#reset yahoo
doomednarrative · 2 months
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I don't have time for you again.
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This place looks a bit different
So was anyone going to tell me that tumblr isn't dark blue anymore, or was I just supposed to find out about it like some kinda chump?
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jjackfrost · 4 months
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o-ceti · 2 years
frustrated to tears by technology and nazi freaks not necessarily in that order but fuck!!!
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helpoiinfoos · 6 months
How to Reset Yahoo Mail Password
Sometimes you may have problems when trying to log in to your Yahoo account because you forgot your account password. How to Recover Yahoo 1-833-610-1318 Password Without Phone Number or Alternate ID Well, that's not a big problem. You can easily reset your Yahoo account password using your recovery phone number or your alternate email.
There are some cases where you do not have access to your recovery contact resources (alternate phone and email). I experienced the same problem and was worried about how to reset my Yahoo password without email or alternate phone numbers because I no longer use that phone or email.
Here I have shared some instructions to reset your Yahoo password without using phone and recovery email as follows:
How to reset or recover Yahoo password without phone number or alternative ID
Open your web browser
Go to the Yahoo Mail login page
Click Forgot Password
Enter your Yahoo username (email address)
Click Next
If you have options such as sending your numeric code via SMS or sending a link to an email, you should skip them by clicking I don't have access to this phone and I don't have access to this email.
Now you will have the option to answer the security questions, you must click OK
Now answer the security questions correctly and click submit.
If the answers are correct, the password reset screen will appear.
Enter the new password
Confirm the new password
Click OK or DONE
Once you've clicked Done, you'll be logged into your account, and if you want to access your Yahoo account with another device, you can start using the new password. This is how to recover your Yahoo password without a phone number and an alternative email.
If you have not set up security questions on your Yahoo account, you will not have the option to answer security questions for account recovery.
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learnaside · 2 years
How to Setup Yahoo Mail on iPhone? Learn Here
Every mobile device comes with an email app pre-installed; you just have to set up your email account in it. Have a look.
Use Automated Setup – You can use an automated method to add Yahoo mail to your iPhone.
First, you need to open the iPhone and then tap on the Settings app and then tap on the Accounts and Passwords.
Then, tap on the Add Account option and then tap on the Yahoo option from the list.
Enter your email address and password combination and your account will be added to the iPhone.
Manual Setup – You would need to use the Yahoo SMTP server details to set up the Yahoo mail manually.
Open the Settings, tap on the Accounts option and then tap on the Add Account option.
Now, tap on the Other from the list of available email service providers and start the manual process.
After that, you need to enter the Yahoo mail server settings and login details in the next few steps.
Tap on the Done button once all of the details are completed.
This way you can easily set up your Yahoo mail on devices running iOS. However, at times a few errors might occur and you wouldn’t know what to do with it.
So, if Yahoo mail not sending emails to the designated receivers, go to the Yahoo support page and seek help.
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bellaswnmoond · 2 years
It might possible that you’re dealing with more than one email accounts and Yahoo is one of them. Nowadays, things about Google and Outlook are coming out only, Yahoo is like an outdated service now. And that’s why if you want to know something about it, you may have to use more effective than using in other email providers like Gmail.
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danganronpa96 · 2 months
*takes drag from cigarette but I show it's just a candy stick* 'sup This post is gonna be a mixture of an update regarding the blog and the fic. We'll start with the blog first.
The inbox is open again! Yahoo! Just to make sure, please adhere to (most*) of the rules I stated in this post here.
*most? Well urm, if you had already left an ask in the inbox, and it wasn't answered, your "counter" will reset to zero now. In fact, I think I'm gonna get rid of the 3 asks max rule, because sometimes an ask won't get answered, and you have basically no idea if that's the case, and therefore you may think you can never send in another ask.
So let me clear things up: you can send in as many asks as you want, but please do so in moderation. If I do not answer your ask, and it doesn't fall into any obvious spoiler rule to justify why, just know it is entirely personal preference where I either do not know how to answer such, or don't feel comfortable/up to answering it.
Onto the fic update. For now, I'm still planning the details out for chapter 6, like I stated in a previous post. However, I've taken a bit of a break from it to plan the fic I mentioned in this post. This has not taken away my motivation for chapter 6, but I think this change of pace has been helpful in refreshing my mind in preparation for things. I don't wish to talk much about it right now, but I'll let you know more about it in the future.
Apart from that, I keep getting the urge to make a PMV for chapter 5. I have a few songs in mind (yes all vocaloid songs fite me), but I'm unsure which one to go through with, if any at all. I have one that has lyrics that fit scarily good with a particular part, but I also had a song before that planned with lyric distributions to certain characters and whatnot. So we'll see where that goes haha
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postitforward · 1 year
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Hey there, lovely folk 👋
Welcome back to Mindful Mondays!
Whether you’re decompressing from festive stress or meditating your way through the winter days, we’re here for you. And the good news is we are creeping every-closer towards the new year, which means a new start, and that bit closer to warm, sunny weather. We can’t wait. ☀️
And if that feels like a long long time, we’ve got something to help you make the best of these winter days: introducing, Breathwork to Connect to Nature Meditation! 🏞️ Nothing helps body and soul reset like time spent in the beauty and wonder of nature, and here on Tumblr Live, we are bringing it straight to you with this calming meditation. Whether it’s complimenting your winter days, or helping you make it through, there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain. 
And we’ve got the perfect guide, too. Meet Liana! She is a rainforest vine that is rooted in the Earth and uses trees to climb to the light, and she wants to help you to do the same. Liana acts as a vine for divine energy to work through her to align others with a higher vibrational state. As an energy worker, she is a certified White Light Reiki Expert Practitioner and VortexHealing® Practitioner. Liana utilizes gentle breath work, vocal toning, cacao, and mindfulness meditation in her practice to silence the mind and induce a transcendent state. She knows her stuff, too: she regularly leads energy healing events in NYC and sees clients out of her home office in Brooklyn. This incredible work has been work has been featured in Essence Magazine, Sheen Magazine, Yahoo Lifestyle, and Black Girl in OM. In 2017, she was listed by Essence Magazine as one of the “Self-Care Sistahs That Helped Redefine Wellness.” And she’s here to help you find a little spot of wellness and a little spot of sunshine.
We’d love it if you could join us for just ten minutes of quiet breathing here on Tumblr Live, where we are bringing nature to you.
🧘 WATCH: Nature Breathwork with Liana from HealHaus, 1/16, 10am EST 🧘
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pixelplayground · 10 days
I'm extremely sad because I have to stop playing The Sims, and I would like to talk to someone who also plays to know if this problem happens only to me or not.
I have to stop playing because some creators put viruses in the custom content. I know this because my browser keeps switching from Google to Yahoo multiple times by itself. Does this also happen to you?
Hello nonny, I don’t think you need to stop playing sims, you just need to be careful of what you download and run it through Twisted Mexi’s mod that detects compromised files. I haven’t had a Trojan or malware issue since my Limewire days (yes I just aged myself) LOL. If you are downloading .exe packages thinking they are sims cc — that’s your first red flag.
You might want to back up your personal data and then reset your computer to factory settings if you think you have something nefarious installed.
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randomthefox · 2 months
I swear IDW could get immediately cancelled and go the way of Prime in terms of long-term relevancy, but these yahoos would still swear up n' down that it's still canon, or rather "important." Nobody with a single braincell, coming into the fandom, is gonna hunt down and read a potentially-dead comic, in order to understand all of Sonic's lore. Because that becomes Required Reading, which in other words 'extra homework.' And nobody likes homework for what is ultimately supposed to be easy and or enjoyable to consume. I shouldn't have to watch Prime or read IDW just to 'catch up' with a franchise I like. They're ultimately junk food at best from the Actual Canon, i.e. the video games. Stop telling me junk food is just as good as the fruits & vegetables that maybe I prefer to eat, comic stans.
People throw around Archie Sonic trivia nuggets as if they're canon, and Archie Sonic opened every single issue with a narration box saying "this shit isn't canon", so that's a given.
The reality is that IDW Sonic is going to end when IDW as a company goes out of business, which is definitely going to happen that company is careening towards bankruptcy within the next five years guaranteed. And when that happens, the IDW Sonic comics are going to be out of print and off the market. The ONLY way to purchase them is going to be from second hand resellers for scalpers prices. It is going to be IMPOSSIBLE to legally read the IDW Sonic comics before the decade is out. Ya really think anybody financially involved with the Sonic brand is still going to be insisting the comics are canon then? Anybody who thinks that SEGA will start self publishing the IDW Sonic comics and continue that continuity, or that another comic company can pick up the baton from IDW, is fucking delusional.
And that's the thing about the "it's canon now" argument that's self defeating. Crossing your arms and insisting that it's canon NOW is tacitly admitting that it was not canon before. And if it wasn't canon before but it is canon now, then that means they changed their mind. And if they changed their mind once, they can change it again. There's no guarantee that it will REMAIN canon, and I can pretty much guarantee that it definitely won't. This 1984 ass mentality that we need to retroactively consider it to have always been canon because they're saying it is now, as if it always has been, is just psychotic. And the complete lack of self awareness to comprehend that that may change in the future is just stupidity. To think that how things are in the here and now is how they always have been and always will be, that the singular moment of the Now is all encompassing of all time past and future and we cannot acknowledge that things used to be or may eventually become different, is becoming a depressingly common mentality.
Not even to mention Sonic Prime which was DOA and Netflix is probably going to blam it from their servers and make it unavailable to ever be viewed legally online ever again in a few years lol. Now THAT shit was funny. Remember how people were huffing copium so deep and so hard that they were theory crafting that the show would end by cosmically resetting the universe to a state that resembles the video games and that would explain how the show is canon because it'd turn out to have been a prequel all along? Fucking hilarious lol.
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schweizercomics · 2 years
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Hey there, friends!
I’m back to tumblr, it looks like; I tried to pop in over the last few years but my password never worked during the yahoo times and I couldn’t get them to send me a reset. But it works now, and although I have since the big tumblr collapse of 2018 turned most of my output towards twitter, I’ve heard that they’ve rescinded the adult content ban in order to court twitter users dealing with that platform’s current collapse. Although I don’t post much of any adult content myself, no artist wants to put their attention towards a platform that disenfranchises their peers, so I’m glad that that’s changed, and I’m glad to dip my tow back in.
I’ll probably post some art from the last few years, given that I haven’t posted much of anything on here in a long time. Anyway, for those coming back, good to see ya again, for those who never left, it’s good to see y’all, too, and for new folks, welcome! -Chris
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cjwritesforyou · 3 months
College Freshman Chapter 7
Chapter 7 of this daily rom-com series
Angelina and Thomas left last chapter on a weird note. How will they act toward each other in their class? Will things be awkward? Or normal?
Their next psychology class was about to start and she hadn’t seen Thomas since last class. It was a big campus, after all. Or texted. She was too scared to do that. Of course she was the first one there, and was already set up.
Molly came in a few minutes before class started and was like how she always was. Not fun.
“What’s gonna happen today?” Molly asked.
“Nothing’s going to happen,” Angie said.
“You know, with you and your boyfriend.”
“Not my boyfriend.”
Molly snickered and sat down behind her, like usual. The only thing unusual was Thomas. Where was he? Class was about to start.
The door opened and she looked up. The professor.
“Hi class,” the professor said. “Are we ready for lecture?”
“Yes professor,” a few students grumbled in their morning voices.
“Great, because t0day is exciting!”
“Where’s your boyfriend?” Molly whispered.
“Not my boyfriend.” Angie said.
“Today we’re gonna talk about case studies!” the professor said.
“Yahoo,” groaned a few students.
“Maybe he’s not showing up.” Molly whispered.
“I don’t know. Or care.” Angie said.
“You totally care.”
“I do not.”
“Or else things wouldn’t be this awkward.”
“I don’t have a counter to that.”
“Can you name a case study? Can you relay that information to me? That’s what I’m testing for,” the professor said.
“It’s always something new.” Molly whispered.
“This stuff is important,” Angie said.
“It all is, isn’t it.”
“You get it!”
The professor started lecturing but there was still no sign of Thomas. Maybe he wasn’t coming. She pulled out her notes reluctantly. She hesitated at first, but got into the groove of things. Angie was going to memorize everything about case studies. There was no doubt about it.
They must’ve been twenty minutes in and Angie blocked everything else out. She wasn’t even thinking about anything else. She was locked in on her notes. That was all that mattered. And then he showed up.
The door swung open and Thomas appeared, looking like he always does. Angie didn’t know what to do. She just about froze.
“Good morning!” the professor said.
“Good morning,” Thomas replied.
Angie went to put her hand up to wave but he didn’t see it. She was waving awkwardly then put her hand down. Someone had to see. Molly definitely saw. She could already sense her laughter.
Thomas went to an open seat and opened his backpack. Now Angelina didn’t know what to do. Her head didn’t know what to do. She wanted to go back to taking notes, but she had so many thoughts racing through her head.
Did he ignore me?
Did he even see me?
Why was he even late for class?
Angelina held her note-taking pen up but didn’t move it yet. She didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t even focus.
“Like I was saying–case studies–they aren’t proctored the whole way by a psychologist. They just pop up. Especially after a traumatic event occurs,” the professor said.
Angelina put her pen down and took a deep breath. She got out of her chair and started for the door. She thought everyone could see her, but she needed a reset–in the bathroom. The professor glanced over at her since she didn’t usually do anything but take notes in his class. Angie thought he knew too. Why she had to get up. Why she was going to the bathroom in the middle of class. Why everything.
Angie opened the door and shut it, still light and cautious. She looked back in the room, and that was a mistake for her mentality. Angie caught a glimpse of Thomas in the window as she was walking out. He was watching her. Now she really didn’t know what to think. Maybe she shouldn’t have gotten up at all, but she felt she had to.
She walked to the bathroom and opened the door. Good, no one. Angie didn’t cry, but she needed to wash her face. Reset. She used cold water but it felt good, like it was hitting a spot she wanted to be clear. She washed and washed her face. It felt good. Angie looked up in the mirror and saw her face dripping wet. She grabbed a few napkins and rubbed her face. She looked up again and saw a different girl, a different woman. She was ready to return to class.
Angie flung the door open and started towards the classroom. When she reached the doorknob she hesitated, but went inside anyway. She didn’t look at Thomas, couldn’t right now. The professor didn’t stop for her and continued on. She sat back down and put her pen in her hand.
“She’s back!” Molly whispered.
“I'm back!” Angie said.
“I haven’t seen you leave the classroom yet. Not even Biology.”
“Is it that shocking?”
“Well, it is normal for most people.”
“And me?”
“You have a reason for everything.”
“I do?”
Molly had been watching her closely. She liked being able to trust her. She was a good friend to have. But, did she know everything behind that giggle.
“You do. I was going to ask you about it but your timing told me everything,” Molly smiled and glanced at Thomas.
Angelina didn’t look over. She knew who Molly looked at without having to look herself. She knew a lot about her. But she was glad.
“You know too much,” Angie smiled.
“It’s lecture time,” Molly smirked.
“You’re one to talk.”
Both of the girls laughed to themselves but the professor saw and smiled. He thought he was being funny. He was having a great time.
Angie got through the lecture and was smooth sailing. It felt fresh, felt good. The material was good to take down, and she understood it all. There were no distractions. She forgot everything and was engrossed in the psychology lecture. It was great.
“Angelina?” Thomas blinked.
She forgot he was in their class.
“Th-Thomas? What’s up?” Angelina said.
“I was hoping I could talk to you after class.”
“About what?”
“About you.”
“About me?”
Angelina didn’t understand what he meant. Why was he so concerned? What did it matter to him?
“You walked out today,” Thomas said
“Don’t a lot of people?” Angelina asked.
“Not you.”
He was right but she didn’t know what to say. He was actually watching, and he cared? Did he know about her? Why she needed to go out?
“Are you alright?” Thomas asked.
“I-I am,” Angelina said.
“I wanted to make sure. Are you fine?”
“I-I am. Thank you for checking.”
Maybe he did care. He was watching this whole time?
“That’s good. You can always tell me if you’re not alright,” Thomas said.
“I will,” Angelina said.
“Or text. That’s what I’m here for.”
“OK, OK. I will let you know.”
“You better!”
Thomas walked out the door and they were the last ones in the room. Except one person. Molly. Of course Molly saw everything. She could already hear her giggles.
“You made up with your boyfriend?” Molly asked.
“Not my boyfriend,” Angie said.
“We’ll see about that.”
“What do you mean we’ll see?”
They laughed and left the classroom headed toward Biology. No one knew why they were laughing, but they thought it was funny. And that’s the only people that needed to think it was funny. It worked.
Angie walked into Biology and saw the door handle. Her mind immediately thought of Thomas. She was excited for next class, if anything.
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ahedderick · 2 years
   Firefox annoys me so much. I understand why it’s good for privacy, etc, but it is DETERMINED to use Yahoo as a ‘Browser default’ search engine. Yes, I know how to change the search engine. See?
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   HOWEVER, it consistently resets itself to Yahoo every third day. So I have to change it, and change it, and change it again.  Grrr.
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xluxsolarisx · 8 months
3 AND 7 AND 16 AND breathes 18 AND 26‼️‼️
yippee yahoo hip hip hooray i love sharing personal information with people on the internet!!!!!
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
#FF5733. yes i dug up an old picture and eyedropped the hex value i hate it that much. it's so fucking obnoxious and i used to own a dress that exact color (and even aside from the color the dress itself was just ugly as sin) that i had to wear way too often because "it was a gift from your relative and you have to show how grateful you are for it!!!!!!" i ended up shrinking it in the wash on purpose and told my mom i just outgrew it (sometimes a girlboss gotta gaslight :/) point is i hate it. reminds me bad memories and it's just an awful color on its own. yeah.
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
angelfish my friend angelfish my best friend even <3 i also really like seeing manta rays (they look like this :]) and dolphins (i got to touch one at a dolphin show in dubai once!!! it wasn't an aquarium per se but it still a big win i had fun c:) and axolotls (they look like this :}) and hammerhead sharks (they look like they were squished in some kind of looney tunes situation and have yet to blow air into their thumb to reset themselves back) and oh my god i love the aquarium i need to go again soon
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
not very good thoughts honestly. it tastes like toothpaste with chunks in it it's nasty >:( i much prefer caramel or cake batter or perhaps cheesecake. there are so many beautiful ice cream flavors in the world but mint chocolate chip is not one of them
18. your boba/tea order?
mango tea with strawberry popping boba is my all time favorite! if they don't have that strawberry milk tea with brown sugar boba! if they don't have that lychee tea with peach boba! if they don't have that i walk into the forest and am violently rendered asunder by a creature into blood and guts and gore! i really love boba and i've been having it a lot ever since i went to college bc there's a boba place near campus :D i actually don't really like regular tea, only boba. idk why but regular tea always tasted too bitter and earthy to me
26. how's your spice tolerance?
not great to be honest :/ i just don't see the appeal in burning my mouth and being in pain when that could simply be avoided. i deal with enough stressful situations as is i don't need any from my food. and it's worse than it could be because everyone else in my family is a masochist or perhaps a demon of some sort and loves spicy food so sososo much. did you know my brother did the one chip challenge like three fucking times completely willingly. insane. i can actually tolerate it in like chicken or kebabs just not anywhere else.
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learnaside · 2 years
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