#rheas curse au
randomnameless · 2 years
Angst time. Seteth and/or Flayn dies in AG. They get harvested for weapons as well. How does Rhea react?
I'm torn between losing faith in humanity, even if Dimitri is here and recaptured the Monastery - and departing to Sreng believing coexistence between humans and nabateans is impossible
Or still trying to push through, maybe trying to find another way to resurrect Sothis, and maybe Sothis can bring back everyone who died, Seteth'n'Flayn included.
In Tru Piss Rhea is furious when they die, but she is also - mostly upset and destroyed by the news - she then hyperfocuses on Billy to avenge them (and also to bring back her mom) but if there is no Billy, what would she do? Leave? Try to make a new Billy (and fail)?
If in this AU Billy joined in AG - the second Rhea realises Sothis dgaf about her kids and won't bring Seteth'n'Flayn back, I think she bails out, her mental state is really low, but I see her joining Macuil and roaming around in some place, not hating on humans per se, but being resigned and despondant, even if deep inside, she still loves Fodlan and its inhabitants.
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queers-gambit · 10 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold
prompt: during your engagement dinner, you learn from your fiancé's niece that he holds choice words about you. or finding out he calls you clingy behind your back.
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x female!reader
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby
word count: 3.1k+
warnings: cursing, draaaama, mild angst, AU timeline technically, hurt and comfort (reader don't play those games i guess), relationship angst, half edited.
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His cloak was a shimmering beacon of golden glimmer even in the dark of night. It promoted an air of confidence and swagger, something independent from his usual cockiness. No, with that gold cloak, he walked as if the very air you all breathed was produced by him; being silent and domineering in his presence. It had been something you were initially attracted to, his alluring mystery and overwhelming stoic self-awareness.
He moved around the Throne Room like wings were gifted to his feet, carrying him with lithe movements to look as if gliding. All eyes were on him, whether out of admiration, jealousy, confusion, or lust - eyes followed him no matter where he went, no matter what he did, who he interacted with. You lifted the heavy gold goblet to your lips, taking a careful mouthful of wine before setting it down, swallowing, and standing from your seat at the banquet table.
You wanted your lover, so, you got up to satisfy your craving.
You approached him as he spoke to a pair of noblemen, slowing your gait to ease your arrival and not cause a surprise. Your dress was something a little more alluring, more revealing than you'd usually wear, and as you approached the men, the eyes not belonging to your new fiancé nearly bulged from their skulls.
Daemon turned his head and saw you, smirking as his arm opened and he welcomed you into his side. "I was beginning to wonder where you got off to," you told him softly, one arm around his hips as the other planted your hand against his chest. "The Aunties have descended and are becoming insufferable, I fear I needed reprieve."
Daemon grinned, sounding amused, "It was a matter of time before they found you. Stick with us, darling, the Aunties will stay away."
"They're about to serve dinner," you told him, "perhaps we should find our seats?"
He nodded, looking at the men he had been speaking to before you showed up. Daemon bid politely, offering no other explanation besides, "Excuse us, gentlemen."
They bowed out of their Prince's way, letting Daemon lead you toward the head banquet table (again) where his brother, King Viserys, was sitting with other prominent members of court. The night had been pleasant, everyone rejoicing in the upcoming nuptials between you and the Rogue Prince. For years, he'd been something chaotic and shunned; and after the passing of his first wife, Rhea Royce, he was like a kite cut from string. Loose and set adrift. Wild and out-of-reach. And then you came back into Daemon's life after not seeing one another since you were ten-and-six, and all of a sudden, the Rogue Prince was something more domesticated.
It was a refreshing change, albeit totally uncharacteristic for Daemon.
Viserys was the most shocked of them all, constantly praising you for whatever you had done to his brother to reel him into a controllable pace. He thought you and Daemon were perfect for one another, likened you two to fit-together puzzle pieces. The King had been more than happy to host the celebrations, starting with tonight, an engagement party! You had to play part of dutiful fiancé and upstanding citizen since you were to inherit a royal title; being poised and collected at all times with either a calm, passive expression or one of bright entertainment.
"Here, love," Daemon whispered, pulling your chair out for you. He waited until you were sat before taking his own seat, sighing when he glanced around the table only to settle his gaze on you.
"What's wrong, my Dragon?" You asked softly, leaning in to place your hand over his on his lap; pressed into his side despite the wooden chair arms between you.
"Just amusing," he mused, "most of these Lords and Ladies had much to say about my first marriage, and now, they break our bread to celebrate us."
"Cannot be the first time someone's tried to suck up to you," you chuckled, moving your conjoined hands in your lap. "The dragon does not concern himself with the opinion of the sheep," you advised smartly, "they only tolerate the sheep because one day, the dragon will need to feast - hmm?"
Daemon smirked, "When did you become so insightful, darling?"
"I've always been, you're just pussy-whipped now that I make a lot more sense."
He laughed, letting a servant pour your wine. In your ear, he mused, "Jest all you want, but you were meant to be a Targaryen. Once we are wed, I will plant my seed, and bind us together for eternity."
"Our marriage wouldn't doing exactly that already?"
"A child is more tangible - it's a bloodline."
You shrugged as a plate of blood-red lobster was set in front of you. Viserys truly went all out - giving a wide variety of foods to taste. "A marriage is for life, though," you countered.
"So is a child."
"Until they are married off."
Conversation continued, flowing easily between the family members and patrons of court. Viserys looked pleased, enjoying the celebration as his ailment often caused him grave pain and he could not attend events. He hardly had reason to smile, but when he watched you feed a bite to Daemon, he let his lips spread without thought. Queen Alicent clocked the King's expression, glancing at you and Daemon, then smiled fondly before reaching for her husband's hand.
Throughout the dinner, Rhaenyra watched you and Daemon with a bitter glare on her face; jaw locked and lips pursed. You ignored her obvious displeasure in favor of your husband, both too enraptured with one another to ever pay attention to the Princess' distain. When the meal was over, the dancing, mingling, drinking, and musical portion of the evening commenced.
And cake. Cake was to be served.
Daemon's golden cloak swept around guests as you both played dutiful host for your party, and mingled with those who arrived tonight to celebrate your upcoming nuptials. You did your best to keep up with the plethora of Lords and Ladies, like Daemon did so effortlessly, but it was a lot. You still held your own, but by Gods, there was a lot of people in attendance tonight and there was noway you could remember any names.
Thankfully, while Daemon was caught in a conversation with Ser Gerold Royce, you eventually made it to a small group of familiar faces: Princess Rhaenyra, Ser Harwin Strong, his brother, Larys, Lady Laena Velaryon, and her twin, Ser Laenor.
You graciously received the compliments, well-wishes, and joyful greetings of them all, but acutely noted the Princess did not offer even so much as a polite greeting. "This dress was made for you, it's just darling," Laena complimented, petting the bodice. "It must've cost a fortune."
"It was a gift from Daemon," you told her with a soft smile. "And the necklace, too! See?" You showed her, "He had it custom made, it's Valyrian Steel with embedded jewels."
"The perfect combination of your Houses, and a gorgeous piece of art to hang on such a gorgeous neck," she praised, but it was Princess Rhaenyra's scoff of annoyance that peaked your interest.
You thanked Laena Velaryon before eyeing Rhaenyra. "Princess?" You questioned. "If I may ask you something, plainly?"
"By all means."
"Have I... Upset you in anyway?"
"You mean beside my uncle spending the Crown's coin to buy you something exquisitely made; being a fleeting, lady interest of the Princes'? No, no, nothing's wrong," she scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"What is this distain you hold towards me - towards my relationship with Daemon?" You demanded, the alcohol in your system spurring you on despite knowing the looming consequences of offering a member of the Royal family sharpened words.
"Truly? You wish to know why I do not fawn over you as others?"
"They do not fawn, oh - " You stopped yourself, sighing deeply and correcting yourself, "Of course I wish to know what the issue at hand here is, Princess, I do not wish for ill-will between us. I wish to resolve this."
"In truth, I simply do not understand it, this - this sham of a wedding," she snapped. "Daemon might buy you pretty things, but it's only out of guilt."
"What guilt could he possibly - "
"He finds you overwhelming, overbearing, suffocatingly clingy. So, with his distain, he, too, felt fleeting guilt - being why he showers you with gifts, it's for his own conscious. But if you ask me why I host such distain towards this union, it is because I know my uncle is not happy with your overwhelmingly clingy behavior. He's voiced his displeasure many-a-time. Not just to me, but to the King and Queen, as well."
You felt shell-shocked, acutely aware of the lingering eyes of the audience around you. You worried: how many of them had heard this rumor, how many secretly pitied you? Finding your voice, you managed to squeak out, "I beg your pardon?"
Rhaenyra only shrugged, "You asked, I answered."
"I see," you cleared your throat. "And your answer is that my betrothed has, what, started to slander my name behind my back?"
"Indeed. His chief complaint is how you seem to cling to him more and more, and he doesn't have the heart to push you away more than he already has. You're the one daft enough to not take a hint."
"And where do you get your information from?"
"Daemon, himself."
Your mind raced with all the little things: how Daemon would release your person during public events, avoid physical touch, ignore you sometimes, shut down your woes (call that gaslighting), how he stiffened at times you took his arm, how he seemed to shut down and only offer bored 'mmhms' when you spoke to him about your life. Your heart sank to your feet as you realized there were some truths to Rhaenyra's words.
You nodded slowly as Daemon chose that moment to approach your awkward group. His arm slithered around your waist, but you were silent as the grave and stiff as the corpse in said grave. Your mind raced with the idea that Rhaenyra could just be fucking with you, but the also with the idea that all she said was true.
"I'm going to retire for the evening, I've a headache," you told Daemon, finding an easy way out of his grip, "but you stay, enjoy the celebration. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am just tired."
He agreed and gently kissed you - sure to remain modest but still affectionate. "I'll visit you tonight," he muttered in your ear.
"No, I am truly tired," you told him softly but sternly. "We'll see each other tomorrow."
He hummed, "Then I shall walk you out - "
"No, you're needed here to save face. Go, mingle, play nice," you dismissed him. "I'll see you tomorrow."
You bid whoever you came across a good and safe night; thanking them for their attendance tonight. After thanking the King for hosting the party, you disappeared, taking a few secret passages to avoid the main hustle-and-bustle of the feast. When you arrived in your room, you slammed the door, bolted it, and leaned against it for a good long moment. Your mind was reeling with all kinds of thoughts regarding your intended, his niece, all of it suddenly feeling very overwhelming.
You were exhausted, so, you swiftly stripped, unpinned your hair, refused your maid's help, and soaked in a long, hot bath. After, you settled into bed with a book, and tried not to overwhelm yourself with the anxiety tomorrow would bring.
About an hour later, you heard Daemon knocking at your passage door. You paused, not making a sound, hearing his muffled voice, "Love? My love, are you awake?"
You didn't answer.
"Please, sweet girl, let me in," he begged quietly.
When you wrenched the door open, you seethed, "NO!"
"What - ?"
"I heard plenty tonight from your niece. In your moments of frustration, you know what? Sure, complain about your woes - but to find out you call me clingy when in regard to my affection - that's not something I'm going to be happy hearing, Daemon!"
"I know, but let me explain - "
"What? What will you say? That you just needed someone to talk to? To vent your feelings? I get that - I really do. But you fully offered slander to my name, to our relationship; to who I am as a partner. Your poisoned words of your irritation is soaked into your family, in the courts. And now, I must endure the pity those will offer knowing my husband truly holds distain for me!"
"No, you've got it wrong, I don't - "
"Then why!?" You demanded, voice cracking. "Why say those things? Why not come to me and communicate you're not comfortable with this and that behavior!? I won't know unless you tell me, so, instead of talking your shit to the courts and your family, why not just speak to me!?"
"I should have!" He admitted quickly. "I should have, I know that, and it was my mistake, my love. But I regret it, I regret feeling so, so - I don't know! Sure, let's call it frustrated, irritated, I don't care, I just needed it off my chest!"
"I understand that fully, but being as we're to marry one another, I should be the one listening to you when you need something off your chest. You should talk to me. And if I'm the one you need to speak about, choose more trustworthy confidants that do not need further reason to despise me!"
"What're you...? What? What does that mean?"
"Rhaenyra, Daemon! Your niece, Rhaenyra! Every-fucking-thing you've said to her, she remembers, and holds it against me! You forget, when you speak to family about the woes of your relationship, that's all they remember. You get to make up with me, we get to move on, but because you needed t'vent to them, that's what they can hold against me. Do you even wish to marry me, still!?"
"Of course, I do!"
"Then something needs to change," you deadpanned, exhausted by this. "I refuse to be belittled, spat on, and disrespected by your niece any longer."
"I will speak to her."
"Yes, you will! This is far too out of hand! She has weaponized your frustration to drive a wedge between us, and she chose a public event with an audience to lob it all at me!"
"What truly happened with Rhaenyra? What was so bad?"
"Daemon, she called me out for 'being clingy' in front of an audience! At our engagement celebration! Do you know how humiliating that was!? I'm more embarrassed than angry!"
He nodded, "I'll handle this. I swear, my darling, this will be resolved."
"You know what?" You breathed. "Do whatever you please because I've realized something. Not only did Rhaenyra spew our business to others, but you... You said it in the first place. You said those words..."
"Out of anger - "
"But you still spoke them!"
"I was foolish to do so!"
"You are a fool for many reasons, Daemon, but this is one act I am not willing to forgive so blindly. Wear your jester hat all you'd like, but it will take more than pretty words to make this up to me."
"I'll do what it takes to fix this." He tried to step into the room with you, but you held your ground in the doorway. "My love, please, how can I make it up to you if you do not let me in?"
"You must find any other way to do this because there's no chance in any of the Seven Hells that you share my bed again - married or not." You offered him a look of distain, musing, "You know what, I've decided: I simply don't care what you or your family thinks. I am extremely proud of who I am, and there's not a soul alive that can make me feel lesser than. Your words hurt, they cut deeper hearing it from the Princess, but that's simply your opinion," you eased. "I refuse to modify myself, but it's good to know you don't like my affection - I can always reserve it for whoever I choose to warm my bed. What was it you said?" You quipped venomously, "Marriages are political arrangements?"
"Not ours," he snapped.
"Oh? We're so different, are we?" You laughed.
"Of course we are, there's nothing I'd change. Hear me? Nothing," he sounded angry. "I was a fool to speak out of term, but you're right, I should talk to you about it - I am simply unequipped to having a wife I've chosen."
"Oh, spare me - "
"It's true," he insisted, "what woman in my life has loved me as you do? Has encouraged me to be so - so - loving and safe?"
"Apparently, I've been clingy and not as encouraging as I thought."
"I spoke out of turn," he insisted. "You're right - I can't go and take back what I've said. But I will do all I can to ensure I change their opinions on you, to mop up whatever verbal mess I've made."
You laughed without humor.
"And I will set Rhaenyra straight about all of this, I will ensure she knows that there's no room for such tension, jealousy, hatred."
"You swear to clean up all your messes?" You wondered earnestly.
"I swear."
"Good," you mused, "after that, how do you intend on rebuilding my trust?"
Daemon blinked, "You do not trust me anymore?"
"Of course not," you assured, "not since finding out how you speak of me so hatefully without my knowledge. That's where trust comes in, Daemon, but you proved me wrong, and now, that trust is gone."
Daemon looked confused, mouth opening and closing rapidly, shaking his head, "No, no, no, love, don't do this. We're okay, all right? We're fine, things with us - we're fine. We're okay."
"Saying it doesn't make it true."
"Do not tell me," He snapped. "H-Have I lost you?"
"Mhm. Not saying you can't fix things between us, but as of now, there's nothing about you I can trust."
"And if you cannot trust me, can you love me?"
You paused, considering his words. Honestly, his betrayal was something that hurt worse than anything you've endured before. "I'll have to think about that one," you whispered. With a saddened look, you hugged the door, sighing, and bid, "Goodnight, my Prince."
"My sweet - don't shut me out. Don't do this."
"Find a way to make this all up to me," you demanded, "because I'd hate for either of us to eventually resent this marriage, too."
He tried to argue but you shut the door on him forcefully; loudly locking it from the inside to prevent him from following you. You felt yourself brimming with anger, but nothing was like the betrayal coursing through your heart and veins. There was no sleep that night, there was a lot of tears, a lot of pacing, and a lot of grumbling to yourself.
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requesting rules and masterlist
HOTD masterlist
Clingy Baby collection
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heart4reigns · 1 year
HOME, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words, pet names, cigarettes, violence, degradation, blood
tags: CLICHE DOUBLE LIFE!AU, i'm a sucker for enemies to lovers you guys should know that by now, streetfight!AU
summary: it’s all fun and games until you find comfort in your enemy
"LISTEN to me." finn gathered his faction. you were tying your boots when he called you. "ay, (y/n). come here." damian called you. "yeah, yeah. wait a bit, i'm tying my shoes." you replied as you walked up to them. "this feud is important to us, especially to you," finn paused for a second to point on you. "you're the key of this feud." you nodded, mentally taking a note to not fuck up tonight. "together?" "let's fuck them up!"
after the small pep talk, everyone went to their positions. finn, being the leader, pulled you aside. "don't fuck this up, (y/n). i know you have personal beef with one of them, but don't fuck this up." he repeated. “i won’t, brother.” you were an obedient member of the family. “you’re like a dog, always loyal to us.” finn patted your back.
you were picked up by the judgement day months ago. they saw potential in you and adopted you to their gang. often times, you were used as their bait to rile up the enemy. you took every single bump there was with a sense of pride that you belonged to one of the powerhouses of street-fighting. tonight, you were facing your family’s biggest problem; the bloodline. they were another established powerhouse in the world of street-fighting.
being the clueless person you were, your family fed you lies–indoctrinating you to believe that they were the bad guys and you were the good guys. when in reality, it was the other way around. people started to circle over you as the fight was about to start. you scanned the arena but you didn’t see him. dominik was going first against solo, the youngest member. you paid attention to every single move he made but before dominik could throw a punch, he was smacked by none other than roman reigns.
there he was, gaining all the attention from the crowd. you made eye-contact with him, slowly feeling the intimidation get into you. but you held your head higher, showing no fear. roman smirked as he cracked his knuckles, ready to jump in whenever he wanted. the man licked his lips, still making eye-contact with you. rhea pushed you to the circle, pulling back dom from the scene and roman quickly jumped in. he was your assigned opponent from the start. sure, he was bigger than you but you were always faster than him. the crowd cheered as you avoided his punch, ducking behind him and kicking his nape, only to cause him to fall face first.
“don’t play dirty on me now, babygirl.” he barked, licking the blood on the corner of his lips. needless to say he took the bait, feeling excited to fight you. he didn't want to ruin your pretty face, he just wanted to mess around. roman reigns, the tribal chief, was holding back his attacks on you. as soon as you fell on the ground, he was ready to pin you–only to have damian pulling you back in the crowd. "really priest? you fucking asshole, i was having fun." roman glared at him. "well, you can have fun with me." without wasting anytime, roman pushed jimmy into the scene, replacing him.
the night ended in a draw as dominik was limping from his injury caused by jey. rhea carried him back to the car, finn and damian parted ways, leaving you alone in the arena. the crowd praised you for your work and you couldn't help but to feel proud of yourself. "(y/n), you did amazing. i can't fucking wait for your rematch, i think it's time for you to shine." you smiled at them. "thanks." you excused yourself to find your motorcycle, only to have someone waiting for you.
"what do you want, roman?" he smirked at you. "just waiting for you to go home safely, baby." the man replied. "i'm not your baby and i'll never be." roman looked down on you, still having a smug expression plastered on his face. "once you realize that your 'family' is only using you for bait, you're always welcome to the bloodline, babygirl." that was the last sentence he said before walking away. there was no way that your family was using you, you thought.
the first time you met him, you couldn't deny the attraction you had on him. roman was tall, handsome, and he was exactly your type. but as soon as your family told you to stay away from him, the attraction died down. hate him or love him, roman reigns was one attractive son of a bitch. on the other hand, when he first met you–he felt pity rising inside him (which was new). the judgement day didn't have good track records for picking up members. it was a matter of time that they show their true colors. and he just wanted you out of the picture before that could happen.
other than your street-fighting career, you were just a regular joe. working in a coffee shop somewhere downtown, far from the fight arena. "welcome to hunter's, how may i take your order?" today, you got your first shift near the neighborhood, instead of your usual spot in the gas station. when you arrived, your boss asked you where you got your bruises from, only for you to lie–saying you fell from your motorcycle. he shook his head, not wanting to intervene in your personal business.
the duality of your life was sometimes overwhelming to you. by night, you were getting your ass beat. by day, you were serving hot chocolate for an elderly couple. you were stocking up the beans in the backrooms when you heard your friend's voice. "(y/n), can you take over for a bit? i need to throw the trash." "okay!" you replied to your coworker, seth. the bell on top of the door rang, meaning a customer entered the shop. "welcome to hunter's, how may i take-" you looked up and saw him.
"well, babygirl. what are the odds?" you froze for a second, still taking in the sight of roman standing in front of you without his gear. he was wearing a black tracksuit with his hair tied up. even with your boots, he still towered over you. "why are you here? did you stalk me?" roman furrowed his brows. "no? baby, i'm not a fucking creep. i literally live next door." you didn't know what to do. before you could answer him, seth came back. "yo, what's good man? the usual?" roman looked at you with a smirk. "new trainee here? damn, she can't do her job right." he joked.
you were left flustered under his gaze. "(y/n), this is roman. he's a regular here. roman, this is (y/n). she just moved to this spot, the gas station one is closing down anytime soon. we can't afford to lose our best brewer." roman extended his hand. "roman." "(y/n)." you really wished that someone was beating you up right now.
to say the least, his flirting didn't stop. he was indeed a regular in this spot. as time went by, you didn't really care about having him sitting in front you, with a book in his hands. the conversation he initiated went one-way some days, you were too flustered to respond. of course, your family didn't know about this entire situation or you could get kicked out for engaging with the enemy.
from his perspective, he grew comfortable with your presence. even if you didn't really talk to him. those small interactions made his day. whether it was you writing some stupid shit on his cup like 'fuck you, we'll win soon' or a 'roman reigns stop flirting with me challenge', it really gave him a different perspective. you weren't just a street-fighter, you lived a double life and so did he.
"one iced americano for mr. stop flirting with me!" you yelled, even though you had no customers. "well that would be me and the answer is no." he winked at you, trying to get under your skin. he couldn't help but to notice that your cheeks were red. "you don't have to hide your blush, baby. i know you like me." "SETH, ROMAN IS ANNOYING ME AGAIN!" you tolerated his behavior as time went by. "ROMAN, BACK OFF BEOFRE I KICK YOUR STUPID FACE."
your shift ended earlier than expected, the cafe was empty. "hey, (y/n). roman left his book, when you clock out, do you think you can give it to him? i have his address." you groaned at seth's request. "why don't you give it to him? since he's like your best buddy or so." seth chuckled. "i can't silly, i'm closing up the shop. he'd probably be asleep by the time i finished." if only he knew, you thought. "fine, but you're buying lunch tomorrow."
he really did live next door. you dropped the book in front of his porch, not wanting to intervene or interact with him. but as soon as you hopped on your motorcycle, his front door opened. "thanks baby, i'll see you tonight for our rematch. wear something pretty for me." you flipped him off, driving to the arena. fuck roman reigns and his stupid fucking pretty face, you thought.
the judgement day was getting ready for the fight. dominik gave you the iconic purple bandana that you always wore on your left arm. "tonight will be the final match against the bloodline. make sure we win or someone's gonna pay for it and i don't want any of you fucking up this fight. we almost lost because of dominik last time, but damian saved our asses. (y/n), don't try to pull any funny shit tonight." once again, you nodded. "together?" "let's fuck them up!"
everyone circled around you and you were up first. to your luck, once again, you were up against roman. you saw his brown eyes filled with excitement. "we meet again, babygirl. you really can't get enough of me, huh?" you quickly threw a punch on the right side of his neck, causing him to stumble on his legs. "feisty today, i love it." he pulled your waist, bringing you up to his level. "you're not going anywhere now." finn jumped on his back, causing him to let you go. "jesus, balor. you made me drop her, fuck you." roman pinned him to the ground, earning a concerned look from the other members. the crowd cheered loudly as finn couldn't move.
dominik looked at you and nodded. he threw you up and your elbow landed on roman's back. before you could get up, you were dragged by solo, earning some time for roman to continue pinning finn down. the fight was messy. roman was pinning down finn, dominik was getting his ass beaten by solo, rhea was fighting the twins with damian–leaving you alone. you decided to take action on your own. you were going to kick roman's back but he flipped finn over, causing you to kick your leader's back. finn yelled in agony and roman took it as a chance to throw him on the ground. the 'referee' counted down and the bloodline just won the match. you fell on your knees, scared of what was going to happen next. "oh god." you muttered, fear in your eyes.
"you stupid bitch!" rhea yelled, kicking you in the stomach. "we fucking lost because of you." she continued. your body was thrown to the brick-wall by her. "useless bitch." she clenched her fist, throwing a punch on your jaw. dominik pulled you by the hair. "aw, she really is useless without us." he sarcastically said. "you're nothing to us now, (y/n)." finn added. rhea couldn't stop kicking you, to the point that you could feel bruises forming on your body. she picked you up and threw you once again causing you to cough up blood. "never show your face in front of us, (y/n)." damian gripped your shirt before throwing you down again.
you were left alone in the alleyway. blood covered your face, your entire body broken and bruised. no one was there to help you. your family betrayed you and you had nowhere to turn. you kept blaming yourself for your own downfall. maybe i deserved this, you thought. standing up on your own feet was challenging for you, you had to lean on the brick wall behind you.
it took you hours to gain consciousness again, you realized that the moon was shining brightly. your entire body was practically falling apart. you sighed, holding your abdomen. you really had no where to go. everyone you loved turned on you. you could call seth, but he didn't know about your situation. it was probably the kick that made you couldn't think straight. "help..." you muttered under your breath as you tried to stand up.
there was only one person you had in mind. the cold air brushed on your bruised skin–you were practically gasping for air. black spots started to appear again in your vision. you couldn't even lift your arm to knock on the door. you leaned your head on the door, banging it non-stop until you felt the headache consuming you even more. footsteps filled your eardrums and the door was opened.
"baby, who did this to you?" was all that came out from his mouth. the sight of you being all bloody and bruised broke his heart. roman immediately carried you inside. "r- roman." you stuttered. "shhhh. don't speak." he whispered, laying you down on his bed. "oh god, baby." blood covered his fresh white sheets, but he didn't mind. "stay here, i'm calling jey to stitch you up." before you could respond, your eyelids closed on their own once again.
the tribal chief was in fact, furious. “stitched her up, uce. should go to the hospital when she wakes up.” roman nodded. “thanks uce, i think you need to get out before she finds you here.” the right hand man packed his stuff and went out. “you care about her, don’t you?” jey asked, before leaving. “i do. if they mess with her, they’re messing with me.”
the lightbulb stared immensely into your eyes as you felt someone sitting down on the chair next to you. “(y/n).” he greeted you. “who did this to you?” roman repeated the question from last night, begging for answers. you were still in shock after the incident. “baby, if you don’t answer me… i’ll never kn-“ “it was my own family.” that didn’t surprise him, he knew all along. roman knew that they were never going to treat you like one of them. you were an outsider after all, bad luck was on your side when you were adopted to your little family.
roman clenched his fist in anger. “i’ll fucking ruin them.” he muttered under his breath. “i deserve it. we lost because of my recklessness.” the tone of your voice made his heart ache. you didn’t deserve this at all. roman took your bruised hand and brushed it softly. “you don’t deserve this at all, i took part in this baby. i'm sorry.” the man said. “i don’t know where else to go.” the two of you made eye-contact. “you’re safe now. you’re home.”
morning came by and the tribal chief gathered his cousins. "call a street-fight with the judgement day tonight." roman announced. "but uce, they're fighting imperium tonight. we can't just jump in and attack them-" "gear up, we're taking them down tonight." roman was out for blood. his cousins had never seen him like this before. he didn't care about vengeance or anything, but this time–it was different. he grew attached to you.
you were still fast asleep. he brushed his hand on your stitched-up forehead. "i'll make them pay, baby." maybe it was the glimpse of hope in your eyes when you first made eye-contact that made him head over heels for his opponent. you made the roman reigns weak. he'd go through hell for you and he meant that. "i'll be back."
as soon as they arrived, the tribal chief practically sprinted out of his car, running as fast as he could to the people circling around imperium and the judgement day. jimmy, jey, and solo couldn't keep up with his speed. roman spotted finn and immediately lunged on him. the crowd went silent as imperium took a step back. "you fucking coward." roman didn't hold back this time. the scene was bloody and no one dared to intervene. "fuck you for putting (y/n) in fucking misery." finn protected his head with his forearm, only to have roman kicking the side of his head. "i'll put you through hell, motherfucker." roman grinned as he cracked his knuckles.
his house was silent. you got up from bed with a confused look. roman wasn't home when you woke up. you called seth telling him that you got in a motorcycle incident. you also didn't know what you did to be treated nicely by roman. he took care of you, his cousin stitched you up, and you really felt like you were home. the judgement day never did this to you, only calling you weak every time you were injured. your thoughts were cut-off by the sound of the front door being opened.
"baby." he greeted you, throwing a bloodied purple bandana on the floor. "you have nothing to worry about now. you're safe. they got my message." you opened your mouth to say something, but you ran with all your power to him and gave him a hug. "i owe you one, roman." you whispered. "you don't owe me anything, princess. no one can touch you. no one except for me."
a/n: GOT CARRIED AWAY... I WROTE THIS IN CLASS SO IT'S KINDA WILD and quite satisfied w how it turned out to be!!! like usual, i’m taking requests but they might be published a bit late!! feedbacks are highly appreciated <3 hope u enjoyed it!
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usaigi · 6 months
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FE3h Fruits Basket AU in collaboration with @yellowocaballero ^-^
Basically. Byleth is Tohru and she was camping out in the woods with a high fever when Edelgard and Hubert ran into her. They accidently transform but Byleth is so sick she thinks it's a fever dream. They, however, think they just spilled their greatest secret.
Rhea, aka the head of the house, offers to lets Byleth stay with them/go to their school in exchange for her silence. Byleth, who does not understand reading between the lines, thinks the school some sort of gay conversion camp.
Who's who
Rat - Yuri. 30s Left the compound forever ago and is living on his own. El's icon
Ox- Edelgard. Complicated relationship with Rhea because of how controlling she can be. Tries to bomb the school
Tiger - Lysithea. She's actually in her 20s but for some reason when she transform, she's a little cub. Gets annoyed when they call her a baby
Rabbit - Flayn! She's always running into Byleth so she'll pet her
Dragon - Seteth lol He and Hubert are the only ones that don't understand the Byleth obsession. It's cuz they can't be pet :/
Snake - Hubert
Horse - Petraaaa. She's a little baby. Instead of attracting horses, she attracts horse girls. So Marianne, Ferdinand, Ingrid, and Leonie all adore her and are always baby wearing her. The most spoiled little baby ever
Goat - Cyril. Also 20ish
Monkey - Claude
Rooster - Hilda. When she's a human she fucking loves chicken nuggets
Dog - Sylvain
Boar - Dima :3c When he mets Byleth, he tells her he's cursed and a boar and Byleth thinks it's his bad self esteem talking. Byleth goes out hunting and accidently almost stabs piggy-dima. He transform back into a human just in time.
Cat - Felix. The family doesn't shun him for being a cat, he just kinda shuns himself for being a emo boy
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hermesmoly · 10 days
hello dearest user, i bequeath thee thy questions of thy ships thee likes in mythologia:
OTP of all time? (Thy owes me 20 dollars if thy says Zeus and Hera)
Thy favorite straight or male/female ship/s?
Thy favorite mlm or gay ship/s?
Thy favorite wlw or sapphic ship/s?
Thy ship/s thee likes to analyze but not ship as endgame? (any type)
Thy favorite doomed ship/s?
Thy favorite toxic ship/s?
Thy favorite exes-ship/s?
Thy favorite platonic ship/s? (any type)
Thy favorite OT3/poly ship/s (any type)
NOTP of all time?
Least favorite straight or male/female ship/s?
Least favorite mlm or gay ship/s? 13 Least favorite wlw or sapphic ship/s?
Thy crackships? List them all
**thee can include ships that are of the books or of your own mind. thy hopes thee does not find thy ask annoying
First of all, I love the dedication to the bit??? I don't know how the thee and thys of Old English but you gave me a chuckle XD
(No way will this annoy me. In fact, I will take pleasure in answering this ^^)
OTP of all time? - Zeus/He- *hands you your 20 dollars*
Thy favorite straight or male/female ship/s? - For human ships, it's Menelaus/Helen and Orpheus/Eurydice. For godly ships it's Zeus/Hera and Poseidon/Medusa. All rotate my mind like clockwork. I also love the married godly couples and Ares/Aphrodite.
Thy favorite mlm or gay ship/s? - ORESTES/PYLADES ORESTES/PYLADES SUPREMACY 🗣🗣🗣 Sometimes Patroclus/Achilles. Poseidon/Nerites. (Ares/Hermes for non canon)
Thy favorite wlw or sapphic ship/s? Oh, this is hard... I only have non-canon ones like Metis/Hera, Demeter/Leto, and Eileithyia/Clotho.
Thy ship/s thee likes to analyze but not ship as endgame? (any type) - oh AGAMEMNON/CLYTEMNESTRA takes the cake for that for sure. Their house is so rotten, their kids dead or depressed and their marriage in RUINS but once upon a time everything was okay, and that is what makes it hurt more. Other ships include Rhea/Cronus and maaaybe Apollo/Cassandra.
Thy favorite doomed ship/s? - Orpheus/Eurydice, Hades/Leuke :(
Thy favorite toxic ship/s? - Zeus/Hera, Rhea/Cronus, a bit of Pentheus/Dionysus too hehe.
Thy favorite exes-ship/s? - Poseidon/Pelops, Zeus/Themis, Diomedes/Odysseus (last one is exes best friends and fwbs to me.)
Thy favorite platonic ship/s? (any type) - HECTOR&HELEN AND ODYSSEUS&MENELAUS LETS GO!!! Also, I love the whole brotherhood between the Achean soldiers, yes even including Agamemnon. The Kronides (especially Zeus&Hades and Hera&Poseidon) and the younger Olympians' relationship with each other (too long to add. Its a lot.)
Thy favorite OT3/poly ship/s (any type) - Zeus/Hera/Metis (past) or Zeus/Hera/Prometheus (present but in a Kaos show AU way where Prometheus and Hera are both stressfully dealing with Zeus' shit 100% of the time. Not sure if It's a V-relationship or a whole poly ship but it's fun to imagine).
NOTP of all time? - probably Zeus/Leto or Semele (no hate to shippers).
Least favorite straight or male/female ship/s? - Paris/Helen (again, no hate to the shippers. A matter of preference and I find the influence of Aphrodite/the gods in their relationship way more fascinating than the pairing itself. They're very Curses by Crane Wives coded. In a way they also fit No.5 of your asks lol). Also Hephaestus/Aphrodite and Poseidon/Amphitrite. In a way.
Least favorite mlm or gay ship/s? My mind is blank, my least favorite is Zeus/Ganymede but I'm honestly neutral-positive with the interpretations of Ganymede as an adult.
Least favorite wlw or sapphic ship/s? Medusa/Athena for sure. Eradicate that ship.
Thy crackships? List them all - Hmmm I already mentioned some in No.4... Would love to see Medea/Oenone, Hermione/Electra, and some iteration of Ares/Thanatos/Hermes too. That's all I can think of for now
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miramilocamimira · 5 months
My Heir
Kronos’ Favorite AU, TLO Bad Ending.
Warnings: Blood, Major Character Death, Hurt no Comfort, Swearing as in cursing, Cannibalism (mentioned), violence,
They'd been captured rather than killed. Zeus has the thought that his father wants to make an example out of them. Or him, at least. He had been brought to a separate room from his family.
They'd lost. Fuck.
The chains around his arms rattle as he shoves his face into his hands. Flashes of his children appear in his memory. Hermes, Ares, Dionysus- all felled by Typhon. A majority of demigods, Artemis, many of her hunters, Persephone - he'd never wish to hear such pain in Hades’ voice ever again- Heracles, and Hebe.
All gone and he can't shed a fucking tear.
He should have protected them. Should have had the others stay behind and assist the demigods while he fought his uncle. And as much as he wants to cry, he will not show weakness to the Titans.
By gods, he wishes Hera was here. She'd probably be making a ruckus. Screeching about how no matter how long it'd take for her to reform, she’d return the pain her children felt tenfold. He lets out a chuckle-turned-cough at the image.
There's a click at the door and he jumps up. The chains may weaken him but he will not go without a fight.
“WHERE DID YOU TAKE MY HUSBAND!” Hera roars at Oceanus. It hurt to see her uncle, one she loved and trusted dearly, as one of her jailers. For years, he and Tethys had raised and protected her, matured her into the goddess she was.
She'd even kept in touch with letters, visits, and gifts until this last year. She had thought the three of them had bonded well. But the burning sensation as her anger boiled, the clawing in her chest at their betrayal will never be forgotten.
He doesn't look her in the eyes. Mutters out a ‘keep quiet’ and continues keeping watch. Many of her children were torn to pieces, her nephews, nieces, friends, and siblings were bleeding, bruised, and broken. Her husband is missing, one of her brothers is without an arm, and both mourning their wives and children. AND HE WANTS HER QUIET?
A hand on her shoulder stops her from opening her mouth. A glance at the owner of said hand shows Hades shaking his head, eyes pleading for her to sit down with them. Hestia and Demeter are sitting on either side of Poseidon, her eldest sister trying to keep him from leaking more ichor.
She was powerless. They all were.
She sighs and her body shakes with it. Hera lets her brother lead her over. The end nears anyways. She sits with them and makes a fuss when the Titans lead them out.
They get forced into another cage, spelled into silence by Hecate. The broken thrones remain in the background. What catches her eye, though, are the three centered in the room.
They're all black, the middle being larger than the other two. Aside from height, the other two thrones differ by design. The one closest to her had a moon, a swan, and… and two lions.
It represented her mother.
She forced herself to look at the second throne, depicting an eagle, a bull, an oak, and, unmistakably, a thunderbolt.
Did- did Zeus betray them? Betray her? No, no he wouldn't. A majority of their children, of his children, were harmed. There's no way he would betray them.
“Bring her in,” Kronos commanded, interrupting Hera’s thoughts. “After all, she's going to want to be here for her son.” Mother.
She and her siblings watched the titaness walk in, Phoebe and Koios on both sides of her. Her mother’s shoulders were hunched, eyes darting around until they landed on their cage. Rhea’s eyes were filled with resignation.
“Wife.” Her mother does not respond. Hera doesn't think she was meant to as Kronos continues, “Take your seat. Once Hecate is finished with her spells, our son will be brought out.”
It is silent as the titaness of magic works. Then their father sends Typhon to collect Zeus.
Typhon had been sent to bring him out. Great. It feels like ants are crawling under his skin from where the monster grabs him. He could hardly breathe as his body shook but he fought as best he could. Admittedly, it did little.
Zeus is led to the remnants of the council room. In the center, three thrones look to have been just moved in- which may be what took so long for them to start with his execution.
On the left throne sat his mother, with her eyes trained on the floor at her feet. The middle held the titan of time and with the right empty, the titans gathered were left standing.
Curiously enough, he does not get made to kneel before them. Kronos rises from his seat and Typhon pushes him toward the bastard. He stumbles but Zeus catches himself.
“It seems you like to play house just like your mother.” Kronos gestures towards his mother. She doesn't look up. Zeus doesn't know why she's up ther- play house? What? “So I will give you a chance, my son,” The words make him want to vomit. “Come to me and beg for forgiveness.”
Zeus has watched his children cry and plead, his siblings rage and cower. He has watched them bleed and fall and die. He has done this as both King and Soldier as his duty was always his priority.
Kronos dares to call that ‘playing house?’
It is not often that he lets himself feel the unhindered fury of a father, a brother, a husband… but in a situation such as this? It courses through him, rumbling as loud as thunder in his ears. His anger scorching every piece of him.
“You killed my children,” Zeus starts, noticing his father held up a hand when some of his subjects moved. “You harm my siblings, take away my wife,” If the bolt was in his hand, it'd be burning him. “And you want me to go to you?”
It was only when Typhon’s tail curled in front of him that he noticed his body had moved. Left leg forward, arms chained in front of him, and body tilted ever so slightly forward. As though he had the power to disobey or fight whatever may happen.
“Your answer, Zeus.”
“Fuck you.” He growls out and his mother curls into herself.
“So be it then.” The Titan King grinned. “Typheous, brother, if he won't come to me,” This is it, he thinks, this is the end. “Make him.” What?
Zeus doesn't have time to react as the storm giant digs his claws into his arms and forces him forward. He can't help the hiss of pain. Some of the onlookers jeer at how weak he is, others glaring as though they'd been reprieved of something.
He struggles against Typhon and, once again, it amounts to nothing.
Once he's in front of Kronos, they all go silent again. The father of monsters does not let go even as Kronos steps closer.
“One last chance.” The Crooked One leans in, allowing Zeus to see his golden irises. “Beg me, Deon.” He whispers the name Zeus used back then. Deon the cupbearer, the traitor. “You are like a son to me, Deon.”
“I would rather die.” Kronos laughs.
“Oh, dear boy, who said anything about you dying?”
Rhea had long since gotten used to the cries of children. From the babies, she helped deliver, to her own getting devoured in front of her.
She looked up when her husband had Hecate drop the spells that hid Zeus’ siblings from him. She doesn't make a sound. Kronos had proven how pointless that would be ages ago.
It doesn't make it hurt less.
Oceanus drags out Poseidon first. The rest of her children having been pushed back despite their best attempts. Zeus is cursing, screaming, as he attempts to fight Typheous and get to his elder brother.
She does nothing.
She can't. She never could. Oh, she warned Zeus. Once you’ve won Kronos’ love, you don't get to refuse it.
She flinches as the Cannibal King hacks her son into pieces, ever so similar to their father, so reminiscent of how the children had done to him.
Zeus reminds her so much of herself in the moment. Begging, Kronos please I'll do anything. Crying, sobs tore through her as he opened his mouth and downed her daughters and sons.
But it doesn't matter how you plead to him. It doesn't matter what you offer, how you humble yourself.
Hestia is next, tears running down her cheeks. Rhea’s own make her vision blurry. She looks away as another vicious swing splatters gold across the room.
The winners of this second Titan War laugh. They cheer on their king and bet where the ichor will hit next.
Hades and Demeter go in quick succession. Zeus’ voice is sounding strained. She closes her eyes.
“I love you, Zeus.” She hears from her youngest daughter. Rhea feels like she's been hallowed when her son shrieks.
She opens her eyes. Trailing from Typheous’ claws, ichor pours from where Zeus has managed to get hurt.
She scans the bystanders. Silently vowing to remember all who watched the butchering of her children. Rhea sees some glance and point at Zeus, clearly forgetting where Kronos said the sky god would live.
If they thought the Crooked One would let them act upon their petty grievances when she and Zeus were his... then they'd best be prepared to meet the same fate as his siblings.
Zeus’ chains will come off eventually. Her husband knows that they will come after him. But they are his and that's a risk he’ll take.
“This moment will never leave your mind. I will never leave your mind, wife.”
“Tomorrow we remove the rest of these so-called gods!” Kronos calls, joy transparent. Cheers from those on his side grow louder as Zeus wails. His stomach churns, knowing now that his remaining children will die tomorrow. It was all his fault.
The claws grasping him let go as Typhon joins his elder siblings and Zeus falls to his knees.
His wife and siblings’ bodies lay unmoving. Tears blur his vision even as Rhea comes up and attempts to wipe them away. They would reform. He knows they will.
But his cries won't stop, even as his voice grows hoarse, as the ensuing party draws to an end. Even as the bodies are removed and the floor is cleaned up. His mother ends up being the only support left.
It’s not until he has no tears left, no voice to use that Kronos comes to him and his mother moves away. Without her there, he feels weak.
“My son, worry not for your toys.” The titan says as Kronos takes his face in his hands, making their eyes meet. His father looks pleased as he moves his hair from his face. “I can always get you new ones. Once you've learned how to behave, at least.” The titan’s hands are gentle as they wipe at his tears.
It disgusts him.
“My son, my heir,” The titan continues. “I can give you everything you could ever wish for. All you have to do is stay here, with me.”
Kronos lets go of him and tells Rhea to watch him well. She ends up guiding him to a semi-acceptable room that had been left standing.
Thankfully, she did not bring him to his and Hera’s room. Zeus does not think he'd be able to handle that. She stays with him until he's calmed enough to think straight again.
She hugs him, whispers an apology, and leaves. Two titans, he cares not who, guard his door.
In the darkness, a mortal girl opens her mouth. The gods, half-bloods, and various creatures of myth stare and listen. When she comes to, she sees sparks of hope revived.
“What?” She asks.
“Well, Rachel, was it? It looks like we have a new oracle!” Apollo says with a smile- the first one since his twin's demise. Athena places a hand on his shoulder. “Right. We need to keep moving.”
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domripley · 11 months
Expecting the Cycle to Break
pairing: dark!dominik mysterio, dark!rhea ripley, dark!damian priest, dark!finn balor x reader
warnings: noncon, gangbang, cum eating, creampies, talks about forced pregnancy, mommy kink, face slapping, restraints, finger sucking, degradation, choking
summary: you try to leave rhea, she’s not having it.
title credit: the optimist- 10 years | part of the ‘left to face this alone au’ // slight spoilers for chapter 6
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You knew it was a stupid idea the moment you began to pack your bags. It had been months since Rhea had caused you to quit your dream job, and so there were times she would leave you back at her apartment. She trusted you and she knew you wouldn’t dare do anything while she was gone. Now, if she had to be gone for more than two weeks, she would bring you with her. It was almost Christmas and because it fell on a Monday, she would be gone for the week. You took a deep breath, trying not to let the fear of her catching you stop you from leaving. You were scared - rightfully so - but you weren’t going to stop.
Packing up as much of your stuff as you could, you jumped when you heard a car door slam shut. Looking out the window, you breathed a sigh of relief when you realized it was the neighbor. You continued to pack and as soon as you were done packing that suit case, you realized you had already packed three other bags.
That should be good, you said to yourself, grabbing two of the bags and taking them to the front door. You were too busy to notice Rhea walking up the driveway. Once you brought the last two bags downstairs, you opened the door to meet an angry Rhea. Your eyes widened, dropping the bag in your hand as you backed away. Watching her open the front door and walking inside, you tried to wrap your head around a good enough excuse as to why you were heading out the door.
“So,” she started. Slamming the door and locking it, Rhea was past angry. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“I- uh- I was just going to visit some of my family.” you lied, silently cursing yourself for being such a terrible liar. You knew Rhea didn’t buy it the moment it left your mouth.
“Bull shit. You know, next time you buy a Greyhound ticket, maybe you should make sure I don’t have access to your email.” she snapped.
You shook your head, hating the fact that you forgot that she had access to it. How could you be so forgetful? You backed up as Rhea got close, dropping her backpack on the ground. “You want to run from me? You want to leave me? I do everything for you. I take care of you and so why do you want to leave me?”
“I- I don’t, I promise.” you whispered, but Rhea laughed in response.
“Cut the bull shit now, (Your Name).” she snapped, watching as you bumped into the wall.
“You hurt me and I’m done. I am leaving you, and I’m sorry, but I’m going.” you said, struggling to keep your voice leveled. You hated how nervous she made you, but you couldn’t help it.
Rhea threw her head back and laughed, but soon began to glare at you. “You think I’ve hurt you? I haven’t done anything you haven’t wanted.”
You stood up straight, getting as close as you could to her face. You were done letting her push you around. “I’m leaving. Now move out of my way.”
You gasped as she grabbed you by the throat roughly, squeezing, she said through gritted teeth. “You’re not going anywhere, I’m going to make sure of that. Now, go upstairs to our room, I’ve got to make a few calls.”
As soon as she let go of your neck, you hurried up to the stairs. Unsure of what she meant by ‘a few calls’, but knowing Rhea as well as you do, you knew you were going to find out soon enough.
You turned on the TV, trying your best to get your mind off things. An hour into the movie you had turned on, Rhea came barging into the room. You kept your eyes glued on the TV, missing the smug look that was plastered on her face. You finally turned your attention to her as she grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.
“I was watching that, Rhea,” you said quietly, but to your surprise, it didn’t ruin her mood.
“Oh in an hour you’re going to be too busy to look at the dumb thing anyway.” she stated, causing you to give her a confused look.
“… What are you talking about?” you questioned, getting up off the bed.
“Finn, Damian, and Dom are coming over to help me make sure that you never try to leave me again.” she said, pulling out her phone. You shook your head, heading for the door. You weren’t sure what she meant exactly, but you weren’t going to stick around and find out.
Heading towards the bedroom door, you began to open it before Rhea slammed it back shut. She grabbed you by your shirt, forcing you back to the bed.
“Rhea, let go of me right. fucking. now.” you snapped, but Rhea wasn’t listening to you. Ripping your shirt off of you, she pushed you down on your back on the bed.
“I don’t fucking think so, baby. You’re going to be a good girl for me or I’m going to have to hurt you.” she threatened, but you shook your head.
“Please…” you whimpered, causing her to laugh.
“You’re going to be a good girl for your mommy, correct?” she asked. Pulling your bra down to expose your chest.
Rhea dipped her head down, taking a nipple into her mouth. She sucked on it roughly and you tried your best to be quiet as a moan threatened to come out. You didn’t want Rhea to have the satisfaction of knowing that her mouth felt good - she would never let you down.
Rhea pulled away from your nipple, looking back up at you. “Correct?”
You nodded, the words refusing to leave your body. That wasn’t good enough for Rhea, no. She needed you to say it. Pinching one of your nipple as hard as she could, refusing to let it go until you answered her the way she wanted.
“Yes! Yes, I’m going to be a good girl for you. I promise!” you cried out. Rhea let go of your nipple, getting off the bed when she heard the doorbell rang.
“Wow, it hasn’t even been an hour and they’re already there. I need you to finish getting undressed while I let them in.” Rhea said, but you just sat there in your spot, frozen. You knew this wouldn’t end well for you if you didn’t do as you were told, but as she left the room, you found yourself unable to move a muscle.
When Rhea came back, your eyes widened as Damian, Finn, and Dom followed her into the room. She looked angry - your suspicions were confirmed as she stormed towards you.
“What the fuck did I tell you before I left the room? Huh?” she snapped, grabbing you by the throat and squeezing.
“Y-You, you t-told me to get un-undressed! Please, stop, you’re hurting me!” you cried out, but Rhea didn’t seem to care.
Keeping her hand around your throat, Rhea stopped squeezing as she pushed you towards the bed. “Damian, can you help me? I need to hold her down and get the rest of her clothes off so I can tie her down.”
You glared at him, not wanting him to touch you. As Rhea pulled on your pants, Damian came up behind you. Grabbing your arms and pulling them behind your back, you tried to struggle against his grip and Rhea pulled your pants down and off you. When she threw your pants onto the floor, she turned to look at you. “You’re going to fucking behave before I let them fuck your ass, and they won’t be using any lube either.”
You cried out, stopping your movements because you knew she wasn’t bluffing. The last thing you needed was for them to rape you there, still afraid of Rhea doing it to you once more. Rhea ripped your underwear off with one pull, not wanting to waste anymore time.
Damian guided you towards the bed, shoving you on it as Rhea went into your shared closet to grab handcuffs. Finn and Dominik came closer to you, smiles on their faces as if they weren’t about to do anything to you.
“Please don’t do this, please, I don’t want this.” You begged as you looked at Damian. You almost thought he looked sympathetic for a second before Rhea came back out of the room.
“Does she ever be quiet? Seriously, she’s so fucking annoying.” Finn groaned, causing Rhea to laugh as she handcuffed you to the bed.
“I usually have to shove things in her mouth to get her to shut up, she knows not to bite me if I’m using my fingers on her.” Rhea said, wrapping her hand around your throat. “You’re going to be a good, quiet girl, aren’t you?”
You nodded the best you could as she began to squeeze, causing you to cry. Rhea leaned down, licking the tears that were falling down your cheek. Turning to the others, she spoke up, “I have some rules. No anal unless I specifically tell you it's okay. That’s mine. I don’t mind if you use her mouth, but I’d prefer if you come inside of her cunt, and my final thing, if she’s begging you to stop, you don’t. If I tell you to stop, then you stop.”
“Got it.” Dom agreed, and both Finn and Damian nodded in understanding. You shook your head, not wanting any of this.
“If any of you put your dicks near my mouth and I’ll be biting them off,” you spat, causing Rhea to slap your thigh as hard as she could, not once, not twice, but three times before saying anything.
“No, you fucking won’t, because if you even try, you will be punished. Do you. Understand. Me.” She asked, slapping your other thigh between words.
“Please don’t do this to me, I w-won’t try to run away ever again, please, Mommy, please.” You begged as you watched as Finn began to undress.
Keeping his eyes on you, Finn began to stroke himself through his boxers. Rhea moved away from the bed and made her way towards the chair at the desk. Turning it so she could see everything that was about to happen. Damian and Dom got undressed, surprised by the fact that Dom was already painfully hard. He wasn’t as big as Damian and Finn, and you silently hoped he went first. Closing your eyes, you winced as you felt the bed dip as someone got on.
“Come on, (Your Name), look at me,” Finn demanded, in a low voice that you barely missed what he had said. You slowly opened your eyes just as Finn got between your legs. Stroking his cock with his eyes locked on you.
You turned your head to look at Rhea, who was now pantless. Watching as she pulled her underwear, you could see from where you were at, she was wet.
You whined as Finn slapped the tip of his cock against your clit, causing you to whimper. Biting your lip, you tried to relax but your nerves were taking over. His cock was a lot thicker than any toy Rhea has ever used on you. Finn pushed in slowly, watching as his cock slid into you. Halfawy in, Finn pulled his cock out just to push it all the way in this time. You cried out, tears pricking the corner of your eyes as he began to fuck into you. You flinched as he placed his hand on your throat, holding you in place. He was too big for you and you knew if you tried to beg him to stop, he wouldn’t. You would be wasting your breath.
You were too focused on the pain to realize that Rhea got up from her spot and began to walk closer to the bed.
“Stop fucking her for a few minutes,” she said, causing Finn to stop mid thrust. He kept to his word, staying as still as he could while she got on the bed. Laying right next to you, she moved so she was leaning on the pillows so she was looking down at you from her spot on the bed. She placed her arm on the pillows that you were laying against. “Continue.”
With that, Finn continued his thrusts. You squeezed your eyes shut as he fucked you, reaching down to rub at your clit. Rhea bit her lip, watching the way Finn’s cock was fucking in and out of you. “God, you take his cock so good, maybe I should let them use you more often. Come on, open your eyes and put Dom-Dom’s cock in that big mouth of yours.”
Dom got on the bed right next to you, his hand wrapped around the base of his cock. Rhea pushed your head to the side, guiding your mouth onto his cock. She whispered in your ear, “You bite him, I’m going to bite you. Hard.”
You began to suck on the tip of his cock, trying your best to focus on that instead of the way Finn was fucking you. Slapping both of your thighs, Finn grunted. His thrusts were beginning to grow sloppy. “You wanna come inside of my girl, Finn?” Rhea asked in a tone you’ve heard many times before. She was domming him.
“Yesyesyes,” he grunted, waiting for Rhea’s response.
“Go ahead, come.” She said, reaching down with her free hand to pinch at your nipples.
With that, he came with a low grunt. Finn kept going, causing you to moan against Dom’s cock.
“Fuck, Mami, I think she actually likes this.” Dom moaned.
Rhea laughed, “Yeah she does. She’s going to love it when one of you guys gets her pregnant. That’ll teach her not to try and leave me.”
When Finn pulled out of your pussy, Dom pulled out of your mouth. He got off the bed so he could get back on it from the bottom of the bed. Crawling on his knees so he could get between your legs.
Damian got closer to the bed, and once he was on the edge of the bed, he grabbed your arm. “C’mon, jerk my cock.” he said, throwing his head back as you wrapped your hand around the base of his cock.
You tried your best to focus on jerking him off in hopes that he’d come too early. Damian began to fuck your hand just as Dom lined himself up, Gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises, making sure you keep your legs open as he pushed into you roughly. He gave you no time to adjust to his cock as he began to fuck you as hard as he could.
As you stopped jerking Damian’s cock, Rhea began to play with your hair, a sick smile on her face. “Maybe I should record all of this huh? Show it to you when you act up to remind you what I’ll have them do to each and every time.”
“Pl-Please, no. M’don’t want that.” You whimpered, flinching as Dom raised his hand to slap you. He laughed, making it known that he was just trying to scare you.
Your eyes widened, feeling close to the edge, you tried your best to hold it, not wanting them to get satisfaction from your body betraying you. Rhea shoved two of her fingers into your mouth as Damian moved your hand away from his cock. Jerking himself off as he watched Dom fucked you harder.
“Oh she’s squeezing my cock, she’s trying so hard not to come, she can’t lie and say she doesn’t like this. Fucking pathetic,” Dom moaned. As soon as Rhea pulled her fingers out of your mouth, Dom slapped you across the face, causing you to cry out.
“Is that true, baby? Are you about to come?” She asked you even though she knew the answer.
You shook your head, unable to say what you wanted to say. You were a terrible liar, and Rhea knew this. Slapping you in the face, she spoke up, “Lie to me again and I’ll let Damian fuck your ass. Are you about to come, (Your Name)?”
“Yes, Mommy, I-I am.” You whispered.
You came with a cry, burrying your face in Rhea’s side as Dom fucked you through your orgasm. You were embarrassed, hating yourself for coming. Your body betrayed you, but Rhea didn’t believe that for a second.
“Oh fuck,” Dom came, leaning down to forcibly kiss you. “God, I wish I could have another round with you.”
When he admitted that, Rhea frowned, a part of her was growing jealous. She bit her tongue, trying not to let Dom’s comments bother her. She trusted Dom and the others, but you were hers and only hers. She was going to make sure you remembered that when they leave.
Dom pulled out of you, slapping your pussy twice with his cock before getting off the bed. You watched as he stood next to a now dressed Finn, but your attention was now on Damian who wasted no time with getting on the bed. His cock was painfully hard and you realized he was already leaking pre-come. You took a deep breath as he pushed in slowly with ease with the help of both Finn and Dom’s come.
“Fuck, usually I can last longer, but she feels too fucking good,” Damian moaned, starting off with a slow pace. You were sore, not used to being fucked for this long, even when Rhea was angry. She would always take breaks for herself before going back and hurting you more.
“She looks so good all fucked out.” Rhea smirked at both Dom and Finn, who were now dressed, but standing at the side of the bed so they can have a better look at Damian fucking you.
“Please, Mommy, I’m sorry. Please stop,” you cried out, looking up at Damian with a pout on your face.
“Hm… No.” Damian laughed.
Rhea kissed the top of your head, wrapping her hand around your throat. She began to squeeze as Damian started to pick up his pace. Reaching down to rub your clit in small, tight circles.
Damian kept going, coming silently as he fucked you through his orgasm. As soon as he pulled out, Rhea moved from her spot. You tugged on the handcuffs even though you knew that wasn’t going to do anything for you.
Laying between your legs on her stomach, Rhea forced your legs open. Kissing your right thigh and then your left, Rhea licked her lips before pushing her face into your pussy. Going from sucking on your clit to sliding her tongue through your fold and your entrance, she continued to do this.
You pulled at the handcuffs, crying out as you tried to grind against her face. You were over sensitive and as much as her mouth felt good, you wanted her to stop.
“M-Mommy, m’so close, please, please, please.” you begged, but Rhea ignored you pleading.
You tensed up as Rhea slipped two of her fingers into you, curling them right away as she wrapped her lips around your clit. You came hard and Rhea kept going to help you ride out your orgasm.
“Mommy,” you whimpered once she pulled away.
Rhea licked her lips, cleaning the others come off of her mouth before moving up the bed above you. Kissing you surprisingly soft on the lips, she smiled and whispered.
“I think when they leave, you’re going to have to make mommy come. Do you understand?”
You nodded before Rhea got off the bed. She turned to others, who were all now fully dressed. “Thank you guys for coming and if we do get any wonderful surprises, I’ll be sure to tell you three.”
Finn smiled, “Thanks for having us.”
Rhea walked them out of the room and into the living room, where all four of them talked and drank. You jumped when you heard her tell them goodbye, knowing that they had been talking for a good hour.
“Sorry about that baby, we lost track of time,” Rhea apologized and she sounded sincere. “Have you learned your lesson? Are you going to ever try and leave me again?”
You shook your head, “N-No Mommy, never.”
Rhea smirked, “Good girl.”
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caffeinated-croissant · 6 months
Jercy AU in which Jason looks like Kronos, a Percy - Rhea.
So this is a really interesting idea here and i love it!!
(Unrelated, but at first glance, i miss read this and thought of an old favorite fic called Confused By Time by Dragonswoe on AO3 (its percy x kronos))
For this au my brain immediately goes to heavy animosity between Jason and Percy
But first there are a few changes that legally must be set up
1) kronos does not use Luke as a host to rise, Luke is more like a pet or a general for the demigod portion of the army.
Something like that just as long as they are physically separate entities.
2) during the titan war, chb and cj have to meet and work together before tlo (this'll be for the war effort or something)
3) i feel like the titan war would be way expanded in the long run with older characters.
4) Jason is respected, feared, and generally disliked. But the people at Camp Jupiter generally trust him and follow his command.
5) Rhea would likely be on the titan's side for the extra punch i want
But anyway
Percy meets Jason the same time Annabeth and Reyna meet
Each camp sent their big powerhouse (percy & jason) + the person they trust most to lead them (annabeth & reyna)
It goes about how you'd expect.
No one likes each other.
Jason and Reyna are fine since they've built that trust, Annabeth and Percy are the same way, but any other combination is just bad.
Objectively, they all know they have to get along for the sake of everyone's survival. But dont count on them being civil in private
Essentially they are all forced to fake friendship up until its literally just the 4 of them
Annabeth and reyna realize they've actually become friends over time first.
Percy and Jason are both distraught at this news.
They still high key hate each other
Circumstances force these two into close proximity. They fight. They calm down. They still can't leave. Someone breaks the exhausted silence.
Idk how they get out, but that is the start of them realizing the other person isnt horrible.
Bla bla bla, something something
percy and jason get closer. Romantic feelings develop
Percy realizes his feeling at the curse of Achilles but he 100% thinks he's gonna die by the end of the war.
Debating if Jason knows about the prophecy.
He probably does.
I legally need a scene where it looks like Percy is about to die. (Im thinking crushed by rubble and trapped (he should also pass out around here))
Jason hopes Percy is still alive and literally tries to dig him out. Annabeth stops him because the structure itself is unstable, and if Percy is still alive they could kill him if further collapse hits his Achilles spot.
Jason leaves to go feral on the battlefield. (This stresses out Annabeth and Reyna further by default)
Reyna takes on leading the battlefield as Annabeth creates a team to get Percy (or his body).
The war ends somewhere after that (im thinking that's like the big final battle grounds)
Not sure if Luke dies by backbitter or if Jason will die by backbitter. (Hero's soul cursed blade shall reap.) It 100% depends on if Luke has a change of heart and uses the last battle for sabotage and as his own personal grave.
Then the war ends kronos is defeated (dont ask me how cause idk), everyone has the party up on olympus
Annabeth and reyna share a kiss like its new years and the ball just dropped (this is not their first kiss but perhaps the first public kiss)
I want jason and Percy to share a kiss, but thats really difficult when theres a chance Jason is dead.
Side note, if jason had died, percy was 100% by his side. Or another outcome would be they both died, and saved their happy ending for elysium.
The named character death count stands between 1 and 3: luke is always gonna die, while jason and percy both have a chance but its slim
Also im thinking about what would happen if jercy got zombified afterwards because of the one big wish. But this is a scenario where only 1 half of Jercy died/survived.
Most of the end id dependant on who lives, who dies, and the surrounding circumstances
I feel like i kinda went off on a tangent and forgot the original ask. My bad
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for a Fic...
1.  Hey there! For the next “I’m in the mood for” I was wondering if you had any recs for fics centering around the friendship between NHS, JC and WWX. I would prefer if it was a fix-it fic that takes place before WWX dies but I’m not picky. Thanks again!
2. Hello!!! Amazing work as always, for the next IMTMF can I please request some Witch!WWX? Can be modern or whatever AU, just rly craving some BAMF!Witch!WWX-Thank you sm‼️‼️
witch wei ying is also an ao3 tag 💕
dark and delicate by darkredloveknot (enheduane) (E, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, Witch WWX, Witch Curses, Love Potion/Spell, (not performed by wwx), Masturbation, Getting Together, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Knots, But Not The Kind You Think, Knot Lore, Come Swallowing, Blood Magic, This is actually very soft, Horny LWJ, First Kiss)
Some strange magic by deliciousblizzardshark (M, 15k, WangXian, Fantasy, Witch WWX, Wizard LWJ, Major Character Injury, Sex Magic, Dual Cultivation, Love Confessions, Fluff and Angst, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Horny LWJ, Trust Issues, despite these tags, There's actually very little smut)
The Devil's Deal by howclassy (T, 11k, WangXian, Angst, Witchcraft, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX, Father-Son Relationship, Curses, Dark Magic, Strangers to Lovers, Dad LWJ)
Students of Song and Seeds by DizziDreams (M, 19k, WangXian, College/University, Modern with Magic, Soulmates, Witch AU, wwx is older than lwj and he makes sure he knows it, Touch-Starved LWJ, Pining)
I called your name 'til the fever broke by darkredloveknot (enheduane) (M, 9k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Witch LWJ, The Deep Dark Woods, Grief/Mourning, Falling In Love, Blood Magic, Age Difference, (the canon ish kind), Identity, Dark Fairy Tale Elements, Slight horror, Amnesia, Cottagecore)
Petrichor by unnecessary (T, 17k, WangXian, Modern AU, Witches, Soulmates, Magic, Getting Together, Angst with a Happy Ending, Kid Fic, Magic sentient forest, Cottages in the mountains, Canon Temporary Character Death)
if you go chasing rabbits by occultings (microcomets) (T, 23k, WangXian, Modern AU, Witches, Familiars, Witchcraft, Animal Transformation, Sharing a Bed, Fluff, Magical Bond, Getting Together, Makeovers, [Podfic of] if you go chasing rabbits by exmanhater)
Of Hats and Flutes by FixaIdea (G, 6k, WIP, WangXian, Discworld Crossover, Humor, Witches, Fluff and Humor, Necromancy) Black Aliss’ old Steading has been taken over by a peculiar new witch (male? works magic with a flute? Married to a History Monk?) The author absolutely nails characterization for both the fictional universes involved.
The Forest Witch [DROPPED] by shinshin_kido (shinryuu_uroborus) (M, 70k, wangxian, canon divergence, alchemist au, Atelier Alchemy fusion, everyone lives, fluff & humor, eventual happy ending, alchemists wangxian, abandoned, but the final chapter summarizes the rest of the story) Note: the author has left the fandom to study Taoist mysticism in earnest.
swinger of birches by astronicht (M, 23k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, Practical Magic au, grief/mourning, canonical character death, angst w/ happy ending, witches, necromancy) 
this river runs to you by sundiscus (T, 53k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mutual Pining, Dragons, Literal Sleeping Together, Tender wound tending, Canon-Typical Violence, [Podfic] this river runs to you by argentumlupine, this river runs to you by sundiscus [podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea) )
Something Wicked by theroyalsavage (G, 6k, wangxian, magic au, magical realism, strangers to lovers)
The Witch & His Demon King by Seirilypsis (E, 14k, wangxian, fantasy au, magic, witchcraft, demon LWJ, witch WWX, accidental bonding, bound by contract, case fic, aphrosidiacs, dub con, pining)
A Step Backwards, A Step Forwards by Anonymous (T, 5k, wangxian, MXY & WWX, modern w/ cultivation, witch WWX, bodyswap au, mentions of suicide, WIP)
The Light-Bearer by VSilmarien (E, 32k, wangxian, major character death, the witcher au, blood & violence, magic, witcher LWJ, witch WWX, dark, major character injury, angst w/ happy ending, smut, WIP)
all of this turbulence wasn’t forecasted by Anonymous (G, 7k, wangxian, Kiki’s delivery service fusion, witch WWX, cat suibian, hurt/comfort, tenderness, baker LWJ, pining, happy ending, sick fic)
House Named Whatever by liverbiver9 (T, 3k, WIP, LJY & WWX, WangXian, ZhuiYi, Modern AU, Modern with Magic, Trans WWX, Found Family, POV LJY, Hurt/Comfort, mild body horror, suibian as a house, Magical Realism, Fairy Tale Curses, Cursed WWX, Smitten LWJ, Lesbian WQ, Trans WN, witch wq, Witch WWX, Fierce Corpse WN, Bad Parent YZY)
Sisters of the Moon by honeylotus (E, 9k, wangxian, rule 63, F/F, semi-public sex, fix-it of sorts, fisting, ritual sex; the Yiling Matriarch invites the Light-Bearing Lady to take part in her coven’s Solstice Great Rite.)
My Love is a Pyre by UseMyMuse (M, 49k, wangxian, JL/LSZ, major character death, witch WWX, reincarnation, angst w/ happy ending, fairytale AU, WWX’s familiars are Cat! WN and Crow! WQ, not JGY friendly hurt/comfort, temporary death, mentions of torture, miscommunication, found family) Spanish translatoin available in ao3 by evirtual3 and wattpad.
Amarre by Guanacowriter (T, 1k, in spanish, modern, argentina) has WWX as a curandero (Latin folk healer/magic-worker); although WWX doesn’t appear in the story (centered upon XY as his client), the author hopes to turn it into a series if it’s well-received enough.
💖 in the water grass, in the green by nerdzeword & twigofwillow (G, 25k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, river spirit LWJ, witch WWX, illness, gardening, tea)  
3. Hi! For the next in the mood for post can I ask for some younger WWX and LWJ reacting to their older selves being in a relationship?
The Stranger on Your Arm by Domino_Waki (T, 3k, WangXian, Time Travel, Fix-It)
Wei Wuxian’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good First Meeting With His Future by Enigmatree (T, 3k, WangXian, Time Travel, Cloud Recesses, YL WWX, POV Outsider)
The Young, the Horny, the Jaded and the Jade: Partners in Time by Admiranda (M, 43k, WIP, WangXian, Established couple, Crossover, road trip with your older selves, teasing your younger selves about their obvious crushes, yin iron does yin iron things, mdzs/cql crossover, adult wangxian, Teenage Wangxian)
4.Hello mods! Thank you for all your hard work. I was wondering if you have a list of fics where Lan Zhan dies and Wei Ying and everyone else deals with the aftermath? Thank you so much!
Darkest time by LilacNeko (T, 46k, wangxian, major character death, hurt/comfort, pain, 5+1)
5. Thank you so much for all your hard work!! I’m in the mood for two kind of fics: A) stories that are kind and/or gentle, where characters genuinely care about another and help each other. Something soft and warm.
Also, B), I'm looking for stories that depicts cultivation theories, teaching, worldbuilding. I really love Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark, so something like this would be cool. Or LWJ or WWX as a teacher. Thank you so much!! @thadymiller
box your errors by mellowflicker (T, 42k, WangXian, Modern AU, single dad lwj, Domestic Fluff, Family Issues, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, let lwj have friends agenda, Hurt/Comfort, Pining)
I know what my heart wants by yakuso5u (Not Rated, 28k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Father LWJ, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Accidental Child Acquisition, Domestic, Slice of Life, Christmas references)
🧡 paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 (E, 53k, WangXian, Modern AU, Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Everyone Is Alive, Dadji, Mutual Pining, Happy Ending, Brief Alcohol Mention, Masturbation, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs)
The difference it makes by cupofwater (G, 3k, WangXian, Family, Pre-Relationship, Single Parent WWX, Kid Fic, Pining, Modern with Magic, Unresolved Tension)
Child's Play by flowercity (FaoriE) (T, 14k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, this cannot be called slow-burn in good conscience, Self-Indulgent, Family, Kid Fic, Fluff, Love at First Sight, Light Angst, just for the flavor, Brief Hospitalization, Seizures, Alcohol, But no one gets drunk, Making Out, Single Dad WWX)
Cake it Easy by Leahelisabeth (fortheloveofcamelot) (G, 2k, WangXian, Modern AU, Meet-Cute, First Meetings, Bakery, Love at First Sight, Fluff)
风调雨顺 | a good time (to grow a family) by frostferox (T, 3k, WangXian, Modern AU, Meet-Cute, Domesticity, Pets)
Love Cats Series by so_shhy (T/G, 14k, WangXian, Modern AU, Meet-Cute, Fluff, First Dates, Office Parties, LWJ Loves Rabbits, Office Party)
Worship you till morning comes by feyburner (E, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, Meet-Cute, First Dates, First Time, Fluff, Kissing, Hand Jobs, Falling In Love)
❤️ the thing with feathers by RoseThorne  (G, 43k, wangxian, Transmigration, Time Travel Fix-It, Illnesses, Family, Scars, Memory Loss, Angst, Fear, Recovery, Sharing a Bed, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Good Parent YZY, Referenced Sexual Slavery, Blood and Gore, Sexual Tension, Arranged Marriage, Grief, Adoption, POV Third Person, POV Alternating, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Good Parent LQR, Clairvoyance, Butterfly Effect)
KILF (Knits I'd Like To Fuck in) by ScarlettStorm (E, 168k, WangXian, Modern AU, Established Relationship, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans aus, ex worker WWX, Fashionista LWJ, Fluff and Smut, therapy is good actually, Domestic Bliss, tender kink, Fiber Arts, autistic LWJ, neurodivergent WWX, switch rights, Nonbinary NHS, a soupçon of gender, Genderfluid Character, Gender Exploration, perhaps slightly more than a soupçon of gender, Hurt/Comfort, past trauma) I know the onlyfans!au has already been recced once but the second fic is full of so much soft love and lgbtq/mental health validation I had to rec it again. So much love and friendship in this
❤️ Joy In the Midst of These Things by Glitterbombshell (T, 53k, 5 works, angst w/ happy ending, post-canon, teacher WWX, Mojo’s post) Can go with 5A) too!
6. Hi! For the next ITMF, do you happen to know any wangxian AU where Lan Wangji is a priest or a monk, or something similar and is tempted by Wei Wuxian? (though highly unlikely, the other way around would also be nice!) Thank you kindly
thrice as cruel by iliacquer (E, 15k, WIP, WangXian, Switching, Masochist WWX, Sadist LWJ, BDSM, Kushiel's Legacy Fusion, Dubious Consent, Sex Work, Courtesan LWJ, Submissive WWX, Dominant LWJ, Exhibitionism, Public Sex, Consensual Non-Consent) there’s actually an example of the other way round: thrice as cruel, by iliacquer (; Kushiel’s Legacy fusion; to complicate things still further, note that Warrior Monk! WWX also happens to be Anguisset! WWX
mea maxima culpa by Anonymous (E, 2k, WangXian, MIND THE TAGS, dead dove do not eat, Read at Your Own Risk, Catholicism, Science Fiction, War Crimes, War Criminal WWX, Catholic Priest LWJ, POV LWJ, Dark WWX, Theology, Confessional, Priests, Self-Hatred, Tragedy, Angst, Unhappy Ending, Catholicism-Typical Sexual Ethics)
Yunmeng Supernatural by Leffy (T, 16k, wangxian, modern, Buzzfeed Unsolved! AU, Social Media AU, exorcist LWJ, WIP) exorcist Father Lan Zhan is a consultant on the Yunmeng Prides’ ghost investigations—and rapidly acquires his own swooning fan following.
Chiaroscuro by KitsuneItsuki (E, 5k, WangXian, huxian/fox god wwx, taoist monk lwj, no cultivation powers, Dark WWX, yllz vibes, taoist themes, I-Ching, non-binary wwx, wwx is a god so gender isnt important, Corporal Punishment, mild descriptions of violence and injuries, Loss of Virginity, Altar Sex, Possessive relationships, WarDrinking, Minor Character Death, Rituals, moral struggles, Dubious Consent) Taoist monk LWJ is bonded at birth to, and tempted in seclusion by, Fox Deity! WWX
7. For the next iitmf I was wondering if you had any fics where LWJ thinks that a-yuan is WWX’s biological child with WQ? I would prefer canon setting but I wouldn’t mind a modern AU either
The Epic Lie of the Yiling Laozu and His Wife by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 9k, WangXian, XianQing, NieYao, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fake Marriage, Misunderstandings, Lies, Jealousy, A really tiny bit of jealous LWJ and JC, Assisted reproduction (mentions of insemination with talismans and other things), Implied/Referenced Sex, Implied Mpreg, yiling wei, WWX Has a New Golden Core, More like a red core, BAMF WWX, Canon Divergence, dialogue heavy in some parts, A little angst, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian)
8. Hi! For the next I’m in the mood for do you have any recommendations for fics that deal with Lan Wangji having hang ups about sex due to his extremely strict upbringing? I would prefer bottom Lan Wangji but either way is fine. Thank you!
Respectable, Decent, and Quiet by Theotrix (E, 5k, WangXian, Porn with Feelings, Post-Canon, repressed lwj, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Loud Sex, Emotional release)
A Curse of a Different Color by nickel710 (G, 35k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, Curses, Curse Breaking, Asexual polyamory, Repressed LWJ, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Drunk LWJ, Falling In Love, WWX Being an Idiot, Bunnies, Non-explicit vomit, Anxiety)
the rush that i crave by fenaly (E, 7k, WangXian, sexually repressed lwj, Masturbation, Modern AU, Slice of Life, cultivation academy, kind of a modern teenage lwj study, LWJ POV)
Caffeine, Small Talk by mistergoblin (E, 124k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends With Benefits, Enemies to Lovers, or more accurately: frenemies to fuckbuddies to lovers, Angst and Fluff and Smut, touch-starved lwj, Slow Burn, high levels of sexual tension, Misunderstandings, Getting to Know Each Other, Switching, Bottom LWJ, bottom WWX, slight D/s, Happy Ending, side yanqing, lwj's patented horny grip, Sub LWJ)
For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm (E, 170k, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Pining, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans au, repressed lwj, sex worker wwx, in this house we support sex work, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, hornt(tm), way too many details about onlyfans probably, mental health, therapy is good actually, Nonbinary NHS)
Maybe You're the Reason by Clearpearls (E, 67k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Phone Sex, slight D/s, Secret Identity, Praise Kink, Phone Sex Operator WWX, he's part-time though, slight internalized sexual repression, Fluff, Light Angst, Dirty Talk Orgasm Delay/Denial, Slow Burn, Sub LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Vibrators, Aftercare, Introspection)
9. i suddenly wondered about the relation between wen popo and wrh 😄 no idea if this is mentioned somewhere, is she his aunt? (mother??) is she of his same generation but u know, cultivation? i'd love to know if there are fics with headcanons about this ❤️ thank you ❤️❤️
10. Hello hello hello
Hope you're happy n healthy :)
A) So I'm craving some genius Wei WuXian themed fics lately. Are there any fics where WWX is a BAMF and/or genius and everyone actually appreciates and wants him? Something like "Worth of a Good Man" by Vrishchika.
B) Any fics with WWW having (blood-related) siblings? ( If possible please suggest only those that are completed or ALMOST completed ) @purhplet09
Story-Shaped by lingering_song (T, 13k, wangxian, NHS & WWX, post-canon, chief cultivator LWJ, inventor WWX, found family, alcohol, protective NHS, not JC friendly)
🧡CSI: Gusu Edition Series by Stratisphyre (M, 39k, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Golden Core Reveal, Single parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Hospitalization, Allusions to violence and murder)
#3 on this post
in case of fire, break glass by Jenrose (T, 65k, WangXian, Time Travel, Established Relationship, Hurt/comfort, Everyone loves/nobody dies)
11. you guys are so helpful i can't thank you enough❤️❤️ i'm itmf any fics with a sizhui-is-a-yuan reveal. preferably canon-adjacent and sfw, but if anybody has a favorite that doesn't fit those restrictions i'm still happy to be rec'd it
12. Have anyone ever made a fanfiction of chiba wei ying meet anime wangji? I can't seem to find it. Do you know some? Help 🥲 @sadritsuka12
13. Hiiiiiii, hope yourll are all well. Id like to make a request for the next itmf recommendations - A] im craving wangxian time travel aus but ive read so much already...are there any newer ones that have come out recently???
B] can you please also recommend any wangxian canon divergence where wwx doesnt die because lwj supports him alot earlier on. Like they get together maybe before or after burial mounds and lwj's support changes things
the same moon shines by sami (M, 735k, wangxian, time travel) there’s the series -- that's full of time travels. You've probably read some of them already because it's been ongoing for a while but still check it out for the newest stories :)
these are the time travel fics that are set in canon but I have more tagged as time travel in my bookmarks I’m adeametea on ao3
The Wild Geese's Tomb by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (T, 66k, WangXian, Time Travel AU, fixit, Temporary Character Death)
Invitation ‘Verse Series by Itgoeson (E, 68k, WangXian, Time Travel, Fix-It of Sorts, Established Relationship, Trans Male Character, Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grinding, mentions of dysphoria, War, Trans Male WWX, Established Relationship, Strap-Ons, Topping from the Bottom, Fluff and Smut, transphobia does not exist because i simply Do Not Vibe with it)
we're starting at the end Series by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 103k, WangXian, ime Travel, Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Golden Core Reveal, Burial Mounds, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Starvation, emaciation, Cannibalism, Self-Harm, Amputation, Suicidal Thoughts, Sunshot Campaign)
❤️ Time Charm series by Jenrose (M, 141k, WangXian, Queerplatonic Poly WangXianQing, time travel, fix-it, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, unless I hate them, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Genius Inventor WWX)
the thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break by RoseThorne (E, 77k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Self-Esteem Issues, Fix-It, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, PTSD, Handfasting, Panic Attacks, Getting Together, First Time, Aftercare, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, /Referenced Torture, Scars, Chronic Pain, Golden Core Reveal, First Time, Switching, sex-related injury, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, LSZ is a Wèi, Good Sibling JC, Dissociation, Burial Mounds Settlement Days)
the cycle of regret by KouriArashi (T, 14k, WangXian, Groundhog Day, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending)
14. hiya. any fics where wen qing never dies. i want her to be happy wwx is alive again. i want her being a big sis to wwx. heck any fic with the wens being siblings to wwx. thanks x (and hopefully this doesn't have to be mentioned but absolutely NO A/B/O)
❤️ whipstitch by curiositykilled (M, 131k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Dysfunctional Family, Torture, WWX Lives, but basically no one else, Case Fic, Cultivation Sect Politics, Past Abuse, WWX Whump, YL WWX, JL Needs a   Hug, JL Tries, Yunmeng Bro Reconciliation, Past Character Death, Body Horror, Non-Consensual Body Modification, POV Alternating, Flashbacks, Eventual Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, Suicide Attempt, PTSD, Depression, Not A Fix-It, Mouth Sewn Shut) it's pretty angsty as a story tho, and the wen sibs come into play halfway through.
15. Hi! Thank you for your hard work! I don’t know if you find non-wangxian fics, but if you do I’ve been looking desperately for a Jin Guangyao as Cinderella au, any pairing is fine I’m not picky! If you do only do wangxian on this blog then feel free to ignore this. Thanks! @mortal-sarah (We do any pairing in MDZS! ^^ - Mod C)
imagine being loved by me by Chiquitalk (T, 6k, XiYao, Cinderella Fusion, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Romance, Ballroom Dancing, Humor, Fairy Tale, Identity Reveal)
a broken guan by thefaceofno (T, 6k, XiYao, Historical, Fairy Tale, kind of combined?, Cinderella AU)
A Nieyao Cinderella Au by SilverButter12606 (Not Rated, 7k, NieYao, Flirting, Fluff, No Angst, Canon Divergence, Cinderella Elements, Implied Mpreg, Out of Character)
16. I would like to read a fic where LWJ and WWX swap bodies @uniguinflutist
someone you loved by infinite (recursion) (T, 17k, wangxian, Kimi no Na wa fusion)
Holding shreds by barisan (T, 5k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, Body Swap, Not for sexy shenanigans, Chronic Pain, Hurt WWX, Hurt LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abusive YZY, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, POV WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jiāng Family Bashing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Getting Together, Smart WWX)
So Jump (and I'm jumping) by Pip (Moirail) (T, 1k, wangxian, post-canon, body swap, fluff, talismans gone wrong)
Echoes by Anna-domini (Memoryboard) (M, 37k, wangxian, soulmates au, retelling, fluff, angst, body swap, canon timeline, childhood sweethearts)
17. itmf figure skating aus! @youkidding-me
stop the world (for a moment) by azurewaxwing (G, 14k, wangxian, modern, ISU, Grand Prix of figure skating, sports au)
You're Home, I'm Home by Pip (Moirail) (E, 8k, wangxian, modern, ice skating, Olympics au, falling in love, smut, unsafe sex, ice skater LWJ, hockey player WWX)
Ice by WithBroomBefore (T, 31k, WangXian, Modern AU, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, No Powers, figure skating, Trans Male Character, Trans LWJ, Nonbinary NHS, POV LWJ, skating politics, Transphobia, Getting Together, Rivals to Friends to Lovers, LWJ makes friends, Very minor violence, Gremlin Mom CSSR, conversations about gender and sexuality, Implied Sexual Content, Happy Ending, Gender Dysphoria, Asexual Relationship, Asexual LWJ, gray ace WWX, Long-Distance Relationship, Sports Injury)
gold rush by starglace (T, 12k, wangxian, modern, ice skating au, pining, miscommunication, angst w/happy ending)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what  you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack,  whatever - it’s all good!***
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fodlaneverafter · 7 months
FEA character mini-analyses: black eagles as rebels
Today I feel like explaining why I cast characters the way I did in FEA (my ongoing 3H/EAH crossover fic)! If all goes well this'll be a four-part series--one each for the three houses and one last post for the house lords + Rhea. (I'm sorry Ashen Wolves fans... I'll talk about Yuri in the last post, but I don't think there's much I can say for the rest of his house.)
Now without further ado, let us begin!
Hubert as Faybelle Thorn: let's raise a cheer for everyone's favorite dark fairy!! (please don't this is cursed enough. haha get it? cursed, because he's--) As we all know the most important thing about Hubert von Vestra is his impeccable sense of style, and Faybelle's aesthetic is the only one that comes close. The only major difference between these two characters is that Faybelle is spiteful, while Hubert is simply ruthless. And I think it's enough to make him a Rebel, as the Dark Fairy's actions are nothing but petty. With his father's role being stolen by the Evil Queen, I thought this would add an interesting dimension to his loyalty to Edelgard (whereas Faybelle hates Raven for it). Also, Faybelle's pet is canonically a pomeranian puppy named Spindle, and I wanted to give Hubie a pomeranian puppy named Spindle.
Ferdinand as C.A. Cupid: I needed something to replace nobility as the virtue around which he centers his life, so naturally I decided on the most entertaining alternative--love. In this AU, destiny-bound "true love" serves as a good enough parallel to the corruption of Fódlan nobility. So while he may have some disagreements with Edelgard, he can't argue with her understanding of destiny. Giving him big ol' wings makes him even more annoying to her, which is exactly what I want. ... Okay, yes, I did make him Cupid just because it was the only way I could include "Ferdinand von Aegir Cupid" in this AU.
Bernadetta as Cerise Hood: yes, it does hurt me that Bernadetta's color palette clashes horribly with the RRH aesthetic, but what can a girl do they're the perfect match! Of course Bernie would be shy and reclusive if her father was the freaking Big Bad Wolf. And who wouldn't be anxious having to hide a secret like that in the woods, constantly surrounded by the vicious Wolf people? Of course I couldn't make her as extremely nervous as she was in 3H, but uh. I don't think anyone minds. (We are kicking Count Varley out of the picture by the way please forget he ever existed.)
Petra as Cedar Wood: the only princess besides Edelgard in 3H may be a mere commoner in this retelling, but real queens need no crowns. Cedar's desire to understand humans is the closest in-universe to Petra's desire to understand Fódlan (even if they're for different reasons). Furthermore, I find Petra's honesty works well with Cedar's curse--they're both so endearing for it.
Dorothea as Meeshell Mermaid: we shall forever mourn the lost potential of Meeshell, but Dorothea is a whole other story. Voice of an angel, check. Renowned beauty, check. Most importantly, her longing to be truly seen and loved, check. Let's not forget the Little Mermaid was treated as little more than a pretty plaything in the prince's court, never truly seen by the man she loved. Canon Dorothea fears exactly that. Her being a Rebel is just too perfect.
Linhardt as Briar Beauty: I don't think I need to explain myself here? But... the tricky part about him is that Linhardt would never in a million years be unsatisfied with his destiny. I had to lure him to the dark side with lots of enticing research opportunities on the true nature of destiny-bound curses and succession laws, because of what happened with his mom's story (Evil Queen stealing Dark Fairy's role and all). Anyway, I love imagining him with green crownglasses and the fact that his personality is the polar opposite of Briar's will never not be hilarious.
Caspar as... the son of the White Queen??: yeah so the White Queen doesn't have a kid in EAH; I just couldn't think of anything more suiting for Caspar, both in personality and appearance (a bonus, in my book!). Now technically most of the Wonderlandians are Golden Deer, but like... who cares. Also, it's adorable to picture Caspar having normal conversations with his mom, who is the princesses' advisor, and they're quite literally just shouting at each other. Even if they're on opposite sides of the destiny conflict, I feel like they'd have the sweetest relationship.
And that, my folksies, is that.
Confession: before starting this fic, the Black Eagles were my least favorite house. I didn't understand them at all, but now I am so glad I do. They got that Rebel heart, lads.
Next up: Blue Lions!
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randomnameless · 3 months
Random AU :
While helping to clean what's left of the Monastery in FE16, Gilbert finds Cyril pretty pissed because he found the "box with important things" Lady Rhea kept in her room empty, so he wants to recover what was inside ("i'm sure those imperials soldiers stole it!") but, well, he never asked what was inside.
Gilbert only notices a weird thing next to the box on the floor, but promises to help Cyril later on.
Still, he picks up the thing and while he's curious about it, given all the events happening, he puts it in the back of his mind.
One night though, he studies it more attentively (or actually wanted to make space in his inventory) and notices it's a broken toy!
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(but missing two wheels)
Cursing the Imperials under his breath for not even having spared children, he imagines it might have belonged to a kid who couldn't escape the assault and tried to hide in the Archbishop's room, only to be found out and, well, neither kid nor toy survived.
However, he notices this toy seems to be old as fuck, and while he only paid regular (for Gilbert!) attention to the monastery's inhabitants, he never saw any child in the monastery play with a similar toy. What was it doing in Lady Rhea's room?
Later asking Cyril if he found the missing wheels ("the what? who designs a horse with wheels?"), Gilbert, again, refocused on the war and his duty and left that mystery aside.
After the Bridge of Myrddin and it's high number of casualties, he felt like he had to "help at least" this "maimed" toy standing on his desk - he made wood wheels himself and managed to find a branch to make everything sort of stand and roll.
When Annette learns about it, she cries to his great dismay, it's nothing - but she tells him it's everything, this war only takes lives, but the sheer act of repairing this toy means so much - there will be hope later on, and children will be able to play again. Her dad might suck at white magic, he can still "heal" things, like toys. Can he imagine the joy on its owner's face when they will finally be able to play with it again?
(even if she thinks it's a bit weird to have a toy designed as a horse with wheels)
Seteth overheard Cyril's quest about looking for Rhea's "important stuff" even if he doesn't know what it is, together they find a slab of wax and a weird golem stuffed thing with a :) face.
Cyril ignore those things, but Seteth guesses those were the "treasures" Rhea stored in that box - under Cyril's disbelief, those are junk, not important treasure!
"Well, I am sure if you gave her something, she would have stored it in this box."
After retaking Firdhiad, everyone is happily, well, taking a rest at GM before going to Enbarr and Gilbert is assaulted by dozens of orphans who are sheltered in the monastery who ask him to "heal their toys". Gilbert only says he is a knight and will help as best as he can, which prompts Dimitri to wonder if he too, can help, before remembering that he still has difficulties to control his crest activation and would most likely break the toys.
Dedue tries to cheer him up, and one of Alois' jokes leads Dimtiri to vow to open a "toy hospital" in the castle when he returns - after all, he can help in his own way, right?
After hearing the story from Cyril about the contents of Rhea's box, Gilbert returns the toy immediately - to a kid's chagrin since they found that horse very neat ("it can roll on the walls!").
Rhea ultimately returns, and, after much consideration, accepts to give the contents of the box away since it's "time to accept the past and move on".
She gives the golem :) stuffie to Billy, saying it was one of their mother's favorite toys and how she refused to sleep without it when she was a child, because Rhea made it for her 5th birthday.
Rhea nearly cries at seeing Lycaon's horse on wheels repaired and thanks Gilbert, before returning it to the kid who was playing with it, telling them the precedent child who played with it told her that horse could fly, and was actually a "dragon-horse".
The kid looked at the archbishop weirdly, before nodding and calling their new toy a "draco-horse".
However, his sigillaria wasn't as popular, an Adrestian orphan managed to recognise a duck on it (this orphan was one of the survivors of the various "weeded lines" over the decades) but still called that thing weird (tfw he didn't inherit the Hresvelg artistic skills) and prefered to play with cats instead.
Little does Rhea know, Archbishop Billy roped Cyril in their plan to give her a new present, a herborium.
They filled it with the hundreds of flowers Billy gave her during their time at the monastery, before the war, and Cyril added the small flowers and lilies he helped grow during her absence.
Rhea's so overjoyed that she cries and hugs them both.
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queers-gambit · 1 year
House of the Dragon masterlist
requesting rules and masterlist
requests are OPEN where to watch: HBO
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Sands of Time
before his Bronzed Bitch, all he had was her. amongst the smoke of salt, sea, and war, Daemon gambles with more than he ever wanted.
word count: 5.4k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🔥 NSFW 💔 angst 🥊 depiction of (canon-typical) physical violence or aggression ⚠️⏳ show spoilers and AU timeline 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
part two: The Battle Above the God's Eye
decades after the Stepstones, it's his turn to be rescued.
word count: 5.5k+
🎭 drama 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort ⏳ AU timeline ⚠️ spoilers 🙊 general language and warning content 🐍 toxic family 🥊 feuding families 😵‍💫 wonky brain go wonky 🩸 depiction of injury and blood 🤍 fuck it - dragon!rider!reader [ not a Targaryen } 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
Split in Two
the Targaryen Curse prevails.
word count: 2.8k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🍼 depictions of traumatic birth 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
Blue Moon Wreckage
you don't consult your husband, Daemon, about taking in your orphaned baby brother and this causes conflict in your relationship.
word count: 4.3k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🥀 misogyny (old-fashion views on marriage) 🍼 talk of child abandonment ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 🐍 toxic family 🍄 borderline toxic relationship 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
Midnight Calls masterlist
( completed ) your Prince summons you, a married woman, to the Throne Room one evening. so ensues your lovestory.
total word count: 44.5k+ total story parts: 6
🍒 author's favorite 🙊 general language and content warning 💦 smut 🔥 NSFW 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 🍄 toxic relationship(s) 🐍 toxic family...? 🔏 barely edited 🥊 depiction of physical violence or aggression 😵‍💫 wonky brain go wonky 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
Tell Me Every Terrible Thing And Let Me Love You Anyway
you embark on a secret but passionate affair with the Rogue Prince, and when his wife, Rhea Royce, passes away, he chooses you to wed next - a decision that angers his niece and changes history.
⚠️ mild show spoilers 🙊 general language and content warning 😵‍💫 wonky brain is wonky ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 💔 angst 🔥 mild NSFW (brief female receiving oral) ⏳ technically AU timeline 1️⃣ written after season one
part one: read here word count: 5.6k+ part two: read here word count: 6.3k+
Not All That Glitters is Gold
during your engagement dinner, you learn from your fiancé's niece that he holds choice words about you. or finding out he calls you clingy behind your back.
word count: 3.1k+
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby
🙊 general language and content warning 🎭 drama 💔 mild angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort ⏳ AU timeline 💣 relationship angst 🔏 not edited 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
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Daddy Takes Care
in comparison, your first pregnancy was a cakewalk. this time around? not so much. good thing Daemon's there to help where he can.
word count: 6.4k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🍑 named character ( daughter named Visenya ) 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 🍼 depiction of difficult pregnancy and symptoms by an author who's never been pregnant 🔏 not edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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you and your husband have a different kind of foreplay that include disguises, sneaking out of the castle, and sometimes, fucking in an alleyway... Or two.
word count: 5.7k+
💦 smut 🔥 NSFW 🙊 general language and content warning 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
Creepy Crawlies
Aemond and Helaena witness how deep your fear goes.
word count: 1.7k+
🕷 spiders 🙊 general language and content warning 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
Mother Knows No Bounds
being Rhaenyra's daughter means taking on Alicent's generational anger, and one day, she takes it too far.
word count: 5.7k+
🙊 general language and content warning 💚 vilified!Alicent 💔 angst 🤮 depiction of physical illness 🐍 toxic family 🕊 depiction of lost pregnancy 💛 requires maturity and caution 1️⃣ written after season one
❗️ depictions of potentially triggering content - please read all warnings before continuing ❗️
read here
When Pride Married Prejudice series masterlist
she is the (only) trueborn daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lord Laenor Velaryon. after her younger brother, Lucerys, slices out the eye of their uncle, Aemond Targaryen, her hand is offered as payment to keep the peace. though unexpected, she finds herself in a loving marriage, until devastating news forces her to make an impossible choice.
total word count: 97.1k+ total story parts: eight + two 2-part alternative endings
⚠️ book and show spoilers 🍒 author's favorite 🙊 general language and content warnings 💦 smut 🔥 NSFW 💔 angst 🎭 drama 🐍 toxic family 🥊 depiction of physical violence or aggression ⏳ AU timeline 😵‍💫 wonky brain go WONKY ✅ completed series 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
Dornish Wine, Weddings, and Bruised Knuckles
your best friend's getting married and you've got a thing for her brother. during the bachelorette party, you learn maybe your affection wasn't so one-sided after all.
-> modern AU
word count: 11.1k+
🎭 drama 💔 small angst 🧸 small fluff 🥰 romance 💦 smut 🦋 modern AU 🙊 general language and content warning 🥊 depiction of physical violence or aggression 🧃 implied character age-up (legal to drink) 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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You Might Think It's Foolish
meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time creates anxiety, so, you stick to his side. at dinner, his mother calls out your clinginess - and Aemond doesn't defend you. -> or when someone else calls you clingy and he doesn't defend you / agrees with them.
word count: 3.1k+
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby
-> modern AU
🎭 drama 💔 angst 🥺 hurt 🚫 no comfort 💣 relationship angst 🐝 stand alone 🙊 general language and content warning 🐍 toxic family 🍄 toxic relationship...? 🦋 modern AU 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
"Plan To Make A Gift of It To My Lover"
ten years ago, Lucerys claimed Aemond's eye, and now, a Lannister will claim her debt.
-> soon to be merged into a developing series but will leave this version up. Lannister Reader will become Velaryon <-
word count: 5.5k+
🎭 drama 🐑 filler ⚠️ spoilers ⏳ small AU timeline 🐝 stand-alone 🙊 general language and content warning ☠️ character death 💛 requires maturity and caution 🩸 deranged characters / blood lust 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
Confection Invention
how Sansa Stark's favorite dessert, lemon cakes, came to be after discovering your husband's never had a nameday cake.
word count: 3.5k+
🧸 fluffy fluff fluff 🥰 small romance 💍 established relationship 🍒 author's favorite 🐝 stand alone 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
Give Every Man Thy Ear, But Few Thy Voice
similar to Penelope Featherington, you overhear your best mate's choice words about you after dancing at a ball.
word count: 18.3k+
🎭 drama 💔 angst 🥀 unrequited love 🥺 hurt 🚫 NO comfort 💣 relationship angst 👯‍♀️ BFF trope 🍒 author's favorite 🐝 stand alone / oneshot 🙊 general language and content warning 🍄 toxic relationship 🥂 alcohol mentions 💛 requires maturity and caution 🚺 misogyny 😵‍💫 wonky brain go wonky 🫠 depiction of self-destruction 🍑 character with given nickname ⏳ AU timeline 🦻 eavesdropping trope ❗️ single, non-graphic line that alludes suicide as an unserious threat to convey displeasure 🚹 men 2️⃣ written after season two 🔏 not edited
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The Black Dread series masterlist
after word is sent for Dragonseeds to raise up, you shockingly claim The Black Dread. knowing your stance would all but determine the war, both Alicent and Rhaenyra send emissaries to persuade your allegiance through means of marriage. when tragedy strikes, you fly to war.
total word count: TBD total story parts: TBD
🍒 author's favorite 🔞 ALL characters aged 18+ ⏳ AU timeline 🙊 general language and content warning
-> TBC until writing concludes
read here
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The Black Dread series masterlist
after word is sent for Dragonseeds to raise up, you shockingly claim The Black Dread. knowing your stance would all but determine the war, both Alicent and Rhaenyra send emissaries to persuade your allegiance through means of marriage. when tragedy strikes, you fly to war.
total word count: TBD total story parts: TBD
🍒 author's favorite 🔞 ALL characters aged 18+ ⏳ AU timeline 🙊 general language and content warning
-> TBC until writing concludes
read here
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requesting rules and masterlist
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artharakka · 1 year
ohhhh OC questions 11, 13, and 20?? 👉👈
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Nila, I think. He/they (the language Nila speaks has no gendered pronouns so eh?) are an old old oc of mine I recently resurrected to be a companion NPC in a ttrpg/dnd campaign "Llehia" I'm currently DMing (more behind the scenes material for that on my patreon). He wants to trust people and see good in them which is why they can come across a bit naïve at times. But I don't think he's necessarily stupid, just trying to break the cycle of being cynical and if things go south, he's fast to dodge (he hopes).
Another one is Willow. Not necessarily in the usual sense but more like "can sometimes be overwhelming and irritating". Might also make you a cup of tea so also warm I guess (expect their hands, they are always cold). We also enjoy a good olde sun & moon symbolism with @artist-rat whose character Ash we associate with the moon. Willow and Ash are twins 🌞🌙 Also Willow started as my Skyrim character Paju (willow in Finnish) and you bet I had the Dawnbreaker.
(Nila on the right, Willow on the left with very fast sunglasses)
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13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Ohohohoho so many! But two that do and say stupid shit in order to get a reaction from other people are my Dragon Age inquisitor Sonera, and once again, Willow. Willow enjoys irritating their twin sister Ash's short temper (and Ash's girlfriend Rhea). Too bad those two are strong butches, which is why Willow is always ready to flee with a shit-eating grin. (Don't worry though, Willow and Ash are actually really close). Sonera's humour is lewd her hobby is trying to see how far they can throw a dagger and still hit some poor fool's toes. Both Willow and Sonera would be the types of friends who see something cursed online and immediately send it to everyone.
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20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Not many! In fact right now I could only think of one, which might tell more about my own musical talents and how much I think of singing. But I think Rhiam would sing in bath/shower (would never admit that though. They are very shy). And to be honest I don't exactly know what kind of voice they would have! I just know the tone I use when we play the campaign. But I think their singing voice might be a little higher than expected.
Rhiam is good at inventing and sometimes freestyling their own spells, so I think they might even invent their own songs. Or in modern AU where they haven't lived on a farm without electricity, do very dramatic imaginary covers of their favourite songs. I think they would like Lady Gaga and Marina 💕
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So many thems I notice! But tbh my first language doesn't have gendered pronouns either so that causes it a bit. But Nila as said is he/they, doesn't matter to him. Sonera is bit same but with she/they, mostly she. Willow is just they, and Rhiam is... kind of at crossroads. Has been he but doesn't really vibe that. So vague they for now.
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starogeorgina · 2 years
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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
If you'd like to be included in a tag list, please send me an ask and let me know what story you’d like to be tagged in! All stories will feature mature themes; please read warnings before reading
𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Eye of the dragon]
Betrayed by her own mother for having a bastard, Princess Dayanara finds solace in the arms of her lover, Prince Jacaerys, and swears to foil her family's plan of placing Aegon upon the iron throne.
[Three ghosts]
As the grieving wife of Prince Jacaerys, you promise to seek revenge on those who took him from you and destroy the greens, turning them against each other one by one.
[Dragons blood]
Scream AU
𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐢 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Children of the dragon]
Married to the wrong brother, you and Aegon begin an affair that triggers an all-out war between between brothers.
Young, naive, and beautiful Velena Targaryen easily falls prey to Ser Criston Cole's manipulation. When her secret affair is discovered by her mother, Queen Alicent, Velena is sent away, and all hope of salvaging her reputation seems lost until her brother Aegon steps in, swearing to protect her at all costs.
[Ghosts in the sky]
Heartbroken by the betrayal of your elder sister and your husband, Ser Harwin, you find companionship with your half-brother, Prince Aegon.
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Broken bonds]
Dragon dreamer Vaella Targaryen, daughter of King Viserys, finds herself in a dangerous situation while trying to leave her husband and keeping her love for Ser Harwin Strong a secret.
𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Killer queen]
After fleeing north and marrying your brother Aemond, you live a blissful life until it all comes crumbling down around you as the dying of dragons begins at the hands of your husband.
𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[My beautiful nightmare]
Much to your dismay, you're married to Prince Daemon Targaryen, the man whom you've heard so much about from your father, Otto Hightower, and sister, Queen Alicent. Despite all the wicked tales you hear, over the years, you find yourself bonding with him and eventually falling for him.
[Twin flames]
As the youngest daughter of king Viserys and queen Alicent, you live your life as a good princess is expected to, until the rogue prince returns to King's Landing and turns your life upside down. You find the contentment you'd been searching for in Prince Daemon. The only problem is your husband, Aemond Targaryen.
𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Heart of glass]
Vissera Targaryen, daughter of Prince Daemon and Lady Rhea Royce, falls in love with her enemy's daughter, Princess Helaena Targaryen.
𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
Nobody understands you more than your nephew, Prince Lucerys, but the love you hold for him will be forever cursed by the bitter feud between House Targaryen.
𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[From the ashes]
As you raise an army for your mother in the Riverlands, you met with the heads of House Blackwood and are immediately drawn to the quick-tempered Davos Blackwood.
𝐉𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Past lives]
When your father, Lord Stark, is summoned to be the hand of the king, you begin to understand the dangers of being so close to the iron throne. No matter the different paths you take, you and Jon always return to one another.
𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Sweet viper]
The eldest daughter of King Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister, princess Cassana, is sent to Dorne to marry Prince Oberyn Martell in an attempt to bend the bridges between their houses.
The plan works, and peace prevails… for a short time…
𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Fire & snow] Jacaerys Velaryon x reader x Cregan Stark
You do whatever it takes to secure the support of your mother, Queen Rhaenyra, including taking Lord Cregan Stark as a second husband.
[The king's queen and hand] Aegon iI Targaryen x reader x Criston Cole
Smutty is one shot of the relationship between King Aegon II, his queen, and their loyal hand, Ser Criston Cole.
[My sweet lady] Aegon ii Targaryen x reader x Aemond Targaryen, minor Jacaerys Velaryon x reader
Blaming the greens for the six miserable years you spent living in the red keep and for the death of Prince Jaehaerys, you plot your revenge and start by turning brother against brother.
[The beauty of sin] Cregan Stark x reader x Aemond Targaryen
When your twin brother Aegon becomes king, you fly north to meet with Lord Cregan Stark in hopes of swaying him to support the greens. With the knowledge of Aegon’s dream and threat beyond the wall, you are torn to where your true alliance lies.
[Bride of fire] Jacaerys Velaryon x reader x Aegon ii Targaryen
Betrothed to your eldest brother, Aegon ii, who calls himself king, you’re torn between your loyalties to him and your other siblings and the love you hold for Prince Jacaerys.
[Unbroken] Aemond Targaryen x reader x Daemon Targaryen
After Lucery's death, Daemon kidnaps you, the beloved wife of Aemond Targaryen and keeps you as his prisoner.
[Blood and bones] Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader x Daemon Targaryen, minor Otto Hightower x reader
After your father, King Viserys, betrothes you to Otto Hightower, you find comfort in the arms of both Rhaenyra and your uncle Daemon, leading to affairs of passion, lies, and betrayals.
[Awakening] Criston Cole x reader x Alicent Hightower
Feeling alone at court, you end up in a twisted affair with Ser Criston Cole and her grace, Queen Alicent Hightower, but when war breaks out and the dragons dance, your loyalty between the greens and the blacks is tested.
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crxssjae · 2 months
Got a bunch developing rn in my wip planning:
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This one is inspired by my recent art and other ones where Cody is a one winged devil. 1 2 3
Recent art -> here.
I haven't figured out the title. Not only that I want to tweak the summary a bit more.
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Summary in the works, including the fic title. Unsure if it's fitting or not.
But anyway, even though it's a vampire au with Sami and Jey in it, this is inspired by these two videos of Rhea with fangs (here and here) and it clicked in. Goddamn, I wanna get back into writing vampires.
Now the third that's been held and hasn't have a summary (and having another decision to change the title whether or not)...
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Made a decision to change the ship from Sami and Jey to Roman and Drew since I have second thoughts thanks to another inspiration by Drew here:
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Yep. Vampire!Drew. By the way, this is from "The Cursed" series pic.
Inspirations are fun yet difficult to find.
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thatwildnya · 2 years
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✨Request Rules!✨
Fandoms: Fire Emblem Awakening/3 Houses/Engage, Bungou Stray Dogs, Honkai Star Rail, Genshin Impact
These apply to headcanons and drabbles
Twisted Wonderland is only available as a commission except for Blog Events. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE QUESTIONS OR INTERACTIONS WITH AU COUNTERPARTS (ie. centaur au) OR OC’S. You are free to ask anything and chat about them! In fact we encourage you to share your own headcanons with us, it’s delightful!
Masterlists are below cut too! but it’s currently a work in progress so y’all gonna have to wait a bit for ‘em-
Writing Preference
As there are two people on this blog you can ask for a specific one to write your request. We have different writing styles so don’t be shy to ask for one or the other to fulfill your request!
Nya: I’m best at writing that’s silly, short and sweet, &/or very specific headcanons (ex: twst s/o that’s like rika, drake period teeth). That includes anything that’s more on the suggestive side~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) If it’s something focused on comedy or the requested characters doing something very specific I’m the one to go to!
Wild: I’m better at drabbles and headcanons that are more in depth and can’t be answered with just 1 sentence. I’m better at angsty and serious/dark topics compared to Nya since I’m more comfortable doing them.
We’re both great at fluff, just decide what length you want your request to be.
The yes yes yes’s
Fluff (resident fluff master here these are done the quickest)
Crack (don’t be shy go insane)
Angst (wild only check the no no’s before sending)
Hurt/Comfort (remember to check the no no’s like the above!)
Yandere (another one where u better check the no no’s!)
Gore (varying degrees)
Miscarriages (this is an iffy)
Unrequited love (oof)
Oviposition (nya only) (but not in a sexual way)
Suggestive content ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
M!Preg (nya only don’t judge me)
Pregnancy (if you want you can do an uno reverse and switch up the genders!)
Readers having a disability or mental health disorders (this only applies to autism, ahdh, eating disorders, blind, mute, social anxiety, deaf, wheelchair, if there are any not mentioned here or in the no section please ask before sending!)
note: anyone 15 and under is automatically platonic. the 3 exceptions are Kenji, Kyouka, and Yanqing. They will be aged up to 16 if your request is romantic. However I will only write wholesome romantic, nothing suggestive for them.
The big no no no’s
Racism (it’s not cash money)
Mental health hate (respectfully, fuck you if you try this)
Huge age gap for romantic (it makes us uncomfy, this does not include a teenager making out with a billion year old monster, fae, cursed human, u get the picture)
Green light Characters (*゚▽゚*)
confident in writing for these guys!
all FE Awakening and Engage characters that don’t appear under red/yellow list
Armed Detective Agency
Port Mafia
Decay of Angels (check red light squad)
The Guild (check red light squad)
All Blue Lions
All Golden Deer
All Black Eagles
All Ashen Wolves
Seteth, Flayn, Byleth, Rhea, Catherine
Red Light Characters ಠ_ಠ
nope not gonna even attempt
fukuchi or however you spell his name i don’t care bleh
all hunting dogs (don’t have a grasp on ’em yet oof)
Hermann whatshisface
fe villains
all BSD characters in novels and stuff
alois (annoying)
Gregor, Tharja, Say’ri, Basilio, Flavia, Anna, Cordelia, Sumia, Cherche
time skip kids: Brady, Kjelle, Cynthia, Noire, Severa, Laurent
all side quest wait didn’t you die peeps
all the emblems and primary antagonists (check yellow light for info on Griss)
Yellow Light Characters ( ̄◇ ̄;)
there is an attempt pls don’t sue me-
Shimr, Gilbert, Jeralt
That one dude from Dead Apple i’m too lazy to look up his name
Nah, batman Gerome
Vander, Etie, Boucheron, Jade (FE & HSR), Lapis, Citrinne, Goldmary, Panette, Mauvier
i am only willing to write hardcore bdsm smut for Griss so if you want something for him skedaddle over to the nsfw blog
Character Limit
Here’s system for character limit. If you’re having a hard time understanding don’t worry just send an ask or pop into our dms~
You can only mix Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact characters.
✨Super Duper Group Request Specials✨
Here are some groups consisting of multiple characters from all fandoms with a specific theme! Keep in mind your request will most likely be broken up into multiple parts. Make your request off anon to have a better chance of seeing when a part has been posted! (These are not available for requesting Nya or Wild specifically to answer.)
Dragon Hoard Poly: a harem featuring Malleus Draconia, Neuvillette, Zhongli, Dan Feng, Dan Heng! (DISCLAIMER: This is an all in one you get them all or none.)
Kiddo Special, smol edition: have some fun playing with munchkins of the groups! Q, Klee, Diona, Qiqi, Hook, Bailu, Jean(fe engage) are ready for fun! (DISCLAIMER: This is only for fluff platonic love there will be no child touching in our goddamn lobby. You can ask to have kids from fandoms you aren’t in/you don’t know removed.)
Kiddo Special, double digits edition: have a good time hanging out with the older kids of the groups! Kyouka, Kenji, Collie, Clara, Yangqing, Misha, Lynx, Pela, Ortho, Morgan (fe awakening), and all pre time skip underage kids from FE 3 Houses are looking forward to hanging out with ya! Here’s your options (DISCLAIMER: All of them are available for aging up to be available for romantic requests (excluding Ortho). This does NOT include anything suggestive.)
Mihoyo yo yo! Genshin and HSR
what is a Fire Emblem!? Morgan + FE students
Genshin is on Fire! FE + Genshin
Honkai is Fire! FE + HSR
The Dogs are on Fire! FE + BSD
Let us pet the Dogs Genshin! FE + Genshin
Peppy is the cutest a Dog! BSD + HSR
Forgive me Daddy I’ve been naughty: for certified dlifs, adoptive dads, and daddy vibes lovers~ Fukuzawa, Fitzgerald, Zhongli, Baizhu, Arlecchino (no this is not a mistake madam father deserves to be here), Welt, Gallagher, Jing Yuan
Mommy, sorry, mommy, sorry, mommy, sorry: for the ones who lacked a mother figure growing up. Kouyou, Yosano, Lisa, Ningguang, Arlecchino, Himeko, Kafka, Yukong, Black Swan
FE Three Houses
you can request either all girls or all boys from 1 house, this does not include Ashen Wolves
You can request all the staff at once, this will include Byleth
if you request the Ashen Wolves you may add 1 more character to be included
Flayn is not included in the all girls house option, she goes with the staff
specify which gender you want for any characters that come in multiple sex options (ie. Byleth or Honkai mc’s) otherwise we will choose for you
FE Awakening
meh 5 character limit just specify which gender you want Robin/Morgan to be. if you want you can group all the non humans together (Tiki, Nowi, Panne, Yarne, Nah) since there’s just 5
FE Engage
honestly just tell us which ones you want 5 limit still applies and specify Alear gender
Bungou Stray Dogs
same as above lol
Honkai Star Rail
Astral Express: everyone (including Pom Pom)
Stelleron Hunters: mommy Kafka, Blade, Silver Wolf, Firefly
Herta Space Station: everyone (including Peppy)
Jarilo VI: Gepard, Serval, Lynx, Pela, Clara, Sampo, Hook, Natasha, Luka
Xianzhou Luofu: Jing Yuan, Yanqing, Bailu, Tingyun, Jinglu, Sashang, Luocha
Penacony: Sunday, Robin, Misha, Gallagher
IPC: Topaz, Adventurine, Jade, Scott (but only for crack and bullying him)
no special category for us cuz we don’t have enough to make one: Boothill, Black Swan, Archeron, L + Ratio
That’s all!
Wanna get something done for Twisted Wonderland? You gotta give us sweet succulent moneys!
Twisted Wonderland
Centaur AU
Bungou Stray Dogs
Honkai Star Rail
Fire Emblem
Genshin Impact
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