#restaurant in general luna
loneisland · 12 days
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 — leaving your country won’t solve your problems they said, and yet here you are, in… wait, where are you even?
this issue contains fem! / feminine coded reader + reader wears makeup (luna) + chronically non-house leaver (rin) + jealousy / sort of cheating (leonardo luna) + stinking huge amount of money (reo) + a tiny little bit of objectifying (luna)
featuring itoshi rin, itoshi sae, leonardo luna, mikage reo, chigiri hyoma
author’s note this is me formally outing myself as a leonardo luna lover sry… he’s just so hot 😔 sorry for the wait! more at the end of the post
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Rin’s idea of a perfect trip with you rhymes with calm, practical, and smart. Not too far, but still gives the perfect amount of change of scene, it’s clear nothing can beat a nice little ryokan where the sun filters through the window. Plus, the owner, a nice old lady, offered you a traditional teapot from the region!
Her grand-daughter won’t stop running around chasing rom to get him to play with her — he’s asked for your help multiple times already, but you don’t really feel like helping. After all, you’d be lying if you said seeing rin play hide and seek with the little girl didn’t make your heart swell just a tiny bit.
Of course, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that rin hates planes and the airport. He just likes trains better! There’s nothing strange about it, everyone’s got their own tastes, right?
He supposes he should make you visit the place that’s propelled him into the starting blocks of football’s new generation. And maybe also a few restaurants he’s been to that serves really good meals he thinks you’ll like. There’s also a shopping district full of your favourite brands so just maybe, they’ll make a quick stop there. Oh, and, turns out there’s an exposition going on that shows off a few things you really like, so maybe that too… come on, don’t look at him like that, he didn’t know you wanted to go, he just got the tickets for free from a fan.
Besides, this is only for the second day, your first day here is reserved for the city landmarks, so don’t get too excited just yet, alright?
What? You want to go meet his teammates? Jeez, maybe he should have left you at the airport to fend for yourself after all…
Showing off his altinha skills at the beach to make sure a bunch of girls check him out to make you jealous? Check. Keep going to the point where the jealousy consumes your entire being? Also check. Stare back at the girls so that you can’t help but come up to him and kiss the daylights out of him to keep those girls where they are? Definitely check. Yeah, that’s what he calls a vacation… (Which is not the case for the mothers who are desperately trying to cover their children’s eyes, which eventually makes you draw back and assess the situation you got yourself into)
He eventually feels bad for a little, thinking that maybe, getting you jealous wasn’t the best way to get physical affection from you.
At least that’s what he thought until you decide to go back to the hotel to get ready to go out again, and he gets to watch you carefully apply lipgloss in front of the mirror with your body bent over the sink… Yeah, this is definitely not stopping him from doing this again tomorrow.
What else to expect from the one boy who’s literally got money up his ass? Nothing less than the absolute best for you, no sir. Staying at the Ritz just to go ahead and spend lunch at Chez Hortense with an unforgettable beach view at Cap Ferret, go back to Monaco to enjoy the hotel’s private seaside perks and amenities, just to end the day at a bar in St-Raphaël with Reo’s family friends. The life.
You’re exhausted by the time your back hits the premium mattress at a little past midnight, and you wonder if you’re going to have to do all of this again tomorrow.
Then again, if it’s not something you want to follow through with again tomorrow, don’t worry, Reo’s got it all planned out. As much as he likes going out, he’ll order room service to get you eggs Benedict with fresh salmon on the side for lazy mornings, and if you’re not hungry, lounging in the hotel suite the entire day is as much of an option as anything else.
How about a cosy little Airbnb for this one? Chigiri is definitely naturally irritable, so a tourist hotspot or a busy city is out of the question. Torino landscapes and a nice breakfast made up of the groceries you gathered on a hurry before closing time yesterday definitely make up for a better vacation than he could ever imagine.
Hair care dates in northern Italy surrounded by plaids and pillows sounds like the quite the dream, no? Hair oils and lengthening treatments, masks and scalp protecting creams scattered around the floor, and you feel that somehow, you must’ve died, because how else did you get to paradise?
Eventually, these sessions will be followed up by an outing in the old city center to eat up some of the best pasta in the city (and show off your hair— but neither of you will admit to that).
author’s note part 2 as I said, summer has been crazy for me and I literally did not have time to check in 🥹 sorry for that! I will try to be more active but as you probably know, uni has just started again… anyways, enjoy!!
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 6 months
may i trouble you for some taiju headcanons?
Of course, I have a few for him!
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He goes out for runs every morning
Generally thinks of Koko and Inui as his friends and was disappointed but understood why when they left him.
Hates hospitals, they just remind him of his mother and her death.
Got a lot of his tattoos done without breaks, anytime he was offered one he turned it down.
Was a bit nervous around Luna and Mana at first. But quickly got over it, he spoils them a lot now.
Taught Yuzuha and Hakkai to swim before their mother died
His father was very hard on him, basically trying to mould him into what he thought the perfect son should be.
He was bad at baking a cake for Hakkai because he kept getting impatient and turning the temperature up way too high  burning the whole thing.
Spoils his siblings a lot in the good timeline 
Actually gets on well with Senju in the good timeline, she saw him fighting and thought he was cool so then followed him around until he agreed to spar with her. An odd friendship formed after that.
The first place he takes someone on a date is to his favourite aquarium, he's curious to see if they share the same interests as him.
It got awkward when he first met Shinichiro in the good timeline (he didn't know who he was/ didn't recognise him as being the founder of his gang).
If Inui is busy then Taiju is the one who shares his bike with Koko.
Is a heavy sleeper
All the plants in the house and his office are fake because he's not good at remembering to water them.
Absolutely does not know how to flirt with people, he uses his actions to show what he wants instead of his words.
Although he can be scary for them to approach, he's very fair to his workers at his restaurant.
Has a habit of laughing at inappropriate times, he just can't help himself.
Finds it very attractive when his partner wears his clothes, especially if they're too big on them.
The teachers were all too scared to wake him up during school whenever he slept
And finally, he likes travelling abroad a lot. Will go on a few trips each year to explore new places. 
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moonchildstyles · 2 hours
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y/n is an aspiring model, and harry just might be the person that could help her
wordcount: 12.5k+
this is a patreon exclusive, with every part after this one only available on my page!
A chill touched the base of (Y/N)'s spine as she padded over the cracked tiles lining her kitchen floor. It was enough of a disturbance to cause a pinch in her brows, though she still couldn't manage to peel her eyes open more than a crack. If not for the fact that she had to run a couple of errands before her shift tonight, she wouldn't even be awake at the moment. 
Working through that fatigue, she rubbed her eyes as she reached for the box of Cheerios on the top of her fridge. Her movements were lethargic as she made her breakfast, taking her time as she attempted to wake up despite the late night she'd had, closing the restaurant. Before sitting down with her cereal, she made a point to draw open her curtains, allowing bright beams of sunlight to filter through her apartment, a tactic she opened would wake her up. 
Feeling the warmth on her skin, her tired eyes fluttering against the bright light, it was all something she was still getting used to. The California sun was still so novel to her compared to the weather she'd grown up with back home. Though she missed the multitude of sweaters she'd left behind at her parents' home, she would trade those knits to get this kind of sunlight any day. 
(Y/N) pulled in a deep breath, imagining the specks of sunlight bumbling through her lungs. It didn't feel so bad then to sit down with her breakfast, a selection of new, glossy magazines sitting in the middle of her coffee table—a gift from herself after getting through her shift the night before.
Spooning a bite to her mouth, she picked up the first magazine with VOGUE stamped across the top. The cover held a glimmering photograph of a woman draped in a brightly colored dress, her hair teased high, and the kind of makeup (Y/N) had attempted to achieve in her bathroom mirror—though it never turned out as clean. The headlines had printings about the best summer pieces to have to get that "California Style", along with spreads about the new "Paris Chic" and the best eye makeup for your eye color. 
This was her morning news. Everything she wanted to know was between the glossy pages, every photograph a part of her morning routine. Flicking through, (Y/N) admired the models printed on the pages, each of them exceptionally beautiful and holding a kind of poise she wondered also ran through their real lives. 
Did Jean Shrimpton always look that perfect? Was Donyale Luna even able to leave the house without someone stopping her for just a momentary look at her cheekbones? Did any of these women ever admire themselves on the page the way (Y/N) did?
Though she skimmed the articles as she went, she no doubt had eyes for the photos themselves. If she squinted hard enough, she could almost see herself instead of the leggy body on the page. 
After finishing off her cereal, she flipped the page just as she began to rise to tow her dishes to the sink, though the ad on page had her lagging for just a moment. 
Corseted into an hourglass shape, complete with a puffy bunny tail and a set of ears on her head, was a woman with blonde hair teased high holding a silver serving tray. Black stockings molded around her legs, showing off the curves like the smile on her lips. Beneath her was a bold black font, detailing the opening of a new club in Los Angeles. 
(Y/N) was familiar with the branding and the general idea behind the company, but it wasn't something she gave more than a passing thought most of the time. It was never something that really appealed to her, piquing nothing more than her curiosity over how many models—well known and hidden, alike—had been able to feel that kind of confidence to be able to pose the way they did. While she'd never seen anything for herself, there was always the talk about the centerfolds of the magazines, and what exactly was sandwiched between the pages.
It was definitely a departure from the kinds of modeling she had pictured for herself when she made the move out to the west coast in the first place, but she wondered, while looking at the corseted woman, what it could feel like to be in that spot. Would the confidence come naturally? Would the perfect posture and the perfect smile come on instinct, or were those women directed and directed until they were what the men around her told her would sell? 
She couldn't be sure, the idea being too much for her to figure out since she hadn't even been on a set herself yet. She didn't know what it would be like to have a real photographer put their camera in her face normally, let alone with only the smallest amount of clothing on her body. 
Casting one more glance at the page, she rose from her spot on the couch to take her dishes to the sink. With the corseted woman out of sight and out of mind, (Y/N) was instead distracted by the calendar pinned to the wall beside her sink. Today's slot was marked with all of the day's errands as well as her shift time, though she was distracted by the following day.
There wasn't anything particularly special marking the space, but it would commemorate the six month anniversary of her official move to California. 
If she thought too hard about it, she would focus on the lack of auditions she'd been on after the move, the zero number of scouts that had seen her on the street and begged her to join their agency, the amount of times she wondered if she had actually made the right decision when she asked her parents to help her pack up and move across the country. 
Instead, she reminded herself of the same thing she always did when all of the change had become overwhelming: just because it hasn't happened for her yet, doesn't mean it never will. 
She was an optimist at heart, and she would continue to be optimistic about her future in this city. One day she would be plastered on a billboard, or showcasing a new Maybelline mascara with her eyes fluttering in a commercial. She could even find her way to Vogue someday. 
For all she knew, today could be the start of her big break.
"Thank you for covering, Gabby!" 
As soon as (Y/N) stepped out into the makeshift break room in the alley behind the restaurant for her lunch break, the bubbly smile on her lips fell. Closing shifts always took the breath out of her, especially during the dinner rush on Friday nights like this. 
These thirty minutes away, hiding in the back alley at one of the small tables set up in lieu of a proper break room, was precious to her. Despite just how loud the restaurant was, the sound overspilling into the alley, the space was just removed enough to help her brain quiet down for the time being. As much as (Y/N) loved the way her body looked and the way her legs seemed to stretch on for miles when she slipped on high heels, there would never be anything that could rival the relieved feeling that came with slipping them off for even just a few minutes during this time away. 
Leaving her feet only loosely in her shoes, she didn't waste any more of her break time, pulling out her packed sandwich and the bottle of apple juice she brought for her dinner. She had tucked a small magazine into her purse, but the thought of adding anything extra to her head at the moment wasn't appealing. Instead, she listened to the overflow of conversation from the server's station just by the swinging door of the alley as if it were a program from her television set.
Just as usual, she heard some of her coworkers debating over if there were any familiar faces seated in the dining room for the night. It wasn't unusual for famous patrons to take a seat for dinner with them, though (Y/N) highly doubted Elizabeth Taylor was currently at the bar, but the debate of whether or not one of the waiters should approach her and ask if he could be in her next movie (or next husband) was enough to bring a smile to her face between her bites of dinner. 
By the time she emptied her bottle of apple juice and had her lunch reduced to a few crumbs, the server's station had been cleared out with the only noise of the kitchen filtering out to the alley and keeping her comfortable. Just as she moved to pack everything away, her ears perked at the sound of quick footsteps heading outside to join her. Peering over her shoulder, (Y/N) just caught the way Misty, one of the hostesses she was closer with, all but barreled out onto the pavement. 
It didn't take very long to spot the difference in Misty's demeanor with the way she didn't seem to notice (Y/N) was out there at all, instead immediately beginning to pace before the door with her heels clicking over the pavement. There must have been a conversation going on in her head with the way she flapped her hands before her like a talk show host, and the silent muttering of her lips. As far as (Y/N) knew, Misty's break wasn't scheduled for another hour, even. 
"Mist?" (Y/N) prodded in a gentle voice, "Is everything okay?" 
Stopping in her tracks with a stutter to her steps, Misty looked to her with wide brown eyes and a hand to her throat. "Oh my god, you scared me." 
"Sorry," (Y/N) offered with a cautious smile, "Are you okay? You seem really freaked." 
"Yeah," Misty said, though she was less than convincing with her response, "Did you see my sister came in?" 
(Y/N) nodded, looking up at her friend from where she sat at the wobbly wrought iron table. "Is she okay?" 
Misty's shaken demeanor shifted then as she rolled her eyes, heaving a big sigh. "She's fine," she started, irritated, "just stupid. We were supposed to go to this party tomorrow night in the hills, but she's bailing on me so she can meet up with her ex. They're going to 'work it out', apparently." 
"Wait, the one that cheated with your cousin?" (Y/N)'s brows furrowed, with her mouth dropping into a gape. It couldn't be that ex, right? 
"That's the one," Misty chirped, also less than impressed with her sister's choosing, "I know, she's being an idiot but not even my mom was able to talk her out of it. But, she was going to be my ride tomorrow, and go with me so I wasn't alone."
(Y/N)'s face fell when she heard how dejected Misty sounded. While she didn't know much about this party in "the hills", she was sure that hearing about her sister's reconciliation with a terrible ex—and that she would rather hang out with a cheater than Misty herself—was more than enough to get her down. 
"I'm sorry, Mist," (Y/N) said, her eyes softening with her lips falling into a pout, "It's not fair to leave you hanging like that." 
Settling some, Misty took the chair across from (Y/N) offering a small smile. "It's okay," she shrugged, "It's just frustrating. She knows this party is important to me, but she's going to go see some guy that cheated on her, instead." 
"That sucks," (Y/N) interjected, sure her friend wasn't looking for a solution more than she wanted to vent at the moment, "Is it a birthday party, or?" 
Misty shook her head, her long black hair wisping over her shoulder, "It's an industry party. One of my friend's has an older sister who works across the street from this office that has a bunch of these music people. Apparently there's a big party happening tomorrow night at some executive's house, and she was able to get me and my sister an invite, but now I don't know if I'm even going to be able to make it there." 
(Y/N)'s lips thinned, her eyes falling to the latticed surface of the table where she fiddled with the strap of her purse. An idea pinged through her head, though she was more than unsure of voicing it. 
She'd never been to an industry party before, but there was a first time for everything—especially if it meant she could help her friend. If she was lucky, there might be even a few people she could get to know, other models or someone that could help in her own dreams. 
"I—" she started, catching her tongue when she was unsure of her next words. Flicking her eyes up to Misty, where it was clear on her face just how hard she was thinking about whatever plan she could conjure for the next twenty-four hours, (Y/N) tried again. "Okay—um—stop me if I'm doing too much, but I... If you want, I could go with you? Just so you wouldn't be alone, and I could drive you up, and everything. I don't want you to miss this if you think you'll be able to meet someone that could help you with your singing, but don't feel like you have to take me. If you can't find anyone else, just know I'm willing." 
Feeling herself rambling, (Y/N) forced herself to zip her lips in favor of watching for Misty's reaction. 
"Wait, really?" Misty said, a bubbling lilt to her voice, "You'd drive and everything, even though it's kind of far away? You don't, like, work tomorrow or anything?" 
Her rapid fire questions did little to hide the light that sparkled in her eyes and the smile that crept on her lips. (Y/N) only shrugged, feeling herself light up. "I work tomorrow night, but I should be home with enough time to get ready as long as we don't have to be there too early." 
The giggling squeal that left Misty's lips had (Y/N) letting out her own laugh just before her friend reached for her hands across the table. "(Y/N)! Thank you so much—I would love to have you come with me! We're going to have so much fun, thank you!" 
(Y/N) felt herself perking up, matching Misty's energy as she squeezed her hands. "I'm so excited, thank you," she bubbled.
The dejection she came out with had melted away leaving room for her to be back to her bubbling, loud self that ran the front of the restaurant. "No, no, thank you! Really, there's going to be so many people there—important people—this could be really good for us. And now, we both get to go!" 
Despite feeling a little nervous, accepting an invite to a place she'd never been before along with the host being someone she had no real connection to, (Y/N) couldn't help but to feel a warmth in her stomach over the kind of luck she'd stumbled into tonight. While she was sure there was going to be majority of people from the music world in attendance—people who were going to be important to Misty and her dreams of having a singing career—there has to be at least a couple of people who knew someone who could help her encroach on her own modeling aspirations. 
The remainder of her lunch time (as well as Misty's impromptu break from her hostess duties) was spent ironing out the details of the next day. A to-do list came together in (Y/N)'s head, starting with raiding her closet as soon as she made it back to her apartment tonight, hoping she could find something in the back of the racks that might be suitable for the kind of party Misty was describing to her. She couldn't wait to force a map into Misty's hands to navigate them to the hills she kept mentioning.
"I heard there might be valet there, but I don't know if that's true or just something Angelica—" 
"(Y/N), do you know where Mist—Oh, there you are," Marcus, one of the waiters, said, popping his head out into the alley, "I know you took a fifteen, but we need your help." 
Misty deflated at the request of her presence, a pout itching to settle on her lips. "I'll be up in a second." 
"Okay. Molly's drowning right now, though, so be fast."
Before he could catch the roll of Misty's eyes, Marcus disappeared back into the bustling restaurant. 
Turning to (Y/N), Misty started for the door, standing from her spot across from her friend. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay? We'll figure out what we're wearing, and I'll tell you the exact address when I get the note back from my sister." 
"Okay," (Y/N) smiled, eyes following her friend as she approached the door, "Thank you again, Misty—I'm really excited." 
She paused in the doorway, one foot inside the restaurant with the other in the alley. "Me too. See you in there." 
With a wave, Misty slipped inside the restaurant leaving (Y/N) with a remaining five minutes alone. 
She quietly packed up with a smile on her face. By the time she slipped her feet back into her heels, the pain in her arches didn't feel so bad. 
For all she knew, tomorrow night could be the start of her big break.
The waning summer sunlight reflected off the silver sequins decorating (Y/N)'s dress as she drove to Misty's. With the open back of the garment, the cool leather of the seat pressed into her back. The feeling had her hearkening back to the last few times she'd worn this dress, to a handful of auditions she went on before realizing that agencies didn't really want to see a cocktail dress on a potential employee at ten a.m. The patent white leather of her thigh high boots squeaked as she shifted in her spot, her eyes peering through the windshield at each passing street sign marking the unfamiliar neighbourhood. 
Coming to a slow stop at the curb, (Y/N) checked the map she had splayed on the passenger seat and the note with Misty's address half a dozen times, comparing it to the powder blue house she pulled up in front of. Hopefully, she'd made it to the right house. 
Putting the car in park, fluffing her hair one more time, (Y/N) stepped out onto the warm pavement. The sunset reflected pink across the silver of her dress, warming her skin as if she were under the flashes of dozens of cameras. 
Scaling the driveway to Misty's home, she had her eyes on the door, catching the way the knob spun before (Y/N) even made it to the porch. Misty waved to someone behind her, the length of her hair swishing at her waist as she spun around to face (Y/N) with a bright smile. A rich red dress hugged her figure, the halter top neckline framing the slide of her neck and the cut towards her cleavage. Her heels clicked with every step she took over the concrete towards (Y/N), glimmering makeup sparking on her eyelids. 
Misty forged ahead, pulling (Y/N) in for a giddy hug that had her wobbly in her boots. "Hi! How are you? Are you excited? You look so pretty!" 
(Y/N) laughed at the onslaught of questions, falling in line with Misty as she headed towards the car parked at the curb. "I'm good—excited! You look really pretty, too, thank you! I've never seen your hair down like this." 
To make a show of it, she flipped a hand through her hair with a smile on her lips. "Tonight could be the night, (Y/N)—had to pull out all the stops." 
Laughing, she followed after Misty as she started towards the car. Misty's confidence was contagious, enough to spread to (Y/N) as she settled in behind the wheel, sliding a pair of sunglasses on the line of her nose. 
As they drove towards the hills, a map splayed out in Misty's lap, they had the windows cranked down with the radio up. (Y/N) couldn't help but to sing along with the selection going through her speakers, ranging from the croons from The Zombies to belting tones from The Supremes. 
She was going to a party in the Hollywood Hills! A party where, if she's lucky enough, she could end up on the billboards they were driving past. Even if that didn't happen, she would still be fulfilling a part of her dream when she moved out here in the first place—getting to see places she'd only ever seen in movies or on the glossy pages of her magazines. 
"What do you think it's going to be like?" (Y/N) asked, shouting over the whipping wind and beats from James Brown. 
"Hm?" Misty hummed, looking back from where she had been gazing out the window, "The party?" 
"Yeah. You said there'll be lots of music kinds of people, right? Do you think we'll see anyone we know?" 
Misty shrugged, a beaming smile. "Maybe—hopefully! Angelica called me this morning and said there's supposed to be a lot of executives, so I don't know if we'll see any singers, but we'll meet the people who made the singers! How exciting is that?!" 
(Y/N), even through fleeting glances, could spot the excitement in Misty's gaze. While modeling (maybe even movies, if she was lucky enough) was (Y/N)'s dream, she was more than okay with being there for Misty as they rubbed elbows with the people that made possible all the music they were listening to now. 
In between giving directions, Misty happily chattered away about all of the different hopes she had for the soiree. Outside, the sun sunk low in the sky before disappearing by the time they entered the hills. The world around them changed from the lengths of highway to the beachy suburbs of the coast, all the way until the Hollywood Hills surrounded them. With the windows up and the radio ticked down just enough, both she and Misty left their attention to the gorgeous homes that now popped up around them like clean white roses. Everything was made of strategic, precise lines, creamy and bright against all of the greenery planted around them. Cars she'd only seen in movies were parked outside the garages, painted in pale colors with chrome accents that gleamed under the waning light. 
The sight reminded her of the Saturday morning episodes of the Jetsons she used to catch back at home as a girl. Seeing nothing more than the structures, she felt as if she were already meeting a handful of celebrities. 
After a final set of directions muttered off by Misty, (Y/N) turned onto a long stretching street. Before, while the houses were modern and clean, these were nothing short of extravagant. They were much further spaced out, gates planted before the driveways with plenty of greenery to help give even more privacy to whoever lived behind the walls. 
"It should be on the left, I think," Misty muttered, her own gaze glossed out as she took in the homes around them. 
(Y/N) silently nodded her head, pushing her sunglasses to sit on the top of her head. Peering to the left, she didn't have to peek at the numbers posted on the gates to know what home was where the party was being hosted. It was the only building with bright lights peeking through the greenery, reflecting through the darkening sky. While the rest of the street seemed to be luxuriating in quiet privacy, this one was beaconing those around them to come closer. 
"This one?" (Y/N) asked, slowing as they approached the open driveway. 
"This one," Misty smiled, giddy in her seat. 
Turning in, (Y/N) found the biggest mansion she could have imagined to be shrouded behind the palms and draping vines planted along the perimeter. It was just as pristine as the others they'd seen before, new and perfect, but on a scale she couldn't imagine knowing what to do with. A dome thatched in glimmering bronze bisected the mansion, a large window cut out on what had to be the third floor of the home, showcasing a crystalline chandelier for all to see. Creamy lines made out the rest of the structure, cookie-cutter windows giving glimpses into the spaces inside. More greenery made its way closer to the structure in the form of pruned hedges, climbing flower bushes, and postcard perfect palm trees. 
The rumor of there being valet at this soiree had turned out to be complete truth as (Y/N) drove further up the drive. Her hands grew clammy around the wheel. 
"What do I do?" she rushed out to Misty, taking her foot off the gas to buy herself time. 
"What do you mean? What?" Misty answered, knocked out of her own admiration of the space.
"The valet," (Y/N) said, slightly panicked, "Are they actually going to take the car?" 
Misty seemed to finally notice the man clad in a simple black outfit stationed at the front dome, bored as he peered at the slowly approaching car on the drive. "Oh. I don't know. Do you keep the car on or just give them the keys?" 
"I don't know," (Y/N) parroted, words bubbling off as she ran out of time the closer they drew to the dome, "I've never done this before!"
Before either of them had a chance to attempt to thread together a game plan, (Y/N) heavily stepped on the brake, stopping them at the front door. The valet made no move to greet them, standing at his station with a pleasant expression on his face as he waited. With clumsy movements, (Y/N) pulls her keys out of the ignition, and plucked her purse from beside her feet. Misty followed with the same amount of haste, both of them practically stumbling out of the car towards the waiting valet that looked on with surprise raising his brows. 
"Hi," (Y/N) greeted, just barely remembering the sunglasses pinning her hair back on her head. She snatched them off, tucking them into her purse. 
"Good evening, ladies," the valet responded, taking in their stumble, "How are you?" 
"We're alright, thank you," Misty piped up, peering around the valet to get a peek into the home behind him, "And yourself?" 
"I'm doing swell myself, thank you," he beamed, holding a hand out expectantly towards (Y/N), "How do you know the host?"
While he had a pleasant smile on his face as he took her keys, (Y/N) was sure he was well aware of how little they fit in within this space. She couldn't blame him for assuming there was a chance they weren't supposed to be here, if their stumbling and her less than trendy car was anything to go by.
"We work with him," Misty piped up, clearly preferring to bypass the roundabout way that she knew the host through three different people. 
"Oh, yeah?" he prodded, brows bouncing above his eyes, "At the office or the studio?" 
"The office," Misty clarified without a second thought. 
The valet took her answer with a slow nod, palming (Y/N)'s keys before asking for her name and bidding them a good night once they were on the list. With that, he left the double doors behind him unattended. Misty grabbed (Y/N)'s hand who stumbled into step beside her, her gaze shot over her shoulder to watch as the valet took in the vast difference between her car and the others he'd already attended to throughout the night. 
Pushing through the double doors, (Y/N)'s expectations for the inside of this mansion were blown out of the water. One of a kind art canvases were hung up on the walls, beautifully crafted vases and sculptures displayed through the halls, along with the extravagant chandelier hanging above their heads. This place felt straight out of a movie, perfect like a Normal Rockwell painting. 
The deeper Misty walked them through the space, she took in the overflow of guests spread throughout the home. She'd never seen so many different sitting rooms, with so many different people. In the main space just off from the foyer was cleared out, leaving space for a bar being professionally tended and room for plenty of young women to dance along to the records spinning on the player with drinks in hand. Too many older men were placed along the perimeter doing nothing more than watching them. 
"Um," Misty started, voice raised high enough to be heard over the different radios and gramophones playing, "I'm going to try to find my friend and her sister, and the host, but you don't have to come with me if you want to get a drink." 
(Y/N) didn't have to think before she steeled her grip on Misty's hand. There was no way Misty was going to be able to lose her that quickly. "No, I'll go with you." 
"Are you sure?" Misty asked, bouncing her brows above her eyes.
(Y/N) gave a nod, shooting her friend a look with a glance towards the men prowling around the young women. Misty seemed to catch her drift then, more than alright with (Y/N) tagging along. 
While Misty was on the lookout for familiar faces, (Y/N) was happily pulled along with her curious gaze spread out to every branching hallway and living area. While the room with the women dancing around was the life of the soiree, there were other areas that looked as if they were board meetings plucked right out of the city complete with men dressed in suits, lounging with cigars in smoky rooms. Trays with food were being passed about in the hands of staff dressed in similar all black outfits as the valet out front. 
She barely had a chance to settle her eyes on a single person or scene before something just as bright and bold called her attention away. Misty surged forward with their hands still clasped until they reached the glass door leading to the backyard. 
If she had thought the inside of the mansion was wild, not even the drunken bar room had anything on the backyard. 
With a shimmering pool setting the scene, there seemed to be a rule that only the prettiest of attendees were allowed in the grassy space. It only took a pair of steps out onto the patio for (Y/N) to feel like she had never actually seen Los Angeles before this moment. Her mouth was set agape as Misty dragged her along, heading towards a grouping of men (Y/N) barely glanced at when there was so much else around to steal attention. 
A bar was stationed outside as well, though it looked much less professional than what was inside. Whoever wanted a drink was free to grab whatever, including the whole bottle if they so choose, with no one to bat an eye. More than a few people floated about the pool, some fully clothed while others were covered with only the help of the refractions glowing through the water. Drunken conversations were held between those about the lip of the pool, some wobbling close to the edge though they only laughed when the stumbles occurred. 
Everything appeared entirely too glamorous to be real. The women's hair was too perfect, the men too picturesque. This was what shindigs in the Hills were like? 
Suddenly Misty's voice piped up, having taken the straight to the grouping of businessmen she had eyed as soon as they made it out the door. "Hi! Mr. Vitacoma?" 
Facing forward, (Y/N) watched as a tall man with broad shoulders turned around to face Misty, brows in a pinch. "That's me," he started, eyes visibly brightening when he took in who exactly it was that had approached him, "How can I help you?" 
Misty's bright voice became a mumble as she introduced herself, and thanked this man for hosting the party. A conversation started, Mr. Vitacoma asking how exactly they were connected and how she'd found herself at his soiree. From what she was collecting, this man was some kind of executive at a record label, tonight's party being a "just because" occasion, and of course, he was so happy to have such a beautiful woman like Misty in attendance. 
(Y/N) was vaguely aware of Misty's voice pattering on with confidence, though her attention was stitched elsewhere. The men around Mr. Vitacoma had gone quiet, impressed with Misty's gall to have approached their group in the first place. It was interesting to see these men as suits, the kind running the studios and labels instead of those in front of the cameras and microphones. 
One of them in particular had (Y/N) flicking her eyes away more than once, his face almost too pretty to look at for longer than a moment before needing a break. 
His bone structure was sharp, jawline cutting with high cheekbones, a layer of stubble creeping up his cheeks. From his profile, his nose was a perfect straight line; cinnamon colored freckles were dusted over the bridge, faint under the lowlight. His hair came in textured waves of dark brown, playing off of the bright green hue of his eyes. His white button up was undone, displaying the white undershirt pasted to his torso. Just the faintest peeks of different tattoos bled through the thin fabric, including the tips of a chest piece peeking over the neckline of his tank. A small peach colored, paisley printed silk scarf was hanging around his neck, untied through the wrinkles in the material made it clear it had been knotted earlier in the night. A pair of black pants were belted around his hips with a shimmering pinstripe running through the garment, playing off the ambient lighting through the backyard.
(Y/N) couldn't keep herself from following the line of his form. Broad shoulders and strong chest gave way to a tapered waist, each block of muscle visible through the cling of the top. 
By the time she dared to flit her eyes back up to his face, (Y/N) had to blink back her shock at finding the green lilypads of his eyes already trained right on her. A small smile touched at the corner of his mouth, amusement sparking across his graze. 
Feeling her skin heating, she was suddenly too aware of herself. She hadn't meant to glaze her eyes all over him, let alone be caught doing just that. Flicking her gaze away on instinct towards Misty still schmoozing over her executive, (Y/N) shuffled in her spot, patent leather of her boots squeaking. Her hands suddenly felt too empty, especially feeling his eyes still warming the side of her face. She didn't think before she had her hand reaching for her hair, searching for some kind of flyaway or anything out of place to play with, just before her fingers collided with her forgotten sunglasses. If there wasn't already enough embarrassment coursing through her system, the fact she had left her accessory messily holding her hair back could have been enough to have her melting on the spot. 
It wasn't bad enough she was caught ogling a stranger, she also had to have stray pieces of hair standing straight up on her head while she was at it. 
Fumbling around, she plucked the sunglasses from the top of her head and made to shove them into her purse. A breathy laugh sounded, so quiet she wouldn't have heard it over all the noise had she not been hyper aware of the man standing only feet away from her. 
Peeking up through the stray baby hairs falling in her face, (Y/N) saw the man with the peach scarf looking at her with an amused smile on his face, dimples in his cheeks with his green irises bright. He bounced his brows above his eyes when he caught her gaze, gesturing down to her stumbling hands and fingerprint laden glasses with a tip of his chin. 
(Y/N)'s blood burned under the apples of her cheeks. She could only sheepishly shrug, a shy smile on her lips in hopes of looking more nonchalant than she clearly was. 
Another small laugh plumed from him. Her shoulders relaxed some when she realized he wasn't making a joke of her, merely quietly teasing her over something only the two of them know about. A small inside joke was being threaded between them in the middle of the patio. 
Stepping away from the congregation, the man made a step towards (Y/N). Her heartbeat picked up in her chest. It would only take a few of his long strides to close to space between them. 
"This is (Y/N)," Misty chirped, tugging her forward and away from the stranger that had taken her attention. "My sister bailed, and (Y/N) stepped up to come with me tonight. I wouldn't be here if she didn't agree to come out here." 
A slight daze had (Y/N)'s attention split between the present and moments before. She gave a placid smile to Misty's executive, offering a hand out for him to shake. "Nice to meet you. Mr. Vitacoma, right?" 
He flashed (Y/N) a bright smile, offering his own greeting she barely paid attention to. Pleasantries were exchanged then, forcing her to play along as to not ruin this for Misty, though (Y/N)'s mind was decidedly stitched elsewhere. With every plastered smile and feigned attentive nod of her head, she could feel someone's—his—eyes on her. 
If it wasn't disrespectful, she would have already disengaged from Mr. Vitacoma and given her attention back to the man with the peach scarf. As much as she warmed under his gaze, still feeling a bit of that embarrassment after being caught so obviously ogling him, she was thrilled to have seen him attempting to approach her. 
She hoped she hadn't lost her chance to hear what kind of voice a man like that held, and what it may sound like wrapped around her name. 
Hearing the beginnings of Misty's laugh, (Y/N) immediately joined in, having missed completely what she was laughing at but playing along anyway. Taking advantage of the moment, she turned her head just enough in hopes of catching sight of the peach scarf man from around Misty's back. 
But, he was gone. Even with his height, she was unable to catch even a single swirl of his brown hair among the sea of the other executives congregating around them. 
Before she had much of a chance to mourn the chance that had come and gone to know anything about this man, a scream sounding from beside the pool had her turning around. Misty and Mr. Vitacoma barely registered the noise, only offering fleeting glances in that direction before she was back to her half-flirting, half-schmoozing. (Y/N)'s jaw dropped when she saw what exactly had screeched beside the pool.
A woman with voluminous blonde hair and a drunken smile on her face had stripped down, her dress and undergarments sitting in a pile on the grass, and was running straight towards the pool. Those around the pool with drinks in their hands cheered her on, encouraging her just before she took a leap and splashed straight into the water. As soon as she surfaced, makeup running with her hair deflated and pasted her face, another round of raucous cheers cracked through the backyard. 
Flitting her eyes around, (Y/N) expected to see others sharing her shock. Instead, she found people either not paying attention at all or smiling on as if this was nothing more than the scheduled entertainment for the night. While (Y/N) wouldn't consider herself a complete prude (she'd seen a few French films over the years, and they were certainly not for the pearl-clutchers back home), but she couldn't believe no one shied away at the sight of the woman's naked body. Was there a memo that Misty forgot to let her in on? 
Nonetheless, (Y/N) found herself unable to pull her eyes from the commotion that was beginning over by the pool. It was as if the woman's display had been a gun firing off, signaling the start of the real party now that the sun had dipped and only the most fun remained for the rest of the festivities. 
Those that had previously been lounging by the pool started up with their own soirees, some downing the rest of the drinks they had their hands before stripping and joining the woman in the pool, or plain watching on with heated looks on their faces. Even some men dared to strip down and join in, giving (Y/N) a sight she'd truly never seen before with her eyes going wide. Some of the couples she'd seen before had turned their attention to one another, lips and tongues meeting with reckless abandon. Blatant sexuality was put on show among the low lighting and the moon sparkling above their heads. Despite being in Los Angeles for a little over nine months, she'd never seen anyone behave this openly, acting as if there was no one else around other than those they wanted to see. 
The most jarring came in the form of a trio—two women and one man—squeezed together on a pool lounger. The man had his arms around both of the women, but had his head bent towards one, kissing her with gusto. The other woman, skin a sparkling bronze with a thick headband holding back her curly hair, caressed her manicured hands across the lines of the redhead's body. The man didn't leave his other companion without, it appeared, his own brawny hand sliding down the cuff of her shoulder until it was dangling over the swell of her breast before brushing his fingers over where the peek had been hidden behind her dress. (Y/N) could spot the curly haired woman whispering something to the kissing pair, something quiet enough just for the three of them to hear just before the redhead smiled into the kisses though the man refused to break the contact and dove harder into the redhead's mouth. The curly haired woman looked at them with hooded eyes, eye shadow shimmering under the moonlight, as she reached out and combed her fingers through waves of red hair, fisting the strands back and out of her friend's face with a stiff tug. A blush touched the redhead's cheeks.
They moved as if they were on film. The touches from the curly-haired woman moved harmoniously with each caress from the redhead over the man's muscled chest, as if perfected from a script. A director could have been sat feet away, camera trained in their direction with the way every ideal angle was shown off to the rest of the party. (Y/N) wouldn't have been surprised if this whole night was nothing more than a setup for some magazine, a photographer waiting for the perfect moment before jumping out with a camera and the perfect lighting. 
As soon as the curly-haired woman leaned across the man's chest and pressed a lingering kiss to the redhead's shoulder, a hoot sounded from one of the other onlookers in the backyard. It was then that (Y/N) remembered she wasn't the only one here, the only one watching. She had been seeing something like an editorial photoshoot with these people—a bit scandalous of a subject, but nonetheless boundary pushing—but the sound of a cheering comment had brought her back to the present to see this for what it was.
The artistic, pretty filter she had seen the moment in vanished, leaving what was gearing up to be much raunchier of a scene than she was sure any of her French films had shown. 
Whipping her head away when the strap of the redhead's dress was pulled down, (Y/N) turned to see Misty and Mr. Vitacoma conversing with no indication that either of them cared to know what was going on behind their backs. 
"Mist," (Y/N) murmured, feeling only a little bad to be interrupting, "I'm going to go get a drink inside, okay?" 
Misty gave her a nod with a small smile. "Okay, I'll come find you later." 
With that, (Y/N) gave Misty and her executive a parting nod before scurrying away to head back inside, her eyes staying on her feet and nowhere near the pool. 
It was with a sigh of relief that (Y/N) closed the door behind herself. While there was much more commotion and bodies surrounding her inside the mansion, it was decidedly less pressure than whatever it was going on out there. Though she was alone this time around, which wasn't something she thought about until a group of men in suits passed her by, a few offering appreciative glances in her direction. 
This place seemed much bigger without Misty at her side. 
Meandering through the throngs of people and the puddles of liquor on the floor, (Y/N) wasn't sure where she was going, only that the closer she was to the backyard, the more clinging the atmosphere seemed to be. There were plenty of people around her, some with clear influence that she was sure she should have been using this opportunity to get to know, just like Misty brought her here for, but she continued on with no clear destination in mind. 
She didn't feel comfortable inserting herself in the cigar room, not when the men had poured out whiskey and the smoke had turned into something heavier. More faces littered the halls, getting more and more packed the darker the night grew. Sticking close to the walls, (Y/N) couldn't help the owlish blinks that fluttered her lashes as she took in the raucous patrons of the party. She was well aware of the parties and the night clubs that livened up downtown LA, but she never figured something like that could fit between the walls of someone's home. 
Inadvertently, she found herself approaching the first room she had Misty had spotted, full of women her age dancing and having fun with a bartender slinging drinks faster than the records spinning. While she wasn't exactly comfortable, this room felt a lot easier to wade through as opposed to the faux board meeting going on in the other with all of the smoking men. 
Keeping company with the fridges of the room, (Y/N) had the lingering thought that maybe she wasn't cut out for this kind of industry. Whether it be modeling or becoming a movie star, she figured she should be able to make conversation with practical strangers instead of marinating in her own excitement all by herself. A real model—a confident star—would have found the spotlight without hesitation and made a group of friends and connections that would land her somewhere even more glamorous than this mansion in the Hills. 
Instead, (Y/N) was stationed somewhere between the record player and the suede couch pushed against the walls, tucked out of the way and listening into the conglomeration of all of these conversations. 
Out of seemingly nowhere, a woman with towering dark hair and a sleek black dress entered her field of vision. She wore a bright smile and eyes that were a bit glossy, red veins spidering over her sclera. 
"Are you friends with Misty?!" she shouted, maybe a bit too loud even with the record player and sound system so close. 
Taken aback, a whiff of heavy liquor radiating from this girl's breath, (Y/N) gave a small nod. "Yeah, we work together." 
"That is so fun! I work with her sister, Angelica! Where is she?" The girl stumbled some on her heels, reaching out for (Y/N)'s shoulder to keep herself steady. 
"Angelica is seeing a friend tonight, so she couldn't make it," (Y/N) started, stifling her laughter over this woman's sudden friendship with her, "And, Misty's outside talking to some record label guy." 
Her mouth fell open, dark lashes fluttering. "Come hang out with me and my friends! You shouldn't be alone at a party like this! Oh my god, and you need a drink!" Every sentence tumbling out of this woman's mouth broadened (Y/N)'s smile. Other than some rowdy patrons at the restaurant, she wasn't around many drunk people, especially none this excitable. A gasp fell from her lips, stopping herself in her teetering heels with her hand clutched around (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Wait, what's your name?" 
"I'm (Y/N)," she smiled, "What's your name?" 
"Marguerite! Now, do you want to take shots or do you want an actual drink?" 
(Y/N) followed after Marguerite with a bubbling smile. She hoped she would be able to find her spotlight now. 
Twirling in her boots, (Y/N) tossed her head back with her eyes closed. She could vaguely feel the condensation from the drink in her hand, glass slick in her hand. By the time she opened her eyes, dropping back into the moment with the group of women that had adopted her for the night, she couldn't figure out if the room was spinning because of her wiring or if it was her drinking. 
From working at the restaurant, and knowing enough bartenders through her journey of becoming known, she knew most bartenders tended to water drinks down to keep people coming for more and giving some hefty tips, but it didn't seem this man had received that memo. These cocktails were heavy, full of sour heat as soon as it touched her tongue before being doused out by the collection of juices and citrus mixed throughout. Initially, she had turned down taking shots with Marg and her friends, but she figured she could have just done that and made it to the same state she was currently in. 
But, that didn't matter. Anything from a couple of hours ago, no longer mattered. What mattered now was how each song she heard was now her favorite, every cocktail she tried was the best she'd ever had, and these girls were undoubtedly the best friends she'd ever had. (Y/N) was almost certain she'd never been this drunk before. 
A night of firsts, she figured; first networking opportunity she'd ever gone to, and the first time she'd been drunk enough that her heart and the record player in the corner were made of the same rhythms. 
She'd have to find her spotlight another time, it appeared. 
Suddenly, the weight of someone's hand settled on the small of her back. Seeing her friends—albeit a bit blurry—in front of her, she couldn't imagine who exactly would be comfortable enough to place their hands on her. 
Whirling around, the hem of her dress fluttering around her thighs, (Y/N) saw an unfamiliar face looking down at her. His hair was black like his suit, slicked back with enough product to make the strands appear wet. His eyes were just as dark and glassy, with the sclera full of red veins. 
It was a distant memory, from a version of herself that was sober and no longer here, (Y/N) remembered the men that had strategically placed themselves about the room in order to gain the perfect vantage point to watch the women drinking and socializing as if they were a show on the television set. None of them had been so bold to approach anyone yet, but it only took a quick glance towards Marg and the others to see this must have been a team effort, everyone a touch distracted by these unfamiliar men. 
"Hi, sweet thing," this man murmured, dipping his head unnecessarily close to her ear, "Having fun?" 
Snapping away from this man, (Y/N) clutched her drink. A breath of relief touched her lungs when she saw it was Misty who had called to her. She looked just as pristine as when they had arrived, dress still clinging to her form, hair perfectly straight without a strand out of place. (Y/N) doubted her lipstick was anywhere near as perfect as Misty's still was. 
"Mist! You're back!" (Y/N) cheered, grateful to be dismissing the man in favor of wrapping Misty in an enthusiastic hug. "Are you a singer now?!" 
Misty shot her a bubbling smile, the corners twitching as if she was trying not to be as happy as she currently felt. "I might be," she muttered, sheepish, "I have a meeting—a real one—with Mr. Vitacoma tomorrow morning. I need to get home so I can sleep at least a little before I head to the office." 
(Y/N) blinked, arms going limp around Misty. "Now?" 
"Yeah," Misty nodded, mind obviously elsewhere, "Do you have your stuff?" 
"Um," (Y/N) prattled, suddenly aware of her bag hanging from her elbow, "Yeah, but... I don't know, Mist. I'm kind of really drunk, I think." 
Misty seemed to suddenly take note of her friend's state and the cold drink in her hand. "Wait. How many drinks have you had?" 
"Three, I think," (Y/N) started, unwittingly beginning to sway to the new song that had started playing through the space, "But they're really strong." 
Fitting her bottom lip between her teeth, Misty's face twisted into worry. "You don't think you can drive, right now? It's almost two." 
Opening her mouth, (Y/N) felt like a guppy when she stood there and no words came. While she was far from sober, she was definitely beginning to feel the gravity of what Misty needed from her. She had a terribly exciting meeting set up for tomorrow morning, a real sit down with Mr. Vitacoma that would make her one of the voices etched into a vinyl. Misty had no idea how to drive, so (Y/N) needed to get her home before the sun started on the horizon. 
"I—um—hold on," she said, dropping her drink to sit on a random surface, "I think I need some air, and after that I can drive us home. Do you know if there's any food around?" 
Misty, working on one problem at a time, clutched (Y/N)'s hand and started towards the backyard. It was a deja vu moment, (Y/N) absently wondering what the grassy area had devolved into through the hours she had been inside. 
"Get some air, and I'll try to find some bread or something," Misty thought out loud, pushing open the glass door with their shoes clicking over the cement patio. 
The world spun a bit too fast for (Y/N) to catch anything going on around the pool, allowing her to simply follow after Misty as best she could in the boots that suddenly felt less than stable now that she wasn't dancing. Like a wobbly shadow, (Y/N) stayed close to Misty as she rounded to the side of the house, out of the way of the distant splashing and cheering from the pool. 
"Are you okay to stay right here?" Misty asked, stopping (Y/N) on a soft patch of grass between the main home and shed field with whatever it took to maintain lawns of this size. From here, she could spot the height of the trees that had welcomed them when they made it here hours earlier. 
(Y/N) nodded her head, sinking to sit down on the cool grass. "Where are you going?" 
Misty looked at her with wide eyes, bottom lip being chewed between her teeth. "To get you something to eat. And, water, probably." 
"Oh yeah," (Y/N) bubbled, a plume of laughter falling from her lips, "I'll be okay, I think." 
Her friend hesitated for a moment, steps starting and stopping with one more look at (Y/N) in the safety of the secluded space before starting off for the house. Left by herself with her bare legs laid in the cool blades of grass and the sky clear above her, (Y/N) took in deep breaths. 
Without smoke and thick humidity clogging the air, she was allowed a reprieve. Sitting here, she didn't feel all that drunk, but she doubted she would feel that stable if she made a move to stand up. Hopefully, whatever Misty found inside would help her get back on track, make it so she could have Misty home before the night had ended. 
Pulling her knees to her chest, (Y/N) tried to concentrate. She wanted her mind to slow, her gaze to even, and her body to feel like her own again. She couldn't drive like this, she knew, but Misty was relying on her. (Y/N) needed to figure out how to get this alcohol out of her system in record time. 
It was a frustrating goal, one she knew was going to be impossible to achieve when she couldn't get her gaze to focus on a miniscule chip in the white paint of the shed before her. Her gaze moved like the liquor that had sloshed in her glass inside. 
Was she going to have to drive like this? Would they even make it back if she did that? 
She hadn't realized her eyes had grown wet, tears puddling in her waterline until her sight ws that much more unreliable. She was frustrated and nervous, pressure coming from the fact that without a miracle, she was going to have to make sense of wavy lines while driving her friend home to prepare for the meeting of a lifetime. 
(She wasn't a perfect driver, anyway. She doubted she'd be much better when she wasn't one hundred percent sober). 
"Hey, are y'alright?" 
Whipping her head up, (Y/N) caught only a glimpse of the new guest of her spot before wincing. Moving the fast wasn't a good idea if she was working on getting her vision to quit swimming. 
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," she stuttered, cracking her eyes open just enough to find the vague lines of who was standing before her, "I'm drunk." 
A breathy laugh filled the air. One (Y/N) knew—had been hyper aware of just hours ago. 
Blinking her eyes open, her vision having settled, she saw the man with the peach scarf. Right in front of her with the pretty green of his eyes trained on her, moonlight seeping through the swirls of his hair. 
He was British. Interesting. 
"Do y'want something to drink? It might be a good idea to eat something, too." The sharp planes of his face softened out, rounding with dimples in his cheeks and a kind smile curving his lips. 
"My friend, she's already grabbing so-something for me," she hiccuped, "You met her kind of; she was talking to your friend." 
Crouching to sit at her level, the man nodded his head. "She's something," he laughed, "Not many people come up to John like that. She has a meeting with him in the morning, right?" 
(Y/N) nodded her head, squinting when her vision when spiraling once more. "Yeah, so I need to drive her home, but I think I'm still drunk. She's getting me some water, and then we have to go." 
This man's reaction came in the form of a pinch settling between his brows, lips thinning. "She doesn't want to drive?" 
"She doesn't know how," (Y/N) clarified.
He didn't seem to like this extra information much more. His tone was gentle when he spoke again, everything softened in this accent she'd only ever heard on television. "I don't know if 's a good idea for y'to be driving tonight. Maybe, we can go inside and see if there's anywhere y'can sleep for the night." 
Reaching a broad hand out for her to take, he looked at her with encouraging eyes. (Y/N) shook her head. "I can't. She has that meeting in the morning and I have work tomorrow, we-we can't stay. I just need some water, and then I'll be okay." 
A heaved sigh fell from his lungs. "I don't think that's how it works, love." 
Before she could make heart eyes over the pet name he laid over her, (Y/N) saw a familiar form rounding behind her new friend. 
"(Y/N)? I've got your water. How are you feeling?" Stepping around the man with the peach scarf, Misty had water and what looked to be a glass of dry cereal in her hands. She gave a sidelong glance towards the man that was not there the last time she'd seen her friend. 
Lagging in response, (Y/N) blinked up at Misty. "I'm good—so much better! Let's go!" 
Just as she put on her performance with an attempt to get to her feet, her flimsy cover was blown as soon as she stumbled into Misty with her arms pinwheeling at her sides. With her hands full, Misty offered an arm towards (Y/N) to brace herself, but it was the man with the peach scarf that steadied her before she had a chance to fall flat on her face. He reached towards her, settling his palms on her shoulders with (Y/N) touching his chest over the thin material of his top. 
"(Y/N)!" Misty bubbled, eyes wide.
Blinking up at the man with her lashes fluttering around her uneven gaze, (Y/N) took in the sight of him with the moon acting as a halo behind his head. 
Was her mouth agape? Was she still touching him? Was she unbelievably drunk, or was the rest of the world a blur, except for him? 
"Are y'alright?" he murmured, concern dripping from his words. 
Back on earth, (Y/N) shook herself away from the man, their hands dropping to their sides though she swore she could still feel the creases of his palms and length of his fingers around her shoulders. 
"I'm fine, I'm fine," she insisted, turning her gaze towards Misty, "Sorry, just—hold on, I can take us home, just give me a second." 
Both Misty and the man gave her less than impressed looks. 
He was the first to move, looking towards Misty with a bounce to his brows. "Misty, right?" 
Despite (Y/N)'s clear favoring of him, Misty didn't knock the suspicious accusations from her eyes. "Yes. Why?" 
He shot her that dazzling smile, dimples and all. "I know y'have an appointment with John tomorrow morning, but she's not going to be well enough to drive tonight. It wouldn't be safe to head home before she's had a chance to sleep this off." 
Misty's shoulders dropped at the serious tone he served her. "But... I can't—We can't stay. I have to go home to get ready for that meeting, and she has to go to work." 
Pursing his lips, the man settled his hands on his hips as the gears in his head began to turn. "Where's home?" 
Even in her muddled head, (Y/N) could see the reluctance Misty held when she gave the general area they came from. 
He gave her a nod, lips still thinned. Peering through his lashes, he looked at Misty before offering a fleeting glance towards (Y/N). "I can take y'both home. I haven't had anything to drink tonight." 
Walls back up immediately, Misty gave an uncertain stare, brows pinched. She didn't have to say anything for man to start offering an alternative, (Y/N) letting out a plume of laughter. 
"Or, I can call a taxi? I can't guarantee anyone will be available, or how quick they'd make it out, but 'm more than happy to pay for it." Sincerity lit up his eyes. 
Misty didn't immediately have an answer, taking her turn to think over the direction the night had taken. The silence left (Y/N) a chance for the alcohol to wipe her own thoughts over the dilemma, her attention instead shifting to lay fully on the man that stood before her. 
Maybe it was the vodka shining in her eyes, but she swore something angelic began to shimmer from the edges of him. He really was so pretty, (Y/N) thought. Earlier hadn't just been the product of an excitable mind seeing a bunch of important people for the first time since her cross-country move, he really was gorgeous. 
Did he know that? Were enough people telling him that? Should she tell him? 
For the second time that night, she was caught staring at him. A twitching of a smile touched at the corner of his mouth, his eye dropping into a wink. 
She couldn't help herself, her own features brightening and molding into something giddy. She didn't need Misty to tell her what the best option was out of the two this man had presented, (Y/N) already had her favorite picked out. 
"You'd really t-take us home?" (Y/N) hiccuped through her smile, clasping her hands in front of her middle. 
"If that's what you'd prefer," he drawled, amusement dancing over his features as he took in her reaction. 
Before he could send a precursory glance towards Misty once more, (Y/N) piped up, "I prefer that! Please." 
A small plume of laughter fell from his lips at her outburst, Misty even taking a peek in her direction with a raised brow and half smile. 
"Please, Mist," (Y/N) pleaded, a bright smile on her face, "Isn't he so nice?"
Another small glance towards the man was given by Misty. "What's your name? I'm not getting in someone's car when I don't know their name." 
"'M Harry," he smiled, "And John is a good friend of mine, and he'd kill me if I messed up his schedule tomorrow by not getting you two home." 
"And, you're not crazy, right?" 
Another set of dimples touched his cheeks. "Not as far as I know." 
"Fine," Misty settled, "Thank you, Harry." 
"Thank you, Harry," (Y/N) parroted, a little too excitable.
Both Misty and Harry helped guide (Y/N)'s stumbling steps through the mansion, the water and cereal Misty grabbed for her being left behind as they made their way through the halls. More than once, she had the privilege of getting a touch from Harry's large hand on her arm or between her shoulder blades when her balance teetered.
He led them through the mansion and to the valet where a different attendant now stood at the station. Harry gave the man a small nod before taking them sharply away from the bank of cars that had been valeted out of the way, out of the way to a glossy forest green Cadillac. 
(Y/N) gaped in awe. She'd seen plenty of nice cars while living out here, but she'd never thought anyone actually drove them—not anyone real, like Harry, anyway. 
Harry made to stand by the passenger side, holding open the back door for them to slip inside. "This is yours?" she asked, "Like, you drive it and everything?" 
"I do, yeah. Like it?" 
"The color is really pretty," (Y/N) shared, holding back the detail that it reminded her of the flecks of darker hues in his eyes. 
"Thank you," he smiled.
Misty guided (Y/N) into the backseat then, following in to sit beside her a moment later. An amused look was on her friend's face. "You're a flirty drunk, huh?" 
"Am I?" (Y/N) bubbled. Was it terribly obvious she thought Harry was pretty?
"A little," Misty laughed just as Harry took his own spot behind the wheel. "But, it's alright. It's good for you—you don't do it enough." 
"Jus' straight home, right ladies?" 
"Yes, please." Misty reached ahead where a folded map was sitting on the bench of the passenger seat. "Do you want me to give directions?" 
Harry shrugged off the offer, "I think I've got it. Y'jus' keep an eye on her." 
Looking forward, into the rearview mirror, (Y/N) caught Harry's eyes on her, creases touching the corners as a smile spread over his lips. 
"Bye, Mist. Call me tomorrow, please. I want to know how your meeting goes." 
"I will," Misty murmured, giving (Y/N) a tired hug before she started inching towards the door, "When you get home, eat something and have some water before you go to sleep. And take off your makeup." 
As much as (Y/N) wanted to stick to Misty's instructions, she knew herself well enough to know that those words had gone right through her. Nonetheless, she nodded her head. "Okay. Love you." 
"Love you, too." Pushing the door open, Misty took a glance over her shoulder towards Harry in the front seat, who was fiddling with the radio dials on the dashboard. "Thank you for driving us home, Harry. I'm happy you aren't crazy." 
"Me too," he smiled, turning to face her, "'M happy I could get y'home safely. Let me walk y'up." 
(Y/N) watched as Harry escorted her friend up to her front door, giving her a perfect view of all of the lines of his body. Being cramped up in his car almost made her forget the full length of his height. As if there wasn't enough she would be thinking about once she was at her apartment. 
Taking his seat back in the front seat once Misty was inside safely, Harry turned to look at (Y/N) over the bench seat. "Wanna sit up here with me? Or are y'comfortable back there?" 
She didn't even have to think before she was scrambling to make her new spot at his side. "I wanna sit with you." 
Although she'd never thought of herself as particularly funny, Harry seemed to think she was hilarious. Everything she said drew a laugh out of him. 
Nonetheless, she hopped out of the backseat and found her new spot up in the passenger side of the bench seat beside Harry. Turning the key in the ignition, he pulled away from the curb of Misty's house before shooting a quick glance towards (Y/N).
"Want to find some music for us? I can only listen to the same advertisements so many times, you know," Harry prompted, nodding to the radio with a dip of his chin. 
"The McDonald's one is the worst," (Y/N) bubbled, reaching over to play with the dials, "It's always on." 
Harry agreed with a hum, following the directions Misty had given before she left for the night to head towards (Y/N)'s apartment. "What kind of music do y'like?" 
"Anything fun," (Y/N) offered, shooting him a bright smile, "But, I really love The Zombies right now." 
Perking up at her words, Harry glanced at her as he came to a stop sign. "The Zombies? What's your favorite song?" 
(Y/N) couldn't help the bubbling of conversation that sprouted from her lips then, the radio dials left behind in favor of talking with Harry. He was the perfect listener, even while he was carefully getting her home, she didn't doubt he was listening in. More than once, she wasn't sure if he was only being kind given the fact she was bubbly with alcohol, but he encouraged her ramblings, feeding her his own opinions and asking her what she thought. (Y/N) could have stayed curled up in this space for much longer than the short ten minutes between her apartment and Misty's home. 
By the time he pulled up to her apartment building, (Y/N) almost wanted to pout. 
Only the hum of the engine sounded as he paused in his seat, pulling his wallet from the pocket of his trousers. Casualy, he thumbed through the bills he had ticked inside the leather, grabbing more than (Y/N) would make in tips even during a busy Friday night shift at the restaurant. He passed the wad off to her.
"Use this to take a taxi to get your car tomorrow," Harry instructed, giving her a soft smile, "I know y'didn't really plan on leaving it overnight, so I'd like to take care of the drive back for you." 
(Y/N) hesitated. "Are you sure? That's kind of a lot." 
He shrugged, "'S my fault y'left it. I don't mind." 
Gingerly, she pulled the cash out of his hand. "Are you going to be there tomorrow?" 
"Probably not," he smiled, another laugh from his lungs. 
Juxtaposing his amusement, the beginnings of a pout touched her lips. "So, I won't see you again." 
"Not tomorrow," he clarified, raising a brow, "But, maybe soon." 
Just like he did for Misty, Harry walked (Y/N) up to the door of her building, keeping her from stumbling up the stairs that led to the glass door. 
"You're alright to get up by yourself, or do y'want me to go with you?" 
As much as she would have liked to get him to spend a handful of minutes more with her, (Y/N) shook her head. He'd done a lot for her tonight already. "I'll be okay, but thank you. For everything tonight. You kind of saved the day for Misty. 
"'S easier this way," he smiled, "And much more fun than trying to kick people out of the house with John doing nothing to help." 
"Is he your best friend?" (Y/N) asked, stalling a bit despite her better judgment. 
"A little," Harry said, lifting his shoulders in a shrug, "But he definitely doesn't have as good of taste in music as y'do." 
Much like the first time she spotted him this evening, (Y/N) felt her skin warm at his words. "If you get a chance to listen to that album, let me know what you think." 
"I definitely will, love. But, you've got to get to bed first." 
"Right," she said, attempting to sober up with a nod, "Thank you again." 
"Of course, (Y/N). Goodnight." 
Harry waited until she was safely inside, where she went on to practically float up the stairs with the sound of his accent wrapped around her name echoing in her head. Now in the quiet of her apartment, among her things, the bubbling excitement she'd felt throughout the evening simmered down to a dreamy haze. 
She'd had one of the most fun nights she'd had since moving to the city, and it ended with her being taken care of by one of the most beautiful men she'd ever seen. After tugging off her boots, she pulled out the cash he'd given her, counting out the abundant amount of bills he'd passed off to her. Thumbing through them, she stopped when she reached the middle of the wad, where a thick white business card was tucked between. 
Separating the cash from the card, (Y/N) flipped it over to find black script printed over the paper. 
Harry Styles. 
She didn't even try to bite back the wide smile touching her lips.
brigitte bardot, model, actress, and singer; a timeless icon of the 60's
ahhhhh! so happy to finally share this little part of bardot with you guys! once again this is a patreon exclusive with every part after this one only being available on my page! thank u sm for reading, sorry for any mistakes, and if you have any fun ideas please send them in!!!
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moth-nana · 9 months
hii! how are you doing? i hope u dont mind, this is my first time. may i ask for tokyo revengers Mitsuya, Draken and Rindou where they compliment or appreciate in general (words of affirmation) to their s/o but she reacted to them by crying? because she doesnt rlly get that much of attention and praises, so she gets emotional when she heard it. i wanna see howd they react to that. i hope this is okay!
Takashi Mitsuya, Ken Ryuguji, Rindou Haitani
Prompt: TR boys compliment/tell how much they appreciate the reader and the reader starts crying because she doesn't get to hear that as much/often as she should.
Words: 1 k
A/n: I'm doing well, thank you for asking. I got so excited when you asked this and had so much fun writing this. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do 🫶 ps: leave me reguests any time you want. I love making these🫰
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Takashi Mitsuya
You and Takashi had started dating three weeks ago and you had just been introduced to Luna and Mana, his little sisters, who had been so nice. You had a really good time. You had played with them as Takashi had prepared supper for you four. Luna had given you lots of questions about yours and Takashi’s relationship and you had answered any questions as well as you could.
In the end all four of you ended up eating Takashis cooked curry chicken and rice that tasted so good. You were so happy just to be there with him and his sisters.
You sat next to Takashi on his bed listening to music that was coming from a radio he had turned on minutes ago. You leaned your head to his shoulder. You felt so calm and happy.
Takashi turned to look at you with a big warm smile on his face. “I really appreciate you being here,” Takshi nudged your shoulder in an affectionate way before continuing, “I really appreciate and care about you,” You had listened to him and held back tears. They weren’t necessarily tears of sadness. They were more like tears of happiness that came out of being cared for the first time in a long while. Your eyes couldn’t hold back those tears anymore and they fell down your cheeks like rain. Takashi looked slightly taken back before he hugged you. He brought your head to his chest, caressed your hair and whispered calming words to you. “Hey, it’s okay. You're okay.” He whispered to you. You nodded your head as you tried to stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks to your neck.
When you had calmed down he had whipped all your tears from your cheeks away with the sleeve of his shirt and smiled at you the whole time. “Don’t cry or you’ll make me cry” Takashi kissed your cheek and a spot under your eye. “I’m sorry… I just don’t ever get told anyone appreciates me like that.” You sniffled and he kissed the tip of your nose. “You should be.” He whispered.
Ken “Draken” Ryuguji
You and Draken had been on a date for the third time ever. He had taken you to eat at a restaurant. It wasn’t fancy but it was what you wanted. He had tried to pay but you had been quicker and paid for both of you which had stunned Draken for a good two seconds.
Draken had never really been that affectionate in public but you both had had long days and taking a walk when the sun was setting was something that seemed good after eating at a restaurant. You had exited the restaurant hand in hand.
You two had hopped on his motorbike and he had driven you to a place near a river that flowed down calmly. Your hands were attached to each other like it was the most natural thing ever as you two made your way to sit on the grass.
“I hope this won’t stain my jeans.” You laughed as you sat down next to Draken. He gave you a loving smile. “I don’t think it will.” He said and you giggled.
The sun was setting. It looked beautiful and all those golden and orange lights made you look like a goddess in Drakens eyes. He was admiring how beautiful you were. He had always thought that you were beautiful but oh, how beautiful you were now. Nothing had been prettier before.
“You are so beautiful.” Draken had whispered under his breath and that made you look at him. He had this look of awe on his face. And then he looked concerned as he noticed that a lonely tear had fallen down your cheek. “Hey, don’t cry.” He whipped it away but those words made all the tears that were sealed into your eyes flow down your cheeks and he was in a loss for words. You sniffed and nodded your head. You hadn’t been complimented like that ever before. He had cupped your face to the palms of his hands and he was wiping tears away with his thumbs. “Thank you.” You sniffed and then laughed. He kissed your forehead. “My beautiful girl,”
Rindou Haitani
You had had a long day. Your winter holidays had just started but all the stress of the last school week was not gone yet. You had three exams the past week that had taken all your energy. Now that you were sitting next to Rindou on the train towards your place after a date you were on you felt tired. You were happy but tired at the same time. If you could just close your eyes and fall asleep, your head on the shoulder of your boyfriend, you would.
You fell to your bed as soon as you and Rindou had made your way into your apartment. He watched you with a big smile on his lips as you were getting comfortable on your bed. You weren’t that tired anymore but feeling the softness of your mattress was comforting. You made space for Rindou to lay down next to you and he did.
You laid there both on your sides and faces inches apart. He had removed his eyeglasses that he had on a few minutes before so they wouldn’t get bent and you had been watching him. He looked eternal to you.
Rindou was admiring your face for all the little details that set you apart from other people. He had the urge to trail his finger along every line of your face, to memorize it entirely. “You are so pretty.” He whispered with a soft and affectioned voice that held so much adoration and love towards you. His compliment made your eyes fill up with tears that you couldn’t contain. Your tears fell to the pillow under your head. Rindou brought his hand to wipe away all your tears gently. “Hey, don’t cry.” He whispered “You are beautiful, gorgeous and my darling” He whispered trying to comfort you, succeeding to make you cry even more. Your lips held a smile but your eyes cried tears that contained all the frustration from the week before and the lack of compliments and appreciation you hadn’t received in a long time. “Thank you.” You whispered.
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jasfhercallejo · 16 days
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Located on Tourism Road of General Luna, Siargao Bleu is very much accessible from the airport to the town center. Upon entering the resort, we were welcomed by its iconic 1,600-square-meter man-made lagoon.
There are rooms called terraces, which are on the second floor that have a veranda. Garden rooms are on the ground floor an outdoor lounge area, while the floating cottages are private cottages that are spacious and have an outdoor veranda with direct access to the pool. All rooms are equipped with Wi-Fi access, flat-screen TV, personal safe, air-conditioners, hot & cold shower, toiletries and comfortable beds & pillows.
What left us in awe were the uniquely designed outdoor showers. The shower area was built separately, with natural light, rocks and plants that emanate a strong connection with nature.
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One thing I could never forget about this resort is that we had our personal butler. The staff at The Siargao Bleu were incredibly welcoming and attentive, making sure our every need was met.
The property offers fitness facilities, a business center, restaurant, dry cleaning, laundry service, and free breakfast. Other water activities are also available like kayaking and paddle boarding, enhancing the overall guest experience.
The serene atmosphere and unique experience of being right on the water made our vacation unforgettable. The cottages were beautifully designed and well-maintained, offering a perfect blend of comfort and tranquility.
We had a really filling breakfast, and I must say that the cocktails at the beach bar were really strong that we almost fell asleep during our massage. It was a night to remember!
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servegrilledcheese · 1 year
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not so berry challenge 2: generation 4 (quartz)
luna araújo - cat lover, creative, bookworm
the spice festival came around again! and so did rafa, which was the perfect opportunity for an impromptu date - free food & drinks, live music by a local uglie townie, and the prospect of burning your entire fucking mouth on bhel puri with a pretty girl - a night a single man can't turn down. they concluded the night on a cozy rooftop of a werewolf-run moroccan restaurant where someone caught some feelings.
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poedays · 1 month
hai poe hru where r u from whats ur fave food
Hai Luna. 👋✨
I’m doing good, just got back from indoor rock climbing so I’m feeling great.
I’m from Australia (it’s real to me (they may or may not be paying me to say that)).
I’d say my favourite food would have to be pork buns, but from a restaurant, not the icky microwaveable ones.
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How are you doing? Where are you from? What’s your favourite food (apart from Vega)?
I heard they (the general public) want to give you an intervention, any thoughts on that? 🎤
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cielrouge · 2 years
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2022 YA Reads by Authors of Color
After life (Blue Bloods) by Melissa De La Cruz:  After defeating Lucifer and sacrificing the love of her life, Schuyler wakes up back in New York, only to discover that an alternate reality where Lucifer is alive and well and she is the only person who can defeat him.
Ain’t Burned All the Bright by Jason Reynolds: A smash-up of art and text for teens that viscerally captures what it is to be Black in America right now. 
Akata Woman (The Nsibidi Scripts #3) by Nnedi Okorafor: 15-year-old Sunny embarks on a mission to find a precious object and return it to the spider deity Udide, but defeating the guardians of Udide's ghazal will put all of Sunny's hard lessons and abilities to the test.
All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir: A story crossing generations and continents and addressing themes of cultural identity, family, forgiveness, love, and loss; told through the eyes of two best friends, Salahudin and Noor, growing up as outcasts and trying to find a way out of a world set on destroying them.
All the Right Reasons by Bethany Mangle: Cara Hawn and her mother go to Key West to join a reality show to pair single parents. There, Cara meets Connor and now she must juggle her growing feelings while helping her mom pick a bachelor they both love.
Almost There: Twisted Tales by Farrah Rochon: A year after Tiana makes a deal with Dr. Facilier, she has her restaurant, but soon shadows begin to gather and Tiana must work with Naveen and Charlotte to set things right or risk losing her soul.
Alone Out Here by Riley Redgate: A thriller set in a future in which First Daughter Leigh Chen and 53 other teens end up on the only ship escaping a dying Earth and must contend with being the last hope for humanity's survival.
An Arrow to the Moon by Emily X.R. Pan: Star-crossed lovers Hunter Yee and Luna Chang must navigate their families’ enmity and secrets as everything around them begins to fall apart. 
And We Rise: The Civil Rights Movement in Poems by Erica Martin: A powerful, impactful, eye-opening journey that explores through the Civil rights movement in 1950s-1960s America in spare and evocative verse, with historical photos.
Anne of Greenville by Mariko Tamaki:  In this contemporary retelling, Anne Shirley, a queer, half-Japanese disco superfan, moves to a town that seems too small for her big personality and where she becomes embroiled in a series of dramatic and unfortunate events.
As Long as the Lemon Tree Grows by Zoulfa Katouh: Set during the Syrian Revolution, former pharmacy student Salama Kassab volunteers at a hospital in Homs. Secretly, though, she is desperate to find a way out. So desperate, that she has manifested a physical embodiment of her fear in the form of her imagined companion, Khawf .But even with Khawf pressing her to leave, Salama is torn between her loyalty to her country and her conviction to survive. 
Ashes of Gold (Wings of Ebony #2) by J. Elle: In the heart-pounding conclusion to the Wings of Ebony duology, Rue makes her final stand to reclaim her people’s stolen magic.
Azar on Fire by Olivia Abtahi: 14-year-old Azar Rossi sets out to find her voice and win her local Battle of the Bands contest. 
Bad at Love by Gabriela Martins: Ever since Daniel moved to L.A. from Brazil to join the band Mischief & Mayhem, he’s become the tabloids’ bad boy. When a chance encounter brings Daniel and Sasha together, Sasha sees an opportunity to get close to Daniel and write a story that will make a name for herself at the celebrity gossip magazine where she interns. But Daniel is surprisingly sweet and extremely cute—could she be falling for him?
Ballad & Dagger by Daniel Jose Older: When 16-year-old Mateo and Chela discover each other and their powers during a political battle between neighborhood factions, they set aside their differences to unravel the mystery behind their sunken homeland. 
Beasts by Ruin (Beasts of Prey #2) by Ayana Gray: Now separated,16-year-old indentured beastkeeper Koffi and 17-year-old warrior candidate Ekon will have to find their way back to each other as they face off against the god of death. 
Beauty and the Besharam by Lillie Vale: Exhausted by Kavya Joshi and Ian Jun’s years-long feud, their friends hatch a plan to end their rivalry by convincing them to participate in a series of challenges throughout the summer. 
Before Takeoff by Adi Alsaid: Two teens, James and Michelle, meet and fall in love during a layover-gone-wrong at the Atlanta airport. 
Beating Heart Baby by Lio Min: 17-year-old Santi Arboleda finally feels settled in his new life in Los Angeles with a growing found family and a relationship with musical prodigy Suwa - until Suwa is offered the chance to step into the spotlight that he has always denied himsel fand they must finally face their dreams, their pasts, and their futures, whether together or apart. 
Beneath the Wide Silk Sky by Emily Inouye Huey:  With the recent death of her mother and the possibility of her family losing their farm, Samantha Sakamoto does not have space in her life for dreams, but when faced with prejudice and violence in her Washington State community after Pearl Harbor, she becomes determined to use her photography to document the bigotry around her.
Bitter by Akwaeke Emezi: Pulled between old friendships, her creative passion, and a new romance, Bitter isn't sure where she belongs - in the art studio or in the streets. And if she does find a way to help the revolution while being true to who she is, she must also ask: at what cost?
The Black Girls Left Standing by Juliana Goodman: 16-year-old Beau Willet’s world is upended when her older sister is killed by a white cop who claims she was breaking into his house; desperate to find out what really happened, she sets out to find the only other witness who was there that night—her sister's boyfriend.
Blood Like Fate (Blood Like Magic #2) by Liselle Sambury: While struggling with her new role as Matriarch, Voya has a vision of a terrifying, deadly future, and with a newfound sense of purpose, she vows to do whatever it takes to bring her shattered community together and prevent the destruction of them all.
Blood Scion by Deborah Falaye: 15-year-old Sloane can incinerate an enemy at will—she is a Scion, a descendant of the ancient Orisha gods. But when she is forcibly conscripted into the Lucis army, Sloane sees a new opportunity: to overcome the bloody challenges of Lucis training, and destroy them from within.
Bloodmarked (Legendborn #2) by Tracy Deonn: When the Regents reveal they will do whatever it takes to hide an ancient war, Bree and her friends must go on the run to rescue Nick. If Bree has any hope of saving herself and the people she loves, she must learn to control her powers from the ancestors who wielded them first—without losing herself in the process.
Boys I Know by Anna Gracia: High school senior June Chu navigates messy boys and messier relationships.
Boys of the Beast by Monica Zepeda: Cousins Matt, Ethan and Oscar embark on a road trip through California and the Southwest come to terms with truths about their families and themselves. 
Break This House by Candice Iloh: Yaminah Okar left Obsidian and the wreckage of her family years ago. She and her father have made lives for themselves in Brooklyn. But when a Facebook message about her estranged mother pierces Yaminah’s new bubble, she must finally reckon with the truth about her mother and the growing collapse of a place she once called home. 
Briarcliff Prep by Brianna Peppins: In this coming-of-age story, Avi LeBeau juggles navigating her first year at a historically Black boarding school after she learns a devastating secret about her big sister’s boyfriend. 
Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado: When an urban legend rumored to trap people inside subway tunnels seems to be behind mysterious disappearances in the Bronx, 16-year-old Raquel and her friends team up to save their city--and confront a dark episode in its history in the process.
Cafe Con Lychee by Emery Lee: A dual pov enemies-to-lovers contemporary romcom following Theo Mori and Gabe Moreno, rival sons of competing family businesses--a Puerto Rican bakery and an Asian American cafe--who form an unlikely alliance running an underground coffee and boba shop at school after a new fusion cafe threatens their parents' stores.
The Chandler Legacies by Abdi Nazemian: At Chandler, the elite boarding school, five teens are brought together in the Circle, a coveted writing group where life-changing friendships are born—and secrets are revealed. 
The Charmed List by Julie Abe: 16-year-old Ellie Kobata’s summer plans to shed her wallflower persona are upended when she is forced to go on a road trip to the Magical Retailers' Convention with her former best friend Jack Yasuda, but what starts out as a punishment turns into an opportunity to find forgiveness and possibly love.
Cherish Farrah by Bethany C. Morrow: 17-year-old Farrah Turner manipulates her way into lives of her Black best friend Cherish Whitman’s white adopted family, but she soon begins to suspect that she may not be the only one invested in engineering a place in the affluent household, and someone else's motives may be more disturbing than her own.
The Chosen One by Echo Brown: Anchored in magical realism, a personal account of a first-generation African-American student's first year at Dartmouth College.
Cinder & Glass by Melissa de la Cruz: In this lush, retold fairy tale classic, Cendrillon “Cinder” de Louvois catches the eye of the handsome Prince Louis and his younger brother Auguste at a royal ball. As Cinder grows closer to Auguste and dislikes Louis more and more, she will have to decide if she can bear losing the boy she loves in order to leave a life she hates.
Cold by Mariko Tamaki: Told in alternating perspectives, Todd replays the events that lead to his death in the local park, watching as detectives investigate his murder and talk to the students responsible for it, and meanwhile Georgia, who does not know Todd, cannot stop thinking about him.
The Color of the Sky Is The Shape of the Heart by Chesil: Inspired by a mysterious message, 17-year-old Ginny Park sets off to find herself as she reflects on her experiences of growing up Zainichi, an ethnic Korean born in Japan, and the incident that forced her to leave years prior.
Confessions of An Alleged Good Girl by Joya Coffney: In small-town Texas, preacher’s daughter Monique embarks on journey toward loving herself and her body, as well as discovering the value of a true friend.
The Darkening by Sunya Mara: Vesper Vale is the daughter of revolutionaries. Failed revolutionaries. When her mother was caught by the queen's soldiers, they gave her a choice: death by the hangman's axe, or death by the Storm that surrounds the city and curses anyone it touches. She chose the Storm. And when the queen's soldiers--led by a paranoid prince--catch up to Vesper's father after twelve years on the run, Vesper will do whatever it takes to save him from sharing that fate.
Daughters of the Dawn by Sarena & Sasha Nanua: Twin princesses Ria and Rani journey deep into dangerous new lands to save their home in this propulsive, immersive sequel to Sisters of the Snake.
Dauntless by Elisa A. Bonnin: Seri, Borderland teen and new assistant to Eshai Unbroken, local commander of the Valiants, may be the only person who can bridge the divide between the People who build their dwellings in the spreading trees and the "beasts" who roam the forest floors.
The Dawn of Yangchen by F.C. Yee: Plagued by the voices of Avatars before her for as long as she can remember, Yangchen has not yet earned the respect felt for her predecessor. When she travels to Bin-Er on political business, a chance encounter with an informant named Kavik leads to a wary partnership. As Yangchen and Kavik seek to thwart the corrupt shangs’ plan, their unlikely friendship deepens. But for Yangchen to chart her course as a singularly powerful Avatar, she must learn to rely on her own wisdom.
Dead Flip by Sara Farizan: 18-year-old former friends Cori and Maz reunite to solve the mystery of what happened to their other friend Sam--who disappeared 5 years ago and has now returned, not having aged at all.
Debating Darcy by Sayantani DasGupta: A life-long speech competitor, Leela Bose loves nothing more than crushing the competition. But when Leela meets the incorrigible Firoze Darcy, a fellow competitor in the state league, she can’t stand him. But Leela’s participation in the tournament reveals that she might have misjudged the debaters - including Darcy.
Deep in Providence by Riss A. Neilson: After Jasmine is killed, her remaining best friends Miliani, Inez, and Natalie plan to resurrect her using magic learned from Miliani's Filipino aunt, but their actions have dangerous consequences that threaten themselves and those they care about.
Diamond Park by Phillipe Diederich: When four Mexican-American teenagers from Houston travel to Diamond Park to buy a 1959 Chevy Impala from Magaña's godfather, something goes very wrong, and one of them, Susi, ends up arrested for murder. Convinced that the real killer is a drug trafficker called Anaconda, Flaco and Magaña head to Mexico hunting for him to clear Susi's name--but in the process of kidnapping Anaconda Flaco discovers how little he understands about what really happened in Diamond Park.
Direwood by Catherine Yu: After Aja’s perfect older sister Fiona disappears when a strange weather event isolates their town, she must put her trust in a vicious but alluring vampire if she wants to see her sister again.
Does My Body Offend You? by Mayra Cuevas & Marie Marquardt: A coming-of-age story told in two points of view, about Puerto Rican teen Malena Rosario who seeks justice after running afoul of her school's sexist dress code, and Ruby McAllister, the white girl who wants to help her lead "the bra-bellion" but must first learn how to become an effective ally; exploring themes of implicit bias, social activism, and female friendship
The Dragon’s Promise (Six Crimson Cranes #2) by Elizabeth Lim: Princess Shiori made a deathbed promise to return the dragon's pearl to its rightful owner, but keeping that promise is more dangerous than she ever imagined.
The Dream Runners by Shveta Thakar: Spirited away to the subterranean realm of Nagalok as children, 17-year-olds Tanvi and Venkat are charged with harvesting human dreams for the entertainment of the naga court--until one of them begins to remember the mortal life she left behind.
Drizzle, Dreams and Lovestruck Things by Maya Prasad: Sisters Nidhi, Avani, Sirisha, and Rani experience romance and coming-of-age while working at their family's inn on Orcas Island.
Echoes of Grace by Guadalupe Garcia McCall: On the Texas-Mexico border, 18-year-old Grace's relationship with her older sister Mercy is fractured when Mercy's two-year-old son dies in an accident, bringing to the surface old family traumas and literal ghosts as the family struggles to heal.
The Empress of Time by Kylie Lee Baker: Half Reaper, half Shinigami soul collector Ren Scarborough must defend her title as Japan's Death Goddess from those who would see her--and all of Japan--destroyed.
Empress Crowned in Red by Ciannon Smart: Witches Iraya and Jazmyne must once again work together as a new enemy threatens Aiyca, even as betrayal lurks around every corner.
Even When Your Voice Shakes by Ruby Yayra Goka: After Amberley is raped by her employer's son she realizes she two choices--stay quiet and keep her job or live her truth and speak up for herself and for justice.
Every Variable of Us by Charles A. Bush: After she is injured in a gang shooting, 17-year-old Alexis Duncan's dreams of a college scholarship and pro basketball career vanish, but, encouraged by new student Aamani Chakrabarti, Alexis shifts her focus to the school's STEM quiz bowl team.
Everyone Hates Kelsie Miller by Meredith Ireland:  Kelsie Miller and Eric Mulvaney Ortiz, rivals for valedictorian, team up on an overnight road trip to the University of Pennsylvania to win back their exes.
Feather and Flame: The Queen’s Council #2 by Livia Blackburne: Mulan goes from a celebrated war hero to a reluctant Empress and must once again rise above expectations and prove she doesn't have to be anyone but herself to save China.
No Filter and Other Lies by Crystal Maldonado: 17-year-old Kat Sanchez uses photos of a friend to create a fake Instagram account, but when one of her posts goes viral and exposes Kat's duplicity, her entire world--both real and pretend--comes crashing down around her.
The Final Strife by Saara El-Arifi: Sylah dreams of days growing up in the resistance, being told she would spark a revolution that would free the Empire from the red-blooded ruling classes' tyranny. Anoor has been told she’s nothing, no one, a disappointment, by the only person who matters: her mother, the most powerful ruler in the empire. But when Sylah and Anoor meet, a fire burns between them that could consume the kingdom—and their hearts. Hassa’s invisibility has its uses: it can hide the most dangerous of secrets, secrets that can reignite a revolution. As the Empire begins a set of trials of combat and skill designed to find its new leaders, the stage is set for blood to flow, power to shift, and cities to burn.
Finding Jupiter by Kellis Rowe: Teens Orion and Ray meet at the local Memphis skating rink and fall fast and hard into summer love, until a mystery from their past threatens to rip them—and their families—apart, even if their love is written in the stars.
Fireworks by Alice Lin: 17-year-old Lulu Li’s summer plans go awry when she learns that Kite Xu, her old next-door neighbor and childhood friend, returns. But how could a K-pop star ever fall for a nobody from home?
The First to Die at the End by Adam Silvera: Strangers Orion Pagan and Valentino Prince spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast first makes their fateful calls.
Flip the Script by Lyla Lee: Korean American actress Hana Jin she can totally handle her fake co-star boyfriend and K-pop star, Bryan Yoon, who might be falling in love with her. But when showrunners bring on a new girl, Minjee Park, to challenge Hana’s role as main love interest—can  Hana fight for her position on the show while falling for her on-screen rival in real life?
Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong: In 1931 Shanghai, two Nationalist spies, Rosalind Lang and Orion Hong, pose as a married couple to investigate a series of brutal murders causing unrest in the city.
The Genesis Wars (Infinity Courts #2) by Akemi Dawn Bowman: Nami has escaped Ophelia and the Courts of Infinity, and found refuge in the Borderlands; she has spent her days training her body and mind so that when the time comes she will be able to navigate Infinity and rescue her captured friends, and now she has made a breakthrough, gaining the ability to enter minds without permission--the answers she needs are in Prince Caelan's mind, but his betrayal has left her unsure.
The Getaway by Lamar Giles: After a global catastrophe, Jay discovers the world-famous vacation resort where he lives and works doubles as a luxury doomsday refuge for the cruel billionaires he's now trapped with.
The Ghosts of Rose Hill by R. M. Romero: Sent to stay with her aunt in Prague and witness the humble life of an artist, Ilana Lopez—a biracial Jewish girl—finds herself torn between her dream of becoming a violinist and her immigrant parents’ desire for her to pursue a more stable career.
The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh: In this retelling of Shim Cheong, 16-year-old Mina is swept away to the Spirit Realm, where, assisted by a motley crew of demons, gods, and lesser spirits, she sets out to awaken the sleeping Sea God and save her homeland and family from deadly storms.
A Girl’s Guide to Love & Magic by Debbie Rigaud: 15-year-old Haitian American Cicely is excited to celebrate the West Indian Day Parade with her aunt, and voodoo dabbler, Mimose, but when Mimose's dabbling goes awry and she becomes possessed by a spirit, Cicely, Renee, and Kwame, her crush, must find a way to set things right.
Godslayers (Gearbreakers #2) by Zoe Hana Mikuta: Eris and Sona are pitted against each other in the ongoing war between Godolia and the Badlands.
Great or Nothing by Caroline Tung Richmond & Joy McCullough & Tess Sharpe & Jessica Spotwood: A reimagining of Little Women set in the spring of 1942, when the United States is suddenly embroiled in the second World War, this story, told from each March sister's point of view, is one of grief, love, and self-discovery.
Heartbreak Symphony by Laekan Zea Kemp: When Aarón Medrano and Mia Villanueva cross paths, Aarón sees a chance to get close to the girl he’s had a crush on for years and to finally feel connected to someone since losing his mother. Mia sees a chance to hold herself accountable by making them both face their fears. But soon they’ll realize there’s something much scarier than getting up on stage—falling in love with a broken heart.
Her Rebel Highness by Diana Ma (Daughters of the Dynasty #2): High school senior Lei unexpectedly finds love amid the student protests in Beijing in 1989, forcing her to choose between her family and its legacy or her future with a revolutionary leader.
High Spirits by Camille Gomera Tavarez: a collection of eleven interconnected short stories from the Dominican diaspora, centered on one extended family, the Beléns, across multiple generations.
Hollow Fires by Samira Ahmed: After discovering the body of 14-year-old Jawad Ali in Jackson Park, 17-year-old journalism student Safiya Mirza begins investigating his murder and ends up confronting white supremacy in her own high school.
How Maya Got Fierce by Sonia Charaipotra: When her dream of working at Fierce, a popular magazine, comes true, 17-year-old Maya Gera gets the scoop on a huge story, but wonders how long she can keep up the charade of being older than she really is
How to Date a Superhero by Cristina Fernandez: When Astrid discovers that her boyfriend is a superhero, she must learn how to survive their relationship, college life, and figuring out who she is.
How to Live Without You by Sarah Everett: 17-year-old Emmy returns home for the summer to uncover the truth behind her sister Rose’s disappearance—only to learn that Rose had many secrets, ones that have Emmy questioning herself and the sister Emmy thought she knew
How to Succeed in Witchcraft by Aislinn Brophy: Half-Black witch Shay Johnson is cast as the lead in her school musical and must decide between exposing her predatory drama teacher and getting the scholarship she desperately needs.
How You Grow Wings by Rimma Onoseta: Sisters Cheta and Zam's paths to break free of their oppressive home diverge wildly--one moves into an aunt's luxurious home and the other struggles to survive on her wits alone--and when they finally reunite, Zam realizes how far Cheta has fallen, leaving Cheta's fate in Zam's hands.
I Guess I Live Here Now by Claire Ahn: Korean-American teen Melody Lee is uprooted from her life in Manhattan and relocated to her father's villa in Seoul, plunges into a whirlwind of culture shock and family secrets as she struggles to reconcile her identity in a place she's supposed to call home.
I Rise by Marie Arnold: 14-year-old Ayo has to decide whether to take on her mother's activist role when her mom is shot by police. As she tries to find answers, Ayo looks to the wisdom of her ancestors and her Harlem community for guidance.
If You Could See the Sun by Ann Liang: Alice Sun, upon discovering she can no longer afford tuition at her elite Beijing boarding school, teams up with her academic rival Henry Li and monetizes her strange new invisibility powers by discovering and selling her wealthy classmates' most scandalous secrets.
If You Still Recognize Me by Cynthia So: Elsie has a crush on Ada, the only person in the world who truly understands her. Unfortunately, they've never met in real life. But Elsie has decided it's now or never to tell Ada how she feels. That is, until her long-lost best friend Joan walks back into her life.In a summer of repairing broken connections and building surprising new ones, Elsie realizes that she isn't nearly as alone as she thought.
In Every Generation by Kendare Blake: Follow the next generation of Scoobies and Slayers who must defeat a powerful new evil.
Inheritance: A Visual Poem by Elizabeth Acevedo: In her most famous spoken-word poem, author of the Pura Belpr-winning novel-in-verse The Poet X Elizabeth Acevedo embraces all the complexities of Black hair and Afro-Latinidad--the history, pain, pride, and powerful love of that inheritance.
The Iron Sword by Julie Kagawa: Prince Ash achieved the impossible and journeyed to the End of the World to earn a soul and keep his vow to always stand beside Queen Meghan of the Iron Fey. Now he faces even more incomprehensible odds. Their son, King Keirran of the Forgotten, is missing.
It Sounds Like This by Anna Meriano: A sweet and nerdy contemporary YA novel set in the world of marching band.
The Ivory Key by Akshaya Raman: Four estranged royal siblings, each harboring secrets and conflicting agendas, must learn to work together as they search for the Ivory Key, which will lead to a new source of magic.
Just Your Local Bisexual Disaster by Andrea Mosqueda: Following a self-described romantic disaster living in the Rio Grande Valley, bisexual Chicana Maggie Gonzalez tries to figure out whom she wants to ask to be her escort at her little sister's upcoming quinceanera: her charming ex-boyfriend twice over, her first crush and gorgeous best friend, or the mysterious new girl with the romantic baggage?
The Kindred by Alechia Dow: A royal, Duke Felix Hamdi and a commoner, Joy Abara, mistakenly mind-paired at birth, land on Earth after fleeing royal assassins, only to find the "developing" planet might hold the solutions to their divided and unjust lives back home.
Kings of B’more by R. Eric Thomas: Set in Baltimore, a celebration of queer Black friendship as two boys, Harrison and Linus, plan a day of fun and facing their fears.
Kiss & Tell by Adib Khorram: On Kiss & Tell's first major tour, lead singer Hunter Drake grapples with a painful breakup with his first boyfriend, his first rebound, and the stress of what it means to be queer in the public eye.
K-Pop Revolution (K-Pop Confidential #2) by Stephan Lee: She thought that debuting in a K-pop band was the finish line, but it was only the beginning. Because now it's not only Candace Park’s company judging her--it's the entire world. How will she find the courage to stand by her beliefs, even when powerful forces are trying to shame and silence her?
Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore: Two non-binary teens, Bastián Silvano and Lore Garcia, are pulled into a magical world under a lake - but can they keep their worlds above water intact?
Lark & Kasim Start a Revolution by Kacen Callender: 17-year-old nurodivergent and nonbinary Lark pretends that they are the creator of a viral thread that their ex-best friend, Kasim, accidentally posted onto their Twitter account, declaring his unrequited love, but living a lie takes its toll on Lark, forcing them to deal with their own messy emotions.
The Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes: 16-year-old Mexican American Yami Flores starts Catholic school, determined to keep her brother out of trouble and keep herself closeted, but her priorities shift when Yami discovers that her openly gay classmate Bo is also annoyingly cute.
The Lies We Tell by Katie Zhao: During her freshman year at college, Anna Xu investigates the unsolved on-campus murder of her former babysitter, as she and an old rival have to team up to look into the hate crimes happening around campus.
The Loophole by Naz Kutub: Sy, a 17-year-old queer Indian-Muslim boy, travels the world for a second chance at love after a possibly magical heiress grants him three wishes.
The Lost Dreamer by Lizz Huerta: In this fantasy inspired by ancient Mesoamerica, a lineage of seers defiantly resists the shifting patriarchal state that would see them destroyed.
Love, Decoded by Jennifer Yen: In this contemporary NYC-set retelling of Emma, high school junior Gigi Wong is determined to be picked for a contest that could lead to an exclusive tech internship, but when her matchmaking app goes viral Gigi must deal with the unexpected consequences of helping her friends find love.
Love From Mecca to Medina by S.K. Ali: Adam and Zayneb embark on the Umrah, a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, in Saudi Arabia, but as one wedge after another drives them apart while they make their way through rites in the holy city, Adam and Zayneb start to wonder if their meeting was just an oddity after all.
Love Radio by Ebony LaDelle: Clever teen DJ Prince Jones,  always full of love advice for his friends and classmates meets his match in Dani Ford, who is an anti-romance and would rather be preparing to be the next great novelist.
Love Times Infinity by Lane Clarke: 16-year-old Michie is busy with big dreams for college and the biggest crush on the school's new basketball superstar, Derek de la Rosa—but when her estranged mother suddenly reappears in her life, she faces important questions about the chances she's willing to take on herself and her future,
Loveboat Reunion (Loveboat #2) by Abigail Hing Wen: Sophie Ha and Xavier Yeh find themselves on a wild, nonstop Loveboat reunion, hatching a joint plan to take control of their futures. Can they succeed together or are they destined to combust?
Lulu and Milagro’s Search for Clarity by Angela Velez: Two sisters become begrudging partners on their school's cross-country field trip to college campuses as they uncover family secrets, confront weighty expectations for their futures, and discover the true meaning of sisterhood.
The Man or the Monster by Aamna Qureshi: Durkhanai Miangul sealed her lover’s fate when she sent him through a door where either a lady or a lion awaited him. But Durkhanai’s decision was only the beginning of her troubles. Her presumed-dead father comes back with a vengeance, but her family’s denial of his revenge forces Durkhanai to take matters into her own hands.
A Magic Steeped in Poison by Judy Lin: Ning enters a cutthroat magical competition to find the kingdom's greatest master of the art of brewing tea, but political schemes and secrets make her goal of gaining access to royal physicians to cure her dying sister far more dangerous than she imagined.
A Venom Dark and Sweet (The Book of Tea #2) by Judy Lin: A great evil has come to the kingdom of Dàxi. The Banished Prince has returned to seize power and Ning has escorted Princess Zhen into exile. Joining them is the princess' loyal bodyguard, Ruyi, and Ning's newly healed sister, Shu. Together the four young women travel throughout the kingdom in search of allies to help oust the invaders and take back Zhen's rightful throne.
Meet Me in Mumbai by Sabina Khan: A novel in two acts, told 18 years apart; in the first, teenage mother Ayesha grapples with the decision whether to place her daughter Mira for adoption; in the second, her daughter wonders what she will find after discovering an old letter from her birth mother asking to meet in Mumbai on her 18th birthday.
Master of Souls (Kingdom of Souls #3) by Rena Barron: Arrah must decipher the legacy of her past and weave an uneasy alliance between her beloved Rudjek, the Demon King, and the remaining orishas, hoping to restore peace.
The Merciless Ones by Namina Forna: It's been 6 months since Deka freed the goddesses in the ancient kingdom of Otera and discovered who she really is. Yet hidden secrets threaten to destroy everything Deka has known. And with her own gifts changing, Deka must discover if she holds the key to saving Otera or if she might be its greatest threat.
A Million to One by Adiba Jaigirdar: An acrobat, an actress, an artist, and a thief, four girls who seemingly have nothing in common, work together and plot a heist to steal the Rubaiyat off the Titanic. 
Monsters Born and Made by Tanvi Berwan: 16-year-old Korwal, from a family of sea-monster trainers, sacrifices everything to be the first of her caste to compete in a monstrous chariot race in an effort to save her sister's life.
Murder of Crows by K. Ancrum: Tig Torres investigates Hollow Falls' horrific history in this original novel based on the hit podcast Lethal Lit.
My Mechanical Romance by Alexene Farol Follmuth: High school senior Bel Maier has an aptitude for engineering and teams up with robotics team captain, Mateo Luna, but after a rough start together the nights of after-school work lead to romance.
My Sister’s Big Fat Indian Wedding by Sajni Patel: 17-year-old aspiring violinist Zurika Damani must secretly juggle the obligations of her sister's extravagant wedding week with auditions for a prominent music competition—all while trying to dodge her boisterous family's matchmaking scheme with the groom’s South African cousin Naveen—who just happens to be a cocky vocalist set on stealing Zuri’s spotlight at the scouting competition.
The New Girl by Jesse Q. Sutanto: A transfer student and scholarship recipient, sophomore Lia Setiawan is angered when she discovers a cheating ring, but by the time she finds a dead body and shuts down the campus drug dealer, she fears she might be the biggest snake in the Draycott Academy nest of vipers.
Night of the Raven, Queen of the Dove by Rati Mehrotra: After a bloody palace uprising, Katyani, a young guardswoman to the royal family, discovers she is not who she thought she was and becomes a major pawn in the political games of a monster-filled land on the brink of war.
The Noh Family by Grace K. Shim: Chloe Chang travels to Seoul to meet her deceased father's ultra-rich family, but she soon begins to wonder if her new family's intentions are pure.
Nothing Burns As Bright as You by Ashley Woodfolk: A novel-in-verse that tells the story of a tumultuous romance between two queer girls in nonlinear chapters, anchored by a single day where they set a fire and their relationship spirals out of control.
Nubia: The Awakening by Omar Epps & Clarence A. Haynes: In a climate-ravaged New York deeply divided by class, Zuberi, Uzochi, and Lencho, three teens of refugees from a fallen African utopia, begin to develop supernatural powers.
Okoye to the People by Ibi Zoboi: Okoye is a new recruit for T'Chaka's royal guard: the Dora Milaje. But when Okoye is sent on her very first mission—to America—she'll learn that her status as a Dora means nothing to New Yorkers and her expectations for the world outside of her own quickly fall apart.Caught between duty to her country and listening to her own heart, Okoye must find her own way and determine the type of Dora Milaje—and woman—she wants to be. 
Once Upon a K-Prom by Kat Cho: Instead of going to prom, 17-year-old Elena Soo wants to spend her time saving the local community center, and she is determined to keep her priorities straight even when her childhood best friend Robbie Choi--who is now a K-pop superstar--returns to make good on their old pact to go to prom together.
One True Loves (Happily Ever Afters #2) by Elise Bryant: While on a post-graduation Mediterranean cruise with her family, Lenore Bennett meets a hopeless romantic with a ten-year plan who helps her find something she's been looking for--love.
Only a Monster by Vanessa Len: Set in contemporary London, in which a 16-yer-old half-monster Joan must embrace her own monstrousness to stop the boy she loves, who turns out to be a legendary monster slayer, from killing everyone she cares about.
Only On The Weekends by Dean Atta: A romantic coming-of-age novel in verse about the beautiful--and sometimes painful--fallout of pursuing the love we deserve.
Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie: 17-year-old Ophelia Rojas, well known for her rose garden and her dramatic crushes on every boy in sight, begins to question her sexuality and sense of self when she starts to fall for cute, quiet Talia Sanchez in the weeks leading up to their prom and graduation.
The Other Side of the Tracks by Charity Alyse: In the racially divided towns of Bayside and Hamilton, Zach Whitman moves in and befriends Black siblings Capri and Justin Collins, until one of their friends is murdered by police, and the longstanding feud between the towns erupts into an all-out war, with the three caught in the middle.
Our Shadows Have Claws: 15 Latin American Monster Stories edited by Yamile Mendez & Amparo Ortiz: 15 original short stories from YA superstars featuring the monsters of Latine myths and legends.
Pixels of You by Ananth Hirsh & Yuko Ota: In a near future New York City of cyber augmentation and artificial intelligence, Indira and Fawn, two competitive interns in an art gallery, work together on a photography project, turning a rivalry into a friendship and perhaps something more.
Private Label by Kelly Yang: Chinese American Serene who gets help from the new boy in town, Lian Chen, to search for her dad after her successful fashion designer mother is diagnosed with cancer.
Queen of the Tiles by Hanna Alkaf: 15-year-old Najwa Bakri is forced to investigate the mysterious death of her best friend and Scrabble Queen, Trina, a year after the fact when her Instagram comes back to life with cryptic posts and messages.
Rebel Skies by Ann Sei Lin: Kurara has never known any other life than being a servant on board the Midori, but when her party trick of making paper come to life turns out to be a power treasured across the empire, she joins a skyship and its motley crew to become a Crafter. Taught by the gruff but wise Himura, Kurara learns to hunt shikigami - wild paper spirits who are sought after by the Princess. But are these creatures just powerful slaves for the Crafters and the empire, or are they beings with their own souls - and yet another thing to be subjugated by the powerful Emperor and his Princess?
Reclaim the Stars: 17 Tales Across Realms & Space edited by Zoraida Cordova: In this collection of stories by acclaimed young adult authors the Latin American diaspora travels to places of fantasy and out into space.
The Red Palace by June Hur: Set in 1700s Joseon Korea, while investigating a series of grisly murders, 18-year-old palace nurse Hyeon navigates royal and political intrigue and becomes entangled with a young police inspector.
Required Reading for the Disenfranchised Freshman by Kristen R. Lee: Upon arriving at the prestigious Wooddale University, 17-year-old Savannah Howard comes face-to-face with microaggressions and outright racism--but if she stands up for justice, will she endanger her future?
Right Where I Left You by Julian Winters: The summer before he leaves for college, 18-year-old Isaac Martin makes big plans with his best friend Diego that only the reappearance of an old crush can derail.
Road of the Lost by Nafiza Azad: Croi is compelled by a summoning spell leave her home in the Wilde Forest and travel into the Otherworld, where the enchantment that made her into a brownie begins to break, revealing her true identity, her hidden magick, and her forgotten heritage.
The Rumor Game by Dhonielle Clayton & Sona Charaipotra: At Foxham Prep, a posh private school for Washington, D.C.'s elite, a rumor gains momentum as it collects followers on social media, pulling three girls into its path--Bryn, who wants to erase all memories of the mistake she made last summer; cheer captain Cora, who desperately wants to believe in her boyfriend's faithfulness; and shy Georgie, newly hot after a summer at fat camp and ready to reinvent herself--but who can stop a dangerous rumor once it takes on a life of its own?
Rust in the Root by Justina Ireland: It is 1937, and Laura Ann Langston lives in an America divided—between those who work the mystical arts and those who do not. In New York City, she embarks on a mission with Skylark, a powerful mage with a mysterious past, into the heart of the country’s oldest and most mysterious Blight. There, they discover the work of mages not encountered since the darkest period in America’s past, when Black mages were killed for their power—work that could threaten Laura’s and the Skylark’s lives.
Salaam, With Love by Sara Sharaf Beg: Dua struggles to find her place in her conservative family's household, but as she spends the month of Ramadan with her cousin in Queens, Dua finds herself learning more about her faith, relationships, and place in the world.
Salt and Sugar by Rebecca Carvalho: A telenovela-esque rom-com debut that follows the grandchildren of two rival Brazilian bakeries, Lari Ramires and Pedro Molina, who fall in love despite their families' feud while working to win a contest that would save both of their bakeries from being driven out by a predatory supermarket chain.
Scout’s Honor by Lily Anderson: Following a biracial Puerto Rican teen, Prudence Perry, born into a family of highly ranked Ladybird Scouts, elite monster hunters masquerading as a prim and proper ladies' social club who gave up her tea set and daggers after her best friend was killed, but now must return to the scouts to face the biggest monster of all: her past.
A Secret Princess by Margaret Stohl & Melissa De La Cruz: A romantic YA retelling-mashup of A Little Princess and The Secret Garden by bestselling authors Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz.
Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore: Three teens, Nicolás Caraveo, Daisy Fabrega, and Jay Gatsby, chase their own version of the American Dream during the Roaring 20s in this YA remix of The Great Gatsby.
Seoulmates by Susan Lee: Recently dumped high school nobody Hannah Cho must face her unresolved feelings for her childhood best friend, Jacob Kim, when he returns to their San Diego hometown as the newest K-drama heartthrob—and blackmails her into completing his summer bucket list with him.
Seton Girls by Charlene Thomas: The quarterback of Seton Academy prep school wants a state championship before his successor, Seton's first Black QB, has a chance to overshadow him, leading him to take bigger risks, and soon the team's awful secret leaks to a group of girls who suddenly have the power to change their world.
Shattered Midnight by Dhonielle Clayton:  In 1920s New Orleans, 18-year-old Zora Broussard banished after an incident in Harlem, struggles with her overbearing family, magical powers, love of jazz, and forbidden romance with white pianist Philip.
She Gets the Girl by Rachel Lippincott & Alyson Derrick: Alex Blackwood is a little bit headstrong, with a dash of chaos and a whole lot of flirt. She knows how to get the girl. Keeping her on the other hand…not so much. Molly Parker has everything in her life totally in control, except for her complete awkwardness with just about anyone besides her mom. She knows she’s in love with the impossibly cool Cora Myers. She just…hasn’t actually talked to her yet.
A Show For Two by Tashie Bhuiyan: Mina’s ticket to winning a film competition falls into her lap when indie film star—and known heartbreaker—Emmitt Ramos enrolls in her high school under a secret identity to research his next role. They strike a deal to work together, and as Mina ventures across the five boroughs with Emmitt by her side, the city she grew up in starts to look different and more. With the competition deadline looming, Mina's dreams—which once seemed impenetrable—begin to crumble, and she’s forced to ask herself: Is winning worth losing everything?
The Signs and Wonders of Tuna Rashad by Natasha Deen: Following Tuna Rashad, always on the lookout for messages from her Caribbean ancestors who have passed on, as she tries to win over her crush before she leaves for college.
The Silence That Binds Us by Joanna Ho: In the year following their son's death, May Chen's parents face racist accusations of putting too much pressure on their son and causing his death by suicide, and May attempts to challenge the racism and ugly stereotypes through her writing, only to realize that she still has a lot to learn and that her actions have consequences for her family as well as herself.
Slip by Marika McCoola & Aatmaja Pandya: An emotional coming-of-age graphic novel for fans of Bloom and Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me.
Somebody That I Used to Know by Dana L. Davis: Aspiring musician Dylan Woods is forced to reunite with her ex–best friend Langston—who just happens to be the world’s biggest teen star.
Soul of the Deep (Skin of the Sea #2) by Natasha Bowen: To save those closest to her, Simi traded away everything: her freedom, her family, and the boy she loves. Now she is sworn to serve a new god, watching over the Land of the Dead at the bottom of the ocean.But when signs of demons begin to appear, it's clear there are deeper consequences of Simi's trade. With the fate of the world at stake, Simi must break her promise and team up with a scheming trickster of a god.
Spin Me Right Round by David Valdes: Luis Gonzalez just wants to go to prom with his boyfriend, but when a hit on the head knocks him back to 1985, he meets his parents' closeted classmate.
Squire by Sara Alfageeh & Nadia Shammas: Aiza has always dreamt of becoming a Knight. After she enlists in the competitive Squire program, it’s not how she imagined and she’ll have to soon choose between loyalty to her heart and heritage, or loyalty to the Empire.
Strike the Zither by Joan He: As three warring fractures try to gain control of the kingdom, orphaned Zephyr, a strategist serving Xin Ren, infiltrates an enemy camp where she encounters the enigmatic Crow, an opposing strategist who might just be her match.
The Summer of Bitter and Sweet by Jen Ferguson: Demisexual Metis teen Lou is settling in to spend the summer before college working at her close-knit family's small-town ice cream shack with her best friend, ex-boyfriend, and newly back-in-town crush, when a letter from her white biological father, recently out of prison, threatens to destroy everything she cares about.
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas: Transgender demigod Teo is unexpectedly selected for the Sunbearer Trials, a fierce competition among demigod heroes where the winner sacrifices the loser to Sol, their blood fueling the Sun Stones that protect Reino del Sol.
Sunny G’s Series of Rash Decisions by Navdeep Singh Dillon: Sunny G's brother left him one thing when he died: His notebook, which Sunny is determined to fill up with a series of rash decisions. Decision number one was a big one: He stopped wearing his turban, cut off his hair, and shaved his beard. Sunny debuts his new look at prom, which he's stuck going to alone. Enter Mindii Vang, a girl with a penchant for making rash decisions of her own, starting with stealing Sunny's notebook. When Sunny chases after her, prom turns into an all-night adventure—a night full of rash, wonderful, romantic, stupid, life-changing decisions.
Survive the Dome by Kosko Jackson: High school junior Jamal Lawson teams up with hacker Marco during a police brutality protest to shut down a device that creates an impenetrable dome around Baltimore that is keeping the residents in and information from going out.
This is Why They Hate Us by Aaron H. Aceves: 17-year-old Enrique "Quique" Luna decides to get over his crush on Saleem Kanazi before the end of summer by pursuing other romantic prospects, but he ends up discovering heartfelt truths about friendship, family, and himself.
This Place is Still Beautiful by Xixi Tian: A story about first love, complicated family dynamics, and the pernicious legacy of racism, following two estranged teen sisters Annalie and Margaret who have no choice but to reunite in their small Midwestern town when their family becomes the victim of a hate crime.
This Wicked Fate (This Poison Heart #2) by Kalynn Bayron: Briseis races to save her family even as she discovers more about their ties to ancient goddesses and deadly curses.
A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass: Princess Annika has lived a life of comfort—but no amount of luxuries can change the fact that her life isn’t her own to control. Miles away, small comforts are few and far between for Lennox. For Lennox, the idea of love is merely a distraction—nothing will stand in the way of fighting for his people. But when love, against all odds, finds them both, they are bound by its call. They can’t possibly be together—but the irresistible thrum of a thousand heartbeats won’t let them stay apart.
A Thousand Steps Into Night by Traci Chee: In the realm of Awara, where gods, monsters, and humans exist side by side, ordinary Miuko is cursed and begins to transform into a demon with a deadly touch. Embarking on a quest to turn human again, she must outfox tricksters, escape demon hunters, and negotiate with feral gods if she wants to make it home again.
Three Kisses, One Midnight by Roshani Chokshi & Evelyn Skye & Sandhya Menon: A magical Halloween story pitched as told in the tradition of LET IT SNOW, set in a town reminiscent of Stars Hollow, featuring interconnected stories about three witchy best friends and their romantic quest involving love potions (that may or may not work) and true love's kiss before the clock strikes midnight, 
TJ Powar Has Something to Prove by Jasmeen Kaur Deo: A charming rom-com about high school debater TJ Powar who—after becoming the subject of an ugly meme—makes a resolution to stop shaving, plucking, and waxing, and prove that she can be her hairy self and still be beautiful…but soon finds this may be her most difficult debate yet.
Together We Burn by Isabel Ibanez: 18-year-old flamenco dancer Zarela Zalvidar must work with a disgraced dragon hunter to learn the ways of a Dragador and save her ancestral home.
Tokyo Dreaming (Tokyo Ever After #2) by Emiko Jean: Princess Izumi of Japan will do anything to help her parents achieve their happily ever after, but what if playing the perfect princess means sacrificing her own? Will she find a way to forge her own path and follow her heart?
Travelers Along the Way by Aminah Mae Safi: In this reimagination of the legend of Robin Hood, Rahma al-Hud and her older sister Zeena travel to Jerusalem for a final mission, and on their way they assemble a ragtag band of misfits and get swept up Holy Land politics.
The Turning Pointe by Vanessa L. Torres: Following a dancer in 1980s Minnesota as she navigates complex family expectations, a new romance, and her own ambitions to dance for the Purple One himself, Prince.
Turning by Joy L. Smith: Before the "accident" Genie was an aspiring ballerina, now she is a bitter teenager, permanently confined to a wheelchair, but at physical therapy she meets Kyle, a gymnast whose traumatic brain injury has landed him in therapy--and through their growing friendship Genie realizes that she has to confront the things around her: like the booze her mother is hiding, or the fact that maybe her fall was not entirely accidental.
Twice as Perfect by Louisa Onome: 17-year-old Nigerian Canadian Adanna Nkwachi must deal with an estranged older brother, uncertainty about her future, and helping her cousin plan a big Nigerian wedding.
Valiant Ladies by Melissa Grey: In Potosai, a silver mining city in the new Spanish viceroyalty of Peru, proper ladies by day and teen vigilantes by night, Eustaquia “Kiki” de Sonza and Ana Lezama de Urinza set out to expose corruption and deliver justice after Kiki's brother is murdered and the prostitute he loved disappears.
Vinyl Moon by Mahogany L. Browne: Reeling from the scars of a past relationship, Angel finds healing and hope in the words of strong Black writers and the new community she builds in Brooklyn
We Are All We Have by Marina Budhos: After her mom is taken by ICE, 17-year-old Rania's hopes and dreams for the future are immediatly put on hold as she figures out how take care of her younger brother and survive in a country that seems to be closing around them.
We Are the Scribes by Randi Pink: Ruth Fitz, a black teenager surrounded by activism in a family rocked by tragedy, discovers that she has begun to receive parchment letters from Harriet Jacobs, the author of the autobiography and 1861 American classic.
We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds: When 17-year-old Avery moves to rural Georgia to live with her ailing grandmother, she encounters decade-old family secrets and a mystery surrounding the town's racist past.
We Weren’t Looking To Be Found by Stephanie Kuehn: Dani and Camilla find friendship on their path to mental health in a story of acceptance, recovery, and resilience.
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson: When a viral bullying incident reveals outcast Madison Washington’s secret of being biracial, student leaders come up with a plan to change their image: host the school's first integrated prom as a show of unity. The popular white class president convinces her Black superstar quarterback boyfriend to ask Maddy to be his date. But some of her classmates aren't done with her just yet. And what they don't know is that Maddy still has another secret, one that will cost them all their lives.
Well, That Was Unexpected by Jesse Q. Sutanto: After Sharlot Citra is whisked from L.A. to her mother's native Indonesia in order to "get back to her roots," who—through a comedy of errors and overzealous parents—she finds herself fake dating the son of one of the wealthiest families in Indonesia, and is surprised when she actually starts to fall in love with the boy, with the country, and with the big family she never knew before now,
What Souls Are Made Of by Tasha Suri: As the abandoned son of a Lascar—a sailor from India—Heathcliff has spent most of his young life maligned as an "outsider." Now he's been flung into an alien life in the Yorkshire moors. Catherine, the younger child of the estate's owner, a daughter with light skin and brown curls and a mother that nobody talks about, soon finds solace with Heathcliff. But when Catherine's father dies and the household's treatment of Heathcliff only grows more cruel, their relationship becomes strained and threatens to unravel.
What’s Coming to Me by Francesca Padilla: After the ice cream stand where she works is robbed, 17-year-old Minerva Gutiaerrez plans to get revenge on her predatory boss while navigating grief, anger, and dreams of escape from her dead-end hometown.
Whiteout by Dhonielle Clayton & Tiffany D. Jackson & Nic Stone & Angie Thomas & Ashley Woodfolk & Nicola Yoon: Atlanta is blanketed with snow just before Christmas, but the warmth of young love just might melt the ice in this novel of interwoven narratives, Black joy, and cozy, sparkling romance.
The Wicked Remain (Grimrose Girls #2) by Laura Pohl: At Grimrose Académie, Nani, Yuki, Ella, and Rory have discovered the truth about the curse that's left a trail of dead bodies at Grimrose. But the four still know nothing of its origins, or how to stop the cycle of doomed fates. Can the girls change their own stories and break the curse?
This Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi: To all the world, Alizeh is a disposable servant, not the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom forced to hide in plain sight.The crown prince, Kamran, has heard the prophecies foretelling the death of his king. But he could never have imagined that the servant girl with the strange eyes, the girl he can’t put out of his mind, would one day soon uproot his kingdom—and the world.
Wrong Side of Court by H.N. Khan: 15-year-old Fawad Chaudhry has big dreams about being the world's first Pakistani to be drafted into the NBA.
The Witchery by S. Isabelle: Logan came to Mesmortes Coven Academy in Haelsford, Florida, to learn to control her powers, but she soon learns she has a role to play in the ancient curse of the hellmouth--whatever the cost to herself and her new friends.
You Truly Assumed by Laila Sabreen: Three Black Muslim teens, Sabriya, Zakat, and Farah, living different parts of the country start a blog to fight Islamophobia and find friendship and hope as they let their voices be heard.
Zyla & Kai by Kristina Forest: The story of how cynic Zyla Matthews and hopeless romantic Kai Johnson become friends, fall in love, and break up unfolds from their different perspectives.
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aether-wasteland-s · 1 month
OC headcanon tag
thanks to @sergeantnarwhalwrites for the tag! I'm passing this onto @sender-paulson , @winterandwords and @eternalyraven , as well as anyone else who might wanna join in
Rules: use this headcanon generator to make headcanons for your OCs! Then talk about how accurate they are.
I'm doing this for the main crew of Darkness Rising!
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1. Andrew knows fnaf lore
let me tell you, if fnaf existed in universe, Andrew would know at least some of the lore because he would accidentally fall down a rabbit hole and end up seeing if popular theories are true
6/10 accurate
2. Barratt can't spell restaurant
Barratt can barely spell their own name, no notes
10/10 accurate
3. Stellan steals other people's clothes
okay, Stellan knows what's comfortable, okay? whether that is his own clothes, or someone else's,it doesn't really matter, but there is some part of his wardrobe that doesn't belong to him
7/10 accurate
4. Sienna gets into twitter discourse
again, if twitter was something that existed, Sienna would almost definitely start and/or be a part of insane discourse in any topic she thinks is relevant
10/10 accurate
5. Luna set a public school on fire and got away with it
oh no, Luna is not the type of person to have ever set anything on fire with intent. maybe a science lab, after a bad mix of chemicals? but nothing like a full school
1/10 accurate
6. Damas has punched a hole in their wall
definitely not. he was never the violent or explosive type, that was definitely down to his brother Enoch...
0/10 accurate
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 month
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Name: Santiago Mendoza Species: Balam Occupation: Line Cook Age: 38 Years Old Played By: Amélie Face Claim: Gabriel Luna
"Trust without doubt will always end in pain."
TW: Parental death
Santiago knew from an early age that the ways of his parents were not something his grandparents, or any of their extended family approved of. Living among the humans, embracing their human side, the Mendozas only chose to hide when it was a necessity and wanted their children to have a normal life with human friends, human teachers, human connections.
For 22 years, Santiago trusted that it was not reckless at all. In 22 years, he had had quite a great time in school, where he was rather appreciated by his schoolmates. After all, the jovial young man was positively normal. He had loving parents, a generous heart, a warm smile and though he was not one to excel in his classes, even teachers appreciated him for being helpful and polite. Not fit for long studies (or so he had decided), he enrolled in culinary school and began working as a line cook in a Wicked’s Rest restaurant on the sea front. It was late, after his shift, that he returned home to his father, Rafael, who urged him and his siblings to help him pack the essentials.
Their mother, who enjoyed going on runs in the nearby woods, in her jaguar form, had been murdered by hunters, he said, and it was the only version that mattered to Santiago though the truth was much simpler: a pair of frightened humans had done the deed.
They moved to a secluded cabin, away from humans who would always pose a larger threat to them than beasts, whether supernatural or not.
And there, in the woods, the young man spent more and more time in the jaguar's form, hunting with his father and siblings. It was a hard transition, after so much time spent trying to live a normal life. His whole life had been built like this: he had human friends, human coworkers, a human employer. There was also this girl, perfectly normal, whom he liked but never told. All that was in the past. It was probably for the best. You couldn't build your life like that.
His father thought the worst of all humans, he didn't think the same. But he thought of his father's grief, of his own grief, and he told himself that he wouldn't want his eventual children or his eventual wife to lose him early and go through the same torment that he was going through now. So, Santiago thought it best to stay away.
And yet, when Felix begged him to help him keep in touch with his friend from school, he didn't have the heart to refuse. Their father was furious, but he took responsibility. After all, Felix was still a kid, and so was Leo, his school friend.
He hadn't imagined, however, that the situation would deteriorate like this. It was one thing for Felix to want to continue to have some semblance of normality in his life, it was quite another for him to want to leave the cabin altogether, with Leo.
With Felix gone, Rafael couldn't bear to see his family once again deprived of one of its members, and had them move again, further away still, to a remote property with steep access routes that didn't invite outsiders to explore.
Haunted by guilt, Santiago made a promise to his father that he would bring his youngest child home, and returned to where it all began, where his mother had lost her life, where Felix had first met Leo: Wicked's Rest.
Although he has agreed to keep his head down and refrain from making himself conspicuous, Santiago hopes he won't have to stay in the middle of the crowd for too long. After decades away from it all, he's not sure where he fits in. And, after all, once he's reasoned with Felix, he'll have no reason to stay here. 
Character Facts:
Personality: Determined, caring, jovial, bold, fearless, protective, uncompromising, creative
He has found himself a job at Bottomless Booty. He hates puns, and he doesn’t see what’s fun about pirates either. He feels like a part of him dies each time someone orders Biscuits with “Gravy Jones” or Spaghetti with a chance of cannonballs.
Though creative at heart, his declining palate (also known as years of eating raw meat) has him following recipes by the letter which he detests.
At the moment, he's renting a flat, on the last floor of an old building, under the roof, not far from the restaurant. There's only one room, the bathroom is on the landing and shared with the neighbor next door.
In high school, he spent most of his time in the art room. One of his favorite pastimes, away from society, was to draw his surroundings and his family in his notebook.
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sciatu · 1 year
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Nessun poeta può scrivere una poesia su Taormina perché Taormina è già poesia nel suo essere cielo e mare nella luce che la veste nella sua infinita primavera nei mille colori che l’accendono nel suo solare abbraccio perché qui nessun cuore può essere straniero o triste o vestirsi di malinconia o non credere nei sogni mentre parla con il mare dai suoi balconi fioriti da quel gradino del paradiso che è la sua piazza luminosa. Nessuno a Taormina può negare la bellezza o ignorare la felicità o non amare la vita. Perché Taormina è la luce del giorno è i versi di una tragedia nel teatro sospeso sul mare è il fascino dei palazzi medievali arrossati dal sole al tramonto Taormina è il sorriso delle sue bellissime donne è le lingue del mondo che qui trovano casa. Taormina è i suoi vicoli il verde ed i fiori che la vestono è il profumo dei suoi ristoranti l’ironia, la gioia delle scalinate il suo essere nobile e casta sensuale e provocante, sorella e amante ricca e generosa silenzio e musica. Taormina è abbracciare il nord è il lungo sereno viale che vive da levante a ponente è il suo volto rivolto a sud è il centro di tre mari lo specchio di sette cieli il tempo che si ferma la vita che scivola felice su i suoi antichi palazzi. Taormina è il crocevia di ogni poesia d’amore è le stelle d’agosto con cui le sue luci si confondono felici è il sospiro di amanti e poeti è la luna che la veste d’argento le nubi che la sfiorano la serenità che la culla il vento che l’accarezza. Taormina è il bello racchiuso nella sua profumata, antica multicolore, immensa, elegante anima mediterranea
TAORMINA - WALKING: No poet can write a poem about Taormina, because Taormina is already poetry, in its being sky and sea, in the light that dresses it, in its infinite spring, in the thousand colors that light it up in its sunny embrace because here no heart can be foreign or sad, or dress in melancholy, or not believe in dreams, while it speaks with the sea, from its flowered balconies, from that step of paradise, which is its luminous square. No one in Taormina can deny beauty, or ignore happiness, or not love life. Because Taormina is the light of day, it is the verses of a tragedy, in the theater suspended over the sea, it is the charm of the medieval buildings, reddened by the setting sun, Taormina is the smile of its beautiful women it is the languages of the world, which find a home here. Taormina is its alleys, the greenery and flowers that dress it, it is the scent of its restaurants, the irony, the joy of the stairways, its being noble and chaste, sensual and provocative, sister and lover, rich and generous silence and music. Taormina is embracing the north, it is the long serene avenue, which runs from east to west, it is its face facing south, it is the center of three seas the mirror of seven heavens, time that stops, life that slides happily, on its ancient buildings. Taormina is the crossroads of every love poem and the stars of August with which its lights happily merge is the sigh of lovers and poets it is the moon that dresses her in silver, the clouds that touch her, the serenity that cradles her, the wind that caresses her. Taormina is the beauty contained in its fragrant, ancient, multicoloured, immense, elegant Mediterranean soul
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
A mayor was shot dead at a restaurant in Mexico on Saturday, the regional prosecutor's office said, the latest politically related killing in the country plagued by violence and organized crime.
Guillermo Torres, 39, and his 14-year-old son were attacked at a restaurant in Morelia, the capital of western Michoacan state, the prosecutor's office said in a statement. His son survived.
He was elected mayor of Michoacan's Churumuco municipality as a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party in 2022, but recently quit the party and publically voiced sympathy for the ruling Morena, according to local media.
Torres is the latest politician to be murdered in Mexico in the run-up to the presidential elections on June 2, in which 20,000 local and federal positions and the entire Congress will be voted on.
Two mayoral candidates were murdered on February 26: Miguel Angel Zavala Reyes and Armando Perez Luna of the Morena and National Action Party, respectively.
Last month, prosecutors in southern Mexico said that mayoral candidate
Tomás Morales was killed in the Pacific coast state of Guerrero.
Between June 4, 2023, and March 26 this year, 50 people have been murdered in "episodes of electoral violence", 26 of them aiming for popular seats, according to a report by the Laboratorio Electoral think tank.
Mexico's drug cartels have often focused assassination attempts on mayors and mayoral candidates, in a bid to control local police or extort money from municipal governments.
Michoacan state, Mexico's main avocado-producing region, is the scene of constant fighting between organized crime groups, including the powerful Jalisco New Generation Cartel.
Last month, a state police officer was reportedly decapitated and her two bodyguards were killed in a highway attack in Michoacan.
Also in March, three farmers were killed by a bomb apparently planted in Michoacan. That came just days after President Andrés Manuel López Obrador acknowledged that an improvised explosive device killed at least four soldiers in what he called a "trap" likely set by a cartel in Michoacan.
Killings and abductions are daily occurrences in Mexico, where nearly 450,000 people have been murdered since 2006 in a spiral of drug-related violence, according to official data.
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
where when Felix go so oftenly in that restaurant more for the cute waiter than the food
This is my first smut ever 😭 although I'm still quite uncomfortable have I wanted to try my hand at writing so I hope you like it <3
Thing to get first :
• the restaurant is inspired by American dinners in the 50s but the fic is happening in today's world
Now enjoy this will be my last fic before i go on vacation 🫶
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It was late, around 9:30 p.m., and Felix was out walking the streets of Sydney. He wasn't looking for any particular place after all, at that hour, everything was almost closed except for a few restaurants and entertainment venues.
In the distance, he could see the Luna Park funfair, which you had to take the ferry to get to. He liked the aesthetics of this amusement park; in fact, Felix loved things that had an old-fashioned aesthetic, as if evoking a good memory.
So when on his walk he came across a rather atypical restaurant, his gaze went to it, as did his eyes. The pink neon lights clearly read "Dwaekki's Dinner" and the exterior had a 50s American restaurant vibe.
Without hesitation, Felix entered and was greeted by the muted sound of Elvis Presley's "Blue Suede Shoes" jukebox as he surveyed the interior, which seemed to be typical of the restaurant seen in the movies. Even the waiters were dressed in pink roller skates and uniforms.
No sooner had he entered than a waitress approached him.
-"Welcome to Dwaekki's Dinner, take a seat, one of my colleagues will serve you", she smiled broadly before rolling away.
Felix simply shrugged and moved to a table in the corner. He put down his jacket and turned off the music on his phone before glancing at the menu.
It was classic: burger, fries, chicken nugget, soda... but one offer caught his eye.
Indeed, the prices were low, but in the menu proposal he could see
Felix chuckled, so this restaurant was a kind of hooters? It's true that judging by the waitresses' rather sugestive outfits, he felt foolish for not having understood earlier.
-"May I take your order, sir?" asked a waiter whose accent made it clear he wasn't from around here.
Felix turned his attention to him, detailing him for a long second. Curly brown hair with a small red bow on his head. Round, plump cheeks. He was quite chubby and his uniform gave a good view of his generous thighs trapped in those leather shorts, while the white shirt emphasized his bulging belly.
It's ... totally his type.
-"S-Sir? Is everything all right?"
- "Oh yes ... yes very good ... um I'll take ... your special offer" he said, pointing to the box showing the menu and spending it with a waiter of his choice.
The waiter nod then take a note of this on his pad, a little unsettled by his counterpart's deep voice: "And ... who do you want to spend it with? We have Alice , Mary , Ruby ..."
- "You"
The boy then gasped "Me?"
- "Yes you ... well unless you don't want to of course I don't force you"
The brunette blushed slightly, although the pink neon lights made it easy to see his embarrassment "non it's fine , I'll bring you your order."
-"Thank you. By the way, what's your name?
Felix wasn't convinced, and when Lewis tried to leave, Felix caught up with him: "Tell me the truth, it'll be our secret".
-My name is quite hard to pronounce... I'm Korean".
Felix's eyes widened as he better understood the strange accent he possessed. To put the boy more at ease, he decided to change the language from English to Korean.
-"I'm Korean too, my name's Yongbok but just call me Felix".
"Lewis" seemed to sigh almost as relieve as he seems a little more in cinfident with Felix.
-"Really? You speak English so well though!"
Felix chuckled, "That's because my parents are Korean, but I've lived in Sydney since I was born."
-"Oh I see, I'll go and get your order and be right back".
- "Hey" interrupted Felix again "you never told me your name".
- "Oh... Changbin ... Seo Changbin" he said shyly.
Felix smiled before letting him leave with a wink.
Changbin returned a few minutes later with his menu in a tray as he moved along on his rollerblades.
-"And here's your order" he said with a smile, happy to be speaking his native language with a local.
Felix thanked him and was then surprised by the size of the burger, which was truly imposing, even though it only consisted of steak, cheese, tomato, salt and onions (in short, the basics).
- "Since we're insoiring from America's restaurant, the boss decided that the portions would be imposing too" Changbin remarked with a chuckle.
- "Oh, I understand better! Thanks for keeping me company, feel free to eat if you like".
- "Oh, I wouldn't dare, it's your meal after all"
- "I'm not that hungry, so eat with me" he said, moving his tray towards the waiter who hesitantly took a fry ... then a second ... and then he was unstoppable
The two began to chat, talking about each other, their lives and everything.
Changbin tell how he was a music student who, thanks to a scholarship, had gone to study in Sydney. The restaurant was run by his uncle, who decided to offer him a job to help pay the bills (which meant he was the only boy waiter among all the girls).
Felix then also told him about his life. As an art student, he loved movies from an early age, and wanted to make his own one day.
Changbin, amusingly, offered to be the main actor, which made Felix laugh. It had been a long time since he hadn't laughed like that.
But the interesting detail was that Felix had barely eaten a few fries and tasted a bite of his burger, leaving everything for Changbin, including his Large soda.
The poor waiter had an full stomach and was leaning against the back of his seat, rubbing his belly. A very exciting sight for Felix.
-"Sorry, I must look like a pig ... but I just don't want to resist this food, you know? I remember, when I came here I was pretty fit, but with college and work I spent most of my time here and ... i got a bit oit lf shaoe but i start to like it " he said, reaching out to shake one of his love handles.
Felix bit his lip at the sight, what a delicious treat for the eyes and he felt he was going to end up in an erection if he continue like that.
-"No, don't say that... you're very handsome ... and attractive" but Felix stopped and placed his hands in front of his mouth, ashamed of what he had just revealed.
Changbin was quite surprised and the blush on his face was quite noticeable, but he was pretty charmed by this reveal from the Australian. After all, Felix was a very attractive young man with a deep voice that almost made him glap. So if the youngest was attracted to him, it would be the most beautiful compliment in the world.
-"I... I'd better go," said Changbin as he try to get up on his feet.
"-Did I offend you? I'm sorry hyung , I didn't mean to."
But Changbin turned his face to Felix's, anchoring his gaze in his as a mischievous smile grew on his lips "I'm off in 30 minutes ... if you're interested".
Felix said nothing, but silently nodded. Tiut two venakt to accept without any word the continuation of their evening.
And as soon as Changbin had finished, Felix left and offered to take the oldest home with him. They walked silently through the streets of Sydney. It was winter, so there were few people out, apart from the bars that stayed open until late.
They didn't talk, just enjoyed the silence until they reached the brunette's apartement.
-"Well... this is my place".
Felix gave a slight grin without adding anything more.
The two of them looked at each other in silence, not knowing what would become of this night.
Until Changbin dared to ask "Do you... want to come in and drink something inside?"
It was an invitation I couldn't refuse. He entered calmly and, once the door was closed, asked "Shall I kiss you?"
The brunette was surprised by this sudden courage but nodded. The kiss was short and quite shy but the second one came to make the kiss better than he had already done it. and so the kisses began to follow one another
And so it was, until the blond man bent the wall and kissed the back of his neck, while the brunette let out a few moans.
But Felix's kisses spread a little further down to the oldest's collarbones. He paused for a moment to see if Changbin really wanted to continue. He even asked, "Do you give me your consent? As Changbin took of emotion make a strange noice who sounde like a moan although it meant yes.
Then, like a gentleman, Felix led him to his room, following the brunette's instructions between their kiss. Once the bed was in sight, he placed him on it and looked at him with amusement.
-If I'd known this offer included hook up with the waiter, I'd have come before now".
- "It's only for a handful of clients"
Felix smiled proudly before languorously kissing the brunette "I hope I'm the only one then" before marking the oldest with hickeys on the back of his neck. Soon his shirt was off, revealing his plump body, his breasts and, above all, his round belly.
- "And to think it's your body, now with me I'll make you bigger, is that what you want?"
Changbin moaned again then spread his thighs
-"Oh, does that turn you on? You want me to fuck you and tell you how much your body turns me on? That I'd come back day after day to watch you get fatter?"
Again a groan was heard, and the brunette's nascent erection made it clear that he was eager to the idea.
-"Tell me how much you weigh, so I can see if your body can support all that fat" Felix now had the brunette's ass in front of him, which he'd already seen in the past. The trousers and underwear were soon removed by Felix, who, unlike Changbin, still had his boxers on. Une slapped the brunette's ass and squeezed his hand to tighten the graisdeuse part "i love it but i can make it fatter" he said before finally removing his underwear.
Changbin made a moaning mess , which earned him the title of pig, given the fact that he barely spoke or only when Felix asked for his consent.
-"'I'm so impotient , i just need to ruin you" he said hoarsely as he took two of his fingers and soaked them in saliva before thrusting them into the brunette's hole. The poor moaned in a high-pitched way as Felix tried to widen his turn by making various movement while covering Changbin with teasings like "You're huge and yet you're so tight " but he didn't forget also to cover him with softer words even xompliment like "You're such a good boy" "you're pretty it hurts".
Changbin seemed to be living in another world, and no words came out of his mouth, preferring instead to yelp and beg.
-In the drawer ... quick" Changbin mentioned, leaving Felix curious as he opened the drawer and came across a box of condoms, which Changbin seemed to be prepared for! He took one of the condoms and slipped it on. The best was about to begin.
So when Felix finally decided to stick his penis in his hole, his voice was so high-pitched that even the blond was surprised. Fortunately, the acoustic foam glued all aroung the brunette's bedroom was here to mask their obscene noises , although he used it definitively to record songs, for being fucked it was perfect too!
So the back-and-forth began, slow at first to allow Changbin to get used to it, but as time went by, the more Felix picked up the pace. He himself began to talk less, preferring to devote his energy to his movement while panting.
Changbin would let out loud, high-pitched whimpers that by now he was sure to have a sore throat.
This went on for some time before Felix managed to get to his climax tiut like Changbin. And then, at different intervals, they ejaculated with a rippling groan that would definitely wake up a neighbor.
Felix withdrew, discarded the cappote and hovered over Changbin. They both caught their breath, embracing each other.
-"Do you often fuck your customers?" asked Feoix curiously.
- "Only the ones who find him attractive" teased Changbin with a wink
Felix chuckled, even though the bed was soiled he wanted to postpone cleaning until the next day so he could fall asleep in his arms.
So they two fell asleep from exhaustion, proving that the evening had been extremely useful.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
But Felix had kept his word, and so he returned every evening at the same time, and they shared a menu... Well, sharing was more Changbin's mealbthan other thing.
Over time, they got to know each other and became close friends. From that heated evening, they would sometimes sleep together again, or Felix would offer Changbin a blowjob during his shift in the toilet cabins .
Maks the two of them began to develop a real mutual attraction that became naturally tactile between them. Felix would his cheek and peck at it to kiss it. Changbin would sit by his side and let the Australian feed him.
A real little couple, although they never officially said so. Maybe they'd just have to wait for the day when Changbin would be the ideal boydy type of Felix had since the day one of their meeting.
A day when the brunette would be so tight in his outfit that Felix wouldn't be able to resist ...
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
This evening was just like any other, Felix would come in, sit at his table and wait for Changbin. He could see him in the distance on his roller skates, the oldest had grown a lot over the months. His belly had become so massive that it began to hang out of his shirt, creating a wide space where his belly could be seen between the buttons. His shorts were crushing his poor honey-colored thighs, which had been carrying his weight for too long. And his now big breasts became so large that even some waitresses began to envy him.
-"Lixie ... you're here" declared Changbin as he approached him more slowly than before, after the poor man had weighed in at over 132 kilos, he was officially obese and still loved his plump, round body.
Felix also loved his body. He loved to grab his ass and say "it's now so fat now thanks to me".
The two had fallen so deeply for each other that they hadn't stopped seeing each other every day without missing a single evening. . We'll bet it was due to sex they loved each other's presence more than just kissing to the point of losing their voices.
-"hey beauty! Looks like someone's been eating well lately" he teased, caressing his chubby cheek playfully.
-"I have a secret admirer who likes to feed me" he retorted amused.
The two of them were so complicent that everyone could see that their relationship was so fused and unique that no one could boast of having the same one.
So Changbin took his usual order and added a few cheeseburgers and a large slice of cheesecake. What was it? It was for him after all.
Then he returned a few minutes later, surprising Felix with all the food.
-"Is it for me? He said with a twinkle in his eye, leaving Changbin to giggle.
The blond chuckled too before adding "My Changbinnie is finally becoming a big little pig , your shirt isn't going to hold on for long you know? "
Changbin (who had already started to eat a cheeseburger) shrugged his shoulders before leaning closer to Felix and whispering a few words that no one but him could hear.
"I've already holed my shorts down my ass. "
Felix blushed when he wanted to see, but Changbin's reddened cheeks stopped him.
-And otherwise what's up in life?" Asked the brunette as he continued to eat.
To be honest, that's all he ever did, and since he'd become so heavy, his uncle preferred to limit his work, which meant he did worked less but ate more.
In any case, he was sure to eat enough to keep his shirts buttonbeven more tighter.
Felix was overjoyed, the brunette was already eating without stopping and didn't need any help, but above all he'd seen the button on his shirt disapear to leave an place fold on his growing body, and Chanbgin didn't even seem to react to it.
This was too much for Felix, who decided to kiss the brunette full on the lips, not caring that there were other people around, or that carless whisper was playing in the background or that the brunette had the sweet taste of chesecake in his mouth.
His eyes were open to their situation. He wanted Changbin more than anything else, he needed him in the morning when he woke up, at noon to send him pick up line that would make him blush and at night to treat him to food and sleep next to him with his Chanbin sized pillow.
-"Be mine please", he declared, looking him straight in the eye.
Changbin was confuse by all this but couldn't help smiling broadly and replied "yes I do, I want to be yours as much as you will be mine".
So the new couple held hands for the first time in as they were finally together while they were in a lovey dovey bubble that no one could interompre.
Not even Chanhbin's shirt where the buttons popped off one by one exposing his belly to everyone's view
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
-"Come and dance Binnie!
- "No, I'm too full, I can't make it"
- "Come on it's for you boyfriend" begged as Felix pouting
Changbin finally decided to accept. Today was a rest day but they were still here at Dwaekki's dinner, mostly for their chea food and this jukebox playing old classic music.
Felix was in a mood for dancing even if Changbin only know to shake his whole body when he waled, but in fact he didn't know how to dance very well
But for Felix, he'd make an exception: when his hands rested on his body, he couldn't stretch out fully in his arms ariund him , je did make a thing in his heart as he smilled even more
If it wasn't love that changbin felt then I don't know
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holographicabby · 3 days
pinned post :]]
hi hello hii im luna but u can call me abby
astronomy slash vocaloid slash pokemon enthusiast :00
art is the tag for all of my art ^_^
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ART REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! (any of my fandoms)
(some exceptions)
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everyone is peaceful (as much as they can, anyways) and is updated every time there is a new episode, so it constantly changes.
most of the time, planets are in peace and there no murdering (planet x still lurks) basically just the canon solarballs
corruption/infection au - jupiter and venus are dead
basically something happens (havent decided what) earth becomes all glitchy and infects the sun and luna. sun is in a coma or sumthing IDK MAN
earth and luna split up to go after the others, venus and jupiter attempt to cover the others as they run, resulting in their deaths. both cores are kept. mars is hiding in the asteroid belt and neptune is missing, while the others are grouped and running. earthlings are somehow fine, possibly infected as well. earth has to stay near the sun while luna searches the solar system to murder more planets i guess
MAIN SOLARHUMANS AU - average solarhumans au
basically my main solarballs au but theyre 'humans'
theyre not REALLY humans, but more of celestial bodies on a bigger version of earth
each star has their own neighborhood called 'solar systems', consisting of several planets, moons, and other stuff
things like kuiper belt and asteroid belt/oort cloud are like streets or landmarks
gravity still exists, but its warped! each celestial body has their own gravity, that they can use like its telekinesis- basically they could let go of something and let it float around them.
moons also have this 6th sense of their 'orbit' around their planets' telekinesis/gravity- they typically live with their planet too. they can float in their planet gravity or use it as a gravity boost
blackholes DO exist but are required to wear metal armbands that allow them to touch/exist without sucking up everything.
most everyday things like restaurants or houses are planet-sized, although there are occasionally accomodations for stars- usually none for moons, though.
will update later!! i also have other aus- PLEASE ASK ABOUT THEM!! <3
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main fandoms : solarballs, alan becker, bfdi, pokemon multishipper wowowow!!! have a nice day ^_^
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me fr /silly
dnis under cut
terfs i hate them go away jeezzz
proshippers or general bad shippers (uranep, phobos x deimos.. etc)
racists gtfoooo <3
basic dni, weirdos leave
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indecentpause · 1 year
9 Lines, 9 People
tagged by @kaiusvnoir to share nine lines and tag nine people to do the same! thank! from The Black & Blues! a little more than nine lines because otherwise it would stop mid-conversation haha
Having the guitar in your hands helps ground you. It reconnects you to your core self, to your friends, to the whole reason you picked your irrational major that will probably lead you to working in an office or a restaurant. It takes a little longer than usual to warm up, but everyone is patient with you. You don’t know what you did to deserve such good friends, but whatever it was, you’re grateful for it. You’re a little off beat in the beginning, but once you’ve warmed up, you fall into the familiar movements, the chords and notes of your guitar and your voice, and god, it feels so good. This is what you needed after this shit day. In your little after practice circle, Danny says, “Okay. So, I thought Jaisyn knew someone who does mixing and mastering, but he’s actually doing the mixing himself and then sending it off to someone else to master. I know we usually trade favors with him as payment, but this is such a huge task, it’s only right we pay him with actual money for this one. I’m working out the cost, but generally for other services it costs minimum $100 per song.”
tagging @loopyhoopywrites @drippingmoon @papercutsunset @anoelleart @kae-luna @cryscal @deadhunter-series aaand I'll tag @lynnedwardswrites and @winterandwords again! I found many of you on a post asking for people who wanted to do tag games, so if you don't want me to tag you again please just ask!
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jasfhercallejo · 17 days
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“Negroni… Sbagliato… with Prosecco in it.” I literally screamed when I saw this cocktail on the menu. It was giving Emma D’Arcy's strong "stunning" personality.
Here at Kermit Siargao, we indulged in the best of both worlds – authentic Italian cuisine and the breathtaking beauty of Siargao. The restaurant and pizzeria gained a reputation for serving some of the finest Italian dishes on the island. Using the freshest ingredients imported from Italy and complemented by local organic produce, every dish is prepared from scratch with no artificial flavor enhancers.
From freshly made bread and pizza dough to tantalizing pasta dishes, the menu here is a culinary delight. And to quench your thirst, they offer a variety of cold beers, local craft beers, refreshing juices, and their signature cocktails. We ordered Bruschetta Italiana, Pork Saltimbocca, and Kermit Pizza, and a few cocktails (read: I know right tanghaling tapat? haha pero bakit ba di naman bawal haha)
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Just to share, Lamari Siargao is actually one of our choices for accommodation, but we opted to stay in Siargao Island Villas and Siargao Bleu as we got lucky the beachfront rooms were still available. Nonetheless, Lamari is definitely a good contender. While we did not stay here, we grabbed a few food and drinks at the majestic Lamari Bar. The bar has a striking bamboo façade and a spacious al fresco dining area — the perfect place to kick back, listen to good music, eat good food, and grab a few laughs with friends. The cocktail menu is just as extensive, serving local artisan brews along with more popular imported spirits.
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Siargao Island's dining scene promises a culinary adventure that will satisfy every palate. Whether you're craving international flavors or eager to sample local delicacies, these restaurants offer a diverse range of options to tantalize your taste buds. We had our last meal in Siargao here in Isla Cusina, and it did not disappoint with its sumptuous and delectable Asian and Western cuisine.
From the Italian wonders of Kermit, to the refreshing smoothie bowl from Shaka Cafe and the heavenly ice cream from Halika Siargao, every bite and sip was a moment of pure bliss. What a gastronomic experience (read: masarap mag buhay baboy dito haha)
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If you love ice cream, you should definitely check out Halika Artisan Gelato in Siargao. They offer special flavors, and some of your favorite ones with a fine artisanal touch. The cool sweet richness will hit differently (in the best way lol) after all the fun under the heat of the sun. Notably, their ice cream is so good that they’ve become a street staple!
We have to admit we’re not foodies, but we were impressed by the level of culinary expertise here. The cuisine in Siargao possesses an international flair that other Filipino islands didn’t necessarily have – walking through General Luna and Tourism Road, you’ll notice Italian, Indonesian, Thai, Filipino restaurants, as well as bars and breakfast spots. There are also so many cute cafés on Tourism Road – we actually didn’t expect there to be such a café culture on the island.
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