#relationship: established chaggie
hazbinarchives · 7 months
Masquerade (Hide Your Face So The World Will Never Find You)
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Characters: Angel Dust, Charlie Warnings: panic attacks, mention of violence and abuse, abusive relationships Ship(s): briefly mentioned Chaggie (charlie x vaggie), implied HuskerDust (angel dust x husker) Set: S1 E4 Tags: soft, charlie/angel friendship, abuse, hurt/comfort, pre-huskerdust, established chaggie Words: 1805 ❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂
Angel had known it would be a rough day from the moment he had woken up that morning. Val had already been giving him shit for the past week since he moved into the hotel and hearing the constant love bombing and death threats were starting to get tiring.
An emergency shoot was the last thing he needed on his plate.
Then, of course, there was Charlie.
There was something so utterly terrifying about seeing Charlie in Valentino's studio. The way she looked around so innocently clashed violently with the naked bodies walking around and the smell of cigars and booze.
Angel felt his body move almost as if on autopilot. He was shoving the demon pinning him to the bed and scrambling to grab his robe, Angel's eyes seeming stuck on Charlie.
All he knew was that he desperately needed to get to Charlie before Val did.
Angel snatched Charlie's wrist as soon as she was within reach, looking around in a blind panic.
"What in the ever-loving-fuck are you doing here?!"
"I am the Princess of Hell, Angel! And I will go where I please!" Charlie had said in a snooty royal accent. Angel, who normally loved her antics though he'd never show, could feel his eye twitch and his heart race as he tried to usher her out of the studio. "I'm here to get you some time off for the hotel. Now where's your boss?"
Of fucking course.
Angel took a shuddering breath, pulling Charlie back to where she entered from.
"You are going nowhere near Val--"
The thought of her this close to Valentino made Angel feel physically ill. He could throw up. Probably would later. He just needed to get Charlie out of there.
But then again, when has Angel ever gotten anything he wanted.
Val was as impatient as ever and soon locked eyes on the princess.
Angel's breathing picked up and he felt something sharp and angry claw through his rib cage. Fear was choking him so viscerally as Val swooped close and examined Charlie like he was checking her quality.
Angel winced, anger pricking inside as Val's tongue slithered along Charlie's arm in place of a greeting like a fucking normal person.
"I just wanted to come to aggressively kindly talk to you about Angel--" Charlie had started and Angel flailed, not even sure if he was breathing at this point. "Later! Of course. I wouldn't wanna stand in the way of your work!"
Angel froze as Valentino turned to face him, feeling ice drip into his veins at the rage simmering off of the overlord. No one was allowed to get in the way of Valentino's work, Angel knew he had killed for less.
But...Val didn't do anything. He just went back to directing.
Still, Angel didn't breathe.
And it only got worse and worse.
Charlie was just trying to be helpful and Angel knew that but she always got into things she had no business being a part of. She never should have been here, she never should have gotten on Val's radar.
Angel felt his lungs seize and he was forced to inhale, a wave of dizziness washing over him. Val's red glow was intimidating as he dissipated all the fire Charlie's clumsiness caused.
"Angel~ Can I see you in your dressing room for a moment?" Valentino was already walking towards Angel's room and Angel was hot on his heels, not even able to give Charlie a second glance.
Fear rippled through him as words spilled from his lips hoping to explain.
Of course, Valentino didn't want to hear his explanations. He just wanted another guarantee that Angel's body and soul were whole-heartedly his. It was a sickening gesture of something that should feel intimate.
Angel could hear his heart pounding in his ears as an electric buzzing flooded into his limbs making it hard to resist Valentino tossing him about, all he could think of was getting Charlie out of there.
"Look, V-Val, she just gets involved in everything. I-I'll tell her to leave! Just don't hurt her..."
Valentino acting violently in response wasn't out of the ordinary. Keep Charlie safe was running on repeat in his head. Angel knew how to get her out.
He grunted as he was tossed to the bed and his heart ached fiercely at her justified anger but Angel had to do what he could to keep her safe. He needed her to be safe
"You actually wanna help me? Get the fuck outta here right now...and let me finish my work."
Angel felt his aching heart crack as Charlie's eyes filled with tears. He stayed unempathetic to her. He couldn't risk faltering or it would put them both in danger.
When Charlie ran out the doors, sobbing, it took everything within Angel not to cry as well.
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry Charlie
It wasn't until after arguing and making up with Husker that Angel remembered how he and Charlie left off. They had walked into the hotel talking and laughing after the whole fight outside the bar when he saw Charlie heading up the stairs
She had looked down and spotted him, eye contact freezing them both in place. Charlie was the one to break it first, looking away before giving them both a wave and turning back up the stairs.
Angel watched her go, chest suddenly full of an overwhelming ache.
"You gonna go talk to her?"
Angel blinked and saw Vaggie leaning against the bottom staircase column.
"Isn't checking on the princess your job as her girlfriend or some shit?" Angel tried to play it off, rubbing a hand across the bridge of his nose.
"Yeah, it is," Vaggie agreed. "But, I feel like you both could use a friend right now instead."
Angel stared at the ground, his hand flexing as Vaggie and Husk seemed to watch him. It didn't make him want to cringe and hide though. It didn't make him feel scared like he does with Val. He felt safe.
"I wouldn't go that far," Angel coughed, stepping up the first few steps. "I have to check on Fat Nuggets anyway. Might as well see if Her Majesty is okay. Raincheck on those drinks?"
Husk winked and headed to his bar, whistling with a little hop to his step which made Angel smile fondly.
He quickly shook himself out of it, ignoring Vaggie's knowing gaze, and walked very pointedly up to his bedroom first. Angel did actually have to check on his little piggy and grabbed a good amount of lettuce and some apple slices as well before scooping up Nuggets and heading to Charlie's room.
It was empty because of course it was empty.
Angel groaned and scratched Nuggets under his chin, walking up the stairs till he reached a dead-end hallway. It did, however, have a pull-down ladder from the ceiling that led to a little platform on the roof of the hotel. The ladder was already down which gave Angel hope that he had found Charlie.
He climbed the ladder and peeked his head up outside. Sure enough, Charlie was on the roof, watching the Pentagram as the sky's magenta started to turn to a dark plum color.
Fat Nuggets squealed happily as he saw Charlie and wiggled out of Angel's arms to run up to Charlie and give her a nuzzle.
Charlie jumped in surprise before cooing at Nuggets, giving his little head scritches. She turned and gave Angel a small, gentle smile as he climbed up and sat beside her on the roof, also watching the transition into Hell's Night.
"I'm sorry I made things hard for you at work today," Charlie spoke softly, almost like she was telling him a secret. "Something didn't feel right when you answered the phone. You didn't look like you wanted to go. I just...I wanted to make sure you were okay."
Angel stared at Charlie half in awe at her big heart and half in fond exasperation.
"Charlie," He started, sighing. "My mess with Val? That's my mess, okay? It's not ideal but I'm working it out. It won't be like this forever."
Charlie sighed and leaned her head against Angel's shoulder. He froze in place, eyes wide and panicked as he looked down at her. Vaggie wasn't here so he didn't know what to do. He bit his lip before slowly reaching down and patting Charlie's head.
Angel didn't know how long they sat there, himself running his fingers through her blonde hair and Charlie leaning against Angel, her soft breathing and at-ease body language, as they fed Nuggets his dinner, showed him how much she truly trusted him.
He smiled down at her, feeling truly accepted by someone for the first time in a long time and now twice in one night. Angel knew he didn't want to disappoint her and felt that he truly had something to work towards getting out of his deal.
"Come on, Char," Angel soothed, his arms helping her sit up while two others picked up Fat Nuggets and tucked him against his side. "Time for bed."
Charlie whined at him, nuzzling into Angel's fluffy chest causing him to chuckle and scoop her up with his available arms.
Carefully, with his precious cargo, Angel made his way down the ladder. Vaggie was waiting at the bottom with a fond, knowing look in her eyes.
"She got you too," Vaggie teased him as Angel gently transferred Charlie into her partner's loving arms.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Angel scoffed, not able to stop the soft look on his face as Charlie snuggled into Vaggie, continuing to sleep. "How does she care so much?"
"I wish I knew," Vaggie chuckled, starting to head to their bedroom. "But she has plenty of love to give. You're her best friend, Angel. Never be afraid to reach out to us for help."
Vaggie paused at their door, turning her head to look at him. "I trust you with her, Angel. You are my friend too. If you need help, I am here."
Angel felt the stinging of his eyes and quickly looked away. It has been such a long time since he's had someone to rely on. Something that wasn't a substance but a person who genuinely wanted to see his improvement.
Angel walked into his own room, collapsing onto the bed with Fat Nuggets beside him, his body aching from all the work and abuse Val put him through. He curled up, facing his dresser where a picture of him and Cherri was tucked in the mirror. The other side had a picture from Sir Pen's first day that Angel secretly snatched.
What could he say? He loved his little family.
This time, they love him too.
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spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
stargazers au my beloved
Hehe. UwU -Bubbly💙
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(Drew Vaggie 'cuz I've been neglecting her.)
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shifuaang · 7 months
My friend @the-velvet-worm made such a good point about Chaggie earlier that I feel like it needs to be shared. Her quote: "It's not lost on me that they're not hypersexual like a lot of more popular f/f ships, and no, there's nothing wrong with being into something because there's palpable sexual tension, but I feel like a lot of it is fetishizers being unable to fetishize it?"
Chaggie is the least fetishized wlw ship I've seen on any show. It feels like it's constructed from the female gaze because it is, for once. The writing even makes fun of and paints Adam in the wrong for being crass about their relationship and using it as fodder for his own nasty fantasies.
And it's not like Chaggie are chaste. They sleep in the same bed, it's implied that they have sex, and they are very physically affectionate with each other, but because Hazbin isn't showing full-on porn of them, the fandom says they have 'no chemistry.'
I also think there's this cognitive dissonance in the fandom where Hazbin isn't afraid to push the envelope in a lot of ways, and kinks and sex and all types of debauchery are mentioned and depicted all of the time, so they are expecting that out of Chaggie as well. BUT! part of the point is that this relationship is subversive for Hell and for the show in general, which is what makes it so good in my opinion.
It's crazy that people would think that Hazbin writers/animators are "too scared" to do anything controversial with Vaggie and Charlie's relationship when we've seen first-hand that practically nothing is off the table when it comes to this show. That just seems like a bad faith reading of the way Hazbin is portraying its bigger themes of forgiveness/redemption and where the characters have come from with Chaggie. Just because you don’t personally enjoy their dynamic doesn't mean that it's 'bad' or 'poorly written'.
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showsandstuff · 8 months
If Chaggie was a friends to lovers slow burn instead of an established relationship, I would be absolutely obsessed with them.
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polubrony · 7 months
Yall people calling chaggie "boring", I don't get ya..?
Like, they are not boring. They are HEALTHY
They lack all of this toxic shit, that people call "spice". It's not your freaking enemies to lovers, where they hate each other half the runtime. It's not your typical straight old comedy, where they barely tolerate each other. They are not constantly on the verge of a breakup which seems to be how people view realistic relationships
These are just people, who love each other very much. Even then, they have their own "tics" that can use development, like Vaggie's (lol, it autocorrected to Maggie, is my phone Lucifer?) devotion and disregard for her own wants and needs, that actually makes sense in-univerce.
Still, even when there are huge couple-shattering revelations, they approach it as a normal, healthy people? Like, yes, Charlie is upset and she deserves to be, it was a huge breach of trust and a very personal fuck-up, but they do what normal people do? Get some space, be angry/sad for a bit, get outsider's perspective, rethink their motivation and resolve the issue in a way that their types of previously established personalities would. My only gripe with this is that they didn't get on-screen reconciliation talk, but it is a 8 20-minute-long episode show, we don't exactly have a lot of time, so even that is, although not ideal, but understandable
Stop calling healthy couples "boring", some couples are just not toxic enough for your troupe-obsessed brains
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barblaz-arts · 7 months
I think people have been accustomed to couples being in that honeymoon phase when they’re shown onscreen together. We ALWAYS see that with newly-established couples in pretty much any type of media… But that’s not Chaggie.
Charlie and Vaggie have been together for years. Their honeymoon phase has long past. They’re not doing outlandish displays of affection. They’re just, comfortable. Doesn’t mean they love each other any less, just that those sappy moments aren’t as common anymore
Yes! also the way a lot of people are surprised that charlie and vaggie aren't only best friends is such a good example of the double standards wlw ships get. thinking they aren't dating is understandable. Overlooking that Vaggie and Charlie were meant to at least be shipped together is INSANE.
If i never knew they were dating already, i and so many other sapphic ship lovers would be eyeing tf out of Vaggie and Charlie's relationship. Lookit some of the things that happened/are established before the "she's my girlfriend" line in ep 5
- the newcaster lady made a homophobic comment towards Charlie, saying she "doesn't touch the gays" when Charlie tried to give her a handshake
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- just all the times Vaggie would soften up as soon as she sees Charlie smiling or being her dorky self despite being previously upset/angry
- Vaggie's whole friggin verse in Whatever It Takes is very obviously meant to be romantic
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- Charlie being worried about Angel Dust while Vaggie gives her the most "i love you and im sad that you're upset but i love that you're upset over something like this because it shows how amazing of a person you are" look at Charlie as she tucks her hair behind her ear
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- Angel: I think this belongs to you *hands Charlie over to Vaggie*
- just all the casual touches they do that would totally be read as shipping fuel AT LEAST if it happened between a male/female duo or two men
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- the fact Vaggie woke up?? Looking beside her to find Charlie?? To show that they sleep in the same bed?????
- Vaggie offering her hand unprompted when Charlie was having a stressful phone call with her dad and Charlie readily accepting it
And I'm sure there are people who'd go "But it's always shown from Vaggie's end! It looks so one-sided!" So? Aren't there tons of ships out there that seem one-sided but yall are perfectly fine shipping? And it's harder to see Charlie's love for Vaggie because Charlie at her core is a very loving and affectionate person. Of course it's gonna be more obvious for Vaggie since she's so prickly towards anyone else.
If all these things still happened without any of us knowing that they were actually girlfriends, we'd have a certain section of the fandom shipping it hoping they DO become canon while others would be claiming we'd be ruining a perfectly good platonic friendship by making it gay. They'd say we're reading too much into things.
But they ARE a couple. we aren't reading too much into things because it was meant to be read as romantic. And yet we're still the delusional ones for thinking an already established sapphic couple is "cute and interesting" because now they're claiming they simply dont have chemistry. It's frustrating.
Of course I have my criticisms too. The show could portray more of how Vaggie is more special to Charlie than anyone else, have them flirting more overtly or something. But any argument that they're "so boring i thought it was het" is invalid to me because i damn well know if at least one them was a dude a lot of them would be saying otherwise.
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chaoticace2005 · 5 months
@xxqueenofdragonsxx Excuse me for a second while I talk about episode 7.
Episode 7 where it feels like Vaggie’s worst nightmares came true. That Charlie knows she’s an exorcist and hates her for it.
Beyond the love they share, we also see in episode 3 how Vaggie unhealthily derives purpose from Charlie. Which makes sense when you consider Charlie was likely the one to take her in an show her kindness, to show her that she still has value after everything. The development of their relationship likely came as Vaggie was picking up the pieces of her life, so they’ve become concerningly entertwined.
Vaggie, having all of that stuff brought up again, having everything she’s built for herself crashing down. The hotel won’t work. Exorcists are coming. Charlie isnt talking to her. The other residents know she’s an exorcist too.
Then it gets worse. Charlie makes a deal.
And that’s arguably the worst possible thing that could happen, because she has an idea of what Alastor does and it’s Charlie. And from Vaggie’s perspective Charlie never should be hurt.
Then her world shifts again when it’s revealed exorcists can be killed.
The amount of self loathing and failure she must feel. Nothing she’s done has worked. Everything she’s worked for fell apart. Angel’s can die for fucks sake and she didn’t even know despite BEING AN ANGEL.
Then what happens? She tells everyone else to save themselves. She goes to Carmilla Carmine, the only known killer of exorcists. Alone.
I want her arc to be her learning to love herself. We know she loves others and finds purpose in missions, but she needs to see that she’s worth it outside of that. With established Chaggie, the ship Im really hoping to develop is Vaggie and self love.
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devondeal · 7 months
Long Chaggie rant ahead
I think a reason Chaggie get called "boring" is that they are waayyy past that beginning stage of their relationship TV love to glamorize.
They've been together for three years and already have that comfort level with each other that not everything is a new discovery. They accept each other's differences and just support. That's what a well established relationship is like.
Of course they are still heavily affectionate and loving with each other because duh, they're in love. Society loves to repeat the bullshit "losing the spark" problem in relationships and how "marriage is so hard" but most of these situations are people that barely even like each other let alone love.
I think that's why media loves showing either beginning stage relationships OR trope-y enemies to lovers and variants of that.
ESPECIALLY in the case of queer relationships because it's only fairly recently that it's been normalized onscreen and I don't think we're used to seeing a normal queer relationship. Like think about it.
Media has always loved showing the gays as deviant and toxic because that's been the only way it was allowed to be seen. I think many of us have gotten used to seeing ourselves that way that it's been normalized.
Personally, I'm in the boat of I'm sick being seen as deviant and like it's bad and wrong thing to be in love with someone of the same sex. For me, Chaggie has been healing because it's just two women being a healthy happy couple. Something that society and even family have told me is not possible which hurts beyond words to hear.
So yeah, I love Chaggie. It is the best wlw canon ship in fucking YEARS and I have been craving representation like this. The very things that I get dirty looks at for irl, is completely normal with Chaggie.
They can hold hands, lean in together arm around shoulder, quick casual kisses in public, give each other goo-goo eyes, just general affection and couple-y behavior as well as the "been together for 3 years" quirks and routines. Like I swear I cannot remember any other wlw ship like this so yeah, it's gonna hit me hard in the feels.
And when characters like Lute and Adam are disgusted or fetishize it, it's very obviously portrayed as villainous behavior. Everyone else just accepts them as they are.
Of course it's not just the normalization of those things but specifically in the context of they've been together for 3 years and are still very much in love and have nothing to prove to each other and just face any conflicts as they come like a normal couple.
Most media especially TV have gay couples break up after that amount of time just for drama points and cuz us gays cant ever last in a long term relationship apparently 😒 And I feel like that especially goes for lesbian relationships on TV. I've seen wayyy more long terms mlm relationships than wlw in main roles.
(Wonder if that's cuz it's just so unbelievable that women could actually love each other cuz society just is so attached to the idea that all women hate each other)
Basically fuck Chaggie hate. We need more wlw long term relationships like this onscreen. I'm tired of being seen as deviant and likely to be toxic. And I'm not saying they need to be perfect. They're obviously not and have some issues but that's a good thing. Every couple has issues.
I'm just saying not all gay onscreen need to almost destroy their relationship in order to repair it.
I just really find it incredibly annoying that some will slap the "boring" label on Chaggie when it's more likely that a long term healthy happy wlw relationship is just that bizarre to them. Just let women actually love women for fuck's sake.
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My Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss Shipping Tier List
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Hazbin Hotel Ships
Huskerdust - Angel Dust and Husk. My Hellaverse OTP! I've talked about them at length in my Huskerdust analysis post. Long story short: they're not perfect people, but they could be perfect for each other. They've both been through bad times and done bad things, but there's a chance they could change for the better now that they have each other. And that's why I love thinking about them together.
Chaggie - Charlie Morningstar and Vaggie. They're a sweet established couple, and it's cute to see how they'll take any opportunity to hold hands or hug or brush hair off each other's faces. Plus, I'm a sucker for pairings where one person is a grump and the other is a ray of sunshine.
Emilute - Lute and Emily. They're both angels, but very different in looks and personality. One is dark-skinned with pastel clothes and compassion for Sinners; the other is pale-skinned with black clothes and a dedication to eradicating Sinners. Emily would want to help Lute see the light, whereas Lute would try to make Emily cross over to the dark side... @carpp had made some great fanart of the two of them, which made me love the pairing!
Emilette - Emily and Velvette. I started shipping this thanks to @dallina17 and their posts on the pairing. I think it's interesting that Emily and Velvette both have musical moments where they stand up to authority figures (Sera in "You Didn't Know" and Carmilla in "Respectless", respectively), but go about it in different ways (appeals to morality vs. brash rudeness) and with different motives (concern for others vs. self-interest). That's got me thinking about what would happen if the two women ever met. Also, Black sapphic solidarity for the win!
MollyBomb - Molly and Cherri Bomb. I just think it would be funny if Angel's sister and Angel's best friend ended up dating. It's as simple as that!
CherriSnake - Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious. Their shift from rivals to crushing on each other felt a bit rushed, but I'm intrigued to see where this relationship goes and what impact they might have on each other.
StaticNeedle - Niffty and Vox. I've talked a lot about my headcanon that Niffty and Vox were married in life. It stemmed from realising that they both died in the Fifties, and kind-of spiralled from there. It's probably the rarest rarepair I ship.
StaticMoth - Vox and Valentino. To be honest, I struggle to wholeheartedly ship Valentino with anyone, given his ... everything, but he and Vox would make a fascinating villain couple. One is camp and sexy and does whatever he wants, and the other is a sleek businessman who's obsessed with projecting the perfect image. Opposites attract, I guess?
Seramilla - Sera and Carmilla. Shoutout to @seramilla for getting me interested in this! I can definitely see the appeal of two mother figures on opposite sides of the afterlife finding common ground in their protective nature.
Zestmilla - Carmilla and Zestial. This ship is kind-of "meh" for me, but it is intriguing that Carmilla and Zestial seem so close with each other. I wonder how that happened?
Alzy (platonic) - Mimzy and Alastor. The way Alastor talks to and about Mimzy, and even the way he smiles around her, is different to how he acts around everyone else. The fact that they were friends in life and this friendship has carried over into death is really fascinating to me.
RadioRose (platonic) - Alastor and Rosie. I like how Rosie highlights a different side to Alastor compared to Mimzy, given that Rosie also seems to have a scheming nature. She's like a work buddy to Alastor, except they have a shared interest in eating people.
Lucilith - Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith. I'd like to find out more about their marriage and what caused it to fall apart.
Baximi - Crymini and Baxter. Neither have appeared in the show (yet), but a furry character and a fishy character falling in love has a cool star-crossed-lovers vibe to me.
Helluva Boss Ships
Owling at the Moon (platonic) - Loona and Octavia. Sarcastic Chorus made a really interesting video about how they differ and what they have in common. They're from opposite sides of the track, but both have daddy issues (to put it mildly), so they both could use a friend who understands.
Fizzmodeus - Fizzarolli and Asmodeus. I think the fact that I already love Roger and Jessica Rabbit made me more willing to accept another pairing with a clown and a sex symbol!
M&M - Moxxie Knolastname and Millie. I'm a sucker for married couples who don't completely hate each other.
Sallie Mayday - Verosika Mayday and Sallie May. One is a celebrity, the other is a country girl. It's another opposites-attract concept that I enjoy.
Marberry - Mrs Mayberry and Martha. This feels like "enemies to lovers" taken to the extreme, but hey, I'm here for it!
Stolitz - Blitzø and Stolas. I'm not sure how I feel about them as a couple, but I do enjoy reading and watching other people's analyses of the ship and of each person's shortcomings.
Colleenie - Collin and Keenie. They're both angelic sheep who seem like they're meant to be parallels to Moxxie and Millie, which intrigues me. If only Keenie treated Collin better...
Characters I Don't Really Ship with Anyone
Hazbin Hotel: Adam, St Peter, Odette Carmine, Clara Carmine, Arackniss, Travis, Katie Killjoy, Tom Trench, the Egg Boiz, Fat Nuggets, KeeKee, Razzle, Dazzle
Helluva Boss: Cletus, Deerie, Stella, Andrealphus, Paimon, Joe, Lin, Cash Buckzo, Barbie Wire, Mrs Knolastname, Crimson Knolastname, Striker, Chazwick Thurman, Beelzebub, Vortex, Mammon, Robo-Fizz, Glitz, Glam, Arick "Burnie" Burnz, Wally Wackford, Loopty Goopty, Lyle Lipton, Agent Two, Agent One, Ralphie, Counselor Jimmy
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Order up! One bed trope between Chaggie x reader! Please and thanks.
one bed trope w/ chaggie and reader
speed running a bunch of requests- i think after this one im going to send any other stuff i write tonight into the queue so i dont spam stuff LMAO notes: reader is fem, short post, established relationship cws: none
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youre sandwiched in the middle, more than likely- though if youre all on charlies bed theres more than enough room!
charlie is warm but vaggie is cold, so you kind of have two different temperatures going on against you... but its not too bad under the covers!
charlie is trying to drape her arms over the two of you and pull you both closer to her- since youre in the middle shes nuzzling her face into your cheek
vaggie doesnt mind getting pulled against you, she may loosely drape her own arm around the two of you
.... good luck trying to worm your way out if you need to get up to go to the bathroom in the night, or get a drink of water
vaggies the lighter sleeper, you might be able to get her to let you free if need be!
charlie is more giddy about the cuddle pile whereas vaggie is more... calm about it- though shes doing her best to match charlies energy
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kaledya · 2 months
Hello, Hello !
So I will use this message to answers all your questions and talk about more 'important' writing from the fanfic, like that, all is in the same area !
(Also before thank you for your kind words for my healing, I'm feeling almost normal !🌸)
So first, I read you others responses and saw that you haven't really ideas for the rest of your SSAU and you see it more of a concept and I respect it, its normal. SSAU have a different ending in his first season than the main show, so to be a bit lost in how you want to direct the story, when you are not used to write, can be overwhelming. Don't worry, I've got you !
• So, what are my plans after the Overlords Meeting ARC ?
So technically, I was waiting for you to make more storyboards, you know, because that was the plan to write what you are imagining but as I said, its okay if you don't, we will talk about it and found something.
For the plans we already established in another message this order of things :
  - Overlords Meeting ARC   - Vox VS Alastor   - Valentino and Angel problem ARC   - Constantine arrives at the hotel
Season 2
- Serenity, Lucifer arrives too. - Charlie goes to Heaven - Ruthlessness by Azrael.
That is the base I keep.
So in my mind, what I'm preparing (without spoiler but still comprehensible)
- Episode 5 : Overlords Meetings ARC (more lore with the gangs) + flashback + Vox VS Alastor confrontation but not a real fight with powers. Just a song battle. Serenity and Alastor interaction.
- Episode 6 : ACTION. Secondary plot focus, Lolicia phase 2 showcase and emotional triggers + Lolicia and Alastor past flashback +   (Combat songs!)
The emotional triggers link to :
  - Episode 7 : Angel and Val + New OC entering (link to secondary plot) + unlocking more past for Lolicia. Husk conforting Angel (new song)
For Angel and Val, you already made some doodles and drawing about how it would happened with Charlie poison tail, (showcasing for the first time the Royal Autority ability - teasing more and more Constantine arrival) and Val suffering for some time as a punition.
- BETWEEN episode 7 and last episode,
[Second Interlude with short stories maybe with others characters ?]
details (no orders) : we have the activities for the japanese summer festival preparations, RadioSnare organisation (explaining how to gain influence probably), Pentious getting more confortable with the group as there is a new guest arriving (new OC of episode 7), inviting the Overlords one by one for the festival (songs), the Vees (Vox and Velvette) to deal with, Lolicia is changing because of the event in episode 6.
Now, do you have little arcs/exemple/archetypes of sceneries or interactions you would like to see in season 1 ? Something you wished happened in the main show fo exemple ? I could include it here ! Some Huskerdust, Chaggie (relationship things are okay of course)
Lolicia changing/breaking (time to be a writer and make my readers cry) :   - explaining about the showcase of power in episode 6   - her power is offensive (what will see in episode 6) and defensive (purple cords)   - offensive power (big rewrite song of the Underworld by epic the musical)
  [remember that Lolicia as a power that doesn't use souls and still slaps and Alastor wants to know why]
Constantine related things :   - Constantine arrives because something worrying happened close to the hotel and he wants to protect Charlie and see her 'progress'.   - Epic meeting between Constantine and Lolicia   - Constantine see something in Lolicia and wants to decipher it (that is why he will be more "relax" with her than others guests at the hotel, introducing his ways of interaction in season 2)  
  - Last Episode, Then at the last episode of the season, the japanese summer festival made by everyone with the Overlords invited (yukatas, fireworks, and realising that the people of the hotel are finally having something close to a friendship.) Developing trust is the main thing of this season.
Before the end of season 1 :   - Lolicia reason of death unlock
Because in the main show Season 1 : we know  HOW characters died (bullet in the head, alcool poisoning, drug/coma, probably abuse...) Season 2 : we learn WHY characters died we will probably have the past of Pentious and why is he redeemed, what happened in his life, perhaps Alastor's mother and past serial killer crimes, the mafia family of Angel ect.
And I will use the same pattern in my ff. HOW in first season and WHY in the second season. I hope it make sense !
[We need the coronation of Constantine somewhere in season 2 or 3 like in your short because it was amazing !!]
So yes, that is my plan, and remember, if you want to say/add anything, you can. We are both gods here as you said (no idea is stupid and can only be worked on) 🌸
• So Lucifer position in AA/SSAU ?
I'm based on what you said about him. He is more prideful and more serious (still depressed). I think, as we talk about, the bad blood between him and Charlie will be more difficult to cure. But he is a fallen angel, that guy is power, more than Constantine who is his son and already impressive. But Lucifer let his son deal with matter of the kingdom and live a bit on his own.
(I heard what you said about wanting Constantine to be more angelic, blonde and human and surprising Demons when they met him because its a contrast. And I like it a lot ! I'm excited to see how you will change the design!)
For Lucifer, I think a chill part of him and an important aura must be around him like Azrael and Abaddon that we already saw. Perhaps the corruption is around him and not inside him so he looks like a dark archangel ?  Shattering away and reconstructing always. A never ending circle of breaking and healing ?
Of course tell me what you think about it ! Because its a little bit different of your idea of Lucifer !
Like it could be the other way around, when he is "normal" Luci look dark, not mean, just what I said before and when he is "mad" or ready to fight there is something more holy/unholy impressive in his face/body ?
I don't know if it make sense. We can keep his obsession with ducks. He is also occupied with his humans followers/cultists.
Perhaps, because his idea of Hell didn't appeared as he wanted, (the circus thing), perhaps he is planning to create a new part in Hell ? A new ring ? And this project took all his attention (hyperfixation) and he will have interesting conversations with Abaddon (and others Archangels) leading to why this Hell is not based on military legions ect ? Just ideas !
• Where is Lilith in AA/SSAU ?
Good question! Again, I was waiting for your ideas but now let's talk about it.
Lilith is already a powerful character, a queen, someone who reigns on her husband heart without even being here. And in SSAU, creator of the Ars Goetia, mistress of the night and bird-like appearance, right?
But technically, what is she really ? A human trapped in eternity, corrupted by Abaddon insides.
We need weakness and things she can't have to make her relatable. Perhaps while searching for something she can't have, she met Roo (that we already saw we know she is clever and cruel) get trapped in a sunny cage (bird symbolism and day/night) and Roo found the possibility to do a metamorphosis of the queen herself and her plan to destroy the Morningstar Family (with Alastor focusing on Charlie).
Eve is the host of Roo so perhaps her own anger/fear about the fate of her own family (Adam, Cain, Abel, Seth and the unamed daughters) give power to Roo to indulge in chaos/destruction. And Roo is just a concept of corruption and not even realising that the host she despise and treat as a child (Eve) is actually the one that make her exist ?
She took Lilith down, something link to her plan and for that she also need that Alastor do something ? Tell me what you think !
So yes, Lilith is trapped.
Actually I think Constantine would try to do something to find his mother. Perhaps send a detective (an OC we could create?) (And we like Sherlock type of dynamics) to search for Lilith ? Could link the Hellaverse part more easily with the story (with your OCs) : the seven deadly sins and their children, Ars Goetia, the brothel with the succubuses, even Verdelet !
• What Abaddon thinks of the others true archangels ?
So my Abaddon is an special angel and a place/hell, so yes he is a bit different from the true archangels, his brothers and sisters. He loves them all overall but he doesn't have plenty of quality time. He is not in Heaven even if he can go freely there.
To have a metaphor, I don't know if you saw the Ghibli movie "Castle in the Sky" ? There is a robot soldier who is the guardian of the floating island Laputa. And he is alone because the other robots are just asleep or dead. And he takes care of little foxes who kind of lives on him and trees. He cares for them.
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Abaddon is like this robot and the little foxes are his brothers and sisters. That is how he thinks of them.
- Azrael, they are very close and work together from times to times.
- Michael, they don't talk too much, Abaddon sees Michael like something mixt between a heros and a gladiator. In term of strategy planning, they actually get along quite well.
- Uriel, is actually his favorite sibling but he can't talk to her face-to-face cause she is the Sun of God and he is the Abyss, so their power hurt eachother. So they write to themselves  letters each month.
- Gabriel, they would probably do shopping together and talk of wild subjects. It would be like listening to 2 ADHD people conversing with each other.
- Raphael, his duty is to tell to Abaddon what the hell is happening in the world, the big changes in humanity ect ect. So they see eachother each year for report. Abaddon mostly don't listen and just scultp his brother face because he thinks his face is very feminine and pretty. Raphael took it as an insult each time but still take the bust sculpture his brother carved for him back to his domain in Heaven.
- Jophiel, is like an annoying little sister. She is curious of her brother and wants to know him better. She chit-chat a lot and its overwhelming him. So Abaddon listen but not necessarily answer. He makes her dolls to make her understand he still cares.
- Lucifer, Abaddon knows Lucifer very well because he lives inside him, in Hell. He knows that Lucifer is depressed and doing his own thing. Most of the time he calls him Mael Still (for Samael). They are actually kind of alike in their personality, both inventors and they have a lot of interests in common. But for Lucifer its difficult to see his brother and just forget that he is imprisoned in him (and if Abaddon would have been in his side in the rebellion against Heaven, perhaps he would have win ?) That is what he thinks. So yes, they have things to work with to their relationship to be better!
I will answer Lolicia faq in another message because this is already too long ! 😭 Ahah but I'm curious to see what you think and ideas, its very interesting to talk about all of this !
Thanks to read it all and I hope I did answer well (because I can definitely loose myself)🌸
First of all, thank you for your understanding.
And seriously, you don't have to follow the plans I made or infos ı take etc, I prefer you to be free. I seriously think you are a creative person!
And yes, generating new ideas etc. by talking is a really good plan! Thank you
(up to episode 7) I think the way you set up the episodes and events is really excellent Character development is happening slowly, events don't feel rushed It is very nice that we can delve into the history of Lolicia rather than just presenting it to us.
And yes, Angel's salvation is Charlie killing Valentino.Angel seriously deserves freedom after so many years
And it is very nice to mention the past of Alastor and Lolicia again, the threads come together as if weaving a carpet.
I can't wait to meet the new OC who will come in Valentino's arc, I'm already curious what kind of character they are
As I said until this part, I think everything is great.You've really made a very logical arrangement and it doesn't feel like it's a replacement for anything.
(Intermediate chapters after 7)
There is nothing I want to happen. Frankly, you have already written the events that should happen, there is nothing I can add🛐. Allowing breathing after story arcs. And it's really smart of you to think of sections that allow us to see the consequences of those important arcs.
And your choices are really great because these arcs both strengthen the story and introduce the characters better.And I think that stories always need sections where the reader can breathe.And that's exactly what you're giving them.
Regarding the relationships (huskerdust, Chaggie), I think these relationships can be improved by including them in arcs without a separate arc.
Wait WHAT?? What will you do to her NOOOOO!!
As a writer, I know it's fun to make OCs suffer, but since I'm a reader right now, I don't want to see lolicia suffer.(⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
And what will happen in Ep6??? I know we will see the past and there will be a combat song but what will happen that will affect lolicia so much!!?!!
Rewrite of Underworld????? What will happen? For God's sake and I have always wondered where Lolicia's powers come from, I can't wait to find out.But I think I will be sad rather than happy when I learn this information?What kind of tragic story is behind their powers?
Constantine's reason for coming really made sense.Also, it makes sense why he is more interested in Lolicia. I'm seriously looking forward to the events after Constantine's arrival.
AND yes that encounter my god I seriously can't wait to see the dynamic and dialogue of these two!
Japanese festival? It's seriously a great idea to end the season, we see the character development of the characters clearly and before moving on to the next season.And I think it's a really enjoyable arc to read.
The HOW and WHY dynamic is really very logical, it creates expectation and curiosity on the part of the reader, and it allows the character stories to be told in a more orderly and logical way.It was truly a great choice!
I'm really glad you liked my short, but it was something I made for fun for that song.I don't know how it will be transferred into the story because in order for Constantine to be crowned king, Lucifer must either stop being king or die💀
Seriously, it was great to read your plan and I think you came up with a great plan, I don't have anything to add because it's already perfect!!
As a god, I take off my hat to you who are a god too 🎩
And thank you for your thoughts on the ideas, it really relieved me to hear that because I'm not very confident in my own ideas.But I still want to say that if something I said is not compatible with your story, you do not have to use it.And please feel free to tell me that I think criticism will improve me!
Definitely, Lucifer is a little more proud and serious than in the series, he is an energetic guy, but he is a really tired man, someone who was left alone after the loss of his wife and his estrangement with his daughter.While one side of him constantly wants to make things right with Charlie, the other proud side is too stubborn to admit his mistake.
And yes, the situation with Charlie is too serious to be fixed with a song and a hug. They haven't seen each other properly for 7 years and the last time they had a serious fight they never met again.Their bond isn't broken, but it needs repairing, and it's not something that can't be fixed with a long conversation and a willingness to listen to Lucifer on Charlie.They just need some daddy and daughter time, time will tell the rest.
((Lucifer's relationship with Constantine is very different from his relationship with Charlie. Since Constantine was raised as a king, he and Lucifer had a love for each other when Con was young , but they are not close now.And although Lucifer knows he can make things right with Charlie, he knows he can't(or don't know how) do that with Constantine.
Lucifer and Constantine have a relationship similar to Shifu and Tai lung, although it is not a form of hatred.
(Con still loves his father, but there isn't much intimacy between them, and after Lucifer's fight with Charlie, Constantine also had an argument with him about his attitude towards Charlie. V And since then they have seen each other much less. The last time they met was after Con arrived at the hotel and told Lucifer to go and meet Charlie.)
Lucifer's desire to make Constantine strong was for his own good, and little Con was someone who would do anything to make his father proud.But the way Lilith and Lucifer raised Constantine kind of killed the child in him.
""Kill the boy and let the man be born, Jon Snow"))
Long story short, Lucifer is currently alone in his palace, so it can be considered normal for him to be depressed.
THANK YOU!!! I can't say that I've changed him so much. In a way, he now wears his hair braided and open.And as an extra, I added an outfit with more dominant white+gold colors! + Golden scales make up under his eyes!
Here is The New ref sheet!
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A circle that constantly breaks and then heals again as a reflection of the black archangel corruption of Lucifer is a really interesting idea.In a way, it summarizes The hell, a place that hosts new lives after death and die again, again and again until eternity.A death circle that can never be broken, created from Lucifer's mistake.
As an extra, this idea reminded me of Oroboros (I'm not sure if I spelled the name correctly.I think it was a snake eating its tail that described the endless cycle.
And I really like the idea of Lucifer being corrupted. There's still a fire burning brightly inside him, but it's slowly starting to fade away because there's no one around to feed the fire.
And Lucifer's idea of trying to create a new ring because hell is not what he wants is also very interesting. Maybe even if he cannot do this in reality, but in his palace he can create miniature architects like a LEGO.(Not exactly LEGO but you get the idea) He still has a love for ducks (maybe it's Lilith's memory,Or it has a special place in his heart because it is something he created.)
On the one hand, he is trying to create the utopia at home that he has never had but wants to have.After all, Lucifer was a dreamer Or who knows, this hobby was a distraction he used to escape his missing wife or problems with his children.
I really liked all your ideas, they all fit with Lucifer's character.
Yes, Lilith is such a person in the story, and maybe Lucifer and Lilith may know about Roo's existence much earlier and try to prepare for this danger, but when will there be treat coming that they cannot see?
Regarding getting caught, Lilith may have finally found or encountered Roo, and after a conversation between them and a battle, Lilith may have lost.After all, Roo is evil and has become even stronger with the evil born over the past 10,000 years.
And Lilith is fighting with Eve here, maybe Lilith might feel guilty for what Eve went through, after all, Eve was once her younger sister. And this caused her to show a moment of weakness in battle.
I think of Roo as a kind of god. (Similar to those in Greek mythology) Roo only dies when she is forgotten or what she represents disappears.This is in a way impossible because what Lucifer did created evil and now evil has taken deep roots in the world.So I see Roo as a really difficult enemy to defeat.A kind of embodiment of evil
As for Eve's character, Eve is an intelligent woman, but she is filled with a lot of anger after being thrown out of Eden.The 'gift' that Lucifer gave her took a lot out of her, not only from her, but also caused a lot of damage to her loved ones.Their sons killed each other, all women in the next generation were cursed with the pain and risk of death brought by giving birth. Thousands of women suffered and.Eve was declared the scapegoat for all this pain
(I even thought of such a scene, but I don't know if it would fit the story.
Luci: Eve, I can understand the hate, but can you please just listen to me for a second-
Eve: HAH! Do you understand my anger?YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND MY ANGER.
IMAGINE LUCIFER CHARLIE AND CONSTANTINE KILLING EACH OTHER, AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. ALL YOU DO IS HOLD YOUR CHILD IN THE BLOOD.AND WATCHING THE FEAR IN YOUR OTHER CHILD' EYES AND THE CHILD TO RUN AWAY BEFORE YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING.Because he think that I hate him after what he did. Thousands of women and children suffered for that damn apple, Lucifer. While you were sitting in your palace and spending time with the family you built, I stood by these things.I have seen crimes that make me disgusted with humanity You're the one cursed for your so-called mistake but all you do is watch from your palace and I feel every sin.You can't understand me, Lucifer. (In this scene, between Eve and Roo's personalities, Eve is much more dominant.)
So, she wanted to change things, take revenge, and Roo, realizing this, decided to use her.
In a way, the combination affects Roo eve's personality, and eve affects her , but on the other hand, they're separate existence and under that accumulated anger, eve is still a good person at heart, I guess she just needs a light.
(I think I can give Darth Vader as an example. In the end, no matter how corrupt he was, Luke was able to save Anakin again)
So, in a way, Roo is a corruption as you say.This is something that could happen to anyone. Eve's current state is corrupt. Eve still has her memories, she is still someone who cares about her children, but she is far from her old self.
For example, when we meet Roo/Eve Cain, it happens when Eve shows him the compassion of a mother.
For example, in Swap Au, Michael becomes corrupt after what he went through, and this is evident in terms of both personality and appearance.
And yes, it makes sense to take Lilith out of the picture in terms of Roo's plan. Because if Lilith was still there, she wouldn't let Charlie and Lucifer's relationship get worse.
And Constantine is also very affected by the loss of his mother. Lilith was the person who brought him and Lucifer together and made them spend time together. Also, Lilith was Constantine's role model and the only person who understood him, and after that loss, Constantine was left alone.
Lucifer lost the love of his life and his best friend and confidant, and was left alone in that huge palace with his past regrets.
So Eve Roo's plan worked really well. The Morningstar family is not whole right now.
And yes, then we have alastor. Roo is probably the main reason why Alastor came to the hotel. Probably to get closer to Charlie. But Alastor probably has plans to get rid of his chains.
And yes, Constantine is looking for his mother. Actually, I recently thought of an idea about this concept.Because a new OC and plan was needed for such a job!!
(If you think the idea is incompatible with the story, please tell me!)
After Lilith's loss, Constantine tries to search for his mother himself, but can find almost no clue. Whether Lilith left by her own decision or He does not know whether she is captured by a higher being than himself. ( Roo's existence is not known for certain, Lilith and Lucifer have not told him this yet.)
So after his own searches, Con knows that for such a search he needs to get information down to the smallest alleys, he needs to know even the smallest crumbs, but no matter how powerful he is, he know can't do this.
Not at the same time in all 7 rings, especially after his father left Royal duties and he was just starting to rule the kingdom.He tries to take time to look for his mother, but when he has just ascended the throne. He needs to show the demons how he will rule hell and also show his authority.
That's why he needs to go to someone who can provide information from every corner of hell and control even the whispers in the most alley.And the most suitable option for this task is the Clan of Whispers itself.A network of knowledge spread throughout the 7 rings of hell and a clan known for the accuracy of that knowledge and the trustworty of the clan.
That's why Constantine goes to meet Misfortune 7 months after his mother's disappearance.
(I'm thinking of writing their conversation here, but I'll summarize it for now)
No matter how much the Constsntine sees the Overlords as despicable Serenity is an exception, unlike the other lord, she is a lord who has become stronger with her silver tongue, intelligence and tactics, and has managed to spread her power to all the rings..While normally Overlords are limited to the pride ring, Serenity is someone who has access to all rings thanks to the hellhounds.
That's why Constantine already had a curiosity and interest in her.
Anyway, Constantine is meeting with Serenity. In the Serenity said that even if Lilith left by her own choice or was held back by someone greater than her,She says that in such a situation, finding a clue about Lilith may be almost impossible even with her resources, but she promise that she will do her best
Constantine then makes a small threat about what will happen to her clan if this information gets out of Serenity.
As a result, Constantine asks what he wants from Serenity. While Constantine was waiting for money, Power or something like that Serenity seeks protection. During her search for Lilith, she receives permanent protection when she manages to find Lilith.
The reason why Serenity wants this is that no matter how much other sinners or hell-born people stay away from her, she has no power of protection against nobles.But if she has the prince's protection, she no longer has to worry about her clan.(this is not a spell, just Constantine declaring immunity to Serenity and her Clan)
So, they make an agreement like this and while Constantine rules the kingdom, Serenity assigns her second most trusted man to this task.
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You can change this idea if you want, it's all your decision✨
The reason why I chose Giovanni was that he was someone who could go to all the rings of hell and that he had a lot of resources as he was the 2nd most authorized member of the clan.He's a very clever and cunning person.
I also think it's a really great idea to discover the other rings through a detective character!! It was really nice to see the characters we knew from other circles.
Giovanni brings the information he has acquired every month to Serenity, and Serenity informs Constantine about the developments.
I liked this idea because I wanted to build a friendship between Serenity and Constantine, and once a month, Constantine visits Serenity and talks for a long time, and this lasts for 7 years. That's why they had already known each other for a long time before coming to Serenity Hotel.
(Normally, these visits are purely for business purposes, but mostly there is no new information, just some whispers. And after months and years, Constantine begins to enjoy these conversations, because There's rarely a time when he's away from royalty There are also a lot of hellhound puppies in the mansion. 5 years later, Constantine had a little talk with someone and played a little game with them.And from then on, the cubs did not leave him easily and whenever they saw the Consntine, they asked him to tell a story or show a spell.(After all, puppies don't know what hierarchy is, they probably don't even know who Constantine is)
Do you think this idea makes sense? If not, please tell me! You can change it as you wish or remove this idea, everything is ok for me!)
The metaphor you used is really cute. I really liked the way you saw Abaddon's siblings. Even though he cannot spend time with them all the time, sometimes just seeing that they are good and safe is enough for him
-I really liked his relationship with Michael. It's a kind of big brother and little brother relationship. I'm glad they are on good terms even if they don't talk much!
-Her relationship with Uriel is really sweet, it's too bad that even though they love each other, they can't spend time together because of the way they are created, but their correspondence is really sweet.
-Lmao Absolutely yes,seriously it would be so fun to listen to these two talk they could probably talk for hours about a topic they love. But the topic they talk about is completely different every 5 minutes
-Lmao his relationship with Raphel was really fun and it would be really fun to see someone as serious and strict as Raphael talking to someone more relaxed and playful like Abdaddon.
-She would definitely be someone who talked so much that he would swell the head becouse of Jophiel, she would probably be jumping around him constantly, asking his opinion on every subject or constantly trying to get to know him better. And it's so cute that even though Adaddon couldn't spend much time with Jophiel, he gave her a doll to show that he cared about her.
-You explained Abaddon's relationship with Lucifer very well. Even though they are similar, what happened in the past is what is causing these two brothers to be alienated and separated now.Is Lucifer still stuck in what if scenarios about the past?I hope their relationship can improve So they say there's nothing time can't heal.
I saw the article the you Answer questions about Lolicia!! Thank you in advance and I will reply to you as soon as possible!!
And seriously, thank you very much for answering all my questions and explaining the plan in detail. It was really nice to read what you wrote. I really love your ideas.And it was so much fun talking about these with you. I seriously loved all your ideas, there is not even one that I didn't like o. Also, seriously, everything is in perfect order and there is nothing I want to add!
Thank you again for taking the time to respond. And I'm sorry for this long message in advance.
Have a nice day!! 🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️
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hellaversehaven · 7 months
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The mods at HellaVerse Haven bring you:
Chaggie's Week of Firsts
This ship-week is an opportunity to imagine all of Charlie and Vaggie's relationship firsts! Since they're already established in canon, why not take it back a step and think of how they got there?
General Info:
You may repost this image without credit, but don't forget the alt text!
Keep it focused on Chaggie / Starmoth!
This will be held on March 11th and go through until March 17th!
You may tag either #ChaggieFirsts or #StarmothFirsts, but you also don't even have to use those tags at all!
Any medium of creativity goes! Art, writing, edits, ect. Every type of fanwork!
If you create something Not-SFW or something that contains sensitive topics, we ask that you tag it appropriately! Be courteous to others, please.
Have fun :)
Prompts written out, and some ideas for Day 7, beneath the read more!
Day 1, First Meet
Day 2, First Date
Day 3, First Fight
Day 4, First Tears
Day 5, First Gift
Day 6, First Kiss
Day 7, Free Day
Free Day ideas:
First "I love you", First Time Cooking Together, First Day Living Together, First Trip, First Social Event, First Shopping Experience, First Time Waking Up Together, First Affections, First Competition, First Surprise, First Crisis, First Kill, First Laugh, First Extermination, First Pet, First Move, First Anniversary, First Holiday, First Picture, First Call, First Weapon, First Sickness, First Dance, ect.
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ranratartz · 7 months
Defending Chaggie with my blood, sweat, body, and tears💪.
They're perfect for each other, like be fr. If you don't see their chemistry, girly get sum prescription glasses😭🫶
"They got back too early!" Yeah, they did😃. Maybe cause they have a healthy relationship and don't need to have long monologs about it? No need for an angsty episode. Be happy that they're happy😊
PLUS. at the very start, it was already established that they balance each other out. And now with the reveal on how they met? Come on🥰
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chubs-deuce · 8 months
Ok I just watched whole hazbin hotel show and I know what you mean about Charlie and Vaggie relationship
their have cute songs together but Vaggie to me personality wise hasn’t got that much of a personality compared to the others characters ?
I think the last 2 episodes she had more of a personality 🤷‍♀️ (this isn’t a anti post , I feel like she has a lot of potential to flash her character out more hopefully in season 2)
personally I prefer Charlie and Alastor cause I feel like theirs something there, it’s interesting and it has a lot of potential
if they wanted me to root for Vaggie and Charlie I feel like they should be friends at first and then we see them slowly falling in love , that’s my opinion of course XD
Agreed 100%
To be fair I don't think charlastor is inherently better in any way, since I recognize that they don't actually have much of a leg to stand on in canon, but they still intrigue me a lot more conceptually in fan-content, in ways that I've outlined in this post already so I won't repeat myself here lol.
Charlie and Vaggie are sweet, unproblematic, thoroughly wholesome and that is a dynamic that can not only absolutely work but also be very appealing!
Good domestic fluff is my bread and butter, but it just doesn't really hit the same when I'm not really given much of a reason to care for the pairing beyond the narrative going "look they hold hands and use pet names, isn't that cute?"
So I agree that having their "falling in love" stage be explored more would've helped a lot in elevating how and why they love each other, though it wouldn't even have been necessary, established relationships in fiction can work really well even without that if done right.
The way they're shown to first meet has SO MUCH POTENTIAL to be a great story bit to explore (I might try and do that in writing some time ngl), with Vaggie just coming from this intense of a betrayal, likely having her whole worldview usurped and now, after being taught all her life that demons are worthless scum, being shown unconditional kindness and offered a helping hand from one... There's a lot for her here to process!
Like I really feel like her repeatedly underlined trust issues could've so easily led into a sweet narrative of how meeting Charlie taught her to trust in others again, but her "learning to trust others" path was already explained with brothers-in-arms style bonding on the battle field and the rest was just kinda played off as a love at first sight thing. It had potential! It was right there! And yet!!! [frustrated groan]
I get they were probably trying to aim for combining those two points and had very little time to do so properly, but it imo just missed the mark by a painful amount...
It doesn't help that Vaggie also generally fell kinda flat as a character for most of the show, in part because she's often forced to share the spotlight and has very little focus put on her as an individual.
I really hope they do her better in the next season either way :')
I haven't given up on chaggie yet, but only time will tell if that changes.
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chaggie4ever · 2 months
What future conflicts do you see happening with Chaggie? Personally, I think it would continue with their whole "Charlie doesn't listen and Vaggie doesn't express herself" issues they had in S1. Plus, the whole trusting Alastor thing might come up. Your predictions?
Absolutely great thoughts! Predictions and talking about HH is the only reason I made a Tumblr account XD
I personally really want Lute to have a role. Charlie seems to hate her even more than Vaggie after the angel reveal. And I think Vaggie will totally be here for this rivalry XD she may have to keep Charlie from killing Lute! A role for Emily in Lute’s possible redemption would be a great addition as they model Chaggie perfectly. Or maybe even Adam’s redemption (I’m convinced he’s coming back as a sinner - his vocals and lines are too great he has to come back). I remain convinced that Vaggie and Lute were frenemies and/or lovers for centuries.
The Alastor stuff is definitely important and will cause conflict for sure. I’m thinking Lilith is involved too (both her and Alastor have been gone for seven years…). I could see Vox getting involved and publicizing Vaggie’s genocidal past and Charlie comforting her.
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alas i got sidetracked. Back to Chaggie! I really hope they address their codependency, and Charlie's tendency to steamroll Vaggie… she needs to actually listen to her girlfriend and notice when she is uncomfortable and will need to learn to push a bit more when Vaggie is uncomfortable to make her express herself. Vaggie is one of a few main characters who we have NOT seen cry. She REALLY needs to XD maybe Rosie can be a couple's therapist?
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also now that season 3 and 4 are confirmed, im betting on a Chaggie engagement season 2. And if they dont have some down time to have an on screen date or fooling around time imma blow up the studio (no not really). I love that they are established and not the centerpoint of the season - this helps normalize gay relationships. But I also have needs XD maybe Charlie had to wait for Lucifer to come back in her life before she could officially get engaged as queen of hell. Future queens of hell 🥰 this will also likely not go over well in heaven or hell after Vaggie’s exorcist past…
Also… thank goodness Vivi isn’t in charge of writing anymore as she has Satan kill Vaggie after they are engaged and I will kill everyone if this happens
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Bonus headcanons (some are stolen):
- Vaggie’s wings come out when she’s aroused - stiffly XD I think they will transition from gray to silver over time as she redeems herself further
- Vaggie and Lute stand trial for crimes by the seraphim. Vaggie is absolved of her disobedience and halo and eye restored (or maybe a weird glowy version so she still keeps her eye patch most of the time). She never wears the halo but it lets her open portals to heaven and hell. Lute is cast out of heaven for killing a member of Lucifer’s family (Dazzle) and attacking them and her vigilante justice on Vaggie. She may lose her wings and an eye too. She will still have one arm as she does not love anyone to restore it (Vaggie’s wings grow back out of love for Charlie and because they weren’t cut off by angelic steel. Lute ripped her arm off and it can also grow back.. if she learns to love).
- Vaggie hides her wings 90% of the time because she’s ashamed of her past (I’d LOVE a B plot episode where Angel Dust helps her with this)
- Charlie is super embarrassed when she demons out when Vaggie teases her publicly (always subtle until Charlie ruins it)
- Vaggie and Nifty bond over shared violence
- They go on flying dates where Vaggie carries Charlie and she loves it. Sometimes Lucifer joins.
- Charlie has picked up stabby Vaggie on several occasions and walked away with her to avoid conflict
- Vaggie’s spear is an emotional support spear and she talks to it and Charlie is jealous and has tried to hide it
- Vaggie spends Sunday dinners with Carmella and her daughters and is basically adopted and Charlie is jealous but also really happy that Vaggie is making her own friends
- Charlie loves when Vaggie speaks Spanish in bed - I also love the theories that they keep ruining beds with Charlie’s horns XD
- EVERYONE has heard them having sex - Charlie is LOUD and sometimes sings + Vaggie avoids Angel Dust the week after particularly loud sessions
- Charlie will propose after a very awkward convo with Lucifer
- Vaggie eventually bonds with sinner Adam and maybe Lute too
- I have an aversion to pregnancy and children but some of the kid theories are cute and Vaggie seems to be the more feminine but I could actually see Charlie carrying 😉😇
Ok imma stop now before this turns into a whole fan fiction XD
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veetowervaporwave · 6 months
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Man I am so vanilla when it comes to ships in Hazbin...
Staticmoth: The epitome of toxic old men yaoi. They're just the worst. They push each other's buttons. They both have obsessions on the side but both want to be each other's center of attention. Other people's suffering gets them horny. They got married three times and divorced five times. They know exactly how horrible the other one is but it only makes them more attracted to each other. They're so toxic it's a health hazard for everyone around them. I wish nothing more than for them to die horribly while holding hands.
Chaggie: I've been shipping them since the pilot and I'll be real they were everything I wanted and even more. I always knew that their relationship would be mostly background stuff since they're an established couple, and I was excited to have something where the main character is in a stable and affectionate relationship. I didn't expect them to get a whole little storyarc with the whole angel drama... I'm just. So happy. Seeing them, knowing how much they supported each other over the years when they had no one else on their side, openly working out their issues... They're just everything that's good in the world.
Huskerdust: I feel about it a bit more differently compared to the previous two. I'm happy to see them just do whatever, but Huskerdust stands out because its development is kind of... part of the plot of the show, rather than just being an extra layer to their characters. I'm not even interested in fanfiction for them because I'm too excited to see how it progresses in the actual show.
Radiorose: QPR goals. Alastor having someone he's so comfortable with honestly elevated his character for me. I don't have a lot to say but I enjoy seeing them together immensely.
Appledust: guilty pleasure comfort ship, refer to this post for more context.
Ships I like less under the cut, I try not to be too mean but still, be careful.
Radiostatic (Or, I guess, Onewaybroadcast, rather): I like it a lot but only when it caters to my superspecific tastes. First of all it needs to be one-sided. The second Alastor reciprocates I'm like *Lucifer voice* "Who is this? Who is this man?" Second of all the "hate" part of the "hateboner" is essential (unless we're talking before their falling out). Vox both wants Alastor and wants him dead. It's been swirling inside him for years and had poisoned whatever relationship they had beforehand. There's no turning back from this.
RoyalHalo: I don't know how to explain it, but when I personally ship something "platonically", it's different from just regular shipping and different from having a brotp. Nothing much to say on the ship itself, they're cute.
Cherrisnake: I wish I could like it more but "Meh" is right. I think it has potential, unfortunately 8 episodes a season didn't allow it to develop. I wish we could have had Cherri before ep6 to establish her relationships with Angel and Pentious and I wish they had at least one genuine conversation before the end of the season.
Alastor x Charlie & Alastor x Angel: actually it's not about the ships themselves, just some bad experiences in the early fandom. Ik not all the shippers are like that, especially now when those ships are less popular and a lot of people are vocal about not liking them, but unfortunately I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy them.
Lute x Vaggie: Nothing to say I just don't like it.
Val x Angel: I put a black line because my knee jerk reflex was to think of people like. Ignoring the abuse, but thinking about it, I do enjoy the exploration of their relationship if it's in-character. It's just not something I personally would consider "shipping". (But then what makes it different from onewaybroadcast? Guess I'm just a hypocrite or something)
"Found family" is a term that's used very differently by different people in the fandom, which is a little confusing to me, so I changed this category to "maybe".
Alastor x Husk: Much like the previous one, except I trust people with it even less after all the victimblaming Husk got after ep5.
Velvette x Vox and/or Velvette x Valentino: I don't ship those personally just for the reason that Vel genuinely seems uninterested, but I support the people who do. Especially the polyvees shipping. There's also additional element to this for me personally is that if Val and Vox were an item, there's a fear that Vel would come off as a third wheel or be pushed to the side, and if they were all together this wouldn't happen. So I have no choice but to support, even if I myself can't get into it.
Guitarspear: Lute ripping off her arm to go help Adam... The last thing Adam does before death is smile at her... God. They were also very fun hypemen for each other during songs, and just the general dynamic was really funny. I would say I like this ship when I see it, but I won't go out of my way to look for it?
Carmilla x Zestial: They're friends... The fanart is nice to look at. It's fine.
Radioapple: I'm conflicted. I guess I am kinda interested in what their relationship would be like in the show, but in fanworks I mostly enjoy the "they aren't actually attracted to each other but everyone thinks they are" dynamic. It's funny.
Pentious x Emily: Ok, one (1) crackship. My friend ships them and I kinda see the vision? Could be cute.
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