#revolutions happen like refrains in a song
linobrocka · 5 months
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Revolutions Happen Like Refrains in a Song (1987)
direksyon ni Nick Deocampo
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gael-garcia · 5 months
some favorite movie titles
-Revolutions Happen Like Refrains in a Song
-Tinimbang Ngunit Kulang / Weighed But Found Wanting (tagalog has more verbal impact though with those crispy, hard consonants)
-All The Beauty and the Bloodshed
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xieyaohuan · 2 years
The Summer before Thirteen
By Xujun Eberlein
That summer, the boundary between war and peace was blurred, sometimes eerily so, more than the line between land and water in foggy Chongqing. And yet everything seemed normal as I wandered the streets. I had no particular purpose, other than a vague expectation that something interesting might happen. The big round clock high up on Liberation Monument ticked soundlessly most of the time, and then tolled ceremoniously on the hour. Occasionally, another vague sense came upon me that I might one day become somebody.
Four main streets radiated outward from Liberation Monument like a poorly made cross, askew and bent. I walked up or down, up and down. This was our “mountain city”: no three feet of flat ground, not a single bicycle in sight. Jubilant pedestrians bumped each other’s elbows and heels as if at a festival; the deadly battles on the city’s periphery came and went like thunderstorms. Stores were all open, empty shelves notwithstanding. I paused here and there, at this wall or that. China was a book-free zone. Walls were places where I could find words to read, whatever they were about. Browsing walls was my favorite pastime, except when my big sister was around to tell us a story.
One day I was walking with my mother, just a block plus a turn from our house, when we heard gunshots. We’d reached a big intersection in the shape of a scalene triangle; major bus stops and long queues lined three sides, and buses rolled in and out at the vertices. The shots came from a traffic command tower above, or what used to be a traffic command tower—who’d need traffic control in a great revolution? In the center of the intersection, a lone man was running. He jerked and fell to the ground, then crawled forward. More bullets hit him, and he stopped moving. It was a sunny day; there was no wind. The bullets had hit with precision. The young man’s body absorbed the bullets like a sandbag. Mother dragged me by the hand to rush away from the scene, but others stood looking on, as if watching a sudden summer shower from under their own roof. They were not in danger, they knew; the shooting was not random. That man must have been from the wrong faction, which is to say, the faction my mother and I were in. This was a secret, our political affiliation, much like underground Communism in my mother’s youth.
“Is he dead?” I asked Mother, who grasped my wrist tight and strode hurriedly.
“Don’t know,” she said. I hoped this was an indication that he wasn’t, despite my belief in Chairman Mao’s teaching that “wherever there is struggle there is sacrifice, and death is a common occurrence….When we die for the people, it is the right death.” The neighborhood kids and I bellowed these words as a song every day, and I can still sing it now, the last clause a sonorous refrain:
“It is the right death, it is the right death!”
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bdsrsated · 1 month
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Sir Nick Deocampo #Idol
Filipino filmmaker and film historian
Children of the Regime (1985)
Revolutions Happen Like Refrains in a Song (1987) @nbdbphilippines @bookfestph
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cometomecosette · 2 years
Character ask: Enjolras
Requested by anonymous.
Favorite thing about them: His sheer heroism. His unshakable faith in his vision of a world where justice and freedom reign for everyone, and his willingness to fight for that world and die for it if need be. He’s an inspiration.
Least favorite thing about them: The cold, severe aspect of his dedication to his ideals. Chiefly his treatment of Grantaire in the novel and “Marius, you’re no longer a child...” in the musical.
Yes, I know Grantaire is genuinely annoying and unreliable, and Enjolras also has every right to be annoyed when Marius glorifies his new romantic love at the revolution’s expense. But I don’t think either Hugo or the musical’s writers meant him to be entirely in the right in placing ideals above human bonds. If so, Hugo wouldn’t have written that the gentler, more humane Combeferre “corrected” Enjolras and influenced him for the better, or balanced his austere first impression with gradual proof of how much he loves his friends and detests violence even as he uses it, or ended his life with a smile at Grantaire while clasping his hand. And I doubt that Herbert Kretzmer would have chosen wording as harsh as “Who cares about your lonely soul?” if he had meant us to fully side with Enjolras at that point.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I’m idealistic, or at least I want to be.
*I care passionately about helping the poor and the outcasts of the world.
*I dislike violence, but I know that sometimes it’s necessary for social change.
Three things I don’t have in common with them:
*I’m female.
*I’ve never fought in an armed conflict.
*My temperament is as far from “marble” as can be.
Favorite line:
From the novel:
From his speech after executing Le Cabuc:
“It is a bad moment to pronounce the word love. No matter, I do pronounce it. And I glorify it. Love, the future is thine. Death, I make use of thee, but I hate thee.”
To Javert, explaining why they refuse to use a knife to kill him:
“Spy, we are judges and not assassins.”
And from his speech in “The Horizon Which One Beholds from the Summit of the Barricade”:
“Citizens, do you picture the future to yourselves? The streets of cities inundated with light, green branches on the thresholds, nations sisters, men just, old men blessing children, the past loving the present, thinkers entirely at liberty, believers on terms of full equality, for religion heaven, God the direct priest, human conscience become an altar, no more hatreds, the fraternity of the workshop and the school, for sole penalty and recompense fame, work for all, right for all, peace over all, no more bloodshed, no more wars, happy mothers!”
“Citizens, whatever happens today, through our defeat as well as our victory, it is a revolution that we are about to create.”
“Brothers, he who dies here dies in the radiance of the future, and we are entering a tomb all flooded with the dawn.”
From the musical:
The refrain of “Red and Black”:
“Red – the blood of angry men!”
Black – the dark of ages past!
Red – a world about to dawn!
Black – the night that ends at last!”
After the news of Lamarque’s death:
“The time is near!
Let us welcome it gladly with courage and cheer!
Let us take to the streets with no doubt in our hearts,
But a jubilant shout!
They will come one and all! They will come when we call!”
Not his lines alone, but he’s the first to sing them:
“Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums,
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!”
From “One Day More”:
“One more day before the storm
At the barricades of freedom!
When our ranks begin to form,
Will you take your place with me?”
And of course his famous last words:
“Let others rise to take our place until the earth is free!”
brOTP: All the Amis.
OTP: Like most of the rest of the fandom, I enjoy Enjoltaire, but first and foremost I ship him with his patria.
nOTP: Javert or Gavroche. I’m glad I’ve never seen him shipped with either of them.
Random headcanon: Just to rebel against the popular fanon that he’s estranged from royalist parents, I’ll imagine that his parents are republican too and that he inherited his ideals from them. When he says “Citizen, my mother is the Republic,” his real mother would have been proud to hear it.
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think it’s blasphemy or “queer erasure” to ship him with a female character. He’s not explicitly gay, after all; he can just as easily be read as aro-ace, or as a chaste “priest of the ideal” regardless of his sexuality. I just don’t see much of a point to shipping him with a female character. Shipping him with Grantaire at least has support in the novel and can be meaningful for both of their character arcs. But what purpose does it serve to give him a girlfriend beyond “I’m a female fic writer and I think he’s hot, so I’m pairing him with a self-insert”? Then again, probably 80% of Enjoltaire fic is written because the writer thinks Enjolras is hot and uses Grantaire as a self-insert.
Song I associate with them:
“Red and Black”
“Do You Hear the People Sing?”
Favorite picture of them:
This 1938 illustration by Lynd Ward:
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Michael Maguire, Broadway, 1987:
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Greg Blanchard comforting Reece Holland’s Marius after Éponine’s death, 2nd National Tour, 1988:
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Keith Burns, London, 1992:
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Brian Herriott, 3rd National Tour, 1996:
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Stephen Buntrock with Tom Zemon as Grantaire, Broadway, 1997:
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Ramin Karimloo, London, 2004:
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David Thaxton, London, 2008:
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Aaron Tveit, 2012 musical film:
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Kyle Scatliffe, Broadway, 2014:
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 22: laser brain
oh for the love of god
oh no ashley's trapped in the skype dimension again
can't believe ashley's just on a macbook screen and the camera is zoomed in on her
"the leisure suit larry remake I didn't know I didn't want"
god I want that thing
"are you a medium?" "I….could make it work"
love every time they talk about cad taliesin just goes "yeahhhh" in The Voice
"you're doing so good! and the pigtails are Working"
the sprinkle voice in between matt trying to start the episode
I said this during the 4sd liveblog but I have an actual keyboard and it's so comfy to use?? like I'm still getting used to like the different key weight or whatever but in general it's really nice
sorry I just went without a decent Typing Device for so long I'm really happy
does ashley have a thing making her bg match the lighting in the studio??
she DOES
"I don't steal, I just borrow. for a long time." "how many things have you brought back?" "...oh…"
"only steal from grumpy people" "anybody can be grumpy if you try hard enough"
nothing is ever happening in ashton's head
it's not a static ball fearne
or maybe it is, what do I know
"it is a smooth - " "criminal"
welp I guess it is
I missed her
[pops up like a finding nemo seagull] lore? lore? ashton lore?
"it's a desert. ask your parents."
Blurry Fearne
is it allura
play a haunting violin refrain
"have you seen these hands? they're like ballet feet"
put fcg inside the family kill circle
fcg starts an automaton union
I love one (1) robot
I had to step away for an extended period of time, apparently I missed Some Shit
525,600 minutes
oh no the robe is gonna get all nasty on the inside
oh damn
the 4sd song is still so good, wtf
I can never tell how old stephen actually is until I see him without his glasses
he's also stopped dying his hair, that helps too
orym always looks apprehensive, that's just his face
"which one of us can read"
I thought ribbons and fearne were assumed
laura do it
do it
taliesin: I'm going to die
"honored end" with his dick out
"she sounds loaded" "kind of pricky to be honest"
"I stood in the corner"
"they were different episodes"
love them freaking out over the map
"try not to stand out too much" he says to the gnome, the dead lady, the robot, the faun, the shiny rock person, and the lady with purple hair
orym only stands out if anyone looks down
"sometimes it spins on the way down to a fiery death"
cookies from revolution grandpa for the plane ride
"I was told there would be no rolling"
am I the only one picturing Xavier's School from the original Xmen trilogy or
orym staring a hole through chetney
"you think he's a mass murderer?"
"it's always the nice ones"
"I had plenty of that before" he did kill santa
matt please drop rocks on these children
he's thinking about it
I love marwa so fucking much
Murder Apron
that's an scp
Caleb's Produce Flame
lore? lore? ashton lore?
ashton beacon theory supremacy
oh no I'm gonna cry
yeah there I go
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putschki1969 · 3 years
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2021/07/07 Blog post by Wakana 「麺」と「MEN」が仲間入り!!〜私の昼食大革命〜 
Super-Noodles have joined the ranks!〜My Great Lunch Revolution〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗ Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Recently, I've come across something amazing that has shocked me to my core, the food of my dreams, it's truly revolutionised my daily diet. SUPER NOODLES!  ・: * +. \ ((° ω °)) /.:+ ・:*+.\((°ω°))/.:+ ・:*+.\((°ω°))/.: + ・: * +. \ ((° ω °)) /.:+ (they are gluten-free). These noodles are made from rice. Some of you may wonder if these taste like Vietnamese pho noodles or vermicelli noodles since they are also made from rice but they are actually quite different in texture and taste. They are not as soft but instead they are firm and chewy like udon, ramen, and regular pasta (they are vacuum-packed as seen in the picture and it only takes a minutes to make them, amazing, right?).
For the most part I live gluten-free so I do my best to stay away from flour. For example, I usually eat ramen and udon about once a month or so, the last time I had pasta was in autumn last year (if I remember correctly?*laughs*). I had pizza at the end of the year! And I had some bread while we did a shoot the other day ♪ It was delicious ~ ♪
I'm not allergic to gluten, so I can eat it without any issue, and I honestly really love noodles and bread. But as we all know it's better not to eat too much flour. That's why I try to refrain from it. I love pasta so much that I used to eat it almost every day. Whenever I have some delicious pasta I get addicted and super greedy, I will feel the need to eat it again the next day and the next. That’s why I really try my best to stay away from that *laughs*. Pizza is really delicious as well, and when I eat it, I feel like having it every week, so it is also very high on my list of things I try to avoid as much as possible. There are many occasions where I am tempted to eat bread but I am not really addicted to it so I don’t suffer from withdrawal symptoms if I don't have it regularly, it’s not like I need to have it every day so I am fine with that *laughs*. Also, I don't have much desire to eat cakes or other types of desserts with flour, so I don't mind staying away from them. I have gotten stronger and more patient when it comes to udon and ramen so I can tolerate having them only once a month. I have actually not had udon in a while now ... since I love udon so much I want to eat it in Fukuoka ... (when I am in Fukuoka, I allow myself to eat as much udon as I want ♪)
Writing all of this I feel like many people might assume that I am overdoing it, that it might not be very healthy to deny myself all these foods but the truth is, this eating habit has become part of my life, it feels very natural to me. I have various options for my main and side dishes so it’s not troublesome at all and it doesn’t feel like I am missing out on anything(⌒ ▽ ⌒) ♪ And sometimes the ban is lifted and I will eat whatever I want ♪ But yeah, for the most part I just want to eat udon and pasta without having to worry about my body. And that’s possibe now. Thanks to the super noodles!!! My wish has come true!!!! (´ ; Д ; `) Really, a true revolution! These special "noodles" have joined the ranks of my favourite lunch foods (lunch is the only meal where I eat carbs)!! I have so much fun every day thinking of new ways to prepare my noodles *laughs* In the first picture you are seeing my basic lunch. Very lazily prepared *laughs*. And the follow-up picture is what happens if you use noodles instead of rice  ↓ ↓ ↓ I added a raw egg to the hot boiled super noodles, some Saku-Saku Crispy Soy Sauce and then sprinkled some sesame seeds on top, pure heaven. If you add some tomato sauce, it tastes just like regular tomato sauce pasta. The noodles look like real pasta, but it’s all made of rice. And they taste just like pasta!! A huge surprise!! Noodles by themselves aren’t the most nutritious food so I always make sure to have miso soup or natto on the side *laughs*. My lunch is in the midst of going through a great revolution!
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄ ▽  ̄0) /
My introduction turned out really long *laughs*. Yup, it’s a long wall of text this time *laughs*. If you are interested in a gluten-free diet, there are so many powerful and useful foods that will help you on your journey and provide peace of mind! \\\\ ٩ ('ω') و //// ♪
By the way, today is July 7th! It's Tanabata ☆ o (^ ▽ ^) o It gets cloudy on Tanabata every year so as expected it’s cloudy in Tokyo tonight too ... a shame~ ( ̄ ▽  ̄;)
Time flew by, it's already been two and a half months since my spring concert ... How is time going by so quickly? Prior to the release of the live Blu-ray, Victor's Official YouTube Channel released a digest video! The trailer is about 7 minutes long and you really get a proper feel for the live *laughs*. Please be sure to check it out~ ♪
And the other day we got to finally announce the musicians for "Wakana Anime Classic 2021" which will have its first performance in Osaka on August 15!!! Tadaaaa!!! 
Music Director / Piano: Shin Hashimoto (Sin) Violin: Koichiro Muroya Cello: Takahiro Yuki
Sin-san, the music director and pianist, has assisted me on many occasions, he contributed to the "Wakana Covers ~ Anime Classics ~" album and he has accompanied me on YouTube videos and other online events! The violinist Muroya-san has not only worked on my "Wakana Covers ~" album, he has also participated in the recording for many songs on my other albums! I have actually known the cellist Yuki-san ever since my days in Kalafina, back then he played the cello during various productions. Now that I have become a solo artist, he continues to be of help during recordings. Such a fantastic trio!! I think that the arrangements this time around will be simpler and the sound will be much more intimate. We want to carefully create immaculate arrangements so you can enjoy every second of the concert. I can’t wait for rehearsals to start ...! I think August will come in no time so I'm really just looking forward to the first live performance in Osaka (● ´ω ` ●) *excited* ♪
It's a little while before I can meet you in person but there will be an online sign event this Friday and Saturday ~ (* ^ ◯ ^ *) Just a little while longer! I'll be writing your names and adding my signature on these lovely sheets ~ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Please look forward to it~! !!
Well then, let’s meet on the weekend! Until next time〜☆( *'▽’*)/
*** Wakana ***
2021/07/07 Instagram post by Wakana
More location photos! I went to a place of my dreams ~ 🌿🌿🌿 A country of plants! ️😆😆 I have been there several times already, there are many plants, flowers, gorgeous pots and fashionable vases every time I come here, it's truly a magical land that I never get tired of ... 🥰💕 Details of this location will be announced at a later date 😊 Please be patient a little while longer🎵 The second photo is featuring colourul vases in the shapes of vegetables and fruits ~ 😍🍓🍋🍍 🍓 I was worrying so much about whether to buy one or not ❗ (in the end I resisted). By the way, today is Tanabata 🎋 Please spend a wonderful night with your wishes in mind ✨🌠🌟🌠
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Things I Noticed in the Hamilton Film
Soooo, I was supposed to have posted this last year when the film first dropped, and I forgot...
Anywayyyy, things that were new, from the album, or was obvious to everyone but me. This is literally just me listing details I loved for my own keepsake later on
I hope this film’s success (and the play’s hopeful continued success on stage), shows that Broadway plays can and should be filmed for everyone 
Lin Manuel Miranda is a brilliant writer, scriptwriter, musician, rapper, singer, and a genuinely lovely person, but I think my favorite part about him is his acting. He has such a pure naturalness and sincerity in his acting. He nails microexpressions/gestures and sometimes I forget that he’s acting
E.g., Lin’s devastation after Washington kicks him out 
There’s some songs I wondered what their purpose was, but watching it I understood. For example, Story of Tonight sets up the purpose of the revolution. Like, My Shot is Hamilton’s ‘I want’ song, but Story of Tonight is all of the revolutionaries ‘I want’ song, and that’s why it comes up again for Laurens and Hamilton at their ends
Samuel Seabury’s acting was gold
In Right Hand Man the way the backup stage/cast lights up as they sing ‘not throwing away my shot” and Hamilton agrees to work for Washington
The fact that Helpless ends with “You’ll be a new man” because Hamilton is still so obsessed with his own ascendency  
They way they start Satisfied, it’s like Angelica doesn’t know the true extent of her devastation until she gives her toast and says “satisfied”. Like, she knows what she’s done but she’s still thinks this is fine and this is for the best, and it’s not until this moment that the weight of it fully hits her. By the end of it, it’s like she’s barely holding it together for this toast
Towards the end of the song, Eliza kisses her cheek and Renee’s expression is like she’s about fall apart in that very moment from the sheer overwhelming joy and pain
So in Helpless when their talking about letters, Peggy does a cute random shimmy while handing Eliza the letter. But then in Satisfied we see that she’s doing the shimmy to the beat of Satisfied, meaning that she knows how Angelica feels and knows about the love triangle 
I’m trying really hard not to scream about the rewind of all the dance and action in Satisfaction but please know I am internally screaming about this forever. 
Almost forgot, Burr and Hamilton were friends at one point. Burr shows up for his wedding to wish him well :(
I wasn’t gonna scream that much here, but LESLIE ODOM JR. 
Leslie’s smile- amused and scoffing disbelief- when singing about Hamilton in Wait for it
Speaking of Wait for it, the way the whole cast is waiting on stage and the balconies as Burr sings. and the way the dancers shift to Hamilton’s direction when Burr talks about him 
Also the lighting creates boxes on the stages, like Burr is trapped. But then this reappears in Your Obedient Servant 
I never knew the lyrics were “This is commonplace, 'specially 'tween recruits” and not “’tween corps” in Ten Duel Commandments...makes more sense
I think there’s 10 people in that line up in Ten Commandments 
The way Stay Alive conflicts Hamilton’s precious notions of sacrifice, and forces him to shift his focus from dying to legacy
The mimic of the bullet in Stay Alive 
The way that Eliza is also so excited about the war and the scholars in The Schuyler Sisters and that excitement goes away after she has the actual risk of losing someone she loves because of the war 
Who’s the choreographer because DAMN (btw it’s Andy Blankenbuehler) 
Also the dancers lifting up other dancers for whole bars? Incredible
The way women are interwoven into the story of the war, singing the chorus and setting the scene and rejoicing with the soldiers at the end 
The fucking red lighting in Yorktown. Also, the shot in the song’s pause is one of the best shots in musical history. 
The fact that ‘black and white soldiers wonder alike if this really means freedom’ ‘not yet’ is a commentary on slavery and the line is said by Washington 
The brilliant way What Comes Next undercuts the gravitas of Yorktown . 
Also, King George loses more and more of his costume and moves around more as the show goes on. Also, blue lighting with “I’m feeling blue” hahaha
Lafayette and Hercules getting the same letter about Laurens + Hamilton’s sobbing. And Laurens’ singing ‘there will be more of us’, referring to the future generations who will fight and win abolition. 
Burr’s disgust while Hamilton rants. Hamilton’s pouting then childish glee at the beginning 
Burr stays at the bottom of the staircase after Hamilton climbs it. Also, Jefferson descends the staircase after Hamilton ascends it, indicating their statuses
The refrain of “How does a....” shows up in Nonstop as Burr’s “How do you write...” (other characters sing their own personal refrains but Burr sings this), and it’s like this ongoing, jealous, incredulous questioning of how Hamilton became so successful, and part of the answer of how he did it is that he doesn’t stop writing and working.
Regardless of which sister he ended up with, love was never gonna be enough for Hamilton
The way Daveed Diggs jumps and dances and dives across the stage in just about every song he’s in. The man truly deserved the Emmy 
Jefferson’s being surrounded by his slaves because he sucks 
Hamilton’s costume goes from white --> brown-->blue-->green-->black and someone with more color scheme expertise needs to dissect this for me please
The fact that even Burr peaces out when it comes to the affair, like, nope, this is too messed up even for me
An in-universe explanation as to why the Ten Duel Commandments and Phillip’s count is the same is that Hamilton’s killing (metaphorically and literally) in order to stay alive is a part of their family’s DNA.
Anthony Ramos is phenomenal at playing 9 years old then having to switch to 19
The fact that Phillip was probably so determined to defend his father is that this is after the Reynolds Pamphlet and everyone was humiliating and scorning Hamilton
The Room Where it Happened
Hamilton is like an apparation to him, and Burr is both scared and begging the ghost to reveal the truth
The fact that this song is a plot song and a ‘i want’ song and a villain song all at once. Also, the song picks up speed to signal the shift from historical recounting to ‘i want’ song
They replay the beginning where Jefferson/Madison call for Hamilton
Jefferson being the one to ask “Don’t you remember Lafayette”, and there’s like a slight change in his demeanor that’s more Lafayette then Jefferson 
Burr, Madison, and Jefferson discreetly talking to each other in Washington on Your Side representing their nefarious schedming. Also, Daveed Diggs keeps Jefferson’s limp even without the cane. Also Madison is angry at Hamiilton when he says “the bill of rights, which I wrote!” 
One Last Time: 
How perfectly the Bible verse reflects Washington’s opinion of legacy. The younger men are obsessed with preserving their own memories in history, but for Washington, his legacy would be that everyone would be safe and at peace. 
Washington’s practically crying at the end 
Hamilton asking Washington here to teach him how to say goodbye because Hamilton genuinely doesn’t know how: people left him before he could ever say goodbye 
We Know: Jefferson’s pure WTF face when he says “my God...”. In this reaidng, Burr definitely threatened him (I didn’t always intepret that way when listening). But Hamilton’s still an idiot. 
Hurricane: Once again, Lin’s facial expressions. The way the the chorus stands around and watches him. But also the freaking brilliant way that the dancers mimic the hurricane, and Burr and Maria are the only other people in the hurricane with Hamilton. But at the end, it’s just Hamilton and the desk 
Reynolds Pamphlet: The way Washington can’t even look at him, but Angelica gets in his face to yell at him. Also, Jefferson hands a pamphlet to the conductor 
This reading, Phillippa Soo sings Burn with so much rage and fury and that is pretty much my favorite part of this entire film
Hamilton’s face at “Alexander, did you know?”
The fact that Angelica narrates Uptown because it’s too intimate for Burr or anyone else to narrate. Eliza’s changing facial expressions as she slowly lets him in. The way Hamilton just completely breaks down and sobs
The Election of 1800: 
Jefferson shaking his head when Madison suggests Hamilton
Burr’s falseness is hilarious. He hands Hamilton a pamphlet. 
Jefferson’s look of resignation when Hamilton is making his decision, then starts dancing around when he’s won
The close-up of Burr’s face falling when he realizes who Hamilton has voted for 
The whole “runner-up becomes VP” thing made me think about if we could have had Hillary Clinton as VP, and I made myself sad. 
Your Obedient Servant: I always saw this song as a reflection of the custom, but I never fully appreciated how it reflects their relationship: their relationship has completely disintegrated, but their working to maintain this false appearance of friendship/civility that no longer has a place in their relationship. 
Also, Burr’s increasingly incensed and it does not help that Hamilton sends like a 12-page letter and the dancer even teases Burr
The guy who gives Hamilton Burr’s duel challenge plays Charles Lee. Karma 
The World Was Wide Enough
Burr’s POV then Hamilton’s POV, like this story has become less and less about Hamilton and he is no longer in control of who’s telling his story
The shot of Eliza walking away and in her wake, it’s Burr shooting 
Burr’s alone in the stage, finally realizing the world (aka the stage) was wide enough for the both of them, but it’s too late. Also, in part foreshadowing his own future: that he had the world before him regardless of Hamilton, but he was completely ruined after this duel
I definitely cried at ‘the orphanage’. Also I interpret the gasp at the end as her breaking fourth wall and seeing the audience and realizing that Hamilton’s legacy has continued even to today. 
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
What was your process for creating your Cinderella AU? Did your author’s notes come from existing knowledge? Did you watch a lot of documentaries? Did the song that plays through the whole story inspire parts of the story, or was it more of a lucky find that happened to fit extraordinarily well?
Oh gosh, such questions!! My heart!! 💗 Let’s see if I can break this down...
What was your process for creating your Cinderella AU? 
Like with most of my stories, I wrote a general plot outline, to start with. Cinderella as a fairy tale has never really been one of my favorites, so there were a few things I wanted to play with in order to mix things up, as well as some ideas I liked from those Cinderella adaptations I do really enjoy that I wanted to incorporate. Ever After was clearly the biggest influence (since it’s a Cinderella told in a pre-Renaissance historical fiction setting where the Prince and Cinderella roles meet long before the ball), but even in Ever After, I kind of feel like we see more reason for Henry to love Danielle than vice-versa, and because of the 90′s post-feminist slant, the story tends to write Danielle as a strong woman largely by making her more traditionally masculine. This is actually something I prefer about the 1998 TV film adaptation of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella starring Brandy and Whitney Houston -- that our Cinderella is strong because of traditionally feminine traits like kindness and that she even has a scene with Prince Christopher where she raises her eyebrows at being considered “not like other girls.” I also decided to take the idea of the Prince dressing as a commoner from R&H Cinderella and the idea of Cinderella dressing as a noble from Ever After and smash them together so that both of them are sort of on equal footing, hiding something really important from each other and yet also showing that they care about each other for who they are rather than what they are through their interactions with each other. Plus it made me laugh a little, thinking of throwing you all for a loop when you realized that the Prince Carewyn was going to work for in the palace was NOT Orion. XDD
Did your author’s notes come from existing knowledge?  Did you watch a lot of documentaries?
Yes and no to the first question...and to the second, yeah! I have studied the Tudors and Elizabeth’s reign specifically through documentaries and such, but not nearly as in depth as eras like the Golden Age of Piracy (which helped me write the POTC AU) and the American Revolution (my personal favorite period of history). So yeah, a lot of the fashion history I researched while working on the project and even at points inspired certain story choices, such as ceruse being the closest equivalent to modern concealer. In the case of things like animal symbolism or the lore of Robin Hood, a lot of that was stuff I already knew, because I quite honestly love going down various nerdy rabbit holes for seemingly no reason at all, and sometimes amazingly what I find in those holes ends up becoming useful for something I’m writing when I least expect it. XD
Did the song that plays through the whole story inspire parts of the story, or was it more of a lucky find that happened to fit extraordinarily well?
Hahaha, “No One is Alone,” quite frankly, was a perfectly lovely surprise. I had seen it cropping up originally just at the beginning and then at the end as something to give Carewyn hope, but when I used it as writing accompaniment while first writing the scene where Orion gives the sheet music for it to Carewyn, I heard a lot more potential in it also as a cautionary song (which, admittedly, it is in the show Into the Woods), and therefore as an anti-War song. It played into Orion’s motivations and could serve as a great refrain for later, when Carewyn and her friends are starting to question whether Florence really means them harm. And that was exciting! Playing into the multiple messages you could hear into the words was a lot of fun. :) 
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Director’s Cut Ask! // Read the Cinderella AU here! 
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rosyfingereddawnn · 3 years
american pie!
thank you @softnoirr for indulging me in 1. my obsession with writing stupid essays for fun and 2. my obsession with dad music. this one's for you, tiana.
so. a little bit of backstory with this song right here, a lot of the song is related to the plane crash in february 1959 (i think?) that killed buddy holly, ritchie valens and the big bopper, who were all really really influencial early rock and roll musicians. i'm talking like. Big.
so, at least in my interpretation, don mclean is describing the lives of american kids throughout the late 50's and the 60's, and the loss of innocence throughout the ages. now, the first stanza (is that the word here) or so, he's talking about how, early on in life, these kids were inspired. they wanted to create and to make people happy doing something they loved. and most of all, they lived through music. music could make someone happy. especially the music of Big 3 up there, that inspired GENERATIONS. anyways.
next stanza up is the first mention of the plane crash. for the record! february 3rd, the day of the crash is now referred to as "the day that music died" so uh. !!!! anyways, this is the first time that the innocence and rose-coloured joy of americans everywhere was shattered. post war, everything was going well! and then 3 big musicians of the time die just like that. it's a huge shock. don mclean has said that he was a 13-year old paper boy when this tragedy happened, so it's safe to say that part is about him. fun times.
now, i may have done a little research for this a while ago, but supposedly, 'american pie' means, according to don mclean himself, "it means i don't ever have to work again if i don't want to." which. king shit right there i think! american dream reference also. NOW. the chorus is. stunning. and i think it's detailing a way to cope with the complete shift. like... imagine one day you were listening to taylor swift. incredibly popular. and then. the next day... yeah. so! keep this in mind! it's a magic tool to help us later! OH RIGHT ALSO 'that'll be the day' was a buddy holly song so..........
okay so this is thanks to my relatively limited knowledge of 50's and 60's music. but. the next lines, the uh. "did you write the book of love, and do you have faith in god above", those are all references to the good old days, both like. culturally? and also because they are song titles from that time. don mclean is sprinkling some music knowledge in there. nice. OKAY SO THE "do you believe in rock n' roll, can music save your soul" part. ethereal thanks. could be a reference to some beatles conroversy, john lennon saying "the beatles are bigger than jesus" and all that. also though, there's a question as to how much music meant to the kids of the 60's? how much it inspired and continues to inspire, how it helped them create and live and love. also in this longer stanza, the lines "i was a lonely teenage broncin' buck, with a pink carnation and a pickup truck, but i knew i was out of luck, the day the music died." so. more peppering in of music references. hehe. he's tryin' to pick up the ladies, and ol' donnie? same here. basically though, i took that as this change of pace from 50's to 60's. social revolutions, nothing is the same, life is just. incredibly different. then don joins all the kids at the levee drinking whiskey n' rye.
this is already much too long. more and more and more social change ensues, and then in the last stanza before the refrains. he mentions "a girl who sings the blues" which. janis joplin. he wanted some "happy news" for once, and then in 1970 she overdosed. she "smiled (in regret) and tuned away". so he goes to the record store relive the happiness of the music of his youth, and "the music wouldn't play." by the 70's there were New and Fresh bands. everyone, for all intents and purposes, forgot about the 50's. more social change that as a history major i can yell about later. also more music references. GOD HAS LEFT THE CHAT! TOO MUCH SOCIAL CHANGE (last stanza hits)
refrain comes and HITS and then. you cry! the end :)
tldr: loss of innocence, as you do. also sorry this was more of a history lesson SORRY i ran out of ROOM TOO I COULDN'T WRITE ANYMORE
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linobrocka · 5 months
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Filmmaker Joey Clemente on why filmmakers get involved in political issues
Revolutions Happen Like Refrains in a Song (1987), direksyon ni Nick Deocampo
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ddaenghoney · 4 years
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chapter six
masterlist link in blog description.
As a successful songwriter, you want nothing more than the acknowledgment that the chart-topping musical pieces are your own creations. But contracts, relationships, and the difficulty of facing the stakes involved head on, keep your mouth shut until pressure builds too much.
Pairing(s): Park Jimin x Y/N, Min Yoongi x Y/N
disclaimer: any characters depicted do not represent the actual personality of the respected idol in real life.
Series warning(s)/genre(s): Chapter-based written fic, Slow-burn relationship(s), Fake-dating, Unrequited love, Songwriter/producer!oc, idol!Jimin, idol/songwriter/producer!Yoongi, friends with benefits, drama, romance, smut, angst, fluff (updated as needed)
Chapter warning(s): none, just finally able to introduce Hoseok in this chapter lol
Word count: 5299
if you enjoy please, please let me know!
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Yoongi’s eyes scan the weekly announcement email, not truly interested, yet still giving himself time to be thoroughly knowledgeable of upcoming events for his newfound colleagues and the company as a whole. Mentions of renovation in the lobby, a new coffee machine to be installed on the production floor along with a request to be more mindful of how this one is used, and the schedule for the practice rooms for the month remains unchanged for the last few weeks of January. Highlighted at the top of the email is the name of a mini album set to be released the first week in February along with parentheses beside it stating who would be releasing it: Park Jimin.
Reclining back in his seat, Yoongi regards the blue font notice in silence, wondering for a passing time of his involvement in the corruption between Jimin and you. He knows it’s not his fault, and knows you do too. Yet, there’s still guilt seeing Jimin’s name or hearing it anywhere. Still guilt felt in grazing his thumb against his index finger as a fidget when on the four dates so far where you’re forced in one way or another to recall Jimin’s existence. Yoongi has not apologized about it since the first date, but it doesn’t change that he feels like he should if only to assure you that the hurt you try and hide each time doesn’t need to be hidden for the atmosphere’s sake.
The foot on the floor pushes his desk seat into a small back and forth sway. He doesn’t think of your mutual problems often, just reminded every time an email requests the two of you go on a date, like the one to come that evening. By this point you’re both amicable at least, even going on the limb of saying something like friends. Maybe. It’s hard not to when you’re both forced into two or more hours of conversation. It’s something like friendship. Maybe closer to friendly coworkers. He doesn’t know. Yoongi sighs, spinning an entire slow revolution in his chair, then stopping promptly with the sound of his phone’s text notification.
Two unread.
Y/N, 4:38pm: Just got asked to go to a last second meeting. Probably will be out closer to 6:30 instead of 6:00, sorry.
Yoongi, 4:39pm: That’s fine no worries.
He exits the message thread to check on the other notification. He stares at Hoseok’s name for a second and the few words he’s able to see before opening the chat. Yoongi inhales, rubbing his jaw, while clicking it open with his free hand.
Hoseok, 3:57pm: I think enough time has passed... I’m going to start going for a new comeback now! You’re required to pre-order whenever the album is done!
Yoongi, 4:42pm: Ah, is that a fact?
Yoongi’s hand falls from his jaw to type quicker,
Yoongi, 4:43pm: I’ll help you make it however you need.
Hoseok, 4:45pm: Thanks, man.
Hoseok, 4:48pm: I’m nervous still haha
The phone rests on the desk, Yoongi’s hand resting beside it while he looks at the screen. He tilts his neck as a stretch, thoughtfully. Uncertain of how this would turn out for Hoseok. Wishing for the best. Trying to be hopeful. The dissention of early last year comes back into Yoongi’s mind. The unfair treatment, and watching his best friend go through the invasive camera lights daily, and the pouring stream of interrogative comments throughout social media. The blame that had no place linking to Hoseok when their old company decided to sell out to SoundWave as Hoseok’s contract was torn to pieces.
Yoongi, 4:56pm: You deserve the new beginning if anyone does. It’ll work out.
Hoseok, 5:00pm: Bro…
Yoongi, 5:00pm: You ruined it.
Hoseok, 5:01pm: Haha, I know……… Thanks Yoongi.
The final two words feel somber in Yoongi’s mouth. Drying. He doesn’t deserve to be thanked for anything, when he was quiet watching what happened. He could’ve done something to stop it all. Maybe Hoseok would have a studio next door to Yoongi’s still if more had been done to help. To disprove the wrong perspectives in the public. But it’s not in his persona to care like that.
He sighs, pressing the lock on his device. Index finger taps on the space below his keyboard, the desktop monitor powering off onto the screensaver. Yoongi feels like he should scoff at himself in judgement. How was he ever appalled by your lie when he’s no different.
You contemplate sending Namjoon a text, but acknowledge the busy time of the day for him and refrain. Instead you wallow in the quiet, staring at your notes while listening to the arranger and producers beside you editing your song by means of scribbling pencils. You hope they ask you something greater than questioning an affirmative of their ideas for changing the words on the track. Apparently the theme is appropriate, but the verbiage itself doesn’t fit the fast beat pace the producer intends to make this track into.
Jimin is across from you, equally to himself. He scrolls through his phone, appearing collected. He said hello to you sweetly, politely when he walked in with the producer. You didn’t realize he would be joining the impromptu meeting. It was just the producer that had texted you about it, mentioning the arranger also tagging along. Not Jimin. You knew he was using this song, but you didn’t think he needs to be here.
“Jimin, your choreographer is going to thank me for this one. I already know it.” The producer is happy, and granted you’re not entirely angry at the changes he makes on the paper. They’re minor, the meaning is still there. Your touch deteriorates only slightly, and it’s something that’s involved commonly throughout song conception processes. You don’t care about that, you really don’t. Maybe you’re even spitefully happy about the changes too, because it means less you, less for you to be bothered by in the credential section. Less you in lyrics Jimin sings.
“You’re only doing the touch-ups though.” Jimin voice is light-hearted, his playing smile small, yet meaningful. You keep your eyes towards the producer’s writing hand. Bite your lip when the message is properly conveyed to him by notice of his reply,
“You’re right, Y/N’s work is great, like usual.” He agrees sincerely, giving you a thumbs-up with his left hand. You smile softly, just managing a head nod. “Sorry about the random meeting too, by the way. I would’ve waited until tomorrow if we didn’t have to redo the recording for the album he’s going to be releasing.”
“It’s not a big deal. I was here anyways.” You tell him calmly, catching sight of Jimin when you adjust in your chair. He’s gentle in appearance like usual, watching you only because you were speaking. When the sentence ends you see the twitch of an upward smile that he smothers and instead goes back to his phone.
“You’re here more now that the whole fake dating thing is happening, huh?” The arranger’s comment is absent of ill-intent, you realize as he rubs his neck in a stupor as he goes on, “I can’t imagine how weird that has to be. SUGA’s new to the company too; must feel random to be matched up with him, right?”
“Yeah,” You say vaguely, hands in your lap messing around with one another as you hope for a new topic. “Yoongi’s been nice about it all though.” You blab softly, unable to see Jimin’s thumbs unmoving as he no longer pays attention to his phone screen despite his eyes pointing to it.
“He’s cool, I’ve done a couple of things to help him with his production lately.” The man beside you nods as he speaks, settling the pen beside the papers. “Really particular about his stuff, but because he does practically all of it himself, it makes sense.”
“Can I see the revised version?” You interject calmly, receiving the notes from him as he immediately nods, handing it off. You scan through the tiny adjustments, thinking on your own of what potential ideas they had to change the pace of the song.
“None of it’s too crazy, I don’t think, but if anything’s too much let me know.”
“No, it’s all okay with me.” You don’t mind the scribbles, but have even less desire to combat things lately since the meeting with Yerin.
“Can I take a look?” Jimin’s voice calls out to you, and you face him. Small nod as you reach the small distance to slide the papers towards him, then startle as the producer stands up beside you,
“Crap, I need to get to a session downstairs right now. Just get that to my studio when you’re done, Jimin.” He says and you watch using every muscle to refrain wonder at why the arranger also stood too. You instead mentally curse at him saying he’d tag along since he was done for the day as well. You curse again at the sound of the door, glaring at the sight at that point.
“I’ll give it to him like he asked.” Jimin breaks the silence, eyes trailing still at the page of lyrics. You look towards him, erect in your seat but unwilling to stand yet. You recall leaving before he woke up the last night you were with him, and the incredible drought of communication since then. But is it really this easy for him to be casual. Your eyes wait to meet his when he finally lifts them up from the sheet.
“I liked the pink hair.” You murmur as a comment, trying to fill the void of quiet, give yourself a reason to linger there a little longer and see the state of his thoughts towards you. “Well, the brown is nice too though.” You correct with a tiny shrug, feeling a larger pang in your chest when Jimin doesn’t stop his smile this time.
“I liked it too.” He lays the paper flat, but his fingers remain on its edge. You think of other ways to continue the conversation, and shove the thought of asking him simply how he is to the corner of your mind. You’re already staying back with him for no reason, you don’t want to seem completely tangled with missing him. “You and Yoongi...” Jimin begins, and the mere mention of you two makes you want to groan, hoping against this turning into a conversation about your precarious fake relationship when you wanted to focus on Jimin and you. “You don’t have to do anything too much, right?”
You narrow your eyes in confusion. Jimin reaches for his hair, fiddling as he goes on, concern twinging, “Like, nothing you don’t want to do, lo-”
He stops, nearly biting his tongue to do so. You notice. Your hands grip on your jeans, trying to discern if the slip was just because the term of endearment is something he’s so used to calling you, or if there is something more. You watch his index finger barely scratch at the paper on the table. Nervous.
“The whole relationship is something I don’t want to do.” Your sentence is dry, matched with your dismissive shrug. You know that isn’t what Jimin meant, but you don’t expect his head shaking and body becoming more straightened in posture,
“That’s not what I meant.” Jimin says directly, biting the inside of his cheek as he considers explaining himself further. You free him of doing that, nodding.
“I know.” He noticeably pauses, nearing a flustered expression and you almost want to smile in endearment, but you still feel more sad than anything. Confused. “Sorry,” You finally avert your gaze to the table, collecting your few items. “We’re not being forced into anything else though.” You explain while Jimin watches you move around.
Words clutter in his mouth, wondering what to say to keep you in the room, but knowing he shouldn’t. Can’t. He’s the one who ended it. He didn’t want to, but he did.
“Do you miss us?”
Jimin’s heartbeat increases, while yours secretly does as well. The question blurted from your lips in a moment of impulse that built from the second you saw him that day. Dumb, stupid; you want to take the question back, you don’t need his answer. You want it, but you shouldn’t have it in your thoughts whether it’s a yes or a no.
What difference would it make if he said yes and you returned back to how you were. He was right-- Namjoon was right, you’re own screaming logic is right: a secret untrue relationship wouldn’t last and it would only serve to hurt you in the long run. This situation that you both stand in is exactly because you made up the stupid idea in the first place. You should’ve let the first kiss be the last one. Just because you ended up falling in love, doesn’t mean Jimin did.
Jimin’s made it clear that the answer is no. Why do you want to hear him vocalize the no. Maybe a sick part of your mind wanted the words to be engraved so you can take it as a bridge burned to char. If he said no you could move on. That’s how it could work. Maybe it would actually be enough, in that off-chance-
“Of course.” Jimin’s voice whispers the words like they were heavy to push out of his lips. But you could ignore that, wrapped in the potential- “But I don’t want to get back together like we were.” He’s no longer making eye contact with you, busying his fingers further into his locks. “It hurts us both being hidden like that,” You open your mouth to interject that you could live with it, that it’s not necessarily a long-term state of being, but he speaks on, crushing you, “And I don’t want to be your actual boyfriend.”
The counterargument abandons your psyche entirely. The truth of the situation is apparent. Jimin’s made it apparent. The extent of what you were to him was just lust. His casual demeanor makes sense. Your lingering feelings are the minority, not mutually felt.
“Ah,” Your head nods even though Jimin’s not looking up at you. His statement burns more as you stand in the same room as him. “When you put it like that,” Jimin lifts his head, and you don’t know whether to register his expression as sad or not, because why would he be sad. Conflicted, likely. “It makes sense we’d stop then.” You continue to nod, stepping once towards the door, “Sorry. I got the wrong idea.”
You continue in your exit, ignoring anything he may try and do in response, because you didn’t want to be pitied on top of everything else. You let the sound of chairs clattering behind you drift into the background, and slipped out of the room without another word heard.
Yoongi’s studio is on the same floor, and easy to find in a matter of moments. You usually meet him at the lobby, but you don’t think of that as your phone’s clock reads twenty past six and you knock on the frosted glass door. After three soft pounds do you take note of the tiny doorbell that is likely more effective. The small device’s appearance makes you sigh, thinking of how idiotic you were about not seeing it, how idiotic in general.
“Y/N?” You don’t realize he’s opened the door until Yoongi’s voice disrupts your misguided thoughts. You look up towards him. Yoongi can see the straining expression to appear indifferent, but it fails completely this time just in appearance alone. “Are you okay?”
“Not really, but we have a dumb date to go on.” You huff, reaching both of your hands to rub your face. Yoongi remains quiet, already not fond of the dates when you were both in at least average moods, but seeing you like this makes him hate the idea even more.
“There’s no time schedule.” He says simply, you narrow your eyes towards him in a lack of understanding, then your shoulders relax as he steps back opening the door wider. “Want to hear some of the stuff I’ve been working on and we can go out later when we’re both starving instead?”
You think of his consideration for your temperament and feel a little bad that Yoongi feels the need to accommodate, but you step inside anyways. It isn’t like he enjoys the dating, and putting it off for a while sounds like the best option. Not to mention, dismissing his attempts at kindness wouldn’t be best either.
Besides, you can’t say you weren’t curious at the prospect of listening to what Yoongi’s been working on.
You glance around the studio, noting the organized arrangements overall, yet homely in some aspects as well. The decor is limited to a few wall posters and mostly bare shelving, but his couch area looks like it isn’t new at all. The couch in particular looks a bit worn, and cluttered with a couple of blankets and a pillow. His small coffee table has only a single empty plastic cup on it, but you figure he keeps the place tidy or else there would definitely be more evidence of his caffeine vice than currently appearing.
“If you want to use the couch you can. I have some wireless headphones,” Yoongi tells you as he goes to the highlight of the room: a desk space covering the entirety of the wall. Bright with various electronic equipment and brand names that also inhabit space in your own apartment. But here the space appears validated by its placement in the company walls.
You sit on the edge of the couch, hands resting on his lap as you continue looking around the studio. It’s definitely one of the larger ones. Yoongi hands you the pair of headphones, and you situated them over your ears while he goes on in speech. “Whoa, wait what?” You cut in quickly, causing him to look back at you while he sits in his desk chair. “These things are really noise cancelling, sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Yoongi chuckles, rubbing his hair back from his face. “I was just saying I need to decorate more, but haven’t got around to it.” He slips a pair of headphones on too, leaving one ear free. “This is going to sound really rough, and there’s a gap where I’m waiting on someone to fill with vocals.”
You nod, smiling in anticipation without realizing so. The sight makes Yoongi glance away, biting his lip in sudden worry the track won’t sound as great as you may anticipate. He clicks to start anyways, listening in his own ears and simply keeping his eyes on the screen watching the point on the timeline move along.
Behind him you sit back into the cushion, trying to take in everything in one listen, despite the different levels of the song meshing together perfectly. Yoongi’s voice sounds completed in the song already, like he’s already reached a point of contentment in the sound in your opinion. “Your lyrics are really good.” You say, head swaying with the beat, staring at the empty cup instead of seeing if he’d turn to respond to you.
Yoongi catches the comment, tapping his finger on the desk, lips tightening and forming more pliable peaks on his cheeks from holding back a proud smile. He waits until the fade out, before finally facing you once more. Angles his chair slightly towards you, not all the way, trying to appear more calm than anything despite nerves still simmering quietly in his stomach because you are the first to hear this particular demo.
“Did you hear me about your lyrics?” You ask right away, sliding the headphones to rest atop your shoulders. Yoongi nods softly, mumbling about not wanting to interrupt when you were listening to say thanks. “They really, really are good.” You say again anyways, smile growing wider as Yoongi reaches to fiddle with his hair,
“Thanks again.” His voice is still quiet, something bashful about it as well. Satisfied, you think, but you continue on anyways,
“And your voice is controlled, like usual.” You sigh, leaning back, “I can’t get over it; you’re so great at singing and rapping.” Yoongi just shrugs, but you miss it while you adjust your sleeves off of your hands. “For it being incomplete, I’d still listen to it, even without the other person you’re waiting on.” Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head,
“That’s too high of praise, you’re messing with me now.”
“I’m not.” You interject firmly, sitting upright. Yoongi looks at you silently, but breaks it by rubbing his neck and speaking sincerely,
“Well, thank you. I was kind of nervous about this one actually. It’s pretty different than other songs I’ve made.”
“Yeah, it’s really on the edge of your usual stuff, I think.” You nod in agreement, settling your hand on your chin while you ponder. “But I’m sure it’ll do well. Besides what’s a better time to try new things than now, right?”
“I wanted to make it last year, actually.” Yoongi shifts on his chair, clicking open an email notification. The title reads a clothing brand, and he shuts it as he goes on and for a moment scrolls through other emails in case he’s missed anything important. “It was busy with the merger going on though. But the beat is inspired by a friend of mine’s style.”
You let the information fall into space, interested by the mention of a musical inspiration. You scan any ideas, but ultimately feel like you don’t know enough about Yoongi at all to make any verbal assumptions so you just joke, “Jin?”
“Oh,” You watch Yoongi pause, and turn on his seat, looking at you with widened eyes, “How’d you know?”
“Wait really?” Your eyes grow wide as well as the image of Seokjin passes through your mind as a music producer-
“Hey,” Your eyes immediately narrow, paired ironically with reddening embarrassment in your face. Yoongi just scoffs, then all together laughs as you defiantly cross your arms. “Rude,” You mutter as his lips continue releasing his entirely humored melody. “He could’ve; you don’t know.”
“I don’t?” He counters, slumping back into his chair and looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
“He’s performed an entire masterpiece with chopsticks and shot glasses before, so, yeah, you don’t.” You try to refrain from releasing any of your own smiling, maintaining a serious gaze towards Yoongi as he believes none of it and nods once.
“I live to be proven wrong, I guess.” He turns to face his computer once more, rearranging the opened windows as though he intends to continue working like he had before you stopped by. At this realization your arms relax, and you think about what you should do so not to bother him, maybe grab coffee to bide the time, or mindlessly watch YouTube videos on your phone.
Yoongi interrupts the thoughts, “It might not be my place to offer, but if you ever wanted to talk--or vent about,” His head tilts as he decides against specific topics, “Anything… I’d listen.” His hand sits still on the mouse, hoping he doesn’t sound like he’s trying to overstep. Though with all the trouble you seem to have, Yoongi tries to ignore that worry, allowing the innocent concern to lead the offer along.
“I probably look like I’m always down about something, right?” Your voice trickles embarrassment and spite, sighing as you rub your hair and angle your neck towards his coffee table. Frankly, it’s tiring to continue each day dismayed by the amount of circumstances left out of your control. Quietly having to accept so much that no one else seems to have to bother with, especially where songwriting is concerned.
“Not always, no.” Yoongi responds, eyes on the monitor though he’s looking at nothing. Contemplative of phrasing. “But a lot has happened the past month, and not much of it is good for you. I may not be your closest friend, but I think anyone seeing you pretend to be okay this often would wonder if you want to talk.”
You stare at the glossy wood, thinking of the interaction between you and Jimin not long ago. Being the first time you had spoken to him, you hoped it would’ve been better, maybe even telling for what the future could hold, but that was all wishful thinking in the end. He still left. Still keeps an arm’s distance. “I just,” You pause feeling the air in your throat that you hadn’t expected to cloud your sentence. You swallow it down and bite your lip, noticing Yoongi’s movement in your peripherals as he faces you slightly. Likely checking. Your voice probably sounded ridiculous.
“It’s okay to not speak too. Whenever you’re ready.”
The sentiment feels as comforting as the way Yoongi’s voice says the words. Absent of condescension, wholly gentle and patient. Putting his ideas of what he thought of you when you met and he found out about your job aside, to simply focus on your troubles. Understanding when he really didn’t have to be. Even if you both were amicable, and freshly titled friends like he said; it’s not like Yoongi needed to offer a metaphorical shoulder, or a penny for your thoughts without an expiration date. The action gives you a tug forward.
“Jimin was at the meeting and I didn’t think he’d be there.” You finally murmur, trying to avoid eye contact as though the words itching to leave your mouth would hide if you did. “I didn’t want to break up with him--or,” You sigh, rubbing your hair as your head shakes, “We weren’t a couple, I can’t really call it a break up, huh?” You rhetorically question feelings silly for being wrapped up in this relationship when it wasn’t a proper one to begin with. “I just didn’t want it to end.” The words fade, spacing even more as you ponder sadly, “And seeing him doing well-- even though he said he misses us, it just makes me feel like I’m the only one unable to push forward.”
In the very least, Jimin’s more in control of himself than you’re showing to be. Strongly believing this is the best way to handle the problems that existed in the relationship and unmoving about it. If you think about it like that, then maybe it would be better to try and adhere to this idea, even with your feelings for him. If they aren’t reciprocated feelings, there really is no worth in you continuously falling deeper and deeper. It was always bound to hurt, you just wish it could have happened later; like you would whenever the separation inevitably happened.
“Whether it takes you longer than him or not to work through this isn’t a problem. I think you should let yourself take as long as you need.” Yoongi gazes without focus at an empty shelf he plans to display albums of artists he’s collaborated with. Considering the closeness you and Jimin evidently had, it’s completely acceptable that you would be saddened by it all, and for all Yoongi knows the relationship could’ve had knots and twists that he’d never guessed that would garner the need for you to take months to heal. “Also,” He starts, though he considers not saying anything at all in case it may be a statement he doesn’t have the right to speak to, but recalling all of the instances thus far that he’s been unable to help you at all, he lets himself finish, “I don’t think you should shove all of it down either… I bet that feels suffocating.”
You bite your lip, almost embarrassed that he’s noticed how upset you’ve been despite having known you only a couple of months. You thought you have done well so far to at least appear normal, but with Yoongi spending hours of random days solely with you, it’s plausible he has simply caught on. Somehow the fact alone didn’t feel bad. In the same way that you had Namjoon to turn to because he knows everything that’s going on, it feels comforting that Yoongi is there as well. At least in his accepting way, whether it’s deeper than that, you don’t know and lean towards doubt if only because you’re both not on close terms.
“So I should just cry in the middle of our dates?” You try at a joke, but the smile you give him is appreciative of his advice. Yoongi glances to you, chair still angled to the wall. He hears the slightly joking tone and shrugs to it,
“If you do it gives us an excuse to go home.” You giggle at the fact and don’t mention that Yerin would likely end up irritated by you both appearing like a mess in public.
“I’ll cry one week, and you cry the next then.” You tease, scooting further into his couch and realizing that its incredible plushness is why it’s worn and Yoongi’s likely kept it since his last company. He laughs at the idea, nodding his head, relaxing himself now that you seem a little better, or at least, he hopes, less inclined to force yourself to act happy. “Thanks, for letting me talk a little, by the way.” A quieter, sincere tone. Before he’s able to respond you continue, “It means a lot to me that you wanted to help. I know I’m kind of, I guess, distant with my feelings, but it’s nice to feel like I don’t have to hide it all with someone around the company. I won’t bother you with myself though, don’t worry.”
“I’m not worried about that.” Yoongi discerns the idea you may feel annoying and softly diverts the thought away. “Besides sometimes it’s okay to be selfish and rant anyways. You’re just trying to help yourself.” He glances to his computer as you only respond with a nod, perhaps not entirely believing his words, but that could be a building process. “Hey, actually, while we’re here, and since you’re a producer,” You lift your head up, immediately curious as he mentions the title. “You want to help me play around with this song idea I’ve been messing with for the past week?”
“Wait, really?” You practically beam the words like sunlight, refraining from a flustered smile at the idea, but Yoongi can tell by how you sit up that you’re more than willing.
“Yeah, I’m not really getting anywhere with it, and since I know you’re the one who wrote practically all of the songs I liked from this company, of course I’d want to work with you.” The growing smile on your face almost makes Yoongi feel embarrassed as well that you found the request so appealing. He briefly chuckles as you start to nod, and he smiles brightly asking in bewilderment,
“Is it that exciting? It’s just me who’s offering, anyways.”
“Says the guy who’s made so much music that I love.” Yoongi bites his lip, smile not hiding at the joy. Emulating your sudden upbeat demeanor, simply because it felt infectious, Yoongi gestures to his computer,
“Well then since we both love each other’s stuff, let’s make it the collaboration of the year.” A light-hearted joke, but you and Yoongi mutually think it’s suddenly an exciting idea to work with one another on a song. So you’re up to your feet in seconds, taking the few steps towards his work area as he clicks around the screen,
“Wait, you don’t expect me to stand and help do you?”
“Oh, right, I’ll get a chair.”
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if you enjoy please, please let me know! i hope you enjoy the series, i’m working really hard on it! : )
tag list (send an ask to be added): @jaiuneamesolitaiire​​ @tsvkino-usagi​​​
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mitchbrodie · 3 years
Revolution Rabbit Deluxe | Album Review
A copy of the album ‘Myths & Fables’ fell into my lap when paying a short visit to a local musician who I’ve met from the Valleys gigging scene over the years. I was dropping off an old cassette tape that my Dad had recorded in the 1970s and Anthony, the mastermind behind Revolution Rabbit Deluxe, kindly stepped up to the challenge of digitising the sentimental tracks that it contained for me. On my way to re-collect the tape, I gave the album he gifted me a good listen to and was very impressed.
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Revolution Rabbit Deluxe are a band based in the Blackwood area and although have quite an ominous stance in regards to who they are and what their initial message may be, they have crafted a very interesting third entry in their own world of album creation. The album opens with the track “Generation Voyeur” which melts into your mind with its dynamic synth line, assertive drum beat and unearthly spectral vocals.  A chorus chant of “Click! Click!” has quite an alarming tone to it, putting you on edge and really kicking off the overall feel of the album perfectly.   “Killswitch” continues with its bubbling synth and sweet mellifluous guitar line, drawing you in with its detrimental lyrics, drowned out by the optimistic vibe of the song’s instrumentation. It’s a real highlight of the album so far as it has a nice divide between despondency and the serene, clashing in all the right ways. Title track “Myths & Fables” bounces along with some synthy sounding bass, seemingly a reoccurring trope of the album so far, but one of the reasons why I am enjoying it so much so far! This song has more of a Brit-Pop vibe to it, harking back to the early 90s sound of bands such as Primal Scream or (dare I say it?) the Manic Street Preachers. I really like how varied and catchy the album is, adding the electronic elements to a more traditional band set up really gives it an extra layer for the band to play with. It’s like when Billy Corgan introduced electronic elements to the Smashing Pumpkins sound, the results were wonderful! The next song “Channel 5” creeps along, reminding me of a David Bowie song that I can’t quite put my finger on at this moment in time. A bit more of a glam stomper with some brilliantly fiddly guitar playing, militant drumming and prominent bass lines. Anthony is bellowing for his life here by repeating the refrain ‘taking me down’ and I really admire the space-age guitar outro alongside the industrial sounding drums rattling away underneath.  “Reconstruction (Through_Deconstruction)” has an almost Pop-Punk guitar intro which soon gets dispelled when the vocals slip in, giving it more of an Indie Rock feel with the scratchy guitars, layered vocals and it’s choral incantation of ‘if you want it, make it happen’. The next track “Pretty Escarpment” contains a refreshing keyboard sound, confident vocals and squidgy/fuzzy guitar licks. I had the piano melody from this stuck in my head when lying in bed the other night. It has such an emotive quality to it, even though by comparison, the band seem to be having a gig at the current political system within the lyrical context. What happens when you your Acid House turns New Wave? You “Go Supernova” with its wickedly distorted vocals and infectious bounce. I must say that “They say they’ll keep you young, I say much younger, you’ll re-enter your mother’s womb’ is the lyrical highlight of the album for me! Onwards from its clamorous break and supernatural sounding synth lines, we get into next track “Battle Hymn (of the New Republic)” which kicks off with an electronica introduction once again, but I’m beaming as I listen along attentively. Bringing back the Brit Rock presage, it sails along with a great upbeat pace and general concern for a potentially dystopian future which is coming to fruition.  “TV Junkies” concludes the album with its captivating melodies and unstable but rousing guitar bends. “Show me, show me, reveal who you are, reveal who you are!” is the chorus of choice, being equally as catchy as it is antagonistic. A great way to finish off the album, with a memorable indie-punk war cry, littered with a multitude of interesting vocals samples and exploratory sound effects.
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As a whole, I think that this recent release in the Revolution Rabbit Deluxe oeuvre is pleasurable to my own personal musical intrigue and audible palette. Stuffed to the brim full of fascinating concepts and extensive sonic playfulness, this is a great Indie Rock meets Experimental Brit-Pop album that has been a delight to listen to in its entirety. The band seem to be quite prolific lately and I’ve noticed the shift in progression to their overall sound and musical output, ticking all the right boxes to me. If you get the chance, check out “Myths & Fables” as I’m sure you will find it quite engaging to explore and enjoy. I’ll be jumping down the rabbit hole myself over the next coming days to check out their previous albums and I’m also looking forward to seeing what they come up with next!  
Myths & Fables is out! Listen to it HERE on Spotify and follow the band on Facebook for future news and releases.
Mitch – 09.03.2021
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golddaggers · 5 years
untouched || chapter two
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gif’s not mine!
pairings: alpha!thor/omega!reader, mainly, some thor/natasha and natasha/reader (friendship guys).
warnings: just a whole lot of fluff, thor acting as a father figure, mentions to arousal, but eh, nothing explicit, don’t need to worry about people behind ya! haha
a/n: i know. two fucking months to get this out. but life has been so so so messy and i got that writer’s block bad guys. it’s here though, i sincerely hope it was worth the wait!
word count: 7,8k+
song to this chapter: delicate by taylor swift
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A gush of cool air ripples across the room, stirring Feisty awake yet again that morning, her achy body groaning in pain when she curled under the sheets, seeking warmth, gripping the pillow that still smelt like him. Petrichor strong in the back of her mouth. It soothed her, pinning her down to the room, bringing joy to her eyes.  
Thor, unfortunately, was no longer there. He had left a little past five am and despite doing everything to keep quiet, Feisty jolted awake with the lack of him nestling her in his arms. The lack of his broad, strong chest pressed to her back, thick fingers swirling on the skin of her tummy that glowed bare. Something she never knew she wanted until she experienced it.  
The whine she let out still pooled blood on the back of her neck, embarrassed of her actions. There were stories about the attachment of a new Omega to the Alpha of a pack, which often ended as soon as a new one joined the pack. A tinge of jealousy widens her eyes as she realised she didn’t want that to come to an end. Yes. It would be nice to not feel so heightened around him, as if he switches on a button inside her, lowering everything and yet keeping her running. But the way he made her feel protected? That she didn’t. She wished nothing but to sleep between his arms every night, hear the thrumming of his heart as he dozes off into sleep, snoring lightly. 
After so long, more time than she would ever admit, she had had a decent night of sleep. Although the reminiscents of the prior day still made themselves very noticeable, Feisty felt somewhat relaxed. At peace. 
Gazing over at a small clock on the wall, one that the woman failed to notice up until earlier that morning, she realised she still had a few minutes to just lie there. Soaked in her thoughts. She wished her mother could be here with her to instruct as to how to act with all these new things happening. All these experiences she hadn’t had before. 
A low sigh escaped while she buried her face back on the pillow, closing her eyes and wondering to herself what would she do that day. Nat hadn’t given her a schedule or something like that, so she wasn’t sure if today they were going to go back to the mat and punch some more sandbags or do something else entirely. Perhaps Steve would steal her away to show the rest of the property like he promised he’d do the night before, at dinner. 
The meal with the others was nice, they were welcoming and overall gentle with her, though Feisty was sure they were only doing what Thor must’ve told them to do. With Steve, however, it was just different. She could tell he genuinely wanted to talk to her, to listen as she went on about old grannies from the nursing home. It was oddly satisfying. Refreshing even.
Flipping onto her back, eyes still sealed shut, she allowed her mind to spin around his beauty. Maybe there was something in the water that made those wolves so absurdly beautiful. The blond hair swept to one side, sweet blue eyes shining when he spoke about his teen years, squared chin and a strong body that certainly put many of his fellow pack members to shame. 
The ink and old parchment smell was easy on her nose, drawing her in. It wasn’t quite like Thor’s. Not even remotely close. Still, when he leaned in closer to whisper some joke on her ear, the odour made her feel at ease. Ugh. That house was a festival of scents that got Feisty feeling funny. 
Sounds from the outside stole her attention away, the girl reassuring herself briefly that it was better not to focus on that. Men, Alphas, in particular, were nothing but trouble. At least, it was what she wanted to believe in. 
Still putting her mind into the chirping birds sound, she stands up, heading to the bathroom to at least brush her teeth. This time nobody brought food to her bedroom, which meant she'd have to go to the kitchen herself. Not that she was expecting to be treated like that all the time, but the thought of people catching her making herself food made her nervous. Like she was stealing or something on those lines. 
With a heavy sigh, she splashed water on her face, drying it swiftly with a fluffy towel by the sink. Glaring at herself in the mirror, Feisty huffed, noticing that she still had bags under her eyes regardless of sleeping well the night prior. It would take a lot more than two days to recover from all sleepless nights she's had. 
Cleaning her teeth felt incredible and so did combing her hair up in a ponytail, deciding that she'd only shower after a good walk around the house. She slipped on a pair of black leggings and a pink tank top, shoving the pyjamas in the back of her wardrobe in a messy pile. 
Feet in flip flops, Feisty went out to an empty corridor, taking careful steps towards the kitchen. Everyone was probably already up and about, nonetheless, there was still a lingering need to keep it quiet, sure to not bother any single living soul. 
While she made her way downstairs, she noticed a few paintings hanging on the wall, from a long line of immeasurably gorgeous people. Women, men. Families even. This house was older than she thought it to be. At last, by the staircase, there was his picture. Blond hair pulled back, fair strands framing his handsome face still, a long beard, enough to have it braided, and eyes. Electric blue, so poorly depicted. A chill ran down her spine as she remembered it. It was art, in the literal sense of the word. It could’ve been the creative imagination of a painter if she hadn’t seen his beauty with her own eyes. 
Only then it came down to her that this house, it had been passing on through the generations of the supreme Alphas. She was standing in the wooden ground where the most powerful wolves, ones that lead revolutions, had stood years and years before. It made her feel fuzzy. Actual history had happened within these very walls. 
“I must say it’s not exactly my most endearing portrait.” A whiskey deep voice came from behind, Thor towering as he stood beside her. A surprised gasp slipping as she failed to notice him approaching. “How are you feeling today, little wolf?”
“Good,” She shrugs, “I was going downstairs to eat.” 
“Wanda made pancakes today,” One heavy hand falls to her hip, guiding her down, “Do you like it?”
“Yes, of course!” Cocking a brow, she musters an act of unknown courage to joke, “Who in their right mind doesn’t?”
“Believe me, Bruce utterly hates it.” His laugh is light, melodic, it has Feisty unconsciously leaning towards him, a grin beaming on her face, “Come. I can tell you need food.” 
As if it was agreeing with him, her stomach groaned, Feisty placing a hand over her tummy to muffle it. Thor simply chuckled, inching her closer to him, fingers going up so he could have an arm draped around her shoulder, a place she fit way too easily. He was warm, welcoming. Exactly like the bed she had left. 
The kitchen was packed with a couple of toddlers. Morgan and Harvey were soundly asleep in a bassinet, tiny hands together. There were four more at the table, one little girl and three boys. She had to be about six years old and the most adorable kid Feisty had ever seen - freckles peppered her pale skin, a blazing red hair falling in soft locks and green eyes sparkling as she saw Wanda approach her with a plate stacked with pancakes. She sat at the left corner of the table. 
Then there were the boys. The first one that caught her attention was the eldest of them, he couldn’t be more than eleven years old, he just had a childish gleam in his blue eyes. Thor’s eyes. That boy was his miniature. So alike it gave her goosebumps. Maybe it was his son? She looked up at him, silently quizzing. His eyes met hers with tenderness, easily figuring out what she wanted to know. 
“That’s Vithar, my baby brother.” The said boy scowls, rolling his eyes and muttering a curse under his breath, “Manners!” 
“You know I hate that name with all my strength, Thor.” He counters, snorting. “And who is she?”
“Don’t be rude, Vi,” A second boy elbows him. Brown eyes kind. He was probably the same age as Vithar, she presumes, “I’m Sam, by the way. And that’s Humphrey, but we just call him Freddie. He’s new around here. Nat told us your name is Feisty? Is that true? Because that’s such a cool name!”
Humphrey was pale and nervous. Feisty had to refrain the urge to wrap him in a hug, relating to him in some sort of way. She was a shy kid herself, always seeming about to cry. Probably why the other kids picked up at her so much when she went to a public school in her early years. Sam, on the other hand, was tall and confident, a bright smile forever resting on his thin lips. 
“You boys so silly,” The little girl says, quirking brows at them whilst rolling her eyes, “I’m Rosie.” 
“I, um-” Thor pats you on the shoulder, in hopes to comfort you with all that interaction with the kids, “Yeah, I suppose you can call me Feisty.” 
“Cool!” Sam screeched, “You’re going to help Auntie Wanda out? You look so nice! I mean, I can tell why Mr Thor likes you so much.” 
“He does?” Her ears get suddenly warm, the boy earning a stern look from his Alpha. 
“Enough,” Wanda finally intervenes, “You’re all scaring her! You know, they have the most unspeakable energy but are actually pretty nice when you get to know,” Tugging Feisty into a hug, Wanda presses a quick kiss on her cheek. She smells like white lilies. Soft and sweet. “Good morning, sweetheart. Why don’t you take a seat? I can fix you scrambled eggs or some toasts, what do you want to eat?”
“No, please, don’t bother doing anything else. Just the pancakes are good.”  
“Okay. Right. Well, there’s coffee on the coffee pot.” She directs a glare towards the man beside Feisty, “Will you stay with us, Boss?” 
After a brief nod from him, she goes back to the stove, pouring more of the sticky batter into the frying pan so more pancakes could be made. By now, the kids had swooped all of them into their plates, soaking with maple syrup. She snickered at the sight, accepting gladly when Thor puts her sitting down on one of the chairs at the table, whispering that he’d fetch her some coffee. 
She shrinks a bit in her seat, her gaze lost over the children, fumbling with her fingers as she waits for Thor to sit next to her again. Rosie’s eyes inspect the new girl closely, chewing her pancakes slowly, a pout growing on her lips, which draws Feisty's attention, who tilts her head at the girl, frightened that she was going to start crying any time soon. 
A tall, white mug filled with coffee appears in front of her, a hand squeezing her shoulder fondly, stealing her attention away from Rosie. She looks up at him, his blue irises blown, pupils very little. There's nothing but unspoken care swimming there.
It spreads a thick wave of peacefulness through her, eyes suddenly growing heavy. Thor lets out a harsh breath, sitting beside her, one large hand going to her knee, refraining the urge to rub his cheek against hers and then bury his face in the crook of her neck. It wasn't fair that she smelt so good. 
Wanda placed a plate filled with food, three fat pancakes, scrambled eggs in one corner and two slices of bread on the other. It's more food than she thinks she's able to eat, but, fork in hand, Feisty digs in, humming lowly to taste, so scrumptious and easy to swallow. 
"Where's Nat?" It's nearly a mute question, focus on the half-eaten pancake in front of her. "I thought we were going to pick up where we left off…?" 
"Natasha is busy," Shrugging off, Thor steals a bit of her eggs, shoving a full spoon into his mouth, "You'll be with me today. Hope you don't mind." 
"No. Not at all." 
Their little chat came to an abrupt end when the seven-year-old girl ran off of the table crying. Feisty's eyes widen in shock while Thor sighed, possibly already knowing what was going on. He presses his cheek lightly on hers, mumbling that he'd be right back, that she shouldn't worry.
Still quiet, she watches him leave, walking in large steps towards the girl, gripping her by one ankle and bringing her back to the kitchen, tears still staining the flushed cheeks. He was carrying Rosie like she was a bratty pup. Wanda leans against the countertop, glaring as Thor sits Rosie back on her chair. The boys are laughing at this point. 
"Now, leaving the table like that, especially when we have guests, it's not nice, is it?" The tone is austere, but Thor looks soft as he speaks, "I'm sure that's not what auntie Wanda teaches you." 
Her bottom lip quivers while she cries hard, sobbing childishly. Feisty grows concerned, worried that she might have done something without realising it. 
“Show some respect and apologise to her, Rosie. She’s a friend and deserves to be treated nicely.”
"N-no, Uncle Thor," Crossing her little arms flush against her chest, she stares at him, bottom lip sticking out sweetly, "She's no friend. She's stealing you from me, that's not a friend." 
A heavyweight falls upon her chest. So she was indeed responsible for that tantrum. There was no way she couldn't have known they were so close, not that it helped either way. She was overwhelmed with guilt, this was not the scenario she had in mind when joining them for breakfast.
"You're such a daddy's girl, Rosie," Sam rolls his eyes, mouth still full. It seemed like a normal day for them, "And he's not even your real dad."
"Rosie, I…" She's hesitant when speaking, bringing everybody's attention to her. Feisty feels her stomach swirl, "I'm not stealing him from you. He’s still your Uncle Thor." 
"Liar!" Rosie cries and so do the sleeping babies. Wanda groans, easily allowing Thor to do the parenting while she grabs the bassinet, taking the infants to their nursing room. "You are here for only a day and my Uncle Thor is always with you! That's stealing."
"Okay, enough, Rosalie," Thor's features are grim now, he stands up in front of her, his size making her smaller than she was already, "You are not to treat anyone like that. I won't allow it." 
"Thor, I, well, it's fine," Feisty voices weakly, "Don't treat her like her, I can leave. It's not a problem." 
"No, little wolf." With a short wave, he dismisses her attempt to leave, so she sits back, complying, "Rosalie, she needs our help, okay? Look at your brothers, they've all welcomed her nicely, you're always so proud to be as grown-up as them, and, still, you're acting like a spoilt brat I know you’re not." 
"But Uncle Thor…" It breaks the woman's heart to see that little girl crying, instincts haywire to protect and care for her, "I-I miss you vewy much and 'm jealous of Feisty, she has you a lot."
Taken aback by her words, his face softens as he falls back to his knees, eyes meeting hers filled with tenderness. One of Thor's hands cradles Rosie's cheek, big enough to cover her whole face, one thumb circling soothingly her red chubby cheek, wiping away the tears. Feisty watches everything quietly, her heart melting upon beholding the way he treats her. The awareness of how great of a father he'd be ignites something inside her, something she has to fight it off to keep herself grounded. 
Before Feisty can even consider her steps, she stands beside the magnificent Alpha, her hand seeming small when it gripped his shoulder. The boys were watching with weary eyes, though what really gets her is the warm blue, a grin pulling those pink lips up. 
"Rosie" The little girl is fierce when she looks at the new Omega. She envies her strength. Despite her youth, Feisty could smell she'd be an Alpha. "Listen," 
Rosie hums, exchanging a glare with Thor, who nods, signalling for her to pay attention. Then blazing green stares at the woman, chin up like she's about to defend herself. 
"I am not here to steal anyone," There's hope a reassuring smile is bright on her face. "You're still his favourite girl. You'll always be, okay?" 
"B-but-" Stammering, tears well up in her eyes. "Do you pwomise?" It sounds so sweet all she manages to do is shoot a smile at the child, nodding, "Am sowwy, Feisty. You are pwetty nice." 
"I told you she was, my sweet girl," Thor winks at her, pressing a quick kiss on her cheek, her cheerful laughter making everybody smile. "And I'll make sure to be around more often." 
"That is great. Now we'll have a watch." Vithar complains, being the first to discard his dishes in the sink. "Way to go, Rosalie." 
"You talk like we're doing something wrong." 
"Sam, haven't you realised by now that Thor always finds something wrong in the things I do?" 
"You are so dramatic, Vithar." 
A rough hand intertwines with Feisty's, an amusement gleam in Thor's face as he hears his brother's banter. She giggles too, lowering her head and taking some time to inspect their smells. It was a habit she developed whilst growing up. It’s still child-like, so they hadn't reached their first rut just yet, which was funny to realise, because, with Rosalie, Feisty could just tell she'd be an Alpha. A powerful one and she was further from them to have it decided. With the boys, nonetheless, it was still blurry, undefined. Even Thor's brother.
There's uncertainty in her face, but she quickly shrugs it off. It's not unusual. Nothing she should be worrying about. A lingering, tepid touch sneaks up her arm, snapping her out of the thoughts, Thor nudges her to go back to the unfinished plate and half-filled mug. He whispers something like she's going to need the energy for later. 
Both Sam and Freddie go over to the sink, standing beside each side of Vithar. The three boys start cleaning the dishes, mumbling to themselves things Feisty doesn’t bother to catch. She stuffs eggs between two pieces of bread, eating some more, her stomach stretching with the delicious, full meal. 
Rosie's puffy eyes slowly fade away as she goes back to the syrupy pancakes, humming in satisfaction. 
"Is Maggie up for a ride today, Vi?" Thor's booming voice fills the room, alongside the banging of plates. They are nearly done cleaning them, "I only checked up on Stormbreaker, but you know he's not with the rest, so I didn’t see her at all."  
"I do, yeah, but I honestly have no clue. Clint has been using Maggie to teach Rosie, but that was a few days ago." He stares at the little girl. "Which reminds me, tomorrow is your day, miss." 
"I know." 
"Also, that’s kind of Peter’s responsibility, Thor.”  
"Vithar, how many times will I have to tell you that when I'm not here, you're the one supposed to watch over the others? Anything that happens in this house is your responsibility." Electric blue eyes fly back to Thor, pink bottom lip puckered. His baby brother looks like he's been told nonsense, "Now, little wolf, are you good? Do you want more food?" 
"I'm good." 
"Then we should get going." 
With a nod, sipping on her mug to end the coffee she still had left, Feisty gets back up, collecting the things she used so she could wash them quickly. Thor snorts, taking them away only to pile them up with the rest, earning a dreadful glare from his baby brother. 
Feisty sees herself refraining a laugh. She never had any siblings, so it was nice and new to see those sort of interactions. A large hand tugs her hip, guiding her out to meet a rather sunny, warm day. White, fluffy clouds peppered across the blue sky. It never ceases to amaze her. 
Thor is quiet, softly pulling her to follow him. He doesn't feel like letting go of her, although he knows she can follow him. The silky of her skin feels comforting under his fingertips, a pungent smell of relaxation coming from her. It's good on his nose, good on him.  
The walk comes to halt when they reach a beautiful stable. Strong, wild horses running freely across a green field, only a wooden fence keeping them contained. A little giggle slips as she sees them play together, groomed and well taken care of.
As a child, she never had the opportunity to do these things. It was all far too complicated, there was no time to be a kid with a father like hers, despite all of her mother's efforts to make sure she had a nice childhood. 
"Do you like horses?" He questions, palm flush with the small of her back as he leads her towards a small door, ducking when following her inside. 
"Um, I'm not sure. I didn't-" Feisty purses her lips in a polite smile, "-I didn't have any animals. My father didn't allow them." 
"Oh" There's a shade of sadness beneath his voice whilst he reached for two pairs of boots stored above the wardrobe. It smelt like dust when he dropped them on the floor, "You'll need that, flip flops aren’t exactly nice footwear for riding. It belonged to Natasha, I figure you two have the same size." 
“Won’t she be bothered?”
“No, I don’t think she will. She hasn’t ridden in years.”
"I see. She doesn’t like it now, does she?" 
Thor shakes his head briefly, bending to undo the ties on his brown leather boots, he is quick to replace them with the rubber ones, smirking at Feisty once he's back on his feet. It makes her stomach do a spin, the way the blue in his eyes sparkled electrifying something inside her. It's so strong she sees herself looking away, cheeks warm. 
Kicking the flip flops away, she tries out Natasha's shoes, surprised that they fit her nicely. He stands beside her, gripping one of her arms, the flesh soft under his rough fingertips. Thor feels at ease when he touches her and it scares him. This, all of it, it's too much too soon. But she doesn't push him away, all she does is stare at him, curious. 
They both remain silent as they move to the gate that meets the place where the horses are running up and about. There's riding gear piled up on a dusty table. The whole place looks like it needed a thorough cleaning. 
Before Thor gets to instruct her to stay back while he deals with them, a buzz on his phone disturbs the bubble he's in. It near insanity how she can just make him forget there are other duties he needs to focus on. 
He grunts annoyed. 
"Wait here, okay, little wolf?" There's a slight pressure of his cheek on her temple, his beard itching her skin in nicely, "I'll be right back." 
Feisty barely makes a nod, a spasm on her lower tummy almost urging a whimper out. The petrichor lingers when he leaves, her lips parted in a shallow breath. It's embarrassing how he can affect her so much with such small actions. 
In the first minutes, she just stands there, hands clasped together, shifting the weight between her legs. Though she knows she doesn't have to be frightened to explore, the years of getting scolded by her father for being curious get her restrained. At first. 
On the opposite side of where the Alpha had escaped to the outside, there's another door. It instantly lights up her curiosity, so there's no time to hold back the footsteps that lead to opening it, finding a comfortable room in which an absolutely gorgeous horse sleeps. Its fur glimmers in the dim light, pitch black. What indeed draws her attention, however, it's the size. That animal is at least twice the size of the rest! 
It had to belong to him. A majestic ride fit for royalty such as Thor. She walks softly towards him, being careful to fall to her knees, the horse suddenly awake and confused to the unknown presence. He stands up way too fast, startling her and affecting her balance, she falls to the hay covered ground. 
A low chuckle slips as she looks up at the animal, mumbling under her breath a nasty word. He watches her with daring eyes, black as the night, like he's questioning whether she will or not try to do something to him. 
The Omega props herself up on her knees again, moving towards him just enough to pet his nose. It feels wet against her hand, she's glad he lets her touch him. His fur is soft as she goes further up his nose. 
"You had me worried for a minute there, little wolf," Thor leans against the door's threshold, thick arms crossed, "Stormbreaker isn't nice to strangers, I'm glad he hasn't done anything, but you should've been more careful." 
"Oh" Guilt sinks in as he helps her up, "I'm sorry. I just- I'm really sorry." 
His smile is soft and tender, one large hand wrapping around her wrist to pull her back out. The horse follows them promptly. 
"I was worried, that's all. You shouldn't be wandering off alone."  
She nods then, remaining silent and constraining herself to just watch him gather the necessary gear. Thor is taken aback by the scared, saddened way she acts and looks at him. He drops what's in his hands to swoop her in his arms, bent to rub his cheek on hers. 
There's a smooth noise coming from her chest as she closes her eyes. Scenting it's not unusual between Alphas and Omegas, although it's normally done after they have mated. Either way, Feisty holds no strength to fight back to the easiness the gentle bristle of his beard against her temple gives. 
A deep rumble shakes his chest when she places her hand there, fingers toying with the buttons of his shirt. Her fingers feel like pure fire marking his skin, burning every bit she touched. Thor couldn't shake away that all of it was insane. Yet so delicate. That pure Omega in his arms brought out all of the animalistic instincts he tried so hard to shove inside the pit of his being. 
"Don't feel like I'm giving you orders," It comes out as a whisper, his voice pitching lower than usual, "I want to keep you safe, little wolf."
Feisty lets out a little grunt, clinging to him, standing on her tiptoes to get hold of his neck. It's heady, addictive. And day after day it feels like it's growing stronger on her when it should be fading away. 
"When…" The words die on her lips, his thick arms lightly holding her up, bodies glued together, "Never mind."  
There's a wrinkle between his eyebrows, blue eyes curious. 
"What is it?" 
"It's embarrassing." 
"I thought you weren't shy when I was around," His laugh is warm, it makes her smile absent-minded, "When what happens?" 
"I know this-" She points to the two of them, "-I know it's because I'm new. But I, well, you make me feel safe, Thor. I don't want that to end." 
"I'll always protect you, little wolf. As long as you need me to." Thor squeezes her further in his arms, "This isn't about being new or not. It's my duty." 
"Sleeping with me is not your duty," Feisty brings up, blood warming her face as she feels shame settle in, "Is it selfish of me to not want to share that?" 
Her body slides against his as he lets her back down, despite not breaking the skin contact so soon. Thor isn’t sure what to do. What to say. He doesn’t feel like sharing that bond either. It doesn’t matter that it was new, that it was way too rushed. Her presence felt better than any of the other Omegas that had tried to sneak their way into his arms. None had the sweet, flowery-like smell that put him through his paces like she did. Plus, the thought of another Alpha laying hands on her, well, it made him way past angry. It was wrath. Fury. A predatory instinct that had frightened him from the very first moment. 
Thor’s nose trails up along her cheek, smooth lips pressing a kiss on her cheekbone. 
“No” It’s low, filled with something neither of them can pinpoint, “Because I don’t want to share this either. Don't wanna' share you.”
A gasp escapes as he tightens the grip on her waistline, only to finally let her go, regardless of dreading the idea. He picks up the riding gear, Stormbreaker glaring at him with judgy eyes, which makes him roll his. That horse sometimes felt like an actual human person. 
Feisty approaches him again, her chubby, child-like hands running along with the jet black horsehair. Stormbreaker neighs, leaning towards her to get her to scratch his ears, bringing a laugh out of the woman. A sound that makes Thor sway on his steps. He'd heard her giggle, seen her smile, but an actual laugh, it was the first time. 
If it was even possible, that makes him even more aware of his craving for her. No. Sharing that intimacy with somebody else was not an option for him. 
"I was going to get Maggie for you," He says, fastening the girth to secure the saddle on his horse, a bright blue saddle blanket underneath the leather seat, "But since he's taken a liking for you, I don't mind you riding him." 
"Isn't he too big for me?" Uncertainty soaks up her question, "What if I fall off?" 
"Don't worry, Stormbreaker is a nice horse-" Thor is cut off by a loud neigh, a booming laugh following, "-See? It'll be fine."  
"Okay," She smirks patting the majestic animal again, "Go easy on me, alright?" It comes off as a secret between her and Stormbreaker, the Alpha gazes at that amused. Feisty certainly belongs to that place, "How do I, um, get up there?" 
"Here, let me help you." 
With a quick instruction to place her left foot in the stirrup, Thor helps her up to settle on top of his horse, her shaky fingers barely grasping the reins to remain in place. This is going to be fun, he thinks as he watches her finally find balance. He doesn’t want to admit out loud, but on those thin leggings, boots and all perched up on his horse, he’s never seen someone so gorgeous. 
The soothing words he mumbles, whilst they go out, give Feisty a sense of protection. There is no doubt he’ll watch her and care for her. For once, she doesn’t feel vulnerable in that position, it actually imbues her with a sense of bravery she always lacked. Feels good, reassuring, so a grin takes up, hips wavering to the slow stride the horse is taking. 
It’s not before they reach an empty field, far from where the other horses were, that he stops, giving back the reins to her so she could be the lead. 
“It’s quite simple” Thor discloses, blue all blown out in those eyes. Feisty couldn’t remember seeing that colour before, it made her all wobbly and warm inside, “One tug at his belly, he’ll walk, two, he runs. If you want him to stop, pull back the reins gently.”
Feisty nods in agreement. Indeed quite simple. 
He crosses his strong arms against his chest, a smile encouraging her to start, which she doesn’t do right away, opting for a big deep breath instead. Then, Feisty looks back at him, admiring for a second his unique beauty, the way his hair falls on his shoulders and how the skin glimmers under the bright sun, a peach shade of pink covering the skin of his cheeks. 
“Yes, little wolf?”
“Will you be watching me?” 
There’s a shift in his breath and he pierces his stare at her, giving one short nod.   
“Yes, now go!” He urges, giving one last squeeze to her hand, “I’ll be right here, watching you.”
As she finally goes off, steadily controlling Stormbreaker as if she had done that many times before. Thor can’t help but drift off into his thoughts, spiralling around the sweet scent she lets off. Two days. It was insane. He had been with Jane for far more than that and she never quite got to him like that. Not in the same way, at least.  
Doomed. That’s what he was. And when Natasha finds out, she’d be sure to break his nose yet anew. 
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Grey, heavy clouds started to gather up as the hours went on, a thunderstorm ever so close from pouring down. It drives him to whistle so his horse returns with the lovely Omega atop him. The lesson ending a little earlier than he had planned. Being fairly honest, he’d have to find something else to teach her, she was just a natural at horse riding. If she hadn’t told him she never ridden one before, Thor would be sure to say she grew up riding one. 
Stormbreaker came back trotting at full speed, Feisty bouncing above him, legs tight around his stomach. There was an easy smile shimmering on her face, something that bubbled up Thor’s insides, a proud smirk as he welcomed her back, arms stretched out to help her come down to the ground, which she did as soon as she stopped, gently tugging the reins. 
There was a playful giggle when she jumped into his embrace. 
“You’re in a good mood today, little wolf.” 
Her arms are clasped around his neck, eyes pierced to his for a split second. 
“Should I not be?” 
While she slips down and stands back up on his feet, he snorts, like he’s been told gibberish. 
“Yes. Of course you should.” Thor mumbles, his gaze analytical when noticing a slight tinge of pain on her steps back inside the stable. “Are you okay? Do you need some medicine?”
“I am fine,” Her voice goes back to the shy, low tone. As if the memory of whom she really is sinks back in, the fleeting moment of wilderness over, “I really am.”
“If you say so.” 
With a shrug, he drags Stormbreaker back inside, careful when removing the saddle, the saddle blanket and the reins. His big hands stroking its neck for a moment, murmuring something Feisty couldn’t quite make out. Despite not knowing what he’s saying, the Omega can’t help but find the interaction sweet. It was definitely a side of a supreme Alpha she wasn’t expecting to see. 
As an infant, all she heard was that they were ruthless, cruel. Never measuring the consequences when deciding to strike. Thor, on the other hand, was gentle. Sure, that scent coming from him warned her that he was powerful, dangerous even, nonetheless, reminiscing on how he dealt the Rosalie situation, how he watched over his baby brother and how… How he nurtured herself. It strayed far from that definition.
Sitting down on the sand-covered floor to remove the rubber boots, she once more thinks about her new life under his care. It way past what she thought she deserved. But after the second day, being there was starting to grow roots within her, which was a completely foreign sensation to an abandoned Omega such as Feisty. 
“It’s almost lunchtime,” A deep voice comes from above, hands sneaking under her arms and lifting her, a squeal escaping from her while he does so, “Are you hungry? I don’t know if you’ll eat what Wanda cooks today.”
She scoffs, dumbfounded that he’d think such a thing. Thor glares at the Omega in confusion, one brow cocked. 
“I spent days without any food, Thor... Whatever she cooks, it'll feel like heaven to me,” His fingers greedily take hers, feeling them cold under his touch, “Don’t pity me, please.” 
“I’m not," Sighing, he pulls her deeper into his embrace, guiding them both out, the wind stinging, a lot rougher than before, “There’s so much I still don’t know about you.”
Feisty smacks at her lips, unsure of what to answer. Embarrassed that there wasn’t much to tell, self-conscious about what he’d think once he knew she was nothing but a mutt. It wasn’t something she gave a lot of attention to, however, when it came to him, there was this need to impress, to show herself off. This… She didn’t understand. Didn’t want to. 
They start walking back to the house, her mind swirling around what to reply. 
“And what is it you want to know?” It’s shaky and unsure when she finally speaks, “There isn’t much to know about me.”
There’s an abiding moment of silence, the tugging of his thick arm around her growing tighter. He doesn’t quite know where to begin, wishing nothing but to dive deep into her memories, into her niceness. Thor enjoyed the quietness she gave him, how he could be entirely silent and she’d respect his space, never urging words, never urging a stance. It made a whole lot easier to be around her. 
Slightly pressing his nose to her temple, a fainting soap smell mixing with her natural one coming off of it. Inwardly, he wondered if he would ever grow tired of it. If the effect she had over him would weaken with time. Feisty looks up at him then, questioningly, half a smile on her lips. Right then, he feels a tightening sensation on his lower abdomen, an awareness that, by that simple act, she had answered his silent question. 
No. He wouldn’t. 
“I’m curious about you too,” She as much as whispers, distressed at his sudden silence, “If I can, I mean.”
A puff escapes, his plump lips finally pressing her face, a peck on the cheek, not more than that. He mouths a yes against her skin, anything, little wolf. And that alone brings goosebumps to crawl all over, a secretive gasp falling. Feisty feels the shift in the air, the way Thor reacts to her sounds coming off too strong. She can taste his need. 
There's a subtle recoil on her shoulders, eyes growing heavy. It was nowhere near what it had been the day before, when she was left a heaving mess, yet, powerful enough for her to feel drawn to him. 
“Is it too much?” 
“Not too much,” A giggle slips as she hides her face on his chest, by now they were almost home, visible to people, “but I figure it's better to keep a little distance, I don't want people to think-"
“Think what, little wolf?” 
“That I, um-” 
The moment was suddenly over when, the exact minute they walked into the porch, little arms wrapped themselves around Thor’s legs, Rosalie much too excited to see him again to not throw herself against him. He smiled, quickly breaking the contact from Feisty to perch the girl on his hip, a childish grin on her cute face, dimples deep into her cheeks. The Omega couldn’t stifle the grin in pure glee that followed. 
"Hi, sweetheart" He presses his lips to her head, ever so fondly, "Are you okay?"
"Yes" Rosie snickers, green eyes turning to Feisty, "You liked Maggie? She’s a lil’ nowty with stwangers.” 
"Oh really?" 
Rosie nods, nosing Thor's cheek fondly, "She's a nice horsie, though my favourite is Stormbweaka,” The child scowls at the word, “Stormy, Uncle Thor’s horsie.”
"He's beautiful indeed," She agrees, still sustaining the smile. It feels so painfully domestic, a child on his arms, the way he sneaks a glare towards her… Feisty finds herself fighting off the urge to lean towards him, fighting his strong magnetic field, "Have you ever ridden him?" 
"No," A pout grows on her little face, "Uncle Thor says he's too big for me." 
"He is," Thor chimes in, putting her back down, one hand grasping hers and the other on Feisty's shoulder, urging both of them inside, where they met a delicious smell of food being cooked, "If you were to fall off of him…" 
"I'm a big girl!" 
There's a booming laugh, "Even big girls get hurt, Rosie," A large hand strokes her much smaller cheek, the two exchanging a swift gaze, "Now go, wash your hands so you can have lunch." 
"They're clean!" She cried. 
Before the girl disappears into the hall, possibly heading to the bathroom as she was instructed, Feisty is still able to hear a whispered “fine”. It makes both her and Thor laugh, her eyes quickly darting to him, staring a little bit too obviously - today she just didn’t seem like she could prevent herself from it. Nor contain the way her imagination ignites a fire inside her, going on and on about how smooth his skin felt under her touch. 
There’s no hiding those emotions from him, a sweet flavoured infatuation stealing a grunt from the Alpha. 
“It’s not polite to stare, little wolf,” In no time she feels the piercing blue onto her, shame drilling into her brain and forcing her gaze down, “No, no. No need for that, it was a stupid joke.”
“I’m-, I know I’m crossing boundaries, I-”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” A rumbling shake his chest, “God knows I want to stare at you all day long.”
 “Why?” Bottom lip quivering, she shoots subtle look towards the Alpha, “I know why I want to stare at you, but me? I’m not really that special.”
“Don’t say that,” Thor frowns, nearing her slowly, “You really don’t know what your scent does to me, do you?”
Feisty gasps, shaking her head weakly as he finally holds both her hands, bringing them to his lips, kissing the knuckles with an adoration. She was so astonishingly delicate, regardless of all the bad situations she must’ve endured - such a stark contrast to him. Thor could tell she was starved of all that human interaction. 
They stay like that for a little longer, not minding the fact they were standing in the middle of the hallway, that anybody could see them. A thick bubble surrounding them that was only broken when Natasha runs inside, almost bumping into them, quickly endorsing them to split, essentially ending the mood that enveloped the pair. Feisty swallows dryly, diverting her glaring to the red hair. 
There’s nothing but plain uncertainty on her face, the smell of fear and anxiety easily stealing Thor’s attention. It was probably related to the business that had kept her away all morning, the Omega presumes, and, by the looks of it, whatever it was, she didn’t bring good news about it. 
“What happened? Are you okay?” His voice dropped a tone, eyes wide, “Natasha...”
“I’m fine,” Nat’s voice doesn’t mirror what she says, trembling, “It’s just… They almost saw me, Boss. I almost ruined everything.”
“Breathe, Natasha, they didn’t see you after all, did they?”
She denies with a head shake, “Brunhilde helped me.”
“You talked to her?” 
“Yes, she says she’s down to help us, with a price. Honestly, the things she told me...” Suddenly, as if only then she was realising they were in company, her speech comes to pause, glaring at the Omega slightly behind where both her and Thor stood, “Hey, sweetie,” Feisty gains a sympathetic smile from the red hair, “Look Boss, I can’t discuss it all here, it’s just not safe.”
“She won’t tell anybody,” He counters, “Will you, little wolf?”
“No, it’s not that I don’t trust her,” Natasha shrugs, inhaling deeply, “We just need to gather everyone and-”
“So you did find out something,” It wasn’t a question. 
The air started to thicken, Thor’s anger boiling and stretching to the three people that. His reaction brought an itching curiosity to rest annoyingly at the back of Feisty’s brain; she wanted to understand what affected him so much, as if it was her responsibility to soothe him, to make him calmer. Possibly why she reached for his hand, noticing him go tense before melting to her touch.  
“Yeah,” Nat nods, slowly gathering her emotions, “It’s far more complicated than we thought it’d be. I-I, damn. I don’t know what we can do.”
“Just,” Squeezing the hand intertwined with his, the Alpha tries to unclench his jaw, he needed to keep himself grounded, for the sake of everyone, “Calm down. Nobody saw you,”
“No, of course not.” 
“Then we still have time to figure things out,” Caringly, he pats his friend on the shoulder, "I suggest you go rest and later we will discuss everything." 
"Are you sure?" 
Admiration seeps from Feisty's eyes, the firm way he nods and reassures Natasha, the way he leads. It's mesmerising, despite her just then realising there was trouble looming over the pack. Perhaps, and this got her feeling sick, it was her fault, maybe a witch placed a curse so troubles followed where she went. 
The strong figure of a man towering her senses the troubles nagging her. This time he doesn't push the itch on his lower abdomen back, just tugging the woman to his arms, noticing how she complies gladly, finding the place that appeared made especially to fit her. More than ever, Thor feels the insane will to protect her, like a secret. 
"Do you want to go somewhere?" 
"I think-" Warmth reaches her cheeks, "Um, I should be asking you that." 
A quick, low laugh slips as he murmurs for her to follow him, guiding her outside, towards the big garage where several cars were parked. She gawks in awe at all of them, walking behind him until they stop in front of a sports one - Feisty was nearly sure that was a Porsche, but she didn't know enough about cars to risk it. 
They don't talk, it's not necessary. One large hand settles on her knee whilst he starts the car. Feisty feels odd - she hadn't felt this energy before him, like pure lightning coursing through her veins when he touched her. Either way, it didn't stop her from craving more. To soak up every bit of care he was willing to give her.  
Neither needed saving, but both wanted to run away from everything. 
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the ones in italics i couldn’t tag for some reason!
@sea040561 @momc95
@frenfics @mrscutiefandobhaz
@lancsnerd @rishlo @desia22 
@slutlanna976 @rahma29417 @truthdaze @innerpaperexpertcloud @watermelons-aura @gluemakesmyhandsticky @ellsbells2143 @ghostlysweetsturtle @lovelylostminds @shelbyaesthetic @dreaminofpoison @marikochi @bagpipes606 @littlephyschos-world @mannls @savagemickey03
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
541. You made your choice.
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ships: Reed900, Hannor, Allen60
‘Okay, so: The next question is:’ Tina grinned into the round, picking a card from the stack and dragging it out, trying to drag out the suspense as long as possible. ‘Would you rather: sneeze every three minutes… or… always have the sensation to sneeze and never do?’ There was a thoughtful silence, until Hank was the first to speak: ‘Guess sneeze every three minutes. Would be annoying but at least you had your peace in between.’ ‘Yep’, Gavin nodded, taking a sip from his beer. ‘Agreeing with that one. Also you could time it and use it to annoy the shit out of someone trying to talk to you.’ ‘I think you are getting it wrong’, Sixty claimed. ‘Constant stimulus in humans most of the time causes it to dull over time. It’s only logical to pick that one. You’d just get used to it.’ ‘Valid’, Connor nodded. ‘I’m going with the first one. Mainly because I’m agreeing with the mischief-factor and also because I can’t sneeze.’ ‘Really? You guy can’t?’, Allen asked, already relatively drunk from just a few glasses. ‘Damn, I don’t know, I’d most likely cut my nose off, both of these are terrible.’
‘Skip summer or winter?’ ‘Skip winter’, Hank answered. ‘Too damn cold and I have to go out with Sumo regardless of what I think of the weather.’ ‘Yes, skip winter’, Connor nodded, sounding bummed out. Too many memories of what had nearly happened. Sixty fell into line with them. Gavin disagreed: ‘Nah, it’s dark early and there are few people on the streets. Winter’s cool. Skip summer.’ ‘Also, Christmas’, Allen added. ‘Lights everywhere.’ ‘I like the prospect of getting cosy on cold nights at home’, Nines admitted. ‘You still live in one of these android-homes they have build after the revolution – basically a fancy broom closet.’ ‘An android can dream, Detective.’
‘Okay, no need to get into that too deep, here’s the next one: Listen to a song four hours straight: The Macarena or Mambo No.5?’ ‘Mambo No.5. More variation, simple as that’, Hank stated and no one was to disagree with him on that except for Allen, who very loudly, very drunk started screaming the refrain and had to be stopped before more could happen.
‘Okay next one: Be electrocuted every time you swear or have all profanities censored on your TV?’ ‘Oh, phck, I would die!’, Gavin answered reflexively. ‘Hell, yeah, censor the TV, see if I care, but I wouldn’t be able to speak a damn sentence!’ ‘Maybe that wouldn’t be too bad’, Nines chuckled. ‘Finally learning some manners.’ ‘Oh, come on, you like the “tin-can” and “toaster”’, Connor smirked knowingly, and earned himself a deadly glare from the other android. ‘Wait.’ Sixty sat up from next to his barely awake partner. ‘Nines, don’t tell me you fell from grace too and actually started to-‘ ‘No! What are you thinking, I… This is not the question asked here!’ Hank simply laughed, leaning back against Connor who was equally amused by what he had caused.
‘Okay, Tina, hand over the cards, I want to ask a question for once’, Sixty announced, picked a card and without even reading it asked: ‘This one’s for Nines: Would you rather fall in love with a human or an android?’ ‘Oh, you got to be kidding me, there is no way that is printed there!’, Nines bristled at that. ‘Come on, Nines, we all agreed to answer them honestly as we started playing’, Tina poked at him, pursuing the same goal as Sixty for once. ‘Thank you, officer Chen, now answer the question!’ Nines sighed heavily and stared at the table. ‘I guess, I know more humans than androids… Being the android hunter and such. I have more human friends, so I guess, it would be… human?’ Gavin, without ostentation, scratched at his temple and averted his gaze, trying to hide his micro-expressions from the androids around him. But he had forgotten Tina in that equation, who had fetched the stack from the opposite end of the table again. ‘Okay, weird, the same question again, Gavin.’ He sighed, being tired already. ‘Android, I guess.’ Until something in him realised what he had just enabled with his thoughtless answer. ‘Wait, can I still change?’ ‘Nope. You made your choice. But I’m giving you another chance: Would you rather spend the night with Jeffrey or with Nines?’ Gavin’s eyes threw daggers at her. ‘I’m not answering that.’ ‘Oh, I never thought you would take a liking to the captain’, Hank teased, getting into that new game they were playing more enthusiastically than he should be. ‘What? No!’ ‘Ah, so it would be Nines?’ Tina grinned devilishly. ‘I’d never thought you to really be an android kinda guy.’ ‘Argh, stop putting words in my mouth!’ ‘Then I would suggest answering the question yourself’, Connor advised. ‘Okay, fine.’ ‘Good. Spend the night with your Ex or Nines?’ ‘Seriously, phck you, Tina!’, Gavin spat out. ‘Fine, if I’ll cater to your childish desires, you’ll stop. I’d pick Nines. My ex took my extensive collection of box sets with him, I would do anything to not have to see the asshole again.’ ‘If you had to pick someone to spend the rest of your life with, who out of the people you know would it be?’ ‘There’s not even an option there!’ ‘Answer the question, Reed.’ Sixty’s expression was hauntingly similar to his interrogation face and Gavin wondered how it all had come to this. ‘Okay, I know what you want to hear now, and I would pick the damn tin-can, just to get this over and done with, but actually, I would pick my cat. Already made that decision a long time ago. And now excuse myself, I’ll go home. I have no interest in playing these dumb truth or dare games with you.’
‘Oh, we should have picked that one! Could have told them to kiss!’ Sixty was immediately hooked up by that pre-construction. ‘Seriously, I’ll never go out drinking with you guys again!’ Gavin put on his jacket and marched towards the door, Nines already up and hurrying after him. ‘Detective, wait!’ The rest of the group looked after them, meeting at the door and discussing something. ‘Damn, they don’t have much sense of humour, don’t they?’, Sixty sighed and faced the cards again. ‘Yeah, well, maybe we were a bit too pressing’, Hank admitted. ‘But it was fun.’ Gavin shook his head at the door and answered something they couldn’t hear over the background-noise of the bar. Then he walked out, Nines following after him.
In the spreading silence Allen lifted his head from where he nearly fell asleep on the table and lulled: ‘I ship them.’
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jennaschererwrites · 4 years
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Inside the Groundbreaking Queer Reboot of ‘She-Ra’ | Rolling Stone
We’re all shaped by the myths we grow up with, whether it’s the stories we learn from holy books or Saturday morning cartoons. Kids who see themselves as the hero learn to center themselves in their own life stories. Kids who see their experiences relegated to the sidelines, or not represented at all, come away with a very different lesson — one that can take years to unlearn.
Which is exactly what makes a show like She-Ra and the Princesses of Power so vital. Since its premiere in 2018, Noelle Stevenson’s reboot of the cult Eighties cartoon has joined a revolution in the world of children’s animation, combining classic genre storytelling with diverse representation and a progressive worldview (see also: Nickelodeon’s The Legend of Korra, Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time and Steven Universe). In its fifth and final season, which dropped on Netflix last month, She-Ra rounded out its 52-episode run by centering a queer romance — specifically, between its hero, Adora, and her best frenemy Catra — and positing that such a love can, quite literally, save the world.
“I knew from the start that it wasn’t going to be easy,” says Stevenson, speaking via phone from Los Angeles. “Because this is She-Ra. To have the culmination of her arc be this lesbian love plot is a big deal! And I understood that. But I also felt that it was really important.”
The original She-Ra: Princess of Power was a 1985 Filmation spin-off of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, which itself was based on a line of Mattel action figures. Set on the planet of Etheria, She-Ra follows a band of magical princesses in their rebellion against the Evil Horde, a totalitarian sci-fi regime bent on global domination. Adora is an ex-Horde soldier who joins the rebellion after she gains the ability to transform into She-Ra, a superpowered Chosen One with glowing blue eyes, a mystical sword, and a very cool outfit.
In 2015, when Stevenson, then 23, found out that DreamWorks Animation was looking for someone to pitch a new take on She-Ra, she jumped at the chance. She was already an Eisner Award-winning cartoonist and writer who had made a name for herself with works like her web comic-turned-graphic novel Nimona and the Boom! Studios series Lumberjanes.
“The world [of She-Ra] is so incredibly vibrant, and has so many powerful female characters. It’s this world that has all my interests rolled into one: It’s got the flying ponies and superpowers and all of these things that, immediately, I was like, ‘I want to do this. I want to be the one to do this,’” she says.
While Stevenson’s reimagination of the world of Etheria pays tribute to its predecessor, it includes some key differences. The reboot transforms the musclebound, scantily-clad grownups of the original series into awkward teens in much more practical (but still very sparkly) clothing. In addition to embracing a diversity of races, genders, and body types, the She-Ra reboot fleshes out the characters and their backstories, giving them fully-fledged arcs and complicating the good/evil binary of the original. The princesses of the rebellion aren’t simply heroic, and the soldiers of the Horde aren’t simply villains; everyone’s just a human being (or scorpion person or alien clone or flying horse, as the case may be) trying to make their way in a world that doesn’t offer easy solutions. It’s also, incidentally, really funny.
For Stevenson, it was crucial that the characters felt three-dimensional, and that it was their choices that guided the direction of the storytelling. “The characters all began with a deep personal flaw, and the process of making the show was kind of giving them the room to process those flaws. But we wanted it to feel organic. We wanted the characters to feel like real people that we knew,” she explains.
From the start, She-Ra’s most compelling tension was always between Adora (Aimee Carrero) and Catra (AJ Michalka), Adora’s childhood best friend who becomes her bitterest rival after Adora leaves the Horde to join the rebellion. In the show’s first four seasons, the two continually fight and reconcile and break apart again, their obsession with each other marking them as something more than frenemies.
“It’s a dynamic that I find really interesting: the attraction and the tension between the villain and the hero, especially when they know each other better than anyone. They love each other, but there’s something between them that cannot be overcome,” Stevenson says.
Stevenson always knew that she wanted the relationship between Catra and Adora to be a romantic one; but she had to walk a fine line, because she didn’t know if the studio would give her the go-ahead to put an explicitly lesbian love story front and center. At first, as in Steven Universe, Rebecca Sugar’s radically progressive series that aired its final episodes earlier this year, she steeped the world of the She-Ra reboot in queerness. The show features multiple side characters in same-sex relationships, characters who flout traditional gender roles, and even a nonbinary character (Double Trouble, voiced by transgender writer and activist Jacob Tobia).
Still, Stevenson, herself a gay woman, wanted young viewers to be able to see a queer relationship that wasn’t just incidental, but central to the plot of the entire series. “I’ve loved these stories my entire life, you know? I was a huge Star Wars and Lord of the Rings fan as a kid. But there weren’t a lot of characters that I felt personally represented by,” she says. “We love what makes these stories classic, but we’ve seen them all culminate in the same kind of romance so many times: The hero gets the girl, he gets the kiss, and then he saves the world. And it’s not just [swapping] the man and the woman for two women. You have to actually approach it from a standpoint of: How do you make these stories, at their roots, queer?
“So that’s what I was trying to do — for little queer kids to see that this is normal, that these are stories that can happen and that exist, and that can center them and make them feel seen and understood.”
Whether or not Adora and Catra’s romance would become canonical was in the hands of the studio, and it was a risk Stevenson couldn’t be sure it would be willing to take. So the show played a long game — hinting at a romantic dynamic between the two without making it explicit, for fear of disappointing fans in the end if they weren’t able to deliver. Fortunately, a groundswell of viewer support for a potential relationship between the characters — a phenomenon known in the fan community as “shipping” — allowed Stevenson to make a case to the studio for supporting the story she wanted to tell with She-Ra.
“Just as I had hoped, people started picking up on this tension and getting really passionate about it,” she says. “It was immediately one of the strongest fandom ships right out of the gate. And that was when I finally showed my hand and was like, ‘Look. We’ve got a bunch of people who, just off Season One, are really, really excited about the gay representation in this show. I have been planning for this. And here’s how it needs to end, and not just because I want a moment that everyone’s gonna talk about. It’s the logical conclusion of both their character arcs. They need each other.’”
Finally, after years of hedging their bets, Stevenson and her collaborators got the go-ahead from DreamWorks. “I really wanted it to be so central to the plot that if at any point they were like, ‘Oh, we changed our minds, we want to take it out again,’ they wouldn’t be able to, because it would be so baked in,” she explains. “The temperature is not always right, and depending on what’s happening in the world, not everyone wants to be the studio that sticks their neck out and makes a statement like this. You will get a flat ‘no’ sometimes. But if you bide your time, or you come at it from another angle, that can change. You just have to keep pushing.”
Feedback for the conclusion of She-Ra has been overwhelmingly positive both from critics and fans. Viewer support has been pouring out in the form of social media posts, YouTube reaction videos, and fan art and fan fiction. Stevenson, who first made a name for herself online with Lord of the Rings and Avengers fan art, has been blown away by the support from She-Ra lovers. “That’s how you know that you’re successful at what you set out to do — if people are getting inspired by the stories that you’re telling. I think that that’s the beauty of fan work, is that it’s an evolution of the genre. We take that inspiration and create something new all the time.”
Unfettered by restrictions, the final season of She-Ra is a tightly plotted, character-driven masterwork, featuring a slow-burn redemption arc, a harrowing villain, and a timely message about the power of love and unity against the forces of repression and tyranny. It’s a show about becoming kinder and more open in the face of unrelenting darkness, about banding together to prepare for the worst, but always hoping for the best in spite of overwhelming odds.
Stevenson says that she and her team began work on She-Ra in the aftermath of the 2016 election. “The veil was ripped off, and we had to reckon with a world that we hadn’t expected. And that theme of relying on each other and being stronger together became so much more relevant,” she recalls. “I remember writing one script after a particularly bad news day where it just felt like nothing was ever going to be OK again. It’s an episode where Adora realizes that there are supposed to be stars in the sky, and there aren’t any more stars. And as Aimee [Carrero] was recording the lines, she was crying, and we were crying, because we were all experiencing this together — the idea that things were changing in maybe irreparable ways.”
The refrain of She-Ra’s catchy-as-hell power-pop theme song is “We must be strong, and we must be brave.” According to Stevenson, that’s easier said than done; but the whole point of the series is that you have to try anyway. It’s a message that rings especially true at this moment in our world when it seems like everything is spinning out of control, and it’s all too easy to feel helpless.
“It always comes back to this — when you realize that there’s a great evil or a great darkness that won’t just go away from one fight,” Stevenson says. “It boils up, and it can be pushed back down, but it’s something that we’ll probably have to be fighting for the rest of our lives. That’s really hard to do, and it makes you really tired sometimes, and it can be really scary. But when you are surrounded by the people that you love, and when you have that love for the people around you, then that strength is possible.”
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