#reverse racism cw
twistedtavern · 1 year
Another reverse au interaction or continuation? (I like the reverse au)
It has been EONS since I have received this ask, but now I know exactly which of them shall be tonight's Mother of Fucker. Idk this is kinda more of a character introduction than anything.
CW: Yandere, I tried to salvage this irreverent/sarcastic Yuu but idk if it worked, reader is Yuu, canon-typical racism, canon-typical Sebek slander, murder/execution mention, LIGHTLY IMPLIED planning of genocide, implied abuse
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You swore today was going to be a normal day when you woke up.
You had awoken, got ready for your inevitably exhausting day at NRC, and the moment you were about to be on your merry way, you were greeted by none other than Lilia Vanrouge and... Sebek with his hair down?
Lilia explained that apparently there was a second Sebek running around, this being the second in question, and long story short he was dumping Diasomnia's 6'2 crocodile surplus on you.
And as Lilia left, you could see for the barest second that this strange other Sebek looked back at him with the shiftiest eyes you had ever seen. Even Jamil, pre ass-kicking, looked less shifty than this rat bastard who had been placed before you, but everyone in this school was either shifty or a rat bastard or very much both, so he fit right in.
The differences from the Sebek you were used to were minute, but noticeable. Most apparent was his hairstyle, not overloaded with gel to keep it upright, and instead left to hang down. Funnily, it almost made him look like a completely different person. The front of his blazer was buttoned up completely, and the ribbon signifying his dorm was missing, as well as the golden pin to go with it. If it weren't for the bright green magestone, you wouldn't have been able to tell he was even in Diasomnia.
You blinked owlishly up at him, and he looked down at you before promptly looking away and bowing his head, as if to avoid eye contact.
" Greetings, prefect. I don't want any trouble. Just say the word, and I will leave," he said simply. He raised his head again, still very pointedly not looking you in the eye as his gaze scanned around Ramshackle. He seemed quietly surprised by his surroundings.
You looked at him in confusion, deciding to just be a polite host, " Uh... No, you're okay. You can grab a snack and sit down, if you want. I don't have a lot of movies, but I've memorized the passwords to Cater's streaming subscriptions."
His voice suddenly changed as a faint confusion ghosted over his features before being replaced by a polite, small smile, " Ah, forgive me. It seems you are quite different from the Ramshackle Prefect that I have been accustomed to,"  he bowed halfway at the waist, one arm bent behind his back as the other reached to gingerly take your hand in his and raise the back of your palm to his lips.
Hearing Sebek's boisterous, proud shouts replaced by a low, dulcet tone as his gloved thumb traced over your knuckles rendered you speechless. You could only blink through your sheer lack of comprehension. You were being handled like glass, in stark contrast to the occasional times your usual Sebek would unceremoniously pick you up by the collar to plop you down wherever he saw fit.
The subtle tilt of his head and his half-lidded eyes sent a whirl of the most baffled butterflies in Wonderland alight in your gut as he finally looked into your eyes. Sebek... kinda looked good with his hair down... That was all you would say. You dumbly looked up at him as he stood at full height again, your hand still over his. His smile returned as he saw your expression, and he spoke again.
" I am Sebek Zigvolt," he placed his other hand over yours, and don't think anyone d been this blatantly into you since your last conversation with Rook. " I am honored to be your houseguest."
" O-Oh. Thanks...!" you squeaked out.
His expression became gentler, if that was even possible, and he continued, " Pardon my ignorance, but what is your name? I'm afraid I've never heard the housewarden of Ramshackle referred to as anything more polite than the Prefect, at least from Dawn Phoenix College."
" I'm Yuu. I'm not much housewarden as I am the only non-cat to live here, I guess," you paused as his words fully registered in your brain, " Wait- Dawn Pheonix? I've never heard of that."
The... transfer student(?) looked puzzled, " It is the school attended by His Highness and Grand General Vanrouge," he seemed somewhat... irritated having to say it, a shocking development, given that the Sebek you knew made his downright worship of the former a good three-fourths of his entire personality. " But it appears as if this place can boast that same accolade."
" Yeah. This is Night Raven College. Where's Dawn Pheonix located?" you asked. You were usually tasked with being the resident helper, so you began to naturally slip into that mode.
" Sage Island, if memory serves," he mused, before coyly smiling at you. You felt his hand move from covering yours to... holding your chin up?!?
" If I may, I must admit I do enjoy this Night Raven College far more."
You froze at the contact like you had been raised in a nunnery, and you felt your face heat up. From your throat came a noise like the peep of a tiny bird, and you immediately turned your head in embarassment, squeezing your eyes shut. He chuckled, and-
A large figure came between the two of you, a heavy hand over your face shoving you back so hard you fell square on your butt, and the push from the other hand hardly made your companion stumble back.
Sebek, your Sebek, had suddenly arrived, here just in time to give you your daily headache. He turned to yell at you, but your attention caught on the expression of the second. The other crocodile turned to look at him with a sharp, silent stare, green eyes wide and pupils slitted. It was almost startling, how his demeanor changed from gentle and flirtatious to seething anger barely being restrained.
You expected him to do something, but he stood completely still, gaze locked completely on the yelling guard as he scolded you about propriety. What surprised you was yet another complete 180 in tone, an amicable smile to rival Kalim's appearing on his face as he set a hand on your frenemy's shoulder.
" Come now, brother! It's just a mere human. I see no need to bother."
Sebek whirled around upon feeling his touch, still scowling. " Then just what were you doing, TOUCHING them like that?!?"
Not-Sebek seemed completely unbothered by his words, " Ah, don't be that way! I was just having a little bit of fun. It wouldn't have gone much farther, I assure you."
This statement angered both Sebek and you, the heat on your cheeks increasing in intensity from your embarrassment mixing with newfound indignation at his implication that you were "just" some human toy he could have "fun" with. Sebek opened his mouth before you could, " HOW DARE YOU? The prefect is NOT some- S-Some PLAYTHING!! They may be a puny human, but they can't be that easy to string along!"
You scoffed in offense as you looked at both of them, and you saw the cornered half-fae's gaze flit towards you for the barest second before his smile faded slightly. His eyes narrowed somewhat as he looked at Sebek, " And what's got you so interested in what I do with them? To think, you'd be keeping His Excellency waiting so."
Sebek's attitude changed in an instant. You facepalmed while Sebek squawked, " T-The young master?!? He's waiting?!?"
Not-Sebek nodded and tutted at him with crossed arms as if disappointed, " Since you seem so concerned about this human, I had naturally assumed you would be here. I was sent to fetch you for urgent business, since we all know just how much you are relied on."
" WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHEN I WALKED IN?!?" he all but screeched, before darting out the door, " I'M COMING, MASTER MALLEUS!!"
The remaining first-year snickered wryly to himself as his adversary practically disappeared into thin air, muttering to himself, " Works every time... boot-licking sucker."
He turned to you, his self-satisfied sneer pulling the exact same disappearing act when he saw your expression. With a face like he had been injured, he dropped to one knee before you, holding his head low and crossing one arm over his chest.
" I beg that you forgive me. You are my gracious host, and this is not the first time I have had to utter such slanderous lies in front of a crown loyalist. It was done for the sole purpose of preserving your safety," he said with as much of a smooth, even tone as one could while simpering on the floor.
You gawked at him, still angry, before speaking your piece, " My safety? In front of Sebek?? The greatest threat HE poses to me is rendering me deaf! I'll tell you one thing, and it's that this school is full of two-faced con artists, and I'm sick of it! I'm sure as hell not gonna have one staying in my dorm without proof of improvement!"
He looked up like you had struck him. You pointed firmly toward the door, " Go! Go on back to wherever your overgrown lizard prince is skulking around! Shoo!"
You saw the green locks lower again, hiding a sharp-toothed snarl and brightened green eyes as the crocodile fae bristled at your rejection. His hands balled into white-knuckled fists as his face became politely remorseful, and he stood up. Not-Sebek looked at you with mournful, yet determined eyes, " I will give you the proof you desire as soon as possible, honored housewarden."
" Good for you, now get!" you huffed.
He bowed his head once more before leaving, walking out the door just like his counterpart.
Once he had walked far enough away, a rage overcame him, dead silent and blazing. Not towards you, an innocent human would never earn his wrath, but towards that disgusting, dirty sympathizer that had interrupted his time in your presence. Finally, someone else he could truly dedicate his cause to, and yet, through pure meddling, he would need to get back into your good graces.
" ...to the gallows... no, the guillotine."
His words came out in a growling hiss, swearing his revenge... just another head to put on a pike once the time was right. Once the dragon falls, it'd only be a matter of time until his circus of a court will follow at the hand of the future Lord Zigvolt, dragon-slaying usurper of Briar Valley, and the last remainder of fae blood.
A glittering hoard, a towering throne, and the corpses of every fae in the Valley rotting on the outside just as within... A crown on his head, just like it belongs. A shimmering ring on your finger, just where it belongs. All of it, his dream, the thing that made everything worth it. Every straining smile, every time he was forced to say "human" as if it were a dirty word, every time he'd seen poor Silver limping through the halls at another ungodly hour.
Some day, it all had to come to an end... Didn't it...?
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newkiqx · 3 months
Nearly every single modern computer utilizes cobalt, a mineral whose supply chain is so heavily dominated by slave labor that it's practically impossible to ethically source. Ignoring AI, it is even ethical to do digital art at all? The production of a drawing tablet is not a victimless crime.
I feel you when you want to reduce this to something as simple as a comparison. But bear with me (or alternatively, I put a tl;dr/conclusion at the end).
Much of capitalism is unethical - yes. I agree with this point completely. It's impossible to completely avoid unethical consumption in the world we live in. But it's good to be thoughtful of it and I think businesses and governments responsible for bad practice should be held accountable. Sadly I can't change the world on my own in any meaningful way, but i'll do my part where I can & vote people into power that care about this too.
Taking your comparison for a second, I feel like the art project of that OP was asking a much more direct "I bought cobalt I didn't need and then turned into a children's toy, could this be art?". And my reply was basically yeah sure it could be art, but was it worth it? My point is that I'm not sure on that last part, and leaning towards a 'no'. They specifically sourced it unethically and made that the center piece, which is distinct from the utilitarian nature of consumer electronics we need to get through our lives. Unethical sourcing of art can be a goal or statement (like here cw dead pets) but will then of course still be a part of it. I don't think ethics were considered for the post we're discussing though and it instead only discussed the very unproductive 'is it art' discourse. This, of course, matters about as much as my "dick" being objectively "long" or not.
Maybe getting a little sidetracked, but I also want to mention that cobalt is an extremely useful metal, whereas AI.. well.. i've mentioned the very human cost of mturk and the wholesale theft of the entire internet. There's also:
the power required
the jobs in art it threatens and therefore the skilled labor we stand to lose if we're not careful
the inevitable price hike and betrayal of the public as soon as alternatives are out competed (this will happen)
the risks of biases (racism, ableism, sexism) in an opaque weighted system like AI & the fact we cannot deal with this except for slapping some extra prompts in front
AI poisoning our actual collective knowledge with untrue shit. Recent cases in point being the hilarious fake mouse dick science being published and the ai generated inaccurate servals on google, but there's a lot more going on
the risks of companies and people in power using AI to more efficiently screw everybody over and hide behind 'machine told me so' accountability loopholes
the risks of AI being used in all sorts of malinformed use cases
But what are the gains? What do we stand to win? Call me cynical, but we already had an infinite amount of pictures at our fingertips, as well as all the mediocre writing you could ever want (but actually much better because someone loved writing it). I feel like all these general AI's are good for is filling the pockets of some very rich robber barons and grifters, as well as diluting everything that's beautiful and true in the world.
Quick sidenote - Some specialist AI have genuinely already improved the world, like with medical screenings, but even then it's hard to really call it a win because reverse engineering the reasoning of an AI is so fucking hard. And again, they're a slippery slope with insurance companies wanting a piece of that pie badly, just so they can apply their 'justified' penalties to people not even sick yet.
tl/dr; So in conclusion, no, I don't think your comparison holds up. I agree that it sucks that so much of necessary consumption is unethical in ways we can't easily fix as consumers. But one thing bad does not equate other thing good. If anything, it should inspire you to do better where you can make a difference and hold the ones responsible for the exploitation in this world accountable.
Don't let it eat you up though. I'm not even saying you can't use it for inspiration ever. But any art based on these generated pictures cannot be divorced from the ugly side we'd rather not see: the underpaid army of technically not slaves and the wholesale theft of everything.
also sorry but i couldn't not include this (source: matt bors)
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
I think an overblot Sebek would be interesting to see! Or maybe an overblot Rook?
This is honestly gonna end up going into crack territory so I’m so sorry to all of y’all. Also i will continue making edits because they’re fun! Anyway they’re kinda short but please enjoy
Cw// racism (against beastmen), body horror-ish, body dysmorphia, psychological distress, physical violence, overblots
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Overblot Sebek
The faithful retainer of the faerie prince, fallen from grace? What an interesting thought.
Sebek has never been one well liked among the school, nor his kind. As a half faerie, he learned to be hated and to hate himself in turn. He verbally abused the students around him, condescendingly telling them, “not bad, for a human…”
The beckoning, too good to be true, and the promise given by a powerful faerie rung around his head for too long. He shunned it, at first, as nobody could be so powerful as what they’d claimed.
He pushed off the thought for weeks, focusing harder on his studies. Perhaps, if he were…
The faerie returned to him later, offering him a potion in an emerald green bottle.
Sebek drank it down. He screamed as he shed his human half, leaving him as a full fledged faerie. He thought this would make him feel better, make him feel more worthy. Make him better.
He found that his new form only served to scare others away. He didn’t feel the same, but he didn’t feel more powerful. Simply…less himself. It was nearly a month of this adjustment before he went to Malleus and Lilia, begging them to help undo it.
“I can’t undo a boon granted, Sebek. I’m sorry.”
This was a punishment, wasn’t it? He didn’t understand. Malleus is powerful, insanely so. Sebek was loyal, wasn’t he? He only ever wanted to help, he did this because he wanted to be better, to be able to protect someone. Humans were weak, having a half human guard made him weak, didn’t it?
Sebek sobbed, begging Malleus, asking what he had done wrong.
He became so overwhelmed, so distressed, felt so abandoned, that he overblotted.
His overblot form was more reptilian than he had been before. His teeth were even sharper, his eyes narrower. He looked more like a beastman than a faerie, but acted like neither. He simply acted like a wild animal, snapping at those around him.
He didn’t mean to. He didn’t want to be this way, but he had made a terrible mistake.
It didn’t take much to end the battle and return him to his (new) normal. After a lot of coaxing and encouraging, Lilia and Malleus found ways to help with his new adjustment. Malleus hadn’t lied when he said he couldn’t reverse it - the spell, he physically could not break, though it was also against faerie law to do so.
Sebek got better. He learned to be himself, even if he looked different. He took potions to help with any urges he didn’t know what to do with, he took careful care of his appearance to help with body dysmophia. Overall, he recovered, even if life looked a little different now.
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Overblot Rook
Rook is a little difficult to imagine overblotting, isn’t he? I mean, he’s a rather happy guy who finds the beauty in everything. His signature spell he admits isn’t super powerful or even strong. So what on earth could cause him to overblot?
For me, I think it could be one of two things. Someone is completely intent on ruining every piece of joy he can find, irritating him to the point of actually managing to get him violent, or something magical is influencing his behavior
A new student appeared in Pomefiore, a sulking, sad type much better suited for Ignihyde. He was constantly around, lurking at corners. Everything Rook said, every praise he gave freely, was contradicted by this…this plebeian.
The blatant disrespect for the artistry and beauty of the world! The insults to his interest, the constant berating of those trying their finest to improve, it’s simply diabolical in Rook’s eyes.
What starts as annoyance begins to amp up the more this person harasses him, poking at any ‘weakness’ and being honestly just…awful.
“Beastmen seem so dirty and gross. The sunset savannah sounds dry, and underdeveloped. I feel bad for the people there that Leona’s their prince, he barely qualifies as a student”
Rook is seeing red before he can think, honestly. He’s got this student pinned down, kneeling on the center of their back. His fingers dig in painfully to the crook of their neck, and his teeth almost look like fangs right now.
“Say it again.” He hisses into their ear, causing the student to start shaking in fear.
The shadow of a huntsman leers behind Rook’s crouched form. One of its arms is a hunting knife, the other carries the heart of a pig that pumps with each moment.
He’s not terrifying in terms of magic, but his ability to run, hunt, hide, and attack is unparalleled. He’s fast, he’s strong, and he’s incredibly dangerous to anyone that fucks with him.
He has no issue taking out his classmates, though he doesn’t do anything to permanently cause pain. A free broken legs, a few people chained to a wall to keep them out of the way, a close eye on anyone who could take him out easily and a quick ensnaring of his prey leaves the pool of people who can fix this very slim.
It’s the teachers, and specifically Vargas, that have to step in and end this. Rook never took much mind to the coach, but that was a mistake on his part. Coach has him knocked out in roughly five minutes of a fight and is already carrying him to the infirmary.
Rook will honestly never make up with the student that made him overblot. He will, however, apologize to his classmates when he’s recovered because now people flinch away from him.
Also the student that pissed him off transferred to a different school
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pigeonwhumps · 9 months
Kara and Edith
When Kara, a declawed werewolf and escaped slave, is given a gift card for Swift Auction House, she buys Edith, a 700-year-old vampire who has been owned by one family for about 600 of those years. Taking her home with the determination that she won't have to recover alone like Kara did, they now have to learn to live freely together, which is no easy task for either of them, although at least they have each other, and Amanda to help.
But nothing lasts forever.
Contains pet whump, whumpee thinks caretaker is their new master, found family, recovery whump, non-human whumpees, werewolf whumpees (Kara, Nuru), vampire whumpee (Edith) disabled character (Kara), whumpee turned caretaker, mutual caretaking.
General CWs: Slavery, BBU-adjacent I guess, pet whump, non-human whumpees, fantasy racism, PTSD.
Character intros (inc picrews):
Kara, Edith and Molly
Main works:
NB: Rough chronological order, not posting order. The most recent pieces in each section are bolded. Characters included are in brackets. Mini text is WIPs.
Edith: the first few hundred years
Hope (Edith)
Whipped (Edith)
Torturing Fangs (interactive) (Edith)
Kara enslaved
Declawed (Kara)
Lost and found (Kara, Mark)
Kara: out but alone
Out (Kara)
Swift Auction House
Escape attempt pt 1 (Lucan)
Escape attempt pt 2 (Lucan, Edith)
Kara and Edith: the first years
Prequel: Blood (Kara, Amanda, Molly)
New Home (Kara, Edith, Molly)
Hunting Night (Kara, Edith)
Kara and Edith #1 (Kara, Edith, Amanda, Molly)
Caught (Kara, Mark)
Medieval fantasy reverse au (Kara, Edith, Sam, Amanda)
Tattoo artist x park ranger (Kara, Edith)
Awesome things by other people:
A Small Breakthrough (Kara, Edith, Molly)
📦 Have you ever thought about returning your pet?
🤫 If you could say anything to your owner with a guarantee of zero consequences, what would it be?
💀 If she was one of the 7 sins, what sin would she be?
🔺Kara, do you think you deserve what happened to you?
♦️ quirks/hobbies headcanon
9. What is, or would be, Edith's favorite video game?
✩ happy headcanon
Kara and Edith hug
Height comparisons
Taglist: @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @onlybadendings @whumpofdory @haro-whumps @flowersarefreetherapy @enigmawritesstuff @quietly-by-myself
Sam and Lucan have their own masterlist (also feat Amanda) here.
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girlbob-boypants · 11 months
1 8 9 24 25 🔥🔥🔥🔥
ALRIIIIIGHT let's do this. You didn't specify what so I'll. find something after I copy in the questions and see what i'm dealing with
hm. uh. let's just do 14.
Oh thats a lot of ranting oh. Um. So my rants for this game always get heavier than I expect due to the nature of this game SO
Cw for discussions abuse, racism, and misogyny.
wow it's just like complaining about the DA fandom
1 - The character everyone gets wrong
Honestly? It's Emmy Sulk himself. (Disclaimer that I can only speak through my experiences with the English translation which is known for being either spot on or way off but afaik the main story is better about this)
But his is to the point where even the writing gets him wrong in his second expac imo. Like core parts of his original presentation were that 1. He really loves being dramatic and has a sense of humor and 2. Every aspect of him has been embittered by the loss of his people. His humor is fleeting and spiteful. His view of the world is downright spiteful. This is so important to understand. Emet was not always grouchy and mean, even if he was once serious. And it's no secret even in shadowbringers. He does things out of pity and compassion for the group cause we've amused him. He says this is boring and leaves when we're held hostage. He says he does not view mortals as real people yet his mind palace views us as children rather than the man made creatures of his time.
And people took this and turned it into "oh he's a secretly nice grouch. Teehee he's mister grumpy pants" and ew ran with that and completely fucking NUKED his character in favor of fanon. We didn't even need to see what he was like back when his people were alive but if we were going to, don't tell me that the complete destruction of his people only slightly tweaked his personality. And don't turn his sharp witted best friend into a twink who's only personality trait is "Emmy is actually a good guy I promise". And to have Emmy say he thinks his cause was better but we won so he's putting his faith in us feels so. "Yeah even after getting all his memories back and seeing us in action he still maintains that creating fascist nations with creatures he viewed as subhuman was a good idea but he's your friend now so he supports you."
Literally the worst character arc ever. Imagine taking the "this villain was once kind but lost their way and became cruel and hateful" trope and reversing it into a redemption arc where the entire redemption is "yeah he's always been exactly like this but in another life you were friends so it's okay you can't hate him for what he did to your world"
8 - Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Okay I wrote an entire rant about a character and then realized there's an even worse opinion i hate more so. I'm keeping it cause everything I said is so true but this one is even more important.
Okay so a known fact among 14 fans who can read is that the Xaela au ra are meant to be Mongolian coded. It's not subtle. However it's also incredibly mean spirited. And the worst fandom opinion is that the shitty ways a Japanese studio chose to mock Mongolian culture(s) are funny. There's tribes with beliefs that are, honestly, perfectly normal things clearly being played up for laughs and the fans just clap and jeer along???
Basically the fandom opinion is "SE were so funny for how they wrote the Xaela" when actually it was racism.
Anyone who thinks Thancred is a good father, show me the receipts. Seriously the guy is downright abusive at some points and even if his emotions about it all are fair, his actions aren't. He treats Minifilia just like all of her other captives have, all while projecting his feelings about the last person he failed to protect onto her. And while it makes for a good character arc, she never gets to call him out on it and he never talks to her about it. In fact, instead of talking to her, we get some random Manpain Deadwife dude who vents about his life despite literally not mattering to the plot. And this is somehow more influential to Thancred realizing he should be better than talking to Minifilia is. Even when Minifilia expresses guilt that her being alive means Thancred will never see the person he misses more.
And as touching as their scene is when he gives her a new name that's all her own after he almost died for her is. It's not admission or apology. Minifilia deserved to have him say sorry and to say he was terrified of losing her and almost pushed her away trying to keep her safe.
9 - Worst part of canon
Just like. All of Stormblood? Worst villains, worst coding, worst character development for half the cast. Zenos is literally the epitome of the colonizer nation he's the prince of but the writing goes "noooo he doesn't care about any of that he's just power hungry so there's no commentary!! Him using a Japanese weapon he obtained by murdering and pillaging isn't commentary. Him beating and experimenting on women from colonized nations isn't commentary cause he's not doing it with those motivations!!"
I've spoken a lot about how much I hate every part of this expac. It does nothing well and leads to one of the worst villains everyone obsesses over for being a little silly despite adding nothing to the story and just being a dps check and a voice box in a cardboard cutout.
24 - topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Yotsuyu. Oh SE made one of their villains a Korean comfort woman? Quick, we better talk about how misogynistic this one character is for not killing all brothel owners everywhere even though those people still being alive means Yotsuyu never used the immense power she had as ruler to hunt them down. She had plenty of time to commit ethnic cleanses tho. Weird how that never gets brought up. Why do people criticize this game like it's a real world and the character are all acting of their own accord and not the product of real people from our world writing things?
25 - common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
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prtki · 7 months
                                                  𝗕𝗘𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘  𝗬𝗢𝗨  𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗖𝗘𝗘𝗗 :     this  blog  is  rated  M  aka  DEAD  DOVE  DO  NOT  EAT !     this  blog     &.     it's  contents  are  unsuitable  for  any  persons  under  the  age  of  21.     the  following  content  may  be  present :     non / dub  con,  con-non-con,  sexism,  bigotry,  non-parental incest,  homophobia,  transphobia,  abuse,  gore,  racism,  age  gaps,  slavery,  toxic  relationships     &.     possibly  more.     mod  is  okay  with  dark  humor  OOC.     all  this  will  be  tagged  'cw  insert  here'.     i  do  not  use  catch-all  tags,  such  as  x  don’t  look  or  x  don’t  see  nor  do  i  require  one  for  myself.     i  will  tag  trigger  warnings     &.     URLS :     do  not  pressure  me  or  try  to  control  who  i  write  with.     do  not  ask  me  my  financial  situation,  sexual  orientation / experience / preferences / kinks  or  fetishes,  relationship  status,  mental disorders / medical history, etc.      quite  frankly,  that’s  nobody’s  business  but  my  own. under  no  circumstances,  will  bestiality  or  paedophilia  be  roleplayed  in  this  space.     if  such  topics  are  present  in  your  muses’  history,  please  tag  accordingly.     𝐌𝐔𝐍  𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒  𝐍𝐎𝐓  𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋  𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 !     pro-callout  blogs,  smut-only  blogs,  shota / loli  blogs,  those who shame others for their sexual preferences, MAPS, personal  blogs,  antis…     𝒚𝒐𝒖  𝒂𝒓𝒆  𝒏𝒐𝒕  𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆  𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 !
if  agreeable,  please  continue…
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#PRTKI     ──      a  private     &.     highly  selective  original  werecat  character,  𝐄𝐕𝐘𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐄  𝐋𝐀𝐏𝐈𝐍.     adored  by  KRAEHE,  28  years  of  age,  PST timezone.     this  blog  uses  BETA  EDITOR.
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𝟎𝟎𝟏.  shipping  is  based  entirely  on  chemistry     &.     communication.     i'm a shipping fanatic, but it  is  a  two  way  effort !     other  types  of  relationships  are  to  be  explored  as  well,  not  just  romantic  ones.     please  reblog  memes     &.     misc  posts  from  the  source.     i  take  my  time  with  replies.     i  DO  NOT  speak  via  tags,  as  that  always  clutters  my  tag  system. if  you  ever  want  to  chit-chat,  just  hit me up  on  discord, if you have it, or tumblr’s  DMs.
my  muse  is  of  age,  therefore,  smut  most  certainly  may  happen.     i'm  willing  to  write  out  threads  on  the  dash,  but  i'd  be  more  comfortable  writing  on  discord.     anyone  can  send  NSFW  prompts  at  any  time.     𝑻𝑯𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑺  𝑨𝑹𝑬  𝑵𝑶𝑻  𝑷𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑬𝑫  𝑼𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹  𝑨  𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑬 !
𝟎𝟎𝟐.  i  write  in  third  person,  present  tense     &.     work  best  with  plotting.     i  format  using  double  spaced  small  text,  colors,  underlines,  links,  italics     &.     bolds.     i  don’t  care  about  how  you  format.     i  ask  you  to  tag  #animal  cruelty,  #necrophilia     &.     #trypophobia.
𝟎𝟎𝟑.  𝗜  𝗔𝗠  𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗥  𝟮𝟱  𝗬𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗦  𝗢𝗙  𝗔𝗚𝗘,  this  blog  is  NOT  A  PRIORITY !     it's  purely  for  me  to  have  fun     &.     write  whenever  the  muse  strikes.     THIS  BLOG  IS  VERY  LOW  ACTIVITY !     i  can  be  gone  for  months  at  a  time,  sometimes  even  longer.     i  will  be  here  when  i'll  be  here,  i'll  write  when  i  write.     this  is  my  attempt  to  convey  that  if  you  want  a  fast  or  active  partner,  𝐈  𝐀𝐌  𝐍𝐎𝐓  𝐈𝐓 !
𝟎𝟎𝟒.  i  am  an  AU  enthusiast !     want  to  explore  a  storyline  where  our  muses  are  in  an  arranged  royal  marriage ?     how  about  where  one  is  an  alien     &.     the  other  a  vampire ?     mermaid     &.     human ?     genderbend,  role-reversal,  or  ones  where  we  fit  them  in  existing  franchises ?      𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚  𝙢𝙚  𝙖𝙡𝙡  𝙤𝙛  𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 !     all  i  ask  is  for  communication     &.     we’re  golden
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          𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐎.     𝐃𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐑.     𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒.
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bloodgulchblog · 1 year
I don't want to be too rosy about Heinlein because like. Uh. Bob.
I think Starship Troopers is worth talking about because of its broad influence on science fiction (especially milsf) and I think that even though the utopia he proposed is horrifying, he did it in good faith and incompetence.
But good faith and incompetence is really a hell of a drug. Like. My buddies also made me aware of this total mess, cw "what if reverse racism!" and being generally gross, where he was trying to do a satire of bad ideas and instead... made something worse.......
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fruit-kick · 2 years
link to pfp // link to header // dreamwidth: lotusburned // mastodon: stardropped
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[Image description: a banner with the word "Introduction" in a bubbly vintage font. the background is a picture of a neighborhood. there are orange dividers on the top and bottom. /END ID]
🍂 This blog doesn't follow a specific theme, I just reblog things I enjoy and post stuff I've made sometimes!
🍂 My current fandoms are Reverse 1999, Blue Period, Camp Camp and Saiki K!
🍂 My ask box is open to those curious and I accept basically anything, its just open for fun!
🍂 Note that I reblog some things for awareness but it doesn't mean that I personally experience those, if you dont want someone out of an experience reblogging your post, then please let me know and I'll gladly remove it! <3
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[ID: orange divider. /end id]
🍂 I tag things as I go along this blog so if for example, I tag "unsanitary cw" today, I might've not tagged a post with unsanitary subjects yesterday. the date beside the tag is to let people know when I added that tag so they don't scroll past that date on my blog :)
🍂 Mentions are tagged as of 10/8/2022
🍂 Implications are tagged as of 10/24/2022
🍂 Tags are formatted like "subject (mention/implied) tw/cw". mention/implied are in parenthesis to indicate that they're also tagged when mentioned or implied
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[ID: a banner with the words "Current Tags" in a bubbly vintage font. the background is a picture of a sunset. there are orange dividers on the top and bottom. END ID]
#🍊animal.time🦀 • 9/12/2022
#stimmy • 9/29/2022
personal tag for my favorite stimuli
#dont rb
posts i dont want anyone reblogging
#self rb • 12/17/2022
for my own posts that i've reblogged
#positivity • 9/13/2022
#bigotry (mention/implied) tw • 9/7/2022
general tag for any form of bigotry
#ableism (mention/implied) tw • 9/7/2022
#queerphobia (mention/implied) tw • 9/7/2022
general tag for any discrimination against queer people
#transphobia (mention/implied) tw • 10/23/2022
#transandrophobia (mention/implied) tw • 10/23/2022
#transmisogyny (mention/implied) tw • 10/23/2022
#amatonormativity (mention/implied) tw • 10/23/2022
#bodyshaming (mention/implied) tw • 10/2/2022
#racism (mention/implied) tw • 9/7/2022
#colorism (mention/implied) tw • 9/7/2022
#xenophobia (mention/implied) tw • 5/2/2023
#misogyny (mention/implied) tw • 9/7/2022
#classism (mention/implied) tw • 9/7/2022
#residential schools (mention/implied) tw • 10/1/2022
#antisemitism (mention/implied) tw • 2/15/2023
#sexism (mention/implied) tw • 4/24/2023
#drugs (mention/implied) tw
#death (mention/implied) tw • 9/7/2022
#cults (mention/implied) tw • 1/5/2023
#violence (mention/implied) tw
#substance abuse (mention/implied) tw • 12/18/2022
#eating disorder (mention/implied) tw • 12/18/2022
#murder (mention/implied) tw
#pedophilia (mention/implied) tw • 11/4/2022
#blood (mention/implied) tw • 10/5/2022
#cannibalism (mention/implied) tw • 9/28/2022
#suicide (mention/implied) tw • 9/7/2022
#injury (mention/implied) cw • 9/7/2022
this is for wounds and such, so like an obvious scratch or bruise. doesnt apply to a video of someone falling off the stairs and ending up completely unscratched or scars so keep that in mind!
#gore tw • 10/16/2022
#flashing lights cw • 9/7/2022
#jumpscare cw • 9/7/2022
#eyestrain cw • 9/7/2022
#suggestive cw
#explicit cw • 9/7/2022
#unsanitary (mention/implied) cw • 9/7/2022
#rape (mention/implied) tw • 9/16/2022
#sexual assault (mention/implied) tw • 5/2/2023
#abuse (mentioned/implied) tw • 12/11/2022
im not sure if I'm tagging this one properly so do let me know if something needs to be tagged/untagged! i tag this for posts that talk about fictional events or situations as if theyre real, and i do it for religion and other beliefs such as that. so ARGS, posts from x timeline, shifting, etc
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[ID: an orange divider. /end id]
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City of negligence Philadelphia PA.
👻😏All over entertainment something that they degrade him of but yet want him to get them out of their situations after spoiling those criminal organizations into millions 👉fraudulent lawsuits and (walk free on murder) I guess they may be your best bet cuz Hustle and Flow ain't doing s***........🖕🖕🖕
Anywhere in New Jersey shows the same warning signs.... And then authorities want to pop up and consider him suspicious in which he finds suspicious.....
🤸😏And it's rumored people are told (in voices) to stay out of this area and it's believed to be over there ethnic and or their racism whatever one comes first and they also here voices about getting getting you framed because you won't get their family members out of situations that they got themselves into over that word called (👉gaming) and authority show warning signs off of premeditated encounter while in that 👉area similar to what Montgomery county officials detected on Hustle and Flow investigation about cops throwing it in his face off of premeditated encounter with that looking off to the side (😏thing) and light Sense on the mind state thing but yet when brought to the attention of 👉Philadelphia authorities they (reverse the psychology) on the evidence calling people Krazy when explaining that in detail but yet have been seen doing it on numerous occasions still to this day.....✋
Other desperate moves to try to get them officers and other affiliates out of their situation similar to that hustle and flow situation we're they were trying to plant evidence in a rape case through their drug corner affiliates the 14th district believed and other Desk Duty in any division affiliates that could have been in on it because they couldn't get (🤫👉music) out of him and authorities in Philadelphia didn't want to tell the true story because they were affiliated with the criminal organization who was on Desk Duty for quite some time.....😕👮🚔. 👈👈👀👀😛😛
They also try to scare you with voices in your head that a honorable doesn't live too far........
👻😏Going against that uniform code.....👮🚔
😆🎙️All with three securities in a low populated
They was trying to stare up rumors about something as a way of making it seem realistic beforehand yeah beforehand with different people and use the word gaming as they reverse psychology when detecting that....
🤫😏Premeditated modern day hate crime Suspicions...😕👮🚔😕. 👈👈👀👀🤸
Some of the s*** that government system doesn't tell you why they always worried about some guy......🤔🤔🤔
😏Modern day way......📣📣
😏Modern day way.....📣📣
😏😏Speak on that s*** you krazy.......😕👮🚔😕
CW Daily Briefings!😁👍
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tranquilspot · 11 months
John: Read Colonel Sassacre's text.
Long post ahead! TW/CW: unabashed sexism, misogyny, racism, call to murder as a 'joke', aged like milk content
Block of text n°2. Get ready to get the old timey dictionary, cause I sure will do a loooot of research.
Before reading the text itself, let's analyze the picture. There's Mark Twain (Colonel Sassacre in this universe) in the middle with a silly magician hat on top and an engraved sun. On his left and right, surprisingly two versions of The Fool arcana.
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The Fool represents new beginnings, freedom, innocence, a free spirit. Pretty accurate for John. There's also several clowns: entertainment, playfulness, tricks, but also mockery, illusion, humiliation. I'm saying this because it's relevant. We'll see it much later, during different points in the story. On the bottom, two masks, both smiling. One a demon, perhaps the Devil itself. Which is also a major arcana: obsession, dependency, powerlessness, limitations when it's upright. In reversed it's independence, revelation, reclaiming power, reclaiming control. Very interesting. Let's keep it in mind for later. I have no idea for the other mask, it would be easier if I knew the origin of the 'borrowed' pictures that constitutes this montage. At last, two writing tools that could represent freedom of speech, creation and imagination. The word colonel was added on one of them.
Welp, that's enough dilly dallying on the image, let's dig right into the text now. *grumble mumble I have to manually write it grumble mumble*
Hell's bells, we are having a mighty sporting time of it!
"Hell's bells" is to express anger, surprise or irritation. I'll bet it's surprise here. let's see the rest of the sentence. I haven't find a direct explanation for 'sporting time' but I suppose it means 'dynamic good moment'?
Hold fast, my intrepid fellow pranksmiths! We've merely nicked the mahogany of our japing chests.
Pranksmiths is such a cool term :D So if I understood correctly, this means: "Hold on my fellow pranksters! We've barely scratch the surface."
If I may direct the incisive ogle of your beagle puss to the wriggling regency of rubber bugs […]
Wait wait wait so many new words here!
A sharp eye, okay, of our joke glasses (the one with the funny nose and mustache), and hey! First time seeing 'wriggling', that's mostly used in troll culture. Sassacre was married to the baroness, not sure how much he knew about trolls but I don't think the use of 'wriggling' is a coincidence here. Betty Crocker was already mentioned too. There's miiight be a small chance that this peculiar plot element existed early in the story. 'Regency' is to govern, hmm 'wriggling regency of rubber bugs'. See it's not trivial! Bugs, insects that govern. Sneaky early foreshadowing~
[…] plastic parasite, squirming serpents, pliable pests […]
:0 I know it's common repulsive animals, but look closely. We have bugs, immediately followed by parasite (opinion on his wife perhaps?), followed by a snake (Lord English), and 'pests' are aften rodents. Not sure where does the last one fall in the metaphor. Reading too much into it? Maybe, maybe not.
[…] and every such order and phyla of creepy crawlies!
I'm curious to see what 'order' means in this context. Perhaps 'and such things'? Also phyla! Hello brand new word. Oooh I see, like two branches of the same group of things. Junction! And creepy crawlies! I literally on the picture but i forgor. It's self explanatory, crawling little bugs. This confirm, or at least solidify, my theory on Colonel Sassacre's book to be a parody, autobiographic, but now hinting at what we are to expect from this comic, in terms of plot points and characters (trolls, a tyran parasitic sovereign, snake species..)
Land sakes alive, we are cooking with petrol now!
'Goddamn, now we're talking!' We're half-way through the introduction, of the book I mean! Can't wait to reach the end of Act 1, which is only a part of the 'tutorial'.
In further exhibits we shall dwell on artifice useful to your exploits.
Alright, not very complicated to understand.
Is your pappy's rod and reel handy?
What? *long search* Oooohhh like a fishing rod and thread. I thought that was an innuendo *sweat* I mean it isn't above Hussie to not do it. 'Handy' here means in your hand, or near it.
What about a bit of iron cord; it shouldn't prove elusive.
Are we talking about cord made of iron, or the cord of a iron, the appliance? If it isn't rare to find it I'd say the latter.
Bring those writhing rascals to life, […]
and set the nerves of some old maid to the wreck of Hesperus!
Okay what the fuck old man!! Not only it is misogynist but you take delight in scaring to death a poor woman that didn't ask for it? Bring them to life.. what the heck does that entails? Wait it's rubber bugs and such, so you're not electro-stimuling them, how does cord + rubber work? Whatever, what's more interesting is the mention of another entity, Hesperus. One we never hear about either in the story nor the community itself. It's a titan, embodying the evening. Right between Hemera, the day, and Nyx, the night.
However here it is not about the god itself, but rather a poem, the Wreck of Hesperus. It's the short story of a skipper who board a ship with his daughter and didn't listen the warning about a hurricane. Long story short, the ship crashes and sink, dude dies and the corpse of the girl is found still mangled to the remains of the ship. That's horrifying. What the fuck, it went from 'let's have a jolly time with plastic toys' to 'what if we made scream a maid like a terrified girl on a sinking ship, sounds like fun!'. He really wants to scares a woman to death.
Do you have a bothersome aunt who never seems troubled to find ways with your sunny afternoons? A broad, splintery fence— a bucket of white wash, perhaps?
Sir this is a crime, he's calling for violence and murder. That's a feminicide happening soon! What the fuck, how in HELL is this book not censured, or BANNED?! This is 2009, doesn't someone check books before publishing them?
By gum you'll fix her wagon!
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I'll fix your face, time shenanigans be damned! What is it with dudes fixating on other people's ass?!
Also, whitewash is a mixture, and "covering up a scandal" too. Smells like subconscious slip of his wrongdoings~
God this is tedious and awful to read. Almost there!
And what of that tawny gent who puts his lackadaisical lean near the sarsaparilla font?
It feels like a lot of made up words. I mean yeah words don't come from trees or the 'Great Book of All Words and Those Yet to Come', but I can't imagine people using them on a daily basis.
Ok, 'lackadaisical' is showing little effort or enthusiasm, 'sarsaparilla' is either a climbing plant (east asia) or a drink based of said plant. Between the sarsaparilla and the mahogany, him knowing such foreign flora gives me rich traveling dude and colonialism vibes.
You'll have that listless octoroon find the spring in his step just yet!
That's a lot of stuff that I don't understand, but I do know that an octoroon is mixed (ethnicities). "The word octoroon signifies a person of one-eighth African ancestry." according to Wikipedia. Gonna add racism to the old man bingo. Listless means lethargic. As in 'lazy african pests'. Yep it's racist alright. When does it takes place anyway? 1910/20-ish?
Alright lemme think and recontextualize all of it, I suck remembering events and dates so I need time. My grand-grandmother was born in 1912, year and day of the Titanic sinking I think.
The expression "sakes alive" was popular in 1930~1950, and its earliest use was 1860. So I kinda narrow it down.
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After a good while I found this screenshot I took in 2019, couldn't find user pepple :/and princeofhope haven't posted anything since 2014. I couldn't even find the original post. But yeah, by relying on this graph it does make sense. [I wish I could properly credit pepple, if they're still there] —>
0 notes
Revised Textual Analysis Blog Post
In the CW’s Roswell, New Mexico, Liz Ortecho is a brilliant biomedical science researcher. She is a vital asset throughout season 1 and 2 due to her extensive scientific and medical knowledge and impressive research background. As a pre-medicine student, it inspired me to see a young woman, especially a young Latina woman, being represented as a reputable and respected scientist. After further research and reflection, Roswell’s representation of women in medicine is extremely well done and provides a character that young girls can look up to in a world where women in medicine are underestimated and discriminated against. 
One of the most emphasized aspects of Liz’s identity is her career as a biomedical researcher. With her abilities, she is able to develop a serum using Max’s cells that slowly degrades alien cells and shuts down their powers, as well as the antidote that reverses the damage of this poison.  She never once shies away from using her intelligence, and eventually is able to bring Max back to life in season 2. As she is working tirelessly in the lab to prepare an alien heart strong enough to give to Max, she talks to Rosa and says:
“I chose regenerative medicine as my focus when you died. ‘Cause I was broken, and I wanted to repair the irreparable. It’s an ethics nightmare. I have been spit on by protesters and shut down by the government. I’ve worked on tiny rat hearts my whole life, waiting until someone in power would believe that I could do this with people, too. And over and over, old men on boards have told me to stay in my lane. To calm down. To wait. But I can do this!” (Stay (I Missed you)). 
This quote encapsulates everything the Roswell writers were pushing against when they established Liz as a female scientist lead who was a force to be reckoned with. It touches on the discrimination that women and LatinX community in STEM careers face. It was imperative that Liz discloses the discrimination she’s faced in order to add realism to this situation. Although I argue that creating more female STEM leads in TV shows is exactly the kind of representation needed to push back against outdated stereotypes of scientists, it’s important to address the issues that still occur today. 
This is so important because the reality is, while women in STEM have made significant progress, there is still much more work to be done to establish further equality in this field. In fact, according to a peer-reviewed article published in Frontiers in Psychology, “A study based on data from a Swedish funding agency reported that women need to author twice as many publications to obtain the same scientific competence score as men (Wenneras and Wold, 1997)” (“Facing Racism and Sexism in Science by Fighting Against Social and Implicit Bias: A Latina and Black Woman’s persective”). This exact issue is what Liz touches on in Roswell, New Mexico, proving that this is a real and ongoing issue. Implicit gender and racial bias are persistent and can greatly damage the careers of women in science. Providing a character like Liz who was able to overcome these obstacles and establish herself as a respected researcher who was able to obtain a research grant by the end of season one is taking great strides in the right direction. Young girls and members of the LatinX community can tune into the show and become inspired by her confidence, intelligence, and leadership.
It is clear that Roswell, New Mexico prioritized the representation of a wide range of minority groups that do not get frequent or accurate representation like the LGBTQ+, Latinx, immigrants, African American, Native American mentally ill, and disabled communities, to name a few. While it could be debated how well they provide accurate representation of each one, I argue that they succeeded in shedding light on the intelligence and ambition of women and Latinx women in science. At first, I criticized the show for only showing an unrealistic portrayal of how successful Liz was and not addressing the significant discrimination that women and Latinx people still face today. However, as the show progressed, the showrunners portrayed Liz in a nuanced way by addressing the adversity she faced like being consistently underestimated and not having any role models to look up to while also showing how she was still able to be successful. My only critique is that they shouldn’t have waited until season 2 to address these issues. However, overall, the show provides one of the only TV show characters that aspiring Latina women in STEM can look up to for inspiration.
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mckkachins · 3 years
here’s a thought: if you claim to support poc maybe don’t harass actual poc into revealing details about their exact demographic, their upbringing, or a fucking 23andme.com test result to “prove” they aren’t white
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lovelylogans · 3 years
i can unfortunately very clearly picture emily and richard being more than slightly racist towards reverse!verse patton and remus and i am Concerned and Apprehensive
so, i completely understand any concern and apprehension—i share it, to some extent, because i want to be very careful and very respectful with what i write. the attitude of people like richard and emily (and things they say and do in gg canon) are at the very least microaggressive. and i’m not gonna lie and say they’re going to be well-studied anti-racist allies right from the start—but i am going to try my best to write it with a sensitivity towards such a serious topic, as i am planning on doing with several serious topics that are going to crop up in reverse verse storylines.
i’d say the birth of roman does alter their perception, so those scenes aren’t going to be central and constant—i do write fanfiction for fun, racism in fiction can be incredibly hurtful, and i certainly don’t want to spend too much time on something so dreadful when so many people read fanfiction for escapism—but i also don’t want to be unrealistic.
because it is an important subject and it is a deeply uncomfy part of gg canon that is sometimes played for humor when it absolutely shouldn’t be. i would like to take steps to address that—emily, particularly, with the maids she hired, but richard has several uncomfortable scenes too. lorelai and rory make some jokes that leave a bad aftertaste. those jokes were never okay, despite the fact that some, who would handwave it away as the 2000s “being a different time” and i want to be absolutely clear that they are never okay and it should never be played off as a joke. 
(here are some good articles on the lack of representation within the gilmore girls universe. adding more representation through remus, patton, and janus is meant to address some of that.)
i’m currently trying to do research on the countries/subcultures of origin for the main characters, so i’m going to do my very best to portray those subcultures as respectfully as possible, and any racist attitudes will absolutely be portrayed as Wrong and Bad. i plan on putting resources in the author’s notes to learn more about the history behind the various cultures portrayed, how to recognize microaggressions in yourself and loved ones, and articles on how to de-escalate those situations and being a good ally.
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catboyhdb · 5 years
sometimes i argue w my mum and then i bring up something (usually how she says a slur) nd shes like "well i grew up in the 90s! we used that!" nd its like. so all ur arguments r null? ok thanks
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Sam and Lucan masterlist
Sam rescues Lucan, a pet-class faerie slave belonging to Caroline Jones, famous actress and prominent supporter of the continued slavery of non-humans. They're not sure what they're doing, only that it needs to be done, and Lucan's trust in both them and Amanda is hard-earned, his eventual friendship even more so.
But nothing lasts forever.
Contains pet whump, whumpee thinks caretaker is their new master, found family, recovery whump, non-human whumpee, fae whumpee (Lucan), disabled characters (Lucan, Sam)
General CWs: Slavery, BBU-adjacent I guess, pet whump, non-human whumpees, fantasy racism, PTSD.
Character intros (including art):
Sam Johnson
Dr Amanda Burke
Caroline Jones
NB: Rough chronological order, not posting order. The most recent pieces in each section are bolded. Characters included are in brackets. Mini text is WIPs.
Swift Auction House
Escape attempt pt 1 (Lucan)
Escape attempt pt 2 (Lucan, Edith)
Auction (Lucan)
Surgery (Lucan)
Caroline's Instagram: At the café (art/fake Instagram post) (Lucan, Caroline)
With Sam
The interview (Lucan, Sam, Caroline)
Rescued (Lucan, Sam)
First day part 1 (Lucan, Sam, Amanda)
First day part 2 (Lucan, Sam, Amanda)
Punishment (Lucan, Sam, Amanda)
Shopping (Lucan, Sam, Amanda)
Arrested (Sam, Lucan)
Lucan pre-slavery: glamour vs no glamour (art)
Height comparisons
Your Pet-Class Faerie: Tips for Care and Punishment (booklet extract)
Incorrect quotes
Kara and Edith hug (art)
Kara and Edith medieval fantasy reverse au (Kara, Edith, Sam, Amanda)
Tattoo artist x park ranger (Edith, Kara)
Awesome stuff by other people
Art of Lucan by @haro-whumps (Lucan)
A Small Breakthrough (Kara, Edith, Molly)
The cause of Lucan's mutism
Character asks
📦 Have you ever thought about returning your pet?
🤫 If you could say anything to your owner with a guarantee of zero consequences, what would it be?
💀 If she was one of the 7 sins, what sin would she be?
△ Kara, do you think you deserve what happened to you?
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
9. What is, or would be, Edith's favorite video game?
☆ - happy headcanon
Taglist: @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @onlybadendings @whumpofdory @haro-whumps @flowersarefreetherapy
Kara and Edith have their own masterlist (also feat Amanda) here.
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baeddel · 3 years
in the recent post you reblogged ... maletofag said “by acknowledging that a woman is "trans" you're basically stating that she was born a "man", but now performs the roles of a woman in that society” ... do you think that means that in a society with no roles for women (a truly non sexist society) there could be no more trans women? Or does “role” include “not having a dick” so it would just become only those who want to alter genitalia?
i think your question is good, and i'm flattered you went behind Clara's back to ask me instead. anon is asking about this post, for the folks at home.
[1.8k words - cw: racism, transmisogyny, intersexism, etc.]
Clara chooses to phrase this in terms of gender roles which a person can, and might be expected, to perform. talking about gender roles is quite typical today. i wanted to find out where the term gender roles, or sex roles, comes from, and it turns out that it was coined by John Money in 1955 to support his butchery of intersex children (who, it would later be revealed, he was molesting) (source, although they don't mention the gory bits). Encyclopedia.com doesn't mention Money but writes that,
Because the external body can be ambiguous (for genitalia are not always clearly male or female), twentieth-century science turned to internal markers such as chromosomes, hormones, and genes to understand and secure biological sex differences. However, these internal markers are also highly ambiguous; for instance, a person with certain chromosomal abnormalities could be judged male even if that person had breasts and a vagina. "The intensity of the search for an infallible marker of sex difference, and the uncertainties in most 'biological' markers, have indicated to many scholars that cultural notions are certainly influencing science in this area, and that 'gender' may actually determine 'sex' rather than the other way around" (Wiesner-Hanks 2001, p. 3)
which sounds very enlightened until you remember how that research played out in reality, ie. extremely widespread medical abuse of intersex children, the capture of transsexuality by a hostile psychiatric establishment, and so on. the turn towards socialization and social construction resolved theoretical difficulties within medical discourse posed by the karyotype. it didn't challenge gender but rescued it. gasp! bipower! necropolitics! one's hands tremble at this reversal of expectations. enjoy for a few moments the aesthetic experience of sublime horror which only the victim of dialectics can appreciate! but once it has cleaned itself up—here, have a tissue—my victim cannot quite make out the point. where was i going with it? alright then—i peel off a latex glove—the truth is this doesn't tell us very much. in fact, both the concept expressed by the term and the ambiguity it was meant to resolve are both much older.
Otto Weininger (an antisemitic jew and homophobic homosexual who believed that women were not humans or even animals but a kind of plant) makes the point in his 1903 book Sex and Character that "Sexual differentiation is never complete. [...] The characters of the other sex occur in the one sex in a vestigial form", for example, "[even] the most womanly woman has a growth of colourless hair known as 'lanugo' in the position of the male beard; and in the most manly man there are developed under the skin of the breast masses of glandular tissue connected with the nipples." and Margaret Meade in her 1935 book Sex and Temperament does not, as far as i could find, use the term 'sex roles' until the 1963 preface, yet in that book describes how societies "raise a superstructure" out of an "accident of birth." but she uses this phrase to discuss the concept of the 'first-born son' which various societies have attached importance to, in order to prepare us to consider the sexual differences discussed in the book no less arbitrary and no more important. in that curious 1963 preface she opens with a criticism of "women in the United States" who "have come to rely more on the definition of themselves in terms of sex, and to lay less emphasis on finding themselves as individuals." the context in which she uses the term 'sex roles' is to admonish us for the "extreme emphasis [we put] upon sex roles"!
her argument is not awful. i generally don't use the term 'sex roles' or 'gender roles' (hereafter gender roles) for a similar reason. there are two things about gender roles to remember: 1. roles are actually just ideals present in cultural material and don't necessarily ever obtain in real life, and 2. not all roles in society are gender roles. while it's hard to imagine a social role that isn't gendered in some way, gender rarely completely determines a role, and no role completely determines a gender.
to take the classic example, it was once considered ideal for a woman to marry, give up work and devote herself to housekeeping and child-rearing. but how often did this really happen? there are women who did not marry, women who did not have children, and women who still worked after marriage. for some women the role was impossible to fit: they were too poor to refrain from working, or lived rurally on a plot of land that required her labour to manage. she might have been infertile and thus unable to bear children, and she could have a serious disability that kept her from doing housework. thus, onto the second point, this ideal role was not necessarily even expected of poor women, rural women, infertile women and disabled women, for whom it wasn't on offer. there are other roles associated with, say, rural women (the 'farmer's wife'), disabled women (the 'hysteric'), and so on. thus the 'housewife' role acquires womanhood as one of its conditions but equally important are class, geography, fertility, and ability. in America you necessarily found it in a racial context (the ideal for white women was the fertile 'housewife', the ideal for black women, within white society, was more like a sterile caregiver, the 'mammy', which likewise was not on offer within black society), while here in Ireland it was more universal. women in Ireland could not lawfully work while married until the mid-70s because of discriminatory laws which the Catholic Church lobbied for, which i interpret as both a kind of class war and a bid for the organization of the domestic unit.
the ideal role i give for disabled women, the 'hysteric', is maybe a bit unintuitive because it's a bit of a prejudicial role. it's like saying that an ideal role for schizophrenics is the 'lunatic', who speaks in tongues and thrashes and needs to be locked away and sedated. but i believe the literature today 'role' and 'stereotype' seem to be used interchangably (see eg. Martin 2019 pg 1). when we say ideal we don't mean 'very good' as opposed to 'reality, which might be bad' but 'figure of discourse' as opposed to 'empirical reality as we might find it.' taking Meade's example, the 'first-born son', which is a high status role, also makes 'second-born sons' who occupy a lower status role. so we must think that just as much as 'Mammy' was a gender role for black women, 'Jezebel' was too. thus we must understand that 'role' is not actually a 'role in society' (the way that, say, bryti was a kind of slave in early medieval England) but a discursive role which is essentially rhetorical. i think this is important for understanding the kind of roles that exist for trans women. what roles do we actually find for trans women today? the 'autogynephile fetishist' in sexological discourse, the 'marginalized queer woman' of liberal discourse, the 'bathroom predator' of TERF discourse, the 'man in disguise' of heterosexual discourse, and so forth. but there are gaps and spaces which these roles leave open. as Clara says some of them presuppose a former identification with 'manhood' (conceived on a continuum of casab and childhood experiences taken to be salient), and a present identification with 'womanhood' (conceived on a continuum of psychological profile and biological configuration). but the model of the subject differs between roles, it doesn't always fit cleanly with empirical reality (the nature of which is not entirely settled anyway), and further, they can be cashed out in different ways. roles can implicate a group that is narrower than what i mean by 'trans woman' (roles in transmedicalist/HBSer discourse, for example) or one that is wider (many will include male crossdressers, femboys, even performers, etc., who don't consider themselves women at all).
anyway, why go on about all this? well, hopefully clarifying how i understand the concept of gender roles will make clear how i would resolve your problem. as i see it you understand 'sexism in society' to be equivalent to 'the existence of gender roles.' i think this is true insofar as patriarchy must operate through discourse. i don't see how patriarchy could operate without rhetorical constructs. but i also don't see it as being coextensive with them. it has operations which are better understood as the non-discursive reproduction of customs and obligations. likewise, not all roles depend on patriarchy. i think once you really explore how trans women identify you will find roles which are not really essentiatelly gendered but which are contingent on the conditions of transfeminine life. 'stealth' and 'boymoding' are both interesting examples of this: they're about how a person presents themselves outside of transsexual society for reasons of safety or comfort. this is a kind of transgender role only because it responds to conditions specific to transfeminine people, but it's not a role that anyone deeply identifies with or we would rightly call a gender identity. another interesting case (not particular to trans women) would be top/bottom and stone/pillow which are sexual roles which can have gendered significance but doesn't depend on them. it's difficult to imagine how sexuality would function without some kind of rhetorical construction for giver/receiver, passive/active partner.
so: it's hard for me to imagine how 'woman' as a category would exist without patriarchy's help. i have generally understood the abolition of misogyny to be equivalent to the abolition of gender. once you get rid of all discursive roles and customary obligations and whatever else i am not sure what remains of the category 'woman' (if you can think of anything i'd like to hear it!). if there isn't such a thing as 'woman' i don't think there can be such a thing as 'trans woman.' however, identification with 'woman' is often the least important part of a trans woman's autonomous social existence (ie. apart from the social existence society imposes on her), and if we did a very thorough examination of the kind of roles that trans women make for themselves and why they find them satisfying, it's possible that we'd find that many of these are satisfying for reasons that basically aren't gendered and aren't fully reliant on patriarchal domination to derive their sense. but i haven't done this, and i'm not sure it's true. we might equally expect that in a world without patriarchal domination everything will be completely alien to us. i like to say that the communist demand is not that i would like to have my desires satisfied but that i am not satisfied with my desires!
w/r/t 'does “role” include “not having a dick” so it would just become only those who want to alter genitalia?' - i am only aware of one term for this concept, 'post-op transsexual', and i am not sure that this term has ever risen to the level of gender role. this is again something that is customary among trans women (along with, more commonly both today and in history, castration AKA orchiectomy) but isn't really gendered, as counterintuitive as that seems.
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