#ressurection movie
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i have a folder on my computer called "Hold Him Gently" and it's just vegeta
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heartoflesh · 5 months
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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005) dir. Andrew Adamson
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im-smart-i-swear · 7 months
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its this bozos bday today!!!!!!! happy day of birth you miserable fuck, you shouldve been at the club
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happy bday to this guy too i guess. rip<33333
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shannonsketches · 6 months
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man said "💅 buckle up babygirl u boutta die mad and ugly"
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
"Jason Todd should adopt Danny Fento-"Jason Todd should adopt GWEN STACY
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kkkiraka · 28 days
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valdrinors-writing · 4 days
oc ask game: aesthetic edition for Leia Gould! I can't tell if she's new, but she's new to me.
also asked by @wonderguards! thank you both! (leia's actually one of my older ocs but for some reason my brain is like 'lets focus on her lol')
what color do you associate with them?
okay i have two options - the first is pink. leia is a prototypical girly girl and pink is featured in a lot of her aesthetics (as well as being a colour featured in the lesbian flag). the second is a pair of colours - that being blue and yellow, both being hayden high's colours and featured on her cheer uniform
2. what animal do you associate with them?
lions. probably because my brain associates both her and mike with prototypical cat behavior but leia is very prideful, strong and - much like female lions - acts as the main 'breadwinner' for her family
3. what element do you associate with them?
fire. leia's a hot-head. thats all you need to know
4. what flower/plant do you associate with them?
so a few years ago i reblogged a hsm but only the memes gifset to my main blog and joked that if i was able to draw, id draw leia in the lei and flower crown pose so... pink hibiscus flowers! (they also symbolise perfection which isnt a problem leia has, no sir, she's not a perfectionist--)
5. what part of their appearance do you associate with them the most?
her hair! she's got glorious blonde locks that are genetic and unattainable
6. what hobby do you associate with them?
aside from cheer? maybe something to do with music! she probably also is a good dancer
7. what school subject do you associate with them?
8. what would they answer to one or all of these about themselves?
she'd probably answer most of these the same, but she'd say she's a water element because she's "cool and collected" (sure jan, sure)
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hippiesav93 · 6 days
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Kim flowers 1997 Alien Ressurection was looking yummy in that one piece 🖤
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aquietgirlsmess · 2 years
I’m not upset about Scott and Malia breaking up because tbh I didn’t really care about them as a couple. I didn’t mind them but I wasn’t really into them.
But I am upset about what this means for Malia’s character. I mean it annoys me that they’re sacrificing one of her relationships again for the sake of fanservice because yes bringing Allison and making Scallison a couple again is fanservice and not fanservice that I mind, mind you, because I actually love both Allison and Scallison but still you know...
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draklorn · 1 month
have fun w the bingo game if you like i am off to sleep now im hosting a little presentation party w friends tomorrow :]
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mifunebooty · 1 year
Alien 3 was wild as shit, i kinda loved that, especially because i didnt like that Aliens totally were feminizing Ripley and GIVING mommy hood and shit with the plot and this movie? Literally David Fincher went FUCK THESE BABIES, KILL THESE CHILDREN, KILL ANYTHING THAT'S NOT A FULL ADULT, FUCK BEING A MOM, ABORT THAT THANG OR DIE the end
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demobatman · 2 years
sandman posts snipe me every time because im like okay is this about the minecraft guy and/or are we reviving the matrix
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1jemmagirl22 · 2 years
Hold on! Hold on! HOLD ON!
Chloes Bennet is coming to the MCU?????!!!!!!
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claire-starsword · 1 year
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 5
We arrive at Rindo, home of the greatest weapon of all time.
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I can't buy it :')
To be fair, I don't want the squishy characters anywhere near the next opponents so it might be fine. The Steel Rings were a priority due to being chapter exclusive.
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I guess I also need to talk about this peculiar drop. The Evil Ring is a cursed weapon that greatly raises attack. I barely remember how curses work in this game because i don't have an habit of equipping these. It can also be used to cast an overpowered Bolt, but that's against my rules. So I don't think this will be seeing any use.
It's okay though, because as the center of commerce Rindo has no shortage of stuff to pick from.
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We pick up the Speed Ring and give it to Khris, who is terribly slow, this +4 boost barely gets her around Lowe's agility. Speaking of, one of her Steel Rings goes to him, and now they're tied at 8 defense.
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As for the usual speciality ring, Rindo has the Charm Ring, clearly a help against the Marionette we'll deal with eventually. As you can see though, it is Slightly Costly. I'm not as much in a rush to get these as I was for the Steel Rings, because everyone in this team has some magic resistance already, but it would be nice. Kinda depends on how important the power staves turn out to be. More on that soon. Or right now, actually. There's no more window shopping to do and this town is too fancy for our tour, so we must head to Manarina where our magic advertisement will be much better received.
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The Doll Hater is a beautifully named staff. From what I recall it's already stronger than the Power Staff by itself, and also gets bonuses against Mishaela's dolls. Clearly this version wanted players to have an easier time at the circus battle. Given how I don't have Power Staves yet, this would be a massive help and save money.
Unfortunately I can't say I have hope to get it.
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Most of this battle with be in the desert, where everyone sucks at moving. While the enemies at the start are simple fare by now, dark dwarves and snipers and bats and other stuff we can kill quickly, but then there's this group of zombies at the end. Zombies tend to be an absolute pain both offensively and defensively, I do have some hope due to being in a greater level than I usually am on normal runs, but I have few characters to beat them up, and they can gang up on a single character. And poison. And the mages can come up as a duo for massive damage.
I hate this battle, okay. I hate it so much. It takes a bazillion turns to get to the hard part and then you suddenly die.
So yeah. I want to not die so I'll need to be extra careful and I think that ruins our chance of getting the clear bonus. Alas! Let's move.
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The start of the battle is boring and easy yet takes seven turns. Dark dwarves are pathetic at this point so Max and Gong wipe them out taking scratch damage, with Khris even managing to get a kill and a level up with +4 MP, sucks that it doesn't apply to the current battle. I wanted to save Tao's MP for the zombies, but the bat is annoying and dodges several attacks and puts Max to sleep, and I'm trying to move fast, so in the end Tao has to do everything with two Blazes on it. Thankfully Max already woke up, but god this is slow.
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At least when Gong hits, he HITS.
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He continues to advance as the team's one punch man, killing a sniper for breakfast. Since he can't reach the mage next, I do some healing as Blaze 2 is still a lot of damage at this point.
There are also two bats coming from the right, but I don't want to waste time going after them especially when I'm likely to miss, I hope they come.
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They come after Max's ass of course, what else did you expect. The mage also came after Max's ass. The Sniper came after Max's ass. You wish your feeble mind could conceive just how attractive that ass is. He's doesn't share the excitement though and is asleep again.
And wakes up immediately! Honestly that's really lucky, having the guy stuck for long could be a real problem here.
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We are at turn 12, this might be impossible. Gong has one punched the dark mage who was the only big threat, so I'm wondering if it might be possible to go on ahead and let the bats follow me. Even that might not be enough to reach the zombies in time though. Also, I don't want to repeat my one death by thirst of an impossible bonus again.
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afraid to say i'm doing it anyway though
Obviously the bats continue to chase Max, and he finally lands a counter to kill one, he had attempted this last turn but missed.
Unfortunately, the other bat has more typical behavior, so he's asleep.
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I think this is on the reach of a single zombie? Please?
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I think this guy will go for Max and not her, so I'm hoping to do some damage while not wasting much MP.
Turn 14. One zombie successfully baited and doing 1 damage, Max woke up. This is probably as good as it gets here. Gong gets to punch the zombie for half its HP as well, and is rewarded by all his efforts so far by getting Heal 2. The only thing against us as usual is that we might not have enough time, especially since the healers won't be hitting for much, and taking massive damage from the zombies. They have 8 defense each against the zombie's 16 attack. Tao has 9 defense as well. I don't want any of these people taking damage.
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"And remember kids, you can't take damage if they turn to ash first."
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I'm doubting Khris will ever reach anyone to do healing up there with the zombies, and she'll be even less useful as a fighter, so I'm wondering if she can be more helpful dealing with these guys instead.
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She thankfully takes only one damage (Steel Rings :D), but she's asleep now. oops.
Lowe however manages to kill the Sniper, so that's something.
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Turn 15, I think Gong can survive on this side and then heal himself, hopefully the others will have managed to move closer by then.
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Turn 16. Lowe has defeated the bat, but I don't have the slightest hope of him and Khris doing anything else now. Max and Gong have survived, Gong badly because of Blaze, and both are poisoned. I didn't prepare with any antidotes and Lowe is the Detox guy, so I'm gonna have to count on healing spells and herbs to counter the damage only.
I do think Gong can survive this turn though, he'll kill the mage, take 1 damage from the zombie, 2 from poison, and nothing else reaches him. He should survive. Please survive, man.
He can because Max is just too sexy. Turn 17 and I think we can do this, Gong should still survive at 1 HP after killing the mage and the enemies should beat up Max instead, who has 5 HP even after the Blaze 2 he took to the face last turn. We can do this let's goooooo
It works. Gong kills the mage, Max kills one zombie, Tao blazes the other for 5 HP. Next turn Gong has 1 HP and has to heal himself immediately to survive the poison, Max has 2 HP and probably could kill the zombie but I'm irrationally paranoid so I actually used an herb. Who knows, maybe the zombie has an evasion of 0.0000001% and I was gonna be the lucky soul to find out! So Tao blazes it again. Nothing more fitting as she is the face of this stupid run and its glorious school.
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Our great efforts give us the privilege of being big haters on Mishaela from here on. We trash her circus area like delinquents and prepare for the next battle. Thankfully, the preparations do not include healing from poison, that's not a thing in this version, I forgot. Everyone's fine, which makes sense as Lowe has Detox, he can just make himself useful off screen like SF2 priests.
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Speaking of Lowe, he has 1 more defense than Khris so I guess he'll be taking the Hater. Look at that. That's +2 compared to the Power Staff. This thing is pretty much the reason I considered doing this run, staff weapons at this point of the game get ridiculous.
The deals section continues to disappoint, so I sell Lowe's old staff to barely make enough money for a Charm Ring. I give it to Max because of how targeted he is, but I don't think a single one will help much after all, I'm hoping to stack more later.
That's all we can do, next time we finally get to Anri. I expect things to be chill there, but the circus and abbey battles in the future could be dicey.
Losses: 0 Deaths: 1 The expected deaths on Narsha interludes: 0/3
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wingedarchivist · 1 year
Acrually all would be better if I was digitigrade and would switch between being quadrupedal and bipedal. That would fix me.
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Victims...... Aren't We All.
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