#restaurant menu design online
menusbydesign · 2 years
Now Design Restaurant Menu from an experienced menu designing company to boost your business growth. Menus By Design is one of them who has working experience in restaurant marketing by designing creative menus. Using stunning templates, we customize your menu that fits your restaurant. Browse through our sample work that is available on our website.
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bistrostackpringle · 1 year
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beesmygod · 1 month
the heat death of the universe
gregory bennet
You want to order from a local restaurant, but you need to download a third-party delivery app, even though you plan to pick it up yourself. The prices and menu on the app are different to what you saw in the window. When you download a second app the prices are different again. You ring the restaurant directly and it says the number is no longer in service. You go to the restaurant and order in person. You mention that their website has the wrong number and the woman behind the counter says they have to contact the company who designed the site for changes, which will cost them, but most people just order through an app anyway. You want to watch the trailer for an upcoming movie on YouTube but you first have to sit through an ad. Then you sit through a preview for the trailer itself. Then you watch the trailer, which is literally another ad. When it ends, it cues up a new trailer, with a new ad at the start of it. [...] Your friend has a short story published online but you need to pay for a subscription to the site in order to read it. You message them and ask if you could get a copy. They say ‘sure’ and send you a PDF. You read the story and like it. You are curious about one detail. You message them for more information and they recommend checking out the Wikipedia page. You read the Wikipedia entry and there is a lot of useful information supplied by a community. One of the sources cited is a non-fiction book. You go to your local library’s website and although they don’t have the exact book, they do have others by the same author. You place a hold on two of them, then go get your shoes on.
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miinatozakiii · 8 months
have we met before?
myoui mina x fem!reader ; fluff, angst
synopsis: you and mina are destined to meet in every universe, it’s fate, it’s inevitable—but that doesn’t mean the circumstances are always ideal for the two of you.
warnings: mentions of food
wc: 5.5k
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬
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a/n: based on those silly little drawings on tiktok that also have my heart screaming and crying bc they're so cute but sad for no reason like stop pls you're just a silly little stick man why am i sobbing
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“do you think we know each other in every universe?” you ask in a small voice, almost a whisper.
mina turns her head to face you, you’re still looking up at the ceiling, breathing slowly. “what kind of question is that?” mina responds, laughing lowly from the sudden inquiry.
“i don’t know, I saw it online,” you start, turning to meet her gaze—squishing your cheek against the mattress in the process. “something about people meeting in other lives and universes, it was pretty interesting.” you add sleepily.
mina’s arm moves to settle down on your shoulder while you lay on the bed facing each other. you look at her with a tired, warm gaze through weighted eyelids. mina softly drags her knuckles over your skin, it makes you sigh contentedly.
“so what do you think?” you press again.
mina just smiles at you and uses her fingers to push loose, messy hair away from your face. you hum groggily in response and lean into her touch.
“i’d hope so.” mina murmurs, looking at your drowsy state.
she takes a moment to fully take in your presence, then presses a kiss against your forehead.
“me too.” you agree, resting your hand over her knuckles.
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in this universe mina has just moved into the city, relishing the beautiful, new environment as she strolls around the area.
there’s a couple to her right across the street. they hold hands and swing them gently while they laugh and gaze at each other lovingly—mina smiles at the sight.
mina spots a small restaurant from her peripheral vision, something about the plants growing around it catches her eye, as well as the simple design and lights in the front. she walks towards it, fixing her loose, gray shirt.
she watches a woman step out the restaurant, and that woman is remarkably appealing. the woman kneels down to pet the calico cat that sits in front of the calatheas plant, the woman’s thumb rubs the top of its head, earning a pleased purr.
the woman fetches a small can of water, quickly tending to the plants by watering them, and inspecting them a bit after.
mina makes her way over and catches the attention of the waitress in the apron—the same woman who had tended to the plants. She turns and smiles immediately at mina, setting the can down and greeting her.
“hi, can i help you?” she asks. the woman’s voice is enchanting, it’s soft and welcoming.
mina nods then eyes the rest of the restaurant, it’s quite cozy.
“yes, do you serve lunch?” mina asks.
“yes ma’am, come on in, i can find a seat for you. it’s not too busy at the moment.” the woman says, urging mina to follow her, “there’s only our regulars here at the moment, many empty seats for a lovely lady like you.” mina’s lips curve upward from the unexpected compliment.
the woman leads her to a little table near the window, a small pot occupies it and it holds a healthy-looking fern in it. the waitress hands the menu over to her with both hands—which mina accepts gracefully.
“i’m y/n,” you start, “i’ll be your waitress. i’ll be back in a couple of minutes, take your time.”
what a wonderful name.
when you return, mina has picked out what she would like to order. you approach the table with your signature grin—one mina finds very captivating, sweet, and cute. she has trouble keeping her eyes off your lips for a moment.
“ready to order miss?”
“yes. may i have a bowl of the glass noodles?” mina asks. you nod and started to write on the small notepad in your hand.
“yes ma’am, anything else?”
“green tea would be great.”
“alright. by the way, the glass noodles come with a side dish, any protein on the menu-“ you point to the protein options on the menu with your pen, “there.”
mina reads through the options: salmon, tuna, mushrooms, tofu, chicken, beef, shrimp, and pork.
“what would you recommend?” mina questions, making you think to yourself for a bit.
“my favorites are the tofu, it’s seasoned very well. you can never go wrong with tuna or salmon either, but those are just my preferences. all the protein choices are wonderful.”
“i’ll take the tofu then.”
“alright. so, japchae with a side of tofu and some green tea for the pretty lady in the corner.” you say as you charmingly smile at mina, “will that be all?”
mina giggles at your boldness, nodding. “do you always flirt with customers?”
“only the pretty ones that catch my eye—you’re the first to do so.” you admit.
“i’m flattered, y/n.” mina responds. you smile brightly from how she uses your name, and because she’s tolerant of your stupid flirting.
You giggle. “your order will be ready in a bit. i’ll make sure to pull at the chefs strings to have it out as quick as possible.” you say, “anything to satisfy the lovely lady.”
mina laughs at your comment then rests her chin on her palm. “thanks waiter.”
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you arrive ten minutes later and snap mina out of her daydreaming, she’s been staring at the window and watching the people of the city pass by. she could get quite comfortable knowing that a lovely waiter is within a one-mile radius.
“your japchae and tofu, as well as your tea.” you beam, setting down her hot tea and meal.
mina smiles and the aroma of the food pleases her senses, so does the waiter’s delightful presence. the food smells wonderful, it looks delicious too. you nod at her before scurrying to help out the group of elderly men at the other side of the restaurant, they pat your shoulder and make you giggle. seems like your presence is something that everyone is fond of.
as you swiftly run a hand through your tousled hair, the lines of your face come into sharper focus, accentuating your features. the black apron around your waist becomes slightly taut as you tighten it, giving mina a glimpse of your punctilious nature. you reach for a soft rag and press it firmly against the worn wooden surface. the tendons in your forearm flex with each wipe, they’re quite toned.
mina's gaze lingers on your arm, drawn to the dainty tattoo adorning your wrist. it’s a subtle flower-like design, its colors blending seamlessly with your skin—mina thinks it’s cute.
but it's not just your appearance that intrigues her. there's something intangible about you, an inexplicable familiarity that fogs up her mind. in the short span of thirty minutes, you’ve managed to create a tranquil atmosphere around her with the help of your dorky charm.
it's as if you have a unique ability to make her feel instantly at home, even though she can't recall ever meeting you before. the way you carry yourself so casually, the kindness and warmth that radiate from you, all contribute to this puzzling connection she feels.
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you hand mina the check after she finishes up, the price is not bad at all. you grab her bowl, small plate, and tea cup, balancing them effortlessly on one hand.
“can i pay with cash?”
“of course, let me put these dishes in the back. you can pay up at the register since it’s cash.” you respond, departing temporarily.
mina shuffles through her purse and pulls out a few bills, making sure to tip you generously for your wonderful service and lovely charm. she walks over to the register, you’re behind the counter with a strand of hair falling over your face and tapping at the screen.
“your total is fifteen hundred yen.” you say. mina hands you twenty-five hundred, making you raise your brows in surprise.
“i liked your service.” mina shrugs, bashfully avoiding eye contact. she puts her wallet back into her purse, and explains, “i just moved into the city, i’m really glad i ran into someone as sweet as you on my first day.”
you grin and feel a warmth spread across your cheeks, “is that so? i’m glad. i hope you like it here, i’d love for you to visit again. i wouldn’t complain if a beauty like you were a regular.”
mina’s lips turn, it’s hard for her to make eye contact with you. a small laugh leaves your lips as you take the money she had slid across the counter, carefully handling it then placing fifteen hundred yen in the register, and putting a thousand in the tip jar.
you beam at her again, “thank you, have a great day miss.”
“it’s mina.” she corrects politely, “my name is mina.”
“pretty name. fits you.” you respond, ears growing pink. mina laughs and waves at you with a gummy smile—it’s adorable and you want to see it again and again. butterflies flutter in your stomach from the sight of it. the elegant woman with the cute beauty marks walks towards the door, and as you sense this fleeting moment, your eyes search frantically for something that’ll have mina trudging back in the future.
spotting a pen and napkin nearby, you swiftly reach out, snatching them up in your trembling hand and scribbling a string of numbers on it.
mina steps outside and takes in the scenery of the restaurant, it fits the lovely, calm neighborhood that it occupies.
“wait! mina!” a voice calls out. she turns and spots you, rushing out the door and settling yourself in front of her.
you hand her the napkin you scribbled on. “this is my number, i’d love to get to know you more.” you say timidly as mina takes the dainty piece of paper.
“you’re cute.” mina boldly states, laughing softly, “this place isn’t far from my apartment, and the food is good. there might be a new regular here soon.”
“perfect.” you hum.
“thank you for the food, i’ll see you again.”
“see you, mina.”
a tender silence envelops both of you as you exchange a knowing glance, the unspoken connection blooming with a newfound sweetness. something about mina seems oddly familiar, weirdly comforting—you’re not one to flirt so easily, but the words had just spewed out your mouth every time you talked to her.
you wonder: maybe you know her in another universe, you remember hearing about that theory from one of the elderly customers. maybe you’re good friends someplace else—maybe more.
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in another universe, a complex web of fate had merged your brother, jun, with mina—a princess from a kingdom that held tensions with your own. their marriage seemed to hold the promise of easing the strained relations between the two kingdoms.
jun, the epitome of the stereotypical prince, perfectly fit into the mold. women swooned over him and he possessed the necessary “princely” skills, he seemed to have it all. however, beneath his "charming” exterior lay a massive ego, pissy attitude, and a small, smooth, and pathetic brain. he carried himself as superior to you, despite his cowardice and controversial morals.
as for yourself, in this royal universe, you were less recognized compared to your stingy brother, but still held a significant position. while you may have lacked certain attributes expected from a princess, it honestly mattered very little since you weren’t in line to inherit the throne (you didn’t like the thought of all that work anyway, so you were relieved.)
a generous freedom was granted to you, which allowed you to develop an intellect that your brother desperately needed, and a great personality compared to the prick of a prince. admittedly, you possessed a prominent physical beauty, attracting numerous suitors, but they often drew back after realizing you weren’t just a stupid, submissive woman who they could boss and fuck around with.
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you had first seen mina at the altar while she was getting married to your brother—a fate so cruel it makes you want to object, especially only hearing that she’s a soft-spoken, kind soul—according to your father.
something about her seemed oddly familiar, even as you watched from afar. she turned towards you only once, and you made eye contact in that brief moment. your brows creased when your heart recognized her, yearning for an odd reason. she turned back to face jun and you ignored the sensation in your chest, figuring that the feeling in your heart might’ve been the sorrow you had for this newlywed: princess mina.
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you never have dinner at the same time as your brother, so you’ve never had dinner with the new addition to your kingdom. though this changes when jun is sent away for the night (for whatever “princely” reason, you don’t know, and neither do you care.)
you’re seated across from your brother’s wife, and this is the first time you’ve seen her up close and in person. she’s beautiful.
you find yourself captivated by mina's ethereal beauty, unable to tear your eyes away from her radiant presence. every curve and line of her face is a testament to perfection, leaving you marveling in awe.
mina’s features are more than attractive, they’re perfect—no painter could ever capture the full glow of her visuals. her lips look so soft, the way her silky, dark hair effortlessly flows down her shoulders makes you yearn to run your fingers through them, losing yourself in their silky texture. as she gracefully picks up a piece of salmon, the way she chews it delicately, you can't help but be captivated by her composure and grace—damn, you think, she even eats elegantly.
when mina’s eyes meet yours, you shyly look away at the strangely flustering eye contact, feeling nervous for whatever reason.
most women would feel a bit insecure, self-conscious, and maybe even intimidated in your situation. however, all you feel is an unspeakable attraction from your brother’s wife, which has got to be messy.
It gets messier when mina looks at you while you avoid eye contact, and you quickly pretend to be busy by gracefully picking up a piece of salmon and chewing it like a princess should (because mina is right in front of you).
mina observes you, her eyes filled with a deep curiosity while she tries to sneak subtle glances. it's evident that she recognizes the resemblance between you and your brother, but you’re definitely the better-looking sibling. her gaze lingers on the white ribbon holding half your hair up, rendering you even more fascinating in her eyes. stray strands of hair gently frame your face, and as you tuck them behind your ear, her eyes follow the movement with a mixture of awe and allure.
though you and mina have never engaged in conversation, the inscrutable (homosexual) tension between you two is undeniable, as if you were destined to meet.
“is there something on my face?” mina asks, voice soft and wow, even her voice is beautiful. she tilts her head when she catches you stealing a glance.
“oh, no, sorry.” you respond politely, “i just, um, noticed your beauty marks. they’re pretty.”
(you don’t know why you chose to compliment her now and here when you’re alone in this dining room and the tension is prominent—are you trying to embarrass yourself?)
“thank you, y/n was it?” the sound of your name being articulated by that delicate voice of hers is enough to have your cheeks burning.
“yeah, y/n.”
“you’re quite pretty too.”
you smile and poke at your salmon, “thank you.”
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two weeks from that dinner, you find yourself meeting with her and spending more time with the lovely princess since her own joke of a husband can’t do so. mina was never fond of jun anyway, he boasted too much, and you were much more pleasing to the eye—and her heart.
you lead mina around the castle, holding her hand and dragging her to the large library in the east wing. you ramble about the books you’ve read, cheeks flushing lightly when you go on a tangent about romance novels. when you stop gushing about books out of fear of boring her, she urges you to go on, giving you that signature grin that makes your heart leap.
a few weeks after that moment in the library, mina finds herself situated in your own bedroom. it’s a large room, fit for a princess like you. the room smells like peaches and is tidy for the most part, though books clutter some spaces and it honestly feeds mina’s growing interest in you.
the ribbon in your hair is worked at with your slim fingers and your locks are let down with a swift motion of the fabric. you run a hand through your hair and lead mina to your bed, grabbing her hand and urging her to sit down next to you.
mina sits down and you hum, softly while you lean against the headboard of the bed.
“are you tired?” mina asks, and you shake your head.
“not really.”
“it’s quite late.”
“perhaps.” you say, turning over to face her. “you know, speaking of sleep. i’ve been having dreams about you.”
mina raises her brows and giggles, “really now?”
you hum, “yeah, it’s a flash of different scenes, different lives.”
“sounds interesting.”
“mhm.” you sigh, looking from the mole on mina’s nose to her lips. “we always end up meeting. do you think we know each other in every life? like, maybe there’s other universes where we’re… maybe we’re best friends in another kingdom, or maybe we’re commoners.”
“that’s a possibility. you read a lot of books, maybe they’re creating that fantasy world up in that brain of yours.” mina teases, subconsciously scooting closer to you.
your gaze stills on her face, you stay silent for a moment and mina grows flustered as you travel across her features with your look. your hand moves over to brush a strand of hair away from her face, and your thumb rubs against her soft, delicate skin—just below her left eye.
“an eyelash was there.” you say, and her cheek grows noticeably warm from the contact of your thumb on her skin.
“i had this one dream, you know…” you start, moving your thumb along her cheek and tracing the side of her face with your pointer. you lean a bit closer, and mina does too, she stares at your plump, soft, peachy lips. “we were really close, like this.” you practically whisper, voice lowering as you mumble.
“yeah?” mina asks, leaning closer. now both of you are staring at each other’s lips, bodies reeling in closer as if there were a string of desire pulling your hearts closer to each other.
mina tilts her head and her eyelids start to shut, you mirror her action and do the same. her cold fingers find your cheek and softly caress your skin, pulling you in closer for a kiss.
her lips are as soft as they look, warm against your own despite the chill of her fingers on your face—though they seem to burn into you the deeper the kiss grows. the locking of lips is dangerous, especially with mina seeing as she’s married to your brother and all. the two of you know everything will have to be behind closed doors, love can be difficult.
mina pulls away with lidded eyes and you whine in response.
“did we do that in your dream?”
“yeah, a few times.”
“déjà vu i guess,” mina murmurs against your lips, “i’ve had the same dreams,” she admits before sliding her hand down to your neck, gently gripping your hair and twirling it around her finger. she kisses you again, your lips recognize the feeling.
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in this universe you’re on the way back to the ice rink. you’ve forgotten your bag filled with your shoulder pads and gloves.
you check the locker room and there’s nothing, but you do spot momo’s unlocked locker. knowing the clumsy, forgetful teammate, she had probably rushed out after getting a call from that sana girl she’s been talking to. the swooning lesbian had most likely left the building in a second, you’re using that against her for sure.
“where is it…” you grumble, wandering around the locker room and shuffling through every corner.
a sigh leaves your lips and you head out to the rink, it has to be there if it’s not in the locker rooms; otherwise, you’re completely fucked and your wallet might come to life just to kill you if you don’t find that dumb bag.
you step into the rink area, your face getting hit with the cold air of the room. the issue at hand is completely disregarded when your gaze lands on a figure gracefully gliding across the ice, her presence seemingly ethereal. her movements are an intricate dance on the frozen surface beneath, each glide harmoniously transitioning into the next. you’re captivated to say the least.
her body glides effortlessly, proof of her unquestionable talent. with every spiraling twirl and soaring leap, she effortlessly keeps your attention on her, you’re enamored. her skate blades etch intricate patterns into the ice, similar to the way yours hack at the ice when you speed through players to score a point during your scrimmages.
the woman stops and her eyes meet yours, making you redirect your attention elsewhere, reminding you of the reason why you’re even back here past practice hours.
she skates towards the gate that leads out the rink and you quickly walk away, scanning the seats for your blue bag. it has to be here somewhere; you prayit’s there.
your prayers were answered—a blue bag is spotted on one of the benches with the same shoulder pads you had used earlier, you let out a sigh of relief.
when you make your way back towards the door back to the lobby, you’re face-to-face with the same woman who had been skating—she had been the only other person here besides you at this hour, further emphasizing her devotion to her art.
she examines you carefully. your hair is still disheveled and your nose is also pink from the practice you had earlier. you’re wearing a comfy-looking navy hoodie, as well as matching, baggy sweatpants—though maybe a slightly darker shade. the blue bag is held over your shoulder, sitting along your back while you carry it.
mina swears she recognizes you, the messy hair that falls over your face and that dorky, awkward smile you shoot her is strangely familiar. maybe she’s met you at this rink before, that’s probably the case.
“sorry, did i interrupt you?” you pry, scared to have disrupted her elegant performance.
“no, not at all.” she responds. you look her up and down, eyeing the full black outfit she wears briefly before meeting her soft eyes and appealing features. you pause for a brief moment when you see the two recognizable beauty marks: one above her top lip and the other on her nose.
“have we met before?” you ask, curious as to why there’s a weird understanding from her.
“i don’t know, maybe we have.”
“you seem very familiar, i can’t put my finger on it.” you mumble, brows furrowing lightly.
“i- i thought that too.”
you put out a hand, “i’m y/n.”
mina reciprocates the gesture and puts her hand in yours—a strangely perfect fit, as if her hand has been there before.
“mina.” she says, staring at your hands making contact.
“do you always practice at this rink?” you question, interested as to how you’ve missed someone as eye-catching as her.
mina nods. “i usually practice later or in the early mornings.”
“that’s why i haven’t seen you around.” you hum, “i practice during late afternoons.”
“are you a hockey player?”
“yup.” you respond proudly, shooting a grin that makes the figure skaters own lips turn. you shove your hand in your pocket and find your phone, checking the time. “i’ll leave you to your practice, you skate beautifully by the way.”
mina smiles and you contemplate whether you should pry and find out more of her schedule just from seeing the curve of her pretty lips. “i’ll see you y/n, hope we run into each other again.”
“likewise. have a great night mina.”
“you too.”
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you’re a lucky woman, very, very lucky.
you run into the beautiful figure skater two days later, and then two days after that, and somehow you’re running to her after every other practice.
quick conversation and small talk is exchanged between the short periods of time that you see each other, a friendship blossoms quickly.
mina, with her quiet demeanor, has always been reserved, even around her own coach and most people she interacts with. however, something about your presence makes her feel instantly at ease—as if you’ve known each other for years. your charm effortlessly melts her tension away, creating a comfortable atmosphere where she’s no longer limited to her usual three-word responses.
beyond her enchanting beauty on the ice, mina's personality shines in its own unique way. her lovely features are undeniably captivating, but it's the tenderness in her remarks and descriptions of her day that truly warms your heart. each word she utters, spoken in her soft and honeyed voice, forms an urge to know more about mina.
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not even a month later, the two of you find yourselves in a small diner sitting across from each other.
your cheek is in your palm while you listen to mina go on about her recent fixations and interests—one being the legos that she had finally bought after eyeing for two months. you find yourself laughing at the way she talks about the plastic building pieces with such passion and excitement, your smile growing wider with each remark from the divine woman in front of you.
mina goes on about her dream of being a professional figure skater, that it’s been her dream since she was a litte girl. she even admits that she’d love to travel to other countries to train and learn more, she’s fond of foreign training programs. the success she craves inspires you, and soon after you exchange your own dreams of being in one of the big league hockey teams. you give mina a little background on yourself, explaining that you lived in canada for half your life, which also happens to be the same place where you started becoming infatuated with hockey. mina nods in awe, listening with intent.
the two of you ramble and laugh and smile and blush—it makes the two of you so amazingly giddy.
the date is cliché, something out of a movie: dinner with a beautiful woman, paying for her meal, and then driving her home—before she leaves, you kiss her cheek—she blushes and kisses you on the lips, leaving you in the car with a flushed face and a dangerously quick heart rate.
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most of your relationships in the past—if not all, have been quite rocky after a couple of months, but that’s not the case with mina.
there’s a simple understanding between you two, as if you already know each other’s likes and dislikes by heart. you’re accustomed to mina’s mood swings and troubles, always being there if she needed a shoulder to lean on. there was a silent understanding, and mina was glad that she had you. mina is understanding when you explain your past and the difficulties of pursuing a hockey career, and once you’re done shedding a few tears you exchange your first “i love you’s.”
it's safe to say that being with mina has been the best time of your life, not even a year has passed by and she’s had you swooning more than momo had been when she first got with sana. you’re hooked, you’re in love.
there’s nothing that could break you and mina up, not with the wonderful communication and understanding of boundaries. you two were perfect for each other, there was no way anything could hinder the relationship.
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“can we talk?” you and mina say together, surprised that you said it at the same time with the same uneasy tone.
“you go first.” you urge, mina shakes her head.
“no, you go.” she responds. you laugh to calm your nerves, to ease your worries, to stop the tears that start to well in your eyes, it works temporarily—but mina can sense the tension in the air, and it’s frightening.
you inhale, then exhale slowly.
“i was scouted, they want me in one of the best training facilities and teams in canada.” you croak out, a lump forming in your throat after you speak. mina purses her lip and you can tell she tries to stop herself from crying, closing her eyes and turning her head downwards.
“y/n,” she says, voice shaky, “they… they want me training in korea.”
you blink and tears spill, rolling down your face.
“i think you should take it, mina.” you say heartbreakingly, “you’re very talented, i know it would get you far. it’s your dream, i know how much you liked the training over in korea.”
“i think you should take,“ mina cuts herself off with a sniffle, “you should go to canada.”
the two of you aren’t lying, wanting the others to achieve their own dream, but the inevitable product is the two of you parting. that’s the last thing you want.
if you had known that you would’ve met mina earlier, she would’ve been your dream, you’d give up everything for her and mina would do the same for you. however, these offers are something that the two of you have been longing for, and even if your hearts may shatter by taking up these opportunities, the two of you know it has to be your choices.
you pull mina into your arms, a bittersweet embrace. her tears stain your t-shirt, yours seem to stain hers as well.
“i’m sorry.” mina cries.
“don’t,” you sob, “it’s okay, we’ll be okay.” you add, though you’re unsure yourself.
the distance is impossible, and it’s already difficult to spend more than three hours a day with each other now, so thinking of how it would be while you’re thousands of kilometers apart has you holding onto mina tighter, knowing that you’ll have to let her go.
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your flight leaves in less than two hours, and you still have to go through baggage as well as security.
a tear slips down your cheek as you hold onto mina, you don’t want to let go, you can’t, but you have to.
you two had a long talk filled with tears and runny noses about how this would go down, and you decided to spend the last few days together, savoring and cherishing the last moments of each other’s presence. sure, the two of you could see each other now and then, but it would be too hard to keep a long-distance relationship going when your schedules are full and your bodies are tired. the time difference doesn’t help either. it just won’t work out, no matter what obstacle you tried to work around, it was evident that this wasn’t going to cut it with the new circumstances.
so you two decided to do what was necessary: break up.
mina pulls away with tears spilling down her face, she’s wearing the sweater you gifted her on her birthday. it makes you sniffle.
“i’m going to miss you.” you say in between tears, “too much.”
“me too.” she says. her nose is red, eyes pink, and her bottom lip quivers.
“i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, i wish we could-“
“y/n, i love you. i want you to achieve this dream.” mina cuts you off, “i’m willing to let you go for it to happen.”
“i’ll love you forever.” you cry, “whatever happens, there’s always a space in my heart for you. when you make it to the big screen, i’ll cheer for you. promise”
mina closes her eyes and wipes her tears, “and I’ll do the same. god, y/n… i love you so much.”
“don’t say that, please my nose is getting stuffy,” you say, trying to lighten the mood. your voice cracks, it’s shaky. “i promise in another universe or something like that, everything will work out, and we won’t have distance keeping us apart. in every life i swear mina, i swear i’ll find you, we’ll meet and we don’t have to part like this and- fuck, god i can’t do this.”
mina laughs, it’s not out of amusement. she’s going to miss your dorky little rambling. “you’ve been watching too many marvel movies.”
“stop that,” you sigh, smiling in between tears. “but I swear, I will.”
“is that a promise?”
“yes mina, yes.”
mina smiles again before tip-toeing to kiss you, you get the faint taste of her salty tears. the kiss is quite long, both of you not wanting to pull away, not wanting to part.
your hand lingers on mina’s cheek, it’s soft on her skin, she melts into your touch one last time.
“i love you always.” mina says, using her own thumb to wipe away your damp, pink cheek.
“me too.” you rasp, “always and forever.”
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netherworldpost · 3 months
the business of small business is good business
I remember when I left college, I had an interview at an extremely tiny, extremely prestigious design firm. They weren't hiring (they made that clear) but I was able to convince them to do a portfolio review.
"You could go into accounts, you're great at it. But you'll be miserable. You could go into advertising but you'll be even more miserable. You'll make more money in either of these."
"What should I do?"
"Great question, you're going to have to figure that out, your skills and personality don't fit each other."
(Accounts are largely the sales folks in advertising agencies -- they handle clients, they are part of a pitch team, etc. If you've watched Mad Men -- Ken Cosgrove, Pete Campbell, Roger Stirling were accounts).
This was... many years ago.
I ordered dinner tonight, from my favorite restaurant, and had it delivered.
In the intervening years from that conversation, I doubled-down on my tiny businesses. It's been a good life.
I'm in the elevator with my favorite restaurant food in a bag and someone who lives in my building, whom I don't know, gets on.
"{Name of the restaurant]," I offer as way of greeting. "Fantastic food, I always get [name of dish]. Ever been there?"
"No but it smells great."
(Hands the person the menu from the bag)
On one hand -- I know I need to slow down, focus, tighten the ship.
Four years of transitioning Evil Supply Co. (which operated like a mad scientist lab / mad engineer's lab) into Netherworld Post Office (an extremely focused greeting card, printable downloads, and zine company) have taught me a lot of lessons.
On some level though
I can't/won't stop.
With the very depths of my soul, I love small business. I love the diner down the street, I love my suppliers for the Post -- I purposefully scoped them out and chosen the ones independently owned.
I. Love. Small. Business.
It's so hard, it is so rewarding, it takes so much, it gives so much more.
Every time you shop at a small, independently owned whatever, you're helping your community (we pay taxes locally).
You're helping the community -- be it your neighborhood or a niche interest online -- stay, grow, thrive.
There is a time and a place for Giant Corporation Things and I'll never argue that. I'm not here to nay-say.
I am here to remind you, regularly, constantly -- and maybe too often -- the width of the line between everything looking the same, sounding the same, reading the same, tasting the same -- because it is mass produced to the palette of a wide audience --
the width of that line is relative pocket change in price difference and/or a few extra days shipping time between a big box shop and your weird fav whatever.
If you want the world to be weird and shaped to your specific interests?
Shop small when you can.
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jovieinramshackle · 1 month
talent and quote for both jovie and jess!!
(more asks here!)
Oh this will be fun I get to drop some lore for both of them teehee
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14. Talent: What is your twst OC's talent and who can properly appreciate that talent?
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Jess has a variety of skills, most of them having to do with singing, dancing or performing, as they used to participate in Beatuty Pegants and Competitions from a young age as requested by their mother.
But the one thing Jess grew to love enough to practice it even in their alone time is: making music.
Or music composition, more accurately, Jess found extreme comfort in music.
They first began making up random melodies in free apps at the age of 10, soon they started watching proper tutorials, and studying books online and had managed to create songs using the piano at their mother’s home by the time they were 13. Least to say, they had it in them.
Their mother had realised Jess creating their own songs would be an advantage during competitions, so they signed them up for training with a professional since they had the money for it. Hard-earned money Jess had won.
Over time, Jess found themselves losing their love for making music, as it had become another tool forced upon them by their mother to keep winning— the same thing that had happened with dancing, singing and even performing in general.
Jess can’t deny their talent though, and to their surprise, it proved to be quite useful during the SDC. It started with giving Vil mere suggestions on how to improve his song, then quickly escalated to them becoming the co-writer for it.
Due to that, Vil is the first to truly appreciate their talent and the first to know why Jess hid it, so much so that he felt guilty for also causing the song they had worked so hard on together to fail— along with the guilt of making the whole team lose.
If they had to be blunt, Jess would say they aren’t grateful for a lot of the things their mother had put them through. However, if those skills could be useful somehow, they’d be willing to put them to use. It’s important to take every chance that’s given to you, right?
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Jovie’s talent is one fitting of someone with an artistic nature: Graphic Design.
Drawing, in general, too but the craft of creating visual content and representations was their speciality. Jovie had been drawing since they were very young— and with the combination of the witchy spell books inherited from their grandma that included a range of colourful symbols and designs— it’s no wonder Jovie grew a knack for design and art.
Colours, shapes, lines— Jovie loved them all. They loved playing around with them to create art, it’s one of the main ways she knew how to express themselves. Along with that, it was also useful to study and understand the old symbols in the books her ancestors had created for hexes and curses.
Her mother would always tell them the importance of visual representation. For witches, a written spell isn't enough to perform their spells, a symbol to go along with it is crucial to the process.
Now imagine their surprise when they used this talent to…help in designing a restaurant.
Menus, business cards, and other print materials— Once Jovie agreed to work with a certain octopus to help with his new lounge, they suddenly found themselves with a lot more work.
Not that they mind, despite the frustrations and complaints. More work meant more payment, whether it was monetary or practical.
As it were, Azul had found himself understanding what goes into designing on a deep level— from the thought process behind the decisions to seeing first-hand the frustration of an artist when their vision wouldn’t come out how they imagined it.
It intrigued him, in a way, and he developed a new profound appreciation for it. And besides— it’s only natural for a good employer to understand the work of his employees, right?
It's a fact visuals are how you catch someone's attention immediately, and a good visual will pique the person's curiosity, making them look even longer. They are vital if you want to attract people, and he couldn't deny that Jovie's work had done the job successfully.
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16. Quote: Give me something your twst OC will say. Either something they always say or something iconic they said. Something that helps solve the problems or something that is a catalyst to even more issues.
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"EVERYONE, SHUT UP." - a common phrase they yell when everyone around them starts bickering and arguing like middle schoolers. Loud noises aren’t something that necessarily bothers Jess, but so many people yelling at once can truly get annoying, especially during serious situations.
"Remember when you told me I need to set a good example for my dorm members? Well, here I am, because a good leader never leaves their members behind, even if it's only one." - Jess to Riddle at STYX, trying to make him understand why they're the one that have to find Grim in Tartarus.
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"I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna-" - Just a little thing they mutter when Floyd won't cooperate with them, or whenever someone is being a huge nuisance, for that matter. You'll find them muttering it in her native language (Greek) a lot too. (fun fact I do that irl too).
"What-? No! I never hated the way you were back then, I loved you just as much as I love the way you are now!" - Said during a serious conversation between Jovie and Azul.
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tagging: @ramshacklerumble @thehollowwriter @summerspook @scint1llat3 @skriblee-ksk @cyanide-latte (lmk if you wanna be added)
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southeastasianists · 3 months
Often described as the world’s largest Buddhist monument, Borobudur rises from the jungles of central Java: a nine-leveled step pyramid decorated with hundreds of Buddha statues and more than 2,000 carved stone relief panels. Completed in 835 AD by Buddhist monarchs who were repurposing an earlier Hindu structure, Borobudur was erected as “a testament to the greatness of Buddhism and the king who built it,” says religion scholar and Borobudur expert Uday Dokras.
Though Buddhists make up less than one percent of Indonesia’s population today, Borobudur still functions as a holy site of pilgrimage, as well as a popular tourist destination. But for the Indonesian Gastronomy Community (IGC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating Indonesian food culture, Borobudur is “not just a temple that people can visit,” says IGC chair Ria Musiawan. The structure’s meticulous relief carvings, which depict scenes of daily life for all levels of ninth-century Javanese society, provide a vital source of information about the people who created it. Borobudur can tell us how the inhabitants of Java’s ancient Mataram kingdom lived, worked, worshiped, and—as the IGC demonstrated in an event series that ended in 2023—ate.
The IGC sees food as a way to unite Indonesians, but the organization also considers international gastrodiplomacy as a part of their mission. Globally, Indonesian food is less well-known than other Southeast Asian cuisines, but the country’s government has recently made efforts to boost its reputation, declaring not one, but five official national dishes in 2018. To promote Indonesian cuisine, the IGC organizes online and in-person events based around both modern and historical Indonesian food. In 2022, they launched an educational series entitled Gastronosia: From Borobudur to the World. The first event in the series was a virtual talk, but subsequent dates included in-person dinners, with a menu inspired by the reliefs of Borobudur and written inscriptions from contemporary Javanese sites.
In collaboration with Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other partner organizations, the first meal in the Gastronosia series was, fittingly, held at Borobudur, with a small group of guests. The largest event, which hosted 100 guests at the National Museum in Jakarta, aimed to recreate a type of ancient royal feast known as a Mahamangsa in Old Javanese, meaning “the food of kings.” The IGC’s Mahamangsa appeared alongside a multimedia museum exhibition, with video screens depicting the art of ancient Mataram that inspired the menu and displays of historical cooking tools, such as woven baskets for winnowing and steaming rice. Another event, held at Kembang Goela Restaurant, featured more than 50 international ambassadors and diplomats invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
But how does one translate 1,000-year-old stone carvings into a modern menu that’s not only historically accurate, but appetizing? “We have to have this very wide imagination,” says Musiawan. “You only see the relief [depicting] the food…but you cannot find out how it tastes.” The IGC designed and tested a Gastronosia menu with the help of Chef Sumartoyo of Bale Raos Restaurant in Yogyakarta, and Riris Purbasari, an archaeologist from the Central Java Province Cultural Heritage Preservation Center, who had been researching the food of Borobudur’s reliefs since 2017.
The range of human activities depicted in the reliefs of Borobudur is so wide that it has inspired research in areas of study stretching from music to weaponry. There have even been seaworthy reconstructions based on the “Borobudur Ships” displayed on the site’s lower levels, exquisitely rendered vessels like the ones that facilitated trade in ancient Southeast Asia. So it’s no surprise that Borobudur has no shortage of depictions of food-related scenes, from village agricultural labor, to the splendor of a royal Mahamangsa, to a bustling urban marketplace. Baskets of tropical fruit, nets full of fish, and even some modern Indonesian dishes are recognizable in the reliefs, such as tumpeng, a tall cone of rice surrounded by side dishes, which is still prepared for special occasions. Some images are allegories for Buddhist concepts, providing what Borobudur archaeologist John Mikic called “a visual aid for teaching a gentle philosophy of life." Uday Dokras suggests that these diverse scenes might have been chosen to help ancient visitors “identify with their own life,” making the monument’s unique religious messaging relatable. The reliefs illustrate ascending levels of enlightenment, so that visitors walk the path of life outlined by the Buddha’s teachings: from a turbulent world ruled by earthly desires at the lowest level, to tranquil nirvana at the summit.
Musiawan says that the IGC research team combined information from Borobudur with inscriptions from other Javanese sites of the same era that referenced royal banquets. While Borobudur’s reliefs show activities like farming, hunting, fishing, and dining, fine details of the food on plates or in baskets can be difficult to make out, especially since the painted plaster that originally covered the stone has long-since faded. Ninth-century court records etched into copper sheets or stone for posterity—some accidentally uncovered by modern construction projects—helped fill in the blanks when it came to what exactly people were eating. These inscriptions describe the royal banquets of ancient Mataram as huge events: One that served as a key inspiration for the IGC featured 57 sacks of rice, six water buffalo, and 100 chickens. There are no known written recipes from the era, but some writings provide enough detail for dishes to be approximated, such as freshwater eel “grilled with sweet spices” or ground buffalo meatballs seasoned with “a touch of sweetness,” in the words of the inscriptions, both of which were served at Gastronosia events.
Sugar appears to have been an important component in ancient Mataram’s royal feasts: A survey of food mentions across Old Javanese royal inscriptions revealed 34 kinds of sweets out of 107 named dishes. Gastronosia’s Mahamangsa ended with dwadal, a sticky palm-sugar toffee known as dodol in modern Indonesian, and an array of tropical fruits native to Java such as jackfruit and durian. Other dishes recreated by the IGC included catfish stewed in coconut milk, stir-fried banana-tree core, and kinca, an ancient alcohol made from fermented tamarind, which was offered alongside juice from the lychee-like toddy palm fruit as an alcohol-free option.
Musiawan describes the hunting of animals such as deer, boar, and water buffalo as an important source of meat in ninth-century Java. Domestic cattle were not eaten, she explains, because the people of ancient Mataram “believed that cows have religious value.” While Gastronosia’s events served wild game and foraged wild greens, rice also featured prominently, a key staple in Mataram that forms the subject of several of Borobudur’s reliefs. It was the mastery of rice cultivation that allowed Mataram to support a large population and become a regional power in ninth-century Southeast Asia. Rice’s importance as a staple crop also led to its inclusion in religious rituals; Dokras explains that in many regions of Asia, rice is still an essential component of the Buddhist temple offerings known as prasad.
The indigenous Southeast Asian ingredients used in Gastronosia’s Mahamangsa included some still widely-popular today, such as coconut, alongside others that have fallen into obscurity, like the water plant genjer or “yellow velvetleaf.” Musiawan acknowledges that modern diners might find some reconstructed ancient dishes “very, very simple” compared to what they’re used to “because of many ingredients we have [now] that weren’t there before.” But in other cases, ninth-century chefs were able to achieve similar flavors to modern Indonesian food by using their own native ingredients. Spiciness is a notable example. Today, chillies are near-ubiquitous in Indonesian cuisine, and Java is especially known for its sambal, a spicy relish-like condiment that combines pounded chillies with shallots, garlic, and other ingredients. But in ancient Mataram, sambal was made with native hot spices, such as several kinds of ginger; andaliman, a dried tree-berry with a mouth-numbing effect like the related Sichuan pepper; and cabya or Javanese long pepper. “It tastes different than the chili now,” Musiawan says of cabya, “but it gives the same hot sensation.” Chillies, introduced in the early modern era by European traders, are still called cabai in Indonesian, a name derived from the native cabya they supplanted.
Gastronosia is just the beginning of IGC’s plans to explore Indonesian food history through interactive events. Next, they intend to do a series on the food of ancient Bali. By delving into the historic roots of dishes Indonesians know and love, the IGC hopes to get both Indonesians and foreigners curious about the country’s history, and dispel preconceptions about what life was like long ago. Musiawan says some guests didn’t expect to enjoy the diet of a ninth-century Javanese noble as much as they did. Before experiencing Gastronosia, she says, “They thought that the food couldn't be eaten.” But afterward, “They’re glad that, actually, it's very delicious.”
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carousel-crows · 1 year
19. online dating if it hasn’t been taken
i gotchu anon
Prompt #19: Online Dating
just fyi i have never been on a dating app. i don't care if this is inaccurate.
⚠️TW: Implied/referenced sex⚠️
“Goose, I don't want a relationship. Stop badgering.”
“You're so stubborn. Just try it. You could meet your soulmate or something!”
“I said no. Drop it, Nick.”
“I had hoped it wouldn't come to this.” Goose takes a deep breath. “You're a coward.”
Maverick gasps dramatically. “How dare you? A stab at my honor? after all we've been through together?”
“I'll take it back if you make an account and at least try it.”
Mav huffs. “Gimme the phone, bitch.”
Goose cheers, handing the phone to Pete triumphantly. He reluctantly creates an account, only adding the necessities. He doesn't put his rank or his job at all. 
God, this is so dumb. 
Thomas “Iceman” Kazansky does not like the concept of online dating. Yet he created an account.
Why? Slider’s insistence, of course. 
He was uncomfortable even opening the app. Yet he did. 
He was curious, he'll admit. It was an app designed for any orientation, not just heterosexual people. That was a bonus. Plus, he was approaching his 30’s, and he wanted to at least go steady with someone. 
He set up a blind date with a man in his area through the app. They were going to meet up at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant next to the beach on Friday. It sounded fun, but Ice was hesitant to get his hopes up.
Mav had a date. Friday evening. 
He was excited, if a little worried. It was a blind date with someone named Thomas at a place he'd never been to. But it was near the beach, so he can count on that going well. Hopefully.
Ice walked into the restaurant and checked his reservation. He was early, but extremely anxious about being stood up. 
Until Maverick came sauntering in the door, aviators hung on his white tee. 
He wore the same jacket as always, his hair windswept from riding his motorcycle way above the speed limit. He smiled as he approached Ice's table.
“Hey, Ice. Who you waitin’’ for?”
“My date. He’s not late, but I don't know if he's going to show.”
“Do you know his name?” So he didn't care if he was into men. Noted.
“I think his name was Peter?”
“Oh, cool. I'm here for a date, too. Really nervous.”
“What's her name?”
“Well, his name is Thomas….. Wait—” His eyes widened, but Ice didn't catch why. “Show me his profile.” He sat in the seat opposite Ice.
“Uhh… okay?” 
Ice opened the app and showed Mav the card, confused. Mav bursted out laughing, and other patrons glanced over, presumably annoyed. 
“What's so funny, hotshot?”
“Ice, that's my profile. We're supposed to be on a date together.”
“Oh my god. We got set up by AI.”
“Guess we have more in common than we thought.” Pete is still grinning like a menace, barely stifling laughter. Ice is thoroughly embarrassed, knowing he's red as a lobster.
Conveniently, the waiter popped up and handed them menus. Ice ordered alcohol immediately.
They oddly had a pleasant evening, stopping at an ice cream shack on the beach before strolling on the beach. Despite the cliché, Ice thought Mav looked stunning in the golden glow of the sunset, smiling and laughing. Ice wanted to see him like that forever. 
But he didn't mind seeing him sprawled out under him that night, eyes blown wide and smiling widely. 
He didn't mind seeing him basking in the morning light, laying on Tom’s chest, either.
make sure y'all are drinking water and resting!
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 2 months
I just realized how much I love cathie bc I literally read like posts of yours unprompted with so much info, I didn't even realize how much I read until I finally caught myself giggling and kicking my feet🧍🏻‍♀️
Anyways would you mind👉🏻👈🏻 telling me👉🏻👈🏻 how was their first date?👉🏻👈🏻 or their first kiss?👉🏻👈🏻 or mayhaps both?👉🏻👈🏻
Hello Mah! ☆
Ahhhh it makes me so happy that you love Cathie!! ♡♡♡ I honestly can't believe how many people like my OC x Canon and wanna hear about them, I appreciate it so much!! I'm so happy and grateful ♡
OH MY GOSH I got so excited when I saw your ask!! Cathie first date, Cathie first kiss!!! Ahhhhhh this is gonna be so fun to talk about!! ♡
Cathie First Date:
As much as I know Cater would be thinking and debating on where to go for their first date (looking online and asking others for recommendations), they would end up going where they would usually go, and that place would end up being considered "their spot" It's a small Japanese restaurant, a cozy place with food that suits both of their tastes. For Cater, not only do they have the spicy ramen he loves, but they also have a "spice challenge", every week adding a new spicy dish to their menu (for a limited time) to see who can take the heat! For Ruthie, they have a variety of parfaits and desserts that are not only sweet, but adorable too, ranging in different designs and flavors. (Of course, she gets regular food too. She doesn't just eat sweets lol) I'm going to describe what they're wearing cause I have imagined this so much (Not just for their first date but what they'd wear on dates in general) Cater is in a stylish, baggy fit. Oversized hoodie, either loose fit pants or denim jeans, his hair like how he has it in his club wear card. Ughhh he'd look so good ♡ Ruthie is in a cute, dressy casual look. A knee length sleeveless floral dress, a cardigan on top to cover her arms, her hair half up half down. She'd look so good ahhhh ♡ Since they're so used to hanging out and spending time together, their first date was very natural, no stress or awkwardness to worry about. It was essentially the same as usual, except with the addition of more physical affection, romantic gestures/language, and kisses ♡ Speaking of kisses...
Cathie First Kiss:
Their first kiss happens on their first date, when Cater feels the urge to kiss her and realizes he actually can kiss her, he doesn't just have to long for it like he always had. They were walking down the street, on their way to the restaurant. They were making conversation as they walked, Cater looking down at Ruthie holding onto his arm. Ruthie meets his eyes once she realized he was staring, smiling up at him. Cater slowly comes to a stop, Ruthie wondering if something was wrong as he shifts, placing a hand on her cheek as he leans down. The kiss is gentle at first but filled with longing, Ruthie catching herself as she takes a slight step back, knees weak. Cater follows her, his lips never leaving hers as she lets go of his arm, moving to wrap her arms around his neck. With his other arm now free he moves to wrap it around her waist, neither breaking the kiss until they were out of breath. His lips would be shiny and slightly pink due to her lip gloss, her own lips smudged. She would be in a daze for a moment, before pulling him down for another ♡
Ahhhhh thank you again Mah!
This was so much fun to talk about!! I love Cathie so much!! ♡♡
Thank you! ♡
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menusbydesign · 2 years
Menus by Design is your one-stop destination where you can get the best Menu Board Design services within your budget. Our easy, advanced & dynamic solid wall placement menu board solutions scale up your promotion to get an insight of your restaurant menu. Moreover, we can custom design the right menu package for you. Would you like to know more? Pay a visit to our website or contact us at (385) 215-9147.
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charlesandmiranda · 4 months
Osaka 2/7 - 2/9 Tattoo, Dotonbori, Denden Town and Amerikamura
After we left USJ on 2/6, we continued into Osaka proper, which is where we spent the next few days!
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A big reason we wanted to visit Osaka was mainly because of its appearance in the Yakuza game series, which Charles really really enjoys. There is an area called Dotonbori, called Sotenbori in the game, and Charles wanted to see it in person. (Here's a cool video we found of a youtuber comparing the game to the real location!)He was especially hyped for it because the newest Yakuza game just came out -- I'm sure as soon as we return, playing it will be one of the first things he does, haha.
Dotonbori is, similar to Kabukicho in Tokyo, an entertainment and nightlife district. However, a thing we noticed pretty early, while Kabukicho is essentially 24 hours and it's easy to see people turning in for the night when others are going to work, Dotonbori closes early. By 10 or 11, most restaurants are closed. The area is famous for a few food, specifically takoyaki and fugu (blowfish). Blowfish is toxic, as in, it will kill you if the chef cuts the lungs when tearing it down. The license for serving fugu is required for any chef serving it, and a few people a year get very sick or die from eating it at home. The area has a lot of large displays of crab, takoyaki, and other fish that are brightly lit and cool to see in person.
We spent a lot of time during our stay in Osaka wandering the Dotonbori and exploring, there are simply tons and tons of bars and restaurants there. Just walking up and down, and trying a lot of street food, was definitely a highlight, and in general represents a good amount of what we did. In some of the photos below, we tried wagyu skewers, candied strawberries, and a lot of kushikatsu, similar to tempura but uses a different batter. It may be the winner of our favorite foods we have had this trip.
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On 2/7 at 1pm, Charles had a tattoo appointment at the studio Invasion Club. Headed by tattoo artist Hori Benny, Invasion Club is also kind of a fashion/lifestyle brand, with clothes and art drawn by Hori as recognizable as his tattoos. I was actually pretty aware of his art for a while, especially through instagram and looking at tattoo art online, so when Charles said he had gotten an appointment with Invasion Club, I was SHOOK. He has gotten very popular for tattooing sexy anime girls, which makes having him doing something from a 1980s food manga kind of fun.
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The shop was cool, and Hori spent a few hours hanging out, talking to us, and redoing the design before doing the tattoo itself. The appointment, with hanging out, took about five or six hours. He was an incredibly friendly guy, and his work was exceptional.
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After the tattoo, and most of the next day 2/8, we wandered around Osaka's Electric Town (aka Den Den town, taken from the kanji 電, pronounced "den", which means electricity) which is Osaka's equivalent to Akihabara, which we visited earlier in this trip. They're both areas heavily focused on things related to geek culture. I would say we actually had a waaaayyy better time in Den Den Town then we did in Akihabara. There was way more cool old collectible stuff to look at, and the shops were less picked over. We did a little shopping here, as well as along the main Dotonbori area.
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The tattoo that Charles got is a panel from a manga called Oishinbo. It is about a group of newspaper writers that are trying to create a menu of the perfect meal. The couple in the series eventually get married, and there is a part of the story about takoyaki that includes a real shop in Osaka that invented it. We visited that shop. The experience was very unexpected, but delicious. Takoyaki is a savory pancake like batter with a large piece of octopus in the center. Most places include a sauce, mayo, green onion, fish flakes, and sometimes other toppings. The original shop includes no sauces or toppings, but instead puts dashi, a savory fish based soup stock, in the center. It was much more mild than expected, but we had two orders and Miranda, who generally isn't a fan of takoyaki, had several, so it was something worth eating.
From this point, we kind of had to make a decision. We left our plans at this point pretty loose, because we wanted a little flexibility in the trip; aside from meeting back up with our friend Penko in Tokyo on 2/11, where we'll spend the last few days before flying back out, we have very little set in stone on our schedule. That includes not strictly having a place to stay, either. We decided we would really like one more afternoon in Osaka, before heading to Kyoto, so we found an inexpensive hotel for 2/8 where we stayed for the night, and 2/9 we finished exploring the area some more.
In our wanderings 2/8 and into the afternoon of 2/9, we kind of accidentally wandered into an area called Amerikamura. There are a couple of theories of how it got its name, but one thing we noticed was that it's CHOCK FULL of vintage clothing stores. A lot of the clothing appears to actually be imported vintage clothing from the US which was pretty wild to see. It's a super trendy area, and we definitely did some people-watching, taking in the street wear fashion. It's actually been really interesting to see how fashion varies from city to city; I know this may sound silly or obvious but there really is a different "flavor" from one place to the next. Tokyo and Osaka definitely have distinctly different identities, and even areas within these large cities can feel totally different from street to street and neighborhood to neighborhood.
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We brought a dozen or so Ninth Realm CDs to drop off at shops while we are here. We shipped some CDs to a well known shop in Osaka a few months ago and they sold out, but the shop is a fair distance from Dotonbori and we didn't make time to stop in, so we tried other places. I first stopped at a punk shop, but they said their customers aren't into metal and recommended another two shops. The first shop took a few CDs on consignment, but recommended we go to the larger shop. They were very friendly, listened to the album, and said "I will take all of them." When I told him I only had about ten left, he said "I will need more, these will sell in a few days." Hopefully we can ship more.
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One of the very last things we did before we left for Kyoto was to visit a very sweet cat cafe, Cat Cafe Cat Tail! They had an exceptionally cute group of cats, but I think Charles and I each found a favorite, or maybe were chosen. There is a cat named Kurumi that must be.....a bit of a handful. No joke, there were signs all over that Kurumi hated to be petted on her body, she only liked petted on her head and neck, and she would scratch and bite if you petted her anywhere else. With some gentle encouragement from the store owner, she actually climbed into my lap and napped there almost the entire hour we visited; I barely got to say hi to any of the other cats, haha. And Charles instantly fell in love with a cat named Potato. He currently was wearing a cone due to an eye injury / something wrong with his eye, and also he is one of those like....smushed face cats, so he has all the same breathing issues like a pug does? Charles was DEEPLY MOVED by Potato to say the least.
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After the cat cafe, we got a quick bite to eat and hopped the train to Kyoto, where we're writing from now! We'll keep you all updated soon, thanks for keeping up with us on this crazy trip!
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Just had the coolest Sky dream, and I've never been so mad to wake up and realize something wasn't real
TGC did some sort of mini-season that involved finding some pots and pans and such scattered around ruined places in the the realms. At the end of it, the spirit we were helping, with her kid, memory-led us through a hidden river cave in Prairie, filled with tiny jellyfish and little glowing sea slugs on the walls in places. At the end was a big cave grotto, with natural stone pillars and small stones in the water to jump across. There were ledges to rest on the walls to rest on and a larger stone in the water had a spot you could sit down and kick your feet in the water. The water was deep enough to dive in and filled with tiny glowing minnows and a few axolotls
Anyway, this spirit was now a permanent fixture in the game! There was a little restaurant carved into a corner of the cave, which the name was in Sky script but I think some quest had called it the Hidden Diamond or something. I think at certain times, other game spirits would hang out and sit at the counter like they do at the trees. You could sit up there too if you wanted!
This spirit, first of all, sold her outfit. Which was really cool. It was sunset orange and purple, with gold accents. Not just the cape, the whole outfit! There was a cape, pants, hair with golden accessories in it, and you could also get a pendant and earrings from her. She had a usable accessory that was a cast frying pan
But the big draw was that she introduced and sold things for a fun new mechanic! You could trade her unwanted spells (each having a set value in her currency), and she'd offer cooking ingredients. It unlocked a new tab, similar to the spells one, that held your ingredients—normally you'd have to be at a designated cooking spot or ruins to do this, but the frying pan I guess let you cook meals for yourself and friends almost anywhere. It was also kinda neat because the ingredients gave us a bit of incidental lore about plant life and such in the world of Sky—glowberries, luminous mushrooms, skysugar cane, glowmatoes, bird eggs, etc. Some you could also find in certain places in the realms occasionally
Some ingredients were base ingredients like tomatoes and bread and such. Others, like herbs and garnishes, provided certain special effects... kind of like a spell. Stuff like 'constantly, slowly recharges light energy slowly', 'slows light loss due to darkness', 'increases your luminescence'. You could cook meals with them, or sometimes leave them out just to make a fun snack for friends without using your effects up
I think it mightve been like Breath of the Wild where they didn't give you a recipe book, but when you opened your cooking menu in the pan item it would show you the recipes you had the ingredients for highlighted, with others grayed out. I think the recipes were like music sheets where future spirits and events could offer them, but you could buy some starters from the cooking spirit (her restaurant menu I think) and find some in places where spirits used to eat. They all had a very Sky feel to them, like lavender tea bread, prairie salad, soups, breads of various kinds, etc.
Idk, how useful it was but I found it a lot of fun! Kind of satisfied the urge to have food with your online friends bc your skykids would all sit around eating and being cozy. You had a lil prompt to take a bite/sip/piece :)
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yatrirestro · 14 days
Exploring Regional Delicacies: A Foodie's Guide to Train Food Delivery
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Travelling by train has long been a cherished experience for many, offering a unique perspective of the ever-changing landscapes and a chance to savour the journey. While the rhythmic clatter of wheels on the tracks creates a soothing backdrop, the prospect of enjoying delicious regional delicacies can elevate the experience to a whole new level. We will explore how foodies can indulge in the finest local cuisines while travelling by train, thanks to innovative services like Yatri Restro that directly bring India's flavours to your seat.
The Evolution of Train Food Delivery
Gone are the days when train travellers had limited food options, often confined to pantry cars or station stalls. The advent of online food delivery services has revolutionised the way passengers eat on trains. Companies like Yatri Restro have tapped into this market, providing an array of choices that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. From traditional thalis to contemporary fast food, passengers can now relish various dishes without leaving their seats.
The Role of Yatri Restro in Train Food Delivery
Yatri Restro has emerged as a prominent player in the train food delivery market. Their mission is to enhance the travel experience by offering high-quality, hygienic, and delicious food showcasing different regions' rich culinary heritage. Partnering with local restaurants and food vendors, Yatri Restro ensures that each meal is freshly prepared and reflects the region's authentic flavours.
How Yatri Restro Works
Easy Ordering Process: Passengers can place orders through the Yatri Restro website or mobile app. The user-friendly interface allows travellers to browse menus, select their desired meals, and specify the station where they would like their food to be delivered.
Wide Range of Options: Yatri Restro offers an extensive menu with regional specialities, vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, and special dietary options. Whether you're craving a spicy biryani or a healthy salad, there's something for everyone.
Timely Delivery: Yatri Restro prioritises hot and fresh food delivery. Their efficient logistics network ensures that meals are prepared just before your train arrives at the designated station, guaranteeing freshness and flavour.
Exploring Regional Delicacies with Yatri Restro
One of the joys of travelling across India is the opportunity to taste the diverse cuisines that each region offers. Here are some regional delicacies you can savour while travelling by train, with Yatri Restro ensuring you get all the culinary delight.
North India
Punjab: Known for its rich and hearty food, Punjab offers dishes like butter chicken, sarson ka saag, and makki di roti. A typical Punjabi thali, with its curries, bread, and lassi, can be a fulfilling meal on your journey.
Delhi: The capital city is famous for its street food. From chole bhature to paranthas and kebabs to jalebi, Delhi's culinary scene is a melting pot of flavours. Yatri Restro brings these street food delights straight to your train seat.
Uttar Pradesh: Experience the royal flavours of Awadhi cuisine with dishes like kebabs, biryani, and korma. The intricate use of spices and slow-cooking techniques make these dishes a treat for your taste buds.
South India
Tamil Nadu: Enjoy the crispiness of dosas, the tanginess of rasam, and the rich flavours of Chettinad cuisine. A traditional Tamil Nadu meal on a banana leaf can be an exotic experience.
Kerala: Known as God's Own Country, Kerala offers a variety of seafood dishes, coconut-based curries, and appams. The delicate flavours of fish molee or the spicy punch of a prawn curry can make your journey memorable.
Karnataka: Relish the taste of Mysore masala dosa, bisi bele bath, and Mangalorean fish curry. The blend of spices and unique preparation methods make Karnataka's cuisine stand out.
East India
West Bengal: Savour Bengali cuisine's sweet and savoury delights. From the spicy fish curry (macher jhol) to the sweet goodness of rasgulla and sandesh, the flavours of Bengal are hard to resist.
Odisha: Try the famous Dalma, a lentil and vegetable stew, or the classic chhena poda, a baked cottage cheese dessert. The simplicity and wholesomeness of Odia food are its highlights.
Assam: The northeastern state offers exotic dishes like bamboo shoot pickles, fish tenga, and duck curry. Using fresh herbs and minimal spices gives Assamese cuisine a unique flavour profile.
West India
Maharashtra: Indulge in the spicy and tangy flavours of Marathi food. Vada pav, pav bhaji, and puran poli are just a few examples of the diverse culinary offerings from this region.
Gujarat: Experience Gujarati cuisine's sweet and savoury balance with dishes like dhokla, khandvi, and the famous Gujarati thali. The use of diverse ingredients and flavours makes this cuisine truly special.
Goa: Enjoy the vibrant and spicy Goan cuisine, known for its seafood and Portuguese influence. Goan food is a burst of flavours, from fish curry rice to bebinca.
Central India
Madhya Pradesh: The heart of India offers delicacies like poha jalebi, bhutte ka kees, and the sumptuous Bhopali kebabs. The rich culinary heritage of this region is reflected in its diverse dishes.
Chhattisgarh: Known for its tribal cuisine, Chhattisgarh offers unique dishes like fara, bafauri, and dehati harela. These rustic dishes are a testament to the state's rich cultural heritage.
Tips for a Perfect Foodie Journey
To make the most of your train journey and the food delivered by Yatri Restro, consider the following tips:
Plan Ahead: While spontaneity has its charm, planning your meals in advance can ensure you try the best regional delicacies. Check the route of your train and the specialities of the regions you'll be passing through.
Stay Hydrated: Traveling can dehydrate, especially in the summer. Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol.
Opt for Fresh and Light: While indulging in rich and heavy foods is tempting, opting for lighter meals can help you stay comfortable during the journey.
Share and Sample: If you're travelling with family or friends, order different dishes and share them. This way, you get to sample a wider variety of flavours.
Check Reviews: Yatri Restro's app and website often feature restaurant reviews and ratings. Check these to ensure you're ordering from highly recommended places.
Travelling by train in India offers a unique opportunity to explore the country's culinary diversity. With services like Yatri Restro, you can enjoy the best regional delicacies delivered right to your seat, making your journey not just a mode of travel but a gastronomic adventure. Every meal can celebrate India's rich culinary heritage, from the spicy curries of the South to the sweet treats of the East. So, the next time you board a train, let Yatri Restro take care of your dining needs and embark on a flavorful journey across India.
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printarabiadubai · 28 days
Who Says Fast Food Boxes Can't Be Customised?
Attention restaurant, food truck, event planners, and cloud kitchen owners! We know you put your heart and soul in creating excellent cuisine, but the packaging doesn't always do it credit. Print Arabia, No1 Online Printing Company promises to change that! We're talking about custom-printed fast food boxes that are as cool as your menu. 
Imagine your customer's joy seeing their meal in packaging labeled-
Eye-Catching and Unique Boxes
Walking Advertisement
Sustainable and functional
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Print Arabia is a one-stop shop for custom packaging for foods ideal for restaurants or an event planners or cloud kitchen owners that enhances your brand
Increase Brand Awareness Custom boxes are a walking billboard for your brands. Each order helps to increase client recognition and brand loyalty.
Fast Turnaround: Time is of the essence. We offer a speedy 5  business day turnaround on fast food packs all over the UAE.
Exceptional Quality We use only the finest materials and printing techniques to ensure you leave a lasting impression.
Customisation Our team of designers is here to help you transform your imagination into reality. Customise your printing materials to perfectly reflect your brand and message.
Different types of pack for your menu. Choose TODAY! 
Are you ready to remove the boring takeaway packaging and make it work for you? Visit our website and let us design personalised fast food boxes that express your restaurant's story!
We have a wide range of sizes and alternatives to accommodate any cuisine type. Contact us now to discuss your vision!
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orphancookie69 · 1 month
Disney Dreamlight Valley: Touch of Magic
So far in game play, touch of magic is something that is part of the game but still a little rusty and not very encouraged. I have one item in my valley I designed, and if it is in view for dreamsnaps then I can't submit the photo. But with the most recent update, the game seems to be trying to embrace it a bit.
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First off, let's start with how one would unlock the ability in their valley. You need a quest from Mickey Mouse called "You Got Mail" where he brings Daisy Duck back to the Valley and with her, her boutique. Once the Boutique is there, you go in and are prompted to put a custom design on the manneqin-as well as decorate around the mannequins. Then you are prompted to put a furniture item to the right on one of the two open pedestals. Talk to Daisy and she will give you Daisy Coins. Mickey will then prompt you to complete a boutique challenge. There is a time delay between challenges. You can unlock all platforms to display items by making money and spending it, 20k each spot.
Let's talk about Touch of Magic. You can add your own touch to furniture or clothes. For furniture, you typically have to craft the blank furniture item. I would highly suggest buying patterns in Scrooge McDuck's shop as they come in handy when designing. Be patient when using the Touch of Magic design tool, I am hoping it gets improved upon in the future. For clothes, you don't have to make the clothes before you can customize them. The clothes you can apply colors or textures and then Motif's. You can unlock motif's through random gameplay or star paths.
Next level about this to discuss is to discuss the money making aspect of it. When your friends visit the valley, they can buy your designs. They can also connect with you by interacting with your computer and then you can shop "online" at your friends stores. To have your friends come over at all, you need to finish the quest from Scrooge McDuck where he thinks there is a ghost in the castle, it's Vanellope. Bringing her into the valley, via Dreamsnaps introduction, and leveling her up a bit will have her give you a rainbow tube. From the intial menu (when you first boot up the game) you can join someone else in their valley, and if you are the host then going to the rainbow tube in your valley opens it up via code. This is similar in concept to the restaurant by which serving customers makes you some money.
So far I am glad to see the developers embracing it, and not shaming the Touch of Magic feature so far but I do wish they would explain that a little bit more. Some of that I want to enjoy through self discovery but a little bit more base explanation would be great. What do you guys think of the Boutique so far?
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valeriem77 · 2 months
Give me a QR code and I'm walking out!
Picture this - you're having a nice night out with your friends and you are welcomed into a lovely restaurant with incredible reviews, so excited for the culinary journey you are about to experience. Then, you're confused because it's been 5 minutes and you haven't received a menu yet. So you wait another 5 minutes but finally, amid some slight frustration, you ask your waitress for menus. She looks at you blankly and points to the little QR code sticker on the far end of the table, edges ripping apart and probably stained with some ketchup. Immediately my expression turns to this:
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Why must this little sticker cause such a feeling of disgust and create the feeling of a loss of experience? Multiple reasons come to mind:
I was really looking forward to being away from my screen during my meal, to pay full attention to my friends or partner
I want to experience the tactile comfort of a paper menu
Maybe I want to talk through my options with a flesh-and-blood waiter
Maybe I want something more glamorous than repeatedly trying to aim and focus my phone at a tiny sticker and maneuver through a slow website or application
I AM GETTING OLD and technology is honestly TIRING 👵🏼
To be fair, it's probably a combination of all of these reasons that damper the experience of a night out.
It's interesting to reflect on how our interactions with technology, particularly QR codes, have evolved. Initially, they seemed like a brilliant technological leap, especially during the pandemic when we all craved safety and efficiency. They were actually originally designed in 1994 by a Japanese components manufacturer for the purpose of tracking automotive parts. Fast-forward to today, they actually bring about some benefit when used. Data shows that QR code contactless ordering yields a 12% increase in sales. This is mainly due to strategic add-ons and modern consumer behavior. People just tend to spend more money when they are ordering or buying stuff from their phones. I call that "monopoly money syndrome" and makes sense because the same goes for online shopping 😂...Restaurants also benefit from data collection, loyalty member offers, saving on labor costs and reducing wait times. BUT IS IT HURTING YOUR BRAND?
This is where the concept of "good friction" come to play. Initially, the promise of cleaner, safer interactions during a worldwide pandemic made sense. But as the novelty wore off, I noticed something essential was missing—the warmth of human interaction. I missed the little joys, like asking a waiter for their dish recommendations or the tactile pleasure of flipping through a physical menu. These seemingly small inefficiencies actually enrich the dining experience, adding layers of warmth and personal connection. This spontaneity and engagement, often sidelined by technology in the pursuit of efficiency, are what transform a simple meal out into a memorable, communal event.
and with that, Cheers to NO MORE QR Codes!
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