#retrograde ask
haliaiii · 7 months
sam crumbs. NOW. this isn’t a request it’s a DEMAND
Ask and u shall receive!!!
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He’s pretty serious in these ones cause I was trying some stuff out
Unfortunately his past isn’t all that great and as he uncovers more about it, the less happier he becomes. After a particularly unsettling discovery about himself, he doesn’t really take it very well (I won’t say here bc it’s a big spoiler-) but he learns to accept it
Also did you know he’s my pfp
Other fun facts!
- He has terrible budgeting skills and tends to impulsively buy things (much to Val’s dismay)
- cannot tolerate spicy food at all 😔
- he’s tried multiple ways to figure out how to turn off the halo on his head, all have failed
- he and Val take turns sleeping on the couch
- He’s 2 centimeters taller than Val (yes he makes fun of him for it)
- He’s in his mid 20s even if he’s technically more than 500 years old
- If he lived a more fortunate life, his dream would’ve been to become an astronaut
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lotus-pear · 3 months
when are u gonna show me my children you’ve been teasing me for like a week 😞😞😢😢
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singular (child) actually....i couldn't figure out how to draw vals hair bc im dumb as rocks,,,,,,,anyway take sam for now he's my beloved son as well my angel
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god-u · 5 months
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never gonna stop thinking about how worried and concerned jordan looked for marie here… 💔
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dragongirlcloaca · 6 months
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KOBALD LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kobolds are very squishy!! It would simply make a squeaky toy noise and then bounce off.
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friend-crow · 2 months
Every time I clean and fill my bird feeders it rains and ruins my work. Does the sky hate me?? Do I have some sort of rain curse??? Do the birds hate me?? Should I fight the sky??
While I do know a powerful rain curse, I'm not willing to share that information publicly.
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mymidwestheart · 1 year
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Mercury retrograde go boom. 💥
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tabithatwo · 1 year
Because I’ve been feeling brave lately (maybe TOO brave time will tell) I’m gonna ask an earnest question like I am truly curious where this comes from…does anyone understand the frequent jackie body shames shauna trope in yj fic? I am not coming for anyone okay I just can’t figure it out for the life of me, like I am 99.99% certain the only time we see jackie discuss shauna’s body is with boob dress and that’s like…her wanting shauna to show more skin. And then she backs down immediately when shauna gets upset. It’s very much an indicator that she loves her body to me. So I can absolutely see where a hyperawareness or her body around jackie just based on like her Body Being Perceived exists!! Or shauna wondering if jackie was judging her in a negative way in the other clothes or whatever!! I just…body shaming is such a really very cruel thing and I’m very confused by where the explicit and extreme verbal body shaming thing comes from, like is there a moment where people infer it cause I’m at such a LOSS on this one. Like obviously characterization is largely based on how you read a text I fully get that!! And that’s okay!! All of this is creative prerogative!! I’m just constantly confused by how frequently people write jackie just tearing into shauna’s body because it’s so specific and so next level mean.
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ferretwhomst · 2 months
putting this undwr a readmore not because it's triggering or anything but it's just Long and related to boards and i don't really want to see that when i scroll on my blog. anyways
not super thrilled about tomorrow. it's my french oral board exam and orals always send me into this horrible spiral because i tend to freeze up and overthink what i'm about to say and forget words at the worst possible time. it's too spontaneous for me !!! and as a guy with autism and anxiety, improvising is literally my Weakest link. well ok the roleplay always goes fine because a. you kind of have a set template as to how to reply, and b. you get 10 minutes to think about how you're going to respond before going into the exam. but that only counts for 10 marks; the full thing is 40 marks and the bulk of that is covered by the two topic conversations. it's a huge gamble as to what topics i get and if i get ones which i'm not super sure about i tend to fumble immensely
honestly when i think about the bigger picture i don't even know What i'm upset about. i scored really well in mocks (35/40) and even in the test series before that, the time i thought i TOTALLY FLUBBED the topic conversations, i still got 31/40. that's not a bad mark at all. i think my anxiety just exaggerates how badly i do on these and doubly so because french is one of my favorite subjects and i'm GOOD at it. but yeah. even without taking marks into consideration it's just really bothersome to me how unpredictable orals are, could Not be worse for my anxiety 😔
actually, i forgot to mention that during boards they don't even release timings for the orals. you just report to the classroom at the allotted time and who goes in what order is not revealed, at all, until that moment when they have to go in and answer the questions. which is total bullshit and as you can imagine is only making me more fucking terrified about tomorrow
also: the rest of my boards officially start on the 26th of april so why do french orals have to be shoved in my face so damn early :/ obviously it'll be nice to get it over with sooner, but if i fumble i'll have to sit and try to make peace with that for like 2 weeks extra?
ALSO also idk if i've talked about this here but my mom is really into vedic astrology and shit and ended up raising me to be the most superstitious and paranoid individual alive (everyone cheer for my undiagnosed probable ocd swag). and not only is mercury retrograde currently on but also tomorrow is amavasya/no moon day and both of these are supposed to be unlucky as hell And God I Am Scared. genuinely my paranoia gets so bad during this time of year whenever i do anything i start worrying about the worst case scenario. because bad stuff ALWAYS HAPPENS during mercury retrograde and i'm scared it'll happen tomorrow at the worst possible time ☹️ man i hate being superstitious why can't i just be whimsical
small win though: despite mercury retrograde, at least the printer worked tonight when i was printing out vocab sheets
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brsb4hls · 2 months
What happened to your 56% prediction in the "Who does Dean meet on the bridge in heaven" poll??? Cas got squashed!!!
Idk man, destiel shippers have lost their touch I guess. It would have been so funny, shame.
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astroandstuff · 2 years
Yo what do you have think of natal Jupiter and Saturn both and retrograde? <3
Yo lol I also have Jupiter retrograde! I'm gonna try to keep this pretty short sorry it took so long for me to get to.
Jupiter Rx:
their own morals and belief system
self doubt
prefer self taught
don't feel intrinsically lucky
So people with Jupiter retrograde in the natal chart might lack self confidence or might subconsciously doubt themselves and what comes their way a lot. They are pretty righteous and follow their morals a lot. They keyword here is THEIR. They might create their own morals and belief system in the sense they're not afraid to break away from what they're taught at home or school. In fact they might hate being taught traditionally. They may learn better when they teach themselves versus someone else. They also learn from their own experiences rather than someone trying to teach them from their own. They like to learn and they have to actually want to learn something or else they're probably just memorizing. This retrograde can also lead to extremism in either positivity or negativity in regards to how they view the world and their life, but it all depends on the person individually.
Saturn Rx:
sense of duty
helpful (sometimes too much)
So Saturn retrograde can be seen as of the scarier retrogrades to have when it doesn't need to be. People with this retrograde might feel like there's a lot of pressure and responsibility placed on them for as long as they can remember. They probably have a strong sense of duty and because of this may feel like they need to help people constantly. Even if those people don't merit their help. They might have problems setting boundaries with others. This may be due to some fears they may have of what can happen if they don't help. They want to make sure they are always doing the RIGHT thing versus the wrong. They be overly focused on the big picture and making sure they do everything right to ensure it. They place a lot of pressure on themselves because that is what they expect others to do to them. They might be so used to having responsibility at times they may create it for themselves.
Let me know if anything resonated and I hope you enjoyed this! Also sorry for any typos!
- S 🤍
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haliaiii · 6 months
so.. virgil.. he’s one of my new favs his neuvilette-esque design and bloodlust have captivated me…
Man oh man what can I even say about Virgil, he’s really something that’s for sure
Ok so kicking it off with some fun facts about him before I start my 3k word essay:
- His job title is Chancellor
- Basically the existing world is currently ruled by one empire (the country’s called Psykhe) and at the head is the emperor. There’s also the council that acts pretty much as the Parliament, with 7 total members, who are also governors of the main 7 cities making up the empire (all are named after planets btw, with the capital called Jupiter). Virgil is the head of the council, and holds a pretty high position in the government, basically he kinda acts as the Emperor’s advisor too.
- He pretty much leads the meetings and makes a lot of important decisions for the country itself
- Also Kalani lives in Jupiter, and basically works as a policy adviser, Virgil is pretty much her boss
If you want to know how she feels about him, pretty much
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- Anyway politics aside, if you haven’t noticed yet from my last post about Virgil, he’s not really a great guy
- In fact he is retrograde’s main antagonist !!
I can’t talk too much about his past without spoiling a large portion of the story but let’s just say he has a weird obsession with Sam and likes to make Val suffer
Anyway here’s some more old art
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That first one was a really old drawing back when I was trying to figure out his design, second one isn’t really a canon look but I do like the design so idk I might use it maybe?
- About his eye: you’re probably wondering why he hides his eye, and that’s cause it has something to do with his past! (I told you specifically what happened to him but for the general public who sees this, they won’t know but it’s related to what happened 500 years ago) but all you need to know is that it’s pretty ugly, if you do some digging on my instagram, you’ll probably find that animation I did of his eye so it’s not really a secret- 😞
- Also the whole council has some pretty weird outfits so he doesn’t really look that out of place tbh
- Another fun fact: Back in the concepts, his origin used to be that he was actually a robot that survived the Cataclysm 500 years ago (now it’s not too far off but there’s some very big differences, he’s not a robot tho now)
- He's definitely lost a lot of his humanity over the past years, and cracks are really starting to show
- For his weapon of choice, he uses a sword, similar to a rapier
- He does come across as friendly to the general public to maintain a good image, being a good looking guy has certainly helped his popularity too
- He definitely has something to do with Val's past, and is intrinsically linked with Sam
- Despite Kalani being on edge around him most of the time, he remains friendly with her and has even invited her to lunch on occasion
- He's met Kain only a very few times, and Kain's opinion on him is that he's a friendly guy like on TV but there's something kind of off
- Val turns the TV off every time Virgil's face shows up
- Sam feels a vague familiarity
Anyway that's all I can say about Virgil for now!! He's very very much so plot relevant
(also p.s. did you know I have Pinterest boards for like most of my ocs, even the ones I haven't talked about publicly yet? If you wanna look at their styles and aesthetics you can check it out here: https://pin.it/a6YnFld )
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sodapopbuoy · 2 years
what is this? some kind of re-animator?
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who is this animator. why is he re.
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mppmaraudergirl · 9 months
💧Rain - What's the most emotional scene you've ever written?
with love from where it's pouring so much that we just got an emergency alert to stay indoors :p
Anna! I've been thinking about this since you sent it because this is almost too hard to choose. My immediate thought was it has to be a scene from in retrograde because the whole thing is so highly emotional for me. I also thought about my only one lives AU called Remarkable which has some real gut punches in it. And then I also thought about that scene from And Then the Symphony Starts.
But I guess if I'm going to frame this as a scene I found particularly emotional writing, it was the scene in in retrograde where Lily is asking James about her pregnancy. As a mom, and someone who bonded significantly to all my children in utero, that scene was hard for me to write in that it was just me reacting as I would as a mom.
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elminx · 10 months
Heya there!
This is less venus-post and more of a current retrograde question, but what outcomes/caveats do you see in doing venus magic right at the cusp of its retrograde? Or even just after it begins? Is it more likely to stall outcomes/work done (let's say you're trying to usher in smth like love, creativity or financial opportunities) or just completely redirect the magic?
Of course, I'd imagine it would depend on the work being done and correspondences used, and under what transits, but I'm curious if fear could hold one back more than current transits would, especially if its relation to bringing things in versus mitigating the effects of the retrograde.
Hope this makes sense and I always appreciate how much work you put into your posts!
I think that the secret to working planetary magic is almost always to work with the current energies rather than against them.
This still holds a lot of leeway for doing any type of magic so nothing is off the table. But you would be well advised to think outside the box.
I think that you can cast any spell you want up until the moment of her retrograde. So if you wanna do a straightforward love or money spell for the love of the planets, do it now. After that, you will find that the spell just acts differently. Despite your best efforts, the results will not unfold straightforwardly.
This may or may not be a problem for you. Sometimes that works in your favor, for sure.
But, if someone wanted money (for example) and they were aware that they have hangups keeping them from doing the things needed to make such money, a well-framed spell around this would almost certainly be enhanced by the retrograde.
Venus is on a journey backward, that's the flow that you want to work with when casting magic during her retrograde
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friend-crow · 2 months
What is your favorite thing to eat?
How about you quit sending me weird sexual innuendos? How about that??
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knowing now that mick is apparently keen on astrology and that in seb's website posts he used to talk about astrology, they must have had at least one chat about it at some point right?
in my heart i believe that mick badgered seb until he got co-star and now they sometimes send each other messages like "so the stars say you want to go rob a bank and go crazy dancing in the club?"
Mick 'i believe in astrology' schumacher and seb 'i put my family's star signs on my helmet' vettel have definitely had moments where one of them was having a shit day and went 'yeah my horoscope was all off this week 🙄' or the other going 'yeah mercurys in retrograde id wait until next week making that decision'
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