#reid ketchum
ada254 · 1 year
The longer I sit on this, the more outdated it's going to get so one singular on-time happy (?) birthday to Aidan Oak fjsjdjfdj but this is mainly for @pkmn-downtheline, and enthusiasts of the very belated 1-year anniversary of the "bi Misha" debacle kjdfnkjdf. Happy belated Pride, even, while we're at it!!! #teenage years, #liberties were taken, #homophobic homosexual
Was it possible to drown yourself in your own drink?
Reid wondered about that, as he used his straw to slosh the pink fruity blend into another self-contained slushpool. 
Sure, he’d have to take a…say…unconventional (?) approach to pull it off. One that—and he only admits, just slightly, in the very back corners of his mind—would probably be too complex for his own brain to even come up with but—it’d be worth it. Probably. 
He felt his eyelids get even heavier. 
No, definitely.
When the tiny vortex finished its little journey, and settled back down, the result didn't produce any sort of relief. So, he suppressed the urge to take another sip and instead, glared as hard as he could. 
Because, maybe, just maybe, if he stared hard enough—
“No,” Calla casually cut in, right before she took another long sip of her own Pecha Berry smoothie. “If you’re going to drown yourself, you need a lot more drink than that.”
Reid lifted his head, and his grasp went loose from the sharp bend of the straw. The purple plastic twacked. 
“…Twin telepathy is real.” 
Calla swallowed a garbled hum, one quiet enough to come off as "cute"—heavy air quotations needed—and not obnoxious, her pen stilling against the table napkin she was doodling on. 
“Maybe!” She popped the straw out of her mouth, shifting the pen in one hand, and taking a moment to straighten out her flimsy makeshift sketchpad. “Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because you keep mumbling out loud?” She playfully shrugged. “Who can say?”
Reid stuck out his tongue, before slowly pushing his drink aside. Calla just rolled her eyes, as she added one last, flowery line to her design concept. He couldn’t really see the “finished” product from this angle, but that didn’t matter once Calla spun it around.
Calla leaned back, her drink coming with her. “Thoughts?”
Reid shared a thumbs-up. “Looks cool!” 
It reminded him of a viral fashion trend he saw on his PikaTok’s For You page. 
She happily hummed in response, folding up the napkin and tucking it into an open pocket of her messenger bag. Calla then turned to her box of Kalosian fries that she had managed to somehow leave untouched until now.
Once she started taking envious looking bites, the crushing boredom hit him again like a punch to the gut. 
Reid, whose arms and head collapsed against the table, moaned. “When’s this stupid Q&A going to start already? I feel like we’ve been waiting for hours now.”
“It’s only been 20 minutes.” Calla pulled out her phone, a fry poking out of her mouth. Reid looked at the screen to confirm, and internally screamed. 
Or maybe, he did scream, because Calla was staring at him now. After a long silent beat, she picked up another fry and wordlessly hovered it near the smooshed, open corner of his mouth. 
Reid groaned again, but accepted the greasy offering. 
It doesn’t solve anything.
In fact, it kinda made him wish he had ordered a side of fries for himself when Calla got up to get seconds. 
Fries were…good. Sure, some Choco-Choos or a Pi’Dove bar would be better...but fries were good.
The thought alongside the snack made him feel the tiniest bit better for a good ten minutes. 
“Seconds. It’s only been 10 seconds.” Reid was about 10 seconds away from calling Uncle Oak or Goh about his confirmed theory about twin telepathy. But then, Calla tilted her head in turn. “I sacrificed one of my crispier fries for you and you only looked better for 10 seconds.” She showed him her phone again, pouting.
This time Reid resisted the urge to scream, and instead, laid his forehead flat against the table, letting the air be compressed out of him slowly.
“I’m not going to make it.”
Reid had made it.
Somehow. Even when he waited through an additional 15 minutes, on top of the expected 30, because Aidan decided he wanted to be fashionably late. 
The minute, second, hour—whatever—this Q&A was over, Reid was going to run him over with his skateboard. 
Except not really. 
But also, yes really.
A high pitched squeal from the table to his right brought him out of his thoughts. Reid tiredly cocked his head around, and watched as an eager “Striver” waved their hand to answer the generic “Who’s excited to be here today?” Aidan was shooting off. 
Because Aidan had decided it would be “fun” to do a mini Q&A with the audience for the pre-show, instead of…not. 
Of, you know, not doing that. And who knows, maybe, starting the show he was already late for? 
But who was Reid to argue that against a crowd of rabid stans who had already overwhelmed his puny groan of dejection?
So, here they were.
Reid sighed, hand slumped against chin, as he adjusted his gaze downwards, towards the faraway stage. (Aidan really couldn’t have scored any better seats for his “best friends”, huh?)
“By show of force, how many of you guys here today are extroverts?” A majority of the people in the crowd raised their hands. Calla included. With a speedy spunk, Reid might add. 
Weirdly enough, Reid noticed Aidan wasn’t raising his own hand, even though he was just as much of an extrovert as Calla. But, he chalked it up to some weird emcee role thing and pushed it aside.
Nodding, as he surveyed the crowd, Aidan continued, “Okay, okay, now—how many introverts?”
Aidan shared another blinding smile of sly encouragement, probably confusing introvert traits with shyness, again. Even still, Reid could feel the smoothie in his stomach acting up.
So, he raised his hand, just halfway, alongside the small batch of people in the crowd who were also raising theirs. As Reid looked around, he noticed that most of his fellow introverts-in-arms, in this crowd, at least, were female. 
Slightly embarrassed now, Reid lowered his hand even further. He then hid his face in his smoothie with—what he had intended to be—a quick, tiny gulp.
“Great! Now…how many bisexuals?” Reid all but nearly choked. 
Calla, even Calla, actually broke out of her food-induced spell, and paused mid-fry bite. “Huh?”
There was a distinct moment of silence, before a murmur began to ripple through the crowd, as one or two women in the front cautiously raised their hands. Two, three more, five, ten, more spreading throughout the crowd followed, and then—hollering and solitary bouts of screams of either ally ship or relatability came out from the back. Probably the latter, as Reid watched a sizable selection of men’s hands shoot up. 
Aidan shot a spontaneous finger-gun in recognition of the growing excitement—the act riled up the audience even MORE.
And…it’s one of those weird “crowd work” things.
Reid heaved a sigh, his heart starting to settle back inside his chest. 
And even though Reid’s shoulders should have also been released from tension and sunk back down, he felt one of them only get pulled higher. Along with his arm. “Calla?!”
Calla also seemed to have gotten over Aidan being Aidan, as she grinned at him with no sense of guilt. “What? You’re bi, too!”
“Well, yeah! But—“ Calla began to wave his arm around and Reid reluctantly watched as Aidan’s dazzling eyes trailed across the crowd, row after row, until right up to the balcony where their table was. Aidan noticed them then, prompting Calla to wave Reid’s arm for him even more aggressively, flushing Reid’s face completely red. 
Reid decided to try communicating with him in the sheepish smile he shared: Look what I have to deal with—please, send help. 
The message must have gotten lost in translation. 
Or something like that, because Aidan only tensed up, frozen for the longest beat, until he forced the fakest of camera-worthy smiles their way alongside a brief wave. A wave, Reid suspected, was only directed towards Calla—the silver charm on his right wrist shone bright in his vision—before looking away.
The balcony was full of shrieks and gushing admirers, but Reid felt numb.
Reid’s own smile fell apart. The embarrassment set into his face, like a red stain of shame. He tore his arm away from Calla’s grip, who released it with no resistance. 
Calla giggled, staring straight ahead at Aidan. “He’s such a poser.”
Reid took a deep breath, as he pushed all his feelings down, and spit out: “The worst.”
…Sometimes, Aidan was mean mean. All Reid could do when it happened was…not dwell on it.
He didn’t mean anything by it.
The overly enthusiastic cheers and applause called both Calla’s and his attention back to the man of the hour.
“I’m so honored to have such a diverse crowd here today! One alive with energy—can we get another show of that for RotoPhone?” 
The audience happily complied, including Calla, as Aidan’s RotoPhone rushed across every lane of the crowd and even managed to glide across the balcony area. When RotoPhone passed by them, specifically, Calla yelled even louder while Reid swallowed his pride, faked a woo, and showed off a weak peace sign. 
Then, just like that, RotoPhone returned to Aidan’s side to finish recording the main event.
“Thanks Rotom,” Aidan gave his partner Pokemon another cheeky finger-gun, somehow causing another batch of piercing squeals and giggles to erupt from the audience. 
Reid wasn’t sure what the deal was. 
And, for once, Aidan seemed to agree, because even he managed to be caught off guard by the reaction. Luckily for him, it was a minor lapse of a scrunching eyebrow that only Reid and Calla could have recognized. 
(Well—okay, ”and Calla”, if Calla wasn’t making eyes at her Pecha-dipped fry at the moment.)
“Uh, anyways, I’ve kept you guys waiting long enough. Should we get this—“
A hand shot up from a girl, standing dead center of the front row, and with a sleeping Linoone draped around her neck, like a scarf, who barely bristled with the motion. “Aidan, pardon the interruption but you didn’t raise your hand for any of your own questions—what’s your answer?”
A sudden cloak of silence draped itself over the crowd.
But then,
“Arceus, she’s bold.”……………...”But I gotta agree!”
A ripple of a murmur rolled into the crowd at that, before escalating to their own calls of a mostly resounding approval: “YEAH!!”, “THANK you, queen!!”,  “Yes, please, answer!!”, “The people need to know!!!”.
And one attempted groan of “oh, who gives a fuck?!” from one of their fellow balcony tables before they were actively shushed (and growled?) into oblivion. 
Reid blinked in bewilderment, and reached for his smoothie to sip at it coolly. 
Seriously, what was everyone’s deal?
Aidan also seemed to take a moment, blinking, as he stared into the crowd, until a rakish grin-turned-laugh took over his face—that left him shining brighter than ever. 
That cool sip Reid was taking, quickly transformed into a burning gulp. 
“What? That’s it?” Aidan waved a hand around, in a vague fashion, and his RotoPhone moved to angle itself in the middle of the girl and Aidan. And while Reid couldn’t physically see this from his seat, he knew RotoPhone’s camera lenses were focusing in for that perfect shot. He could even picture the exact imagery in his head from past memories. 
Reid tucked a hand under his chin, leaning closer, too. 
“Obviously—“ Reid nodded along, tapping his finger to the beat of his next words, and sucking the straw between his teeth. He’s an extrovert. “—I’m all three.” 
Reid’s drink erupted out of his mouth—at the same time that he heard a wet clatter, a scrape of chair legs from the table behind, and an explosion of fangirlish (and some guyish) screeching. 
The smoothie, luckily, had all spilled onto the floor and parts of the metal railing because of the way his head was facing forward to watch the unfolding circus act that Aidan—why does he do any of this—Oak decided to ring-lead today. 
Because randomly bringing up “bisexuals” was a meme, but doubling down had….meaning. 
(Reid aggressively ignored the Skye-sounding mental retort of “don’t you mean memeing?”)
Was Aidan…serious? Was that why he brought it up? Did Reid actually…..have a chance?
He brought a hand up to his mouth to wipe away the excess pink, but found his focus centered on his accelerating heart rate. It was like he had just placed in a Pokemon Race. He could feel his heart go boom, boom, boom.
But before he could spare any further thought to…that, Reid heard a sharp inhale. And suddenly, he knew he would die before figuring out if Aidan was insane, genuinely coming out, or insane AND genuinely coming out as bisexual. Because out of all the attempts on his life he survived to make it here, he knew. He knew he wouldn’t live through his twin’s wrath for making such a mess. Instinctively, his hands clenched and he felt the clear cup crinkle in his grip.
…Except, he shouldn’t be holding onto a cup. Not anymore. Because he remembered the clatter. 
His head whipped over to Calla, who was staring wide-eyed not towards the stage, but down at her own hands that were dripping. Pecha pink slush was splattered all over the floor on her side, too. As well as the front of her shorts, and her—not so—white leggings.
Reid’s foot moved forward on reflex, and he winced at a plastic sounding crunch underneath the press of his sneaker. The sound echoed in his head like an omen.
Calla looked like she was about to cry.
This smoothie was fucking cursed.
Reid was in defense mode. “I’m so sorry, Calla! I’ll go buy you a new one right now—wait no, napkins!” 
Reid knocked his chair back, kicking the legs of it back with a sharp scrape across the floor.
Big mistake (#2).
An ear-splitting howl punctured his hearing from behind him, even in the midst of a bunch of high-pitched squeals from the ground floor. 
So, fun fact: Reid hadn’t realized that the growling from the guy behind him had been a bit too animalistic for a human. And that the culprit, instead, was an actual feline Pokemon. An enraged Liepard, in fact, whose trainer just so happened to be currently absent from his table.
Well, it was a nice life while it lasted.
Calla’s dark facade managed to temporarily break then, as she, too, noticed the Liepard now extending its claws in anticipation—and her twin probably sweating buckets.
“Reid, run.”
“Yeahhh—you don’t need to tell me twice!” Reid grabbed his board, jumping on it, just as Liepard swatted a paw at him as some sort of a warning shot. Except then, it pounced. 
And now, Reid was skating away as fast as he could, ignoring the small commotion he was causing by trying to maneuver a clustered group of tables and for “blocking people’s views”. 
Which yeah, sorry, he was just trying to out-skate a fucking Liepard with a vengeance. But, no, that was fine with everyone because, at least, it wasn’t blocking their view of their “newly crowned bisexual king”. (He just came out, people!)
Though, honestly, maybe the Liepard was an Aidan Oak stan, even in spite of its earlier nap, because it was managing to chase after him without jumping onto any tables or even going above eye level. 
Either way, he hated it! 
He swerved past a couple of girls, whose hands were conjoined, jumping up-and-down to catch Aidan’s attention. They hissed, just as much as the Liepard did. He yelled back the thousandth fleeting apology. 
Past the last table, he—skateboard and all—smoothly hopped over the barricade set up against non-ticketed guests. Of course, his “friend” made the leap, just as easily. Even still, he felt a sigh of relief, as the road ahead seemed to clear.
He sped up, the world around him beginning to blur.
But, just as he was rounding the last corner that would take him fully out of view of the closed-off event, Reid spared one last glance to see what he could. Because apparently, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of Aidan, even in an actual life-or-death situation. Aidan was on the mic again. 
(He had no idea if his stupid Q&A would ever start.)
“I am a triple threat for a reason,” Aidan winked, and shot off his signature salute but with one modification. Instead of using two fingers, he separated his thumb to capitalize on the “three”.  
Reid let out the longest groan, and kicked his back foot against the ground with force. 
He was going to kill him. 
After he escaped, he was going to strangle him. Hands on his collar, face pulled close to his, to rattle him back-and-forth. And then, maybe, MAYBE, very casually, he would….blurt out that he’s been in love with him since they were 10. Before asking him out. But, only maybe. 
Reid pushed forward, his heart pounding out of his chest, in imperfect staccato of squeaky wheels and sharpened paws on jagged purple tiling.
After sending off a newly revitalized Calla to the Juice Shoppe with his dad’s credit card in hand, Aidan finally turned to address the sad Reid-shaped lump that had tumbled back to them in the middle of Calla’s brief recap of events.
“So? What in Arceus’ name happened to you?” Aidan cooly looked down at him. 
“A Liep—“
“Never mind. I don’t want to hear it. But you need to be more careful.” Aidan reached for his face, grimacing at the scratches left scattered over his face. His fingers only briefly brushed against a particularly red one near the corner of his mouth, before Reid batted his hand away, flushing red. 
“Don’t tell me what to do!”
Aidan felt that uncomfortable twitchy something towards him again, the one that pulled him back, as he couldn’t help but stare at him. It’s not yearning. He’s not Calla. Reid’s not….He’s not—
He automatically pulled out his RotoPhone from his pocket, set on silent mode, to log into his social media. When his eyes are glued to the screen, he doesn’t have to think about all the annoying things. “Whatever, dude, just don’t make a scene next time. It looks bad on me.” 
He said, instead of the “I was just looking out for you” that he held back in his throat.
Reid huffed, but didn’t fight back. Instead, he scrambled to get up from the ground on his own. Once he managed it, Reid covered his nose and began to wipe away the dust and debris he had collected from his haphazard trip. Aidan tightened the grip on his phone. There was a packet of tissues that were burning a hole in his pocket.
He made no movement for them. 
“Fine, whatever,” was finally muttered out. And it was the last thing Aidan heard before tuning out, but apparently (and he learned this later), Reid had kept going—his voice quiet.
“But, forget that…I…wanted to ask you something….”
When his main Flitter account popped up, he ignored the influx of notifications and DMs he had gotten after the Q&A, and switched over to his secret The Young and the Pokémon fan account: @/incognitoflareon. It was named as such to align with his allegiance with Team Flareon/Jax Dyners. The obvious choice. 
Anyone who was Team Vaporeon/Harold Dyners were idiots who didn’t understand Marcia Lynzel’s character arc and that what she needs most in a partner was passionate individuality and an unpredictable move set, and not the guy who stuck with the Boulder Guard strategy (and therefore Clara) for 10 years because it was “safe”.
…Okay nope, this was the kind of thinking that made him sound like a loser—he sounded like Briar. He needed to just scroll in peace. 
But, remembering his brother kinda grossed him out, so he replied to some rando’s tweet talking about Team Vaporeon with a couple of barf emojis before scrolling past to find the memes about this week’s reveal of Larcenzia’s one-eyed ex-husband twice-removed. And her new Purrloin.
“—Are you even listening to me?!” 
Aidan suddenly heard while speed reading through another tweet he disagreed with: a “meta” talking about Marcia’s secret affinity for water-types. For once, he decided to take the path less-traveled by, and forced himself to scroll past it, before answering honestly. 
“No, what.”
Reid groaned. “Ugh, I’m being serious here! I just…you know…” 
No, he didn’t know.
For some reason, Reid sounded nervous, or nervous enough, that Aidan looked back up. And Reid’s appearance matched his tone of voice. He was fidgeting, his gaze was turned sideways, and his cheeks were brushed with those delicate, little red streaks. 
Aidan avoided looking at him directly. He did not have a good feeling about this.
“Okay, please spit it out before I lose my mind.” 
“A-alright, geez!!…..it’s just….” Reid’s voice got disturbingly quiet as his face got even redder: “when….did you realize you were bi?”
Aidan’s Rotophone slipped from his fingers, causing a sharp, wavering craaack turned thud to strike against his eardrums like a gong that wouldn’t stop ringing. 
It…wasn’t his Rotophone. Once it had escaped its trainer’s grip, the auto-wake feature had instantly unlocked, allowing his Rotom to save itself from Aidan’s usual habits. It had swiftly flown back into his pocket. He could even feel it vibrating in annoyance as he continued to think.
No, what Aidan heard crack was something else. His sanity. 
“Excuse me?”
Aidan sputtered. “I’m not like you—”
Reid’s head shot up, and Aidan immediately retracted, hands up.
“I mean, you know I’m your biggest ally and all—#gaylivesmatter and all that!” Aidan pointedly ignored the exaggerated eye-roll Reid melted into, and instead, sharpened his own gaze. “But, I’m not gay. So, why would you even think that?”
Reid bit his lip, which Aidan knew meant: he was getting upset. Which also meant—
“Uh…because you said you were? Hope that helps.” Reid got snarky. 
He legit could not have delivered that last bit any dryer. Aidan could feel his face twitching.
“When? Literally, when?!”
Reid cocked his head now, his eyebrows furrowed. Aidan couldn’t tell if it was from anger or confusion. Maybe, both: frustration. Either way, it was rich, coming from him. “You’re kidding, right?”
“ON WHAT—“ Aidan caught himself, and took the longest inhaling breath. Arceus, deep in the skies above, he’s a good person. So, why was he being forced to deal with this without his grande Hazelnut Bianco latte with his usual pattern, right now? “Obviously…not. Sooooo.“
Aidan gave him a look that was clearly meant to push Reid into giving it all up, but instead, Reid’s frustration was melting into genuine confusion. As if, Aidan was the crazy one here.
“You…HAVE to be messing with me. I mean I know it’s you but—there’s no way that Mr. #I’mAllThree didn’t know what he was saying.”
“I’m #AllWhatNow?”
He watched as Reid’s face went through a series of emotions—frustration, anger, concern, sadness?, contemplation—until it finally landed on contentment. Like he reached a miraculous revelation he didn’t want to share with Aidan. 
But before Aidan could throttle him for the info—Reid coughed. 
Or pretended to.
Reid had a smile on his face now, and it wasn’t a positive one. It was the type he made when he was holding back a laugh. 
“…Dude, during the pre-Q&A—“
“Connngrats on the bisexuality!” Calla cheered, a skip in her step, as she approached with the latte he asked her to get while she was buying her “replacement smoothie”. Aidan was already speechless, but his face took on another wrinkle when he noticed the latte art. It was notably not his usual rosetta pattern he made sure to request, but instead, a shimmery, rainbow heart.
Calla picked up on the hard look Aidan must have been giving his latte art, and then nodded knowingly. “The Staryubucks employee mentioned it. I had no clue.” Reid finally lost it at that—laughing wildly. 
Okay, something inside him was going to snap. And then, break him. What did he even say?! 
All he did was get a temperature check of the crowd. 
All he did was ask about introverts, extroverts, and bisexuals.
What about any of that—
Aidan had never more desperately scrambled for his phone than he had at that very moment. Jamming it on took a couple more button presses than usual because RotoPhone was weirdly still upset about the previous offense. Even though Aidan was clearly having a crisis. When the screen finally shone, his finger mashed the Flitter app. And then, the trending page.
Aidan Oak
Triple Threat
#Harley’s Big Gay 20th Birthday Bash
Allie Hayden
Aidan felt the color slowly seep out of him, just from the page alone, but ultimately jammed his thumb against the first topic that was currently being narrated to him in Reid’s voice via the previous mention that was now echoing throughout his head. 
A rapid scroll through the reactions, memes, and more importantly—copypastas—of…his own words, and he finally understood.
Aidan had…mixed up the words bisexual and ambivert.
When Calla finally handed over his gay latte, with a painfully encouraging smile and noting that he seems “thirsty”, as Reid continued to laugh at him, Aidan briefly wondered if he could choke himself with it.
Two days later:
          🤍 Calla Ketchum and 20 others liked this
Aidan Oak ☑️
@ triple_A_threat
Again, I am NOT bisexual. I happen to be straight, but I am also a fierce ally who believes that gay lives MATTER: #gaylivesmatter ☠️🔥. And bc of that, my merch collab w/ PokeStars of the Rainbow will continue as planned, w/ my face remaining on the bisexual/MLM beanies...3/24🧵
6:04 PM • April 25, 2045 • Twitter for RotoPhone
Quote Tweets:
Linoone Lover 🌈
@ strivingfortripleAAA
Why did mlm auto-correct to MLM on his phone lol ☠️🔥
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Reid Ketchum 🐞💙 
@ always-be-racing
Replying to @ strivingfortripleAAA
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a-very-tired-raven · 3 months
who's your favorite blorbo/original character
this is an impossibe question, i have one from every media jkdndsnks
ones that have particularly stuck out to me over the years are papyrus, Astarion, Spencer reid, the joker( but SPECIFCALLY Arthur fleck), captain price, Guzma, and Ash Ketchum.
I like most of these guys, either because i relate to them heavily, like their design, or just have a special fondness for them in general lol.
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morverenmaybewrites · 7 months
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Well, I've always had a love for pretty, lyrical writing in the style of Laini Taylor or Ava Reid. Lately, I've been able to portray that style in my own writing, too, and that makes me happy.
💖 What made you start writing?
Man, it's been so long ago I can't remember what made me start writing. I do remember scribbling stories in notebooks as a kid, though.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? Between my characters? When they finally let their walls down and are able to connect with each other. (See: Jason finally managing to accept Alfred's apology and apologizing in turn.) Between characters in general? Ahem. *taps mic* - When characters with wings extend them to try and protect whoever's behind them. - That Phone Call. You know the one. The phone call Character A makes when they've been mortally wounded just to so they can their Character B's voice One Last Time.
- Any time a character has been seriously hurt, freaking out their love interest.
- I am a sucker for Soulmate Tropes, and any well-done version of it will have me giggling and kicking my feet.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Man, I hate to say never because as a reader, there is a particular joy in reading a book and realizing that the writer has taken something you dislike and made it absolutely work. There is merit in most tropes, I think. But if there's one trope I avoid both in writing and reading, it's when the text is unrelentingly bleak (see: Naomi's Room by Denis McEion and The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum, a lot of the grimdark fantasies of the 2010s). It just sucks all the fun out of reading for me, so I can't imagine what it'd do if I actually wrote it.
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thelonecalzone · 1 year
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At long last, here is the official reading list for There'll Be Some Changes Made, and a few recommendations from some of the readers! It's long, so hopefully there's a little something for everyone.
Thank you again to the wonderful readers, both for your encouragement, and for helping me compile this list <3
Recommendations (Named Throughout TBSCM)
The Pearl - John Steinbeck The House in the Cerulean Sea - TJ Klune The Great Alone - Kristin Hannah The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde Upon the Blue Couch - Laurie Kolp In the Dream House - Carmen Maria Machado The Price of Salt - Patricia Highsmith Paradise Rot - Jenny Hval Tipping the Velvet - Sarah Waters Fingersmith - Sarah Waters Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit - Jeanette Winterson Rubyfruit Jungle - Rita Mae Brown Under the Udala Trees - Chinelo Okparanta In at the Deep End - Kate Davies Some Girls Do - Jennifer Dugan This is How You Lose the Time War - Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone  The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid Lavender House - Lev AC Rosen My Brilliant Friend - Elena Ferrante Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe - Fannie Flagg Straight Jacket Winter - Esther DuQuette and Gilles Poulin-Denis
Source Books (Referenced, but not named)
The Odyssey - Homer The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman The Glass Menagerie - Tennessee Williams Hamlet - William Shakespeare The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Come Along with Me - Shirley Jackson (unfinished novel) We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson A Certain Hunger - Chelsea G. Summers The Poison Garden - AJ Banner
Honorable Mentions:
The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson Different Class - Joanne Harris The Lost Girls of Ireland (Book 1) - Susanne O’Leary The Girl Next Door - Jack Ketchum The Broken Girls - Simone St. James Dear Fahrenheit 451 - Annie Spence The Canterville Ghost - Oscar Wilde One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston Ash - Malinda Lo Everything Leads to You - Nina LaCour Camp Slaughter - Sergio Gomez The Silence of the Girls - Pat Barker The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka A Slow Fire Burning - Paula Hawkins The Other Boleyn Girl - Philippa Gregory The Miseducation of Cameron Post - Emily M. Danforth Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
Banished (Under the Coffee Table) Books - DO NOT READ:
Ulysses - James Joyce Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara The Hunting Party - Lucy Foley My Sister’s Keeper - Jodi Picoult The Book Thief - Markus Zusak In the Darkroom - Susan Faludi Marley & Me - John Grogan
Recs from Fellow Readers
Things We Lost in the Fire - Marina Enriquez Her Body and Other Parties - Carmen Maria Machado The Well of Loneliness - Radclyffe Hall Stone Butch Blues - Leslie Feinberg Mouthful of Birds - Samantha Schweblin  The Safety of Objects - A.M. Homes Crush - Richard Siken The Taming of the Shrew - Shakespeare I’ve Got a Time Bomb - Sybil Lamb The Thing Around Your Neck - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Last Night at the Telegraph Club - Malinda Lo Sadie - Courtney Summers The Messy Lives of Book People - Phaedra Patrick The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires - Grady Hendrix The Final Girl Support Group - Grady Hendrix The Lying Lives of Adults - Elena Ferrante They Were Here Before Us - Eric LaRocca The Patience Stone - Atiq Rahimi Agamemnon - Aeschylus Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - Tom Stoppard Cat's Eye - Margaret Atwood Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz's poetry - (start with "You Foolish Men") The poems of Sappho - (“Anactoria”, the book of fragments, and “Goatherd” specifically)
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pkmn-downtheline · 10 months
Hiya! Families Anon here again. I guess I meant like a master list so we can see all of the kiddos names and stuff before hand? Kinda like what pkmngame-fankids, pkmn-thenextgeneration, and pokemon-legends-and-legacies have I think?
we actually have a google doc for that!
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fatherson-showdown · 1 year
I POSTED THIS TO THE WRONG FUCKING BLOG neways heres the contestants list. decided to stick with a "one duo per fandom" rule for this but i didnt have enough so i ended up adding two criminal minds submissions
ill reblog this with the list of matchups once i finish randomizing them all
extremely long post warning eloel (please tell me if i got the father-son order wrong i dont know like half of these people)
The Spy and The Scout/Jeremy (Team Fortress 2)
Pigsy and MK (Lego Monkie Kid)
Dr. Eggman and Metal Sonic (Sonic franchise)
Darius Deamonne and Hunter (The Owl House)
Kohachi Inugami and Kabane Kusaka (Kemono Jihen)
Hueso and Leo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Bowser and Bowser Jr. (Mario franchise)
Lord Garmadon and Lloyd Garmadon (Ninjago)
Brom and Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle)
Prince Robot IV and Squire (Saga)
Alfred Pennyworth and Bruce Wayne (Batman franchise)
Dustfinger and Farid (Inkheart trilogy)
Victor Frankenstein and his Monster (Frankenstein)
Domingo Montoya and Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride)
Silas and Bod Owens (The Graveyard Book)
John Reckless and Jacob Reckless (Mirrorworld)
Conrad Grayson and Daniel Grayson (Revenge)
Denver and Moscow (La Casa de Papel)
Atticus Finch and Jem Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)
Dunstan Thorn and Tristran Thorn (Stardust)
Phil Dunphy and Luke Dunphy (Modern Family)
Link and Scout (Grey's Anatomy)
Tony DiNozzo Sr. and Tony DiNozzo Jr. (NCIS)
Jason Gideon and Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker (Star Wars franchise)
Morland Holmes and Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)
Wednesday and Shadow Moon (American God)
The Cigarette Smoking Man and Fox Mulder (The X-Files)
Leto Atreides and Paul Atreides (Dune)
Mufasa and Simba (The Lion King)
Baloo and Mowgli (The Jungle Book)
Aslan and Peter (The Chronicles of Narnia)
John Parry and Will Parry (His Dark Materials)
Anansi and Charlie (Anansi Boys)
General Tilney and Henry Tilney (Northanger Abbey)
Arthur Pendragon and Mordred (Arthuriana)
Denethor and Faramir (Lord of the Rings)
Gepetto and Pinocchio (Pinocchio)
Heathcliff and Linton Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
Marlin and Nemo (Finding Nemo)
Brás' father and Brás de Oliva Domingos (Daytripper)
Kratos and Atreus (God of War)
Gregory Edgeworth and Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Goofy and Max (A Goofy Movie)
Son Goku and Son Gohan (Dragon Ball)
Greg Universe and Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Mr. Ping and Po (Kung Fu Panda)
Stoick the Vast and Hiccup (How to Train your Dragon)
Kumatetsu and Kyūta (The Boy and the Beast)
Aku Aku and Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
Lawrence Fletcher and Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Professor Kukui and Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
William Afton and Michael Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Lucifer and Satan (Obey Me!)
Ozai and Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Benzo and Ekko (Arcane)
Dad Egbert and John Egbert (Homestuck)
Lord Death and Death the Kid (Soul Eater)
George and Lance and Bow (She-ra and the Princesses of Power)
Jake the Dog and Kim Kal Whan (Adventure Time)
Henry Fisher and Sal Fisher (Sallyface)
Asgore Dreemurr and Asriel Dreemurr (Undertale)
Gomez Addams and Pugsley Addams (The Addams Family franchise)
Will LaMontagne and Henry (Criminal Minds)
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antonio-velardo · 8 months
Antonio Velardo shares: The Fishermen Who Could End Federal Regulation as We Know It by Michael Barbaro, Adam Liptak, Will Reid, Michael Simon Johnson, Asthaa Chaturvedi, John Ketchum, Dan Powell, Marion Lozano and Chris Wood
By Michael Barbaro, Adam Liptak, Will Reid, Michael Simon Johnson, Asthaa Chaturvedi, John Ketchum, Dan Powell, Marion Lozano and Chris Wood The Supreme Court is to decide whether to overturn a key precedent on the power of executive agencies. Published: January 19, 2024 at 06:00AM from NYT Podcasts https://ift.tt/xGorBnJ via IFTTT
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jamesoncoylewright · 7 years
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August through November Reads, way overdue and in no particular order! 
See What I Have Done by Sarah Schmidt
All things Lizzie Borden are strange and eerie and essentially horrifying, and this book is no exception. Didn’t quite hit the mark for me, but still worth the visit.
The Night Sister by Jennifer McMahon
Had high hopes for this one but it’s ultimately forgettable. Good plot and interesting characters, though. 
The Next by Stephanie Gangi
Interesting concept, but a little bit too current day for me. Got a little bit old after awhile. 
Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt
A haunted town where the population has grown accustomed to a ghost with stitched up eyes and lips showing up in their homes, watching over their beds, and appearing in the town square? I had my mom check this out from her library in NC because I didn’t want to wait for the Charlottesville one to order it; I was THAT excited to read it. It was a story that I’ve never read before and it was so enjoyable.
Two Hours by Ed Caesar
Really nice journalistic writing chronicling the quest to break the 2-hour marathon, but even more so about the human spirit, human limits, and the incomparable internal strength of long distance runners. 
When Women Were Birds by Terry Tempest Williams
Some beautiful writing, but felt a little incomplete, and stylistically didn’t work for me all the time. 
The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum
THIS. BOOK. WAS. SO. UPSETTING. Truly hard to get through. Read it on the MegaBus to NYC and couldn’t tell if I was going to throw up from the bus or from this book. Horrifying fiction loosely based on true crime. 
Forever, Interrupted by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Cute, but in one ear and out the other.
The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls
Sad, complex, and emotionally layered. What strength by Jeannette and her siblings. 
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plangblrr · 3 years
So I’ve been really into reading lately. I used to be a 3 books a week kinda person and over the last 6 years I read like 2 books (Misery by Stephen King and The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson), these are now 2 of my favorite books, but I love many different types of books. In May I read all three of the Shadow and Bone books which I liked a lot but I feel like I’ve slightly outgrown that genre, they were easy to read and the story was great, it was just a little out of my wheelhouse for where I am mentally and emotionally (I’m not saying there is anything wrong with these books or this genre, I just mean I’m not in the headspace for them right now). Last month I read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid which I loved SOOOO much and I’m currently halfway through The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum which I’m really liking so far, I still haven’t gotten to the gruesome bits but from the tone I can tell it’s not far off.
I’m hoping for some book recommendations from other avid readers. I’m not opposed to YA or NA fantasy type books but I would prefer some more contemporary and emotionally rousing books. If anyone has recommendations for me I would be eternally grateful!!
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thefandomlesbian · 4 years
Ship Questions!
Domestic 🥰
(Also, I’m a huge fan of all your writings! Thanks for sharing 💜)
Thank you! ❤️
Sorry, this got pretty long!
1.) If they get married, who proposes?
Aaron does. Spencer is very comfortable not being married ever, and it's Aaron's drive to ensure Jack is in good hands in the event of his death that pushes him toward marriage. Spencer doesn't exactly want a wedding, but he knows Aaron is traditional and it's important to him, so he goes along with it.
2.) What's the wedding like? Who attends?
This could go one of two ways. 1.) They elope to Las Vegas so Diana can attend and invite literally no one else.
Or, more likely, 2.) They throw a BAU wedding in DC. JJ is the maid of honor and Derek is the best man. Rossi walks Spencer down the aisle and Gideon officiates. Rossi cries. Jack is the ring bearer and Henry is the flower girl.
A mostly unfamiliar face shows up, strolling up during the reception after the ceremony while Spencer is talking to Rossi and Derek. Spencer recognizes him first. "I don't want you here."
William is holding a brochure, pointing to where Rossi's name is listed as the father of the groom. "I would've come if you had called."
"I didn't want you to."
"You could've called," he insists. "You didn't have to write me off like this."
Derek goes to intercede, but Rossi catches him by the arm. "Hey, Reid," he says, looking quite mild. "There's one fatherly lesson I haven't taught you yet."
"What's that?" Spencer is confused at this assertion.
"How to throw a right hook."
William is on the floor, Aaron is covering Jack's eyes, Emily is cheering, JJ is trying to drag Spencer away, Gideon is getting Rossi some ice for his hands, and Strauss is pressing the bridge of her nose trying to decide if they can somehow make this a lawsuit for the bureau or if this is going to create more paperwork for her somehow.
Aaron invites a handful of old lawyer friends and Sean, who does reluctantly show up. Spencer invites his professors and teachers and Ethan. Several of them greet him with, "Oh, I haven't seen you in so long! You've gotten so tall!" which yields the question who was that person, and the answer is always, "A professor from my first doctorate."
3.) How many kids do they have?
In most timelines, only Jack. Spencer doesn't have any desire to spread his genes with his sketchy health history, and while Aaron wanted a bigger family with Haley, he knows it wouldn't be fair to do this to another child, the inconsistent hours, the lack of presence, and besides, Jessica wouldn't agree to free childcare for another kid. Spencer is okay with not being a father in the traditional way, and he's still someone who is very important to Jack, not to mention Henry and Hank and (insert baby name because I reject JJ naming her second child Michael).
But there is another timeline where they've discussed it. Spencer wants to be a father, and he tells Aaron that, and they aren't really sure how to proceed—with their line of work and histories, they aren't eligible for adoption. They look into surrogacy, but Spencer again doesn't really care to pass on his genetic material, and Aaron is having a very hard time shaking off his Catholic upbringing that makes him feel super duper icky and weird about something of his growing inside a woman he doesn't actually know that well and then that child being his and not part of her. They're at an impasse when, on a case, there's a break when a woman is found disemboweled in the dumpster while her newborn infant is wrapped in a plastic bag. There is no family after identification. Social services comes to take the baby, and they both feel like maybe this is some sign from the universe and they're missing out. Later that night when neither of them can sleep, Aaron rolls out of bed and calls the social services contact, and the baby is still floating around the office, not having yet found a foster family. So they take her.
It's several years of paperwork as they transition from foster parents to adopted guardians of Haley Diana Hotchner-Reid. Spencer steps down from the BAU to become a research professor full-time, and he finds cures for antibiotic-resistant bacterial illnesses. He invents a vaccine for tuberculosis. He has a routine schedule, so he's available for the kids all the time, and Aaron doesn't have to leave his job to have the family he wants.
4.) Do they have any pets?
Usually, no. Aaron is afraid of dogs. Animals don't like Spencer. Aaron grew up in rural Virginia, so he likes the idea of having horses like he did when he was young, but they don't have anywhere to put a horse or farm animals, and while Spencer fantasizes about having a farm, he thinks horses and cattle up close are terrifying. But occasionally they wind up with a cat, or even two cats if they're adventurous, and Spencer does a lot of research to start appropriate fish husbandry with a giant, well-kept aquarium where he teaches Jack all about how to properly care for fish (ie, goldfish and betas don't go in bowls, no fish go in bowls).
5.) Who's the stricter parent?
Neither of them are all that stern. Aaron doesn't know how to appropriately discipline a child. He knows what not to do, but he isn't sure about alternatives, and whenever Jack acts out of turn, he feels like it's his fault for letting Jack down and letting him experience so much trauma that twisted his ability to process his emotions in a healthy way. Aaron doesn't know how to provide structure and support in a positive way, and he tries, but it's hard.
Spencer also didn't exactly have any good parental role models. He does have the ability to learn everything there is to know about a child's interests through reading, and he does that to make connections. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't and Jack has still graffitied the side of the school building and Aaron is having to pay out damages and is trying very hard not to raise his voice and Spencer is like, "Is this what Ash Ketchum would do?" and Jack responds, "I'm thirteen, I haven't watched Pokemon in five years, grow up." Then they enlist a family counselor.
6.) Who kills the bugs?
Neither have bug fear. Spencer will squish roaches and pest bugs as he finds them. However, he thinks unique bugs are quite interesting, and he doesn't kill ants or spiders or crickets. Instead, he studies them. Spiders he always captures and takes outside. Once, Spencer has a piece of paper and a cup and is working very hard on entrapping a beautiful black widow, and Aaron sees it without realizing what he's doing and mushes it. "Why would you do that? Why would you kill an arachnid? She was protecting our home." After that, Aaron lets Spencer handle all the bugs and doesn't interfere since he never knows which ones deserve to live and which ones don't.
7.) How do they celebrate the holidays?
If someone is hosting a Christmas party, they'll attend, but otherwise, they'll stay inside and decorate the tree as a family. Sean is invited to Christmas dinner; he rarely comes. Jessica and her family go to her parents', and Aaron doesn't want to make Spencer uncomfortable by taking him there, so they avoid such gatherings. They make it special with just the three of them, unless another member or two of the BAU wants to squeeze in. Aaron likes to go to midnight mass, and he usually manages to convince Spencer to sit through it one night of the year.
On Halloween, they all go trick-or-treating together.
Easter is the other day of the year Aaron insists they go to church because, "I am nothing if not a Chreaster Catholic." Aaron takes Jack alone while Spencer stays home and sets up a wild egg hunt somewhere in the city, and when church ends, Aaron brings Jack to look for the eggs. Sometimes the rest of the BAU's kids join in.
For Memorial Day and Fourth of July, Aaron grills. Spencer tries once and they spend Memorial Day in the ER and Aaron has to buy a new grill. Likewise, they agree Spencer should not come within three feet of any firework materials, including benign sparklers and the like.
8.) Who's more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Aaron likes to get up early to brew Spencer's coffee the way he likes it, warm the house up, and start breakfast. Spencer never asks him to come back because he enjoys having the house warm and breakfast ready when he rolls out of bed. But if Aaron isn't feeling well and Spencer gets out of bed to do those things, it only takes a couple petulant grumbles on Aaron's part to convince Spencer to slide back under the covers.
9.) Who's the better cook?
Aaron is a much better cook. Spencer, to his credit, tries sometimes. But Aaron has a better understanding of how palates work and also how not to set things on fire. Spencer knows cooking is technically just a science, but it's a science that baffles him, he'll admit, like paranormal science or theology.
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gwydionmisha · 4 years
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yahoo201027 · 4 years
Series of first since 2016...
Leonardo DiCaprio won his first Oscar in 2016 
Chicago Cubs won their first World Series in 2016 since 1908 
Houston Astros win their First Word Series in 2017 (through banging bins) 
Philadelphia Eagles win their first Super Bowl in 2018
Washington Capitals win their first Stanley Cup in 2018 
Democrats winning back the House since 2010
St. Louis Blues win their first Stanley Cup in 2019 
Toronto Raptors win their first NBA title in 2019
Washington Nationals win their first World Series in 2019 
Ash Ketchum won the Pokemon league 
One Piece, Milo Murphy's Law, Soul Eater, Final Space winning the Battle of the Week Voting Tournament 
Kansas City Chiefs and Andy Reid winning the Super Bowl in 2020
Tampa Bay Lightning completed the Virginia redemption arc after being embarrassed by the Blue Jackets
Lakers & Dodgers won their titles (Lakers since 2000s and Dodgers since 1988)
Joe Biden elected POTUS and Kamala Harris becoming the first woman of color to take the Vice Presidency
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sleepingdragonhq · 5 years
Costume Contest
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Hey guys !! Below the read more is the whole list of costumes and another list for the couples costume (platonic pairs specified for their own category). If we’re missing any or have made a mistake, please let us know. You can find the voting form here. You must put five choices for each for the point system to work. The winners will be announced next week !!
Adabella Skeeter - Rose (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber - Velma (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe - Cowboy
Alastair Watson - Steve Rogers / Captain America (Marvel)
Albus Potter - James Bond (James Bond)
Alexander Hawthorne - Sailor (V-J Day in Times Square)
Alice Longbottom II - Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Amara Bones - Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
Anthony Rosier - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Archer Selwyn - Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Ariadne McLaggen - Lola (Looney Tunes)
Ariella Belefleur - Anna (Frozen)
Aryana Robins - Shego (Kim Possible)
Ash Rookwood - Gardener
August Fawley - Werewolf
Aurora Claremont - Bunny
Avalon Mulciber - Megara (Hercules)
Benjamin Ollivander - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart - Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
Brianna Avery - Mary Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Caleb Cresswell - Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Callista McGonagall - Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
Camille McGonagall - Mrs. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Candice Cresswell - Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
Casey Abrams - Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Caspian Berrycloth - Poseidon (Mythology)
Cassius Cresswell - George Washington
Cecily Prewett - Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Playboy Bunny
Charles Villiers - Gomez Addams (Addams Family)
Charlotte Watson - Mia (La La Land)
Chase Sayre - Burt Macklin (Parks & Rec)
Clara Arquette - Captain America (Marvel)
Colm McCarthy - Flash (Zootopia)
Darcy Mulciber - Loki (Marvel)
Declan Rowland - Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Delilah Flume - Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Dev MacMillan - Devil
Diana Rosier - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Dominic Whitehorn - Golden Snitch
Elaine Greengrass - Belle (Beauty & the Beast)
Electra Carrow - Daisy Buchanan (Great Gatsby)
Elena Flores - Baby (Dirty Dancing)
Elide Weasley - Cactus
Elijah Nolan - JD (Heathers) 
Elisaveta Hagen - Queen
Elizabeth Greenwood - Veronica (Heathers) 
Elsa Lestrange - Snow Queen
Ember Fortescue - Ice Cream
Emma Pickering - Elphaba (Wicked)
Evan Parkinson - Cowboy
Everett Pickering - Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) 
Ezra Bishop - Fiyero (Wicked)
Finley Murray - Marty McFly (Back to the Future)
Fletcher Duke - Nightwing (DC Comics)
Frank Longbottom - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Freya Avery - Winnie Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Gabriel Larkin - Jack (Titanic)
Grace Turner - Spider-Gwen (Spider-Man)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Harley Burke - Mabel (Gravity Falls)
Hazel MacDougal - Rachel Green (Friends)
Hudson Burke - Dipper (Gravity Falls)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Wally (Where’s Wally?)
Isabelle Crawford - Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
James Ashcroft - Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
James Potter - Firefighter
Jasper Locklear - Romeo (Romeo + Juliet)
Jaxon DuQuan - The Invisible Man
Jonah Finch - Cosmo (Fairly Odd Parents)
Josephine Goldstein - Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Joshua Selwyn - Baseball Player / Pitcher
Julia Kominek - Bonnie Parker
June Finch - Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents)
Katherine Robertson - A Phoenix
Kristoff Flynn - Johnny (Dirty Dancing)
Laurel Ollivander - Pink Power Ranger (Power Rangers)
Lena Macmillan - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Liam Kominek - Joker (Suicide Squad)
Lily Potter - Princess Merida (Brave)
Long Huojin - PT Barnum (The Greatest Showman)
Lorcan Scamander - Clyde Barrow
Lucia Rodriguez - America Chavez / Miss America (Marvel)
Lucienne Wolffe - The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Lucy Weasley - Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmatians)
Lyra Malfoy - Juliet (Romeo + Juliet)
Lysander Scamander - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Lysandra Rowle - Flower
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Dalmatian
Maeve O’Hare - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Manon Flamel - Sarah Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Marcus Carson - Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget)
Margot Fontaine - Alice Kingsleigh (Alice in Wonderland)
Matthias Vallois - Kristoff (Frozen)
Meredith Wayfelle - Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Michael Thorne - Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Milo Fox - Peter’s Shadow (Peter Pan)
Molly Weasley - Nurse (V-J Day in Times Square)
Mortimer Claremont - Milo Thatch (Atlantis)
Natalie Davies - Red Riding Hood (Red Riding Hood)
Natalya Dolohova - Quidditch Player 
Nesta Greenwood - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Nile Harb - Burt (Mary Poppins)
Octavia Coleman - Cher Horowitz (Clueless)
Odette Flume - Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec)
Orion Yaxley - Danny Zuko (Grease)
Peggy Carson - Peggy Carter (Marvel)
Pepper Rosewood - White Angel
Pippa Rosewood - Black Angel
Penelope Hawthorne - Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Perseus Mulciber - Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Poppy Zabini - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Reid Anderson - Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Rhiannon Prewett - Persephone (Mythology)
Rosalie Fleur - Samara (The Ring)
Rose Granger-Weasley -  Beyoncé
Scorpius Malfoy - Skeleton
Sebastian Nott - Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Seraphina - Sandy (Grease)
Seung Krum - Baseball Player / Catcher
Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Sofia Clarke - Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Tallulah Abbott - Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Teddy Lupin - James Ashcroft
Theodore Dubanowski - Hunter (Red Riding Hood)
Theodore Oliver - Green Soldier (Toy Story)
Theseus McLaggen - Mr. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Tiberius Flume - Error 404 Costume Not Found
Tobias Atwell - Hugh Hefner 
Toby Anderson - Sebastian (La La Land)
Verity Nott - Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Victoire Weasley - Cinderella (Cinderella)
Vivian Chang - Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants)
Wesley Martin - Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
William Ashcroft - Hades (Mythology)
pair costumes
Adabella Skeeter & Gabriel Larkin - Rose & Jack (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber & Wesley Martin - Velma & Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe & Evan Parkinson - Cowboys 
Alastair Watson & Peggy Carson - Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter (Marvel) - platonic
Alexander Hawthorne & Molly Weasley - Sailor & Nurse ( V-J Day in Times Square)
Anthony & Diana Rosier - Flynn Rider & Rapunzel (Tangled)
Ariella Belefleur & Matthias Vallois - Anna & Kristoff (Frozen)
Ash Rookwood & Lysandra Rowle - Gardener & Flower - platonic
Benjamin Ollivander & Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel & Flynn RIder (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart & Everett Pickering - Sherlock Holmes & Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) - platonic
Callista McGonagall-Kominek & Liam Kominek - Harley Quinn & Joker (Suicide Squad)
Casey Abrams & Frank Longbottom - Sally & Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Charles Villiers & Candice Cresswell - Gomez & Morticia Addams (Addams Family) 
Chase Sayre & Odette Flume - Burt Macklin & Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec) - platonic
Dominic Whitehorn & Natalya Dolohova - Snitch & Quidditch Player - platonic
Elizabeth Greenwood & Elijah Nolan - Veronica & JD (Heathers)
Emma Pickering & Ezra Bishop - Elphaba & Fiyero (Wicked)
Grace Turner & Archer Selwyn - Spider-Gwen & Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Harley Burke & Hudson Burke - Mabel & Dipper (Gravity Falls) - platonic
James Ashcroft & Verity Nott - Steve Harrington & Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
James Potter & Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Firefighter & Dalmatian
Jasper Locklear & Lyra Malfoy - Romeo & Juliet (Romeo + Juliet) - platonic 
Jonah & June Finch - Cosmo & Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents) - platonic
Joshua Selwyn & Seung Krum - Pitcher & Catcher / Baseball Players
Kristoff Flynn & Elena Flores - Johnny & Baby (Dirty Dancing) - platonic
Lorcan Scamander & Julia Kominek - Bonnie & Clyde 
Lysander Scamander & Poppy Zabini - Beer Pong - platonic
Milo Fox & Amara Bones - Peter Pan & His Shadow (Peter Pan) - platonic
Nile Harb & Sofia Clarke - Burt & Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins) - platonic
Orion Yaxley & Seraphina MacAuley - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
Perseus Mulciber & Penelope Hawthorne - Prince Eric and Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Pippa Rosewood & Pepper Rosewood - Black & White Angels - platonic
Sebastian Nott & Ariadne McLaggen - Bugs Bunny & Lola (Looney Tunes)
Tallulah Abbott & Vivian Chang - Spongebob & Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants) - platonic
Theodore Dubanowski & Natalie Davies (ft. Apolline) - Hunter & Red Riding Hood (ft. Wolf)
Theseus McLaggen & Camille McGonagall - Mr & Mrs Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith) - platonic
Tobias Atwell & Celestina Shacklebolt - Hugh Hefner & Playboy Bunny
Toby Anderson & Charlotte Watson - Sebastian & Mia (La La Land)
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
Multi Fandom fanfiction ideas
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cIuVhR8
by dawnlab1
Fanfiction ideas for different fandom. Please have a read and maybe use one of the ideas. You don't even have to say I made the idea. I can't write and I keep having these ideas and I just want to see them be used.
Words: 3421, Chapters: 19/19, Language: English
Fandoms: Criminal Minds (US TV), The 100 (TV), Slugterra, Supergirl (TV 2015), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Game of Thrones (TV), DuckTales (Cartoon 2017), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Originals (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Miraculous Ladybug, Young Justice (Cartoon), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime), Dexter (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Eli Shane, Harry Potter, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), The 100 (TV) Character(s), Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Spencer Reid, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton
Additional Tags: Fanfiction, Mulifandom
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cIuVhR8
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pkmn-downtheline · 6 months
Does Reid get along with any of his cousins? I noticed that the other two Ketchum siblings have a cousin they're close to, Skye with Linnea and Calla with Shawn, but is Reid close to any of them? Same thing for Coral as well.
we haven't given it a ton of thought but i'm sure he does! i think reid would get along with shawn and coral, who are closer to age than linnea (though linnea loves spoiling her little cousins). i think calla and coral would also get along great considering they both have artsy hobbies!
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antonio-velardo · 10 months
Antonio Velardo shares: A Strategy to Treat Big Tech Like Big Tobacco by Michael Barbaro, Alex Stern, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Stella Tan, John Ketchum, Michael Benoist, Marion Lozano, Dan Powell and Alyssa Moxley
By Michael Barbaro, Alex Stern, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Stella Tan, John Ketchum, Michael Benoist, Marion Lozano, Dan Powell and Alyssa Moxley More than three dozen states have come together in a lawsuit against Meta, the company behind Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. Published: November 15, 2023 at 06:00AM from NYT Podcasts https://ift.tt/kZY5x2b via IFTTT
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