#regulus black fanficion
ttulipwritezz · 1 year
I was hoping to request a Regulus Black x fem!reader
Where the reader is a pure blood and Slytherin and regulus is friends with her since he was a kid.
As they grow up the reader starts finding sirius attractive, but regulus watches this from afar. Hurting silently. And he confesses too late
Idk I kinda want a sad ending 💀
a/n: I usually put these at the end but here you go. I had sm fun working on this request and honestly, I don't think I did your idea justice. I took some creative liberty and kind of changed the idea. But the dynamic remains. I hope you like this <33 warnings: mention of smoking, outbursts, kissing, use of the word b@stard, I use certain words a lot so maybe it got boring. anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Wc: 0.95k
Unspoken Words That Linger In The Air
- Regulus Black
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Y/n L/n hated smokers, ever since she was young she'd seen her father smoke at every occasion possible. The smell of secondhand smoke became so familiar to her that it was almost nauseating.
When Sirius Black became her boyfriend, elevating from best friend's Brother to long-time crush to this, it became a rather obvious detail that he had to quit smoking.
He tried, he really did, and it worked for a while. But alas it was still his go-to coping mechanism. He couldn't let go so easily.
Sirius returned from his quidditch match, in which Slytherin had won against Gryffindor, and Found his girlfriend waiting in his dorm.
the other boys were still downstairs celebrating and wouldn't be up here for a while.
"How was your match?" She spoke first.
"Great, Sorry we took a little detour before coming here, didn't wanna be here after the awful loss"
"I get it," she said with a smile.
A moment passes...then another.
She pulled him in by the neck, smiling only slightly before kissing him as his lips curved into a smile.
He tasted sweet..
he tasted like chocolate.
Remus's chocolate, that the werewolf always refused to share but would often somehow find missing.
He tasted like strawberry.
The strawberry-flavored taffy Lily always carried in her robes for James, oblivious to the fact that he hated strawberries, they'd often end up with Sirius anyway.
And he tasted like...
.... cigarettes.
The nauseating smell came back. It hit her senses like a bludger.
She pulled back.
"you smoked again." She stated, disappointment lacing her voice delicately.
"I thought you quit" she continued and it sounded unsure, as if she was doubting it.
"y/n I-"
"did you lie to me? Or did you just pick it up again?" It sounded broken almost but still hopeful.
She didn't let him answer and instead walked away.
"He never listens" came the exasperated voice of Y/n as she sat on the deep green leather couch of the common room, the fire from the fireplace warming her just a tiny bit through the coldness of the space.
"I just don't understand how you are still dating him" said Regulus's cold voice, cutting through the brief silence.
"Alright regulus, he's not that awful"
"one moment you're complaining to me and the next you're defending him, great," he replied in a bored voice, seemingly done with the conversation.
"He's your brother Reg, You can't hate him forever" Her voice was calm, unlike Regulus's which seemed to be growing louder by the second.
"He's not me. And he was my brother, and I just don't understand how you can love him." His voice was stressed as if trying to prove a point.
"Merlin! What's your problem Regulus? I don't understand why you're always so against me and Sirius dating?" Her voice also started to raise, matching Regulus's tone.
"There. That. That's the problem y/n! Merlin! you're so stupid!."
"Excuse me-" Y/n tried to interrupt but was spoken over.
"No. he isn't even willing to quit smoking for you! What kind of a boyfriend is that? I quit because you asked me to." He tried to reason.
"Well, He's not you Regulus-" Again tried.
"Merlin! You don't understand. You don't understand what you do to me y/n. You don't understand how your smile makes me happy or how your tears make me sad. you don't understand how every time I see you smile because of that bastard, It hurts me. You don't understand how bad I want that bastard to be me-" His voice was broken, it sounded so hoarse and so broken.
"-You don't understand how Unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you I am."
His voice boomed through the common room, the two students playing exploding snap in the corner immediately stood up and went to their dorms.
"w-what?" she let out, as a whisper, no other sound could have escaped her.
But it did. in the form of a question.
"you love me?" It sounded stupid but she needed it said once more to believe it.
Regulus didn't say anything. He didn't need to.
An unspoken 'yes' lingered in the air.
It was past cerfew but her feet still took her to the astronomy tower.
That's where she always went after an argument with Regulus.
It was the one place she always found solace in.
As she walked up the large stairs her feet made little to no sound. Even as they halted after seeing a familiar figure come into view.
Sirius was there, smoking again.
The soft glow from the cigarette illuminated his features in a warm light.
He looked calm.
"you're smoking again" Y/n broke the silence as she leaned against the wall of the tower similar to how Sirius had been.
"It...umm gets stressful without you around." That was an excuse of a response.
"I suppose it does even when I am around" Her reply was far from sarcastic, it was true. Highlighting the fact that she'd caught the smoke a day ago as well.
"what's the matter?" Sirius could tell something was wrong, he always did.
"I had an argument with Reg..." she replied, almost ashamed at her petty fight with her best friend.
"what about?"
"what do you think?" she retorted with a question, that was the only thing that seemed plausible.
A glint of hesitance washed over his features, a moment of guilt followed after.
"was it because of me?" it came out a little louder than a whisper, seemingly too careful.
She didn't answer, she didn't need to, she simply laid her head on his shoulder, the silence spoke for itself.
And an unspoken 'yes' lingered in the air.
A/n: Not the proudest of this one but i like it Likes and reblogs always help<33
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lord-save-me · 9 months
Crazy to me how fanfics will make it a point to "talk about issues" and have the muggleborn discrimination be some dramatic metaphor and then have purebloods use mudblood because "they're not using it in an offensive way", like babes your privilege is showing
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cryonme · 3 years
➵ 𝐇𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮
➵ Regulus Black x reader
➵ summary: The Marauders hold a silent grudge against you for falling in love with the younger Black, until one day everything comes out in an argument, and Sirius has no choice but to find his brother, and see for himself how much he loves you.
➵ word count: 2k
➵ tw: swearing, arguing, panic/ anxiety, slut shaming
➵ a/n: lowkey kinda proud of this? pulled this idea outta my ass while zoning out at work and had to write it as soon as I got home lol. anyway, im on a real writing kick right now I have so many ideassss! happy reading xo MIZ
       ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝
You never spoke of your relationship to your friends.
They never asked questions when you would leave, saying you had plans, they didn’t approach you when they’d spot you hand in hand in the halls, a bright smile beaming on your face.
But you saw the resentment.
You saw Sirius grit his teeth anytime his name would accidentally slip past your lips.
You saw Remus’ eyes fall when he saw you with him in the courtyard.
You saw James’ fake smile when you’d show him your new jewelry and dresses that he knew you didn’t buy for yourself.
You heard the girls’ disapproving whispers when you’d leave your dorm to meet him.
It broke your heart every time. You wished to be able to talk freely about your love without feeling guilty, you wanted to bring him to your weekly game nights, you wanted to go to Hogsmeade during Christmas with everybody and get butterbeers and giggle as snowflakes clung onto all your eyelashes. You wanted to share that community with him.
But you loved Regulus more than any of those things.
The way his slender fingers soothed your sore muscles at the end of a long week, the way his soft lips felt on yours, the way he never spoke in anything but a gentle tone with you, the way his eyes looked at you with so much adoration you think you might melt.
That was all so much more to you than anything your friends could offer.
You loved them, with every fiber in your being you loved them so much, but they just couldn’t compare to your Regulus.
“What are you doing today, Miss (Y/n)?” James asked as he bounded down the Gryffindor dorm stairs, a smile on his face as he prepared to ask you to spend the day with him and the boys. The girls were shopping in Hogsmeade, you had already declined that invitation earlier in the morning.
“Got plans with Reg, James.” You said, a guilty smile on your face as you chewed on the inside of your lip.
James was the only one you could slightly talk about him with, the only one who would push his feelings for the younger Black aside for your sake, but even then it was barely any.
But you hadn’t realized Sirius and Remus coming down the stairs behind him.
“Spending the day with my little brother?” Sirius asked, his voice sharp.
You nodded. Sinking further into the common room couch, trying so hard to avoid conflict.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He snapped, his voice going lower, his teeth ground together so hard you were worried they might shatter.
“Sirius!” James scolded, lightly shoving his friend’s shoulder.
“No, you know what? I’m so tired of this. I’m tired of keeping my mouth shut for the sake of your stupid feelings when you’re being reckless and stupid!”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about you bloody idiot!” You stood from your sinking position on the couch, the hiding and ignoring was over.
“Of course I do! My little brother won you over with his charming smile and his empty words and I’m sick of it! He’s incapable of love!”
“You’re only proving my point.” You seethed.
“Merlin, you’re so daft you can’t even see what’s right in front of you!” Sirius yelled, his hands running through his hair and over his face as he flailed them around in frustration.
Remus placed a hand on Sirius’ shoulder. “He’s harsh, but he’s right, darling.”
“Oh, fuck off, Remus!” You threw your head back and rubbed harshly at your eyes in frustration. “All of you masking your judgement as just caring about me, it’s bullshit!”
“No, you fuck off!” Sirius’ voice boomed off the walls of the common room, rattling through your ears. “You know what they say about the girls Regulus dates, you know how many times we’ve defended you around the school?!” His chest was heaving and his face was red, and you swore you’ve never been more scared of your best friend in your life. Your chest began to tighten and you felt like even if you tried to speak nothing would come out.
“Sirius-” James warned.
“Shut up, Potter!” He growled before continuing. “Maybe you are just like they say, darling. Maybe you’re just a shallow slut that doesn’t know her left from right-”
Hot tears threatened your waterline and your fingers began to shake.
“Sirius.” James said again, more demanding.
“Maybe you are just a stupid bitch!” “Sirius!” This time it was James’ turn for his voice to rattle the ears of his friends, he had noticed your state, but it was too late, you were far too gone. Your hands were clutching your stomach, trying desperately to soothe the uncomfortable stress knots that were beginning to form there.
James sent Sirius a glare before standing in front of you, trying his best to soothe your jagged breaths and strangled cries.
“You went too far this time, Pads.” Remus said, using his best disappointed dad voice.
“Love, please calm down, please.” James begged, your hands tight in his but you couldn’t hear him, his pleads went in one ear and out the other. You could barely even register where you were, each word and each movement was warbled.
“(Y/n/n), hey, it’s Rem. Can you look at me, darling?” Remus asked, his voice soothing and soft as silk as he reached out to you, only for you to jerk away from both him and James.
“I was making progress, you git.” James muttered and Remus rolled his eyes.
“Sweetheart, you’ll faint. Please look at me.” Remus tried again, trying his best to ignore the two boys beside him.
But your cries wouldn’t let up, you eventually sank to your knees, your body overcome with exhaustion from your muscles tensing and your whole body trembling, but still, you wouldn’t let them near you, only harshly jerking away and crying harder when they tried to console you.
“(Y/n), please, fuck! Please, you’re scaring us, love.” Remus begged, his own voice beginning to shake at the sight of you.
“Why didn’t you let up when I told you to?!” James turned around and shoved Sirius, sending his back to thud against the nearest wall.
“All you said was my name, how was I supposed to know?!” He argued, his eyebrows furrowing together.
“Oh, your best friend not being able to breathe right in front of you didn’t give you a fucking clue?”
Your cries only worsened as the boys began to scream at each other, cowering away from the scene and closing your eyes and covering your ears.
“Cut it out! Bloody idiots you’re scaring her!” Remus yelled. He was so angry at the carelessness of his two best friends, dragging you through hell.
“Sirius, you need to find Regulus.” Remus said, calmer this time.
Remus held up a finger before his friend could argue, and slowly pointed to your fragile state, completely inconsolable.
And the lightbulb in his brain turned on.
“I need to find Regulus.” Sirius said, not giving the other two a chance to respond before he was out the door. He was so worried it was causing him to feel sick, and although he hated it, Remus was right, he had to find his brother.
The black haired boy flew through the corridors of the castle and into the library, where he thought for sure he’d find him, but to no avail. He groaned in frustration and spun his body around, running once again, towards the courtyard, where he thankfully found him sitting under a tree, nose in a book as he snacked on an apple.
“Regulus.” Sirius breathed, resting his hands on his knees in front of his brother, blaringly aware that your state was only getting worse and worse by the second.
The younger brother looked up, raising one confused eyebrow at the elder’s tired state. “What? Have you come here to-”
“It’s (Y/n).” Was all Sirius had to say before Regulus was up and running alongside his brother to the Gryffindor common room, earning a couple of disapproving looks from the paintings.
Regulus’ heart has never ached more than when he saw you cowered in a corner, eyes screwed shut and hands pressed harshly against your eyes, rocking yourself back and forth as you struggled to breathe.
“Step back, please.” He said, as politely as possible to James and Remus, who immediately obliged. He knew the two were just trying their best to help.
He sat in front of you placing his hands over yours and slowly taking them off of your ears so you could hear his voice.
“Hi, dove.” His voice so gentle and adorning even James felt his heart swell.
You immediately laced your fingers through his, still not opening your eyes, but allowing Regulus to console you.
“That’s it, darling. Doing so well f’me. Can you keep breathing?”
You nodded, trying your best to breathe steady in the hold of your boyfriend.
“There you go, there you go.” He cooed before pressing a kiss to your head and unlinking his fingers from yours so he could pull your slightly shaking frame into his lap, resting his cheek on top of your head. “Keep going, doing so good.” He praised, beginning to gently rock you back and forth.
The three Gryffindors were stunned. He was so gentle, so attentive, so loving with you.
He loved you, he really loved you so much.
And Sirius felt like a proper prick.
Your boyfriend stood up with you in his arms with ease and nodded at the Marauders. “‘Scuse me, gentlemen.”
The three stepped aside and allowed Regulus to take you up to your dorm. They all sat in silence, their thoughts bouncing around their heads a million miles a minute, until Regulus returned, alone.
“She refuses to tell me what happened, which only leads me to believe you thick headed lot said something. So, go on. I’m listening.” He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.
“Didn’t say shit that wasn’t true.” Sirius muttered, crossing his arms and huffing like a child.
“Really?” James exasperated, his mouth agape, “After putting her through that nightmare, you’re still going to act this way?!” James scoffed when Sirius didn’t answer, but the brunet boy missed the slightest downturn of guilt on his friend’s lips as he turned to Regulus, telling him everything that happened, Remus chiming in every now and then.
“You are unbelievable, brother.” Regulus spat as soon as the two other boys were finished explaining.
“Didn’t mean to make her cry.”
“Well you did!” Regulus took a step forward as he yelled, causing Sirius to step back. “In fact, you didn’t just make her cry. You gave her a bloody panic attack! Thought I was gonna have to take my poor girl to Madam Pomfrey’s!”
Regulus laughed a humorless laugh, running a pale hand through his thick, black curls.
“All she’s ever wanted is the approval of you three. For you to love and support her. But all she ever gets is head shakes disapproving words and your cold fucking shoulders!” His voice was getting louder with every word he spoke but he didn’t care.
“And look what you’ve done to her!” He gestured up the stairs, the boys didn’t have to see you to know you were a wreck. “And you two aren’t innocent either.” Regulus pointed a finger at Remus and James. “I’d expect more from you two, really.”
“I don’t want any of you trying to talk with her until she’s ready to. And not when she says she’s ready to, when she’s really ready to.”
And with that he turned on his heel and trudged up the stairs, making sure to look back at his brother one last time before disappearing.
If looks could kill, Sirius would be dead.
Regulus opened the door to your dorm as carefully as possible, softly whining at the sight of you curled up in your bed, your face marked with tear tracks and eyes and lips swollen, sniffling.
“My lovely girl.” Regulus crooned as he climbed into your bed with you, holding you against him.
“I just want them to love me.”
His heart sank. “They do. They have a shitty way of showing it, but they do, so much, angel.”
You nodded, cuddling yourself further into your boyfriend.
“And so do I.”
“I love you more than the world, Reg.”
“I love you more.”
“Not possible.” You said, with just about the quietest voice he’d ever heard as your eyelids began to droop, exhaustion beginning to overtake your body.
“Okay, I’ll let you win this one.”
“Thank you.”
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casualmaraudering · 5 years
hey! for the prompt thing could you maybe do a wolfstar modern muggle!au meetcute?? could be a good old coffee shop or university thing or something more different? as long as you like it too!
ah, i finally get the chance to write a coffee shop au, thank you anon
featuring snarky reggie and sirius insomniac black
Sirius is running on two hours of sleep within the last 48 hours, seven cups of coffee - or was it eight? - and too much Panic! At The Disco when he meets the love of his life. 
Now, mind you, he’s only 19, and he doesn’t even know the guy, but he already knows they’re bound to fall in love, get married, buy a house with a picket fence and have three children. And a dog. A big dog.
Anyway. The point is - love of his life. Right there in this small, suburban cafe. 
“Reggie, I’m in love,” he says instantly, not taking his eyes off of this angel of a man. He’s got the smile of an angel, anyway. And hair, too - angels have curls, that’s just scientific.
“The fuck are you on about?” his brother replies, with too much snarky confidence for a 15 year old. He’s been spending too much time with Lily, Sirius reckons. Bad influence and whatnot, that girl.
“That guy in the corner,” Sirius still hasn’t taken his eyes off him, by the way. “The curly haired one, with the laptop. And don’t swear.”
“Who’s he? Like a boyfriend or something? I’m leaving if you dragged me here just to make out with your stupid boyfriend, you were supposed to help me study!”
“What? No, he’s not my boyfriend, I’ve literally never seen him before.”
Regulus blinks. “And yet you say you’re in love?”
“Yes, I’m quite positive I am. Don’t you think our kids would look beautiful?”
“You’re insane.”
“You think they’ll have curls? I hope they will. Or the freckles.”
Regulus sighs and runs his hand through his hair - now that’s a habit he’s picked from James. Sirius really needs to find more respectable friends to hang with when he’s minding his little brother. Not like Regulus really needs minding to anymore, but still, Sirius is responsible for him, so he guesses he should find some positive influences.
Love Of His Life seems like a good sort, which is fantastic. Sirius can bet he studies something smart like literature. Or maybe physics. 
“Listen,” Reg says, punching him in the arm. “You’re a fucking mess but-”
“Don’t swear,” Sirius says, absentmindedly - he’s really wondering what Love Of His Life’s taste in music is. He seems like an Ed Sheeran type, and Sirius definitely doesn’t mind that. He could learn some Ed Sheeran songs on his guitar - that’s quite romantic, isn’t it?
“- go ask him out or whatever. I’ll get us something, and then you’re helping me.”
With that, and an eye roll - honestly, way too much time with Lily - he leaves Sirius to his own. 
Usually, Sirius wouldn’t just saunter towards a guy that fucking cute, oh no, he’d need some sort of back up or pep talk, from James, preferably. But today, he’s a mess, and lack of sleep makes him incredibly reckless and equally detached from reality, so indeed, he walks towards the table.
Love Of His Life looks up at him when he sits down on the other side, confusion spread on his face.
“Hi,” Sirius says, smiling. He hopes he doesn’t look as messy as he feels - his hair might be a bit wild, but he’s been told that looks hot, so he figures it’s fine. 
“Hi?” Love Of His Life replies.
“So I noticed you sitting here, and I thought I’d say hi. Which I already did. But still. Hello.”
He raises a brow at Sirius. So Sirius, as he tends to do when both sleep deprived and thoroughly caffeinated, just keeps on talking. 
“I’m here with my brother - helping him with homework, like a responsible older sibling and all that jazz. What are you working on? I bet it’s something smart - you look smart, at least. It’s the jumper, y’know? You wouldn’t mind if we sat with you, maybe? I just thought - you’re sitting alone, I wouldn’t mind the company, for sure, and you seem smart and nice so who knows, maybe Reggie will learn something - I’m the one that’s supposed to be teaching him but I know fuckall about history, honestly - I’m doing art, actually. Are you a history guy? You seem like a history guy?”
“I’m so sorry for him,” Regulus says, sitting down next to Sirius - and kicking him, definitely on purpose. He sets down a cup of coffee for Sirius, and a hot chocolate for himself. 
“Is he high?” Love Of His Life asks. Sirius giggles to himself.
“He’s sleep deprived and had too much coffee. And also he’s gay.”
Love Of His Life blinks at that. “And that’s relevant how…?”
“Well, he gets like that around guys he likes. Idiotic, I mean.”
“Oh,” Love Of His Life seems startled, but Sirius can see a blush on his face, and he’s suddenly not mad at Regulus being here anymore. 
“Are you single?” Sirius asks, because again - too much caffeine. Whatever filter he has is long gone. 
“I really am sorry, he’s a fucking twat when he doesn’t sleep.”
“Swearing, Reggie.”
“You swear all the time!”
“I’m the big brother, I can.”
“And yet I have to do this shit for you,” Regulus says with a huff. “Listen. He likes you, and I promise, he’s actually surprisingly tolerable when he’s had enough sleep and no one lets him touch caffeine. So if you’d humour him and give him your number, or whatever, we’d get out of our hair now.”
Love Of His Life blinks in confusion again. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Sirius cocks his head in what he hopes the guy considers cute. “Don’t be like that. If you’re not gay, I get it. But if you are - even a little bit, what’s there to dislike about me, huh? I’m obviously the best looking guy you’ll ever find.”
“And bloody humble too,” Regulus mumbles to himself - Sirius kicks him.
Love Of His Life - Sirius should find a shorter nickname, or ask for his name - laughs at that.
“I don’t really care much for appearance.”
“Oh, everybody says that but deep down I’m sure you wouldn’t hate dating someone with a face like mine.”
“I’m blind.”
“Shit,” Regulus says - Sirius kicks him again, more out of habit than anything - “sorry, I-”
“I get it, hard to notice. I don’t mind,” he smiles that cute, soft smile again - Sirius remembers why he fell in love all that 15 minutes ago. “Are you still so set on dating me?”
“Yes,” Sirius says without a further thought. “I don’t care. I’m in love with you.”
Angel - shorter, but still not ideal - laughs again. “Leave that for when we know each other a bit more and maybe you’ve had more sleep.”
“Get used to this,” Regulus sighs. “Clinical insomnia, and all. Happens rather often.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he says softly. “So, Regulus, you said?”
“And my idiot brother is Sirius.”
“Parents were really into stars, huh?”
“You could say that,” Regulus mumbles half-heartedly. 
Their family is still something they rarely talk about. Ever since they left home - the moment Sirius turned 18, he packed their most important belongings and dragged Regulus out of that hellhole - it was something they just didn’t speak of. It’s a bit less touchy, now, but they mutually agree it’s best left alone, to discuss at a later date, maybe when Reggie is a bit older. 
“Mine were into mythology. It’s Remus.”
Sirius smiles brightly, and Regulus groans. 
“Stop being so gay,” Reg hisses. 
Remus laughs. “You said you’re learning history, right?”
“Yup. French revolution at the moment.”
“Just so happens I’m majoring in history. How about Sirius gets me a hot chocolate, and I’ll help you out?”
Sirius blinks. So does Regulus.
“Will you go on a date with me, then?”
Remus shuts his laptop and scoots a bit closer to them.
“Let’s start with my number first. Ask me again when you’re functioning like a normal human again.”
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lord-save-me · 9 months
Ever see someone write a fanfic and you can just sense that they're not a minority
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