onlineviolence · 6 months
how often do you play ultrakill?
or do you just think the lore is cool? (completely valid)
i play it once every blue moon
i am Not a gamer i much prefer drawing :]
i played it first for the experience and now i only really do it when new stuff is added or i want to play toys in the sandbox
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retro-warmachine · 2 months
despite this being mostly a gimmick blog now i feel i should still share this (especially considering my user name is "retro-warmachine")
im all for fighting and whatnot, but there is a big difference a good spar and senseless violence/genocide
yea sure, fighting in giant mechs would be fucking sick, but if your targets cant even fight back whats the point
War is hell, but fighting doesn't need to be.
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flyguy · 2 years
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Nice card, less accessories. Watch our Marvel Legends Series Retro War Machine 6-inch Iron Man White Version Figure Overview: 🎬 https://youtu.be/_o-cK2Ff3tc (link in bio to YouTube) 🛒 https://ebay.us/EAVsFG #marvellegends #marvel #sixinch #hasbro #hasbropulse #warmachine #ironman #thesixinchshow #t6is #toystagram #toys #collectibles #toycrew #FLYGUY #FLYGUYtoys — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/324399017_599422145342702_2237538826102271069_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=d9JGi6uDMlsAX-Z1oX4&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfB-Sru0ZaFEEGm8J1Z9Ojoi2HzzlESPQph5a4SccxIY1A&oe=63C17757
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lifethenecropolis · 2 years
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Fun comic with a bunch of retro stories. Bought it as a kid because War Machine was on the cover and in a couple pinups inside. I was pretty disappointed when he wasn’t in any of the stories but it’s still a great read ha ha!
#ironman #warmachine #backissuecomics
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tapeloadersp-blog · 6 years
Marvel vs Capcom de Dreamcast.  ¿ Cuál es tu personaje favorito ?   Próximamente en https://www.tapeloader.com
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lifeinbrick · 4 years
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“Be honest guys, who put Captain Marvel in charge of the jet rebranding? This things looking a bit retro! I miss Stark.”⁣ ⁣ #captainmarvel #hulk #nickfury #warmachine #falcon #thor #starlord #avengers #guardiansofthegalaxy #lego #legostagram #instalego #legophotography #legominifigures #minifigures #afol #toy #toys #toyphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CCnvZxSp7J8/?igshid=7wlm6l3nla03
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mgrgfan · 4 years
Past of the future, future of the past...
Chapter 4. Breaking the blockade.
"Finally," said the Emperor, looking at the monumental machine, placed in the largest temporary sort-of-a-VAB built so far. "Finally! FINALLY!!!" Officers, which were standing not too far away from this genius, but a crazy one at that, exchanged looks of understanding. After all, this was his dream made real, even if forced to be remade for destruction… and protection. The ship itself - the first real, atomic explo-flyer, envisioned long ago, but built only recently - was truly a masterpiece of technology. Massing 4000 tons fully loaded, equipped with the most advanced sensors, protected by the arcanotech-enhanced composite armor, armed with railguns, howitzers, rotary cannons, space combat missiles and retro-missiles for planetary bombardment, this was the most powerful warmachine of the Soris Empire... so far. The nuclear fission reactor of this ship was built with inclusions of components from the reactor of Space Lab 2, as a way to drive the point of revenge and attract the blessing from the Red Spirit (though barely anyone believed in this one). After all, according to the mythology, this spirit gave its blessing to anyone, who was fighting to avenge the fallen comrades. Right now, the giant rocket was quietly sitting on the launchpad (built specifically for it) and receiving final checks. The first stage - the NUCLEUS booster - had simple, but pretty efficient chemfuel engines, which used liquid hydrogen as fuel and liquid oxygen as oxidizer. A titanic tank of fuel in center of rocket, a sectionalized torus-like oxidizer tank around it, a monstrous plug-cluster aerospike engine right in the middle of bottom and several blocks of control engines near the edges - all of that could lift two thousand tons to orbit just by itself and then safely come back and land. However, that was not needed - it only needed to raise the payload roughly halfway to the space... The payload - the first manned interplanetary spaceship in the history of the world, remade into first space warship - had the nuclear pulse engine. When the separation happens, the shock absorbers, collapsed for the duration of the first phase of launch to make the rocket more compact, will first extend to full length, then the shaped-blast charge will be launched from gas gun between them and fly through the trapdoor in the pusher plate, before exploding and launching a wave of superheated nuclear plasma, which will impact the plate, protected by the layer of graphite, and transfer the momentum to the ship through two stages of shock absorbers. Then the auto-sprayers will apply the new layer of graphite, the new bomb will be launched and explode, and then it will repeat again and again... "Comrades, I think those nine months of accelerated work weren't for naught!" the Emperor finally stopped laughing like maniac and got himself together. "Prepare to remove the building shell. Prepare to fuel the NUCLEUS booster. All cosmonauts - prepare to board the ship. Begin the launch countdown." "Aye-aye, Your Majesty. Countdown begins, T-72 hours and counting. Beginning the launch pad preparations. Beginning the VAB final disassembly." Most of the stuff in the giant building was already removed in the preparation for launch. Now, the only thing they've needed to do was to activate fast-disassembly mechanisms, which will safely collapse the roof and walls outwards, without damaging the launch pad and the monstrous ship on it. ---- Empress knew, that her husband was crazy. She knew, that this launch can - and, likely, will - worsen the already-far-from-good terms, on which the Soris Empire now was with the Pokemon Nation (culture clash did not help, especially with the whole thing about decent amounts of nationals worshipping Legendaries and Mythicals). She knew, that Nation can see it as an act of war. But for some strange reason, she was nearly as excited to see this launch, as her husband was. Or, actually, like the most of sorisians will be very, very soon, when the "Red Explorer" gets finally unveiled. After all, her internal political campaign about honoring the memory of 11th expedition to the Space Lab 2 really helped. The sheer growth of the metal processing and nuclear, chemical, arcanotechnological and many other industries, amongst other developments… it was wonderful. Besides, this launch, should the ship survive the upcoming battle, will majorly lift her support. Even after all those years (The Shift not included), "Bread And Shows" still worked great time - both for the Soris Empire (some parts of the space program, along with most entertainment) and Pokemon Nation (League and Contests). And if the Nation decides to try to attack them… well, that's what for the ship has several "Lightning" retro-missiles with city-buster warheads! ---- "Look at this," said one of the operators in the Mossdeep Space Center, showing the director, who was walking nearby, transmission from the kantonian research plane, which was flying near the Soris. Right now, the biggest building in the complex of Zemlino Space Center has just… fallen apart, slightly reminding them of a flower, and revealed a giant rocket inside. This rocket was roughly comparable to those, which Pokemon Nation used for the Moon missions… except much, much thicker. "Are you even sure, that this is a rocket?" wondered director. "It's so huge… How would it even take off?" "No idea," replied the operator. "I suggest we get some Cornn Berries and watch the fireworks, when the Rayquaza destroys this thing!" "Be careful with your words!" notified him superior, then quietly added, "I agree. If they didn't get yet, that as soon as it flies to strato - it dies, then we can have some good views. Though I wonder, what they are overcompensating for…" ---- "T-10 minutes and counting," announced one of the operators in Zemlino. After several very hard days of final workings and pre-flight checks, the "Red Explorer" was finally preparing to leave the ground. The nuclear reactor of the ship was now working at minimal capacity, cooling through external loop, the NUCLEUS booster was checking the thrust vectoring and aerodynamic control surfaces, the cosmonauts were getting more comfortable in their chairs… The final launch poll resulted in "go" and now there was only one way - the way up. ---- "… Seventeen, sixteen, water suppression system online, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, ignition sequence start, six, we have ignition, four, three, two, all engines are running!" reported the announcer. "Liftoff! We have a liftoff, thirty-two minutes past the hour, liftoff on "Red Explorer"!" With a horrifying roar, the giant rocket started to slowly, but surely rise above the launchpad and accelerate, shock diamonds visible in the exhaust flames of working plug-cluster aerospike engine, rest of the launchpad clouded in steam, created by evaporating water from the water suppression system. "Tower cleared!" happily screamed Emperor Ivan the Second, tearing the microphone from the hands of announcer, when the giant machine passed the tower - the last remain of VAB's scaffolding. "T plus ten seconds, tower cleared, speed increasing as planned! The roar is terrific! The building is shaking! Look at that beauty go!" People, who were in this room, saw the Emperor going flat-out childish, jumping around while laughing like a madman and crying tears of joy. The last time he was like that was during the launch of Imperial Moon Mission on the Water Dragon rocket. ---- "Holy crap," mumbled one of the telescope operators in the Mossdeep Space Center. "Josh - do you see what I see?" "If you're about the unreasonably giant rocket finally going up - yep, I do. Honestly, what in the name of Ray… sorry, but still, what is this thing?" "No idea." Image from kantonian observatory was quickly routed to the main screen, allowing everyone to have a nice view on the rocket. Finally, the main engine in the first stage has gone silent. "The stages separate… Wait, what? The first stage is actively decelerating, and the second… What it this? I don't even…" The second stage indeed looked weirdly. Instead of the usual great bell of the rocket engine or the cluster of smaller engines, there was a thick plate with some kind of a tube in the middle of it, installed on several shock absorbers, a cone between the shock absorbers - and that's all. On the screen, suddenly, something was launched from the cone, flew through the plate, and… "Feed from O7 is dark. No idea, what the Reverse World was that, but the telescope's matrix is dead." "Routing the SolOb6 to screen… Arceus the Original One, what the frak?" "..." entire room got speechless, as the telescope camera, designed for studying the Sun, showed ship steadily accelerating on what seemed to be huge explosions - probably, nuclear in nature. Thick plate (which, for some reason, was varying in thickness as the explosions were going - probably, serving as an another shock absorber) and long piston-based shock absorbers served well to protect the giant ship from explosions and soften the acceleration. Blast after blast, the giant ship was surely rising higher and higher... ---- "Separation commencing," reported the pilot, looking at the screen, which displayed the data of active autopilot. "Separation complete. Booster is out of the danger zone. Initiating nuclear pulse propulsion. Stand by for acceleration. Bomb drive now firing." Entire ship shook, when the drive bomb, launched from the gas gun, detonated behind the ship's aft. Wave of superhot tungsten plasma, along with aerial overpressure wave, struck the plate, but thin layer of graphite worked well, ablating, but protecting the arcane-enhanced steel alloy underneath from getting damaged. Under normal conditions, the sheer acceleration would've instantly killed the cosmonauts and collapsed the hull of the ship. However, thanks to the gas bags right behind the plate and heavy, two-staged hydropneumatic shock absorbers, the fraction of second of acceleration got elongated, proportionally lowering the loads on the machine and men inside it. Milliseconds after the plasma from the detonation of the drive bomb dispersed, auto-sprayers deployed themselves and created a new layer of graphite on the plate, then retracted back, right before the new bomb was launched and exploded. And then it repeated again, and again, and again, and again... ---- "So, if I'm understanding even remotely right, the first and, so far, only launch table for ultra-heavy rockets got destroyed by the exhaust?" Empress Svetlana asked her husband. "Yep," replied Ivan in surprisingly jolly voice. "Launch Table ST-1 has partially melted now due to insufficient power of water suppression system, but the ship is in space and there is barely any radiation trail in the atmosphere! By the way, launch stage recovered successfully." "That's good to know, but still, we've lost our only launch table for this kind of rockets and it'll take a long time to repair it." "I know. It's not like the Sea Launch Platform was an option for us at that time, though…" "On the topic of the sea launch - are you planning to use the Water Dragon rocket for building the replacement space station, since the Space Lab Two was destroyed by the Rayquaza? I've seen some suspicious increases in funding…" "Yep. The NUCLEUS rocket will remain for launching explo-flyers mostly, while the Water Dragons take lesser operations. One of them is getting prepared right now for launching the supply block to the "Red Explorer", when it gets to the orbit." "Uh-huh. And what about your spaceplane project?" "The Project BLUEBIRD? So far, so good, tests of the final version should begin in a week or so. I must admit, the hypersonic hybrid air-breathing nuclear rocket engines are still somewhat problematic, but we are very close to ironing those problems out." "Range?" "Unmanned - all the way to the Red Planet. Manned - to the Moon in a reasonable amount of time." "Docking to the "Red Explorer"?" "Possible through the expandable top adapter, but the spaceplane won't be able to fit into the docking bay." ---- "We are on the action orbit now, comrade captain," said pilot, getting himself more comfortable in the acceleration chair. "Drive bomb magazines and propellant storages for the reaction control system are at optimal level after orbital injection, we can go to the Moon and back on those reserves in just a day!" "Nuclear ordinance for anti-space engagements and planetary bombardment is nominal, awaiting codes and targets," reported weapons operator, scrolling through the lists and making some mental notes. "Point defense rotary cannons ready, main caliber railguns ready, Lance Howitzers ready." "Targeting telescopes nominal, thermal scopes nominal, radars nominal," sounded the report from the sensors operator, who was already switching through the feeds, monitoring the surroundings. "Radiators deployed, cooling system nominal, reactor nominal," said the engineer, feeling proud of his participation in creating power plant of this ship. "Shock absorbers are fine, pusher plate is fine, drive bomb launcher, graphite sprayers and plasma deflection cone are fine, RCS nominal. Oh, nearly forgot - life support is also nominal and will be in this condition for at least a year. We'll run out of food much earlier. And landers, along with space workpods, are also fine and ready." "All comm systems are ready and tuned," added the comm officer, fiddling with headset, then suddenly turning pale. "Uh-oh. Comrade captain, FCC just told us, that Rayquaza is exiting the atmo and will engage us in few minutes, arrives from the east." "Then all hands to battle stations!" ordered captain, feeling shivers. Of course, their ship was the technologies of tomorrow embodied, a state-of-art space warship, armed with the most advanced, yet reliable and efficient weaponry Empire has created, but their opponent was no less than the Sky High Pokemon itself, who was once considered by less developed humans to be god of the skies and even now, it remained a great force to be reckoned with. However, this battle was a decisive one. There can be only one winner… and all of the humans aboard the "Red Explorer" will do their best to make sure, that the Rayquaza won't be it. "Aye-aye, comrade captain! Retracting the radiators, reactor output set to combat levels," reported the engineer, trying to keep his confidence in the great machine. "Railguns and point defence are deployed, the capacitors are charging up, anti-space missiles are armed, Lance Howitzers are loaded," calmly stated the weapons officer. Among the fellow crew members, he was the calmest and most confident one - mainly because dozens of nuclear missiles and howitzer-launched shaped-blast bombs, along with electromagnetic railguns (with nuclear and canister shots) and rotary cannons, were now under his control. "RCS and bomb drive are ready," said the somewhat unnerved, but slightly cocky pilot. The drive bomb counter and RCS propellant storages indicators told him, that the battle can go on for a decent amount of time - the NUCLEUS chemfuel booster allowed them to save a lot of bombs during the ascent. "Radars located bandit retrograde-breaking the atmo west and a little south, but no definitive lock so…" began the sensor operator, suppressing his nervousness with deep focus on work. Calling the Rayquaza "bandit" helped all of the officers to distance themselves from the fact, that they were fighting an actual Legendary now. "Yeah, telescopes acquired it! Locked on!" "SCMs away, 3 "Firestorms", 4 "Firelances"!" nearly screamed weapons operator, pressing the launch trigger. On the ship's hull, several round armored hatches opened, revealing missile silos. Right after it, seven of the streamlined machines of death were ejected by small explosive charges, turned around and engaged their solid-fuel engines, accelerating at 100 g and doing their best to track and intercept the designated target. Even with remote guidance from the ship, sensors of which were far superior to those, which could be installed on space combat missiles, it was not an easy task. The Sky High Pokemon, seeing several dots leave the more massive target, started to perform the evasion maneuver, as uneasy as it was during the already-ongoing Dragon Ascent. It was a wise decision and, probably, would've helped… were it not for the missiles with Lance warheads. When four of the missiles, armed with shaped-blast charges, reached the optimal distance, the "Red Explorer" sent a very simple command to them - "detonate". Under normal circumstances, this command would have served only for performing self-destruct… but the circumstances now were anything but normal. The small stars of exploding 10kt thermonuclear warheads grew for a split-second in space. It would've been a nearly-harmless firework for the Rayquaza… but, unfortunately for it, for each of the "stars", more than 80% of the thermonuclear power got channeled and concentrated onto a small tungsten disk. Even this metal could not withstand such a magnitude of energy, so, it turned into plasma and, shaped and accelerated by the still undergoing fury of the fusion reaction into a tight stream, flew in the desired direction at the recognizable fraction of the speed of light. Four jets of very hot relativistic plasma impacted Rayquaza. Even with the energy of Dragon Ascent surrounding the Legendary, it still hurt major time… and then the rest of the missiles came. When the Sky High Pokemon was distracted with the pain from the nuclear lances, warship directed the last three small machines of destruction to come in-close and detonate the neutron warheads. Even though the effects of fireballs were negligible (as it was with most of the nuclear detonations in space), the neutron flux from explosions was pretty decent, especially with overlapping irradiation areas. Now that the Rayquaza's body was irradiated like this, the combat capability of this Legendary will be lowering and lowering as the time goes, until the radiation poisoning takes the max effect and turns it into the agonizing wreck, before the death finally comes. As a nice bonus, those explosions have also caused enough of a shock to the Rayquaza to cancel out the Dragon Ascent. "All hits scored. I think the battle has started pretty good, comrade captain," cheerfully reported the weapons operator. "Don't get too cocky," warned them all commander of this ship, silently reminding, that they were still fighting a being of incredible power, which held the atmospheric and orbital superiority undisputed for who-knows-how-many years, only occasionally leaving its position and allowing a few travels up there. "Bandit has recovered from the shock and prepares to use the Hyper Beam," grimly stated the sensors operator. "Acknowledged, stand by for rotation. RCS now firing," warned everyone the pilot, slightly smiling to himself. The relatively small attitude control jets expelled streams of superhot hydrogen, turning the massive ship around. The Hyper Beam is a powerful move. Really powerful. But it has some drawbacks - the first one being exhausting user and forcing it to spend some time recovering and the second being relatively low velocity of the energy beam itself. The space is big. Really big. Even in low Earth orbit, dozens of kilometers are still considered pretty small distances. Between Rayquaza firing the Hyper Beam and it getting to the "Red Explorer", a pretty long time has passed. Long enough for the ship to turn and take the stream of destruction not the nose- or side-first, but on the pusher plate, built to withstand close nuclear explosions and covered by ablative layer of graphite. "Attack over, no damage to drive. Graphite layer restored. Stand by for acceleration. Bomb drive now firing," reported pilot, smiling even wider. Wham. Wham. Wham. Only the crew of the ship, who got pressed into acceleration chairs upon the drive's operation, heard those sounds, as the vessel began to change its trajectory. "Railguns charged, #2 locked on, "Firecracker" loaded. Firing," said the weapons officer with a slight smirk, as he pressed the trigger. Deep inside the ship, a one of three groups of electric capacitors of tremendous, well, capacity, already charged by the energy from ship's nuclear power plant, discharged all at once, transferring the power to the two parallel rails of one of the simplest electrodynamic mass drivers. The railgun spat out a projectile with barely any fireworks (save for plasmified remains of launch assist armature). In the vacuum of space, there wasn't even a characteristic "crack" of sonic boom… and the projectile experienced no aerodynamic drag, keeping the velocity at constant level with no need for active propulsion. And since this velocity equaled more than 2503 meters per second, and the projectile carried a small nuclear warhead… ---- ""Red Explorer" is firing "Thunderlance" railgun, "Firecracker" 1kt nuclear shell"- emotionlessly said one of the operators in the Zemlino's FCC. "Hostile Rayquaza's biological armor is being damaged." "Is she always like this?" whispered Emperor to the FCC's director. "Sometimes." "Huh. You know, I'm still unpleased, that we weren't able to make guidance system being capable of directing more than seven space combat missiles and two howitzer charges at once before the ship was launched…" ---- "Bandit is temporarily inoperable, trajectory - full retrograde orbital, roughly similar to ours," reported the sensors operator. "The respite will be brief, assume re-intercept in 45 minutes." "Acknowledged," said the engineer. "Deploying the radiators, beginning cooling." Several small square hatches opened on the hull of the ship, allowing the thin metallic structures to unfold from them and start barely noticeably glowing dull-red, allowing the waste heat to leave the heat accumulators and prepare the machine for the new round of combat. Combat, which will need a lot of energy and leave a lot of waste heat. ---- The big digital timer above the main screens in the "rubber room" of the Zemlino Space Center ticked off the seconds since the launch of the "Red Explorer". When it passed half-hour, Emperor said, “Try it now.” He put on his own headset. Far outside of the armored launch bunker, across the entire Empire, both on the ground and on the sea ships, many giant parabolic antennas started turning around, trying to lock onto signature of the first space warship and establish connection. "Routing through the Grey Sea fleet… link established!" happily reported the comm operator. "Dancer, this is Pothouse, report!" said the Emperor, deciding to use codenames of both ship and flight control center for some reason. Sometimes, it was really hard to understand this man. "Pothouse, this is Dancer. No big scratches so far, re-intercepting bandit in five minutes or so. Radiators are now retracted, cooling is internal, preparing to launch SCMs." "Dancer, this is Pothouse, acknowledged. Be careful - bandit is likely to employ new tactics, don't let it hit the shock absorbers!" "Pothouse, this is Dancer, understood." "That's good. May the Red and Green Spirits bless you, guys!" "Thanks. Warning, bandit is in range, engaging!" The link cut off, as the ship resumed the combat. ---- "Go, Dragon Lord, blast this thing!" young Draconid cheered, looking at the TV screen. An hour or so ago, the live broadcast of telescope and radar surveillance of the Imperial warship started and, less than an hour ago, Rayquaza started the battle with it. So far, the battle was going… strange. The giant weaponized spaceship of the Soris Empire was constantly turning around, engaging her explosion drive from time to time and attempting to take beam and projectile attacks on the aft plate, which was more than capable of withstanding them without getting scratched, since the nuclear explosions were the primary method of propulsion for this ship. In addition to this, most weapons of this warship, as the TV commenter pointed out, were also using nuclear explosions to cause damage. Few Draconids knew about nuclear technology enough to understand full ramifications of it, but those, who did, were really worried. If the sorisians have harnessed the power of atom and truly mastered it, then even the mighty Lord Rayquaza was in danger. ---- "Bandit now re-engaging!" warned everyone sensors operator. "Ancient Power, two seconds!" "Incoming projectile attack," noted weaponry operator, who was obviously enjoying this battle. "Point defence firing… Attack neutralized. Seven "Firelances" away… Hits scored." "Warning, damage to the lander bay #2 armor!" reported engineer in somewhat worried voice, then eased up. "No penetration, no damage to contents." "Stand by for acceleration and rotation," said pilot in steel voice, while his eyes were burning with excitement of being among those, who fought the Rayquaza itself. "RCS and bomb drive now firing." Hiss. Hiss. Wham. Wham. Wham. Wham. The whole battle turned into series of reports and memorized actions, which happened a dozens of times on the ground simulator already, combined with sounds of propulsion and reaction control systems, weaponry and occasional hits to other places, than the pusher plate. Rayquaza was a formidable opponent… but the ship, originally intended for peaceful space exploration, then remade into warship, was designed to be capable to take on even the most powerful opponents and be victorious. Entire nuclear industry of Soris was recently redirected to supply the ship with enough propulsion bombs and weapons. Hundreds of millions were watching their battle right now. They've had no right to fail, lest the humanity forever become prisoners of this planet, with insanely territorial feral dragon ruling the skies and killing everyone, who dares to try to break free of gravity's hard embrace and turn their eyes towards the distant stars. Not to say anything about the Pokemon Nation, which, probably, will consider starting the war with Soris Empire, if the ship goes down, along with all the nuclear armament. "Bandit prepares Dra-Met, five seconds," noted the sensors operator, monitoring feeds from targeting telescopes, radars and thermal scopes at the same time. "Acknowledged, railguns charged, #1 locked on, "Dustbin" loaded. Firing…" half-reported, half-mumbled the weaponry operator, looking at his screens. "Draco Meteor dispersed and denied." Indeed, shooting a canister shell, loaded with tiny pellets of depleted uranium - byproduct of nuclear industry - right in the direction of Rayquaza's mouth was not a bad way to prevent the dangerous attack from being performed. As a nice bonus, several pellets hit eyes of the Legendary, causing it great pain and making it squirm. "Stand by for acceleration. Bomb drive now firing." Wham. Wham. Wham. ---- The old dragon was hurt. Really hurt. For thousands upon thousands of years, it ruled sky undisputed. It showed the inferior beings their places. Even the Eon Duos were rightfully afraid of it. A few… days? Weeks? Months? ago the Sky High Pokemon has destroyed the human constructions, which violated its territory. It thought, that this time, they'll learn, that higher skies and space are not meant for them… but they didn't. They've decided, that they can force their point. They've built a giant machine, far beyond any previous constructions. It wasn't like old ones, which were frail, sacrificing everything to save the weight - no, this one was huge and sturdy, capable of taking hits and unleashing inferno in return. More than just capable, in fact. The battle was going on for a several hours already, filled with constant flybys and intercepts, where the combatants did their best to injure the opponent as much as possible and don't get killed at the same time. The whole body of the Legendary was either in pain, like from fire (even though the dragon's body should've been resistant to it), or slowly going numb. The machine, however, was still kicking with no visible major problems and unleashing attacks like no tomorrow. In fact, for one of the combatants, there indeed will be no tomorrow. Someone will remain victorious and hold the control over skies, someone will be destroyed and burned upon re-entry. The old dragon prepared for the final, death-or-glory attack… and suddenly the entire world for it turned blinding-white for less than a split-second, before everything disappeared and the complete abyss came. ---- "All nine hits with Lances scored - seven SCMs, two Howitzers with "Matchsticks"." "Bandit… completely inoperable and will re-enter atmo in two hours," reported the shocked sensors operator. "Guys… did we just... win?" "I hope so," replied the engineer. "I really hope so, since the heat accumulators are nearing critical and if it goes on like this for another dozen minutes or so - it's either scramming the reactor, dumping a decent amount of our hydrogen for open-cycle cooling or deploying radiators mid-battle!" "Deploy the radiators," gave an order the captain. "Power down the weapon systems and retract the weapons. Set reactor output to non-combat level. Return the ship to patrol orbit. Activate the habitation centrifuge. Report to the ground… that we've secured this frontier and avenged the 11th expedition to the Space Lab 2. Red Spirit should be proud of us now." "Aye-aye, comrade captain!" replied all officers in unison, before the attitude control jets hissed again, the pulse engine thumped a few more times and commlink received happy screams from the FCC. Captain of the "Red Explorer" barely cared about all of that. He was just happy, that this battle ended with them as victors… and he also hoped, that, whatever this dragon was doing to keep the balance on this boulder, humans will be able to do just as fine. "Comrade captain, FCC congratulates us! They say, that, when we return to the ground, Emperor and Empress themselves will give us the Medal of Skies!" happily screamed the comm officer, who still could barely believe, that they've done what was considered to be next to impossible - they've successfully defeated the higher-grade Legendary! "Yeah? Okay then. And what shall we do now?" "... Emperor told me, that we should just… "Soar over space"? What does that mean?" "It means, pals, that we did fine and we can take a break. A well-deserved break. Tell the service team to start total damage evaluation and repair." Author's notes: Green Spirit - yet another mystical being in Sorisian mythology, which patrons those, who protect and help others. Launch configuration of the "Red Explorer" and the "Red Explorer" itself were based on the data about the Orion Battleship, gained from here. SCM-1 "Firestorm" - mid-range solid-chemfuel space combat missile with TD-ENF-10K-1 enhanced radiation thermonuclear warhead (a.k.a. "neutron warhead"), 10kt yield. Radio command guidance. SCM-2 "Firelance" - mid-range solid-chemfuel space combat missile with TD-SB-10K-1 shaped-blast thermonuclear warhead (a.k.a. "Lance warhead", based on the real Casaba Howitzer project), 10kt yield. Radio command guidance. PBRM-1 "Lightning" - planetary bombardment retro-missile with liquid-chemfuel engines, armed with TD-CB-25M-1 heavy "city buster" thermonuclear warhead, 25 megaton yield, or six TD-CB-1M-1 1mt yield "city buster" multiple independently targetable maneuverable reentry vehicles. Combined radio command/inertial/active terminal homing guidance. Lance Howitzer - simple auto-loading mortar for firing "Matchstick" shaped-blast thermonuclear warheads. STW-10K-1 "Matchstick" - shaped-blast 10kt thermonuclear warhead with basic radio command guidance system and some tiny attitude jets, launched from Lance Howitzer and detonated shortly after. ERMA-2-S "Thunderlance" - 127mm electromagnetic rail mass accelerator (a.k.a. "railgun"), adapted for space and capable of accelerating shells up to 2506 m/s. NRS-1K "Firecracker" - nuclear shell for the ERMA-2-S, 1kt yield. Contact/remote/timer detonation. CRS-3 "Dustbin" - canister shot for the ERMA-2-S, depleted uranium pellets. RC-6-20-S "Chestnut" - 6-barrelled 20mm rotary cannon, adapted for space and used in the PD-1-20-S "Sweeper" space-adapted point defence system.
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lokis-b1tch · 6 years
Infinity War Conspiracy
Note: The following statements are sent to me by my friend. Feel free to then habe a mind palace discussion below.
-The movie starts where the Avengers: Infinity War left off
-Everyone are reeling in shock about the loveones they lost
-Tony manages to operate Benatar(GOTG spaceship) along with Nebula off from Titan heading to Earth
-a mass Wakandan funeral pyre scene
-Wakandan officials elects M'Baku as a temporary viceroy of T'Challa to lead the country on the BlackPanther's absence
-World govts are trying to understand what tf just happened and summons the Avengers, only handful who have signed the Sokovia Accords were present to make a statement.
-Defense Sec. former Gen. Thunderbolt Ross blames the Avengers, Tony defends Avengers role in the aftermath of the Thanos Snap in national tv
-Tony learns Pepper is gone from Happy
-Tony breaks the bad news to Aunt May
-Tony finally reunites with Captain America for the first time, both were devastated and emotionally embraced.
-Nebula consoles the grieving Rocket Raccoon
-Thor plans to rebuild New Asgard in Norway, opens a Bifrost for the Asgardian refugees who have escaped Thanos' attack, this includes Valkyrie, Korg and Meik.
-Tony jumpstarts Avengers Initiative of SHIELD, re-establishing the new SHIELD under his leadership secretly funding peacekeeping missions of Cap's Secret Avengers. Cap gets his shield back.
-Col. Rhodes still a liaison to the Sokovia Accords.
- Secret Avengers led by Cap, along with Natasha goes on covert missions to keep the world safe.
-Cap orders Natasha(BlackWidow) in search of Clint(Hawkeye) who is MIA since the Thanos Snap incident
-Clint suffers nightmares every night replaying the incident of his family vanishing before his eyes during the Snap.
- to recover from that traumatic experience, Clint goes to Japan coping under the guidance of the elders and gets the identity Ronin, a dark version of Hawkeye.
-Tony establishes massive BARF(Binarily Augmented Retro Framing) tech centers across the globe to help families around the world overcome traumatic experiences from the aftermath of Thanos-Snap.
-Tony is obsessed on defeating Thanos and tries to learn the Infinity Stones using his memory, scanned thru his advanced version of BARF tech and he has help with his new young protege' Harley(the kid from IronMan 3).
-Tony learns more of Thanos via Nebula's memories using BARF tech. He also tries to figure out what did Dr.Strange mean in Titan.
-Tony realizes that the only way to undo the Thanos Snap is to possess the power of the Infinity stones.
-Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne still grieving to the absence of Hope Van Dyne(The Wasp), and Scott grieves for Cassie as well who both were victims of Thanos Snap.
-Hank Pym and Scott Lang(AntMan) goes to see Tony, and proposes the idea of getting the Infinity Stones from specific points of time in a parallel universe before Thanos had assembled the stones in the gauntlet via Quantum Realm access.
-Tony plans to create his own Infinity Gauntlet in order to harness the power of the stones.
-Thor rebuilt Asgard in Norway, making it a home to the Asgardian refugees and the grieving Rocket Raccoon who have alcohol problems.
-Rocket begs Thor to hunt Thanos down across the cosmos but Thor doesnt know to respond-- discouraged that he wasnt able to defeat Thanos, blaming himself for the Thanos Snap made him to refuse the plan.
-causing Rocket to break down, left New Asgard and travels to NY to convince Nebula join his crusade.
-in Wakanda, Cap arrives and knows that Shuri and Bruce were rebuilding Vision, here we learned that Shuri downloaded Vision's memories before he died in the hands of Thanos
-Thanos is now at peace on his Shrine he created in honour of her beloved step daughter Gamora, although years have passed he still mourned for her.
-Thanos constantly visits Vormir to commemorate Gamora's death.
-Thanos still possessed with the heavily damaged Infinity Gauntlet.The gauntlet is beyond repair and incapable of controlling the gems together but he can still use the stones one at a time.
-Hank Pym determined to get her daughter back as well as saving others who were victims of the Thanos Snap... proposes that if they harnessed the power of the Quantum Realm there's a possibility, that they will be able to open a portal to a parallel reality where Thanos hasnt yet gathered the stones.. In that way, they get the upperhand of getting the Infinity stones before Thanos does.
-as explained by Hank, Quantum Realm is a place where the concepts of time and space are irrelevant, hence molecular displacement in particular time periods to a parallel universe are possible..
-in Japan, BlackWidow tracks down Hawkeye who now identifies himself as Ronin.Natasha told him that Avengers needs him. Clint refuses to join, saying that all is lost referring to his family that vanished in the Snap, blaming the Avengers.
-BW later convinces Clint to join the team, when he told him that Tony plans to set everything right. The promise of getting his family back.
-Clint/Ronin, Black Widow, Cap, Rhodes/WarMachine, Bruce, Vision, Shuri and Thor meets Tony, Nebula, Rocket, Hank Pym and Scott in the Avengers HQ in the Upstate NY to devise the risky plan.
-Thor provides Tony and Shuri the schematics on how to create their own Infinity Gauntlet he got from Eitri in Nidavellir, calling it Stark Gauntlet.
-Hank Pym explains that in order for this Plan to work, each of the Avengers were given with Pym tech Quantum regulators they wear in their hands, so that in that way they retain their memories during their travel in the fabric of irregular space-time of Quantum Realm.
==Parallel Universe Quest using Quantum Realm==
-==Cap goes first in the Quantum Realm, and was spefically displaced back in time of World War 2, to ensure that Peggy and SSR(later SHIELD) gets a hold of Tesseract(Space Stone) from Hydra. Cap made the last dance with Peggy before going after the Hydra base of the Red Skull. Cap goes to battle Red Skull but escapes, and crashes again in the Arctic. (this ensures that Cap will be discovered by SHIELD in the Arctic and have the Tesseract)
-==Tony, Thor, BlackWidow, Ronin, Hulk, Antman, War Machine, Vision and Cap(who awakened from his icy slumber in the Arctic by SHIELD with his memory of the Main Universe) goes in the Quantum Realm to battle Loki in NY again.
-at one point, Cap weilds the Mjolnir to defeat Loki
- Loki was taken by SHIELD, Nick Fury interrogates him using The Scepter(Mind Stone), revealing Thanos being responsible for the Attack. Thor's agrees to imprison Loki in Midgard instead of being held in Asgard.
- while the Avengers deal with Loki..Thor travels back to Asgard to retrieve The Aether(Reality Stone) from the Vaults of Asgard. Odin seems to have the understanding behind Thor's actions and let his son have the Aether.( this averts the events of Thor: Dark World, the dark elf Malekith still in its deep sleep)
-Rocket and Nebula goes in the Quantum Realm to get the Orb(Power Stone) in Morag before Peter Quill retrieves it.(this caused for Peter Quill to be captured by Korath emptyhanded, the events in GOTG never happened but Quill managed to escape from the Kree by the help of Yondu)
-Meanwhile, the Avengers created a diversion to get the Tesseract(Space Stone) and Scepter(Mind Stone) of Loki knowing that SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra already. They successfully got the stones. (this averts the creation of Ultron and the events of Age of Ultron to have never happened in this universe)
-Tony and Cap goes to Sanctum Sanctorum, meets Dr.Strange which already a Sorcerer Supreme by this time in this universe. Tony explains that they need the Time Stone. Dr. Strange told them that he is expecting to see both of them
-Somehow, Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe communicates with Dr. Strange of the Main Universe peering thru the Eye of Agamotto(Time Stone) who was currently in Titan(as if the events of Avengers: Infinity War was about still to take place), checking 14,000,605 alternate timelines.(and this very moment, Dr. Strange of both realities sees that this is the ONLY way they can defeat Thanos, by making the Thanos Snap happen in order to have Dr. Strange INSIDE the Soul Stone). Dr.Strange realizes they have no way of getting that gauntlet off from Thanos hands but they have to destroy it from the inside.
-As they were speaking, the battle with Thanos in Titan takes place in the main timeline, events that happened in Infinity War.
-Dr Strange of the Parallel Universe awakens Dr. Strange of Main Universe inside the Soul Stone plane of existence. Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe then provides Tony the Time Stone and a Sling Ring.
-Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe also reveals to Tony that all those perished in the Thanos Snap are inside the Soul Stone in astral bodies trapped in an astral plane called Soul World.
-Here, also revealed that Dr.Strange puts a hex to the Time Stone and the Infinity Gauntlet so that by the time Thanos does the Snap, which Dr. Strange knew because Thanos himself told Dr.Strange what he will do once he gathers all the stones; if used together, the Gauntlet will break.
-==Back to the Main Universe using Quantum Realm==
- Avengers came back to Wakanda bringing Space, Mind and Time Stones respectively, Thor bringing the Reality Stone and Rocket with Nebula brought the Power Stone. 5 stones in all.
- Shuri completes the creation of the second gauntlet and struggles in placing the gathered 5 Infinity Stones except for the Soul Stone.
-Tony deduces that there's no way they'll sacrifice one of themselves in Vormir in return of getting the Soul Stone in the alternate reality although Captain America is willing to put forward his self as sacrifice. This caused a heated argument among the Avengers.
-Nebula instead put forward a plan to lure Thanos to Vormir for the Avengers to get the Soul Stone. Which they are doubtful if will work. Nebula who has a change of heart, tries to redeem herself with this act of sacrifice.
-meanwhile, Thanos learns that the Infinity Gauntlet in no time cant hold the Infinity Stones any longer due to the inflicted damage caused by the Snap and the stones arent working together properly to what he wishes..the stones powers were dampened Except for the Soul Stone. Thanos sensed that the Avengers must have been the reason behind it. Thanos orders for an attack, sending his fleet to Earth.
-Thor and Rocket proposes IF they will attack Thanos in his Shrine, the Earth would be render defenseless from Thanos armada. so Thor put forward a plan to gather a massive army, an alliance of sort, enough to repel Thanos forces that is coming to Earth. All agreed.
-Thor and Rocket travels the distant galaxies to summon an army using the Bifrost ability of the Stormbreaker, meets all Ravagers under Stakar's(StarHawk) leadership. The Ravagers joins them against Thanos.
-Captain Marvel receiving the Code Red distress signal coming from Nick Fury, alerts her.
-Carol Danvers were patrolling the Negative Zone, which she was tasked of guarding so that Skrulls-Kree war criminals will not be able to escape the dimension, which she use as their prison. Because of time dilation effects, Carol hasnt aged that much since the time she stayed in the Negative Zone.
-with the use of nega-bands, the device allows her to travel from Negative Zone to the main universe. Her having cosmic awareness 7th Sense ability, learns of Thanos and what he had done to the universe. Thor and Rocket met her along the way, joining allegiance to defeat Thanos.
-Avengers on Wakanda plans to enter the Soul World in order to contact Dr.Strange that is inside of it. AntMan proposes an idea to join Nebula on its way to the Shrine, to attempt on using his shrinking regulator to pass thru sub-atomic to enter the Soul Stone.
-as Thanos were about to go to Earth, he was put in a halt because of Nebula's arrival in the Shrine. Nebula tries to deceive Thanos telling him that she is giving her loyalty back and tries to convince him that there's a way to revive Gamora without undoing the Thanos Snap.(it was revealed that Thanos were trying to revive Gamora in the past but unsuccessful because the Soul Stone requires a sacrifice upon ressurecting someone -- "a soul for a soul").
-Nebula offers herself to Thanos as a willing sacrifice to Vormir in order to revive Gamora.Thanos dont believe her.
-Thanos uses the Mind Stone to read Nebula's mind, revealing the Avengers plan, and learns that its a trap. AntMan right away, uses his regulator to shrink sub-atomic to enter the Soul Stone. Thanos notices it.
-enraged Thanos, follows AntMan to the Soul World. Nebula's plan work, as Thanos astral body enters the Soul World he leaves behind his physical body vulnerable. Avengers(Ironman, Cap, Black Widow, and Vision) then sprint to action, hiding from the distance to get the Infinity Gauntlet off from the weakened, immobilized Thanos.
-meanwhile, Dr.Strange of the main universe awakens from dormant state inside the Soul World. He was contacted by his self from an alternate universe assisting Tony and Cap ensure they will win against Thanos. Dr.Strange then used his magic to locate other heroes like Spiderman, Mantis, etc in the Soul World. Mantis awakes all of these heroes.
-inside the Soul World, an astral plane inside the Soul Stone where trillions of trillions of souls trapped in hibernation. AntMan and Dr.Strange along with the rest of the vanished heroes meet. Antman gave Dr.Strange a Sling Ring provided by Tony. Thanos finds them and battles ensues. While this was taking place, the rest of the Avengers were battling the weakened physical Thanos in order to get the gauntlet.
-back on Earth, Thanos forces were about to enter the atmosphere but intercepted by the Ravagers, Thor, Rocket and Captain Marvel. in Wakanda, Bruce and Shuri were still working with the stones, placing them one at a time in the Stark gauntlet. Ronin and WarMachine watches from afar, ready to defend the Stark gauntlet at all cost from Thanos forces attacking Earth.
-Thanos inside the Soul World overpowers Dr.Strange, AntMan, The Wasp, Spiderman, BlackPanther, WinterSoldier, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, StarLord, Drax, Groot and Mantis. then Thanos realized it. He left his physical body vulnerable to attack and realized that this was all a diversion to get the gauntlet. Thanos hastily went back to his physical body.
-Avengers were unsuccessful to get the Gauntlet from Thanos. When the Mad Titan was about to use the damaged gauntlet, Dr.Strange unleashed the hex he casted in the Time Stone in their previous battle back in Titan. The hex caused disharmony among the stones. the Power Stone can no longer be hold into place, it exploded!!! Disrupting the Time stone, Reality Stone and Mind Stone while it caused the Soul Stone to broke off from the gauntlet.
-Thanos engages combat with the Avengers over the Soul Stone. Dr.Strange uses the Sling Ring to transport them out of the Soul Stone. They have now the fighting chance since Thanos cant use the other stones aside the Space Stone.
-with all of them together now, Cap finally said it "Avengers Assemble" and they fought Thanos with him using the power of the stones. Thanos still knock-out almost all of them. Cap is the last man standing facing the Mad Titan.
-Cap orders Dr.Strange to get them all out of here along with the Soul Stone. Cap tries to hold off Thanos so that they can escape with the Soul Stone. Dr.Strange opens a portal for all of them that lead them back to Wakanda. Cap left fighting Thanos and dies.
-in Wakanda, Bruce and Shuri places the Soul Stone in the Stark gauntlet, while the rest of the Avengers where wounded or knockout.
-Thanos teleports to Wakanda to stop them from using the Stark Gauntlet. Hawkeye and Warmachine attacks Thanos but they are no match. Thanos arrives in the lab but the Stark gauntlet is not there.
Clint stand up against Thanos for the last time with a ticking bomb arrow in his hand. Ronin dies.
-Thanos teleports himself to safety. Captain Marvel and Thor along with Dr. Strange fights Thanos. Bruce weilds the Stark gauntlet and inside the Soul World talks to his Hulk self. Bruce convinces Hulk to merged as one, ultimately becoming Professor Hulk.
-the rest of the heroes fights off Thanos in a epic brawl. Hulk finally comes out and has the intelligence of Bruce Banner. Finally, Prof.Hulk uses the Stark Gauntlet to get back to the moment Thanos wasnt able yet to do the Snap in Wakanda.
-the scene goes back to the time, the Stormbreaker hurled towards Thanos. This time, the Stormbreaker cuts of the left arm of Thanos, rendering him helpless and cannot use the Infinity Gauntlet.
-Cap gets the Infinity Gauntlet and uses it to end the battle. Thanos was exiled to a distant planet where he wished to live in peace as a farmer.
-Tony's wedding scene with Pepper, they have a baby named Morgan.
-Avengers petitioned to have the Sokovia Accords abolished. T'Challa declares the Sokovia Accords no longer valid in UN Summit, it infuriates Gen. Ross in some way.
-Clint got his family back, and abandons the Ronin identity.
-Scott reunites with Cassie and Hope. They lived happily with Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne
-Bruce lives with Natasha far from their troubled pasts
-Cap retires, gives the shield in the care of Bucky and Falcon.
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jefd3v · 6 years
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Plot Theory "Avengers: Endgame" *please be warned, spoilers ahead for those who happen not to have seen Avengers: Infinity War movie. *the following post contains possible spoiler as well, on what would take place in the upcoming untitled Avengers 4. *this plot theory was loosely-based to the plot theory that the 4Chan user Anonymous leaked, and set photos of Avengers 4* *Prologue* -The movie starts where the Avengers: Infinity War left off -Everyone are reeling in shock about the loveones they lost -Tony manages to operate Benatar(GOTG spaceship) along with Nebula off from Titan heading to Earth -a mass Wakandan funeral pyre scene -Wakandan officials elects M'Baku as a temporary viceroy of T'Challa to lead the country on the BlackPanther's absence -World govts are trying to understand what tf just happened and summons the Avengers, only handful who have signed the Sokovia Accords were present to make a statement. -Defense Sec. former Gen. Thunderbolt Ross blames the Avengers, Tony defends Avengers role in the aftermath of the Thanos Snap in national tv -Tony learns Pepper is gone from Happy -Tony breaks the bad news to Aunt May -Tony finally reunites with Captain America for the first time, both were devastated and emotionally embraced. -Nebula consoles the grieving Rocket Raccoon -Thor plans to rebuild New Asgard in Norway, opens a Bifrost for the Asgardian refugees who have escaped Thanos' attack, this includes Valkyrie, Korg and Meik. -Tony jumpstarts Avengers Initiative of SHIELD, re-establishing the new SHIELD under his leadership secretly funding peacekeeping missions of Cap's Secret Avengers. Cap gets his shield back. -Col. Rhodes still a liaison to the Sokovia Accords. - Secret Avengers led by Cap, along with Natasha goes on covert missions to keep the world safe. -Cap orders Natasha(BlackWidow) in search of Clint(Hawkeye) who is MIA since the Thanos Snap incident -Clint suffers nightmares every night replaying the incident of his family vanishing before his eyes during the Snap. - to recover from that traumatic experience, Clint goes to Japan coping under the guidance of the elders and gets the identity Ronin, a dark version of Hawkeye. -Tony establishes massive BARF(Binarily Augmented Retro Framing) tech centers across the globe to help families around the world overcome traumatic experiences from the aftermath of Thanos-Snap. -Tony is obsessed on defeating Thanos and tries to learn the Infinity Stones using his memory, scanned thru his advanced version of BARF tech and he has help with his new young protege' Harley(the kid from IronMan 3). -Tony learns more of Thanos via Nebula's memories using BARF tech. He also tries to figure out what did Dr.Strange mean in Titan. -Tony realizes that the only way to undo the Thanos Snap is to possess the power of the Infinity stones. -Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne still grieving to the absence of Hope Van Dyne(The Wasp), and Scott grieves for Cassie as well who both were victims of Thanos Snap. -Hank Pym and Scott Lang(AntMan) goes to see Tony, and proposes the idea of getting the Infinity Stones from specific points of time in a parallel universe before Thanos had assembled the stones in the gauntlet via Quantum Realm access. -Tony plans to create his own Infinity Gauntlet in order to harness the power of the stones. -Thor rebuilt Asgard in Norway, making it a home to the Asgardian refugees and the grieving Rocket Raccoon who have alcohol problems. -Rocket begs Thor to hunt Thanos down across the cosmos but Thor doesnt know to respond-- discouraged that he wasnt able to defeat Thanos, blaming himself for the Thanos Snap made him to refuse the plan. -causing Rocket to break down, left New Asgard and travels to NY to convince Nebula join his crusade. -in Wakanda, Cap arrives and knows that Shuri and Bruce were rebuilding Vision, here we learned that Shuri downloaded Vision's memories before he died in the hands of Thanos -Thanos is now at peace on his Shrine he created in honour of her beloved step daughter Gamora, although years have passed he still mourned for her. -Thanos constantly visits Vormir to commemorate Gamora's death. -Thanos still possessed with the heavily damaged Infinity Gauntlet.The gauntlet is beyond repair and incapable of controlling the gems together but he can still use the stones one at a time. -Hank Pym determined to get her daughter back as well as saving others who were victims of the Thanos Snap... proposes that if they harnessed the power of the Quantum Realm there's a possibility, that they will be able to open a portal to a parallel reality where Thanos hasnt yet gathered the stones.. In that way, they get the upperhand of getting the Infinity stones before Thanos does. -as explained by Hank, Quantum Realm is a place where the concepts of time and space are irrelevant, hence molecular displacement in particular time periods to a parallel universe are possible.. -in Japan, BlackWidow tracks down Hawkeye who now identifies himself as Ronin.Natasha told him that Avengers needs him. Clint refuses to join, saying that all is lost referring to his family that vanished in the Snap, blaming the Avengers. -BW later convinces Clint to join the team, when he told him that Tony plans to set everything right. The promise of getting his family back. -Clint/Ronin, Black Widow, Cap, Rhodes/WarMachine, Bruce, Vision, Shuri and Thor meets Tony, Nebula, Rocket, Hank Pym and Scott in the Avengers HQ in the Upstate NY to devise the risky plan. -Thor provides Tony and Shuri the schematics on how to create their own Infinity Gauntlet he got from Eitri in Nidavellir, calling it Stark Gauntlet. -Hank Pym explains that in order for this Plan to work, each of the Avengers were given with Pym tech Quantum regulators they wear in their hands, so that in that way they retain their memories during their travel in the fabric of irregular space-time of Quantum Realm. ==Parallel Universe Quest using Quantum Realm== -==Cap goes first in the Quantum Realm, and was spefically displaced back in time of World War 2, to ensure that Peggy and SSR(later SHIELD) gets a hold of Tesseract(Space Stone) from Hydra. Cap made the last dance with Peggy before going after the Hydra base of the Red Skull. Cap goes to battle Red Skull but escapes, and crashes again in the Arctic. (this ensures that Cap will be discovered by SHIELD in the Arctic and have the Tesseract) -==Tony, Thor, BlackWidow, Ronin, Hulk, Antman, War Machine, Vision and Cap(who awakened from his icy slumber in the Arctic by SHIELD with his memory of the Main Universe) goes in the Quantum Realm to battle Loki in NY again. -at one point, Cap weilds the Mjolnir to defeat Loki - Loki was taken by SHIELD, Nick Fury interrogates him using The Scepter(Mind Stone), revealing Thanos being responsible for the Attack. Thor's agrees to imprison Loki in Midgard instead of being held in Asgard. - while the Avengers deal with Loki..Thor travels back to Asgard to retrieve The Aether(Reality Stone) from the Vaults of Asgard. Odin seems to have the understanding behind Thor's actions and let his son have the Aether.( this averts the events of Thor: Dark World, the dark elf Malekith still in its deep sleep) -Rocket and Nebula goes in the Quantum Realm to get the Orb(Power Stone) in Morag before Peter Quill retrieves it.(this caused for Peter Quill to be captured by Korath emptyhanded, the events in GOTG never happened but Quill managed to escape from the Kree by the help of Yondu) -Meanwhile, the Avengers created a diversion to get the Tesseract(Space Stone) and Scepter(Mind Stone) of Loki knowing that SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra already. They successfully got the stones. (this averts the creation of Ultron and the events of Age of Ultron to have never happened in this universe) -Tony and Cap goes to Sanctum Sanctorum, meets Dr.Strange which already a Sorcerer Supreme by this time in this universe. Tony explains that they need the Time Stone. Dr. Strange told them that he is expecting to see both of them -Somehow, Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe communicates with Dr. Strange of the Main Universe peering thru the Eye of Agamotto(Time Stone) who was currently in Titan(as if the events of Avengers: Infinity War was about still to take place), checking 14,000,605 alternate timelines.(and this very moment, Dr. Strange of both realities sees that this is the ONLY way they can defeat Thanos, by making the Thanos Snap happen in order to have Dr. Strange INSIDE the Soul Stone). Dr.Strange realizes they have no way of getting that gauntlet off from Thanos hands but they have to destroy it from the inside. -As they were speaking, the battle with Thanos in Titan takes place in the main timeline, events that happened in Infinity War. -Dr Strange of the Parallel Universe awakens Dr. Strange of Main Universe inside the Soul Stone plane of existence. Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe then provides Tony the Time Stone and a Sling Ring. -Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe also reveals to Tony that all those perished in the Thanos Snap are inside the Soul Stone in astral bodies trapped in an astral plane called Soul World. -Here, also revealed that Dr.Strange puts a hex to the Time Stone and the Infinity Gauntlet so that by the time Thanos does the Snap, which Dr. Strange knew because Thanos himself told Dr.Strange what he will do once he gathers all the stones; if used together, the Gauntlet will break. -==Back to the Main Universe using Quantum Realm== - Avengers came back to Wakanda bringing Space, Mind and Time Stones respectively, Thor bringing the Reality Stone and Rocket with Nebula brought the Power Stone. 5 stones in all. - Shuri completes the creation of the second gauntlet and struggles in placing the gathered 5 Infinity Stones except for the Soul Stone. -Tony deduces that there's no way they'll sacrifice one of themselves in Vormir in return of getting the Soul Stone in the alternate reality although Captain America is willing to put forward his self as sacrifice. This caused a heated argument among the Avengers. -Nebula instead put forward a plan to lure Thanos to Vormir for the Avengers to get the Soul Stone. Which they are doubtful if will work. Nebula who has a change of heart, tries to redeem herself with this act of sacrifice. -meanwhile, Thanos learns that the Infinity Gauntlet in no time cant hold the Infinity Stones any longer due to the inflicted damage caused by the Snap and the stones arent working together properly to what he wishes..the stones powers were dampened Except for the Soul Stone. Thanos sensed that the Avengers must have been the reason behind it. Thanos orders for an attack, sending his fleet to Earth. -Thor and Rocket proposes IF they will attack Thanos in his Shrine, the Earth would be render defenseless from Thanos armada. so Thor put forward a plan to gather a massive army, an alliance of sort, enough to repel Thanos forces that is coming to Earth. All agreed. -Thor and Rocket travels the distant galaxies to summon an army using the Bifrost ability of the Stormbreaker, meets all Ravagers under Stakar's(StarHawk) leadership. The Ravagers joins them against Thanos. -Captain Marvel receiving the Code Red distress signal coming from Nick Fury, alerts her. -Carol Danvers were patrolling the Negative Zone, which she was tasked of guarding so that Skrulls-Kree war criminals will not be able to escape the dimension, which she use as their prison. Because of time dilation effects, Carol hasnt aged that much since the time she stayed in the Negative Zone. -with the use of nega-bands, the device allows her to travel from Negative Zone to the main universe. Her having cosmic awareness 7th Sense ability, learns of Thanos and what he had done to the universe. Thor and Rocket met her along the way, joining allegiance to defeat Thanos. -Avengers on Wakanda plans to enter the Soul World in order to contact Dr.Strange that is inside of it. AntMan proposes an idea to join Nebula on its way to the Shrine, to attempt on using his shrinking regulator to pass thru sub-atomic to enter the Soul Stone. -as Thanos were about to go to Earth, he was put in a halt because of Nebula's arrival in the Shrine. Nebula tries to deceive Thanos telling him that she is giving her loyalty back and tries to convince him that there's a way to revive Gamora without undoing the Thanos Snap.(it was revealed that Thanos were trying to revive Gamora in the past but unsuccessful because the Soul Stone requires a sacrifice upon ressurecting someone -- "a soul for a soul"). -Nebula offers herself to Thanos as a willing sacrifice to Vormir in order to revive Gamora.Thanos dont believe her. -Thanos uses the Mind Stone to read Nebula's mind, revealing the Avengers plan, and learns that its a trap. AntMan right away, uses his regulator to shrink sub-atomic to enter the Soul Stone. Thanos notices it. -enraged Thanos, follows AntMan to the Soul World. Nebula's plan work, as Thanos astral body enters the Soul World he leaves behind his physical body vulnerable. Avengers(Ironman, Cap, Black Widow, and Vision) then sprint to action, hiding from the distance to get the Infinity Gauntlet off from the weakened, immobilized Thanos. -meanwhile, Dr.Strange of the main universe awakens from dormant state inside the Soul World. He was contacted by his self from an alternate universe assisting Tony and Cap ensure they will win against Thanos. Dr.Strange then used his magic to locate other heroes like Spiderman, Mantis, etc in the Soul World. Mantis awakes all of these heroes. -inside the Soul World, an astral plane inside the Soul Stone where trillions of trillions of souls trapped in hibernation. AntMan and Dr.Strange along with the rest of the vanished heroes meet. Antman gave Dr.Strange a Sling Ring provided by Tony. Thanos finds them and battles ensues. While this was taking place, the rest of the Avengers were battling the weakened physical Thanos in order to get the gauntlet. -back on Earth, Thanos forces were about to enter the atmosphere but intercepted by the Ravagers, Thor, Rocket and Captain Marvel. in Wakanda, Bruce and Shuri were still working with the stones, placing them one at a time in the Stark gauntlet. Ronin and WarMachine watches from afar, ready to defend the Stark gauntlet at all cost from Thanos forces attacking Earth. -Thanos inside the Soul World overpowers Dr.Strange, AntMan, The Wasp, Spiderman, BlackPanther, WinterSoldier, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, StarLord, Drax, Groot and Mantis. then Thanos realized it. He left his physical body vulnerable to attack and realized that this was all a diversion to get the gauntlet. Thanos hastily went back to his physical body. -Avengers were unsuccessful to get the Gauntlet from Thanos. When the Mad Titan was about to use the damaged gauntlet, Dr.Strange unleashed the hex he casted in the Time Stone in their previous battle back in Titan. The hex caused disharmony among the stones. the Power Stone can no longer be hold into place, it exploded!!! Disrupting the Time stone, Reality Stone and Mind Stone while it caused the Soul Stone to broke off from the gauntlet. -Thanos engages combat with the Avengers over the Soul Stone. Dr.Strange uses the Sling Ring to transport them out of the Soul Stone. They have now the fighting chance since Thanos cant use the other stones aside the Space Stone. -with all of them together now, Cap finally said it "Avengers Assemble" and they fought Thanos with him using the power of the stones. Thanos still knock-out almost all of them. Cap is the last man standing facing the Mad Titan. -Cap orders Dr.Strange to get them all out of here along with the Soul Stone. Cap tries to hold off Thanos so that they can escape with the Soul Stone. Dr.Strange opens a portal for all of them that lead them back to Wakanda. Cap left fighting Thanos and dies. -in Wakanda, Bruce and Shuri places the Soul Stone in the Stark gauntlet, while the rest of the Avengers where wounded or knockout. -Thanos teleports to Wakanda to stop them from using the Stark Gauntlet. Hawkeye and Warmachine attacks Thanos but they are no match. Thanos arrives in the lab but the Stark gauntlet is not there. Clint stand up against Thanos for the last time with a ticking bomb arrow in his hand. Ronin dies. -Thanos teleports himself to safety. Captain Marvel and Thor along with Dr. Strange fights Thanos. Bruce weilds the Stark gauntlet and inside the Soul World talks to his Hulk self. Bruce convinces Hulk to merged as one, ultimately becoming Professor Hulk. -the rest of the heroes fights off Thanos in a epic brawl. Hulk finally comes out and has the intelligence of Bruce Banner. Finally, Prof.Hulk uses the Stark Gauntlet to get back to the moment Thanos wasnt able yet to do the Snap in Wakanda. -the scene goes back to the time, the Stormbreaker hurled towards Thanos. This time, the Stormbreaker cuts of the left arm of Thanos, rendering him helpless and cannot use the Infinity Gauntlet. -Cap gets the Infinity Gauntlet and uses it to end the battle. Thanos was exiled to a distant planet where he wished to live in peace as a farmer. -Tony's wedding scene with Pepper, they have a baby named Morgan. -Avengers petitioned to have the Sokovia Accords abolished. T'Challa declares the Sokovia Accords no longer valid in UN Summit, it infuriates Gen. Ross in some way. -Clint got his family back, and abandons the Ronin identity. -Scott reunites with Cassie and Hope. They lived happily with Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne -Bruce lives with Natasha far from their troubled pasts -Cap retires, gives the shield in the care of Bucky and Falcon. -Vision and Wanda live together now, and part of the Secret Avengers program of Tony. -Peter Quill still grieving for the loss of Gamora. Nebula encourages him that they will find a way to lead a life that Gamora wants for them. Guardians heads off to space for their next adventure. Peter still hopeful to have Gamora back someday. -Peter Parker reunites with Aunt May -Captain Marvel founds Earth new to her and swears to protect this vulnerable planet. She gets back to space -T'Challa restores Wakandan affairs to the world -Thor leads as the king of the New Asgard in Norway, ensuring the legacy that Odin has bestowed upon him. -Tony kept the Infinity Gauntlet in secret and destroys it. -the Avengers disbanded, but Vision had proposed an idea to Tony for the future generations and to protect Earth. Mid-Credit scene -Tony reveals to have in possesion of the Infinity Stones. He summons Peter Quill, T'Challa, Captain Marvel, Thor, Vision and Dr.Strange to form the Infinity Watch. Tony task them to guard the stones with their lives for future use as last resort if another universal threat comes around. Tony gives the Soul Stone to Peter, Power Stone to T'Challa, Space Stone to Capt. Marvel, Reality Stone to Thor, Mind Stone to Vision and Time Stone to Dr.Strange. - in the not-so-distant future, Tony funds a new Avenger Initiative program, recruits young Harley Keener(IronLad) his protege since IronMan 3 and Cassie Lang(Stature), daughter of Scott Lang as the very first members. Teasing the advent of Young Avengers and the looming threat of Kang the Conqueror. Post credit scene Main Universe -Defense Secretary Ross reveals to be a Skrull, contacts someone about the Invasion to be commenced. "Avengers are gone, Time for the invasion to start" Teasing the Secret Invasion of the Skrulls Parallel Universe -Loki was shown in a high-tech SHIELD prison being freed by Crossbones. Crossbones led Loki to his master, the one in hood none other than the Red Skull. Red Skull says "my fruitless campaigns to have the power of the gods ends here. Its time, I will have the power of a god himself fight on my side. The era of Avengers has come to pass and we the Master of Evil shall rise" Loki smiles.
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onlineviolence · 3 months
why did you reblog sisyphus ass like 5 times
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razorgrid-blog · 6 years
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flyguy · 2 years
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Lots of new Marvel Legends from ther recent live stream are now up for pre-order Grab them at > https://bit.ly/dorksideTOYS Includes Retro Figures, Sharon Carter from the Infinity Ultron BAF wave, & 60th Anniversary Japanese Spider-Man! We'll cover all the wave on the next epsiode of @thesixinchshow with Matt including the F4 Bag-man Spidey and Pulse exclusive. #marvellegends #marvel #sixinch #hasbro #hasbropulse #hasbrotoypic #spiderman #warmachine #thesixinchshow #t6is #toystagram #toys #collectibles #toycrew #FLYGUY #FLYGUYtoys — view on Instagram https://scontent-lga3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/281636256_340321348041731_5787444673225320237_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=N6Frj11H0tMAX_fQj41&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT_lRBDd_PjzK4YVY7wk7goiodHzZHJD_jh1n4m0GFjhLQ&oe=628C1CE6
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thetempest · 7 years
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TransOcean: The Shipping Company
WARMACHINE Tactics - Mercenaries Faction
TransOcean: The Shipping Company
Retro City Rampage DX
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rebots · 6 years
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Sensor Sweep: Space 1889, Barry Windsor Smith, Tokien, Prydain
Popular Culture (DVS Press): If you needed more proof that the obsession with fictional corporate franchises has a religious overtone to it, here is a major filmmaker advertising just that. When my viewers were upset about the corporate destruction of Star Wars, calling the franchise a cultural institution, I thought it a bit hyperbolic – after all, these are just stories, and you can’t uncreate what George Lucas did. I see things better now. Star Wars is part of the religious reverence for popular franchises.
RPG (Matthew J. Constantine): Way back in the 80s when I was a wee lad and just getting into tabletop RPGs, I used to see Space 1889 on the shelf at a local game store and I thought it looked pretty cool. Somewhere around there, my father picked up a copy, and I used to thumb through it a bunch.  There was something in the setting that really hit a lot of my buttons. I was an Edgar Rice Burroughs, H.G. Wells, and Jules Verne fan, so that was probably enough. But the setting had something that drew me in.
Comic Books (ICV2): Marvel Comics announced Conan the Barbarian: Coming of Conan, the first volume of collected Conan books restored for The Original Marvel Years Epic Collection, for release into trade in June 2020. Conan’s adventures would become legend, but before he became king, he was Conan the Barbarian. In this new trade paperback, Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith bring Robert E. Howard’s barbarian to four-color life, and have restored the art to match the epic majesty of their original editions.
Cinema (Amatopia): So this Birds of Prey movie didn’t do so hot. The usual suspects are blaming misogyny among the movie-going public. The other usual suspects are blaming a marketing campaign that specifically told men that this movie was not for them. Now, both are apocryphal, as I have not found men telling other men not to see this movie because it features women, and I have also not found people involved with the making of the movie telling men “This movie is not for you.”
Tolkien (Sacnoth’s Scriptorium): we now know that Tolkien was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature at least three times: in 1961, when he was nominated by C. S. Lewis. in 1967, when his name appeared on the (alphabetical) long list as #58 of 70 nominees. In 1969, when he was #90 on the long list of 103 names. So far as I know he did not make the short list any of these times.
Weird Fiction & Appendix N (Goodman Games): Without August Derleth (1909-1971), you probably wouldn’t have that Cthulhu bumper sticker on your car, that Cthulhu for President poster, and certainly not that Plushie Cthulhu you have staring down at you from your geek-memorabilia shelf.  Not that Cthulhu would not exist, but he (it?) would be just one more forgotten character in a series of stories by an author unknown except to the most ardent of horror literati. Howard Philip Lovecraft’s greatest creation and most if not all of his fiction would have passed into obscurity if not for August Derleth’s founding of Arkham House publishing.
Fiction (DMR Books): These are stories of Jean Ray, who was known as “The Belgian Poe.” Other writers he was similar to are H. P. Lovecraft, William Hope Hodgson, and Guy de Maussapant. I first read Ray’s fiction in the doorstopper anthology The Weird by Jeff and Anne VanderMeer which reprinted his stories “The Mainz Psalter” and “The Shadowy Street.” Reading these stories, I felt like I did when I first read Lovecraft. They were tales of cosmic horror of immense power and imagination. I decided I would seek out more of his fiction.
RPG (Black Gate): For twenty years, the folks at Privateer Press have been creating games, primarily set in their Iron Kingdoms steampunk fantasy setting. They began with a series of RPG volumes, including an award-winning trilogy of adventures from 2001. These adventures, later collected into The Witchfire Trilogy, was built on the D20 System from Dungeons and Dragons 3E. Then Privateer Press really came into their own with the introduction of the Warmachine miniature wargame, focusing on armies that control massive metallic warjacks, one of the iconic creatures from their Iron Kingdoms setting.
T.V. (Dark Worlds Quarterly): When I was in graduate school, one of my
favorite television shows was Highlander.  I’d seen the first and second movies, and while I’d enjoyed them, it was the TV show that really captured my imagination and made me think about immortals and immortality. A movie is limited to approximately two hours. By contrast, a weekly show has a lot more time to develop characters, backstory, plots and subplots, and story-arcs that can last for months or even years.
Fiction (Epoch Times): In 1907, the man who composed these verses won the Noble Prize for Literature at the remarkably young age of 41. He also wrote hundreds of short stories and several novels. Many of these were made into films in the 20th century, among which were “The Jungle Book,” “Kim,” “Gunga Din,” “Wee Willie Winkie,” “Captains Courageous,” “Soldiers Three,” and “The Man Who Would Be King.” (Reader, if you haven’t seen this last film, starring Sean Connery, Michael Caine, and Christopher Plummer, treat yourself to a great movie this winter.)
Fiction (Wasteland & Sky): A couple of years ago, Superversive Press announced a series of 12 volumes each containing short stories based on the classic planetary system. 9 were based on the planets, and two were based on the sides of the moon. Each volume would contain stories science fiction, fantasy, horror, and weird fiction, with everything in between. No genre style was off limits. All that mattered was matching tone and theme. As a themed series of short story anthologies, it was quite ambitious.
Retro-Science Fiction (25 Years Later): There are two closely-knit, though not necessarily always interchangeable, subgenres of the Golden Age of Science Fiction. Raypunk, or in architectural design circles referred to as Raygun Gothic, is the retrofuture with an eye for a bright future. Atompunk generates dystopian vibes and warns of a dreaded future in which the atomic bomb desecrated all humankind. Atompunk is bleak and afraid. Raypunk is quite excited for what tomorrow has in store.
Cinema (Jon Mollison): Bollywood often gets bandied about as an alternative to Hollywood fare by those cut back on consumption of it’s anti-American resentment.  Taken in by the flashy colors, the obvious national pride of the productions, and for some strange reason the song and dance numbers that break out on the regular, they seek solace in alien spectacle.  Personally, I find the sheer foreign-ness of Bollywood off-putting in much the same way I find anime incomprehensible. . . Enter Furious, the Russian made story of 17 brave warriors who stood up to a full Mongol horde.
Art (Down the Tubes): The Windsor-Smith Studio announced the completion of Monsters, the long awaited graphic novel by Barry, last December, and that the project is on track for a mid-2020 release, but a publisher was not revealed. Assuming it will be launched through traditional distribution routes and not solely through the Windsor-Smith Studio official web site, you’d expect a solicitation through Diamond Previews might soon be in the offing.
Fantasy Fiction (Superversive SF): To both spend time with my children and give them literary food to build their minds, I recently read to them THE CHRONICLES OF PRYDAIN. For them, it was the second reading, but they were too young to remember the first. This time, they were begging for me to read more each night. The stories of Taran and the companions, Fflewddur Fflam, Gurgi, and Eilonwy not only filled their imaginations with adventure but taught them how dragons can be slain (paraphrasing of G.K. Chesterton).
Tolkien (Tentaculii): In August 1955 L. Sprague de Camp reviewed new Conan books and The Fellowship of the Ring, in Science Fiction Quarterly, August 1955. Worth reading right across the spread, as it’s ‘all of a piece’. For those who have somehow not yet enjoyed The Lord of the Rings, note that his review has plot spoilers for the first volume. At that time the second volume was not yet published. Camp must surely have here been the first to draw the comparison between the modus operandi of the ring in the Conan novelette “The Phoenix on the Sword” (1932) and The Lord of the Rings.
Sensor Sweep: Space 1889, Barry Windsor Smith, Tokien, Prydain published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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