#rhuk and tira
rofax · 2 years
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necromatador · 1 year
I really wanna talk about my pirate-y TTRPG characters lmao. Haven't really gotten to play them super long in campaigns, or at least not to the part that their backstories would show up.
I've got Bellamy, my trans little french-accented river rat who ran away to the ocean with vague swashbuckling dreams, in part chasing tales of his disowned aunt who did the same when she was younger. He stole his father's heirloom rapier and a sash his mother and sister were making for the ceremony where he was going to take over as leader of their Raft (their nomadic community of river-dwelling ratfolk).
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There's Rhuk, my intersex peafowl aarakocra who was raised in a monastery, ran away to live his youth free and wild as a pirate, and then had a wake-up call one day, stole as much of the captain's treasure as he could, and ran away to be a law-abiding, if somewhat constantly drunk, sailor and shanty-man on merchant and passenger vessels.
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And finally there's Tiaren, a minotaur who retired from piracy years ago, fairly wealthy, and who's enjoying the high-life his wealth brought him. Also he's sleeping with a member of the port guard who knows he was a pirate and who had chased him for most of his career, but who has no evidence to prove that Tiaren was Captain Tiras Black-Eyes to anyone else.
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rofax · 1 year
🍓🍰🎂🥃 tell me abt that orc man..... he steals my heart every time i see him
If not I can simply do this for every orc I have ever conjured up yeehaw
🍓: Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate?
I think he finds the smell of sawdust and like, a rustic stew very nostalgic and heartening! And also the way the outdoors smells after the first snowfall. Does not care for: most perfumes. He finds them fake and pompous and weird.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
He killed a family member. :^) He thinks of that as very unforgivable.
🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people?
His whole irritation with Tira is initially because she sees him as a big, dumb, strong orc, which is how everyone sees him. And he is big and strong but he's also pretty smart, shockingly diplomatic when he has to be, and has a big soft spot for little kids. He's also a little bit of a mama's boy. Not as much as his brother, but still.
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?
I feel like he would be incredibly into soapy romances and also wrestling. I also think he would have both a twitter and an instagram but post so so so sporadically and just the most weird, boomer-esque shit you can imagine. Just does not tweet for three weeks and then is like, "I had a reuben for lunch today. It was so-so." and then disappears again.
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rofax · 1 year
Hi would it be possible to ask 🍪 for both Tira the elf and for Nia’s alien boyfriend(?) ?
Heck yea it would be! :> Y'all are being too kind indulging me with my dumb little meow meows.
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC?
Tira: She does not initially put a lot of stock in sentiment and is kind of an aloof bitch tbh. As she goes along her lil journey she softens up and finds a lot of intangible sentimental things, like braiding hair and being taught different kinds of magic. The only thing she really feels sentimental about prior to meeting Rhuk is her childhood friends, who now run their parents' pub. So that location is close to her heart.
Bix: My man has literally NOTHING when he arrives in our world lol. He has no material anything. I think he's probably sentimental about his lab back home and his life before being a test subject, but Nia starts bringing him things once she is allowed access to him and he treasures those a lot. Little things that she hopes would be comforting to him like a pillow or blanket or educational books with a lot of imagery in them since she assumes he can't read their language (he super can). Just any little gesture of kindness from her is special to him.
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rofax · 3 years
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Was going through my own art earlier (as one does) and I realized I hadn't done anything with these two kissing in a minute??? My beloveds?? How dare?
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rofax · 3 years
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listen i know we're all here for Rhuk but sometimes I like to do pictures of just Tira bc she is pretty and a spicy bitch ok
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rofax · 4 years
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is it really a ship if one party doesn’t push the other up against a wall? i mean really???
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rofax · 3 years
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anyway have tira sitting in some water seductively bc why not
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rofax · 4 years
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y’all ever just need a hug?
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rofax · 4 years
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whoops, slipped some lore into my romantic tension
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rofax · 4 years
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It’s only like, half a day late BUT HERE IS MY VALENTINE’S DAY 2021 PICTURE uwu 
enjoy pls
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rofax · 4 years
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Two pics in a day???? SOMEBODY STOP ME
god i just hhghghghgkgk love these two
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rofax · 3 years
How did Rhuk and Tira meet!! I love them so much ^_^
She hires him! As a bodyguard/escort (literal escort, not a man of the night) to get her safely to her uncle's place. The people pursuing her are the same ones who taught her magic, so they know all her tricks, but she figures they do NOT know how to handle a very large orc just punching 'em right in the nose. She also does not disclose she can do magic at the time of hiring so he thinks she's just some helpless rich idiot.
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rofax · 4 years
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I made this as a “thank you for 500 followers” and “holy shit my 100th post” on instagram, but wanted to share it here too since this is where Rhuk & Tira got their start uwu
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rofax · 4 years
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Well, time to see how tumblr feels about this one!!
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rofax · 4 years
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“I'm the darkness you're feeling”
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