#mary stuart x reader
aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Can I ask for a Yandere Mary Stuart general headcanons? From Reign? I love your writing! ❤️
''Love may be irrelevant to people like me, but to you it is not.'' — Mary Stuart.
❝ 👑 — lady l: here it is! You came at the right time because I'm rewatching Reign with a friend and I absolutely love Mary, so I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! Also, thank you. ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of death and murder, kidnapping (?), mention of torture, overprotection.
❝👑pairing: yandere!mary stuart x gender neutral!reader.
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Mary Stuart is fun, witty, and very kind to anyone who shows kindness or is unable to defend themselves. She is a Queen and behaves like one, most of the time at least. She cares a lot, listens to her heart a lot and this is dangerous, especially when you are involved. Mary is captivating and she will captivate you in one way or another.
She would hardly think that there is anything wrong with the way she feels about you, Mary would probably think that she just cares about you a lot and that's why she feels that way. But when her thoughts become darker and more graphic, when she begins to imagine the slow, painful death of that servant who was so kind to you, Mary knows that there's something wrong.
Mary may try to do something about it, but she won't. She's already suffered so much, dealt with so many bad things, so why couldn't she let herself have you? She is a Queen and does not have the privilege of being able to love freely, but you make her feel like she can. As if she was just a normal woman and not the Queen of Scotland.
She adores you, that's all. Mary loves spending her days next to you, listening to you ramble, while she lays her head on your shoulder and listens to you talk. It is Paradise itself, as far as she is concerned. You make her feel good about herself, even with those disturbing thoughts she has.
Mary would love to spoil you, it's her way of showing how much she values ​​you. Mostly letters written by her, she pours all her love into those words and will blush like a little girl when she hands it to you. She always gives them directly to you, as she doesn't trust anyone but you.
You are the only person she truly trusts, her best friend and confidant, you are the only person who knows all her secrets and who she turns to whenever there is a problem or needs advice. You are the one who has all the power over her and she is happy to allow it.
Mary is kind and benevolent, a fair Queen, but she can and will become ruthless in some situations and one of those situations is when you are involved. She will not be partial at any time and will remain firmly by your side and defend you with claws and nails. And everyone knows that annoying her doesn't usually end well.
She will be quick to be cruel and protective, ordering the torture and death of any poor soul who crosses her path, your path. Mary will not tolerate any possible threats to you or her. You belonged to her and she was going to make sure the message was clear.
She is paranoid about your safety, having experienced many fears and horrors herself, Mary will not allow you to suffer the same as her. If she can keep you locked in a place only where she can see you, she will. She is fully aware that it is not right, but her fears overwhelm any rational thought she may have.
Mary is quite possessive and this becomes more than obvious when you hear her reprimanding a servant who accidentally touched your arm. She is incredibly possessive over you and will make it very clear to everyone who you belong to. If her hard look doesn't do the trick, Mary will resort to other, more definitive means. She will have no remorse, however. Hands stained with innocent blood will mean nothing as long as she can hold you in her arms.
She always needs to have you around, you are a comfort and what keeps her together when she faces something difficult and painful. Knowing that you are there for her is enough for her. Mary had become increasingly demanding of your presence, going so far as to publicly ask for your opinion on matters of state, even if you are not a noble. This shows how much she values ​​you.
Mary is a calm person and usually acts straight, but she goes from 80 to 180 when it comes to you very quickly. She has no control over how she feels about you and will just let her overwhelming feelings and dark thoughts dominate her. But if you remain willingly with her, she'll be willing to try to fight them.
If something were to happen to you, may God have mercy on their souls, because Mary won't. She will be unstoppable and everyone will know the bad side of the Queen of Scots. Mary will only stop when she has you back safe and sound, and even then her desire for revenge will not be completely satisfied. No one messes with what belongs to a Queen and gets away with it. And Mary will make sure they don't end up alive.
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Okay, I do lots of fanfiction, but y'all, please send requests for Reign.
Im in love with literally everyone.
Charles, Claude, Francis, Mary, oh my god I love them.
I will pay u guys to send me requests for them
Look at her. Oh my god. Look. At. Her!!!!
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Kicking my feet and shit 😍
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AAHHHHHH (also highly recommend "long may she reign" on Wattpad by @Spindleshanks who wrote an OC x Charles, of my god I love the OC, her name is Tulia Bryne and oh my god the writings unimaginablely good 😭)
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I'd do unimaginable things
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igzsatelier · 9 months
Instead of Katarina having a harem, it was you being the main love interest.
Prince Geordo, Prince Alan, Keith and the rest of the noble men and ladies were romantically interested in you. They love you very much the longer they spend time with you.
Except you were in denial about it and you refused to believe that these handsome men and beautiful ladies were in love with you.
There was no way Prince Geordo was interested in you, right? He's too perfect! An absolute fairytale prince that you can't help but feel like you were dragging him down with you!... Huh? Why is he confessing to you? No no no, you're being delusional--
Nicol was so quiet and mysterious. And these awkward silence sessions is seriously killing you. Woah, Nicol has an intense gaze... Wait-- is he angry with you? Did you do something wrong?! Y-You must apologize to him!
You wonder why Mary was always so nice and touchy with you, it's pretty embarrassing and you couldn't return her passionate gaze... Maybe because you were so easy to fool and please... Um-- Uhh?!-- She sounded kinda aggressive towards Alan and Keith. Uwah, scary!
Romance novels weren't something you were into in the first place. It made you feel desperate and pathetic, but reading it with Sophia made you feel safe...
Eep! S-Sophia!-- Why is she pressing her forehead against yours? Maybe because you were sitting too close to her?... Yeah, that must be it! You have to move away before she gets disgusted by you!
Prince Alan looks so cool and amazing!... Unlike you, you feel like your talents weren't good enough no matter how hard you try... Wh-What...? He looks a bit red. Alan thinks you're already amazing in the beginning? That... Th-That!-- M-Make's me really happy...
Keith was so helpful so to you that you couldn't help but feel useless. You feel like you have failed on being a good big sibling to him. I must apologize for being a bad sibling!... Hmm? He's not mad? Then wh-why is he sighing tiredly like that!?-- He probably thinks that you were being pathetic again. Ahh! Need to apologize again!
Maria... Why was she so nice to you? And so kind! A-And beautiful!... It makes your heart flutter to think that she cares about you... Even though you think that you don't deserve it. Oh my god, sh-she's being so radiant! But you can't help but feel guilty that she's putting up with your pathetic self. You should apologize everytime she's with you-- she's far too good for this cruel world!
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marie-swriting · 1 year
Last Time - Stuart Twombly
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Romance Masterlist
Summary : You've been sleeping with Stuart since the beginning of your internship at Google. After every night spent together, he always claims it's the last time but he always comes back.
Warnings : set during the movie, hooking-up, implied smut, drinking (be careful with your alcohol consumption), nightclub and stripteasers, a bit of angst, happy ending, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 3k
French version on Wattpad
French version on Tumblr
Song Inspiration : This Love by Camila Cabello
You squint your eyelids as the first sunray comes into your bedroom at Google’s. You slowly raise while wrapping your bare chest with your sheet. You notice Stuart getting dressed, ready to leave like a thief in the night, again. When he came to see you yesterday, you didn’t know how to resist him even when you knew how it was going to end. Like every time. You think you’re really pathetic to let him have that much power over you.
“What time is it ?” you ask.
“6:00 A.M. I’m gonna go back to my room.” he informs you, before a silence takes place, “About yesterday-”
“It won’t happen again”, you finish with weariness, “I know.”
“This time, I mean it. If we keep doing-”
“We might jeopardise our internship. I know.”
“We’ll see eachother later, with the team, for the new trial ?” Stuart enquiries whilst scratching his neck.
He smiles at you awkwardly one last time and leaves your room, his beanie in hand. You let yourself lay down on your bed again and curse at yourself all at the same time. It’s been a little over a month since this has been happening. Generally, it always begins again the same way : you ignore each other for a few days then he slowly comes back to you and next thing you know, you’re both naked until he tells you it’s the last time. It’s like a never ending story. The more the time goes by, the more you feel like he takes you for a fool. You wish for once, he’d keep his words when he says it’s over. You can’t take it anymore. Everytime, you build up walls, trying to get used to the idea that it won't happen again but he takes a perverse pleasure to make them fall again and again. You feel like you’re just a game for him. You wish you could say it didn’t affect you that much but yet, everytime he comes back just to leave once more, your heart tightens a bit more in your chest. You’re totally overwhelmed by it. Besides, as your internship goes by, the more your feelings for Stuart get stronger to your dismay. Yet, boys were the last thing you had in mind when you came here. 
Upon arriving in the team's meeting room, you realise you’re the last one. You freeze for a second when your eyes fall on Stuart, but you act as if it was nothing. No one knows about… you two ? Well, if we can use that word to describe it, indeed despite your intimacy, Stuart reminds you often ‘you two’ doesn’t exist. You keep your pseudo-relationship a secret to avoid a weird atmosphere in the team, the balance between each of your personality and your age compared to Billy and Nick is already very fragile.
A week has gone by since your last time. You feel some relief to know he still hasn’t come back. Maybe this time he was serious about it ? You’d be lying if you said there hasn’t been an obvious tension between Stuart and you in the past few days. Albeit your team doesn't know, they feel something happened between you two, though they can’t guess the reason. Nea tried to talk to you about it in private, however you denied everything. You lied to her by saying there isn’t any disagreement between Stuart and you. After all, everything is over, what would be the use in telling her ?
You’re in your room, ready to go to sleep when you hear someone knocking on your door. You open it and find Stuart, his lips pinched together. You feel sick in your stomach, thinking it’s going to happen again like the last times.
“Sorry to bother you, my charger doesn’t work anymore and I wanted to know if you had another one or if I could use yours.” he explains, showing his phone.
“My battery is full, you can use mine now.” you propose.
You’re going to get your charger to give it to him. Though, when he takes it, he doesn’t move from your door. You raise your eyebrows, not understanding what he wants more.
“I’d like to talk to you. Maybe we could do it while my phone’s charging ?”
He gives you his cell and your charger, you go plug it and put the phone on your nightstand. You turn around and see Stuart trying to avoid your gaze. The silence is becoming more and more unbearable so you sit on your bed. You give him a look to invite him to say what he has in mind. He sits next to you and clears his throat.
“You know, maybe we should act like nothing happened. I think the others are guessing there’s something.”
“Yeah.”, you sigh, “Nea even asked me if something happened.”
“What did you tell her ?”
“That nothing happened, she was imagining things. She didn’t seem fully convinced, but she didn’t insist.”
“If it curbs our internship, we’d really need to do something.”
You nod as a simple answer. You both stay silent, not knowing what to add. You avoid his eyes at first before feeling the presence of his body closer to yours. When you turn your head towards him, you notice his lips are only a few inches from yours. You don’t even know how you got there. You know you should back up, nevertheless you feel attracted to him, in spite of yourself. Stuart knows how to bring you back to him. You have no idea if he does this on purpose or not, yet, he can make you succumb slowly again. You don’t have the time to think much longer that you fell Stuart’s lips on yours. You kiss him back as if it was an automatism. Like you’re used to, your body gets closer and closer and you straddle Stuart’s lap. He puts his hands on your hips to have no distance between you two. You feel his hands slipping under your shirt and as if it was an electroshock, you snap out of your transe and break your embrace from him. You run away in a corner, opposite from him, trying to get a grip on yourself and putting your shirt correctly again.
“You said it was the last time last week.” you exclaim, out of breath, “Is that why you came to my room tonight ? Your phone and the conversation were just excuses, weren’t they ? I’m sick of it, Stuart. I feel like this is just a game and I’m the one who gets played. You can’t leave and come back again and again. It’s hurting me.” you admit.
“Sorry, I don’t know what got into me. I meant it when I said it was the last time.” Stuart apologises with red cheeks.
“Yes, just like the time before and the ones before. I always need to build up walls and then you have fun destroying them. I’m tired of it, Stuart !” you lose your temper, “You can’t say one thing and the next time say another one. I’m lost. I don’t know how to act with you, that’s why the team realised something happened between us.”
“Y/N, I swear to you-”
“Keep your explanation for yourself.” you retort before going to your nightstand, “Take your phone back and go ask Yo-yo for his charger. Leave me alone.” you order, giving his cell back.
Stuart lower his eyes before getting up from your bed and leaving your room without saying anything else. When he closes the door, you run your hand on your face, sighing. It’s the first time you’re able to stop yourself before it goes too far. On one hand, you consider this a victory but on the other hand, he still got into your head for a second. You wish he didn’t have that much effect on you. If you could, you’d go back in time and make sure to stay far away from him. You shouldn’t have talked to him and become friends with him, you should've listened to your brain and focus on your internship.
After your last altercation, you haven’t said another word to Stuart. You try to avoid him as much as you can, despite the circumstances. Unfortunately, that night, you have to stay in his presence longer than you’d want to. Your team needs to create an app and neither of you has an idea so with the team, you’re still in your room, making knots into your brain.
The more the time goes by, the more panicked you all are. It’s the second to last trial so you can’t make a mistake if you want a job for the next year. From time to time, Billy and Nick try to propose some ideas but they have already been done. What annoys you the most in the situation is that they don’t seem stressed about the fact you got nothing. The teamworks is really complicated with them sometimes. You feel like they don’t understand how important this internship is for you. 
“You know what ? We should get out, change our mind.” Nick says without a warning.
“We need to find an idea for our app. We don’t have the time to go out.” you retort, massaging your temple.
“You’re always working. It’s not by racking your mind you’re going to find a solution, trust me.” he says before getting closer to his friend. “Trust us.”
“Alright, but not too long.” Lyle accepts, “We really need to work.”
After a meal in an Asian restaurant, Nick brings you to a bar, on the advice of a person from the restaurant. When you arrive in the place, you all discover Nick in reality made a mistake while translating. It’s not a bar, it’s actually a nightclub, like the stripteasers prove it to you. You instantly feel embarrassed, like the rest of the group. Some women get closer to you, especially to the boys. One of them comes in front of Stuart who has his nose in his phone. When he raises his gaze, he’s surprised at first, then his eyes go wider when the stripteaser takes his fingers and puts it in her mouth. You can’t help but open your eyes wide as well when you see the action. Without saying anything else, Stuart follows the women in another part of the club whilst you stay by Nea’s side.
Thirty minutes later, they’re all having fun and drinking alcohol. As for you, you stay in the booth, a drink in your hand. You don't really want to dance with Nea or see Stuart having fun with another woman. This night is definitely in your top three of the worst nights of your life. 
Notwithstanding, you try to see the good side by thinking Stuart doesn’t come your way with his hormones yet you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you feel something to see him leave with that woman. You don’t like to be eaten by jealousy. You finally got what you want : Stuart away from you but at the same time your body only wants one thing, to have him again. Stuart doesn’t make you think rationally and you hate that, you hate him for that.
“Not having fun ?” Nick asks you as he sits next to you.
“I’m not in the mood to party.”
“Y/N, you’re 21, it’s time to enjoy yourself. After that, it’ll be too late, believe me.”
“I have too much in mind to enjoy myself.”
“Ah ! It’s because of a boy, isn’t it ?” he states, smiling. “Maybe I know the guy who is turning your head.”
“Nonsense ! I’m worried about the app we still haven’t made yet because of you and Billy’s brilliant idea.”
You put your drink down on the table in front of you violently before standing up, angry at what he said. You only take two steps when Stuart comes in front of you with a huge smile on his face. Apparently, he just had a great time. You see him open his mouth, ready to talk, but you cut him off.
“You shut up, I absolutely don’t want to hear you !”
You go in the club’s bathroom to splash some water on your face, hoping it’ll calm you down. You’re surprised to know you got easily riled up. The situation with Stuart is irritating you more than you thought.
Ten minutes later, you leave the bathroom and go meet the group. However, you find them on the verge of getting thrown away by the bouncers. Confused, you follow them out of the club and Yo-yo informs you they got into a fight, that’s why they had to leave. Sometimes, you wonder why you didn’t make more effort to get into another group.
You end up in a place near the Golden Gate Bridge to sober up, well actually for them to sober up because besides two drinks, you didn’t drink anything else so you’re fine. Lyle is completely wasted while the others are hungover.
You’re on a bench, away from the others. Your annoyance is too strong for you to laugh at their alcoholic antics so you prefer to stay alone and enjoy the coolness of the morning. You need thirty minutes to finally laugh at Lyle’s actions. He says a lot of nonsense which is really different from what he usually does. From afar, you can see Stuart talking to Nick. You wonder what they’re talking about before you can’t stop yourself from doing it. Stuart needs to stop being on your mind 24/7. Speaking of Stuart, you see him get closer to you. He sits next to you so you refuse to look at him, keeping your gaze on the landscape in front of you. 
“Could we stop avoiding each other ?”
“When we don’t, they notice there’s something between us… I mean there was.” you retort drily.
“I said we wouldn’t sleep together anymore, not that we should stop talking.”
“Except that when we do talk, you always wanna get in my pants. So I prefer keeping my distance.”
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” he admits, “you’re an amazing person.”
“Less amazing than the other woman at the club.” you murmur.
“What ?”
“Nothing.” you tell him, not wanting to show your jealousy.
“Y/N, I swear I never meant to play with you or ruin our friendship. When I kissed you the first time, I don’t know what got into me. It shouldn’t have gone this far. I apologise.”
“We’ve talked about it a thousand times, Stuart.” you sigh, looking at him, “I feel like we go around in circles. Either you want me or you don’t. But you can’t leave and come back whenever you feel like it.”
“I know.”
“Why do you do it then ?” you ask him, desperate.
“I don’t know.”
“Wow, you know how to talk to women.” you say sarcastically. “Fuck this love.” you mutter before standing up.
“Wait. I care about you, Y/N.” Stuart holds you back while taking your hand in his, “More than I’d like to and I think that’s why I leave and come back. I don’t want to lose you but I don’t know if you want me.”
“I wish you had talked to me about this instead of hurting me. At least, I’d feel less shitty.” you throw at him before leaving him alone.
Your team’s hangover ended up giving you an idea for an app which earned you a lot of points. Although you’re happy to see your internship is going well, you can’t help but feel perturbed by what Stuart told you earlier. Did he mean it ? Or did he only want to put you in his bed again ? He said he cared about you however you don’t know if you should believe him. After all, you got disappointed so many times by him in a month and a half…
As your trial is over, you walk to your room to finally get some rest. Between the sleepless night and the app you had to do at the last minute, you don’t have energy anymore. You dream of only one thing : the comfort of your bed. You’re about to open your bedroom’s door when you hear someone screaming your name. 
“Y/N !”
“Stuart ? What do you want ?” you question as he comes in front of you.
“I’m tired of hiding.” he drops, “I really care about you, Y/N. You’re a smart, funny and beautiful person. I was stupid for always leaving and coming back, you don’t deserve me to do this to you. You were right this morning, I should have talked to you about what I felt before screwing everything up. It’s just, I didn’t know if you’d want a relationship with me so I was okay with what we had and you seemed okay with it too, except I ended up hurting you and I’m terribly sorry about it. I know I’ve ruined all my chances with you, but if I could at least have you as a friend, it’d make me happy. Y/N, I promise you, if I could go back in time, I’d confess my feelings for you way before so you wouldn’t hate me now.”
“I don’t hate you.” you correct him, staring at him.
“You don’t ?”
“I have been disappointed by you, that’s for sure. You’ve messed with my brain, that’s the least we can say, but I can’t help and fall back into your arms because I care about you, too.” you admit to him, “I know I’ll probably regret what I’m about to say but if this time, you promise to communicate with me, to not run away at the first hesitation, I’d like to be friends with you again. Even if I have feelings for you, I can’t promise you we’ll get back together, I need to fully trust you again before getting into a relationship. But I can’t act as if I wanted to stay away from you. Let’s try one last time.”
“One last time is all I ask.” Stuart smiles with a hopeful look.
In the end, this last time ended up being different from the previous ones. Your relationship with Stuart has finally been able to blossom into something beautiful, like both of your hearts wanted it so much.
Romance Masterlist
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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hiatuswhore · 1 year
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Viper IV
Reputation: The Princess of Conde, said to be a lover of games. Perhaps chess, a game requiring one to think many steps ahead and anticipate your enemies next move. For every missteps brings you closer and closer to defeat.
VIPER III: Versatility
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YOU NEVER KNEW FRENCH COURT TO BE SO DULL. The privy council drolling on about issues they will never resolve. No plots or ploys, you settle on a ceasefire allowing the Queen Consort a period of reprieve. You busy yourself with strolls with Sebastian and feigning interest in many high Lord's pursuits of your hand. This does not stop the Queen Mother from focusing on your every movement. Nor are you a fool to the servant in your ranks who reports to her. All information they receive perfectly curated to your liking.
Sitting at your vanity, you huff like a child on the verge of a tantrum. Whispers containing scandals so minuscule you are certain the histories will write you as the first to truly die from boredom.
“Dahlia, any news on the parchment I sent to my brother?” You ask. The shake of your handmaiden’s head garnering another huff. “He wants me to come home, but I have far too much to do here.”
“Princess, you must stop fussing so I can finish your hair,” Dahlia’s silvery voice and gentle touch gaining an apologetic smile. The light tapping of your chamber door stills your handmaiden, your head turning toward the door. Dahlia crosses the room. Opening it, she bows respectfully before lowering her gaze and stepping aside.
“My King,” You rise to your feet, a grin on your lips as you curtsy. Francis chuckles, shaking his head as you ask what you can do for him.
“My wife seems to believe you have a vendetta against her. I am no fool of the deep care you hold for your brother. This afternoon you will invite her on your evening stroll, just the two of you,” Your head tilts to the side, a wide smile taking your features, hiding the thorns beneath rosy-colored petals.
“While I admit I was not very fond, I thought to have clarified my intentions with your wife. Very well, we will have a lovely evening at once,” Clasping your hands in front of you, stepping forward, you peck his cheek. His nose grazes your cheek as he turns to meet your gaze.
“We are not children anymore. You know this is not appropriate,” His words leave him in a breathy whisper. You wet your lips, offering a warm smile.
“I meant nothing untoward, Francis. You are dear to me. I would never have you jeopardize your honor,” Only run it off a cliff, the heat of his skin warming your own at the proximity. His head tilts forward so slightly you nearly miss it as he stiffens. You pull away first, brushing past him with a knowing smirk.
The long corridor from your chambers holds a sea of faces that matter little as you make your way to the kitchens. Fetching to chalices of wine, your smiles large as Mary and Catherine’s eyes land on you. They stand in the throne room, speaking quietly amongst themselves.
“Queen Mother. Her grace. My apologies for the intrusion. I hoped to steal the Queen for a stroll. I even brought us wine,” You say, holding out the chalice. Silence dances between the three of you. Both Catherine and Mary eye the cup in your hand warily, the smile on your lips wicked. She knows she cannot refuse. To do so slights the Princess of Conde--another slight against the De Bourbon family, her kin-in-law.
“Of course, Princess,” Mary swallows thickly, her voice wavering as her fingers brush your own against the cup. She glances at Catherine a final time before joining your side. You wear a kind smile, your airy aura filling the halls. You ramble to Mary just as you do with a dear friend, noting how the chalice in her hands has stayed there.
“What a lovely day. Isn’t it lovely?” Stepping outside, you turn to Mary, her strained smile and stiff posture fueling your amusement. Catherine stands with Francis on the second-floor terrace watching the two of you.
“Very lovely indeed,” Mary mutters, following your toothy smile up the terrace. She’s greeted with differing expressions. Francis wears one of encouragement as Catherine stands as though a guillotine awaits.
“Mary, you are not very good at this game. You went to Francis of your fears, rightful fears, but now here we are. Let me help you understand your particular situation. This is a game of reputation. I very publicly invited you to wine and a stroll. The part the people do not know is that it is at the King's behest. Now imagine if word spreads, you refused my efforts for peace after all you brought upon my brother? What a lecherous cunt,” You scoff, speaking barely above a whisper, shaking your head, a smile painting your lips. Mary’s eyes narrow, her shoulders falling at her side. Stepping into the trap before it was even set.
“I am the Queen. You are my subject in my court!” The ferocity of her tone unlike anything you ever expected of her. You would have commended her in another life, but now your smile falls as you stumble back. Mary’s frown distinct as your eyes well with tears. You shift your gaze down sharply, cowering like a frightened child—the antithesis of your nature.
“My apologies, your grace. Will you excuse me?” You curtsy, wiping the faux tear from your cheek. Mary’s eyes bounce around the open grass field. Ladies and Lords alike lounge around different fixtures watching the exchange. Realization cuts through like a blade to skin, your sorrow not reaching your eyes. Oh, how this game suits you.
“Princess,” Mary breathes out, watching as you fiddle with your fingers. The comely and giving Princess standing before the aggressor, the cruel Queen.
“My apologies, your grace. I know our histories are—” You cry out, the approaching mop of blonde hair arriving with impeccable timing.
“Mary, a word,” The clench of the King’s jaw clear despite the mask of calm he wears. You offer a respectful curtsy heading back toward the castle with your head low. Inside, Catherine greets you with a sneer; taking her hands, you smile.
“I detest you. You wretched girl,” Catherine squeezes your hands tights, to onlookers a warm exchange between family. The Queen Mothers' smile as warm and deceitful as your own.
“Oh, Catherine. To hate me is to hate yourself. I learned all I know from watching you,” You lean forward, kissing both her cheeks. The softening of her glare was not lost on you before excusing yourself. Like wildfire, the word spread of your exchange; invitations of tea and strolls pouring into your chamber like water to a glass.
By noon, you receive word of a private family supper. You naturally assume it to be the workings of Francis but still consider others. While Mary navigates your game as well as a blind man at sea, you await Catherine to guide her hand. You wear a courteous smile as the hundredth invite for tea arrives, your empty promises of soon arranging a meeting becoming almost instinctive.
“(Y/n)!” Your eyes widen at the squeal. Claude rushes down the corridor, her arms wide open. She nearly tackles you to the ground in a hug, squeezing so tight it may very well suffocate you.
“Thank god! This place is so terribly boring,” You exclaim, stepping off to the side. Claude smirks. “I was so upset to learn I had just missed by mere hours the day I arrived.”
“I hear my brother's wife made you cry, and I know for certain that is not the case. You must tell me your machinations at once,” Claude whispers, leaning in close. The two of you stop at the corner, appearing like giddy children.
“That would spoil the fun dear cousin!” You say, crossing your arms and mirroring her smirk.
“The Scottish Queen is doomed then, but that must wait. We have much to catch up on,” Claude hooks her arm in your own. She leads you down the hall, her animated rambling taking the whole of the conversation as you listen intently.
“You slept with Ser Harlin?” You gasp, stopping in your tracks. The French Princess bit her bottom lip, grinning like a madwoman. She spares you not a single detail of her exploits with the pagan warrior, a burly man of few words.
“How have you not? I know, no Lord who looks like him. We must have our fun before our brothers decide to try and marry us off,” Claude says, shrugging your shoulders, your matter-of-fact tone dripped in certainty, “I believe my brother knows if he forces a husband upon me, that poor soul will not make it to our marital bed.”
“Well, if Francis makes me marry, can I count on your diligence in my indoctrination to widowhood?” Claude teases. Nodding your head, you stand straight up with a playfulness to your tone, “I swear this oath to you in perpetuity, my princess.”
“I see you two muck about once more,” Francis greets his sister with a warm hug, his eyes meeting yours with a long pause. Claude’s gaze bounces between the two of you, chuckling shamelessly.
“All these years and nothing changes. Well, you two clearly need a moment. Mother!” Claude calls out, skipping away before either of you can say a word. You bite the inside of your cheek, certain you will not lead this conversation.
“I wish to apologize on behalf of Mary,” Francis says, studying how you render your face expressionless.
“It’s clear the Queen does not seek forgiveness, but who I am to ask that of the Queen. I do not believe she likes me very much. I think I should soon leave,” You shrug your shoulders, pursing your lips. A huff leaves him, taking the bait as easily as you threw it.
“You will do no such thing. I want you here, so that is where you shall be.” Francis taking your hand in his own, the closeness intoxicating—inviting far too inappropriate for the open hall. You wet your lips, watching his eyes travel to them.
“Of course, my King.” The batting of your lashes and low hum of your voice garnering a deep sigh. Francis closes his eyes, rolling back his shoulders as he releases your hand. “Are you unwell, your grace?”
“You very well know what I am at this given second,” He tilts his head, giving you a knowing look. Leaning in closer, your pointed stare and lopsided grin doing the young King no favors.
“You are King, Francis. It is well within your right to reach for what you want. Who you want,” Placing your hand on his shoulder, you trail your pointer finger up the side of his neck and back down at a tantalizingly slow pace.
“I will not be my father,” Francis says, disappearing into his own mind before you. Your hand travels up to his cheek, pulling him back to the present, testing your limits with your thumb tracing his bottom lip.
“You could never. Far too honorable. Too good,” You draw your words out, the slow whisper and dark eyes evaporating those around you from view. The few who linger in the corridor pretend as though you both are not the center of attention. You lean up, pecking his cheek once more, resting your cheek against his, your breath tickling his ear. Your eyes on the dark mop of hair down the hall, “I am your first love. Mary shall be your last, it seems. Your grace.”
You step back, noting how he stares at you, the adoration clear as day. Curtsying, you brush past him. At the end of the hall, you stop shoulder-to-shoulder with the Scottish Queen. Her glassy staring forward as though someone has commanded it. You do not spare her glance on even turn to address her, your face now one of stone.
“Please, Princess. Ask anything of me, and it is yours.” Mary swallows thickly, her eyes on her husband's back as he continues down the hall. When he turns the corner, she turns to you, your gaze still forward.
“Your demise.”
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shywonderlandcomputer · 10 months
My Sister's Prince (1st Version)
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Setting: Your mother and sister Mary are frantically running around the estate trying to get ready to leave for French Court with high hopes that the Dauphin will choose Mary to be his wife.
Mother: What about this one?
Mary: It's blue.
Mother: But Francis loves blue.
Mary: Which means it's been worn by all the other girls the Dauphin has considered marrying.
Mother: (impressed) Very good, Mary.
They finally notice that you're not there.
Mother: Where's Y/N?
Mary: Probably sitting up in a tree somewhere.
Mother: She has too much spirit for a girl of her station.
Mary: Why does she have to go with us? Her "spirit" will just get in the way.
What if the Dauphin decides he doesn't want to marry me because she's too much trouble.
Mother: My child. You are worried over nothing. Besides, I want her there to support you. And hopefully, while we're there, she'll also find a suitable husband. Perhaps the right man will help her settle down a little and start thinking about her future.
Mary: She'll always be wild. No man is going to change that.
Skip to you.
You're laying in a field, wearing a crown made of flowers. Enjoying the sunshine and the cool breeze.
Mary: Should have known I'd find you out here, getting fithy.
You: What do you want, Mary?
Mary: We'll be leaving soon. Mother wants you bathed and dressed.
You: I'm already bathed and dressed.
Mary: And it wouldn't kill you to act like a proper lady while we're at court either.
You stand up.
You: I live for no one therfore I live to impress no one.
Mary: Can you at least try to pretend you care about what's important to us?
You: Fine. I suppose it wouldn't hurt me to be a little more diplomatic while we're at court.
Mary: Thank you.
After a quick bath, your servants help you dress. Your mother comes in to check on you.
Mother: Much better.
You: You mean I look like a proper lady now? I still don't see why I have to go.
Mother: Because it's a huge opportunity for Mary.
You: For Mary.
Mother: You should be there to support her.
You: Can't I just support Mary from here.
Mother: Give it a chance, my love. You might even like Court.
You: I'm not holding my breath, Mother.
Mother: (sigh) Go wait in the carriage. You're Sister, and I will be there in a moment.
While on your way to Court, your mother keeps reminding you of your manners.
Mother: We are guests of King Henry's, and I expect you to behave like a respectable young lady. Y/N?....Y/N? Are you listening to me?
You: Yes, Mother.
Once you've arrived, you're welcomed by King Henry, Queen Catherine, and the Dauphin. Francis and your sister listen intently to your parents' conversation while you look off towards the nobles who are outside enjoying the warm weather.
You see a young couple holding hands, laughing, and whispering secrets to each other. The sweetness of the moment makes you smile to yourself. Francis notices and looks in the same direction, then back to find you still enchanted by the young couple.
Catherine: Henry, why don't we let our guests get settled.
Henry: Yes, of course.
Henry and Catherine walk back towards the castle. Your sister and Francis are behind them. You and your mother are following in the back. You can't help but stare at the large building in front of you, trying to gather your thoughts
Mother: Y/N Are you alright?
You: It's nothing, Mother. Nothing.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Yandere Queen Elizabeth tudor tried seduce a Young powerful king but his mistress is Yandere Mary Stuart and he not married
It will be a fierce war. Elizabeth would be more willing to fight, I think. Because Mary has no children yet. Most likely she will seduce the King and get pregnant. In this way, she will marry the King. As soon as Elizabeth marries the King, she will send Mary from the Palace.
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Hey! I'm bored rn and decided requests are open for now, BUT, the only requests I am taking in rn are from my idea list bc I have been looking to write them for a while and haven't gotten one from there in a while and all in all have just wanted to write some stuff from my idea list.
So rn I am only taking requests from my idea list and reign for now. Thank you, send in requests if u got em for my idea list!
Idea List
Who I Write For
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marie-swriting · 1 year
Dernière Fois - Stuart Twombly
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Romance Masterlist
Résumé : Tu couches avec Stuart depuis le début de votre stage chez Google. Après chaque nuit passée ensemble, il affirme que c'est la dernière fois, mais il revient toujours.
Warnings : se passe durant le film, smut sous-entendu, alcool (consommez l'alcool avec modération), boite de nuit avec stripteaseuses, un peu d'angst, fin heureuse, dites-moi si j'en ai loupés d'autres.
Nombre de mots : 3.1k
Version Wattpad
Version anglaise sur Tumblr
Chanson qui m'a inspiré : This Love par Camila Cabello
Tu plisses les paupières à cause des premiers rayons de soleil entrant dans ta chambre de chez Google. Tu te relèves doucement tout en entourant ta poitrine nue de ta couverture. Tu remarques Stuart se rhabillant, prêt à partir comme un voleur, encore une fois. Quand il est venu te voir hier, tu n’as pas su résister alors que tu sais comment ça se termine. Comme à chaque fois. Tu te penses vraiment pathétique de lui laisser autant de pouvoir sur toi.
- C'est quelle heure ? demandes-tu.
- Six heures du matin. Je vais retourner dans ma chambre, t'informe-t-il avant de laisser planer un blanc. À propos d'hier...
- Ça ne se reproduira pas, finis-tu avec lassitude. Je sais.
- Cette fois, je le pense. Si on continue...
- On risque de ruiner notre stage. Je sais.
- On se voit tout à l'heure, avec les autres, pour la nouvelle épreuve ? s’enquiert Stuart en se grattant la nuque.
- Ouais.
     Il te fait un dernier sourire gêné et quitte ta chambre, son bonnet à la main. Tu te laisses retomber dans ton lit en te maudissant mentalement. Ça fait plus d'un mois que cette situation se produit. Généralement, ça recommence toujours de la même façon, vous vous ignorez pendant quelques jours puis il revient doucement vers toi et en un rien de temps, vous vous retrouvez dénudés jusqu’à ce qu’il te dise que c’est la dernière fois. C'est comme une boucle sans fin. Plus le temps passe et plus tu as l’impression qu’il te prend pour une idiote. Tu aimerais que pour une fois, il s’écoute quand il dit que c’est fini. Tu n'en peux plus. À chaque fois, tu te construis des murs en te faisant à l'idée que ça n'arrivera pas de nouveau, puis il prend toujours un malin plaisir à les détruire. Tu as l'impression d'être seulement un jeu pour lui. Tu aimerais pouvoir dire que ça ne t'atteint pas autant, mais à chaque fois qu'il revient pour mieux repartir ton cœur se serre un peu plus. Tu ne sais plus où donner de la tête. De plus, au fil de ce stage chez Google, tu as développé des sentiments pour Stuart à ton plus grand désespoir. Pourtant, les histoires de garçons étaient bien la dernière chose que tu voulais en étant ici. 
    En arrivant dans la salle de réunion du groupe, tu te rends compte que tu es la dernière. Tu te figes une seconde quand tu revois Stuart, mais tu ne fais comme si de rien n'était. Personne ne sait pour... vous ? Enfin, si on peut utiliser ce terme, car malgré votre intimité, Stuart te rappelle bien que ce “vous” n’existe pas. Vous avez gardé votre pseudo-relation secrète pour éviter que l'ambiance de votre groupe soit bizarre, l’équilibre avec vos différentes personnalités et âges par rapport à Billy et Nick rendent déjà les choses assez compliquées.
    Une semaine s’est écoulée depuis votre dernière fois. Tu es rassurée de voir qu'il n'est toujours pas revenu. Peut-être qu'il était sérieux cette fois ? Tu mentirais si tu disais qu’il n’y avait pas une tension palpable entre Stuart et toi ces derniers jours. Même si votre équipe n’est pas au courant, ils sentent que quelque chose s’est passé entre vous, mais ils ne pourraient pas deviner la réelle raison. Nea a essayé de te parler en privé, mais tu as tout nié. Tu lui as menti en disant qu’il n’y a pas de discorde entre Stuart et toi. Après tout, c’est fini, ça servirait à quoi de lui dire ?
    Tu es dans ta chambre, prête à aller te coucher quand tu entends frapper à ta porte. Tu ouvres à la personne et découvres Stuart, les lèvres pincées. Ton estomac se retourne en pensant que ça va recommencer comme les dernières fois.
- Désolé de te déranger, mon chargeur est mort et je voulais savoir si t'en avais un deuxième ou si je pouvais utiliser le tien, explique-t-il en montrant son téléphone.
- Mon téléphone est à 100 %, tu peux l’utiliser maintenant, lui proposes-tu. 
Tu vas chercher ton chargeur pour le lui donner. Cependant, quand il le récupère, il ne bouge pas du seuil de ta porte. Tu hausses les sourcils, ne comprenant pas son manque de réaction.
- Je voulais aussi te parler. Peut-être qu’on pourrait le faire pendant que mon portable charge ?
    Il te donne son téléphone et ton chargeur, tu le branches et le poses sur la table de nuit. Tu te retournes et vois Stuart qui essaye de fuir ton regard. Le silence devenant de plus en plus pesant, tu t'assois sur ton lit. Tu lui lances un regard pour l’inviter à dire ce qu’il a en tête. Il s'assoit à côté de toi et se racle la gorge.
- Tu sais, on devrait peut-être agir comme si rien ne s'était passé. Je crois que les autres se doutent de quelque chose.
- Ouais, souffles-tu. Nea m’a même demandé ce qu’il s’était passé.
- Tu lui as dit quoi ?
- Qu’il ne s’était rien passé, qu’elle s’imaginait des films. Elle n’avait pas l’air totalement convaincue, mais elle n’a pas plus insisté.
- Si ça devient trop un frein pour notre stage, il faudra vraiment qu’on fasse quelque chose. 
Pour simple réponse, tu hoches la tête. Vous restez silencieux, ignorant quoi ajouter d’autre. Tu évites d’abord son regard avant de sentir sa présence un peu plus proche de ton corps. Quand tu tournes la tête de nouveau vers lui, tu remarques que ses lèvres ne sont plus qu'à quelques millimètres des tiennes. Tu ne sais même pas comment vous en êtes arrivés là. Tu sais que tu devrais reculer, mais tu te sens attirée par lui, malgré toi. Stuart sait comment faire pour te ramener vers lui. Tu ignores s’il le fait consciemment ou non, cependant, il arrive à te faire craquer doucement à nouveau. Tu n'as pas le temps de penser plus longtemps que tu sens les lèvres de Stuart sur les tiennes. Tu lui rends son baiser, comme si c'était un automatisme. Comme vous en avez l'habitude, vos corps se rapprochent de plus en plus et tu t'assois à califourchon sur Stuart. Il met ses mains sur tes hanches pour enlever le plus de distances possibles. Tu sens ses mains glissées sous ton tee-shirt et tel un électrochoc, tu sors de ta transe et te sépares de lui. Tu fuis dans le coin opposé de lui en essayant de reprendre mes esprits et en remettant ton haut comme il faut.
- Tu avais dit que c'était la dernière fois il y a une semaine, t'exclames-tu, à bout de souffle. C'est pour ça que tu es venue dans ma chambre ce soir ? Le téléphone et la conversation n’étaient qu’une excuse, c’est ça ? J'en ai marre, Stuart. J'ai l'impression que tu joues à un jeu et que je suis ton pion. Tu ne peux pas partir et revenir comme ça encore et encore... ça me fait mal, lui avoues-tu.
- Désolé, je sais pas ce qui m'a pris. Je le pensais quand je t’ai dit que c'était la dernière fois, s'excuse Stuart avec des joues rouges.
- Oui, comme la fois d'avant et encore d'avant. Je dois toujours reconstruire des barrières et toi tu t’amuses à les détruire. J'en ai ma claque, Stuart ! t'emportes-tu. Tu ne peux pas me dire blanc et le lendemain me dire noir. Je suis perdue. Je sais pas comment agir avec toi, c’est pour ça que l’équipe a compris qu’il s’est passé quelque chose entre nous.
- Y/N, je te jure que...
- Garde tes explications pour toi, rétorques-tu avant de te diriger vers ta table de chevet. Récupère ton téléphone et va demander le chargeur de Yo-yo. Laisse-moi tranquille, ordonnes-tu en lui redonnant son portable.
    Stuart baisse le regard avant de se lever de ton lit et quitter ta chambre sans rien ajouter. Quand il ferme la porte, tu passes ta main sur ton visage en lâchant un soupir. C'est la première fois que tu arrives à t'arrêter avant que ça dérape. D'un côté, tu considères ce moment comme une victoire, mais de l'autre, il a quand même réussi à te retourner la tête pendant une seconde. Tu aimerais qu’il n'ait pas autant d’effet sur toi. Si tu pouvais, tu reviendrais en arrière et ferais en sorte de rester loin de lui. Tu n’aurais pas dû lui parler et devenir amis avec lui, tu aurais dû écouter ta tête et te concentrer uniquement sur ce stage.
    Après votre dernière altercation, tu n'as plus adressé la parole à Stuart. Tu essayes de l'éviter autant que tu le peux, malgré les circonstances. Malheureusement, ce soir-là, tu vas devoir rester en sa présence plus longtemps que tu le voudrais. Vous devez créer une application et aucun de vous n'a d'idées alors avec le groupe, vous êtes encore dans votre salle à vous faire des nœuds au cerveau.
    Plus le temps passe et plus vous paniquez. C'est l'avant-dernière épreuve donc vous n’avez pas le droit à l’erreur si vous voulez avoir un job l'année prochaine. Une fois de temps en temps, Billy et Nick essayent de proposer des idées, mais elles ont déjà été faites. Ce qui t’agace le plus dans cette situation est qu’ils n'ont pas l'air stressés par le fait que vous n’ayez aucune idée. Les travaux de groupe sont compliqués avec eux parfois. Tu as l'impression qu'ils ne comprennent pas vraiment à quel point ce stage est important pour vous.
- Vous savez quoi ? On devrait sortir, se changer les idées, balance Nick sans préambule.
- On doit trouver l'idée de notre application. On a pas le temps pour les sorties, rétorques-tu en massant tes tempes.
- Vous êtes toujours en train de bosser. C'est pas en vous creusant le cerveau que vous allez y arriver, croyez-moi, dit-il avant de se rapprocher de son ami. Faites-nous confiance.
- D'accord, mais alors pas longtemps, accepte Lyle. Il faut vraiment qu'on bosse.
    Après un repas dans un restaurant asiatique, Nick vous emmène dans un bar sous les conseils d'une personne du restaurant. En arrivant dans le lieu, vous découvrez que Nick a fait une erreur de traduction. Ce n'est pas un bar, mais une boîte de nuit, comme les strip-teaseuses présentes vous le prouvent. Tu es instantanément gênée, comme le reste du groupe. Des femmes se rapprochent de vous, enfin des garçons. L'une d'entre elle vient face à Stuart qui a la tête plongée dans son téléphone. Quand il relève le regard, il est d’abord surpris puis, ses yeux s’ouvrent un peu plus d'étonnement quand la strip-teaseuse prend son doigt et le met dans sa bouche. Tu ne peux t’empêcher d’ouvrir grand les yeux également en voyant l’action. Sans dire quelque chose, Stuart se fait entraîner par la femme dans un autre endroit de la boîte pendant que tu restes à côté de Nea.
    Finalement, en moins de trente minutes, ils s'amusent tous et boivent de l'alcool. Pour ta part, tu restes sur une banquette, un verre à la main. Tu n'as pas vraiment envie de danser avec Nea ou de voir Stuart s'amuser avec une autre femme. Cette soirée rentre officiellement dans ton top trois des pires soirées de ta vie.
    Toutefois, tu essayes de voir le bon côté en te disant que ce n'est pas vers toi que Stuart vient travailler ses hormones, mais tu mentirais si tu disais que ça ne t'a pas fait quelque chose quand tu l'as vu partir avec cette femme. Tu n’aimes pas savoir que tu es actuellement rongée par la jalousie. Tu as enfin ce que tu veux : Stuart loin de toi et pourtant ton corps ne réclame qu’une chose, le retrouver. Stuart ne te fait pas penser rationnellement et tu détestes ça, tu le détestes pour ça.
- Tu ne t'amuses pas ? te demande Nick en s'asseyant à côté de toi.
- Je n'ai pas la tête à la fête.
- Y/N, t'as vingt-et-un ans, c'est le moment de s'éclater. Après il sera trop tard, crois-moi.
- J'ai trop de pensées dans la tête pour m'amuser.
- Ah ! Ça c'est à cause d'un garçon, je me trompe ? déclare-t-il en souriant. Peut-être que je connais celui qui te fait tourner la tête.
- Tu dis n'importe quoi ! Je m'inquiète pour notre appli' qu'on a toujours pas faite à cause de votre brillante idée, à toi et Billy.
     Tu poses violemment ton verre sur la table basse face à  toi avant de te lever, énervée par sa remarque. À peine as-tu fait deux pas que Stuart vient vers vous un grand sourire aux lèvres. Apparemment, il vient de passer un excellent moment. Tu le vois ouvrir la bouche, prêt à parler, mais tu le coupes dans son élan.
- Toi, ferme-la, je ne veux surtout pas t'entendre !
    Tu vas dans les toilettes de la boîte pour te passer de l'eau sur le visage, espérant te calmer rapidement. Tu es surprise de savoir que tu es partie au quart de tour. La situation avec Stuart t’irrite plus que tu ne le pensais. 
    Après une dizaine de minutes, tu quittes les toilettes et retournes vers le groupe. Cependant, tu les retrouves sur le point de se faire virer par les videurs. Sans réellement comprendre, tu les suis hors de la boîte et Yo-yo t'informe qu'ils se sont bagarrés, c’est pourquoi ils ont dû partir. Parfois, tu te demandes pourquoi tu n’as pas fait plus d’effort pour aller dans un autre groupe.
    Finalement, vous vous rendez dans un endroit proche du Golden Gates Bridge pour dessoûler, enfin pour qu'ils dessoulent surtout car à part deux verres d'alcool, tu n'as rien bu d'autres donc tu vas plutôt bien. Lyle est complètement bourré alors que les autres ont juste une bonne gueule de bois.
    Tu es assise sur un banc, à part des autres. Ton agacement est encore trop fort pour rire face à leurs singeries alcoolisées alors tu préfères être un peu seule et profiter de la fraîcheur matinale. Il te faut une trentaine de minutes pour rigoler doucement face aux actions de Lyle. Il dit plein de choses qui n'ont pas forcément de sens, ce qui est très différent de ce qu'il est habituellement. Au loin, tu remarques Stuart parler à Nick. Tu te demandes de quoi ils peuvent parler avant que tu puisses t’en empêcher. Stuart doit arrêter d’occuper toutes tes pensées. En parlant de Stuart, tu le vois se rapprocher de toi. Il s'assoit à tes côtés alors que tu refuses de le regarder, gardant tes yeux sur le paysage face à toi.
- Est-ce qu'on pourrait arrêter de s'éviter ?
- Quand on ne le fait pas, ils remarquent qu'il y a quelque chose entre nous... Enfin qu'il y avait, rétorques-tu, séchèment.
- J'ai dit qu'on ne coucherait plus ensemble pas qu'on ne devait plus se parler.
- Sauf que quand on se parle, tu veux toujours que je finisse dans ton lit. Je préfère garder mes distances.
- Je voulais pas gâcher notre amitié, t'avoue-t-il. T'es quelqu'un de génial.
- Moins bien que l'autre femme de la boite, marmonnes-tu.
- Quoi ?
- Rien, lui dis-tu, ne voulant pas lui montrer ta jalousie.
- Y/N, je te jure que je n'ai jamais voulu jouer avec toi ou détruire notre amitié. Quand je t'ai embrassé la première fois, je sais pas ce qui m'a pris. Ça n’aurait jamais dû aller aussi loin. Je m’excuse.
- On en a déjà parlé mille fois, Stuart, soupires-tu en le regardant. J'ai l'impression qu'on tourne en rond. Soit tu veux de moi, soit tu ne me veux pas. Mais tu ne peux pas partir et revenir quand tu veux.
- Je sais.
- Pourquoi tu fais ça alors ? lui demandes-tu, désespérée. 
- Je ne sais pas.
- Wow, tu sais comment parler aux femmes, dis-tu sarcastiquement. Cet amour fait chier, murmures-tu avant de me lever.
- Attends. Je tiens à toi, Y/N, te retient Stuart en prenant ta main. Plus que je ne le voudrais et je pense que c'est pour ça que je pars et que je reviens. Je ne veux pas te perdre, mais je ne sais pas si toi tu me veux.
- J’aurais préféré que tu parles avec moi de tes peurs plutôt que tu me fasses du mal. Je m’en serais passé, lui lances-tu avant de le laisser seul.
    La gueule de bois de ton équipe a fini par vous donner l'idée de votre application, projet qui vous a fait gagner des points. Même si tu devrais être heureuse de voir que le stage se passe bien, tu ne peux pas t'empêcher d'être perturbée par ce que t'a dit Stuart plus tôt. Le pensait-il ? Ou est-ce qu'il te veut juste dans son lit à nouveau ? Il a dit qu'il tenait à toi, mais tu ne sais pas si tu devrais le croire. Après tout, il t'a fait tellement de désillusions en un mois et demi…
    Votre épreuve finie, tu marches vers ta chambre afin de te reposer. Entre la nuit blanche et l’application que vous avez dû préparer à la dernière minute, tu n’as plus d’énergie. Tu ne rêves que d’une chose : le confort de ton lit. Tu es sur le point d’ouvrir la porte de ta chambre quand tu entends quelqu’un appeler ton nom : 
- Y/N !
- Stuart ? Qu'est-ce que tu veux ? questionnes-tu alors qu’il arrive face à toi.
- J'en ai marre de me cacher, lâche-t-il. Je tiens beaucoup à toi, Y/N. Tu es une personne intelligente, drôle et magnifique. J'ai été con à toujours partir et revenir, tu ne mérites pas que je te fasse ça. Tu avais raison ce matin, j’aurais dû te parler de ce que je ressentais avant de tout faire foirer. C'est juste que je ne savais pas si tu voudrais d'une relation avec moi alors je me contentais de ce qu’on avait et tu semblais t’en contenter également sauf que j’ai fini par te blesser et j'en suis terriblement désolé. Je sais que j’ai ruiné toutes mes chances avec toi, mais si je pouvais au moins t’avoir comme amie, ça me rendrait heureux. Y/N, je te promets que si je pouvais retourner en arrière, je t'avouerais mon attirance bien avant pour ne pas que tu me détestes maintenant. 
- Je ne te déteste pas, le corriges-tu en le regardant dans les yeux.
- Vraiment ?
- J'ai été très déçue par toi, c'est sûr. Tu m'as retourné le cerveau, c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire, mais je ne peux pas m'empêcher de toujours retomber dans tes bras, car je tiens à toi aussi, lui avoues-tu. Je sais que je vais sûrement regretter ce que je vais te dire, mais si cette fois, tu promets de communiquer avec moi, de ne pas fuir à la première hésitation, je veux bien qu’on essaye de revenir amis. Même si j’ai des sentiments pour toi, je ne peux pas te promettre qu'on se mettra ensemble, j’ai besoin de te faire totalement confiance avant de me lancer dans une relation. Mais je ne peux pas faire comme si je voulais rester loin de toi. Essayons une toute dernière fois.
- Une dernière fois, c’est tout ce que je demande, sourit Stuart avec un regard rempli d’espoir.
Finalement, cette dernière fois a fini par être différente des précédentes. Votre relation avec Stuart a enfin pu devenir quelque chose de beau, comme vos cœurs le souhaitaient tant.
Romance Masterlist
{Ceci est mon blog secondaire donc je répondrai aux commentaires sous le pseudo @marie-sworld}
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mshalfemptygirl · 1 year
The Prince Agent (S.R)
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Plot: Reader is called to help Spencer with a case and things get too cute.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Dr!Fem!Reader
Contents: Really quicky mention to kidnapping and lots of fuffy
A/N: guys it’s my first fic, so let me know if you guys liked it, if you need a part 2. There are some translations at the end for you to understand the fic. Just give support and love. Thank you very much. Enjoy! 
I never knew exactly where linguistics was going to take me, but this is too much. I was at the police station, dressed an updated version of what it was meant to be Mary Stuart all because I helped my teacher with an Scotch Language Class this afternoon. You know, I'm in the postdoctoral program and sometimes we need to help our teacher and that's mean look ridiculous when they ask you to do a "favor" to them. So, I'm here, next to the door, feeling lost and angry for not have time to change my outfit. They said that just need to find an Agent called Dr. Spencer Reid to translate a little girl who was saved by the team. It gonna be easy, but no.
I notice that there is a man looking at me, he’s next to bullpens with some paper in his right hand. He is tall and very handsome by the way. In fact, he's wearing a tie that makes him look really HOT but I can't think about those things at such a delicate moment like this, I need to focus. I walked towards him, looking at the floor because in addition to the long dress, I was wearing high heels and I didn't want to embarrass myself in the middle of the police station. When I stopped in front of him, he put the papers on the table and gave me a small smile.
“Excuse me, where can I find Dr. Spencer Reid?” I returned the smile, wishing it was him.
“Well, right here. I’m Dr Spencer Reid, nice to meet you. You should be Dr. Y/N L/N. Or maybe Princess Y/N L/N?” he give me a big smile. “Can you follow me?” I felt my face burn, he was making fun of me and it made me a thousand times more nervous. I start follow him to the hallway with many rooms, the walls were white and light blue, there is a clock on the wall.
“Sorry, I didn’t have time for change. And It supposed to be Mary Stuart. So it’s Queen Y/N L/N”. He nodded while he run his hand over his hair. He stopped to think about something. Even nervous, I can't take my eyes off him. “Did you know that Mary became Queen of Scots at only six days of age and Mary’s last night was spent drafting an elaborate will in which all her servants were remembered. On the day of her execution, she appeared in her customary black cloak and with a white veil over her head and she then dropped the cloak to reveal a crimson red dress?” he ask me, I can see the excited in his face. I couldn't help but smile big, he's so endearing, so cute. I think he's trying to make me more comfortable.
“Yes!!! And she also was the first woman to practice golf in Scotland. She even caused a scandal when she was seen playing the game at St Andrews within days of her husband Darnley's murder. She was a such badass, I like her” I said. Then I remember about the little girl, they must have been in a hurry to help her. “But Dr. Reid, changing the subject, can we talk about the little girl? What you want me to do?” the expression on his face changed from a happy face to a worried one.
He explained to me that she was only 6 years old, she is physically fine and she was rescued from a kidnapping a few hours ago, they couldn't find her family and they couldn't ask her questions because she only speaks Portuguese. That's why they called me. It looks like his team has been looking into this possible unsub for months. Well, now I'm more relieved to be dressed like this, she deserves a good time in the middle of this chaos, I hope she likes princesses. Doctor Reid will walk me into the room so I can be the bridge between him and Mila.
I was the first to enter the room, there were some children's things on a table in the corner of the room. In the center of the room was a shaggy green rug and a table. Mila was drawing on the table, she had her back to me, focused on drawing and there is another blonde woman in the room with her, it must be another agent. She got up and wished him good luck. I looked at him and he nodded for me to start.
"Oi Mila, me falaram que tinha uma princesa por aqui” ¹ she looked at me and took to give me a hug. She got really excited saying several things at the same time, I sat with her on the floor and she played with my hair. That's when she realized that Dr. Reid was in the room and her face was etched with fear. “Mila, ele não vai te fazer mal, ele é muito legal! Sabe, o nome dele é Spencer e ele é meu principe. Ele é meu cavaleiro que me protege de coisas ruins e ele protege princesas como você também. Então ele não vai te fazer mal. Okay?” ²
She waved at me and I gave her a smile. I called Spencer over and he sat on the other side of the table. I translated for him what I said to her and it was like that for 40 minutes. Mila was no longer afraid of him, she gave as much information as possible about the man who took her and she also talked about her family. When she was scared, she squeezed my hand really tight and I told her that everything was going to be alright. Now, she going to draw two drawings for us. “Y/N, I will pass the information for Agent Garcia so she can start the search. You helped a lot. Thank you. Can you stay with her?" I nodded to him. “Mila, diz “Bye, Spencer”, ele precisa ir agora” ³.
“NÃO! Ele tem que dar um presente para você. Ele é seu principe, não é? Vocês tem que casar e viver felizes para sempre” ⁴ At that moment my heart beat faster. Holy shit, how was I going to translate this to him?! I can feel the presure. If I was avoiding embarrassing myself, now is the time. She was looking for something in the toy box, she walked to Spencer and gave him a plastic ring. She just pointed at the ring and then at me. We looked at each other not knowing what to do. I was in PANIC. “Spencer, I think she wants us to get married. You don’t have to. Sorry, I can explain to her that...”.  
“Oh, don't worry, I can give you the ring. Give me your left hand" I held out my hand to him and when he touched me I feel a good feeling. His hand are so soft. Looking right into Mila's face who seemed very happy with our misfortune. "Right, we are married. I’m married to a queen. I have to go now but can we talk after this, my lady?" he said after kissing the ring on my hand. Damn, he obviously has a hold on me."Yes, we can, Prince Agent Reid". Then I give him a smirk and he left the room. I show Mila my hand, she was happy for the first time in days and I was thinking how lucky I would be if this fairytale were true.
1 Hi Mila, someone told me there was a princess around here.
2 Mila, he won't hurt you, he's really nice! You know, his name is Spencer and he's my prince. He is my knight who protects me from bad things and he protects princesses like you too. So he won't hurt you. OK?.
3 Mila, say “Bye Spencer”, he needs to go.
4 NO! He has to give you a gift. He's your prince, isn't he? You have to get married and live happily ever after.
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thebetawolfgirl · 7 months
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Bonding Time part 2
Pairing: Timmy x Reader
Warnings: SMUT!
A/N: Enjoy!
Bonding Time pt2
The wedding had happened and the lovebirds were on their 3 week honeymoon, both step siblings were able to move back to their respective apartments in New York, although y/n had barely been home long enough to buy groceries as Timmy always ended up coming to her place and bringing over his own food. The happy couple were delighted before they left for their honeymoon to know their children were ‘trying their best’ to get along for them. Y/n just smiled as she said goodbye to her mother ‘I promise mother we will keep an eye on the house while you’re gone just have a nice time’ her mother hugged her tightly in return and pushed the hair behind her daughter’s ear. ‘I know you’re probably sick of my false promises y/n but I think Greg is the one this time.’ Y/n kissed her mother’s cheek smiling as Timmy came up behind her. ‘Don’t worry Elaine, I’ll make sure y/n stays out of trouble’ he smirks throwing his arm around her shoulder and y/n rams her elbow into his ribs ‘Fuck you, like you’re such a fucking choir boy!’
‘I’m not but I know you’re not exactly a Virgin Mary either’ he smirks as she swings her arm to slap him as the parents just roll their eyes and wave goodbye before driving off leaving them to wrestle with each other.
Timmy waited until they left the driveway before he grabbed her throat again and slamming her back against the nearest wall ‘Stop slapping me!’
Y/n shoved him off before heading upstairs to pack her stuff to go home mumbling ‘Asshole.’ She shut her door and smirking began to collect her clothes she brought for the wedding, she heard her door open already knowing who it was and began emptying her drawers ‘Are you seeing Stacey tonight?’
He responded with a resounding ‘No. She wanted me to come over but I said I was hanging out with Stuart tonight.’
She made a face looking at him ‘Stuart is in Canada Timmy, visiting his grandpa. Why are you lying to her? I mean besides the fact she’s annoying, stupid and a bitch.’
‘All of the above!’ He responded picking up her underwear from her suitcase.
‘Have you guys slept together yet?’ She asked again grabbing them out of his hand ‘You know if you don’t fuck her soon she’ll start thinking you swing the other way.’
He glared at her ‘I’m not gay!’
She held up her panties she just snatched from his hands ‘No shit perv. Just fuck her and get it over with.’ She went into the wardrobe as he made a face behind her back ‘I saw that dick.’
She had just stepped through her front door and was going through her mail when her phone rang and saw it was Timmy and she rolled her eyes answering it ‘Who or what have you hit with that piece of shit you drive now?’
‘Fuck you, I’m at home and that car is a classical car-‘
‘It’s a piece of shit, you have money and have no excuse to keep that thing.’
She smirked dropping her mail on the coffee table hearing him taking deep breaths knowing she had pissed him off.
‘You didn’t think it was a piece of shit when I fucked you in the back seat bitch.’
She glared into nothing before hanging up and storming to her front door, ready to go and murder him. But when she wrenched it open she was face to face with her step brother ‘The fuck you think you’re doing hanging up on me like that?!’
‘I was actually coming over to tell you something’
‘And what would that be?’ He replied letting himself inside and shutting the door behind him.
‘This’ she swung her hand and slapped his face hard and because he wasn’t expecting it she got him right on his cheek.
‘Ow FUCK!’ He grabbed her threw her over his shoulder and carried her to her bedroom before shoving back on her bed and crawled over to her and kissed her hard biting her lower lip, the bedroom wasn’t very well lit so they went by touch alone ripping each other’s clothes off scratching each other in the process, before he pushed her back moving between her legs and kissed her roughly as she bit his lips.
He moved down her throat kissing and biting before slamming into her clamping his hand over her mouth to silence her moans and whispered in her ear ‘Quiet, you have nosy neighbours. We don’t need the cops being called.’ He began going at a hard and steady pace as she gripped his arms digging her nails into his skin. He removed his hand and kissed her open mouth gripping the back of her neck and pulled her up to sit on his lap when she flipped him onto his back shoving him down when he tried to sit up and began riding him hard as he grabbed her hips digging his fingers into her skin making her gasp in pain and pleasure and rode him harder both of them panting heavily. She ran her hand up his chest before wrapping her fingers around his throat putting light pressure on making him choke out a groan, she smirked and leaned down and kissed him hard and continued riding him before moving down his jawline and neck licking the sweat from his skin before biting down hearing him hiss and bite her shoulder and slam his hips up to meet hers before they came together once again in a sweaty panting mess.
They knew this was wrong in some way, but they weren’t related so they didn’t care. Y/n also knew she would be covered in marks and fingerprints from the way he grabbed and held onto her. Timmy was never gentle when he held her during sex, he was possessive.
They lay panting heavily trying to catch their breaths in a tangled and sticky mess of bedsheets and limbs. She looked over to him and saw he was watching her. She trailed her fingertips over his lips staring back at him ‘What?’
He smirked at her pushing a strand of hair back ‘What if someone we know, or someone who know our parents know find out?’
She shrugs looking at him ‘I don’t care, my mother never gave a shit about me, why should I?’
Timothée looked at her and listened to the way she said it so coldly and could honestly relate. His father went through women like he went through different kinds of coffee without a second thought to his son, so why should Timothée give a shit about his feelings.
He shrugged in agreement ‘Even if they did find out there’s not much they can do about it, we’re not related and we didn’t force them to get together. So who cares what they want? We’re taking what we want out of this shit show.’
She smirks and leans down pecks his lips again and again.
The next morning y/n is woken up by someone banging on her door and she groans feeling arms around her as she tried to get up. ‘Timmy I need to answer that or they won’t go away.’ He groans trying to pull her back ‘Timmy let go I need to answer it.’
‘You have a fucking camera look at the monitor’
She sighed heavily grabbing her phone to look at the front door camera and groaned when she saw who it was
‘Timmy, Timmy let me go it’s Stacey, it’s fucking Stacey let go!’ She wrenched his arms off her not believing he wasn’t more bothered. She couldn’t care less, this was her house, but he should’ve been more bothered at the possibility of his girlfriend finding him naked at his step sister’s apartment.
She grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of clean underwear and trudged to the front door opening it still sleepy but surprised.
‘Stacey? What you want?’
‘Have you seen your brother?’
‘Step brother and no I haven’t. We didn’t drive back together. Why?’
Well I tried calling him last night but he didn’t answer so I went round to his apartment and he wasn’t home, the neighbour said he went out.’
‘Well maybe he met up with some of his friends?’
She looked really anxious and although y/n felt sorry for the girl she was getting bored AND cold standing in the doorway.
‘It’s just we haven’t gone this long without talking to each other, we usually call to say goodnight and when he didn’t call I got worried.’
Y/n rubbed her eyes tired and grabbed the edge of her door getting ready to shut it.
‘Look, if he darkens my doorstep, I’ll let him know you’re looking for him and tell him to call you, okay?’
Stacey nodded smiling thankfully. ‘Thanks y/n, I’ll let you get back to bed I’m sorry it’s so early.’
She waved away her apologies and nodded goodbye closing the door. Grateful she was gone she headed back upstairs after grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.
‘Your plaything is very concerned of your whereabouts and missed your goodnight call last night. That’s just so adorable I may vomit.’
She mocked as she climbed onto the bed and under the covers handing him the bottle as he smiled sweetly and said in a sugary sweet voice ‘Please go fuck yourself’
He took a drink from the bottle as she looked around the room and pointed at her bedside table ‘You owe me a new bedside lamp dickhead’
‘Buying your own fucking lamp I’m not buying you shit’
He grabbed her around her waist dragging her to him and tugging her T-shirt over her head and tossing it aside mumbling ‘More skin’
She rolled her eyes letting him lay between her legs and began the old routine of rubbing her hands up and down his back.
‘It’s daylight what if Stacey catches us?’
Timmy looked up at her skeptically ‘How? By climbing up the fucking fire escape?’
She glared and dug her nails into his skin hard making him growl in the back of his throat before he grabbed her throat and squeezed before slamming her head down against the pillows ‘Dammit Timmy, stop doing that.’
He released his grip on her throat when she grabbed him by his hair and slammed her lips against his kissing him hard. He kissed her back before pulling away and kissing down her body until he reached between her legs and ripped her panties clean off. He parted her lips and licked a long strip up before sucking on her clit making her grip the sheets and moan. He then slid his tongue into her and pinned her hips down as she screamed his name along with some expletives, he smirked and continued his eating her out roughly with his tongue and eventually fingers and relished seeing her eyes roll back into her head as she came all over his mouth and face. He crawled back up to her and kissed her making her taste herself and wrapped her arms around his shoulders kissing him back. They continued like this for the rest of the day not answering phones or the door, just constantly having sex again and again.
He stayed at y/n’s place for two whole days without leaving the bedroom besides for food water and bathroom breaks. He told Stacey he partied and crashed at a friend’s house.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Catherine de medici and Mistress reader
Catherine who accepts Mistress reader as her daughter in law
Mary and Francis Reaction to this
Franci is very happy. He probably strove for a good relationship between her mother and the reader. Mary will be very angry and jealous. She will not accept this situation, she.
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thatdammchickennugget · 7 months
Currently [ x ] open // [ ] closed
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✩ I will write character x reader, character x character and character x original character
✩ I especially love au's and I'm up for pretty much anything weird that gives me the ability to go wild and creative, so even if you think your idea might be a little out there, don't be nervous about sending it in
✩ don’t request smut for underage characters, also don't request fics for real life people, I will only write about characters
✩ I usually write from a female reader perspective but will write a gender neutral or male reader if requested
✩ I’m willing to write about characters that aren’t on the list below if I like the request and feel like I know the character well enough
✩ please try to be at least a little bit descriptive, and by that I mean literally everything that's more than just "enzo smut"
✩ unfortunately it can take me a while to get to your requests, but I'll do my best at getting them done as quickly as possible. but if I don't have any ideas for your request at all I might not write it. I'm trying to keep writing a fun thing, so I'm not going to force myself to write something I don't vibe with
✩ if you're unsure about your request and don't want to send it in as an ask because you might want to discuss it first, my dm's are always open for you!
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✩ Harry Potter
➵ Marauders Era - Remus Lupin, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald ➵ Golden Trio Era - Lorenzo Berkshire, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger ➵ Hogwarts Legacy Era - Garreth Weasley, Poppy Sweeting
✩ Other Fandoms
➵ Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Leo Valdez, Clarisse La Rue, Luke Castellan, Sally Jackson, Connor Stoll ➵ Top Gun Maverick - Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Robert “Bob” Floyd, Natasha “Phoenix” Tracer ➵ The Summer I Turned Pretty - Steven Conklin, Cam Cameron ➵ Avatar The Last Airbender - Sokka, Katara, Suki, Zuko, Toph ➵ Baldur's Gate 3 - Karlach, Astarion, Shadowheart, Wyll, Gale, Dammon ➵ Julie And The Phantoms - Luke, Alex, Reggie, Julie, Flynn, Willie ➵ Tom Holland Characters - Peter Parker, Todd Hewitt ➵ Dylan O'Brien Characters - Stiles Stilinski, Joel Dawson, Stuart
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Request are closed at the moment
Promps I use
Fandoms I don't mind writing for:
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Wendsday (romantic/platonic)
Ajax (romantic/platonic)
Enid (romantic/platonic)
Xavier (romantic/platonic)
Tyler (romantic/platonic)
Bianca (romantic/platonic)
The Big Bang Theory
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Sheldon (romantic/platonic)
Leonard (romantic/platonic)
Howard (romantic/platonic)
Rajesh (romantic/platonic)
Barry (it depends the context but mostly platonic)
Stuart (it depends the context but mostly platonic)
Penny (romantic/platonic)
Bernadette (romantic/platonic)
Amy (romantic/platonic)
My Hero Academia
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Aizawa (romantic/platonic)
Bakugou (romantic/platonic)
Izuku (Deku) (romantic/platonic)
Denki (romantic/platonic)
Kirishima (romantic/platonic)
Sero (romantic/platonic)
Mina (romantic/platonic)
Once Upon a Time
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Captain Hook/Killian Jones (romantic/platonic)
Emma Swan (romantic/platonic)
Prince Charming/David (romantic/platonic)
Snow White/Mary Margaret (romantic/platonic)
Evil Queen/Regina Mills (romantic/platonic)
Rumplestilskin/Mr. Gold (romantic/platonic)
Welcome home
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Wally Darling (romantic/platonic)
Poppy (platonic)
Sally (romantic/platonic)
Julie (romantic/platonic)
Frank (ship him with Eddie but romantic/platonic)
Eddie (ship him with Frank but romantic/platonic)
Howdy (romantic/platonic)
Barnaby (romantic/platonic)
Home (platonic)
My welcome home persona; their name is Jack Tiredly btw (romantic/platonic)
@satanic-witchcraft welcome home persona whose name is Satanic- (romantic/platonic)
Call me either Tiredly or Sammy if you want to make a request!
I don't mind writing a ship x reader (poly) as long as it doesn't ruin it's dynamic or is toxic
Smut request are not allowed but suggestive under control is acceptable
Don't demand, just ask. (Please do ask, I don't bite!)
I accept song fics since I normally use music while writing.
Male reader, female reader and/or gender neutral are allowed.
Angst, Fluff and slight gore request are A-OK but if I don't feel comfortable with the subject I will let you know since I'll probably not do your request.
Headcanons, mini fics or in general fics are something I love doing so do request for either!
I will write a different universe if you ask!
No furry request are allowed
Don't ask for a request if you already asked the same one in a different account because it doesn't make me comfortable
Will do x child reader but no pedophilia so don't you even think about it (If the thought even crosses your mind go to a church buddy)
You are so allowed to do fanart for my Welcome Home persona cause I'm $hit at drawing!
I don't write on weekends so if I take my time doing your request is because of that
I'm pretty laid back so those are the rules for now and if I think of anything else I will add it!
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spiteless-xo · 11 months
heyyyy tiffany i didn't see this question on the ask game thing but i wanted to ask anyways. what are some of the best fics youve read aot or not? or what are some fics that got you into reading/writing
hey!! no problem, i think #80 on the list was like a wildcard question, but even if it wasn't, i'm always happy to answer any question you guys wanna throw at me 🥰
putting these questions under a cut because it's a WALL of text 💀 -- so sorry anon, i just got carried away!!
asks game questions!
xx. What are some of the best fics you've read, AOT or not?
i already have a list of all of my aot x reader fic recommendations and you can check my tags on tumblr under #fic recs for any ones i've found on here (aot, jjk, bllk, mostly), so i'll answer this for non-reader fics!
Bertholdt by Tvieandli - Bertholdt/Reiner, dark content This is hands-down the best AOT fic I've ever read, and sadly it has been unfinished since 2014. !! WARNINGS !! there is a lot of dark content in this fic, such as: underage, slurs, dubious consent, conversion therapy, physical/emotional abuse, eating disorders, and probably more. Please don't read this fic, get upset by the content, and then leave hurtful messages to the author -- I don't think any of my followers would do that, but if someone else stumbles across this, just please be respectful. Know your own limits and boundaries. Anyway. I randomly stumbled across this author because I was looking for Annie/Marcel fics 💀 I didn't even like Reibert at the time, but I decided to give this fic a shot and I was blown away. I really like darker, angsty content because I like having that emotion be invoked through a piece of literature, and this one really did that for me. I just love this fic so much and it inspires me to be better.
softly by TuesdayTerrible - Eren/Jean Like I said above, I just love fics that tear my heart out and this one really does it to me. I actually re-read it quickly when I grabbed the link and now I'm sobbing again. I love heartache and bittersweet love and stories like this just inspire me so much.
There are also fics from other fandoms that inspire me that sadly no longer exist or I can't find them, but I guarantee you that they're all equally as gut-wrenching. There's one that I remember from the SHINee fandom during the LiveJournal days that was Onew/Minho where Minho (I think) was a robot that was ordered to Onew's house after.... something... idk but anyway, it was very sad and I bawled like a baby and when I think about fanfics that I've read and loved in the past, I always remember that one, even if I can't recall details.
xx. What are some fics that got you into reading/writing?
I used to read/write kpop fanfics when I was in highschool/early university but I ended up getting too busy and stopping completely. I got back into reading last year when I re-read The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Some of my favourite books that I read/re-read last year were: - Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes - Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver - Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins - A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay - Before She Knew Him by Peter Swanson - Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney - Piranesi by Susanna Clarke - Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir - The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
I got back into writing late last year because I got so inspired by the books that I had read that it made me want to create content again. I re-watched AOT late last year and randomly became obsessed with Reiner 💀 and that's how I found my way onto AO3 and starting writing for AOT! Also, for TBAW specifically, I was inspired by another love triangle fic. I can't get too into the details of why that fic inspired me because it would give away the ending to TBAW 🙊 Respectfully, an Absolute Mess by Ercthesloth - Eren/Reader, Jean/Reader
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black-dhalias · 2 years
Bastard Love
Queen Mary of Scots X F!Reader Warning: slight sexual themes/implied sex
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There is a particular glint in the Lady adjacent to her, something indescribably alluring. Maybe it is the confidence, but it intoxicates everyone nearby— including Mary, she is drunk off Y/N’s aura. Absolutely enamored as they speak to the Lord Delantis, who seems just as taken by them.
“I wouldn’t say exceptional, that would be by my half brother…” Mary doesn’t even know which brother, maybe Francis or Bash? Or one of the younger boys? None of them shine as bright as they do. But Y/N speaks with such perfect clarity and surety, that they could lie and Mary wouldn’t know the difference. Mary finds herself laughing nervously, placing a hand on Y/N’s wrist which brings Y/N’s attention to Mary.
“She is beyond exceptional. I’d argue the best in the palace, although don’t tell the pianist I said that.” Mary grins and Y/N smiles back, briefly wondering how Mary seems to calm. Speaking effortlessly to anyone. “Which reminds me, dear Y/N we are due in the music room. If you’ll excuse us, Lord Delantis.” It’s not like he can say no, or disagree with Mary— she’s the Queen of Scotland, and future Queen of France. Yet you find it all the more interesting, she commands every room she enters— a presence that exceeds her title. You bow your head to the Lord Delantis, parting with a smile and take Mary’s arm as she leads you towards the music room. Not rushed. Or bothered. But clean steps in the direction of a supposed music room, one that is in the opposite direction the pair is walking.
“Are you jealous Queen Mary?” It is cheeky question, a growing grin crossing their lips. Her steps getting more hurried, less collected and that’s all the answer that you need. Enough of a confirmation, to force you to match her pace. Perhaps you should hold yourself to a higher standard, but what could be higher than the Queen of Scotland herself… She’s the one who could do better. Yet when you enter the music room, when she’s clear no one is looking and the door is locked—she has her lips against yours.
That’s the thing you love about Mary, her lovely lips and gentle touch. Poor Francis, he’ll never know what it feels like to be kissed like this—because his future wife kisses you like that. You should push her away, but you’ve never done that before and you don’t plan on starting now. She should push you away, but when you shove her against the wall—one hand on her waist, the other in the space between her neck and jawline. Your fingers tangled in the fabric of her dress, while her arms are wrapped around your neck.
Mary tries to pull you closer, but when your teeth scrape against her bottom lip—she breathes heavily against her your lips. She loves how sweet your lips are; how soft they are, which is a stark comparison to how your hands tug at her. Your entire weight against her, you let your lips travel along her neck as she leans back into the wall—she needs you.
She never meant to let it get this far, never thought she’d give in completely. She had always pined for you silently, through glances that last a little too long and close encounters. Moments when you smiled at her, or winked periodically—or when you kissed her cheek, and your lips just brushed her own. Mary didn’t stand a chance, too lost in your eyes and too naive to try. But that night when you were drunk off stolen wine—those kisses were the ones that broke her resolve completely. They tasted bitterly sweet, like fresh berries that burst on her tongue. The way your fingers trailed up her thigh, expertly lifting her skirts with ease as your nails grip her skin. When she could hear the party, while her face is buried in your shoulder and hair. How you left her cheeks flushed a warm shade of red, smoothed your hair and smiled before going back to the party.
You on the other hand, had been taken by Mary the moment she arrived at French Court. The dark waves that frame her face, heart shaped lips dyed pale pinks, and— something, you couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. What about her had your heart racing? It started small, her gentle touch on your shoulder and kind gestures. When you went to kiss her cheek, and your lips just brushed hers—the way it burned. It hurt to not kiss those lips. You can’t explain it. When you saw her expression twitch when Lords got too close, or how you teased others. You were entranced by her ability to command presence, no one in this palace could it like she could.
Wrong was what everyone around you would say, but you argued close friends that liked to be intimate. But intimacy turned into care. And care into love. You loved Mary, do anything for the Queen when you pinned her to the wall. Or the bed. You should have left it at that, but it never ended there— but today it slips.
“God I love you Mary.” Silence. You break away, the awkward overhanging curtain dropping on the entire mood. She is no longer soft to touch, but stiff and silent. Did you upset her? You definitely upset yourself—you were content on your charade. Who needs love when your the daughter of a King? Who needs anything other than not to be lonely? You told yourself lie after lie, but the feeling her silence leaves tells you everything. That you wanted her to love you just as bad.
“You shouldn’t say that.” She pauses, thinking of her country and her people, and the woman in front of her. Mary’s Y/N.
“Why not?” You reach up to cup her chin and cheek, trying to imagine skin so soft—so supple. So perfect. She dusts her cheeks with her eyelashes, smiling softly.
“Because you deserve everything. And I can’t giv-” You swallow, backing off.
“Mary that’s a piss poor excuse and you know it.” You drop your hand backing off, “I’m not-” It hurts, lip tightening and throat impossibly sore. “I’m not with you because it’s fun. Or because I’m bored.” You shake your head, “I’m with you because there’s no one like you.”
Mary reaches out, but you back off: “Mary I’m serious. I love you, and I wasn’t looking for a husband before. But the idea of anyone else is impossible.” It’s not like you like men anyways, they’re just fun to mess with… “So love me or not, don’t tell me I can’t love you.”
“Y/N I do love you. I just worry… and…” Your expression shifts, as you stride forward—pinning her shoulder with your forearm as you twist your fingers in her curls. She had you so scared, so terrified— and for what, for worry.
“And it feels so wrong, but so right— hmmm….” She melts, she always does—Mary is meant to be the one in charge in every room, but with you, she bows. She will mend to your every touch, never immune to your presence. “You love me still?”
She loves you. That shifts something inside, it commits you to her permanently. Keeps you more grounded than before, more in control. You smirk, as she nods, eyes lustful—dazed.
“Show me how much you love me.” It was over for her. Enticed and entranced, caught in your web, and completely in love.
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