#remember to be social kids it's good for you
mixelation · 9 hours
oh wait do you remember locket??? the AU where minato yoinks karin from kusa??? i randomly started rotating it again
karin is one year ahead of naruto at the academy
i feel like kusa would be upset about losing their magic healing doll so someone attempts to kidnap her like three months in. this gets shut down IMMEDIATELY and really boosts karin's individual trust in her adoptive family
i also wrote part of a scene of minato freaking out days after the Incident (not like bad freaking out, like he randomly checks in on her and is like "hey you're okay, right?") and he tells karin it's normal to be upset about bad things days and days about after they happen. so karin mulls this over and is like "what about YEARS after they happen?"
minato knew kusa was bad but karin tells him how bad, and he's like what the fuck??? and apologizes her to for not getting her out earlier. bc it is logical to not want to restart a war; however that was BEFORE he had a cute adopted daughter. now those people can just die :)
i'm not sure how this goes but i think kushina would want to recover the uzushio objects/seals that kusa took away form kasumi/karin, and then also what if she got to murder some people. idk how this part would go
i decided karin's genin team is unnamed jounin, sai, and kabuto.
my usual take for minato lives AUs is that Danzo ends up fucking around for years under his Kageship while minato has to figure out 1) he needs to be shut down, and then 2) how to do it without pissing off danzo's supporters. so in locket, minato has only recently shut down ROOT. sai is still sort of messed up as a result but he gets a few years of socializing in the academy before being put on a genin team. i don't think he and karin get along automatically, but she has a lot of secret sympathy for him as a fellow outsider
kabuto is a few years older and has been a genin for a while, but minato went for a nonstandard pick because he can see a situation where karin has to pick between healing someone and reigniting her own trauma, or letting her teammate suffer. and like.... she WILL have to learn to navigate that, and he's not going to baby her forever because he wants her to grow up to be an independent strong kunoichi, but also she is his special little girl and he can make it easier by putting a skilled medic on her team.
however minato's presence doesn't mitigate orochimaru. karin's "c-rank gone wrong" mission is kabuto being like "hey kid with uzumaki longevity and stamina and magic blood, wanna be orochimaru's new body???"
good news: karin unlocks her chains and resists her own kidnapping! bad news: jounin-sensei is dead, sai is injured, and kabuto runs off
i think brining her friend back from the brink of death would be like... the first time karin ever feels empowered by her magic blood. so like there's NEW trauma but also she's steadily learning to deal with her old trauma
i guess i never decided if team minato is also alive in this AU. if yes, i think her replacement jounin would be like..... obito or rin
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starreyblueberry · 2 days
Since I consider you The Timmy Guy™ I wanted to share my take on adult!Timmy! So on his 18th birthday right as he was about get his memories erased of magic and fairies, the pixies interfere somehow??? N like take away the happy feelings from his memories, like obviously he doesn’t remember fairies but god-kids have some happy fuzzy memories of their fairies! Timmy does not bc the pixies took away happy feelings from him, leaving him bitter n cold and kinda emotionless, he ends up working for dale, so unfortunately for peri, he ends up seeing his big brother a lot and is heartbroken about what happened (no one knows the pixies did anything, peri, cosmo and wanda just think this is the result of the memory wipe)
When you said you consider me the timmy guy I SCREAMEDD LOL
ALSO I RLLY LIKE THIS?? we havent seen the pixies yet in the new show either, so it would make sense of they did their revenge discreetly, to make sure no one interfered with their plans. I actually rlly like business Timmy solely for the sake of a redemption arc/a arc where he starts to remember, and it kinda showcases how the fairies were truly his family, and without them, so much of his life is just SHIT!! Also the ANGSTTT for them to see Timmy like this, but also it makes sense since he always had to claw his way through the social ladder, and he had to fight to actually survive. If he doesn't remember any of the lessons, any of the love he was shown through out the show, it would be so hard for him to grow up without thinking of how he needs to live rather then how he needs to be a good person, and it would be a good chance to showcase why some godkids were more then just godkids, why some were basically raised by their godparents!! :3
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live-laugh-legolas · 2 days
Hiii first off I just wanna say I love your writing and i’ve binge-read all your work thank you for keeping me fed 😩😩 <3
I was wondering if you could I could request some cheeky Boromir content? Just headcanons on his habits and his nature, like the little quirks about him. Also potentially how they tie in to an ‘x reader’ style, whatever suits you the best!
Thank you so much!! :))
Thank you! I’m glad to provide some sustenance. I’d die for this man
Boromir headcanons
-I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll restate it here; he is surprisingly socially awkward
-He’s a confident guy don’t get that wrong, especially when discussing strategy, diplomatics, etc
-But casual small talk makes him squirm a bit
-He gives the best hugs and you can’t change my mind
-He runs hot so he is like a heater; cats love him for this reason
-But he is also allergic to said cats but he won’t move them if they sit on him
-I can’t remember who but I saw someone else say that he is dyslexic and I’m fully in board with that
-He is great with kids but horrible with babies
-He talks about his brother constantly; he just loves him so much and is so proud of him
-Decent at drawing but doesn’t do it much
-Maybe only to illustrate a letter to Faramir
-A total lightweight and overly outgoing and friendly when drunk
-He’s kinda a picky eater; he always has been
-He will try other things and will eat what is served if he’s isn’t home but in general he much prefers simple dishes he grew up with
-I think he would be more interested in being an uncle than a father
-Not that he doesn’t want kids; but he would be so excited to find out he was going to be an uncle
-He cannot sit still; his leg always bounces
-He also can’t work sitting down; like if he’s going to write a letter he will be standing even if that means he is awkwardly leaning down to the desk
-Very big on comfort and self-care; he has a silk robe and will lounge in the bath with a glass of wine
-In modern day he would wear Hawaiian shirts
-And shorts in the winter
-He cannot sing; doesn’t stop him though
-He is a passionate and loyal ally to LBGTQ+
-He’s a very good swimmer
-Absolutely loves taking his friends to a secret pond to swim in
-He has no problem with nudity either; so yes they are skinny dipping
-He is very skeptical of magic; like he knows it’s real but he doesn’t really trust it
-He cannot roast marshmallows nicely; he always sets them on fire
-But he likes them completely blackened
-He is very dramatic when he gets sick but will walk off any injury (well almost every injury…)
-He really likes donkeys
-He will always genuinely laugh at dad jokes
-He can braid hair but not his own hair
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spaghett-onaplate · 4 months
depression is really weird actually wdym i spent 2.5 years of my life in bed
#and wdym that lifestyle changed so quickly into being out and about and an active member of the world??#very proud of myself#and i mean it wasn't that quick of a change#it was like 1.5 years primarily depression bedrotting with occasional school -> primarily depression bedrotting ->#primarily depression bedrotting with 3-9 hours of work weekly -> straight into 31+ hours school+9-12 hours work weekly#so there was somewhat of a gradual progression#but still#also wowza i wake up 7-7:30am every morning now. 1pm was an early wake up for a not so insignificant amount of time#i mean of all fundamental growth years to miss out on the ages like what 12/13-15 aren't too bad? they would suck in a different way if i#had been socially involved#anyway it's just. yea i'm proud of myself but it is a crazy lifestyle change#and even when i was deeply depressed in a horrible routine i feel like i learned a lot. how to regulate my emotions and cope well and find#the joy in everything. bc if i stayed in bed all day then i would at least be happy about the sun or whatever#and for the while of being not at school at all i WANTED to be at school i just could not find one bc our school system is so cute like tha#(basically every school is at capacity and the local school that has a guaranteed place for me would have been an all boys or girls 😭)#but i miraculously found and got into this school and miraculously made it work so well for me socially and now academically#it's also a good time to get back into school for my education bc any later and it woulda been pretty bad for all my certifications and uni#ive missed out on so much maths that its not worth it to me to try and catch up but my teacher knows that#but ive always hated maths regardless i only ever understood it for the first half of yr 7 then my attendance dropped#and after my recent exam i decided to try harder at school. but i still got an A on the exam i didn't study for!! academic weapon fr#i'm just idk thinking back to myself in the past few years#and how hopeless it all felt. but i got out of it!! i beat the depression and social anxiety and found a good place and made the most of it#and during the peak of my depression i remember i went out someplace near my old school and panicked so so badly about seeing#kids from my old school. and the friends at the time didnt really check on me when i went to shake and cry in a side street lmao#i kept the best of that friendgroup and have better friends now. but anyway now i take a bus each morning with some kids from my old school#and you see these hands? they look like they're shaking to you?#anyway yeah it's just cool i got to this point :) i really had no hope for so long but now i have a life i'm living and a future i'm build#--ing towards#which is funny i just decided some random day last november after watching some better call saul 'huh actually lawyer would b pretty cool'#and will i get there? we'll see but i do have hope now
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tswwwit · 1 year
What are some ideas you have floating around that you don't have any plans on writing but like to entertain as a thought?
Many of them, in fact! Though they sort of vanish from my memory if I don't make a record of them, here's a few ones I jotted down when they came to mind.
For a domestic one: Bill thought he'd hate a lot of being married! Even though he loves Dipper, he thought he'd rebel against the chains of domesticity - and in some ways he still does - but one major benefit he's found is not having to be 'on' all the time.
No need to be perfectly performing all the time! No shoving around for social influence, no intimidation, or clever tricks. No commanding attention or taking up the room. Hell, there's surprisingly little upkeep! Bill can undo his tie and pick his nose and bitch about his day to someone who isn't bending over backwards to agree with him on everything. Someone who doesn't give him a weird look and sneer if he, god forbid, actually wants to sit down, read a book, drop the grin for an hour or two.
The concept in question is Bill's very first moment of great surprise. That when he isn't being the most charming, terrifying, and exciting guy in the universe, and just chilling out for like, five minutes, Dipper comes over and snuggles up to him on the couch, or wraps his arms around his shoulders and kisses the top of his head. And when Bill asks 'what was that for?', Dipper shrugs and goes 'eh, just felt like it'. It's both baffling and extremely compelling.
A short where Reincarnated Dip is Definitely Sure he's Not Gay!!! Especially not for this Hot Demon Man who is getting so close and touchy with him with his big smile and horrible wiles. Yep. Just keeping an eye on him to make sure he's not up to something Nefarious ™.
A discussion between Dipper and Bill where Dipper insists that Bill should understand this, or not do that, because, like. Y'know, Bill's a guy! There are guy things! Making Bill stare at Dipper like he's an idiot. He proceeds to informs Dipper how that's stupid for multiple reasons! First, that Bill's Not Human to begin with, his gender can't be put into a little box! And frankly, he never filled out the paperwork for his original one, come to think of it. Sure, he/him's fine, but c'mon, sapling, thinking of the whole shebang like a binary is dumb as hell. Now Dipper has to do some mental readjustment re: his own issues with masculinity/gender.
#answers#None of this is very coherent I just saved this ask for a while and dumped some thoughts in#Though I do have like a whole scene in my head for the gender one#Probably it's Bill cajoling Dipper into wearing a dress for something. Which Dipper obviously rebels against.#Bill's very convincing but Dipper shoots back well. He's never seen *Bill* wear a dress. Thinking he's making a point#But Bill just gets the metaphorical equivalent of a lightbulb over his head. Hey! Good point kid it's been a while#Oh ho!!! I see! Pinching Dipper's cheek - you want us to *match!* Surprised to see any fashion sense outta you#Hold on a sec. Bill will whip up something in a jiffy. A real nice one#Now Dipper's spluttering. He thought it was a good counterargument but Bill didn't even *flinch* at the idea of wearing one himself#But like. C'mon Bill Guys Don't Wear Dresses!! You're a guy you shouldn't-#Bill stares at him like he's an idiot. DIpper shuts up. Dumb move actually now that he's thinking about it#Both because telling Bill he *shouldn't* do something absolutely means he's looking into doing it. If not already in the process#And second. Uh. Oh hell. Dipper remembers. That Bill's only wearing that body. Not human. Triangular so - Wait. Is he *not* a guy?? Uh.#Bill's perfectly fine with his human body and his pronouns. Even with the presumptions that his husband has made over the years#But Dipper having this idea that those mean Bill should STOP doing certain things annoys him a lot#Bill politely - for him anyway - reminds Dipper that he's very much *not* a guy. None of that crap applies!#As Dipper has seen! And hey the ideas Dipper's working with there are outdated even among *humans* what the hell#There's probably a mini-rant that's rather scathing but frankly that's Bill on easy mode for his husband#Dipper's well-intentioned and knows how things go but he struggles with masculinity especially regarding himself#Turns out being bullied and trying so hard to be Socially Acceptable means a lot of issues to unpack#Also re: the Domestic one#Dipper is present with Bill while he chills out for those five minutes. Just watching from across the room#Bill knows he's there. But he's not puffing up trying to be impressive. Not being dismissive. Just accepting. And now Dipper's *fascinated*#It's so rare to see Bill NOT 'on' that he couldn't help it. No big show. No big grin. Almost.... not 'vulnerable' he's terrifying always#But so so relatable. God does Dipper know the feeling of just wanting to find some peace and quiet after a hectic day. But for Bill. That's#Rare and strange and so - Dipper *knows* he's the Only Person who could ever ever see this. Being in Bill's presence for a full ten minutes#Without Bill flipping some internal switch to 'Impress or Intimidate'. This is Dipper's own little secret to watch and absorb and treasure#And. In a way. When Bill's not vibrating with potential energy for parties or violence he's even MORE handsome#He just HAS to kiss him. A little bit. On the cheek or on the top of the head. Maybe curl up next to him where it's warm and touch his ches#Bill spends hours afterward wondering where the hell that came from and WHY. And it'll take him *so much* time to figure it out
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wiki-howell · 4 months
guess who managed to mention dnp in his a level media exam 🔥🔥
#okay it was relevant i promise#basically okay the question was about to what extent is it vital for media products to identify and address a target audience to be#successful and we study 2 radio products#one is newsbeat which is by the bbc it's like a news radio show that's meant to target age 15-29#but the average listener is 30#so . it is Not effectively targeting its audience#it gives . how do you do fellow kids#like it tries really really hard to appeal to young adults/teenagers but it's . painful to listen to sometimes#the bbc have been trying to target this age bracket coz it's the one they don't have a secure audience in#I SAID that they used to have a slightly bigger younger audience in the early 2010s#bcos they had the dan and phil show on radio 1 which was very popular and attracted their mainly teenage/young adult presold audience#they used the popularity of the internet to their advantage by having dnp run a show#but now they've lost a lot of their younger audience To social media platforms#as now what are called digital natives in media (people who have grown up with the internet/don't really remember a time before it)#for the most part prefer to get their news off social media rather than radio#a lot of this is general i know not Every young person Hates radio#but in general it's losing popularity esp amongst younger target audiences#media 🔥🔥🔥🔥#that was only like . a mention in one paragraph tho#coz unfortunately we don't study dnps radio show we study Newsbeat 😔#anyway the exam was overall good for the most part#yay :3#joeyposting
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sonknuxadow · 4 months
my feelings on sonic boom (the show to be specific, im not really familiar with the games. #fakefanalert) are so complicated these days like there are things i like about sonic boom. i wouldnt revisit it every time i cant find anything else to watch if i hated it . but sometimes the characterizations in boom really bother me . like i dont think their personalities being a bit different is an inherently bad thing i understand its an alternate universe where the characters have been living completely different lives, and its also a comedy show so things are often gonna be exaggerated for the joke. but i hate how some of these characterizations that do not work well for the mainline characters impact peoples view of those versions of the characters anyway and sometimes even bleed into the games themselves
basically every time i see someone call knuckles a himbo or amy a girlboss mom friend i look at sonic boom and go THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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californiaquail · 2 months
reading my journal from my freshman year of high school when i was in the cult
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demadogs · 2 years
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 year
i had a fun day 2 day ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა everyone has been so nicey 2 me all day from the minute i left my house earlier ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა ♡⁠
i went to a Retreat for the first time for work earlier 0: and I did SO good for being up since 2am it didn't even feel like it 💀
it was so chill i drove like an hour away but Away from the city so there wasn't rly traffic and the mountains r so pretty 2 drive thru (❁´◡`❁) got some rain n v low clouds and since it's autumn there's all these pretty colors. i took an edible on the way n was just jammin out n enjoying the scenery among the many safe opportunities 2 look
and then at the thing we got 2 do different ice breakers n go on decently long breaks; i got 2 hang in different groups n actually Talk w a bunch of ppl which i never have time for omg. it's nice working at a legal nonprofit, i would NOT want to do this with corporate mfs !! 😹
went around n said hii to the enbies and i ran up a hill that looked a lot smaller than it was, i made it like 80% of the way before my legs were immediately like no girl we're done !! but my brain was like but it's Right There, and i struggled 2 finish the climb but I Did !! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა and i was so so tired i do not remember ever being that winded before 💀 getting down was so much slower n worse bc my legs were Done and when i finally made it to the bottom i laid flat on my back for like 15m, and when when i made it back to sit n chill i still need like 10 more minutes akskska. i do not b exercising !! i just wanted 2 play it looked fun and i got excited (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
in between things i was working on my sister's choker n kept winding up w a group of ppl around me 2 talk to about it and just talk 2 in general n the company was rly nice (❁´◡`❁) ♡ had a lot of different kinda talks 2day!! everyone is a sweetie!! some ppl r so funny n chill and i rly hope 2 get 2 talk more casually w people perhaps As Friends when i go in 👉👈
there's one girl in particular who is rly cute n sweet and i want 2 see her again ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა when I got home finally i had 2 hop on my work laptop real quick 2 look up her name again 2 make sure i didn't forget ☝️😌 we do not work at the same office but hii i am visiting next week 🐇
yippee!!!! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა !!!
#i think i have become an introverted extrovert at some point 0:#which is rly nice bc my social anxiety was SO bad at the beginning of the year like i didn't even know where to start skskdksk#but i kinda figured it out? but it's also just being me? idk.. much 2 think. but i made good progress#i am getting a good grade in being funny and nice and talking to people !!#i want 2 kiss someone on the forehead#omg but if there's ANYONE who deserves a kiss it's this old lady who lives a few buildings down on the way to my car#where EVERY time i see her she always has something so so sweet to tell me about how i look#today she said I'm always looking fancy (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) ♡⁠ and more but that's the main thing i remember besides the small talk#and the first time we met she asked me if i was a model fr and she's told me I'm cute and I'm just like PLEASE SKDKDKS#i can't fully tell if you're just really sweet or kinda 👀 at me but girl u r so sweet like hello do u Want a hug or a kiss ?? i love u !!#old ladies have a warmth they fill u with that just take the weight of Everything off ur shoulders n leave u feeling full n happy!!#bless old ladies fr!! literally my favorite people to interact with always i love u abuelas everywhere u r everything to me and i would do#anything for u !!!! i miss getting to help friends grandmas w stuff as a kid 🥺 it was just always great 2 talk 2 them and be close n on#good terms n stuff :3 i was the same way with their moms hehe. hi hello i want 2 help !! (⁠✿ ‚‚⌒‿⌒‚‚)#my friend is being lame and acting embarrassed but i love you please talk to me i am so so interested and think you're really#cool and funny and sweet and wise actually ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა ♡⁠ i wanna be around u if u wanna hang out#even if it's as simple as getting 2 help in the kitchen n always helping w dishes n stuff ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა aaa ♡⁠#omg i was late 2 the thing too and missed the breakfast and there's this sweet energetic old lady who's always like#omg u didn't get to eat? do u want this? can i get you some coffee or tea? and I'm always just like no no it's okay I'm gonna get it but#appreciate the offer and just ૮ – ﻌ–ა she is always looking out 4 me !! but she's just a sweetie like that !!#i think sharing food is a universally good way 2 make friends and it always warms my heart 2 meet ppl who r the same (❁´◡`❁)#they r always so so sweet 😭🥰 for my astrology girlies i correctly guessed that she's a taurus hehe 😼#there's another old lady who's an office manager for one of the offices n she is so soft spoken n sweet and i wish i got 2 hug her n talk#to her more 🥺 she's so far though omg i don't get to see her in person much#n e ways i work w some really warm bubbly ppl ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა i am a happy girlie 2day!! then im going Serious Mode again tmrw 🫡#oo i get to setup like an Actual server for a rack w linux and it's being delivered 2 my place tomorrow 0: I'm excited abt it as a project#AND my new jewelry came in today along w some cute underwear we r starting this wk off strong !!!#there was so so much more frm 2day i am just rly stoned n thinking abt it all (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)#if u actually read all of my ramble ily ty for letting me Talk ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა ♡⁠
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knaveofmogadore · 4 months
Pretty much all of my advice from years of tutoring, working with foster kids, and helping raise half a dozen toddlers is two questions and an answer:
1) Is there a developmental or medical reason the kid is doing [behavior], or is it a control thing?
2) If it is a control thing, what will I gain from tackling it head on that I wouldn't gain from alternate solutions or by giving up entirely?
And the answer is almost ALWAYS "No one wins when you initiate combat with a toddler, because you're an adult with a million responsibilities, and that kid ain't got nothing else to do. You might get what you wanted, but you'll both still lose"
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allthoseotherworlds · 8 months
It's wild to be at a social event and be enjoying yourself but also very aware that you are like. Being social in obviously autistic ways, and feeling kind of anxious and annoying about it,
And then to have someone reach out to you afterwards to let you know that they appreciate your presence and thought you had interesting things to say.
Like, huh, maybe my internalized ableism is incorrect actually
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authenticaussie · 1 year
I think the reason I'm enjoying writing core4 so much is it's just, a bunch of only-child children with non-traditional family dynamics who are so sibling coded/we're roommates and have been for the past 63,136 years. DELIGHTFUL to me. They're all so goddamn stupid. I have decided Kon says traumatic things about Cadmus and Cassie/Tim/Bart turn to each other and play rock-paper-scissors for who gets to be angry about it this time.
#superheroes#bip bop nari drops#core4#kon: ....what are you doing#tim: well if all of us get mad we're gonna storm the place and burn down a bunch of shit and get in trouble#cassie: SO the deal is only one of us is allowed to be mad. and we bury it deep in our heart to be traumatized about it forever ❤️#kon: it's not that traumatic!!! i was just talking about watching tv!!!#bart: -pats him on the shoulder- aw bud. let it out#kon: WHAT'S TRAUMATIC ABOUT LEARNING ABOUT FAMILY THROUGH WATCHING TV#tim: oh boy I'm so tapping out of this one we are getting Way too uncomfortably close to my shit#**caveat that i dont think Tim's inherently traumatized by his parents/dont think theyre Terrible they're just#**bad at being parents. well-meaning but Too Many Expectations and also were not really. MEANT to be parents. did it because it was expecte#not because they actually wanted a kid. and so they were like. yeah! we'll be cool parents. give him freedom and stuff.#but then when he's wildly independent and kinda a brat because they're not PARENTS and he barely knows them#they're like how can you treat us like that we're your PARENTS#anyway i think complex relationships are fun!!!!! love a good Sad Tim fic but. oooo the complex dynamics of not hating your parents#because you didn't even have them. my beloved#they're dead and you love them because all you can remember is when they were there - but how often were they there?#mwah it fascinates me. he's a latchkey kid and social dynamics have changed since his first comic!!!! augh!!!#anyway inherent fascinating tim & kon & cassie & bart family relationships#i like thinking all of them have just Little things they can't handle about kon's Pod Facts without being sad
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neverendingford · 1 year
#tag talk#as much as I hate to see the social cinema grow as I get new followers. we're at a good and satisfying number. and I like that#also also also. I've introduced a friend to Hannibal (tv show) and he's loving it and I'm so happy cause none of#of my other friends have been able to stomach the body horror. so it's super cool to find someone to hype over it with#another random story that I genuinely can't remember if I said already. got told by a kid in minecraft that he's smiled a lot more around me#which. huge compliment. genuine honor to make people happy and smile and laugh#people don't laugh enough. we don't smile enough. be happy or die. and I'm too powerful to die. been there. haven't done that#cry and then laugh and then punch as hard as you can.#got to visit some of my favorite residents from the nursing home I first worked at. lotta new staff but my three favorite nurses are still#which is nice. I cried when I left that job because even though it crushed my soul I loved my coworkers and most of my residents.#I get why some healthcare workers grind themselves to the bone for the job. you're making such a huge difference in people's lives.#I tried but didn't have the fortitude for it. but it's nice to be able to go back and say hi to the friends I made and see how things are.#anyway. sorry for being weird like.. one or two weeks ago. I think things are settling out again. moving is rough but we're making it work#It's been a lot of Lear again lately. especially while being at my parents house. he doesn't mind being deadnamed as much sooo....#idk. at least one of us is capable of surviving the dmv and the state medicaid website. heaven knows I can't manage.#trying to stop using him as a crutch for getting things done has just resulted in us not being able to get things done.#but I don't want to be someone else I want to be me. I don't want to be the armor I want to be the human inside.#I don't want to live defensively. pushing everyone away. I can't do that.#anyway. we're back home! and work is on the horizon. hopefully this job works out cause I don't want to have to apply for new jobs.#the hr rep is a man at this store and I immediately got set on edge and our voice dropped as I stepped back.#then we introduced ourselves with the wrong name and he got confused and I just felt stupid about it#but how am I supposed to know which name he's been told. he didn't even use our paperwork name. Anyway that was a disaster#but we're on track and embarrassment is not a setback but a feeling about the way things progress. and it is progress we're making
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just remembered how in the sixth grade there was a fucking riot in the cafeteria that ended in the entire grade getting silent lunch for like 3 months
#I think it was 3 months but it felt a lot longer. my god middle school was the school to prison pipeline at its finest#on one hand I think its unfair that we were all punished but to be fair the entire grade participated in this riot. I don't even remember#what we were rioting? I just remember a girl named whitney was involved and 1 thing led to another and whitney ran out of the cafeteria#and THE ENTIRE GRADE WENT AFTER HER 😭. myself included I didn’t even know why either but WE WERE AFTER THAT BITCH 😭#it was so bad I remember everyone was heading one direction and then everyone started running back the other direction.#and I got knocked down in the process looking back this was really dangerous. but after that we got silent lunch for what felt like forever#like not only were we forced to sit with our homerooms (and some us didn’t even like our homeroom) but we couldn’t even talk to each other#which is honestly not good for socialization?? but again I can’t entirely blame them cause the situation was out of control.#but also shouldn’t the adults have had that thing under control??? anyways the person who ran silent lunch was the vice tyrant dr levine#he fucking hated us like that man was PISSED OFF and he made it clear cause if you made a sound during silent lunch#that man was gonna threaten you with detention extended detention ISS (aka in school suspension)#he didn’t even mean it but it was pretty good for instilling fear in us good kids. but one time I remember there was a kid who didn’t buy i#he didn’t give into levine’s fear tactic and levine started yelling “ISS!! OSS!! EXPULSION!!!!!” like calm down#I feel bad thinking about how so many kids who would ACCIDENTALLY make a sound were punished. and they were so damn terrified#cause it was like you were on your best behavior all of the time and then one noise and suddenly you had an out of school suspension#one time a boy named jc’s phone went off and he picked it up and it was his grandma asking him if he wanted ice cream 😭 no fucks given#and levine was screaming at him to hang up the phone and jc was like “this is my grandmother I can’t hang up"#and there came a time where we were finally off the hook and I just remember people in the cafeteria were clapping 😭#like this was school sanctioned oppression and we were finally liberated... but then we were back to silent lunch and I don’t even know why#I remember once even I ended up in Levine’s office but I dont think its cause I was talking during silent lunch??#I think it had something to do with bullying idk?? I just remember levine had my back during it and made the other kid cry and apologize#so shout out to levine. always good times goodbye!
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revvnant · 1 year
me and the tension between what makes a good fictional villain ( intelligent enough to be a threat, compelling understandable motivation ) and the truth of serial killers ( rarely extremely intelligent, reception of motivation depends on the individual but are often either socially-motivated crimes of passion i.e. bigotry or based on a general lack of respect for human life ) and my burning desire to push back against the new wave true crime sensationalisation of killers as pop culture figures, even if that means not focusing on a villain’s intelligence that is present to instead highlight how stupid and meaningless the violence they do is in the first place. yes he’s ugly and i’m glad he’s dead ‘cause there was no fucking candle in his pumpkin head.
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