray room to develop on his own and B) it would show that juvia has restraint and genuine respect for Gray's feelings even if he doesn't like her the way she likes him.
Rant over, again no hate to gruvia fans. It's fiction I don't actually take it to seriously if you love gruvia live your truth🙏🙏. I like gruvia in theory it's just poorly executed sometimes and I could fix it fr fr
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miimo96 · 4 months
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 114
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Looks like we're finally Diving into the Relationship between these 2 , Ngl seeing a relationship between the 2 most "Fake" Characters in the series is Really gonna be interesting, especially with the New timeline and stuff, I wonder if people's theories on the whole comparison to Sumire's life and the minamoto clan will be correct.
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GOD I Hate on How SMUG this character Is, how you just gonna start off the chapter like that Knowing on How Akane will React!? Also between this and How Akane is treated most of the Series, the Man is a walking L
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This tells us so much about the 2 and how they see each other, he initially Didn't even think twice about aoi, immediately getting down to business and figuring What changed In the timeline, only using the "aoi as his Finance" excuse to get under Akane's skin, he sees her as Nothing more than something to play with Akane's emotions with, however aoi is doing what she Does best, Putting on an act and playing along, He knows that Aoi would initially not even take his hand, and brush him off slightly, as she does not see him that way, however aoi is playing along and Does grab his hand, which uneases him, because what if She does see him that way Now?
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Going from what I said earlier it's pretty clear that aoi's Just playing the part and is not really into Teru, and teru Knows this by confirming saying "he'll send it to Akane" to which Aoi shakes her head, it's lovely indication to show that even in this New timeline, she Still very Deeply cares about Akane, and doesn't want him to see her with Another man
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Teru and Aoi are like the couples you'd see in movies, the type of "Perfect" Couple you'd expect (The most popular boy Dates the most popular girl) it's the perfect type of Relationship for these 2 characters, a fake romance fit for Fake people
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Ya know I don't think Teru's ever been "hit" before, aside from the beatdown hakubo gave Him and Akane, teru's the type of character that's Never been "humbled" like he's never received a Proper smack to Reality; Yashiro won't do it because She has a soft spot for him, plus He's Handsome, Kou has too much respect for his older brother and aspires to be like him, Akane is completely terrified of teru and would probably Die if he tried, So Aoi being the 1 to do it is pretty fitting like saying "I don't care if you're my upper clansmen, part of the minamoto clan, or completely handsome, You ever try some shit like that again and I WILL END YOU"
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Upon Re-reading the chapter I love the reaction here, he's Relieved of the fact that She DOES NOT have a crush for him, meaning that she still does care about Akane in someway and He's happy to hear that, aside from all the teasing and bullying he does He Still does care about Akane and his feelings and does NOT want to hurt him.^^
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Looks like people's theories on the 2 being in Relationship as a result of the Sumire incident/ sacrificial bloodline was Correct, also the fact the Seven wonders don't exist is really interesting, I wonder if it has anything to do with Tsukasa being the only apparition for Now, which is weird because aside from No.5, Yako should be a wonder regardless the timeline
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I can't tell if this Akane or teru, probably Akane but it's Nice that she still has feelings for him, also Aoi having 2 sisters is a Surprise to me, so far i don't think we've ever seen or known about them till this point, also her mom seems to be more important than we think, hmmmm 🤔
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Ngl this hurt me a bit, that line "So that's the type of world we're in" really sums up the Pain in this timeline, and you gotta wonder if he really wants to do this anymore, It really hurts me and that's saying something considering I'm a Huge Teru hater and because Now I'm curious of how Kou will react act due the SCENE in The Red house arc
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This are 2nd look at Kou's mom ever since the red house arc, aside from the Tear jerking moment we've Never seen the 2s relationship and how they must've acted before her passing so it's really Heartbreaking to see it here finally and I kinda wonder if kou will eventually find out the Truth and Be against putting things back to Normal, this arc may be a lot like the picture perfect arc just Cranked to 11, also can someone tell me what this Says in the background, I cant read Japanese and my translator isn't working
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I Love the Dynamic between these 2, at 1st I was a little worried that the call Kou got about a missing student was about Mitsuba, thinking that mitsuba probably dying or something happening to him was a Canon event and that this is all ment to happen eventually, Thank GOD it isn't, Also I love the face mitsuba gives him here, just a little "I Love f@#king with my Boyfriend" face, Also I Guess this confirms that Hanako is still alive in this timeline, meaning the Man we saw in the last Chapter Definitely was Hanako, I wonder if we'll see him run into yashiro soon^^
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hedghost · 2 months
Hedge’s Official Ranking of the 24/25 WSL Kits That Literally Nobody Asked For - Home Edition
please please tell me your thoughts in the reblogs or tags!!! i love hearing other people’s critiques. this is the one time the woso community can all come together and complain about the same thing!
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potentially a controversial opinion but this is Nice As Hell! i know a lot of people said the collars are ugly but like idk it’s kinda giving if you ask me. it’s bold, it’s a statement. i love retro. this is just a good kit. it’s doing bits without doing too much. simple, tasteful, plus a little subtle pizzazz with those jaunty ass stripes - werk it ladies!
plus this kit is made from recycled plastic bottles, nice job! save those turtles liverpool!
apparently the pattern spells out ynwa, which i’m totally Not seeing (maybe i misunderstood this). i’m getting a Y, and then like an H in there maybe? and then i’m just lost, so not sure you hit the mark with that one, but love you for trying! it’s a cool pattern regardless, so i’d maybe just ditch the whole symbolism jargon and stick with that. overall nice job guys - 9/10
bonus points for that prematch shirt, love the detailing on it very sexy top marks
2. Arsenal
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sorry arsenal fans, this shit is ugly as fuckkkkk - i’m not even being biased or trying to start fights (for once) it’s just like so hideous. i didn’t really like last season’s but compared to this that was a masterpiece. it’s so PLAIN! the weird red splodge is like not flattering at all and the blue? what’s that all about? also i fucking hate the back it looks like a used period pad, so hopefully the numbers fix that.
praying for your sakes you get a nice third kit or something bc this is ass.
also i’m a HATER for minimalist badge designs. this cannon logo makes the shirt look like a uniform for a museum volunteer. don’t get me wrong - arsenal is not the only culprit. what has a good old crest ever done to you? why do we hate maximalism? why do we hate fun? - 4/10
3. Manchester City
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now this is fine. it’s just fine. it’s objectively nice, but it’s also objectively boring! as! fuck! the solid blue is clean but a little too flat. something looks off. it’s missing something. idk it’s nice ig, but it also seems identical to last season? if i saw these pics with no context i’d literally think it was from this year, but that’s the case with most top tier clubs it seems. have some fun guys! push the boat out! where’s the whimsy? but yeah anyway it’s alright.
at least they tried with the sleeves. allegedly they have the manchester dialling code 0161 on them but i mean - do they? do they really? because it looks like a bus seat to me. city fans decide for yourself i guess, because i for one won’t be getting close enough to a city shirt to look
it’s also made from recycled waste textiles so yay again! probably made from all the city shirts people threw out after they all but fucked the title 🤭 - 7/10
4. Tottenham Hotspur
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wow spurs this is nice. it’s just so clean, so crisp. my normal issue with spurs kits is their absolute undying commitment to being plain as fuck. they picked one colour, white - arguably the most boring colour of all, arguably even the total absence of colour - and stuck to it. this however? it’s simplicity done well. it’s still plain and simple, but in a gorgeous sexy way. those navy retro colourblock sleeves? stunning! the crispest white you’ve ever seen? stunning! the tiniest of sleeve embellishments? stunning! simplicity done well. it’s just so crispy. pleases my eye.
also huge respect to them for not jumping of the band wagon with the whole ‘every shirt must have ugly details with symbolic meaning we grasped at straws to come up with in order to do something new and edgy’. spurs said no! they said ‘oh this? yeah this is a football shirt. what does it mean? it means football shirt.’ thanks spurs, good job - 9.5/10
5. Crystal Palace
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ummmm. now. hmm. uhh. what? this is, um, what? give me a second to get my thoughts in order. i don’t know what is happening here and i’m at a loss for words.
right. crystal palace. inaugural season in the wsl. making a statement. making a splash. right. here’s the thing. i’m always saying wsl kits are too boring. i’m always saying we want fun patterns and whimsy. i’m looking at this in genuine confusion because i actually do not know what is going on here. do i like it? not sure? do i hate it? also not sure?
i think i kind of like it? but i also kind of hate it? it’s insanely busy, it’s probably the most garish kit i’ve ever seen in my life. i think part of the problem is that the club doesn’t have a great colour palette to work from. it’s very bright. i do love the pattern of the eagle crest in the blue, that’s a huge win from me. it’s just those spray paint red splatters that’s throwing me off. it looks like they spent ages making a lovely blue eagle pattern and then remembered they needed red in there so just used the funky spray tools on microsoft paint to draw over the top. it’s giving shit cgi blood splatter in a low budget zombie film. it’s like the barcelona shirts if they were designed by a gcse art student on an acid trip.
the more i’m looking at it however, i’m kind of loving it? kinda camp i guess. this one could be a grower. i’m still confused. at least they’ll make a splash in the wsl - 6/10
6. Manchester United
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you’d think by now that i would have learnt to not get my hopes up with this club. remember the long long list of disappointments from yanited this season that i never shut up about? yeah, add this kit to that list.
listen it’s not awful. it’s not ugly, it’s not an eyesore. at the very least, it’s classic united. but it’s just so! bloody! dull! i’m literally falling asleep looking at it. it’s a t-shirt. its literally just a t-shirt. the problem is they set the bar too high last year, with that beautiful pattern and beautiful shade of red. and now, in proper united style, we’re straight back to mediocrity.
let’s talk details. oh wait, they aren’t ANY. there is nothing to say about this kit because there is nothing going ON with this kit. i like the white stripes. that’s it. theres the ombré red at the bottom, which is like- it’s okay. problem is - there’s like four too many shades of red on this shirt, and none of them are that nice. it needs a pattern or something! a pop! a little pizzazz! not a fan of the curved back panel, but it does look a whole lot better than arsenal’s at least.
this is absolutely nothing groundbreaking but it’s fine. it’s just so fucking plain. i know my girls will still serve in it, but i hoped for more. of course, in true united fashion: it’s the hope that kills you - 6/10
7. Chelsea
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the tagline for this release is 'we burn blue', because 'the hottest part of the flame burns blue'. congrats on passing year seven chemistry guys. anyway, with that in mind, this kit is, naturally of course, patterned with a mystery blue LIQUID. im not seeing flames in any part of this kit. literally how is this meant to look like fire. this tagline is pure bollocks. it literally could not look more like water if it tried. aka, the opposite of fire.
the kit itself, i'm honestly struggling to form an opinion. i dont think i hate it, but i dont love it either. it may have been easier to figure out if i could actually SEE the kit in any of the release photos, instead of some stupid fucking slow motion blur effect. this pic makes mayra look like she's undergoing mitosis. poor girl's been through enough. it says a lot that in your official kit release you're actively preventing me from looking at the kit.
its not awful? i'm not a fan of these kind of realistic graphics on kits, just makes it look fake and cheap, but like, idk its kinda cool ig. the more i look the more i'm down with it. the colours are nice. its shiny. i'm glad we've gone for originality at least. patterns are fun. - 7.5/10
8. Brighton
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i missed this release bc i saw the pictures and genuinely did not realise it was a different kit oops. i do feel bad for clubs who have committed to a striped kit because honestly there’s not really many ways you can play with that. but also that’s kind of their own fault. there’s really not much you can say about this. the sleeves are white this time… okay… there’s a faint pinstripe down each stripe… okayyy… yep that’s kind of it really.
it’s clean, it’s classic brighton, it’s a decent kit. there’s just genuinely nothing new about this. it’s fine. they just clearly couldn’t be bothered and i respect that. - 6/10
9. West Ham
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okay we’re doing turtlenecks now apparently!! interesting choice!! i think it kinda looks fuckass silly but also i kind of like it actually. bit of fun innit. good stripes.
the rest of the kit is pretty mid. plainer than a toast sandwich. except for the sleeves! because this year, not only are they bringing in turtlenecks, west ham have decided to also bring in milkmaid sleeves! why is it like that? like is it just a weird bad fit or have they put a fucking elasticated band on? who’s idea was that? what is going on! also am i having a stroke or has the badge changed colour. because it looks fucking hideous. what did they do that for.
i do love the fact they did this shoot in a pub though. very funny. and the kit isn’t too bad. i like the stripes - 6/10
10. Leicester
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this is the plainest most boring kit i have ever seen with my own two eyes. that is literally all i can say about this. boring. much like the city of leicester itself.
however - the women have a different kit sponsor to the men and i respect that so you can have one bonus point - 4/10
11. Everton
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i’ll be totally honest - i wasn’t expecting everton to give me like the best kit of the bunch. this is the kit for me. i like this one a lot. castore may be mega shit quality but at least they don’t just copy paste all their kits.
i fucking love the pattern here. it’s subtle but it’s nice! and it’s different! we’re not doing any mad shit like chelsea, we’re not doing absolutely nothing at all like leicester. the perfect middle ground of the blue kits. the sponsor is hideous but i’m ignoring that. this is just lovely to look at. stylish, sleek. it’s giving high quality bus seats. this is no stagecoach, this is private hire only. i just love it. and then to top it all off, just the perfect amount of collar detailing. i would be a happy toffee if i was wearing this. gorgeous. loses half a point because the badge fell off during the game which is hysterical.- 9.5/10
12. Aston Villa
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this is just the west ham kit if west ham were normal. it’s nothing to write home about, but i do like it. i like the block sleeves and the stripe colour. i like the subtle stripes down the side. i like the simplicity. i like the collar stripes. i even like the flat badge. also i’m assuming this is a betting sponsor which sucks but i do have to say that the sponsor looks great with this kit. it blends in, which is rare. this is a clean, classic kit, and i’m glad that at least one team could be normal. i don’t like that there’s pretty much nothing i can make fun of here. unfortunate for me, good for villa. good job - 8/10
note - all this was written as soon as each club released their kit, so some of my opinions have changed, and a lot have grown on me (looking at you united), but i’ve left the review untouched so you can get purely my honest first impression.
away, third and goalkeeper ratings are currently in progress so expect them once they've all been released! these posts literally never get any notes but i absolutely love doing them so i'm doing it anyway, but if you did wanna encourage me with some nice comments that wouldn't go amiss ;) xx
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p1nkm1lkslug · 3 months
"𝐆𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧... " 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𖹭
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(𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚏𝚎𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝚐𝚊𝚢)
𖦹you and Nina were probably friends as kids she was the shy awkward cringe kid that liked mlp and you enjoyed everything pink, Barbie and pastel
𖦹I feel like as you two got older she slowly got into horror movies and that basically started her downfall onto true crime (talking bout the makeup and mukbang ones) and overall just sorta went from fangirling over boys her age to fangirling over boys her age who had cut a smile into there face
𖦹 you were Nina's only friend tbh even when she did get slightly popular to fit in she usually ended up ranting about them being annoying at your house while y'all were painting each other's nails while listening to millionaires
𖦹 you thought her crush on a killer was weird but you didn't really mind considering how much Nina ment to you and it wasn't like you could leave her unless you wanted to have a fight with her (trust me you DO NOT WANNA UPSET HER)
𖦹I feel like her mental health and over all just low self-esteem was also what slowly broke her down over the years besides Jeff she only seemed to think off you(she won't admit but sometimes she would imagine a life with you and wonders how soft your lips are)
𖦹 when your family moved away she was devastated along with the constant bullying and slef loathing she just lost it and before you knew it you saw your besties face on the news with the corpses of her mom dad and little brother
𖦹 I don't really think Nina would ever go looking for you so let's say you to become a killer no one would ever assume you were a murderer because of your sweet girly appearance all but the faceless tall man in your dreams THAT'S right kiddo your getting adopted (run as fast as you can)
𖦹 upon arriving in the mansion you probably smelled Nina before you saw her since you haven't met someone who uses that much hello kitty grape body spray in a hot minute and then your ment with a screech and a tackle to the floor as your friend squeezes the living juice out of you (don the fooled Nina is jacked)
𖦹 I feel like she would fill you in on everything that happened on how she broke down, got rejected by Jeff etc etc..
𖦹 but who needs them anyway?! "I'm not arguing with a man that's why y'all g spot is in your ass"- Nina the killer
𖦹 you two practically are just living your dream life having sleepovers (don't mind her she's just sniffing your hair) painting each other nails, watching Barbie movies 𖦹definitely starts to see just how much happier she is now compared to her and Jeff and soon enough starts viewing you in a.. Not so best friend way
𖦹 goes to Jane and basically has her gay ass confession and Jane just tells her to try asking you out
𖦹 I feel as though she is kinda rejection sensitive so she would try figuring out if you were also were into girls
𖦹 after her countless attempts at flirting you remained oblivious (she called your pretty then ran away) you probably found out and things went one way or another
𖦹 option a: you say yes and now y'all are dating expect multiple make out sessions nothing would really change but she gets to rub it in Jeff's face that she's got a really pretty partner/gf and that he still smells like dick cheese (I'm a Jeff hater can you tell?)
𖦹 option b: you reject and she's okay with it I wanna assume that if y'all are still close she wouldn't be willing to loose you and would just wanna be with you regardless of what your relationship status was so yes she will respect your boundaries but don't come to her if you got a crush she's gonna be... Upset
𖦹 option c: you say no and she respects you (and by respect I mean she's going to drug you and proceed to brutally beaten you and crack every bone in your body I don't think she could kill you but just don't be surprised to wake up in her room chained to her bed post.. She didn't want to hurt you she loves you but she just can't let you get away so easily for hurting her)
Also this post is for non men loving men so if your not that scram
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north-noire · 21 days
was busy getting my sleep schedule back on track, but now that i've been waking up at a reasonable time again i have read chapter 2 of HH and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
just as good as the first and hurts just as much if not even more. I love the way you characterize everyone omgomgomg!!!!! I am such a sucker for versions of William who are genuinely haunted by their actions and do indeed regret them in some shape or form and omg hidden hands does this SO WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
ooooouuuugggghhhh.......Charlie's trying so hard to reach out to her father and Henry's just not picking up on any of it so far😭 here's to hoping she has better luck using the marionette! This poor man needs to be able to speak with his daughter again 💔
i'm wondering if there's going to be anything with the golden duo in the future. With this characterization of Evan i'd be really interested in seeing the potential dynamic between him, refusing to accept anything about his father that Charlie is telling him, and the #1 William Afton hater that is Cassidy
regardless, yeah omgggggggg i'm enjoying it so so much so far ^ ^💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Oh, glad you ended up on Chapter 2!!
Thank you so much, I'm really flattered you like him! I really don't wanna make him seem like you should be sympathetic or feel bad for him because he's still a really NOT great person BUT that doesn't mean William actually liked what he did (not specifically to Charlie and Henry anyway -- for the MCI, ah it'd be a different case I feel). He still cares for the Emilys to some extent, after all. I don't know, it's hard to explain because I don't wanna be those people who go "BUT HE HAS A TRAGIC BACKSTORY" like NO. William's responsible for his actions regardless and he's a terrible person but that doesn't mean he can't be allowed to care for his kids to some extent or regret some things that he did.
For the Emilys, you'll see in future chapters haha :]
Oh, there will be! I'm actually really excited to write my goldenduo in the fic, because they've been SO fun to brainstorm about with the elements you've mentioned in mind! I have a lot in store for Cassidy, Evan and Charlie for sure :]
I'm really happy you're enjoying everything so far!! Thank you for sharing your reactions these are genuinely nice to read </3
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terramythos · 2 months
i posted my top 25 favorite pokemon a couple days ago so now i get to be a certified hater.
25. Barraskewda
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wow an 'angry fish' pokemon design! i have certainly not seen this exact fucking concept in every single pokemon gen to date. i'm so glad that the 8th generation of pokemon has blessed us with such an original premise. it's not like Barraskewda is a particularly bad design, would probably be 'pretty good' if we got it 20 years ago-- but it is emblematic of the cynical, formula-at-all-costs drive that plagues much of modern pokemon.
24. Galarian Mr. Mime
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can someone please tell me what this regional variant does that the original Mr. Mime does not? oh wow, it's fucking blue now. it's a shame there's not a system in the game since gen 2 designed around alternate color schemes. who gives a shit. if this thing is so pointless it's making me defend GEN 1 MR MIME then it's DIRE.
23. Magneton
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magneton has the unique distinction on this list of being a pokemon i have actually used in my in-game team before. the thing is, i don't hate magneton THAT much. similar to barraskewda, magneton sucks because of what it represents. a lot of criticism of modern (gen 5 and beyond) pokemon design is that so many are 'just objects' which automatically makes them bad. these EXACT critics then defend gen 1 as the pinnacle of pokemon design originality. are you fucking stupid? gen 1 originals: magnemite is a magnet with an eyeball. magneton is three of them fucking bolted together. WOW, such creativity, truly the pinnacle of design. jackasses.
22. Onix
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kind of looks like a poo, which i suppose is appropriate considering how shit onix is in the actual game, too. to me onix is so close to being a cool pokemon if there was any imagination with the design. steelix is a little better i guess but so prohibitively difficult to obtain in casual play that you're probably stuck with this crap regardless.
21. Togdemaru
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this is by far the worst pikachu clone in the series and it's not even close. it's trying to be both pikachu and... togepi for some reason and fails at both. there is NOTHING interesting about this thing. furthermore, two OTHER pikachu 'clones' were also introduced in Sun/Moon: Alolan Raichu and Mimikyu, BOTH of which have extremely creative and beloved designs. you could literally remove this thing from the game and no one would give a shit.
20. Huntail
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gen 3 is infamous for having so many water routes in the game and thus, a TON of water-type pokemon. of all of these, huntail is by far the least memorable. it's the obscure SPLIT evolution of a pokemon that looks (1) nothing like it, and (2) you can't even get until late enough in the game that you already have a better water type. and on top of it he's fuck ugly. i guess i can appreciate the ringed octopus spots (? i HAVE to assume that's what those are) but this thing isn't even an octopus! i feel cheated.
19. Hypno
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ignoring the infamous creepy (not in a good way) lore with this thing, hypno just looks awful. i don't want this thing anywhere near me. why is it here. who designed this and why do they hate happiness
18. Chesnaught
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not only does chesnaught look like shit, not only is it the disappointing conclusion of a starter pokemon line... it was introduced in the generation that brought us DELPHOX and GRENINJA, two very popular final starter evos. this thing is so outclassed i kind of feel bad for it, but not enough to take it off this list.
17. Alolan Muk
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what if we took muk, a literal pile of sludge, and gave it a regional variant that looks like an oil spill? but for some reason instead of making that cool and interesting we make it look like someone chewed and swallowed 30 sticks of multicolor bubblegum and then threw up. they don't even do anything with its shape or general appearance. it just looks like the original muk but worse. terrible.
16. Cosmoem
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pokemon sun and moon were very story driven games. one of the main pokemon characters is a Cosmog named Nebby, who (spoilers) eventually evolves into the box legendary, either Solgaleo for Sun or Lunala for Moon. and here we have the utterly insignificant middle evolution that serves zero narrative purpose and looks a little like a puckered asshole. wet fart of a pokemon if i am being fully honest
15. Ambipom
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what if we took aipom and made it offputting and disturbing and also gave it a bowl cut for some reason? say no more. oh god while looking at this and typing i just realized it looks like a teletubby. get this fucking creature away from me
14. Karrablast
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i'll be honest i completely forgot this thing existed until i started making this list. have i ever really THOUGHT about karrablast? do i have any associations with it at all? honestly, fuck this thing on principle. BY THE WAY karrablast came out in gen 5 in the exact same game as a different bug-type evolutionary line with a yellow-blue color scheme. and joltik/galvantula are superior to whatever this thing is
13. Druddigon
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this thing perplexes me. why is its head red. why does it look like leaves? something that has absolutely nothing to do with its concept? i think maybe this is supposed to be the dragon on the welsh flag (??????) but it's literally introduced in the game set in New York. i do not like this guy at all
12. Rhyperior
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WERE rhydon stans clamoring for an evolution? did they want an evolution that ignores everything cool about rhydon's design? everything about this thing looks like dog shit trash. i'm actually a little offended on their behalf that this passed the initial design pitch.
11. Okidogi
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i am so out of the loop on pokemon that i didn't even know this thing existed until a day ago. and boy do i hate it. absolutely fucking awful design that is derivative of.... Zygarde's dog form for some fucking reason? this is where children's cartoon villain ideas go to die. terrible
10. Diggersby
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why does it look like that. an insult to bnuuy pokemon and i hope to never see it again. i think it's even worse that its prevo bunnelby is actually passably cute.
9. Barbaracle
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let's take a really cool fucking concept (a pokemon based on barnacles) and make it as fucking ugly and awful as possible. there is so much wasted potential that it makes me almost as angry as this thing looks.
8. Tyrogue
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one of the most boring pokemon designs possible. i get that tyrogue is supposed to be a 'blank slate' pokemon since it has 3 different evolutions. but you know what else is a blank slate pokemon? EEVEE, one of the most popular pokemon in fucking existence, because it's cute and people generally love its evolutions. tyrogue has nothing going for it. furthermore it was introduced after two of its three evolutions (hitmonlee and hitmonchan), so it's a pointless gimmick pokemon anyway. just remove this thing and make hitmontop a single-evo pokemon and nothing changes
7. Raging Bolt
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ASDHJGASFGVjgsldfgkjsdf? hghsejkfhlsefkjghsefg????? sejklrfghlsdkhjfgSDKFSFUKGDHfgshjfg
6. Galarian Weezing
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on paper i think this is a funny idea for a regional form but god does it miss the mark for me. WHY did they make the smog fucking oobleck green? why make it fake facial hair? why is weezing an old-timey british capitalist. i am not exaggerating that looking at this thing makes me a little sick to my stomach.
5. Grimmsnarl
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I remember being so thrilled at the idea of an imp-based pokemon line. i actually quite liked the designs of both Impidimp and Morgrem. and... THIS is really what they went with for the final evolution? furry green goblin on steroids? i cannot find a single thing i like about this design, it is such a baffling pokemon to me on all levels.
4. Scovillain
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truly how do you manage to fumble both the incredibly awesome Grass/Fire typing AND a design centered around HOT PEPPERS. jesus fucking christ this thing is awful, truly i believe it is one of the worst pokemon designs on both an objective and personal level in terms of execution and missed potential. i am honestly embarrassed for whoever designed this.
3. Grookey
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i skipped pokemon sword/shield for many different reasons, but i am completely serious that this being the grass starter was one of them. i absolutely fucking hate this thing, it is my least favorite starter by a country mile and i wanted to avoid seeing it at all fucking costs.
2. Eiscue
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sometimes it is a singular design decision that ruins a pokemon. and for me it's the fact there is a fucking HAIR coming out of the ice cube at the top. i'm all for hair but in the context of an ice cube i am potentially using in a drink??? gross, gross gross gross, ew ew ew ew ew i fucking hate this pokemon
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the patron saint itself and the reason i am even making this post. i absolutely despise cryogonal. the unimaginative and derivative design, NOTHING interesting to look at, its stupid 'mouth'. it makes no sense in the context of its game (again: WHAT gen 1 pokemon is this supposed to be an analogue for? you know the whole POINT behind the gen 5 pokedex???). my hatred of this thing is so profound. this thing could be wiped from history and nothing would change.
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at1nys-blog · 10 days
Can you do some Deidara headcanons? 🖤
Sure thing anon🖤 hope you like this, also this is very random because the more I wrote the more ideas came to mind (pretty sure this is modernAU headcanons but that is what came to mind first)
Deidara’s Headcanons
Deidara strikes me as an annoying type of guy
As in he would always tell people that what he does is the best
His ideas are better
And so on
People don’t like him
His friends barely can stand him this is why he has few friends
He is artistic and he knows he is very good at what he does
Has every social media platform in existence where he shares his art
His favorite is Twitter (X)
Because there is where the “haters” interact with his posts the most
He laughs at them most of the times
Some other he just gets very angry and insult them
Like his accounts have been suspended a couple of times or shut down
He insults people a lot in the real world too
Not for fun though
He would when they deserve it and he would be so mean
He KNOWS how to dress
Some of his clothes are customized by him
Or hand made from him sometimes
He is a good driver (both car and motorcycle)
Would go fast when alone
But if someone asked him to go slower he would try his best to do so (still speed here and there)
He has a pretty calligraphy
His family and friends would ask him to write letters for holidays and such
Not that much jealous. And if he gets jealous he would just stop talking because he is upset
In a relationship he needs someone opposite of him
Someone calm and chill but that isn’t afraid to call him out on his bullshit
He would be annoyed but doesn’t talk back
He is a yapper, so he would like someone that would listen and doesn’t tend to cut him off
He will be himself no matter what
Outside the house
He would be less annoying
And probably would take the time to listen to his partner more
His love language is words of affirmation
He wants to be complimented a lot
Might indulge in his partner love language but he is subtle about it
Partner has words of affirmation as love language? Compliments them but adds a little “stupid” or something like that
Quality of time? Hangs out with them doing grocery but always complains when they can get home
(Is kinda funny to see him complaining)
Acts of service? Will help around the house when they aren’t around
Might say he wasn’t at home at all so this is why the house is clean
Gift giving? He would buy something from nowhere and casually giving it to them
Physical touch? If it is outside simple holding hands is what his partner will get
But at home he will give them light touched here and there and let them hug him more
He likes to collect pretty things
He needs them? No. Does he buy them regardless? Yes
BIG on skin care
Will not skip a day
Will force/remember his partner to do the same
Also has a very strict hair care routine.
He smells of citrus fruits
He uses hands cream (orange or lemon or a mix of citrus fruits)
He knows how to cook, nothing too fancy but he can cook
He is good at managing his money
He likes sparkling water
He is a cocktail type of guy but doesn’t refuse a beer or some wine
He doesn’t like anything too complicated or extravagant but will try it on special occasions
He likes to listen to music. More as a background sound so he actually doesn’t know almost any lyrics (if not for his favorite artists)
Might be into rap
Hates trap music
But he listen to it sometimes to see if there is something good coming out of it (he is surprised when he finds something he likes and that is objectively good)
His room? Chaotic. Paints, brushes, canvas, DIY tools and what’s not all over the place
And he has never the time or the energies to put everything in order
A lot of unfinished projects.
He likes to use a projector to watch things (movies/tv shows/ YouTube videos…)
Holidays with him? Drama filled
And he lives for being the one creating drama
For New Year do NOT invite him because he would take over the original plan and rearrange it with something *cofcof*everything*cofcof* he would like to do.
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altocat · 9 months
you keep antagonizing an entire group of people and when they react to your drama you pretend theres one GeNeSiS HaTeR who sends you messages. you know so well who they are and blocked them. you blocked them what, 4, 5 times already, even if you can only block a person once. but you keep insisting you know. so just say it! instead of saying you know who this person is because you analyzed their writing and went all Sherlock Holmes on them. i'm sure the GeNeSiS HaTeR is in your head and there are just random folks who are sending you messages once you start the drama, but that doesn't fit your narrative of you fighting the bad guy. if you really know who this one person is - tell everyone. i think you're going to block the imaginary enemy for the 6th time and keep saying you know everything. prove me wrong
Genesis Hater is now BIGGER MAD. And once again, you're still hiding on Anon.
There's a reason why I won't say who it is. And this might actually surprise you. I don't want a witch hunt. I don't want people actively coming down on someone else over something as inconsequential as petty fandom drama. I believe in the best in people and while I think you're being completely ridiculous pretending to be multiple people or making wild claims about a random character that are completely unsubstantiated, I don't want hoards of people actively coming down on you when they know who you are. I don't think you deserve that. I don't think anyone deserves that. I wish you could give me the same courtesy, but here we are. Perhaps one day you will surprise me.
Honestly, I prefer diplomacy. I continue to entertain this because it is 1.) Very cathartic in bolstering my love for this character and 2.) I live in the vague hope of you perhaps one day growing up and/or moving on. Why you've selected me specifically to produce this conflict at hand, I have no idea. I was happily living in my fantasy world of stupid anime men long before this shitstorm showed up. If by "antagonizing" you mean "existing" then yep. I sure was. Just remember YOU came to ME. You're the one flinging mud. You're the one who used colorful descriptions of "dick eating". And you're the one who keeps trying to pretend that you're multiple people when...you're just one person. Other Genesis haters have been way more respectful and mature about this than you could ever hope to be.
But don't worry. Despite everything, I still believe in you. And I'll continue believing in you regardless of whatever conflict you continue to brew. And that, I think, is a hopeful goal to strive for in the midst of this incredibly huge waste of both of our time. But by all means, do continue.
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alarrytale · 4 months
I just found your account and read pretty far back in your posts. I can’t tell you how spot on you are and that I agree 100% with your opinion. Especially with the facts you’ve shared about Louis improving his shows. I have all the same thoughts and have expressed them on X and in my gc, but of course I’m overrun with how ‘toxic’ I am. I’ve been to a few of Louis’ shows and watch the lives and it’s getting worse instead of better- he really is losing all charisma he ever had with the lad act (drinking, not knowing lyrics, unable to sing and relying on his band for that, etc). What particularly drives me mad is the way the audience is sending him so much energy during the songs and he responds by rubbing his hands and walking slowly back and forth across the stage. You can see the crowds energy instantly deflate. I hope he/mgt takes your ideas into consideration. I really want so much more for him!
And lastly, Harry is my favorite of all time- but I agree with you when you said he’s a coward. I hate that though.
Hi, anon!
Welcome to my blog! It's hard to criticise H and L in this fandom without being branded toxic, a hater, a complainer or being entitled. There is so much blind idolatry and fan policing happening to make people conform and behave like sheep. That does not make for a happy and thriving fandom.
To make a successful artist you need two things. An artist who respects, appriciates and caters to their fandom, and a fandom who supports the artist. You need both to make a successful artist. Some people in this fandom believe that the artist should be supported regardless. Even if the artist doesn’t respect their fandom, doesn’t appreciate it, and only cater to their own needs while disregarding the fandom's. If the artist keep doing that, they'll lose fans. Fans have plenty of artists to spend time and money on. Artists need to fight for attention from fans and the general public. The artists who don't manage to hold fans attention, feed them, appreciate them and engage them will struggle to have their songs chart, have their tickets sell, get gigs like festivals and get invited to events.
We as fans are entitled to the bare minimum of respect. Louis isn't and hasn't been very respectful to his fandom majority, the larries. He's downright been disrespectful. We as fans don’t need to tolerate being ridiculed, called delusional or mocked. It's also not respectful to be late to go on stage, not knowing the order of the songs or your own lyrics. It's disrespectful to cancel a whole leg of your with a half assed apology and no real explanation. This should all be bare minimum. People have travelled hours to be there, queued for hours to get barricade and spend a months wage to pay for the tickets, travel and accomodation. Respect their time and money spent.
Fans need to feel appreciated and wanted. Larries don't always feel wanted. We also sometimes don't feel catered to when we get things we didn’t ask for, like a propaganda piece of a documentary, stunting or him taking the fan popular songs off the playlist, while giving us a random song cover. Fans are allowed to say, that's not right, that's not cool and feel disappointed.
Neither H nor L are perfect. They do have good and bad sides. Things they're good at and things they're not good at. They fuck up too sometimes. It's important to try to compensate for your shortcomings and mend your mistakes. If you can’t give your fans what they deserve or ask for, then give them something else that will draw the attention away from it. If you've fucked up, do better next time.
Louis is closeted and he needs to uphold a fake image. He's treating larries like shit, he's stunting, lying and gaslighting. When you can’t deliver on respect and appreciation for your fans, it even more important that he compensates by catering to us. His biggest hindrance to deliver on that is his self-confidence. It's stopping him from letting his guard down and being his charming and funny self. He can't afford to also not deliver on catering to fans, because he can't compensate on respect and appreciation. So he needs to give us exactly what we ask for and what the majority wants. Even if that entails wearing chinos and suspenders for a show. Suck it up.
We tolerate at lot that fans shouldn't need to tolerate for the sake of H and L's closet and relationship. If being a fan and dealing with stunts, fandom wars, being called a conspiracy theorist and your idol hanging out with horrible people is going to be worth it, then they both need to put on one hell of a show and give us albums of bangers after bangers. Or else it won't be worth it. The deal is off.
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pugzman3 · 11 months
finding that same-sex desires post a little troubling theologically pugzy, not really clear on whether God decides or predetermines our obstacles or not. youd have to imagine He has at least some say in who has same-sex desires
I know which you are referring to. This is why I've said over and over it all goes back to God vs Satan. We are programmed not to consider either God OR Satan. It's why so many have a hard time understanding the events happening, because they won't look at it through a biblical lense. God gives us free will, always has, always will. God will not predetermin anything for you except one thing. If you choose Jesus, choose his way, what happens after is predetermined, as in your salvation and eternal life. We choose whether or not we follow God, or the world.
God determined from the beginning man for woman, woman for man. He wants a family, and his family to multiple. Everything else is an abomination because it not only serves the lusts of flesh it will not bring forth more life. But society tells us opposite. Says we MUST accept the lgbtqlmnopqrxtuvwxyandz ways, otherwise you are hateful. To pile insult on insult to the Father, society has made it to where gay couples can adopt and raise a child, I think I even heard California is now allowing gay men to "rent a womb" in order to obtain a kid. Oh and the same society that wants to disprove or deny God, wants to say God would be ok with this because "God is Love". So when you study his words, you see how massive the depections are, and far they spread, and you also know his patience is wearing thin.
Obstacles, he will put in place to give you a chance to think twice. He doesn't wish for anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9) so he will try to get you to pause and think. And I guarantee EVERYONE has had it happen to where they were about to do something they knew they shouldn't, something happens that puts a pause on the situation, and then most do it anyways. But the thing about that, the more you ignore those pauses (regardless of the situation), the less he will try, and eventually he will give you over to your own will.
Romans 1:20-32 (He gave them up, He gave them up, then He gave them over)
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
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skippyv20 · 6 months
Skip, Julie here. In an article you wrote about Princess Catherine and imploring people to leave her alone (100% behind you there as we always said if she wants us to know she will tell us otherwise it is not our business) you said “I am so frustrated I don’t know if I want to be here”.
We are all upset and frustrated but the scale of it is minimal compared to William and Catherine. They are and have been bombarded with this utter crap for 7 years. Non stop. Regardless of what they say or do it is never good enough. Why? Who would do this and why. Who would hold a grudge so intense they can not see past the red mist regardless of the benefits they have been afforded from the very family they target. Was someone rejected by the older brother before their target became the younger one. We know there are people who do not take rejection well and revenge can be a driver for them. It should have been me or mine and revenge I shall have is a common theme in murder mysteries. However, it could be anything but bringing down BRF seems to be at the heart of it and it has ramped up in recent years. Believe nothing about any member of BRF that is press driven
Skip, you really do not understand or accept that you, you! have been directed on this path to connect people around the world for a very good reason. You and your family who are your greatest asset have been driven by a higher purpose. Because you have a good understanding of how good people need a gathering place to feel accepted and valued. This is not an accident you community has grown so big over the last few years. You accept people for who they are not for what you can get. Make no mistake you have been chosen to do this.
Anyone can spew hate or disinformation but it takes a level of ignorance to be that type of vile human. In a world where most of us just want a life of peace and harmony where everyone is entitled to their own personal views and opinions but do no harm. However, the world has changed to where people think nothing of hurting or injuring someone with words or innuendo and often anonymously or buying bots to do their vile bidding and do it deliberately for their own sick gratification it says more about that person than the person they are trying to vilify.
You Skip are a safe haven for a large group of people to talk about current situations and voice opinions and views but never hatred or abuse. You are being tested and many will try to get you to shut down, go away. You are stronger than that. Think of every trial in your life and how you come through them all. You will not be broken. You have some wonderful close friends on Tumblr who have your back and you can talk to privately about your frustrations and the rest of us are here to support you always even when we have differing views on someone under discussion ( you know I don’t believe the Andrew story but I accept my opinion differs from others) Don’t let the haters and ill informed get to you. You really are blessed
Love you heaps.
Julie!  Thank you so much for the very, very kind words.  You really do give me much too much credit.  This tumblr is what it is because of the amazing people that come here, the amazing bloggers.  I am the fortunate one to be here with you all.  I know my frustration pales in comparison to what the BRF have lived through these many years.  I accept the world is changing, but I don’t like it!  I do have faith things will get better, but I doubt it will be anytime soon.  Catherine fighting her cancer battle is heartbreaking, as is the many others who have suffered from it or are now suffering from it.  I know many here have had such battles or are battling it now.  There is great sadness in our hearts for those who suffer, and when I see such vile things said, I get so angry.  I wish people could stop and think about how they would feel it this were to happen to a loved one of theirs.  Royals or not, they are human beings first.  I don’t understand the cruelty.  I won’t leave, but I was frustrated.  I was having an angry rant.  I value all who come here and I love “our “ community.  I don’t love the whole tumblr community.  There is a huge difference.  I do know as you do, I never started off this way when I came here.  My path took a turn, for whatever reason.  I do believe I am meant to be here, so….I rant, then step back and say…forward I go.  Again, thank you Julie!  You are such a wonderful friend, you always have been.  You have stood by my side from day one.  I hope you know how very much that means to me.  God Bless you Julie, for you are a rare one!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh my!  Looking back over the years…oh my! It all seems like yesterday!❤️
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
did you like that they made nat is the antler queen or whatever you wanna call it
it's insane and messed up and i love it. like. god. the layers to it!!!!
she was the #1 hater of the wilderness. she was the furthest thing from lottie. she should've been the last choice. but lottie said "you've always been it's favorite"!!! and like. do we really think lottie heard the wilderness choose nat? was it just lottie? if it was just lottie it could be very cruel, because it looks like she realized the price she's paid for it, and the toll it took on her. or it could be so heartbreaking because maybe it was the best thing she could come up with to draw the group back from how deep and how lost they were in their own religion, because she thought only nat could that, and yet we know that things will only get worse from here, so if nat fails, lottie failed too. but if there really is some wilderness voice talking to lottie and it really chose nat... isn't that fucking brilliant? imagine a god identifying its biggest threat and one of (if not the) strongest and smartest players in the game, and with one kiss from lottie turning it into its ally?? at the end of the day, nat was just a kid, and she's been trying to hard to make the other just listen to her as she tells them their mistakes and now she has lottie saying "okay, now everyone has to listen to nat", it could get to anyone's head! it could make nat actively go along with whatever the wilderness is and knock down the last resistence against the girls going completely wild!
and. regardless of what it means for the girls. it's also great for the show in general. it marks a new age for the girls, a new season (as in season 3 but also spring). and it reminds us that there's not one main character not one queen (and i love the theory that eventually all of them will take that leadership role)
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sweetshelluvaau · 1 year
-HELLo and welcome-
Hello, my name is Sweets and welcome to my little blog in this little corner of tumblr. I'm just a little salty, jaded woman on the Spectrum from the states who enjoys writing/drawing and bitching about everything. Oh, and I'm sorta a fan of Hellaverse. Sorta.
This blog was made for me to share my Hellaverse/Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel rewrite(s) I’m working on while also giving me a space to share my thoughts on the show(s) soI don't spam my HB/HH roleplay blogs with critical content. I'm salty af, what can I say.
My Helluva Boss rewrite is called I.M.P: Immediate Murder Professionals and my Hazbin rewrite is called Hazbin Hotel: Redemption Arc (at least until I can think of a better name but I like it as of now). I talk a little about the direction of my stories will take here.
What this blog basically is:
This is all the fault of my friend Nihlis! We both happened to be fans of Hellaverse (and still are in some sense) but have been turned off by the writing focus and decisions made within HB Season Two and found Hazbin Hotel to be a bit 'lackluster' to say the least. You can argue that the writing in the serie(s) as always been hot garbage but I felt HB Season One wasn’t as bad as it is now but going back to S1 also opened our eyes a lot to the problems that plague the series from the start but only now taking full notice of. After plenty angry, salty discussions and a little pushing and honestly a bit of boredom on my part: This blog was formed. 
This blog will be very Hellaverse/Vivziepop Critical, but never to the point of down right spiteful (as I said, I’m a/I was a fan of the show). If just sharing someone thoughts and criticism, even if it’s constructive or/and not to bash Vivziepop as a person but to criticize her as creator turns you off, then this isn’t the place for you. You’re more than welcome to share/send in your own thoughts regardless if it’s positive or negative, along you’re polite and civil about it. I WILL DOWNRIGHT INGORN HATE/ATTACKS/HARSSMENT ON ME, MY FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS OR ANYONE ELSE (including Vivziepop and everyone that worked on the show). This isn’t the place for that!
What I plan for this blog is to share my rewrites/restructuring/redesigns of how I (and/or Nihlis if he wishes to add some of his own thoughts to this blog) would handle/fix/would tell the story with the source material given to us plus adding my own twist on things, big and small.
I also hope to gain feedback for myself so I can grow as a writer and artist as well. Pleased don’t feel shy to share your suggestions or questions about this AU via ask. Heck, don’t feel shy to link to your own designs or AUs I love see them! Maybe we can even bounce ideas off each other!?
I am not a professional writer nor do I claim to be one. This is all for fun at the end of the day
What this blog isn’t:
A hit piece. While I will be very critical on this blog about my thoughts on Vivizepop’s writing, character design (tho I’m no expert when it comes to that neither) and some of her own actions, I do not hate Vivizie as a person even though I do have some thoughts about her personality. I do not know her in real life, I just consume some of her content and question some of her writing decisions. Whatever happens or doesn’t happen to be going on behind close doors at SpindleHorse Toons is not the point of this blog so I will not be addressing the allegations thrown out unless I feel it’s needed, let alone my own thoughts on the matter. There are blogs that do address her actions and behavior in more detail however.
I’m also not trying to 1up/have a ‘gotcha!’ moment on Vivizie. Like I said, this is all for fun. I’m just another salty jaded fan on the internet that should be no more insignificant to her just as any other fan and ‘hater’.
Um, so yeah. Hi~
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