#remnant korekiyo
spittyfishy · 1 year
Do the remnants of despair accept headpats? If so, may I headpat them? Also, they might be crazy, but they are freaking adorable
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sergeantsarga · 2 months
The 80% of the DRV3 remnants when they put on the dad fit
(Kirumi, Tenko, and Kiibo get unfazed cuz they didn’t put on the dad fit)
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(Original artwork and au by @spittyfishy )
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joneleslament · 2 months
So I've noticed that people seem to really misunderstand Maki's dynamic with Kokichi and Korekiyo(separately)...And if anything, People get them confused with each other
The fanon portrayal of Maki and Kokichi's dynamic is that they both hate each other, Kokichi jumps at every chance he has to antagonize her and she hates him enough to jump at any chance to hurt or kill him
The fanon portrayal of Korekiyo and Maki's dynamic is that they're perfectly fine with each other, Especially because of their calm and collected personalities
When it's actually..Kind of completely backwards..
In canon, After Korekiyo finds out Maki's talent; He jumps at any opportunity to antagonize her, Knowing the rules of the game and every other participant protect him from her actually hurting him. And she antagonizes him way more in chapter three even before the murder. He's also blatantly rude to her(Actively ignoring her in conversations and then asking, "Did you say something?" or "Did you hear something?/srs), And Maki is always annoyed with him even being there
Meanwhile in canon with Maki and Kokichi, Even after her talent is revealed she's literally completely fine with him, He antagonizes her for a bit but she is always shown to just not care at all or even at some points responds calmly to him..In chapter 1, She was the only person to agree with him and didn't just assume he was up to no good like literally everyone else did..She only gets more aggressive with him when he says he killed two people for fun and that he was the mastermind. She even felt guilty about killing him even when she still thought he was a remnant of despair(After finding out he wasn't the mastermind)
Am I the only one to find it funny how the fandom got those two dynamics completely confused😭😭
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punkymaysnark · 2 months
There was another post about how cool it would be to have Danganronpa characters turn evil, but NOT as more Remnants of Despair, like evil of their own accord without Junko's influence, and even though it veered off in a totally different direction that doesn't match what I had in mind, I fuck with the concept so very much.
Give me the dark sides of their talents. I want to see people cowering over Nekomaru's overbearing presence. I want to see Byakuya taking over an entire country and ruling it like 1984. Ibuki using her aggressively catchy music to spread propaganda with Sayaka on the assist. Kokichi knowingly leading whatever heroes there are into disaster while he escapes cleanly every time. Tsumugi and Imposter using their respective talents to impersonate important figures and orchestrate catastrophe. Suichi and Kyoko stealing enemy secrets to bring to Sonia and her army. Rantaro surviving for days and days while tracking down rebels to help Mukuro and Maki eliminate them. Fuyuhiko and his Clan bringing captured out-of-liners into seclusion for Peko, Tenko, and Korekiyo to deal with. Teruteru hiding poison in food. And, of course, Kirumi conducting everything behind the scenes while still living under the guise of a tender and loyal maid.
Seriously, with the prowess 77-B shows in DR3 alone, you ever think about how lucky it is that nearly every known Ultimate has chosen to use their powers for noble purposes?
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bullypinscherart · 1 month
So like. Danganronpa V3 au idea I had. Where all the V3 cast are someone who was personally attacked/effected by the actions of one of the remnants of despair/Junko/Izuru.
(List of who effected who- I have vague ideas for each)
Izuru- Rantaro
Junko- Tsumugi
Nagito- Kiibo
Fuyuhiko- Ryoma
Akane- Kaito
Sonia- Kirumi
Kazuichi- Miu
Imposter- Angie
Teruteru- Korekiyo
Mahiru- Shuichi
Peko- Maki
Ibuki- Kaede
Hyoko- Himiko
Mikan- Kokichi
Nekomaru- Tenko
Gundham- Gonta
And they all end up being targeted and arrested by a governing power (NOT the Future Foundation) who have found out the Remnants are alive and wish to kill them once and for all. They basically end up shaping the V3 cast to take down the Sdr2 cast-
The story would be the Sdr2 cast and the V3 cast clashing with ultimately the Sdr2 cast proving they have changed for the better, and the V3 cast getting the closure they need + escaping from the governing body that only used them for vengeance.
Idk feel free to add on I’m just having fun. :))
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lousypotatoes · 6 months
Hello! I read your Korekiyo x Reader post, it was really good! I just wanted to ask if you could do an Izuru x Male! Future Foundation reader who rehabilitated him, and brought out more of his humanity? If you don't write for Izuru, that's totally okay! If you don't, could I get a Future Foundation Makoto x Male! Future Foundation field agent reader who's the Ultimate Theorist?
Thanks, and I hope you have a good rest of your day/night! <3
I'm so sorry, I tried writing for Izuru, and it was absolutel garbage. So please enjoy this Makoto one instead. Enjoy~
Song Recommendation:
Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur
It's Just A Theory - Makoto x Male! Reader
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You, Makoto, and Kyoko were sitting on your hospital bed, going over the details of the latest Remnants of Despair attack.
Being a field agent, you witnessed the attack firsthand, your leg getting pretty messed up.
"When the attack was over, they went south," you said, pointing at the map. "And if my theory's correct-"
"Oh, enough with the theories, Y/N," Kyoko sighed. "Just because you're the Ultimate Theorist doesn't mean that you have to bring them up every single second."
"That's exactly what that means," you said. "My theories have been helping us a lot so far."
"He kinda has a point," Makoto sheepishly said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Y/N did lead us to location to where their next attack was gonna be."
"That doesn't mean he should talk about them all the time."
"Can I finish what I was saying or not?"
"Yeah, of course," Makoto said sweetly, making you blush.
"I think they're holding up somewhere here," you said, pointing to a street in the southern part of the city. "Some other agents and I scoped that area out and found a shit ton of scrap metal. They could be-"
"Building the Monokuma robots there," Kyoko interrupted.
"Okay, we need to have a meeting with everyone else, share this information with them." Kyoko said, writing everything down in a notepad.
"Can we do that later?" you asked. "I still can't move my leg, and I don't feel like being in a wheelchair right now,"
Kyoko sighed. "Fine, thirty minutes," she said, walking out of the first aid area. "Makoto, keep an eye on him,"
"Sure," he said smiling at you.
There was an awkward silence for a moment.
"How's your leg?" he asked
"It doesn't hurt as bad anymore," you said, rubbing your leg. "Thanks for asking.
"Of course,"
More awkward silence.
"Do you think the Neo World Program will work?" you suddenly asked.
"It's our only hope,"
You started thinking. Thinking about the Killing Game. Thinking about Sakura and Mondo and Taka and Chihiro. Thinking about how painful it was to watch your friends die. Thinking about how none of you deserved it. Thinking about how Junko was a psychopath.
"What are you thinking about?" Makoto asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"What's gonna happen if this doesn't work," you said quietly. "I mean The Remnants are brainwashed, they don't know what they're doing. And if The Program doesn't work, will we just have to execute them? They don't deserve that. I don't think I'll be able to make that decision, especially after watching-"
Makoto suddenly grabbed your hand, silencing your rambling.
"I agree, those people don't deserve death. That's why we're trying out the program," he said, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "It's gonna work Y/N, I promise."
"You think so?"
"I know so,"
With his other hand, Makoto gently cupped your cheek, leaning in, he placed his lips on yours. His lips were soft, and they tasted like vanilla bean. He squeezed your hand as he continued to kiss you. You had been waiting for this moment for so long, since the middle of the Killing Game. But he was always either with Sayaka or Kyoko then, so you didn't really have the chance to build this kind of relationship. You wanted to make up for lost time as much as you could.
You pulled away from each other, slightly out of breath, but the both of you smiling.
"You're so handsome," he whispered, kissing your cheek. "I suggest you lay down, the meeting's gonna be a long one."
"Aren't they always?" you joked. "Will you stay here with me till then?"
"I was already going to," he said, laying on your chest. "Now tell me some more of your theories."
it's just a theory
lowkey though, i wish there more men in the world like Makoto
stay safe and drink lots of water
xoxo, Izzy
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djzbasement · 4 months
right so.. TW for something sexual being mentioned.. plus what happened with Korekiyo.
okay, okay, buckle down for this one. I wanna point out, this might not be an unpopular opinion, buttt given the fact that everyone I’ve told started threatening me- I’m seeing it as one.
You can’t defend a characters actions when they’ve done bad. simple.
Now, seems easy to understand doesnt it? Some people don’t get that for some reason and it’s just like.. huh??
Eg- Mikan. The things Mikan did (like that one scene with ryota). People just say “Oh, but she was brainwashed!!”. but that’s like saying “The remnants didn’t meannnn to cause despair and whatever, they were brainwashed!!!”. You see how dumb that sounds? Brainwashed or not, it still happened. She still did that, no debate.
Like, I don’t defend any of my favourite characters for the way they act, not at all. With Kazuichi- I find his obsession with Sonia to be gross and an unnecessary part to his character. I feel like he’s only got a crush on Sonia (while being creepy about it) to be the joke funny character since the first joke funny character (teruteru) was killed off. But yeah, gross unnecessary part of kazuichi. Plus, him being a remnant and building the first casts executions. All of that. And Gonta- Insect meet and greet, albeit he thought he was helping his friends (both human and insect) but the way he went about it.. eh. Even if Kokichi lied to him and it was his idea, Gonta still did it anyways. Plus, the whole thing with CH.4.
But do I go around saying “Oh, Kazuichi has trauma from something so that’s why he acts like that with Sonia… 😖” or- “Gonta didn’t know any better, he’s not to blame- OUMA IS!!!!”? no. I don’t. Because they can’t be defended when they’ve done something bad. Like, if like I don’t know, your dog misbehaves. Do you say “well.. it doesn’t know any better.” No, you don’t. Shouldn’t be the same with these folks, even if they’re fictional.
What just tops this all off, people find the fact that I much prefer Ryota over Mikan to be the reason that I want to point fingers and be like “SHE STILL DID DONE DO IT!!” when in reality, if i don’t know, Ryota did (what she did) to her, I wouldn’t defend him on that. And would most likely heavily dislike him. And I guess the fandom would too. Because it only matters when it’s not a popular character doing it. Mikan, Miu, Hiyoko, Nagito, Junko, and more. Whenever they do something HORRIBLE the fandom brushes it off as “them being cunty” or the iconic “it wasn’t their fault! It was ___”, and then be the type of people to dislike ryota not because hes annoying- but because he made the brainwashing video. The video that their “queen Junko” ‘asked’ him to make.
Which brings me to another opinion- well, more of something that annoys me- but you can’t love Miu for doing what she does.. but then hate Korekiyo. Now i know, I know, you can hate/like a character based on their personalities, valid. But when a person says “OH MIU I LOVE YOU!” but then says “Korekiyo is disgusting!! Ew!” for what happened with his sister.. you’re being stupid, to put it simply. Miu purposely shoves her chest up against Keebo (who despite being a robot, should still count imo), makes horrible disgusting sexual remarks and all of that- aka purposely just.. being gross- Korekiyo didn’t know any better, he was manipulated and groomed by somebody he looked up to practically his entire life. But it’s still “disgusting” because it’s not the cool character who insults people from 2020 that had monster cans as earrings that everyone would cosplay. Like….? I understand Korekiyo is a bit deranged. And the relationship with his sister being sexual really just felt unnecessary. In fact .. his whole deal with his sister. But, just like every other character, I don’t defend him for anything bad that he’s done. But.. Miu. Miu was simply hit by a car and was in a coma for some time and was just.. smart when she woke up. That’s it, really. And then became the most infuriating character to walk this PLANET.
Now, please don’t get mad. This is an opinion of mine. Opinion. Not everyone has the same ones. If you’re upset that I insulted your favourite character or spoke what I think is right or wrong then just.. shoo. Toodles. Farewell. goodbye. Opinions are opinions, If you dont agree with mine don’t start throwing a tantrum and sending death threats. Peace and love🫶.
Also im not sure if I have strong opinions on this shit because I’m just severely sex repulsed and I just don’t like sexual things but.. you know.
Just dont defend a character when they’ve done something wrong.. just don’t. No matter the reason. It’ll make the fandom (and even other fandoms) so much more tolerable to be in.. and don’t throw a fit when somebody has a different opinion than you.
Anyways, this is LONG. Like this is more of a rant atp. But.. yeah. That’s my opinion(s) on the whole… everything.
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
I just realized what a banger couple Korekiyo and Sonia would make. You know…he likes creepy things, she likes creepy thing. She’s interested in serial killers, he literally *is* one.
It’s funny that in every ronpa game there’s gotta be SOMETHING related to a serial killer. Two have actual established serial killers as participants (Toko, Korekiyo), and ironically, it’s the second game full of ex-remnants that does not in fact contain any (active) serial killers but of course has a serial killer fanatic lol. (Objectively SDR2 probably has the most serial killers in a ronpa game but like I’m talking about their IN-GAME pre-despair avatars k—no Nagito’s indirect luck body count doesn’t count k)
Anyways, YEAH THO. Both of them have such a large well of over flowing curiosity and that’s a big part of what drives them to want to learn so much about different cultures and their niche interests. Korekiyo would be absolutely enthralled to hear about Sonia’s life and traditions in Novoselic, and Sonia would adore hearing Kiyo talk about obscure clans and their folklore. And OF COURSE—they’d trade morbid stories/tales riddled with murder and crime because THAT’S their main bread and butter. I can just see these two having dates that consist of staying over at one of their places and watching true crime documentaries whilst dissecting the serial killer’s thought process and trying to guess how they did it and what they’ll do next.
I just love the thought of these two travelling the world to appreciate it’s wonders but also to hit up the creepy spots they heard about via shady online forums lol. They probably sneaked into the Paris catacombs to have a lil date there at some point probably.
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 6 months
What other V3 characters do you think would make good Remnants?
hmmm Tenko would be a good remnant but also she'd be a really boring remnant, you could potentially do some fun fucked up magic shows with himiko though, you'd have to break rantaro in a really specific way to make a remnant out of him but it would be interesting to see a remnant rantaro who teams up with korekiyo, im a sucker for a remnant gonta as well
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Danganronpa V3 Anomalous Harmony
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9YHhEVQ
by Izumeno
Miu Iruma woke up and found herself in a strange place. Being forced to play a sick game, the cowardly inventor must do her best to survive and to figure out the Mastermind's identity, in order for them all to escape.
This is a rewrite of Danganronpa V3 with Miu Iruma as the protagonist. Enjoy!
Words: 1110, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Iruma Miu, Shirogane Tsumugi, Saihara Shuichi, Yumeno Himiko, Hoshi Ryoma, Momota Kaito, Akamatsu Kaede, Tojo Kirumi, Yonaga Angie, Kamisama | Atua (Dangan Ronpa), Amami Rantaro, Original Characters, Chabashira Tenko, Shinguji Korekiyo, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Gokuhara Gonta, Harukawa Maki, Oma Kokichi, Enoshima Junko (mentioned), Ikusaba Mukuro (mentioned), Professor Idabashi (Dangan Ronpa), Remnants of Despair Member(s) (Dangan Ronpa)
Relationships: Iruma Miu/Yonaga Angie, Hoshi Ryoma/Yumeno Himiko, Chabashira Tenko/Yumeno Himiko, Iruma Miu & Saihara Shuichi, Iruma Miu & Shirogane Tsumugi
Additional Tags: Murder, Attempted Murder, Sex, Execution, Fan Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bugs & Insects, Iruma Miu Being Iruma Miu, Iruma Miu's Dirty Mouth, Pre-Game Personalities (New Dangan Ronpa V3), Parasites, Gross, Horror, Body Horror, Isolation, Shapeshifting, Murder Mystery, Protagonist Miu Iruma, Inventor Iruma Miu, Suicidal Thoughts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9YHhEVQ
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spittyfishy · 1 year
So which of the male remnant of despairs like Junko the most? I think I know the answer for the girls (looks at the lesbian)
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Remnants Of Despair
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The Original Sin
Hanamura Teruteru is the father of Ryoma Hoshi, and the Ultimate Chef. He kills those in his way and cooks and serves them as dishes, often even to his own son and his friends' children. He even slaughtered his own mother to do so, offering her up as a sacrifice to Junko Enoshima.
Hinata Hajime (nee Kamukura Izuru) is the father of Rantaro Amami, and lacks an Ultimate talent, although he can be called the Ultimate "Hope" as a filler, ironic for his status as a Remnant Of Despair. He does a lot less committing actual crimes and more just observing the public's reaction to the crimes of his friends. However, it should be noted that he, himself, is not innocent, and is a close attendant of Junko Enoshima, herself.
The Ultimate Impostor, real name unknown, is the parent of Korekiyo Shinguji. Their talent allows them to disguise themselves as anyone and commit crimes using their facades, often getting innocent people in trouble legally or preventing themselves from being truly caught for their crimes. They loved to wear different oriental costumes and their son took fascination with all the differences in the attires of the people their parent would dress as. For this reason, they are extremely dangerous and a lot more agile than they look. Watch out for them.
Koizumi Mahiru is the Ultimate Photographer and the mother of Himiko Yumeno. She takes pictures of the most gruesome and horrific scenes she can finds and even films snuff videos, with Mikan's help. She is also the main producer of the propaganda in the despair wasteland that is Japan that Junko Enoshima has created, worshipping her almost like a goddess and urging her daughter to do the same, unaware of her growing resentment for Junko.
Komaeda Nagito is the father of Kokichi Ouma and the Ultimate Lucky Student... although many would claim that Unlucky Student fits him better! He doesn't do as many acts of despair as his colleagues, although he's aided in the tortures and abuses of the children, but mainly, he serves at the side of the Warriors Of Hope, raising Monaca Towa, specifically, to become Junko's heir in case his own son should fail. Luckily, he thinks Monaca has a lot more drive to do so that Kokichi lacks...
Kuzuryuu Fuyuhiko is the father of Kirumi Tojo, and the Ultimate Yakuza. As the Ultimate Yakuza, he's never refrained from exercising that authority that he normally has over his men and using it on his own daughter, forcing her to serve him, his men, his girlfriend, and his friends almost as a slave, and beating her harshly when she fails. This is often accompanied by forcing the others' children to do the same, instilling senses of regret and guilt into all of them. Though he's more of a commander, he holds great influence to be feared.
Nanami Chiaki, the Ultimate Gamer and the mother of Rantaro Amami, is perhaps the most terrifying Remnant there is. Many doubted she would ever fall into despair, and it took her the longest to do so out of everyone, but she ultimately fell, and she fell hard. She began rigging awful death traps and imprisoning those who didn't fit her ideals of despair inside of them, forcing them to maim and harm themselves to possibly escape... although if they bored her or took too long, she'd simply kill them regardless. She has Kazuichi and Chihiro make the traps, of course, forcing her victims lose their minds and pop their joints.
Nevermind Sonia is the Ultimate Princess, her influence great. She is also the mother of Kaede Akamatsu, though neglects her greatly, leaving her to the mercy of Mikan. As such, she often suffers alongside Kokichi. Sonia is most guilty of treason against her own people, forcing her people to fight for despair, brainwashing her people, forcing her people to commit suicide, commanding armies of despairs and drones, and toying with the lives of others simply for her own pleasure. Her power over her country, especially after killing her parents to become queen, is exceptional and deadly. Be careful.
Nidai Nekomaru, called the Ultimate Team Manager, is the father of Gonta Gokuhara. He put his son through rigorous training, not quite enough to kill him, but enough to keep him constantly exhausted. He is more physically confrontational than his fellow Remnants, often breaking into physical fights with Future Foundation members, though it should be noted that he is also considerably stealthy for his size, making him a threat at any given time.
Mioda Ibuki, the Ultimate Musician and a favored rocker among many in the punk subgenre, is the mother of Korekiyo Shinguji. She has subjected Korekiyo to her music before, although he's built an immunity to it due to his young age at the time. Her escapades more often than not include playing concerts with Hiyoko Saionji that involve brainwashing frequencies behind her music, courtesy of Chihiro Fujisaki.
Owari Akane, called the Ultimate Gymnast, is the mother of Gonta Gokuhara, and a fighting Remnant Of Despair. More often than not, her skillset is being put to use fighting Future Foundation members, and sometimes just innocent civilians trying to survive, all the while she starves herself as a way to honor Junko Enoshima. Her son isn't even a second thought, neglecting him in favor of her duties as a Remnant and servant of Junko Enoshima.
Pekoyama Peko is the mother of Kirumi Tojo and the girlfriend of Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu. She is also the Ultimate Swordswoman, acting as Fuyuhiko's personal guard and a fighter against Future Foundation members. She is responsible for the most direct slaughter of any Remnant, making her an incredibly valuable ally... and an incredibly fearsome opponent.
Saionji Hiyoko, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer, is the mother of Ryoma Hoshi. She, alongside Ibuki, would perform concerts infested with brainwashing music to sway others to the side of despair or force them to kill themselves, resulting in a lot of suicides and mass slaughters by the indirect hands of Hiyoko, and by proxy, Ibuki. Due to this, she is one of the least dangerous Remnants, but equally deadly. Don't worry though, you should be fine. Unless you hear that music...
Souda Kazuichi is known as the Ultimate Mechanic, and in turn, he's the "father", so to speak, of K1-B0 Idabashi. He's mostly guilty of building weapons of mass destruction and using these weapons to slaughter thousands of people, but that makes him insanely powerful. He controls the Monokuma units that plague the streets, including the humanized ones, all the while lusting over Sonia Nevermind.
Tanaka Gundham, called the Ultimate Breeder, is the father of Kaede Akamatsu and a commanding Remnant Of Despair. His main charges include brainwashing and abusing his animals into fighting for him and using said animals to maim, torture, and kill innocent civilians. However, if he grows particularly attached to an animal, he'll often slaughter it, himself, offering its corpse up as a sacrifice for Junko Enoshima.
Tsumiki Mikan, the Ultimate Nurse and mother of Kokichi Ouma, was the first to fall into despair. She kidnaps random men and women to both torture and aid in the raising of her beloved's "heir" via forcing them to aid in his abuse, before killing them brutally via drugging or highly torturous methods. The most devoted Junko worshipper, she acts as a more slave-like subservient toward her directly, while carrying out her bidding when she isn't present. Her son is also the only child of a Remnant who Junko has interacted with directly, due to the whole "heir" thing.
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The New Frontier
Asahina Aoi, the Ultimate Swimmer, is also the mother of Angie Yonaga. She acts more as a fighter for the side of despair, her trained body aiding her best friend, Sakura Ogami, in the fight against Future Foundation. Due to more often than not being away, she has little to no role in Angie's life, as she's too preoccupied with taking down Future Foundation members effortlessly.
Fujisaki Chihiro is known widely as the Ultimate Programmer and the "mother", so to speak, of K1-B0 Idabashi. Their skills are unrivaled in programming, and thus it falls to them to program all the brainwashing frequencies used by the musical Remnants, as well as the dastardly mechanisms in Kazuichi's machinery and the Monokuma drones who rein supreme in Towa City. They are also one of the allies of the Warriors Of Hope under the reasoning of also being a devotee of Junko Enoshima.
Fukawa Toko, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy, and her split personality, Genocider Syo, is the mother of Miu Iruma, and someone who wished to exploit her daughter's inventions for the sakes of despair. She also allowed her daughter to be tortured and raped in an effort to compete with Mikan Tsumiki to raise Junko Enoshima's heir, not willing to accept a lose. Due to this, she spends most of her time working from the comfort of the Remnants' base, keeping her poor daughter close to be abused, while writing propaganda that is pro-Junko, pro-despair, and anti-hope.
Hagakure Yasuhiro, known for his fortune-telling skills as the Ultimate Clairvoyant, is the father of Angie Yonaga. He is also one of the least dangerous Remnants, more often than not the one who's left with Angie to keep watch over her. However, he does use his skills to bring others despair by telling them their future has no hope, acting as a double agent at times for Future Foundation... and killing those agents who are unlucky enough to witness his inner despairing side.
Ishimaru Kiyotaka is called the Ultimate Moral Compass. He is also the father of Kaito Momota. Though he lacks the abusive nature the other Remnants possess with their children, this is mainly because he rather prefers to be in charge, leading the assaults of Monokuma hordes against innocents in Japan, and forcing others to bow down to him as a leader and worship Junko Enoshima as a god. He can more often than not be seen being carried on a grand float being pulled by human slaves who refused to worship Junko, leaving them a fate worse than death: enslavement at the hands of Kiyotaka.
Kirigiri Kyoko is known for being the Ultimate Detective. She is also the mother of Kaito Momota, more often than not being the one left with him. Upon being transformed into a Remnant, she committed only two major actions: the slaughter of her father and the destruction of his beloved school, Hope's Peak Academy. Since then, she's viewed herself as the judge, jury, and executioner, and Junko Enoshima as her savior for bringing about the greatness of despair to her life. These days, she works mainly operating Monokuma drones to slaughter civilians in the streets, killing them in whatever way she pleases, having her Monokuma units built to have a different selection of murder methods, such as (but not limited to) flaying, burning, beheading, freezing, and dismemberment.
Kuwata Leon is the Ultimate Baseball Star, an aspiring musician, the boyfriend of Sayaka Maizono, and the father of Tsumugi Shirogane. Though mostly used as a fighter by Junko Enoshima, herself, in his free time, he prefers to assist Sayaka Maizono, Hiyoko Saionji, and Ibuki Mioda in their music brainwashing despair strategies, even occasionally playing songs, himself, although not allowed to create his own, instead bound by what they've already created. He is mostly uninvolved in Tsumugi's life.
Ludenberg Celestia, the Ultimate Gambler and the mother of Maki Harukawa, is a strange case. Since switching to the side of despair, she's begun starving herself and calling herself Taeko Yasuhiro again, as a way of bringing herself the despair of ripping her own dignity away from her with her preferred name. She also lures people into deadly deals and scams, such as Russian Roulette with automatics, where she would then claim all of their money and worldly possessions, although she wouldn't use it, instead remaining submissive and subservient to Hifumi Yamada, their master/servant roles from before completely swapping in despair.
Maizono Sayaka is called the Ultimate Pop Sensation, adored by many. She is also the mother and primary caretaker of Tsumugi Shirogane. She had her voice forcibly modified to lace it with brainwashing frequencies, making her extremely persuasive toward her foes, and she uses her influence and brainwashing to persuade others to either join her and praise Junko Enoshima, or commit suicide in the name of despair. She forces her daughter to make her clothes, because, as she puts it, "appearance is everything". Be careful with her.
Naegi Makoto is known as the Ultimate Lucky Student and he is the father of Shuichi Saihara. Unable to be brainwashed due to his hopeful nature, he instead serves as a forced servant of the Warriors Of Hope... although he conspires with Future Foundation whenever he's able with the aim of saving his friends, the world, and his family, and taking Junko Enoshima down once and for all. Due to this, he is Shuichi's main objective to set free first.
Ogami Sakura is the Ultimate Martial Artist and the mother of Tenko Chabashira. After falling pregnant by her boyfriend, Kenshiro Haruno, before her transformation into a Remnant, after becoming a Remnant, she slaughtered him upon his refusal to join her, and gave birth to their daughter, Tenko. She raised her to he a martial artist, as well, being mostly kind and non-abusive to her as a way to hopefully recruit her in the future. In an attempt to enhance Junko Enoshima's superiority in Tenko's eyes, she would go on to tell her that all men were evil and only women should be loved, which she would use her close friendship with Aoi Asahina to accentuate. She would then begin leaving for long periods of time, leaving Tenko in the custody of Yasuhiro Hagakure or Toko Fukawa in her absence with specific instructions to not physically harm her, but not tolerate disobedience, either. She, like Mondo, Leon, and Aoi, is mostly a fighter, rarely ever doing anything but fighting on the front lines directly against Future Foundation.
Owada Mondo is the acting leader of the Crazy Diamonds after usurping his older brother for the position, and thus, is known as the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader and the father of Himiko Yumeno. Having less of a hand in raising his daughter, he mainly works recruiting new despairs and threatening others to join them, making him an enemy to be feared. Remember, if you see the diamonds, you know your time is up...
Togami Byakuya is called the Ultimate Affluent Progeny and is exceedingly wealthy, which assists greatly in him being the father of Miu Iruma, including buying the materials and forcing her to build inventions for their despair escapades. He has also done numerous things to cause himself despair, such as starving himself, forcing himself into a relationship with Toko Fukawa, and using his money to fund the business of the despair side, slaughtering all his siblings and his own parents to win the title of patriarch in the process.
Yamada Hifumi is called the Ultimate Fanfic Creator. He is also the father of Maki Harukawa, though it should be noted that his perversion does not extend to his daughter. Rather, he forces her to help him design despair propaganda, writing Junko Enoshima into his writing as a goddess and highlighting every way she is perfect and despair is the way to go. Due to this, he often works with Toko Fukawa in making propaganda, and he's responsible for most of the posters lining the streets praising Junko's takeover and the despair she brought along with her.
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wattpadscapcons · 2 years
Character List (Will/Won't Write)
This was made at the very beginning of my blog and it's very difficult to scroll all the way down to the bottom to find it and edit it so I'mma just bring it to the front again.
Will Write
- Shuichi Saihara (Pregame & Ingame)
- Murkuro Ikusaba
- Makoto Naegi
- Nagito Komaeda (Remnant & normal)
- Izuru Kamakura (only for after an attachment has been made on the reader, (After he has begun a relationship with him))
- Tsumugi Shirogane (Ingame and Pregame)
- Angie Yonaga (Pregame and Ingame) (keep it wholesome for Ingame bc her scenes ingame still freak me out a little)
- Gonta Gokuhara (will attempt Ingame & Pregame)
- Kokichi Ouma/Oma (Ingame & Pregame)
- Kyoko Kirigiri
- Hajime Hinata
- Mikan Tsumiki
- Maki Harukawa 
- Ryota Mitarai (I'll try)
- Kazuichi Soda
- Chiaki Nanami
- Toko Fukawa
- Utsuro/ “Yuuki Maeda”
- Akane Taria (Will Attempt)
- Mikako Kurokawa (Will Attempt)
- Kinji Uehara
- Kiyoka Maki (Will Attempt)
- Kanata Inori
- Tsurugi Kinjo
- Teruya Ōtori 
-  Yamato Kisaragi
- Kakeru Yamaguchi (Will Attempt)
- Haruhiko Kobashikawa (Will Attempt)
- Yuki Maeda (with or without Sora's body) (Basically high school kid or traumatized adult with the power of Devine luck)
- Yuri Kagarin (Even though his Jojo form terrifies me, I would be writing him differently to change that specifically)
- Shinji Kasai
- Hibiki Otonokoji (Kanade will be referenced in everything you ask due to her constant pestering in her sister’s personal life)
- Sora (will attempt)
- Syobai/Shobai Hashimoto
- Hajime Makunouchi
- Yoruko Kabuya (will attempt) (only with female or GN! Reader though, I respect her canonically being gay)
- Utsuro
- Tsurugi Kinjo (Will attempt both with his current personality, and an alternate more calmed personality similar to his younger self)
- Teruya Otori (will attempt)
Won't Write (Due to zero or misunderstood data/ Uncomfortable With Writing For)
(Danganronpa 1-3)
- Remnants of Despair (There are only a few characters I’d even attempt writing for this, but the despair au makes me extremely uncomfortable) (excluding Komaeda)
- Teruteru Hanamura
- Hiyoko Saionji
- Gundham Tanaka (Stopped writing for him bc I forgot how I originally wrote him)
- Celestia Lundenberg (don't know how to write for her)
- Ibuki Mioda (Stopped writing for)
- Byakyua Togami
- Yasuhiro Hakakure
- Kiyotaka Ishimaru
- Chihiro Fujisaki
- Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu (Stopped writing for him)
- Kirumi Tojo
- Sayaka Maizono (I stopped writing for her a while ago)
- Korekiyo Shinguji 
- Ryoma Hoshi (can’t figure out his character, or come up with a set of pregame headcanons that I’d be able to base off of)
- Leon Kuwata
- Himiko Yumeno
- Tenko Chabashira
- Rantaro Amami (Don't know how to write for him outside of pregame and I stopped writing pregame Rantaro a while ago)
- Kiibo/ K1-B0
- Kaito Momota
- Mahiru Koizumi (I have no idea how to write for her)
-J*nko End*sh*m* (I'd just make her too ooc, plus I hate her sm for hurting people)
- Hifumi Yamada
- Monokuma (Obvious Reasons)
- Monokids
- H*iji T*wa (Don't need to explain why)
- Shirokuma & Kurokuma
- M*u Ir*m* (trigger, please block out letters when talking about her)
- K**de Ak*m*tsu (major trigger, please block out letters when talking about her)
- Korekiyo Shinguji
- Sakura Ogami (Have no idea how to write for them)
- Mondo Owada (I just can’t like....write him without him seeming too ooc)
- Twogami/Ultimate Imposter (I don’t know enough about their character to write for them)
- Nekomaru Neidi (I don’t know how to write for this character!)
- Rei Mekaru (She’s mean in every context of the word)
- Kizuna Tomori (mean mean mean two-faced character)
- Mitsuhiro Higa (His attitude in game disgusts me)
- Satsuki Iranami (like her, just can’t write her)
- Alter Ego Mikado ( I hate him so so so so so so very much for trying to lay a hand on Utsuro, and what he had done to Yuki)
- Rei Mekaru
- Setsuka Chiebukuro (I don’t understand how to write for her)
- Monocrow (he’s a bird, and is the one sending people to their executions)
- Iroha (makes me uncomfortable)
- Kokoro Mitsume (her existence violates one of my rules)
- Kanade (Lets be honest I don’t need to explain this one)
- Nikei Yomiuri (Chapter 4, I don’t think I have to elaborate further)
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ask-the-shorty-squad · 5 months
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Our Adventure continues!
*They leave the F.F building and search for Kiyo.*
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Pearly.. You're an expert at Ultimates. Where would Korekiyo be?
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Well.. He's an Ant-hoe-polo-gist.. So probably at a Museum or something..
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Oh! They recently created a Museum! Maybe he even works there!!
*As they stepped into the Museum, a breathtaking panorama greeted them. The vast expanse was adorned with artifacts from every corner of history, beckoning with the allure of centuries past. It felt as though they had entered the sanctum of the divine, a realm where the tangible remnants of human civilization whispered stories of grandeur and mystery. This was not just a museum; it was a cathedral of culture, a shrine to the marvels of the world.*
"Kehehe.. I see you're just as in awe as I was when I first layed my eyes apon such a beautiful place.*
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If you enjoyed the entrace I assure you the Egyption exhibit will be quite alluring..
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Noted! But Mr. Korekiyo sir! We need your help with something.. We think a spirit delivered this book to me!
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Spirit you say..?
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Marvelous! Absolutely incredible!! Ah..! How Humanity has decided to bless me today!
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May I see such book?
*Maya hands the book to Korekiyo and he examines it like how Kyoko did.*
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This book exudes an ancient quality, not aged in centuries but carrying an unmistakable air of antiquity. There's a palpable darkness surrounding it, reminiscent of Lady Enoshima's aura as if she imparted her essence onto its pages.. Dark, cruel, and filled with Despair.. Despite its ominous presence, I'm strangely drawn to it, sensing not a threat or cautionary tale, but rather a profound revelation awaiting discovery.
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Sooooooo... Any idea as to who might've sent it?
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shslrobot · 9 months
Zoe / she/her / follows from @dentpx
this account is not spoiler-free.
I do my best to tag every character but sometimes I get lazy!
GAMES > THH / SDR2 / V3 / S / official art FAVES > THH : Kiyotaka / Yasuhiro / Junko > SDR2 : Komaeda / Chiaki / Hajime / Mikan > V3 : Rantaro / Kaito / Korekiyo / Miu SHIPS > THH : Ishimondo > SDR2 : Komahina > V3 : Oumota / Rankiyo / Kiu GENERAL STUFF I LIKE > mastermind aus / remnants of despair > v3 pregame / art that lives in my head
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The way I see a good ending... To the bad ending is Shuichi and the others finding Makoto from a scribbled massage from Hajime ceasing control.
Taking everyone to the Neo world programme for rehabilitation. But they don't trust the future foundation with Makoto so he stays with them.
And Makoto is able to slowly start healing, building his physical strength with Kaito, Maki and Tenko.
Kirumi taking care of his wounds.
Kokichi giving him hugs and entertaining him with Korekiyo by telling fun stories.
Miu being apallex by his chair and making him a supped up awesome one that let's him move freely and he cries when he can make it out to the garden.
Reuniting with Komaru who and both sobbing while holding each other.
Gonta helping him look after Jum-P and being soothed by Kaede's music.
The people who cared for him in the future foundation and he knows as safe and just finding them again.
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