#respect fka twigs
sillyteecup · 1 month
Nothing is fair in love and war
Roman Reigns x black!o.c
Strong language
Mentioned violence
A.N: Soooo this based on a post I saw by @msbigredmachine talking about how no one came out to help our boy Roman because of how much of a menace he's been since 2020. I also happened to be listening to Careless by FKA twigs and Daniel Caesar while writing this. Anyway, thank you for reading. Enjoy❤️
Raised in a Christian Household, Leti and her family would always start the day with the Lord's prayer, and then again in the mornings at school with her classmates and teachers, and then again before the end of the day with the same classmates and teachers, and then again at the 7 pm Bible study she would go to to satisfy her mother. She knew "Our Father," word for word and bar for bar. It was etched into her brain, and had become a core memory she would never be rid of.
Her mother would be thrilled to learn that at least that part of her religious teachings survived.
The thing about Leti's relationship is with Our Father was that as she had grown older, life had pushed her into a direction where she found herself agreeing less and less with the prayer. Every proclamation slowly began to contradict her thoughts and opinions. Her character gradually morphed into one that opposed the prayer almost entirely. One line however, stood out the most to Leti.
"And forgive us for our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us," was a proclamation that never resonated with her. Her father knew that. Her mother knew that. Her old friends at school knew that. Sami Zayn knew that. And now Roman was about to find out that forgiveness was not in her lexicon.
The man in question had been pacing in frustration, chugging down a bottle of water to cool his high temperature. It was his third night back on Smackdown and he had already been jumped by Solo and his little merryband of evildoers, or the Bloodline as they refer themselves to. As much as Leti held no current respect for Roman, she still held the sentiment that Solo and Solettes were unworthy of the privilege of being a part of the Bloodline, let alone spear heading it. They didn't deserve the luxury of representing the family. Not after everything they had done to disregard everything Leti, Roman, and the twins had built while Solo mostly stood there like an overgrown cinderblock that got tossed around every now and again in every solo match. Still, with that very sentiment, Leti held not a single shred of sympathy for Roman. He got what he had deserved.
"You're just gonna sit there and say nothing?" he demanded gruffly, glaring at Leti who was sitting on the couch and scrolling through twitter. In a fashion true to her nature, she rolled her eyes and remained silent. She was no longer on his time and would speak when she felt like it.
"Leti, I'm talking to you," Roman said, irritation growing at the silence.
A silence that never wavered as Leti still refused to budge.
"Leleti Reigns-" Roman had begun to yell causing Leti to put her phone down.
"Norwood. Leleti Norwood," she corrected coldly, glaring daggers at him. The hurt in his eyes was gone as quickly as it had come, as it had been replaced with rage.
"So that's how you wanna act huh?" he asked, disbelief mixing into his low tone.
Leti clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. Roman never seemed to understand the concept of consequences. His brain always just zoomed into victim mode. It truly was a shame that she had even managed to be able to see past that flaw four whole years ago.
"You brought it onto yourself," she stated, hazel eyes narrowing to slits. It was about time someone finally humbled him from the little power trip he thought he was gonna be taking since he had been back.
Roman's jaw ticked at her words. The truth always dealt a brutal blow when you hated hearing it. "And I plan on fixing it," he told her as he began pacing again. This time he was likely plotting his game plan.
Leti's left eyebrow arched at the statement, "How? With a superman punch? Or will it be a spear?" she inquired. The venom in her tone did not go unnoticed by Roman.
"I don't know, but maybe if you made yourself useful instead of sitting over there and acting like a fucking child, I could come up with something feasible," Roman hissed as he stalked towards her.
Leti rolled her eyes at the man towering above her, not feeling intimidated in the slightest. She had become all too familiar with his little scare-tactics and had become impervious to them. "And why the hell would I want to do that?" she questioned evenly.
"Loyalty. Loyalty to the Bloodline; your loyalty to me-" he had begun to explain before being cut-off by a bitter chuckle from Leti.
"Surely it must be drugs or some shit because while my loyalties lie with the Bloodline, I have none left for you. Not after that cowardly shit you pulled at Mania," she said bitterly. Leti was observant. She knew Roman almost as well as she knew that prayer. The quick parting and closing of his lips and the flicker of his eyes from the ceiling to the ground as a means of hiding what could possibly be tears, meant that his facade was on the verge of shattering.
All the cracks from the twins betrayal, his loss at Mania, his cousins' betrayal of his legacy, Leti's change in demeanor since he had returned, his cousins using his own numbers game against him, and now this very moment, had finally caught up to him
"It hurts doesn't it?" Leti asked, features fixed in anger. "Being alone? That shit stings no?"
Roman's jaw ticked again as he licked his lips, eyes still everywhere but on hers.
Leti rose from her place on the couch and proceeded to glare right into Roman's skull. Despite the glaring height difference, her gaze still burned through his mind.
"You don't get to run away for four whole fucking months then come back and expect everybody to treat you like some martyr for cleaning up the mess that you fucking made. Just because the fans are buying into it, doesn't mean I or anybody in this damn locker room is, " Leti snarled as she poked him in the chest with the long nail on her index finger.
"This isn't some fucking fairytale or superhero movie where you're suddenly absolved from your bullshit because you're 'doing the work'! This is real life, and in real life, there are consequences. And you haven't even cracked the tip of the iceberg," she said, chuckling at the last statement.
With a quick exhale, she bent to grab her phone and quickly moved to leave the dressing room. Right as she turned though, she felt a calloused hand grab her bicep, stopping her from leaving. The familiar feel of his palm sent her into an emotional frenzy on it's own with all the memories it brought back. The pleasure they once held, was now replaced with pain.
"Don't turn your back on me. Please," she heard him plead softly. Her snapped to face him. His eyes held nothing but remorse for his actions, and fear that he was about to lose her on top of everything else he had lost. Unfortunately for him, he was four months too late.
"Or what? You'll leave again? Run away like a little bitch after a loss so you can sip margaritas and fuck all kinds of bitches on rotation at some private resort on a cute little island? Huh? Not call or text to let me know you're okay or at least fucking alive while everything goes to shit? Answer me Roman! Fucking answer me!" she had begun to yell, having yanked her arm from his grip. He remained quiet, lips pursuing into a thin line as he understood that anything he could say now would only add to her rightful anger.
"You gonna leave me here to watch Jimmy and Paul get decimated huh? You gonna leave me here to get powerbombed through a table by Solo and his fucking goons all because I stayed loyal to you, huh? Loyal even after you abandoned us! Abandoned me! The woman you claimed to love, the only fuckin person that stuck by you through everything Roman!" she cried, shoving him with every statement.
Roman however did not fight back. At least he knew he deserved it. He closed his eyes to try and fight back tears while he took deep breaths to stop himself from breaking down right there and then. The truth always dealt a brutal blow, but Leti knew how to make that shit cut into one's flesh.
"I'm sorry," he whispered in an attempt to control his voice.
Leti's features morphed into an expression of pure hatred. "That's too fucking bad, because you're four months late," she hissed. With one last glare, she turned to leave. This time Roman allowed her to storm out of his dressing room for what he knew would be the last time.
Out of the many things he had come to learn about Leleti, one of his favourite things was that forgiveness just wasn't a part of her lexicon.
If only he had known that there were no exceptions to the rule.
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colorful-white-ideas · 2 months
The hate a select few people have been giving FKA Twigs lately is disgusting, especially when you take into account how awful some Twilight fans were to her when she was engaged to Robert Pattinson. She's said before in both the Empire interview that recently came out and also in an interview she did for Vogue recently that she loved how she and Bill became friends filming The Crow and she really respected his professionalism and how he didn't look down on her for being a newbie to acting. That's it - they're just friends! And she's already got a boyfriend who she adores. Funny how none of these people ever had any issue with any of the actresses who've played Bill's love interests or shot sex scenes with him in any of his other projects, but now they're hating on Twigs...
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b-skarsgard · 1 month
The Crow (in theaters August 23 is a love story first, between the damaged and introverted Eric and the damaged and extroverted Shelly, played by Bill Skarsgård and FKA twigs respectively. They meet at a remote rehabilitation center where the inmates wear matching pink sweatsuits and try to connect to their emotions. Like Robert Smith’s makeup, O’Barr’s comic book is drawn in stark black and white, but Sanders leaves his mark with striking pops of color. The inmates forming a therapy circle of dusty crayon pink; Eric in pilfered gold and black Versace underwear; Shelly in a soft lavender faux-fur coat. And later, so much red blood—puddles of it.
more at the link 🐦‍⬛
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corvuserpens · 27 days
Alright girlies, I just came back from watching The Crow (2024) and
I'm sorry babes, but it's better than Wicked Prayer. Not better than the 1994 original -- but better than Wicked Prayer. This is your obligatory 🚨🚨 SPOILER ALERT 🚨🚨 don't say I didn't warn you.
To everyone who recently followed me for Black Sails, we'll get back to that soon, just lemme dump my thoughts on this movie bc The Crow was a game changer for little nine-year-old me back in the good ol' 90's. It's the movie that turned me into a baby bat.
So first things first: the cinematography. Gorgeous. Nice sets, great lighting. Mood always on point. Aesthetics to die for.
Second of all: score. AWESOME. They had Joy Division's Disorder playing while Eric and Shelly were escaping the rehab center and when that first beat started playing, I almost screamed in the mostly empty theater and started tapping along to it. Immediate B- for the movie just for that. But the rest of the music was just as good imo, it slapped so hard that now I have to look it up and play it non-stop. Surprising amount of goth and darkly-inclined music in there, which I was not expecting given the overall appearance of the lead characters.
The story, as I already expressed in a previous post, was generic but at least it had some themes to it that I found interesting. I couldn't really relate to the lifestyle these characters were leading, and honestly, the whole "oh they had a fucked up childhood and it led them into a life of crime/bohemian lifestyle that will be their end", y'know, "live fast, die young," is kinda old for me. I've seen it too many times for it to be edgy anymore. I get this is a reality for many people and I feel or them, obviously. I just don't think it's original anymore. Or maybe it's just not my kind of tea, which is fine. If it is for someone else, more power to them!
Anyway, where was I? Oh, right. Themes. I may not relate to the lifestyle, but I do relate to the whole "loving someone so much you can't imagine yourself living without them" which is what spurs on the whole conflict. From the very beginning, the movie doesn't hesitate to tell us "these two are doomed by the narrative so all the happy times they have won't last." And I will say, FKA Twigs and Bill Skarsgard have insane chemistry. Eric and Shelly's story is very brief and their relationship is only a speck in each of their lifetimes... but they sell the genuine love between them SO well, which lends an extra bit of flavor to the whole tragedy. They only knew each other for such a short amount of time, but the love was there. The connection was there. The threads of a future were just beginning to weave together, and then they were all cut away in the blink of an eye.
In the original movie, the tragedy of Eric Draven and Shelly Webster mirrored James O'Barr's own loss: they had their entire future set up in front of them, all these plans. They were on the eve of their wedding, and then they were brutally murdered. The tragic element in the new movie isn't lessened. It's just different. And I enjoyed that.
One thing I didn't really enjoy was the whole hell premise and the villain who made a bargain with the devil for eternal life in exchange for innocent souls. First of all, that's not how Satan works and this is slander of the highest order. No, I'm not a Satanist, but I respect the guy. Second of all, it's another tired old trope that needs to be put to rest. I find it much more interesting when human characters do evil shit because they act upon their evil impulses, which we all have, NOT because "the devil made them do it." Just... ugh. No, I loved Top Dollar in the 1994 movie because he was some fucked up little dude who lived for mayhem and death and had impeccable taste in Victorian fashion, who happened to dab in the occult along with his half-sister whom he liked to fuck. He was theatrical and extremely Edgy for the time and that's why he's so iconic and memorable. I don't need a villain who sold his soul for eternal life. Let him be evil for evil's sake, you don't need to sell your soul for that, damn. Not to mention Roeg felt flat and uninteresting. The connection to predatory men in high positions of power who prey on the dreams of young women artists was there, but they made it so on-the-nose that it sucked the interest out of it. Eh.
Now. The whole abandoned train station as a liminal space between life and death and the mysterious man who may or may not be an angel (or the skeletal cowboy from the comic book). There's an interesting concept. And the whole using puddles of dirty water, and rivers or other bodies full of liquid (a tub at some point) as a portal to and from that space? Simple, yet effective. Reminds me a little too much of the meme of the girl on the swing who jumps off into a puddle and disappears through it, but regardless. I think Eric jumps to and from there a bit too often and it breaks the mysticism a bit, but whatever.
I did enjoy the fact that Eric doesn't get his full powers immediately after dying, and I DID like the detail that, as long as his love for Shelly remains pure, his body will always heal because, as the Mysterious Man points out, the death/corruption/undoing of love (can't remember his exact words) isn't hate; it's doubt. As the story progresses and Eric finds out Shelly's Big Dark Secret™, his love for her falters, so his body begins to fail. It ties perfectly to the end of act one, when Shelly asks him to promise that when she becomes hard to love, to love her harder.
Which brings me to Shelly's backstory. It wasn't bad. I can understand the whole "your mom pushed you too hard when you showed signs of great artistic potential and it led her to manipulate you, abuse you and expose you to things a young girl shouldn't be exposed to" so she had to escape from her clutches, but the things she saw fucked her up and she turned to drugs and alcohol to cope.
But at this point, when she reveals she has this Big Dark Secret™ that she can't tell Eric about or else he wouldn't love her anymore, we already know that the villain made a bargain with the devil, so he has the ability to reach into the darkest parts of a person's soul and force them to act on it. And that kinda spoils the moment when it's revealed that Shelly killed someone. Because y'know, her soul is Pure and Good and she would never actually kill anyone because if she did, then she'd really deserve going to hell! Just... No. That's not how women work. That's not even how people work! People are imperfect, that's what makes us human. It would have been so much more interesting if Shelly had in fact killed that random girl, like, I dunno, over money, over drugs, over blackmail or something random and stupid that made her act out and then had it haunt her for the rest of her life, I don't fucking know! But no. She killed her because Roeg made her, exempting her from the blame and the consequences instantly. Boring. Let Eric learn all the fucked up things Shelly did and love her anyway. Let her get a little redemption for her bad choices by earning his full, unconditional love because that's all any of us wants, isn't it? To have someone see how rotten we are and say we are enough for them despite it all. Goddamn.
Okay, what else. The comedic timing. The stupid pun when they first meet, the opera music playing over Eric going ballistic in the hall, the fact he got stabbed with his katana in the back, but two minutes later, somehow the katana flipped around so Eric can pull it out of his front?? That was such a 2000's era movie mistake, lmao. Very charming.
No officer Albrecht or Sarah as a human stand-in for Eric's moral compass or to remind him of Shelly or all the other people they loved and who he will have to leave behind when all's said and done? Bad.
For a movie titled The Crow, there was a sad lack of crow influence in the movie. Eric isn't connected to his crow in any way. No more whole "you kill the crow, you kill the man" anymore, which is bullshit. Bill Skarsgard doesn't even get to have a crow perching on his shoulder??? What is this??????????? Big boo. The crow was the central focus of all the other movies bc it was the protagonist's link to the land of the living. It was a constant presence to remind us that, when all the wrong things have been set right, the crow would lead him back to the land of the dead to rest. As it were, in this installment, the crow was a prop and nothing more. If it hadn't been there, the story wouldn't be affected in the slightest. This is where this film fails to be a The Crow movie to me: one of them is still alive by the end when that's not what The Crow as a franchise is about.
The original comic book was an expression of tremendous grief and loss over a loved one, by how untimely and unfair it was. In the end, the protagonist, whomever they may be, dies so that they can be with that person they lost and they can be at peace in whatever comes after life. Don't get me wrong, it's still pretty compelling to have Eric learn Shelly is going to hell and offers to trade his soul for hers, and it is okay that in the end, Shelly is brought back to life while Eric remains dead. I mean, the whole bit with the mysterious man being a first responder and telling Shelly that Eric fought hard over her? Heart-wrenching. In a different movie, I would be all about it, but this is supposedly a The Crow movie and it broke the precedent imposed by the previous installments, both in comic book and movie format. So... Yeah, that's a no from me. Themes of grief and loss? Never heard of her.
To wrap this post up 'cause it's getting too long: I liked that the Marion character seemed to have a thing going on with her body-guard or wtv he was? You know, the one who killed Shelly? That was a nice little side detail I noticed. The themes were nicely established, but didn't tie up too well, I think. Too many loose ends or things left unexplored. I was glad we didn't get the schmuck happy ending in which the Universe or Entity or what have you deemed Eric's love for Shelly pure enough that he wouldn't go to hell in her stead and they were both brought back to life and lived happily ever after. But we also didn't get to see Eric getting dragged to hell in the end either, that was a missed opportunity to really let the consequences of his choices sink into the audience and make us all leave the room completely horrified. Would make for a much more impactful credit roll. Or maybe I'm just fucked in the head, idk.
The defeat of the villain felt unsatisfying. Did like the whole "you corrupted her (into killing that girl)" "you can't corrupt what's not in there already" thing, but if at the end of the fight Eric had gotten a little monologue about how "it's not about whether the corruption is in there or not, it's your choices not to act on it that really matters" before shoving Roeg into the jaws of hell, that would have helped matters along, me thinks. Hate that the movie has to hand-hold the audience through making connections between what's said at the beginning of the story and when later the characters mirror it with actions. I get we went through covid and all our memory and attention span got royally scrambled for it, but come on. We're not little kids. Let the setup/payoff ratio stand on its own, I promise people will remember.
All in all, hour and half well spent, I wasn't bored and my eyes had a feast with the visuals. I'll give it a 6/10👍 Would have been better as a stand-alone action flick instead of being advertised as a new The Crow installment (and really, it's trying to be a more faithful adaptation of the comic book? Even Donald fucking Trump couldn't make up a lie this blatant), but I enjoyed myself and that's what matters.
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blossoms-phan · 1 month
hi friends! since it’s been 3 months I thought I’d do a little updated about me :p
you can call me blossoms! 🌸 comes from the url obviously which I decided on in seconds when sitting in the middle of my bed making this blog at 3am bc I love dan and phil and cherry blossoms/japan/japhan etc etc
(as a side note I don’t share a lot of personally identifying info on here for a lot of reasons, don’t wanna be found out + professional reasons and tumblr is a great platform for having being a phannie as my main identity but I will occasionally overshare in the tags or random posts. for the most vague details I’m canadian and a poc ig? if you want to be friends or discuss anything in more detail im happy to share in dms just not in the general void lol)
some past fandoms I’ve been a part of tumblr or otherwise: avengers/marvel (this was in the peak in like 2016 and I followed it probably up until 2020 but dgaf anymore soz), marvel’s daredevil (their best show still love it), one direction/harry styles (harry was prob my biggest interest/fandom I was heavily involved in until like 2022 ish, i followed a bunch of accounts on my other blog and fan pages, went to his first solo tour in 2018, basically followed his every move- ik he’s not some underground artist but I lost interest when he kinda boomed and became SUPER popular I miss the early days of his solo era lol but still like his music), criminal minds, I think those are the main ones obv I lurk anytime I have a special interest lol
artists I like: twenty one pilots, arctic monkeys, the 1975, hozier, frank ocean, bad suns, muse, sufjan stevens, lana del rey, wallows, ed sheeran, lorde, zayn/hs/niall horan, paramore, the smiths, 5sos, kendrick lamar, fka twigs, fleetwood mac (this is off the top of my head just main ones ig there’s lots of other artists with specific songs I like and I also listen to my playlists from middle school often with p!atd and fob just the older stuff tho)
fave tv: derry girls, criminal minds, the office, gilmore girls, brooklyn 99, community, freaks and geeks, gossip girl, new girl, the end of the fucking world (short but a personal fave), fleabag, mindhunter- I like basic nbc sitcoms ok what can I say but currently watching Buffy and there’s lots of things on my watchlist like twin peaks I just never have time (aka always watching YouTube/dnp)
i like to think of myself as a cinephile when I really don’t watch as many movies as I’d like to bc of the same reasons listed above but I keep up with what’s happening in the film world and yeah some of my faves include: little women, sing street, before sunrise, aftersun, clueless, call me by your name, the perks of being a wallflower, big hero 6, la la land, zodiac, the social network, scream, the batman, bones and all, knives out, hp/twilight series
random interests: the scream franchise/saw/horror, until dawn (the game), youtube video essays, true crime content/criminology (in the most respectful way I promise I studied it and mean like actual data and researched podcasts not the weirdos that idolize certain people cough cough), perfumes/cosmetics, art, fashion, baking/food in gen, journaling, pinterest, reading (literary fiction/mystery/some ya)
idk what you were expecting this is literally all media but we’re all media consumers here lmao and I thought this might be a fun way to connect with other phannies if we share similar interests outside of dnp :3
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urlocallsimp · 2 years
I love the trope of someone rising above the hurt, above the vengeance, the grudge, the enimity, the darkness thatsomeone bestowed upon them because they realize that that's not who they are and they refuse to continue the cycle of hurt! what a beautiful character arc for Shuri, I LOOOVED THAT FOR HER! She definitely didn't deserve the traumas that forced her to emotionally mature so quickly! but she passed the test wonderfully. Her healing will be beautiful and i CANNOT wait to see her in future movies with the new growth she has gained.
I totally see how Namor gained respect for her when she spared his life because it takes courage to do that. To not act from a place of hatred and stop the cycle of abuse. I think it was his first time  witnessing the existence of choices other than just 'revenge'. I think that is something HE can learn from. Because when he let his hatred win, he ended up taking her mother from her and ridding Wakanda from their Queen like his own mother's nation was once taken from her and he stood in that battlefield realizing he was now no different from the people he despised. His hatred for colonizers is totally valid but his attack on Wakanda was definitely a horrible mistake but its the kind of mistake that came from a place of love and protectiveness over his people and that is something both Wakandans and Talokanils share. So i totally see healing, growth and an allyship between them.
This is Perhaps why i ship them. It's not so much about my desire for romance between them but because of what they do to each other as humans/souls; the trigger to become better! Uuuughhh Shuri the woman that you are!!! Making a 500 year old God learn from your light. No wonder he was immortalizing her in a painted mural completely convinced she's the most powerful woman he had ever met.
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frootielooties · 9 months
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆🪩.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆ .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚🎀。⋆.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.
hii, i’m jules !! welcome to my blog :)
i’ll start off by saying that i am okay with adult mutuals as long and you understand and respect that i’m a minor!! what i am not okay with is anyone who detests someone because of race, gender identity, or sexuality. zionists are not welcome or respected here either!!
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i reblog things i think are cool, but sometimes i’ll make gifs of new music videos i love and am excited about!!
i love music of pretty much any genre, that and music artists are the majority of what i blog about. i also love collecting cds and records, i’m trying to get into a habit of posting about them more.
♫ artists i love: the 1975(!!!) , arctic monkeys, beabadoobee, bleachers (!!), boygenius, chappell roan (!!), charli xcx (!!), clairo, claud, conan gray, the dare(!!!), djo, dua lipa, ethel cain (!!), fka twigs, harry styles, inhaler, lana del rey, the last shadow puppets, lorde, mitski, muna, my chemical romance, nicole dollanganger (!), olivia rodrigo, one direction, phoebe bridgers, samia, sky ferreira, steel train, taylor swift (!!!), troye sivan, tyler the creator, wallows (!!), zayn
i’ll update the list as life goes on 🫡 if you have any recs feel free to dm me!! i love listening to new things <33
✩ my concerts: wallows (oct 10, 2022), taylor swift (may 6, 2023), bleachers (may 28, 2024), wallows (august 20, 2024)
❀ other things i love: pink, winter, timothée chalamet, animal crossing, minecraft, pinterest, makeup, nail polish, landscapes, art, house decor, over the garden wall, letterboxd, dachshunds, fnaf, books, jewelry, bones and all, magazines, spirited away, weenie dogs, concerts, tulips, wes anderson movies
❀ dm me for anything!! i swear i don’t mind, i love talking to new people :))
❀ asks are always welcome!!
❀ i try to make my blog comfortable for everybody and anybody, no matter who you are or what you identify as
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♡ my favorite blogs - @cottoncandywhispers @seals-are-cool @kosmogrl @mothprincess @heavenfalls @hromantics @petitworld @controlmyfeet @chloesevigny @beachesgetpeaches @hereyeswerefilledwiththestars @touteslesfilles @stayinsidemymind @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @viennaangel @alltheliars @allmyusualtricks @zandrapaints @haniishu @nikswonderland @evermqres
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beautifulpersonpeach · 7 months
Le Sserafim has made me a fan with their latest comeback.
Easy is a top tier joint.
Fucking up a punked out church with that slick ass choreo, bishops and nuns lining the isles bearing the group’s symbol while Chaewon dons a 777 hat leading her fearless girls into the church…
Yeah, I’m sold.
And we haven’t even started talking about the production, which of course feels perfectly layered and crisp enough to bite into. It’s perfect.
It sounds like I’m singing nothing but their praises but this is something of a first for me. Le Sserafim, like other HYBE groups, have dope choreo and are exceptionally skilled dancers. I mean, one of the members was a career-track ballerina (for context, if Jimin continued in the Contemporary dance track for 5 more years, performing beyond national competitions, he would’ve been at the step she was at when she left that industry, but for Contemporary), and she’s very evenly matched with her group. So yeah LSF are respected as the top performance girl group in 4th gen. But until now, most of their songs were misses for me. I could understand the appeal for k-pop stans, and I guess with more listens I’d probably like them, but most of their stuff wasn’t really my thing at first listen.
Until, Easy. I’ve been playing this song all day and have already added it to my FKA Twigs + NewJeans + FLO + Monet + Tinashe playlist. Checked out the rest of their album and it’s a solid showing, liked all the songs (another first for me), but I certainly love Easy the most and appreciate that Source Music knew what they were doing in making it the title track.
I expect k-pop stans to hate it though. Lol. For several reasons, all of which are silly. In my opinion. Easy is solidly good music and I hope the group continues to experiment with genres. They do each one they’ve shown so far very well.
The last time I did Coachella was years ago, but if I’ve got the time this year I might make the effort to see them perform this at the festival.
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ilovethetalkingclock · 10 months
I see people praising Robert Pattinson over his role in The Boy and The heron and I get that, I do respect his range. I did like him in The Batman. but like
Let's not forget that his treatment over FKA Twigs was why Cellophane was made.
I don't know how he still has a good rep even after that.
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celesteontabs · 4 months
My blog is a safe space for individuals of ALL genders, race, ethnicity, and religion! Please note that I am 20, and my work has NSFW themes (with TW) but I am open to interactions (following, commenting, etc) with minors as long as it is safe and respectful on both ends. I enjoy discussions about topics like complex characters, latest manga chapters, music (specifically Ethel Cain, Blood Orange, FKA twigs, Angel Olsen, Fiona Apple, Mitski, etc), writing, world building, characters building, and more. I’ve been in the black butler community for 9 years now!
If you are a sebaciel shipper, proshipper, transphobic, homophobic, or don’t understand the meaning of Preachers Daughter or the movie Bones and All DNI. I’m also a stoner so feel free to block or wtv if that bothers you.
I’ve had this account for about 7 years now I think, but I logged out after a while due to inactivity. I’m back because I’d like to find more writers on tumblr.
Im currently writing a kuroshitsuji fanfiction with heavy themes of:
Cannibalism as a metaphor for love/obsession
Enemies to lovers troupe
Love triangle/square(?)
Unrequited love
Dead character that haunts the narrative troupe
Psychological thriller
Some religious themes
Sacrifice for motherhood
Metaphors for generational trauma
Of course all this takes place in the Victorian Era, while the events of the Kuroshitsuji manga is happening so a lot goes on, I haven’t published any chapters yet on wattpad or ao3 yet but I have about 5 chapters finished. I’d like to share the first bit of some of them but I have an overwhelming fear of it going unnoticed lol. I’m not scared of criticism, I probably need it actually, I just hope to find more people that love to write chilling stories like me.
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lovenona · 2 years
OMG THAT EX SUKUNA DRABBLE U WROTE.... HE TOO IS MY WEAKNESS 😩 i raise you this: CELEBRITY SUKUNA AND CELEBRITY READER WHO ARE EXES ! (i think sukuna would be a famous musician and reader might be an actor/actress or a model) they used to be THE it couple / power couple and everyone thought they'd definitely marry each other, but then they break up! suddenly sukuna's songs went from dedicating it to reader to dedicating it to their (undoubtedly messy) breakup and reader starts getting seen with all these different people at the club, in a restaurant, etc on the tabloids 😩 but ofc its inevitable that their paths would never cross again, especially when their respective labels announce that they're paired for a project together 🤭
TS ME AGAIN and i just wanna drop it here that i think about exes celeb sukuna and celeb reader whenever i hear les by childish gambino 🧍‍♀️ (SORRY IF U DONT LISTEN TO HIM/LIKE THIS TYPE OF MUSIC 😭)
first of all i do listen to childish gambino THANK U 😭🫶 second of all listen i fucking LOVE a juicy celeb au. this makes me think a lot abt cellophane by fka twigs (if u haven’t heard. so fucking sad) – u and him (plausibly both musicians a la nana? musician and famous writer a la rick riordan/murakami? im so biased to those careers RIP) were in DEEP together but had a relatively private relationship. ppl knew u were together, but u weren’t the couple to flaunt every aspect of ur lives on social media or in interviews. but because of that, any crumbs which did make it to the press were scrutinized to shit by both the tabloids and the fans. they’d make assumptions about you, about him, in ways that preyed intensely on every one of your insecurities. 
and eventually that pressure eventually took its toll on ur relationship – over time, it began to crumble due to tight schedules, lack of communication, insecurities that you felt too embarrassed to address (the tabloids loved going after u specifically.) and because sukuna was such a private person, he didn’t want to air any of his grievances in a public space. so a very messy breakup ensued, because you both probably would have gotten married but the fame got in the way.
however, you never do get over him, and he never gets over you – hence the millions of projects vaguely about said messy ending. if anything, the two of you would give anything to make it work. it’s just that you’re both convinced the other person doesn’t want you anymore and that, in the spirit of la la land (2016), you believe the fame would simply get in the way.
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colorful-white-ideas · 3 months
I'm the anon that said I was sad and disappointed about the new Crow pics with them not showing any chemisty. But that was before I had a chance to see all the pictures! The last two you showed with Bill flexing those huge yummy arms and the way she looks at him is so cute. You can tell they have a friendship in real life or are at least very comfortable with each other. And the one where he has his arm draped around her shoulder ... OH. MY. GAWWWDD!! They look gorgeous. And I get what you were saying about them needing to pose that way for the outfits and such. Ya we haven't seen Bill and Alida look even remotely like they like each other in years. Not shipping Bill and Twigs like Mortox is over there complaining everyone is doing (yet she is so NOT looking at anything Crow related she claims bc she hates the movie LOL) but I think Bill and Twigs have a genuine something/friendship, respect whatever that lets them look this comfortable. Can't wait for this movie!!!
I understand, the pics are just dropping little by little it was easy jump to conclusions 😂.
Few people acknowledge FKA Twigs is as a very interesting woman , she practices martial arts, sings , dances , has philosophical views about life that shares with her audience... Also she was incredibly brave and strong for sharing with the world what that horrible man ( Shia Labeouf) did to her and for sending him to court.
She is a very interesting woman I would befriend her, I don't see why Bill wouldn't, he is also a smart interesting guy.
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evermoredeluxe · 4 months
I think it’s far far more likely that griff likes and respects fka (the clip was part of her music video) than she was purposefully making fun of Taylor, another artist she adores and admires. Sometimes guys, not everything is that deep.
i agree. fka twigs doesn’t like taylor, but it was not just a post directed at taylor, it was a slideshow
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hanarchy · 4 months
ooooh i promised @wantbytaemin a post about hanji covers (not that you asked, i just want to talk about it more) and i just came back from listening to your suggestions several times and i have sooooooo much to say ok, so little numbered list again for ease bc i cant shut up to save my LIFE.
Here’s some wishes I would have for jisung if he listened to me
1. Straightforward/Live/Acoustic Instrumental music with some VOCALS!!
This is why i have my country girl agenda, like why i picked kacey musgraves. I love the tinyy snippets we have gotten of him just singing over guitar. The softness, and yes as you mentioned!! The emotionality he can put in his voice!! I would love to hear more of that. Just quiet, no electronic beats, not the usual slightly overproduced instrumentals he gravitates to, I want to HEAR his voice even when its quiet. acoustic, stripped. like fast car, absolutely.
I would just love more rock, more guitars, more real drums (FREE ME FROM THE KPOP DRUM MACHINE). This is why like. arctic monkeys are appealing to me. they have three instruments and alex turner pretending to be cool and the tension in a song like ‘do me favour’ is so thick. Would do Jisung amazing BUT. you’re SO right that he could also build that emotional tension that carrie underwood does on this with his voice (btw hearing this again after years made me listen to shania again, which, fun fact: first album i ever bought with my own money was shania twain ‘up!’) if he just WANTED. I hope he practices more, i hope he collabs with day6 or xdinary heroes. he has the bands IN HOUSE!!
2. More production experiments but specifically more stripped back beats and funkier basslines (and real drums but whatever).
Now this one he is on the way to himself I think.
His production sensibilities are just very pop-focused and i respect it and understand why and I also don’t have the terminology or knowledge to explain what makes both the brent faiyaz song you suggested and the internet different but like. He demonstrated on 1,2,3,4,5 and on Run what that could sound like for him. Those are maybe my favorite hanpop songs so far and i desperately want him to explore this direction more. The vocals on run are so good, relaxed, laid back, the change between lower register and high parts. Now the next thing he should do is make a song with a rap part that offers a nice contrast. Rhythmic, strong, kinda takes you out of it and then plunges ur head back under water. Or if it’s something more melodic, make it airier, more ethereal, more surreal. Like fka twigs yess exactly. nebula by cifika is different vibe but also so atmospheric and a bit otherworldly.
I also think this niche of rnb has become the sound of situationships and messy breakups and i loooove that for him because he occupies that in-between of love and hate so well. resentment, anxiety, uncertainty and yes. pettiness. Which brings me to my next and biggest point.
3. Explore more uncomfortable and ugly feelings.
Listen. This may be the parasocial relationship speaking but I know that kid has some powerful perfectionism and jealousy going on. There’s a self-hatred and a desperation there that, if he were to explore it, would make him unstoppable imo. Now I absolutely understand why his position and his genre make this impossible and I am absolutely open to having a discussion about whether artists are really obliged to share everything or not.
Like this is gonna sound negative to the average kpop stan but i KNOW he is a judgmental little dick. I know he has an ego that is barelyyyy being kept in check (by his own limitations and working in a group) but is also just kind of explosive and i KNOW he knows exactly how good he is but being anything other than humble and only boasting in the context of largely meaningless skz title tracks (im sorry but they havent made a title with an emotion other than ‘look at us being so great at doing our own thing’ since like… idk. levanter. many of them are bangers regardless but explorations of real emotions they are not.) is just not acceptable. This is why i bring up that pettiness so much (lol) bc its the hint of like. an unpleasant emotion that (record execs think) doesn’t sell to teenage girls.
Don’t get me wrong, the anxiety and the romanticism and the fear and the love are all real emotions too - many of them uncomfortable - and he has built and recorded great songs around them. I’m not calling him emotionally dishonest. But they’re emotions that are acceptable for a boygroup member to have publicly. Stuff like Paramore (i dont actually know their discography very well so your input was MUCH appreciated and i agree wholeheartedly) or the way alex turner or julian casablancas write unfavorably about women while it’s extremely clear that the only reason it’s unfavorable is because of their own shortcomings and smallmindedness and self-obsession is something that would simply not be allowed of a man that is being marketed by a kpop company. And yes i do believe it’s uncomfortable for him to explore publicly and there may very well be many other reaons and cultural barriers that i do not understand but this is my wishlist so it has to work with my limitations.
And well anyway I know I’ll never get it but i would just enjoy him leaning into that. Doing some introspection and some scary shit. I think it would be transcendent.
little tangent: (I love bands like hole and sleater kinney and bikini kill because theyre unapolgetic angry women but ironically i used to love kanye west for the same (not exactly but very similar because he was extremely unapologetic in his own confidence and ability and his personality in an industry that didnt want it at first) reason kfkfkdk. hes not ok to listen to anymore and frankly i dont like talking about him and the women in these bands would crucify me for putting him in the same sentence probably. But what they have in common is that they publicly explored and explore emotions that society thinks unacceptable. (If you ever want to hear an EXTREMELY intelligent analysis of kanye and his career, FD Signifier has two incredible videos on youtube that go so deep into like… pop culture, hip hop culture, black masculinity, mental health… just music history. cant recommend them enough))
4. storytelling
listen. what i look for in a songwriter i become obsessed with is so simple: emotionally honest to the point of personal detriment, tells a good story, self-obsessed in a self-hating way, driven by love and the belief in beauty and magic underneath it all and a good hook every now and again. jisung checks most of these boxes and i think tbh he could just learn a lot from country musicians or people like tracy chapman or bruce springsteen or leonard cohen etc etc etc
like do NOT get me wrong i dont think hes bad at it and i also think its likely there are many korean songwriters better suited but due to my personal mental illness this is just sth i think about a lot. what jisungs version of like… Johnny 99 would sound like…
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loughie · 4 months
Hyperpop hasn't been experimental since madonna did bitch I'm madonna back in 2015. That isn't a bad thing necessarily...but people are like omg Camilla cabello is alt now!! Pop stars are making hyperpop but it's lacking the experimental edge!!! Girl no. Hyperpop is pop. It isn't experimental anymore. Hyperpop artists explored everything they needed within the first 3 years it blew up. Now we are just seeing it become the norm in pop music. It just IS mainstream. There's nothing alternative about it at all. That's what is popular. It took nearly a decade for it to become the main style of production and visual aesthetic for popular music. Honestly the only current pop star I think that is sonically and visually interesting in pop music is FKA twigs. She has consistently held a high standard for the work she puts out into the world, and I respect that... she's really the only mainstream artist who kinda existed in that same world that's come out of it being original and I think she'll be remembered in future decades as like a modern kate bush in terms of craft
I just don't understand all these people acting as if PC music and hyperpop is some new experimental form of music when it originates from a criticism of early 2010s pop anyway. Whatever is alternative and experimental now is not that. I'm not sure what it is but it's definitely not a genre that's been around in the media since 2010. 14 years ago...
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kaialawson · 6 months
hello everyone! i'm linny (he/him, 26, est) and i'll be playing kaia here, as well as @teddysmusings! i'm a little tardy to the party, but i'm here and i'm super excited to get to get to know everyone and their muses. underneath the cut you'll find all of kaia's background information, stats, and some connection ideas! if you're interested in plotting, just drop a like and i'll shoot you a message!
B A S I C S 
full name: kaia lawson. nicknames: tbd. gender:  cis woman. pronouns:  she/her. sexuality:  pansexual. age:  28 date of birth:  june 1st, 1995. zodiac sign:  gemini. birthplace: the bronx, new york. current location: jongno, seoul, south korea. residence:  high rise penthouse. occupation:  former singer-songwriter / current vocal coach. languages spoken: english, korean.
faceclaim:  ryan destiny height:  5’5. build:  lean and toned. eyes:  brown. hair:  naturally dark brunette. piercings:  standard earlobe piercings.  tattoos:  a cherry blossom branch running along her forearm and wrist. other distinguishing features:  smile. style:  trendy, appears to be casual but is usually found wearing designer.
traits:  (+) intelligent, honest, determined, dedicated , loyal. (-) picky, temperamental, bitter, easily angered , unforgiving.  mental health:  anxiety; medicated. depression; medicated physical health:  good. likes:  music, video games, spicy foods, bratz dolls, live concerts, wine, smoking marijuana.  dislikes:  being antagonized, people who don't respect boundaries, avocados, crowded spaces, groups of people that take up the whole sidewalk, being forced to introduce herself, being in the spotlight, being lied to, being told what to do, mint chocolate chip ice cream.  fears:  losing her autonomy.  phobias:  snakes. hobbies:  singing, teaching other people how to sing, crocheting, reading. skills: crocheting, singing, songwriting, jumping rope / double dutch, computer savvy. quirks:  cracking her knuckles when irritated, avoiding eye contact when feeling shy or nervous, rolling her eyes.
ice cream flavour:  cookies & cream.  time of the day / night:  late night.  weather:  summer weather.  breakfast food:  waffles, cereal, yogurt.  dinner food:  jerk chicken, beef patties, pasta, rice. colours:  lots of darker, muted colors.  music: nola adé, adele, fka twigs, kehlani, lady gaga, solange, yebba, paramore, hozier, ed sheeran, nirvana, beyoncé, megan thee stallion, sza, samara joy, flo milli, kendrick lamar. 
a cherished item:  her maternal grandmother's locket. first love ( celeb crush ):  rider strong, circa boy meets world / ciara usual mood:  neutral. 1 thing they want to do / experience before they die:  visit her father's grave. 
childhood & adolescence: kaia grew up with a single mother in the bronx. her father, whom her mother didn't really speak about often, passed away just months before she was born. from a young age, it was quite difficult for her to deal with the fact that she grew up without a dad. she absolutely adored her mother, but being teased by other children for not having both parents in her life caused her a lot of inner turmoil. it didn't help that she was a rather awkward looking child - as most people go through their ugly duckling stages. despite being a shy, introverted girl, kaia had a very short tempered fuse - a trait that she inherited from her mother. her peers assumed that her quiet demeanor would make her an easy target for bullying, but she quickly proved them wrong after getting into a scuffle here and there; scuffles where she primarily came out on top.
her mother, tired of being called to her school for her fighting bullies, decided that she needed to redirect her short fuse into another avenue; which was when she introduced a ten year old kaia to music. her mother was an amateur musician in her youth, but retired and laid her music dreams to rest when she got pregnant with kaia. it became quite obvious that the music gene was passed onto her, because she took to it like a fish takes to water and fell in love with the art of music.
by the time she was fifteen years old, kaia had somehow landed herself a record deal and was placed in the lineup of america's next big girl group - KYC; the acronym standing for kaia, yolanda and carrie. three young girls with big voices. they took the country, and the world, by storm and became pop-r&b sensations by the time kaia was eighteen years old. and if she were being honest, she couldn't deny the fact that she loved it. she loved the fame and fortune that came along with being a singer, and she knew that the feeling would never die down or go away.
early & mid twenties: KYC lasted for five years before the trio decided to part ways in order to pursue their own artistic avenues. yolanda became a producer and did behind the scenes work. carrie became an actress. and kaia? she continued on the music path, debuting as a soloist and pushing her fame to the next level. awards, accolades and other accomplishments began swarming in, and for quite some time she loved it. she loved performing, giving her all to music and pleasing her fans as well as the general public. that is until she began to realize what a toll it was taking on her mental health and psyche. always being followed, never having a moment to herself, always having to live up to everyone's expectations. it was tiring and mentally draining. by the time she was twenty five and released her fifth solo album (her label had been working her like a dog, pushing her to release something at least once a year), she was done. she didn't want the fame anymore. she had experienced it, basked in it, and was over it. ten years of being in the spotlight was more than enough for her. she released her sixth album, her farewell album, on her twenty sixth birthday and hasn't looked back since.
current day: kaia has been living in south korea for two years now. after moving to the country for a change of scenery and to be closer to her cousin, tasha, kaia's been happier, healthier and calmer. gone are her anxiety attacks and worries of public scrutiny. while she still does get a little attention here and there, as well as occasionally being photographed or asked for a selfie or autograph by fans who recognize her, she's living a rather quiet and unassuming life in south korea. she's landed a job as the head vocal coach at canvas labs and enjoys her work there. although she can be a bit of a hard ass and very tough on the idols when it comes to their vocal training, it's only because she takes singing very seriously and wants them to be the best that they can be - and she doesn't want their poor vocal skills to reflect badly on her.
ex ( multiple ): kaia has had a few significant others in her life; some of them she parted with on friendly terms, others not so friendly.
fwb ( multiple ): self explanatory.
true friends ( multiple ): people that are actually friends with kaia because of who she is, not who she used to be.
music mentee: this person is interested in picking up a few music lessons and vocal coaching, and kaia can't help but give them a helping hand.
best friend / platonic soulmate: self explanatory.
gaming buddy ( multiple ): self explanatory.
sense of calm: one of the few people that can calm kaia down when her short fuse explodes.
sibling figure: kaia has taken this person under their wing as a younger sibling of sorts. she dotes on them, fusses over them and overall just babies them.
instigator: this person loves to push kaia's buttons until she bites back, because they love seeing how feisty she gets.
note: if you can't find anything to your liking here, we can always brainstorm!
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