#Trans Healthcare
liberalsarecool · 22 hours
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See the pattern? Republican policies are consistently unconstitutional.
At the heart of most Republican legislation is the need to treat a marginalized group like shit.
Fcuk these people. #VoteBlue
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floral-ashes · 10 hours
For Nature’s new series on sex/gender, I wrote with the amazing Shari Brightly-Brown and G Nic Rider about gender modality, the limits of the cis/trans binary, and how to study gender more respectfully and accurately.
Gender modality is a term I coined in 2019 that has picked up a lot of steam in the last few years. It refers to the relationship between someone’s gender identity and gender assigned at birth. It’s a lot like ‘sexual orientation’ but for trans/cis instead of gay/straight.
The term helps us be more accurate and more respectful when describing the experiences of trans people, and opens up space beyond the trans/cis binary.
For instance, it’s often more accurate to say that discrimination against trans people is based on gender modality than based on gender identity. After all, a trans woman has the same gender identity as a cis woman, so that’s not the salient point.
There are also many people who don’t neatly fall in the trans/cis binary, and gender modality helps us talk about that. Non-binary people who don’t identify as cis or trans, gender questioning folks, detrans folks, people with culturally-specific identities, etc.
Our world is incredibly rich with experiences and our language should reflect that. As we say in the paper, the first step in science shouldn’t be assuming, it should be to engage in the world in all its magnificent complexity.
I am grateful to our editor for the opportunity to publish in such a prestigious journal with such amazing coauthors. I hope you all enjoy the read!
For those who prefer to listen, here’s an audio version.
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ericacherrys-blog · 4 hours
Say ‘YES’ if you would love to suck me dry
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batboyblog · 1 day
Senior Judge Robert Hinkle (appointed by President Clinton) struck down a law banning Florida minors from getting hormone blockers and cross-sex hormones
he also struck down new requirements by the Florida Board of Medicine that required prescriptions for gender-affirming care to be made by a physician instead of a registered nurse or other medical professional, and required in-person appointments for gender-affirming care instead of remote or telehealth appointments.
Judge Hinkle blasted the Florida government declaring "The ban is unconstitutional.” declared that "'prohibiting or impeding individuals from pursuing their transgender identities is not a legitimate state interest" but rather the law was driven by anti-transgender animus” and a “deeply flawed, bias-driven” report from Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration.
“Transgender opponents are of course free to hold their beliefs. But they are not free to discriminate against transgender individuals just for being transgender,” Hinkle wrote in Tuesday’s ruling. “In time, discrimination against transgender individuals will diminish, just as racism and misogyny have diminished. To paraphrase a civil-rights advocate from an earlier time, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” 
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1lesleysworld · 7 hours
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silvermoon424 · 3 months
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New reaction pic for y'all to be used when you get into an argument about trans healthcare and your opponent starts talking about the 0.8% or whatever of trans people who regret transitioning
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slonekaru · 2 months
For those of you not aware Mercury Stardust, Point of Pride, and friends are raising funds for Trans Healthcare.
Unfortunately, some TikTok peeps are being complete transphobic bastards and are reporting the lives and getting the accounts banned. The appeals are being rejected.
This hinders getting the word out on this fundraiser.
Make sure you donate if you can or at least share the link in your circles so people are aware and hopefully the message can reach a wider audience
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tidyturnip · 9 months
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pissditching · 1 year
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we have to fight against them together or die there's no choice at this point.
if you're a cis lgb and think you're safe you're not. they're coming for all of us.
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floral-ashes · 23 days
The fact that leagues of smart and rational trans adults who are informed about the evidence base for puberty blockers wish they could’ve taken them in their youth seems to me pretty darn conclusive evidence that the balance of risk and benefit is favourable.
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tsmoxie7 · 2 months
Just trying to look beautiful 😍❤️
Been a transgirl is the most beautiful and amazing thing ever
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ericacherrys-blog · 1 month
I have a secret to show you, would you like to see?
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genderqueerdykes · 16 days
i love you so much if you are a person, trans, intersex or something else who takes testosterone hrt and loves what it's done for you. people often treat testosterone like it's a tragedy, but most people who want to take it end up loving its effects. even if people don't, that's okay, they're unique experiences that don't diminish the other. it just always makes my heart sing when someone else finds out that they love what testosterone HRT does for their mental and physical health. it's a blessing
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lgbttruther · 3 months
Hi, local long-time tumblr resident here. Please take a moment to spread this message if you can.
In South Carolina, my home state, bill H. 4624 is swiftly being approved and passed through legislation with virtually no media coverage or conversation happening around it.
It is a dangerous and aggressively transphobic bill that will outlaw treatment for any trans person under 18, would require school teachers, counselors, and medical practictioners to disclose a student's status as trans to parents (which can lead to abuse or worse) and will also make it illegal to use any public funds to cover transition-related medical services for anyone of ANY age.
For transgender adults on medicaid or the state health plan, this is absolutely terrifying.
For anyone in SC who believes trans people should be allowed to live dignified and peaceful lives, I urge you to read up on the bill and to send emails to the governor and (if they are on the medical affairs committee) your local senator.
Links below.
Bill H. 4624
An explanation of the bill
Find your local senator
Message the Governor
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tashabigbaby · 2 months
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Can I be your favorite trans🥵🍆
Reblog or text trans lovers
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messengerhermes · 9 months
Injectable Testosterone Note
Hey Uh FYI--- If you're on injectable testosterone and your injection site *itches* and stays swollen like a bug bite for several days after you do your shot? That can be a sign that you either have an allergy to the carrier oil in your serum, or may not be injecting properly. Either way, please talk to your care team about it! If the itching spreads to random parts of your body, then it is very likely an allergy. Testosterone serums are made with three different carrier oils depending on the type: Cottonseed, Sesame Seed, or Grapeseed oil. Cottonseed is the most common carrier oil and the one most likely to trigger an allergic reaction.
Good news is, you can switch your serum! If you're allergic to one, ask your doctor to switch you to another one! Seriously, I itched like a flea bitten beast the first few months on T and then switched my serum and the problem resolved!
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