#reign the cw
This Necklace is worn on Megan Follows as Catherine de’ Medici in Reign (2013) and later worn on Lana Parrilla as Evil Queen in Once Upon a Time: Mother (2015)
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becky5203 · 1 year
I hear the line "I would rather have hope with you than certainty with anyone else" and think it must be one of the most beautiful, intimate declarations of love in classic literature surely written by someone like Jane Austen or C.S. Lewis. It's from The CW's Reign.
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This Black/White Jacket is worn on Jason Isaacs as Antonio Pérez in La Conjura de El Escorial 2008 and worn again later on an extra in Reign 2013.
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"Mary's mother was the prefect person for this read. Lola didn't just betray her queen, she put her in danger and didn't seem to care."
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
femme lesbians who use he/him pronouns are literally so fucking cool like. people always try to explain he/him lesbians by saying “well it’s like butches cuz they’re masculine” and don’t get me wrong: he/him butch lesbians have my heart but he/him femme lesbians are literally just as real and valid and if you truly want to learn to believe that pronouns truly do not equal gender, then you’re going to have to stop thinking that “he/him lesbian = butch lesbian” because then you’re just trying to say that lesbians can use he/him if they’re masc enough but im here to tell you: literally any lesbian can use he/him pronouns. you can be the femmest of femmes and still use exclusively he/him pronouns and literally none of that invalidates anything about you.
so long story short: he/him femmes, especially femmes who exclusively use he/him, are literally to die for. i fucking love you <333
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keekity · 2 months
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drrav3nb · 2 months
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GET TO KNOW ME MEME: favourite lost/lesser known ships [2/10] - Lola & Narcisse (Reign)
You do not need to seduce a man that already wants you.
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Can I ask for a Yandere Mary Stuart general headcanons? From Reign? I love your writing! ❤️
''Love may be irrelevant to people like me, but to you it is not.'' — Mary Stuart.
❝ 👑 — lady l: here it is! You came at the right time because I'm rewatching Reign with a friend and I absolutely love Mary, so I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! Also, thank you. ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of death and murder, kidnapping (?), mention of torture, overprotection.
❝👑pairing: yandere!mary stuart x gender neutral!reader.
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Mary Stuart is fun, witty, and very kind to anyone who shows kindness or is unable to defend themselves. She is a Queen and behaves like one, most of the time at least. She cares a lot, listens to her heart a lot and this is dangerous, especially when you are involved. Mary is captivating and she will captivate you in one way or another.
She would hardly think that there is anything wrong with the way she feels about you, Mary would probably think that she just cares about you a lot and that's why she feels that way. But when her thoughts become darker and more graphic, when she begins to imagine the slow, painful death of that servant who was so kind to you, Mary knows that there's something wrong.
Mary may try to do something about it, but she won't. She's already suffered so much, dealt with so many bad things, so why couldn't she let herself have you? She is a Queen and does not have the privilege of being able to love freely, but you make her feel like she can. As if she was just a normal woman and not the Queen of Scotland.
She adores you, that's all. Mary loves spending her days next to you, listening to you ramble, while she lays her head on your shoulder and listens to you talk. It is Paradise itself, as far as she is concerned. You make her feel good about herself, even with those disturbing thoughts she has.
Mary would love to spoil you, it's her way of showing how much she values ​​you. Mostly letters written by her, she pours all her love into those words and will blush like a little girl when she hands it to you. She always gives them directly to you, as she doesn't trust anyone but you.
You are the only person she truly trusts, her best friend and confidant, you are the only person who knows all her secrets and who she turns to whenever there is a problem or needs advice. You are the one who has all the power over her and she is happy to allow it.
Mary is kind and benevolent, a fair Queen, but she can and will become ruthless in some situations and one of those situations is when you are involved. She will not be partial at any time and will remain firmly by your side and defend you with claws and nails. And everyone knows that annoying her doesn't usually end well.
She will be quick to be cruel and protective, ordering the torture and death of any poor soul who crosses her path, your path. Mary will not tolerate any possible threats to you or her. You belonged to her and she was going to make sure the message was clear.
She is paranoid about your safety, having experienced many fears and horrors herself, Mary will not allow you to suffer the same as her. If she can keep you locked in a place only where she can see you, she will. She is fully aware that it is not right, but her fears overwhelm any rational thought she may have.
Mary is quite possessive and this becomes more than obvious when you hear her reprimanding a servant who accidentally touched your arm. She is incredibly possessive over you and will make it very clear to everyone who you belong to. If her hard look doesn't do the trick, Mary will resort to other, more definitive means. She will have no remorse, however. Hands stained with innocent blood will mean nothing as long as she can hold you in her arms.
She always needs to have you around, you are a comfort and what keeps her together when she faces something difficult and painful. Knowing that you are there for her is enough for her. Mary had become increasingly demanding of your presence, going so far as to publicly ask for your opinion on matters of state, even if you are not a noble. This shows how much she values ​​you.
Mary is a calm person and usually acts straight, but she goes from 80 to 180 when it comes to you very quickly. She has no control over how she feels about you and will just let her overwhelming feelings and dark thoughts dominate her. But if you remain willingly with her, she'll be willing to try to fight them.
If something were to happen to you, may God have mercy on their souls, because Mary won't. She will be unstoppable and everyone will know the bad side of the Queen of Scots. Mary will only stop when she has you back safe and sound, and even then her desire for revenge will not be completely satisfied. No one messes with what belongs to a Queen and gets away with it. And Mary will make sure they don't end up alive.
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desultory-novice · 5 months
hi dess! probably the wrong person to ask but it's just to immensely confuddling... is there a solid lore explanation for how sectonia turned into a bee? i wanted to write a body horror thing for her but i wanted it to be lore accurate and it's just all so convoluted !
Wrong person or not, it is impeccable timing! Both because of Triple Deluxe's 10th Anniversary (in Japan time) and the fact that I've been intensely studying those scenes for my own anniversary piece! Which is, err, running late.
Here is what we can garner about Sectonia's transformation abilities based on the available information + insights the game gives us.
[Pause Screen Lore]
VS Sectonia Vine
"Sectonia's family(1) have parasitized, taken possession of, and controlled countless lifeforms."
1) This word is often translated as "clan" as in a large gathering of members who are not necessarily family but belong to a specific unified group. IE, this could mean anything from "she and her direct family members have this ability" to "all spiders within a certain classification have this ability" to "all spiders have this ability".
I sometimes HC that possession is something all female spiders possess, because I like to imagine her people being a Queendom and that'd be a good reason for it, and also because of The Dark Crystal's "Wings? I don't have wings." "Of course not. You're a boy." (Which just feels so Taranza + Sectonia coded to me)
(I say "sometimes" because I'm also very fond of trans-girl Sectonia HC.)
VS Queen Sectonia (2)
"Sectonia, beautiful and menacing in form. She has [placed herself] inside the world tree..."
VS Sectonia Soul (2)
"I have parasitized and changed bodies so many times, I can no longer recall...which of them was my original self..."
(This pause screen lore is written from Sectonia's POV.)
So, yes, Joronia/Sectonia is a parasite.
She attaches to something and makes it part of her body/swaps bodies with it. If we look at the difference between her queen-form and her flowered-form, we understand a few things about this process: she takes her current body, as well as the body of another living organism and fuse them together. IE: 1 + 1 = 1
She retains some visual aspects of her previous body after a "switch" (she still has the bee head, collar, and wings, for example) and gains the greater (?) amount of traits from the new body.
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This would mean that after her first swap, she probably still looked a little like "Joronia." (Something like a messed up version of those matching toys where you have to align the head, torso, and legs.)
What this also means is that in order to look like "Queen Sectonia" who is so completely different from what Taranza and Joronia look like, she would have had to swap bodies a lot. (Not to mention, she is BIG. It is possible her last body-swap wasn't even to a bee/wasp but something large she absorbed to gain the qualities of its size! Or maybe she stole something large for the size and then stole something with a super thin waist to get that hourglass figure XD)
Planet Robobot's Clone Sectonia lore tells us that "countless species" were found in the Dream Stalk's DNA "stretching over 1,000 years" so this does indeed seem to confirm she did this a frightening amount of times over a long period of time.
It's safe to say you will probably find no one creature in the Kirby-verse that looks similar to Queen Sectonia, as her body was custom crafted with parts from countless critters.
We also get a few visual insights into how parasitization looks...
...Upon her initial defeat, she begins giving off a massive amount of glitter/sparkles/insect scales. 
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This visual is interesting as, if she was already reaching for a new body after her defeat, it is possible this is the first part of the process. Shedding her initial body. If not, this could either be a sign of her current body failing/dying or her parasitic control over it weakening.
She raises up, does some hand movements, lets out a wave of magic and begins to glow brightly. When we check back in on her, she has expelled her wings (she has them back in flower form but they DO appear slightly different. More petal-like and droopy. See above.) and wriggling tentacles appear from behind her...
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You can debate that these are the Dream Stalk's vines wrapping around her, but they don't seem to behave the same way. (They don't have leaves either, which the vines do.) Thus, I think these are "appendages" that specifically appear as part of Sectonia/Joronia's transformation process. If you think about the way insects emerge from their cocoons, I can imagine these as tendrils as coming out from a "split/crack" that slowly forms in her back...
There's a LOT of light and time and struggle involved in the process but this could be just because the Dream Stalk was such a large and powerful target, being rooted into Popstar itself. If she's done this hundreds or thousands of times before, it is possible there is a shorter version of this for things she already overpowers.
...Though, the grimdark part of my brain imagines things like Taranza using his magic to hold one of her struggling targets down while she enwraps it with her horrible parasite tendrils. If Dess hasn't said this before, I'm less interested in soft, sad boy Taranza and much more interested in "1/2 of a gleeful villain couple" Taranza, who is so captivated by his beloved, he happily joins her in all sorts of horrendous things - leading military invasions in her name, assassinations, putting down rebellions, capturing new victims for her, all things he IS implied to do in game through Dedede -  only turning a blind eye to it because he believes in and is infatuated with her and thus, this must be the right thing to do. Right...?
In summary, what we can glean is all pretty bad. Sectonia doesn't even "swap" bodies because the bodies she absorb all get used up and can be said to be "dead" from the moment she inhabits them. Though you can even argue this, as, once she is defeated, the Dream Stalk seems to regain its individuality after her absorption. If you're re~ally into horror, you could take this to mean that some aspect of her victims consciousness is carried on from body to body...!!!!
Also, swapping from body to body appears to be more of a melding process anyway, which could also be pretty darn horrible, depending upon how much control you think she has over which traits she inherits from her victims. If it's entirely her choice, it's simply a matter of how many bodies until she's found the traits she believes "perfects" her ultimate vision of herself - plus how many times she changes her mind. If it's NOT then she's probably gone through an insane amount of swaps/victims, discontented at the results and insisting on trying again and again until it turns out "right."
And there you have it! Joronia's transformation into Sectonia is both deeply pitiful and deeply, deeply frightening!
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...However, other aliens received more mysterious names: The toad-like alien who hypnotizes Kamen (voiced by Ted Travelstead) is simply known as Hollow.
Hollow and his kind feed by tricking other small tree-dwelling creatures into getting them food. They lure these tree-dwellers in with their hypnotizing light-up foreheads — anglerfish, anyone? — before feeding them a dark goo that makes them do their bidding. That bidding is initially just picking fruit from a tree and bringing it back down to Hollow.
However, Hollow's feeding process changes drastically once humans enter the picture. As Hollow's servant, Kamen doesn't just procure fruit. He kills other creatures for Hollow, who begins to hunger for larger and larger prey. This relationship highlights the menacing nature of Hollow's mind control abilities, but it also emphasizes that Hollow is growing into a monster because of human interference.
"You've introduced human greed and gluttony into this animal kingdom, and it's changed the game," Bennett said. "What is the ripple effect of that?"
I haven't watched this, but I'm appreciating the idea of this kind of relationship.
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itsfrarysreign · 8 months
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starryswirly · 7 months
Ok, for real Scavengers Reign fan art this time
This show is so criminally underrated I was hard pressed to find screenshots online to reference
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I don't usually make fan art, but I was feeling it today
(This is your sign to watch it and support good original animation)
Process timelapse:
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ariadne-mouse · 6 months
And the thing with Scavengers Reign and all the organic Rube Goldberg sequences is like... when it's stuff with many many steps perpetuated by the humans, you have to sit for a moment with how LONG it would have taken to stumble onto those cause-effect connections by accident or by trial and error. How much time did they spend inside the first beast tickling kidneys and livers or whatever until it belched correctly.
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alannacouture · 7 months
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💕Multifandom Love (don’t fight me on some of these couples, HEA exists in my headcanon)💕
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runawaymun · 1 month
Weight mention cw
I’M OVER 100lbs?????????!!!!!!!!!!
I CANNOT express to you guys how happy I feel rn AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I’ve never been over that in my LIFE. 😭 95 soaking wet at the MOST. And to be clear I’m in my late twenties like— I’m like a normal fucking weight finally. I have never been this in my life, not even as a babyyyy
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drrav3nb · 2 months
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ANNA POPPLEWELL as Lola Fleming CRAIG PARKER as Stéphane Narcisse
When I shared my fondness for this particular situation, my plan was to seduce you, that was before I came to care for you as I do.
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