#friendship: charlie & angel dust
elsa-fogen · 7 months
fun is over time for pain
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stitchin' him up (it is painful)
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radvelvetcakez · 7 months
Angel: I'm so happy, I could kiss you! Husk: Um...Neat. *later* Husk, lying face down on his bed: I said "Neat," Vaggie. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid. Vaggie, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, man. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Charlie confessed her love for me? Husk: Didn't you thank her? Vaggie: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked her.
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1dkh0wt0n4m3m7s3lf · 5 months
I ADORE this frame SO MUCH 😭💖💖💖
(!!NOT A SHIP!!)
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cringefailvox · 9 days
let's be real. hardly anybody in that fuckass hotel is cooking. charlie can only make cup ramen. vaggie and angel hoard packaged snacks like they're stocking up for apocalypse scenarios; both of them have eating disorders for different reasons. husk eats dry cereal out of the bag with his bare hands and washes it down with everclear. alastor politely eats rotting deer corpses alone in his swamp room while listening to ragtime; the most his lazy ass will do is conjure up food with magic if asked. coincidentally this is also what lucifer does when he remembers to eat at all.
but you know who both knows how to cook and does so frequently, because they enjoy it? sir pentious and niffty. they baked and decorated those cookies for lucifer's visit together. pentious approaches his recipes with the same eccentric creativity he uses for his machines, and prior to his arrival niffty was the ONLY one single-handedly keeping that kitchen free of cobwebs. they whipped up some truly fantastic family dinners for everyone during the months leading up to extermination day.
after pentious dies, niffty stops cooking in the kitchen. she doesn't like to cook alone anymore; doesn't really see the point.
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hazbingirliexoxo · 6 months
Alastor: Do you ever wonder how many houses you’ve passed in your lifetime that have people locked in the basement?😃
Reader: ….
Angel: Like in a kinky BDSM kinda way or…?
Reader: What the actual fuck is wrong with you two?
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squadxx4392 · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons
Angel Dust : Religiously listens to Doja Cat after he hears one of her songs come on a random Thursday
Husk : Spoils the fuck out of Fat Nuggets when nobody is looking or around(except Angel, hard to keep the pair of him and Nugs separated)
Charlie : Goes and volunteers around the rings at animal shelters at least once a month(Do they have those in hell? Who knows? Not me. Do I care? Nah lol)
Vaggie : Reads Angel's romance books because she enjoys smut
Niffty : Has a shrine of spiders and a different assortment of bugs in her room that she taxidermied herself
Alastor : Borrowed a book from Angel Dust that he was assured was just a couple of fictional serial killers, but there was smut Angel didn't tell him about and he physically convulsed when it started up before burning the book out of instinct
Lucifer : Starts up a huge rumor mill just to start more drama when Hell's been particularly quiet for a couple of years
Sir Pentious : Accidentally read smut when he and Cherri were sitting around and she was reading while he was working on a new contraption and he stopped what he was doing to read with her
Cherri Bomb : Has a perfect poker face which has won her a million games against Husk and everyone else during game nights
Egg Bois : Got Egg Boi Frank's name from hearing the name Frank Sinatra
Adam : Reads some of the most heartbreaking angst and the fluffiest fluff with a straight face but cannot keep a straight face for smut
Lute : Watches Keeping Up With The Kardashians and a lot of other incredibly dramatic reality shows
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Angel Dust: "So how's our resident blissful gays doin' lately?"
Charlie: "!!! We're okay~!!!"
Vaggie: "...babe."
Charlie: "We're working on it."
Husk: "That's the fucking spirit."
Angel Dust: "Fuckin' spirit? Now?? Here? In front of my froot loops???"
Charlie: "Yes PLEASE, ohmygosh a drink would be REALLY nice!"
Husk: (sigh)"Not what I fucking meant-"
Vaggie: "Tequila. Straight."
Angel Dust: "S-strai- Hhhh- HRAKKGFPP!?"
Angel Dust: (inhales) (coughs) (chokes)
Charlie: "Is he dying??"
Vaggie: "No, sweetie. He's too annoying for that."
Charlie: "Oh Angel... we've talked about this..."
Angel Dust: "OW! FUCK!!!!!!"
Vaggie: "Hey look. He's finally learned how to open up and share."
Charlie: "And without having drugs for dinner! YAY!!!"
Vaggie & Charlie: (applaud)
Husk: (covered in froot loops) "....."
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Noticed that the Hazbin Hotel main cast kinda fits the Elements of Harmony quite well!
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Charlie is the Element of Magic: passionate, driven and always ready to give a second chance, she spreads positivity wherever she goes. And while quite naive and way over her head, Charlie displays a natural talent as a leader. She's capable of bringing the best out of those around her.
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Vaggie is the Element of Loyalty: despite having witnessed first hand the cruelty of Angels, she's the most devoted to Charlie's dream. After all, she's the first that made her unserstand that love can be found even in Hell. Vaggie is reliable and strong willed, and will never leave someone behind in the moment of need.
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Angel Dust is the Element of Generosity: Angel has had it rough all around, and it's no wonder why he's put many walls in front of himself to survive. All his sour disposition hides a heart of gold that truly cares for others: he'll go against his own abuser to make sure Charlie or Niffty are safe. It may be hard to truly reach Angel, but when it happens, you have a friend for life who will put you as his top priority.
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Husk is the Element of Honesty: this guy definitely tells it as it is. Husk may be a gambler, but If there's one thing he hates, is people who act fake, and is not afraid to call them out on that. He's also the first who will voice what he thinks or what's going to happen. And slowly but surely, his frankness reveals him as the one bartender you can always trust.
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Niffty is the Element of Laughter: anything may happen, but this little lady will always find the bright side of it. Niffty has simple pleasures and a carefree spirit: sure she can be very aggressive, but her heart is in the right place. Anything she does, she will bring a smile on your face.
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Sir Pentious is the Element of Kindness: once a villain, he has experienced just how forgiveness can go a long way. While very awkward around others, this snake has shown a softness in his heart that is rare to find in Hell, and will give his all to help out in a situation. Rather emotional and caring, Sir Pentious really wears his heart on his sleeve.
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And what about Alastor?
Well, I'd say he's more akin to Chaos, in a way: just like a certain draconequus, Alastor values freedom more than anything else. Not evil by most means, he's got his own personal moral code and follows his own drum to achieve his goals. More often than not he's not one to really be open about bonding, but he can come to care about others; it just takes a lot of time for him to admit it to himself.
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kaya-fandom · 6 months
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ainoamaru · 4 months
Potros de colores 🐴✨
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moreofafeeling · 8 months
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I think these guys are going to be best friends😊😆
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hazbinarchives · 7 months
Masquerade (Hide Your Face So The World Will Never Find You)
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Characters: Angel Dust, Charlie Warnings: panic attacks, mention of violence and abuse, abusive relationships Ship(s): briefly mentioned Chaggie (charlie x vaggie), implied HuskerDust (angel dust x husker) Set: S1 E4 Tags: soft, charlie/angel friendship, abuse, hurt/comfort, pre-huskerdust, established chaggie Words: 1805 ❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂~❂
Angel had known it would be a rough day from the moment he had woken up that morning. Val had already been giving him shit for the past week since he moved into the hotel and hearing the constant love bombing and death threats were starting to get tiring.
An emergency shoot was the last thing he needed on his plate.
Then, of course, there was Charlie.
There was something so utterly terrifying about seeing Charlie in Valentino's studio. The way she looked around so innocently clashed violently with the naked bodies walking around and the smell of cigars and booze.
Angel felt his body move almost as if on autopilot. He was shoving the demon pinning him to the bed and scrambling to grab his robe, Angel's eyes seeming stuck on Charlie.
All he knew was that he desperately needed to get to Charlie before Val did.
Angel snatched Charlie's wrist as soon as she was within reach, looking around in a blind panic.
"What in the ever-loving-fuck are you doing here?!"
"I am the Princess of Hell, Angel! And I will go where I please!" Charlie had said in a snooty royal accent. Angel, who normally loved her antics though he'd never show, could feel his eye twitch and his heart race as he tried to usher her out of the studio. "I'm here to get you some time off for the hotel. Now where's your boss?"
Of fucking course.
Angel took a shuddering breath, pulling Charlie back to where she entered from.
"You are going nowhere near Val--"
The thought of her this close to Valentino made Angel feel physically ill. He could throw up. Probably would later. He just needed to get Charlie out of there.
But then again, when has Angel ever gotten anything he wanted.
Val was as impatient as ever and soon locked eyes on the princess.
Angel's breathing picked up and he felt something sharp and angry claw through his rib cage. Fear was choking him so viscerally as Val swooped close and examined Charlie like he was checking her quality.
Angel winced, anger pricking inside as Val's tongue slithered along Charlie's arm in place of a greeting like a fucking normal person.
"I just wanted to come to aggressively kindly talk to you about Angel--" Charlie had started and Angel flailed, not even sure if he was breathing at this point. "Later! Of course. I wouldn't wanna stand in the way of your work!"
Angel froze as Valentino turned to face him, feeling ice drip into his veins at the rage simmering off of the overlord. No one was allowed to get in the way of Valentino's work, Angel knew he had killed for less.
But...Val didn't do anything. He just went back to directing.
Still, Angel didn't breathe.
And it only got worse and worse.
Charlie was just trying to be helpful and Angel knew that but she always got into things she had no business being a part of. She never should have been here, she never should have gotten on Val's radar.
Angel felt his lungs seize and he was forced to inhale, a wave of dizziness washing over him. Val's red glow was intimidating as he dissipated all the fire Charlie's clumsiness caused.
"Angel~ Can I see you in your dressing room for a moment?" Valentino was already walking towards Angel's room and Angel was hot on his heels, not even able to give Charlie a second glance.
Fear rippled through him as words spilled from his lips hoping to explain.
Of course, Valentino didn't want to hear his explanations. He just wanted another guarantee that Angel's body and soul were whole-heartedly his. It was a sickening gesture of something that should feel intimate.
Angel could hear his heart pounding in his ears as an electric buzzing flooded into his limbs making it hard to resist Valentino tossing him about, all he could think of was getting Charlie out of there.
"Look, V-Val, she just gets involved in everything. I-I'll tell her to leave! Just don't hurt her..."
Valentino acting violently in response wasn't out of the ordinary. Keep Charlie safe was running on repeat in his head. Angel knew how to get her out.
He grunted as he was tossed to the bed and his heart ached fiercely at her justified anger but Angel had to do what he could to keep her safe. He needed her to be safe
"You actually wanna help me? Get the fuck outta here right now...and let me finish my work."
Angel felt his aching heart crack as Charlie's eyes filled with tears. He stayed unempathetic to her. He couldn't risk faltering or it would put them both in danger.
When Charlie ran out the doors, sobbing, it took everything within Angel not to cry as well.
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry Charlie
It wasn't until after arguing and making up with Husker that Angel remembered how he and Charlie left off. They had walked into the hotel talking and laughing after the whole fight outside the bar when he saw Charlie heading up the stairs
She had looked down and spotted him, eye contact freezing them both in place. Charlie was the one to break it first, looking away before giving them both a wave and turning back up the stairs.
Angel watched her go, chest suddenly full of an overwhelming ache.
"You gonna go talk to her?"
Angel blinked and saw Vaggie leaning against the bottom staircase column.
"Isn't checking on the princess your job as her girlfriend or some shit?" Angel tried to play it off, rubbing a hand across the bridge of his nose.
"Yeah, it is," Vaggie agreed. "But, I feel like you both could use a friend right now instead."
Angel stared at the ground, his hand flexing as Vaggie and Husk seemed to watch him. It didn't make him want to cringe and hide though. It didn't make him feel scared like he does with Val. He felt safe.
"I wouldn't go that far," Angel coughed, stepping up the first few steps. "I have to check on Fat Nuggets anyway. Might as well see if Her Majesty is okay. Raincheck on those drinks?"
Husk winked and headed to his bar, whistling with a little hop to his step which made Angel smile fondly.
He quickly shook himself out of it, ignoring Vaggie's knowing gaze, and walked very pointedly up to his bedroom first. Angel did actually have to check on his little piggy and grabbed a good amount of lettuce and some apple slices as well before scooping up Nuggets and heading to Charlie's room.
It was empty because of course it was empty.
Angel groaned and scratched Nuggets under his chin, walking up the stairs till he reached a dead-end hallway. It did, however, have a pull-down ladder from the ceiling that led to a little platform on the roof of the hotel. The ladder was already down which gave Angel hope that he had found Charlie.
He climbed the ladder and peeked his head up outside. Sure enough, Charlie was on the roof, watching the Pentagram as the sky's magenta started to turn to a dark plum color.
Fat Nuggets squealed happily as he saw Charlie and wiggled out of Angel's arms to run up to Charlie and give her a nuzzle.
Charlie jumped in surprise before cooing at Nuggets, giving his little head scritches. She turned and gave Angel a small, gentle smile as he climbed up and sat beside her on the roof, also watching the transition into Hell's Night.
"I'm sorry I made things hard for you at work today," Charlie spoke softly, almost like she was telling him a secret. "Something didn't feel right when you answered the phone. You didn't look like you wanted to go. I just...I wanted to make sure you were okay."
Angel stared at Charlie half in awe at her big heart and half in fond exasperation.
"Charlie," He started, sighing. "My mess with Val? That's my mess, okay? It's not ideal but I'm working it out. It won't be like this forever."
Charlie sighed and leaned her head against Angel's shoulder. He froze in place, eyes wide and panicked as he looked down at her. Vaggie wasn't here so he didn't know what to do. He bit his lip before slowly reaching down and patting Charlie's head.
Angel didn't know how long they sat there, himself running his fingers through her blonde hair and Charlie leaning against Angel, her soft breathing and at-ease body language, as they fed Nuggets his dinner, showed him how much she truly trusted him.
He smiled down at her, feeling truly accepted by someone for the first time in a long time and now twice in one night. Angel knew he didn't want to disappoint her and felt that he truly had something to work towards getting out of his deal.
"Come on, Char," Angel soothed, his arms helping her sit up while two others picked up Fat Nuggets and tucked him against his side. "Time for bed."
Charlie whined at him, nuzzling into Angel's fluffy chest causing him to chuckle and scoop her up with his available arms.
Carefully, with his precious cargo, Angel made his way down the ladder. Vaggie was waiting at the bottom with a fond, knowing look in her eyes.
"She got you too," Vaggie teased him as Angel gently transferred Charlie into her partner's loving arms.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Angel scoffed, not able to stop the soft look on his face as Charlie snuggled into Vaggie, continuing to sleep. "How does she care so much?"
"I wish I knew," Vaggie chuckled, starting to head to their bedroom. "But she has plenty of love to give. You're her best friend, Angel. Never be afraid to reach out to us for help."
Vaggie paused at their door, turning her head to look at him. "I trust you with her, Angel. You are my friend too. If you need help, I am here."
Angel felt the stinging of his eyes and quickly looked away. It has been such a long time since he's had someone to rely on. Something that wasn't a substance but a person who genuinely wanted to see his improvement.
Angel walked into his own room, collapsing onto the bed with Fat Nuggets beside him, his body aching from all the work and abuse Val put him through. He curled up, facing his dresser where a picture of him and Cherri was tucked in the mirror. The other side had a picture from Sir Pen's first day that Angel secretly snatched.
What could he say? He loved his little family.
This time, they love him too.
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breakandbuildfiction · 5 months
Friends On The Other Side
As much as they don’t like it, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz know that there are parts of Danny’s life that they aren’t a part of. So when he asks if they want to meet some of his other friends they quickly say yes. And while they expected his other friends to not be human, they didn’t expect them to not be ghosts either. Where did Danny say they met again?
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k1ranishf4 · 1 year
Once Hazbin Hotel gets released, I won’t shut up about Angel Dust. I love him, he’s my favorite and his black outfit absolutely rocks.
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cringefailvox · 4 days
stop i just realized that charlie and angel's dynamic name would be stardust that's so cute
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i-am-bella-donna · 1 month
The Infiltrators
Acegust 2024 Week 1: Found Family/Unconventional Format
Story Summary:
“Good evening! I’m Katie Killjoy.” “And I’m—” “Shut the fuck up, Tom. Breaking news: strange activity has been spotted at the Heaven Embassy!” A series of murders across Pentagram City had Sinners in hysterics, but residents of the Hazbin Hotel knew something about the situation was off. After all, nothing could ever be truly simple in Hell—especially not if Heaven had anything to say about it.
Pairings: Platonic Everything
Word Count: 2,266
A/N: I wrote this for Acegust 2024 on r/AO3. Frankly, I am very proud of how this story turned out, as I was experimenting with the format and had no idea what to expect.
August 8th, 17:02 Server: Pentagram City Energy
Pentagram City is offline.
August 8th, 17:43 Group Chat: Hazbin Hotel Residents!!!
Angel Dust Damn. Why was the power out for so long this time? Vox usually has the city back up and running in ten minutes.
Charlie Where is everyone?!
Angel Dust Husk and I are in the kitchen. Why?
Vaggie In the lobby. What’s going on?
Husk Kitchen.
Niffty Alastor and I are cleaning the basement!
Angel Dust We have a basement?
Charlie All of you need to stay in the Hotel until further notice. I promise I’ll explain when I get home. Don’t go outside. No matter what.
Angel Dust Can we go in the basement?
August 8th, 18:30 Transcript: 666 Evening News
“Good evening! I’m Katie Killjoy.”
“And I’m—”
“Shut the fuck up, Tom. Breaking news: strange activity has been spotted at the Heaven Embassy!”
“During today’s blackout, the spire of the tower lit up and sent several beacons of golden light into the sky. While many believe this incident was a prank or hoax, eyewitnesses claim that the light was angelic in nature.”
“Well, Tom—either several people are lying, or Heaven is up to some shady shit, as usual! No activity has been spotted since, but we urge all of you to keep your eyes open. Coming up—Mr. Vox shares the source of the longest blackout this year, right after this commercial break!”
August 8th, 21:23 Private Chat: Lucifer and Vaggie
Lucifer I just got off the phone with Charlie. Are you all okay?
Vaggie We brought out our angelic weapons and put the Hotel into lockdown. Do you know what’s going on?
Lucifer I know as much as you do. Heaven is basically useless right now. When I spoke to Sera, she politely told me it was not her problem and not-so-politely told me to go fuck myself. Which was practically an answer itself. Whatever is happening, she’s definitely involved.
Vaggie Have you heard from Emily?
Lucifer Silence.
Vaggie Security cameras around the city should be hooked to backup generators. Can you convince Vox to give you the footage? Charlie was the only one of us who was close enough to see the flare. Maybe the tapes caught something she missed.
Lucifer Vox. Is that the overlord Alastor hates?
Vaggie Yeah.
Lucifer In that case, absolutely! I’ll call him tomorrow morning.
Vaggie Sir? Do you think the flare could have been a false alarm?
Lucifer I hope so, Kiddo. But maybe you all should stay at the palace for a few nights. Just in case.
August 9th, 00:19 Group Chat: Unofficial Vee Communication Channel
Vox Something is wrong.
Velvette I’m glad you finally noticed. Don’t worry, we can burn that disgusting suit and replace it with something better. Something that inspires obedience and respect.
Valentino And something more sexy.
Velvette Anything would be more sexy than those rags.
Vox What?
Velvette What?
Valentino What?
Vox I was talking about today’s blackout. But what’s wrong with my suit?
Velvette Another time, darling. What’s happening right now?
Valentino I thought everything was fixed. On the news, you blamed the blackout on some drunk imps and said you took care of them.
Velvette You watch the news?
Vox Obviously, I lied! As far as I know, the city went dark for no reason.
Valentino Then how did you fix it?
Vox That’s the thing. I didn’t.
August 9th, 03:34 Private Chat: Husk and Vaggie
Husk You wanna talk about it?
Vaggie Is it that obvious?
Husk Yep. You’re a horrible liar.
Vaggie Why are you texting me? We’re in the same room.
Husk The others are all asleep, and I don’t think either of us wants to wake someone up. Or worse—get Alastor’s attention. Nice deflection, by the way.
Vaggie Fair enough.
Husk What’s up?
Vaggie I can’t figure out what Heaven is planning. The only reason we held our ground on Extermination Day is because we were prepared. If we can’t figure out what will happen, we can’t do anything to stop it.
Husk I understand. But Heaven hasn’t initiated anything yet. We still have time. And now, we have Lucifer on our side from the get-go. If any more angels come to Hell, we’ll be there to make sure it lives up to its name.
Vaggie But that’s just it. What if angels aren’t coming to Hell?
Husk What do you mean?
Vaggie What if they’re already here?
August 9th, 03:36 Search History of User: Velvette
Footage of angels Footage of exterminators What do exterminators look like without masks How to kill an angel How to survive an angel How to hide from an angel
August 9th, 03:36 Private Chat: Husk and Vaggie
Husk Do you really think angels could be that subtle?
Vaggie I hid myself down here for years. No one noticed.
Husk Let’s go with that.
Vaggie I’m going to pretend that was sincere. But without their masks, most angels look like any other demon. I might be bad at lying, but most of the Exorcists aren’t.
Husk You think Heaven is infiltrating Hell?
Vaggie I think Heaven is capable of more bad than people realize.
Husk True. The Extermination itself is proof of that.
Vaggie But it doesn’t even stop there. Heaven values perfection, so they eliminate Cherubs who make mistakes. They wipe the memory of new souls when they arrive. No one remembers their family or friends. And some angels do shitty things behind closed doors, only for the leaders of Heaven to turn a blind eye. On the surface, it looks perfect, but Heaven is so much more fucked up than everyone realizes.
Husk Do you think Exorcists would willingly come down to Hell for this? Outside of an Extermination?
Vaggie If they had the chance to kill Sinners? I think most of them would.
August 9th, 03:38 Search History of User: Velvette
Good places to hide Can you survive a fall from Vee tower How to remove air vents How to remove ceiling tiles Where do you go when you die in Hell Vox Vox please Help me
User: Velvette is offline.
August 9th, 05:20 Group Chat: Hazbin Hotel Residents!!!
Angel Dust Bad news: I still have work today. Just letting you all know before I leave.
Lucifer I can portal you there, if you’d like!
Angel Dust Normally, I’d be polite and say no, but I’m desperate. Also, how and why are you awake right now?
Lucifer Counterpoint, why are you awake right now?
Angel Dust I have work. What’s your excuse?
Lucifer I’m the Devil. I don’t have nightmares. I am one. In what world would I possibly need sleep?
Angel Dust Terrifying, but fair enough.
Charlie Stay safe today, Angel!
Angel Dust I will, Toots.
Charlie And if you can, keep your phone with you.
Niffty Bye, Angel! Alastor said to give Vox a middle finger from him.
Angel Dust How the fuck does he even know what that means?
Lucifer Where is that stupid deer, anyway? If he’s in the kitchen, tell him to keep his disgusting claws out of my refrigerator! I don’t want his grubby hands in my pancake mix. Angel, message us when you need to come back. I’ll pick you up.
August 9th, 06:49 Transcript: Source Unknown
“Log four: this is Acting General Lute, leading the current mission into Hell. The first three targets have been eliminated. Our plan is now in action.”
August 9th, 08:08 Group Chat: Hazbin Hotel Residents!!!
Angel Dust So…change of plans. Can someone bring me back to the palace? Right now?
Niffty This is Alastor. Niffty is typing for me. I’m afraid our dear king is unable to assist you at the moment. However, if you are willing to wait a few minutes, I can come and retrieve you myself.
Angel Dust Fuck. Okay. Just hurry. Things over here are really fucked up. But on the bright side, you’ll definitely be entertained by it.
Niffty Interesting. I am on my way.
August 9th, 11:54 Article: Two Overlords Found DEAD!
This morning, overlord Missi Zilla of the Doomsday District was found dead in the backrooms of her largest club, Siren Song. An assistant reported finding angelic knives beside her body, although the wounds are inconsistent with suicide.
A few hours later, the overlord of social media, Velvette Vogue, was discovered dead in her kitchen.
“She was surrounded by blood, with an angelic spear still in her chest,” said a Vee tower worker who has requested to remain anonymous. Investigators have ruled her death as foul play, and some have suggested that it may be linked to the erratic behavior of the Heaven embassy.
In possibly related news, the west side of Cannibal Town has experienced a series of similar murders, with residents found dead in their homes. The identity of the perpetrator is unknown.
At this time, overlords Vox, Valentino, and Rosie have declined to comment.
August 9th, 15:15 Transcript: 66.6 Radio Broadcast
“Salutations, dear listeners! My, my—we have quite the story today.
“For those of you who don’t know, beloved overlord Missi Zilla was recently found dead. Now, I would normally dismiss this incident as ordinary Hellish activity, but one of Vox’s better halves has been found dead as well. I’m nearly envious—getting away from Vox sounds like Heaven in and of itself! Minus the eternal boredom that comes with a second death, of course.
“And speaking of Vox, is it any wonder that the coward has refused to comment on the death of his so-called dear friend? Why, if I didn’t know any better, I’d suggest he took care of her himself! But that would require the bare modicum of effort, and we all know he has trouble with that.
“In fact, according to His Majesty, Vox hasn’t even mustered the effort to tell you all the truth! That blackout yesterday? Vox had nothing to do with it. He doesn’t even know what happened!
“Thus, I’d like to propose a new theory. The blackout, flare, and recent murders are too close to be a mere coincidence—and after investigations, Lucifer has determined that two angels used the chaos of yesterday to infiltrate Hell. Who else would go after not only overlords, but peaceful civilians whose only crime was defending their home on Extermination Day?
“So, Vox—how does it feel? You refused to share the truth, and now your protogeé is dead at the hands of the very monsters you kept hidden.
“What do you have to say to that, old friend?”
August 9th, 16:28 Private Chat: Angel Dust and Charlie
Angel Dust I think your dad might actually kill Alastor.
Charlie What makes you say that?
Angel Dust Just a gut feeling. Also, the giant fucking shockwave that he sent through the palace. How is Alastor still laughing right now? I’d be running for my life.
Charlie Fuck. I’ll talk to Dad. But I really wish Alastor hadn’t revealed the angels to Hell. Everyone was already panicking!
Angel Dust Yeah. Do you really think angels killed the overlords and Cannibal Town residents?
Charlie Honestly? I don’t know what to think. But two overlords were killed out of nowhere. And the only other people killed were the cannibals we fought with. Also, Dad and I can’t contact anyone from Heaven. It’s too big of a coincidence.
Angel Dust But Adam is already dead, so who do you think Heaven sent down here?
Charlie Vaggie said Lute would have jumped at the opportunity to kill more Sinners. But I’m not sure who the second person could be.
August 9th, 18:05 Transcript: Source Unknown
“Log six: this is Acting General Lute, leading the current mission into Hell. With the first stage of our plan underway, my companion and I are ready to enact the keystone.”
August 9th, 19:46 Group Chat: Carmine Family
Odette Mother, what is happening?
Clara Is that who I think it is? Mom?!
Carmilla I love you both. Okay? Do whatever it takes to get yourselves to safety. Find Zestial and have him contact Lucifer. Do not let this information die with me.
August 9th, 19:50 Group Chat: Hazbin Hotel Residents!!!
Vaggie Shit. Shit shit shit. I have some really bad news, but you might need to sit down.
Charlie What’s wrong?
Vaggie The angels are launching their next attack. They went for the Carmine family. Odette just sent me a video, and…well. See for yourself. AngelicInvaders.mov
Lucifer Wait.
Husk Is that—
Angel Dust HOLY SHIT!
Niffty Huh?
August 9th, 20:00 Transcript: Source Unknown
“Log nine: this is Acting General Lute, leading the current mission into Hell. Our infiltration has been successful so far, and the destabilization of Hell is underway. By tomorrow, we should be—you’re already back?”
“Yes, ma’am. The children have escaped, but Miss Carmine is dead.”
“Good. She ran the black market of angelic arms. Without her, we should be able to take out the stronger overlords with no issue, starting with the Radio Demon.”
“The Radio Demon? He works at that Hotel, correct?”
“Exactly. If we can eliminate him, Hell will fall apart.”
“And with Hell dessstabilized, we will be able to take control once and for all!”
“Without their previous overlords, those demons will destroy themselves in no time. It may seem extreme, but this is the only way to guarantee that no more of those disgusting Sinners ascend to Heaven.”
“Demonic ascension—sssuch a ridiculous concept!”
“That’s right. Because these monsters around us? They’re nothing like you and I, Pentious. And we’re going to make sure they get the Hell they deserve.”
A/N: I wanted to use a different storytelling format. However, it is currently the middle of the night, and I lack the brainpower to tell whether I hit what I was aiming for (which was a mild horror comedy).
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