#reverse bubble chat
misc-obeyme · 2 months
nightbringer lesson 44
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I'm still gonna try to keep it brief but woooooooo here I go! Spoilers below!
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Okay, so biggest thing I picked up from this lesson was that Solomon's soul is not in his body. Right? Right?? Everybody else got that, too, right!??! Tell me I'm not insane. More on this later.
So we spent the whole lesson in Babel, where apparently you get to have a "moment of bliss" where stuff happens that makes you incredibly happy.
It starts out with everybody telling Asmo how they really feel about him, which is of course that he's beautiful and kind.
Then everybody ends up in TSL cosplay and Levi info dumps for several speech bubbles. (It's pretty adorable aldksjf.)
Then a ton of cats show up and Satan loses his mind. (But the cats also cuddle with everybody else because Satan's happiest when he sees cats cuddling with his family, the two things he loves in one place~)
Then everybody disappears because Mammon's moment of bliss is to be alone with MC (he's so bbg I can't take it). (Oh but I do feel the need to mention that everybody else was still there, they were just invisible which is SUPER CREEPY. Like c'mon MC was having such a cute moment with their first man...)
And THEN a bunch of food shows up and we think it's Beel's moment of bliss, but it's actually Belphie's because the twins are so close that Belphie is happiest when Beel is happy.
And then it like reverses and we have Belphie napping and all the boys in angel outfits, but it's actually Beel's moment. And they talk about this time they remember Raphael unleashing his spears on Mammon in the CR. And like then they feel guilty 'cause Satan doesn't have those memories but then:
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Satan saw everything from inside Lucifer? CONFIRMED. And Lucifer was aware of it, too.
And then everybody's like what was Lucifer's moment of bliss? And they're dumb about it, but MC is like Lucifer's moment of bliss was this entire experience because he's happiest when his family is happy. D'AWW very precious but also kinda meh, imo.
Then Raphael comes back, but it's really him this time yay!
And THAT is when we find out that only your SOUL is transported to Babel. Everybody's physical body was left behind.
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And I was IMMEDIATELY like oh. So THAT is why Solomon couldn't go inside. His soul is elsewhere. I don't think he's soulless, I think he's immortal because his soul is being stored somewhere that isn't his body. THOUGH it would also be interesting if Nightbringer was like... Solomon's soul gone rogue al;kjdsfjdf. But I don't think that's the case.
I think they're using this as a way to explain why people so often say that Solomon is more like a demon. Even though we also got this:
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Hmm. Indeed. Solomon is NOT a demon. They were mad at him for not mentioning the thing about only your soul going into Babel.
Anyway, that's my theory and it's the only thing that makes sense to me though I have no idea what it has to do with anything.
I also thought it was interesting that Raphael is now part of the Brothers No More chat group with Simeon and Lucifer. I hope this means we'll get more of him!
And then this from the hard lesson because wow I hope this isn't just No 2 exaggerating.
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LOL. You want to return something? BURIED ALIVE. That's so Devildom it's amazing.
Anyway, there were plenty of cute family moments in this lesson, but the potential hint about Solomon was the biggest deal, imo. What does it mean? I could be misinterpreting and maybe that isn't the issue at all? Maybe it's like... there's something wrong with his soul and removing it from his body would either expose something about him that he doesn't want the others to know or would like harm it further and put his life in danger? I dunno. He is still immortal, so.
My first thought was soul is elsewhere, but I do think having it like... reveal something about him unexpectedly would be interesting, too, now that I'm thinking about it.
I dunno, what do you guys think?
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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bonefall · 8 months
God I am so tired of Bramble fans who refuse to use critical thinking and believe that brambleclaw and squilf are equally bad. Many also hate on moonkitti's video which they most likely haven't even watched or misconstrued points in it. You can like a character without defending all their actions please I'm begging you
And people will sometimes jump to their defense, saying that people just dogpiled them for liking a character the fandom doesn't like, and while that can happen, sometimes people are actually dogpiling them for ignoring abuse and insulting creators with different opinions
(Some discourse happened on Twitter recently about this but it's something I've seen happen before, I'm not specifically talking about anyone)
I'm going to be honest and drop my feelings.
Never have I ever actually SEEN a Bramblefan "get dogpiled" for liking Bramble.
I come out here on my massive soapbox every couple of weeks and drop whole essays on this guy, I chat casually about how important he is to me as a character, both as someone who was abused in a way similar to Squirrelflight AND as someone who can relate to Bramblestar's situation, and before BB got so large and my attention was easier to divide I even ran an AU called Sweet Nothings which had a "big brother" Bramble take in it.
There is no shortage of Bramblestar-related posts around here, yet, I have never, NEVER gotten shit for when I talk positively about Bramble.
In fact, he's commonly cited as one of the favorite cats to see on this blog from my audience. I get praise for addressing him with nuance, explaining how his actions are abuse while also keeping him human, talking about how his life is a painful cycle of self-doubt that makes him double down on his worst decisions. Every time I post about him, I get an influx of comments centered around how my takes on him are appreciated.
What I DO see is people who make art where they try to bothsides him and Squirrelflight, or say something completely false about his behavior, or straightup post DARVO tactics to defend their fav's honor. When someone makes a comment that goes "uhmm? Bit strange innit?" they call it "harassment." Or when people block them, they call that "receiving hate."
OR when someone makes a vaguepost like "Heyyy, DARVO is an abuse denial tactic where the abuser or their apologists Deny the abuse took place, Attack the accuser, and then Reverse Victim and Offender to claim they were actually the person harmed. Bramblestans are playing this out, step for step, and that's bad!" they call THAT dogpiling.
Meanwhile Moonkitti got death threats and was actually harassed for posting Bramblestar Is Worse. To the point where she is hesitant to ever make another video on the topic.
So y'know what? Hot take? The stans don't actually like Bramblestar. They like the vague idea of a sadboy character who broke free from his dad's legacy so they slurp up the framing of the notorious abuse apologist writers, and they get mad when people who have critically engaged with the books don't see what they desperately crave.
How can you really LIKE a character if you can't engage with their actions? If you need to surround yourself in an unpoppable bubble and can't accept anything he's done in the 20+ years he's been active? How can you truly love a man without all his mistakes?
It's sooo hard to be me, Tumblr User Bonefall, the ONLY one who likes Bramblestar correctly. It's rough out here.
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chocostrwberry · 4 months
Hey ! I love your au so I have a few questions
1-How is lady bug and Queen bee relationship? They get along ? Is Cloe gay for lady or do they keep the same dynamic ?
2-Will alya and Nino get to know Mari's secret identity?
This one is more like a head canon
Since the love square is reversed the episodes jus goes like Mari just living her daily life with her friends and having beff with Cloe while Adrian is the one who tries so hard to get closer to mari and her friends but thanks to Cloe he just ends with misunderstandings like the Bubble Gum one that make him look bad even having a bully reputation then akuma time for Adrian is less time round mari but freedom while mari is exited because she gets to be with chat but her flirting skill aren't the best
Ladybug and Queen Bee’s relationship is similar to canon!!
Chloe still looks up to Ladybug a lot, but her ego does get in the way of Ladybug’s plan, which makes her difficult to work with. Ladybug sees her more as a fan girl if anything. But Chat Noir has a soft spot for Queen Bee (she reminds him an awful lot of Chloe) so he tries to be patient with her.
Alya and Nino will get to know Ladybug’s secret identity.
Alya figures it out around the same time as Luka does because they both worked together to try and see if their theory about Marinette being Ladybug was true. Nino only finds out when she exposes her identity to the entirety of Paris because of Lila. (This is part of the finale for Season 3 of my au, so this is on the path to her sacrificing herself!!)
Chocoau Lore information/explanation below!
Also that head canon is EXTREMELY on point-
Nice job anon!! 🌈🌈
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Step by step guide to redeeming your girlfriends
Plot, basically: Canon! Chloenette meets Reverse! Chloenette. Dedicated to @generalluxun ! Thank you for the motivation, I will now make them go through Scooby Doo levels of chasing and mystery solving (coughs identity reveal coughs)
Chapter One: Is it kidnapping if I thought we were dating?
The sky has visibly darkened during lunchtime. It wasn't the normal rainy sky though. People were scrambling to get inside or find cover as it was most likely an akuma attack. It was strange, however, that the signal never went off nor were there any explosions nearby. There wasn't even a ridiculously dressed villain with their monologue about getting revenge and obtaining the miraculous.
It was quiet. Suspiciously too quiet.
A bolt of lightning flashed on the darkened sky, the dark purple color leaving a web like structure in its path. Okay, that definitely was not normal.
Chloe was sure it was another Akuma and judging from the last one Ladybug and Chat Noir had to face, they were getting ridiculously more strong as time passes. Which doesn't worry her. After all, Ladybug never trusted her completely to wield another miraculous again so why give a damn about her anymore.
The world shook and she unconsciously switched on her TV to the news.
Nadja was reporting on the strange phenomenon currently happening while the purple lightning continued to flash and leave even more intricate patterns.
Chloe pursed her lips in thought. Ladybug had already enlisted a lot of new (temporary) heros since they faced off against Shadow Moth. She won't be outnumbered or lacking in minions if ever.
She sighed, frustration starting to bubble inside her, "Everything would be easier if she would just let me be Queen Bee!"
"You've got a point," a voice said from behind, "but Queen Bee is rather distracting during battles, 'no?"
Before she could scream at the sudden intrusion of a very familiar looking person, she was swept off her bed and was falling down from her balcony, a set of familiar and ridiculously strong arms wrapped around her securely.
She was tapping her foot impatiently, the sound echoing against the room they were in. Claw was leaning by the wall, his knowing glance darting from her to the other occupant of the room who was very much unconscious.
"You scared the shit out of her. You have such a lame type in women," he casually tilted his head, narrowly avoiding a metal ball to his face. Rolling his eyes, he stretched out his muscles earning a disgusted sound from his partner and a laugh from him.
"Careful, your softness for her is showing," she scoffed, her arms crossed as she looked at the blonde. "I am not soft, you fucking piece of vomit."
"I told you, my hair is not that damn vomiting emoji! The shade is different!"
"Whatever," she walked to the unconscious blonde and with a soft tug, managed to lift her head up to a more comfortable position. She looked peaceful, her mouth slightly parted as she let out soft snores.
Even in a different universe, the sight of her still made her go speechless.
Which got her confused. This universe's Chloé looks very similar to her Chloé, just with more yellow than soft pink and white, so why,
"Why is she taking so damn long?" She hissed as Claw shrugged, who was looking down at his manicure and let out a 'tsk'. He needed to get an appointment, soon.
"Maybe because you're not together in this universe," he supplied after a moment, "maybe you're in love with me instead."
"That's one of the worst things you've ever said to me and I want to strangle you right now."
Claw shivered, "Agreed. Agree to never speak about that again."
A figure sighed as she shut her bug phone. Gazing at a familiar tower, she idly wonders if she should wait for them to arrive or continue searching for the person she needs. Deciding to do the latter, she jumps off the roof into the night sky.
Ladybug almost crashed into the hotel room, Chat Noir not far behind. After getting a call from a very distraught mayor and with the sky turning an unusual purple, she had a sinking feeling it was another powered up Akuma. This Akuma hasn't showed their face yet, but Chloé's disappearance was alarming.
"She's not here," she whispered after quickly darting inside the suite. Chat Noir voiced his affirmative and gave her a worried look, "The Akuma must have already taken her but..." Chat frowned, "Unless it had a personal vendetta against Chloé, it's unusual of them to stay hidden."
Ladybug sighed. This was going to be a long day.
Notes: It's divided because the author hasn't decided if this should be a short, fluffy funny fic or dive into possible 'getting therapy from yourself of a different multiverse because it's like talking to one of the voices in your head'. Enjoy!
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navibluebees · 2 years
Lyle with his Chubby Human Female SO
Please read before interacting.
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He was his super flirty self as usual, accidentally bumping into you in the chow hall. He steadied you with a hand on your back and apologized but you couldn't look in his eyes, being so nervous.
He chuckled and set you on your way, giving a silly little wave as he walked off. He kept meeting you at meal times, watching the way a blush made its way across your skin. He'd offer to carry your tray if you had your hands full with paperwork you needed to read through.
Someone teased you about having a thing for aliens, he heard it from across the room, strode over to them and he got in their face, shielding you behind him. "And what's it to you? Scram."
His ears went back when he felt your hand on his arm, smiling up at him in thanks.
He loves your curves. Loves every bit of you. Oof. Him with a chubby girlfriend just makes so much sense.
Likes to be near you, loves to tease you but is so weak for your love for him.
He loves to bring you around the other recoms to show you off and ends up screwing himself because he can't stop all the possessive feelings bubbling up in him if the others flirt with you.
Likes to take you to the indoor climbing wall and will help you get into the harness, yanking it tighter and pulling you closer before helping you up. Likes to stop you before you rappel to the bottom and catch you in his arms. Definitely enjoys everyone watching you guys and will take full advantage claiming you with kisses and affection in front of them.
Loves keeping you in his lap, the way your thighs cover his and he will keep an arm around your waist and shift you to rest on his knee while he's eating or chatting with the other recoms.
Will play with your hair while you read and if it's long enough, he attempts to braid it. It'll look really bad at first lmao
Likes to take you out on his banshee idk I feel like he named it Rocky Balboa or something like that. Uses every excuse to hold you tight so he will swoop through the air and keep a tight grip at your waist.
Is a total softie when you get him small gifts. "I thought of you." He just wants to be looooveeeeddd. <3
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Was a bit nervous your first time together. Afraid to hurt you and held you the whole time while you reassured him it was okay. Almost came right when he was fully seated in you and barely managed to hold off.
Loves when you're on top and he can grip your hips, watching you ride him. Even better if it's reversed and he will absolutely dig his fingers into your thighs, carefully shifting to his knees and pulling you back against him.
Will snake an arm up your front and press his palm to your sternum, chin tucked over your shoulder as he thrusts up into you.
Loves any kind of bath with you and after shivering when you braid his hair over his queue and trembling weakly when the tendrils meet your fingertips.
Weak when you bite at his ears and will keep his tail around your leg as he holds you up against him, your legs around his waist
100% says goodbye to your tits before you put on your clothes in the morning. (It's giving Schmidt when he thinks Cece is getting a breast reduction. He loves them that much.) "Bye ladies, see you tonight." Followed by gentle kisses and caresses and you barely managing to pull yourself from bed.
Will spend the night curled up around you and sometimes still in you, gripping you tightly.
Loves when you toss your legs across his lap and he presses a strong thumb to the arch of your foot, getting a moan or a giggle or both (just depending on how ticklish you are there)
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
NYPOST: Meghan Markle ‘feels’ Kate Middleton ‘got away with’ mistreating her: source
By Samantha Ibrahim
August 2, 2023 9:43am Updated
Tensions between sisters-in-law Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton have been bubbling ever since the former actress married Prince Harry in 2018, according to some loose-lipped royal watchers.
An infamous incident allegedly occurred when the Duchess of Sussex, 41, claimed Middleton, also 41, made her burst into tears just days before her nuptials at St. George’s Chapel.
Five years on, their apparently glacial relationship is still making headlines, and Markle believes that the Duchess of Cambridge and her husband, Prince William, 41, still haven’t taken responsibility for their hostile actions.
“Meghan feels they’ve never been held accountable for the way they treated her when she was part of the royals, have never apologized and have seemingly got away with it,” an unnamed source dished, according to the Mirror.
The star of the suddenly record-setting TV series “Suits” is also allegedly shocked at the lack of criticism of the Prince and Princess of Wales.
Harry and Markle have hyped numerous projects — such as the Invictus Games founder’s memoir “Spare” and the duo’s Netflix documentary series — in which they spoke out against the United Kingdom’s royal family.
Another insider added that Markle was “convinced” the public would be on her side regarding the feud with the Firm.
However, “that hasn’t happened,” according to the self-proclaimed insider.
“This isn’t how she envisioned things would turn out, but Meghan knows the truth and will tell anyone who will listen that Kate had an edge [over] her.”
The Post has reached out to reps for Prince Harry and Markle for comment on the latest accusations.
Meanwhile, the big wedding debacle of ’18 started when Middleton reportedly told Markle there was an issue with her daughter Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid dress.
This allegedly led to a series of sobs between the two women.
It was first alleged at the time that it was the Los Angeles native who made Middleton cry, however, in a 2021 bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey, Markle attempted to set the record straight.
She claimed that it was in fact Middleton who made her shed a few tears.
“The reverse happened,” the Tig creator told the media titan, 69, in the joint chat with Harry.
“A few days before the wedding, she was upset about something pertaining to — the issue was correct, about the flower girl dresses and it made me cry and it really hurt my feelings,” she said.
Markle continued: “And I don’t say that to be disparaging to anyone because it was a really hard week of the wedding and she was upset about something. But she owned it and she apologized and she brought me flowers and a note apologizing and she did what I would do if I knew that I hurt someone.”
“I’ve forgiven her,” she added of the aftermath where she buried the hatchet with Middleton.
In “Spare,” Harry also recalled the wedding incident, writing that he found Markle crying on the floor after the University of St. Andrews graduate almost demanded that all of the bridesmaid dresses be remade just a few days before the marriage ceremony.
I am going to answer this point by point so it is long:
Tensions between sisters-in-law Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton have been bubbling ever since the former actress married Prince Harry in 2018, according to some loose-lipped royal watchers.
-No, The Princess of Wales has risen above and done her duty impeccably even when she wanted to deck the b****.
An infamous incident allegedly occurred when the Duchess of Sussex, 41, claimed Middleton, also 41, made her burst into tears just days before her nuptials at St. George’s Chapel.
-Again with Meghan being UNABLE to let things go. She is going to be talking about this on her death bed. She truly felt that because she cried later, on the floor sobbing where only Harry found her, she was the mistreated one.
Five years on, their apparently glacial relationship is still making headlines, and Markle believes that the Duchess of Cambridge and her husband, Prince William, 41, still haven’t taken responsibility for their hostile actions.
-The only reason this “feud” is still making headline is because it is the only way for Meghan to get any attention whatsoever and have her name mentioned in the same sentence as “Princess of Wales.” Also, William and Catherine do not have to take any responsibility for their actions when said actions were more than warranted at the time. Meghan was/is a bully and they stood up to her which is why she is angry. She felt she was educating them on how to live their lives and they told her to bugger off which is incomprehensible to her.
“Meghan feels they’ve never been held accountable for the way they treated her when she was part of the royals, have never apologized and have seemingly got away with it,” an unnamed source dished, according to the Mirror.
-What do they need to apologize for? I believe it was Meghan who bullied Catherine for having “baby brain” and when pointed out to her that was uncalled for and mean, MEGHAN is the one that took offence at having been reprimanded for something SHE DID. She felt it was rude of them to call her out but by God, William and Catherine had better hand over the kings to the kingdom for all of their wrongdoings to Meghan.
The star of the suddenly record-setting TV series “Suits” is also allegedly shocked at the lack of criticism of the Prince and Princess of Wales.
-Oh please…it’s streaming on Netflix and there is literally nothing else to watch right now. Plus I doubt her residuals are anything substantial.
Harry and Markle have hyped numerous projects — such as the Invictus Games founder’s memoir “Spare” and the duo’s Netflix documentary series — in which they spoke out against the United Kingdom’s royal family.
-The one where they didn’t get the Emmy nod…hehehehehe…
Another insider added that Markle was “convinced” the public would be on her side regarding the feud with the Firm.
However, “that hasn’t happened,” according to the self-proclaimed insider.
“This isn’t how she envisioned things would turn out, but Meghan knows the truth and will tell anyone who will listen that Kate had an edge [over] her.”
-No. Meghan was convinced that the BRF would be on her side to begin with, most importantly she wanted William on her side because she wanted him to love/admire her and hate Catherine. When that didn’t happen she turned it as a “me against them” story and in the end she came out the villain instead of the victim. Catherine was ALWAYS going to have an edge over her. Catherine is married to the heir to the throne and will one day be Queen. Just because Meghan thought herself to be better than Catherine didn’t mean others would.
The Post has reached out to reps for Prince Harry and Markle for comment on the latest accusations.
-The will deny or not respond because all of this came from them anyways.
Meanwhile, the big wedding debacle of ’18 started when Middleton reportedly told Markle there was an issue with her daughter Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid dress.
This allegedly led to a series of sobs between the two women.
It was first alleged at the time that it was the Los Angeles native who made Middleton cry, however, in a 2021 bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey, Markle attempted to set the record straight.
She claimed that it was in fact Middleton who made her shed a few tears.
“The reverse happened,” the Tig creator told the media titan, 69, in the joint chat with Harry.
“A few days before the wedding, she was upset about something pertaining to — the issue was correct, about the flower girl dresses and it made me cry and it really hurt my feelings,” she said.
Markle continued: “And I don’t say that to be disparaging to anyone because it was a really hard week of the wedding and she was upset about something. But she owned it and she apologized and she brought me flowers and a note apologizing and she did what I would do if I knew that I hurt someone.”
“I’ve forgiven her,” she added of the aftermath where she buried the hatchet with Middleton.
-Again she is like a Pit Bull with this story. She will NEVER let it go that people saw her for who she truly is and then didn’t buy her side of the story. She hasn’t and will never forgive Catherine because Catherine was rightfully upset and Meghan was the evil SIL.
In “Spare,” Harry also recalled the wedding incident, writing that he found Markle crying on the floor after the University of St. Andrews graduate almost demanded that all of the bridesmaid dresses be remade just a few days before the marriage ceremony.
-So Givenchy anon claims this is because the dresses were poorly made and Meghan kept changing her mind. This all had nothing to do with Catherine and everything to do with Meghan acting crazy.
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rohirric-hunter · 17 days
I made an @ellipsus-writes account yesterday and with one day under my belt here are my first impressions.
It's basically Google Docs, but without being associated with Google. You're able to edit documents from any device with a web browser, which is a lot more convenient than the WebDav server I'm currently using.
Things that are less than ideal:
There aren't a lot of customization options. You can switch between light and dark mode, but I would like to be able to set my document backgrounds to a color. Also it would be better if you could change your view layout. Right now it looks like this:
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and I would prefer to have these documents in a list, rather than these big bubbles. The bubbles might be cool if you could change their color or add an image background to them, but as is they're just boring white and taking up a lot of space. I have only 12 documents in this folder and it's a bit silly that I can't see them all at once.
2. You might also notice that these documents appear to be in a completely random order. They're actually in the order I last edited them in. I prefer my documents to be in alphabetical order, and this is an option that exists, but a) when switching to this view it for some reason defaults to reverse alphabetical order and I then have to manually select regular alphabetical order, and b) this setting will not be remembered between sessions.
3. I can't seem to get rid of the, "Need help? Chat with us" popup at the bottom of the page. It takes up an annoying amount of space, and I wish it was collapsible.
Things that worry me:
Instead of having a password system, Ellipsus sends you an email link every time you go to log in. There's nothing wrong with doing it this way I guess, since you can access the link from the same device you're accessing the website from, but it kind of just smacks of being different for the sake of being different. Makes me worry about security. Not that I write anything worth stealing.
Instead of having a normal profile system, Ellipsus uses Gravatar, which is some "universal internet account" nonsense that I will absolutely not be using. This probably won't be a huge issue, though, as I don't really plan on using the collaboration tools, so I won't need to make a profile. I wish I could change my email address, though, as I accidentally used the wrong one to make the account. I might make a new account.
I don't understand how all this is being paid for. There are no ads, the account is free, but the hosting is all done by Ellipsus. While text does not take up a ton of space to host, it does take up some space, and that costs money. Are the creators doing it out of their own pockets? Do they have a donor? Will there be donation drives to support it later? Or will they adopt advertisements in the future or introduce a "premium" option where you can pay for additional features? The last one normally wouldn't worry me, but since it is currently so bare-bones I'm a bit antsy. What if you have to pay for the option to have your documents in alphabetical order by default?
Their advertising is. Vague. I put this off for a long time because looking around on their website there was a lot of talk about how you're a writer and super creative and also they'll never steal your data to train AIs, but it was really hard to find a place where it outright said what the product was. This concerns me because it makes me feel like the company has something to hide.
Good things:
It's a platform that does the same thing as Google Docs without actually being Google Docs. This is a powerful pro. I'll probably keep using it for now.
Oh yeah and they don't have an app. A few years ago this would have gone in the less-than-ideal section for me but these days with the way app stores are about user generated content it's probably best to avoid the whole thing. I followed their suggestion to set a link on my homescreen (through Firefox) and it works very well. I was worried it might be laggy (Tumblr was laggy when I used it through Firefox) but it's been very responsive. No server access if you're not connected to the internet, but if you have the document already open then you can keep typing into it and it will update when you reconnect. This is the same way I used Google Docs back in the day and perfectly serviceable in my opinion.
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chthonicophanim · 5 months
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Rootchat / Forestchat
[PT: Rootchat / Forestchat]
A gender under the genderchat system (coined by @local-yurei) connected to forests/root systems and chat(s), chatting and forests/root systems, chats that are connected to forests/root systems, chatters that like forests/root systems, how forests/root systems chat, forest/root chatters, etc
[ID: Two flags with seven horizontal stripes. From top to bottom they are green, medium-dark brown, medium brown, light brown, medium brown, medium-dark brown, and green. The top and bottom stripes have a bumpy lace pattern in darker green. The left flag has a rectangular speech bubble in the centre in light green with a dark outline, while the right flag does not. end ID]
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[PT: Ghostchat]
A gender under the genderchat system connected to ghosts and chat(s), chatting and ghosts, chats that are connected to ghosts, chatters that like ghosts, how ghosts chat, chatters that are ghosts, etc
[ID: Two flags with seven horizontal stripes. The stripes go in a gradient from darker blue-gray to a light gray in the centre, and then reverse from the middle stripe going down. The top and bottom stripes have a bumpy lace pattern in darker gray. The left flag has a rectangular speech bubble in the centre in pale gray with a very light gray outline, while the right flag does not. end ID]
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[PT: Hivechat]
A gender under the genderchat system connected to hives and chat(s), chatting and hives, chats that are connected to hives, chatters that like hives/hiveminds, how hives/hiveminds chat, chatters that are in hives/hiveminds, etc
[ID: Two flags with seven horizontal stripes. The stripes go in a gradient from medium yellow to a light yellow in the centre, and then reverse from the middle stripe going down. The top and bottom stripes have a bumpy lace pattern in dark yellow. The left flag has a rectangular speech bubble in the centre in off-white with a dark outline, while the right flag does not. end ID]
Flag IDs courtesy of @radiomogai
DNI: bigots, radinclus, radexclus, pro-endo, if you’re going to try and argue with me on any of these points, if you demonise mental illness, pro-transid (eg; transabled, transage, transrace, etc), proshippers/anti-anti, MAPS/NOMAPS/necro/zoo (full DNI in pinned)
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lfghughes · 1 year
Know You're Enough pt.2
a/n: see i told you guys i'd give you a happy ending, just gotta sprinkle some pain in first
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“I just need to get some air.” Maybe not the words a fiancé would want to hear right after you had told them yes to marrying them. But you felt like there was no air in this room and you needed to get out and find Trevor, wherever he had gone. The good part of this was your new fiancé didn’t even think twice about your reaction, instead he was already chatting it up with the rest of the table when you made a quick exit.
Your eyes found Trevor outside, he hadn’t made it all that far. Maybe he had figured you’d come looking for him or maybe he just needed some air after all that too. “Trevor.” You caught up with him and you caught the hurt look on his face. “I didn’t know he was going to do that.” You explained and a not amused laugh left Trevors lips. “That’s typically how proposals work.” His snappiness definitely stung but you couldn’t even blame him.
“You told him yes, that’s the thing that bothers me.” His voice cracked slightly and you could feel your heart squeezing tightly in your chest. “You don’t love him. I know you don’t. He also doesn’t love you, not the way I do at least.” That was the first time you had really heard those words. It had always been an unsaid thing between the two of you but this time it was really out there. “He’s still in there, laughing and having a great time. Probably hasn’t even really noticed that you left and that something was wrong.”
This was something you knew was true, it was the first thing you noticed when you were leaving the restaurant. The voice in your head letting you know that if roles were reversed and it was Trevor, he would have followed you out of the restaurant because he always knew when something was wrong. But at the same time were you supposed to walk away from the life you had built for something that could easily crumble too. “Trevor, I’m sorry.” Those weren’t the words that you wanted to come out but they did and Trevors mouth dropped slightly, surprised that you said those words. “Have a nice life.” Those were the last words you heard from him before he walked away from you and your life.
That had put you in a mood for the rest of the day and shockingly later that night your fiancé had actually noticed your mood. “You know for someone who got engaged today you definitely don’t seem happy. Most girls would be grateful.” Those words were all you needed to snap you out of this little bubble you had been in. “You’re joking right?” This had to be a bad joke but you knew he was serious. “Most girls would kill to be in your spot and to get a big ring but you’ve always been ungrateful. Or at least since you started sneaking around with Trevor.”
This time you were the one left in a state of shock. “Oh what? You think I’m stupid? I see the way you guys always manage to leave the room at the same time. Or the puppy dog look he gives you. Go ahead, leave me for him. You’ll come crying back in a few months when he dumps you for someone else.” The words angered you because you knew they weren’t true. Your fingers went to the ring that was around your finger and you pulled it off, tossing it at him. “Don’t count on it.”
As you were driving away from your life it really hit you everything that you did and that’s when the tears came. They weren’t from sadness of what you lost because you didn’t feel like you were losing. They were more from anger that you let this go on for so long blindly believing it was best. You pulled up to a house that had become familiar in the past few months. You knocked on the door and there he was opening the door. One look at your face and he knew what happened, his eyes going to the ring that was supposed to be on your ring finger.
His hands went to the side of your face, wiping away the tears that were still leaving your eyes. “Hey, hey. Come here.” He pulled you in, placing a kiss on your forehead as his arms wrapped around you. “Don’t worry. I got you.” Those words replayed in your head over and over again because if there was one thing you were sure of right now was that Trevor did have you.
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glitterpensupremacy · 4 months
Alright, breaking out of my procrastination bubble to finally do:
Alya MTS!
As per usual, the four categories:
1. General Info
2. Personality
3. Key Relationships
4. Character Growth
1. General Info
I kinda feel like I should preface this with a massive “hear me out”, because her character goes in a VERY different direction from most Alyas.
Not only does she only become Marinette’s best friend at the end of season 2 (as both characters have a lot they need to do first), but “Alya the fangirl” isn’t really a part of her MTS character. She still runs a blog, but it probably won’t be titled “The Ladyblog” (which is sad, because that name is ICONIC), because she focuses on the two heroes pretty equally, and doesn’t want to seem “unprofessional”.
Basically, we took the “Alya is sometimes presented as the practical voice of reason character” and “Alya initially wants to find Ladybug’s identity”, along with the MTS LB and CN getting into some mishaps early in their career, and made her much more skeptical and critical of the heroes. She doesn’t think the safety of the city should be placed in the hands of two strange teenagers (she especially doesn’t trust Chat Noir, since his power is pretty dangerous and he’s pretty reckless with it at first) and wants to find out all of their secrets. Is she in the right? Not completely, but she isn’t 100% wrong to have criticisms of the heroes either.
She fills a pretty interesting role in the earlier portion of the show, where she is technically an (initial) antagonist to the heroes, but isn’t a bad person (in fact, she’s fairly altruistic), as a contrast to Chloe (Marinette’s initial civilian antagonist) and Felix (Adrien’s initial civilian antagonist) who are more morally grey/not concerned with doing “the right thing”.
This is also a bit more of a minor note, but while Alya’s family still moved to France from Martinique, they did so much earlier than they did in the original, (likely when Alya was around ten), so she has lived in France for a few years now.
2. Personality
As I mentioned, this iteration of Alya is a bit more grounded, and tries to be logical and mature. She cares a lot about morality, ethics, and safety, with helping people being her top priority. Her fixation on the truth extends to this, as she believes that knowledge is the only way people can take care of themselves. She’s still very passionate, but tries to direct her energy into trying to be a “legitimate journalist” and often forgets to just let herself be a kid.
Her viewpoints do lack a bit of nuance at first, as she doesn’t realize how important secrets can be, and can get a bit too caught up in her own judgments (in hindsight, MTS Marinette is a lot more understanding than her canon counterpart due to her new backstory, while MTS Alya is kind of the reverse). It’s worth noting that a lot of Alya’s more intense traits are amplified by her fear. Having your city bombarded with demon butterfly possessed supervillains with your only source of protection being mysterious animal-themed teenagers with overwhelming power isn’t very good for your mental health.
Because of these fixations, she often struggles with the more “normal teenager stuff” like friendships and romance. Her blunt nature also makes it difficult to socialize, but her earnest, loyal, honest, and slightly awkward demeanor make her quite endearing once you get to know her (this might not be completely essential to one’s understanding of her character, but MTS Alya does fall somewhere on the autistic spectrum).
3. Key Relationships
Marinette: These two have occasionally crossed paths in their more recent years (Nora would frequently take Alya with her to the same gym Kim and Marinette go to together), but never really noticed each other until now. Alya mostly sees Marinette as the kind but nervous girl who sits next to her, and is especially worried about her safety after Alya realizes that her “new best friend” Lila is bad news. Marinette is still pretty nervous about Alya finding out she’s Ladybug (although she’s stopped trying to find out the heroes’ identities at this point). After the two (unknowingly on Alya’s part) take down Lila and stop her villainy, the two become proper friends. Marinette helps Alya get more accustomed to the more casual aspects of being a teenager, and Alya helps Marinette begin to recover from her friendship issues. They help each other let their guard a bit more, despite both being such high strung individuals.
Nino: Unlike the original show, Alya and Nino never have a romantic relationship (no hate on DJ-WiFi, the MTS iterations of their characters just aren’t compatible romantically; believe me, we tried!) but do form a strong bond nonetheless. They do get to a rocky start (as Nino mistakens Rena Rouge for Volpina and tries to take her down as Carapace), but after better understanding each other, they team up and build a friendship. Nino makes Alya realize that she doesn’t have to be responsible for everything 24/7, while Alya shows him the importance of putting more effort into things (besides his brother and heroing). Their differing personalities balance each other really well, and while they aren’t hero partners (Nino’s a lone turtle), they work really well as a team.
Chloe: They start off with a small rivalry (which I alluded to in my Chloe post), but quickly form a common enemy. That, alongside Chloe’s arc about caring for others as an actual hero, and Alya’s arc about being more patient with others, and they have a lot to offer each other. For these reasons (and then being the only two heroes with public identities), they are a superhero duo much like Ladybug and Chat Noir. Though Alya gradually accepts Chloe’s dramatics, she doesn’t tolerate her slacking off or making things about herself during an active threat to the city (has the energy of “she’ll fix herself if she knows what’s good for her”). That being said, she does come to enjoy Chloe’s peppy nature and (surprising) ability to be supportive. (However, Chloe’s attempts to get Alya to take “spa days” with her and “treat herself” are met with a mixed reception!)
Lila: Fox versus Fox, Lila and Alya are full-on archenemies. It starts out with Alya simply getting slightly off-putting vibes from Lila, but when she discovers she’s Volpina (after managing to obtain her miraculous that got lost in a fight), she does everything in her power to get her exposed. Likewise, Lila is doing everything she can to get her miraculous back and ruin Alya’s life while she’s at it. Lila coming off as a sweet girl with a lot of friends while Alya’s initial hostility to the heroes and accidentally jarring personality do stack the odds in Lila’s favor, often leading to severe consequences, but Alya is eventually able to team up with the other heroes to take her down. Though Lila is taken into custody, she manages to escape with a dangerous vendetta against Alya…
Other key relationships include her family (particularly Nora and her mom), the heroes (duh), and Zoe.
4. Character Growth
Her main arc is pretty apparent by now. She generally needs to learn to not jump to extreme conclusions when she doesn’t have all the information, as well as be more accepting that people have their reasons for not sharing everything. The two main sequences that help her learn this are her Alakumatization and the Lila/Volpina experience.
Alya gets akumatized when an akuma she captured (attempting to study it to find more about the source of the problem) escapes and corrupts her. She also tries to end the akumatization when Hawk Moth orders her to potentially endanger civilians, but his control over the miraculous (and her) are too strong. After being deakumatized, Alya is a bit more careful in her investigations, and a lot more willing to hear the heroes out (while Alya doesn’t remember being an akuma, just the knowledge that she was corrupted, and the video footage of her as a villain is enough to rattle her).
When dealing with Lila, Alya tries to take the direct approach, both in trying to publically confront Lila for her crimes and by telling the city that she’s the hero Rena Rouge. This inevitably backfires when Lila manages to use her manipulation to avoid being found out and getting Alya in trouble instead. Lila also teams up with Hawk Moth to target Alya’s family, even managing to get Alya akumatized into Vixen Vermillion at her lowest point. She does overcome this, and becomes a lot more tactical with her knowledge in the future. (Alya’s development into tolerating secrets is completed when she finds out that Nino is Carapace, but keeps his secret). She’ll also rename her blog to “The Miracle Blog” after forming a proper respect and camaraderie for the other Miraculous heroes, and shifts from trying to expose or criticize Ladybug and Chat Noir to simply posting any relevant information needed to keep the public safe (which she was doing in the first place but now it’s more of a focus).
Alya also gets the smaller character progression of relaxing a little more, both because she feels safer with her fellow heroes and due to her new friendships helping her appreciate the smaller things in life.
And that’s a wrap! I know that she might seem a bit odd for an Alya, and her slightly more difficult tendencies may make it seem like we don’t like her very much, but not only was the shift away from her original character intentional (we realize how different we made her), it was not meant to salt on her in any way. On the contrary, we wanted to give her more of a story as her own character, not basing her entire life to revolve around someone else (heck, sometimes she feels like the deuteragonist to Ladybug and Chat Noir’s co-protagonist statuses!). This is particularly what I mean when I said that us rebooting the characters often drastically changed up their original personalities and roles (like many reboots do). Not to hate on what they were, but to tell a different story.
After this I’ll probably explain the new Tikki and Plagg personalities, roles, and development. Then maybe explain the MTS Love Square after that. Thanks for staying patient everyone!
(One more thing: I’m also releasing Alya’s akuma design shortly after this post, so if you enjoy seeing character designs, I’d recommend checking it out!)
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uhzuku · 2 years
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♡┊ 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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— 𝐂𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐘𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃 𝐀𝐔. | ( shou-nya.♡ ). | 〚 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰. | 𝟏𝟓.𝟖𝐤+. | 𝐀𝐎𝟑. 〛.
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫: adoption. bite. couch. prosthetic. kiss. 3-2=1. thirsty. bubbles. clouds. oral. abandoned. sick. mornings. needy. heat. vacation. nemuri. pillow. kittens. shinsou. thunderstorm. cuddle. hizashi. three. away. kacchan. | reverse!
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𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝 | 𝐟𝐭. 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚. 〚 𝐬𝐟𝐰. | 𝟎.𝟔𝐤. 〛
𝐭𝐰: gn reader, cursing, previously established relationship.
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𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭? | 𝐟𝐭. 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚. 〚 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰. | 𝟏.𝟖𝟑𝐤. 〛
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬— she’d not expected him to whip out his cellphone, but she was honestly in such bliss being used like a cheap whore she didn’t really feel like stopping him.
𝐭𝐰: maledom, bondage, dacryphilia, fingering, daddy kink, oral creampie, squirting??, facials, blowjobs, face fucking, degradation, humiliation, hard dom, cellphone recording.
𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐙𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒! | 𝐟𝐭. 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚. 〚 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰. | 𝟗.𝟑𝟎𝐤. 〛
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬— “If I see that stupid bitch touch you again, I’ll kill her,” you growl, then yelp when he suddenly flips you, your chest and cheek against brick and his chest to your back. // “If she ever pulls that shit again, I’ll let you.”
𝐭𝐰: age gap, previously established relationship, jealousy, canon typical harrassment, heavy miss joke bashing, death threats, fem reader, villain reader, possessive reader, reader is just a bad person chat idk what else u want me to say, discussions of trauma ( but aizawa refuses to call it that ), morally ambiguous aizawa, ngl he’s also not a great person but he’s hot so it’s okay, villain/hero, femdom, maledom, teasing, biting, nipple sucking, oral sex, slight choking, switch reader, switch aizawa, dacryphilia, fingering, pussy slapping, tit slapping, spitting, creampies, daddy kink, marking, hickeys, also a cat, tko = tofu knockout, class 1-a are little shits.
𝐈 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 (𝐂𝐀𝐓)𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋! | 𝐟𝐭. 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚. 〚 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰. | 𝟐.𝟒𝟓𝐤. 〛
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬— “That’s a good kitty,” Shouta groans as you scratch at the bed in front of you, “Yeah, cry for Daddy—!”
𝐭𝐰: hybrids, hybrid au, no quirks, catgirl reader, fem reader, shou-nya uno reverse ( ur the kitty now besties ! ), misunderstandings, aizawa is a big dumb dumb n didn’t research *all* cat hybrid behaviors so u get a lil pissy ngl, night shift security guard aizawa, rut cycles/in heat, creampies, biting, breeding kink, daddy & master kinks, use of ‘kitty’ as a pet name.
𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍’ 𝐅𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑! | 𝐟𝐭. 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚. 〚 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰. | 𝟒.𝟎𝟎𝐤. 〛
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬— tell me that you want me, that’s the shit i always hear!
𝐭𝐰: t4t, transmasc aizawa, transmasc reader, switch aizawa, switch reader, daddy kink, reader and aizawa both still have pussies, age gap ( aizawa is 30 & reader is in their early 20s ), use of the word cunt a couple times?? once at least, ✨guyliner✨, public sex ( in a changing room ), BUSH! PUBES! DA WHOLE JUNGLE!, reader is a fucking freak for aizawa ngl, t-dick haver aizawa ( moans ), clits referred to as cocks ( bc yum ), scissoring, grinding, fingering, blowjobs, vibrators.
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insanitynikoru · 1 month
just love the ppnkgxppg art sm !! ! <33 if by chance can you explain your dynamic between them?
yhh >:) tbh my dynamics can shift depending on the context (for ex if i'm entertaining aus or scenarios). +it's kinda hard to explain their dynamic w/o also talking abt my hcs for each character bUT ANYWAy dsjgk
bratubbles: starting w this one cus they're kinda the more « normal » pair (aka i don't ever think abt them so i don't have much to say, rip). they are,,, black cat/white bunny (barfs); brat being kitty, bubbles being bunny. not exactly "opposites attract" but also not entirely compatible. brat values her independence and borders avoidant tendencies (but also not really?) making her more passive in the relationship. kinda has a habit of making bubbles cry. bubbles is like her little pet. she loves her, but also has to resist the intrusive urge to grab her by the ears and swing her around. and bubbles is just,,, "i can fix her :pleading:" kind of gross bs
i don't have much on this one sorry chat 💀 i'd have to rly sit down and think about them at some point
brutercup: my hcs for brutercup closely align with my friends @/saschy123 and @/gkt-tummyaches !! if u ever see their hcs, just know that i nod in agreement. brute is the epitome of toxic/abusive, dominating and anti-social, and bc eats it up cus she's a little guy and loves brute sm. sadist x masochist vibes both in kink and in general that's pretty much it asjkf
soft/bottom brute does not exist in brutercup pls- brute is just not a good person. 'soft' tendencies exhibited by brute are more for her own personal gain or power trip rather than for the sake of the relationship. bc is 100% aware of it but simply doesn't give a fuck because she knows what she signed up for.
blosserk: this one [grins evilly] my fave <3 (if that wasn't obvious jksdg) i like making this one suffer !!! esp berserk !! doomed yuri, complicated, yummy. they are terribleee at communication. berserk sucks at trying to convey what she feels correctly and blossom takes it as criticism, and will resort to stonewalling techniques in the right circumstances. both of them expect a lot of change from one another but both of them are too stubborn to put in the effort to change themselves, making them constantly in and out of the arguing phase. they always have problems !! on a more wholesome note, they have cute dates; picnics and shit *rolls eyes*
a different dynamic i have with blosserk is more unrequited. berserk crushes on blossom but the latter doesn't feel the same. i have/had a whole au surrounding this as a kid that's just a whole failed enemies-to-lovers arc where berserk tries to reconnect with blossom on more neutral terms but blossom is too arrogant and cannot look past her former reputation of being a villain. role-reversal; ends up being the one that gives berserk a hard time than the other way around. ex-lovers kind of feel. berserk is very self-destructive when i think abt this dynamic. i like this one better cus i play with it more + there's more angst potential 🥰
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genderqueeradrien · 1 year
ADRIEN AGRESTE BPD CODED? explain pls <- going O.O slash pos
ok so !!! this turned into an ESSAY i'm so sorry i've been thinking about this for ages and haven't put my thoughts on paper together yet so this is me doing that. also disclaimer irl at least in the us people usually cant get diagnosed with bpd until theyre atbut this is a french kid's show about magic superheroes so i'm ignoring a bit of real-world logistics for the sake of analysis. also, i'm starting with things that ARENT kuro neko specific but trust me we'll get to her.
warning: really long post. actual warning: there's mentions of self harm, talk of suicide and metaphorical suicide, and some discussion of canonical abuse + coping mechanisms. generally lots of mental illness stuff
(also in case the readmore breaks at some point im putting this here bc i want to have it saved Somewhere)
[blank paragraph in case the readmore eats the first paragraph. i love this website]
some bpd symptoms i see in adrien/chat noir:
identity disturbance, markedly/persistently unstable self-image/sense of self: there's been several times here adrien talks about wondering whether adrien or chat noir is his "true self," which is super interesting to me bc i (dissociative disorder haver) used to angst about that exact thing (though his situation is definitely different on account of being a superhero lol). there's also the fact that he doesn't have any idea who he is or what he wants to do with his future, and his mind goes blank whenever he thinks about it, which aligns with the difficulties in committing to goals/jobs often seen in bpd
potentially self-damaging impulsive behavior: he's always sacrificing himself for ladybug- here's 2 minutes straight of him doing it in timebreaker, dark cupid, zombizou, chameleon, gorilla, and gamer 2.0. he also does it in lies, reverser, and the shangai special, and probably several more. imo as well as showing an intense attachment to ladybug, it also shows a lack of regard for his own health and wellbeing :( not to mention all the times he runs to fight akumas with no plans or tries to fight them on a broken ankle or other general recklessness
suicidal or self harming behavior: i know this is a stretch but this is a kid's show so we're probably not going to like. see any of that onscreen in a literal sense. but i do feel like some of the times where he sacrifices himself over and over could count. because no matter how much he trusts ladybug there's no guarantee she'll be able to fix everything, and he's immediately willing to die/be teleported into a shadow realm/turned into a kissing zombie/despawn/etc despite that. also he tried to cataclysm himself during guiltrip, tho that was bc of an akuma (although akumas do generally amplify preexisting emotions)
inappropriate/intense/difficult to control anger: trying to cataclysm kim because he played a mean prank on marinette is the first thing i think of. i feel like he definitely tends to suppress anger until it bubbles up and explodes, like in representation when he's going off on his dad about his parenting being shitty, which, while justified, definitely put him in more danger of being hurt. also i know it was in an alternate timeline + he was akumatized but he DID kill everyone in the world that one time. i support him though. he's allowed to do that because i love him
a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships, splitting: prefacing this with i dont think ladybug + chat noir are in an unhealthy relationship, but i do think that sometimes the way he sees ladybug can be unhealthily idolizing, in a way that's very reminiscent of favourite persons in bpd. most of season 4 is him being in love with ladybug but feeling pushed aside, until he splits on her in kuro neko (which i'm getting to i promise. this post is way longer than i thought it'd be). there's also desperada where he spends months in a time loop trying to save her despite presumably knowing he's not the person who should be saving her right now.
stress-related paranoid ideation or dissociative symptoms: tbh i dont know much abt paranoid ideation so i won't speak on that too much, but i do think his worst fear in sandboy being ladybug being upset with him despite having never acted that way before might fall into that category? as for dissociative symptoms, aside from the identity thing i mentioned earlier, i guess the scene in kuro neko where he's sitting on his couch doing nothing except running his video game character into a wall could be him dissociating? also apparently (i havent read/seen this myself but ive heard abt it) astruc said chat noir is resistant to akumas because he's so used to disappointment, which could suggest a level of emotional numbing
when i first was watching miraculous i was kinda thinking abt adrien having bpd but i didn't have anything super solid to explain it. but it's fun for me to analyze characters' mental states and nothing explicitly contradicts it so whatever. BUT THEN. KURO NEKO.
when ladybug snaps at him he immediately jumps to the conclusion that she hates him/is tired of him (splitting, paranoid thinking)
he decides to leave, which may seem contradictory to "frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment," but pushing people away and essentially abandoning someone before they abandon you (whether or not that was actually going to happen) is a super common result of that symptom and it's what he's doing here. he thinks she doesn't need him, so before she can tell him this he leaves
he leaves his miraculous behind where someone couldve grabbed it because he felt rejected (impulsive behaviour)
then he goes home and tries to destroy all the traces of his love for ladybug, getting rid of his pictures of her on his phone and physical pictures as well (splitting, difficulty controlling anger)
when he wakes up he lies in bed, skips school, doesn't change out of his pajamas, and spends his time running his video game character into a wall. to me it looks like he's completely shut down (dissociation)/in a depressive episode
the show from the beginning sets up that being chat noir is an escape for adrien, and the beginning of season 4 really hammers that point home. we see adrien having an awful day and only finally perking up when he gets to see ladybug. so when adrien gives up his ring that's him giving up on not only himself but on a huge part of his life and one of the only parts that brings him happiness. the way he talks about giving up his ring ("i just can't do this anymore. i give up. on everything") sounds like something a suicidal person would say. this is also something he's expressed before, in syren, when he says "no one'll know if I quit. no one'll care!" (not for nothing, this also comes after him feeling rejected by ladybug). to me it feels like he's been balancing on this metaphorical-suicide metaphorical-ledge for a very long time and kuro neko is him giving up, and then realizing that giving up isn't the way to feel better. (suicidal ideation, fear of abandonment)
adrien doesn't hesitate at the idea of completely changing his personality to be who he thinks marinette wishes he was. the need to make himself into whoever he thinks will be wanted has been a running theme through his life (his childhood dream was to be whoever his parents wanted him to be), and it doesn't fully end with kuro neko- the same insecurities about not being good enough are still shown in the later half of season 5, with him telling marinette he's not worthy of her love and telling ladybug making jokes is all he was ever good for (both in revolution). (low self-esteem, fear of abandonment)
catwalker in general makes me go insane. i think a lot of catwalker comes from the persona he puts on when he's acting as adrien agreste, gabriel agreste's golden child. and i think the constant deference is also something he learned from the abuse from his father. he leans into the "fawn" coping mechanism (adapting to an abuser's wishes to appease them, denying your own needs for those of others) because it's what he's learned to do his whole life because of his father.
catwalker is like a personified fawn fear response. he's the personification of adrien's frantic attempts to avoid abandonment. he's loyal to a fault and would do whatever ladybug asked him to just to try and be good enough for her to stay. he doesn't realize that he's already good enough as adrien/chat noir, that ladybug needs him to be himself or her magic literally doesn't work. she can't do it on her own. she needs him but he's so scared she'll leave that he tries to leave first and then tries to mold himself into someone new who she could love. when he was already loved fully the whole time. aough.
some other smaller examples of his low self esteem & desperation to avoid abandonment:
trying to get good grades to impress his father and earn his love
staying friends with people and trusting them for far longer than is logical (chloé and lila)
feeling like he's not worthy of marinette's love or ladybug's partnership, feeling like he's not worthy to be a miraculous holder or that he's not helping the team, etc
the shocked relief in his eyes when ladybug says she won’t abandon him :(
when gabriel says to chat noir that his son is precious and chat/adrien looks at him Like That. yeah .
SO. YEAH. this post kinda got away from me a little bit as i defended my agresteology dissertation or whatever.
TLDR: he's impulsive and loyal to a fault, yet terrified of abandonment to the point where he tries to sabotage his relationships himself. he idolizes ladybug until he feels rejected by him, when he splits on her and becomes convinced she doesn't care about him. he has low self-worth and places a lot of his perceived worth on how (he believes) others think of him and is always striving towards that ideal even when that ideal is something he can't reach, or something that hurts him to try to reach. also i want to give him a hug and some milk and a blanket. he deserves it
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g1itchtree · 10 months
Divulgence- Part 1
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Okay quick authors note cause! Why not!
This is a new lukadrinette series. Honestly I love this ship so much it needs more stuff so. Here I am! It’ll be a bit canon divergent, idk how much but Chat and Ladybug actually have proper communication so that’s fun.
Updates will be pretty sporadic, basically whenever the writing mood strikes me. I wrote this in only like a few hours but then l’ll go weeks without writing lmao
Also I really have no idea how to use tumblr and I’m on my phone so if these are formatted weird please let me know
That’s it I guess? Enjoy!
“Miraculous ladybug!” Ladybug shouted as she tossed the spotted Dino Huggie in the air. As always, the magic ladybugs swirled around the city, fixing any damage the akuma had caused.
There was one thing that couldn’t be reversed, however.
As Marinette- no, Ladybug. As Ladybug gave Alec his charm and the trio of heroes brought him back to his TV crew, Luka couldn’t help but dread the consequences of what he had learned today. Two of his close friends (if that could even describe what he felt for each of them) were Paris’s superheroes. The sheer fact that they risked their lives every day and still managed to make time for average civilian life was astounding.
He was beginnning to understand why Marinette was always running off.
After they were done with Alec, he and Ladybug zipped off toward an empty alleyway. As soon as the coast was clear he took off his Miraculous and handed it over.
“Thank you, Luka,” Ladybug smiled at him, tucking the bracelet back in her yo-yo. And yeah, he could totally see it now that he knew. He knew quantum masking was powerful and all, but they had the same exact smile, same sparkle in her eyes after a job well done. How could he have missed that?
“Thanks to you, our secret identities were preserved and no one discovered who Chat Noir and I really are.”
Oh, she was still talking. Luka should probably stop staring.
It didn’t seem to matter too much though, because she turned to leave right after. Except she stopped right before tossing her yo-yo, that nervous smile that was just a bit too tight and her eyes a bit too wide to be genuine on her face. “Not even you, right?”
“Not even me,” He confirmed, though he could feel his nerves bubbling up. “Luckily Wishmaker never hit you or Chat Noir.”
Ladybug narrowed her eyes at him, and he knew she could see right through him. Like he could hear her inner song, she seemed to be able to know his deepest thoughts, no matter how much he tried to play it cool. Sure, that was part of the reason he fell for her. She was always the first to comfort him whenever things got a bit much. But damn, if it wasn’t inconvenient right now.
With a look outside the alley to make sure no one was near, she let out a deep sigh, her shoulders slumped as she leant against the wall. “Tikki, spots off.”
With a pink glow, the suit slipped away, leaving only Marinette and her kwami behind, looking stressed to all hell.
“Sorry,” Luka muttered, mostly on reflex.
“It’s not your fault, I knew this was a possibility when I asked for your help,” She assured, fishing a macaron out of her bag and giving it to Tikki. “Is it just me, or Chat Noir too?”
“Both,” He admitted, tugging at the bottom of his hoodie with discomfort. “…you looked really cute as the knitting fairy?”
She looked at him with that adorable expression she had whenever she was disgruntled or surprised, nose scrunched and lips pursed slightly. She then let out a laugh, shaking her head and pressing her hands to her face. “Fuuuck, that’s embarrassing.”
“Not at all,” He waved it off, grinning just a bit despite the circumstances.
“What was Chat Noir’s?” She asked, then seemed to realize her mistake. “Wait, maybe you shouldn’t tell me that, scratch it-”
“He just wanted to please his parents,” Luka shrugged, figuring that wasn’t too bad. Lots of people wanted to do that. “Make them proud, do whatever they said.”
Marinette furrowed her brows ever so slightly, nodding after a moment. “Yeah, that makes sense. I know his dad is overbearing, but he still loves him.”
The two sat in silence as Tikki finished her snack, unsure of where to go from there. Eventually though, the tiny god wiped her face and gave Luka a smile, diving into Marinette’s bag.
“We should head back and find Adrien,” She said after that, pushing herself off the wall. “Can you come back to my place after? We… need to talk.”
“Of course,” He agreed, but really he was dreading that conversation. Many possibilities ran through his head, each worse than the last. Would she not let him be Viperion again? Would she tell him they couldn’t be seen together anymore? Would he have to leave the country just so Shadow Moth couldn’t get to him?
The endless downward spiral screeched to a stop as Marinette took his hand, giving him that tiny smile that said everything would be fine. “It’ll be okay. Let’s just head back for now.”
And so they went.
As soon as they reached her bedroom after talking with her parents, Marinette immediately started freaking out.
She paced back and forth, hands tugging at her hair as she started to plan. “Okay so obviously it’s bad that you know who both of us are. If it was just one that might be okay- hell I already told someone, and I let Chat know that he could do the same. But both is a recipe for disaster! If Shadow Moth finds out, then you or your family could get hurt, and if you’re akumatized? I don’t even- that can’t happen! I could load you up on charms, sure, but what if you lose them? Or they break? Wait, can they even break? What if-“
“Marinette,” Luka interrupted, making her stop in her tracks. “You’re going to burn a hole in your floor if you keep going like this.”
She let out a sheepish laugh, her eyes dropping to her feet. “Sorry, sorry.”
“Come on, sit down,” He offered, patting the spot next to him on the chaise. “Let’s work through this one problem at a time, without catastrophizing.”
“Right, okay,” She agreed, plopping down and taking a deep breath. “How about… do you have any questions for me?”
“You mentioned others know?” He started with, figuring that was easiest.
“Oh yeah, that’s a pretty recent development,” She admitted, looking down at her hands. “I told Alya, after the Gang of Secrets mess she figured something big was up. I… I was really struggling balancing my superhero and civilian life, and it kind of just came out.”
“That’s perfectly reasonable,” Luka said, giving her his patient smile that honestly made it super hard not to cry. “I’m sure being Ladybug is stressful enough, and after you became Guardian? I’m not sure I would’ve been able to handle it myself.”
She bit her tongue, holding back from saying that she wholeheartedly believed anyone could do better than her, and she was sure Luka would do utterly amazing. She instead continued her answer, picking at her nails a bit. “I told Chat Noir who Carapace was, cause it was a bit unfair that I got someone and he didn’t, and obviously Carapace isn’t me so there was no risk of him accidentally telling me his identity. And the two are around the same age, and I know Carapace can keep a secret if it really matters. I’m not sure if Chat ever approached him though.”
Luka nodded, silent for a while before asking his next question. “Will… will I get to be Viperion again after this?”
Marinette sighed, dragging her hands over her face as she thought about it. “I don’t know… in all honesty, I really shouldn’t. But… you know how this all works already, and you’re really good at it too! Finding someone else I can trust to wield that power will be a lot of trouble. It’s easy to abuse it or not really know how to utilize it. And… I know Sass likes you a lot, too.”
That made Luka smile, a low chuckle escaping him. “Well, I like Sass too. I’d miss the little guy.”
Marinette couldn’t help but smile back, glancing to where the Miracle Box was hidden. “I guess… well, I won’t call on you unless it’s really needed. But… so long as no one ever finds out you know, then it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”
“I can keep a secret, there’s no need to worry about that,” Luka assured, placing a hand on her shoulder.
She glanced up at him, the familiar butterflies returning once more. It wasn’t fair that he was just so… so charming! And comforting! And someone she could just be herself around without any fear! Not to mention absolutely gorgeous? Honestly, it’s like the universe was trying to make her suffer.
“Marinette?” He all but whispered, drawing her attention back to reality. His brows were pulled together ever so slightly and he was biting the inside of his cheek, sure signs that something was on his mind.
“What’s wrong?” She immediately asked, starting to panic. Did he think this was too much? Did he not want to be seen with her anymore? This was the first time they’ve really spoken after the breakup, and honestly, she didn’t know if she could watch him leave again. Even if it was for the better.
“I… the whole reason we broke it off was because you’re Ladybug, right?” Luka asked, immediately filling her with dread. “Because you had to keep leaving, and I couldn’t know why.”
She winced at that, turning gaze back down to her hands. “Yes, that’s most of it… and I’m so sorry for that, Luka. I just couldn’t tell you. If I hadn’t broken down, I wouldn’t have even told Alya! I just didn’t want to put you in danger, but I still-”
“No, I get it,” He immediately assured, moving the hand on her shoulder to her own hand. “Now I do, at least. I’ve never had any hard feelings about it, I knew you had your reasons. I still loved you, even though I couldn’t be the one who you open your heart to. I still do, even now.”
“You… you still…?” Marinette whispered, looking to him with wide eyes. Great, now she felt even worse for dumping all this on him. He now knew why it was totally unable to work at all, not with the utter mess that was her life.
“I do, and now that I know you’re Ladybug…” He trailed off, looking down to where his hand laid on hers, slowly interlacing their fingers. “I really wanted us to work, y’know? Is there… any chance we still might?”
“Wait, you-” She immediately moved back, pulling her hand away. “Are you serious? You- after all I did, you still-”
“Sorry, that was probably too much,” He immediately backpedaled at her reaction, hiding his obvious hurt behind a smile. She could see it though, and it made her feel all the worse. “I just wanted you to know I care about you. I get why you wouldn’t want to, though.”
“Hold on, I didn’t say that,” It was her turn to interrupt as she held her hand out, cutting him off. “Just… give me a minute. I honestly wasn’t expecting that.”
Luka softened at her flushed cheeks and how she bit her lip, his affection for her evident in the look he gave. “Of course, take all the time you need.”
She visibly relaxed at that, leaning against the back of the chaise as she contemplated it. She glanced up at him every so often, then at her picture board, and a few times towards the box.
“I… I wouldn’t be able to dedicate enough time to you,” Marinette started with. “I would always have to run off, leave you behind again.”
“And I’m okay with that,” He said. “I was just worried that something was wrong with you before, that you were in danger. Or that I did something wrong. But I know why now, and I can help you escape if it’s needed.”
She let out a sigh, knowing he had a point. “If Shadow Moth ever finds out who I am…”
“He won’t,” Luka immediately cut in, that passionate fire blazing in his eyes. God, she loved that look. “You’re always so careful. That’s why I was there today, right? To ensure Shadow Moth wouldn’t find you. And that was a good call. There’s no way he’ll find out who you are.”
He really wasn’t making this any easier, was he?
“Dammit, Luka…” She muttered, uncurling herself and moving back next to him. “I really lo…like you, too…” She winced at the stutter, cursing herself for being unable to really express her feelings. “You make me feel so… comfortable? I don’t know if that’s the right word. I can just relax around you, not worry about every little thing. I hated breaking it off. I do want to be with you, really. But… I still don’t think it’s a good idea. I still… I lik-”
“Is it Adrien?”
Marinette turned to him with wide eyes, sputtering at that. “I- wha- nooo, of course not! Why would I ever… was I that obvious?”
“I think the only one who doesn’t know is him,” Luka joked, bumping their shoulders together. “I don’t blame you. Honestly, I’ve got the hots for him too.”
“You do??” She almost shouted, mouth agape. “But- you just-”
“You can love more than one person, Marinette,” He started, taking her hand in his again. “It doesn’t have to be this exclusive thing. I mean, it’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but I personally have no problem with you pursuing a relationship with Adrien while you’re with me.”
She looked from their hands to his eyes, utterly confused at this point. “I- I’m not sure I understand.”
He laughed at that, tucking a loose hair behind her ear. “That’s alright. I can try to explain.”
He turned away, a little smile on his face as he walked her through it. “Love isn’t something that’s limited. Some people choose to only love one person with their whole being, and that’s perfectly fine. But others prefer to have more than just one partner. They spread their love evenly and wholly. And you, Marinette, have more love to give than anyone I’ve met. I’d honestly feel bad keeping you to myself.”
She was silent, processing his words. “So… you, me, and Adrien would all be a couple?”
“That depends. I’m not sure if Adrien’s into me. But we don’t all need to date each other for it to work,” He explained. “As long as there’s communication and clear boundaries, then I see no reason why you can’t date who you want. The only question is, are you comfortable with that?”
Marinette thought about it, coming up short with a perfect answer, as was the pattern with her feelings. But… it sounded nice. “I don’t know. It… I guess I wouldn’t mind trying? I haven’t even considered that.”
“Most people don’t,” Luka smiled, turning back to face her. “It’s fine if you don’t want to. Just follow your heart.”
My heart really wants to kiss you.
The thought turned her bright red, but she was unable to deny its validity. Could you blame her? The way he looked at her, with endless compassion and devotion, made her absolutely melt. Now that she had this new perspective, she honestly couldn’t bear letting him go again.
It seemed he felt the same. He was slowly leaning in, bringing a hand to her face. Not pulling, just caressing her gently. His eyes flicked down to her lips then back up, a new glint of desire in them.
Fuck it.
She grabbed him by his hoodie and pulled him down to her before she could second guess herself. He jumped a bit in surprise but adjusted quickly, tilting his head ever so slightly as he reciprocated it.
It was quite honestly the best thing she’s ever done. His lips were soft and warm, and they fit against hers perfectly. His hands were rough from years of playing guitar, and the feeling of them on her was too good to ignore. The one holding her hand moved to her waist, drawing tiny shapes there.
They pulled apart after a few moments, both breathless at the exchange. Marinette immediately panicked once it was over, which should honestly be expected. “Oh my god, we just- wait I am so sorry I didn’t even ask that was so awful of me! I can’t believe I did that, I’m so-”
“Mari, it’s okay,” Luka interrupted with a laugh, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. “I wanted it too, no worries. You can ask next time if it bothers you that much.”
She looked up at him with amazement, smiling nervously. “How do you always manage to calm me down?”
“I know you,” He murmured, sending her heart into overdrive.
She hesitated for just a second, a bit shy but really wanting to continue. “Can I… can I kiss you? Again?”
He huffed in amusement, dipping his head down to capture her lips in his. She immediately melted against him, a little content hum escaping her. She brought a hand to his hair, threading her fingers through it and pulling him closer.
She really had no idea what she was doing, but Luka made everything so easy. He slowly backed her up so she was against the back of the chaise, moving the hand on her cheek to the back of her neck. His tongue glided over her lips carefully before retreating, giving her the chance to back away if she needed to.
Yeah, like hell.
Instead, she gave an experimental poke of her, surprised to be met with his. She let him guide her, following his movements and slowly making bolder moves of her own. She tightened her grip on his hair, not quite pulling but definitely firm. A low groan escaped him and he kissed her with more fervor, clearly affected by her actions.
Marinette herself was thrilled with this course of action, giving a few more slight tugs as she wrapped her legs around him. Before they could get too into it however, she felt someone watching them. Many someones.
With a groan, she reluctantly pulled away, glaring over at the kwamis. Most of them had their heads poked out, including Tikki, the traitor.
Luka sat back with a laugh, giving a small wave to the creatures. Daizzi rushed forward first, flying around his head with excitement. “Are you the Guardian’s new partner? That’s so amazing! She’s been really upset, honestly. Staring at those photos of you all day, that glum look on her face.”
“That’s enough!” Marinette squeaked out, grabbing Daizzi and covering her mouth. “Another word and I won’t be sneaking you any choquettes!”
“We’re just happy for you, that’s all!” Xuppu cheered, the rest of the kwamis flying out. “And it sounds like you can still be with Adrien! It’s a win-win!”
“Please don’t take our choquettes!” Mullo whimpered, giving Marinette her puppy dog eyes.
“Ugh, fine, just don’t peak next time we make out…” She sighs, letting Daizzi go.
Luka perks up at that, shooting her a smirk. “Next time?”
Marinette turned red, waving her arms around awkwardly. “What? Did I say that? Pfft, how silly would that be? Unless you want there to be a next time, then I’d be more then happy cause honestly that was really hot and I wanted to keep going but! I get if you don’t want to cause I wasn’t really expecting to either, not to say it was amazing, it totally was, and please just shut me up already…”
He laughed at the last bit, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “I’m totally down for more. But maybe another time… I’m sure we’ll get some privacy next time?”
He looked to the kwamis, and each instantly nodded their agreement, giggling and looking between the two of them.
“See?” Luka gestures to them, that easy smile stretched across his face. “No trouble.”
“I should probably feed them now, anyways,” Marinette sighed, slowly standing up. “Do you want to grab something too?”
He grinned up at her, grabbing her hand and pulling the hatch down open. “Lead the way.”
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aweridday · 3 months
When the arena is temporarily closed due to needing repairs, what are two armored hunters supposed to do with their surprise vacation time? Go to the Beach obviously!! (Well probably anywhere besides the beach, they’re coworkers, barely acquaintances. why would you want to go anywhere with this guy??)
I yawn as I leave my apartment, seems I have a day all to myself. What to do, what to do… could get brunch? but I’ve already had breakfast. maybe a walk? Yeah, that could be fun, I hummed an old song I used to listen to and waved when needed for when fans recognized me, But it was pretty uneventful.
Ah there’s my place of work, Balada wanted the Arena to be the main attraction, so you’ll always come back to it no matter where you go. hm maybe I’ll see how much longer until the Arena is repaired, yeah that’s what I’ll do. And maybe I’ll call to see if someone would like to hang out after I check in.
As I walked down near the entrance of the arena, simply wandering wasn’t fun after a while, there I see… Sentinel, leaning on the wall, who thankfully, seemed distracted. oh please don’t see me. And started to reverse my trajectory, but when he looked up from his communicator and sat up, I froze, He waved and started walking towards me, oh God, please no.
As I thought about using my jet pack, He closed the distance and reached around my shoulder, and put his arm around my neck “Hey! Any clue why the Arena is closed?? I was just trying to get in but it just says closed” I tensed up and looked at him in confusion “It’s down for repairs” his arm stiffened “Uh okay… any clue why someone didn’t tell me??” I stared at him in disbelief “It was said in the Arena group chat…”
We stood there in silence for 8 seconds before He murmured “I didn’t know there was a group chat…” I froze and sighed and grabbed his waist to pull us off the main road and into an alley, and then made him let go of me, just so I could put my hands on his shoulders. And took a deep breath “Listen, I think the reason nobody told you about the group chat was because they had asked me to say something to you, I don’t know why, but I forgot about it so I apologize”
We stood there quietly staring at each other before He started laughing, “Oh well! -Hehe pfff- And here I thought it was on purpose” his laughter died down slow enough to make me regret getting out of bed, and took my hands off his shoulders. And stepped away from him only for him to come inside my bubble “So are you doing anything today??”
I could only utter “uh” before he threw his arm around me once more and started making me walk somewhere as he started going on about how our day was going to get wayyyy cooler and could only think as he made me wait as he went in to get something from his residence, oh good grief I knew I should’ve stayed in bed today.
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As we walked down to the beach, the semi-permanent twilight sky looked down on us, I couldn’t help but regret that I wasn’t strong enough to refuse the offer of hanging out here, sand and armor don’t mix and like hell am I taking anything off! I turned to look at my Colleague, He had made me carry far too much stuff for just the two of us. He went to get Changed into a more relaxed outfit and looked comfortable, fit for the occasion Honestly. I, however, didn’t wear anything besides my armor.
He finally stopped talking about gun care when we near the restroom, and proceeded to drop everything he was holding in my arms, he only had one small bag with him. He yelled over his shoulder “Hey! Set everything up, I gotta go charge” I huffed and stepped on the stairs leading to my sandy Doom, due to the recently of the beach there wasn’t a lot of foot traffic, so I could start this… party
As soon as I had everything set up, That’s when this guy showed up, of course. I looked back at him to complain when I was shocked into silence, oh my god, is he? No way. He could probably sense the bewilderedness radiating from me because he started to laugh, And hell I had to laugh too.
Though a gasp I question “What-pfff hehehehahahah- what are you-you wearing??” I had to hold myself because I was laughing so hard, he had already calmed down and had his hands on his hips and Snickers. “This, my dear Mandalorian, is empire-sponsored swimwear. I haven’t bought a swimsuit since”
The blue Speedo showed everything, Everything. And He tried not to look down too much but Wow, He made it work. I chuckled as he struck a pose, and it seemed to make him feel justified apparently, as he came closer and said “Huh you know… I think that’s the first I ever heard you laugh that hard” I froze and turned away to look at the water, and could only mutter out “Uh yeah… not every day you see that” and felt warm in the cheeks, I pat the other sunlounger and lean back, he snorts and sat down.
He lifted his hand to where his chin would be and tapped it, he looked down, then up at me, then repeated that a few more times before he snapped his fingers. He jumped up and pointed at me, I pointed at myself and tilted my head. He nodded, and I shrugged, He sighed, but it didn’t seem like he was upset, more so amused.
“Dude, you gotta at least show a lil bit of skin, We’re at the Beach! You don’t see me hiding my amazingness” I felt my jaw drop, the Jackass had a smirk under that helmet, I just know it. And yeah, You can see the amazingness as he calls it, the only thing that wasn’t left to the imagination was his face! The Rest of him was revealing, seeing his naked form beside an-an speedo!! It was still as jarring as when he first came out of the restroom.
I huffed as he started to chant “Take, it, off! take, it, off! take, it, off! take, it, off! take, it-“ I slapped my hand over where his mouth would be, and said with exaggeration “Fine! fine, I’ll take something off. Just shut up!” I took my hand off his helmet and started to take off my gloves. And with flare, started showing off my unguarded hands.
He stared at my bare hands and tilted his head, my annoyance started creeping into embarrassment. As I wondered what he could be thinking, and was about to excuse myself and say the sand was getting into my armor so I could leave. when he grabbed one of my hands and felt it up, ohhh no what was he doing now?? He turned it this way and that way, and he muttered “Why are your hands so soft?” I shrugged “I moisturize”
He started to crack up about that, before letting go of my hand, and reaching into the cooler he bought, pulling out two piña coladas and giving me one. I stare at it, then at him when he puts a straw in, only to shake my head in humor when I realize.
And we remain quiet for about… 30 seconds, sipping our drinks, before he started up again “So, I have to ask, what’s with the armor? It’s pretty cool, but the helmet? I know my reasons, what’s yours?” I looked down at myself and felt some excitement as I launched into explaining the history of my clan, I couldn’t stop smiling
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He was quiet and very animated with his reactions, it was… nice. “Huh, well hot damn. That’s both really sad but also super cool, are you sure you’re the only one left?” He was closer than before as we were both leaning toward each other, his arms were on his knees, and I was messing with my arm guards. “Yes, sadly, But maybe I will be able to rebuild.”
My boots were off, and my pants sleeves rolled up. He was sitting down, then staged a cough, and then he changed the topic, I was thankful for it. sipping on my second cup of the day. It was nice, not caring for a moment, simply sitting while Sentinel went on about all types of things. I was leaning on my hand, nodding at times, He was extremely entertaining.
When he finally stopped talking, it was filled with a comfortable silence, only the waves crashing into the seabed, and the wind rolling the sand around, were heard.
He sat his drink down stood up, and started walking towards the sea. I watched as he jumped in the water, and watched some more as he started to get overrun by waves. I laughed as I too sat my drink down and walked to the water, letting the smaller waves hit my feet. Sentinel washed up near me, he was face down and unmoving. I snorted, He rolled over and crossed his hands over his stomach.
I offered a hand, and he took it. As we walked back to our stuff, I said “So, you got anything going on later?” He snickered “Aw, planning a date? Already?? How sweet.” I Stumble, and am flabbergasted! And-and why would I?? Well… huh- he laughed, and punched my arm, I didn’t feel it through the armor.
He let out a sigh and gave a look around the beach, I gave a look as well, people were arriving and filling up spots, and I knew it was time to go. I handed the rest of my drink to him and started putting my gear back on, he was gathering the stuff. I thought about what he said, even if it was only a joke, it was… an appealing thought, Hm I’ll have to come back to that.
Thankfully he only made me carry the cooler and one of the chairs. We made our way to the restroom, and he, once again, threw everything into my arms and went in to charge. I was alone with my thoughts for ten minutes, minutes I used to think about what to do about… him. It was only a joke, nothing more, but man was the possibilities endless.
He came out and took his belongings back, I waved, He wiggled his fingers, and we said our goodbyes and I went on walking, he went home. It was pleasant overall, and I thought about how I got a glimpse of dark stubble when he was chugging the rest of my piña colada, Yes… much to think about.
someone take this game from me, I already have too many games. but ngl this is an awesome game and I've been playing non-stop.
also I like to think they are friends that make fun of each other, and He makes him pay for all of their drinks when they go out, and so! They spend A lovely day at the beach because no one else was available, and…. they don’t really have friends outside of their coworkers.
Also, this isn’t that OOC, you just have to read Star Wars Hunters: battle for the Arena, and you’ll be surprised by how much it reads as an actor au >w<
Yes I know Sentinel doesn’t wear the helmet in leisure time but man do I love helmets :3 so wear it he will! Also Disney might remake it so you’re wearing shorts, but speedo storm troopers will always be my love
Ngl the thought of these two growing into a relationship makes me happy so have this where they instead grow into a friendship :) wanted to have something sweet and silly for people to read, so I made this. So hope you dudes like this!!
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1092 - Initial Thoughts
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And another break ends at last
It's been a thriving time as a One Piece fan these last few weeks; Live Action's delivering, anime is serving, and we had that meaty cliffhanger with Luffy and Kizaru now to pick up on
Let's not wait any longer (also it's late and I gotta work tomorrow XD)
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
A Jinbe cover this time, for a moment I got excited thinking it was a cover story to explain how he escaped Whole Cake
We instead pick up after Kuma, still running wild on Marejois
But Akainu is here now, though he is getting slandered by the Celestial Dragons, calling for Kuma's death and what they will do about the loss of food
Gave Kuma the Whitebeard face treatment
Kuma paws out of dodge, but not before getting his foot singed
Akainu does mull over telling Bonney that Kuma gave up his mind on his own volition, and wondering as much as we are what the end goal is for Kuma
Back on Egghead, the Mark 3s are sadly killing all the sea beasties, allowing the marines to get to the Fabriophase (ground floor of the island)
Luffy meanwhile is hitting Kizaru in Snakeman
Kizaru is at least giving his strength props, asking why he is defending Vegapunk, but Luffy hits back on the uno reverse: why does he wanna kill Vegapunk?
Kizaru dude he can't hear you from way over there
He says 'I don't want to kill him' but also 'don't get in my way', hmmm?
Speed is weight indeed, but Kizaru needed one hell of a run-up to hit Luffy
Vega Force 1 NOOOOOOOO! The impact sends Luffy flying, including through the giant bot and means of escape
Kizaru then starts being his usual self towards Bonney now, implying he knew her when she was younger and trying to appeal to her connection to Kuma to justify killing Vegapunk
Bonney tries to attack, but Kizaru dodges and kicks her into the barrier
Franky goes to attack but Kizaru's already left, so he quickly goes to contact Usopp
The three Punks have succeeded in breaking York's code, but their joy is cut short by Kizaru's appearance
And like he's right there, chilling between Punk and Usopp
Kizaru takes one last lament before going to complete his mission
But Giant Gear Fifth Luffy with the grab, complete with surrounding characters eyeball popping again
I guess Nami's still not used to Gear Fifth because this is the second time she's eye popped from seeing him, it's Usopp and the Punks' first time up close at least
Kizaru knows about Joy Boy? At least he knows rumors
Luffy looks beat up, but it seems to be because he crossed the barrier twice, maybe he went back for Bonney?
The Drums of Liberation emanating from Giant Luffy is enough to echo to even the hidden bot
And for the first time in like a month, no break this week!
Well, when one door closes a window opens instead.
I think we all would've liked to see more of Luffy vs Kizaru, but perhaps Oda doesn't want to make the admirals look weakened. Still Kizaru held his own against Yonko-tier Luffy, granted it was only Gear Fourth but it still increases Admiral stocks.
The Kuma stuff is still interesting, and I still want that flashback, but we are all in the dark about his current agenda, it's just heartbreaking that his body is becoming even more damaged at this point, since we want there to be a chance to save him and for Bonney to get her father back.
Kizaru may be playing a bit of a con here, it might be the scanlations, but honestly if he wanted to kill Vegapunk I feel like Vegapunk would already be dead, no posturing or chatting, perhaps he was giving his opponents time to stop him? Who knows. I doubt he can stay in Luffy's grip forever, I mean Haki of course will keep him from slipping out but with Sanji grabbing Nami's bubble gun there will need to be a new means of containment right?
Speaking of, his absence possibly means he's fighting with Zoro? Jinbe, Chopper and Robin's absences remain noted too, what are they up to?
But with the Vega Force 1 destroyed, opportunity arises with the ancient robot. Giant Luffy's heartbeat activating it does lean into the 'Joy Boy was a giant' theory, but the fact that the drums activated it is interesting, is music its infinite power source? How capable is this ancient kingdom bot too compared to the Vega Force 1 in terms of the escape plan, I mean the Sunny isn't in position yet either, more questions to stack on, but another enticing chapter.
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